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Topic: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble (Read 16375 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #25
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Guest Quarters | Jade Falcon ]

4 Days Later

"Standard orbit please,” Phrang said as they approached the planet designated for the Orion Syndicate Auction. “Let’s keep our distance from anyone else as much as we can,” Phrang directed before turning in his seat to look at Max. “Well, we’re here.”

“It’s about time,” Max noted gruffly. The last 4 days had grated on her nerves being stuck aboard with very little to entertain herself with. There had been the Trill, of course, but there was only so much she could do before she’d scare her off. The worst she had done was make Pardus stand naked in the middle of the room for 20 minutes while she stared at her. And like it or not, the mission would be both easier and safer with her along. “I swear this ship gets slower each and every time I travel aboard her.”

“Now, now, don’t besmirch the Falcon’s age,” Phrang chided with a smile. “She’s a lady in her prime. It might be a Klingon’s prime, but she is a Klingon, after all.”

“No comment,” Max retorted emotionlessly. “When can we beam down?”

“I’ve already sent a signal notifying them of your arrival,” Phrang detailed. “As soon as they transmit coordinates, you can be off.”

“Good,” Max said as she turned to leave the bridge. “I’ll be in my quarters,” she added before striding off the bridge. She said nothing on the short trip her quarters and upon entering found Pardus within working on making a garment or 3 from the roll of blank fabric that had been included. “You’ll have to finish that later Pardus. We’ve arrived.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #26
[ Pardus | Guest quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88

They days passed by slowly, even for Amelya as there was little to do but slip into her role as Pardus. Nomen, or well Maxine Gentry had taken the liberty to put her through some of the things she expected of her. One of them included undressing and standing naked in the room as she simply watched her. Pardus had not resisted the request and simply complied as after fifteen minutes she did manage to shake off the shame and oddness of the situation.

Her body on perfect display as Max was getting a perfect view of her cleanly shaved private area as well as the effect of a colder room onto the Trill's body. Goosebumps forming after a while, as her nipples had turned harder. Pardus however remained still and stared in front of her as she had did her best to subdue any shivers or muscle twitches.

Today Pardus was working on a piece of clothing that would serve as a veil for herself in more official meetings. She wasn't sure when exactly the mission itself would begin, yet she had done her utmost best to take on her role as maiden/slave for Maxine. The doors slid open suddenly and Pardus stood up, placing her hands in her lap and bowing her head to Max as she spoke to her. The eyes of the Trill meeting hers as she nodded "Of course ma'am. Shall I collect our gear?" she asked.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #27
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Guest Quarters | Jade Falcon ] 

At Pardus’ response to her arrival, Max stepped up beside her slave and without warning, brought her down onto the Trill’s backside with enough force for an audible crack to echo around the cabin. This was the first time that she had physically disciplined Pardus but it was also the last time that she would be able to make a mistake. Besides, the slap was more shock than force. It was meant to be memorable, not damaging.

“Mistress,” Max said calmly, her voice barely above a whisper and yet almost like steel as she leaned in right next to Pardus’ left ear. “To you, I am Mistress, or Mistress Max. No more of this ma’am. I am no officer in some fleet and neither are you,” Max reminded her slave. “I am Maxine Gentry and you are Pardus, my slave,” she stated as she brought her right hand up to rest on Pardus’ butt. “I. Own. You,” she enunciated as she brought her left hand up to cup the Trill’s left breast. She let them rest there for a moment to show her point before giving both breast and butt a squeeze and pulling her hands away. “Pity you’re dressed.”

“Now that we have clarified that,” Max said, her entire tone lightening as she moved off behind Pardus. “Yes, you can gather your gear. And change. The jumpsuit with the full-length frontal zipper and the boots. And no bra. If I have to show your tits off, I don’t want to have to cut one off you,” Max commanded as she began to put her own things into her bag.

Inside her head, a voice tried to speak up, telling her she was being too hard on the Trill but she quashed it down. With what would probably happen over the next few days there was no time for sentiment or social niceties. They had a job to do.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #28
[ Pardus | Guest quarters | Jade Falcon ] Attn: @Stegro88

As Pardus simply stood there, she was unprepared and unaware of what was coming for her. The slap she received on her rear made her yelp, her cheeks shading red as she didn't reply just yet, hearing the words of Maxine Gentry against her ear as the area that had received the impact stung. Amelya would speak up to this, revolt even, yet she knew all too well that she had slipped up. She simply bowed her head as she felt her body tense up ever so slightly when the hands of the woman moved over her hind. The woman proved her point as Pardus' left breast was cupped and a soft whimper escaped from her lips. She swallowed hard as Max's hands just kept in position before they left yet not before giving the assets a squeeze.

What kind of trouble did I bring myself into?

The tone of her mistress changed and the Trill simply complied as she gathered her belongings and undressed before Max without any shame or reluctance. Slipping onto the jumpsuit as requested she followed up on the order to not wear any bra underneath the fabric. Hearing what might be done to her, the girl reminded herself to be natural about it. If she'd show any sign of shock or resistance... Their cover would be blown.

