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2374 - When The Hammer Falls

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ]  Attn: @The Ostrich

“Well, step one has been completed successfully,” Donna thought to herself as she was pulled from the cell that she had been waiting in. She’d been stripped naked when she had arrived here at the auction and then hosed off right before she had been thrust up on the block for showing. Playing the part of the slave had been rather easier than she had been expecting after being on the other side of things for so long. Having your clothes torn off you and then be present to a bunch of leering assholes helped with that.

But that had been the plan. She was to be purchased and returned to wherever it was her owner lived. Once there, she was to gather what information she could before her extraction in 20 days’ time. And the only protection she had during that time was an implant that neutralised the effects of Orion pheromones on her system. Everything else, was up to her.

After being transported to a ship judging by the change in gravity, Donna was half-dragged through the passageways until she was deposited into a small, unfurnished room. There was a toilet in the corner and a sleeping pad on the floor; a pad that was already occupied by a Orion female. And she was just as naked as Donna.

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #1
[ Adisia | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ]Attn: @Stegro88


The auction had gone well. Adisia had been successfully sold to the correct target, or so the guard who had escorted her said. They hadn’t been gentle, but then Adisia hadn’t expected that they would be. She had played the part of the nervous young slave quite well, standing nervously on the auction block, trying to cover her nude body as best she could. At the conclusion of the sale she had been transported quickly to a ship, or...she thought it was a ship, the air and gravity seemed more ship-like. She had been roughly pushed into a very basic room, furnished with nothing more than a toilet in one corner, and a small sleeping pad in another.

With the door locked behind her Adisia had seen nothing better to do than to simply lie on the sleeping pad and wait for summons by her new master. It didn’t take long before the door slid open, and Adisia quickly sat up, playing the part of nervous slave once again. Another woman was pushed into the room, a human, just as nude as Adisia. The door slid closed again, and Adisia regarded the other woman warily, not yet dropping her act.

This other woman seemed to be older than Adisia, and was much taller, towering head and shoulders over the young Orion. She was very beautiful, and Adisia couldn’t help but stare at her. ”Who are you? Why...umm...I...where...uhh...this is my bed.” She pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she stammered nervously at the Human. There was only one sleeping pad in the room, and Adisia had already claimed it and planned to keep it, unless this human tried to insert herself as the Alpha slave here and force Adisia off.

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ]  Attn: @The Ostrich

“This is unexpected,” Donna thought as she took a step away from the door but to the side so as not to crowd the girl on the sleeping pad. The temperature in the room was not the warmest and that, combined with her lack of any clothing, was having a profound effect on several parts of her anatomy. But she pushed that aside as she examined the Orion.

“It's ok, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m called Vanessa,” Donna said softly, kneeling down onto the cold deck. “I’m just like you, I’ve been bought at auction,” Donna explained as she examined her companion. Naked Orion female. 18-20 standard years old but it was hard to tell with Orions given how well they aged. Appeared scared and uncertain. So just how Donna was supposed to look. But despite all her appearances, she was one thing in particular to Donna; she was an unknown, and anything unknown was a potential threat.

“And I’m not going to try and take the pad from you,” Donna promised calmly. “But, given the temperature of the room, it might be warmer for both of us if we at least shared the pad. We could help keep each other warm that way.”

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #3
[ Adisia | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ]


”My name is Adisia” She replied, looking at Vanessa. Her eyes drifted lower, then Adisia blushed slightly and dipped her head at the next lines from the human. ”You want to share the bed? I...uhh...alright.” She shuffled over, closer to the wall, leaving space for Vanessa to take a seat, or lie down if she so wished.

”Is there anything else you would like to share?” Adisia giggled and looked back to Vanessa’s eyes. Gently, and acting nervously, Adisia reached out to the human and ran a hand across the soft skin of her cheek. ”I kn-know a way we could keep warm...if...if you wish, I could show you.”

