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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2500
Thank you all for the warm welcome! First things first, "Kaylex Ren" is a joint account for an engaged couple, Alex & Kay. We are both passionate writers and have both been huge fans of Star Trek since childhood so being able to co-create a character who we felt is so in tune with ourselves and thus playing a unique part in the beautifully immersive expansion of our favorite fandom that is Star Trek: Theurgy is both a great pleasure and a privilege. Please look forward to our forthcoming addition to Jovela's story in "What Goes Around" tomorrow and we will be picking up the action packed scene in Sickbay soon after. Thank you again for inviting us to be a part of this fantastic voyage to where no one in Starfleet records has gone before. 😊
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2501
Welcome aboard, both of you~ And welcome to Sickbay. It's a bit messy right now, but then again thanks to our CMO, it's always far more complicated in Sickbay than it is safe to think about.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2502

Here are the polls:

The Blaze of Glory Award Poll 2017

The Golden Chevron Award Poll 2017

Voting closes on the 12th. Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2503
Welcome to you both, @Kaylex Ren! I am officially no longer the newest around haha. Good to have you with us!
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2504
Welcome aboard the pair of you, we shall see you around.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2505
Thank you again! As promised, we posted the continuation of "What Goes Around..." (,2047.msg13823.html#msg13823) and have updated Jovela's service record to reflect the events mentioned there in ( We are eager for feedback and once again, feeling ever so lucky to be here! 
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2506
Welcome Kaylex, I look forward to writing with you at some point in the future.

The link to our Discord chatroom can be found in the top menu.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2507
Welcome Kaylex!!  How exciting to have you both here and writing with us! 
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2509
Good evening, all! As you maybe have noticed, we have updated Jovela's bio once again to include more details about her personality and interests as well as introducing a cuddly character who has, it turns out, been on board with the Risian nurse from the beginning;  Rhyannen, the Midnight-hued Risian Lunarian Caracal, rescued from captivity and death by Jovela as a cub. These two have had a very close bond such as many people have with their real life service animals and thus, during Jovela's period in stasis, it must have been exceptionally difficult for Rhyannen to be isolated from her surrogate mother so our question is this. Is there anyone who was serving aboard Theurgy from the time of the Niga Incident until Jovela's awakening just before the Battle of Starbase 84 who may have been available to care for her companion? While we could always shoehorn a logical explanation using an unknown NPC, we thought that we might first see if anyone else feels like their character might have needed Rhyannen's company, even as Rhyannen was needing company in Jovela's absence. It is an opportunity for someone important to Jovela to have formed a close bond with Rhyannen as well. We look forward to hearing from you all.
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2510
I'm not entirely sure as I was not the writer of the character at the time, but I have been told by outside sources that Jovela and Nathaniel Isley have had interactions in the past, as they were both founding members of the crew he could have helped to look after Rhyannen during her stay in stasis and we can write a thread in Day 02 where she comes to pick the pet up from him if you both so desire (or later he is free most of the time since he is my least used character)

This would A) Give Nathan something more humanizing to look after and I would only require the edit of one or two posts.

and B) Since Jovela is already in close with Drauc T'Lars it builds a connection between Jovela and Nathan which is important because it can help him come to the terms that he is related to Drauc, and half romulan.

(I was also hoping to do a brother x Jovela sandwhich down the line, but that is a conversation for another day and time)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2511
Woopsie daisy, everybody. Sorry to spam you all with the announcement of that thread. One of us is practically a hopeless Luddite  and we are also still just getting the hang of things around here. Thank you all for your patience, assistance and enthusiasm for our joining this good ship and crew.
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2514

The votes in the two final polls are in, and here are the results! :)


