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Topic: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present (Read 3475 times) previous topic - next topic
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EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @Nolan

Donna felt better. She’d landed her fighter 30 minutes ago and after a quick debriefing which amounted to the Allegiant returning from wherever it went, she was dismissed with the instructions to get some rest and report back at 2045 for her next patrol. She had hurried to her assigned quarters and showered to freshen up and rid herself of the stench that inevitably came from long, tense periods in the same clothing. Replicating a clean uniform followed and after finishing putting her boots on, Donna quickly straightened her hair to within regulations and left her quarters 15 minutes after arriving, headed for the sickbay and Isel Nix.

Locating the Vulpinian proved to be a somewhat more difficult task. She supposed she could have asked the computer where Isel was but for some reason she chose to hunt the fox down herself. In hindsight, she’d chastise herself for wasting the time but in the moment, it seemed like the thing to do. Unfortunately, the ship had three sickbays and naturally she went to the wrong one the first-time round. So, she had asked and been told that her wingwoman was located in the recovery ward of the main sickbay on Deck 11.

After that, it had been rather easy to find Isel and Donna soon found herself at the foot of the bed the Vulpinian was resting in, watching her sleep. Wishing to let her rest, Donna moved around the bed and leaned down so that her face was next to Isel’s.

“I’m sorry I caused this Isel,” Donna whispered. “I’ll make it up to you somehow my love,” she promised before straightening up and turning to leave.

OOC: @Fife posts next?

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #1
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Nolan
Isel, lying in her bed in the Theurgy’s main sickbay, heard someone approach her bed. She’s been drifting in and out of sleep for a while now, and though she was awake, she kept her eyes closed and her body still. Truth be told, there were few aboard this ship that the Vulpinian would want to talk to. She was more than a little fed up with everyone at this point, and so she hoped that whoever it was that was poking their head in to check on her would bugger off and leave her in peace. Doctor, nurse, it didn’t matter. They could all fuck off.

In the past day or so she had been shot at by the Theurgy (her new ship), the Dauntless (her old ship), the rest of Task Force Archeron, the Borg, and assimilated Klingons. All she wanted to do now was drink, relax, and maybe break in Donna’s new quarters. The doctor had told her drinking was out for the next day or so following her concussion, which put a damper on her plans for the time being. And so she lay still, feigning sleep. The person looking in on her failed to take the hint, it seemed, as she heard footsteps draw closer. It was then that she caught a whiff of the person’s scent, and she had to fight the urge to smile.


The scent grew stronger as Donna stopped beside her bed and leaned over her, the human’s hair brushed softly against Isel’s cheek. ”I’m sorry I caused this Isel.” Donna whispered, her voice close to Isel’s ear. ”I’ll make it up to you somehow my love.” Isel heard the rustle of Donna’s uniform as the woman straightened, turning to leave.

”Fucking rights you will, lover!” Isel said with a giggle, cracking one eye open just in time to see Donna turn to face her. ”Though from what I hear, you also saved my ass out there, so I suppose I’ve got to cut you a little slack.” Isel added, pushing herself up into a sitting position. She closed her eyes for a moment once she’s managed to sit upright, her head spinning. She gave her head a shake and glanced at Donna with a somewhat hazy expression before giving her human lover an impish grin. ”Double vision isn’t so bad! I’ve got two sexy women staring back at me!” Isel said with another giggle before flopping back down onto her back. She angled her head so that she could see Donna, staring at the woman she loved for a long moment before something else drew her gaze. ”Hmm… make that four.” Isel murmured as she watched the approach of one of the doctors working in the main sickbay.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #2
[ Dr Amelya Rez | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88  @Fife

Things were chaotic and busy in Sickbay and to be completely honest, this was the kind of work Rez loved. That busy vibe where she didn't need to stand idly around or write up reports of whatever. No, this was the action and work she thrived in. The bulk of the work was already over though as she was making her way over to one of the pilots from the ship's squadron. Reading up on the PADD from what she's been through and what the readings were of the scans and various parameters that had been taken. She eventually came up to the patient as she could overhear her say  "Hmm... make that four."