There was a devious sparkle in Adisia’s eye. Slowly she lowered her legs from her chest, exposing her nude form to the Human. ”I know many ways to make a person happy and warm. You don’t become a dancer without learning those...skills” Her voice was soft and sultry, her smile ever so charming.

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ] Attn: @The Ostrich

“I know full well what she is proposing,” Donna considered as she looked down at the Orion named Adisa, taking in her lovely emerald form as she lowered her legs. “Even without the pheromones, Adisa could seduce practically anyone I imagine. And while I’m not against a little fun to pass the time, the question is what it will cost me. And the flipside is, what could it gain me. Ah, fuck it.”

“I, ah, I think I know what you mean,” Donna stammered, forcing herself to blush. “I’m, ah, I’ve never….” She continued, playing the innocent. “I mean, I’ve never been with a woman before. Men yes, many times, but never with a woman.”

“A complete lie but that doesn’t mean I cannot play the part well enough,” Donna noted to herself as she stared at the nude Orion before her, imagining all the things she could do with Adisa’s body in whatever time they had. “Besides, there is always the chance that our new owner is a complete pig and will make us perform for him.”

“Umm, you might have to show me what to do,” Donna proposed softly, adjusting her pose to show nervousness. “That is, if you want to.”

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #5
[ Adisia | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ]


Vanessa seemed as nervous as Adisia felt. She smiled sweetly at Vanessa and gently pulled her close on the small bed. ”I can show you many things” She whispered in Vanessa’s ear. With a soft giggle she playfully nipped the human’s earlobe. ”I can show you how a woman can be.” Her hand caressed Vanessa’s smooth stomach. ”I can show you all the ways to make a woman happy” He hand traveled up and gently ran across Vanessa’s breast, palm tenderly scraping across the human’s nipple. ”And all the ways a woman can make you happy.”

Slowly she kissed Vanessa’s ear, then traveled back, kissing her cheek, her jaw, her chin, then up to her mouth. Her soft green lips locking around Vanessa’s mouth. Her arms wrapped around Vanessa’s shoulders. Hands running through the human’s hair. Adisia pressed her body against Vanessa, then quickly rolled and pushed Vanessa back onto the bed. She threw a leg over the human, straddling her stomach while keeping their lips locked together.

While she was enjoying herself, making out with the human. This was also serving another purpose for Adisia, that of exposing Vanessa to her pheromones. Soon enough they would begin to alter the perceptions of the human. In such close proximity her pheromones would work quickly on the human, and with a few hours Adisia would be able to insert herself as the Alpha slave.

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ] Attn: @The Ostrich

“She’s good,” Donna thought as Adisia caressed her. She wasn’t sure if it was from the reputed training that Orions went through or pure natural talent, but Donna found it hard to resist the charms of the emerald skinned beauty. Not that she was trying to. “I may be immune to her pheromones, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t enjoy myself along the way. Assuming I’m right and she is trying to use them to assert herself.”

“You can teach me these ways?” Donna asked innocently, looking up at the Orion after their lips separated. She forced herself to resist liking her own lips. It wouldn’t do good to enjoy things too much too soon.

Lifting her hands up, she rested them on Adisia’s hips, feeling the smooth skin there before running them across the toned stomach of the Orion. Avoiding the breasts for the moment, to give the appearance of apprehension, Donna ran her hands under the perfectly formed mounds and around to Adisia’s back. The idea being to show that while she was willing, she didn’t know what to do and was, quite literally, feeling out her companion.

“Like that?” Donna asked, her voice unsure. “Or am I doing it wrong?”

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #7
[ Adisia | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ]


Adisia smiled down at the human beneath her. The woman was nervous. It was reasonably obvious to Adisia that this was Vanessa’s first experience with another woman. When Vanessa asked if she was doing it right Adisia smiled at her again and kissed her chin. ”Almost. You are a woman Vanessa, I am also a woman. You know what you like and how you like it. You will find that many women have the same pleasure points.”

