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Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #50
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88 

As Pardus took her place behind Max she saw how Omari treated her slave, looking at the human girl as she submissively disappeared under the table. From where she stood she could see Omari spread her legs before the human's head dipped in and the soft moans Omari emitted gave it a clear enough picture of what the slave was doing. It reminded her of the 'fun' Max had with her in the room. The taste and smell of Gentry's sex still quite present on her taste buds and in her nose as she looked down at the floor when Max looked at her.

Pardus wasn't sure what she had felt when she was forced to please Maxine. It was perhaps a form of arousal, not the kind she was used to, but certainly a powerful emotion that made her feel somewhat ashamed yet all the more longing for it. Sojith's arrival made Pardus look up once more as the man took his place besides Max her other side. He glanced under the table and smirked as he looked at Omari "Mind sending her over when you're done with her? Or do I need to pay you as well?"

A loud bell announced that all the guests had arrived and that the meals would commence shortly. Pardus wondered if she'd be allowed to eat as well or if she had to help with the serving of the meals. She looked around at the other slaves as none of them really moved from behind their masters. The host of the auction stepped into the middle of the room and clapped his hands with an enigmatic and crimson smile "I welcome all of you to this auction. Please fill your stomach's with whatever you wish to eat and enjoy the entertainment!" he announced before he bowed and returned to the head table of the banquet.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #51
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

“If I know Omari, Sojith,” Max said to the Romulan after dinner had been announced. “You’ll have to cough up some latinum to her as well. Especially since you offered some,” she continued with a smile. “But It will be less than what I’d charge you.”

“Oh, I have plenty Miss Gentry,” Sojith replied calmly. “And I get what I want.”

“Perhaps you will,” Max affirmed as several slaves began to enter the hall bearing empty plates and trays of food. Each seated individual was presented a plate before the trays were brought around for them to select food from.

“We must serve ourselves?” Sojith asked with a hint of disdain as Omari’s moans began to increase in both temp and volume.

“Would you want a slave touching your food?” Max remarked as Omari reached her peak. Smiling at her companion’s enjoyment, Max noticed a bench being moved to the centre of the stage.

“Certainly not,” Sojith declared as the first tray reach him. Max couldn’t stop the chuckle at the Romulan’s brief hesitation before reaching out to gather some of the meat from the tray. “But what about the lack of cutlery? It is uncivilised.”

“Knives and forks are weapons, Sojith,” Max pointed out as she also pulled some of the meat from the tray. She wasn’t sure where it was from but it had the look and feel of beef.

“But we are all armed, aren’t we?” Sojith wondered.

“Of course we are,” Omari stated, having recovered. Her slave was now standing behind her once again. “But it is about the appearance of things. The Syndicate is not arming anyone at the dining table. We are all supposed to be friends here. Oh look, the first act.” 

Max glanced at the stage and noted that a Bajoran female and a Cardassian male were now up there. The Bajoran was naked while the Cardassian had on a loin cloth. Max watched as the Bajoran was bent over the table and strapped down before the Cardassian produced a whip and began to lash the buttocks of his target.

“So, at least the first act is pain,” Max noted silently, looking around at the others. Most were feeding themselves but occasionally one would tear off a morsel and hold it up for a slave to eat it from their hand. Glancing over her shoulder at Pardus, Max tore off a piece of the meat and held it up; hoping the Trill would catch on before the next tray of food reached her.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #52
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88 

The eyes of the Trill took in as much as she could while Max had pleasant small talk with the two crime lords which they had met at their arrival. She remained silent as she knew it was not her turn to speak and for the time being Pardus was content with just having a good view over everyone and everything. Her eyes dwelled upon the slave pleasuring Omari as the woman's moans became more loud and closer to each other.

When Omari finally reached her peak she had discarded her slave as an item, the woman returned to take her place behind her mistress. The Trill looked at her as she was catching her breath, lips licking up the last of the juices that covered her face after delivering the hard earned pleasure Omari had sought. Pardus wasn't sure if she could communicate with the girl and chose not to do so as her eyes caught on to the slaves with the abundantly filled plates of food. The stomach of the Trill growled softly at the sight of food and she grimaced slightly as she wondered how this would all work out.

The center stage started to produce the entertainment of the pre course meal. Pardus' eyes followed the nude Bajoran as she bend over the table and received the lashing from the Cardassian male. Each slash and inflicted hit made Pardus flinch and almost jump a little as the cries of the woman filled the room while the entertainment was well met by laughter and amusement by the crowd. It nauseated her yet from the corner of her eyes she noticed Max raise her hand. Her head turning to see a piece of meat being raised and she was unsure what to do. She glanced around quickly as she made her way over to Max. She noticed some slaves being fed in a similar fashion and got on to the hint.

Pardus however remembered Gentry's words as she did not want to disobey her mistress once more or suffer a penalty. She had to put on a good showing, not just in attire, but she assumed also in actions. The Trill stopped behind Max and leaned in as she enveloped her lips over Max her fingers, sucking up the flesh before she took it gently with her teeth. She finished up by cleaning max's fingers with her tongue before sucking them clean and bowing in gratitude before she stepped back to her place while she chewed on the food provided to her by her mistress.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #53
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

Pardus was perfect. And that was not something that Max would willingly admit to anyone if asked. The Trill said absolutely nothing. Not when she had to eat from Max’s hand, which was actually quite arousing if Max was honest, nor when Sojith tried to up his previous offer to 50 slips to see Pardus in action. She was even silent, somehow, when a Caitian female replaced the Bajoran one and was immediately set upon by three Nausicaans. Even Phrang wouldn’t have been able to stay silent for that one. Max hated Nausicaans and thankfully that act hadn’t lasted long. Now it was a pair of attractive females, one Andorian and one Cardassian, with the Andorian gyrating herself atop a Reman. Something much more palatable to watch given the moans that the Andorian was releasing.

“I never asked you before Max, but are you buying or selling?” Omari asked as she cleaned her hands. Dinner had finished being served and slaves were in the process of clearing the plates and cleaning the tables.

“Buying,” Max answered, tearing her eyes away from the Andorian. She’d never been with one of them before, male or female. “Weapons aren’t cutting it at the moment so it’s time to try something else.”

“Good, you should come and find me tomorrow,” Omari said, her voice steady. “I have some fresh stock with me that I think you might like. Docile bunch but unbroken.”

“Would you consent to Pardus looking them over?” Max queried, glancing back at the Trill. “She has medical training. Not that I don’t trust you, Omari.”

“If you had accepted them at face value Max, it would have disappointed me,” Omari admitted. “You are both welcome to inspect them.”

“I thought you were going to sell them to me, Omari?” Sojith objected.

“We never struck a bargain, Sojith,” Omari pointed out. “But you’re welcome to come and see them when Max does. Say, 10?”

“Works for me,” Max said once Sojith nodded. Further conversation was halted by the arrival of a line of slaves, both male and female, that stood at the back of the stage behind the now bouncing Andorian. The Cardassian was now astride the Reman’s face as she and the Andorian enjoyed each other. “Looks like it is dessert time.”

