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Topic: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds (Read 9636 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #50
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Heavy pants were shared as sweaty their bodies lay against one another on Ravon's bed. They rested and Zyrao had used his arm as a pillow as she lay with him and they both recuperated in what was probably one of Thomas' wildest nights. It had been an atypical one to say the least, the constant struggle for domination as neither of them were keen to give in to the other. It all lead to an even wilder and rougher union of their bodies. The tactician had looked at him and he back at her. He had voiced his feelings for her yet she seemed to be thinking about it still now. A part of Ravon wondered if he had made a mistake by telling her how he felt. Perhaps it wasn't mutual.

Natauna moved and re positioned her so she'd be able to see his face easier. He let her do and his eyes simply rested on hers as he let his hand run through her hair, just as she did to him. She spoke up as she informed him she had an inquiry. He nodded and heard her out. She had mentioned that she hoped he wouldn't take offense to what she'd ask and his brows furrowed as he could feel his eyes dig into hers as she spoke.

He swallowed as he wasn't sure what he was supposed to answer her. Thomas was by all means not a great guy to share emotions or feelings. He shifted slowly, moving out of range for her hand to brush through his hair as he sat upright and ruffled his own hands through his hair before pressing his hands into his face as he looked for words. He remained silent for a good few moments, the mood of the setting they had built up threatening to turn.

"I uh..." he started before shaking his head "I don't quite know... Call it a feeling..." he murmured as he pushed his hands down to the sheets again as he looked at her "All I can say is that... I long for every moment that I have to spend with you. To feel your skin against mine, to share moments like we had in the past few weeks. To fight and spar..." his eyes narrowing as he looked in her eyes "I would fuck over anyone that would hurt you." he snickered before he pressed his lips together. He wasn't sure if he was making any sense to her and he cleared his throat "Fuck, you know how fucked up this inquiry of yours is right?" he smirked, feeling nervous at the same time as if he felt like he was being put to a test, a test he didn't want to fail.

"I guess I feel what I feel, because you got me out of a dark place. You brought life back to me and every day I get to spend with you is a day that I can truly admit was a good day." he confessed to her as he breathed the sentence out in one go. He bit his lips as he looked away from her and looked around his bedroom "I find myself attracted to you, physically and on another level. I've talked with you about things I haven't talked about with anyone else... I love the way your body feels, the way it feels against mine when we..." he paused for a second and grinned, finding no better way to put it "How it feels against mine when we fuck. When we tease one another."

"I don't know how else to put it, how to explain it otherwise... The only thing I can truthfully say is that I feel these feelings for you. That I can understand that perhaps it feels different for you since it has been so long... After all you've been through... I won't hold it against you.." he whispered, unsure if it was enough for her to bundle her things into what he had called love. He could feel that sense of insecurity slip in again, the fear of losing what they had. Whilst she had not said anything that would contra indicate it, he still seemed fragile on the subject. Though he did his best to hide it normally, he figured that with her he could and should be open.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #51
[Zyrao Natauna | Not Quite Pillow Talk | Leave it to a Tactician to Take All the Romance Out | Old Muscles Need Exercise Too]

It was gone, the mood.  She instantly felt bad, but, she felt like leaving it hanging out in the open as though she was ignoring his sentiments would somehow be worse.  At least, it would have felt worse for her.  If she had been the one to confess to him first and then he had not returned, nor stated anything what so ever, regarding her confession it would likely make her wonder.  She felt that addressing it head on was the best thing to do, though apparently she might be proven wrong.  He shifted and sat up slightly, so she moved to the side and rolled up into a sitting position.  Not worrying about the fact that she was undressed in the dim lighting.  It was nothing that he hadn't seen, she was not ashamed about anything regarding her body.  Even the obvious whip marks underneath much of the ink that covered her body.  Her back was a lattice work of deep slash marks and other scars, a virtual quilt of scar tissue and skin.  It was always tight first thing in the morning but she had long gotten used to such things and often stretched before she dressed herself.  She feared what it would be like when she was old but her fast paced hard-lived lifestyle would likely not allow for old age.

He said to call it a feeling which didn't help her in the least.  She could tell that he felt awkward trying to put words to the feelings that he had.  But honestly, she didn't want to lie to him, their relationship thus far was built on complete trust.  More so than that, she wished to know if what she quantitative as love was the same as him or if there were differing views.  Was his love easier to find and achieve or was it something much deeper. 

Thomas began to put into words how he felt.  Looking forward to all their moments.  Their skin brushing against one another, moments like this, and those that they had shared over the last weeks.  Their fights, their spars, and that he would fuck up anyone that would hurt her.  A wry grin spread over Zyrao's lips as he mentioned that last statement.  As funny as it was, that was the statement that she understood the most.  Because she certainly felt the same in that regard.  No one wanted to cross someone like Zyrao Natauna, not unless they were ready for pain, and she would definitely bring it should anyone be brazen enough to lay a hand on Thomas Ravon.  He asked her if she knew how fucked up this question was causing her smile to fall and her hand to raise up and brush against the back of her neck.

“I think you underestimate how long it has been since my heart has felt like this.” she explained simply.  She knew that it was awkward but she would not apologize for wanting to see if it was similar to what he felt.  It wasn't wrong, and people loved differently, but it had been a long time since she felt the heart in her chest thumping the way it was now.  He went on and on until he got to the end where he told her that he wouldn't blame her if she didn't feel the same after all this time.

Zyrao was quiet for a long moment as she brushed a hand through her own hair.  She knew he was waiting for one response or another.  Her eyes shifted over to him again, those grey eyes that hardly ever showed any true softness or vulnerability.

“The thing is, Thomas, I shut that part of myself down a long time ago.  When I left El-Auria it was just after I had watched my first love go down to the Borg.  We made sure he was gone, there was no way I could let him become one.  I left after that, on one of the last remaining shuttles.  I was never able to tell  him- “ she paused a moment.  “That was almost two hundred years ago.” she reminded him.  “I have been put through various dark places.  In my life, it was shut off many of the things that made me El-Aurian or it was going to kill me.  Squash my spirit and crush my soul.  I have never been weak willed, even when I was a child, but there are times you have to cull your weaknesses and breathe survival.  I have been in survival mode since leaving my now deserted planet.”

Zyrao knew that her words were not probably doing what she hoped they would but there was a lot about her that Thomas didn't fully know.  She slid closer to him and put herself in his lap, with her legs off to one side.  Leaning in she kissed his lips very gently, especially considering their history, and then looked at him a moment. 

“It is not easy to make this heart beat once more, to make me excited, to make me feel protective.  To make me yearn for them the way I do you.  Every moment together, every experience, has become a memory that brings me joy.  One of the largest reasons I still walk these corridors is you, Thomas.” she admitted to him, as much as she was tired of finding herself blocked by lacking a rank or “proper” Starfleet education.  Right now, though, he was something she did not want to risk losing.

“I quite care for you, Thomas, quite a lot.” she confessed with a slight smile to her lips as she leaned in and kissed him again pouring her emotions into her lips instead of words.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #52
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

His eyes had been avoiding her as he had spoken, as if not wanting to see if what he said would be the thing she wanted to hear or not. When he did eventually look back at her he could see the wry grin on her features, which made him doubt for a second if she was just pulling his leg or testing him. That feeling soon dissipated as the grin faded as he had pointed out how fucked it was to ask him why he loved her.

He watched her body and back up to her eyes as she told him he had underestimated it how long it had been since she felt like this. That was the key sentence that stuck in his skull. She felt something for him, so he could switch off the blaring alarms in his head and stop freaking the fuck out. He exhaled calmly as he kept listening to her, learning once again more about her. It weren't major new confessions she made, yet it helped to fill in the edges of a picture he had formed. It gave context, which was needed in this case.

She fell silent though and the room was filled in silence as the two of them simply looked at one another, Thomas too stubborn or baffled to reply to Zyrao for now before she took the word once more. He was reminded of her age, despite her young looking figure. He gave a simple nod as she had failed to end the sentence about her prior lover. She didn't need to spill it to Thomas as he knew what she meant. He swallowed and kept listening and watched her slip into his lap slowly as the two got closer once more. Ravon's eyes looking into her grey ones as if searching for an answer about what she meant or find a meaning to the point of all this.

Sure she had shared memories with him, vital information to make his realize how she survived and how her mind worked. Yet none of it truly mattered to the question asked after their union. She had asked him to voice out what made him so sure he loved her. As if to check it off against her own list of things to make sure she loved him. A knot had still formed in his stomach. Whilst the two of them were very much alike and shared the same opinions and interests, it seemed like they were not entirely synced up with one another concerning love.

