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Topic: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter 06 - Deterioration] (Read 19373 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #75
As Kae froze at the sight of the weapon upon him, he would do the only thing he could in such a situation.  He began to gather data.  A phaser rifle held in one hand, yet held steady said something for the strength of the armed man, yet also left him open to being disarmed if the opportunity presented himself.  It was long enough to use the principle of leverage to wrest from his hold.  He even noted it was on the heavy side, suggesting the front end would work against him in such a situation.

As ordered, he did put his weapon, slowly lowering it to the floor and standing back up, moving slow enough not to provoke a warning shot from Jaru.  When told to take the seat at Ops, he again moved slow, not risking sudden movements making for an itchy trigger finger.  The SCO held all the power in the room for the time being, and with Thea delayed, he couldn't count on help coming to his aid this time.  He had to look for his own opportunity.

He was just passing Jaru when the warp core explosion rocked the ship, blinding everyone with light.  Kae took it as the distraction he needed, reaching his arms out and wrestling the rifle away from Jaru.  A couple of shots fired into the walls in the process, before a loud yell from Jaru preceded him finally letting go.  When the light cleared, Kae saw the problem; the phaser rifle had struck his calf with one of it's powerful blasts, leaving severe burn damage along the leg and foot, crippling Jaru with both injury and pain.  Still, Kae wouldn't take risks, and aimed the weapon at him, alternating to Hannah whenever he saw movement from her, until he was a safe distance away from both, and able to grab his phaser from the ground again.  It already had settings to stun, which he did to Hannah.  It would have been more merciful to do the same to the SCO, but he couldn't help but feel he might have possessed information they needed.  He would wait for Thea to determine what to do with Jaru. 

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #76
[Deck 16]

Garen was still a little shocked. He couldn't help but feel responsible for what had happened to Grayson. Maybe if he'd been a little faster, that vine wouldn't have grabbed him, Grayson wouldn't have had to stop to help him, and they all could have gotten out of there.

Well, mostly. Garen remembered Lucan succumbing to the intoxicating effect of the pollen, how he'd attempted to force himself on T'Less. Garen had forsworn violence since the end of the war, but he wished he'd had a phaser on him at that moment. The good doctor was lucky that it was Edena who shot him, rather than Garen.

Still, even he couldn't ignore the reality of the situation. He now held one of Lucan's discarded phasers, and took up a position near the alcove where Edena worked feverishly. He tried to steady his pounding heart while keeping an eye out for trouble. When he caught T'Less's eye, he offered the Vulcan a small, reassuring smile. He was starting to believe that this nightmare was almost over, and they were going to make it.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #77
Taking up position opposite Garen, T'Less once more checked the charges on the phasers she held and readied herself as much as she could.  It was a daunting task, trying to remain in control of her mind.  What had happened in the far past had caused damage to her brain and today's events had forced cracks in what she'd spent the last one hundred years trying to build to replace.  She glanced at Garen and caught his hopeful smile, and nodded in return.  The problem was interesting and gave her something to work on while she waited, something to focus on to keep the cracks from spreading within.  Logically, she recognized the futility of their positions, the overwhelming odds against them.  They'd been locked out of the computer, out of the transporters and the majority of the crew was under some kind of huge mental infection.  As much as she wanted to believe they would make it out of this unscathed, that there would be no further stress placed on them, on her increasingly fragile mind, the calculated odds were against them.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #78
==Deck 05, Transporter room==

She sank down, to one knee, crouched just to the side of the entry way, a hand thrown up to shield her eyes. It was so much brighter then the hall way, then the Jefferies tube. She was sure that the hallway outside was now shining like a beacon. the doors shunted open for now, by her hap hazard hack to get into the room. Her head kept shifting, side, to side, like it had out in the corridors, expecting to find someone screwing on the floor of the room, bucking in lust, moaning.

Her ears practically rang with the tranquil silence of the transporter room. She allowed herself to rise to her feet and slowly walk into the room, her steps echoing. She gets halfway through the room, the pounding in her heart slowing, almost returning to something approaching normal, despite the way her clothes and hair clung to her, despite the firefight in the hallway moments before, she felt...if not safe, alone. And in that moment, eyes half closed, that was enough to grant her a sense of peace she hadn't had since this whole nasty affair started. Natalie could feel her grip loosen a bit, on the phaser that she'd held onto for dear life.

Starke. Her eyes snap open and she lets out a bit of a scream, just a short, startled burst, and whirls around, hand extended outward, a shaky grip on her phaser. She stares, hard, at the being she knew as 'Captain'. She sees a uniform, and lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god, sir, we thought--" its as far as she gets. The door slams shut, and the hand comes down, slapping into her wrist, catching the weary Ops officer off guard. Her wrist snaps, and she screams out in pain, the phaser falling to the padded floor of the transporter room.

The scream shuts off as he head snaps around, and she staggers back. Her lip splits, and she staggers away, spitting blood onto the floor. Wh-what? she barely thinks, as the panic flares back up from before. The tremble settles into her legs, and her chest starts to heave She staggers away, trying, in vain, to put the console between her, and her commanding officer. She tired to climb up, to her feet, wincing in pain as she places weight on her arm, but then there were strong fingers pulling into her hair, bending her back, her large chest put on display as her body was bent, further and further, on her knees, staggering to her feet.

Another panicked, pained cry breaks past tortured lips as her body is further bruised, this time, her head and back bouncing off the wall with a loud crack. Natalie's vision blurred, her eyes swimming in her head. They focus in on the 'Captains' face , so foreign and alien from just hours before. She brings her hands up, trying to force his off of her, but it seems useless, his strength far superior to hers, her hands battered aside. "P-please" she moans out, blood dribbling down her swiftly swelling lip, "please no" she begs, as he inches closer to her, holding her firm against the wall. She tries to kick, aiming for his knee, to no avail, the leg simply not there. All her Starfleet training seems to slip away, the more she struggles.

And then there were hands on her throat, cutting off any further protest. She could feel her eyes going wide, feel the pulse of her neck thundering against his hands. Fear, full on, fills her, causing her whole body to clench up. Ca-can't breathe...he's he's going to kill me! she thinks, as her legs start to tremble, twisting from side to side, toes twitching in her boots. Her vision began to dim, and she feels something release inside. Her eyes start to fade, and then...

It hits her full on the mouth. The pressure against her torn lip, the feeling of a tongue sliding in, slick, intrusive, unwanted. Wanted. Its like fire, pouring down her tongue, into her throat. She'd been kissed before, but never, never like this. Her mind had already started to dim, from lack of oxygen, and the sudden rush, the sudden need didn't help at all. She feels herself grow damp, between her legs, and  ragged, strained moan, escaping from her own lips, is the last sound she hears, as her eyes fade closed.

She lays, twitching, as the beam shimmers across her body, scattering her molecules, whisking her away from the transporter pad...

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #79
[Main Bridge | Deck 01]

Just before the explosion, Thea had entered the Bridge with her phaser raised. Afterwards, she could survey the situation - her stride set towards Lt. Kae's side.

The shots fired during the blind struggle between the Engineer and the SCO had effectively done more damage than it first appeared. Setting 10 on a phaser assault rifle was titled Extreme Disruption Effect with a discharge energy index of 125 000. The shots had 1.3 seconds duration and the actual effect was that even heavy structural materials absorbed or rebounded energy - with a 0.55 second delay before the material vaporised. This occurred while Lt. Kae stunned Ensign Hannah Slaverton. The muzzle had not been still during the duration of the shots, and large claw-like marks fizzled into appearance across the Bridge. Moreover, as Lt. Kae held the SCO at gunpoint... the squadron leader's leg melted off by the knee.

