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Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

“Thinking about your past, you miss the present.”
― Tamerlan Kuzgov

[ Captain Ives | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce
As Captain Ives stood by the viewport of his ready room, he was thinking about a conversation he’d had with Andrew Fisher. In retrospect, it was the most personal interaction he’d had with him since he came aboard.

Fisher had been taken hostage by House Mo’Kai during a mission in which an infiltration team had boarded the Ta’Rom and planted a virus in the Klingon ship’s communication system - a virus that served to hijack outgoing correspondence and sending data about the many dishonourable things that Gorka, son of Margon, had done. After his capture, he had been brought to a compound on Qo’noS, where his torture had continued. Ives had come to sickbay to speak with Fisher as soon as he could and Medical said their patient was ready to receive visitors. Fisher had been patched up, and if there were any lingering mental scars from the trauma, they had not been apparent whilst they talked.

Starfleet Intelligence knows how to train their officers... he thought, not referring to himself even though he clearly remembered his own years at the Farm.

That had been over a week ago, a week dedicated to repairing the Theurgy and ensuring that they were ready to meet the Romulan threat at the Klingon border. Martok had left Qo’noS with a mighty fleet, but with Thea having the Quantum Slipstream drive, Jien meant to give the order and join the High Chancellor when the fleet was already present at the RNZ. Until then, there were still matters to attend, not just in terms of repairs and upgrades of critical systems, but also matters like the present one.

Andrew Fisher had been killed by House Mo’Kai separatists, Klingons that refused to acknowledge Mickayla’s leadership after Martok gave House Mo’Kai to her. Jien had held a short speech to the crew over the intercom, informing them about the event, and that House K’Tal had sent a task force to hunt down the Klingons that had boarded Fisher’s shuttle. Now, two days later, it was time to reestablish the chain-of-command in the Theurgy’s Intelligence Department. A matter that Ives had not only talked with his First Officer about, but also reached out to Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Anderson - or ‘King’ as the crew knew him as - since he knew that Anderson might know more about the officers he’d sent to the Theurgy than what their service records let on.

The messages had been relayed by the encrypted comms buoy that they had utilised to reach Anderson since Aldea, and while the process was slow since it didn’t allow for direct subspace communication, it was crucial to keep the correspondence completely untraceable over that many light years. What Ives had learned was more than sufficient to let him make an informed decision about who ought to get the offer to lead the Intelligence Department after Fisher’s passing.

The chirp from the door announced the person’s arrival.

“Enter,” Jien said, and the sliding doors parted to show Lieutenant Alana Pierce, who according to Anderson, was not all that she seemed. Jien smiled faintly and gestured towards the sitting area. “How are you, Lieutenant?”

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #1
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Pierce had received the call from the Captain that her direct supervisor had been murdered by the Klingon separatists. Something she felt frustrated with to say the least. Just re-entering a chain of command, a semblance of normalcy and this had to happen. Fisher seemed from the brief conversations she'd had with him to be a genuinely good man. Someone she could have grown to call a friend. However that time has past and she had to move on.

The job of a Starfleet Intelligence officer was never dull, and never guaranteed. Something she too learned the hard way back in the 23rd Century on her mission to steal data from the Klingons colony world of Qu'Vat. Her memory ached remembering that entire event. The one that led her to the current century and her physical difference. Her mind wandered as she headed to the Captain's Ready Room. The only time she'd spent there was when she was aboard the U.S.S. Eagle before leaving Captain Garretson for the last time. Which meant she was likely being given command of the Intel Department.

Thinking to the task she'd decided to volunteer for with the infested, and with Anderson, she felt nothing was coincidence anymore. Pieces were moving rather quickly at this point and she needed to be focused and ready.

She paced outside as she approached and finally tapped the door chime. Hearing the command to enter, she stepped forth into the room and was greeted by Captain Ives. Taking the seat she was gestured to, she sat back and flopped her crimson hair over her shoulder as she leaned to the side slightly.

"Thank you sir. Under the circumstances, pretty well all things considered." She attempted a weak smile before she allowed for more conversation. "What do I owe the pleasure sir? I can speculate it has something to do with the untimely demise of Commander Fisher. How can I be of help?"