“Dessert?” Sojith questioned.

“A fancy name for what is essentially an orgy, Sojith,” Omari admitted. “You can either enjoy what you brought yourself,” she explained, indicating her own slave behind her. “What is supplied,” she continued, indicating the row on the stage. “Or just yourself. But that’s boring. And of course, they supply plenty of tools for your pleasure,” Omari finished as the draped tables that Max had noted earlier were uncovered to reveal a staggering array of sex toys, impact instruments and other assorted paraphernalia. 

“That is not what I would call dessert,” Sojith declared as his eyes wandered. Max had caught him staring at the events on the stage; his face an equal mix of disgust, assumedly at the Reman, and interest, assumedly from the females.

“Oh, live a little will you, Sojith,” Max prodded, unable to resist.

“And will you live too, Miss Gentry?” Sojith retorted. Max could practically see the wheels turning in his head. She knew where this was headed. And she wasn’t even upset about it.

“You know my answer to that Sojith,” Max replied evenly. “For the right price.”

“One strip of Latinum,” Sojith bargained.

“Why don’t we make it interesting,” Omari intruded before Max could reply. “Make it two strips and I’ll throw in two of my own as well. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Max in action.”

“Done,” Sojith agreed after a moment’s thought.

“Damn,” Max thought to herself. “I was going to try for two but four is better.” Glancing behind herself at Pardus, Max considered if the Trill was up to it but even with the conversation right in front of her, with its obvious implications, her face had remained impassive. “Impressive. A reward might be needed later.”

“4 Strips of Gold-pressed Latinum. Deal,” Max accepted before glancing behind her. “Pardus,” she called, waiting for the Trill to step forward. When she did, Max laid a hand on the woman’s backside before continuing. “Be a good girl and go and pick out a few items for us. These two have paid for a show.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #54
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88 

As the evening progressed the stage that provided the guests with their amusement so to speak was filled with various decors. The Catian girl being set upon by three Nausicaans had been hard to watch for Pardus as she couldn't quite tear her eyes away from it. She felt the urge to go and help the Catian yet had to fight with every morsel of her will to just stay in place and collect the food that Max offered her from time to time. The act with the Andorian and Cardassian female was something different altogether. Reminding the Trill of the pleasure she had given to Max earlier that day, it only left her yearning for her own satisfaction as the moans and view of the two women had made her aroused beyond belief.

As the trio in front of her began to talk of dessert it became rather clear what exactly it would be. A mass orgy. The tables were unveiled and the large collection of toys were shown to the present guests which was met with some form of amusement as Pardus looked at the slaves to her left and right. In the meantime prices were discussed with Max to see her in action, undoubtedly with the Trill and when the price was set, Pardus could feel a slight shock move through her body. On display for all to see whilst she and Max would get to work. It was bot petrifying as arousing at the same time, causing for a confused feeling within the Trill.

Suddenly her name was called and she stepped forward to her mistress as she bowed her head replying with a soft, obedient "Yes mistress?" she could feel the hand of the woman against her back and as she was given instructions to go and fetch some of the toys she simply gave a small nod and bow before she sauntered off. As she walked away she wasn't truly aware of it herself, yet as Max had mentioned that they were going to give a show, the Trill had seemingly added just that bit more sway into her hips as she walked towards the tables.

Once she had reached the objects she let her eyes go over the various tools and objects. There was a lot to pick from, one would even say that nothing could be left to the imagination when browsing through it. Her attention fell upon a double sides dildo. The one side offering the texture and rather anatomically correct shape of a veined Klingon cock as the other side showed a more scaly texture of a Cardassian member. The slave took the object and felt up both sides with her fingers before she decided to take it along. A Romulan shaped strap on with quite a hefty shape for the one using the strap on seemed rather enticing as well as she added it to the list. Furthermore she found some vibrating oval shaped eggs which were from Vulcan brand as well as temperature changing balls on a string which she figured could serve to some use. Clamps were present as well which apparently would change color and a lubricant that was known to heat up one's insides or skin when applied. She decided to bring these items back to her mistress, displaying them on the table before Max as she took a short bow to her "I hope this satisfies you my mistress?" she asked. If she'd need more Pardus would simply return to the tables to browse once more.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #55
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Dr Amelya Duv | Alias: Maxine ‘Max” Gentry & Pardus | Dining Hall | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Nolan


A Joint Post Between Nolan And Stegro88

“Well, that is definitely an assortment,” Max thought to herself as she perused the Trill’s selection. “A double ended dildo, Omari is going to love that one. And a double-ended strapon as well. Someone is about to get a good fucking,” Max noted with a smile and a glance at Pardus. “Those vibrating eggs. Hmm, your ass or mine Pardus? Or maybe both? I don’t mind some anal every now and then. The rest of the stuff is less interesting but I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

“Pardus, you surprise me,” Max said with a wicked smile as she looked up at Pardus. “I never knew you were so licentious. Now step back and strip,” Max commanded, making sure that Pardus would be in full view of her. “Kinda pointless given what’s coming, but why waste it.”

The Trill slave observed her mistress as she looked over the items displayed before her. She hoped she had picked the right amount and kind of toys for Max to work with. Some of them would be first times for Pardus, her eyes resting on the eggs for a moment before she snapped out of it when Max called out to her. She bowed her head and heard her next command.

A slight feeling of discomfort washed over Pardus. Having been displayed before, this felt different altogether as the room was filled with slavers and slaves alike. Yet Max had promised to protect her, so that had to count for something. Pardus took a few steps back before she found herself on a suitable spot.

She began to zip down the leather tops zipper as her full breasts came into view before she discarded the items. After that she worked on getting out of her heels; by doing so the skirt she wore slipped open a couple of times to provide an ample view to those watching of her bare contents underneath. When she was on her bare feet, Pardus continued to toy with the skirt before letting it slip down and pool at her ankles. Her full body on display now as she could feel the burning eyes of those interested in the room burn over her skin and spots.

Max couldn’t help but enjoy the view as Pardus slowly revealed to the entire room what only she had seen before. She had caught the miniscule pause from her before she had stepped back but it could be taken as anything. Considering how best to complete her task, for instance.

And her procedure was effective. She had freed her breasts first, knowing that bending to remove her shoes would induce a lot of movement in her now free bosom while also hinting at what was under the skirt.

“You are really getting into this, aren’t you Pardus?” Max thought to herself as she toyed with one of the eggs that she had caught Pardus staring at. “Money on the table or we stop this right here,” Max declared to her two companions.

“I’ll double my stake if you promise to use the Klingon end,” Omari said as she tossed her two strips on the table.

“I’ll consider it,” Max teased before looking at Sojith. The Romulan could barely tare his eyes off of Pardus to grunt at her and toss his Latinum onto Max’s table. “Excellent. Pardus, come and strip me. Then bend over the table,” Max commanded as she rolled the egg in her hand for all to see.

Standing still and not even bothering to cover up her body, Pardus dared to glance over at Sojith as he stared her down and she felt her throat and mouth run dry as she could only try and imagine what was going through his mind. The price was paid in full and the next directive was given to the slave by her mistress. She stepped forward and each step made her breasts jiggle just a little as her hips swayed deliberately at each step.

