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Topic: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide (Read 10007 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #25
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Campus Bar | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Fife

"You are surprisingly brutal, Isel Nix,” Donna had thought to herself as she had observed the Vulpinian verbally hand, draw and quarter her Bajoran drinking companion before linking arms with Donna and guiding her away from the man. After a short distance, Isel turned on her and planted her lips squarely on Donna’s, surprising the human with the strength behind the short-lived kiss. The word vomit that followed brought a smile to Donna as she listened to Isel first thank her, then question her on her presence at the bar. Donna didn’t even have to try to see the excitement that Isel was exuding at her presence.

“I like to drink, and this is a bar,” Donna pointed out, holding up her rum as evidence. “And no, I was not following you, nor was I on a date,” Donna explained, not even considering that she didn’t have to explain. “I just wanted a drink and after a bit decided that I couldn’t watch you be tortured any further.”

“And now I have no idea what to do,” Donna thought to herself as she took a sip of her drink to pass the moment.

“So if things had worked out with your Bajoran, what had you planned to do next?” Donna asked casually.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #26
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Library | Starfleet Academy | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
As Donna raised her glass following her comment about liking to drink, Isel gave the woman a wondering glance. ”And what exactly are you drinking?” Without waiting for Donna answer, Isel raised a hand and dipped her finger in the presented glass, then moved the dripping finger to her mouth and sucked the alcohol off the digit. ”Mmm… tasty!” Isel murmured, her eyes remaining locked on Donna’s throughout her little tasting.

”So if things had worked out with your Bajoran, what had you planned to do next?” Donna asked in a casual tone. Isel wasn’t sure if Donna was simply feigning disinterest, but wasn’t about to be deterred regardless. She had the Human’s scent, and hadn’t been able to get Donna out of her head in the weeks following their last encounter. The experience was new to Isel, who usually lfitted form one lover to the next without much thought. Some would call her unsavoury names for her behaviour, but it was simply the nature of her people. The idea of being fixated on someone though, that was new to her. Usually if someone played her to get, she would move on to easier prey.

She found Donna bewitching and exhilarating, however, and so she continued the chase.

”Well, I had had a few things in mind…” Isel replied as she raised her own glass and took another sip. ”Bajorans have ridges on more than just their noses… I’m sure if you used your imagination, you’d come up with something.” The comment was followed by a sly wink over the rim of the glass, followed by another sip. ”Do you really want me to tell you? Or would you prefer we go somewhere more private so I can show you?” Isel’s eyes narrowed as she studied the other woman. ”I suppose if we were to do that, I would have to alter the plan a little bit.” Isel’s eyes travelled down Donna’s body, taking in the view. ”If my memory of the library serves me correctly, your anatomy is… delicious, but somewhat different that our boring Bajoran friend’s…” Isel’s eyes travelled back up to Donna’s hazel eyes, ”not that I’m complaining, of course! Besides…” The Vulpinian moved closer, placing her free hand on Donna’s hip, ”I believe we have a game to finish…”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #27
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Campus Bar | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth ] 

Isel was, exactly how Donna had imagined she would be like. She was unapologetic, brutal honest and very open about what she wanted and how she was going to get it. And that more than anything intrigued Donna. Perhaps it was because it was such a difference from how she herself had been forced to operate the past 5 years. Where lies and secrets were the stock in trade and honesty got you killed.

“It’s called rum. And it is made from sugarcane,” Donna explained before taking a sip to pass the time before she replied to Isel’s proposal. While she was not averse to a little bit of fun, was now the right time?

“Show or tell, both would probably be better performed at a quieter location. Which I’m sure would benefit your plan,” Donna pointed out with a smirk. “Although, I doubt the anatomy and biology labs would allow us so perhaps somewhere off campus. I know a spot if you don’t mind the water.”

“As to this game you think we are playing and need to finish,” Donna said innocently. “I do not know what you mean. So, you will have to explain it and the rules to me.”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #28
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Library | Starfleet Academy | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
Isel grinned as Donna mentioned she knew a place they could go as long as she didn’t mind the water.

