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The Lieutenant and the Cadet

[Lt – Cdt Zephyr Praise | Back to School | This is Hard | Power Through | Worth the Sacrifice]

It was odd to be back.

The warmth of the grounds, the gardens, the shiver in the leaves of the trees as the wind of San Fransisco blew through them.  The sounds, outside, of the vehicles, the smell of coffee and the young cadets that were enjoying both the freedom of the Academy and the course load.  It was the first time in Zeph's life that she had ever actually felt old.  Stepping back onto the grounds that she had left years ago hoping to never see them again.  It wasn't as though her experience here had been rough, it had been great.  Great friends, and great studies, and great grades.  It was just that she had never expected to have to come back. 

Though it was her own choice.

She had chosen this.  She knew that she was getting odd looks because while she was a cadet and she was taking classes she as already at the rank of a Lieutenant and the cadets weren't exactly very welcoming.  They didn't treat her badly or anything but they weren't sure where she fit.  Then there was the fact that she outranked everyone and it was hard to get a friend or anything when you spent so much of your time studying and the other time trying to get people to forget you had already earned pips. 

Zeph had, honestly, never really felt more alone.  She stopped feeling sad every time her empathy registered the surprise at the pips on her collar.  She stopped worrying about the emotions when people realized that she had come back for a cross training and that she was changing to a Medical doctor for reasons that she didn't care to discuss.  Because, it didn't matter, she was here because she wanted to be and she was hoping to better herself.

She had recently, just a couple months ago, cut off all her hair.  Now the soft brown curls stopped at her shoulder and didn't go any further.  They had once fallen all the way down to her hips.  She was slender but she was also much more muscled.  Because if she wasn't studying she was at the gym working out.  In fact, that was where she was this evening.  She had to take a break for her eyes, her brain, and the fact that she didn't think her body could take being still any longer.  So she had come to the gym and began to jump rope for al ittle while in the center of the gym building up a healthy sweat.  She didn't miss the attraction to her from the people in the room, or the way that her too thin body had started filling out with muscle because of her ministrations.  She refused to be the soft and weak person anymore.

Ethan had destroyed that girl, he had taken what was a happy go lucky girl and crushed her central core by just abandoned her.  He had not been there when she needed him, when she had begged, and she had cried.  And in fact, she had not heard from him since.  She had gotten over it, and built herself a new.  She had taken the broken rock-bottom girl and turned her into a force to be reckoned with.  But, while she had not completely lost the inner Zephyr she was a bit changed.  Less naive, less happy go lucky all the time but much more stronger.  She wasn't jaded, no she wasn't going to let herself be jaded.  She wasn't about to do that to herself, so instead, she just wanted to find her new purpose.  Some of the research that she had begun with had taken a very medical twist and that meant she needed to know more.  How to work with those things and how to get herself ready to work properly. 

Back to the Academy it had been.

Zeph stopped jumping and she brushed a wet tendril out of her face hanging the rope back on the hook as she walked over to the wall and bent down picking up her bottle of water.  Giving it a squeeze she swallowed the ice cold water while she caught her breath for a moment.  Trying to decide what she wanted to do next.  She liked working out, it broke up her day, bulked up her body, and gave her some stress relief.

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #1
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Primary Gymnasium | ] Attn: @BZ  


The door to the Gym had opened and another had entered. She was tall and shapely, dressed in the gray cadet’s uniform, but it looked good on her. Some modifications had been done to tailor it a bit to look less like a tent. The young woman was not in athletic gear. Which might make her stand out a bit in a gym. Of course when you crested 1.88m your manner of dress seemed to be a secondary identifyer. Long silky black hair was up in a high pony tail, the overhead lights of the gym seeming to add a dark green shine to it. As the hair was up and back the cadet’s ears were visible, and could be seen to be distinctly pointed.

She stepped in and paused, looking around with dark green eyes and then sort of covertly opened up a tricorder and took a reading. A frown crossed her features and she slowly played the device over the large room. The readout was observed again and then the frown deepened. It may be then that others would notice the pointed eyebrows that lead up to the gentle ridges on her forehead.

WACK! Vanya’s hand slapped the side of the tricorder, which seemed to give an indignant warble at it’s mistreatment. Long legs carried the Romulan into the gym. The scanning device being panned here and there. To the left, then to the right, pausing she then lifted it up and seemed to scan the rafters.

A few long strands of obsidian dark hair had escaped the high pony tail and hung in Vanya’s face. Long fingers reached up to tuck behind her pointed ear and she turned, moving across the Gym, more or less in the direction that the small Human/Betazoid hybrid. The steps were bringing them together at a rather brisk pace. Well Vanya’s steps were anyway. Zeph was taking a moment to drink some water after jumping rope.

As she moved and tracked her quarry, Vanya seethed. She was upset. No she was furious. The inner emotions ebbed and flowed through her thought processes, threatening again and again to push her primary purpose down and assume dominance in her mind. She was struggling not to let that happen, but it was hard. Much like a human, she couldn’t simply ‘tell’ her emotions to shut up. Well...she ‘could’ at the expense of shutting them ALL off, like a switch and becoming far more ‘Android’ than Vanya liked to be. So she suffered emotions much like other humanoids. As such she sometimes were at their mercy. Like now.

Her anger swirled around inside her and even expressed itself a bit on her face. The brows were knit in what could be mistaken for intense concentration till she got close, then the intensity of those dark green Romulan eyes would betray it, as fury. Not focus.

There with the anger was also worry and concern. Which Vanya was noting seemed to feed the anger. Not diminish it.

These emotions were broadcasting and rather loudly at the point she b-lined straight towards Zephyr. If the Half human, half Betazoid was open and receiving, she would no doubt register those rather easily. Though they would feel… different. Was it because the tall woman approaching was Romulan? Or was it something more? The Emotions seemed to have sharp edges, shiny, almost as if they were more pure and less wrapped in subtlety than many. Something sometimes found in children, before they learned to shield their emotions from those around them. Though the woman coming towards Zephyr was no child.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #2
[Lt. Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Sweating Enough? | Angry Romulan | Stress Relief]

Sweating was good.

It was good for the soul, it quieted the mind, and it worked wonders for the body.  She had to admit that she had at first struggled to get into the gym but once Ethan left her and she needed something to do when she couldn't sleep, the gym had become number one.  Now she listened to her text books while she was running on the treadmill and reviewed the lessons that she had heard that day.  She was the model student because right now she wanted to get in and out of the Academy and into her training as quickly as she could.  Her ideas, plans, and research all had to wait until she was qualified to do the actual work.  Until she had access to the laboratories that she wanted to get into and understood the equipment that she wanted to use.  Still, she was working her ass off and any down time was never really down time.  The only time her mind wasn't working was when she pushed herself to the point of passing out.

