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Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Deck 816, Residential Habitation, Quarters of Daniel & Camille Havenborn | Starbase 84 ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

Daniel entered his assigned quarters on the starbase, he was one of 200 United Republic of Daedalia military personnel stationed on the base in accordance with the URD’s protectorate treaty with the Federation.  He walked further into his quarters, which he shared with one of his wives.  Daniel like many of his people was involved in a harem marriage, it was a sort of group marriage in which multiple people would cohabit together and share any familial responsibility.  Daniel himself was part of a group of five others, three of which were still back on Mars, typically most harems were exclusive to each other, however Daniel was involved in an open harem which basically meant they could have other lovers.  His wife Camille served as a Lieutenant in the Engineering division.  She was a scientist who focused on xenobiology and often got lost in her work, there were times that he wouldn’t see her for days and sometimes weeks.

He sat down on the couch and reached for the PADD on the table.  It was his latest orders, a reconnaissance mission along the RNZ that was to last three weeks.  Daniel was a Vanguard Operator, an elite unit of the URD’s Special Forces Group.  He was just recently promoted to Major and assigned as the Vanguard Vice Commander of the URD 4th Battalion aboard Starbase 84.  Of the 200 URD personnel which was separated into five divisions, Command, Operations, Engineering, Medical and Vanguard; the latter was comprised of forty troopers.  Ten Vanguard Operators (which included the command element), ten Aerospace Pilots/Crew, piloting the pair of Topaz-class Warp Fighters, and twenty Storm Commandoes.  With his recent promotion he was expected to operate alongside Starfleet personnel on a more regular basis, hence the latest reconnaissance mission.

He was surprised that Starfleet had agreed to allow a Vanguard Operator on this mission, most of the time they requested an Operations officer or an Engineering officer.  He wasn’t sure what had changed but he was happy to at least get off the station for a few weeks.  After all Camille had been lost in her work for the past few days, maybe him being gone would make her notice.

“Computer, new personal log entry.  Lieute- I mean Major Daniel Havenborn.  United Republic of Daedalia, 2nd Legionary Expedition Forces, 4th Battalion, Vanguard Special Forces Group 117, Vanguard Operator Squad 8.  It is 2119 hours on the 17th Day of the month of Secundus, URD Reformed Calendar Year 286, which is Federation year of 2381.  Now that the formalities are out of the way, I have to say that while I will miss my mentor and the former Vanguard Vice Commander, Major Adrienne Haus, I am excited for this new role.  I am also happy that Adrienne is on her way home for her retirement, I know her children will be happy to have their biological mother home again.”  Daniel paused for a moment.  “Commander Dorian Saladin has ordered me to join a Starfleet Tactical CONN Pilot for a three week reconnaissance mission along the Romulan Neutral Zone, I am looking forward to getting off the station for a bit.  The mission is scheduled to begin tomorrow at 0900 hours, I also took a moment to read up on the pilot I was assigned, she’s a Caitian.  While this isn’t my first excursion with an alien species, it will be my first excursion with a Caitian.”  Daniel paused again.  “That is all for now.  Computer, end personal log entry and store in personal database.”  Daniel said as the computer acknowledged him.  He got up and stripped his clothes off and entered the shower.  Afterwards he got dressed called Camille and informed her of the situation, he could she was very distracted and all he could do was smile.  Once their conversation was over he climbed into bed and fell asleep.