”Oh, I love the water! I’ll have to stay in this form, though. I’ve been told in my Natural form I get a… what was it?” Isel thought for a moment, ”Right, a “wet dog smell”.” Isel giggled and shook her head, then gave Donna a sideways smile. ”And as for our game, it’s cute that you’re playing innocent, but we both know exactly what I’m referring to!” Isel turned and stepped closer to Donna. Her eyes remained locked on Donna’s as she pressed herself against the Human, snaking her free hand around Donna’s waist. She stared into Donna’s eyes for a moment longer, taking a sip of her drink before she finally spoke. ”Besides, with all that posing and bending over in front of me you were doing in the library, I can’t help but think you know exactly what you’re doing, and the effect it will have on me.” Isel’s eyes remained on Donna’s as her face broke out into a broad smile. ”Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I certainly appreciate the view! But I’m not exactly fooled by your “little miss innocent” act, Donna Patterson.” Isel used her arm around Donna’s waist to pull the other woman to her, the Human’s proximity filling Isel’s nose with her scent once again. Isel reflected that, if she wasn’t careful, she might become addicted to the woman’s aroma. She would have to be careful.

”So where is this place?” Isel asked, stepping back finally and downing the rest of her drink. ”Is it far?” Isel’s eyes narrowed as a thought occurred to her. ”And if it involves water, am I right in guessing it involves swimming? Because I don’t have a swimsuit with me…” Isel’s grin returned, her eyes looking up at Donna through her lashed in an amused, slightly accusing expression. ”That wouldn’t be part of your plan, would it Donna? A bit of skinny dipping?” Isel reached up and ran her index finger along Donna’s jaw, ”You know, for someone who pretends to be innocent, you’ve got a dirty mind, Donna. I like it!” Isel placed her empty glass on a nearby table and turned to look at the other woman. ”Well, lead the way! The sooner we get there, the sooner I get to see you… uh… swim.”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #29
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Campus Bar | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth ]

“It's a little ocean pool about 30 minutes' walk from here. No one will be there because its late,” Donna explained. “So, to answer your question, yes, it does involve swimming. And don’t worry, I don’t have a swimsuit with me either. So, if you did want to go swimming with me, we’ll be even.”

“I never said I was innocent, Isel,” Donna pointed out calmly as she downed the last of her rum. “I would have thought my actions in the library would have proven that to you. All I said was that I didn’t know we were playing a game and that I didn’t know the rules,” Donna noted slyly.

“Besides, you haven’t seen me naked yet, whereas I have both seen you naked and had you astride me at the same time,” Donna said, grinning from ear to ear. “I wouldn’t mind seeing that again and if it costs me being naked as well, so be it.”

“So, if you’ll just follow me, we can get out of here,” Donna directed, setting down her cup. “On the way you can tell me what you did with the bra I gave you.”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #30
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Bar | San Francisco | Earth | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
A sly smile spread over Isel’s features as Donna mentioned that she didn’t know the rules to their little game. Then she commented on the fact that Isel hadn’t seen her naked yet, and that she wanted to know what Isel had done with her bra.

”Well Donna, you better hope you’re a quick learner then! Because I’m not going to explain the rules to you!” Isel said as she reached up and lightly stroked Donna’s cheek, ”It’s much more fun to have the advantage!” Isel winked at the other woman, her smile growing wider. ”And trust me, I’m more than aware that I haven’t seen you naked yet! You don’t need to rub it in!” Isel’s hand trailed down Donna’s neck and over her collarbone, ”Though I seem to remember my hands doing quite a bit of exploring the last time we met…” Isel’s eyes had been following her hand as it meandered it’s way downward, but now glanced back up to Donna’s eyes. ”We’ll see how long that lasts, though. Good things come to Foxes who wait!” Isel gave Donna a wink and let her hand fall away.

”And I’d love to follow you! The view is exquisite! Lead the way!” she added with a giggle, placing her empty glass on a nearby table and motioning for the tall, shapely Human to lead the way. ”And as for the bra… well… maybe we should go back to my quarters later and I’ll show you where I’ve hidden it! I might have to make you model it for me!”

Isel followed Donna, breathing in the fresh air as they stepped outside, her white hair stirring in the slight breeze that blew down the street. ”So you say it’ll take about 30 minutes to get there?” Isel asked, turning to face Donna. ”That’s a long time to wait…” Isel reached up again, turning Donna’s face towards her. She pushed herself up on tiptoes again, pulling Donna’s face to meet hers. Isel could taste the rum as their lips met briefly, and nipped Donna’s lower lip gently with her sharp canines before she pulled away, though not hard enough to draw blood. ”Ah, that should tide me over!” Isel giggled as she spoke, then let go of Donna and sidestepped to stand beside the Human. She linking her arm through Donna’s and cocked her hip out to nudge the taller woman. ”Lead on, my sexy knight in lacey armour!”