Once everything was packed, Pardus slid the shoulder bag over her left shoulder and she stood behind Gentry before she lead them to the transporter pads. The walk over made Pardus fully aware of how the fabric of the jumpsuit grazed against her exposed breasts. Each step she took made the whole thing worse as it caused for constant friction. By the time they got to the transporter room, the nipples of the Trill had taken a hardened form, visible to those around them as two little nubs poking through the fabric.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #29
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

Transporting down to the planet had been a simple enough once permission had been granted. They arrived in an empty chamber, though only empty for a moment as once the transport was complete, a door on the far side of the chamber opened a pair of guards, one Human and one Nausicaan, entered.

“Maxine Gentry,” the human said in greeting, completely ignoring Pardus. “Your arrival has been logged and quarters are being prepared for you. Please stand still while a security scan is carried out.”

“Of course,” Max responded. The scan was standard procedure, one she had circumvented many times. Once the Nausciaan had scanned her, he moved over to Pardus and began to check her. Max could practically see the drool falling from his mouth as he examined her. But she didn’t react until he began to reach forward with a hand. “Hands off my property Nausciaan or I’ll take that hand off you.”

“She’s a slave,” the Nausicaan pointed out. “Why do you care?”

“Because she is MY slave,” Max replied before turning to the human. “Are we done?”

“You’re both clear. Please board the carriage in the next chamber and it will take you to the other,” the Human said with a reproachful look at the Nausicaan.

“Thank you,” Max deadpanned. “Come,” she commanded Pardus as she walked through the doors, he boots hardly making a sound on the rocky ground. Beyond she found half a dozen armed guards of various species and an open and empty carriage. Ignoring the guards, Max boarded the carriage and once Pardus was also aboard and seated, the door shut and the vehicle began to move.

The trip didn’t take long, perhaps 5 minutes but she didn’t say a word the entire time; there was nothing to say. Instead, she admired the way Pardus’ jumpsuit clung to her body in all the right places and enjoyed the effect it was having on the Trill’s breasts. 

“Something to enjoy later, perhaps,” Max considered silently as the carriage slowed to a stop. Wordlessly, Max rose from her seat and disembarked with Pardus on her heels. They had barely taken a dozen steps before a voice familiar to Max rang out.

"Max, it’s been too long,” the feminine voice called, bringing Max up short as she turned to face the Klingon female to which it belonged.

“Indeed it has Omari,” Max agreed. “At least a year.”

“More like one and a half but who’s counting,” Omari countered.

“As you say,” Max noted before looking to the Romulan male that walked beside Omari. “And you are?”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #30
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

The slight feeling of nervosity and perhaps some misplaced excitement for the mission rushed through Pardus before the door on the other side of the empty room opened. She cast her eyes down to the floor as pleasantries were exchanged and once they were told to prepare for a security scan, Pardus her eyes met the two guards. The Nausicaan scanned her, his eyes sticking to all the right places and when he reached out to her, Pardus almost jumped when Max lashed out verbally at the man.

Grateful for the intervention, she knew it would only be a matter of time before something physical would happen to her. She could only steel her mind and resolve for when that moment would happen. Once cleared, the slave followed Max to the carriage. The rocky ground proved to be a slight challenge on the footwear she was wearing, yet she managed to stay on her feet as they boarded. Pardus did subtly look around, a bit in awe at the amount of armed guards. Taking her place in front of Gentry, she placed her hands on her lap and avoided eye contact with her mistress.

The uneventful trip went by and when they disembarked Maxine was called out by a Klingon female. The Trill looked at her for a short moment before looking at the Romulan, who was already checking her out before he was addressed by Max.
"Sojith Kagala." the Romulan answered "A pleasure to meet the infamous Maxine Gentry. Might I add that your slave is quite the specimen. A rarity to see them this... Clean." he added before he let out a soft chuckle "Planning to fetch a good price for her?"

Pardus kept her eyes down as she stood close by Gentry. Knowing all too well what they were on about she seemed to show no point of shame or any other emotion for that matter.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #31
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

“She’s not for sale,” Max replied gruffly, staring at the Romulan. “And I’ve never heard of you.”

“Easy Max,” Omari urged calmly, trying to keep the peace. “Sojith is here to buy slaves for the Romulans. It seems a lot of their Reman labour force is being used to fight the Dominion.”

“I’ve heard the Remans are better fighters than miners anyway,” Max observed. “Though as Omari said, it does leave you with a bit of a labour problem.”

“Hence my presence here,” Sojith remarked, smiling disarmingly. “I meant no offense before. It is just unusual for a slave to be so clean and unmarked,” the Romulan noted; something to which Max could agree. “Although, given my information listed you as simply an arms dealer, perhaps I was misinformed.”

“I remember when you once said that owning and dealing in slaves was too complicated. That weapons were simpler. What changed?" Omari asked.