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #2
[ Captain Ives | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce
It wasn't hard for Alana to deduce that the summons had something to do with Fisher's demise, so Jien inclined his head in confirmation before seating himself in the armchair opposite the couch. He leaned back and let his hands rest on the arms of his chair, looking at the Lieutenant. Knowing what he now knew, he was still unable to see any signs of what Anderson had told him about. To him, as a shape-shifter whom had chosen both a male and female form, encountering someone whom had made such a transition despite not having the biology for it was... unique, to say the least. With hardly any pause at all, Jien pursed his lips to explain.

"After Commander Fisher was killed fighting the House Mo'Kai separatists, we need to re-establish the chain-of-command in the Intelligence Department. In the interest of this, I reached out to 'King' since he would know more about the service records of the officers he recruited for this mission," Jien explained solemnly, and nodded towards Alana. "Including you."

Unless it was already made apparent, Jien continued to lay out the unspoken truth. "King went on telling me an extraordinary tale about your past, and how you have not just been misplaced in time, but undergone a physical change due to exposure to an incident involving Klingon mutagenic chemicals and a malfunctioning transporter system. Before going farther, I must ask, are you comfortable talking to me about what happened, and how you are truly faring now, with almost two years having passed since then?"

Being respectful about her boundaries in terms of the trauma she'd likely undergone, and all the adjustments she'd had to make, Jien paused there to let her describe how she had managed to acclimatise herself to her situation in the 24th century. Before talking about her prior service record, Jien first wanted to make sure she was ready for higher responsibilities. So far, her reported performance had not given him any reason to doubt she was, but as both a former Intelligence Officer and Counsellor, he would take his time to listen and observe Lieutenant Pierce before making his judgement.

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #3
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Her assumptions to the call were correct as were her intuitions that things were likely on the verge of changing. Something her transformation allowed her was the opportunity for adapting to her new physicality profile. Aspects were still jarring to her but she had overall adapted. Tuning back in she listened to the Captain.

Nodding as he made mention of the how Fisher died was unfortunate. Not the way she could imagine a spy or intel agent wanting to go out but it was a noble death nonetheless. When the words of rebuilding the chain of command came, she had a feeling she knew what Jien was alluding to. What further piqued her interest was the note about what 'King' told the Captain about her. She simply nodded back again as a courtesy while listening to the reliving the moments she herself had gone unfortunately through. It was a good mission...up until that point she thought. Her mind racing from one aspect of the conversation to another. It was a blessing and curse from her abrupt change when it happened. Blessing in that she could think about multiple situations simultaneously and a curse because she didn't have the luxury of being single minded any longer.

She smiled back as Jien asked her well being and continuing the current line of conversation. "I am sir. While the circumstances for my situation were less than ideal and in some situations a bit...frustrating...I have fully adapted to life as I am now. It's not been easy however, but I feel like overall, I am the same person give or take the appearance." She chuckled. "All kidding aside, I am more than capable of undertaking any tasks appointed to me."

Alana felt the Captain's polite tiptoeing around the situation and respect for it but at the same time inquiring about her mental state with everything that had transpired. "Funny enough, the difficult part was the gradual re-acclimation to Starfleet's changes since my day. It was the demotion due to the passage of time and what I understood, the way starships crew run now, and the differences in size of these ships. Even the alien species I'd never encountered in my day. But a lot stayed the same. Klingons are still Klingons and Romulans are Romulans. Splintered and ready for a fight. It was the becoming female which was a byproduct but not without it's own issues. Mostly in the swimming, bathing, clothing, new bodily functions, and being under-estimated as I am now. But again, I have adapted to how I exist and have grown to appreciate what I was and am now."

Leaning forward she opened up more. "I am an open book Captain. I have worked very hard to continue my service records despite having to play under a new name and identity. Which is fine. I can live with that. Intel always had its rap for being part of it. Honestly the meeting my descendent was the weird part. But with what you know aside, would you prefer more information about me to alleviate your mind some?"

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #4
[ Captain Ives | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce
It seemed to Jien that there was no overt cause for concern when it came to the well-being of the former Lieutenant Commander. Perhaps he was biased, however, since he didn't see the change of sex as that big of an issue, but he was content with the reaction and answer from Alana Pierce when it came to her accident and subsequent transition. The mentioning of her descendant, however, was one he chuckled at, since that was something that Anderson had mentioned in passing as well in his messages now that Jien had been briefed about Alana.

"I can imagine," he said idly, in reference towards Lauren Pierce, the CONN Officer that had stepped aboard from the IKS Kajunpak't just after Alana had ended up aboard the Theurgy. Odd, how the universe conspired to orchestrate such peculiar odds.