Isel couldn’t help but giggle again as they made their way off down the street, finding herself very glad that Donna had shown up and rescued her from the dreary date she had been on. Her night had begun to look much more interesting…

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #31
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Campus Bar | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth ] attn: @Fife

“Not telling me the rules, why that’s positively unfair, Miss Nix,” Donna thought to herself as the Vulpinian’s hand began to descend from her neck. “And your hand certainly did a lot of exploring in the library.”

“I don’t need to rub it in Miss Nix. You’re the expert on rubbing around here as I recall,” Donna teased as she locked eyes with Isel. The look in the Vulpinian’s eyes was positively predatory. “Good things do come to those who wait but you are already impatient, and we haven’t even left yet.”

“Oh she is all revved up,” Donna noted after hearing Isel’s comment about her backside. “Maybe afterwards,” Donna said in response to the Vulpinian’s proposal to go back to her quarters. “But I want to go swimming right now.”

Isel sneaking the kiss was unexpected and Donna didn’t have time to react before her companion had broken the kiss and stepped away.

“Minx!” Donna accused Isel in reply to being called a sexy knight in lacey armour. “Besides, who said I was wearing lace?” Isel just giggled as the two of them began to walk down the street leaving the bar, and the academy, behind.

“So, what do you think?” Donna asked as they stood at the top of the stairs overlooking the secluded pool.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #32
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
As they had approached the top of the stair which led down to the secluded spot and Isel’s eyes took in the scene, she couldn’t help but wonder exactly what Donna had planned. Private setting, secluded pool, moonlit night, and no swimsuits. Isel couldn’t help but give her tail an excited swish, the bushy white fur brushing against the back of Donna’s legs with the motion.

”My, my…” Isel said as her eyes played over their destination, her voice appreciative, ”this is quite a place!” Isel glanced up at the taller woman next to her with a sly expression, ”So, do you bring all the girls here?”

Isel stuck out her tongue at Donna following the cheeky comment, then went scampering down the stairs ahead of Donna. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she turned, hands gripping the metal railing that ran down along the stairs as she leaned backwards and grinned up at Donna. ”C’mon, Donna! Hurry up!” Isel teased, releasing her grip on the railing and taking a step backwards, ”I know good things come to those who wait, but I’ve been after you for months!” Another step backwards, another cheeky grin directed at the Human woman. ”Besides, I still want to know if you’re wearing any lace or not!” Isel shrugged out of her sweater to demonstrate exactly how she meant to find out, letting the garment fall to the ground. She took another couple of steps back, hands moving to take hold of the fabric of her tank top. ”you’re not going to leave me all naked and alone, are yo-oooup!”

The final word turned into a strange sort of surprised hoot as Isel’s foot had stepped back, finding that there was no more ground beneath it. Isel’s eyes flashed Donna a look of surprise as she pitched backward, then she had disappeared beneath the water. A moment later Isel’s head broke the surface again, the Vulpinian’s face wearing a guilty grin and she tossed her head in an attempt to remove the white hair that was plastered over her face. ”Whoops!” Isel giggled as she paddled over to the edge of the pool, ”thought I had more land. So much for my sexy striptease!” Isel pushed herself up on the edge of the pool and rolled back onto the ground. Pushing herself to her feet, she gave Donna a sly grin. ”So, you want to help me out of these wet clothes?” Isel laughed as she spoke, her white hair seeming to shine in the moonlight as her bright eyes twinkled.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #33
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Campus Bar | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth ] 

“What am I going to do with you Isel Nix?” Donna wondered as she watched Isel scamper down the stairs ahead of her. “Scratch that, I know exactly what I want to do with you.” A smile appearing on her face, Donna padded down the steps at a more casual pace as she watched the waves break over the outer edge of the pool, an idea forming in her mind. “Oh that will do nicely,” she considered as Isel’s voice called out, wondering if she was wearing lace or not.

Turning to look at her companion, Donna was just in time to watch as Isel’s sweater dropped to the ground. She considered warning the Vulpinian that she was getting pretty close to the water’s edge but held off, curious if the vixen was performing or not. The answer came moments later as Isel, preparing to remove her tank top, ran out of solid ground and pitched backward into the saltwater.

As Isel sputtered and shook her head to free her face of her wet hair, Donna reached the level of the pool, removing her jacket and shoes as she did so. As she gazed past Isel at the breaking waves, the Vulpinian giggled an apology before asking Donna if she wanted to help her out of the wet clothes she now wore.

“I think I’d prefer the striptease still,” Donna said as she walked around the pool towards the ocean, glancing between Isel and the ocean intermittently. She wanted to time this right. “But I think you might like some encouragement,” Donna proposed as she spotted what she wanted. “So here you go.”