Her hands slipped tenderly down Vanessa’s body, flowing over her soft curves. Adisia slowly sat up, straddling Vanessa’s waist, and looking down at the human. Tenderly she ran her thumbs over Vanessa’s beasts, teasing the hard nipples at the peak of her tender flesh. ”Do you like how this feels Vanessa?” Her hands drifted away from the full flesh of her bosom, and wandered up to her shoulders, rubbing them gently. ”Shh, do not answer. Your body gives you away.” Adisia smiled and leaned down to gently kiss Vanessa’s strong lips again. ”You can tease a woman for hours my dear” Adisia sat back up, her hands returning to Vanessa’s chest ”Playing her body like a symphony” She gently tweaked one of the nipples ”And then driving her to a crescendo” One hand stayed on the nipple, while the other slipped south, and came to rest on the tender-soft flesh above her womanly core ”Which are you Vanessa? Symphony? Or crescendo?”

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ] Attn: @The Ostrich

“Oh, now I know you have been trained,” Donna managed to note to herself as Adisia sat astride her and, quite literally, played her body like an instrument. Each touch was measured and controlled to bring about the right sensation, to pull her deeper into the feelings that the Orion was manipulating for her own advantage. Even Donna, who know knew what the woman was doing, was finding it hard to focus through the waves of pleasure.

“Then again, I don’t have to,” Donna noted absently as Adisia caressed her shapely breasts. “I just have to maintain enough control to not blow my cover. And that is easier thanks to the implant nullifying her pheromones. Not that she knows that. Best to play along.”

“I, ah, I like it, yes,” Donna admitted, her own hands coming to rest on the Orion’s lower things. “I didn’t know you could do this. To make someone feel this way. I thought it was just force, and strength, and grunting.” Running her hands slowly up the emerald skin of her companion’s outer thighs, Donna brought her hands to rest on Adisia’s hips, her fingertips right on the edge of her ass.

“I don’t know if I am a symphony or a crescendo,” Donna admitted, her voice a whisper. “But I’d like to find out.”

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #9
[ Adisia | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Stegro88


Adisia smiled and tenderly stroked Vanessa’s face. ”I would like to find out too.” She gently kissed the Human’s chin, then went to work, exploring Vanessa’s face and upper body with her mouth, seeking out sensitive points and teasing them with her tongue. Her fingers slipped south and traveled over Vanessa’s soft folds, gently teasing the sensitive flesh. ”Force, strength and grunting can work, if you’re with a man. But you will find that even they enjoy being teased and played.”

”Pleasure is an art form my dear, just like painting or playing an instrument. What is the point in merely repeating motions if you gain nothing from it? Why participate if there is no pleasure?” She moved to Vanessa’s smooth breasts, kissing them gently, then taking a nipple between her lips and ever so tenderly sucking and nibbling it, playing the Human like an instrument. Deft fingers slipped across Vanessa’s loins, teasing her most sensitive spots.

The Human was like a puppet beneath her. Adisia smiled as she teased Vanessa’s nipple, her pheromones were hard at work, slowly but surely putting the human in her place, establishing the social order, and firmly placing Adisia at the top.

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ] Attn: @The Ostrich

As much as Donna was enjoying herself and what the Orion Adisia was doing to her and causing her to feel, she did have a role to play and that role was of an inexperienced Human without a pheromone inhibitor. Who, given everything that the Orion had done and how she had acted, would be beginning to fully feel the effects of the pheromones that her species was so well known for.

“Time to do my part,” Donna thought to herself as she arched her back, trying to get more of her nipple into the Orion’s warm, moist mouth. At the same time, she pushed downwards as best she could, trying to grind her sex against the green hand between her legs. She needed to embrace the role of a wanton slut for a bit; someone in desperate need for the pleasure that only the Orion seemed to be able to provide.