[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Deck 101, Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | Starbase 84 ]

Daniel stood at the entrance of the shuttlecraft bay, there was a single Danube-class Runabout in the center of the bay being prepped by work crews, he carried a duffel bag with his belongings as well as a soft weapons case which carried his rifle and sidearm.  He walked over to the runabout and checked in with the chief technician.  They spoke for a moment and he gave Daniel permission to board the vessel.  Daniel stepped inside and took a moment to familiarize himself with the interior before setting his gear down on a bunk in the back.  He had some basic piloting skills, enough to fly the ship if needed but he was by no means a true pilot, he was a soldier, a weapons expert.  He had spent the first five years of his career in the Operations Deck division as a Gunsmith, so he was intimately familiar with personal weapons.  He heard a noise come from the cockpit and when he went to investigate he saw the Caitian female entering.  “Hello there, I’m Major Daniel Havenborn, Vanguard Operator.  You must be Lieutenant K’Ren?”  Daniel asked her with a smile.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #1
[ Lt. K'Ren | Deck 101, Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | Starbase 84 ] Attn: @Brutus @Havenborn
K'Ren was one of the few pilots who truly enjoyed these patrols. Most hate the weeks in space, inside a cramped runabout with one or two other officers one didn't know, that were picked by their departments to go on these patrols. For K'Ren, the patrols were a chance to get into space, enjoy the peace and quiet (usually), and maybe even meet a new officer or two from other departments on Starbase 84. Finishing packing her duffle, she looked over the padd with the mission profile. a routine three week run along the Romulan Neutral Zone. While the border was still there, a treaty neither side wished to abolish, the actual work of patrolling the border was no longer done by frontline combat craft, a simple runabout could usually handle the patrols, and they could vector capital ships in if they needed.

She'd read up the night before about her crewmate, what information his service record had that wasn't classified. Martian, Terran, he belonged to a colony that maintained independence from the Federation, despite being in the very heart of Sol, and living on a planet that housed the largest shipyard in the Federation. She'd have three weeks to figure it out, get to understand him, that much was certain.

She always enjoyed the cockpit of a runabout, so much more spacious then her fighters. Not that she didn't love her fighter, nothing quite beat strapping on your craft, feeling the engines spool up as the craft became an extension of your body, a deadly predator.  But the room, like you were sitting in your living room, watching the expanse of space, it was beautiful in it's own right.

As she stepped in, she noticed Daniel coming forward from the crew area of the runabout. No doubt stowing his gear she thought. He was the first to introduce himself, and she nodded. "Lieutenant K'Rrren, yes. Major Havenborrn it is good to meet you. We'll be deparrting in apprroximately ten minutes once the deck crrew clearr us forr flight. Any last minute desirres, best you get them now."

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #2
[Lt. Natalie Stark | Deck 847, Residential Habitation, Quarters of Natalie Stark | Starbase 84 ]Attn: @Havenborn @SummerDawn

Nat was running late. She hated running late. Almost as much as she hated last minute changes in assignment. Someone higher up in the stations command had decided that one of their new officers needs a bit more seasoning.  She'd come out of a conversation with the station XO a short while ago and been sent scampering back to her quarters to kit herself out for a long range patrol deployment with one of the stations TAC CONN officers, and the newly minted Vanguard Vice Commander, from the URD detachment assigned to the station as part of the existing treaty with the Federation. It had not escaped Natalie's notice that she was being assigned to the mission because she also came from Mars, the parts of Mars that were not under the URD protectorate.

Needless to say that had been put to her bluntly and had gone down like something akin to a lead weight. Nevertheless, the Martian Lieutenant had little choice but to haul her pert ass post-haste up to the habitat section from the central core, and get her kit in gear.   Natalie was one of the Operations Watch officers, in charge of the Gamma shift for all of OPS. On a starship, her role wouldn't even merit an Assistant tag, unless it was a particularly large vessel, a true Ship of the Line. On a starbase, the sheer size and massive nature made it more like being part of a team of Chief's, all assigned to the same gigantic construct. It was a promotion from where she had been, but she was still considered a Junior officer by most of the department heads.