The present trio could see the moistness that had formed between her legs already and dutifully Pardus began to remove her Mistress’ bustier with care, slowly revealing the breasts of Gentry before kneeling down and slipping her skirt off her hips and down her legs. Due to the proximity, Pardus could smell Max’s scent, reminding her of the same closeness they had shared in the room before dinner. “Yours boots as well mistress?” she asked softly.

“They can stay on for now,” Max stated calmly, her body reacting to being on show for all to see.

Standing, Pardus walked up to the table and bent over it as requested, her ass sticking out towards Max as her breasts got pressed together against the rather cold table. The nipples of the Trill turning hard against the surface as she face sideways with her head, looking right at Sojith now, her eyes locking with his as she parted her mouth slightly for whatever plan Max had in store for her.

Standing there in nothing but her 5-inch boots with a naked Trill bent over the table in front of her was, enticing, to say the least. On some level, she understood the desire to want to control another being, to bend them to your will. But it was also wrong. Thankfully, Pardus had volunteered.

Stepping forward until her legs were pressed up against Pardus’ cheeks, Max ran her empty hand along the Trill’s spine, first up and then back down again before running it over the firmness that was her arse.

The cool Trill’s body enjoyed feeling the strong legs and hips of Max pressed against her rear as her eyes closed halfly at the touch of the woman.

“I’m going to certainly enjoy this,” Max thought to herself before giving the cheek a soft yet firm spank. Reaching across the table, deliberately leaning over and dragging her hard nipples across the Trill’s soft skin, Max reached for the lubricant. She was tempted to ask Pardus if she had ever had anything in her arse before, but decided it was too much of a risk to take. So instead, she was just going to go for it.

Pardus reacted with a long sultry moan as she received the firm spank on her behind. Letting out a soft sigh as Max leaned over, feeling those hardened peaks graze over her back. She kept looking at Sojith, not knowing what Max took, deliberately or not.

Popping the cap on the bottle, Max poured some of the fluid into the crease at the top of her slave’s crack, watching it slowly run down the space between her cheeks and over both of her entrances. Next, she brought the egg she had been holding up and ran it over the lubricant that remained where she had poured, coating it. With a firm squeeze, Max activated the vibrator within the egg.

Without looking anywhere but where the egg was going, Max braced her empty hand on the Trill’s hip to steady her before pressing the toy up against the tight, private opening.

The contact of the fluid against Pardus her skin felt cool, yet it didn’t take long before the warm sensation of it warmed the applied area. It was odd as she felt the slimy substance run down her crease, feeling it coat her ass and eventually sex before some of it dripped down onto the floor with a sound while some of it ran down her thighs and down over her legs. It caused for the young Trill to shiver.

She could feel Gentry do something behind her back, feeling the texture of the egg as she coated it in lubricant before the buzzing started. When she heard the buzz she knew what exactly Max was holding and what would happen next. She could only brace herself and stiffen up a bit as Max held her in position. The toy nudged against her pucker and as it vibrated the Trill squirmed as it would be her first time. The lubricant and vibrations however helped smooth the transition though as her muscle ass slowly got probed by it, giving way to the toy before it slipped in on a teasingly slow rate. Pardus gasped for air and her hands clawed at the table as another lusty moan escaped her lips as the toy was pushed deeper. She squirmed and her body shuddered, moving more as the sensation of the vibrating egg in her rear hole began to stimulate her like nothing she’d ever felt before.

With a last push from her middle finger, which itself passed the tight ring of her slave’s rear hole, Max made sure that the egg was fully inserted. Smiling to herself at the moans Pardus was making, she caressed the Trill’s cheeks gently before spanking her once more to focus her.

”Pardus, take one step back and kneel,” Max ordered as she picked up the second egg.

The egg was buried deep inside the slave’s rear with the vibrating egg made it hard to think straight. She had felt the finger of Max slip into her pucker as well and it had made the next order just that much harder. The cheeks of the Trill stinging after being spanked once more, yet the focus not exactly returning to her.

She took a step backwards with shaky legs and it wasn’t clear if her legs gave way or if she found kneeling to be a more comfortable position. The egg made her squirm and whimper as she looked with great effort to Max.

Once Pardus was positioned correctly, Max stepped in front of her and lay back on the table, pulling up her legs and spreading them wide, presenting the Trill with both of her entrances.

“I need to be nice and wet before I put that strap-on on and I also want this egg in my ass just like yours,” Max stated as she set the egg down on the table up against her glistening pussy. “Take care of both those tasks please,” Max commanded, reaching for the Latinum strips and resting them on her toned abdomen.

Pardus her breaths were shaky at best as she heard the new orders and she bowed her head before she tried to gain just a tad more composure. She reached out for the egg with a shaky hand and grasped it, turning it on with a pinch before she inserted it in her own wet craving sex. The Trill moaned louder as she edged closer to Max on the table, she used the same lubricant and squeezed the cap off before letting it drip over her sex, coating her clit in it before the viscous substance ran over both of Gentry’s holes.

Pardus sat up a tad more as she squeezed her own legs together and lapped up against the clit of Max as her eyes drifted shut. The lubricant tasting like a sweet yet carbonated of sorts. She bit down on the clit of her mistress with not enough pressure to hurt but certainly enough to be felt. After that her tongue slid down and serviced her mistress like before. The tongue probing deep into Gentry’s folds. This time coated by the lubricant it caused for a warmer feeling inside of the human as the Trill’s tongue swirled around.

While she never ceased to stop eating her mistress out, Pardus fished out the vibrating egg from between her legs, lubricated it with her own juice, she brought it up and placed it against Max her rear hole. Slowly she probed it inside of her and returned the favor to her mistress by copying her actions, pushing the egg nice and deep as her middle finger slipped past her sphincter.

Max, despite being on show for everyone to see, was really enjoying herself. She was in control, and she had a feeling half the room would kill anybody that tried to stop what her and Pardus were doing. Glancing over, she saw that Omari had leg hooked over the arm of her chair with her slave’s face held up against the apex of her legs. The two masters locked eyes just as the lubricant and then Pardus’ tongue connected. She couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her lips as the Trill expertly used her tongue to heighten her Mistress’ arousal. Max slowly felt the tongue descend into the soaked gorge before it began to push inside her, bringing the lubricant with it.

Her eyes popped open when she first felt the egg touch her sensitive rear entrance. She hadn’t been expecting it given that Pardus’ face was still buried between her legs. Her nose could clearly smell the fluids of the Trill’s own arousal, indicating how much she was enjoying what was happening.

“Public sex and exhibitionism is not for that faint of heart,” Max thought as the egg began to probe deeper. “And you, my dear, are stronger than even you believed I think.” The vibrating egg was slowly worked deeper until it popped past her inner ring and seated itself firmly inside her. Pardus’ finger, just like her own, had also entered her and Max groaned at feeling it. “I really need to try more anal."