She kissed him and at first he didn't kiss her back as his mind was still racing to process things. By the end of the kiss he did kiss her back though as he looked seriously in her eyes. Finally she admitted feelings for him and he exhaled again as his features softened and his whole body language breathed some form of relaxed state. He rested his forehead against hers as he closed his eyes "You know..." he whispered "You really need to start working on your bedside manner." he teased her slightly before he kissed her back, pouring as much emotion into the kiss as he could before breaking it for air.

"That and, you're way better with words and feelings then I am. Call if the years of wisdom... I just can't work well with emotions." he admitted back to her before he cupped her cheek "But, know that... I care a lot about you as well Zyrao Natauna." he confessed back to her before he pulled her in for a hug and just savored the moment of intimacy.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #53
[Zyrao Natauna – Klingon Liaison | Don't Make Me Worry | Working Through Concern | Notifications Set to On]

It had been a long time.

Too long.

Every glance at the chronometer was another section of time that he had not returned from the flight he had gone out on this morning.  Evening plans, had been cast aside in light of the fact that he had not returned.  Information trickled down the chains, allowing her to know that something had gone wrong.  As much as she wanted to lay into him for breaking his commitment to her, she knew now it was not delayed out of self service, but delayed because the flight crew with him were all gone.  No one had returned and that spelled out ill things. 

She was not the sort to worry, Klingons didn't worry, they kicked the asses of those that sought to harm the ones they cared for.  Problem was, she didn't know who it was yet, she didn't know what ass to kick, but when she found out, there would be blood upon her knuckles and splattered upon the floor.  She would take great pleasure in the suffering of whomever had delayed Thomas Ravon and kind.  Sitting behind her desk in her small office, bat'leth gleaming on the wall behind her in the lighting of the room, Zyrao worked.  She pulled yet another PADD in front of her and brushed the pad of her thumb across the biosign as she checked the latest inventory arrival from the Klingons.  As promised, everything had been there, and checked off by the deck crew. 

It's a shame you have to dishonor someone's mother to get people to do their jobs.

Another glance at the clock, three minutes past, and then back at the supply list that she was cross referencing with the list she had been sent to make sure that everything was on the right.  It wasn't technically her job but anything that kept her from throttling the flight deck crew who had no responsibility on the mission fighter pilots anyway, was a good thing.  Zyrao was finally able to dive into her work as she began to decipher some Klingon messages that she had been sent from Martok, it was all personal in nature, and things that they had talked about in the past.  He had been a good person to her and she was glad that she had been able to retain that relationship.  It had helped the Theurgy, yes, but her true motivation was entirely selfish.  She was just finished replying to Martok, just proof-reading it to make sure she liked how it sounded when a quick ping sounded on her combadge. 

Five days.  Four hours.  Sixteen minutes, then. she thought to herself, as she brushed a hand across her face and tried to remain calm.  She wanted to tear apart the universe.  She wanted to rip it to it's very core until she found where he was.  Murder all the fuckers that dared to hold him from her, and paint the walls with their blood.  She had to focus.  She had to stay calm, if she let herself go down that path it was going to be nasty, bloody, and likely full of murder. 

[Natauna, it's Kesta.  They're back.]

Kesta was someone that worked on the flight deck, a slight but strong young woman with bright blonde hair, dark eyes, and a thrill for trying to befriend people.  It never hurt to having connections around the ship and Zyrao had taken to the weaknesses of the young woman to make 'friends.'  She and Zyrao never really did anything after hours, but, when she was on the deck Zyrao always made sure to give Kestra a smile, a nod, or a little chat to keep the connection going.  It was she that Zyrao had asked to keep informed.  It wouldn't due for her to be seen pacing back and forth on the flight deck waiting for Thomas to come back.  Not that she didn't want to be, but Zyrao knew that Thomas didn't want her to be any sort of burden on him, and furthermore, she would probably punch the first person who talked to her.  That wouldn't go over very well.

“I'm on my way.”

Zyrao headed out of her office, the light going out as soon as she was out in the corridor, the door slid shut behind her and automatically locked per her instructions.  She wasted no time getting to the turbolift and finding herself down towards the flight deck.  She burst out of the turbolift and tore down the corridor.  Kestra was waiting at the entrance to the flight deck.  Others were being taken off to medical. 

“Where is he?” she asked Kestra, who was struggling to keep pace with Zyrao's strong and long stride.

“He went into the office.” 

Zyrao stopped so quickly that Kestra almost ran into her.  “What?!”

“I don't know, he said the others needed medical first and he could just patch himself up.” 

Zyrao ran a frustrated hand down her face for a moment.  Putting that same hand on Kestra's shoulder she gave it a squeeze.  “Thank you for watching out for him, I'll take it from here.”  Kestra's cheeks flushed and she gave a nod letting Zyrao head for the office of one Thomas Ravon.  The door slid open at her arrival, he had programmed it that way.  She stood there, in the door way a moment and assessed the damage.  He was bleeding, he was swelling, and if she wasn't wrong, some of those ribs were broken. 

She doubted that she was wrong.

“If you think, for one minute, you aren't going to get escorted to Sickbay, your intelligence is not what I had hoped.” she stated.  Though when Thomas looked up at her he would see nothing but relief on her face, and of course there was a mixture of concern.  Underneath all of that he would see the dangerous glare of someone that was ready to murder for the man sitting on his desk.  She crossed over to him and gently touched his cheek.

“I am glad you are back.”

He was okay. 

He was there. 

He was breathing. 

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #54
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Klingon imprisonment was no joke, that much was for sure. The past five days had been a new sort of hell. After being fished out of space by the Klingons, brutality had showed up. Of course, perhaps Thomas had a part in it as he couldn't keep his mouth shut and denied to give any information about Theurgy or where they were from. The probably took turns to the other as well, yet seeing he was the senior officer, he had done his best to divert the attention away from them and more to him.

Perhaps it worked or perhaps not. The end result was quite a mess in the end. His jaw was hanging somewhat loose and he was quite sure that closing it wasn't an option right now. He had spent his time aboard the transport with just his hand in front of his mouth, masking the fact that his jaw had been dislocated.  The Klingon that had caused it had taken pride into kicking the pilot right into the face after he had slumped out of the chair. His face was all kind of colors, blue, red, black, purple, green, his nose had dried up bleeding and the skin showed lacerations from the punches and kicks. His non dominant arm stood at a rather wrong angle. Or well it wasn't straight anymore from the elbow to the wrist. Instead it made a rather odd bend in the middle and there as well one could note the swelling, redness, bruising.

These were the two things that Thomas had noticed the most as he stood in his office. Lights dimmed as he had managed to get a look in a mirror. "Thea... Pwoject howlogwaphic wesembwance of mysewf newxt two mew while giwving me a scwan of my cwondiwtion." he asked, unableto speak properly as his jaw didn't exactly move the way he wanted to. In fact, talking hurted as fuck. Sickbay would've been a better call really, yet he was stubborn and told himself things wouldn't and couldn't be that bad. Besides, he didn't want to walk his way throughout the ship in this condition. It took Thea some time to reply back to him, seemingly having to analyse what he had requested. "Impaired speech detected Commander. Performing scan.... Advised to go to Medical for condition. Condition critical." was the reply Thea gave him and Ravon had to snicker, which only caused for more pain as he grunted and tried to stop laughing.

Any time for laughter soon ended as the doors opened of his office. He figured it would've remained shut and locked, yet he knew at least one person who could manage to open those doors without consent. His swollen and blood filled eyes turned to look at the frame of Zyrao. He tried to smile, which hurted like fuck and probably looked not like smiling. She scolded him for not going to medical and told him she'd escort him herself. "Ain't twhat bawd..." he wavedi t off before the projection came besides him.

Two broken ribs, a fractured arm, dislocated jaw and a concussion seemed to be the worst red colored areas. The rest of his body showed yellow signs of bruising, cuts, wounds, lacerations, gashes. Around his abdomen was another red blob as it would indicate he had some bleeding going on internally. Ravon glanced at the projection and snorted "Fuck."

His eyes moved back to Zyrao as he slumped his way over to her. He could see the relief on her face, or at least as far as he could manage to make out what was on her face. she met him and caressed his cheek, causing him to wince for a second as he looked in her eyes "So am I... Sowwy I mwissed dinnew..." he whispered as he felt light headed and slumped against her, only causing him to grunt in pain as he had slumped into her with the broken ribs.

"Need a seawt..." he huffed.


Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #55
[Zyrao Natauna | When I Find the Klingon | Damage is Done | Sickbay Incoming | Surprises]

He turned, and her heart broke.

He stood there amid so many injuries.  His jawline hung at an unnatural angle.  His arm was competing his face for the worst of the damage.  Not only that, but she could tell the way he was breathing he suffered from multiple broken ribs, and that was just the surface stuff that she could see from her long years of being alive, and fighting.  His eyes were both blood shot, the bruising on his face was black and would take so much time to heal and be very painful to heal without medical intervention.  She felt for him, it took her back to a place, to the Gladiatorial ring when she herself had likely looked this way and she had seen others this way as well. 