Naturally, the organic screamed - Thea quite familiar with the concept of pain since she had been given tactile feeling akin to nerve-synapses in her carefully stored pasitronic brain. As sparks coughed out of the claw-marks around the Bridge, she walked past Lt. Kae's shoulder and twisted a grip into the SCO's hair - returning him to his seat in the Captain's chair and pressing his head back against the back. The reason for her brutality was the same reason that she had been delayed. She had come to learn about the fate of their Commanding Officer through her background processes and tried to piece things together with accounts from the infected she had left behind stunned.

"Lieutenant Commander," she said, her phaser held low in the other hand, "do you know the whereabouts of Captain Jien Ives? Stop screaming. Answer my question and I will stun you - removing the pain. For the sake of this ship and this crew, it is imperative that you answer our questions right now. Do you know where the Captain is? It has come to my attention that he is conducting Transports through my logs, but what are his intentions?"

Jaru, with teeth clenched and face red with pain as he clutched at Thea's wrist with his fingers, barked a curse. "Stupid question, he seeks new cunt or cock... Just like... the rest of us." Another string of curses spilled from the squadron leader's lips, most directed at Lt. Kae, before something mildly intelligible came out, "We know about your 'back door' through him, so he merely put a stop to such a notion as to use it... With him being the only one with Transport authority, it was suggested he'd handle it."

And Thea knew just what he had done; the logs plainly there. She turned her brown eyes to the view screen, and in front of the developing battle there, the texts of the logs rolled by - issued to appear by her with a glance. It was the most effective way to let Lt. Kae learn what had happened.

1314 hrs. Transporter Room 04 by Cpt. Jien Ives: Lt. Natalie Stark to Cargo bay 09, Deck 11.
1315 hrs. Transporter Room 04 by Cpt. Jien Ives: Lt. Amatras Neotin to coordinates 13.234745, 17.581376, Planet Niga.
1315 hrs. Transporter Room 04 by Cpt. Jien Ives: Lt.JG Arcorn Neotin to coordinates 13.234745, 17.581376, Planet Niga.
1316 hrs. Transporter Room 04 by Cpt. Jien Ives: Lt.Cmdr Edena Rez to Brig cell 03, Deck 07.
1316 hrs. Transporter Room 04 by Cpt. Jien Ives: Lt. T'Less to coordinates 13.234745, 17.581376, Planet Niga.
1316 hrs. Transporter Room 04 by Cpt. Jien Ives: Lt. Garen Nelis to coordinates 13.234745, 17.581376, Planet Niga.

While the log rolled across the view screen, Thea turned her attention back to the SCO - her face void of emotions even though they brimmed behind her eyes. "At those coordinates, there is nothing but wetland; a dark swamp hidden by the dense canopy above. Living conditions are minimal for longer durations, so I assume that this is a place where your precious flowers grow?" Thea realised that her anger at loosing her Captain made her slightly verbally abusive, but she did not care. She did not have the luxury of switching off her emotional chip any more, so she just had to accept her awkwardly contained emotions. "Will you infect the Senior Staff as you see fit and return them to the ship with the Captain's help?"

She realised she was answering her own questions at this point, and she did not care to hear the SCO's grunts and groans any more, the curses and the threats. She repeated the most important question. "Do you know where Captain Ives is going next?"

"He said he wanted someone special, but I do not know whom he meant, you damn mirage!"

She turned her eye to Lt. Kae. "Lt. Natalie Stark or Cmdr. Edena Rez then, based on the locations they were Transported to. If he wanted someone for himself, then it is the former SI-operative." To punctuate her analysis, Thea stunned 'Commander Jaru Rel, letting the man drop like a sack of potatoes to the deck plates - no time to tend to his wounds. She turned to Lt. Kae, her ire quite human in appearance. With her freedom from Federation bindings came the freedom of expression - be it physical violence upon Senior Officers or plain weariness. "Lt. Natalie Stark enforced the encryptions upon the Captain's singular privileges to the Transport systems, but now it seems she might be lost - sent to what has become known as the Garden of Eden to be fed to the plants there. My point is, that if the Captain learns about your whereabouts... I cannot stop him."

The fact of their Commanding Officer falling prey aside, they stood in a Bridge damaged and without wholesome access for their plan. Quick repairs might help them.... Thea supposed she could do little than to stand guard unless Lt. Kae had better ideas. Then there was the tactical situation on the view screen; the battle between the escaping infected and the single fighter pilot that was making a stand next to the crippled yet still lit Captain's Yacht. What was a priority at this point? The domestic problems on board, or the spreading of the infection in the Alpha Quadrant and beyond?

"Lieutenant," she said quietly as she stared at the daunting force facing the single little speck of a Valkyrie out there, "Can you, somehow, give me full Tactical access to my weaponry? It is something I am hard-wired to lack access to. If nothing else, will you let me take the Tactical station for a while? Either way, I think we need to re-evaluate our priorities."

OOC: The swamp will be the heroic last stand-scene for the characters that were beamed down there. Go crazy with the opposition of the many many plants in the area, and I will naturally play the plants for the few remaining posts in this Episode if that is your wishes! If not a heroic last stand, it is the panicked run for their lives where they have to cooperate to survive infection. Take things as far as you want to... before I resolve everything and the Episode ends with this Chapter. A scene in the Garden of Eden will play out too, making room for Cir'Cie and David Grayson to be present to your heart's extent.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #80
[Deck 11 - The Garden of Eden]

When Dr. Nicander regained consciousness, he wasn't quite sure where he was. The last thing he remembered was trying to make his way across the Cargo Bay areas together with the rest, and watching a bulbous wine creep up Lt. T'Less' leg. His own erection had been bared somehow, and he had been... kissing with the CTO? He was not sure. There had been a jolt of electricity, and a brief flicker of awareness that a stun beam had hit him and the image of Edena Rez' hard eyes. Then, his world had gone dark. The monster inside had fallen silent.

But now...

Where am I? Someone had shackled his tattooed hands to the floor above his head, and his ankles were similarly trapped below. The air still felt extremely hot and humid, the infected successfully having created a jungle. It was much too warm for clothes, and when he looked around the room, he was not surprised to find that everyone was completely naked - including him. It was with the observation of the flowers and undergrowth all around that he realised he was still in the Garden of Eden. A glance to his right revealed that someone else was also bared and bound. With her wrists locked with steel clasps above her head, her breasts jutted towards the dark ceiling. Her lips were swollen and cracked, as if she had been beaten. Her eyes were closed. His lack of a medical tricorder refused him any further diagnosis.

Natalie Stark... Odd, since she had not been in the group heading for Deck 16.

There were about thirty crew members in the Cargo bay they were held, and the noise of the conversations and copulation had started to diminish as soon as Lucan began to move. They were all staring at him now, as if they were an audience for some sort of performance that he was about to give. Then... he saw bare feet walking toward him. His pale grey eyes travelled upward along a pair of shapely thighs, a smooth belly and a pair of voluptuous breasts... before finally reaching a beautiful alien face that he recognized. It was Cir'Cie, her green eyes glinting like jade stones, her short hair ruffled and on its end. She looked like a Vulcan deity. Yet he could see it in her eyes: she was still corrupted. Beneath that angelic surface lurked a devious, aroused woman who was undoubtedly coming to claim him as her next victim.

"Greetings Doctor," she said, her voice somewhat playful. "How are you faring?" She stepped over him so that she had one foot on either side of his stomach.

"Splendidly," he said and smiled despite it all, "except for the fact that I am all tied up down here, obviously." He meant to look at her face, but his eyes lingered on the small dark thicket at the apex of her legs. The pollination of the air was still strong.

