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CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Chapter 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]
Attn: Brutus, Searcher, The Counselor, Doctor Maya, Triage, IronFerrox, Nolan, Zenozine, Sirus & RosariaRosette

[ USS Theurgy | Medical Lab 01 | Sickbay | Deck 07 ]
Attn: Sarresh Morali, Ryuan Sel & Eve Jenkins. Optionally: Morrigan

Sarresh Morali, together with Eve Jenkins, had effectively put the plan to action - synthesising a large amount of Lexorin in the Medical Labs when T'Rena's voice was heard on the intercom.

[Captain T'Rena to Lieutenant Commander Trent, this is not acceptable, and I hope you realise how futile your efforts truly are. We are about to upload a reprogrammed version of the Ship A.I. from her mobile emitter and into the pasitronic brain core. Whatever access you might have gained from Lieutenant Fedd will then be rescinded and if you do not surrender immediately, Thea's first act to further our cause will be to shut down life support on your Battle Bridge. So unless you put away your weapons and surrender, you will be taking the lives of everyone on that bridge with you as you draw your last breaths. You will not be able to shut her out of her own systems, so I do suggest you comply.]

Vulcans never lied, did they? Had Thea truly been compromised? And would Carrigan Trent's stand and his attempt at assuming command for the Ives Loyalists come to such a swift and gruesome end?

[State your choice, Lieutenant Commander.]

Present in the Medical Lab was also Security Officer Ryuan Sel, who had accompanied Sarresh Morali and the Head Nurse in order to assist with the plan to disperse Lexorin through the modified Life Support systems. Mainly, the delicate operation needed to be protected, and given the large amount of fluid that needed to be moved, so it was fair to assume that the Nurse and the Temporal Affairs Officer might've need a hand as well. Yet right then, after the words of the Vulcan fell silent, her presence seemed to be the last line of defence in case the mutineers had already won. Yet beyond moral support, what more could she truly offer if Thea - the digital soul of the ship - would turn against them?

Right then, in the stunned silence, entered two people through the sliding doors. A man and a woman, both with white collared uniforms. Tactical Conn pilots from the Harbinger that were under Phantom's command. Both of them held hand phasers. "Hands where we can see them," said the woman, a platinum blonde woman with a scar down her right cheekbone. "No sudden moves."

The other one, an imposing Trill with auburn hair that fell to his shoulders spoke up in her wake. "I suggest you listen to Freya," he said with a small grin. "I'm Riptide, and we are to escort you to a cargo-hold so that Captain T'Rena can show you how to defeat the enemy. After that, you will understand what that guy on the intercom doesn't; that we have no choice if we are to save the Galaxy. First, round up in front of us and tell us where to find Dr. Nicander, will you?"

Meanwhile, Carrigan Trent gave his reply to T'Rena on the intercom...

[ USS Theurgy | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 07 ]
Attn: Hayden O'Connor, Doctor Maya, Vinata Vojona & Lahkesis Saugn. Optionally: Morrigan

The words of the Vulcan had been heard in the CMO Office as well, and now, the Intelligence Officer's voice returned.

[T'Rena, this is Lieutenant Commander Trent. First, as an officer and a delegate of this ship's lawful commanding officer, I do not recognize your authority or your rank as you and Vasser have obviously chosen to dispense with any Starfleet protocols or procedures unless you find it convenient.]

The exchange was the only thing truly happening in the office since Doctor Maya had begun her mind-meld with Cir'Cie, so Dr. Saugn, Counselor O'Connor and Nurse Vojona could do naught else but listen while the Intelligence Officer spoke. Soon, they would learn if Doctor Maya was successful, but until then, they had to keep hiding in the office.

[You want to murder me?] continued Lieutenant Commander Trent. [Be my guest. But bear this in mind. I'm betting not only my life but that of everyone in this room with me that right now, there's dozens on this ship who just decided to start fighting back. And over here, I have Ensigns Kenneth Urban, Nizni Peri and Pavel Yelchin as well as. Master Chief William O'Connell and again, I'm wagering all our lives that they've got friends who would take exception to their being murdered.]

And speaking of murder... it just came to visit them.

The security override was heard as a chirp from one of the doors, and in walked the face of death. The sight of Phantom' burned countenance was like a kick in the teeth, and in the garish light of the primary surgical suite, every gruesome detail could be seen. The left half of his head was stretched tightly against his skull, and the slick skin was scarred by deep rifts into the flesh. His pale hair grew only in patches on the scarred side. Where a cold eye had once been, only a lidless white orb stared back at the gathered medical personnel.

"There you are," he rasped, his voice reverberating in his chest as he circled the area - a hand phaser in the grasp of his calloused fingers. He looked at Doctor Maya, who was still in active mind-meld with Cir'Cie. His eye fell to her shapely behind before it moved to the woman on the biobed. "I figured the botanist had fallen short of her task again."

Having met the eyes of everyone gathered, his gaze finally settled on Hayden. "Where is the Chief Medical Officer?" He raised his weapon against her, this former Harbinger woman who conspired with the Ives Loyalists. "Where is Doctor Nicander? We need him. If you don't answer me, I will kill you, and ask that Nurse instead. I will keep asking until everyone is dead... or I have a firm lead on where to find him. I suggest you answer wisely."

His grating demand overrode the voice on the intercom...

[ USS Theurgy | Corridor | En-Route to Cargo Hold 02 | Deck 02 ]
Attn: Hylota Vojona, Heather McMillan, Aisha S'Iti, Natalie Stark, Simon Tovarek & Rory Callahan

Heather McMillan only got a minute or two to tell the people she had saved what she really was, then T'Rena had begun to speak on the intercom - and the matter of the xenobilologist's nature had to be shelved for a more opportune time. It was a matter, however, that Dr. Nicander would pursue later on.

While the exchange lasted, Lucan had stepped off the turbolift on Deck two, still carrying the two bundles with xenon canisters. Hylota Vojona and Heather McMillan were armed - despite their lack of proficiency for combat - carrying hand phasers and trying to spot mutineers that might get in their way. They were heading for Cargo Hold 02, and it was just ahead - further down the corridor. The Intelligence Officer was not done talking yet.

[Unless you can show me where in Starfleet regulations and orders it states that sabotage, murder, coercion, mind-rape, mutiny and conspiracy are lawful ways to relieve an officer of his command, I. Will. Not. Yield. This is a Captain Ives's ship and I will fight to keep her as such. Go ahead. Murder us and make martyrs of the five of us. Polarize every man and woman you haven't brainwashed or murdered against you, encourage them to fight to the death. Even if you prevail, you won't have a crew left in the end.]

Lucan was just about to comment on what as being said -stumbling and still weak from having used his Câroon abilities - when he heard a lot of noise coming from inside the bulkhead next to them. Cautiously, he watched the wall, trying to make out the muffled voices. He heard phasers going off as well - as if there was a chase through the maintenance tunnels of the ship. Wary, he moved a bit slower, confident that the two women in his company was hearing the same thing he did, and that they were ready to shoot if there were mutineers behind the bulkhead.

[Now here are my terms. You, Vasser and your cohorts will disarm. Captain Ives, Commander Rez and any other detainee you hold will be released. You and yours will return to the Harbinger and you will surrender all command authority over her and wait there with your warp core cold and all tactical systems physically disabled. Then, the brainwashing will be reversed and we will part ways. Whoever willingly buys into your vision will be allowed to join you and everyone who still sees themselves as Starfleet personnel will be allowed to stay with us.]

Then, one of the grates just ahead of Lucan, Heather and Hylota sprung open, and one by one, people spilled out into the corridor. They crawled, rolled or fell out of the low opening, some armed and some unarmed. One or two bound with ropes around their wrists. Had the danger of the situation not robbed him from his sense of humour, he would have laughed at the display. As it were, he could but stare as the four people emerged.

[Comply and have a chance at going forward with your vision of things or face an entire crew that will fight you tooth and nail. Trent out.]

The ones that had tumbled into the light of the corridor were Chief of Operations Natalie Stark, Chief Science Officer Simon Tovarek, the Cardassian woman that was usually found at the helm of the Harbinger, and... the lounge keeper who sang on Theta Eridani IV? How had he gotten all that blood over himself? To Lucan, it was plain that someone had died given the amount of blood, but that did not explain anything.

"Who's side are you on?" he asked the group collectively, bewildered, since half of them hailed from the Harbinger. He thought it would be a shame if the lovely Miss Stark had been turned against them, mostly since he had invested time to make her trust him. Time well spent, for certain, and not entirely in vain... but a shame nonetheless.