He tried to smile but it looked like some kind of gaping maw.  Blood stained his teeth and crusted blood of his lips opened up welling up new fresh blood to fill in the gap.  She sighed softly even as he told her that it wasn't that bad.  As if on cue, Thea did what he had asked earlier and projected his image with medical injuries beside him.  Zyrao looked it up and was pretty impressed that her visual inspection had located most of what was seen except the extra bruising and of course the internal bleeding.  But, he probably wasn't going to talk about that.  Her eyes shifted back over to him and she shook her head. 

“It's horrendous, actually.  You're being stupid.” she reminded.

He was beside her now, and he told her, in his slurred way that he was sorry to have missed dinner.  Before she could answer he slumped against her.  Zyrao's strong arms came around him and held him softly as she could against her body while he told her that he needed a seat.  “No, you need a doctor.” she reminded. 

“Thea, site to site transport to Medical.” she stated calmly.

It was only a moment later that the blue fuzz took over the both of them and they were transported to Medical. It was already fairly busy with the other wolves that were being treated by Thomas was definitely one of the worst.  She looked around and reached out snagging a nurse by the back of her uniform in order to stop her.

“Hey!” the woman said before she noticed Thomas.  “Oh.  Right this way.”

The two women supported Thomas as they got him into an exam room and onto the biobed.  She promised to send a doctor in as quickly as possible.  Zyrao stood beside the bed, and held Thomas' hand looking over at him, there was so little unbruised flesh, and he was still hurting she could tell though he was being brave, a true warrior. 

“I am glad you came home.” she said with a bit of a smile.

The curtain parted again and a slight young looking doctor with black Betazoid eyes and curly hair stepped into the room.  She was wearing a doctor's coat over the uniform that she sported and was just looking up from a PADD when she finally realized who was in the room.  Her eyes widened as she took in the woman and then who was on the bio bed.

“Thomas?!” she cried out in shock as she rushed to his side. 

Zyrao watched the woman almost fuss over him, unsure of where to touch him or what to do.  She tilted her head to the side and looked at Thomas, who seemed to recognize her and call her by name.  That was when Zyrao's dark brow rose up into her hair line, as if to say this is the one? though she kept it to herself.  The betazoid pulled back and pulled a tricorder out of her pocket and began to scan him.  Looking up at the Zyrao a moment while the scan took place. 

“I'm Doctor Zephyr Praise, Lieutenant.” she explained with a warm smile.  “Thomas and I go way back, it's nice to meet you though.”

“I'm sure.” Zyrao said guardedly.

The brown headed woman looked over at Thomas and sighed.  “What happened to you?” she said her voice full of concern, worry, and something Zyrao couldn't put her figure on just yet.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #56
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

She called him out on how bad the situation was and called him stupid. The pilot had to chuckle which only brought more pain, luckily Zy had closed the distance in the meantime and stated that he needed a doctor. The pilot grunted something incomprehensible before he suddenly found himself in medical. He couldn't even remember or realize the fact that Zyrao had requested a site to site transport and he frowned slightly at the new surroundings as a nurse was halted by the tattooed woman and he was sent to an examination room.

He was eased onto a biobed and the pilot exhaled as it gave some rest to his muscles as Zyrao held on to his hand. He tried squeezing it it, which worked perfectly, though Zyrao would notice the diminished strength in it. He turned his face to her as she smiled and said she was glad to have him back. Before Thomas could answer, the curtain was moved and Thomas looked up at a familiar face.

Zephyr's voice was loud, very loud and she rushed to his side as she inspected him "Zephyr..." he managed to bring out softly as he tried to smile yet his face contorted in pain. He didn't catch Zyrao's reaction and when Zephyr introduced himself, Thomas should have known that this was a bad situation altogether. There was however so little he could do in his current state and he was left to undergo the scans as he shut his eyes and tried to regulate his breathing.

Zephyr asked what had happened and Thomas simply brought out "Work." He could have given her more information, explained how he had been detained by Klingons and abused. Yet the bio bed and the position he was in made it hard to do much if anything. He did however feel safe though, knowing that the woman he loved was by his side.

Scans were made and the worst things were dealt with first. He was given a painkiller which brought him to a better place and his eyes opened once more when it really got working. He still found his hand holding onto Zyrao's and he looked to her as Zephyr worked him over. His eyes locked with the Klingon liaison officer and he gazed deep into them.

He wasn't sure how long he was in Sickbay or how much work Zephyr had on him. Bit by bit though he felt the bones be put back into place, the bruising being taken away and the bleeding stopped. Step by step he was getting patched up and he looked from Zephyr to Zyrao. The curly Betazoid doing what probably be the best care a patient could ever get while Zyrao stood there like a hawk watching over him.

Thomas now became fully aware of what kind of a situation he was now in. Zephyr on his left and Zyrao on his right, it felt like the universe was really playing a joke on him as he looked at Zyrao. Wondering and checking to see if she knew who Zephyr really was. He could tell she knew and he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say or do in this moment.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #57
[Zyrao Natauna – Zephyr Praise | Awkward | The Feel of This Room is Intense | Please Step Out]

This wasn't awkward at all. 

Zephyr tried to keep working but she could not help but notice the way that Thomas was holding the terrifying woman's hand.  She was covered in tattoos and had eyes that could bore straight through people.  Zephyr would occasionally look up at the tall woman with her eyes, though black, there was a lot of warmth there.  Zeph could not help but feel nervous every time she touched poor Thomas and worked to heal his wounds.  The jaw would be one of the last things tackled because unfortunately she felt that it would be better to put the jaw back physically and then heal it.  Luckily, she had already put a lot of pain killers in his body and she could tell when they began working because he was already seeming more alert even if his eyes were tired.

Thomas claimed that it was work,  Zyrao looked down at him and rolled her eyes shaking her head.  “This was not work, this was torture.” 

Zephyr looked up again.  Then down at Thomas, it made a lot of sense, honestly, the wounds on his body spanned the age of days.  Not just a singular day that had been painful but he had suffered for a while and that was scary.  She had no idea that Thomas was missing for five days straight, but she could sense the worry and concern from the woman beside Thomas.  She was coming in loud and clear, there was emotions, feelings, between the two of them.  She wasn't sure what the emotion was, but it was something that linked the pair.

One of the nurses stepped into the small curtained partition and looked over at Zyrao.  “Natauna, there is a Security officer here to see you.”

Zyrao looked over and nodded then back at Thom giving his hand a gentle squeeze.  “I'll be back.” she promised as she headed out of the room leaving Thomas and Zephyr alone for the first time in a while.  Zeph continued to work on him, her heart beating heavily in her chest just witnessing the sheer level of damage. 

“Thomas.” Zeph whispered as she moved up to his face, most of the bruising and minor injuries were still there, however, she had taken care of the ribs and internal bleeding first because it was the most serious injury.  Now she needed to tackle his jaw.  She looked into his eyes and she gave him a soft smile.  She wanted to reach up and touch him, give him some hope, tell him it would all be all right.  But, he had someone for that and despite her swallowing her own emotions regarding what had gone down with Khorin recently.  She, didn't want to ruin whatever Thomas had with Zyrao. 

“I'm going to work on your jaw now.  It's going to be painful while I set the jaw back in place.  Then I'll be able to take it away, all right?” she said softly as she slid close to the bed, and put her tricorder away.  It wasn't going to help her right now, she would need it later.  Putting it to the wheeling cart beside the biobed, she climbed up on the bed because she was going to need leverage.  “Now when your girlfriend comes back you're going to have to explain this awkward situation.” she said with a chuckle, though the shadows underneath her eyes proved that she was functioning but not well.  Straddling Thomas so that she could get the proper leverage she began to work the jaw back together.  It would pop loudly, as it clipped back into place.  She brushed her fingers over his jawline and temples to make sure it was seated correctly before swelling took over.  Everything felt good.  Climbing back off of Thomas, Zeph tried not to think about the position she had just been in as she stood beside the bed again and began to heal the swelling and trauma around his jawline. 

“Okay, so lets do another scan, and make sure I didn't miss anything.” she said softly as she began to work on the tricorder again.  “Someone did a number on you, Thom.  I'm glad you're okay, that bleeding would have been bad given any longer time.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #58
[ Thomas Ravon | Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zyrao seemed to have the tendency to correct Thomas throughout his return and the pilot gave her a look. Not a serious one though to put her in her place, but one that said enough that she didn't have to spell it all out. Why though seemed to be a mystery still. Was it because he didn't want the pretty doctor working him to be overly worried? Or did he just not feel like sharing the whole truth with everyone aboard the ship besides Zyrao? He would probably tell her once he got out of Sickbay with Zyrao, yet for now, the pilot played a different game it seemed.