“Please, please,” Donna begged huskily, moaning in need. “Please, I want more. I’ll do anything. Just please don’t stop.” Truthfully, she was turned on from the girl’s actions, but she had been trained to keep her head during such interludes as they often provided the best opportunities for her to complete her missions. But sometimes, this being one of them, her mission allowed her to enjoy the pleasure as well.

“Show me what I need to do,” Donna asked, her hands roaming across the Orion’s skin. “Please.”

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #11
[Adisia  | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Location | Unknown Ship ] Attn: @Stegro88

Adisia couldn't help but smile as the Human fell under her spell, there was always something fun and pleasurable about having something eating out of the palm of your hand, having that power over them, whether that included the use of her pheromones or not, the thrill and excitement was still the same.

That fact that in situations like that she also got to enjoy the sexual aspect as well made things even better and moaned against Vanessa's lips when she felt the woman grind herself down against the hand she had between the Human's legs. While Adisia was certainly using her pheromones on the woman, she knew she was an attractive woman and loved turning on her partners, especially when they were eager and hungry for more.

Smiling she planted a soft kiss on Vanessa's lips "Oh believe me my sweet, I have no intention of stopping the Orion replied, her own voice equally as husky as she continued to work her hand against the woman's core, enjoying the desperation in her companion's voice. The fact that the woman would do anything for her was a given, but a statement that she enjoyed hearing all the same.

"Well first you must know that unlike Men, us women are more complex creatures, it takes time to get us to the true heights of pleasure. As I said like playing an instrument in a good song, the individual parts can be enjoyable on their own, but together, making a song, that's the true symphony, much like pleasure. You can do one or two things to achieve make the chorus, but to make a complete song, takes time and dedication." she said, enjoying the feel of the Human's hands roaming across her body.

 Smiling at the woman, she wished to be shown what to do, Adisia could certainly do that. "Well my dear part of the fun is simply exploring your partner, take your time as you kiss, lick, caress, smell, taste each and every inch of your partner." she said as she allowed her hand to pull away from between Vanessa's legs, moving it up to her shoulders and resting it there, along with her other hand, before slowly sliding them down her body, fingertips lightly caressing the pink skinned woman's body, making sure to hit those sensitive spots.

"The key is to pay attention to how your partner reacts to what you're doing. Every intake of breath, every gasp, every twitch and shudder, every whimper and moan..." she whispered huskily as she allowed her lips to lightly graze the other woman's "...All tell you exactly what you need to know and when you find what really works, take a note of it and use it." she added, as her hands made it back down to where she had been before. Returning one hand between the woman's thighs, she let the other snake a little further down to caress her inner thigh briefly before taking a small step back, a seductive smile on her face. "Would you care to try? I'm yours to explore at your pleasure...and mine." she asked, extending her arms out wide, offering her body up to her partner. After all sometimes you had to give up a little control  for a while in order to get much more back later.

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Carden

A thought occurred to Donna has she lay beneath the Orion female, that if she hadn’t had the implant that was blocking her companion’s pheromones, then right, now, she would quite literally anything for Adisia that the Orion wanted. Just to feel the Orion closer to her again. As it was, the groan, and its disappointment, she let out as Adisia removed her hand from between the Human’s legs was real even as the Orion caressed her body, playing it like a fine instrument.

“Oh, her training is top notch,” Donna observed mentally. “She is a perfect example of the dangers of an Orion female. I have no idea how anyone can believe the males are in charge of the species.” Moaning anew as Adisia hit a particularly sensitive spot on her body, Donna gazed up lustfully at her emerald-skinned partner. “Well, I cannot think of a better way to pass the time at the moment.”

“I, yes, please,” Donna said as she scrambled back up to her knees before a kneeling Adisia. The Orion was offering herself to her and Donna would gratefully accept. On their knees, they were about the same height and Donna, as Vanessa, licked her lips in eagerness, playing the part of an overly excited woman who didn’t know where to start. In truth though, she knew what she was doing and slowly leaned down to take one of Adisia’s nipples into her own mouth, caressing it with her tongue as she brought her hands forward to begin to caress the Orion’s body.