Primary reason for nomination: For the death scene of Komial Dotnihil

Motivation & Links: Episode 04 was a long affair in how it spanned both the time before the Theurgy arrived to Starbase 84, as well as the climatic battle that followed. While not everyone wrote in the former half of the Episode, one of the antagonists depicted there left a deep impression with many writers. The antagonist - if one may call her that - was Komial Dotnhil, who was loyal to Captain Hawthorne because of their past together. She was the lover of the parasite-infested base commander too, fooled by his charms and even if she grew suspicious towards him in the end of her story, she remained loyal to the end. This was a deeply tragic character in how one felt for her, wanted her to learn the truth, and hoped that she might become a part of the Theurgy crew. Sadly, her fate was sealed in the final battle of Episode 04, where she met her end before her time, in a fall much reminiscent to that of Emperor Palatine in The Return of the Jedi. I nominate @Brutus for this tragic character's rise in our hearts, and her steadfast loyalty  until her bitter end. It is not often one cheers for the enemy like one did for Komial Dotnhil. :)

Link - Komial's Death:,1201.msg9945.html#msg9945


Motivation & Links by Kaligos: When I think about the most outstanding writers there are a few that come to mind, but I also have to look at everyone I have written with, and pick out the best of them. I actually have two people I will be nominating for this award, the person I have the most fun with, and the person that has forced me to improve the most over the year.

With EAC I see the flip side of this, EAC's posts are a joy to read, and out of everyone in the sim probably one of the writers I enjoy working alongside the most. She brings the fun to this rp, and it would be hard for me not to nominate her. From the very first thread we were in together I have been watching the progress of her characters Jaya Thorne and Angel, and have been thrilled to have my characters working along side her.


POLL RESULT NOTICE: It just so happened that @Even Angels Cry and I ended up with the same number of votes in this poll, and since I feel there should only be one winner of the Golden Chevron Award each year, I would like to give up my Golden Chevron for EAC's sake, since I truly think she deserve it, and I hope she will continue making as much time as she can for this sim.

Thank you, EAC, for the scenes with your girls so far, and we all look forward to reading more about them. :)

This concludes the Awards season for 2017, and I feel I would have liked to hand out more awards, but here is where we ended up this year. So, come the fall of 2018, we'll start up with the awards again, and we'll see if we'll add any awards until then too.

I will be making service badges for Episode 05 eventually, and add them to all members who have begun posting in the new Episode. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2515
Omg that's so freaking cool!!  Thank you guys!! Really it means a lot that you enjoy my work, even when it's late Lol!!!

And @Brutus, congratulations!! I cried at that death scene.

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2516
@Kaylex Ren Welcome aboard! Two heads are better than one... even if that name does sound a little like Kylo Ren xD

As many of you know I was making an arduous but adventurous delivery from Los Angeles to the state of Montana recently, roughly near the Canadian Border.

It was the closest I've been to one of those snowy climates many of you were used to, so I had my first snowball fight, made my first snow angel (froze my butt doing so). The adventure had its perils and pitfalls, close encounters and fair share of memorable encounters. Like when a family of deer lept across my path to welcome us to their state before I drove through a storm in slippery roads at night without a gas station or cell coverage. My faithful Truck pulled through.

It wasn't all bad of course-- not by a long shot, just a real adventure. I got a new laptop for my troubles. I really needed that, as my other machine gradually died, and I was about to get Tourettes Syndrome on account at cursing at my computer's blue screens of death. In step with the new year, and in homage to the entire trip, I'd like to officially change my name on the Forums and on Discord.

Hence forth I shall be known as Triton. Formal change in callsign effective immediately.

Unfortunately, my home was affected by weather I'm sure many of you were affected by recently, particularly those of you on the East Coast. Good news is that repairs were wholly taken care of today while the new laptop was established. This is excellent news for me. Within hours of this post, it's time to Theurgize more often than before. :D

Helm: Set a course for Theurgizing, maximum warp. We've got a battle to rejoin and some tides to turn.

Congrats to EAC and Brutus. Marquez spotted her spots on his way onto Theurgy for the first time, so that character was a notable one in my book, a timestamp of my arrival to the sim. Qapla! EAC, always a good read ;) 

Once again, Welcome Kaylex Ren :)
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2517

A Story Overview follows, to help us all catch up on who posts where. A new feature time is also the date in which the last reply was made, helping everyone prioritise threads they have forgotten or which they are straggling with.