It was the only way she could sleep these days anyway.

The door to the gym opened.  Zeph was only partially aware of anything going on at this point because she could feel the curisoity and the .. possible anger or .. frustratedness of who ever it was.  Tossing a quick glance over her shoulder with her hazel green eyes she had no idea who the person was.  Someone that looked Romulan if she could hazard a guess from across the large gym.  But, she didn't know her and so Zeph went back to finishing off her water and thinking about what she was going to do next.  She was currently thinking about heading for the weights because a little tone could go a long way when necessary and she was quite appreciative of the muscles that were popping up on her arms, the definition that her pale skin was starting to take.  She was starting to feel stronger, and.. that helped.

The emotions grew louder and Zeph found herself out of her own thoughts again and over to the woman's emotions.  She was charging across the Bridge and towards Zeph, who stood there with a brow risen.  She leaned down and picked up a towel and dabbed it across her chest and neck.  The emotions were harsh, sharp, and almost childlike.  It was an odd mix because most people, especially Romulans, had a different feel than whatever was coming towards her like a damn charging bull.  Zeph pushed back her shoulders.  The old Zeph would have curled inward and tried to make friends with the woman on a mission. She would have found all sorts of nice things to say right off the bat, but this Zeph .. was different.  She had been burned and badly.  She wasn't an angry mess or anything but she was certainly no push over. 

She still remembered the time that someone had pulled a phaser on her, during her first Bridge duty, and she had cried.  That was not the Zephyr that stood in the gym.  Zeph perked her brow as the woman finally made it obvious she was coming for Zeph.

“Do you need assistance?” she asked curiously because she couldn't figure out what the woman would have to do with her and why she was having such angry emotions when they had never met.

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #3
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Primary Gymnasium |] Attn: @BZ  


Vanya’s long strides took her towards what she perceived as a tallish human female. A check of the tricorder in her hands and then the dark green Romulan eyes flickered back up to the woman dabbing her face and chest with a towel. Then the young woman put back her shoulders and met Vanya’s advance head on. The Romulan gave her credit for that.

The query how ever threw Vanya for a tick. She was still getting used to these humans and their willingness, at points to help others with no perception of personal gain. The culture shock was slow to wear off and necessitated new subroutine processes that took fractions of milliseconds longer than the older more comfortable ones.

She drew to a stop in front of Zephyr and nodded curtly. “I….. could use some assistance, yes.” A very un-needed breath was taken. A mechanism that the Android had often observed in humanoids. A centering technique used to take a moment and reassess and approach something. She used it as much for that purpose as to give those she dealt with the perception that she had done the same.

“Some individuals whom think themselves uproariously funny have deemed fit to produce, yet another in a long line of… ‘pranks’.” Those dark green eyes flashed with very real emotion and Zephyr would see it flare in the young woman before her. Anger. Sharp, pure, but reigned in and under control. Vanya wouldn’t be the type to slip into a hot rage and do something stupid. Oh no. She was the more scary type of angry. The one that would go to a cold place. Hold in the anger. Forge it into something else. Sharpen it to a razors edge and then, and only when the time presented itself perfectly would she use it to slice to the bone and cleave through.

Vanya went on after that flash of anger. “When they target me, I endure. I do not understand the urge to do so, but I put up with it.

This time. They targeted my ANIMALS!”
That anger flared again. This time much brighter, a brilliant fushia flash of emotion from the Romulan.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #4
[Lt. Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Problems Find Me | Why is this My Problem | How Did I get Involved | What the Hell]

The woman seemed surprised.  It registered across Zeph's open mental barriers as the young half-Betazoid looked up trying to figure out just what had brought the Romulan woman to her figurative door step.  The young woman seemed to be angry about something and Zeph was curious what it had to do with her because she was pretty certain she had never actually met this woman before.  The woman said that she could use some assistance and the brow on Zeph rose curiously.  She tossed her towel over a few feet away into a bin that was made for the towels that would be recycled and turned into the atoms that would make new towels as people came to the gym later.  Putting her water bottle down, it was empty now anyway, she brushed a strand of sweaty hair off of her face and behind her ear.  Shorter hair was different, it was always coming undone no matter how hard she tried to keep it in one place.  So it was something she was learning to get used to.

She began to spew information.  Information and emotions.  Zeph almost took a step back from the mental barrage.  Most people, even humans, didn't have the kind of emotional swing that this one did.  It was almost as though it was a child who was drastic, impulsive, and didn't know how to cope with life in front of her.  Not a fully grown adult who was entered into the Starfleet Academy.  Zeph wondered how she had been able to pass all the psyche evals but then she wasn't about to ask the woman to her face. 

Apparently, people were playing pranks on her.  Dear... all that is Holy, are we in freaking grade school?  She took a deep breath and waited for the rest of the information to come because the woman was still speaking quickly and she seemed very distressed.  She mentioned that when they targeted her, who ever they were, she endured it and took one for the team.  But now, they had moved on to her animals.  Zeph's eyes widened, and then her brow furrowed because she was both surprised and just... floored that this was why the woman had come to her.  She had not expected this, and had nothing to do with an animal that had been pranked on. 

Zeph was even more confused.

“Okay, well, I'm sorry that they are picking on you.  Have you told anyone, reported it to anyone?” she asked the woman softly, reaching up she put a hand on the woman's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.  Realizing that it didn't really 'squish' in the way that most people did she didn't ask any questions she just looked into the Romulan's eyes. 

“What happened to your animal?”

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #5
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Primary Gymnasium ] Attn: @BZ  


Vanya had explained the problem, but not to the fullest extent. The hybrid reached up to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and it’d likely feel mostly like any other. She was built for infiltration after all and her biosynthetic flesh was quite advanced. But then she was a bit bigger than Zeph so maybe that’s what she felt with the squeeze. The larger frame.

Vanya accepted the touch with out complaint. Some people didn’t like to be touched. Vanya in fact did, but in this moment was focused elsewhere. When Zeph professed apology that she was getting picked on, Vanya simply shook her head. The irritation was there for that, but not the anger. The anger was reserved for the fact that the pranksters had moved on past her, and had now involved the animals in their acts. That was what had the Romulan so worked up.