Ives made a mental note to return to the subject of her transition later, however, since there were a couple of more things he wished to address when it came to that. Those things were more unofficial, however, and removed from the current line of formal questioning. This was, in some respects, an interview, and Jien had a couple of things he wanted to learn more about concerning Alana's service in Starfleet.

"I would like to know more about your years aboard the Eagle," he said, switching century rather than topic. "I have come to understand that you started out as an Ensign aboard the ship to begin with, and by the time your service came to an end, you were a Lieutenant Commander and the ship's Executive Officer. I realise that you could spend days talking about those years, so don't worry, I will be specific."

Saying this with a faint smile, Jien continued with hardly a pause. "Could you tell me what you are most proud of from that time, as in, what you are especially pleased with in terms of your service to your ship and to your Commanding Officer?" he asked, and then changed... to her female form, remaining seated in the same manner she had been. She had to remind herself to switch form as often as she could, as ordered from medical after injury in the Great Hall of the Klingon High Council. Fortunately enough, it seemed her morphogenic matrix was healing well from doing so. "Next, I would like to know what you are least proud of, be it in terms of personal setbacks of missions gone awry - such things that could have been avoided. Lastly... could you tell me something about your Captain, and the way you worked together?"

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #5
Lt. Alana Pierce | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Pierce couldn't help but realize she was going to have to eventually discuss her situation with the Captain. The elephant in the room as it were. She peered down at herself briefly and chuckled as Ives responded to her and seemed to pause briefly before returning to questions about her duty records. Not that she could blame him. She was for all intents and purposes a clean slate as far as her records commanded aside from the redacted addendums the Admiralty in select circles knew about.

Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled and relaxed into the chair once more leaning on her left elbow. "Well...that was a long time ago, another time you could say. Haha." She laughed but it fizzled out. "Sorry, bad temporal joke. I was once actually on Jim Kirk's ship, the original Enterprise. I took the experience and ran with it. To work with the legend himself. Granted, he grew much bigger than life. But I digress. The Eagle was my first real assignment. Another Constitution Class Refit vessel much like the Enterprise. She too had a legend of her own with a lot of history. Many captains too."

She leaned forward in admiration as she recalled the adventures. So many she couldn't recall readily and so many she could. "What I am most proud of from that time was my change to intelligence. Honestly the change from tactical to intelligence actually helped me to gain an edge to the command line of promotions. There was an incident in 2284 I believe it was. We had a covert mission to obtain a source for the highly classified "Project Genesis" to be detonated with. Despite the massive failure it turned out to be, the process and concept was a gem. But there were many ships on that endeavor but we had to source protomatter for the matrix to function. Highly controversial stuff so you can understand the need to keep it on the down low."

Smiling at the remembering, she looked up as she sifted her mind. "Not a glamorous job, but a dirty one. The Romulans and the Orions had some contacts we had to coordinate with to obtain it. All the while having to keep it off the books and off Starfleet's radar. So while doing the mission, it was ordered by Admiral Cartwright who was the head of Starfleet Intelligence at that time. Thankfully, history caught up to him and he was apprehended. But here, we didn't yet know the devil we were working for. He'd set in motion some events that were highly unethical. A friend of mine was killed in the line of duty getting that substance."

Thoughts washed over her as she remembered what was for all intents and purposes, another lifetime, another life ago. But in this case, it was relevant to the situation. Continuing she listed some of the failures of the event. "Long story short, Cartwright had us on a suicide mission that would have ended with war in the quadrant. It wasn't as clandestine as we were led to believe. The other nationalities were uncertain the why we needed the protomatter and the quantity of it. As we were just about to setup the meeting, I had heard rumblings that in the process, he wanted to test it before giving it to the scientists and Dr. Marcus. Which seemed an odd choice given he wasn't a scientist. But I think he wanted to test the destructive capabilities."

Alana's hand motioned to and fro as she explained it. "I caught wind and started to analyze the data and it appeared that the Eagle was the intended detonation site. Come to find out, he planted the Romulans to set the capsule off on a timer. And this type of capsule we were unable to beam and it had to be transported via shuttlecraft. I managed to use a tractor beam to shove it away from the ship, before hitting high warp. It detonated and wiped out the other vessels and nearly took us out with it. We don't know all that took place afterwards but I saved the ship, the crew and my commanding officer. That was a highlight where I felt I made a difference."