Spinning so her back was to the ocean, Donna grasped the bottom edge of her top and as the wave broke against the edge of the pool, sending water spraying up and over her, Donna pulled her top over her head. She could only imagine what the view was like for Isel as she stood there topless, glad that her firm breasts didn’t always need the support of a bra. As water cascaded down over her, soaking her jeans, Donna stared at the Vulpinian.

“That answer you about whether I’m wearing lace or not, you vixen.”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #34
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
Isel had watched with curiosity as Donna made her way around the pool, dividing her gaze between Isel and the ocean. Unsure of what the Human was up to, Isel simply stood with arms crossed beneath her breasts and watched the woman’s progress. Donna turned and spoke, reaching up to grab the hem of her shirt. With one swift movement, Donna peeled her shirt upwards just at the moment a wave broke against the pool’s wall, sending a cascade of water washing over her. Isel couldn’t help but think that the display was impressive, raising an eyebrow as she looked on.

”My, my, quite the display!” Isel said as she slowly made her way around the pool. ”I must say,” Isel continued, her eyes remaining on Donna as she made her way to her, ”You seem much more adventurous than you did in the library…” Isel’s words trailed off as she drew up in front of the other woman, her eyes trailing along the curves of Donna’s bare torso. Isel crossed her arms again, cocked her hip out to the side and gave her tail a swish. ”So what now? Do I get the rest of the show?” Isel asked, her eyes raising to meet Donna’s with a hungry expression, ”Or is this a quid-pro-quo type of deal?” Isel reached up and too hold of her shirt once again, raising it slowly to expose her stomach, ”because if that’s the case..”

Isel peeled her shirt off, exposing more of her torso, as well as the black sports bra she wore beneath. She let her shift fall to the deck, then took a step forward to bring herself closer to Donna. She reached up and let her fingers entangle themselves in Donna’s dark brown hair, the strands sticking to her fingers after the thorough dousing she’d received from the wave. That done, Isel pulled Donna’s face to hers, kissing the human with a burning desire that had been slowly building since they’d first met. When at last Isel broke the kiss, she stepped back and smiled up at the Human with a coy grin. ”Your turn, Donna. I still want to see if there’s any lace hidden under those clothes…” Isel gave Donna a wink and then reached up, pulling the sports bra up over her head, "Though I suppose fair is fair."

The bra removed, she let it fall to the ground and gave Donna another glance, this one full of mischief. "Now, shall we..." Another wave broke then, showering both of them with seawater. Donna hadn't flinched when the wave had broken over her, but Isel jumped as the water rained down on her, her eyes bulging. "FUCK ME, THAT"S CHILLY!"

OOC: Sorry for the long delay!


Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #35
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Campus Bar | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth ]  Attn: @Fife

Donna didn’t even try to hold in the laughter that filled the air at the Vulpinian’s reaction to water. She wasn’t sure if it was because Isel hadn’t noticed that the water of the pool was the same temperature when she had fallen in or because this time, that water was raining down on the vixen’s deliciously bare skin.

“Either way, the view is wonderful,” Donna noted to herself as she gazed unashamedly at the Vulpinian cadet; her eyes taking in the flawless tone of her body and her imagination supplying ideas of what to do with her. “All in good time.”

“It’s always chilly, Isel,” Donna pointed out. “Although I love the reaction it has caused,” Donna observed with a smirk as her eyes flicked down towards her companion’s upper torso. For her own part, Donna’s nipples were like a pair of rock-hard stones from the water, and the slight breeze was making sure they stayed that way. 

“As for if I am wearing lace under these jeans,” Donna said, hooking her thumbs into the upper hem of her remaining clothes and parading away from the fox. She made sure to move her ass enticingly as she walked, the wet jeans plastered to her body would do the rest, before turning around and walking back. Planting her own kiss on Isel’s lips, the rest of her body never touching her companion, Donna stepped back. 

“You’ll just have to find out for yourself,” she declared before turning around, bending at the waist and holding onto the post that supported the safety chain, stared back at the Vulpinian called Isel Nix over her shoulder. “Unless you don’t really want to.”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #36
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
Isel had made a show of glaring at the Human as her white hair hung heavy around her face, water still dripping from the ends and the tips of her pointed ears poking through. She only managed to maintain the façade for a moment before she, too, was laughing. As Donna spoke, teasing her that the water was always chilly, Isel grinned back.