“Reported it to someone? I…. why? What good could that do?” Maybe Vanya just considered it a form of hazing that one had to endure. Maybe instructors had been told and those who knew, allowed it. The racial prejudice that she was facing was most assuredly not limited only to students. More than a few instructors and officers carried the same thoughts and preconceptions. It expressed from their vectors as well as cadet ones. Usually a bit more oblique.

When Praise met her eyes and asked what happened to the animal Vanya nodded. “Some sort of micro explosive device. Set to detonate and open the enclosure and ‘free’’ the animal while sanctimoniously etching…… anti Romulan graffiti on the side of the enclosure to ensure my knowledge of why it was done… “

Vanya took an unneeded breath and tried to calm her emotions. “It was very scared by the nose and such and of course fled. It’s loose in the complex and I’ve tracked it here, via tricorder.” A motion behind Zeph. “It would seem that it may have taken refuge in the bag behind you. I’m assuming yours.”

Vanya’s dark green eyes flickered over the sweaty form of Zeph in front of her. Quickly deducing that the young woman could not have been involved in the action itself, as she was here working out at the time.

The cadet went on. “Likely hiding in fright, terrified at why it’s been subjected to such aggression.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #6
[Lt. Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Infestations | Nothing Goes as Planned | Stress Relief Failed | Romulan Pets]

The girl, woman, whatever, seemed shocked that Zeph had asked if she reported it to anyone.  Her head tilted to the side slightly for a moment.  She's joking, right?  Zeph crossed her arms over her chest for a moment as if she was trying to decide if she was honest or not.  She couldn't quite get a feel for all the emotions of the woman.  They ranged between really angry and .. less angry.  It was like a child in a tantrum or something.

“It would call attention to behavior unbecoming a Starfleet Cadet, for one.” she explained simply.  “Secondly, it would put a cessation to the whole incident because further proven discretion would get the perpetrators kicked out of the Academy.  Thirdly, to stand up for yourself.  Do you really see yourself as being the Romulan that gets picked on for the rest of the y ears you are here?  Or are you going to stand up for yourself and be the Cadet that will later have a rank and a job.”

Apparently, there was some sort of micro explosive device that was set off in her Quarters.  She rose her brow curiously, because this was high level stuff.  Not the things of normal bullying where shoes or clothes went missing.  She could not understand the inner workings of people like that but she also knew that hate ran deep.  Hate was one of those things that could spur nothing but negativity and terrible judgment.

“It wouldn't be hard for the engineering staff at the school to find out who made the bomb if you still have the parts.  They can trace just about anything to the replicator it came from.  If they're stupid enough to do open threats like that in your Quarters, to your animals and things, then I doubt they hid themselves very well.” she said with a little bit of a shrug.

The woman in front of her had apparently tracked her little creature to the bag that stood behind Zeph.  She turned to check the bag, yep, it was hers.  The purple color and the bright vibrant pink, teal, and coral flowers all over it definitely marked it as her own.  Which was probably why the little creature was in there.  It probably looked like a flower bush.  Stepping to the side she squatted down and lowered herself to the floor hovering just above it.  She opened it the rest of the way, since it was only half open and she looked in but since she was not the owner that this creature would recognize zeph looked up at the woman.

“Check if you want.  I've nothing to hide in there.” she said standing up and stepping to the side to allow the woman to do what she needed at the moment.

“What's your name by the way?” she asked the woman curiously.  “I'm Zephyr, by the way.  Medical.” since she wasn't wearing her color she thought it might be helpful.

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #7
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Primary Gymnasium | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @BZ  


Zeph tilted her head to the side and crossed her arms across her chest. Vanya tilted her head the other way and frowned a touch at the look. Her emotions were still riding high. Not exactly childlike. Just.. new and unfiltered. Where one to describe it, at least in this angry state, it would be to say she wore the anger on her sleeve for all to see, with very little effort to cover it from the world around her. Zephyr would likely note the vector of the anger though. It didn’t stem from the prank played on Vanya herself, but instead what had been done to the animal. That was the origin of the fury.

‘It would call attention to behavior unbecoming a Starfleet cadet for one…. Secondly, it would put a cessation to the whole incident because further proven discretion would get the perpetrators kicked out of the Academy.  Thirdly, to stand up for yourself.  Do you really see yourself as being the Romulan that gets picked on for the rest of the y ears you are here?  Or are you going to stand up for yourself and be the Cadet that will later have a rank and a job.’ The young woman had said.

Vanya shook her head. The long obsidian fall of hair swishing down her back. “I’m not sure it would have the reaction that you’re envisioning. More than one of the instructors share the…predilection of persecution. It’s not an easy time to be a Romulan, in Federation space. The Cadets… fear.. and lash out. Some, not all, but some of the instructors, know people lost to my people. Killed and such by Romulans and here I stand before them. They may... I’m told the human expression is to “Look the other way”?  If I tried to report them it could make the problem worse. Up till now I was their target. I had planed to endure. To not ‘cause waves’. But this… this is beyond the pale. They could have hurt the creature!”

The statements of tracking people via the device earned a swift nod from Vanya. “It was in one of the smaller bio labs, but yes. Your thought process is sound. I shall endeavor to see this incident reported. The animal or another cadet could have been hurt.” The Romulan clearly put the animals in the lab, the other Cadets, above her own well being. She was set to accept abuse to her person, but to hurt innocents had her angry indeed. “Thank you for your advice.”

Zeph then turned to her bag and opened it up and stepped to the side to allow Vanya to look. Vanya’s tone instantly dropped softer. “Thank you” and gratitude poured through her emotions. Concern swirled around as well.  “Vanya. Science Track. Um…. Nice to meet you Zephyr. That a nickname?”

The Romulan closed the tricorder and slid it into a belt pouch and knelt by the bag. Hands extended gently to open it a touch more and she peered in. “She’s here!” Joy spiked in the woman. Reaching forward so gently her hands dipped into the bag and softly lifted something. It was oblong, dark green fur on top, more neon green fur on the bottom. Two..four.. six legs. A pointed head and little round ears. It looked a bit like a weasel or ferret, save for the coloring and small spikes running from it’s skull down it’s spine. The small furry creature chittered and looked around with large eyes.

Vanya lifted it and gently held it to her chest. Looking up to Zeph she smiled softly. “She seems ok. Just scared. She must have thought your bag looked like a bunch of flowers or something.”   The Romulan bent her face down and rubbed it on the green fur of the creature in her hands.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #8
[Lt. Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Green Furry Things | Romulans Sentiments | Fixin' this Quick | Academy is Better Than This]

Zephyr could not believe what she was hearing.