“The Dominion,” Max responded. “When the Cardassians allied themselves with them, the Dominion rooted out and destroyed the Maquis. Some of those cells were among my best customers. I’ve been forced to branch out.”

“That doesn’t explain where you got her from,” Omari pointed out. 

“She came from someone who owed me money,” Max answered the unspoken question. “Their life and her cleared their debt to me. I’ve found her to be curiously entertaining so far.”

“She is quite the specimen,” Omari agreed as her eyes wandered over Pardus from head to toe. “I see you a treating her exactly as you have treated your other inventory in the past. Is she able to be rented?”

“Did I ever rent out weapons Omari?” Max asked idly. “No, I didn’t. Because a used weapon loses value. And I have already said that Pardus is not for sale. So, all you get to do is look,” Max stated, reaching a hand up to grasp the zipper on the front of her slave’s outfit. “Now if you’d like a closer look, that can be arranged.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #32
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

Sojith's eyes never left the slave yet a small smile covered his lips when Max suggested that she wasn't for sale, yet that looking could always be arranged "Why stall? This specimen looks young, I'm curious what the lovely Trill has to offer." he said as he placed his hands on his hips, eyes shifting to look at Max. He never minded to be witness of some meaty spectacle when he could "What do you use her for exactly though?" he asked "A body to keep you warm at night or just something to keep you busy when times are dull?"

Pardus had listened to the conversation paying attention to the details they exchanged and her eyes remained cast to the ground as she remained still. Suddenly though she felt the hand of Max on the zipper on the front piece of the jumpsuit. She bit on her tongue to answer or object. This was real, there was no time to screw up. She simply held her breath as she looked up to the Klingon and Romulan. Whatever would happen, she would not be tempted to object, or react in any matter that would be considered rebellious.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #33
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

“Who said anything about stall?” Max asked, moving her eyes to stare at the Romulan. “If I say something isn’t for sale, then it is not for sale. If you don’t believe me, ask Omari.”

“It’s true,” Omari confirmed unheeded. “I once offered her a K’Vort-class for some Trilithium she had. She turned me down.”

“Why would an arms dealer have Trilithium?” Sojith wondered. “And what did you do with it.”

“I sold it. What did you think I was going to do with it. To whom is my business,” Max declared, her voice hardening as she spoke, “And as for what use Pardus is, yes, she keeps my bed warm at night as well as ensuring I’m never bored. She is quite good at it as well. Nice tongue and great tits.”

“Really,” Omari considered, reaching into her pocket. “5 slips of Latinum to see them right now."

“Sold,” Max accepted before pulling the zipper of Pardus’ jumpsuit down until it rested just above the hem of her underwear. The outline of the Trill’s breasts was enticing even to Max as she stood there. “Should have charged more,” she considered silently before stepping behind Pardus. 

Reaching around her slave, Max grasped the edges of the jumpsuit between her breasts and pulled them apart until her breasts spilled out for all to see. For good measure, she released the clothing and cupped each breast with a hand before caressing the erect nipple with her thumb.

“My Latinum?” Max requested as she returned to her original position.

“You were right, her tits are great,” Omari commented as she handed over the agreed price.

“A nice tongue you say,” Sojith reiterated. “I would like to see that.”

“How much Latinum you got?” Max deadpanned.


Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #34
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88 

Sojith sighed and rolled his eyes as Max turned down the continuous attempt to get the slave. Listening to Omari he shrugged and nodded silently before continuing to speak. He was answered with a harder tone to Max her voice about the Trilithium. He had to smirk as he complimented the slave's fine breasts and tongue skills as he crossed his arms.

Pardus felt her body tense as the topic was clearly going on about her. She looked up at the Klingon and the Romulan as they were discussing a price to see her assets. Hearing what Max told about her, she tried to get in just that mindset. A slave for carnal pleasure and decor. It was hard to degrade herself like that yet she had to... If she wanted to live... Omari offered 5 slips of Latinum and Pardus could already guess what was coming next.

The sound of the zipper being lowered was as if it was the loudest thing in the world. The atmosphere of their surroundings quickly catching onto the skin of the Trill as she felt her breasts drop down from the fabric of the jumpsuit that somewhat supported them. Her nipples hard and on display as she felt her cheeks color up to a rosy shine. She wondered how far the woman would take the zipper down, feeling her stop well below her navel she squirmed lightly when Max came behind her and reached forth to cup her breasts. Her thumbs soon enough found the way to her hardened peaks and the Trill gasped softly as she closed her eyes.

The Romulan clearly enjoyed the treat he was given and he licked his lips hungrily as he commented about the interest in her tongue. Pardus wondered what she'd have to do for that price, hoping she'd not have to do anything sexual to the Romulan. If it were to Max she'd be more at ease to do so, knowing her true identity and not finding her to be the most unattractive woman she'd seen in her life. She didn't however had experimented with women before, so she'd be her first.

"Ten Latinums to show me what she can do with that tongue." Sojith suggested now.