OOC: Attn: All - In order to read the dialogue between T'Rena and Carrigan Trent in its entirety, which most people on the Theurgy will be able to hear on the intercom, you should read the paragraphs in italics in the different relevant sections in this post.

RosariaRosette, you can choose to join either of the two Sickbay scenes - be it in Med Lab 01 or shadowing Phantom into the CMO Office. Same as in 04: Retaliation, there is little time for detours and she'll have to take the turbolift to get to Sickbay in time for these scenes.

This Chapter in the Theurgy story is dedicated to Mr. Leonard Nimoy, 1931-2015. May he never be forgotten.


Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #1
[ Heather McMillan |  Corridor | En-Route to Cargo Hold 02 | Deck 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Lucan cin Nicander & Hylota Vojona


When Nicander spoke of consequences for hiding her true nature, McMillan had become withdrawn. She now shied away from the doctor, looking nervous, and flustered. She constantly fussed with her hair, which was another source of proof that she was not human, with the way they floated around so easily, as if weighing less than even a feather's weight. She struggled to think of explanations and even lies, but considering that she had little social interactions, and her own generally honest nature, she was hard pressed to think up any logical excuse. The only thing she could do was tell the absolute truth, and when the intercoms went off with the exchanges between T'Rena and Trent.

"I'm a Radiant." She finally said during a brief moment of silence over the speakers. "My people have been living amongst humans for centuries. And we prefer to stay hidden, because unlike humans, we can't handle aggression."

That statement was rather ironic of course, especially since she had used it to help Nicander and Vojona, and actually succeeded in knocking out a man. She might well be the first Radiant in centuries to have ever wielded a weapon of any kind.

"I came aboard to serve," she added, "and also to learn about the origins of my people. Where we came from, who we might have once been."

Though she carried a phaser now, she kept it in one of her coat pockets, and when there was noise in maintenance tunnels, McMillan froze, then colour left her face as she pressed herself against a bulkhead, presenting a smaller frame that was harder to hit. Also, since Nicander and Vojona were aware of her inhuman nature, she no longer felt the need to keep secret her abilities, and kept one hand behind her, lit and ready to blind people with an intense flash of light. A ragtag and bloodied group of people emerged, all of them strangers to McMillan, and Nicander asked them to identify themselves, waiting for an answer.

She couldn't wait for all this excitement and mishaps to be over with. She just wanted to go back into her lab and stay there.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #2
Ryuan Sel | Medical Lab 01 | Sickbay | Deck 07

To say that Ryuan Sel did not like to be threatened would be putting it mildly, it would be more accurate to say that she reacted violently to any threat. However she knew that in this moment she was  out gunned, having set her phaser rifle down to grab a couple of the canisters. Her mind raced with ideas and only came up with one. "Alright, we surrender," she said setting the canisters down.

"Get down," she called to Sarresh and Eve as at the last second she flipped a switch on the cannister, causing the Lexorin inside to erupt out as a cloud of thick gas. As she dove behind a table she grabbed her phaser rifle. She wasn't sure what the gass would do to them, if anything, but with any luck the medicine would have some effect on them, maybe even give her some sort of tactical advantage.

Lahkesis Saugn | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 07

Lahkesis Saugn had never known terror, not once in her relatively short life had terror been a part of her thoughts. And yet as she saw the highly scarred and damaged face of the man she knew it. Memories that were not her own flashed into her mind. Violations unlike any she had felt before. She could not look away from that face, that evil twisted face. She would have screamed, but she had no voice to use. Instead she slowly sank to the floor, shaking as tears welled up in her eyes. "Maya, help me..." was all she could think, her mind practically screaming it.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #3
The Cardassian looked up at the Doctor's brash question.  Taking aim with her Type three in hand as a reflex to any potentially hostile encounter.  "Now that's an interesting question since both sides cant devise a plan that has any sense of care for its sacrifices.  Make no mistake I think Ives plan to attack a starbase on the random chance we MIGHT get the word out was a bit too risky for my taste.  That said I would rather die a hopeless martyr than side with rapists, murders, and brainwashing green blooded tyrants.  I have no side.  Consider me what i was before this uniform.  I am Maquis"  she said with an angry almost indignant tone of voice.

"As for my colleges, Stark and Tovarek are for the most part unaltered and unharmed, Doc though you may want to examine them for injuries sustained in captivity.  I have to give Rory here credit for springing them before I had a chance to. As for his state well.  I guess thats what happens when all you have on hand to rescue two captives is a whiskey bottle and a Box cutter.  Vasser's security officers who guarded them sadly were unable to subdued without lethal force.  If it is any consolation regarding his choices by the look of the officer who's blood is splattered on Rorys shirt, his state of clothing indicated he was probably attempting to rape your OPS chief.  I really cant blame Rory if he may have acted over-zealously in his rescue of the two."  She explained not giving them time to state their own case.  As the person on point she felt if anyone should bear the brunt of a first strike it would be her. 

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #4
[ Vinata Vojona | USS Theurgy | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 07 ]

At the sudden commotion in the medical office Vinata was snapped out of his meditation and attempt to get over what had happened to him and his cool blood flt chilled as he heard the demands of the scarred man. By some chance Vinata was missed by Phantom's initial scanning of the area as he had been over by the desk away from the others curled up on a chair, he had not been seen and remained unnoticed as Phantom began to yell at the other staff and demanded the location of the CMO.

In the time after the initial situation in the Sickbay Vinata had learned that his sister and Doctor Lucan Nicander had escaped into the jefferies tubes, and if this man as after Nicander, he would have to go through his sister to get to him...and he needed to protect his sister. Looking from his spot in his chair Vinata slipped out of the chair and too a blanket with him as he quickly darted to the wall that Pantom had his back to ad slowly circled around the rounded walls so that he might get the drop on the man.

The entire time Vinata was doing his best to remain calm and quiet. He needed to do this, if he didn't his sister might be in trouble, and it was the duty of  Ovri male to lay down his life for the women, they are more beautiful and colorful for this very reason, He clenched his jaw as he held his blanket firmly in his hands and peeked round the corner at Phantom's back, he would likely not have much time, his best choice would be to come up behind Phantom while he was yelling at someone and wrap the blanket around his face before beginning to violently kick him. If that failed...well he wouldn't be around long enough to regret it...on the plus side he would not have to worry bout his rape either.

[ Hylota Vojona |  Corridor | En-Route to Cargo Hold 02 | Deck 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan & Triage

Hylota was finding it very hr to get invested at this point in time. with all the shit she was going through she was expecting a few days of leave to recover from this hectic adventure, and while she was in heat no fucking less. with a sigh she nodded and just did a she was directed, there was only so much she could put up with before she got tired of it all. with her new hand phaser in her one good hand Hylota let herself fall back a little so she could recover from the effects of taking a phaser rifle shot to hr shoulder. she could still not believe that that stupid salve that had numbed her arm had actually prevented the neural shock that the stun setting of the rifles would have used to knock her out, in the grand scheme of thing it was a back handed blessing, 'congrats you didn't pass out, but your arm is numb and you have to keep going through this hell now, yay.' If there as an omnipotent force controlling things, she was sure it hated her right now...Lucan would probably get all credit for this hole event anyways despite her vital role in all of this.

as Heather explained her species and her goals Hylota could not help but feel a distinct lack of interest and just nodded. "You know what Heather, I find your difference in race fascinating and all...but right now I do not see any reason for us to share life stories on our goals, I will accept that you are not human and just ant to be treated normally, but like many other things right n I think you should do as I am doing, take those things and put them in the back of the line of priorities. how about this, when it is all over you and  can meet up for a drink and gt to know each other could probably do with some friends as well as me."

Their planning possibilities were cut short as the people came spilling out of the Jefferies tubs right in front of them, it was at this point Hylota began to look the over and noted a lac of com badges and she felt slight relief, but she remained holing hr weapon level with the new arrivals as she waited for Lucan to give her further directions, she was in such a mentally addled stat that to have her doing anything would be quite unwise. So it would be best if she just waited for things to happen she figured. After all they wee not that far from their finish line an ll that she had left to do was open the tanks, best focus on that and let Lucan handle the rest.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #5
[ Simon Tovarek | USS Theurgy | Corridor | En-Route to Cargo Hold 02 | Deck 02 ]

With a slight thud Simon landed on his feet out from the Jeffrey tubes. His hands were loosened up a bit around the wrists so he could use the phaser more easily and he stared straight into the eyes of the three man party that stumbled upon them. Simon could recognize Lucan yet the other two were complete strangers to him. Although he could have sworn that he remembered the face of Heather from somewhere. Yet his eyes still needed to adapt from the poorly lit tubes and with all the excitement going on he wasn't sure at all. He heard the question that Nicander asked them and Simon let out a soft chuckle before replying.

