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Topic: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.  (Read 13934 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #50
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Admittedly Vanya realised that it might have been too soon to say they would be perfect, at least not in the way that she had meant, in the sense that the two on paper had similar desires, however that would not necessarily mean the practical results would reflect that. Vanya hoped it would though. Natalie had already shown a willingness to adapt to Vanya and she would do the same for her Human friend, her first and currently only Human friend actually now that she thought about it.

The two young women shared a laugh at the possibility of Starfleet Command hiding such reports however Vanya would have to agree that it was a different time back then. "I suppose so, I've seen some archived footage from back then and people certainly seemed to be more liberated than now, rather odd in some ways." she said before shrugging, it was a rather moot point now.

Now that they were done with Vanya's uniform and at the Romulan's question the Android could clearly see the slight horror wash over Natalie's face at the realisation that it was indeed her turn, judging by the way she bit and chewed on her lip and her eyes widening. Vanya felt terrible for the girl and almost offered to simply scan her and take her measurements if she preferred.

Vanya watched as Natalie's gaze shifted from her to the replicator, down to the tape measure that she was still holding and then back again before shifting over to the window. Surely the girl wasn't actually considering jumping out of it? They were four floors up!

Luckily that was not the case as the Human carefully extended her hand out towards the Android, offering her the tape. Giving her the warmest, supporting smile Vanya thought she could muster, she gently took the tape out of her hand and took a step back, giving the other girl space. "Yes, then we can be the envy of all the other cadets with our far more comfortable fitting uniforms!" she smiled.

Vanya had to admit that Natalie had better dexterity than her body would imply as she watched the woman get undressed. The Romulan couldn't help but run her eyes over the other woman as the dress was pulled over her head. Her skin certainly looked soft and smooth, much like Vanya's own skin albeit far more pale then her own. The Android briefly wondered how the woman's skin felt in comparison to her own and vice versa, wondering if Natalie would be able to tell with further exploring than the brief touches that she had had so far, that her skin was an artificial creation.

Also unlike Vanya, Natalie had tan lines that had faded, clearly it had been a bit of a while since Natalie had gotten any sun. It also was interesting to see that the faded lines did not follow the outline of her underwear, meaning that whatever outfit she did wear was not a bikini or underwear. Vanya meanwhile never had tan lines since she simply bathed in the nude, getting a complete tan.

Natalie's undergarments, while pretty simple and basic were a nice shade of light blue that matched each other and actually suited her skin tone and more so the blue of her eyes, which was a nice touch. However it could also be said that they might not be considered sexy underwear, most likely chosen for the practical and comfort reasons than anything else. 

At her question Vanya nodded and gave her a friendly smile. "Yes Natalie, it's more than good enough I will be able to get some accurate measurements with no problem." she told her. "If you don't mind me saying you look rather beautiful with your hair down like that and I must compliment you on the colour of your underwear, it really matches and brings out your eyes." she added.

Done with the compliments and not really thinking about what effect they might have on the poor girl beyond their intention to be a friendly set of compliments, Vanya seemlessly transitioned back to the task at hand. "Would you prefer to start with your upper body or lower body measurements? I will do whichever you prefer." 

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #51
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

She felt like something being examined under the lenses of one of those old fashioned high power microscopes; on the spot, enlarged, and under scrutiny. It was stupid, of course. There was not any judging going on or anything like that. She wasn't some kind of science experiment. At least, Natalie didn't really think she was. The possibility was there. After all the Academy could see the whole Cross Species Accommodation as some kind of experiment on cultural interaction between various and sundry species being forced to live in close proximity under high pressure academic situations.

When you put it like that Nat, it's sure fire got to be an experiment. Your life is an experiment. They might even be watching you now.

The sad part was that she was only half joking, even in her own head.

Newly founded conspiracy theory (that was hardly new at all) aside, Natalie knew she was under some scrutiny. Vanya's. Those sea green eyes were locked onto Nat with a razor like focus that she could feel. It was this, and not the slight chill from having disrobed that caused the martian's flesh to break out into a series of tiny goosebumps. From her bushy haired head all the way down to her trimmed (but not painted) toes, Natalie felt that gaze.

Clearly the girl was uncomfortable with praise. She fidgeted about when Vanya said nice things about her figure, her form, and how she looked in that moment. No one had paid her a compliment like that, and her initial urge was to either hide - unlikely given the current set up - or pass it off entirely. It was with this latter option she started, saying, "That's sweet of you," but stopping before she could add 'to say.' The latter would imply that Vanya said it only to be nice, and there was just something wrong with that notion.

Unless she is an amazingly competent con woman and as smooth a liar as ever walked, she...doesn't say something unless she means it, Natalie reasoned out fairly swiftly. Or, she hasn't yet, in any case. Which means she really thinks...


Lifting her left leg up a bit, Natalie rubbed the back of her right calf, then stabbed her toe back down into the freshly cleaned carpet and wiggled her foot from side to side, which set a bit of a sway to her hips. In a small voice that seemed all the smaller for the red that had crept along that pale skin, from her face, down her neck and flushing out over her chest, Natalie murmured a tiny, "Thank you."

Those blue eyes looked away, batted the lashes a few times, and then darted back to Vanya. If anyone had a call to know what was an wasn't aesthetically pleasing, Nat reckoned it was the walking work of art she was going to be sharing a room with. Taking praise was never a strong suit of her's and now she was struggling to deal with the nicest thing anyone had ever said about her body. Never minding that Vanya was probably the first one to see so much of her body.

"I think we'd best proceed as before," Nat said, a little louder than her thank you. Of course, to a Romulan those words would have been equally clear she supposed. All ears, as the saying goes, she'd barely thought, before speaking and confirming, "We can take care of the top measurements first. Just let me know when to shoot my arms out."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #52
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

After asking Natalie if she wanted to proceed with her measurements, the Android watched and waited for a reply, although it was obvious that her compliments had embarrassed the girl based on how much she started fidgeting and blushing. Then again the girl was very shy and based on her earlier comments it was entirely possible that not only had nobody ever said such things to her but it was also possible that this was the first time Natalie had ever been this naked in front of another person.

Natalie did finally managed to speak, telling her that it was sweet and eventually thanking her after some strange movement of her left leg and foot, although her voice was very quiet with the thank you. Vanya smiled softly and couldn't help but find her shy embarrassment slightly adorable, not that she would vocalize that, it might cause the girl to turn an even deeper shade of red than what she already was.

The way in which Natalie briefly looked away from her and batted her lashes before glancing back her to some people might have been construed as an act of flirting albeit while being embarrassing, however Vanya knew better, especially with this girl. In fact the Romulan wondered if the girl even knew how to flirt, the likelihood of that being true however was very very slim given the evidence. However what Vanya had said was true, Natalie was indeed a beautiful woman in her opinion and she really did look great with her hair flowing down into curls as it was.

When Natalie found her loud voice again, she suggested that they proceed as they had before, starting with her upper body and working their way down. Nodding, Vanya stepped forward and stretched out the tape measure as she made her way behind Natalie. Placing the tape measure on her left shoulder, she placed the tape along the rest of her body, across the base of her neck and across her other shoulder, making a mental note of the number, before realising how suspicious that was and quickly picked up a PADD and jotted down the number.