Someone came in and called Zyrao by her last name. Which was somewhat odd, but kind of had a nice ring to it as Thomas looked up at the person before looking at Zyrao as she looked back at him. Squeezing into his hand gently and promising she'd return "Youw bettew." he tried to sound funny and tried to smile which only caused for another sting of pain to sear through his face. He simply nodded as she made her exit and he trailed her with his eyes before he exhaled softly.

Zephyr whispered his name and Thomas turned his head to face her now as the Betazoid doctor smiled ever so faintly. His eyes took in the details of her face, now that he could actually see somewhat decently again. He noticed the tired look on her face, the fact that she was just Zephyr but also, not entirely. She warned him that she'd work on his jaw and he nodded as braced himself for it and looked in her eyes. He didn't speak, talking would only hurt more.

She put everything into her pockets before she slid up on the bed and told him he'd have to explain when his girlfriend returned. It made him chuckle a little and grunt in pain before he suddenly felt Zephyr straddle him. His eyes locked with hers as he froze slightly, his hands instinctively reach up to rest against her hips. His fingers dug into her uniform as she set it straight and with a pop everything felt more in place as the discomforting pressure nearly instantly vanished. The rest of the swelling set in now and it ached quite rapidly, yet differently than the dislocated jaw. Zeph moved her fingers over his jaw and temple, more so to check if everything was in order yet Thomas couldn't help but appreciate the soft touch of the woman straddling him.As fast as she had come onto the bed, as fast did she move off him and stand back at the foot end of the bio bed.

Thomas moved his jaw around, tongue against his cheeks as he bit down a few times before reaching up to feel if everything was in place, even though he knew it was. She started to scan and he smiled "Mmh, it certainly feels better Zeph..." he commented on her fixing his jaw before he added "Not sure your boyfriend would agree on the method." he teased her. He nodded again as she scanned him further "I'm glad to be back, right on time as it seems." he smiled faintly at her as he sat up slowly now and moved his hands over the areas where his broken ribs were. In the meantime however Zephyr broke away, Thomas wasn't sure if she had completed her scans.

He frowned and as she stood with her back to him, he slowly hoisted himself out of the bed and walked over to her. He reached out to her shoulder and turned her around as he noticed just how pale she had become. In fact, he imagined a dead body would look paler than she was. It were tell tale signs of a typical Zephyr Praise breakdown. He retraced his steps. What did he say or do? His eyes looked in hers as he didn't say anything. Hesitating for a split second, he eventually slid his arms around her as he hugged her.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #59
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Heart broken | I'll Be Okay | It's Not the First Time | I Thought This Time Was It]

Everything, according to the tricorder was coming out fine.  The bruising was fading, she knew that Thomas probably wouldn't have minded letting that heal the old fashioned way, but since she was already in the process of healing him she figured she might as well do a thorough job.  So she had, and so he would, quite soon, feel no pain or discomfort.  The medication she had injected him with would be metabolized and wear off, but he wouldn't feel any pain.  Maybe a little soreness here and there, but nothing that would cause him not to be able to live his normal life.  She was thankful, today, that she was a doctor.  The last time they had met had been much more awkward and hard for them.  This time felt a little smoother, but it wasn't the same.  Thomas was important to her, and she missed him.  Especially lately with what had happened in her personal life.

He told her that he felt better, earning him a soft smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.  While she had her eyes fixed, the normal hazel green was back as it had been when she was in the Academy, however, she had told Vi to leave her Betazoid status as full and complete.  There was no reason to go through the change again, she couldn't imagine what that would do to her DNA a second time and she didn't, honestly, mind being full.  Thomas was back to his normal self as he told her that he wasn't sure how her boyfriend would feel about the methods used to put his jaw back into place.

Zeph turned, and made herself busy on the rolling tray just a couple feet away.  She knew the blood had drained from her face but right now she was just trying to finish up.  She could hear him shifting around behind her, but she knew that he was feeling better and could cause no damage to himself.  Likely, he would want to get out of here anyway.  She put the tricorder back in her pocket, having released him medically to go back to work tomorrow after a full day rest.  Something that she would tell the tattooed woman holding his hand only moments ago.  From what Zephyr had seen she would be the one to make sure that Thomas did as he was told. 

A hand fell on Zeph's shoulder.  “You're.. released ..” she said softly, trying to  hold it all together.  It was easier, when he wasn't here.  She didn't really have any friends, she had spent most of her time with Khorin and Jasper and enjoying her lab in the Arboretum.  But here, this was Thom.  Familiar, not family, but something.  It was home in a way that no one had ever been in her life.  He turned her around and got a good look at her face, he knew that face, he had seen it before.  As he studied her face, her lower lip quivered and tears began to well in her eyes. 

“You should g-”  Suddenly he pulled her into a hug, and that was the last straw.  Zephyr softly cried into his chest.  Holding onto him for dear life.  All the tears she had cried quietly in her empty Quarters alone with Jasper.  All the tears that she bit back while she threw herself onto every imaginable shift she could to keep busy.  All of them came out.  His hand came up into her tied back hair and held her securely against his body.  She cried for a good long minute, her body hardly breathing, each breath a horrible ragged sob and gasp of air before she finally quieted down.  For a long moment, she didn't move.  She needed just another moment. 

Pulling back, finally, so it wasn't awkward for him knowing he was with someone and everything, she brushed at her tear strained cheeks.  “We aren't.. Khorin.. and I we're not... together anymore.” she said with a loud sniffle as she crossed the room to grab a napkin from the dispenser and quickly wiped her face down.  Her hazel green eyes blood shot now with the crying and the shadows under her eyes that much darker.  She didn't have a chance to give any additional information when Zyrao came back into the room.  She looked at Thom standing, and then Zephyr who was blotting at her face and back at Thomas.

“You had to make her cry after she put you back together?” Zyrao teased. 

Zeph straightened her shoulders.  “It's not his fault, I am going through something personal and it just kind of came out in the presence of a friend.” she admitted with a slight shrug. 

Zyrao gave a quick nod.  “Understandable.”  She stood next to Thom and slid her hand into his. 

“He needs to rest for twenty four hours.  Then he can return to active duty, however, if I catch him on duty before the allotted time, I'll assign him to a Biobed and put him under 24 hours watch.” she stated looking at the both of them. 

Zyrao grinned.  “I think I can manage to keep him home for a little bit.  Thank you doctor.”  Zyrao turned to Thomas.  “Lets go.  I'll replicate dinner at my place.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #60
[ Thomas Ravon | Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

As Thomas had moved over to Zephyr she informed him that he was released, it wasn't exactly what he was after, though it was good to know. He still felt somewhat light headed by the administered medication. Though considering, his body seemed to handle the dosage quite well. It would have seemed that Zephyr had administered just enough to numb the pain, yet not as much to make him groggy or worse.

He cut off her sentence as she was about to send him away, he clearly wasn't having any of it. It seemed to be a good choice as she grasped onto him and began to weep. His one hand came to rest on the back of her tied up hair as the other ran up and down between her shoulder blades. He rested his head against hers as he let her cry and let a good chunk of her sadness out. He wasn't sure how much time had passed by before Zephyr pulled away and wiped her tears away before using a napkin to straighten herself up.

She told him that her and Khorin weren't together anymore and he felt so bad for her. A good part of his heart boiling with anger for the Klingon as he had instructed him during the last flight to take good care of her. He hadn't even informed him about it? He didn't quite show the anger inside of him, considering how it had frightened Zephyr the last time she saw his pure rage. It still hurt to remember how she had looked at him. The image of her eyes, the way she looked at him, he must've been a monster. Perhaps he still was in her eyes? However, this moment, it seemed to mend certain things.

Before anything else could be said or done Zyrao made her appearance once more. Thomas felt caught for a second, his heart making a jump. He caught himself feel things for Zephyr he had thought he had banished. It wasn't that he was falling head over heels for her again like he had in the academy. Though he knew he couldn't and shouldn't feel these things for her. he had to leave her behind him, as she had made her choice when she chose Khorin over him. He glanced over at Zephyr as Zyrao teased, asking if he had broken the woman after she had fixed him.

Zephyr was the first to reply and she told Zyrao the truth, that he was just being a friend in a time of need. Thomas had turned himself sideways to look back over at Zyrao as he smiled faintly before she joined him at his side. She slid her hand into his and he squeezed gently into it as he looked at the tattooed woman, his eyes looking into hers. Zephyr stated the terms of his dismissal from Sickbay and Zyrao replied in her typical kind of way. It did make a smile curl on Thomas' lips. The pilot squeezed into her hand and as twenty four hours of rest would come in handy, Thomas felt guilty to having felt what he did for Zephyr.