Taking another drink, she crossed her legs and sat back again. "Cartwright denied it of course but I was shelved for more deadly operations after that and functioned primarily as the XO of the Eagle in the interim. But I think my final mission was a way to get a serum for super soldiers and to take me off the board. Thankfully Cartwright's machinations were put to a stop by Captain Kirk's and Sulu. At least according to the history tapes." She smiled at the premise of Cartwright's arrest.

"As far as missions gone awry, that technically qualifies but the worst was when I was chased to the temporal anomaly that brought me here and the transporter accident. I mean I technically succeeded but at great cost to myself. I'd say my setbacks and regrets is never getting the chance to command my own ship. No offense to the Theurgy, but I miss the days of the smaller, Constitution Class Refits. I knew those. And others I would say is my demotion upon coming here. It took a little while to get used to the new era, but was a blow to my ego when I was already weakened from the sudden change in physical appearance."

Her face held a stoic glance as she attempted to keep the emotions somewhat bottled inward. Wondering if she'd turned back towards the Klingons what might have happened instead. But the universe knew more than she, and so she accepted her fate.

"The mission going awry though I'd say that was my most difficult to endure. I'm over it now, but it is something with long term affects." She grinned motioning her hands at her figure. "But I had a very personal friendship with Captain Garrettson of the Eagle. He was a kind, noble man. If I can equate him to another Starfleet legend I heard about was Captain Pike. Warm, personable and easy to be frank with. Garrettson was someone who commanded by respect and lifted up his crew. I was fortunate to have had him as a Captain all those years ago. But as his XO, I was able to confide in him about what I disagreed with without repercussions or being scared about being penalized. But he had a very open door policy. Suffice it to say, I was given the ability to operate independently with situations both mundane and delicate."

The time was coming she knew for more personal inquiries but the professional aspects she was ready for. She would reveal the personal if asked but mostly kept it closed off. Something she'd have to reveal if she was indeed taking over the Intel department to her department's XO. Regardless, Pierce was looking forward to being open with a few people on the ship. It was time to be free of her burdens and simply live again.

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #6
[ Captain Ives | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce
Listening to Alana while she spoke of her past century, as it were, Jien remained seated in her chair and paid great interest to what the now-woman was saying.

Evidently, while Jien had intended to address her initial time on the Enterprise next, Pierce's fond memories of her time aboard Captain Kirk's ship compelled her to bring that up before speaking of her career on the Eagle. Jien reckoned it would have been one hell of a Cadet cruise, working along icons in Starfleet history like Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Sulu and Scott. It seemed her time aboard the Eagle had its fair share of adventures as well, however, since Pierce was able to bring up both shortcomings and triumphs, and even detail what worked best in terms of her working relationship with Captain Garettson. 

It came as no surprise that the mission which had her misplaced in time had been the hardest on her, not just in the sense of loosing contact with all of her crew, her friends and family, but also in no longer being herself. Jien knew that, for solid humanoids without the ability to change shape, it would be erroneous to claim that the mind and body were separate entities rather than being two parts of the whole. A humanoid with one form was both their mind and their body, for their minds were affected by what happened to their bodies and vice versa. Just mere exercise, as an example, changed their hormonal profiles, making them feel and behave differently. For them to have their very chromosomes changed and in mere moments inherit a body completely different when it came to levels of testosterone and oestrogen had to have been... discombobulating, to say the least.

The reason why Jien had an understanding about this wasn't because she had the same level of issues when changing her form. She was an alien, completely else than the two Human forms she had chosen, but in the interest of integrating into Earthen society while she was raised in Japan - conforming to the Ives-Pétain experiment - she had made it her mission to embrace both halves of the Human species. While she couldn't mimic everything about Humans down to the hormonal level, she had made it her cause to adapt her forms to be as perfectly close to Human as her morphogenic matrix possibly could.

Therefore, as she looked at Alana Pierce, she was fascinated by what she had endured. Her change wasn't just cosmetic, superficial, but so much more. I can but wonder what she must have felt like, waking up after the incident... She couldn't have felt herself, having to adapt to nerve input she never recognised prior to that moment. Her body informing her mind about demands and issues she couldn't cognitively identify. She would have had to relearn what it was to be Human to some extent, interpreting bodily input she was unfamiliar with.