“Good girl,” Max crooned in appreciation as she popped herself up on her elbows. “If you think I’m ready, then it’s time to strap up,” Max said as she slid the Latinum off her body. She had enjoyed the weight of it, knowing that she had earned it.

Pardus worked her tongue a bit longer inside of her mistress, enjoying both the taste of the lubricant as well as the taste of her mistress. Eventually not much later she pulled her face back as she took in a fresh dose of air. Her lips connecting to Max's sex by some strings of lubricant and joined juices. Her mind not stopping to think about the situation as it would probably block her entirely all together.

Standing, Max stood with her feet apart, her stance and posture very domineering as she watched Pardus gather up the toy in question. Without moving, or an interest in moving, she waited for Pardus to complete her task.

The egg that was still deep inside of Pardus was helping with not overthinking. As strange as it may sound it kept her in that state of arousal and clouded her rational way of thinking. She had been unsatisfied since the start of this dinner and the idea of receiving pleasure from Max was just exhilarating

She couldn’t quite manage to stand up yet as she shuffled her way to the table with low grunts and pants. She grabbed the strap on that she had brought along and moved back to Max who stood like a true mistress before her. Pardus looked up as she positioned the strap on and tied it into position tightly for Max. She could hear the sound of Max her wet and well lubricated sex as the opposite side of the toy was inserted. For a moment Pardus was tempted to service the Romulan toy shaft yet she didn’t as she was directed to her next order. She did use the cock as a handle to hoist herself up. Faking a handjob against the cock as she knew Max would’ve felt the repercussions of it.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #56
”Excellent, now back to the table with you,” Max directed as her velvet tunnel continued to adjust to the intruder held securely within. “Face up or down, I don’t care. Just be quick about it,” Max stated as she dropped a hand to caress the Romulan-style shaft. A quick glance to the side revealed that Sojith had acquired his own human slave who was presently servicing his shaft. “I wondered when he’d crack. I haven’t even entered her yet,” Max noted silently as she turned back to watch Pardus’ lithe form.

With shaking legs Pardus simply sat back on the table where max had been, the moist spot a reminder of how wet her mistress was. She laid down on it with her back on the table. Her hard nipples pointing up in the air as she spread her legs for Max and looked with almost a begging expression on her face as she desperately needed the pleasure.

Max had initially considered using some of the lubricant to ease her entrance but see how saturated her slave’s pussy was, she knew that none was needed. As it was, the look on Pardus’ face was practically begging her Max to impale her right that moment. But as well as Pardus had performed so far, Max wasn’t just going to give her what she wanted. Not yet.

”You’re ready for this,” Max stated as she stepped up to the table and rested the tip of the strap-on against the Trill’s clit. Behind Pardus, a small group had gathered to watch what was about to happen. Laying a hand on Pardus’ breast, Max continued, holding her slave’s attention squarely on herself. “Aren’t you? You want it so much you’d practically do anything for it?”

Pardus let out a sharp gasp as the tip of the Romulan fake shaft pressed against her clit and her hips needily pushed up against it to create a pleasant friction against it. Her body craving the attention as she looked at Max “Y-Yes m-Mistress… P-Please…”

“But you’re all mine. They,” Max said, drawing Pardus’ attention to the crowd behind her for the first time. “They can watch, and cheer, and even shower you in Latinum if they wish. But I am the only one that gets to touch you.”

The Trill’s eyes shifted to the gathered crowd and could see them in various stages of undress and stimulation. Her cheeks reddened as she bit her lower lip, the ache in her loins only growing more as the egg never ceased to stop buzzing deep inside of her. “O-Of course… M-My M-Mistress…”

”That’s my girl,” Max said with a gentle smile as she ran a hand down the Trill’s body from her breast to where the dildo rested. With a flex of her hips and using her hand to guide it, Max repositioned the shaft’s tip at the saturated entrance to the Trill’s velvet core. With a smile, Max repositioned her booted feet and began to ever so slowly drive the toy into her slave.

The girl gasped louder as Max positioned herself and guided the tip to the craving core of her body. A loud moan filled the room as Max drove the shaft into her body. Bit by bit the dildo’s girth was inserted into the velvet walls of the Trill’s sacred tunnel. Her walls clamping down against the toy as pleasure hazed over her mind and her back arched to offer Max her breasts. Her body squirming underneath her as the itch to get satisfied was finally being filled in at last.

As Pardus arched her body in front of her, Max couldn’t help but stare at the Trill’s breasts as they moved and swayed each time her slave moved. Unable to resist the temptation for long, she moved one of her hands from Pardus’ hips up to grasp one of the fleshy mounds, giving it a gentle rub and squeeze.

Maxine got the hint as Pardus had arched her back to present her breasts to her, the woman sliding her hand up to rub and squeeze the mounds only served for a louder lustful moan from the Trill as her body writhed in pleasure as she felt the toy move back and forth inside of her womanhood.

Max was about to release the tender, sensitive flesh when several slips of Latinum rained gently down onto the Trill’s breasts. Looking up, Max saw a Cardassian male stepping back with a smile on his face before a Bajoran female dropped to her knees in front of him. Smiling, Max looked back down Pardus as she began to thrust into her with greater intensity.

It was a total surprise to feel the Latinum drop against her skin, the eyes of the Trill opening to see the strips slide down her body as she just caught a glimpse of the Cardassian male before she felt Max thrust into her with more intensity. Each thrust met by a louder growing moan or cry as Pardus edged closer to her climax, her walls hugging the toy inside of her and milking it in vain. “M-Mistr-ess..” she cooed out in pleasure.

Pardus’ moans grew in volume with each thrust from Max, whose own body was reacting to the other end of the strap-on that was seated within her own pussy. Her thighs were covered in trails of her excitement and she could feel the peak of her pleasure approaching as she continued to pound the Trill in front of her. The latinum on her breasts wobbled with each movement of her breasts and her skin had begun to take on a sheen to it from their actions.

When Pardus cooed out Mistress to her, Max’s pussy pulse in excitement and the oncoming wave of ecstasy drew closer as her mind enjoyed the sound of that word. Seizing a stronger grip on the Trill’s thighs and shifting her booted feet, Max began to drive into Pardus with her whole body, he arse clenching around the egg, it’s pleasant vibrations now sending shivers through her body as it’s effects began to build.

"What do you want Pardus?” Max asked as her own breasts began to sway from the motion as she tried to reach her own peak before the Trill reached hers. “Tell us all.”

“M-Make me… Cum.” she cried out in pleasure as her hips bucked up against Max’s movements. The strips of Latinum sliding off her body and onto the table as she was fighting the urge to give in. The way Gentry was driving the toy into her would have her dissolve in mere seconds and she hoped she’d be granted the right to give in to the blissful feeling. “P-P-Please!” she begged as her walls already began to contract against the toy, providing with more resistance for Max to drive it into her, yet stimulating the part of the toy that was inside of her. In addition to the toy in her rear, it was driving the young Trill to insanity.