Zyrao seemed eager to get out of this place and Thomas smiled and nodded "Dinner sounds great right now... Just not any of that Klingon garbage..." he teased her before he looked back at Zephyr and swallowed "Thanks for fixing me Zeph. I'll uh... Catch you later." he said softly with a smile before he turned around to make his way out with Zyrao. He did wait until just before turning behind the curtain to kiss Zyrao on her temple and wrap his arm around her neck.

As they made their way out of Sickbay to the Turbolift he kept silent for a bit before talking up as they pushed the button for a lift "So... Yeah... That was her. The girl before... You." he said softly as he looked into Zyrao's eyes. He was curious what the El-Aurian thought of her. The lift chimed upon arrival and Thomas stepped in and when the doors closed he faced Zyrao and pulled her in for a hug before kissing her full and fiery "I missed you." he admitted as he still truly loved the El-Aurian. They kept kissing and he seemed to crave the physical contact of her body against his before the lift arrived on the designated deck.

He'd drag her out of the elevator as he held her close against him and as they walked on a brisk pace towards her quarters he suddenly spoke up "It might sound stupid... But, for a moment I thought I wasn't going to make it. Not that I... Was going to give up, but it sort of dawned to me. When I laid there all beat up and fucked over." he swallowed and laughed softly "I mean, you must've been in a similar situation at some point, right?" he waited for her answer as they reached the door of her quarters.

"It might sound stupid... But I thought of my parents even though I never met them in my entire life. I only have their names." he smiled faintly as he entered her quarters and felt like he was coming home in a way "Do you believe in an afterlife of sorts? Or that people look over you in a way? I'm not sure if that's the case but I'd so want to learn more about my parents." he rambled, seemingly the drugs Zephyr shot him up with had loosened his tongue somewhat. "Derek Ravon or well Derek Christinnson as I've managed to look up with the access to the records." He sighed as he heard himself rambling now and he pushed his hands in his face and shook his head "Fuck, just listen to me... I need to shut up." he laughed a little as he turned to face Zyrao and reached out for her to hold her after the entire ordeal.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #61
[Zyrao Natauna | The Truth | A Connection | Small Universe]

As the two stepped outside the curtain, Thomas put his arm around her neck and kissed her temple earning a small smile from the El-Aurian.  They headed off towards the lift as he explained that the woman from the room, the doctor, had been the woman that had broken him before Zyrao had come along.  Her brow rose, and she gave a nod. 

“I had assumed as much.  I was surprised, as she could not be any different than I.  I had expected her to be somewhat closer to my personality.” she stated as they walked.  Zyrao did not feel threatened by Zephyr.  She would not be the kind of person that denied him friendships just because he was dating her.  There was nothing but break ups at the end of that road, when you tried to be too controlling.  If Thomas was meant for her, he would stay beside her, if he was meant to wander than he could.  As long as it wasn't something done straight in front of her face, and as long as it wasn't something sexual she could handle friends.

As they got to the turbolift, Thomas pulled her inside and into a fierce kiss.  She shoved him up, carefully, against the wall allowing her body and his to press against one another.  Mindful that he was still healing.  But Zyrao poured her great deal of physical passion into her full lips as they reunited with one another fully now that his life fluids were no longer leaking into his interior.  Once the doors opened they exited only to have him pull her up against the wall plating a moment later to administer yet another kiss to her thick lips.  Her hands raked through his hair and held him quite securely against her body.  Zyrao was many things, but modest and shy were not even in the hemisphere.

AS they walked, it seemed that Thomas was giddy from the medication perhaps, or the fact that he still lived after five days of torture and being held against his will.  Zyrao knew much of that feeling, having felt it several times in her life and yet it would still be different.  He explained that he had not been sure that he was going to make it.  Not that he was the sort to give up, but that, he wasn't sure anyone would be able to rescue them in time.  “There are many times in my life, I have felt as you felt and are feeling currently.” she reminded him.

He knew some of her past, more than most people on the Theurgy did.  There were still things to say, to talk about, things to let him in on.  But, they had plenty of time he did not need to know everything there was to know about her instantly.  He told her that he thought about his parents even though he had never met them.  And asked her if she believed in some sort of after life.  “I am uncertain what happens when someone truly perishes.  It is a nice thought, that there is something beyond this life, and yet, there are days I wish for the peaceful respite of oblivion.” she admitted.

He wanted to learn more about his parents and as they walked he told her that Derek Ravon or Derek Christinnson had been the names he had gone by when he had been going around the universe, and all that Thomas was able to find out.  They reached his quarters, as he raked his hands through his hair and told her that he needed to shut up.  A chuckle exited the El-Aurian's lips as she lead him inside and got him situated on the couch.  With a kiss to his forehead she headed over to the replicator and began to get them something to eat.  Her mind immediately went to Ravon's favorite, pizza, and she got the same kind he had gotten for them the first night he had shown her pizza.  Which did not seem that long ago, and was actually only a matter of days ago and yet, it had been a good night.

Zyrao returned with the pizza and drinks laying it all out over the coffee table in front of the couch.  Handing him a piece and putting a bottle of water within his reach she sat on the couch beside him taking up her own piece and eating it.  She thought for a moment, the names of his parents, something he had never told her before.

Christinnson sounded familiar.  But, why?

Her life was long, but it was a fairly recent memory.  It took a moment to pull it out of the recesses of her mind.  Laying in her dark Klingon quarters with a lovely blonde beside her in bed.  Curled up against her against the fears of the dark, the fears of the Klingon, and into the safety of the El-Aurian that was training her to be a person again.  There Chloe spilled her guts about many things.  One of which included the only name she new to be her father's.  Part of Zyrao had wanted to hunt the man down and beat him until only his heart continued to beat, just barely, and make it known what life he had left his daughter to live.  And yet, it would not soothe Chloe's heart, so instead, she listened to the young sleepy woman beside her spill her life secrets in the safe darkness of the room.

“Thomas.”  Zyrao said looking over at him.  “Did you not say, you believed you had a sister?”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #62
[ Thomas Ravon | Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

If there was one thing that could be said about Thomas and Zyrao it was that their relationship burned bright like a lighthouse. They way they kissed and teased one another would certainly lead to Thomas dismissing Zephyr's advice of taking rest. However, Zyrao would have to have her say in it as well as they kissed and made out. The passion shared in their kiss was subliminal and just full of love "I think you area complete opposite of Zephyr... Which I certainly do not mind..." he whispered against her lips.

They continued their way further to his quarters and as he kept talking, Zyrao shared with him that she had been in similar yet different situations as he was. It made Thomas wonder of how much horror and bad things she would've seen in her life. Seeing her life had been quite long by his standards. He looked at her with some concern in his eyes, yet a whole lot more respect as he nodded. As for afterlife, she didn't quite know either what would be after this life. He could agree with her answer and smiled as the doors opened to their quarters.

She guided him to the couch and kissed his forehead as she walked over to the replicator. His eyes followed her and raced her every move and action as she replicated a meal and refreshments. It didn't take long before he could smell that familiar aroma of pizza. A smile from ear to ear on his face as she handed him a slice and placed a bottle in hand's reach "Mmh, do we have something to celebrate?" he asked her, teasing, joking.

He took a chomp out of the slice and nestled himself against Zyrao as he seemingly having missed her "So, what have you been up to the past five days?" he asked her with a bit of amusement in his voice. Wondering if she had lost her patience with him not returning or if she had frantically pushed herself into work.  Zyrao did seem to be busy with something else before she asked a question to him that he did not expect at all.

He pushed himself upright again as he put the slice back on the late and frowned in confusion "A sister?" he asked her, repeating the words and shaking his head "No. The guardian I had said I was the only child aboard the ship when it was evacuated." he felt his stomach turn into a knot as his appetite left him. Which was an odd thing to feel after five days of nearly starving "Why? Do you... Why do you ask?" he asked her softly now as he faced her and crossed his legs in the couch. The new position did make his skin stretch, to a point where it hurtslightly again. His hand came to rest against his ribs as his face showed a minute sign of pain before he bit it away. His eyes were dead serious and she could tell by his body language that he seemed somewhat more tense now.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #63
[Zyrao Natauna | Truth Time | I Have News | Another Link in the Chain]

Zyrao did not hear his question, about what she had been doing for the past five days she was too lost in her thoughts of Chloe.  The ones that were full of nothing but love and pride.  Zyrao had never developed romantic feelings for the sweet young frightened woman, but instead, had taken on a more mother like role in helping Chloe grow from a frightened young girl to a strong woman that could take on the world when she was finally let go.  A betrayal that Chloe had taken heavily, and yet, Zyrao had proved it had worked.  Chloe stood on her own now, she was brazen, bold, beautiful, and whole.  She was proud, of Chloe and wished that they could remain friends as time marched onwards and now that they were on and off on Aldea from time to time it would only make it easier.

