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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413826 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #151
any idea when? :P we could possibly run a mini-episode off topic if you the mean time

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #152
Well, I had planned to start working on Ep 02 together with you guys and launch it at the 10th of October at the very earliest (since I returned from my vacation then). Now it's the 12th of November so I'm a month late due to me having to pull double positions plus instructing my successor. Further details, which I shall not bore you with, are major negotiations and extensions of contracts stretching throughout November. I will not make any excuses other than for keeping you in the dark since I kept telling myself I could pull the Star Trek: Theurgy rp along too during this damnable transition period. Alas, since you guys seem eager to get going, I can only offer a late apology for this delay.

That said, I have given my word to you guys and I have the full intention to keep it. I have invested far too much time and devotion into this storyline and my characters to give up on it, added with such promise for the future of the role-play. You should not have to worry about me giving up on it since the rp stands to the contrary. The major issue that might make me throw in the towel is if too many of you quit and too much character-related continuity is lost in the story, but as it stands, it seems only WyteKnyte has vanished as far as I can tell.

Actually, it might just be it helps me to set a date for you guys (as well as myself) to get things in order again. How about you guys give me until Sunday the 18th to have all my characters rolling again and we settle as much as possible (that we need to) in the Interregnum. I cannot deliver a starter for Ep02 by Sunday, but at least I am back, since I first need to get the stone rolling again, so to speak.

So, again, sorry for the month-long RL lateness, but as long as you want the story to continue, I will too.

As for a mini-plot, I am all ears and it might just be such ideas can be incorporated as sub-plots to the major one, depending on content.

Anyway, with your agreement, I will be up to speed this weekend.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #153
Sounds great I am in no rush atm to be honest.  Also hell at least the reasons the rp has been slow on getting back to central plot is cause of work on your part better to have it stagnate because of more important factors in life than just because of something minor after all.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #154
Hello everybody.

I've already sent a PM to Lucan (though I doubt he's gotten yet, since I just sent it a few minutes ago), but I just want to apologize to all of you for disappearing like that. It's been a really difficult couple of months, been dealing with some financial issues and various family dramas. I didn't really have time to hop online and do any writing, but I should have at least taken a moment to let you all know what was going on. Unfortunately I was just so distracted by everything else that I just never was able to get around to it.

I was either in the middle of a plot with people or had plans to start one, and by vanishing like I did I pretty much left them all in a bind. I'm deeply sorry about that. I've been on the other side of such situations and it's incredibly frustrating, and I feel terrible for having done it to all of you.

If my characters haven't been banished to the ether, would you all be willing to let me return? Life's settled down now, and I really miss this game and writing with you all.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #155

Welcome back WyteKnyte, glad you got around your RL obstacles just like I did. Of course you are welcome to return to the story since I have not subjected your characters to some horrible fate that would put them in stasis for an indefinite duration of time. So please, join in. They are right where you left them, which would be Sickbay for Khorin and... wherever you made Grayson and Nelis end up during the voyage to Nimbus III.

Speaking of which, I posted a while ago in the Interregnum chapter and have yet gotten any reply, so with the low activity during my absence, I feel obligated to check if everyone are about and not. So far, I have reckoned that Taguiera, Searcher, Wyte, IronFerrox, Brutus, Kitty and Kurohigi (with limited internet access atm) have posted recently and are likely to get back into it, but what about our new addition to the group?

Latine Kett, I sent you a PM a couple of days ago, but are you around? Has anyone heard of her since she posted with her Ensign in the Interregnum a while back?

IronFerrox, forgot to mention this, but thanks for the info on the canon/non-canon regulations stuff about relationships aboard. Taboo alright, perhaps even an understatement, given the overhanging risk for personal matters affecting the way one carries out one's job aboard. Given the fact that we rp our stories in ST: Theurgy in order to create plot-driven strong scenes of erotica (among so many other things, naturally) I am sure that we can all - in a reasonably plausible way - work with or/and against the loose regulations.