The Academy adhered to a strict code of conduct for it's cadets and more so for the professors that populated the campus.  While some of them may not particularly care for the Romulan kind they would not be outward about it because there would be heavy consequences.  Like getting kicked out of the Academy or even sent to jail.  The truth of the matter was the cadets that set off the micro bomb would be found out because if the woman in front of her didn't do anything about it Zeph would.  She knew many of the professors because many of them were similar rank to herself and some of them she had gone to school with.  She knew it probably seemed odd that she was rather chummy with some of them but they had been friends and she enjoyed catching up while she was going through a rare second Academy by her own choosing. 

“Not a chance.  I'm not letting this go.” she told the woman in front of her.

However, she did step aside so that she could get into the bag where the creature seemed to be and sure enough she pulled out some kind of furry .. green... thing.  Zeph was not a xenozoologist in any way shape or form.  She was a botanist, at the very core of her being and now was cross training so that she could merge her love for Botany and Medicine.  To create new things and to explore the kinds of things that she really wanted to work on.  So she had no idea what the heck the woman was holding.  But it also didn't matter, it seemed fine and it wasn't injured which was all that was important at the moment.

Her name was Vanya, and she asked if Zephyr was a nickname.  Zeph chuckled.  “Nope, the name I was born with, actually.” she admitted with a shrug of her shoulder.  “But Dad picked it out.  What can you do.  I don't mind it though, but I get asked that question a lot.  You can call me Zeph if you want.” she wasn't going to sit there and tell the girl that she was actually a Lieutenant returning to the Academy because there was just no need to bring that out and it would be nice to not have everyone saluting her.  That already happened a lot.  The creature seemed fine and Zeph smiled and gave a nod.

“I'm glad it's all right.” 

Zeph leaned down and tossed her water bottle into the bag that the creature had come out of and she zipped it up quickly slinging it over her shoulder.  “Come on, I'm going to help you out with this Romulan problem you have going on.  Its unacceptable and by academy standards, the kind of offense that ends with you being booted to the curb.  I know just who to talk to and I'm not taking no for an answer.”

She headed towards the gym exit several people giving her respectful nods as she passed and she returned them.  In her own area she was fairly well known and so was her rank.  It didn't take long since the professors tended to call her Lieutenant.  And many of the cadets were dead curious about what life was like among the stars.  She wasn't as friendly as she used to be, she was far more guarded than she really needed to be these days but Ethan had done a number on her and she was not ready to be open again like that.  She stepped outside the gym and made sure that Vanya was walking with her.  She didn't even bother to put on a shirt to cover the sports bra and shorts that she wore.  As it didn't matter, she wasn't there for looks, a boyfriend, and everyone here was too young anyway.

It would be a while before she felt comfortable.

“So tell me Vanya, what is that.. green furry creature?” she asked curiously lowering her gaze to the small little thing in the Romulan's arms.

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #9
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Primary Gymnasium ] Attn:  Attn: @BZ

Vanya looked up and saw the look of disbelief on Zephyr’s face, she looked back down to the creature. She had not been out in the world as many years as some, but in her short time she had learned that those not suffering from prejudices, seldom understood the depths that others could drop to. They could be low balled or seen as being overly sensitive and what not. It was one of the reasons Vanya didn’t go out of her way to turn people in. It could very easily be turned around on her, as if she where some how the problem. Not the ones hazing or making her life difficult.

She liked many of the professors herself but not all professors were equal. Tenure being what it is, and such things being difficult to ‘prove’ even trying to bring up charges for such things could lead to one’s ruin. Some professors had been there years.. or decades. Some like the Vulcans could be there half a century or more. How does one ‘prove’ that a bad mark was given out due to a hatred of species when so many scores were subjective? Sure in a math class 2+2 would result in a definitive answer but so many Academy classes weren’t. So much was open to interpretation and complaining that a professor was treating you unfairly could get you marked as a problem. Could go into your record. Not just that professor but all of their friends might then come down harder on you still. Assignments that might be stretched for others would be 100% by the book. Other students might get extensions but if yours were in 3 seconds late by the Academy clock, you could rate zeros on the work. There were a million ways to come after someone below the board and it be nigh on impossible to prove.

This sort of thing from ‘above’ was seldom someone pointing at you and gong ‘You dirty Romulan beast’. It came at you side ways.  Less favorable duty shifts. Extra work. Remedial applications. Sent to training officers for retraining. Demerits due to attitude. Overly high standards. Demerits issued for ‘spots on the uniform’ in the middle of out door bio labs.

So far Vanya had just marked those that seemed to exhibit unease or distaste and give them as much room as she could. She had 4 years here then a life time in the Fleet. She could endure. Zephyr’s decision ‘for’ her to take this up a notch was something else.

A bit of an arched brow at Zeph’s proclamation of not letting it go. Then Vanya was retrieving the animal.  Looking up at Zephyr she nodded. “She’s a sweety.”

The explanation of her name earned a nod. “Pretty. Zephyr. I like it. The name that is.”  Looking back down to the creature she nodded. “Seems to be. Likely just scared from the sound”.

Then Zeph was asking… telling? Her to come along that she was going to help with the “Romulan” problem she had. Vanya frowned softly and rose. “I’m not here to cause trouble Zephyr. I just want to learn, and graduate. Chances are high I won’t be posted with those that are doing this sort of thing.”

Still she walked with the other woman and a look of curiosity passed over her face, noting others deferring to Zeph. She glanced over and well no rank or anything on the sports bra, but there wouldn’t be, would there. Dark green eyes lower to her bag. Nope, just pretty flowers there then back to the other woman as they strolled. Still something was up here. She didn’t have the air of a peer.

“Orion 6 legged polecat. Their scent glands can produce both noxious scents but also rather poignant aphrodisiacs. The dual nature of such specialized chemical excretions were of curiosity to me.”

She looked around and back to Zephyr. That this might be stage two of a prank had not escaped her. "Where are we going? To what purpose?"
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #10
[Lt. Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Finding Assistance | Making Friends | Having a Mission]

Zephyr didn't know what to think about the girl.  She liked the name, and Zeph gave a half smile.  It wasn't like she needed anyone to like her name, she hadn't ever really thought about it.  Though, she was just glad that it wasn't anything too odd.  That would be embarrassing and she knew that Zephyr was an odd name.  Her sisters had odd ones too, and neither of them really seemed to mind.  Still, she supposed it was nice that the woman didn't make fun of the name but instead just allowed herself to be kind and they moved on down the corridor.  Apparently, the creature, whatever it was, was sweet and just scared because of the micro explosion.  Zeph was planning to get her help and she knew just who to talk to.  There were many people here and there in the academy that Zephyr knew and trusted.  Some of which she had gone to the Academy with the first time.  It was probably odd to see the Lieutenant hanging out with the Professors but for her they were peers.