"Indeed. Pardon for the precautions, yet Mr. Grayson thought you might try to get away or something. You being Câroon forces him to keep watch until we are done." Her dry words ended and she knelt down on top of him. She was squatting over his abdomen, and he could feel her pubic hairs tickling his skin - her palms laid down upon the hard planes of his chest. She began to buck her hips, rubbing her crotch against his stomach. "Yet you are not going to get away, are you? You are going to stay right here... we are going to have some fun together... Right, Mr. Grayson?" She kept swivelling her pussy against his muscular abdomen, and now he could feel trails of moisture as her groin glided over his skin.

Off to the side, the CSec could be seen as well - one of them now. Apparently he must have been corrupted after Lucan was stunned and left behind - something which he would remember next he spoke with that filthy harlot Trill. Stoically, the creature that had once been a Lieutenant Commander of Starfleet watched for signs of Lucan's eyes turning white; the tell-tale sign that a Câroon might draw from the elements around him. The threat of the man's phaser was - to the contrary - quite plain.

"Why this... special treatment?" asked Lucan, trying to think of something while buying time, all the while not trying not to stare at her gorgeous breasts. Then it dawned to him. "I see... you have found the formula for the antidote, but you have not broken my encryption. You cannot delete it from the database. Yes... you hope to sway me to surrender the codes since I made it so that no one infected can open it. You will seduce someone else to delete the formula for you, since I obviously won't."

She frowned at him, as if he was a stubborn lock that she could not open. "Correct, yet even if we do fail to unlock the access to the file... it is a small thing, for soon no one that is not blessed shall know about the file." Then, however, she looked over at the woman from Ops - whom was slowly coming to. "Still... we brought your friend along as well, or rather your dear Captain delivered her to us on a silver plate." Cir'Cie slid off of Lucan and crept toward Natalie Stark like a prowling cat.

"The Captain? He was the only one with Transp..." Implications of what had been said struck him. If the Captain had been infected, they possessed the means to allocate people however they wished. If they know about what was on Deck 16, then Edena, T'less and Garen... Of course they knew, since the Captain knew. Violently, Lucan suddenly tried to tear himself free - to no avail. Grayson was right there. It was out of ire that his own personal plans might be foiled that he spat. "Where is the Captain?"

Cir'Cie ignored him completely. She crawled on top of Lt. Stark, her breasts rubbing against human skin. "She is so beautiful, her face symmetrical in the way that bespeaks the eye... It would be a shame if we had to violate her," said the Vulcan, Lucan watching as she leaned down to kiss and nibble on one of Natalie's nipples. "We could do that, you know. I could call a dozen males over here, and they would go to work on her. They would fondle her, caress her and massage her until she was ready for something more. That's when they would start to eat her." Cir'Cie smiled as her hand wandered down to Natalie's crotch. She began to tickle her groin with her fingers.

"After she has reached climax a few times, she shall be ready for a male organ." Cir'Cie rubbed Natalie's pussy even harder. "A nice, big one... pushing all the way inside her... filling her up. They shall take turns with her at first, relentlessly churning her until she is soaking wet. They shall take her until she screams and thrashes with lust. She shall beg them for more, and they shall give it to her. They shall eventually erupt inside her, one by one, pumping the good human full of hot, creamy reproductive fluids of assorted species. Eventually, they will not wait to take turns, and force themselves into her wherever they might. That is, unless one of our great benefactors smells her and wants her first..."

Cir'Cie pulled her hand away from Natalie Stark's crotch. " can just tell us the encryption codes, and we will be more merciful as we enlighten you. Nevertheless you shall be blessed, and you will not create any more cures for the elevated state we have reached. Ms. Stark will no longer have foolish ideas with her computer access, and lift the firewalls she has set upon key ship systems. She will even shut down Thea for us... Aye, you two deserve special treatment, since with you coming to realise what you are missing in life... we will be ready to set sail for the next port."

In the end, Lucan did not care one whit about the woman from Ops, but he did see the hopeless predicament in its entirety. Even the voices inside were silent.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #81
[Deck 16]

It finally looked like things were going their way.  They had reached deck sixteen, through all the sacrifices that came with the goal.  If it meant they could stop the infected from spreading further, it was well worth it in the end.  Edena had only been working for a few moments, but had managed to already get herself basic level clearance to the main computer.  It was nothing really, merely the equivalent of a guest aboard the ship, but it was more then she had only a short time ago.  With another few minutes, she could have full access granted to her, enabling the Theurgy to follow her commands unwaveringly.

It was then the overwhelming feeling came over her.  That sense of being disconnected, like an out of body experience.  She knew the feeling well.  She was being transported.  No!  She had only enough time to think that single word before she found herself in the brig, which was already too familiar to her.  It was the same cell she had been confined in when her true identity was discovered.  The infected had the transporters, and dropped her in the Brig.  A quick pass on her hand made clear the force field was active.  She was trapped inside.

"Computer, open a log, to be sealed under Edena Rez encryption Pi seven, and only released to someone who shows no sign of infection."  There was defeat in her voice, but she couldn't surrender yet.  She at least had to leave some kind of message for anyone who found the shop, in the event the infected didn't succeed.  Within, she recorded everything, from Theurgy's escape from Federation space at the signs of corruption, to the details of the plant and what it had done to the crew.  She linked the plans for Nicander's cure to the attachment as well, providing no room for confusion.  She had left the Theurgy's last will and teastament, in the event it was truly over and done.

"They put you in here because you can fight the infection," Jona told her, already seeing the reasons why Edena had been cut off from everyone else.  Feeling the need to prepare her, though, he had to add, "That doesn't mean they won't come for you anyway.  You should be prepared to protect yourself, physically and mentally."


Seeing the horrible effect that the phaser rifle had on the SCO's leg. Kae was overtaken by the guilt inside.  The man would never be the same again, and Thea's need to interrogate only made it worse.  She was depriving him of medical aid and pain relief, but it was him who caused the wound that resulted in Jaru's problems in the first place.  It was only Thea's request that he grant her control that snapped him back into reality.  "Right, tactical . . . I'd guess they didn't grant you access in order to prevent you from initializing Multi-Vector Assault Mode."  It was a sound logic.  Fearing a sentient AI gone rogue, MVAM would have let her separate the ship into pieces and turn their weapon systems on each other.

Kae hurried to the tactical station, working away quickly to prepare his surgical strike on the computer system.  "I'll need you to start spamming the technicians in three . . . two . . ."  Kae started the attack, wresting whatever controls he could get from the enemy, while Thea distracted them with billions of lines of text that served no purpose other then to slow them down from even noticing what Kae was planning.  Tactical control for Thea was his primary goal, but he also sought out control over the Holo-emitters, knowing they might still serve some use in stopping the infected.  Holographic security teams to disable them, holographic cages to lock them inside, hell even some photonic playmates to keep them busy wasn't a bad idea if it was necessary.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #82
[The Brig | Deck 07]

The creature that had once been Captain Jien Ives entered the Brig's sliding doors, wearing its bare male form.

As he passed the empty cells - all emptied by the creature's likeminded regardless of Security's initial efforts to contain the first wave of enlightened - the lights splayed over its musculature. The dragon tattoo across the left side of his torso and arm moved as if it was alive while the creature moved. It had arrived with high anticipations for conquer and brutal satisfaction - to spend its seed into an unenlightened that would not be so compliant as the rest. Nay, this one had the means to resist complete devotion, and the creature found this enthralling: to be able to corrupt endlessly without having to move on. A challenge it craved, finding the ease in which to sway the lesser species not so satisfactory as this had the potential to be. Oh, the anticipations had made the creature hard, yet it moved without difficulty - body in perfect sync with its surroundings.