Amelya looked up from over her PADD and wanted to say something to Isel as she looked at the woman besides miss Nix. It was like seeing a ghost from forgotten times as she froze up for a second. Her features clearly showing the surprise of seeing Donna Petterson before her as she turned her eyes back to Isel "Miss Nix. For the record, how is your eyesight coming along?" she asked professionally as she walked over to her, coming to a stop on the other side of the bio bed. Checking for herself as well as she listened to Isel, the examination didn't take long.

When she was done though, her eyes shifted to Donna as she looked her in the eyes and placed her hands into her medical coat "Donna..." she started as she tried to figure out what to do with the woman. Would she be undercover again like so many years ago? Planted into the ship by the parasites perhaps to have a woman on the inside? The truth of it could only be revealed by one person she reckoned. She wasn't however alone in this matter as she had inherited the memories of Jona Rez as well. A fellow intelligence officer who had a few tricks up his sleeve as well during his days.

"It's been a while since I've seen you or heard of you for that matter." she continued as she looked around, making sure nobody else was around besides the three of them. With a lower tone she continued so only the three of them could hear "Is there any reason why I shouldn't call security to detain you on suspicions of espionage or infiltration?"  she asked in all seriousness.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #3
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Nolan

Isel’s eyes were still on the blonde doctor who had joined them when the lovely physician addressed her, asking how her vision was coming along. Isel giggle slightly as being addressed as “Miss Nix”, having long been accustomed to being called that only when being dressed down by a superior officer. ”We’ll, I’d be happy to tell you, doc. You just need to let me know which one of you I’m telling.” Isel said, her shit-eating grin making it clear she was enjoying herself. ”In all seriousness, the double-vision is still here. I’m not as dizzy as I was before, though, and the headache is mostly gone.” Isel remained still as she spoke, allowing Doctor Rez to perform her examination. ”Yikes, cold hands!” Isel muttered, directing a sly grin and a wink in Donna’s direction.

That grin slowly melted off Isel’s face as the doctor finished her exam, redirecting her own gaze towards Donna as well. ”Donna…” The tone of the doctor’s voice sounded odd to Isel, and she regarded the blonde Trill with a curious expression until the woman began to speak again, stating that it had been a while since she had seen or heard of Donna. That comment seemed to snap Isel out of her somewhat dazed state, her vision clearing slightly as she forced her mind to focus on what the blonde woman was saying. Isel’s mind raced as she considered what she heard. The doctor and Donna knew one another? How? They were apparently familiar enough for the Trill to refer to Donna on a first name basis. Isel felt the dark shadow of jealousy beginning to creep over her, and she cast a suspicious glance at her lover.

Then Doctor Rez asked why she shouldn’t call security.

Isel sat up like a shot, her eyes flashing anger. She first turned to Donna, her eyes narrowed and flashing intense suspicion as she regarded her lover in what could only be described as a borderline hostile manner. ”Donna… sweetie…” Isel said, her sweet and cooing voice in direct contract with the daggers her eyes were throwing forward, ”How… exactly… do you know the sexy doctor?”

Without even waiting for Donna to provide an answer, Isel rounded on the doctor, her eyes burning with rage now. ”And you…” Any trace of her previous sweet tone had suddenly disappeared, replaced by barely restrained rage. ”We nearly got our fucking asses blown to bits a dozen fucking times trying to make contact with this fucking ship! Not only did we nearly get dusted by our own ships while we defected to your side, but you assholes nearly killed us as well!” Isel’s hands gripped the edge of the biobed, serving to both keep herself upright, and to prevent her from slapping the Trill. ”Then, after we go through all that just to bring your precious Captain a fucking message, and what do we get? A thank you? Fuck no!" Her voice had risen throughout the tirade, so that at that point she was practically yelling. "We get sent out to fight the fucking Borg! And now, since we weren’t lucky enough to get wasted by any of previously mentioned assholes while fighting to fucking help you, you go ahead and accuse her of fucking spying on…”

Isel’s ravings cut off abruptly as she felt a hand on her shoulder, quickly turning her head to see Donna standing next to her, the Human’s face remaining calm as she made a soothing, shushing noise at Isel. The Vulpinian complied and fell silent, though looked back towards the doctor with an openly hostile expression. With her gaze remaining on the Trill, Isel hissed the words ”Don’t go thinking this lets you off the hook either, Donna...” under her breath, the tiny woman’s frame practically vibrating with the pent up mixture of fatigue, anger, jealousy and resentment. Fuck, she needed a drink...