“Am I doing it right?” Donna asked, breaking contact for a moment to ask her question before moving her attentions to the other nipple. One of her hands took up residence on the Orion’s firm ass while her other one continued its roaming adventures, all the while avoiding her sex.

“Have to appear nervous,” Donna thought.


Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #13
[Adisia  | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Location | Unknown Ship ] Attn: @Stegro88

While Adisia and Orion women used there pheromones to sway others or for sex, it certainly didn't mean that she didn't enjoying being with others and enjoying the pleasures or the sights and sounds of her partners pleasure either and the whimpers and moans that this Human made were certainly nice ones as she explored and teased the woman.

When Vanessa said that she did indeed want to give it a try, which of course she did, the Orion smiled and laid herself back, offering herself to the Human. When her mouth wrapped around her nipple and she felt the tongue caressing her nipple, Adisia allowed herself a soft moan, enjoying the warm muscle circling over and around the erect nub of flesh, her muscles flexing beneath Vanessa's fingers as they started caressing her body.

"Oh yes my dear, you're doing it perfectly." She smiled down at the woman, watching as she moved to her other nipple. One of her hands moving to the firm curve of her ass while the other continued to explore her body, all the while avoiding the core between her legs. Evidently the young Human was either heeding her advice and exploring or she was secretly a tease. Either way she had no complaints for now.

"Since you asked however, another thing to remember is that communication is key. What works for one person might not work for another, the best way to find out what your partner likes and dislikes is to ask them and not be afraid to tell them what you like too. Of course exploring and discovering those things for yourself is part of the fun, you might even discover something that they didn't know they liked and vice versa." Adisia said as she reached down and ran her fingers through Vanessa's hair, allowing the locks to flow through her fingers.

"For now just relax and explore me to your hearts desire, whatever comes naturally. This is after all meant to be fun for both of us." she smiled. Encourage the woman to continue, not only so that she would continue her actions but more importantly to continue gaining her trust.

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Carden

Donna’s attentions were firmly on the Orion’s body as she continued to suckle at the woman’s breast. It had been several weeks since her last female encounter and Donna realised that she had been missing it. There were just some things about a woman, their feel, scent, touch, their basic form, that a male just couldn’t replicate. Women also tended to be more loving, as evidenced by Adisia running her fingers through Donna’s hair as the Human explored her green-skinned form.

Donna was about to progress her explorations to more intimate levels when the door to their cell opened and a tall, unarmed, Cardassian male entered the room. Behind him, Donna could see another Cardassian male, this one armed, waiting outside the cell door. Pausing in mid reach, Donna let her hand rest on Adisia’s skin just below her navel as she waited to be told what to do. Given that the Orion’s nipple was still in her mouth, the pose the two ‘slaves’ were in could easily be seen as erotic.

“Well, as glad as I am to see the two of you getting along so well, I must bring a stop to it,” the Cardassian spoke. Given his manner of speech, bearing and unspoken confidence in his superiority, Donna had already clocked him as being from the upper class. His behaviour was too natural, too ingrained, to have been a manner of success and time. No, this was a Cardassian that was born into being in charge and nothing had changed since. 

“My name is Turak, though you will address me as Master,” the Cardassian, Turak, explained, his tone unwavering in its calm superiority. “After all, I own the two of you now. And I can assure you, I am going to enjoy myself as much as you two seem to be enjoying each other,” Turak leered. “But that is for another time. Now, I have other plans for you,” he announced before turning the the guard outside.

“Wash, cloth, brand and collar them before bringing them back here,” Turak commanded, his voice edging into steel as he continued. “Anything more and you will find yourself serving a Romulan.”