In the Interregnum, we are still writing in Day 02 and 03, with Day 01 off limits for posting new thread starters. You may post starters on Day 03 up until 1400 hrs., and Episode 05 begins at 1500 hrs. Here is a guide:
  • Day 01 was the same day as the Battle of Starbase 84. No new threads are allowed to be made during Day 01 any more. So, Day 01 is off limits for new threads.
  • The latest point at which threads can be started on Day 03 is 1400 hrs.
  • Day 03 is off limits as of later than 1400 hrs. for the time being. You may post starters set before then (only not on Day 01)
  • Episode 05 begins at 1500 hrs. on Day 03. The Interregnum has ended at this time.

Exceptions to these rules are made by me, so please feel free to PM me if you are in dire need to get something done on Day 01, for example. Lastly, we have a common way of naming new threads. The naming convention for the Interregnum is this:

Day XX [XXXX hrs.] Insert Title Of New Thread

And the naming convention for Episode 05 is this:

Chapter XX: Supplemental | Title of the Chapter's Concurrent Scene

In the below lists, you'll see where we're at right now. The threads are in chronological order, and links to click:


DAY 01

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Focal Point - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The Last Lone Wolves - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack - Finished!
Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Loose Gears - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Two Stray Threads - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories - Finished!
Day 01 [1715 hrs.] Sar-unga Grieving - Finished!
Day 01 [1830 hrs.] Seeds of Malefaction - Finished!
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry - Finished!
Day 01 [1910 hrs.] Defrosting - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] A Doctor's Mechanic - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] Fanatical Interests - Finished!
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Colorful Confluence - Finished!
Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind
- Next poster by Table: 1) Arista 2) DocReno 3) Brutus (Latest Reply: 2018-01-09)
- Next poster by Bar: 1) Steelphoenix 2) Kaligos (Ending thread?) (Latest Reply: 2017-12-10)
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Wolves Need Wings - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Your New Roomate - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] Intentions & Aftereffects - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around... Next poster: Kaylex Ren (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 01 [2240 hrs.] Sisterly Love Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] A Late Night Thank You Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2017-11-16)
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] Where There is Smoke... - Finished!
Day 01 [2315 hrs.] Depth of Guilt - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] A Lost Voice - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Beauty and the Beast Next poster: Triage (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Making a Splash Next poster: SummerDawn (Latest Reply: 2017-12-23)
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] To Absent Friends - Finished!
Day 01 [2355 hrs.] Just Want To Sleep - Finished!
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk Next poster: Havenborn (Latest reply: 2017-10-06)
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Passing On The Torch - Finished!