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @Fife @Nolan

"That little minx,” Donna thought to herself after whirling around to see Isel giggling from her position on the bed. “She was bloody faking being asleep.” As Isel continued to speak, Donna’s initial burst of outrage subsided as the relief that Isel was alright appeared. If she was joking and giggling, Isel Nix was ok. She was a little concerned about the purported double-vision that Isel said she had but she hoped that would pass with some rest.

At the Vulpinian’s proclamation of 4 sexy women staring at her, Donna became worried but then she heard the footsteps behind her and realised someone else had joined them. Turning to greet the doctor and ask them about her wingwoman, Donna instead nearly fainted at who was standing there. Her hair may have been blonde now and her rank higher, but Donna remember that face as if it was yesterday instead of the nearly 6 years it had actually been.

Amelya Duv

“Will she recognise me? And if she does, what will she do?” Donna wondered as the doctor checked over Isel and asked her some questions. When she was done, the Trill turned to look at Donna...And addressed her by name. “Fuck!” Donna cursed under her breath as she listened to the doctor’s words as she checked her surrounds before lowering her voice.

"Is there any reason why I shouldn't call security to detain you on suspicions of espionage or infiltration?"  she asked in all seriousness.

“Well, you’ve changed,” Donna observed silently as her mind raced, working through scenarios of what to do and their likely outcomes. And not liking any of the results in the slightest. Isel though, was far from silent. And quite unhappy given the look that Donna saw that she was receiving from the Vulpinian.

"Donna... sweetie..." Isel said, her sweet and cooing voice a warning bell that Donna would be explaining herself in detail later. "How... exactly... do you know the sexy doctor?" Before Donna had a chance to respond though, Isel turned on the Trill doctor and proceeded to curse up a veritable ion storm as she recounted their morning. Donna half wondered if her wingwoman was going to throw herself from the bed when she started to shake and decided to intervene. Placing a hand on Isel’s shoulder, she shushed softly, trying to calm her lover.

“Isel, I will explain,” Donna said, her voice full of promise. “I told you, no secrets between us.” She kept her hand on Isel, trying to relax her while choosing to ignore the near silent words from her. “I’m never going to be off the hook at this rate,” she noted to herself as she regarded the doctor who stood there with her hands in her coat. And idle memory of seeing the Trill in far less passed her mind but Donna forced herself to not react to the imagery her mind supplied. She didn’t have the time.

“You could have me arrested, Doctor Duv,” Donna pointed out calmly, not wanting to aggravate a delicate situation. “I might even thank you for it if it allowed me to complete my mission that much sooner,” Donna said, sorting through what she needed to say and what she shouldn’t to the Trill.

“Isel was right, we have a message to deliver to Captain Jien Ives. I am sorry though, that I am not at liberty to reveal whom it is from though. My orders were clear in that regard. I know you understand,” Donna stated, remembering a similar conversation years earlier. “As for your charges of espionage and infiltration, I can assure you that Donna Petterson is the only name that I have used since early 2376. And as of the moment I defected to this ship, I became as guilty in the eyes of Starfleet Command as the rest of you aboard this vessel.”

“So, arrest me, help me or let us be on our way. The choice is yours, Doctor Duv,” Donna declared calmly, standing beside her lover. “Although I much prefer the help if you would.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #5
[ Dr Amelya Rez | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88   @Fife 

The primary concern of Amelya was still her patient as Isel explained that double vision was still present, yet the rest of her symptoms were improving. The physician seemed quite content with that end result and tapped a few things in her PADD to indicate the improvement.

After having addressed Donna though, the injured pilot seemingly made no effort to hide to find Rez sexy and it did make Amelya glance down to Isel for a second before she was infuriated with the accusations of espionage and infiltration towards Donna. Amelya took just a slight step back from the woman as she barked at her. She could understand the point of view from Isel and yet just before she was calmed down by Donna, Rez bit her lower lip to not burst out a reply to her. She managed to restrain herself as Donna herself began to talk.