”Me… First,” Max groaned out as her strokes deepened. The Trill’s tunnel was tightening around the shaft within her; something which caused the other end to push deepend into max with each thrust. She was practically hammering away at her slave and she didn’t give a care who was watching them. Some part of her mind noted that Pardus didn’t seem to care either but it would be hours before she would remember that thought. “Play with your tits,” Max suddenly commanded, not even realizing she had said it until the words left her mouth.

The order to play with her breasts came as a slight surprise, almost unregistered by the pleasure delivered to her by Max. The Trill moved her hands up to her breasts, pressing them together before molding them, rubbing her sensitive nipples which in turn only caused for more squirming and moaning on her behalf. She hoped Max would get there soon enough, a selfish thought as she only wanted to reach her own climax.

The sight of Pardus manipulating her generous mounds was all Max needed to move her from teetering on the edge to diving off into the wave of ecstasy that broke over her. Her whole body trembled from the pleasure coursing through her body as she worked her hips, each movement sending another wave through her body. “Now Pardus. Cum for your Mistress!” Max commanded as he eyes stared down at the Trill.

Being given permission to cum was a gift sent from above. The Trill not needing much to reach the heightened state of ecstacy. Her body convulsed lightly before she came hard around the toy that was being pounded into her.She screamed out, not caring who would hear her or how they’d look at her. The built up pressure being released caused for the young Trill to squirt lightly along the shaft of the dildo inside of her, spilling some on Maxine’s thighs and legs before it simply dripped from the table as she nearly passed out on the spot. The heavy climax however had caused for a side effect as the tension and pressure had caused for the egg to slip out of Pardus, it now remained buzzing on the table as her fluids ran around it.

The Trill’s reaction was… unexpected. Feeling the sudden warmth on her thighs that began to run down her legs was a telltale sign of how worked up Pardus had been. And it didn’t bother Max one bit that she had her slave’s juices coating her body. If anything, it strengthened the last few waves from her orgasm that flooded her body before she slowed her thrust. Some masters would have pulled out then and demanded another slave to clean them but Max had other ideas and instead finished by pushing fully into her slave, seating herself so completely that their pubic bones were pressed against one another; a vibrating egg, Pardus’ Max realised, was also wedged their and added it’s own effect to their joining.

As her body trembled in the aftermath, several more masters approached them and left offerings of Latinum either on the table or dropped them onto Pardus’ semi-conscious form. From the look and feel of it, the Trill was continuing to experience her pleasure and Max had to resist the urge to heighten it further. Pardus had done supremely well but this was not the time to reward her. That would come later, in private.

”By Kahless Max, that was incredible to watch Maxy,” Omari called out from where the Klingon Mistress was reclined; her slave’s head buried between her legs. “I came twice watching that and I’m going for more.”

”Glad I could accommodate you Omari,” Max deadpanned as Pardus began to stir.

The aftermath of the orgasm was simply just a pleasurable haze as Pardus gasped for air as she could feel the Romulan shaped toy buried deep inside of her. Her velvet walls still spasming around it as her climax seemed to keep on going thanks to the deeper probing of Maxine’s final thrust. Latinum seemed to keep on pouring down on the table and next to Pardus.

It took time for the Trill girl to catch her breath and slowly the velvet walls just hugged the shaped cock inside of her as she still felt sensitive and shaky in the aftermath. Despite it all though, the Trill had a sheen sweat over her body, her eyes still lust glazed as her tensile strength was nonexistent. She could hear Omari speak as well as Max, the warmth of Max’s crotch against hers only beginning to register now as Pardus slowly began to look around as she became more aware of her surroundings.

The Trill slowly tried to shift, only causing another whimper and low moan to escape from her lips as she couldn’t go anywhere with the Romulan shaft still firmly planted inside of her. She looked up to Max, perhaps breaking the facade as a slave as she looked at her with a certain sense of admiration.

The look on the Trill’s face as she looked up at the Human above her was not something that Max could figure out. Maybe it was the post-orgasmic bliss or the still vibrating egg in her ass but she couldn’t make sense of it. Pushing it aside, she’d ask Pardus about it later, Max decided to focus on the here and now.

“Show’s over people,” Max declared as she braced against Pardus’ body before pushing herself off the Trill, the Romulan shaft sliding out with ease as she did so.

The feeling of the fake cock sliding out of her left Pardus with an empty feeling inside of her as she dropped her head down on the table and just took the time to recover now. She was still panting and listened to the ongoing talk between Omari and Max.

”But...I were going to...double her,” Omari wondered as her slave worked her loins.

”I’m not being paid to put on a show for everyone,” Max pointed out bluntly as she stepped back. “Besides, Sojith is up to his hips in Human,” Max noted, casting a sideways glance at the Romulan as he humped the Human’s backside in much the same fashion that Max had enjoyed her slave. Standing their naked but for her boots, she wondered if she should just rip the strap-on off herself or make Pardus do it. Deciding that keeping up appearance was best, Max addressed her slave. “Pardus, remove this harness.”

It took a few seconds for the Trill to hoist herself up into a seated position. Hearing the new order she felt her legs still being weak. She simply leaned in to Max as she undid the straps and looked up at her as she pursed her lips. Hearing the animalistic sounds of Sojith to her side Pardus took the shaft full in her hand as she tilted it, causing the end inside Max to shift upwards before she dragged it out slowly from her Mistress. After that she discarded the strapon at the table and awaited her next instructions as her legs regained their form and steadiness to stand on.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #57
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ]  Attn: @Nolan

Max couldn’t help but groan as first the shaft within her was pushed further in before being removed. The dual motions and following emptiness caused Max to roll her eyes slightly from the feelings before refocusing on the present. The egg was still there, vibrating inside her arse and for the moment, Max had no intention of removing it. She was actually rather enjoying it. 

“Speaking of eggs,” Max thought to herself. “Pardus, you seemed to have dropped something. Be a good girl and put it back in would you. I haven’t told you to remove it yet.” Waiting to make sure that the Trill followed her instructions, Max then turned to Omari as the Klingon was coming down from another orgasm. “Haven’t you had enough?”

“Never,” Omari shot back as she released the slave from between her thighs. The human girl’s face was liberally coated in her mistress’ juices but knew better than to try and wipe it away with anything but her own tongue; which could only reach so far. “I always want more. You should remember that.”

“I do, but things do change from time to time,” Max pointed out as she looked around for her skirt. Finding it, she considered having Pardus dress her but decided that she couldn't be bothered waiting. “I’m proof of that.”

“Well I don’t,” Omari declared firmly as she reached for her drink and took a long pull. “Still coming to see me tomorrow?”

“Yep,” Max acknowledged as she finished belting the skirt around her waist. She always loved the convenience of belted skirts; easy on and easy off. “We’ll be there. Not sure if Sojith will be. He seems to be enjoying himself.”

“He is at that,” Omari agreed with a toothy grin. “I will see you tomorrow then. You know where to find me.”

“I do,” Max replied. She considered trying to squeeze herself back into her bustier but given that everyone had already seen her tits, she decided to be comfortable instead. “I think I’m going to borrow this,” Max said as she picked up the double-ended dildo from the table. 

“Tease,” Omari accused.