The creature passed by the computer console on the middle of the floor, and it paused merely to enter a short command to the computer. The forcefield on the farthest cell lowered, and the creature was already making its way there - as if it had never ceased moving with its determined and deadly grace.

When it finally emerged in the opening to the small cell, it wore no smile - dark eyes completely blank. Yet as it lay its eyes upon the figure of the prize it had chosen for itself; the width of the hips and the fullness of her bosom, something hungry and sinister writhed in the shadows underneath the creature's lowered browridge. It spoke while still walking - heading straight for the Intelligence Officer with fists clenched by its sides. "Rez," it said quietly, ready for the prey to try and defend itself, "you may resist me... at your own peril."

With the advantage of merely having to come near enough to kiss and infect the Trill, the creature did just that initially - attempting to embrace and lay its lips to hers.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #83
As soon as the tractor beam struck to repel the warp core, Skye closed her eyes and held her breath.  An image of her mother and father flashed in her mind, one of the rare times they were together when she was a child.  It was a picnic by a lake where the mountains reflected on the surface, a beautiful day full of happiness and she thought maybe this time Daddy would stay or Momma would agree to go with him but of course that little dream didn't come true.

Even with her eyes closed and the black visor down, the light was bright enough to make her squint.  Her feet were braced and hands clutching the arms of her chair, waiting for the recoil and probable oblivion.  Déjà vu seemed a recurrent theme for Skye as she felt the shock waves hit against her shields and knock Kestrel away from her current position yet she was still alive.  Her breaths rushed out and back in several times and she started to laugh, that not quite believing and possibly losing sanity type of sound one makes when the worst didn't happen.

The laughter didn't last long though as she saw three more Valkyrie launch with a couple of Runabouts.  "Lieutenant Isley ... are you still with me?  I sure hope so because if not I am soooo humped," she said with urgency in her voice.  "We have two about to enter the atmosphere but three of our own just launched as well as a couple of Runners.  Any chance you can call the others down or transporting the others back on Theurgy and we get those two tractored back?"  Without waiting for his response, she maneuvered and locked a tractor beam on to the one closest to being dragged down.


Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #84

The sight of the force field dropping was her first sign of trouble.  He was getting close, and she needed to be prepared to fight back.  Of course he had transported her without her phasers though.  They were probably sitting on the floor back on deck sixteen, far away from where she needed them to be.  Jona and Ilya both stood ready to support her, Jona ready to take control to unleash attacks, while Ilya would serve to leap and dodge with a grace unmatched by any of the other hosts.  They had gotten skilled enough at switching on the fly that there was barely any lag time.

When Jien would first see her, she was already in a combat stance, one hand ready to guard while the other was ready to strike.  "You can try and take me . . . at your own peril," she offered as a response, noting her readiness to defend herself from his advances.  He was already dressed for his intentions, while Edena was still mostly in uniform, save for her jacket.  A red shirt, gray pants, and her underwear would serve to defend her from his violating intentions, hopefully long enough to try and render him unconscious, and escape from the brig to resume her previous mission.

[Captain's Yacht]

Isley opened a channel, audio only, to Skye.  he wasn't prepared to let her see him in his birthday suit.  It left too many questions to be answered.  "I'm here, but I'm not sure how much use I can be to you.  Without a warp core, the Yacht is running on backup power.  She can't move, and ship's functions are limited.  I've got life support for another couple hours and . . . I might be able to get transporters."  Transporters.  At least he could beam back to the Theurgy, but was there anywhere safe to go to?  What about one of the shuttles?  Maybe he could commandeer one and use it to provide support to Skye's Valkyrie. 

"Any suggestions?  Best I can think of is for me to beam onto a shuttle and take it over from inside.  At least I can help you and have a ship capable of movement again.  Hell, I can even use the transporters from there to maybe grab the pilots from the other Valkyries.  We can store their patterns in the buffer to keep them from interfering further."  Rather then re-materialize them right away, they could simply keep them in the pattern buffer and finish transport when they had somewhere safe to contain them.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #85
Isley was there and still sounded sane making Skye very glad she was sitting down because her knees felt like jelly as relief flooded through her.  "Thank the maker," she breathed as she worked on getting the one ship pulled out of the gravitational pull.

"If you can transport over and commandeer one of the shuttles, I'd say go for it and definitely keep anyone in the buffer.  I don't know how they're infected but maybe there's a way to extract whatever it is when we rematerialize them later."

Not knowing whether to be elated or scared shitless, Skye took another deep breath.  "I'll keep working on these two to make sure they don't get destroyed.  We can't afford to lose ships and I really don't want the captain to take this outta my hide later."

I'm not alone ... we can do this ... "If you run into trouble Sir, I'm just a comm link away."  Did she sound as desperate as she thought she did?  She should be glad at least one person was there to greet her without trying to kill her or, by Ida's words, make her come.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #86
[ Niga ]

Of course, Garen bemoaned as he found himself suddenly standing on the surface of Niga. He should have known better; they'd nearly succeeded in ending the outbreak, so of course the universe had decided to screw them over one last time. Why can't things ever go smoothly?

He sighed and took a look around to get his bearings, immediately recognizing that this wasn't the same part of the surface he and Jovela had been beamed down to the other night. Garen frowned at the reminder of the wounded nurse, and again hoped that she'd pull through. That goes for the rest of us, he added mentally.

He saw Arcorn and Amatras Neotin nearby and greeted them with a nod. When he also spotted T'Less, he made his way over to her. "Welcome to Niga," he said, waving at some of the nearby trees. "I don't see Commander Rez. Do you think she ended up elsewhere?"

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #87
"I have not been able to find her, as well," T'Less commented, before turning her phaser up and notch and scorching a crawling vine.  She realized, despite the unknowns of the current situation, she felt more in control.  Perhaps she had been feeling claustrophobic aboard ship?  With infected at every turn, it wasn't much of a surprise that she should have felt closed in, unable to move.  Here, at least, there was open air, room to breath... at least, until the vines took full notice and decided to try to infect them as well.

She glanced at the blue-skinned aliens and beckoned for them over.  As she waited, she touched Garen's shoulder.  She couldn't say it, but she felt immensely glad that he was here with her.  It seemed right, somehow.  Thinking further, she raised an eyebrow, "It seems that we are amongst the only remaining uninfected.  I would, however, like to find out who was attacking the ship."

Hesitantly, she touched her combadge, not activating it, but giving it consideration, "If they were Starfleet, we would hardly have been a difficult target to destroy, sitting defenseless as we were."

Decision made, she tapped her badge, "This is Lieutenant T'Less, Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Theurgy, to anyone within the sound of my signal.  Please respond."

(OOC: Not sure if either Isley or Skye would pick up her signal.  It stands to reason either or both might, given the signal strength of the Starfleet comm badges, but up to whomever.)

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #88
[ Main Bridge | Deck 01 ]

At Lt. Kae's mark, Thea closed her eye briefly... and thousands upon thousands of messages flooded the computer terminals which had held her leash not long before - assuredly causing quite a stir in the Main Computer Core area.

After the deed was done, one which might be hazardous in the long run since it drew attention, Thea could not naught but wait and pace the Bridge while Lt. Kae worked furiously with trying to circumvent the hard-wired blockade for her to use direct tactical controls. Not only did Thea see the Lieutenant work through her projection's optics, but she could keep track of what he did to the ship's systems - her inner eye letting her see things that made her a tad... impressed? The Engineer sure did know his way around holographic AI-programming in conjunction with Starfleet computers.