When Alana was finished with her replies to her questions, Jien could both understand why Starfleet Intelligence chose to demote her, not just on the basis of her familiarity with fleet function and regulations, but because her personal adaptation to her circumstances may have alarmed them just as much as Jien was right then. Sending an officer who wasn't in sync with an entirely new body of hers out to lead other officers in covert operations and other Intelligence tasks wouldn't have been ideal. Neither for Anderson nor for Pierce. It seemed, however, that the two past years had allowed Alana to embrace her new identity fully. This, not just on account of her reassurances to that fact couple of minutes ago, but based on the reports Anderson had sent Ives.

"Believe it or not, unless you already read the reports, but the Infested made use of a Genesis Device that Starfleet Intelligence had stored in the vaults of Starfleet Headquarters. They brought it to Breen in order to detonate it in their capital, but our away team on the Allegiant - led by Commander Dewitt - prevented it from happening. The device was dismantled, and the proto matter removed. Dewitt, whom you never met, came aboard while we visited the Black Opal, and she stayed behind with the Breen High Council in order to both inform them of the threat about the Infested, and to keep the Breen from joining the war." Jien had to smile faintly and shake her head. "I mention it because I find it ironic, how even now - in this century - the repercussions of that invention is still felt."

Having said as much, Jien shifted in her seat and changed topics.

"If I were to offer you the position of Chief Intelligence Officer aboard this ship, during this perilous mission of ours," she asked quietly, looking at Alana with unblinking eyes, "I want to know where your moral compass is at when it comes to your duties in the Intelligence Department. You may already know that I used to serve as an undercover operative in SFI before switching to Counselling and later Diplomacy, and the reason I left was because my superior officers did not hold true to Starfleet ideals. They found themselves above the tenets of the Federation, thinking they had to preform the tasks that other officers wouldn't. Pray tell, how would you lead the Intelligence Officers aboard this ship?"

The question was a telling one, because it was plain that Jien would hold Alana accountable if she strayed too far. Still, Alana would also have to defend her moral stance when it came to the grey areas of her duties, as was expected, because Jien wouldn't have any use for an officer that couldn't think for herself and have some agency when regulations no longer could fully apply. This, when they wouldn't otherwise accomplish their mission.

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #7
Lt. Alana Pierce | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Pierce could tell the Captain was observing her responses and comfort levels with the dialogue. Not to mention sizing her up in most cases. Something she had gotten used to upon arriving in this century. But she could tell the reasoning to be honest. With her time travel and the sudden changes, it'd give any sensible commanding officer a double take on what to do in that situation. Regardless, she felt better than she had since arriving. The Daqchov was the first mission since her days in the 23rd century where she felt somewhat normal again.

The captain conversed about the reports regarding Project Genesis and the theft of the device from Starfleet Intelligence. She'd heard rumblings of the remaining device getting stolen but wasn't sure for what purpose. Granted, the reason the previous one didn't perform as advertised was due to not having the planet itself but creating one. The instability was the outcome of a poor detonation location rather than the object itself.

"I was aware of it. Not in as much detail, but I knew it had been stolen. I'd had time to read up on it in the past however and it would have wiped that planet to a clean slate if they hadn't succeeded." She nodded at Ives mention how even today that the device was still a thorn in Starfleet's side. "Fortunately a lot of that data is outlawed and re-creating it is as well. Just glad that Dewitt was it? That Dewitt managed to get that device deactivated before it was properly weaponized. Great idea in theory but in the wrong hands...well we all know that."

It was now that the Captain lowered her deck and allowed Pierce to see behind the veil. Not that it was unexpected but it was welcome nonetheless. She was being asked or rather offered the role of Chief Intelligence Officer on the Theurgy. One that came with a multitude of pluses as well as minuses. Seemed like only a week or so ago Fisher had asked her to take the role of his XO in the department and now she was being offered the lead role. What is the galaxy working towards she wondered.

But it didn't stop with the offer, it was the followup that intrigued Pierce. The question of integrity. Of hers no less. But how she would uphold the ideals implanted by the Federation and Starfleet as a whole.

"To be frank Captain, I continue to serve the Federation and Starfleet to the best of my ability and training. Despite the misfortune of a botched mission, I was fortunate to survive and privileged to serve. I am a loyalist sir. One who..." She struggled to find the right words but it came eventually as she looked at the palms of her hands briefly. "One who will follow the letter of the laws set forth by the council and command. I am not above the law simply because we're renegades out here. I am to uphold it and the ideals of the Federation. I prefer diplomacy when the option is available than to go in guns blazing. But I am very capable of both if the need arises."