Next Vanya decided measure Natalie's neck and gingerly reached her long arms over and Natalie's head and down to the base of her neck, wrapping the tape lightly around it but tight enough to get an accurate measurement. To anybody who managed to somehow peek in through their fourth floor window, if they saw the tape it might look like the tall woman was trying to murder the woman, yet if they failed to notice the tape it would look like she was giving the woman a hug given how close the two were. Quickly noting down that number  down on the PADD as well Vanya allowed the tape to uncurl and pulled her arms outwards and around Natalie's body.

Circling around the young woman, Vanya smiled at her as their eyes met. "So far so good Natalie. It is however time for you to "shoot your arms out" as you put it." she said with a chuckle.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #53
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

What followed wasn't all that bad. Natalie was keenly aware of the presence of Vanya as the other moved behind her, leaving the Ops Cadet to stare out the window. The grounds were lovely, to be sure, and the small walk earlier had brought a smile to her face. That old man was really friendly, she idly thought. An easier subject than the presence of someone very close behind her, and Nat in such a state of undress.

Every suspicion that Vanya had was quite accurate, even if the Romulan had more tact than to ask upon it to confirm. Natalie was wiggling her bare toes as she made an effort to stay still, feeling the light touch of the tape measure along her back, down her spine and the like. See, this isn't so ba -

Nat let out a soft gasp as hands came up, and a round, and the pressure of the tape settled in against her neck. Her pulse raced at the contact. Not that she thought Vanya was about to use the strip of flexible plastic as some for of garrote or anything like that, but simply the contact. She swallowed and tilted her chin back a bit, her hair spilling onto Vanya, and her bum gently resting against the taller woman's frame.

Intimate did not even begin to cover the position that Natalie was in, perhaps all the more so because of the precise, clinical nature of the act.  But it was over swiftly, and Nat felt she could breath again, as Vanya stepped away. The girl noticed a sudden lack of warmth, surprised by it, given that there was so little physical contact happening. Close, but not touching for the most part. And yet, and yet.

"Oh! Nat blinked a bit as Vanya came around the front of her, and she did just that, shooting her arms out to either side, a bit stiff and certainly swift. She held them out, felt her chest rise up a bit in the process and ran her tongue over the front of her teeth. "A decent scare crow impression," she mused aloud. Her eyes kept darting away from Vanya's but then coming back to meet the intense gaze. She feared this too would color her cheeks, but they were already red, and did not seem capable of flushing further for the moment.

Was I this close to her earlier?

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #54
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

So far the measuring was going well, although Vanya could tell that Natalie was anxious during the measuring of her shoulders and spine the Ops Cadet was doing pretty well so far, although her toes did wiggle almost as if it was the only thing stopping her from shuffling from foot to foot like Vanya had observed her doing, which wouldn't really help when it came to getting accurate measurements.

However Vanya kept a closer eye on her room-mate when she had wrapped her arms around her, not only for the gasp she let out but at the increased rate of her pulse that Vanya had detected, the last thing she wanted to do was make the poor girl faint...nor would she look forward to having to explain to the medical staff what had led up to the cadet's loss of conciousness.

Luckily Natalie did not in fact pass out and now standing in front of her, Vanya watched as she shot her arms out to either side, the motions a bit stiff and with ironically with an almost robotic movement but even more so that even Vanya herself could manage, which she found humorous, not that she showed any signs of that to the woman. She did however allow herself a chuckle at Natalie's decent scarecrow comment but shook her head. "While the pose is scarecrow like, I believe scarecrows are meant to be scary and you Natalie are anything but and I mean that in a good way." she smiled.

Opting to start by measuring Natalie's full wingspan now that her arms were extended first, she them placed the tap under her armpit and pulled the tape down along the side of her body. The back of Vanya's hand lightly grazing along Natalie's skin as she did so, however unlike Natalie who had apparently not felt when her own hand had grazed across Vanya's body, the Android felt every part of Natalie's warm, soft skin against hers, despite how lightly they were grazing. She could feel slight dips and bumps of Natalie's muscles and ribcage, albeit briefly as she stretched the tape down to her hip.

Taking a note of the numbers again and typing them on the PADD, Vanya stood up and, giving Natalie a warm smile, she handed her one end of the tape. "Hold this here please." she said as she placed the tape against Natalie's body, just beneath her new friends, slightly smaller yet still perfectly round and firm breasts and started pulling the tape around her body as she circled her, wrapping it around her chest and back and then around to the front again. "Thank you."" The android added with a smile as she took the end of the tape back and took note of those numbers too, typing them out on the PADD as well.

Taking a step back, Vanya glanced at the readings so far and nodded, the measurements she had written down were still matching perfectly for the measurements she had already calculated in her head for her fellow cadet. "You can lower your arms now Natalie." she smiled, before arching her eyebrow in thought. They would have to measure around the bust as well to make sure the top was not too tight around that area as well. "Natalie, will you always be wearing a bra under your uniform shirt? And if so will it be a push up one as we will have to also measure your bust since depending on your attire and the position of your breasts those will affect how tight your top will be." she asked.

Admittedly Natalie had not measured around her bust, just underneath it, possibly due to the fact that Vanya had been naked at the time. Luckily she had accounted for her own measurements and had added them to her uniform's specifications when she had replicated them, Natalie however would need to be measured as Vanya knew her dimensions and what type of bras she wore, on the occasions that she wore one but the Android did not know Natalie's and could not simply adjust them herself.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #55
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Later in the night, and again over months, and even years to come, Natalie would remember this moment. Where Vanya had been wrapped around her, measuring her neck. And for a long, long time, she wouldn't understand why it would come back into her thoughts. Just then, however, she was simply grateful that the girl had stepped back to enter her measurements into the PADD for further computations. It gave her a moment to breathe before her friend - Yes, I think we'll be friends - was back and taking measurements from the front.

Her comment went over with a modicum of amusement and then a compliment, which Natalie was not expecting. She laughed at that, trying not to shake too much. But Vanya was quite right and she shook with mirth despite her best efforts. "Well, you're certainly not wrong," Natalie agreed, shaking her head as that wouldn't throw any of the measuring off. "I don't think I've ever managed to scare anyone at all."

Smiling now, a bit more relaxed, she took a slow, deep breath. A shiver ran along her body as the other girls hands kept brushing all over her skin. She wasn't exactly sensitive to the touch, exactly, but by the same token she was unused to contact in general, aside from her fathers hugs, and specifically any kind of contact in most of the places she was being touched. Thus, there was a keen sense of what was happening to her that made it difficult not to fidget.

"Huh? Okay. I can do that," Natalie said after Vanya had stepped away for a moment and the Martian and shaken her limbs out a bit and rolled her head from side to side. Taking an active part in the measurements - and noting the difference in technique - helped to keep her calm and distracted while the Romulan took a lap around her torso. Her head twisted a bit as she tracked Vanya's progress and gave a little nod. So far, so good.

Such thoughts, almost comically, seemed to proceed a hiccup. Having just lowered her arms again, Natalie looked up, confused at Vanya's tone. She had to think through what the girl was getting at, and then looked down at her bra. From there, she looked over to the uniform she'd been given originally. The bra was of a different variety. Standard garb was a kind of supportive tank top, or more sporty than push up.

", we have the ones we're supposed to wear.....and if we have to recreate those...cause of not fitting...oh....." she was putting it all together, slowly. It would change things. The attire under the uniform impacting the way the uniform sat. "I don't not wear bra's....i" She pointed down at her bust, tapping the right breast.

"I don't want back pains, you know? Its a thing..." But even as she said it, she realized that there was always the chance that htere might be some reason, at some point, for her to not have her bra on. She couldn't imagine what that was. She never went out without a bra. When she went to bed, sure, a tshirt was fine. But up and about all day?