When she inquired about a sister for him she immediately knew that he must not have said anything about one because of the surprise on his face.  His pizza went down to the plate it had come from and he turned his entire body towards her.  He was told that he was the only sibling living by those that had raised him.  So he was curious why she had stated as such. 

“Let me tell you a story then.” she explained as she put her own pizza down and picked up the bottle of water.  She might need it.  “When I had been on the Klingon ship some years we came across a Cardassian ship and wished to board it.  For supplies, armory, weapons, and so forth.  There, I was on board with a team of Klingon because I was the strategist and because I was rather blood thirsty myself.  We tore through the ship, but I knew this brand of ship having been on one previously in my own personal history.  Thus, I moved to the lowest of decks, knowing that there would be slaves there.  Other Klingon warriors did as well, and the Klingon were not against keeping slaves themselves, and thus, a group of us headed down to see what was available.”

“Down on the slave deck there were many slaves.  Kept in cages and in deplorable situations.  Which isn't surprising they were property and likely to be used or sold when they got to whatever their destination had been.  However, I relieved them all.  Brought them with us, they would soon as stay there and perish through starvation but at least with the Klingon they had hope.” she took a sip of her water and sighed.

“Once back on my ship, I looked through the slaves and one girl, in particular, caught my interest.  She was stick thin, blonde, and had vibrant eyes.  She was terrified of the world around her and had known nothing but slavery in her known memory.  She was about to be claimed by a Klingon.  I have never, not once, chosen a slave for myself.  I do not find the process or the institution if it palatable, but I had to do something.  That particular Klingon would break her, and beat her, and there would be nothing I could do if she was owned.  I defeated the Klingon for the honor of having her as my slave.”

It was clear this was something Zyrao was massively uncomfortable with.  She took another sip of water and continued on.  “Back in my Quarters I made sure she was cleaned, got clothing, and food.  She adored sweets and once she began to laugh, she had a laughter that could brighten any day.  Fearful at night, she shared my own bed.  I raised her back up to be a proper woman.  I taught her how to fight, how to be herself, she received a medical education by interning with our Klingon medical department and was eventually allowed to go where she wished on the ship because no one would dare mess with my property.”  Zyrao sighed.  “Her name was Chloe, and her father's name.. is your father's name.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #64
[ Thomas Ravon | Their Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Thomas grabbed his bottle of water as well now as Zyrao seemed sunk in thoughts before answering his question why she thought he would even have a sister. She would tell him a story and the pilot frowned even more as he didn't quite get where this would lead to. As she started he screwed the cap off the bottle and sipped from the water as his eyes rested on her features as she spoke. He nodded slowly as she clearly spoke of a different time and a different kind of Zyrao.

As the story progressed, Thomas couldn't help but wonder where this was leading too. Slowly but surely though, it narrowed down and she spoke of a girl. He could tell she felt some discomfort about having to admit that she had a slave at some point in her life. Considering she had been a slave herself. He nodded understandingly and figured that any slave under Zyrao would been treated so much differently from others. He'd voice it out, yet let her speak and continue her story.

She spoke of the girl with blonde hair and vibrant eyes and Thomas seemed to get more intrigued now as he pulled his legs up and rested his head on his knees. From what he could tell, she seemed to have trained to woman to be self sufficient and able to never fall into the clutches of slavery again. It made Thomas smile slightly at the story before she dropped the real kicker. The fact that this Chloe shared the same name as his father made him just stare at Zyrao and shrug.

"Doesn't mean anything... From what I've learned on Earth is that there are a lot of people with the same name. Yet nowhere near related." he answered her "What are the odds though? That I have a sister? Pretty slim considering I'm the only registered child between my mother and my fath-" he paused himself as the idea dawned on him that his father might not have been the man he always imagined him to be. It would make sense why the man had two different last names. Though there was no proof or any record of it. Thomas swallowed and looked at Zyrao "Do you see any resemblance between me and this Chloe?" he asked her softly.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #65
[Zyrao Natauna | Truth Teller | Expanding the Family | Surprise Sister]

Thom surprised her readily when he said, at the end of her story, that it didn't mean anything.  He had learned on Earth there were many with the same name and they were no where near related.  She rose her brow, because while that was probably the case on just about any planet, the fact that Zyrao herself had come across one, and the father's name was exactly the same, seemed a bit surprising.  She wasn't sure if it was denial or if he was just not sure if believing it was the right thing.  Perhaps he didn't want to put hope in the fact of having an actual family member out there at large.

“The odds are unmeausreable.” she reminded him considering he didn't know anything about his father outside of the name.  And the mother's were different.  She remembered meeting Thom for the first time. It wasn't, probably when he thought it was, it was during a turbolift when they were both headed in the same direction.  She looked at his face and she remembered thinking how familiar it was.  How it made her think of someone in the past and now with all the links together she realized that the person she was linking Thom to in that very moment was none other than Chloe.  Someone she had spent years with, the face was all too familiar, and all too vibrant.  Zyrao would never forget Chloe's face, the warmth of her snuggled up against her chest, the smiles and laughter, their chats over tea and dinner.  Chloe had made life on the Klingon ship that much better, and it had nearly done Zyrao in to push the young girl out on her own.

He paused for a moment, in his speaking and asked if she had seen any resemblance.  “Do you recall our first meeting?  In the Turbolift, when I mentioned that you looked quite familiar?” she asked him curiously, and waited for his nod or the shake of his head.  “You and she share many similarities.”

She slid over the couch towards him and pulled out a small device.  He had probably seen the device, though it was not Federation standard anything it was most definitely a device from another race.  The small disk lay flat in her hand, but as she brushed her thumb over it the device came to life and read her face.  Obviously, what was inside was something that was only for her.  Once it was in, the writing that came up was not Starfleet standard or Klingon.  She thumbed through a menu or two and got to the point she wanted to before clicking.  Then came to life a photo montage of Chloe. 

Many of them were candid.  Chloe having her first tea, or her birthday (which they had made up for fun) and the mountain of sweets at her disposal.  Chloe learning to fight, Chloe holding a bat'leth.  Chloe learning medicine from a very robust Klingon woman.  Then there were many of Chloe and Zyrao.  Smiling with each other, reading books together, at the gym together, exploring new worlds together.  A couple of holo pics that Chloe had taken of Zyrao too populated this specific file, but most of them were about Chloe.  There was even one of her down on Aldea, Chloe and Zyrao just a week or so past, cooking in Zyrao's apartment together.  Finally, there was one image where Chloe was looking at the camera with a smile, and Zyrao paused on that one.

“I have reason to believe this is your sister, Thomas.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #66
[ Thomas Ravon | Their Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zyrao countered his reasoning that the odds were unmeasurable and Thom sighed and tried to laugh it away as he shook his head. She reminisced to their first meeting. The pilot looked back at her as his eyes looked somewhere between angry and in disbelief. He nodded slowly as he remembered the fleeting moment when they met in the lift. She pointed out that he and this Chloe shared a lot of similarities and he kept looking at her, almost glaring now.

She ran her thumb over a device that seemed alien. It seemed heftily encrypted and Thomas frowned slightly as he wondered what exactly she was up to. The language the interface used was foreign to Ravon and he could only guess that this was what El-Aurian looked like. He didn't ask though as Zyrao had edged closer to show him something. The device projected the montage of pictures that were seemingly taken by Zyrao.

Thomas looked at them, seeing the girl return in every picture as she was seemingly learning things. She looked young, yet he couldn't quite tell when these pictures were made. He remained silent as he looked at Zyrao now, who looked affectionately to the pictures. It seemed that the women had shared quite some time with one another and that it had lead to an immeasurable friendship or perhaps more. Thomas eyes fixated on the last picture that Zyrao selected. Chloe's face smiling at the two of them as he looked at the girl.

It was hard to deny the fact that the two of them shared quite some similarities. Besides just the name that Zyrao had pointed out. Thomas' world however collapsed on top of him. His mind had always seen as his parents as righteous Starfleet members. People who had died or perished giving their life for a cause. This, this proof however meant that there would be quite a dent in that mental image he had of them. Hell he didn't even know what they looked like as most of the files were still redacted. Yet here, right before his eyes lay proof that his father had made another child unbeknownst to him.

It changed the reality Thomas lived in. Learning that this woman, his potential or well quite certainly, sibling had been forced into a life of slavery. Probably abuse, horrors and he sorts while he enjoyed his education at the Academy. Did he fail her for not finding her, protecting her like a brother should? He couldn't speak as he simply gazed at the picture before him before he cast his eyes away and slid off the couch and walked through the room. His hands thrown up into his face and into his hair as he sighed and shook his head.