“Thanks.” was all that Zephyr said to Vanya with a bit of a smile.

There was a softness in her gaze for the young cadet.  It wasn't something that was even remotely similar to the Zephyr Praise of only a few months ago.  But, then a lot had happened to the young officer, which had changed the course of not only her life but also her career path.  She hoped that it would all work out in the end, that changing her specialty to include something else would not hinder her in the future but help her become an even better officer.  Only time would tell.

“Vanya.” she said stopping for a moment as she turned on the young woman.  A brunette curl from her now shorter hair fell into her face.  A pale hand softly rose and brushed it behind her ear for a moment to make sure that it was secure for the moment before she finished her statement.  “You aren't making trouble, you're standing up for yourself.  And while some people in Starfleet forgot the whole point of the organization, I haven't.  There are others that haven't either you just need to find the right person on your side.  I know exactly who that is going to be and I'm not going to take  no for an answer.”

The green thing was a green orion cat .. thing.  Zeph rose her brow, she was fine with animals and had even had a pet owl for a while before it was killed on an old ship that she had served on it had been stolen.  While stolen it had exploded due to the Fleet trying to get it back and her owl was gone.  She had thought about another pet but didn't have time to give one right now so she didn't bother with it at all right now.  Still, she hoped that one day she could find time to have a pet but for now she would just try to concentrate on herself.  They continued to walk and she knew by the feel of her mind and the sound of her foot steps that Vanya was coming along as well.

“We are going to a professor that I know and am friends with, and then we're going to explain what happened.  Romulan or not.... you can't just be attacked.  This is neutral ground and I guarantee that the people who are doing this to you will not be tolerated.”

They continued to walk until they got to the professor offices.  They were on an upper floor and there was a nice amount of carpeting that was industrial grade and had held up well enough against the sheer amount of boots that traversed it's fibers.  You could see the wear and tear in the center and the way that the color was faded here and there from use versus the sides by the walls.  It was also that horrendous and very common brown color because it hid dirt and didn't show the years of tread as easily.  There were many doors down the hall, some open, many not but Zeph passed them all because she knew exactly where she was going.  She had known Roth in the Academy years ago and she was now a professor here teaching Medical.  Which was perfect for the young woman twice over.

They paused in front of the standard metallic door that said 'Roth' in golden letters before she flipped her hand backwards and rapped twice on the door with her knuckles. 

“Enter.” called a young voice from it's interior. 

Zeph pushed on the button to the left of the door and the door slid open into the wall showing off the same shabby carpet and a standard desk.  Behind which sat a woman that had hair that was so blonde it was almost white.  She had vibrant green eyes, pale skin, and a soft smile on pale pink lips.  The young woman was short, slight, but she held herself with an air of elegance that was hard to manage in a Starfleet Uniform.  The woman stood and she smiled.

“Zeph, what can I do for you?”  She smiled as she stepped around the desk but paused.  “I would hug you bu-”

“I know I'm sweaty and I didn't have time for a shower, but that's honestly not why I'm here.”  Zeph admitted as she stepped to the side so that Vanya and her green kitten could enter.  Eden's green eyes shifted and took in the Romulan woman that entered, both of them made Roth feel very short at the moment while she stood there and gave Vanya a kind smile. 

“Well hello, come in and sit.  My name is Lieutenant Professor Eden Roth.” she stated as she offered the two women a seat in the plush green chairs that were certainly not Starfleet issue in the room.  Once they sat, she sat as well, and Zeph dropped her deck onto the poor carpet crossing one arm over the other as she began to fill Eden in on what had happened with Vanya and her pet, how they had met, and the general reception that the young woman was given.  Eden had, at some point started taking notes because this was not just a simple case of someone bullying another, true bodily harm could have come to Vanya, the other cadets, or Starfleet property.  None of which were acceptable. 

“Cadet Vanya, what other incidents have happened.  Also; do you have the explosive device from the most recent issue?”

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #11
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Primary Gymnasium/ Other Places ] Attn: @BZ 

“You’re welcome.” Vanya responded to the young woman. She noted the newly projected softness from Zephyr. Curiosity made her wonder from where it had bloomed? Was it the situation that she found herself in, or the creature in her hands. The Romulan had found that many humans found small furry creatures ‘cute’ and could be almost incapacitated with such observation. One young woman in her XenoZoology course had ones proclaimed something ‘So so cute I must simply squish it!’ which had alarmed Vanya for the safety of the creature. That was, until, ‘cute aggression’ was explained to her.

Humans could be weird. ‘Cute Aggression’ had been explained as finding something so adorable that it was almost like sensory overload and caused some humans to wish to squeeze or squish the object of the intense emotion. It had also been explained that the person very likely wished absolutely zero actual harm to the creature in question. It was an intense form of adoration, not distaste.

It explained why many humans found tribbles damn near irresistible.

Then Zeph was addressing her again and Vanya’s dark green eyes shifted to watch the hand raise up and tuck hair behind her ear before returning to her eyes. The words were comforting and the woman seemed quite determined and knowledgeable. So… Vanya nodded. “Ok… and thank you for that. In my studies, before I…. departed the Star Empire, it was said that Starfleet was inclusive. That they held very little racial prejudice. It was hard to believe, and cited as a weakness in the things I read, but I wanted something like that. A place that would accept me. As I was.”

Her own long fingered hand motioned, the dark metallic green nail polish shimmering in the gym lights. “I have found the Academy to be…. Both extremely welcoming, and surprisingly difficult to adjust to. I can never tell where someone might come down on one side of the line or the other. Or if they straddle the middle.”

Her eyes moved back down to the Orion Polecat in her hands. Not actually a ‘cat’ at all, or even a feline, a polecat was a sort of weasel or ferret. Granted this one had 6 legs instead of 4, and some spikes, but it was one of many analogs. Animals that developed on one class M world could often be found on others, or close enough analogs to be familiar if not exactly the same. Many planets had wolves or canine like creatures. Feline like creatures, avians, primates, and weasels. Individual traits could differ but if you looked at a black footed ferret from earth and then an Orion polecat, they could easily be mistaken for evolving in the same place. Both were small slender mammals with fur, rounded ears, pointed snouts and sharp predatory teeth. One had two more legs than the other and some spines, but they weren’t that different. Vanya happened to know that Andor had a number of Mustelids, that would appear close cousins to both the Earth Ferret and the Orion Polecat.