”You’re just lucky I’m not in a furry form, otherwise I’d be shaking water all over you!” Isel shot back, sticking her tongue out at Donna for good measure. He tongue stacked out for a moment as Donna spoke, then began parading around in an alluring manner. What had begun as a tongue sticking out turned into Isel licking her lips as she admired the Human’s form, her eyes taking in Donna’s curves appreciatively. As Donna drew closer, she leaned down and planted a kiss on Isel’s lips, which Isel returned readily, feeling eager for more as Donna pulled away.

Donna spoke again, telling Isel she’d have to find out about the lace for herself, unless she didn’t want to. The final part of the statement caused Isel to direct and incredulous look up at Donna.

Seriously?!? Isel sputtered, her mismatched eyes going wide. ”I’ve been chasing you for months, and now you’re asking if I want to?” Isel put her hands on her hips, cocking them to one side as she stared up into the Human’s face.

”I thought Humans were supposed to be clever…” Isel began, reaching up and taking hold of Donna’s head, ”but if you need everything spelled out for you, I’m amazed you ever made space flight!” Isel pulled Donna’s face down to meet hers, pressing her lips to Donna’s hungrily. She deepened the kiss, snaking her tongue forward as she pressed her bare torso against Donna’s, savouring the feeling of the other woman’s skin against hers.

As the kiss lingered and deepened, Isel released the grip her right hand had on Donna’s face, sliding the hand lightly down Donna’s neck and over her collarbone. The hand made it way down Donna’s torso, gently caressing the pert breast with it’s hardened peak before continuing its decent. Isel slowly and lightly trailed her fingertips over Donna’s toned abdomen until they came to the waistband of Donna’s jeans. The Vulpinian’s left hand snaked around the back of Donna’s head, her fingers lacing their way into the Human’s hair and she pulled the Human harder to her, her kiss growing hungry. The fingers of her right hand explored the front of the jeans, finding the button and deftly unfastening it before making their way to the zipper and pushing it downward.

It was then that Isel broke the kiss, taking a step back and glancing down at the unfastened jeans before looking up at Donna through her eyelashes with an almost coy expression. ”Mmm… let’s find out, shall we?” Isel cooed, giving Donna a cheeky lop-sided grin before stepping closer, reaching out with both hands and slowly sliding her hands around to Donna's back. She slipped her hands down under the fabric of the jeans, hooking her thumbs on the waistband as she did so, and slid Donna’s jeans down over her hips, her hands cupping the curves of Donna's cheeks as she did so, feeling the thin film of fabric between her palms as Donna's shapely behind as they went.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #37
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Campus Bar | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Fife

The look on Isel’s face after she broke their kiss and slid her hands into the rear of Donna’s jeans reminded the Human of the look a puppy had when it was having the time of its life playing. Of course, Donna didn’t voice this thought and thanked the stars above that Vulpinian’s were not telepathic. She was absolutely sure that it would ruin the moment.

As Isel slid her jeans lower, Donna shut her eyes and concentrated on the feelings being disrobed was causing. The woman’s hands on her arse cheeks, their strong grip before releasing to slide her jeans down her legs was intoxicating and Donna almost wished her legs never ended. Almost.

“Sorry,” Donna apologised, opening her eyes to look at Isel. “I guess you’ll have to wait for another time to see me in lace for you,” Donna teased, biting her bottom lip as if thinking about something. In truth, she had already decided what she wanted.

“But I have an idea to make it up to you, if you’d like,” Donna proposed, her look turning sly. “How fast do you think you can get the two of us out of what’s left of our wet clothes?”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #38
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
Isel grinned up at Donna as the Human asked the question. How long would it take her?

”Well…” Isel began, drawing the word out as her eyes played over Donna’s form. ”they may not be lace, but you look sexy in those...” Isel moved her hands as she spoke, placing them on Donna’s hips and slowly turning the woman around, admiring the full 360 degree view as Donna rotated. The black briefs the Human wore flattered her curves, and Isel’s eyes took in each one of those curves as the Human turned. Finally, the Vulpinian spoke again, allowing the fingers of her right hand to drift from Donna’s hip and along the waistband of the woman’s underwear. ”It’s almost a shame to take them off so soon…” Isel’s eyes drifted back down, taking un Donna’s ample chest and toned stomach before settling on the waistband, where she hooked her index and middle finger behind the fabric. ”But since you want it done quickly…” Isel’s eyes flicked back up to meet Donna’s as a look of impish delight crossed the Vulpinian’s features.

A moment later, those features had changed. Isel’s mismatched eyes still stared up at Donna, though her smile had changed, the mouth elongating and the teeth seeming to grow larger. Then her face erupted in thick white fur, her nose no longer a nose but a snout.