The speech that Trent was giving to the entire ship was pretty impressive and Simon couldn't help but laugh at some points of it as he wondered what the hostile commanders would have thought about Trent his demands. Somehow it would probably make Simon look as if he was busy with something else in his mind besides plotting where to go next, though in all fairness, the Cardassian was leading them for most of the part. Yet Simon felt the urge to reply as first since he wasn't sure in what state Natalie was with her blood covered lover and he was presumably the most recognizable face from the party holding rank.

"Well, unless you guys were chasing us through these darn tubes, I think we're on the same team. Besides, I wouldn't be half tied up if I was flipped over to the other side." Simon replied and when he thought of it it probably could be a good tactic to confuse the foes, which in this case would be the people on his own team. "Anyway, we just escaped security from the bridge, the barkeep from Theta rushed in first to help us and after that... The helms..woman from the Harbinger cut us loose. After that we escaped though they're not far behind. What about you guys?" Simon carried on as the last of his party made it into the tubes.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #6
[ Sarresh Morali | USS Theurgy | Medical Lab 01 | Sickbay | Deck 07 ] 

This certainly wasn't how Sarresh had wanted his day to go. Then again, nothing had been how Sarresh had wanted it, not since he had (apparently) volunteered for the assignment on the Theurgy and ended up a castaway in his own time once more. So really, having two armed goons walk into a medicL lab while he was trying to synthesize a drug that might very well save the combined crews of two starships from the twisted machinations of a psychopathic Vulcan and her ego ridden CO wasn't the worst thing that had even happened to him that day, let alone since he started serving on the blasted ship. And somehow, he doubted the word of the crazy bitch calling out over the comm system. While most people might believe the old adage that Vulcan's would never tell a lie, one of the few nuggets of information from the 29th century that Cpt. Ducane had left intact was just how much bullshit that line was.

So it was with calm aplomb that Sarresh watched as the pilots made their threats. He sized them up, deciding that Riptide was the more dangerous of the two. Not that it really mattered. His glare was as calm as it was artificial, his hands frozen over the machine before him, the formula for the next batch of Lexorin halfway entered into the system. He heard the Petty officer Sel begin to surrender, and heard her equally quiet warning. Despite the almost detached façade he had in place, he was ready, hand raking across the table top, scooping up whatever he could get a grip of as he dropped, like a rock, at her word. He hit the deck, rolled and collided with Nurse Jenkins, quite on purpose, dragging her down to the floor with him. "Stay down," the only apology he gave, as he kept right on crawling across the floor, the room filling with gas.

Gas that would block them from the view of the two Harbinger assailants - but would do no such thing for the artificially enhanced eyes that Sarresh now possessed...

[ Natalie Stark | USS Theurgy | Corridor | Deck 02 ]

This was...unexpected. She was still shaken from everything, and knew that when this was over - if it was ever over - she was going to have one hell of a breakdown. The anger that she'd held inside would get her though just about all of it - but Rory, sweet, innocent Rory - had seen her...forced to service that bastard. And sweet, innocent Rory had taken things into his own hands. Hands that had been gentle only one night before, hands that had touched and explored every inch of her, had...had...had done what needed doing. Again, for her. Whatever else had happened, she wasn't going to shrink away from those hands. No. Natalie was not going to abandon him, despite any burning shame she felt. There was every chance that when she had her breakdown, she'd wait till she could ride it out in his arms.

And now was clearly not the time to dwell on it. She looked from the Cardassian, eyebrows rising as another of her would be saviours declared herself Maquis, and answered the good Doctor. She was relieved to see him, though he was the only one of the three (concious) individuals they had stumbled upon that she recognized. She squared her shoulders, reminded herself that she was a Starfleet Officer and held the highest rank (technically shared the highest rank with Dr. Nicander), and added her own thoughts on the subject at hand.

"As Lt. Tovarek explained, we're kind of on the run." As shaken as she felt on the inside, she didn't let a damn bit of it show on the outside. "He and I are very likely suffering the after affects of close range stun blasts, and....some slight manhandling." Not the  best word choice. She glanced over her shoulder, where Rory stood nearby, and a brief - if bitter - smile flickered over her face, before she turned back to the other three refugees. "You don't look very well yourself, Doctor." She frowned and tried not to let the heat rtise in her cheeks as she remember him looking quite healthy not all that long ago. Those blue eyes moved to the canisters the trio were smuggling along, and her eyebrows rose higher. "I...I am going to guess that we're all on the same side here. And that you have a very good idea on how to assist Lt.Cmdr Trent in his efforts to regain our ship."

She silently prayed that whatever well of strength she'd found lasted, because she wasn't sure at all how much longer she could keep on faking being in control, being calm and collected.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #7
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Deck 07 |]

The effects of the mind meld had been unrewarding; that was hardly unexpected considering the haste that Maya had put into the procedure.  The truth of the matter was that the little Vulcan simply wasn't prepared to undo the brainwashing that T'Rena had inflicted on Cir'Cie. It was only the Lexorin administered by Lahkesis that broke the spell, but when the dosage wore off would Cir'Cie fall under T'Rena's influence again?

Maya shifted her consciousness out of Cir'Cie's mind and back into the real world as she slowly broke contact.  The little physician would have to resume their session later, after Maya had rested and meditated enough to restore her psyche to its proper balance.  Quite illogically, Maya looked forward to collapsing into a chair after removing her fingertips from Cir'Cie's face but fate intervened.

Bursting into the room was Lieutenant Commander Phanatos Kilinvoss, callsign Phantom, the man who had the singular honor of representing all of Maya's nightmares and compromising her medical competence. 

"There you are," his raspy voice sneered coldly. "I figured the botanist had fallen short of her task again."

Maya didn't open her eyes.  She froze in place bent over Cir'Cie as she instinctively suppressed her emotions.  The primal instincts that plagued her people thousands of years ago would only get her killed but if she could convert her savage emotion into calculating motivation it might be possible to act.

"Where is the Chief Medical Officer?"  Phantom's voice rasped dangerously close. "Where is Doctor Nicander? We need him. If you don't answer me, I will kill you, and ask that Nurse instead. I will keep asking until everyone is dead... or I have a firm lead on where to find him. I suggest you answer wisely."

Maya opened her eyes and slowly stood up and turned to face her rapist from the night before.

As Maya stared into Phantom's eye the analytical part of her mind assessed the situation.  How to keep the scarred pilot from harming Lahkesis and the others?  An act of defiance would be ill advised.  The glimpse into Kilinvoss' mind taught her that he preferred total compliance.  He didn't like games, not even ones he was sure to win.  His mind acted on a logic based on assumptions completely foreign to Maya, but it was logic nonetheless.  He was extremely dangerous because his philosophy was so self-destructive; it was essential to keep him fixated on a goal.  "Doctor Nicander is not here.  He left sickbay without informing us of his destination.  A search of the area can verify my information."

"Maya, help me..."  Lahkesis Saugn's voice seemed to come from far away, even though the willowy girl was standing right beside the telepathic doctor.  She had heard her in her mind, not her pointed ears.  The temporary mental link they had forged was still barely active, but only the girl's distress could have made Lahkesis' thoughts strong enough for Maya to sense actual words without physical contact.

Maya took a step forward and fell to her knee as she reached for Lahkesis' hand to steady herself.  With injured dignity she pulled herself to her feet while using the handclasp to communicate using her touch telepathy "Remain calm.  Hide your thoughts.  Don't give him any reason to harm you.  Prepare to defend yourself but wait until the opportune moment.  It is essential that he remains overconfident.  If violence is necessary, it is likely that we will only have one attempt before facing repercussions."  

OOC: Continued editing.  Phantom is alone entering the CMO office.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #8
[ Vinata Vojona | USS Theurgy | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 07 ]

As Phantom began to squeeze for he information that he wanted Vinata swallowed hard as he knew he would have to be acting soon, he had to act quickly or else something a might happen. As Phantom began to get more aggressive with the local crew Vinata knew he needed to move, but he froze up, shaking as he bit his lip and looked at the frightening man from around the corner as he tried to work up the courage to move, but he found himself frozen in place, he was scared, the other man was just so frightening it was making him freeze up, how could he do this, how would he, Vinata Vojona a simple nurse going to help?