However, his efforts proved futile. He made ingenious adaptations to try and let her access the tactical systems by proxy, yet in the end, it seemed that the only proxy accessible to her was the tactical station in front of them. She would have to use it in the old-fashioned way, with her projection's fingertips and eyes. At least the Lieutenant gave her access to that much, even if she would have been able to wield tactical controls by "thought" had the developers of the Theurgy not hard-wired her to be apart from said systems.

"No time, we will have to share station," said Thea eventually and strode up behind Kae's seat - her chameleon bodysuit changing to red. With one hand on the back of his chair, she leaned past his right shoulder and let her fingers fly over another part of the controls - under the circumstances not aware of the very close proximity of her chest to his face. When the tactical station sent a shower of sparks over her arm, she did not react. A slip of hair escaped from her ear as she leaned forward, and her lips mouthed some of the commands that she used - pursed lips moving minutely as her actions became visible on the view screen.

Her unerring gloved fingers did not go for the phaser controls, but rather the deflector dish. The complex settings were laid in with inhuman focus on the task. Rapid taps changed its primary function from emitting low-power deflector fields that were deflecting microscopic particles whilst the Theugy orbited Niga, to instead emit a constant graviton pulse which disrupted the potential formations of warp-fields in the Theurgy's closest spatial vicinity. In short, it would stop all present vessels from leaving. Once she activated it, the Theurgy's deflector dish fired up and lit everything before it with its blue light. "There. It is a drain on power, but it will buy us some time."

Next, she accessed the communications controls, the view-screen lighting up with numerous faces in cramped cockpits or spacious shuttles. "This is Theurgy NX-79854 hailing all present Valkyries and shuttles," she said adamantly and stood tall, her voice and face more than just a little familiar to anyone who'd set their foot on their Starship, "your warp-drives are right now being disrupted and you will not be able to leave. All vessels that does not return to me immediately will be neutralised as potential threats to the Federation and the galaxy. I repeat, this is your only warning. Return to the ship right now, or you will be trapped between Wolf-03's and mine combined fire-power."

Never before had she found it more fitting to denominate her physical structure in first-person - merited by the pending hazard. On the view-screen, one of the two Runabouts and Wolf-06 - the Valkyrie having been commandeered by a technician from the Flight hangar - turned around on impule in order to dock with the Theurgy again, yet Wolf-08 and Wolf-11 was going straight for Wolf-03 now, with the Runabout straggling behind a little. After closing the communications, Thea turned to Lt. Kae with a concerned frown. "How fare you with your own access?"

At this point, Thea let through an audio transmission that she picked up, letting it be heard on the Bridge. [This is Lieutenant T'Less, Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Theurgy, to anyone within the sound of my signal.  Please respond.] Yet Thea had no time to do so, since the two Valkyries had just opened fire upon Wolf-03 - orange bursts of phaser-fire cascading towards her position.  This with Skye Carver just managing to save the previous two Valkyries from plummeting through Niga's atmosphere with her tractor beams.

[ Brig | Deck 07 ]

As the creature bore down upon its prey, Edena Rez's combadge chirped to life. [This is Lieutenant T'Less, Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Theurgy, to anyone within the sound of my signal.  Please respond.] The combadge had been reactivated when she gained her modest access to the ship's computer.

A cry for help, the creature reckoned, since it had sent the speaker to the very densest breeding grounds of the creature's forefathers. The creature ignored the message completely, just as he did not care about the warning in its prey's retort. It came in hard, its bare male form swinging high towards the face, then a savage blow with the left aimed towards the torso. To top it off, it launched a brutal side-kick towards the ribs on the other side.

It was not only the Trill whom had mastered seamless transitions mid-fight. For in the wake of the barrage, the creature would switch to its female form for ease of getting underneath the prey's guard and push Edena to the wall - only to switch back and trap her body with its larger male form. It would try and yank her under-shirt from her then - ripping it off over her head and using the disorientation of the garment to lay its lips against hers.

There was no sound in the Brig except for the movements of their bodies, the shifting of feet, the grunts and the hum of their doomed ship.

[ Niga | The Mahéwa System ]

Upon the sound of voices and the shot fired, the dark swamp all around them began to stir.

Upon closer inspection of the ground, the Chief Counsellor and the Chief Tactical Officer would find that they had both been stranded upon a patch of solid ground not far from the second patch where the Chief Science Officer and her husband had been relocated to. Yet besides these two small islands of the same brown and green colour as the rest of the undergrowth, and a couple more some twenty feet away to the north, the rest of the swamp was knee-deep murky and filmy water. Treacherous root-systems riddled the water-masses without abandon, and the trees were of a bamboo-like kind, though far more crooked and riddled with suspicious fungus.

Yet the greatest hazard lay in the starkly contrasting purple flowers that hung like loose clusters of beauty in the middle of hellish black grapevine. The brown and black leaves of the regular vines and the wood of the trees was a gloomy backdrop of the breathtaking beauty of the almost orchid-like blossoms. They grew in the thousands and draped themselves over any surface they could reach. The only difference here was that while the swamp smelled foul and dank, the flowers all around competed on unfair grounds with their sweet and heavenly scent.

Now heaven stirred, the pearly gates opening: snake-like vines descending from the thick canopy above and some even rising - wet and glistening - out of the water. Along with these immediate threats plain to the eye, there was the more sinister yet easily missed fact about the purple flowers... how they all turned towards the victims to pollinate them - to stare upon their futile attempts to get away.

Along the edges of the small platforms, purple bulbous vines began to snake their way towards their feet - distracting them from the strong and deceptive grapplers that came down for their neck and shoulders. All the while, the blossoms pollinated them - this being the second time they were exposed to the compelling euphoria.

OOC: Since Skye Carver was MIA, her comm-system access has not been removed (even though her ship's clearance to the Theurgy computer was removed), and Edena Rez's comm-link is also active since she activated it via "the backdoor". Besides this, and the above with Thea (where I will let Lt. Kae answer the CTO's call while Thea focuses on powering up weapons) I think its only infected will hear the plea. Isley may pick it up through the Yacht's control panels, but unless I am missing something, I think that is it.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #89

Kae finally regained control of the hologrid aboard the Theurgy, and set about doing what he could.  The energy levels were low, thanks to Thea using most for the deflector dish, so he settled to make use of holographic forcefields to separate the infected and uninfected on board the ship.  They served the same purpose as a standard forcefield, but without access to that section of the ship, the holo-emitters would serve a similar purpose.  At the very least, uninfected could be protected, though he found himself unable to do anything for Edena Rez, since she was already in close quarters combat with the infected Captain.

Thea's closeness didn't go unnoticed, as the side of her breast was practically pressed into his cheek.  He understood the need for her to use the console, and maybe she was programmed a bit too well to focus on the job, ignoring that sense of personal space, not to mention the embarrassment that her emotional subroutines would have placed upon her.  If she was going to work through it, then he would have to do the same.

Kae instead turned his focus to the transmission that had come from the planet.  Thea was too busy to respond, but he could be their lifeline to the ship.  "This is main Bridge. Lieutenant," he answered the hail from T'Less.  Sensors pointed her to be on the planet, a revelation that made Kae chew on his bottom lip with concern.  He didn't have transporter control to get her out of there.  Was he going to have to tell her she was on her own, without aid from the remaining crew?

[Captain's Yacht]

While retaining the open audio channel to Skye, Isley had floated his way back to the main bridge, where he got his clothes back on.  He also took the time to gather up the remaining cure syringes he had on him, thinking they could still serve some function.  He didn't know if Ida had been cured by the small amount he gave her, but he also didn't know the risk associated with giving her more then normal.  Could she have overdosed?  He had to leave her be, as he began accessing the transporter controls.  "I'm gouing to beam to the runabout, Wolf 03.  If I am successful in taking the shuttle, I will open communications again."  With that, he beamed over to the shuttle, leaving the Yacht dead in the water.