In mere moments, Isel Nix no longer looked like the tiny humanoid who had come with Donna to the pools, but rather like something out of a fantasy story, namely those involving lycanthropy. The Vulpinian’s mouth lolled open, her tongue rolling out the side and giving her a highly amused look as she watched Donna’s face. Then the fingers which had been looped behind the waistband of Donna’s undergarments, and which had transformed along with the rest of the Vulpinian, made a quick motion, accompanied byt eh sound of tearing fabric, and Donna was left without any coverings. Isel stepped back, reaching up to her own clothing and making quick work of the various garments she still wore, the fabric rending easily beneath her claws.

A moment later, the entire processed seemed to move in reverse, until a Donna found a petite humanoid with white hair and mismatched eyes standing before her, grinning like an idiot and every bit as naked as Donna herself was.

”Fast enough for you?” Isel asked, her voice dripping with feigned innocence and sweetness, as though nothing at all had happened which might have been out of the ordinary.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #39
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Fife

"Well, that wasn’t quite what I was expecting as a response,” Donna admitted as she looked at the once again vulcine form of Isel Nix before her. She truly hadn’t considered that method of clothing removal when she had made her statement, thinking more along the lines of a swift tug to her ankles instead of ripping and tearing. “But whatever works for you.”

Taking a moment, Donna admired the wet, nude form of the Vulpinian before her. Isel, in Donna’s opinion, had the body of a gymnast. Compact, firm, tight and perky. All lovely traits that were on show as Donna slowly walked around the svelte form of her companion. With a quick slap on the firm backside adjacent to the tail, Donna dived into the pool. Enjoying the feel of the water, despite its temperature, Donna glided along beforesurfacing and returning to the edge of the pool near Isel.

“Come over here and sit on the edge of the pool,” Donna directed with a smile as she stood on the small step built into the wall. “I promise I won’t pull you in.”

“No,” thought Donna as she watched Isel and waited for her to make a decision. “It is going to be me doing the diving in.”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #40
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
Isel raised an eyebrow as Donna instructed her to come over and sit on the pool’s edge, quickly adding the promise that the Vulpinian wouldn’t end up in the water. For someone Isel had had to chase for such a long time, the Human was certainly behaving quite forward now, first stripping her top off and now given Isel what sounded very much like orders.

Well, this ought to be interesting…

Isel slowly made her way over to where Donna’s head floated above the water, the brunette’s wet hair hanging to frame her face. Isel stood at the edge of the pool, looking down at Donna with mischief in her eyes. ”I’ve got quite a view from up here…” Isel said, tail swishing playfully as she gazed down at Donna’s silhouette, watching as it shifted back and forth with the rippling of the water’s surface. ”I must say, you’re certainly more forward than you were in the library, Donna. Why the change of heart?” Isel gave Donna a lop-sided grin, accompanied by a sly narrowing of the eyes. ”Not that I’m complaining, mind you…”

With those words, Isel lowered herself to sit on the edge of the pool, just as Donna had directed. ”You make one joke about dogs and sitting, Human, and I’ll hold you under until the bubbles stop.” Isel informed her companion, eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and danger as she smiled at Donna.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #41
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Fife

Donna watched as Isel mulled over how she was behaving. Having gone from shrewd and cagey to suddenly being on the front foot had put the Vulpinian momentarily off balance and inwardly, Donna couldn’t help but smile.

“You’re not the only one who can be forward and aggressive about what they want,” Donna thought to herself as she Isel stepped up to the edge of the pool and looked down at her, her tail swishing at the night air around her. And she smiled as Isel remarked on the view she had from where she was standing and gazing down at the mostly submerged Human. Standing on the step, the water level of the pool was across her upper chest and the cold water was eliciting a solid response from her nipples.

“How do you know this isn’t a part of my cunning plan to lure you in more before pulling away again?” Donna teased, rolling her shoulders back to push out her firm bosom more. “You just have to sit down and find out,” Donna remarked casually.

Isel seemed to think that over for a moment but, as Donna predicted, her curiosity got the better of her and she sat down on the edge of the pool, legs in the water, warning Donna against making any dog jokes.

“Isel my dear,” Donna crooned as she negotiated her way in between the naked Vulpinian’s legs. “I would never joke like that about you,” Donna said as she ran her hands up the outside of Isel’s thighs before bringing them to rest on the toned stomach of her companion. “But I do have plans that are similar to something a dog does very well. But I’m pretty sure you won’t mind.”