Pardus simply stood by, her hands slowly reaching behind her to take hold of Max her hips, not forcibly, yet more feeling her up and getting a sense of the fabric of her pants. To an outsider it wouldn't look like an objection, more like the slave falling into the routine she probably had throughout her life.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #35
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

“What do I look like? A hooker?”
Max exclaimed in disgust at the Romulans offer of a mere 10 slips of Latinum. “You want something cheap and nasty, then don’t waste my time.”

“You would put such a price on a slave’s talents in bed?” Sojith asked.

“You seem to be forgetting something Sojith, so I’ll be nice and enlighten you,” Max said, enjoying the feel of Pardus pressed up against her and almost considering acquiescing to the Romulan just so that she could enjoy Pardus. She had certainly heard the gasp from the Trill when she had run her thumbs over Pardus’ engorged nipples. But they had roles to play. “You want to see what Pardus’ tongue can do, but I don’t rent out my inventory,” Max noted, specifically using the word inventory. “So, if you want a demonstration, then she is demonstrating on me. And getting my pants off is going to cost you a whole lot more than 10 slips of Latinum.”

“Trust me, it’s worth it,” Omari interjected with a smile at Max; the Klingon’s mind drifting back to prior encounters with the Human for a moment. “You get Max’s pants off and you better hold on for the ride.”

“You would cavort with a slave?” Sojith wondered, the surprise evident in his voice.

“It’s not like she is a Reman,” Max quipped, unable to resist herself. “If there is one thing I have learnt over the years, even when I didn’t own a slave; you treat them right and they’ll do the same. Because there are worse masters out there,” Max pointed out, reaching up again to grasp and caress one of Pardus’ breasts again. “And trust me, Pardus likes serving me. Don’t you girl?”

“Now’s the test. If what she says doesn’t convince them, then we’re fucked,” Max thought to herself. “I’d hoped to avoid this but I wasn’t expecting a bloody welcoming committee.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #36
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

Pardus remained silent as always as Max did the talking, scolding the Romulan for thinking of her like a cheap treat. It almost made Pardus smile, though she remembered her position and did her utmost best to put on the most sincere smoldering look on her face as she truly had to admit that she did enjoy the attention she was getting from Max. Normally this would offend her in any other situation, yet perhaps it was the thrill of being undercover or just the danger of the situation that awoke something inside the former doctor.

Most of the conversation between Max and her associates had gone over her head. She did hear about there being worse masters out there. Perhaps the most important thing to hear was that Max pointed out that she enjoyed serving her. The Trill slave drifted her eyes over the Romulan and the Klingon before she nodded slowly as she tried to meet Max's gaze.

"I live to serve you my mistress... And I love to serve..." she answered with a soft, almost innocent tone, yet the content of the entire thing surely was clear. To put more strength into the message the Trill arched her back, pushing her chest forward for those to see and giving max a very hand full of soft flesh. Pardus her hands slowly slipping to cup Max her rear as the slave closed her eyes to let a soft moan escape from her lips as Max caressed her full breast.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #37
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ]

“Oh, that was perfect Pardus,” Max thought to herself as she enjoyed the simultaneous feeling of the Trill’s hand on her arse while her breast was pushed firmly into Max’s hand. “At this rate, even I might not be able to hold myself back from taking you here and now.”

“See, what did I tell you about my pet,” Max said as she brought her empty hand around Pardus’ waist and began to run it down the toned stomach of the Trill. When it reached the zipper, and the waistband under it, Max carefully began to inch her fingers under both, slowly reaching for the Trill’s pleasure nexus. “She loves me and what I make her feel.”

“Ah Max,” Omari muttered with a smile. “Still as wicked as ever.”

“This is…” Sojith spluttered before a new voice from behind him interrupted.

“Maxine Gentry,” the man’s voice called.

“That’s me,” Max responded as she paused in her movements. “And things were just getting interesting too,” She thought.

“Would you come this way please,” the man requested politely. “Your accommodation has been readied.”

“It’s about time,” Max growled as she withdrew both hands from Pardus’ body and straightened up. “Weren’t you meant to meet us here?”

“My apologies for the delay,” the man replied. “We were not prepared for you bringing a companion. We had to make alternate arrangements.”

“Whatever. Omari, always a pleasure,” Max offered, looking at the Klingon.

“We can share a drink later,” Omari proposed. “It seems much has happened since we last spoke.”

“I look forward to it,” Max noted before looking at the Romulan. “Sojith.”

“We will see each other again, Maxine Gentry,” Sojith declared.

“It’s a small auction,” Max retorted evenly. “Pardus, be a good girl and zip yourself up before following. We wouldn’t want to distract anyone on our way.”

Farewells and orders delivered, Max followed after the man as he led them to where they would be staying.