When he reached the shuttle, he already had syringes in hand, materializing next to the pilot and jabbing him with the needle.  The drugs took quick effect, rendering the man unconscious.  Isley pulled him from his chair and took his place, altering his trajectory to grab a Valkyrie with a tractor beam.  "Computer, erect a level ten force field at the back of the shuttle and beam the pilot of that Valkyrie back there," Isley commanded, emptying the fighter of it's pilot, and removing another potential obstacle.  "Open a channel to Wolf-03 . . . Carver, I am aboard the Runabout.  The pilot has been given a sample of the cure and is currently sleeping it off.  I have also beamed the pilot of the Valkyrie I have tractored behind a forcefield.  Ready to provide further assistance."


Edena, or more accurately Jona, was targeting joints.  When Jien swung his arms in to attack, Edena's fists struck open palm blows to the inside of the elbow.  She didn't have as much strength as her larger, male opponent, but with precision strikes, she could keep him at bay, and perhaps even cripple him with enough time.  As the kick came in, Ilya took over to make a graceful leap upward, Jona taking over before landing, to bring an elbow down on the top of Jien's head.

He was successful in getting the shirt off over her head, but by then, her hosts wouldn't allow her to feel embarrassment, which would only cause hesitation for a second.  His lips found hers for the briefest of seconds, but before any saliva could be transferred, am uppercut would catch Jien's exposed chin, breaking any contact between them again.  She wiped her mouth, just to be certain, before taking up her guarded stance again, circling around to search for a position where she wasn't quite so cornered.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #90
[ Brig | Deck 07 ]

After its kick, the creature had taken a glancing blow from an elbow down the side of its head, and just as it was about force its tongue inside the prey's mouth, it got a solid hit underneath its chin. Had the blow come after its tongue was out, it would have gotten a nasty cut from its teeth. As it were, the creature staggered back inside the small cell - its guard raised once again and eyes glowing it anger and desire. Its male form looked upon the prey with hunger, her skin bared and her bra barely able to contain her bloated bosom. The creature's arousal ached with need at the sight - standing erect before its lower abdomen. Aye, the creature just watched for a second while the Intelligence Officer tried to circle around it. Only it would not give her an escape-route just so easily...

Stepping and leaning forward with the swing, it extended a sweeping elbow attack towards the mid-riff. The consecutive swing from the other side of the creatures body was a knee - hands grabbing for a hand-hold in order to drive the knee hard into the prey's torso. The natural follow-up would be to use the other knee as well - with the grip already in place - the third attack hopefully taking the fight out of the prey.

For last, depending on the outcome, the creature would switch into female form and crouch down, calloused hands grabbing the hem of the Trill's uniform trousers and yanking them down - belt and all - down to her knees with the downward momentum. The panties might even follow along with the grip. It would effectively, hopefully, hamper the prey enough to let the creature bring it down to the floor for further advances. Of course, depending on opportunity, the creature would hold her legs down and lay its wet, hot, open mouth against the Trill's nether lips - pressing its tongue as far as it could reach.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #91
Already, T'Less began to feel the effects of the poisonous flowers, her heart beating faster, breasts moving up and down more quickly.  The first outwardly visible sign of her growing arousal was two hard points against her shirt as her nipples became engorged.  She did her best to drive any thoughts of satisfying her increasing urges, of stripping down to her naked skin and pleasure herself, or, better, undressed Garen and use his erection, out of her mind.  It became incrementally more difficult to maintain her composure the longer they stood in the grove, but she did her best to maintain herself, instead turning her attention to the hanging vines, with instructions to Garen to kill anything at their feet.  They would need to watch each other's back if either of them expected to survive.

She jumped, startled, as a response came back over her combadge and tapped it quickly, responding to Kae, "We are in need of immediate assistance.  We have been transported to the planet and are currently under assault by infectious plant life, what I am surmising to be the source of the infection aboard the Theurgy.  Additional weapons would be of use, if a general tranport cannot be performed, or containment suits."

It was with a touch of hope that she fired upon another vine.  At least there was someone out there who could, possibly, help them.  She estimated their chances of survival had gone up appreciably, though they were far from safe, yet.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #92

Jien was ruthless in the attacks unleashed, fighting with the focus of a professional, and not just someone trained to defend himself.  No, he would have been well suited for the age of gladiators in the arena, claiming victories constantly.  They would have thrown him girls like Edena as tribute, but she wasn't quite so harmless herself, thanks to some skilled tutors sharing her body.  With attacks coming from either side, she rose a knee and brought an elbow in tight to guard, and was left unprepared for the grab and the knee attack driving air of of her.

Down on her back, Jien pulled her pants off, almost taking her underwear with it, but Edena managed to pull them back up.  It would have been a struggle, thanks to her hips being widened by the effects of the infection, but with his strength and drive, he had left her in nothing but her bra and panties.  There were only two things on Jien's mind, and that was domination and sex.  Edena didn't plan to make either easy, as she delivered a forward thrusting kick to the stomach of the female form standing over her.  A kick flip would get her quickly back to her feet, as she advanced with a punch toward the face of Jien, looking to place as much of her forward momentum as she could behind the strike, and maybe knock out her aggressor.


Kae listened to T'Less and her explanation of her situation.  He couldn't help but feel some helplessness to provide aid to those in danger on the planet below.  "Lieutenant, I'm afraid my hands are tied.  The infected have revoked much of my access to the systems.  I'll try and see if we can do anything for you, but until you hear from me, you should do everything you can to survive on your own."  Silencing the comm channel, he looked to Thea for some answer to her capabilities.  "Is there anything you can do for her with the clearance I gave you?"  He was uncertain to what degree of access Thea possessed.  Could she use transporters to get their allies off the planet?  Or maybe send a send a shuttle on autopilot to the planet?

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #93
[ Niga ]

Garen moved as quickly as he could, focusing on the vines rising out of the mire at their feet, orange bursts of phaser fire scorching the encroaching plants where he could find them. He stood back-to-back with T'Less, and he too was beginning to feel the effects of the flowers' pollen. Adrenaline flooded his system, and his heart pounded in his chest as his breathing increased, which served only to pull more of the powerful pollen into him. He could feel his engorged manhood straining against his trousers, aching to be released. He desperately tried to think about anything other than T'Less, who stood so close to him, her supple body so easily within reach.

Not only could he sense the Vulcan woman's heightened arousal just by listening to her, but his empathy was also betraying him. He could sense T'Less's mounting desire exploding from her mind to batter against his own. If she had been like most Vulcans, perhaps she could have maintained some form of control over the powerful emotions, but Garen knew that T'Less was no longer capable of the mental suppression that characterized the Vulcan people. He soon began to notice his movements slowing, his shots just slightly off the mark, as the combination of physical and mental stimulants began to overwhelm him.

"Whatever they're going to do up there, they'd better do it fast," he breathed, teeth gritted as he shifted slightly to scorch a vine that had almost gotten within reach of him. "I...I don't know how much longer I can take this, T'Less. It's...too much!"

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #94
Someone on Theurgy wasn't infected and was actually trying to help but there was no time to shout Huzzah! and do the Dance of Joy.  To further put a damper on things, only one Valkyrie and one shuttle went back to the mother ship with their tails tucked between their legs.  Still it was two she wouldn't have to mess with for a while at least.