DAY 02

Day 02 [0005 hrs.] The Blues Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 02 [0007 hrs] Rally & Riposte - Finished!
Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite Next poster: Auctor Lucan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-14)
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Hidden Messages - Finished!
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Steamed Therapy - Finished!
Day 02 [0730 hrs.] Morning Stretch Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-12-08)
Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict - Finished!
Day 02 [0920 hrs.] Came for the Pets, Stayed for the Friendship - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Poisonous Effects - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Thorny Redemption - Finished!
Day 02 [1000 hrs.] Senior Staff Announcement - Finished!
Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Once Upon a Time, I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly... - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Touching Base Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2018-01-03)
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time - Finished!
Day 02 [1129 hrs.] Reaching Out Next poster: Kaylex Ren (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Herbal Therapy - Finished!
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Social Visit to the Lost - Finished!
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] New Department Head Speeches Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2018-11-04)
Day 02 [1225 hrs.] New Quarters of the Rising Sun - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Cultural Misunderstandings - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] New meets Old Next poster: 1) chXinya 2) Auctor Lucan (Ends Thread) (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] A Bird Made of Wax Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Fluid Dynamics - Finished!
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] An Unusual Asset - Finished!
Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow - Finished!
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] First Impressions Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2018-01-04)
Day 02 [1345 hrs] Sword of Damocles Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Nolan 3) Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-09)
Day 02 [1345 hrs.] Vivisection of Kludge Next poster: Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Continuing Education - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Everything Old - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Just Checking In Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2018-01-04)
Day 02 [1415 hrs.] Putting Her Back Together - Finished!
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656 - Finished!
Day 02 [1450 hrs.] Wakey Wakey - Finished!
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Allegiant Check Up Next poster:
SummerDawn (Latest Reply 2017-12-14)
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Koreans, Coffee, and Chit Chat - Finished!
Day 02 [1515 hrs.] Untimely Offer Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1530 hrs.] Particular Preliminary Prescriptions Next poster: TrexelCat (Latest Reply: 2017-10-24)
Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-11)
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns
- Mech talk: 1) Havenborn 2) Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1620 hrs.] Grindstone Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2017-12-31)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Fighting with the Devil - Finished!
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Big Mouth Beatdown Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Arista 3) Triage (Latest Reply: 2017-10-22)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots Next poster: 1) Steelphoenix 2) Striker N7 3) Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2018-01-07)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] New Life Next poster: 1) chXinya 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Triage (Latest Reply: 2018-01-05)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] To Choose Wisely or Poorly - Finished!
Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] End of the Day Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-08)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Movies and Memories - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Patrol Guidelines Clearly State! Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-11-16)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] To Weaponize Light Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2017-12-02)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Whose Coming to Dinner? - Finished!
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] An Unorthodox Session Next poster: Absinthe (Latest Reply: 2018-01-05)
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] Size Matters - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Flight Tests - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Precarious Parlay - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion
- By Table 1:
1) Triage 2) Zenozine (Latest Reply 2018-01-14)
- By Table 2: 1) SummerDawn 2) Steelphoenix (Latest Reply 2018-01-14)
Day 02 [1930 hrs.] In Memory of When We Used to call "In Love" - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Brave Shores Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-03)
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Checking Up, In, & Out - Finished!
Day 02 [2000hrs] Dinner Plans Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] A Long, Hard Day Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2018-01-02)
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Lizards of a Scale Next poster: Arista (Latest Reply: 2018-01-04)
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Painters 'R Us Next poster: - Finished!
Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2018-01-03)

DAY 03

Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains Next poster: TrexelCat (Latest Reply: 2018-01-09)
Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh Next poster: Absinthe (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Fresh Wounds - Finished!
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Beginning of the Day Next poster:
Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Breakfast of Champions Next poster: Striker N7 (Latest Reply: 2017-11-25)
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Escaping Reality Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-11-27)
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Morning of the Kissogram - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] A CAPital conversation Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-11-17. Finished?)
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs] Tensions Rising Next poster: Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2018-01-05)
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Putting the Argo back in Gargoyle Next poster: Striker N7 (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism Next poster: Arista (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] True by Untruth - Finished!
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech Next poster: Kaligos (Latest Reply: 2018-01-11)
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Searchlights Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Time to Reflect Next poster: Jm Von Cat (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Mind Darkly Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Mysteries & Appointments Next poster: Kaligos (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission - Finished!
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission - Finished!
Day 03 [1045 hrs.] Setting Sun | Away Mission
Next poster: 1) Havenborn  2) Striker N7  3) Doc M. 4) Kaligos 5) Triage  5) Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2018-01-14)
Day 03 [1015hrs.] Letter and Spirit Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [10:15 hrs.] Shuffling the Deck Next poster: FollowTomorrow (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Caracal Caretaking Next poster: Kaylex Ren (Latest Reply: 2018-01-14)
Day 03 [1300 hrs.] Facultas Conveniendi Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2018-01-05)
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] AC-477 Valravn Flight Test - Finished!
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] Storm's Break - Finished!
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] The Herald of War Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2018-01-09)


Prologue: Awakening [ Day 03 | 1500 hrs. ] Next poster: 1) SummerDawn 2) Jm Von Cat 3) Auctor Lucan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ] Next poster: Brutus, chXinya, DocReno (+ All who have yet posted) (Latest Reply: 2018-01-11)
Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth Next poster: (All Tac CONN & Fighter Bay Ops who have yet posted) (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)


Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-07-28)
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours  Next poster: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) DocReno (Latest Reply: 2018-01-02)

That's where we are at right now. :)


I cleaned up the Random Encounters list, removing those either begun already or removed on request.