“I hope the bed is comfy enough. I think I may be spending a lot of time in it very soon.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #38
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

The trill reacted to the seeking hand that traveled south down on her flat stomach, her body trying to arch even further before she pressed herself even more against Max as a soft gasp filled the air as the hand of Gentry came closer and closer to the points of pleasure of the Trill "Oh mistress..." she cooed softly enough so it wouldn't interrupt the conversation between Max and her partners.

As sudden as the pleasure had started as soon did it end when a man called out Max's name. The hands of the woman left the body of Pardus and left her quivering for more. She suppressed a sigh and when given the order to cover herself up again she simply gave a nod and pushed the zipper back up as she hid her breasts underneath them and followed Maxine through the narrow corridors.

The grey walls gave of an cold eerie vibe as they were guided further to their quarters. On the way there they met several other corridors branching away from what seemed to be the main corridor. Some of the corridors were filled with steam or were dimly lit. After a good ten minutes they finally arrived at their door and the man opened it up. "You have time to settle in and accommodate yourself or freshen up. You are expected at the mutual dining room at 1900 hrs."

Pardus had still felt the sting of arousal course through her because of the stressful, yet exciting situation they had found themselves in. The walk was calming her down though, despite the hardened peaks being stimulated by the jumpsuit at each step she took. The man accompanying them had glanced over her several times as expected yet he had made no further point of it. Once at the room Pardus simply avoided eye contact with the man. She abidingly followed Maxine in the room and closed the door behind her.

The room itself was larger then a single person room. Maxine having a rather big bed for herself as Pardus was allowed a fold up bed at the far end of the room. Some wall decorations under the form of Orion syndicate banners and holopaintings were provided to make the room more cozier. Besides the bed a medium sized table with four chairs and a replicator were present along with a couch. One more sliding door led to the bathroom which had a sink and a shower while a hole in the wall lead out to the terrace. It wasn't seal able, only a thin curtain severed the room from the terrace.

Pardus wasn't sure where to move to next as she let Maxine survey the room first. Eventually Pardus walked over to the couch as she looked over at her mistress "Is there anything you'd like me to do right now mistress?" she asked, her voice low, submissive, yet a tinge of coyness present in it as she slid the zipper open just a little to lessen the strain of the jumpsuit on her breasts.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #39
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

She had followed the man through the maze of tunnels that constituted the base until they had arrived at the rooms reserved for them. She had not once looked back to see if Pardus was following but the distinctive sound of the Trill’s boots on the ground assured her that her slave was keeping pace.

"You have time to settle in and accommodate yourself or freshen up. You are expected at the mutual dining room at 1900 hrs,” the man had stated after opening the door for them. With a simple nod, Max dismissed the man and he turned and left them as she stepped through the door.

After hearing the door shut, Max glanced around to ensure it was just her and Pardus in the room before producing a scanner from her bag and began checking the room for listening devices. It was considered impolite to bug the rooms of guests but that didn’t stop anyone from actually doing it. Once she was satisfied that their accommodation was clean, she walked back into the main room and sat down on the bed. Pardus hadn’t moved much during her search but after sitting, the Trill walked over to the couch, her boots once again making a very enticing tone as she moved before turning to face her.

“Is there anything you’d like me to do right now, Mistress?” she asked and Max would have sworn that the Trill’s voice was an invitation. As it was her voice was low, sultry and submissive but also contained a hint of innocence or coyness. Yet even as she spoke, Pardus lowered the zipper of her jumpsuit once again, teasing the swell of her breasts whose nipples even now were threatening to poke holes through the very fabric that contained them.

“If that wasn’t an invitation to be naughty, then I’ve never heard one in my life,” Max thought to herself. She could even feel herself getting aroused at the idea of enjoying some time with the Trill.

“Yes, I think there is,” Max said, standing up after a moment's consideration. “I could use a massage to help me relax. Strip and then help me out of my clothes,” Max commanded with an impish smirk.

“Oh, I am a bad girl.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #40
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

Pardus watched Max scan the room for any bugs and abided her time silently as she did so. Better safe then sorry as this room might function as a safe haven perhaps. When she was pleased with the end result, Gentry walked over to the bed and sat down on it herself. The request Pardus offered was met with a positive answer from the human as she stated her command. Pardus cocked an eyebrow as she tilted her head slightly. 'Was she really still keeping up her role for Gentry even though they were alone?'

The slave stood up and walked over to Gentry, the sound of her boots clacking on the floor as she stopped in front of her and she looked into Max's eyes "Do we have to keep up our acts in private?" she asked ever so softly so none might hear what she voiced, even for Max it would be an effort to hear what she had asked.

Regardless though Pardus started with what Max had asked, be it in a different way. She began by pushing Gentry's vest off her shoulders and easing it off her arms before throwing it in bed. The entire ordeal with The Romulan and the Klingon had served as a catalyst to feelings Pardus or even Amelya had never felt. The sheer rush of stress and adrenaline coursing through her, fueled by the touches that were most intimate had made the young Trill horny at that time. A state of arousal that she had never felt before and one that still lingered lightly even now. Max was a good looking woman and seeing her naked was something Pardus wouldn't object to.