She decided to hear out whatever Donna Petterson had to say and she crossed her arm in silence as she heard her explain why she was here and how a possible confinement might help her achieve just that. If anything though, Amelya was not impressed with the story she was given by both of them. She let a silence fall between the three of them as she weighed her options, still tempted to call in Security. She weighed the pro and cons of that plan while she replied.

"It's doctor Rez." She first corrected Donna before continuing "Miss Nix, I must first of all inform you that exciting yourself in this manner will not be beneficial to your recovery. That said, I truly am thankful for all you've done for us and this ship. I do wonder however if you have been given this message to the captain as well, or is miss Petterson here the only one with knowledge of said message?"  she continued, her eyes moving over to Donna again. "It would not be the first time for miss Petterson to recruit people to achieve her goal. Be it under the guise of an amorous involvement or simply professional." she paused.

"As for my suspicion, the only logical thing to say that you're not a spy or infiltrator is by enforcing said statement with actions. We all know how actions speak louder than words. Whilst risking your lives for us, which I still truly appreciate, it does not take away my doubt." she concluded "So convince me why or how I could help you."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #6
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Stegro88

Isel listened as Donna told her she would explain the situation to her, though the diminutive Vulpinian doubted that either of them would enjoy that particular conversation. She nodded to Donna, then listened as Donna addressed the doctor. Donna spoke simply, though the doctor did not seem convinced. Once Donna had finished speaking, the doctor made a point of correcting Donna about her name, which made Isel grit her teeth. She wondered if the name had changed since she and Donna had last met, or if Donna had simply remembered the name wrong. Isel found herself hoping it was the later, as the error would serve both to prove the attractive physician hadn’t been anything special to Donna, and it would also serve as a slight to the bloody woman who was accusing Donna of espionage and threatening to call security on her.

Doctor Rez then turned her attention to Isel, informing her that “exciting” herself would not be good for her recovery. Isel stared daggers at the woman as she continued, thanking them for what they had done for the ship. Some fucking thank you. Isel thought to herself bitterly, Thanks a bunch, now I’m going to accuse you of spying and get you thrown in the fucking brig. Then the insufferable doctor went on about Donna, basically accusing her of using Isel for her own purposes and once again insisting that she had doubts about Donna’s intentions aboard the ship.

Oooh… but Isel was seething.

Isel took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. She understood why Donna had been trying to calm her down. Isel had a tendency to be a raging hot-head at times, and losing her temper and getting them both thrown in the brig was hardly going to help matter at the moment. No matter how much she wanted to wring the pretty doctor’s neck, that would do nothing to deescalate the situation.

”Alright Doctor Rez, or Duv, or whatever your f-“ Isel caught herself, pausing before uttering the expletive and forging on, ”whatever your name is.” Better. ”You can say you’re thankful for our help all you want, but threatening to have my Element Leader and better half thrown in the f-“ Goddamnit. ”in the brig is hardly a sign of gratitude. You just said yourself that actions speak louder than words. Well, why don’t you start by putting your money where your fucking mouth is.” Fuck. Oh well. ”Yes, we happen to be two pilots who defected to your goddamn ship to deliver a message to your Captain. And yes, Donna used to be an intelligence operative.” And yes, Donna had blackmailed her into entering into this fucking shit-show of a mission, but she was hardly about to tell the Trill that. ”The fact that I’ve been in sickbay this entire time without a security detail attached to me, and that Donna has been allowed to come and go freely, should tell you that at the very least the command crew of this ship doesn’t deem us an immediate threat.” Isel took a step forward, closer to Doctor Rez, pulling up just in front of her. When she spoke again, her voice was lower, quieter, calmer. ”That lack of suspicion on their part might stem from the fact that, during our defection to your ship, we blew up fighters from the Dauntless, then helped deal with the Dauntless herself, then covered Theurgy from incoming fire as she withdrew.” Isel smiled up into the doctor’s face, a toothy smile that left her fang-like canine teeth clearly visible.

”We clearly stated that we had a message from Starfleet Intelligence. A message neither Donna nor myself have seen. Captain’s eyes only. Now, if we were trying to infiltrate this gong-show of a ship, would it make sense for us to have made it clear that Starfleet Intelligence sent us? Because that hardly makes sense to me.” Isel cocked her head to the side, adopting a blank expression. ”Hi, we’re form Starfleet Intelligence. Can we please come aboard your ship so we can spy on you?” Isel rolled her eyes at the lovely Doctor Rez, adding, ”yeah, that makes sense! You’re cute, Doc,” Isel informed the woman in the medical coat, running a finger down the Trill’s cheek with a wink, ”but your theory’s got a few holes in it.”