"Oh....damn. This is going to take a while. I can't say I won't always just wear the regulation stuff...or that yano...there wont be a time when I'm too rushed maybe? dress proper like." To wear a bra.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #56
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Unbeknownst to Vanya, this day and these moments of measuring Natalie and being measured would remain significant memories for her over the years, ones that would always remain near the top of her archives. While Vanya remembered everything she was exposed too, much like Commander Data, her own memory would archive things in order of relevance and importance and while logically there was not, at least in the moment anything truly special about anything they were doing here, at least not to Vanya, over time however this day would be reclassified in her memory banks to something of much greater significance, although it too would take the Android a long to understand why.

Vanya would have to admit that a laughing, more relaxed Natalie was much better than nervous Natalie and she hoped that over time to see more of that version of Natalie. She wasn't entirely sure if the two would become friends, although the data she had collected so far would seem to suggest that they would be, she certainly hoped they would at least.

"I will admit I find it hard to believe that you would, you are so nice and sweet. Kind and caring, at least from what I have seen so far that it is hard to imagine you being intentionally scary to anyone." Vanya told her.

While Vanya's brief contact with Natalie had been just that, she had felt the shiver that had run along Natalie's body as she had measured her, although she did not comment on it and attributed it to Natalie's nervousness given her lack of experience in this area. However Vanya did note that Natalie was relaxing little more as they continued, which was a positive sign.

Having questioned her on her underwear choices, the Romulan could tell that at first Natalie didn't quite understand what  she had meant, although as Natalie spoke to her out loud she started to piece it all together, watching as she pointed to her bust and tapping on her right breast. Vanya's eyes unable to not follow her hand down, her green eyes watching the orb of flesh jiggle slightly at her tap.

"I understand completely, as someone who is quite...busty herself." Vanya replied, even though she would not actually suffer such effects herself, she was quite fortunate in that regard that her creator hadn't designed her to 100% reflect a biological female.

Vanya listened to Natalie as she spoke and gave her a supporting smile "I know that things like this are uncomfortable for you Natalie, I promise that I will measure you as quickly and as accurately as possible so that you do not have to endure it for too long. she told her honestly, the care in her voice plan to hear and Vanya meant it. "We can start with whatever you are most or least comfortable with and I'm sure it will be over before you know it."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #57
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

For her part, Natalie dearly hoped she would learn to adjust to having a roommate. She'd never had to share a room, save when she was very, very young, and her older brother was still in the small nursery. But shortly after her first birthday the elder Stark sibling had moved out into his own room, and the nursery remained Natalie's until she was put into a larger space of her own as well. Other than that first early year of which she naturally remembered hardly a thing at all, she'd never been in an enclosed space with someone else for long periods of time.

Having never been forced to get along with someone in close proximity, she was thus rather nervous about the whole affair. No basis to go upon. No idea how she would perform. Would she relax over time? Just as Vanya liked the relaxed Natalie, so too did Natalie herself. But only time would tell if the skittish Martian could over come that nervousness around Vanya and learn to simply be herself.

The real question, of course, was would Natalie ever adjust to being complimented. There was no doubt that Vanya was sincere with her words, never minding that she'd only just met Natalie. If deception were in play, Natalie once again thought herself unable to detect it. That she was uncomfortable with having nice things said about her was probably not as uncommon as she thought it to be. Plenty of people didn't understand how to take a compliment.

And plenty of people were uncomfortable being naked around strangers. Natalie was detrimentally shy. Having to do a parade of underclothes wasn't going to be fun at all. Reaching back, she swept her hair behind her ears and down through her hair, squeezing her own shoulders. "Thanks. Its all stuff that I need to get over."

Her smile was a little forced as she bobbed up and down on her toes. "I um....this one first, obviously," she said, tapping her chest once more, oblivious to how the previous gesture had caught and held Vanya's attention. She was shifting her weight from one foot to the next, nerves causing an uneasy anxiety to manifest physically. "And at least once with the regulation attire....and...." her voice dropped here, "probably one...topless...."

Natalie swallowed, bit her lip again, and then tried to straighten up where she stood. "Lets just, start, yeah?" Though she tried to sound calm about it, the tops of her shoulders now had a hint of pink to them as her blush spread over the pale, pale skin already on display.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #58
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Natalie wasn't the only one having to adjust to living with someone else. When Vanya was first activated and gone through her training she had her mother's memories of life and living with people but no practical experience herself and even though her time at the Daystrom Institute had allowed her to socialise with Humans, she had had her own room. Now would be the first time that she would have to live with someone else. What Vanya did know however was that she would do her best to be a good room-mate and had a good..."feeling" that Natalie would try to do the same for her, based on her personality.

Unlike Natalie however, Vanya did not have any problems with being complimented, after all she was designed for infiltration and to flirt with other people in order to achieve that goal, not to mention being designed and built to be both physically, emotionally and sexually attractive, none of which would matter if she couldn't respond properly when complimented as such. Oh she could fake shyness or embarrassment, after all some people found those attractive although she would not go through the psychological reasons why at the moment.

"I'm sure that you will eventually." Vanya told her new friend with certainty. After all the only thing that Natalie truly required was experience in being complimented which at the Academy was something she would surely get plenty of from the numerous male students over time, as well as some from Vanya herself as their relationship developed, not that she would overdo it or compliment her in such a way to hint at a romantic or sexual interest but simply as one woman to another.

The Romulan watched as Natalie smiled at her, albeit a seemingly forced one as she nervously bobbed on her toes and said to start with the most obvious and logical choice to measure first, the one she was wearing and tapped her chest once more, causing her breasts to jiggle again. Continuing to shift her weight from one foot to the other, Vanya could detect the anxiety rising in the Operations Cadet yet alone see it affecting her physically as she listed off both a topless measurement and one with the regulation Starfleet undergarments.

"Sounds like a plan, we will do your current bra first and then the topless one next if you prefer to get it over with, especially considering you will have to remove that bra anyway." the Science Cadet replied.

At Natalie's statement that they should start, Vanya took a few steps closer to her and handed her the end of the tape again. "Please hold this against the tip of your nipple but try not to press in too much, we don't want to squash you any and make your clothing too tight. I will circle around you to get the measurement and then we're done. We'll do the exact same thing for the other forms of dress before moving on." Vanya instructed and explained, hoping that by telling Natalie exactly what she was going to do and how they would proceed would help calm the girl's nerves, or at the very least help gain a little trust with the woman.

Knowing that Natalie would most likely follow instructions, Vanya did exactly what she said she would do and circled around the other woman, allowing the tape to wrap around the pale skinned woman's body, the tape pressing against her skin and the rear strap of her bra and around over the curve of her other breast when Vanya finally made it back to her starting point in front of Natalie. Taking the tape from Natalie and joining it with the other end, Vanya noted the number down and smiled as she let go of one end, allowing it to fall to the floor and pulled it, wrapping it back up.

Taking a few steps back out of Natalie's personal space, Vanya walked over to the PADD and turned her back to Natalie as she tapped the measurements in, giving her the opportunity to remove her bra without an audience. Although there was no reason to do so, since Vanya would end up seeing the other woman's breasts shortly anyway, it was the gesture that Vanya felt was more important, especially considering this would most likely be the first time Natalie would ever have removed her bra and exposed herself to somebody. Vanya hoped that her new room-mate and hopefully future friend would see that too, although time would tell.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #59
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Oblivious as ever, Natalie did not realize all her shifting about was causing Vanya to sneak peeks at her chest. That she moved and her breasts 'jiggled' was of no conscious thought at the moment. Likely as not this was a good thing. Given her shy tendencies, it was not inconceivable that she might pass out from embarrassment, knowing that she was drawing attention to the very area she had no desire to expose.