He would have kept wallowing in his self doubt but as Phantom began to move back to the office he realize his time to think about things was gone, he could not stand idle by any longer, he had to act now or people would begin to die. Swallowing hard he circled back around the wall and he stood there and watched Phantom move into place to look for Nicander and he found the perfect time to move as Phantom turned away from him.

In a swift movement Vinata charged up to Phantom and put a cloth over his head and pulled it back in a swift movement before he drew back his leg and swiftly kicked into Phantom's groin to hopefully put him into shock an take him out of the conflict, but Vinata was too enraged, his instincts kicked in and he began to kick over and over again to cause a lot of pain to Phantom so that he would not be able to retaliate, to make him unable to harm anyone, and if Vinata had his boots, he would have stomped Phantom into a bloody pulp. With the blanket blocking Phantom's face Vinata hoped that he would not end up shot as Phantom could not see where he was aiming...he also hoped that the others would not remain passive and would come help him before he lost his steam.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #9
 [Dr. Hayden O'Connor| CMO's Office | Deck 7]

It felt like days since Hayden had moved or said anything, but in reality, Hayden knew it hadn't been that long. Her instincts were at war with one another and the longer she sat, the harder it was becoming to remember why she needed to remain there in the first place. Part of her understood she was incapable of helping anyone overcome the mental conditioning they'd endured. Rightly or wrongly,  the first step in the right direction was in Maya's hands now. She also understood it wouldn't do anyone any good if she struck out blindly all because of her inability to control an urge to do something, anything, that didn't involve hunkering down and waiting for more information.

The other part of her? The other part of her was spoiling for a fight. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, not only had she been betrayed by the Starfleet she believed in like everyone else, she'd sent several of her former cremates to their deaths, learned of two rapes, and had come to the realization her former captain and several of her former Harbinger crew mates had plotted to destroy whatever sense of loyalty remained.

All the while O'Connor watched as Vinata's sobs turned to silence, just another reminder that terrible things had happened and she could do little more than bear witness to, not just the events, but the agonizing aftermath which she would be expected to address while knowing in her heart of hearts, she would never be able to truly heal any of it

One part of Counselor Hayden O'Connor could do nothing but stew with these thoughts and their subsequent rage. Even when she and the others heard the battle of words between Carrigan Trent and T'Rena, a big part of Hayden couldn't allow her spirits to be fully buoyed by Trent's righteous words, for nothing could be truly accomplished if they couldn't cut the psychological strings which left so many of the crew marionettes to the mutinous regime.

Pushing herself to her feet in a single forceful motion brought on by the fight or flight rush of energy to her limbs, it was at that moment she was given an opportunity to act. When the grotesquely scarred man barged into the office demanding answers, the counselor was far from startled. In fact, it took what seemed like only mere heartbeats for the sensory input from her eyes to trigger her mind's recollection of Maya's description of her rapist from the night before.

This was Phantom. This was the man who'd so brutalized the slight Vulcan from the night before, it had taken Hayden over an hour to remove the large green contusions and abrasions from her body, to say nothing of the internal damage. Flashes of the night before came unbidden to her mind. She could still see the finger -shaped bruises around Maya's neck, could see her wincing in pain as she took each step.

Hayden was barely aware of Maya nearby. For all the counselor knew, the images were psychic shouts from the Vulcan herself, one part of her mind forced to stay in the present. In one swift movement, she saw Maya fall to her knee and before she knew it, there was even more movement before her. Snapping out of her reverie, she realized it was the traumatized male Ovri, overcome by his own rage, who had placed something over Phantom's head and was now kicking him ferociously.

Hayden saw movement out of the corner of her eye and realized Phantom still had a weapon in one hand. Acting on pure instinct, Hayden rushed forward and stomped the wrist which held the weapon as hard as she could. O'Connor knew she had to incapacitate him, but whether it was out of morality or sheer practicality, she knew she couldn't afford to kill him.

Feeling the solidity of his flesh under her boot, Hayden allowed herself a small amount of pleasure at the realization the man who referred to himself as a being who couldn't be contained any more than the wind was anything but. This Phantom was very much made of flesh and bone.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #10
[ Eve Jenkins | USS Theurgy | Medical Lab 01 | Sickbay | Deck 07 ] 

Eve had been quiet, internally driven to try to help get the Lexorin made and distributed to stop the insanity.  It also kept her from thinking about what she had done and knew she would have to do again at some point.  She was also trying to suppress her body but without the vaccine it wouldn't be long before there was absolutely no controlling the release of pheromones.

As if that thought brought on more, two of the Harbinger fighter pilots entered and that twisting feeling in her gut nearly took her breath away.  There were two of them, just like before.  It would be so easy once they were close, letting them smell her and set fantasies afire.  The cruelty in their eyes was obvious and the guilt in her gut lessened quickly as she gazed at Riptide, smiling warmly.

Of course there were others here who were quick to take the defensive and the next thing she knew, Sel was setting off a canister and Morali tackled her.  She landed harder than she hoped and felt the air rush forcefully from her lungs which she immediately started trying to suck back in lest she lose even the stars dancing about in her vision.  Damn trigger happy security personnel!!

Thankfully Saresh kept crawling away from her because the feel of his body on top of hers set off the fire within her.  The vaccine not only controlled her pheromones but also her drive, allowing her to choose with whom she was intimate but now that control was eroding as well and she lay there on her back, staring at the ceiling wishing for him to return or Riptide to come to her ... or both.

[ Rory Callahan | USS Theurgy | Corridor | En-Route to Cargo Hold 02 | Deck 02 ]

Rory had mutely caught the rifle tossed at him by the Cardassian and rushed over to slice away the bindings on Natalie.  His pupils were dilated as he looked into Natalie's eyes and whispered "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner."  After that he handed her the rifle, knowing she could use it better than he and followed them into the Jeffries tubes.

He was numb, felt like he was just floating along.  He'd always known he had a temper but he'd never killed anyone before.  True it was Natalie being assaulted that sent him into the murderous rage but he knew deep down he would have fought for almost any woman.  It had also been the first time he had been truly able to strike out against the craziness he found himself in and he'd lost control.

As he watched Natalie move along with the others, he felt steel forming in his spine.  For what he had done to her, it had been worth it to see that bastard dead.  He just hoped she would forgive him and not see him as a monster; that she would remember that he could be tender and loving like the night before.  If she never wanted to see him again, he would understand though his heart squeezed tight at that thought.

As they spilled out into a corridor, he heard someone call out for which side they were on and he instinctively moved to stand in front of Natalie.  It was then he realized he hadn't cut the bonds on the man with them as they faced off with the other three.  "Fookin' hell ... sorry Man," he said as he blithely whipped out the box cutter again and slashed at the bindings.

He glanced at the Cardassian then, his skin nearly as red as the blood now.  "An' I'll have ye know I only killed th' one," he said defensively.  "Two'r trussed up down in a supply closet at the bar an' another's trussed up in th' loo outside th' room I found ..."  He glanced at Natalie, his expression softening for a moment.  "So I jus' knocked out three an' th' last ... th' last deserved t' die an' I'd do it again."  For you, Natalie.  For you I would do anything, his eyes seemed to tell her.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #11
[ Freya & Riptide | Medical Lab 01 | Sickbay | Deck 07 ] Attn: Sarresh Morali, Ryuan Sel & Eve Jenkins

"Dammit, you idiots..." snarled Freya and raised her hand phaser to shoot the three Ives Loyalists in the medical lab when the gas began to fill the room, but she had been too late - all three of them diving into cover. She opened fire nonetheless, but hit nothing - three quick energy beams illuminating the growing cloud with orange light. In the interim of searching for movements, Freya could not quite shake off the impression of that Nurse's smile, swallowing and wondering what the hell her mind was doing in the gutter all of a sudden. Why were they even there, shooting their allies instead of working with them?

As for Riptide, he might not have opened fire because he was cautious about what kind of gas that had been released, but since the security officer dressed in white underwear had opted to fill the entire lab with it, he reckoned it was merely a way to distract them and shroud their line of sight. He too could not quite shake the Nurse's smile while he tried to rifle through their potential tactics. Were they even armed? The security officer had not held a weapon, but she would have kept one close by, wouldn't she? The gas was, somehow, making it hard to think straight.