With the vest removed Pardus continued with the shirt of the woman, pulling it off over her head before she began to unbuckle her belt and looked her in the eyes.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #41
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

Max wasn’t sure if it was the questioning about their roles in private or Pardus looking her directly in the eyes while disobeying Max’s orders but either way, it set off something inside Max could not be ignored. It was primal, raw and strong. It was the need to be obeyed.

As Pardus removed her gunbelt and set it aside, Max seized the moment and pushed Pardus back against the wall of the room they were in, being not entirely gentle about it. When the Trill’s back hit the wall, Max pushed herself up against her slave, pressing their two bodies tightly together until her bra-clad breasts were compressed against Pardus. And instead of waning in the face of what she was doing, Max’s arousal was increasing. And if the state of Pardus’ own breasts told a tale; the Trill’s arousal was also evident.

“I’ve told you this before but it seems that I will both have to repeat myself and deliver an abject lesson to reinforce it,” Max growled softly, locking her eyes on Pardus’. “I am Maxine Gentry and you are Pardus, my slave,” she reiterated as she brought her hand up to grasp the zipper that Pardus had previously lowered. “I. Own. You,” she declared as she opened the zipper its entire length. 

With that done, Max brought her hand back up, reached into the clothing, pinched a nipple and pulled on it until the breast came clear of the remaining fabric. She repeated the motion with the other breast, completely ignoring any possible pain or discomfort she had caused. Pardus HAD to learn.

Considering for a moment what to do, Max, pulled Pardus across the room and pushed the Trill onto the bed, face up. As she flailed about on the mattress, Max, quickly shucked her boots, and then her pants and briefs in a single motion. Now naked except for her bra, Max straddled the waist of the Trill, Pardus’s breasts resting against her bare thighs.

“Now, I hope I won’t have to ask this again,” Max said as she reached down and held onto Pardus’ jaw tightly. “Who am I and who are you?”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #42
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88 

The reaction Max showed was certainly unexpected and it clearly shocked the Trill as she was ushered back against the wall in the room. With a bit of a thud she ended up against the wall and she let out a painful "Oof." There was confusion as well as a tinge of fear in the look of her eyes. The growling of Gentry didn't really set Pardus at ease as she knew she had screwed up to some degree at this point.

Max's hands moved up to the Trill's zipper and pulled the thing down all the way till the end. She swallowed hard and nodded quickly "I-I-I'm s-sor-ry..." she said with a soft broken voice, though the whimpering soon stopped as Max reached into the jumpsuit and felt up on the well formed breasts of the Trill. She gasped and formed her hands into fists before flexing them entirely as Gentry pinched her sensitive nipples and tugged on them to pull Pardus' breasts effectively out of the jumpsuit. To say it was painful would not cut it as it stung. Badly!

The sensitive nipples of the woman caused for the pain to reach all the way to the insides of the Trill. It was as if her lungs were in pain along with the muscles of her entire torso and perhaps even shoulders. Once both her breasts were out, Pardus sobbed before she was dragged back through the room and thrown into the bed. She bounced on top of it and looked at Max as she removed the rest of her clothing, Unveiling herself entirely besides the bra she wore, Pardus knew she was serious, this entire OP was serious. She  had to be reminded of it and if anything Max was perhaps saving her life by doing so?

There wasn't much time to think or act to it as Gentry mounted the Trill on her bed and straddled her, the warmth of her bare thighs pressed up against her breasts and the heat of her core against her diaphragm. Pardus looked straight into Max her eyes as she held her jaw in a tight grip as she demanded to know who she was and who Max was.

"Y-Your name.. Is Mistress... Mistress Gentry..." she said with a trembling voice "M-My name is Pardus... Your slave and property..." she continued before swallowing "I-I won't forget mistress... L-Let me please you... Let me... Make amends.." she almost begged as she avoided direct eye contact, her eyes instead moving over the perfect shaped body of the human.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #43
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

“Oh, you are going to be doing more than that my girl,” Max thought to herself as she looked down at Pardus. The Trill was refusing to meet her gaze, something that both excited and annoyed Max at the same time.

“Look at me,” Max commanded firmly, waiting until Pardus followed her order before continuing. “I don’t care what your life was before this one. All that matters is the life you now have with me. As long as you understand, believe and accept that, I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ve killed before to protect what is mine and I don’t doubt I will do so again.”

“But I also know that words are cheap without the actions to back them up,” Max noted, bringing her hands up behind her back. “You asked to please me, to make amends,” Max recited, unclasping her bra and shrugging it off. As her breasts fell free from the garment and settled, Max tossed the bra aside. “And that is exactly what you are going to do.”

Ignoring any response from Pardus, acceptance or complaint, Max shuffled her way up the bed some more until her thighs straddled the Trill’s head and her moistened pleasure centre hovered above her slave’s jaw.