Not giving Isel a chance to respond, Donna pressed back with the hands, pushing Isel off balance until she was reclining slightly. Positioned correctly, Donna lowered her head to the junction of the Vulpinian’s, tongue extended, searching for the warm core she knew would be present.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #42
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
As Donna stated that she would never joke about Isel being a dog, then went on to state she had something in mind that a dog does very well, Isel wasn’t sure what to think. The Human’s tone suggested something dirty, which Isel hoped to be true, but the wording made her question that.

I’m not a dog, you…

The thought was cut short as Donna pushed against her, forcing her to fall backwards onto her elbows with a giggle.

Ah… Isel thought, grinning broadly, I get it…

A moment later, all thought fled her mind as Donna lowered her head, her tongue snaking forward in search of Isel’s most sensitive of areas. The Vulpinian reclined back, making herself more comfortable as Donna carried on with her task, though that reclined position gave way to her back arching and her leg wrapping around Donna’s shoulders before long, with Isel panting and making small noises of pleasure and encouragement and the feeling of building tension grew. Without thinking, one of Isel’s hands made it’s way to Donna’s head, her fingers tangling themselves in the Human’s hair and gripping it perhaps a little harder than she would have if she were thinking rationally.

”Donna…” Came the Vulpinian’s gasping voice, the first coherent sound she’d made since Donna’s had forced her back on the pool deck. A moment later Isel's entire body shuddered violently as she reached her climax, leaving her lying panting on the pool deck for a long moment before lifting her head to regard the Human who's head still bobbed above the surface of the water.

"Holy shit..." Isel said between quick, shallow breaths as she stared at Donna with multicoloured eyes that weren't quite in focus, "where the hell did that come from?" The question was punctuated with a giggle as Isel let her head loll back onto the pool deck, taking a moment to recover from the wave of euphoria that was slowly subsiding.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #43
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Fife

“I have to admit, that went better than I expected,” Donna thought to herself as Isel descended from the peak that Donna had just sent her too. She hadn’t been sure if the weather or waves would have interrupted them but it seemed that nature was on their side at the moment. “Was hot when she reached up and held my head to her pussy, too.”

“You’re welcome,” Donna said with a smirk as she caressed the outside of Isel’s thighs. “Let’s just say that how I act and what I can imagine are two very different things. And sometimes, if you are lucky, I let my imagination come out to play.”

For her own part, Donna was incredibly turned on but the cold of the pool was beginning to seep into her bones and she found herself wanting to go someplace much warmer. Besides, a part of her wanted to tease Isel a bit more and deny her the fruits of Donna’s body, so to speak. Looking up and past her Vulpinian companion, Donna saw the perfect way to move their, whatever they were or having, along.

“I really should have remembered the towels,” Donna said offhandedly, diving in for another quick lick of Isel’s velvet folds. “They would come in handy after this,” she announced with a wicked grin before sliding back under the water just as a large wave broke over the pool.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #44
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
Isel flinched as Donna snuck in one last torturous touch with her tongue before the Human’s head slipped below the water’s surface. Isel opened her eyes just in time to see another wave about to break over her, and quickly scrambled to try and get out of the way, shifting shape as she did so.

She was not fast enough, and had she still been in humanoid form, she would doubtless have gasped as the cold water came crashing down, washing over her in an icy deluge. As it was, the white wolf-like creature that was caught by the wave let out a yelp as it scrambled to gain traction, paws scrambling on the wet ground.

And so it was that, as Donna’s head surfaced, she was greeted by the sight of a very wet, rather large and sulky looking fox standing at the side of the pool, the mis-matched eyes which turned to Donna making it clear just who it was. The fox’s ears seemed to perk up as it saw Donna, it’s tail giving a swish as indication that it was happy about something. Then the fox came closer to the edge, looking down at Donna’s bobbing head for a moment before it turned to the side.

Then it began to shake.

The motion, accompanied to the sound of the vulpine creature’s ears flapping against it’s head, sent a shower of tiny droplets scattering around her, raising down upon Donna’s already dripping face. Having thoroughly shaken out the water form her fur, the fox turned to face Donna again, gazing down at the Human’s bobbing visage with an almost gleeful expression in her eyes. The fox’s tongue lolling out to one side of her mouth, giving her a distinctly amused expression as she watched Donna.

OOC: Again, I’m so sorry for the delay! I know the post is a bit silly, but it’s what popped into my head when you described another wave about to break!  :p

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #45
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Fife

“Oh, c’mon!” Donna moaned as she brought her hands up and splashed the water she had gathered over her face to rinse it from the cascade that Isel had just rained down upon her. To someone else, it probably made no sense, given that she was naked in the very water that the Vulpinian had just shook off her; but to Donna, it made her feel better to ‘wash’ it off.