"Wide dispersal..." said Freya, sounding as confused about the situation as he was. She was not thinking straight. Riptide had heard her like this before, knew she was not at her full wits. Finger trembling, she changed the setting on her hand phaser. Was she really about to pelt the entire lab with energy? Riptide opened his mouth to object, knowing that even a stun setting caused - besides unconsciousness - minor skin burns to organic matter. They were in a bloody medical lab, and she was going to fire at all the chemicals stored there? He was no scientist, but even he didn't like the outcome of the risk analysis. That smile from the nurse, and that he felt less compelled to harm anyone with each passing second, compelled him to do something. Fast.

"No!" he called and struck Freya's weapon from below, just when she pushed the button. The wide beam expanded from the muzzle, and they were both hit in their faces at close range. Riptide did not have the time to regret his impulse before he died, because at close range, even a high stun setting was lethal.

What he didn't see was how the beam also seared the ceiling, which automatically activated the emergency systems installed into the lab.The entire room was lit by emergency lighting, filtered through the Lexorin gas cloud. The doors sealed shut, the current mixing sequences were halted, and the air in the room was vented out. Anywhere else than in lab environment, sprinklers would have dozed the flames, but chemicals might have violent reactions to H2O exposure, so the fuel for the potential fire was vented instead.

Moreover, fire extinguishers were lit up along the walls. Breathing masks fell out of the ceiling as well, dangling like gallows in the maelstrom of venting gas. Fortunately for the surviving crew in the lab, the air-venting would never drop to lethal levels, but cause light asphyxiation until someone reset the systems via one of the computer consoles. The door had to be opened by authorised medical personnel, which was - incidentally - only Nurse Eve Jenkins.

OOC: Further posts to come here soon...

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #12
Ryuan Sel | Medical Lab 01 | Sickbay

The seconds ticked by, each causing Ryuan Sel to get more and more ready for the inevitable fire fight. She did her best to visualize the counter she had set her phaser rifle on so that when the time came she would be ready to leap up and grab it, defending the others from what she could only assume would be something unpleasant. Though part of her mind whispered quietly that she should learn whatever it was that they wanted to share, even though she was all but certain that it would likely end with some insane Vulcan rearranging her mind to make her more willing to take aim at her crew.

She was lost in thought when she was slammed back to reality by the sound of a phaser going off. Without thinking she leapt across the table she was hiding behind and grabbed her phaser rife. She did not even notice what had happened until she took aim at the two now dead mutineers.

"Well that was a bit unexpected," she said as she walked over to the two and bent down to check their vitals. Even the stun setting could kill at close range and it looked like the two had been far to close to the nozzle when the gun had gone off. She turned to where she was pretty sure the other two were hiding. "It's ok, they won't be a problem anymore." As she spoke she heard the fire suppression system kick in and felt the breeze as the room began to empty of breathable air. "Though that might be."

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #13
[ Cir'Cie | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hayden O'Connor, Doctor Maya, Vinata Vojona & Lahkesis Saugn

When Cir'Cie opened her eyes, she could barely move - vision blurred.

She judged that she had likely been drugged, and quite recently. In part because she found herself lying underneath the distinctive lights of the primary surgical suite in Sickbay, and also because she was Vulcan and knew her body's faculties quite well. She was injured, and remembered the fighting in Sickbay, and how determined she had been to obey orders that made no sense to her now. That determination was gone, replaced with the understanding that she had been mind-melded by the Master Acolyte and made to believe she did the right thing. Maya had unravelled the bindings on her mind. It was a lot to take in, and the emotions threatened to overtake her - compromising her. Nevertheless, she might have been a young Vulcan, but she quickly got her mind clear enough to process the visual impressions around her.

She lifted her head and slowly propped herself up on her elbows where she lay, and the first thing she saw was the Ovri nurse stepping up behind a tall human with a severely scared face. Cir'Cie remembered him quite well, knowing he was called Phantom and that he belonged to Tactical Conn on the Harbinger. The Ovri male was naked, securing his blanket across the human's head from behind and keeping him unbalanced. Cir'Cie had never seen Ovri fighting, and it seemed they could make excellent use of their strong digitigrade legs, because in what seemed like unchecked rage, the Ovri began to kick the human between his legs or wherever he might hit while Phantom struggled to get the blanket out of his face.

The Lieutenant Commander was armed, a hand phaser gleaming in his grip as he flailed about. He opened fire immediately even if he could not see anything. A couple of beams scorched the ceiling, while another dug into the edge of the biobed. Cir'Cie tried to edge away on top of it, but her body did not respond as quickly as she wanted it to - the drugs in her system still in effect. Fear was an emotion she could control, so her face remained impassive despite the commotion. Still, the Ovri kept kicking the man from behind - holding on to the blanket, refusing to let go while he kicked the human as hard as he could. Soon, Phantom went down on one knee, and he tried to shoot behind himself - pointing the weapon backwards over his shoulder. Yet he damaged nothing more than the interior of the surgical suite, and with another couple of kicks, he was on his back - the twisted blanket still around his head.

That was when the Counsellor sprang forth, stomping with all her weight against Phantom's wrist, which made the phaser clatter against the deck plates and the Wing Commander let out another muffled sound of furious anger - which likely expressed his pain as well.

Yet even if he was unarmed, he was clearly not going to surrender. Cir'Cie saw him roll over on all four and lash out with his unhurt arm against the Ovri - suddenly twisting himself free from the blanket. Both sides of his face were red and equal in a murderous snarl. He tried to pull the Ovri closer using any grip he could make - likely meaning to wrap his hard fingers around the nurse's throat. Perhaps even bashing his head in against the floor. Unless the Ovri got free, the human would end his life by any means possible. Then he would move on to the women in the room. Cir'Cie knew this because she had come to know the man from T'Rena.

"You must subdue him now lest he will kill us all," said Cir'Cie, her passionless tone in stark contrast to the meaning of her words.

OOC: Another one with Lucan coming up soon...

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #14
[ Dr. Nicander | Corridor | Deck 02 ] Attn: Hylota Vojona, Heather McMillan, Aisha S'Iti, Natalie Stark, Simon Tovarek & Rory Callahan

Pale grey eyes darting between the four people that had emerged from the jefferies tubes, Lucan made his decision as soon as he was confident they presented no hostility. He had set the bundles with xenon down while they spoke, and he stepped close to Heather - the Radiant - and whispered to her. "Sorry, I have to borrow this," was what he said, for once not even considering how his warm breath caressed her ear when he did. As the four spoke, he reached down into Heather's pocket - fishing up her hand phaser.

The Cardassian seemed to be cooperating with them even if she claimed that she considered herself Marquis, and Lucan supposed that was good enough for the time being. Who was he to judge her for not quite living up to the standards of the Starfleet uniform? Private humour, which only made the thing inside thrum in amusement. The Cardassian suggested that he'd see to their wounds, but while he gave a quick nod, he said, "In a moment. Excuse me."

He pointed the hand phaser against the grate from whence they all had emerged and began to weld the opening shut - effectively blocking any pursuers. His tattooed hand trembled from fatigue as he held the button on the phaser down, but while he worked, he listened. So while he made no comment besides a lop-sided smile on the remark upon his appearance - knowing he looked like he had been on the loosing side in a Reman fighting pit in the dirties levels of their dilithium mines - he did explain what he and the two women behind him had been up to and what their plans were.

"More than an hour ago - when they first made their move - Declan Vasser spoke on the intercom. He ordered all volunteers that were prepared to fight the battle on his terms to gather in the second cargo hold on this deck. Nurse Hylota here came up with the plan to sedate them all, perhaps even managing to do so when T'Rena or Vasser inspects their new crew. We are carrying these xenon cylinders to that purpose - about to empty them into that cargo hold without being spotted."

Finished with his welding job, Lucan turned to everyone present - assessing their injuries with his exotic eyes alone and deciding that there was no more time to waste on medical practice. Not when there was so much at stake and so little time to do it. "We need to carry on, but Nurse Vojona might be too injured to help with the xenononce we get there." Lucan gave the Ovri a quick sympathetic smile. "I could use someone besides Miss McMillan to accompany me, and we are too large a group to move about unseen, so I'd rather not ask the whole lot of you to follow."

[Lieutenant-Commanders Nicander and Stark, can you hear me?] asked Thea on the intercom.

"We are here," said Lucan and could not help but let out a chuckle, "and it is marvellous to hear your voice, Thea. I trust you are not reprogrammed, are you?"