“And?” Max responded flippantly. “Pardus, time to go,” Max announced. "Be a dear and get dressed. Oh, and don’t forget to bring the Latinum. I’m sure you’ll find something to carry it in.”

“You have a skirt and a top,” Max noted to herself as she watched the Trill. “Which will you use?”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #58
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88  

The Trill girl looked up at her mistress as she pointed out that she had lost her egg. A slight hesitation came over Pardus before she looked over to the egg that still buzzed on the table, coated in still some of the gel and some of her own juices running along it by the table. She slowly took it in her hand as she inspected it and did her best to insert the toy once more. Her breathing turning into pants as she pushed it in with no trouble, thinking about is at a suppository.

The Trill tried to keep her head in the game as Max began to talk to Omari. Pardus didn't look at the Klingon woman, yet she did look at the human slave who's face was redecorated with the feminine fluids of her mistress. She seemed to try and lick up as much of it as possible and Pardus her gaze shifted slowly to Sojith. He was quite brutally fucking his slave's face as the girl gagged as tears ran down her cheeks. Pardus quickly looked away from the scene as she looked back at Max as she was getting dressed again.

The Trill simply awaited a new command and when received she gave a nod as she took the skirt and began to fit it back on. As she was told to bring the Latinum as well, she nodded and quite quickly came to the realization that she wouldn't be able to carry it all with just her hands. Did Max do this on purpose?

Knowing that most if not everyone here had seen her breasts and sex by now, she knew it would be futile to be prude. She used her top to collect all of the Latinum and pressed it against her chest to make sure not to spill anything. It was only by then that she noticed Max was holding on to the double ended dildo. Pardus swallowed silently as her eyes lingered over it before looking at Max.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #59
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Nolan

“I guess she had the same thought I did,” Max noted with a smile. Pardus had chosen to use her top to carry the Latinum in and Max could help but stare a little at the sweet sheened body of the Trill as she picked up the currency, her breasts swaying as she did so. She had noticed the slight hesitation before Pardus had reinserted the egg, but she made no mention of it. She was probably just sensitive or tired from their activities; Max sure was on both accounts as the egg in her own arse continued to send little pulses of pleasure up her spine as she stood there. Once Pardus had successfully gathered up all the Latinum, Max turned back to Omari.

“Until tomorrow. Pardus, follow,” Max commanded as she began to stride towards the door. She could feel the eyes on her back as she departed but she paid them no heed. And she said nothing the entire way back to their quarters. The only sound marking their passage was the sounds of their feet on the ground. Back in their quarters, Max once again checked the room for bugs before sitting down on the edge of the bed and removing her boots.

“You did well tonight Pardus,” Max commended the Trill. “Very well indeed. And I think you should be rewarded for your efforts." When Pardus didn't immediately respond, Max went on. "You can talk freely now. It’s safe enough here. Just remember your place.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #60
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88   

As all the excitement was over Pardus felt the cooler air brush against her body, her body cool as it is was shivered slightly as she followed Max after she told her to follow. Each step she took made the latinum bounce and shift a little as she kept her eyes on Gentry as she lead the way. The egg still buried in her rear slowly shifting at each step she took. It caused her to clench her jaws together as they reached the room, the egg slowly began to move outwards once more.

She placed the latinum on the table as she didn't know where else to put it and as Max finished her sweep of the room the egg slipped out once more. Pardus decided to just hold it in her hand, hoping the woman wouldn't notice as she felt her body relax finally after the entire evening. It had been an eventful evening if anything as she had been 'fucked' in public and came to enjoy every bit of it in hindsight. Sure it all felt rather strange and unnatural at the start, yet she had reached her heightened point under the form of an orgasm.

She snapped out of her thoughts as Max called out to her to speak freely, yet to remember her place "Rewarded?" she asked softly as she looked at the woman. Her eyes glancing at the bathroom before looking back to Max "I would kill for a shower right now..." she suggested softly, not implying to go and do just that without permission.

"Or would you have anything else in mind?"

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #61
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Nolan

“I could definitely go for a shower myself,” Max thought as she smiled at Pardus’ request and the following comment. “While I might have something else or more in mind, right now, I could definitely go for a shower. After, well, we’ll see.”

“So could I,” Max agreed with the Trill’s response. Within, the egg continued to buzz but its effects were lessoning, and Max decided that now was as good a time as any to remove it. Rolling over so that she rested her stomach on the bed, Max rested her knees on the ground, slightly spread before reaching back. Working the muscles of her backside, she slowly pushed the egg out until she was able to grasp it with her hand and free it completely. “There, that’s better,” Max said as she looked back at Pardus. She hadn’t meant to but she had just given her slave an eyeful.

“Woops,” Max chuckled to herself as she climbed to her feet. “C’mon,” Max said as she held out her hand. “This time I am going to wash you. But it’s been a while since I showered someone else, so you’ll have to let me know if I do something wrong.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #62
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88  

Pardus remained by the table as she watched her mistress roll over before she put up quite a show as she aimed her well formed ass up in the air. SLowly but surely the egg that was buried inside of her came to light before she fished it out of her. She seemed relieved to have it out of her and Pardus couldn't help but smile a little as Gentry looked at her and slipped out a whoops. Pardus was unsure if she had done it on purpose or not.

Pardus took Max's hand as she extended it and followed after her mistress as she promised to washed up herself. An offer Pardus wouldn't refuse. She smiled as she gave a nod "Yes mistress.. I'll let you know." she answered as they got to the bathroom. Pardus moved to Max to remove the belted skirt she wore and let it fall to the ground before she removed her own. She switched on the showers and slowly stepped under them, her front facing Maxine to keep an eye on her.

The water initially felt col yet quickly warmed up as Pardus let the water cascade over her hair and down her body. It felt great to have the water warm up her body as she gestured to Max to join her "The water should be rather enjoyable temperature wise mistress."

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #63
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Nolan

Once Pardus had accepted her hand, Max had padded across their quarters and into the separate bathroom without delay. She turned around to undress the Trill but found that her slave had already taken the initiative to step forward and begin to work at Max’s belt buckle. With quiet adeptness, Pardus soon had her mistress’ skirt around her ankles with her own following quickly to leave them both naked once more.

“She is definitely losing her shyness,” Max noted as Pardus started the water running, letting it flow for a moment before entering the stream, turning to face Max as the water cascaded over her spotted skin. Max merely waited, watching the Trill until Pardus invited her mistress to join her. “I’m sure its perfect,” Max in response to Pardus commenting on the water temperature as she stepped into the shower.

After allowing the water to do its work and moisten her skin, Max stepped around behind Pardus and began to gather up the Trill’s brown tresses and wetting them. Next, she picked up the shampoo and proceeded to wash the hair she held, taking care to be as gentle as she could while also massaging the scalp as best as she could. Once she was satisfied with her work, Max rinsed the hair before exchanging the shampoo for body wash and, starting at Pardus’ neck, began to lather up her body.