She stood up and paced slightly in thought. "Sir, I was fortunate to be sent forward in time. No telling the mess I was to get caught up in with Admiral Cartwright as my supervisor in Intelligence. As history shows, he got what was coming to him. To discover Anderson and his very old style of leadership, it was not only refreshing but welcome. A call back to a truer time in Starfleet when I was proud of what it stood for. Ultimately, I have to be able to live with my choices. I have no issue explaining a good or bad call. Or for those under me to call me out and keep me in check. I follow the code of Starfleet, not of Intelligence. I am very capable of operating within or outside the regulations if the time comes but I am careful not to go too far above the line if that's what I need to do. I will always answer to my actions sir.  Operating outside in the gray areas when those regulations don't apply, I make my best judgement. But I am not above the law."

Sitting back down, Alana folded her leg over the other and sat back relaxed, having gotten it all off of her chest so to speak. "With so many other changes in my life, I stand by my integrity as a Starfleet officer. So, I would be honored to serve this crew and you as the new Chief Intelligence Officer with all the rights and duties therein."

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #8
[ Captain Ives | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce
Listening to Alana Pierce while she made her standpoint clear when it came to regulations and upholding what Starfleet stood for - even if her duties betimes might stray into the grey areas - Jien made no outwards sign as to what she was thinking about the answer.

Instead, she remained in her seat, saying naught while the Lieutenant spoke. Jien would have preferred to have evaluated Pierce for a long time than mere twelve days, so that she might have formed a personal opinion about her conduct. As it were, she didn't have that luxury, instead having to rely on the word of others. From Commander Fisher's logs, the reports and recommendations of Rear Admiral Anderson, and what Natalie Stark could tell her about the now-woman seated in front of her. The chain of command had to be re-established in one of the ship's departments, however, and they were on a mission upon which the future of the Federation hung in the balance.

The past couple of minutes had been illuminating, however, since Jien had got the opportunity to get to know the woman more, and scrutinize her conduct when put to question. Her service record, which had now been made available to her, filled in the gaps, and given the circumstances, Jien was confident that as far as she could evaluate her, Pierce was the best available candidate to take over after Commander Fisher.

"Very well," she said at long last, but there were matters to be resolved still. "That leaves us with the matter of your old and your new identity, and what the crew ought to know about you. What would be your own preference? Naturally, there would be questions raised as to how you, with so few commissions prior to this one, would be picked for Chief Intelligence Officer. Unless you have specific concerns about it, would you be willing to de-classify your transition and displacement in time?"

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #9
Lt. Alana Pierce | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

The Captain was difficult to read Pierce thought. It wasn't the first time this had happened to her, but she felt she could or should confide in her regardless of thoughts on the matter. Time was not a luxury either had in this situation and while she figured the captain was likely to promote based on hearsay from others and reports, it wasn't her preferable option.

"Let me put your mind at ease sir. I know that despite everything, this situation has left you in a bit of a bind and with the need to fix the chain of command, I can understand your decision cannot be made lightly." She could feel the atmosphere in the room as it meant that things were likely going to get even more personal in nature.

That was when the identity predicament presented itself. The being alive yet not, and being two different Starfleet records... Something she preferred didn't cause to come to light in these times. But she figured it can't hurt to feel this situation out.

A slight hesitation and bristle of the back of her neck occurred at the notion of de-classifying her commission. "To be honest Captain, I would prefer to keep my past behind me. Rather to bring it to light on a need to know basis. I can understand how that would look to those beneath me, but the command crew should be inclined to know this information."

Alana paused feeling the room before continuing. "It's not that I am ashamed or want to hide my transition and displacement, but rather that with me for all intents and purposes being a ghost in the machine, it prevents me from being an important cog in regards to the infested. With my knowledge from the past and now the present, I have a little insight in the ways that Lt. Morali has with the present and a possible future. So in that instance, I feel my living incognito from my past allows me to not appear important, at least to others. The command crew and the other assistant chief intelligence officers I of course share full disclosure. I just don't know who at this point I can fully trust being so new on board."