"You are certain?" he asked, his voice colder and somewhat detached even as he tried to cope with the new information given as he felt no steady ground under his feet. He leaned against the desk in the far corner from the couch as he looked at Zyrao "This... It changes everything. To know I have actual family. Did I fail her by not finding it out? I mean, you said so yourself... She was... Enslaved... Who knows what they..." he felt a crop grow in his throat and he couldn't spill it out as he slipped down against the desk onto the floor. He found it harder to breathe as he felt himself get lost in a darker place now.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #67
[Zyrao Natauna | Uncharted Waters | Powering Through | News to Him | Family Affairs]

Thomas did not believe, not until she began to show him the pictures of Chloe.  She could see it, sinking into his psyche as he figured everything out.  As he recognized the resemblance between the woman on the holo projections and the man that he saw in the mirror.  She knew that it could not be easy, Zyrao knew that if she had suddenly family out there somewhere she would tear the universe a new asshole in order to get there that much faster.  But then, her situation, while similar, was completely different to his.  She had a planet that had been destroyed, a smattering of her race scattered to the stars, and she had hardly found another.  Until Eboh, that was still a sore subject for the older woman. 

Thomas slid off the couch and began to walk through the room.  Dinner forgotten for the time being.  She put her bottle of water down, half empty, and watched him as he walked.  He asked if she was certain, a tone to his voice spoke of an impending break down.  She sighed softly, she had not expected someone as strong as Thomas to break down over something like this, however, it could be due to his mental state, exhaustion, and his recent torture that had weakened his normal mental fortitude.  It could be that he was not strong as he thought when it came to the subject of family.  It had never, truly, been discussed between the two of them before.

“I cannot be certain, Thomas, unless DNA was compared.  I do not hold any of Chloe's DNA with me, it would have all been destroyed on my previous ship.” she explained.  “However, the father names match, the noses, the jaw line, and even the eyes.  She was looking for a brother, she had heard rumors of.  Last I had spoken with her.”

He continued to move until he finally stopped at the desk.  He looked at Zyrao.  He told her that it changed everything.  That he had family now, but then, that he felt he had failed her.  He charged it as a question but it wasn't a question.  He felt responsible for her enslavement and the horrors that had been perpetrated against her.  Zyrao put her hand up.

“You underestimate the strength of Chloe.” she promised.  “What she went through, what she has overcome, has turned her into the kind but strong person that she is today.  I cannot say everything she went through, I k now some of the things, yes.  We bonded over many things, except, that in truth, without knowing of her existence it is of course not your fault to have never known she was in such straights.  She survived very well, and she lives on now.  Strong, vibrant, fighting, doing work that she chose for herself.  She is amazing and I could not be more proud of the woman that she has become.  You would be proud, too, Thomas.”

Zyrao rose from the couch and crossed the room to sit beside him.  Incase he wished to lean physically and not just mentally on her.  “I wish I had put the facts together earlier.  I apologize for bearing such shocking news.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #68
[ Thomas Ravon | Their Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zyrao's reaction was not entirely what Thomas had expected. She had looked at him with a set of eyes that seemed to be wondering why he was feeling like this. It even made him wonder about himself if he was overreacting about it all or not. Perhaps it was exhaustion after everything he had been through. A spark in the back of his mind wondered what Zephyr would've done. A thought that quickly got banished by Thomas as he took his place by his desk.

Zy had pointed out that she couldn't be sure, not without a DNA swab. Any DNA this Chloe had would've been destroyed on the previous ship it seemed. What stung more was the fact that Chloe was looking for a rumored brother which in the end could be him. She had already heard about him it seemed, or she must've figured out somehow. Whilst Thomas was still oblivious.

She pointed out that Chloe was a strong woman, resilient and quite capable to take care of herself. It was hard for Thom to feel proud of a woman he had never met, let alone know what achievements she had unlocked for herself or how far she had gotten in life. Zyrao had shifted from the seat over to him and settled down besides him as he stared out in front of him. She apologized for not realizing things sooner and to bring the news to him. He simply snorted at the news and shook his head as he let his head rest against the desk "It's good you told me... It's just... Not what I ever hoped to hear." he whispered "To know there's family out there after all... Can we get in touch with her in a way?"

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #69
[Zyrao Natauna | Complications | Surprises | Failures | Recovery]

Thomas admitted it was good that she had told him, she wouldn't have kept it from him.  Anyone that had lost people close to them understood all too well the horrors of wondering sometimes if others still existed.  El-Aurian's were likely al the same though Zyrao had long since stopped looking for others of her kind.  AS much as she hoped to find kinship somewhere, she knew that was not the case and it would likely never happen again.  The universe was too big, there were too few, and the spread was too wide.  She was used to being alone, though she had Thom now, she knew that things were still in the very early stages.  While he had claimed his love for her, she did care for him, though she was a little bit more trepidacious about it wanting to take it a little slowly.  They were still learning about one another, still finding out about how they worked as a couple and side by side.  But, at least, they were there standing together and doing it with company.

“I would give many things in life, Thomas, to find another of my own.” she admitted with a real amount of seriousness and sadness in her voice.  Perhaps he could almost slightly understand, on a very small scale why she had been angered at Bila for not protecting and getting Eboh the care that he needed quicker.  Was it his fault?  No.  But she mourned the loss of the possibility all the same.  Another of her kind, even just half, was so unknown to her.  She had a great many hopes and desires when it came to getting together with Eboh post mission.  All of them had been crushed by the Borg.

The Borg, again.

He asked if there was any way that she could reach out to Chloe and she shrugged.  “It's possible.” she said as she pulled out her communications device.  She had given Chloe the proper digits, and if she was available they could speak.  She pulled out her PADD and began to thumb through the contacts she had before she found Chloe's name.  Her PADD was in Starfleet standard because it helped her practice reading it and she had caught on well enough but she preferred Klingon and El-Aurian most.  El-Aurian as Thomas had seen of her encrypted device, was a loping fluid very fantastic script.  With loops, swirls, and swirls. 

The call rang, several times before it ended, and no one picked up.  “She had stated something about leaving Aldea, she may be where I cannot reach her.  But, I can give you her information.  When she answers, tell her of me, she will know I would not give her information lightly.”

With that she sent Thom the credentials needed to contact Chloe on his own.  Putting her PADD away she looked over at him and brushed a hand on his shoulder.  “Come eat, and then sleep, you've been through enough.  Let's rest for the day, then, tomorrow we will try again.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #70
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Thomas had thought back about the moment when Zyrao had told him about Chloe. It was only a few days ago and the pilot was still digesting the news. In the meantime, they had grown somewhat closer again. He took more care for her back, a small token of affection and today would have been an experimental day at the spa down on Aldea. The experiment had started off great, with some mud flinging yet a lot of fun and heated moments, it however turned south pretty fast after that.

Zyrao had gone out of control against a fellow crew member and whilst said crew member took all the blame for the beatng on her, Thomas had not been able to confront or talk to Zyrao about it. He had chased after her, looked for her yet hadn't found her anywhere to be found. Hours had passed since the incident and Thomas began to wonder if Zyrao would return to the ship after all.

He had giving up the position in the couch and the staring at the door and had moved off to take a shower in his bathroom. Using the sonic variant instead of the water shower to cast away any remnants of mud or sweat still on him. His quarters felt empty, unkind and almost to a point even like a prison. He was caught in it with the few memories he had of Zyrao and the gnawing feeling that she might not return. It drove him mad, to the verge of pure rage even as he thought of things that he should have handled differently.

Had it all started at the official party on Aldea? Where he had asked her to keep herself under control when she saw Izar Bila. Was the the point of origin where he had stoked that anger and rage inside of her? He kept staring to the wall as he let his mind run the possible outcomes. In whichever point of view he looked at it, the thing that hurt the most was that she had left him. She had however made it adamantly clear that he should be there for her when he had called her out in public. Yet now it seemed like this whole team thing was falling apart as she simply ran away from him.

Did she not trust him enough to have her back? Was she that ashamed that she thought he'd think differently of her? If anything, this whole situation had made Thomas doubt. He loved the El-Aurian like no other, in a very specific way that most people wouldn't understand probably. He had seen their potential, how the unlocked traits with one another that lead to violence. Bloody, bone breaking violence. The best example was how they had first met. After he had returned from Aldea with or from Zephyr. They had beaten one another to a pulp, the medical officers calling them insane before they shared a shower together and eyed one another with a grin on their faces.

They were unashamed for one another's bodies, habits or decisions. They had clicked and solidified their bonds. This moment however felt different. Thomas had gotten it in his thick skull that she felt ashamed of herself perhaps and how he'd react to it. That she didn't trust his judgement. That there essentially was no trust between the two of them at this point and did that hurt like fuck...