Vanya’s fingers stroked the creature’s fur and tried to sooth it. Mustelids had high metabolisms and required high protean diets to maintain health. Sudden and intense emotional states, fear, anger and the like could actually throw them into shock as their bodies could supercharge and burn through their energy stores before you realized it was happening. So Vanya tried to soothe the creature, both with touch and gentle cooing sounds.

Vanya walked with Zehpyr and a slender pointed brow elevated as the woman spoke. "We are going to a professor that I know and am friends with, and then we're going to explain what happened.  Romulan or not.... you can't just be attacked.  This is neutral ground and I guarantee that the people who are doing this to you will not be tolerated."

Vanya was curious about that, but Zephyr seemed quite sure. A slight frown crossed Vanya’s features. “Part… of it, is that I’m not sure… the correct cultural response. In the culture I came from, well responses may be considered extreme for Starfleet. I do not wish to ‘overreact’ and then be found at fault. Nor do I want to stoop to that level.. to become the "Dirty Romulan Assassin" that they think me to be.”

Then they were ascending an Vanya looked around a bit of a purse of her lips. The carpeting here was hideous. On Romulus elevation in buildings and such denoted elevation in rank and prestige. The higher you got, the nicer things were. This did not seem to be the case in this particular building. Hell, her dorm was nicer than this! Still Zephyr seemed quite sure so the Romulan followed along, dark green eyes observing each door, each hallway, each exit. Mapping the route in her mind in case a swift egress may be needed in the near future, or the distant one.

Stopping at the door Vanya looked from Zephyr to the door itself. “Roth” in golden letters denoted the owner of said portal. The android waited and watched as Zephyr requested entry and that it was granted. Stroking the Polecat’s fur she watched as the door whisked open.

As it did the cadet peeked inside and saw the slight woman of diminutive height with the platinum hair and soft smile. That was nonthreatening. Entering with the sweaty officer, Vanya’s eyes did a swift sweep of the room. Checking the corners and all the way around for other occupants, entrances, exits, including windows. Art or accreditation on the walls and then back to the woman before her. A nod was offered sending her high ponytail swishing at the small of her back.

The small woman offered her a smile and Vanya, from her rather impressive height offered a small one back. Here on Earth in the heart of the Federation such a thing was not a sign of weakness, but an offer of kindness. As Vanya was here to request aid, albeit at Zephyr’s direct insistence, it would pay to appear friendly.

Vanya was invited in and when Roth introduced herself, Vanya snapped to attention, saluting and sort of holding the Polecat against her hip as one might a cap. Her gray cadets uniform with the teal shoulders was specifically tailored to her height and generous dimensions, so it actually looked good on her. Not a tent like many cadets uniforms. Going to attention had just given more impact of her height and stature.

After the officer introduced herself, Vanya spoke, the Romulan tonals curling her words.“Cadet Vanya, Science Track, Junior.”

Once released by Roth, Vanya moved over and took the offered seat. Remaining rather straight backed, not relaxing. In fact she looked less than happy to be here. The uncomfortable nature of the conversation expressing itself in that seeming inability to relax. Her hands sought out the soft green form of the creature now in her lap and stroked. Burying themselves in it’s oh so soft fur.

When Roth asked what other incidents had happened Vanya looked down for a long moment and then up to Roth. “There have been… a few, ma’am.” At this point Vanya was a Junior. She’d been here for three years. The nature of her being, of who and what she was lead to perfect recall. Starting from her first week there she gave report on the events that had befallen her. From that first slam and immersion in the pond, which had inflicted merry hell upon her person, to the many other instances of negativity. Students even throwing rocks at her and her friends. Persecuting her roommate as well as herself, other acts of petty hazing and retribution. There weren’t 100s of instances or anything, but enough was detailed that it was beyond a random happenstance. Each semester had a good smattering of events. For the most part from students, but even some professors had expressed clear distaste for her, either Romulan origins or if they knew her ‘other’ origins.” Most events were minor. But a superior officer had ordered her to divulge what had happened and now it was beyond her refusal. Each year had one, or two significant events. Like the Pond, or other direct attacks. 90% of the rest could be chalked up to annoyance or pettiness, but still conduct expressly non becoming a Starfleet cadet or instructor.

These lead to this evening, where a miniature “explosive”, what a human might relate to an “M-80” was used to pop the lock on the polecats door and spray the graffiti on the cage.  Vanya had related the events, one after the other, with precise star dates, time of day, everything. But as they had started to stack up her eyes had lowered. A sense of humiliation had set in. Of course she remembered them all. She couldn’t help it, but after each incident they’d been filed and de-prioritized. She ‘remembered’ them to watch out for repeat performances, but didn’t dwell on them. Her intent had been on making her way through the academy and achieve posting. Where in she felt such juvenile occurrences would cease. Dwelling on them made her feel… uneasy, and she wasn’t used to that sensation. Listing them all out here, for Roth, they had really stacked up. By the end her voice was soft and her pointed brows knit.

Her roommate had stood by her all this time. Telling her that people feared what they did not understand. She was right. Vanya knew it. Yet, laying it all out in this fashion had been humiliating for the young Romulan.

To answer the final query she shook her head. “I am not in current possession of the micro-explosive, Ma’am. The remains may still be in the science lab I was using. I do have my tricorder scans. I started scanning instantly to try and find the polecat. I was worried she might be injured. The scans were set on maximum sensor acquisition, from the enclosure to where Zephyr assisted me in the re-capture of the subject.”

Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic


Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #12
[Lt. Cdt. Zephyr Praise | One Would Think Better of the Academy | Cannot Assist Without Help | People Need to Grow Up]

This was not going to plan.

Vanya was either scared, exaggerating, or she didn't really want the help.  Zephyr left her mind pretty open, but it was hard to read the woman with her heightened and intense emotions.  It was too hard to pinpoint any one thing and Zeph didn't feel comfortable actually reading them.  The woman was something of an enigma and she hoped that it would be something she could conquer her raging emotions at some point in the future but that remained to be seen.  Zeph sat in her seat very comfortably, she knew Eden, and the two were friends from time to time.  Eden had been through a rough and overly clingy relationship with an ex-cadet that had done a number on her.  It hadn't been anything inappropriate but Eden was very soft and gentle and had a hard time using the word 'no'.

Still, Zeph had found a good friend in the Professor and being that Eden was also a Medical doctor she was helping Zephyr with the fast-track program that she was enrolled in for her second Academy attendance.  Her thoughts were changed as Vanya began to give a quick over view of the things that had happened to her since she had first gotten here three years ago.  Eden picked up a pen and began to take on notes her page filling out quickly.  Once the woman was done describing the many infractions against her person, Eden brushed some of her nearly white hair behind her ear.