Finished speaking, Isel turned and moved back to her bed, directing a wink in Donna’s direction as she went. The tiny Vulpinian hopped back up on the bed and glanced back and forth between the two women who’s mysterious history was slowly eating away at her. How did Donna know this woman? And what had she done to leave such a lasting impression on her?

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @Nolan

Donna was definitely agreeing with Isel; Doctor Amelya Duv had a funny way of showing that she was grateful for their help. Although, now it seemed that Amelya Duv was instead now Amelya Rez, which explained a lot.

“Having the memories of however many hosts the symbiont had before Amelya became it’s host, has definitely altered her outlook and reactions to events,” Donna surmised as she eyed the Trill appraisingly as she addressed Isel. “Although, it has been 5 years and a lot can happen in that amount of time.” Donna was about to respond to the Trill’s words when her Vulpinian partner’s emotions boiled over.

Listening to Isel speak, reined in at first and then completely off the chain as she went on, Donna couldn’t help but love the woman with everything she had. Isel could just as easily have said that she was blackmailed into helping Donna and had no knowledge of whatever message Donna was carrying but instead she had gone on the offensive and defended Donna. Right at that moment, Donna could have laid the biggest kiss of the Vulpinian’s life on her and not cared one iota who saw, but she managed to hold herself in check.

“Not the time Donna,” she mused to herself as she once again rested a hand on Isel, trying to soothe her once she was back on the bed. “Thank you Isel,” she said to her wingwoman in gratitude, staring into her lover’s eyes for a moment before breaking contact and turning to face the Trill doctor.

“Doctor Rez,” Donna began, using the correct form of address this time around. “You know who I once was and what manner of missions I partook in. Just and Isel does. I have no secrets from her. And as I recall, you volunteered for that mission, knowing exactly what role you would have to play. And I even gave you an out that you refused to take. So, don’t blame me if the adventure didn’t live up to expectations. They rarely do.”

“As for the message, Isel does have a copy and the code to open it,” Donna revealed calmly. “Once again, just like with you, I had a contingency plan. For my former mentor and boss to have done what he has done just to get the message this far, whatever it is, must be direly important.”

“And more so, if you would like to check with either Lieutenant Commander Ravon or Ensign Henshaw, I informed both of them about my presence aboard the ship and why I was here,”
Donna continued, her voice never wavering. “I specifically remember informing the Ensign that I carried a message from the Director of Starfleet’s Covert Operations Department with dire ramifications for the fate of the Federation. I do not know the contents of this message, but it is my belief that it has something to do with the reason this ship was forced to flee Earth.”

“Now, neither of them chose to report me to security or have me arrested,”
Donna pointed out. “Instead they gave us simulator time, a new warp fighter each and sent us out to fight the Borg. We could have run. Between us we could have disappeared and never been found again but we chose to fight and to stay. That alone should be enough for you to know that we are genuine.”

“But in case its not, I only ask one thing of you,”
Donna said. “Put me in the same room as Captain Ives. Restrain me, gag me. Do whatever scans and tests you wish and have whomever you chose present to ensure the Captain’s safety. I have nothing to hide. I just want to complete my mission.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #8
[ Dr Amelya Rez | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88  @Fife 

The Vulpinian was a piece of work for sure as she lashed out to the doctor. Rez however remained unphased where in the past she'd probably be shocked initially and would agree with the viewpoint given by the woman. Anything to make her patients calm down without too much of discussion. Rez however was no push over, the temptation to just sedate the pilot so she'd settle down and get the rest she needed popped to mind, yet that would prove to be unethical.

"Miss Nix. The fact that no security detail has been detached to the both of you is because of bigger issues than the both of you." she replied to Isel ""For infiltration to work, one would need to get the trust of the party they'd want to infiltrate. Or would that be a too far fetched theory?" she paused "As for your tone, dial it down, we have other patients here. Don't tempt me to incarcerate you in the medical part of the Brig." she paused and took a breath. She scolded herself for the outburst before concluding "However flawed my theory might be, it can't hurt to be skeptic."