Anyway, I owe some e-mail replies, and we have a potential new member that have helped with character feedback, so stay tuned and keep posting! :)


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #156
Another 3 weeks have gone by and, while I sympathize, having a full time job myself, the length of the wait between posts here is just getting to be too long.  Is there any relief in sight?  Or, is this group dead or dying?  I want to keep playing my characters, as I enjoy and like them, but I, unfortunately, do not have Mother Teresa's patience.  I don't want to leave, but I can't stay if there's no posting going on.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #157
I've started back up in a side thread with one of my characters. And didn't Lucan make a post recently? I didn't check for tags cause I've been busy myself, but I too don't want to see this rp die. It's the whole reason I joined HoE :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #158
damn there were actually replies I had to make all this time, so I may have been the cause of the delay to some extent.  The posts came in between the period of time in which my internet was limited to a mobile hot spot.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #159
We could introduce our own version of Q to entertain us in the meantime? Eris anyone? or Eros? or Hecate (sp?) or Dionysus? :P lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #160
*facepalms*  I haven't been watching closely enough and need to catch up myself.  Been dealing with some cardiac issues with my younger son and a few other real life issues, simply got lost in the shuffle.  I'm taking him to an appointment in a little bit but will get in tonight to read and make replies.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #161
We could introduce our own version of Q to entertain us in the meantime? Eris anyone? or Eros? or Hecate (sp?) or Dionysus? :P lol
I actually suggested that as a potential plot to Lucan, using a Q to create a bit of a comedic plot line, let him mess with people, create pairings that might not happen otherwise, just a bunch of stuff that RPers could agree upon beforehand.  Like, say for example someone wanted to have a character gender-switch for a brief time, or maybe in the case of my Trill her personalities all getting bodies of their own.  Even just zapping two characters into a room and saying they can't leave if they don't hook up first.

thought it would be amusing.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #162
and let me guess he said it had to be Q no other options :P right?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #163
No, the Q part was just my idea.  Going with an omnipotent being, but the idea you bring up of using some sort of figure with comparable power but with some kind of origin is interesting.  We already saw Apollo in TOS, so it would work to have it as some other powerful alien mistaken for a god.

I'm just of the opinion that it should be a good laugh.  The Infection plot was all about survival, so this plot should be about amusement.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #164
yeah but when i brought it up to Lucan months ago he was borderline hostile to the idea insisting that it had to be Q, even though there are over 2300 god-like beings just in human history that could have been aliens :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #165
I would be supportive of the idea of it being one of those mythical figures.  I'm sure if that got enough favor he would agree.  The Q do have little regard for human reproduction.  Hell, they do it by touching fingers!  Using a mythical character allows for it's own rules to be written, not to follow those of the Q, and of course gives some room to either find a way to stop the god or at least appease it enough that it leaves the crew alone.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #166
I know :P plus how funny would it be to have Dionysus turn the crew into ferretts or something and the crew have to figure out how to run the ship at 1/20th their normal size...and how to reverse the process :P hehe or some other interesting plot

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #167
The historical figure of Lilith is an interesting one to have show up, though the idea would require some fleshing out.  Lilith was, by at least 3 different ancient civilizations, considered a succubus.  How or when she would come aboard the Theurgy is a thought I haven't had yet, but I can see characters coming across her, either alone or in pairs or more, and falling under her sway, then falling unconscious.  As she would feed off of sexual energy, there are certainly obvious ways of subduing her.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #168
*nods* well we have one easy way for her to come onboard....the shuttle that Lucan had sent to get supplies on the world in the inbetween rp time :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #169
Dammit!  Don't give away Eve's secret!!!  *laughing*

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #170
So what does everyone propose we do?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #171
If someone's willing to work out something, I can be emailed at or IM'ed at  I'm willing to organize ideas, but I do not have the time to come up with entire plot.  If we go with Lilith, then I suggest coming up with pairings and how her powers work exactly and how we expect to expel her from the ship... or, if not expel, then to integrate her.  I'm also willing to play Lilith in either outcome and before that.  She would certainly make an interesting addition to the crew, I think.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #172
I know Lucan has some plans for another interesting plot, but I would be in favor of doing this mythical figure one before that one, just because i think it would be much more lighthearted and allow for people to convey more of their current character's personalities.  We have seen how people react in a crisis, so we should see how they work in response to what amounts to an all-powerful prankster.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #173
thats what 3 of us that agree or are we up to 4 or 5 ? :P i think we're at majority arn't we?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #174
So far, it's just the 3 of us.  Again, I'm all for developing a plot in conjunction with someone.  Email or IM at

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