Isley's voice came on the comm again and there was another bolstering surge within her chest.  "Acknowledged and good luck, Sir," she stated then grimaced as the two remaining Valkyrie engaged her.  Returning fire, she tried to outmaneuver them and waited until she was in a good position to try to knock out their shields, ducking behind and just below but was also having to guard her own rear.

"Carver, I am aboard the Runabout.  The pilot has been given a sample of the cure and is currently sleeping it off.  I have also beamed the pilot of the Valkyrie I have tractored behind a forcefield.  Ready to provide further assistance."  The words were most welcome though she knew it wasn't going to be easy.  "Good to know, Sir.  I'm feeling a bit like the cream filling of an Oreo and NOT in the good way."

Isley had the Runabout and if he could match shield harmonics, he could even pluck the pilots out of their Valkyrie to end that fight.  She didn't let up though, continuing to try to disable their shields the old fashioned way.  "Computer, open the channel to the Theurgy ... Thea, you're a real peach.  The help is appreciated and if you could find a way to close off the launch bays so we don't have to deal with more friendlies ... we'd be very much obliged," she said with obvious gratitude.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #95

He knew there was only one shot.Using the shield frequency, he could transport a fighter's pilot out of it's cockpit and into his containment area.  After the first one, they would no doubt begin modulating their shields to prevent such an act again.  It would still lessen the playing field though, so he took his shot and grabbed the one that appeared the greatest threat at the time.  A Valkyrie had managed to slip in behind Skye, getting into her blind spot.  That would be his target, initiating transport and beaming the pilot behind his force field.  He quickly tried for the second, but found the shield frequency had already been rotated.

"One down, but looks like we'll have to take care of the next one the old fashioned way," he notified Skye.  "You've got the superior fire power, so I'll assist any attack you make with my own phaser fire.  Once we burn through their shields, I'll transport the pilot and empty the fighter."  It was a solid plan which would make good use of their teamwork.  Wolves had to watch each other's backs, and that was just what Skye and Nathan were going to do.

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #96
[ Main Bridge | Deck 01 ]

Thea was powering up the phaser array and arming photon torpedoes, the latter which she hoped she would not have to use, when Kae looked to Thea for some answer to hers about her access and capabilities. "Transporter control is exclusively given to Captain Ives, and I have already tried. I am locked out. Should the infected learn that you are here, I cannot stop him from sending you down there too. As for the CTO, I am afraid there is not much to do. All efforts made now are bound to be too late in arrival, be it weapons or suits, if we cannot use the Transporters. All of the shuttles have been powered up and manned by infected, otherwise I could have sent one down there... Wait."

As Thea worked on something, Wolf-03 appeared on the view-screen. [Thea, you're a real peach. The help is appreciated and if you could find a way to close off the launch bays so we don't have to deal with more friendlies... we'd be very much obliged.]

Thea tried to smile awkwardly despite the situation, understanding the message but not the choice-of-words. A real peach? she thought, As opposed to a fake one? But I am no fruit. What does she mean? The species name persica referred to its widespread cultivation in Persia of Terra in medieval times, but as far as she could determine, her projection bore no aesthetic resemblances to the people of ancient Persia. She would have to find the time to research this more closely. For now, she nodded. "Understood, Wolf-03. We will do our best to make it so. Theurgy out."

A quick glance to Kae made her see how close she was to him, not to mention certain curves of her photonic body, She took a helf step back and swallowed, immediately - hurriedly - speaking her request. "Would you mind try and see what you can do about shutting the launch bays, both the Fighter Assault Bay on Deck 15 as well as the Shuttle bays on Deck 06 and 07? Shut them as quickly as possible and try to keep your control of them, and if I do manage to succeed with sending a shuttle forcefully set on auto-pilot down to the CTO, I will."

A bit timidly, Thea made sure not to expose Kae to her chest quite so intimately as before when she returned to using the tactical controls. "Lt. T'Less?" she said as she began to work on hi-jacking a shuttle from the startled infected already on board it, "This is the SAH. I need you to try and fight for some time longer. A shuttle may be heading your way soon. There will be supplies and extra ammunition as per standard inventory for its kind. You will have to deal with the corrupted crew members aboard though. Do not loose your combadge else the shuttle will not reach you - only landing next to where you lost it. Try to reach some place safe and where it can set down. I cannot provide an ETA at this point, but you must make haste. Good luck."

Grim odds to find an opening in the jungle's canopy in that specific area of Niga's surface, or traverse the thigh-deep waters... yet there was nothing more Thea could do.

On the view-screen, it seemed one of the Valkyries had become adrift in accordance the latest course laid in - heading straight out into the spatial darkness and away Niga's bright surface. The other one not so, Wolf-08 instead entangling itself in a fierce chase with Wolf-03 and launching hard-points at her - two EMP torpedoes that would make her as adrift as the rest of the disabled Valkyries out there. Then it broke off for the remaining Runabout. as if it knew something had happened, and was suddenly coughing cutting lines of phaser-fire towards it - ending with a Mk. XXVII photon torpedo at close range before passing it by. With one more photon torpedo left, it headed back for Wolf-03. Regardless if the EMPs had struck her, Wolf-08 fired its last hard-point towards her; the second of the same kind that the Runabout had been dealt.

As soon as the shuttle had been sent towards Niga, if she managed to do so in time before Kae gained access to the launch bay doors, Thea would give the dog-fight its due attention. Alas, she found that her projection had its limits of multi-tasking when working under such crude conditions - her fingers only able to do as much upon the control panel.

[ Brig | Deck 07 ]

Tearing and clawing, the creature that used to the the Starship's Commanding Officer ripped the trousers free from the Trill's legs. Yet it got no further...

As the first kick thrust into its chest, the creature lost its hold upon the prey, and with the kick that threw Edena back on her feet, Jien Ives had to use both forearms to avert the the attack to the side. The prey being rather quick, Captain Ives' female form barely had enough time to find its own footing before the next attack. The uncompromising strike towards the creature's face came in, yet it ceased the wrist of the thrown punch - using the momentum and strength behind it against her. A classic throw over the shoulder, executed in the nick of time - thus not allowing for a proper hold and didn't send Edena straight down into the deck plates. Instead, the throw gave her considerable air-time as she was launched towards the wall beyond exit of the small cell. Though she did not reach it, she made great headway there.

The creature set after her immediately, not about to let the prey bolt for the exit in case she got to her feet quickly. With the force and momentum of its short sprint towards her, it changed into its male form, and delivered a brutal kick towards any exposed and vulnerable area of her body. The creature might appear bare-foot, yet for the corrupted Chameloid, the hardness of its foot was made the same as for a steel-shod boot. Relentless, it would not let go of the initiative either, for it would grab the prey's hair and arm to tear it back up - making a savage full turn - and finally deliver her head-first into the wall.

If the prey was sufficiently disoriented by then, the creature would cup those magnificent breasts in its calloused fingers - forcefully fondling them free from the inadequate bra. It would again try to kiss her, and shortly after shove a hand down behind the hem of her panties...

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #97
[Deck 11, Garden of Eden]

She drifted, dancing just on the short side of consciousness, her body aware, her mind, subdued. There was sensation, lacking thought to put it into proper perspective, feeling, but no context. There was the tingle, in her nose, of strange, pleasantly sweet scent, almost overpowering. There was the cold, metallic feelings, clasping her wrists, and her ankles, the former, pulled taunt, above her head, and the later, spread wide. She was slick, sweaty, her body glistening, from the sticky warmth of the room. Her body was flushed, but also in pain. All said and told, were she able to think, the young operations officer would have found it perhaps both fascinating, and terribly frightening.