A punch was delivered against the wall as he heard the bone crack for a second, not quite breaking the bones, yet the joints had come under quite some pressure as bruising began to form. He switched the shower off and looked over at his PADD by the washing station. He had sent her messages, asking for where she was so he could find her. Yet there was no flashing light, there was nothing but silence as the sonic shower died off.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #71
[Zyrao Natauna | Killing Oneself | Too Much | Not Ready | No Trust]

It had taken about an hour, before Zyrao had gotten off of her bed.  Thomas had not come, and it did not occur to her that he would have been unable to get in.  Surely, they would have called to ask her if she would receiving visitors if he had.  Zyrao had taken the time to finally wash the blood, mud, and oils from her skin.  Her back felt tight again from the strain and tension that radiated throughout her body.  Still, she washed off whatever was left and dressed herself again.  This time in her ripped jeans and simple black tank top.  Her tattoos stood out brightly against her pale skin as she brushed her short hair off her face and stared at herself in the mirror.

“You're so fucked up.” she hissed.

Turning away from her reflection she headed out and back to the spa.  Where she spoke with the man that ran the place and apologized profusely.  No damages were done to the actual spa, and the only people that witnessed the whole thing were the Romulan, Thomas, and her.  However, she still felt bad and told them she understood if she was not allowed back in however, it was no fault of the others and continue allowing their patronage if it was sought.  Once that was all done, she walked around Aldea for a while, returning to the site where she and Thomas had their first kiss after a water wrestling match.  For a long while she sat at the edge of the jetty and let her feet hang over the edge though they didn't reach the water. 

She thought about herself.  Howe she was quick to anger, how perhaps living with the Klingon had not been for the best.  How there was likely a rage beast inside that when it was actually spurred into action she couldn't control herself.  It wasn't fair to Thom, he was a good man, too good probably.  Zyrao had never thought herself territorial before today and yet in that moment watching the Romulan try to seduce Thom she could not stand by.  The rage had just overcome her, and it wasn't even because of Eboh.  The rage she ahd felt when she saw Bila at the party had just been one where she wanted to punch him, and yet... that was all she really wanted to do with the Romulan. 

Get her off Thom and get her away.  But, Thom had been right.  Too right, and she hated to think that he was because she always prided herself on being collected, but now had proven that was not the case.  With the sun beginning to set, Zyrao beamed herself back on board the ship.  Hands in the pockets of her jeans she made her way to Thom's Quarters.  She stepped up half expecting to have to ring the bell but the doors still slid open and Zyrao stepped into the quiet Quarters.  She knew that this was going to be a serious and pivotal conversation.  But, it was also necessary.

She heard the shower in the back of the Quarters shut off, as the door closed behind her.  She walked over towards the bedroom area, off which was the bathroom.  So when he stepped out of the bathroom she was leaning there against the wall hands still in her pockets.  Grey eyes surveyed the man that she had spent a lot of the past several months building bonds with. 

“Hey.” she said, unsure of how to even start a conversation about what happened.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #72
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

As he got out of his bathroom, the only thing he wore on his body was a towel. He would've probably strutted around naked in his quarters, yet he never knew if Bila would show up or not. The man would've probably never come to his quarters anymore after realizing he had been with Zyrao and he did quite miss the man. What he hadn't expected, or not now at least was Zyrao's frame leaning against the wall as he exited the shower.

He looked at her, eyes moving over her as she was wearing a different outfit then when they had left his quarters to the spa. It meant she had gone somewhere to change and do whatever she had done. He wasn't quite sure what to say to her, as she brought out a rather neutral and quite distant feeling  'Hey'

He froze where he stood when he had seen her and he kept his eyes locked on hers before he eventually broke the rather painful silence between them "I've looked all over for you." he stated as he walked closer to her as his eyes never left hers. He gazed into those grey eyes as he came to a stop in front of her and he sighed as his eyes moved to inspect her features "Obviously I couldn't find you. Doorman wouldn't even let me enter your block on Aldea." he stated as he wanted to prove to her that he had in fact looked for her.

He walked past her now as he walked to the living room, asking as he passed her by "So what happened to being a team together? Having one another's back?" he bit at her as he left her behind him as he walked to the replicator and produced a pair of sweatpants and a blue shirt for him. He'd not wait on her to step in as he dropped the towel and changed himself into actual clothing.

"I mean, I tried to be there for you, I did my best to find you so we could deal with this together. But FUCK!" he raised his voice now as he threw the towel into the replicator to be salvaged "I've waited over half a day for you to even show up! I worried, not because you're a weak person but because I fucking care for you!" he shouted at her as he was properly pissed off at her.

"We fucking promised to not have any bullshit in between us! None of it!" he raged on as he stormed off to the couch and before turning back to walk back over towards her. His eyes were burning with anger and also disappointment as he stopped inches away from her "Don't you fucking trust me?" he demanded from her.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #73
[Zyrao Natauna | Not Expected | Get Bent | You Don't Understand | If You Can't Be Supportive: Get Out]

He froze, when she spoke.  As if he didn't expect to see her there, or maybe he did, or he wasn't sure when she would come back.  Of course she would come back, she had been more mad at herself than anything else.  He was not the one that had beaten a Romulan face to oblivion.  He was not the one that had lost total self control when she was so much older and should certainly have the control and wherewithal to keep her shit together.  He stated, when he spoke, that he had looked all over for her but been unable to find her.  The doorman to her building had not let him up so that he could get to her.  She hadn't actually thought about him being incapable of coming up, she had not expected that to be an issue, but it was something that she would remember in the future.  Something to make note of, though she was tempted to let the apartment go anyway.  They would be leaving Aldea soon, there was no need to continue paying for the space if it would not be used.  Who knew when and if they would be back to Aldea.  Though, she assumed perhaps some with the addition of the alliance with Martok.

He got dressed and walked past her talking about weren't they supposed to have each other's back.  Her brow furrowed, they were, and she didn't see how that had been canceled out by her need for space for a brief few hours.  She needed to sort herself, sort the situation, then return.  He reminded her that they were supposed to be a team.  She shifted off the wall with a roll of her shoulders and followed him into the main living area.  Grey eyes assessing his mood and behavior and finding that while she was trying to come to terms with her actions he was left to stew on them. 

He told her that he had been worried for her, not because she was weak but because he cared.  Thom was shouting now, and it made her shoulders rise up and her back straighten.  No longer was she relaxed and coming to him from a place of openness.  He began to tell her that they had agreed to no bull shit from the beginning and here she was bringing it.  Her brow rose, very slowly, on her forehead proving that she was getting to the point where she wasn't so happy herself.

“So instead of me coming here, and getting into a place where you're open and ready to talk to me now that I've calmed down and sorted myself out, you're just going to attack me?  Is that how a team works?  I left because you had to help the fucking handsy Romulan to get to medbay, she was the bigger priority.  I left to cool my shit down and figure myself the fuck out.  Figure out the next fucking step.  Then, when I finally come back to the fucking ship you fucking attack me?  Some fucking shit right there, Thomas Ravon.  Bullshit, if we are using your terminology.  Where is my fucking support?  I'm the one that lost my shit, I'm the one that went into the red zone.  All you did was get half a hand job and and a good show!”

She was on now.  Staring him down with those sharp cold grey eyes, the killer was here, the soldier, the Klingon warrior, she was standing in this room not the Zyrao he had gotten to know over the last month.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #74
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

As he tirades and just unloads what had been stewing for remainder of the day, he could see Zyrao's stature changing. It went subtly, yet definitely turned into overdrive the further he got. It didn't take long before she boiled over herself and lashed out to him verbally. The pilot stood defiantly and quite combat ready by his posture as she shouted back at him. "I'm not fucking attacking you!" he shouted as he used his arms, waving them around to prove his point somewhat.

In the back of his mind he wondered how they got into this again. This was their second big fight in a short period of time and as she pointed out that he had gotten half a hand job and a good show, he snorted and shook his head "Oh yes, big fucking yay! That was the incentive of today wasn't it?" he snarled back at her as he looked with a furious look in his eyes. "Oh by the way, the Romulan is fine! She beamed back and reported to Sickbay." he gave it a pause "She also won't be reporting you to Security! What the fuck were you even thinking? A fucking shove and a smack would've done just fine, yet you fucking went out on a blood lusted quest!" he pointed out to her. His voice not quite shouting anymore, yet still angry.

The pilot had been attempting to figure out why she had reacted in such a volatile and explosive way. In fact he didn't have to look far. He turned around for a minute as he pushed his hands in his face and wiped it over his features before looking back at Zyrao. What he saw was not something, someone he had seen before. He let out a huffed laugh for just a second before he spread his arms at her, palms up and open "What? Are going to fucking come at me?" he taunted her, provoking her even more as he knew what would probably follow next.

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