Never mind that they would be exposed.

" a rather logical solution to the problem, Vanya," Natalie finally conceded. Her roommate was right. It was best to do the measurement of the bared breasts between changing the bras. Damned logic. And  damn me for deciding I wanted better fitting clothes. She did keep that in mind, however. Vanya looked quite fetching in the uniform, and her friend was doing her best to ease Natalie's discomfort.

If she can look that good, maybe I can look passing enough, she decided. The old self doubt was there all the same, lurking in the background. Something that would take more than a well tailored outfit, and a few well intentioned compliments to dislodge. Certainly not in one day.

 With a slightly resigned sigh, Natalie straightened up and did as she was bidden, placing her hand over one breast, holding the tape in place and trying to pretend like nothing at all was amiss or upsetting. A rather hopeless attempt, but an attempt none the less. Stock still she stood, not even wiggling her toes, though it was taxing.

Vanya looped around and took the tape back, noting the point where one edge passed over the other. That was the number to be logged. She turned her back and Nat was no fool. "Right then...just a moment."

Twisting slightly, Natalie swung her arms around her back and wiggled her fingers into place. The hooks on her bra came off easily enough, having plenty of practice over the years, and then the straps slid down. Frowning a bit, she looked around the room and then reached over to drape the bra over the back of a chair. She bit at her lip and shivered slightly. It was illogical that simply removing the garment could give her a chill - after all the room wasn't exactly cold, and she hardly wearing anything else.

Yet shiver she did, and she gnawed away at her lip, covering her breasts with her arms. That was foolish though. "I um...suppose I can't exactly keep my arms over them. Defeats the purpose?" Her voice was small, and she frowned at that, feeling that she could - she should - do better. Huffing slightly she pulled her arms down and wrapped them tightly around her midsection instead.

Of course, that just exacerbated the issue by pushing her bust up, and making it a little more prominent.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #60
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya nodded in agreement at the logic of her statement and gave her room-mate a smile. It was clear to the woman that her new friend was entirely nervous about having to do that part but she was willing to do it and Vanya was certainly going to try and make it as comfortable and easy an experience as she could.

While her sigh was one of reluctance, Natalie was as least going to go through with it, which Vanya admired. While Natalie was clearly unnerved with the experience and was in a lot of ways reluctantly doing it, she was indeed still doing it. It spoke to the young woman's resolve and determination, even if Natalie herself didn't either see it in herself or simply didn't think about it. Vanya however did see it and knew that that kind of determination and resolve would allow Natalie to go far in Starfleet, hopefully Vanya would remain friends with her long enough to see that happen.

As the Romulan took Natalie's new measurements, she noted how still she stood, very much like how Vanya had done. There were no wiggling of her toes or shuffling from foot to foot. In the moment if Vanya hadn't known the girl was Human, she might have thought that she was a fellow android like herself.

Standing with her back to Natalie, Vanya nodded, hearing shuffling as Natalie moved and did whatever she had to do as she no doubt removed her bra, eventually hearing a slight tapping as it sounded like the bra being placed on something.

Hearing Natalie state that she couldn't keep her arms over her them, Vanya turned around in time to see Natalie standing with her arms covering her breasts while gnawing on her lip. "Yes it does, unless of course you want a very baggy top, in which case that would work perfectly." she chuckled, giving the girl a big smile, hoping it would help the poor girl relax a little.

Vanya also noted how small Natalie's voice was before frowning at herself and huffed and to Vanya looked like physically had to drag her arms mentally down, wrapping them around midsection quite tightly. Tight enough to push her breasts up and out a little more.

"Uh Natalie... Vanya began, her voice soft and caring as she spoke, the lithe flow and tone of her accent coating the words. "I know this is very uncomfortable for you but that's actually pushing your breasts up and out a little more, your hands by your sides will be the best place to get the best measurements." she told the girl, doing her best to help her new friend get through this with as little trauma as possible.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #61
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

You know, you're being ridiculous, Nat, she told herself. Trying to be objective about it all. She was an adult. A young one, yes, newly minted even. At least by most standards. Still, she reasoned that she should be able to just get through this without all the hemming and hawing that she seemed to be doing. This was going to take something like 10 more minutes at most, to get done. Standing, having her roommate walk around her, taking measurements, writing it down, and then she'd have a bra on again and they could get one with measuring the rest of her body. Getting like this is just stupid, and you're not stupid.

While that might be true, thinking it didn't seem to have quite the effect that Natalie wanted on her own physical reactions. She still wanted to fidget and squirm about under Vanya's gaze. The Romulan may have been reading resolve into Nat's actions, and seeing where it might take her down the line, but Natalie didn't view it the same way and was trying not to be too obviously uncomfortable.

After all, Vanya was making such a valiant effort to put her at ease.

It's rude to be this up tight Nat. They're just your tits. Just...your...well. All they are, are your breasts. Most women have them. Vanya has a pair of her own. She doesn't care about yours, save to help you get nicer fitting clothing. If you had your tricorder well then this would have been much easier, but noooo, you thought you'd be issued one. Have to get Daddy to send it over from Mars. Can't believe you thought that was a good idea...

She let herself stop at that point, because Vanya was speaking and that drew her away from her less than affirming thoughts. Her eyes darted down, to her bust, and the way she had inadvertently shoved them up when crossing her arms underneath her breasts.

"Oh...damn," she mumbled. Her fingers twitched against her skin, which felt slightly cool to her touch by this point. Then with a bit of effort, trying desperately not to look like she was pouting, she let her arms drop to the sides as instructed. Thus her breast settled into a more natural position, heavy and full with a pleasant swell, though Natalie surely would not see them as such.

Between the shifting in temperature from having a bra to not, and the nervousness that she was attempting to repress, her nipples had got a bit stiff. Not a thing she liked to think about either. No, there wasn't much about this that she did like thinking about, so she just looked up at Vanya and gave a small shrug. "Fair point, Vanya."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #62
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya, as always remained silent, her gaze having long since returned to Natalie's face and simply observed the girl as she went through what Vanya was quickly learning was most likely some form on internal monologue, although what conversation the Operations cadet was having with herself Vanya certainly din't know, although she could probably hazard a guess.

At Vanya's observation, she watched Nat glance down at her chest and mumbled as her fingers twitched against her skin. To Vanya it almost looked like the poor girl had to force her arms to her sides while trying to suppress the pout that was forming on her hips from actually showing up. Perhaps the Android's assumptions about Natalie slowly getting used to her situation had been a little premature.

Vanya did feel for the girl, to clearly not feel comfortable in with her body was a sad thing to see, especially since Vanya had no such issues with her design. In a lot of ways that was where Humans and Android's had something in common, Vanya had no say in her design or in how her body looked when she was created. Some Romulan in a lab had made that decision. How big her breasts were, how round and firm her buttocks were. The size and shape of her hips, her cheeks, her face, and it was the same for Humans the only difference being that Human bodies were formed as the result of genetics and biology and not artificially. Yet for Vanya she felt perfectly fine and content in her body as well as being naked, but many Humans and other species were uncomfortable in their own skin, it was something that logically Vanya simply couldn't understand and most likely never would. Perhaps one day she would ask Natalie about it and see if the girl could explain it to her, today however was not that day.