I want to remind everyone that this list is entirely optional, of course, and that you should contact me if you want to remove an encounter from it. The writer of the character in the left column start the thread, and the listed location is entirely optional.

That's all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2518

Hi there! I have the pleasure to announce that as far as what's needed for the first part of Episode 05, the Savi are finished. This, in the form of these new pages in our database (click the headers):

The information about the species.

One of the four flagships of the Savi Flotilla, which will be featured in Episode 05.

The combat crafts that will be a part of the opposition that the Savi will pose.

The two first NPCs in the Episode, Echtand and Semathal.

I will be making images for the listed Asurians in the last page too, but not today, I think. Hope you like the result of the huge project, and I do think we have something awesome in form of antagonists in this Episode. :)

Feedback is most welcome!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2520
I'm so proud!!! I couldn't be more thrilled that these little back story bugs have a spotlight of their own now! and they look so good too!!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2521
Thanks for all the kind feedback on the Savi! :)


Since sim recruitment is about to start up soon, I went over our old General Rules and made some updates to it, mainly clarifying things and adding one thing of consequence that I hope will aid in story progression when we have a lot of writers writing concurrently in the new Episode. Here is the new "I.".

I.Post length should consist of more than two hundred (200) words per post (equals roughly 3 paragraphs), and our writers should always try to reply in all their current threads within one (1) week. The goal of minimum post lengths is to encourage you to develop the storyline, setting, and characters within your posts. If a writer can't keep up their posting frequency for Real Life reasons, they should always communicate with their co-writers and the GM and tell them when they might be able to post again.

More important than post length, however, is writing a good reply. This includes:
  • Reacting to the other character's actions and speech. If a character does something, have your character react. Otherwise, it looks like your character is ignoring the other characters, or that you as a writer are not fully reading the replies you are given.
  • Giving the other writer enough to react to. This ties in very heavily with length. Be sure to describe various aspects of your character's interaction for clarity. (Examples: If your character speaks, does s/he speak in a particular tone? Does s/he use a facial expression? Does s/he physically react to the other character's words or actions?)

Every single post you write should always be spell-checked and proofread for proper grammar and accuracy. Mistakes are human, but a quick read-over is an easy way to ensure the whole group enjoys the story even more. The immersion of the scene shouldn't be broken by too many errors when reading up on the development.
This is more or less how things are done already, but with a firmer deadline on when replies are due in all one's threads, this should have a few positive consequences:
 1) You won't generally have to wait for your co-writers for more than a week, certainly not for months.
 2) Overall story progression in the main story will be quicker, keeping Episodes from being run for years at the time.
 3) The deadline will also keep writers from spreading themselves out thin across 10+ threads, knowing that they have to reply within a week.
 4) Writers will also only request to create as many characters as they can keep up with.

This rule change may be more difficult to meet for some writers, but remember what it said above: "If a writer can't keep up their posting frequency for Real Life reasons, they should always communicate with their co-writers and the GM and tell them when they might be able to post again." This only makes it more important to keep your co-writers informed when you are over-encumbered and can't meet the deadline.

This rule change has been requested a few times over the years, and I feel that now is a good time to finally implement it. I think this will have many positive effects.

Here is a link to the General Rules page.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2522

I have the pleasure to announce that Hastata-Nerada will be writing someone that - for me - is an awesome throw-back to the past. :)

Lt. JG Khorin Douglas         Wolf-02 [Hardtop]  

  - Played by Hastata-Nerada

Please meet Khorin Douglas, you who don't know this face. One of the original Lone Wolves, just like Razor, Goldeneye and Isley, once serving under SCO Jaru Rel and then Miles Renard. Khorin was put into stasis during the first battle against the Calamity, just like Honey Badger, and will be removed from stasis during Day 02. He will have designation Wolf-02 as of Episode 05, since Josie's character Rini won't make it back from the Sabine Mission.

Looking forward to reading this guys new adventures!


Auctor Lucan


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2524
Well obtained, Hastata!
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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