“All right, I cannot go all the way back to three years ago and reprimand everyone that has ever done anything.  However, the things that have been done most recently, including the bomb set off in your Quarters this morning, will be dealt with.  I know a few people in Security and I can guarantee the Board Members and other Federation Staff will not abide by such behavior.  I understand that, being Romulan, it is not easy, but here .. we should not see race.  It is hard for some, but when it extends to, personal harm, to destruction of property, and endangering you and others.. not a single professor can stand by and watch.  Those that do, are no better than the students who commit the crime first hand.”

“I would like you to send me the tricorder results and I am going to send someone to the Science lab for the evidence.  But trust me, when I tell you, in the very least those responsible will be caught.”  Eden capped her pen and sat back brushing her hair behind her ears again and looked over at Vanya.  She seemed sad and probably in need of a good friend.  Running her tongue of her teeth for a moment she thought about what her next move would be.  She needed a friend that wouldn't be afraid of all the people that were out there trying to get at her.  A friend that would be loyal to the end despite race.  Her vibrant green eyes flickered to Zeph who's brow rose and she gave a small nod.  Zeph was no telepath but she had an inkling of where this was going. 

“Lietuenant.” Eden said turning towards Zephyr who tilted her chin up in a silent answer.  “You are a Science Officer, correct?”  Of course Eden knew this answer, this was all for show.

“Yep.” she answered simply. 

“Fantastic, I was wondering if you would mind assisting Vanya with her studies?” before Vanya could object, Eden held out a hand.  “I do not imply you need assistance but as someone with years of on-hand experience, Zephyr could be a tool that could only benefit your own studies perhaps?  If you feel as though you do not wish for more time with Miss Praise, then I will let you go and turn over your reports to the Board.”

Zeph and Eden looked over at Vanya waiting for her answer.

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #13
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Lieutenant Professor Roth’s Office |  ] Attn: 

Vanya didn’t like talking about this, her emotions certainly telegraphed that but then so did her face and the tight set of her shoulders. She frowned and looked down stroking the polecat as she spoke, seeming to calm herself with the tactile sensation of the creature.

When she finished, her dark green eyes flickered up to Lieutenant Professor Roth and waited for her to speak. She did not have long to wait. The woman finished with her notes and looked up, tucking some nearly white hair behind an ear. Vanya raised a slender pointed brow and listened.

"All right, I cannot go all the way back to three years ago and reprimand everyone that has ever done anything.  However, the things that have been done most recently, including the bomb set off in your Quarters this morning, will be dealt with.  I know a few people in Security and I can guarantee the Board Members and other Federation Staff will not abide by such behavior.  I understand that, being Romulan, it is not easy, but here .. we should not see race.  It is hard for some, but when it extends to, personal harm, to destruction of property, and endangering you and others.. not a single professor can stand by and watch.  Those that do, are no better than the students who commit the crime first hand."

Vanya gave a curt nod. She had not expected the Professor to go back over three years of incident. That she was listening now about the most recent ones was still a bit of a surprise for Vanya. In her previous training this might be perceived as a show of weakness. She’d have been expected to ‘handle’ such things on her on. In a way that left lasting impression on others that might think to carry out similar action. That was not an option at Starfleet Academy. Vanya had left the Star Empire for such things, and worse, so had not degraded herself by dropping into such behavior here.

Results on the most recent incident had been assured though, and Vanya nodded speaking softly, her Romulan accented words easy on the ear.“Thank you Professor.”

When the tricorder data was requested Vanya slid the polecat to her lap and drew the instrument from her hip, with a fluidity and grace that would make a gunslinger envious. Instead of a pistol, though, she had the Tricorder. That appeared to be the Romulan’s ‘weapon of choice’. A deft flick of the wrist and it opened and a few key strokes and the requested information was transferred.

Looking up she caught the contemplative look of the officer and the licking of teeth. A bit of a worried glance over to Zephyr then back to the officer. She appeared… hungry. That could be distressing in some aspect.

Then she was addressing Zephyr and as “Lieutenant” That explained a few things and Vanya turned her eyes to behold the indicated officer in her sportswear. The offer of Zephyr’s assistance was a bit of a surprise and she again looked to Zeph to try and gauge her reaction to the… suggestion.

A moment was taken to contemplate and compute the offer internally. Then for the sake of the biologicals a few more seconds were taken to ‘show’ such thought, even though the decision had been made more swiftly.

A gentle nod and she raised her brows softly. “I would gladly take what ever assistance that could be offered, should the Lieutenant, have time and… inclination to give it. I wouldn’t want to stress her already busy schedule, if it’s bothersome.”  Polite, and yes, willing, but not to the point of forcing it if Zephyr had a ‘Ew’ or ‘Yuck’ face or anything.

The Romulan looked between them, curious not only as to how this would turn out, but a touch baffled by how it’d even come to this point.

Humans… were Strange!
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #14
[Lt. Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Mentoring Begins | Trying My Best | A Chance at Friendship]

Zeph could tell the moment that the fact that she was already a Lieutenant hit the young Cadet.  She was the same rank as Roth though Zeph was very big on giving respect and so she never was the sort to make it be too buddy buddy.  Unless they were off duty then she could call Roth by her first name or a nickname and it wouldn't be out of place.  Though Zeph was usually too busy to actually hang out with anyone, she tended to come to Eden because she needed help with some of the medical things that she was going through.  Still, she hoped that Vanya would come to her again if anything else happened or it was needed. 

Vanya said she didn't want to stress or complicate Zeph's already busy schedule.  The young woman grinned and gave a shrug.  “I wouldn't be helping you if that was the case.  I'm fine if you need me for something.  I'll even let you know where my Quarters are.  You can consider me a friend.” she gave the cadet a welcoming smile and stood up.

Leaning over she grabbed up her bag and hoisted it up over her shoulder.  “Thanks Lieutenant Roth.” she said with a smile and gave Eden a little wink before heading for the door. 

“Praise, regular time?” Roth asked as she stood so that she was being polite.

“yep.  I'll be there, besides I need help.  Professor Callum gave me a lot of stuff to work on for the next module and with the fast track I have no time to waste.  I'll be here, thanks Roth.”

She opened the door and stepped outside letting Vanya come on too.  The door closed behind them and the two women headed off back towards the Turbo.

“How about some food?  I'm hungry after working out and all the drama, so... food?” Zeph asked looking up at the Romulan standing beside her.