The Romulan had also noticed that Natalie's nipples were starting to gradually get stiff, although that was clearly a physical reaction to the change in temperature in the room than it was sexual arousal and not something that warranted comment in relation to her measurements.

With a nod and a soft smile, Vanya again handed one end of the tape to Natalie and started circling the woman again, repeating her previous actions again until she was standing before Natalie again, the tape lightly pressing against the other woman's nipple as it crossed it, Vanya slid her hand briefly over Natalie's to take the tape, making sure to press the numbered end against the other to get a measurement.

Mentally noting down the number she removed the tape and took a few steps back. "There we go." Vanya said before picking up the PADD and typing out the numbers again.

"You have very nice breasts Natalie." The Android said, looking back from from the PADD to her room-mate. "They are firm and perfectly round in size, shape and proportion to your body . Unlike mine, which I think are just a slightly bit too big for my own frame. You should be proud of them." she told her new friend. While it would more than likely embarrass the girl, Vanya thought that it was an accurate observation that needed to be said.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #63
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Dual frustrations warred with each other inside the human cadet. The feeling of being foolish, of knowing that she was being foolish and that there was no reason to be embarrassed or on edge about something as basic as nudity ate away at Natalie. This fed into her discomfort, that wouldn't go away no matter how much she willed it. She had never been this exposed to anyone. No one had seen her breasts, bare like this.

It wasn't humiliation. That wasn't the word. There was no judgement, no scorn, or anything like that. Discomfort, but she couldn't say why, other than that she'd always been shy. Even 24th century children teased each other and Nat had been what they still called an early bloomer. She might live in a century where no one thought twice of a man balding as an unattractive trait, but children were children and even the best intentioned parenting only did so much.

And if I was a medical track student with a focus on psychology I could analyze myself and get over this. But I'm not. So suck it up. Putting action to mental pep talk, she did take a bit of a deeper breath. That just made things more prominent as Vanya began to circle her.True, it was Natalie's hand that held the tape in place. But when the Romulan completed her cricut, with the tape pressing across both nipples in a forgein fashion to the Ops candidate, Natalie was the one left hyper aware and flushed.

Such was her state that she let out the smallest of gasps as Vanya's hand grazed her own to take the tape, marked at the numbers they'd discovered. There probably wasn't all that much difference between the numbers, Natalie thought, a millimeter here or there. She was trying to distract herself from the tingle on the back of her hand from where the warmth of the other woman's touch lingered.  Once Vanya had finished, Natalie had stood, draping an arm across both orbs, cotteishly, and rather silly of her, in hindsight. Vanya had seen it all, so what was the point?

"All good?"Natalie asked just as Vanya started to speak. The Martian didn't make an immediate bee-line for the Academy provided under garment in case there was some need to remeasure. She wished she had however, so that her back might have been turned when Vanya spoke.

Kindness wasn't unknown to Natalie. Her parents had always been kind. The few friends she'd had growing up, before she pulled back into herself, had been kind. Most of her teachers were kind, even if Natalie had not realized it at the time.

But compliments about her physique, physical kindness was something unknown to Natalie. Unfamiliar, and therefore strange. She did not really know how to accept a compliment, so instead she became flustered at the matter of fact statement from her roommate. Perfect? she thought, gaping like a fish for a moment before struggling to say something. She made three or four starts before finally swallowing, the red glow down to her chest now, and stammering out, "I promise your's aren't too big."

After such a declaration she blinked a bit, bit her lip and then jerked her head to the side, having stated what seemed to be the important part out of all of that, attempting to reassure her friend  of her own gifts while studiously pretending nothing at all had been said about her. She thinks they're perfect?

"I'm uh, gonna go get that other top, yeah?" The statement came off more as a question but Natalie still spun, letting her arm drop and moving to grab the top. As she raised her hands up to put it on, Vanya would have been gifted with a serious view of side-boob. In her hurry to dress Natalie had not quite turned as far as she'd intended.

At least no one else can see us through the window, she thought, or more accurately, hoped. Pulling the top down she spun back around. It stretched down a bit, compressing her breasts slightly, the top covering her entire bust and with an elastic band that ran underneath by a few inches. There were variants that were longer, that would cover her entire torso, but this one cut across the mid rib.

She gave an experimental twist now that she was covered. Odd how much more comfortable she was standing in underwear now that she had been topless. The girl stretched from side to side, and pursed her lips for a bit. "It's more comfortable than I'd thought," she confessed as a way of explanation. "The compression isn't the most comfortable thing ever but it's no worse than some sports bras I've worn."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #64
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya could tell that Natalie was still a little worked up over the whole situation and while she had tried to help her new friend relax, it didn't seem to work, although whether this was frustration with herself that Natalie felt or just embarrassment Vanya couldn't tell, either way she felt bad for the girl.

 Vanya would have simply continued with the measurements to get them over with quickly, but it was very clear to the Android that Natalie was again lost in her own thoughts and the last thing she wanted to do was continue and scare the poor girl or make her feel even more uncomfortable, so she decided to wait until the cadet emerged from her thoughts.

When Vanya started again, she heard the slight gasp come from Natalie as her hand very lightly grazed against the Martian's, although like Natalie Vanya had to keep her focus on her own task and not the slight tingling in her own hand at their brief encounter. Once she was done, the Romulan had to suppress a smile as Natalie's had went to cover her breasts, after all it wasn't like Vanya hadn't seen them already. The girl was certainly an odd person compared to other Humans Vanya had studied and interacted with.

At Natalie's first question, Vanya nodded "Yes Natalie, all is good." she answered with a small smile. Having then made her statement about her own breasts and inputting Natalie's measurements onto the PADD, Vanya turned to look at Nataile and smiled "Thank you, I am glad you think so, I'm not sure but I suppose it takes another perspective to truly judge."

The Romulan had noticed the blink and biting of the Martian's lip as the girl no doubt realised just what she had said before doing what Vanya had already predicted she would do and changed the subject.

"That's fine, we've finished the topless measurements." the Android replied, although it soon became clear that while sounding like a question, Natalie's words had actually been a statement as she spun on her heel and moved to get her last top. However, flicking her gaze over to the other woman, she caught a glimpse of what human's referred to as side-boob and had to admit to herself that even from the side, Natalie's breasts looked perfectly round, much like Vanya's own, albeit a smaller size than Vanya's.

This time Vanya did not look way from Natalie as she put on the last bra, watching as she put on the undergarment, observing the material stretch down her back, the top compressing Natalie's round bust slightly and waited as Natalie finished adjusting the bra, giving an experimental twist.

"That's good, although I suppose it would be possible to replicate one of those with a more comfortable fit, if you wish." Vanya stated as she made her way over and repeated the same process again. Handing Natalie one end of the tape and circling around her before retrieving the end and taking the measurements and noting them down on the PADD.

With Natalie's chest and upper body down, it would be time to move down to her lower body and the Android couldn't help but wonder how the Operation's cadet would handle Vanya being so close to her most intimate body part.


Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #65
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

On that one point, Natalie had to agree with Vanya. The Romulan was not in a position to properly judge how her own bust fit her body. Of course, there was an irony to that statement. At least this time, Natalie was aware that her own conflicting opinion in relation to her body was going to make her a hypocrite if she didn't apply the same logic she had just lobbed at Vanya.

Dammit, she thought to herself as she got her new bra into place. She ran her thumbs along the holes for her arms, snapping the bra back into place. Then she lowered her arms and shifted her stance, striding back over to where she had stood before so that Vanya could get her measurements down pat.