[Negative. Selena Ravenholm tried, but...] There was a pause before Thea changed topics, [There is no time. The Calamity is here, just outside the nebula. I have not revoked command privileges from Commodore Vasser because he may need it if he goes to warp and seeks to deploy the mines against Cala. Nonetheless, he needs to be removed from command. I am sending up five people from Deck 05 to join you, and they are all armed and ready to retake the bridge. Can as many of you as possible rendezvous with them and find some means of access?.]

There was a lot to process, but Lucan weeded out what needs they still had. "How many personnel have come to Cargo Hold 02, volunteering to support Vasser?"

[Twenty volunteers, and there are two security officers present as well. If deployed, they could ruin our chances to reclaim the ship.]

"I suppose..." said Lucan and looked to the whole group, "you all have to decide where you can contribute the most. The mutineers in the cargo hold are too many to be ignored, and I will be heading there. Who among you will you come with me, and who will head to the turbolifts and join the strike team Thea has mobilised?"

Oh, how did it always have to be him? Why did he continue to stick his neck out for the cattle?

OOC: Post the choice your character make, going with Nicander or not. IronFerrox, I suggest Aisha goes with the strike team to take the CONN?

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #15
[ Heather McMillan |  Corridor | En-Route to Cargo Hold 02 | Deck 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Lucan cin Nicander, Hylota Vojona, Aisha S'Iti, Natalie Stark, Simon Tovarek & Rory Callahan


McMillan glanced irritably at Vojona when she suggested that the Radiant's timing couldn't be worse. She bloody knew that from the time she had set foot on board the Theurgy, as far as she was concerned. And the only reason she provided any exposition was for Nicander's benefit so that he would understand, and maybe be a little less intimidating to her. But what she did agree with her on was that maybe the time for talking, on her part at least, was best left for later, in less strenuous times, whenever that might be. As the newcomers slowly explained themselves more and more, the petite young woman gradually released her concentration on holding the light ready for use, as they appeared to be on the same side.

Nicander had lowered the cannisters and spoke to her, taking the phaser right out of her coat pocket, and she squeaked in surprise. She felt his breath against her ear, and flushed nervously. "Keep it." She suggested, seeing as she didn't like the first and only time she ever held a weapon, she didn't feel inclined to hold on to the device, and if he found a use for it, well, better him than her. And then her heart sank when Thea's voice came over the intercom, and addressed Nicander and Stark. She had been lucky when she made it back to the ship in the wake of the Calamity's assault. And who the bloody hell names a ship Calamity anyway? That was just plain bad luck. Or asking for it.

When Nicander asked who was going to join him or join the impromptu strike force who would attempt to retake the bridge, she slowly moved to stand by Nicander. Since he had already mentioned her accompanying him, but still, she simply picked up the cannisters, still supported by the anti-gravity generators. She was ready to put an end to all this nonsense. In all honesty, with the Calamity out there, Vasser and his cohorts should really be focusing their efforts in keeping everyone alive, and no one should be fighting one another within the two ships. They had enough enemies as it was. She idly wondered if she would ever see her parents or her friends on Earth ever again.

Then another thought hit her, and she looked over at Nicander, "Doctor," she said, "with the Calamity so close by, shouldn't we at least let Vasser know? Maybe convince them to focus their efforts on working together to survive a greater threat?"

It seemed so foolish a thought, but McMillan was hoping that this would end the confusing violence sooner. "I know Vasser and his second-in-command are rather...bonkers right now, but maybe there's still some measure of reason left to them, couldn't we at least try?"

She glanced nervously at one of the men nearby, who's eyes she had caught for a moment, then she turned to look back at the doctor, to see what he had to say.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #16
[ Hylota Vojona | Corridor | En-Route to Cargo Hold 02 | Deck 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Dr. Nicander, Heather McMillan, Aisha S'Iti, Natalie Stark, Simon Tovarek & Rory Callahan

Hylota took stock of the entire situation as it unfolded before her, each added complication seemed to fall upon her shoulders like packs added to the back of  mule, it was all just too much, and as she began to run through her options Hylota shut her eyes tight and took a deep breath before she shook her head. There was no way that she would be of any use to a force taking back the bridge, and crawling around in the jeffries tube she would need to bind her arm otherwise it would be dragging along the ground as she went.

On the other hand...she looked to Lucan and he spoke firmly and professionally to him. "Doctor, I cannot provide much service to anyone right now in the missions at hand, but I can provide ad for you in another way." She raised her hand phaser again smiled slightly."We will need to ensure that no on can escape the gassing, and that means disabling the door before you go in to release the gas. And it is likely they would have enough people in there with some tech skills to get the door to open again or at least force it, so I propose I just go to the other side and disable the door and then weld it shut."

She smiled a little more as her exhaustion from the whole ordeal was beginning to show."Besides I doubt that we would be losing much if I were to get stunned by these mutineers, I am not in that great of shape any longer and I will just slow down the group I would be going with to be honest." She sighed. "This way we do not have to put anyone able bodied into harms way and I can still be of use to the cause." She stood up straight to show that she as still able an ready to do her part for the sake of the ship, while internally she was just wanting to rest, she was a damn nurse not a commando! What the hell was she doing here?

[ Vinata Vojona | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hayden O'Connor, Doctor Maya, Cir'Cie & Lahkesis Saugn

As Phantom freed himself fro the feeble blindfold and lashed out at Vinata he gasped as he was dragged to the floor, the enrage man having caught him off guard with how strong he  still was despite the beating he had taken.As he felt the strong hands tighten around his throat and squeezed his windpipe shut he began to panic, but as he began to be violently slammed against the floor his face distorted in pain and fear. In his moment of panic he look through he haze and looked at Phantom's ace twisted in rag and he did the only thing that he could think of to fight back. He reached up with his hands and pushed back against Phantom with one while the other went over Phantom's face an he began to press his thumb into his right eye, threatening to crush it. Unless someone else got involved he was going to keep with his current path of action, he a unable to do much else with his legs pinned down.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #17
[ Simon Tovarek |  Corridor | En-Route to Cargo Hold 02 | Deck 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Lucan cin Nicander, Hylota Vojona, Aisha S'Iti, Natalie Stark, Heather McMillan & Rory Callahan

Hearing about the plan with the canisters, Simon looked over at Stark before turning his eyes back to Nicander. While he might come up with a better way to release the gas inside of them he opted that his chances of ingenuity and skills would be stronger with the team heading over to the cargo hold. Thus he spoke up "If possible I'd like to join Lt Cmdr Nicander. I possibly might have a theory on how to spread the gas more efficiently or on how to enhance the intake of it if I manage to change the parameters in the life support systems in the cargo hold." His eyes went over to Stark to see if she was prone to agree with his way of thinking since he assumed she would lead the strike team. Again she was just as high ranking as Lucan so the two might come upon an agreement where Simon would be placed best, he only made a proposition to the two.

While awaiting for their go ahead he already started to make calculations inside of his mind. By hacking into life support he could increase the intake of oxygen which would react to a quicker absorption of the gas if it were released, more oxygen might also make it possible for the inhalers to spread the gas into their bloodstream knocking them out cold much faster and longer than without any fiddling to it. Besides that you also had the chance that they would be able to get out and escape if the gas didn't work fast enough. Perhaps a modification to the gas could help, yet he had little time and ample resources to work with.

Eventually he laid his eyes back on the flustered civilian over by Lucan and he smiled a bit and nodded to her as he slowly made his way beside her to show the other that he'd preferably go with this part of the squad. His eyes were caught by the radiant as he seemed to inspect her, wondering how she got in all this mess, yet the time for proper introduction and the sorts were for a later more suitable time. Simon diverted his eyes over to Hylota and he asked "How's the wound keeping up?" 

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #18
[ AIsha S'Iti | Corridor | Deck 02 ] Attn: Dr. Nicander, Thea, Hylota Vojona, Heather McMillan, Aisha S'Iti, Natalie Stark, Simon Tovarek & Rory Callahan.