Pondering the situation Ives may have to deal with on getting the position she piped up again. "If it puts you in a difficult decision, I would be willing to de-classify my history, but it could also very well be chocked up to an appointment field commission per Anderson. There's also the manner of my identity having the commissions redacted rather than blocked altogether but I leave that to you on what to decide as I don't want to cause an indirect shakeup in crew morale."

Pierce relaxed as she waited for the Captain's response unsure of where her new life was taking her.

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #10
[ Captain Ives | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce
Considering the propositions Alana Pierce laid out in silence, Jien studied her while she spoke. She could understand the potential benefits of keeping Pierce's past clouded in mystery, but it was still an unknown factor as to how much it may actually aid the mission. She did know, however, that regardless the level of need-to-know they might decide upon today would be moot eventually. For at some point, sooner or later, it would become scuttlebutt, and gossip spread at warp speed upon the Theurgy. The only determining factor as to when that occurred would be how many aboard would know about her past to begin with.

"I suggest your service record is given a security access level of six, where only Lieutenant rank and above may have access to your true service record and your past. This will include the majority of the departmental Assistant Chiefs, and ensure that officers with enough experience and respect towards non-disclosure policy can access the information. As for the crew with lower rank, your past will simply be inaccessible and subsequently classified." Jien shifted in her seat, folding her hands in her lap and crossing her legs. "The official statement, after this revision, could simply be that your prior duties in the fleet - and Starfleet Intelligence - are more extensive than your former service record stated. Given the sensitive nature of said assignments, they are on a need-to-know basis."

Gesturing with one hand as she expanded upon her suggestion, Jien continued. "As for why your records have been altered, the truth will suffice. Before today, your true service record was sealed by Starfleet Intelligence. Do you think that will suffice? The alternative would be to give it a higher security access clearance, but then only a few of the Senior Staff may know who you were, and what experience you have. Please keep in mind, however, that you must also abide to the classification in your interaction with the crew, and not confide in officers just because you wish to do so."

Having made her suggestion, Jien wanted to know what Alana thought of it before making it final.

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #11
Lt. Alana Pierce | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Pierce could tell that the Captain was sizing her up. It wasn't lost on her the stare of a captain and an intelligence officer. Someone determining the data and the person to see if they were capable but also weighing the options laid out on the table. The notion of the being in the dark was debatable with getting out there with the crew but also the infested. She couldn't be sure if it was added insecurity of the changes or the fact if could be utilized to attack her great-granddaughter on board the very same ship. Nevertheless the ball was in Alana's court now and it was time to speak.

Taking a deep breath and exhale, she opened her soft lips. "Well Captain, I can see where that would be more a need to know for level six officers. I do ask that crew keep it quiet the details of my arrival and reasoning for my records. Not only for security but for personal reasons. The only ones that I know of that know currently is Counselor Stellan, and my great-granddaughter." She looked again as she leaned to the left in her chair.

"I accept the terms captain. I can abide by that information and stay within the lines. Unless some unforeseen circumstances present themself when or if I have to reveal it in a mission, I will determine the time as necessary if in the event it means saving the crew. But I accept."

Pierce thought to herself how all this is transpiring. Attempting to grasp the full scope of it all as she pondered the future and the situations they would all unknowingly encounter. She did have a few questions remaining before she finished but wanted to hear from the captain before inquiring.

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #12
[ Captain Ives | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce
Nodding, Jien considered what Alana was saying. She was - of course - amendable to an addendum to the security clearance, since this was a delicate matter personally for Alana Pierce, and not just a matter of facilitating the chain-of-command aboard.

She rose up from her armchair and with her arms folded below her chest, she slowly walked across the ready room. "Given the circumstances, I think it would be prudent if your file stated that given the sensitive nature of your service record - detailing a temporal displacement - the incident and the nature thereof should not be discussed between level six clearance officers and above unless the mission requires it. So, while an individual officer may, out of curiosity find the info if actively looking into your file, it's not a subject for gossip. High ranking officer may learn about your past if they seek out that information, but doing so, they will know not to spread it around."

Coming to a stop in front of the viewport, showing the surface of Qo'noS, she continued. "This will work to preserve your current state of being incognito aboard in regard to your past... but also mitigate any doubts among the senior ranking officers as to how you could lead the Intelligence Department aboard - the earlier version of your file being a false understatement of your real experience."