Coming to a stop once more, Natalie raised her arms out to the side to make room for Vanya to make a circle around her. "I suppose there would be ways to tweak the settings on this too. Its not uncomfortable, mind you. It's just not exactly made out of Tholian Silk either." She frowned. "Or at least, I don't think its like that. If so, Tholian silk must be very overrated." The Martian had never actually had her hands on the prized fabric, one of the very few exports from the rather xenophobic Tholian Assembly.

She wasn't squirming about this time, but standing still, breathing normally, and was only slightly pink in the face. Part of it was the discussion they were having. Something to focus on other than her own state of undress helped, clearly. And if she were to be honest with herself, Natalie would have to admit that having been topless just beforehand clearly gave her a new point of reference as to what was, and was not bearable. Wearing an Academy issue bra as her roommate encircled her with a tape measure was much less anxiety inducing than the exact same thing, but naked.

Natalie would take a little while to internalize this revelation however. At the moment she was simply pleasantly distracted.

Folding her arms under her bust, Natalie twisted a bit, and cocked a hip to one side unconsciously. She watched her new friend punch in a few buttons and turn back to face her. There was a long pause, and then the brunette's eyes popped open again. She glanced down, looking past her bust as she leaned back a bit, and down to her panty clad hips.

"Um....I don't think I need to try five different kinds of underwear for the measurements right? I'm like...Never going commando..."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #66
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

"As long as it is not too uncomfortable. Although I believe Tholian Silk would very much be against uniform regulations, I do not know how the Academy would be able to verify that information without an examination of your underwear, which would not be very likely I would imagine." Vanya replied.

The Romulan had noticed that Natalie was no longer squirming about this time, like she had been for all the other measurements. Perhaps she was getting more comfortable with Vanya, or maybe it was simply their conversation that was providing the girl a distraction, keeping her mind focused on something else besides the nature of their current activity.

Having inputted the final chest measurements, Vanya looked up at Natalie and titled her head to one side in confusion at her new friend's last statement. "Of course you would not go commando, you are an Operations Cadet, the skill set required is vastly different." she replied, clearly unfamiliar with the Human expression. "However you are correct in your assumption that you will not need to try on five different kinds of underwear for measurements, unless you have a pair that alters the shape of your body that we have not measured already." she added.

Going on the assumption that Natalie would expand on the Commando comment, her own brain still trying to process the logistics of how that would work and why, the Android moved on to measuring around Natalie's waist by stepping up close to the other woman and wrapping her arms around her, practically in a hug, their faces inches apart. "This will only take a moment." Vanya said, feeling the other woman's warm breath caressing her artificial skin.

Glancing down as she wrapped the tape around her, Vanya noted down the numbers before sliding her hands down along Natalie's sides, her fingers feeling the other cadet's soft, warm skin briefly until they reached her hips and stretched the tape out again, wrapping it around her body until the ends of the tape met and made a mental note of those as well.

Stepping back, Vanya moved back over to the table where she had left the PADD and noted down both measurements before placing it down again and glancing up at Natalie. "There we go, now we just need the two lower measurements and we're all done." she said with a smile.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #67
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Throughout the history of interspecies relations, few things caused more issues and confusion than colloquial slang. Body language, the understood but uncommunicated norms, and slang. Natalie had yet to undergo the classes and training that would help her to understand and restrain such things, vital to a Starfleet Officer that might find herself in a first contact situation. So crucial was this that the Academy required all students to take the semester long introductory course in their First year, and offered an expansive range of follow up courses for certain study tracts.

Thankfully in this case the 'gaffe' if it could even be called that, was minor. Natlaie blinked a few times and wondered, as her roommate readied the measuring tape, what her course curriculum had to do with not..."Oops," she said aloud, and giggled slightly, the tension alleviated further by her realization.

"Sorry," she immediately apologized. "You're right, I'm not going down the Security track. I'd probably be terrible at the general job, let alone being a combat infiltration specialist." She had no idea just how good her roommate might be in that role, however. "That wasn't what I meant. 'Going Commando' is a kind of slang term. It comes from...oh, I don't even know. Centuries in the past? It means um, not wearing any underwear when dressed."

A part of her mind vaguely wondered why explaining this cultural nuance didn't send her into a blushing fit again. Must be because I was naked already, she decided. If that was a fringe benefit of this whole process than she supposed that made it as worthwhile as the better fitting clothes would when all of this was said and done. Though in truth there was some slight tinting of her cheeks again as Vanya wrapped her arms around the Ops Cadet. The proximity was impossible to ignore, and the stance was, again, one that could be misconstrued as something quite more intimate than it was in actuality.

Running her tongue over her teeth, under her lips in a nervous sort of gesture, Nat smiled up at Vanya. Maybe she was breathing a little bit heavier as she felt the proximity of the girl. Maybe her heart was beating faster. But she wasn't squirming. That, she took as a victory as she breathed in through her nose.

"Not so bad at all," Natalie concluded as Vanya stepped back to enter a few more measurements into the PADD with all the girls physical details observed so far. Again she wiggled her toes on the carpet, and shifted weight from one side to the other, letting her knees bend slightly. Standing still was a strange thing, she found, trying not to twitch at the wrong moment. Admittedly, she knew she was probably taking this more seriously than needed.

Just a product of nerves, she knew. Proximity to someone in a state of undress, being uncomfortable in her own skin, being in a new place. embarking on a new journey into Starfleet. New roommates. A Romulan at that.

Oh, yes, plenty of things to be nervous about.

Taking a deep breath again Nat gave a little nod, then tossed her hair back over her shoulders. "No time like the present," she said, inviting Vanya to finish the measurements. Of course, these measurements would involve a certain compromising proximity. At least I'm not naked below the waist, like Vanya was. Small mercies.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #68
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya listened to Natalie's explanation and titled her head to the side again, her eyebrow raising in confusion. "How does that possibly translate? Do Human military officers not wear underwear on missions?" she asked. She certainly couldn't remember any tales of underwear less Humans in any of her studies or her memories either for that matter.

The Romulan could hear and feel Natalie's heavier breathing given their close proximity as she did the final measurements and smiled when she was told that it wasn't so bad at all. It certainly seemed like she was very, very, very slowly getting used to everything happening, although Vanya suspected that it would take quite a while for her to be fully adjusted to such things.

Vanya could see that her new friend was nervous about the final two measurements and that was before she had heard the deep intake of breath the girl took, but she seemed to find a little confidence as she tossed her hair back over her shoulders and invited her to finish the measurements. Unlike Vanya, Natalie was wearing underwear which Vanya was sure was a blessing for the cadet. It was quite possible the girl would pass out if Vanya was down there and she had none on.

Giving Natalie a smile she closed the distance between them and knelt down. "This will only take a few moments." she said as she stretched out the tape before looking up at her friend. Being slow and careful with her movements, Vanya reached between Natalie's legs and placed the top of the tape against her inner thigh and stretched it all the way down the length of her leg to the ankle, noting down the numbers before moving across to repeat the action again, one of her knuckles lightly brushing against the front of Natalie's underwear as she switched sides, although Vanya made no notion that it had happened as she took the measurement.

Nodding she took a moment to look up at Natalie and smiled "Last one." she smiled and held up the tape. "Hold this against your waist please." the Android instructed as she let the other end of the tape fall to the flaw and crawl around behind Nat. Reaching a hand between her legs, she grabbed the tape and pulled it through her legs and then up between them, lightly letting the material rest against her core before leaning around to make sure that her side of the tape was lined up against where Natalie was holding it.