“I told them that you had great tits and a nice tongue. And while we both know that your tits are great, I don’t know just how good your tongue really is,” Max pointed out as she looked down into the Trill’s eyes. “So, lets both find out. I’m sure you know what I mean.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #44
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

Gentry demanded Pardus to look at her and the Trill did just exactly that as she turned her gaze to the eyes of her mistress. She heard the talk and reminder of how her current situation was. Pardus could only nod silently and maintain eye contact as she watched Max sit up straight and remove the bra that still covered her. It did give her some solace to know that Max would protect her at all costs and for that Pardus was grateful.

Yet Gentry wasn't done, actions spoke louder then words indeed. Or so the saying said and now it seemed like it would be the time for Pardus to prove just that. Max shifted herself over her breasts over to the Trill's face as she could smell the aroused state of Max's womanhood just inches away from her lips. It caused a fierce blush to cover the Trill's cheeks as she knew what Max was suggesting from her. Never really thought she'd have to comply to any sexual actions like this in private. She knew better then to resist though, the punishment for disobeying Max quite clear by now.

She seemingly ignored the rest of Max's words about how well formed her breasts were and she simply gave a nod to her mistress as she placed her hands on Maxs thighs to pull her just a bit closer. Gentry would feel the soft exhales of the Trill against her moistened core and with a soft, delightful "Yes Mistress..." the Trill leaned up as her lips kissed the warm nether lips of her mistress.

She planted a few kisses against Max's core, feeling the softness of her sex as Pardus herself couldn't help but feel her own arousal grow despite the harshness of the prior situation she had found herself in. She looked up at Max to see how she enjoyed it before her slick warm tongue darted out between her lips and ran through the heated core as she got her first real taste of Maxine Gentry. She would never admit it out loud when out of her role, yet she tasted great...

Pardus ran her tongue slowly through the folds of the woman straddling her face nearly before she more eagerly began to eat her out. The tongue being pushed deeper into Max at every turn before the Trills lips connected to her core and slight suction was applied as the tongue of the Trill ventured deeper to explore. A soft elicit moan of the Trill caused for a vibrating effect inside of Max as her tongue swiveled around her velvet core. 

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #45
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

Max had to admit, Pardus did indeed have a nice tongue. And she truly knew how to use it. Max made the Trill give her three wonderful orgasms before climbing off her and lying beside her. As she had drifted off, she had told Pardus to enjoy herself and to stay out of trouble.

Now, Max was waking from her slumber to find her Trill slave naked in the bed beside her and the room smelling heavily of female arousal. Whether it was Max’s alone or a combination made no difference to the human as she gazed at the trail of spots that ran down the full length of Pardus’ svelte form.

“Max, you don’t have time to be entertaining yourself,” she told herself silently after a glance at the wall-mounted clock. “You have just over an hour before dinner and you both need to be clean and well presented.”

“Up, Pardus,” Max called out while simultaneously spanking the Trill on her bare backside. “We need to wash and dress for the welcoming dinner. And I expect you to make a good showing of yourself. Both in your appearance and in your actions,” Max stated as she climbed off the bed and, heedless of her nudity, padded across the room towards the shower.

“I honestly cannot remember the last time I had company to wash me,” Max thought as she started the water running.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #46
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88 

After Max had reached her climax more then once Pardus got the chance to breathe in deeply once more as Max moved off her. She was panting and she could still taste the woman's juices quite abundantly on her taste buds as her lips, cheeks, chin and jawline were covered in the female's arousal. She was given permission to enjoy herself though to stay out of trouble, though the Trill quickly found herself dozing off into sleep next to her mistress with the burning yearning inside of her slave loins still.

The sudden call out to her name made the eyes of the Trill open up, not much later the slap on her backside woke her up fully as she whimpered lightly "Y-Yes mistress." she answered Max as she got up and removed her boots finally after she hadn't even found the time to take them off after her punishment and disciplinary action for Gentry. Once fully nude she made her way to the bathroom as she could hear the water running. There was no time to keep her mistress waiting of course and she quickly stepped in behind Max. The female form of Max quite a delight to spectate while Pardus her own arousal grew back in just a few seconds.

She took the soap and shampoo and started with washing Max her hair delicately, the swell of Pardus her breasts pressed against her back before the Trill began to soap her in entirely. She made sure not to miss a spot and used her body to soap in Max her back. She didn't waste too much time with it as they had to be ready soon enough. Her hands and fingers did tease Gentry's breasts and slick folds before Pardus washed herself up quickly and silently.

Eventually she offered to dry Max before drying herself. After that she collected a simple dress out of her luggage and decided to wear it without anything else underneath it. Maxine had been specific about the attire. She had to look good and rather had to sell herself she imagined as she had to be open for whatever Max desired of her that night.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #47
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

"This is the life,” Max thought to herself as Pardus began to wash her hair. That she was as naked as she was evident very quickly as she felt the stiff tips of Pardus’ breasts press into the wet skin of her back. After completing her hair, Pardus moved onto the rest of Max’s body, using her own wet form to work the soap into Max’s equally wet skin. She almost said something when Pardus willingly began to tease her breasts and still damp velvet core. 