Max took her time and avoided no areas, moving from neck to shoulders and arms before trailing down her back. She then pressed herself up against the Trill’s soapy back and reached around her to soap up her front, from clavicle to down over her breasts to her belly and navel. Perhaps she spent a little too much time kneading and rubbing Pardus’ breasts but there was something about the position and action that enticed Max.

Returning her hands to her slave’s rearend, literally, Max crouched down and washed Pardus’ backside, cleft and all, to remove any remaining lubricant or bodily fluids. She made sure to stop at the Trill’s perineum though, deciding against taking too much of an advantage of the situation. Finally, she washed each of her slave’s legs, front and back, before speaking for the first time since her entrance into the shower.

“How was that Pardus?” Max asked, still on her knees behind her standing slave. “Is there anywhere else you would like me to wash. And be honest.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #64
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88   

It was odd to see Max step in with Pardus under the shower, the slave looking at her mistress as they both let the water cascade over them and eventually Max began to gather the long brown tresses of the Trill before she began to shampoo her hair with care. It felt nice, especially when Gentry began to assage the scalp of the Trill. The eyes of Pardus drifting shut as she enjoyed it fully and felt her legs turn a little wobbly. It didn't last as long as she'd wanted it to and soon enough her hair was washed clean.

It didn't take long for Max to continue as she began to lather the spotted woman with care and precision. Pardus simply underwent the whole thing and enjoyed being washed up in this fashion. She suddenly felt Max her own breasts pressed against her back as she began to wash up her front. The nipples of her mistress being pressed against her back as she washed her slave's breasts, kneading and rubbing them quite deliberately before she moved on. The care she took to wash up her rear and to remove any of the remaining gel was appreciated by the brunette before finishing up with her legs.

At the question of how it was and if she wanted anything else to be washed, Pardus turned around to face her mistress with a smile "It felt great, thank you mistress." she answered as she looked down her body and bit her lip. Seeing Max on her knees she was curious what it felt like to have the power she had. She seemed to think over her request before finally voicing it out.

"I'd like you to clean my sex... Only... Without using your hands..." she said softly as she stepped closer and brought her mound to the front of Max's face.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #65
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ]  Attn: @Nolan

Looking up at Pardus and seeing her biting her lip as she considered what Max had asked, was worth it in the Human’s opinion. To Max, the Trill seemed to be considering if she should ask or not but then her eyes altered and her lips parted.

"I'd like you to clean my sex... Only... Without using your hands..." Pardus requested, her voice soft as the Trill stepped closer and brought her mound to the front of Max's face. Max didn’t think that the woman she had met a few days ago would have been able to answer her question, yet here she stood, asking. Although, considering what they had done not an hour ago, perhaps it wasn’t as farfetched as it seemed.

“As you wish,” Max responded with a smirk on her wet face. The shower was still running and while the water wasn’t directly on either of their bodies, the spray, mixed with their earlier washing, made their skin slick. 

Bringing her hands up, Max grasped Pardus’ firm ass and pressed it forward, exposing more of the Trill’s delicious looking womanhood. Leaning in, Max looked up into her slave’s eyes as she extended her tongue and, ever so slowly, dragged it up the full length of the Trill’s slit. With a last flick of the hard nub at the crest, Max pulled back without releasing her grip.

“Brace yourself,” Max warned with another teasing smirk. “Unless you’d like to move this to the bed.” However, she never gave her slave a chance to answer before her head snapped forward, plunging her tongue into the damp folds of skin as her lips sealed around it. Tensing her arms, Max locked them in position as she began her ministrations upon her slave’s sex.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #66
[ Pardus |  Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

With a glint of anticipation in her eyes the young Trill watched as the human leaned in and pulled her forward by holding onto her ass. The eye contact between the both of them never broke as the kneeled woman ran her tongue over the nether lips of the other. The sensation of the still rather sensitive sex making Pardus squirm lightly as her legs trembled. She fought to keep her eyes open and simply parted her lips to form an 'Oh' in silence.

Max warned her to brace herself after that and before Pardus could reply or do anything about it, the warm muscled tongue of the human invaded her depths and lips seemed to latch on to her lower ones. She reached out for support against the shower walls as she closed her eyes in bliss. It felt wondrous and just delightful as her hips began to grind against Max's face to build up more pleasure. The legs of the slave fluctuating to either give in or tensing up due to the sparks of pleasure being pushed through her system.

"O-Oh!" she moaned loudly as she thoroughly enjoyed the attention she was getting. Her mind not even thinking about how this certain sort of mindset had been formed. Oh how Amelya Duv was so different from this undercover role... The latter would probably blush and freeze in a situation like this. Yet in this identity, she seemed to lose herself entirely in it. "B-Bed!" she managed to bring out after a few minutes as she wanted to enjoy the oral work more relaxed.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #67
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Nolan  

"Oh, the memories you will have from this time, Amelya Duv,” Max thought to herself as she lashed at the Trill’s sex once again with her tongue. Water was still splashing against their skin but she ignored it in favour of the most delicious task before her. “Of course, you’ll never really be able to speak about them with anyone. Unless fate brings us together again.”

The moans coming from the Trill were exciting Max, her own sex dampening readily in anticipation. She longed to drop one of her own hands to stimulate herself but that was not why she was here. She was here to reward Pardus for being exemplary, and that is what she was going to do.

"B-Bed!" Pardus managed to stammer finally and Max smiled as her tongue ceased its task. Without releasing her grip on her slave’s delightful derrière, Max stood up, dragging her slick body up along Pardus’, just to tease her some. Staring into the green eyes of the Trill, Max slowly released her grip, before taking hold of both of the Trill’s hands and pulling her from the shower. Absently shutting the water off, the Human seized upon a towel and began to dry the spotted skin of her companion before doing the same to her own.

Once satisfied, Max once again joined hands and led Pardus to the bed, spinning her around before pushing her back onto it. The sight of the dildo she had brought back from dinner caught her eye but she dismissed it. This time was not for her own whims. Kneeling at the edge of the bed, the Trill’s legs spread before her, Max looked up along her slave’s naked body.

“Now, you let me know if you want me to do something different for you,” Max offered with a wicked grin before returning her head to the heated velvet core of the Trill; her tongue eager to begin anew.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #68
[ Pardus |  Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88 

When the words for bed were ushered, Max had teased Pardus some more before pulling her from under the warm stream of water. Being dried off by her mistress felt somewhat odd, unnatural perhaps. Though it allowed Pardus to relapse into her life before this feigned slavery. She let her hands roam over Max her cheeks before running through the wet tresses of hair. With a smile, she was satisfied as she was dried up and led to the bed. Of course, one particular spot wasn't dry, no matter how hard one would try.

Once in the bed Pardus was being positioned back on her back as her legs were spread out. The words of Max only lingering softly in the air before the Trill let out a new moan of pleasure as her head fell back into the sheets as Max delved back in to what she had started. The back of the Trill arched as her eyes drift shut and her legs cramped up as they wrapped around Max her back.