Aisha had already made up her mind before anything else was mentioned.  She knew it was dangerous and she would essentially be going back to the very den of lions who she may as well have provoked moments earlier.  Still she knew where she was needed the most.  "Thea this is Aisha S'iti.  I am requesting the authorizations that you undoubtedly whether intentional or accidental took away with the restriction of Harbinger personnel authorities.  I am hereby requesting reinstatement as temporary chief CONN officer of the USS Theurgy.  Prior to my attempt to break out Stark and Tovarek, Vaser and I set up a contingency plan for launching the mines in the event that I was not on the bridge or if the CONN or Tactical station were damaged during Cala's attack."  She paused a moment hoping Thea had made the correct reinstatement of protocols.  Thea, if the main bridge is unaware please advise Vasser of current proximity and location of Calamity and advise him to activate CONN Override Preset Calamity Protocol One and advise use of the manual control column.  Once we arrive unless there is someone of greater knowledge or ability on the team reassign Vasser as acting Chief Tactical Officer.  Please advise on how to proceed in preparation for the assault team's arrival.  S'Iti out"

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #19
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Deck 07 |]  Attention: Hayden O'Connor, Phantom, Vinata Vojona & Lahkesis Saugn

Back in sickbay, Maya was staring down her rapist as the injured nurse Vinata Vojona crept up to Phantom, intending to envelop him in a blanket.  The Theurgy's new counselor Hayden O'Connor crept up behind the azure Ovri, as nervous and as silent as a cat ready to spring. 

Looking into Phantom's eye was paralyzing.  Maya's large hazel eyes narrowed as she struggled to suppress the primordial passions that the philosopher Surak had locked away over two thousand years ago.   As Vinata Vojona and Hayden O'Connor attacked Kilinvoss from behind Lahkesis Saugn could hear   the little Vulcan's thoughts through the temporary psychic bond they shared.  Despite the fact that they were less than a meter apart from each other, Maya had to be concentrating intensely for her thoughts to be as clear to Saugn at all.

"This mustn't register on an emotional level," Maya told herself.  In an instant, the little Vulcan used the distraction of Hayden and Vinata's desperate attack to retrieve a medical instrument from a compartment in the biobed.   "Subject: Phanatos Kilinvoss,   Species: Human   Gender: Male  Physical age:  46 standard years," the logical part of her mind analyzed as she held a medical instrument smaller than a fountain pen and faced the spectacle of the commander of the Harbinger's Dor'GhItlh Squadron fighting two members of the medical division. "Height:  1.5 meters, weight:  84.4 kilograms.  Physical analysis:  Despite scarification and other permanent injuries, a capable soldier fit for battle.  Expert in both Cardassian and Terran unarmed martial arts."  She activated the little device in her hand, revealing that it was in fact a scalpel that used a colored transparent force field to create a tiny blade less than two centimeters long.   "Psychological analysis:  Post-traumatic stress resulting in tribalism and antisocial personality disorder. Ruthless and contemptuous of Federation values, a throwback to earlier eras.  No evidence of psychic manipulation.  Likelihood of surrendering before inflicting permanent physical harm on staff and patients:  Unlikely."

Before Maya's unblinking gaze she saw Phantom break free of the blanket Vinata had entangled him with and lunge at the Ovri.  "You must subdue him now lest he will kill us all," Cir'Cie's lifeless voice announced from the biobed.

This was the moment Maya was waiting for.  The sight of the interior of the human's upper arm was all she needed to dart forward.  Point of weakness detected.  Nick brachial artery to neutralize threat.  Summary prognosis:   hypovolemia with expected symptoms of tachycardia, tachypnea, and pale skin revealing the absence of perfusion.  The subject will encounter increased heart and breathing rates as the body attempts to oxygenate itself.  Subject will suffer sweating and chest pains.  Estimated time of death in ninety seconds.  Ability to harm Lahkesis: neutralized."

The little Vulcan's arm moved as quickly as a cobra strike.  The puncture Maya would make to Phantom's ventral upper arm would seem to be merely a tiny nick, but the wound would cause sever a major artery and be fatal in a minute and a half.  Phantom would then be forced to surrender and receive treatment or he could keep fighting and bleed to death.  The cold look in Maya's hazel eyes indicated that the latter was preferable.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #20
[Lahkesis Saugn  | Main Sickbay | Deck 07 |]  Attention: Hayden O'Connor, Phantom, Vinata Vojona & Maya

Almost all that went on around Lahkesis was lost on her fear-plagued mind. She could not look away from the conflict, and yet it seemed like it did not register at all. She watched as her crewmates struggled to take down the horrific man. She watched as he fought them off. She watched as the phaser fell from his hand and to the floor. And yet the fight went on.

Then, like a whisper she heard the voice of Doctor Maya, the cool calculated diagnosis of the situation almost seemed to calm her. She watched as the small Vulcan woman moved lightning fast and slipped the scalpel into the man's arm. She knew immediately what the woman had done, she could see it in her mind, though this was likely the result of the psycic connection that lingered between the Vulcan woman and her. The wound would be lethal in a matter of seconds, though it would not be apparent to the man until it was to late. At least not unless he noticed the rather large amount of blood he was losing.

And then something broke in her. She scampered across the floor and grabbed the hand phaser he had dropped. She gripped it so tight he hand began to hurt, but before she could stop herself she had taken aim. A phaser set on stun could kill at close enough range. This phaser was set a couple step above that on heavy stun. Combined with the adrenaline in the man's system and the shock his body was undergoing it should not have taken more than a couple of quick bursts to cause a complete cessation of bodily functions.

And yet Lahkesis did not shoot only a couple of times. She shot as many times as she could. He died and she shot him more. The skin burned and distorted and she shot him more. She couldn't stop herself. She just kept shooting.

She did not stop until the battery indicator on the phaser went off. And then she fell back limply, the hand phaser slipping from her long fingers and clattering to the floor. And yet she stared a the man before her, fear still playing it's way across her face.

She had seen the face of the devil and she had killed it.

OOC: Hope this is ok. If I need to change anything just let me know~

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #21
[ Vinata Vojona | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hayden O'Connor, Doctor Maya, Cir'Cie & Lahkesis Saugn

Vinata was struggling to hold Phantom at bay despite his own throat being held firmly shut, if not for his lower rate of oxygen use he would have been much more fearful of being choked out, but little did he know that he was soon going to be wishing that he could have been knocked out in a few moments. As his hands pressed against Phantom and tried to hold him off he felt the familiar pain of physical strain began to fill his arms and he opened his eyes to look up at Phantom. And from there things only got worse.

The world around him seemed to slow down as Phantom too a stab to the arm from Doctor Maya, his mind quickly made a medical analysis of the injury, noting the damage and his eyes widened further as he watched the steady flow of blood began to soak into the man's uniform, it did not take log for him to feel the warmth of the blood against his neck, it slowly wrapped around his neck and he began to squirm as he did not want to be under Phantom when his body finally gave out.

Vinata thought that that was it, hat he would jut be bloodied and have to be dragged out from under Phantom as he passe out  from the blood loss, but he was no that lucky, because at that point in time Lahkesis got her hands on a hand phaser and began to open up on Phantom...while Vinata was still pushing against Phantom. The first few shots missed where Vinata was, but as Lahkesis began to fire more wildly a stray shot his Phantom in the shoulder not hitting Vinata, but close enough that the radiant head singed his hand making Vinata give up holding Phantom back as he held his burned hand close to his chest.

I was at this point that gravity to over and Phantom fell flat on top of Vinata, his face pressed against Vinata's as the Ovri male went into shock, this was just too much, he felt the warm wet sensation of Phantom's blood against his skin as the corpse bled out on top of him. His grip was still relatively firm even in death ad Vinata was having trouble breathing, but he was getting weak breaths as he shuddered underneath the slaughtered remains of Phanatos Kilinvoss as it got shot over and over. Was there any way this could get worse? His only hope was that his sister was safe an better off than he was...that and that his comrades would get over their own shock and Get The CORPSE OFF OF HIM!!!

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #22
[Sarresh Morrali | Medical Lab 01 | Sickbay]

The fog filled the room and the hiss of phaser fire cut through the confusion, even as Sarresh kept rolling away into a crouch. His nostrils flared, and he shook his head. The Leroxin had no affect on the Ash'reem turned Human - his mind hadn't been warped by the less then gentle touch of T'Rena's mind meld, so there wasn't anything for the now vaporized drug to do to his system.  The same could not have been said for the two would be assailants. He hadn't expected the drug to be quite so immediately effective. Then again, he hadn't expected it to be dispersed in such an abrupt and violent fashion. Needless to say it worked, if not exactly the resolution he was looking for. And with no i'll effects to himself. But the sudden heat in his cheeks - and lower - well that was an unwelcome surprise. He'd been pressed close to Nurse Jenkins when he'd pulled her down, and he swore he could smell her on him. Similar to how he would have been able to smell Amikris, had they been similarly close.