Satisfied that it was, she noted down the number and let go of the tape, allowing it to fall to the ground and flap back between the other cadet's legs. "That's the last of them." she said as she tapped in Natalie's rise and inseam measurements into the PADD, smiling at the other woman as she handed it over to her. "There you go, one set of accurate measurements."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #69
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Now they were in the home stretch, according to yet another acraic piece of slang. "I really do have no idea where it all comes from. Going commando. It doesn't really make a lick of - I mean, any sense." She barely caught herself in time. Slang was going to be tricky, she was coming to realize. "I do know it predates settling on Mars. It's a bit of slang we brought with us in the early days of human space exploration and colonization of our own solar system."

'Home stretch' was a bit of jargon that she did understand the reference. That came out of the old earth sport of Baseball that had, if she'd remembered the newscast she'd heard, been recently revived  on Cestus III, out near the border with the Gorn Hegemony. She wondered, idly, what the Gorn thought of that. None of which was germaine to the matter on hand, but did provide a nice little mental exercise and distraction for the easily flustered cadet.

Because Vanya was kneeling  before her, with those big eyes drinking in everything, and despite her bust, she could still easily see the young Romulan, and that proximity was...well it was a lot of things. None of which Natalie really wished to analyze in the moment.  This was simply measurement taking. Nothing more, nothing to get excited about. The woman’s warm hand was on her leg, but only barely, taking a measure down the thigh, just as Nat had done.

And just as Nat had inadvertently done, so too had Vanya - a light brushing of knuckles against an intimate part. This was the first touch there for Nat that had not come from herself, incidental and fleeting as it was. The ghosting of pressure and the ever so slight friction of fabric over sensitive flesh drew a small gasp from the Martian. Just enough for her to notice, but not really enough to make a call on if it felt 'good' or 'bad.' It simply had happened, and her cheeks resumed their apparent ever present red cast.

Smiling back, Natalie reached down and pinned the tip of the tape against her body. "I think I can manage that," she said as the Romulan woman shifted about. She was now behind Natalie, about face level with her rump. The urge to wiggle her hips was sudden and fierce, but the human girl overcame the impulse and kept still. Though her toes did curl up into the carpet again, causing the muscles of her calves to bunch up as the plastic tape applied pressure all along her core. Not much pressure, but again, Nat was keyed up so she felt every bit.

"Oh, good, Thank you," she couldn't keep the relief out of her voice as she passed the tape back over to Vanya and took the PADD with her 'numbers' over to the replicator. Swiftly she began to tap the numbers in, one after another, frowning for a moment as she worked though the touch interface. Satisfied, she took her existing uniform and recycled it. A notation of additional rations being added to her account flashed up.

Looking rather pleased, she then punched up the replication command and sure enough, a uniform materialized before her, folded neatly. Scooping this out of the chamber, she walked back to her bed and dropped it on the foot of the mattress, pulling up the first layer and tugging it down over her head, wiggling from side to side with her back to Vanya as she did. "Time to test the fruit of our labors," she proclaimed, as piece by piece she dressed, bending when needed, and generally rushing through the whole thing.

By the time she was done and turning around for her roommate to judge,  Nat was a bit flushed in the face from the rapid exertion of dressing swiftly, and her hair was an utter mess, but she was clothed, and well at that. "It feels like it all fits properly," she said, having not yet done the 'is it too short' test.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #70
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

"What an odd phrase, and yet it has survived all these years." Vanya said before smirking "Although I certainly wouldn't complain if a squad of Commandos show up without any underwear on to rescue me." the Romulan added with a wink before she'd returned to taking the measurements.

Vanya had heard the small gasp come from above her, even though she didn't realise that she had been the cause of it with the inadvertent brushing of her knuckle against the other woman's crotch, still the moment was fleeting as Nat quickly recovered and smiled down at her before taking the tape and holding it in place.

Vanya had noticed, while she was taking the measurements from behind that her fellow cadet's toes were curled into the carpet again, something she had already seen before when the girl was trying not to fidget, which at least allowed Vanya to take more accurate measurements.

"You are quite welcome Natalie." she smiled once she was done, taking the tape back from girl and put it away in one of the nearby draws. By the time she was done, Natalie had programmed the replicator and retrieved her new clothes. Although she nodded when her roommate said that it was time to test the fruits of their labours, Vanya knew that the uniform would fit properly, her measurements were an exact match to her body, still she would play along. "Let's hope we got it all right." she said as she watched the martian get dressed.

Vanya observed Natalie with what could only be described as a robot like intensity as she took note of the fit of the uniform and how it all looked and moved. Natalie herself vocally confirmed that it all felt like it fitted properly and the Romulan nodded "That's good, it looks like it fits properly as well." she replied. Of course they hadn't done the 'too short' test yet so it was entirely possible that similar adjustments would have to made to Natalie's skirt as well, although with the measurements that Vanya had taken there was a much higher chance that they would be fine in comparison to what her own had been.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #71
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

Being clothed once more was like a balm to Natalie, as if she'd been wrapped in a warm hug. Ironic, considering she nearly had been, more than once while Vanya had been taking those measurements. That they had resulted in this well fitting uniform almost made the whole thing worth it. She would have pretended all the same of course, for the sake of the burgeoning friendship she hoped to grow with her roommate.

This really does fit well, she admitted as she gave a little spin once again. Everything was well in place, nothing felt as if it were riding up, nor was it too tight. She gave an experimental tug on the sleeves of her jacket and then nodded again, mostly in agreement with what Vanya had said, and not just for her own personal satisfaction. She had balanced herself on the tips of her toes and slowly let her feet back down, until her heels hit the carpet and she flattened out.

Nat became self aware that she was stalling, without actually saying anything. "Good, good," she said into the silence, before it could become awkward (she hoped) and flashed another small smile. "I certainly don't feel like I am swimming in these. And nor do they feel so tight that I can't breathe." At that she pulled on a bit of a face, her nose scrunching up and her brow furrowing.

"I remember having to wear a corset back in school once, when were acting out some old play in the holosuite at school. That was so tight I really did struggle to breathe. Apparently women just wore those all the time, back in the past on Earth. Of all the stupid things they could have done." She planted her hands on her hips, as if suddenly indignant on the behalf of people long dead and turned to ash. "Surely constricting yourself to the point of asphyxiation cannot be anything other than rampant stupidity. Must have been something wretched in the drinking water to lead to a society that thought such a choice not only reasonable, but preferable."

Giving a little huff and realizing her nerves had caused her to turtle off on a tangent and get worked up over nothing what so ever important she flashed a sheepish grin at Vanya and rubbed the back of her head. "Er um....right. Bendy test time." she declared and twisted before promptly doing just that, as if reaching down to touch her toes and stretch herself out. All the while silently praying that the skirt didn't ride up too much, like Vanya's had, so that she could be done with this exercise in humiliation. All while trying not to think about how undignified the pose was, or the fact that in short, she had just invited her roommate to stare at her ass and see if she could sneak a peek up her skirt.  The fact that Natalie had done the same for Vanya, and thus that the two cadets had ample evidence that this was 'a good thing to check' did only so much to set Natalie at ease.