“Was that really necessary?” Donna asked the oversized fox in front of her. The lolling tongue and amused expression on the quadruped's face was all the response that Donna needed to know that one Isel Nix definitely believed it was necessary. Shaking her head slightly, Donna pulled herself over to the edge of the pool and climbed out, her naked body streaming water even as the chilly night air began having its own effect on her. 

“Dammit, that last wave soaked my clothes,” Donna exclaimed as she bent over to pick up the pile of saturated garments. Wringing them out as best she could, Donna began to walk around the edge of the pool, swaying her hips slightly but ignoring the Vulpinian behind her. She was decidedly worked up from their evening escapades and knew that unless the fox took care of her, she’d be back in her quarters and doing it herself. Multiple times.

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs where her dry jacket and shoes waited, Donna contemplated whether she should redress now in the wet clothes or walk as far as she could before redressing in clothes that may or may not be a little dryer. “Even now, public decency still reigns. No currency needed but still can’t abide a set of tits swaying freely down the sidewalk.”

“Any ideas what I should do?”
Donna asked, holding up her wet clothes.

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #46
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | 2376 ] Attn: @Stegro88
Isel had followed Donna as the Human had walked around the pool, enjoying the view afforded as the woman’s naked body moved. As Donna posed the question of what she should do to Isel, the Vulpinian responded the only way she could in her current form. She let out a soft growl, then a light bark, wagging her tail all the while. Donna’s expression told Isel that she didn’t find the Vulpinian’s input in the matter to be at all helpful. If Isel hadn’t been in her feral form she would have chuckled. As it was, the fox stood there panting up at Donna for a moment longer then shifted to her natural form, the fox seeming to grow larger and transitioning to a bipedal stance. Her front paws took on the form of fingers, each tipped with a rather large claw, one of which moved up to her mouth to hide a chuckle.

”Well, as amusing as it would be to watch you stroll down the street stark-ass naked, it might be frowned upon by the rest of San Francisco’s population, and probably the Academy as well…” Isel trailed off, her bemused expression making it rather obvious that she was picturing the scene in her head, and rathe enjoying what she saw. ”This isn’t really a problem I have, as you can see.” As if to prove her point, Isel struck a dramatic pose, raising an arm above her head and running the other hand down her side, the claws at the tips of her fingers lightly trailing through her fur. She gave her tail a wide swish for good measure, then giggled and dropped the pose. Isel slowly walked a circle around Donna, her eyes trailing over the woman’s furless form. ”You, on the other hand, lack my luscious coat of soft, fluffy fur…” Isel came to a stop in front of Donna once more, her canine head regarding the human with eyes full of amusement, ”are pretty much shit outta luck.”

Isel stepped forward, reaching up with one hand and lightly trailing the claw of her forefinger up the front of Donna’s neck to her chin. ”Don’t worry, Donna,” Isel said in a softer tone, ”I have an idea for when we get back to one of our rooms. I bet that’ll make you forget all about this little mishap…” Isel glanced down at Donna’s soaked clothing, then chuckled again. ”Though I imagine wearing those on the way back won’t be too comfortable.” Isel raised her eyes up at Donna and winked as she spoke, then added, ”Though I suggest your dorm. My roommate is kind of a buzzkill, and there may or may not be fur… well… everywhere…”

Re: [2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds Collide

Reply #47
Cadet Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Ocean Pool | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Fife

“Well that sounds fun,” Donna thought to herself as she shivered involuntarily as Isel’s claw tip trailed down her cheek. Images of what the fox might have in mind to make her forget were passing slowly through her mind, causing her passion to reignite and begin to grow once again; something she wasn’t sure if the Vulpunian could smell or not, but not particularly caring if she could. “It’s her fault anyway.”

But that still didn’t solve the problem of how she was going to get back to her room without either catching pneumonia or being seen stark naked. The only item of clothing she had that was dry was her jacket and while that would cover her upper torso well enough and serve to keep her chest warm, it would do nothing for her lower half.

“I suppose I can walk until we get nearer to people and then put my pants back on,” Donna surmised, wondering how far that would be at this time of night. “Hopefully by then my clothes have tried somewhat. At least my pants anyway. I can live without the rest.”

“Alright you little vixen,”
Donna said, looking up at her Vulpinian companion. “Let’s head back to my place and see just how good your idea is. But I’m warning you, I have a pretty good memory.”


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