Jien turned away from the view outside Thea, facing Alana, and she folded her hands behind her back. "You came highly recommended by Director Anderson, and you have served aboard long enough to know the stakes we face. We fought to defend ourselves on our own since late last year. In defence, and in protecting the truth, we've had to take lives of fellow officers in Starfleet. We've been persecuted by Starfleet Command, smeared by the public media outlets, and yet we have persevered." Slowly, she walked back towards Alana and the sitting area. "Now, the Klingon Empire stands with us, and the crew of the Oneida is right next to us on the frontline. Gradually, up until today, we have come to learn more of our enemy, and how we might defeat the Infested. The Intelligence department has been instrumental in this regard... and now the duty of your predecessors falls unto you."

Coming to a stop next to the armchair she had occupied earlier, Jien gave her orders. "Stand up, and listen well. It is now your duty - and that of your Department - to stay two steps ahead, to know what options the enemy has available, and to appraise me and the rest of the Senior Staff about their potential contingency plans. You are to work with Anderson in this regard, and in all dealings with him, always be mindful about not letting the enemy know whom 'King' is. The subspace buoy together with the pulsar in Aldean space remains our best option to relay messages, and until we find any alternative means, that is how communication with Anderson continues," she said, having used Anderson's code name to make a point.

"Your orders are to gather your officers, access Fisher's logs, and in accordance with security access clearance, salvage and resume any pending tasks and investigations that he was working on personally. For as sad as the passing of Commander Fisher is, the stakes are too high, and I cannot let the death of one officer set this mission back," she said, and frowned as she looked towards the deck plating. "We learned this lesson the hard way with the loss of Commander Vael Kaeris, whom single-handedly worked on a way to liberate the Infested from their parasites."

Raising her eyes again, a faint smile touched her features. "You have to forgive the lack of ceremony given the times, but you are hereby field-promoted to your earlier rank of Lieutenant Commander. Thea?"

[Yes, Captain. Is it time?]

"Aye, please join us."

The air shimmered next to Jien, and Thea materialised with a box in hand. She gave it to Jien with a smile, who walked up to Alana, presenting it to her. "Given the times, I am not sure congratulations are in order, but you have your assignment. Don't let me down, Alana Pierce."

Re: Day 11 [0830 hrs.] Thinking About Your Past, You Miss the Present

Reply #13
Lt. Alana Pierce | Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Watching the captain's movements, Pierce noted her pacing and what she was saying with clear intent. This was bigger than her. Bigger than this ship and bigger than the Federation as a whole. She was pleased with Jien's security and accommodations for the situation regarding her personal life. She could feel in her gut that this captain was likely to be much like the one he had on the Eagle. A friendly down to earth personality but get the understanding to get the job done, no matter what.

Pierce nodded from her chair. Her arms folded on her chest as she listened intently to the details. She looked out the viewport from her vantage point in the chair. It was interesting to be so close and on welcome ground with the Klingons when nearly 94 years prior, they were enemies. Something else that stuck with her was getting over that prejudice.

"Thank you sir." She replied once more to the matter of her records.

The recommendations from Anderson were a welcome one from her side of things. Especially with how hard she'd dedicated her time to the duty before her after being re-educated in this era to the tech and the Federations changes since her day. "I appreciate the words sir. I look forward to continuing the mission and helping us gain more allies and crush the infested's intended goals."

When the captain asked her, no ordered her to stand, she did promptly at attention. Standing ready, Jien placed the duties befallen to her on her shoulders now. It was her show now and a difficult one at that. Thoughts ran through her mind about assembling the team and planning missions but most of all, the paperwork to keep all departments fueled with what they needed to proceed unhindered by this galactic threat.

"I will coordinate with the Intelligence staff, reset the departments chain of command, coordinate with 'King', and salvage the task Captain." She said in response to his commands for her newfound position.

She smiled slightly off the corner of her lips as she saw the captain do so, knowing that Jien was at least happy for this portion of things. That was when Thea appeared before them with a box in her hand. The captain took the box, opened and gave the new pip for her collar to her. Alana grabbed the small bead and affixed it to her uniform color. Smiling once more in full. "Thank you sir. I won't let you down sir."

Pierce nodded before she stepped back from the Captain. "If there's nothing else sir, I'll proceed to transfer to my new quarters and acclimate to my new office and station. I'll look forward to coordinating with other departments and gathering details that can be of help."

Stepping back, she nodded at the captain and at Thea before she took her leave of them. As unfortunate as the situation for Fisher was, she had her work cut out for her, and she was more than willing and able to rise to the occasion and aid them in this war.


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