"As for you Petterson, I know well enough what kind of missions you attract and embark on. I don't blame you for the mission we went on, nor the events we shared on it." she answered with little emotion in her voice as her eyes seemed to bore into Donna's "I can not speak for the actions of both the SCO or the Yeoman. I can only conclude that a guarded state can't harm anyone." she narrowed her eyes before breaking contact.

The thought of restraining and/or gagging Donna brought back memories from a long away past. A memory that did make the Trill quirk a small smirk before she came to a conclusion.

"Thea." Rez called out the ship AI as it chirped "Mark both Miss Nix as Miss Petterson to be placed under electronic surveillance. If or when their meeting with the captain or XO happens, ensure guard proximity." she said before hearing the reply after a few seconds. "Confirmed. Security has been informed and Security officer Benmual is tasked with supervising movements."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #9
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Nolan

Donna had spelled the whole situation out for the doctor, and in a much more civil manner than Isel herself had demonstrated, and yet it seemed to have little impact on the blonde physician. Rez went on about infiltration work for a moment before threatening to have Isel confined to the medical unit in the brig.

Wow, isn't she just a fucking peach. Isel thought to herself, baring her teeth at the doctor. What the hell happened between these two?

Rez wasn’t finished, however, as she ordered the ship’s AI to place them both under surveillance. Fury boiled inside Isel, and for a moment she was tempted to shift into her Natural form and tear the doctor and her accusations into tiny, messy little shreds. The Vulpinian’s jaw clenched and she forced herself to take several slow, deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself. However satisfying it might be, attacking the doctor would not solve their problem. It wouldn’t help Donna get her fucking message to Ives, and she doubted she’d be allowed to see Donna if she was locked up for murder. Isel sat on the biobed and sighed, her shoulders slumping forward. She hadn’t had an urge to harm someone like that in a long time, not since before she defected to Starfleet. She had to remind herself that, despite the chaos and danger that had surrounded them for the past day, she wasn’t part of the syndicate anymore.

”Gee, doc. Your beside manner is fucking astounding.” Isel said, the sweet smile she gave the doctor making a stark contrast to the words which dripped with venomous sarcasm. ”I feel better already. Nothing like getting accused of espionage by a fucking traitor to brighten a girl’s day! Fuck!” Isel rolled her eyes and turned her head to regard Donna, her expression cool. ”If you’re done bickering with your fucking ex, can we go now? Trying to reason with her is going to give me another fucking concussion.” Isel glanced sideways at the Trill briefly, her eyes struggling to focus. ”Plus, her spots are kinda tripping me out with this double-vision.” Isel focused on Donna once again, her eyes narrowing as she adopted that sweet smile once again, this time directed at Donna.

”Unless you want me to leave you two lovebirds alone? Let you work through this little tiff?”

There was nothing sweet about the Vulpinian’s tone.

OOC: Sorry for the delay in replying!! (And the short post!)

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @Fife @Nolan

"Thank you, Thea,” Donna said politely, acknowledging the ship’s artificial intelligence. She had been briefed on it while onboard the Dauntless, by both the taskforce and by her former commanding officer and the information she had received from both, while similar, was also drastically different in some parts. From what she had seen and experienced so far; she was leaning towards her former commanding officer’s viewpoint on the being known as Thea.

“And thank you as well, Ma’am, for your time today and for not immediately having me put in the brig,” Donna acknowledged politely, switching tacks to being the subordinate officer rather than the intelligence operative. “Also, for taking care of my wing mate. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her now.” She had said that while looking at the opinionated vixen that was the love of her life and she wanted nothing more than to lay one on her right there and then but that wasn’t appropriate. Besides, there would be time enough for that later. 

“How long do you think it will be before Isel will be able to be released?” Donna asked calmly, glancing at the Vulpinian. “I can assure you that her sharp tongue and short temper are not symptoms of her concussion.”

“Keep your control, my love,” Donna thought, almost wishing that Vulpinians were telepathic so she could speak with Isel without Amelya hearing her. “I will explain everything to you when we are alone.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #11
[ Dr Amelya Rez | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88  @Fife 

If anything the Vulpinian was sharp tongued and not the slightest amused with Rez her decision. Amelya bit back to retort with a complimentary stay for the woman in the Brig for being out of place. Though she refrained from it as it would do little to aid in the situation. Donna however kept her cool, as was expected from her as she even thanked her for not putting her directly in the brig. The Trill her eyes rested on Donna before she sighed and gave Isel a stern look.