But the motion was short lived as Pardus finished washing Max and quickly washed herself. Once they were both clean, Max accepted Pardus’ offer to dry the both of them and the Arms Dealer luxuriated in the feel of being totally at ease; if only for the moment. But once again, reality intruded and Pardus left to begin to dress. Growling at the lack of time available to continue, Max worked her hair into a neat braid and exited the bathroom.

“Oh, that will never do,” Max exclaimed as she saw the simple dress that Pardus had chosen. “Remember, we have to put on a good showing. Your collar and that dress simply do not go together,” Max said as she moved across the room to look through the bags of clothing for her slave.

“Here, put these on,” Max commanded as she pulled out a halter-neck leather top with a zipper that ran down between the breasts. The top ended high enough that her entire stomach would be on show. To go with it, a wrap-around belted skirt that was floor length but with the join over her right leg. If she moved just right, you’d see everything she had to offer. To finish the ensemble, 7-inch strappy heels with a 3-inch platform. And it was all in black.

For herself, Max chose a similar design skirt but paired it 5-inch platform boots instead. For a top, a strapless bustier would accentuate her breasts to the fullest especially when paired with a Jade pendant that hung right at the start of her cleavage.

“And of course, no underwear for either of us,” Max noted silently. “Oh, what fun will be had tonight. I can hardly wait.”

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #48
[ Pardus | Orion Syndicate Auction ] Attn: @Stegro88

Pardus looked up when Max informed her that the simple dress would simply not suffice for the evening meal. The Trill simply turned her full naked body towards Max with some questionable look on her face for what she would have to wear in her opinion and when presented with the clothes she simply gave a nod and began to fit herself with the clothing. She was aware that she wouldn't be wearing any sort of underwear underneath her clothing a Max her request and it was both exhilarating as worrying for the slave. Yet she didn't show it out of fear for any disciplinary action.

She had to get used to the heels at first yet got the hang of it eventually before she presented herself to Max. The hair of the Trill was still wet, giving a rather messy yet seductive look to her and droplets of water ran off the leather top and over the toned stomach of the Trill. "Any make up Mistress?" she requested.

Max herself wore quite an alluring outfit herself and it didn't help one bit to the soaring arousal within Pardus. She awaited her command and actions before following her out of the room. They walked through the corridors once more and made their way over to the dining facilities. On their way there they were met by a few other guests, all kinds of races and sizes walking in front and behind them. The female duo surely got eyed at and when Maxine was guided to her seat at the table, Pardus was designated to stand against the wall behind Max her chair. A couple of other slaves were present with their masters and they all sort of looked at each other, eyeing one another while remaining obediently still behind their respective masters.

Re: 2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble

Reply #49
Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Maxine ‘Max’ Gentry | Orion Syndicate Auction ] 

Max’s earlier fulfilment at the end of her Trill’s tongue was falling to the wayside as they left their room. The bustier she was wearing was massaging her breasts with every step she took and the cool air was causing her core to moisten once again. And then there was Pardus beside her. Just thinking about the Trill brought up a series of images and ideas that she couldn’t wait to apply if the situation allowed it.

Their walk was uneventful, as they met several other buyers and sellers for the auction; most had at least one slave in attendance Max noted. She didn’t recognise any of them but that wasn’t a surprise. The few auctions she had participated in previously, Max had kept to herself and not left the stall where she had advertised her wares. This time, she was a buyer instead of a seller.

Entering the dining hall, Max noted the semicircular arrangement of chairs and tables around a stage, along with several tables beside it that were draped in cloth to hide their contents.

“Hmm, if I remember correctly, the welcoming meal is accompanied by a floorshow and then we are all invited to join in for desert,” Max said to herself as she headed to an empty spot. “I’ve usually left before desert but I think I’ll stay tonight. The question is though, is it pleasure or pain on the menu,” she wondered as she sat down. She had felt multiple pairs of eyes on both her and Pardus as they entered but shrugged it off. There was nothing she could do anyway as she pointed at a spot behind her for Pardus to stand.

“Max, you are looking positively ravishing,” Omari declared as she appeared. “And Pardus, she looks good enough to eat.”

“Don’t be getting any ideas, Omari,” Max cautioned her ‘friend’. “You know I don’t play well with others.”

“That never stopped us before,” Omari pointed out as she sat in the emtpy seat to Max’s right. “Are you waiting for an invitation?” she growled at the female human that accompanied her before the girl disappeared under the table. The look that passed across Omari’s face next told her exactly what the girl was doing.

“Aren’t you starting a little early?” Max wondered, glancing back at Pardus for an instant.

“A little pre-meal pleasure never hurts Max,” Omari intoned between soft moans. “Besides, I’m hoping for more for dessert.”

“Good evening Omari, Max,” came Sojith’s voice, causing the two of them to turn and look at the Romulan.

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