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #15
[Adisia  | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Location | Unknown Ship ] Attn: @Stegro88

Adisia let out a soft moan as the Human continued to suck on her breast, her fingers continuing to slide through the other woman's hair. While the Orion enjoyed the company of both men and women, she always found that women tended to make the better lovers for so many reasons. They were more tender and attentive, had a much better feel and scent to them and they always tended to give as much pleasure as they received unlike men who in her experience tended to go until they had climaxed and that was it.

Just as things seemed to be about to pick up however the door to their room/cell opened and a tall Cardassian entered the room, followed by another armed Cardassian. While Adisia made no reaction she recognised the man immediately, that was the one she was here to kill. Not now though, no it was too soon and too obvious, especially with the other guard. No she would stick to the plan and wait until they were alone and the Cardassian wanted some fun. With Vanessa that might be even easier to do considering the fact that Adisia had never met a man who could resist a threesome with two beautiful women, especially when he had them at his beck and call.

 In fact, Vanessa's inclusion gave her a few more options, the Human could very well provide a distraction for the man if she were to be taken first, he wouldn't need to be distracted for long for Adisia to kill him and if she was very careful about it might even be able to pin his murder on the woman in the process, letting her get away without suspicion, but she was getting ahead of herself.

She listened as Turak introduced himself, the way he had looked at them, Adisia knew that he certainly enjoyed the sight of his two new slaves already playing with each other, no doubt a part of him thinking about when he would be included as well. She of course already knew who he was before the introduction but even if she hadn't everything about him just screamed upper class Cardassian, the cocky arrogance and air of superiority around the man was a dead give away. Of course the same could be said for a lot of Cardassians too but there was no subtlety with this one.

"Yes Master" she replied effortlessly when he told them to address him as such, after all that was what a good Orion slave girl would say and she was certainly going to play that part to perfection. She wasn't at all surprised when he stated the obvious that he owned the two of them but internally she smiled, knowing that the man most certainly did not own her, nobody owned her and soon the Cardassian wouldn't even own his own life when she was done with him.

For now however the Cardassian didn't want to have any fun with them, instead wanting them washed, clothed, branded and collared. Keeping her expression neutral, Adisia knew she'd have to resist the urge to kill whoever it was that went to brand and collar her, it was all a part of her mission after all. She could always try using her pheromones on him or the guard, convince them to do something either with or for her. The former would clearly end in punishment for the guard and the latter could help her kill the man or at least escape. She had options, for now she would be the good little slave and do whatever was asked of her.

Despite this however a part of her would admit that she was at least for now a tad disappointed that her fun with Vanessa had been cut short, she had the feeling that despite the girls lack of experience that it would have been a fun time. Oh well she was sure that given time another opportunity would arise especially if their new 'owner' wanted such a show.

Re: 2374 - When The Hammer Falls

Reply #16
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Alias: Vanessa | Unknown Quarters | Unknown Ship | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Carden

Taken from the room they had been held in, Donna and Adisia were led down several hallways filled with doors exactly like the one on their own cell. The Human assumed that they were quarters for other slaves that Turak owned though her intelligence briefing said that his holdings were modest. That was the unfortunate thing about briefings Donna had learned; they tended to be very situationally accurate depending on who had provided the information. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that a mission had gone bad because the analyst had left out a seeming innocuous data file.

The two females were led into a tiled room that had shower heads dangling from the roof and drains in the floor. The purpose of the room was obvious; bathing.

“Wash yourselves and no funny business,” the guard ordered. “Make sure you do a good job otherwise I am going to have to do it for you. And you won’t like how I do it,” he added, almost as an afterthought before stepping back outside. Marginally unsettled by what was happening, Donna look to Adisia and tried to gauge how the Orion was holding up.

“I think we should do what he said,” Donna whispered before heading over to a shower and starting the water running. It certainly wouldn’t be the best shower, but any was better than nothing. What came after would be worse, but she had learnt in training that branding of almost any sort was mostly a physical mark meant as a form of psychological control. Medical technology had advanced too far to make it permanent.

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