Pardus couldn't speak another word as her mind went blank with the lust and pleasure delivered to her. She was being led to a climax and she embraced the feeling of it as it ashed over her and tensed her muscles up. Her body shaking and jerking slightly as she reached her peak. The tensile strength in the muscles being kept for a few moments before she collapsed fatigued and satiated. Her breasts rising and falling along with her chest as she was exhausted by the delivered pleasure.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #69
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ]  Attn: @Nolan

Max had feasted on her slave’s generous bounty, cognisant of what she was doing to Pardus but wholly focused on completing the task that she had set for herself. Which was to bring her slave to a bed shaking orgasm. And judging from the sounds and motions that the Trill was demonstrating, that goal was not far off.

When the Trill’s peak hit and her body tensed for all it was worth, Max was trapped between her slave’s legs; not that she minded as she continued her assault on Pardus’ sopping sex. When Pardus’ orgasm finally abated and her legs relaxed, Max ceased her ministrations and climbed to her feet to look down at her possession.

Despite enjoying the taste of her companion’s juices on her tongue, Max headed into the bathroom again and rinsed her mouth out before brushing her teeth. By the time she had returned to the bed, Pardus had apparently fallen into a deep, relaxed sleep. Smiling to herself, Max dimmed the lights before checking that her d’k tahg was under her pillow and that her phaser was on the bedside table. Her preparations complete, Max lay down on the bed, uncaring in her nudity and stared at the ceiling, wondering what tomorrow, the first day of the auction, would bring. And she stayed that way until sleep overtook her.

Max was deliciously warm when she awoke and it took her a few moments to figure out and remember why. She was not alone in her bed. And judging by the firm breast she held in her hand, Max’s companion was female. Which meant that she was either spooning Pardus, or someone had somehow slipped into their quarters after the two had fallen asleep.

“What a wonderful way to greet the morning,” Max thought to herself as she opened her eyes and gazed upon the spotted skin of the Trill, unable to resist the urge to squeeze the breast she held just a little.


Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #70
[ Pardus |  Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

The deep sleep that had been brought to her by Maxine's action caused for a good night rest. Dreams were filled with the events that happened today and caused for a cascade of various dream states. Some dreams were more lucid then others as some dreams brought fear and excitement. In the end, Pardus remained peacefully asleep against Max in the bed. When the other woman woke up and offered a squeeze into the breast of the Trill, Pardus stirred slightly in her sleep and arched her back lightly. It caused for some slight friction against Max her breasts.

It didn't take much after that for Pardus to slowly wake up as she had to get her bearings as well. She could feel the coolness of the room over her naked frame, yet she could feel the warm source of the human laying behind her. She gave herself a few seconds before turning her head to look at Max as her hand reached up to lay over the hand that covered up one of her breasts. "Morning..." she whispered as she nestled herself into MAx, eager to get more warmth.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #71
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Nolan

Pardus pressing her naked body back against Max’s own, seeking the warmth that their bodies provided to each other, was a feeling that Max didn’t get to enjoy very often. Usually it was use, abuse, discard. And all for her own safety. It was rare that she shared her bed with someone that she trusted enough to fall asleep alongside of.

“Good morning,” Max replied to the Trill’s greeting, squeezing the breast she held again before releasing it and running her hand along the Trill’s skin, enjoying the softness to it. She avoided any sensitive areas, not wanting to be distracted. “How did you sleep?”

As Pardus responded, Donna considered what the day would hold. They had to inspect several groups of slaves for sale, no the least of which was Omari’s. Max also wanted to check and confirm which arms dealers were buying and selling at the auction. She had seen several that she had recognised from the dinner the night before but hadn’t had the chance to confirm who they were. Not that she minded being distracted. The auction lasted three days; they had the time.

“We have a busy day today Pardus,” Max announced to her slave. “Lots of people to see and places to go,” she said, bringing her hand up to rest on the Trill’s collar. “I hope you remember your place while we are out and about.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #72
[ Pardus |  Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

"Morning..." was the whispered reply Pardus gave as she nodded her head slightly "Surprisingly well given the location." she answered with a grin as she could feel Max squeeze once more into her breast before she released it and tantalized her skin "How about you?" she asked as she didn't turn around, not wanting to ruin the feeling of Max her fingers over her skin.

As Max announced what their day would look like, Pardus sighed softly and gave a nod. It wasn't exactly a thing she was looking forward to do, yet this was the reason why they were here. Feeling the hand of Max along her collar she felt a chill run over her body as Max stated she hoped that the Trill would know her place. She gave a nod once more as she slowly rose up and sat straight. Her spine visible to Max as she remained with her back to her mistress "I will mistress.." she answered her softly as she got up "Shall I get dressed? Is there anything I should wear specifically for today?"

After hearing Max's reply the Trill sauntered through the room before freshening herself up first before dressing in the desired outfit. Once ready she awaited for Max's next set of orders as she waited by the door.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #73
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Nolan

“I’d like to be more direct in how I want her to dress and act but I cannot risk those directions being overheard,” Max thought as she regarded the Trill before her. She was an exquisite example of her species and Max found herself almost wishing that she could freeze time and enjoy her some more. But alas, she could not. “I just have to trust that she remembers what I said to her while we were aboard the Falcon.”

“Something functional would be best. A jumpsuit and utility boots if you have them,” Max suggested as she sat up in bed. Never one to waste an opportunity unless she had to, she might as well enjoy the show while she could. “Just ensure that your collar and the emerald are clearly visible for everyone to see.”

“And so that it can see everyone as well,” Max added mentally, thinking on the collar's alternative purpose. “These auctions are a veritable buffet of intelligence gathering. The trick is being able to gain access to them, gather up as much of the intel as possible and then get out again with that intel intact. Something that isn’t as easy to do as it is to plan.”

“And wear your belt as well,” Max commanded as she thought about where they were going and what trouble might be had. While the collar should protect her, it was better to be safe than sorry. “Just in case.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #74
[ Pardus |  Personal Quarters | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

After washing herself quickly Pardus moved on to wear the desired outfit Maxine had told her to wear. She started with the jumpsuit which was a light shade of blue though it was accented with darker blue parts to certain areas. It was a perfect fit for the Trill as she moved further to pull on her boots with heels. Next up was the belt with the hidden daggers for in case anything would go wrong and the last piece was the collar which would serve as the intelligence gaining object for their true purpose here.

Once ready she waited for her mistress and once the door opened they made their way over to the auction rooms. Some of the corridors were deserted while other contained customers and guards. The corridors felt cool yet never cold. The walk eventually ended up in the designated 'auction space'. Slaves, weapons and other various articles were on display. Pardus was at first taken aback by the sheer collection of black market, illegal and hazardous things on sale before she glanced over at Max. With a slight nod she took a bow to her mistress, a slight bow not over the top before she broke off from her handler and went over to the rows of slaves.

There was a wide variety of them, from every race one could possibly imagine. Some of them were in bad shape, others had seen worse conditions and a few were in seemingly impeccable condition. Pardus felt the need to tend to every one of them that had a medical condition and it was hard to bite back her original training. She came to a stop at a young Orion girl, clearly not even old enough to be left alone. Pardus squatted down and smiled at the girl as she softly began to talk to her, hoping to not draw too much attention.

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