And all in the name of looking good. Maybe you aren't so removed from your ancient counterparts, Natalie.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #72
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

Vanya observed the other woman and could already tell that she was far more comfortable and relaxed now that she was back in clothes and not exposing so much of herself as she had been before and continued watching as she gave another little spin, testing out the fit. From everything Vanya had seen the uniform was indeed fitting snugly against Natalie's fine form with what looked to the the right amount of freedom of movement, an observation that Nat herself stated shortly after. "That's great news, it certainly looks like it fits well." she smiled.

The Romulan listened to the Ops cadet as she started reminiscing about the time she had to wear a corset and while Vanya had never worn one herself, she knew of them. Romulans had a similar item of clothing as well. "It is perhaps possible, although if I am to understand it correctly, they were worn to adjust women's figures, for some bizarre reason they thought that smarter for bodies to adjust to the style of clothing than to design clothing for various body shapes and sizes. We have a similar item of clothing on Romulus as well, although I have never worn one myself." the android replied with a shrug. "Luckily for us both our cultures styles and clothing designers grew out of that notion so that we don't usually have to suffer such ordeals."

However their conversation would switch topics back to the last item on the checklist they had to check. While a discussion on corsets would seem to be a randomish topic to discuss Vanya had quickly come to realise that Natalie had a few...quirks that she would employ whenever she was nervous, be it fidgeting on the spot, curling her toes or going off on little tangents as some sort of coping mechanism, of which Vanya would not doubt get used to over their future years at the Academy. Of course the Romulan couldn't understand why she was so nervous considering all the other things they had done so far, she had already seen the woman's rear after all on several occasions and that without a skirt on at all.

Still Natalie would indeed announce that it was time before immediately twisting around and bend over, stretching herself down to touch her toes essentially. Diverting her attention, Vanya had to appreciate the firm roundness of Natalie's buttocks as she bent over and gave a slight nod of approval at the natural design the young woman had.

Focusing on the whole point of the test however, Vanya observed the skirt and bent down to get a better look before nodding again and standing up straight "You can stand up Natalie, you're skirt is perfectly fine, it does not ride up too much and even bending down you can't not really see up there. I would say we have done it." she smiled. "We will most certainly be the envy of the other female cadets." 

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #73
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ]Attn: @Jesaya 

That the concept of a corset was something that bridge the cultural and stylistic gaps between Humans and Romulans (the oldest of galactic enemies for the former, though she supposed their genetically separated cousins, the Vulcan's, were the eldest for the latter) surprised Natalie.  Maybe commiseration over poor attire choices could have averted a war, the freshmen cadet pondered, and dismissed. Still, given how the Romulans were all about pointed shoulders and squared off uniform jackets she was a bit surprised that a corset was a thing in their past, if not their present. She couldn't quite tell.

As she was bent forward, however, the line of thought did lead elsewhere. What, she wondered to herself, did the Romulans wear when they wanted to 'spice things up'? Her typically scattered mind latched onto perhaps the worse possible tangent to keep herself from blushing in an already awkward situation. She swiftly determined that - based on all evidence so far -Vanya was probably not the right person to ask. She had admitted to living a somewhat sheltered existence (the true scope of which Natalie was woefully ignorant), and was a proclaimed nudist when given the opportunity. And given her relative experience, more than Nat's, but nothing that sounded long term or extensive, the young Ops candidate surmised that Vanya may not have had an call to spice it up.

Still. Romulan Lingerie. Wonder if it has a hidden pocket for a small dagger? Foreplay, or self defense? Almost, she giggled, but managed to hold back as she slowly rose back up to her feet and turned around to meet Vanya as she smiled.  The latter had bent as well, to make sure that any sort of 'oops' moments wouldn't happen to Natalie, and despite her general discomfort with this whole exercise, the Martian appreciated it. Vanya was already towering over Natalie again when the human was upright, and adjusting her skirt and then her jacket to smooth out any wrinkles and pull the cadet uniform sleeves back into place. The latter hadn't actually needed the tugs, but they were more of a reassuring gesture for Natalie herself than anything practical.

"Thank you," she said again, certainly not for the first time during all of this. She settled back on her still bare feet and smiled up as bright as she could manage. "I certainly like the idea of feeling comfortable in the uniform. At least physically. I'm sure its going to take a little time to adjust to the responsibility that comes with it as prospective Starfleet Officers." Realizing she was getting a bit too philosophical for the moment, she added sheepishly, "And I'm sure looking good when we report to our first classes won't hurt anything. This," she wiggled her fingers back and forth between where she stood, and where Vanya was nearby, "Shows initiative and creativity, right? That's always a good thing."

As far as she was concerned, from essentially this point forward, everything she did was an attempt to prove, to justify, that her admissions to the Academy was merited, and that she was worthy of earning a full commission. That would of course, take 4 years to achieve. Looking at Vanya though, she had to wonder, how much more so that was for the Romulan woman, an outsider, from an enemy power and an Alien culture.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.

Reply #74
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 

While Romulans and Humans had their differences, including clothing the corset had been one thing they had in common, at least for a while. To Vanya's knowledge corsets were not worn as an every day attire on Romulus much like how they weren't on Earth either from her albeit limited experience. Which was probably a good thing for most women anywhere.

Vanya had seen the various types of undergarments that Humans wore to entice their partner in the bedroom while shopping for clothes of her own when she had arrived on Earth, not that she currently needed such attire herself. Nor was she unfamiliar with such apparel either with Romulans having their own forms of seductive attire for the bedroom, the Romulan's being quite a passionate people themselves, although Vanya doubted that Natalie owned such items of clothing based on her reaction and lack of experience and wondered if the woman ever would. In her opinion the young woman would certainly look good in such clothing and would be very enticing to her partner were she to ever do so, not that she would vocalise such thoughts to the girl for fear of causing her to pass out or flee the room.

By the time Nat had finished bending over and she had given her verdict, Vanya was back to her full height, towering over the shorter woman and gave her a warm smile at her thanks. pcolor=#138d75]"You are very welcome Natalie."[/color] she replied and nodded in agreement. "I agree, considering how long we will have to spend in these clothes they should at least be form fitting and comfortable. As for the responsibility that comes with wearing our uniforms I have no doubt that both of us will be up to the task given time." Vanya said with a smile and a confidence in her voice for both of them that left no doubt about it. Although in her case, her future might well depend on if those in Command trusted her enough as both an Android and a Romulan to rise in the ranks to actually have such responsibility.

After all Commander Data had told her about his struggles as an Android in becoming recognised as a sentient being and not property, luckily, partially due to what Data had been through as well as the Android being there himself had made her own status of person-hood a much easier experience.

Smiling at Natalie's comment Vanya nodded "I highly doubt it, the only change we have made to the uniform is to make it a better fit, we have not altered it cosmetically nor did we use Academy funding to make the alterations. I would be highly surprised if we were to get in trouble for such a minor tweak. Of course what you said is also true, it does indeed show initiative and creativity, two things that Starfleet looks for in it's officers I've been led to believe, I suppose we will both find out soon enough."

Unaware of Natalie's thoughts, Vanya was having similar ones of her own. From the time they officially started at the Academy, it was all about proving herself. To prove that she belonged as an individual, that she was worthy of being a Federation citizen and a Starfleet officer despite her being an Android and despite her being of Romulan origin with Romulan features. Not only that but to how she would cope not only as an outside but as someone who would technically be attending school for the first time. Outside of her two brief sexual lessons all of her knowledge had simply been downloaded into her memory banks, she had never actually had to learn anything for herself. It would certainly be an interesting challenge and experience, at least with Natalie it seemed as if she would not be alone in this new life she was starting for herself.

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