"If you can keep an eye on her for the next twenty four hours I can discharge her now. You can't leave her out of your sight for longer then an hour though. Should her situation change or deteriorate, you are to contact Sickbay for a follow up exam." she said calmly to Donna, talking over Isel as the woman would probably still bite into any conversation she'd try to have with her.

Rez turned around and took a small round chip as she looked down at the Vulpinian "This device will record her heart rate, blood pressure and saturation. It'll give us a heads up should anything suspicious would happen to her vital signs." she explained before he brought it down to Nix her neck. "I'm only doing this to help you get out of here." she said softly, hoping she'd not get scratched, bitten or worse by the feisty woman. With a soft hiss and a rather nasty sting, the transmitter latched onto the skin and began to feed information to Rez her PADD.

"You both are clear to go whenever you feel ready." she answered before she gave them a nod and left the bed to go to her next patient.


Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #12
[ Ensign Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Nolan

Isel glared as the Doctor spoke to Donna, seemingly ignoring her for the moment, the Vulpinian’s mismatched eyes conveying anger and distrust. Thus far Isel’s experience with Theurgy, and her crew, had been less than impressive. As it was, she was half tempted to steal a shuttle and make a run for it, putting as much distance between herself and this bucket full of traitors as she could. She glanced at Donna, her expression not softening, and knew that it was a wistful fantasy. However angry she was at the Doctor, at the situation, at Donna, she wouldn’t simply leave the Human.

Isel had only half paid attention as the Doctor spoke, and jumped as the small chip touched the skin of her neck. Isel let out a small hiss that matched the sound the chip made as it adhered to her skin, her eyes flashing annoyance at the sharp sting she felt. Rez spoke softly, stating that she was doing this to help get her out of sickbay. Isel suspected the Doctor simply wanted to be rid of her, which suited her just fine. She was pretty well done with the Doctor as well, and the sooner they put some distance between themselves, the better.

”Gee, thanks Doc.” Isel said, he voice full of false sweetness as she hopped down off the bio-bed. ”That bedside manner of yours has got me feeling loads better.” Isel rolled her eyes as she spoke, then glanced at Donna. ”Alright, mom. Doc says you need to hold me hand and babysit. You ready to leave? Or do you want to stay a while longer and make nice with the pretty blonde?”

Isel didn’t wait for Donna’s response, instead simply heading off towards the doorway out to the corridors. She was tired, grumpy, annoyed, and was still wearing the uniform she had been wearing during the battle. A shower and a clean uniform would go a long way to improving her mood, especially when achieving those two things would also take her far from the insufferable Doctor Rez. Even with the Doctor’s orders for Donna to stay with her, Isel had no intention of being babysat. The Vulpinian had some brooding to do, and wanted to be alone. Not that she would voice those desires within Rez’s earshot, mind you. She had no intention of giving the Doctor any further reason to have her confined to the Brig.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1630] The Past Meets The Present

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Fife

Donna had stood back while Doctor Rez had completed her work, wondering how successful she would be in keeping an eye on Isel. From experience, Isel had two methods of behaviour; in your face or out of sight. One would make it easy to keep an eye on her, the other, next to impossible. Hopefully though, she would at least come and check on her each hour at least.

“I could always threaten to have her brought back to Sickbay,” Donna considered as she watched the Trill fix a small chip to the Vulpinian’s neck, none too gently, before explaining what it was for. “Also a secondary method of keep track of her exact location in case it is needed. Bravo doctor.”

Isel’s reaction to the doctor’s methods was predictably acidic, not that Amelya seemed to notice as she departed. But Isel’s words towards Donna were harsher than the Human had been expecting, as was Isel’s storming off and leaving her behind. She could have pursued her friend and lover but knew that that would only make matters worse at that moment.

“I’ll just give her some time to cool off. Hopefully an hour or two will be enough for her to settle down and be willing to listen again,” Donna thought as she wondered what to do in the meantime. “I wonder where the nearest pub is on this tub?”


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