A voice pulled his thoughts away, and he slowly stood, watching as Ryuan Sel confirmed that their would be assailants were no longer among the living. Artificial eyes drank in every inch of the Bajoran woman, scantily clad as she was in naught but regulation drawers, and while his Ash'reem standards were still well and truly in place - mentally at least - physically, his body was reacting to...whatever was going on, and to the Bajoran as much as the memory of the woman on the floor, slowly getting to her feet. His head was swimming with thoughts, all of them highly inappropriate. Gone was the focus that he'd had earlier - whatever was at cause here, his hard wiring, and new human body, neither we capable of shunting it aside.

"What the hell is going on..." He muttered, that analytic mind that had served him so well drawing a blank. Up until the fire suppression systems kicked in.  The already dim lights turned an eerie blue, and Sarresh swore. "Grab a mask," he managed to call out, snagging one dangling from the ceiling and dragging it down towards Nurse Jenkins, who was still on the floor. "Quickly!"

[Natalie Stark | Corridor | Deck 02]

"I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner." The words from earlier kept playing in her mind, over and over. She could hear the whispered, hushed tones, the pain, in Rory's voice, and she wished she had the time to pull him aside and let him know that...well, she wasn't ok. She couldn't be ok, but that she couldn't be prouder of him, either. There wasn't the time, and her focus, unfortunately, was needed elsewhere. Even if all she wanted to do right then was take his hand and pretend everything was ok.  Natalie kept her face schooled as Dr. Nicander filled her in on the remaining details of his plan. There was plenty of merit to it, and she could already see ways to increase the likelihood of success. For a medical man, the good doctor had more than a few tactical ideas worth considering. But she couldn't really add her two cents, because Thea hailed the two of them.

On the one hand, Natalie was thrilled to find out that the AI had not, in fact, been compromised. Having recently gained status as her own sentient being, being reprogrammed would have been a devastating loss, as far as Natalie was concerned. The news that the AI had for them was less then welcome, however, and the brunette sucked in a sharp breath, repressing her fear. Her subordinates immediately began offering up their preferences, and she had to agree with all the choices made. She shared a look with Lt. Tovarek, as if assessing him, and silently asking if he were up for the job he'd just volunteered for. But she could find no fault in his request.

"I agree, Simon. Accompanying Dr. Nicander would be the best bet for you," she took another deep breath, because what came next would not be fun "Personally, i'd love nothing more than to space Vasser and T'Rena. Since that isn't an immediately available option, I suppose that means the best thing I can do is to accompany Ms. S'Iti to the bridge, and hope everyone there can be reasonable a bout not getting us all vaporized by that death ship bearing down on us. Can't say I like the odds much on that. They're both full of all kinds of crazy." She hoped she sounded more confident than she felt.

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #23
[ Maya | Main Sickbay | Deck 07 |]  Attention: Hayden O'Connor, Phantom, Vinata Vojona & Lahkesis Saugn

Whatever Maya was expecting Lahkesis to do; it wasn't scoop up Phantom's phaser and shoot him.  The part of Maya's mind that was capable of feeling emotion reeled with horror as she realized that she had subconsciously sent the darling girl the impression that Phanatos Kilinvoss was a painful cancer to be excised from the body, or at the very least, a terminal patient that had to be allowed to die in triage so that the medics could concentrate on the ones they could save.  Belay that; Lahkesis had gotten a peek at the part of the Vulcan psyche that Vulcans didn't admit they possessed and felt Maya's primal desire to kill Phantom for what he had done and for having the audacity to threaten someone who Maya loved after betraying everyone aboard the Theurgy.

Maya's reaction had been to give Phantom a fatal wound that if left untreated would result in death in less than two minutes.  Under normal circumstances, it wasn't a death sentence if it happened in main sickbay.  There were plenty of people who could save him in time.  Lahkesis had decided to end it quickly, sensing that Phantom's very presence was painful to the little Vulcan.  With the innocence of a child, Lahkesis had acted quickly and instinctively to take the scarred pilot out of the equation in the fastest most expedient way possible so they wouldn't have to worry about him in the future.

The cold logical part of Maya admired the skill in which she handled a phaser.  Her hands didn't shake, and somehow she had managed not to hit Nurse Vinata and Counselor O'Connor.  The combat skills of the officer she was based on had apparently been transferred to Doctor Saugn.  In addition, putting Phantom out of his misery was probably the best action in the long term.  It was unlikely that Phantom would be anything but a danger in the future, for he would blame the Theurgy's crew for any casualties that Dor'GhItlh Squadron had suffered during the mutiny. 

As Lahkesis, fell backwards after draining the hand phaser, Maya caught her with a jerkily smooth movement that was reminiscent of an automaton.  "Calm yourself precious one," Maya assured the willowy redhead as she gently lowered the girl to a sitting position.  "I'll be back once I remove the remains from atop Nurse Vinata."

"Counselor, your assistance would be welcome," she murmured as she crouched next to Phantom and began to roll his body off of the Ovri.  There would be time to deal with the repercussions of their actions once the crisis was over.  Right now Maya had to be the voice of reason and take care of the others. 

Re: CHAPTER 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]

Reply #24
[ Cir'Cie | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 07 ] Attn: Hayden O'Connor, Doctor Maya, Vinata Vojona & Lahkesis Saugn

Whether or not her warning had been heeded didn't matter, because Cir'Cie saw the whole ordeal as she moved to sit on the biobed. Phantom had tried to strangle the Ovri, who had pressed his thumb into the Wing Commander's remaining eye. The human had screamed, perhaps in pain or perhaps in ire, but he he had let go of the Nurse's throat with one hand to save his eye from being hurt. Cir'Cie could not tell how bad the damage had been to the mutineer, but at least temporarily blinded, he had not been able to fend of the cut Doctor Maya sustained upon him. Perhaps he hadn't even felt it during the commotion, and the blood had poured down the arm that still held Vinata Vojona - gushed over his blue and minutely scaled skin.

Cir'Cie had almost got to her feet by the time the other Doctor - the Teslyliac duplicate named Lahkesis - picked up Phantom's hand phaser and started shooting him. Cir'Cie had raised an eyebrow at the display, seeing how the Ensign close-proximity fire into Phantom's back even as he had fallen down upon the Nurse. The human danced a galvanic gavotte where he lay on the Ovri, twitching from each discharge of the weapon - bleeding out even as his tall frame had been rendered unconscious. The smell of seared textile and burnt flesh filled the room gradually, and in the end, the power cell of the hand phaser was depleted by the consecutive energy beams. By that time, Cir'Cie was standing next to Doctor Maya and Doctor Saugn.

The other Vulcan in the room made the appropriate call to free the nurse that still lay trapped underneath the dead human, and Cir'Cie replied before the counsellor. "I will assist you," she said in her halcyon intonation, moving slowly because of the drugs in her system, but could with some assistance nonetheless get the Wing Commander off from Nurse Vojona - the Ovri covered in red human blood once revealed to the stark light of the primary surgical suite. "He appears physically unharmed."

Of course, there were three doctors in attendance counting Chief Counsellor O'Connor, so her comment was not required. They were the ones to make the assessment using their tricorders, while she was just a Botanical Scientist - perhaps only able to judge the health of Doctor Saugn if needed be. The reason she had spoken, she realised, was because she felt a uncontrollable need to remedy the acts she had performed when under T'Rena's influence. With this in mind, she squared her shoulders.

"My gratitude. I would require an inoculation of a substance that can clear my mind and body from the effects of what I have been drugged with," she said, voice even as she looked towards the exit of the room - her intentions bent upon the work ahead of her and Doctor Maya. "Too many have been shown T'Rena's vision of the future. Their minds must be cleared of the illusion forced upon them. Right now, they still believe there is no recourse but to escape Federation space and breed pure offspring to lead the next war, for they believe this one has already been lost."

Blinking, she began to look around herself in the CMO Office. She added more words as the realisations dawned upon her. "They seek to use Doctor Nicander and this room to genetically re-engineer all children-to-come whilst they are still in the womb. They were to be given the Velsren sac of the Asurians, granted superior healing abilities, but that is not all. The genetic template they mean to use is Declan Vasser." Her green eyes returned to the people who had restored her, one last thing to be revealed about their adversary.

"The reason for this is that Declan Vasser is an Augment," she said, as if she spoke the photosynthetic quality in a rare growth, "perhaps the most powerful one of this century. He must be approached with great caution, lest we will loose more of our crew."

OOC: More posts to come here. :)

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