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #15
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Hallway Outside Lieutenant Professor Roth's Office  | ] Attn: @BZ  

Looking to Zephyr, Vanya nodded and offered a bit of a smile in reply to the offer. A deeper nod and she spoke softly. Not shyly, just extending respect. “Thank you for that. I appreciate it Lieutenant. I could use a few more friends. The one’s I have are amazing, but not exactly Legion.” 

Then she fell silent as Zephyr spoke with the Professor. When she stood, Vanya stood and gave Lieutenant Roth a nod. “Thank you Ma’am.”   She snapped off a salute and waited for the Professor to dismiss. When she did, Vanya turned and steppd out with Zephyr. Looking down at the smaller woman, she raised her brows. “You’ve forged friendships with professors? Impressive, Lieutenant.”

A genuine smile crossed Vanya’s face then and she chuckled. “Food sounds good. Just.. please. No Bolian. I just.. Don’t think I could on top of everything else. That stuff is vile, and should be against some sort of biological weapon restriction.”  Vanya laughed softly and walked with Zephyr towards the lift. Glancing down. “Did you want to duck in a Refresher or……?”   Vanya didn’t have anything remotely akin to Human modesty but living with Nat she’d learned a great deal about human modesty, and some human females did not want to go out and about dressed in work out gear as Zephyr was. Some may even be scandalized.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #16
[Lt. Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Lunch Time | Don't Bring the Stench | No Sides of Sweat, Thanks]

Zeph smiled and gave Vanya a bit of a nod as they walked along to corridor.  “Any time.  The thing is, there are still some prejudices around, but when they actually turn into hate like they have with you it's time for someone else to step in.”

As they walked Vanya mentioned something about Zeph having made friends out of the professors and how it was impressive.  She gave a shrug, the thing about Zeph was, she looked at everyone for a potential friend.  Even the angry bitter ones.  She didn't mind putting in the work and the effort and maybe it was different because she was able to actually sense the emotions of people.  Few people were inherently evil or bad, most of them were just products of their upbringing or how they had learned to cope with various things.  It wasn't always what it seemed and perhaps she had a keen eye for that, as with Vanya, that she could see past the mirage that they projected.

“Some of the professors here I went to school with or was taught by previously.  Since we're all around the same rank and we have been in service I think it's a bit easier to forge those bonds.  But, also, I walk a fine line.  Because, I kind of hide that I'm close to them because otherwise the Cadets think that I'm getting special treatment.  Then there is the fact that other professors don't see me coming back for additional training as necessarily a good thing.  It's odd.  There is prejudice everywhere for everyone, but I don't let that stop me.”

She gave a shrug.  She didn't tell Vanya what it was that prompted her to come back to school and why she had changed the way she used to be.  Still, that was a discussion Zeph wasn't sure that she was ready to have at the moment.  Especially, with an emotionally under developed person like Vanya.  As they walked she mentioned that she didn't want to eat anything Bolian and then asked if Zeph wanted to duck into a refresher.

Zeph grinned.  “Are you telling me I smell too bad to eat lunch with?” she teased looking over at Vanya her hazel green eyes dancing brilliantly as she did so.  But then, she shrugged.  “Probably for the best, otherwise I'll get itchy.”

They headed into the Turbolift and headed towards the Cadet Quarters.  Zeph, like everyone, had a room mate though she hardly saw the girl, she was an Engineer and there was a mass of diagrams, parts, drawings, and half-taken-apart things laying all over her desk.  Zeph's side was full of plants, and beautiful flowers.  It wasn't full really but there were a few on her night table and some on her desk.  Her PADDS were neatly stacked on the desk and she had several PADDS for notes and the like stacked in the center.  She tossed her bag on the end of the bed, she never made the bed, she always forgot.  Today had been no different.  Crossing to the replicator she got herself some jeans and a tshirt replicated.

“Make yourself at home, I”ll be right back out.”

She turned and stripped out of her clothing letting it fall to the floor.  Stepping into the refresher she found the sonic beats stripping her skin of the sheen of dried sweat that had made it's home over her pores.  Once she was finished she got dressed in her jeans and her comfortable green tshirt, no design, just plain but it brought out the hues of green in her eyes.  She carefully combed her fingers through her curls before she came back out and stepped into some shoes.

“How do you feel about going off campus?” she asked.

Re: The Lieutenant and the Cadet

Reply #17
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Returning Classman Dorm | Terra | Sector 001 ] Attn: 

Vanya walked with the hybrid and listened, nodding in agreement. “I suppose so. The assistance is appreciated.” Zephyr shrugged off the making friends with professors or instructors and Vanya listened as she spoke about it. A hand coming up to tuck dark hair behind a pointed ear. Vanya was curious as to what brought Praise back, but assumed it was for further education or to enhance her skillset. She sort of picked up on Zephyr not wanting to get into it though. So Vayna didn’t press. The lieutenant was doing her a solid and it’d be impolite to look that gift horse in the mouth.

She did venture forth a query though.“Why might some of the professors see your return as a bad thing? Did you anger them in some fashion your first rotation through the Academy? I've perturbed more than one myself...” 

As to the question about smelling bad. Vanya laughed gently, her dark green eyes flashing. “Oh. Nothing like that. I am still picking up human ‘modesty’. And while it doesn’t make enormous sense to me in all things. I’m starting to understand where some lines of acceptability are drawn. Fascinating species really.”

The ride to the room was easy enough and when they stepped in Vanya tilted her head a bit looking at the duality of the two halves of the domicile. She reflected on this seeming to be some what commonplace of the few rooms she’d personally been in and what it said about the roommates. It very much appeared that the Academy seemed intent on putting radically different sorts of people together when they could. Of the rooms Vanya had visited one half tended to be calm and the other chaotic. One exhibiting an almost frantic devotion to order and the other, embracing entropy. She found the same here and the corners of her lips quirked up as she observed the two halves of the whole. Her long fingers stroked the animal cradled in her arm, as Zeph when to freshen up.

She did not approach the Padds or see what was on them. Privacy was respected to that extent. She did look at the plants, though didn’t touch. Xenobotany had been taken and passed with high marks in her science track course load, but Vanya didn’t think herself an expert by any stretch, and some, many plants even could be toxic to the unwary.

When Zephyr came back out Vanya straightened from her observation of a plant and motioned to the replicator. “May I use one of my credits and replicate a carry bag for this little girl? Many establishments frown on furry companions loose in dining areas.”

A nod and a bright smile was offered. “Off campus sounds great. I’ve been told by many Terrans that San Francisco caters to and has 100s of unique dining establishments.” 

Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

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