There were voices, whispered tones, that she started to be able to hear. There was the feeling of a breath, caressing her skin. A moan, soft, broken, slips past her split lip. Its the first signs of her stirring. Slowly, she squirms, reacting to the stimulation she's feeling applied to various bits of her body, without really understanding what is going on. When her eyes do flutter open, one seems a bit more blurry then the other. Its this inconsistency that brings her fully into the here and now, with a sharp, pained gasp. Suddenly, her mind begins to sort out all the sensations, the warm tingle between her bare legs...and the fact that her legs are bare. The sudden, aching need, battling out with various dull aches and sharp pains, from stretched arms, and bruised bits. She brings her gaze around, and stares up into the face of the Vulcan Ensign Cir'Ce.

The light bulb slowly goes off in the back of Natalie's mind, as she starts to panic, just a bit. She's naked. that's the first problem. or is it a problem...being naked feels good...NO! NO no no, oh no. The thought confirms another fear: something is messing with her head. From the smell of the air, the sweet, cloying sent of pollen, the trapped woman realizes she has to be in the Garden, which causes her heart to pound faster...circulating the pollen into her blood stream. Then there's the pain...The memory of the fight, or some of it, at least, rolls back in, causing her to groan, shutting her eyes again. She licked her lips, felt the clotted blood on the tip of it, confirming both of her fears: the captain had been turned, and had kissed her...which explained why the fact that she was naked both scared her, and made her sex tingle with need.

And above her, was someone clearly infected. Vulcan's did not, as a rule, lay atop crew members while buck naked. They didn't smile, and they certainly didn't look like they were licking juices from their...Oh that from me!? She forces her eyes to focus on the body next to her, looking away for Cir'ce, with a sickened shudder, once she realized that the Vulcan woman had been touching her...and that her body had responded. Her chest rose, and fell, faster, as her heart beat louder in her ears. She hadn't heard the speech, didn't realize what was at risk, just that there, next to her, also bound (in the same way she was, she had to assume) was the ships Doctor. And while he generally came off as imposing to the younger woman, as her eyes began to crawl over his body, she found the only thing imposing about him to be the spot right between his NO! Focus Natalie!.

She bites her lip and looks away, turning her head to look elsewhere while her mind and body battle it out...only to land upon the CSec, Lt Cmdr Grayson. "Oh no..." its the first words she spoken. Him to....oh god....oh god oh god...whose left? is there anyone left? She stares at Grayson again, pulling her eyes along his body, distracted, at first, by the sight of his manhood, standing very...firm, The smaller woman finds herself starting to lick her lip, unaware of the motion. But any sudden burst of lust is smothered by the phaser in the mans hand. Pointed at them, as far as she could tell. And even muddled with the aching need, the heat rolling up from between her legs in ways it had never managed to do before, Natalie finally realized why she was bound on the floor: Because she, and the Doctor next to her, had something the others needed, which mean that there had to be someone out there still, that was uninfected.  There has to be... she thinks, lip trembling, as her legs slide back and forth.

The war rages inside. The burning need, the infection, small, but there, boiling through her blood stream, causing her nipples to remain taunt, and her sex to ache with a need greater then anything she'd ever felt. Counterbalanced against that was the knowledge that she had to hold on, that to give in to the desire would be to have ripped from her that which made Natalie Stark who she was. Lurking along side was fear, outright terror, barely suppressed: she'd been run ragged, beaten, and infected, and it scared her terribly. And so she turned back to face Lucan, as far as she could tell, the only uninfected person in the room, with fear, and determination flickering in her eyes, looking for any sign of hope from the captured CMO.

OOC: Lucan, let me know if this works for ya. Feels a bit rushed to me...

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #98
Skye noted the one Valkyrie had ceased firing on her and when Isley informed her he'd gotten that pilot and his further intentions, she started to feel a little more confidence.  "Acknowledged," she stated and tried to keep the other Wolf in the Runabout's range.  It would take some time but the two of them together would be able to whittle down the shields.

As she continued to maneuver around the other Valkyrie, she thought of one of those horribly old movies.  "Practicing for the ballet, Potter?"  If she could help pull this off she would certainly feel like doing a few pirouettes, that's for sure.  Volley after volley, she targeted the shields and fervently hoped this would be over soon.  It felt like she'd been fighting for hours!

Re: EPISODE 01: Outbreak [Chapter VI - Deterioration]

Reply #99

"If you wouldn't mind throwing a bit more spam on the infected Technicians, I should be able to gain access to the bay doors," Kae responded, already going to work with seizing control over that section of the ship.  Every piece of code was a weapon as he fought with teams of other engineers for territory like some war game of base capture.  He would take the holo-grid, and they would take it back, he sought to claim the bay door controls, they pressed him away from it.

When finally he had taken control and shut the doors, he did the only thing he deemed sensible.  He overloaded the consoles responsible for opening them back up, sending sparks flying in both the Shuttle bay and fighter hanger.  the infected would have to send repair crews to fix the damage before the doors could be opened again, buying them at least a few hours.  Based on how things had been going, it was likely that the struggle would be over by then, one way or another.


The air was Ilya's territory.  The grace with which she moved as an acrobat made her appear to have evolved from some sort of bird, as Edena's body contorted to land flawlessly on her feet.  A the second the fall's momentum had been dispersed, and solid footing was beneath her, Jona resumed control.  The kick was caught, one hand grabbing the achilles tendon, while the other thrust into the side of the kneecap.  If Jona had been in his own body, with all it's strength and mass, he had no doubt he could have dislocated the joint, but with Edena's smaller, weaker frame, he only hoped it was tweaked enough to at least leave a limp for the rest of the battle.  Regardless, Edena's hair was used against her, pulling her in before she was shoved against the wall.  Throwing up her hands to brace herself prevented her from being harmed too much, but it did nothing to protect her chest when groping hands wrestled her bosom free of their confines.

You have an advantage, Edena, Jona told her, as she considered briefly what that was.  She had one goal, to defeat Jien.  His goals were divided between defeating her and the needs the infection put in him.  He could have finished her off at least a couple times, but instead, he busied himself with getting her shirt off, her pants, and now with her bra.  That uncontrollable biological need in him was a weakness she could exploit.  As long as he was after her physically, she still had room to fight back.

Edena threw her head back, striking the back of her skull against Jien's forehead.  It would have left him dizzied for a few seconds, and freed her from his grip.  A mule kick would also take advantage of his exposure, striking him in the most sensitive place of the male body.  With him hopefully stunned long enough, she ran for the exit of the containment area, hoping for enough time to activate the force field to lock him in before he pursued her, looking for revenge.


Isley had balanced the ship's power settings as best he could, placing a focus on shields to allow him to stand the barrage of fire he would undoubtedly be taking.  It didn't matter how much he placed into the engines, he was simply outclassed by a superior machine in the Valkyrie.  It was forged to move and attack with much more grace then a runabout could hope for.  After the shields was the phasers, boosted as high as he could without compromising his defenses.  With those, he fired shots at the enemy Valkyrie, cutting it's own shield power as much as he could to let Skye finish the job.

The appearance of the photon torpedoes had been an eye opener for Nathan.  A projectile on the level of a Mk. XXVII was meant for collapsing shields and doing significant damage to ships better equipped then theirs.  At this stage in the battle, energy levels were low, leaving little chance of shields withstanding the payload from such a torpedo.  He employed the only strategy he could muster, targeting the torpedoes directly.  A phaser shot struck the projectile, setting it off early.  The explosion did damage to his shields again, but nowhere near as much as a direct hit would have.  With another heading for Skye, he had to move faster, shooting down the second torpedo before it got within range of her fighter.  If he was lucky, the resulting blast might even knock out Wolf-08's shields, and allow for transport.

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