And if there was one thing that Department heads loved to do, it was 'nurture' and 'mature the careers' of 'promising' junior officers. Never mind that the junior officer had no desire to go gallivanting on a long, boring patrol with two strangers, when there was a whole starbase to tinker with, the whole reason she'd requested the assignment when it had come up. Thankfully, Natalie had served among enough ships that the Senior lieutenant (Junior officer my ass) had a go bag stashed away. She opened it, checked the contents, and then added a few extra toiletries and the like, a PADD with the most recent novel she'd been reading, and the warm, Martian-Peblo style blanket that she usually left tossed over the top of her small sofa. Hesitating for a moment, Nat walked over to one of the shelves and eyed the twin bladed honor dagger that had been gifted to her by her old Academy Roommate upon their activation and early graduation during the Dominion war. Biting her lip, Natalie contemplated the archaic blade, then pulled its scabbard off the shelf and slid the whole thing into her bag. Just in case.

She confirmed that the power cells for all her tools were charged, then lashed that smaller satchel to the shoulder duffle and heaved it up over one grey padded arm. This was accompanied by a grunt of exertion and nigh on pain, and a muttered oath. "Christ on a crutch this thing weighs more every time." There was nothing for it however save to soldier on. Grabbing one more PADD, this the one that she had left on the valet table when she'd first entered her (spacious, compared to her previous postings) quarters, the young Lieutenant hurried back down the corridor toward the nearest lift at a not quite full tilt run, a mass of limbs, long brown hair, and apologies.

If she was lucky, the runabout wouldn't leave without her.

[Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | Starbase 84]

As it was, the travel core got her to the bay with roughly 4 minutes to spare. She'd caught her breath on the three minute ride through the core, ascending over 700 levels considerably faster than a mere turbolift could have managed. All the while she checked and re-checked her orders, blah blah to further relations blah, blah grant experience there in blah blah blah. She huffed, blowing a few stray locks of hair back off her forehead, but there was little point in trying to corral the mess of curls now - she'd left her hair band in the pack and wasn't going to fish it out.

Deposited in the bay along with a myriad of other officers - this level was restricted to station personnel only - Natalie squared her shoulders and set out, following the markings toward the stable of runabouts. She found one being prepped, and saw two humanoids - one human, one Catian. Here goes nothing, she thought to herself, and praying her voice didn't catch in her throat at any point during the next bit of mess, she walked up to the duo.

"Excuse me. Would you be Major Havneborn. And Lieutenant K'Ren?" her clipped tones would immediately identify her as one of the residents of the Federation Martian colony districts, out near Lake Cassini. Something akin to what used to be known as 'mid-Atlantic United States' centuries before, with some of the longer tones of the western native tribes whom had first settled the land. An odd accent to say the least, and utterly distinctive. With only mild reluctance, Nat handed her PADD over to the technically senior officer.

"I can tell by the looks on your faces you hadn't received the updated orders. If it makes anyone here feel any better, I just found out about this 15 minute ago. I've been assigned to accompany you both on the patrol." She managed the whole thing without blushing or stuttering. She knew she aught to be proud of herself. 

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #3
[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Deck 101, Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | Starbase 84 ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

“No last minutes desires Lieutenant, I’m all set to go.”  Daniel replied as he looked the woman in front of him over, she looked like she was in fairly good shape, being a fighter pilot he assumed she would have been but the Federation didn’t have a genetics program.  Daniel had been given an Alpha-class Genetics Package which was reserved for those entering into the Special Forces.  It increased his strength and agility gave him a denser bone structure and improved memory recall as well as increased stamina and lung capacity.  Unlike the Augments which is people revered the genetics packages had to be applied after several years otherwise they would deteriorate and leave the person as normal as they had been before the genetics package.  Though in some rarer cases the deterioration left the person in a worse condition.

Daniel was about to suggest that the Lieutenant begin the pre-flight checks when another female Lieutenant approached them, as she asked for both of them by their ranks and names Daniel nodded at the obviously Martian woman, she wasn’t URD that was for sure but she was definitely raised on Mars.  The woman handed him a PADD and as he read through it he was a little confused, it seemed that this Martian woman, Lieutenant Natalie Stark would be joining them.  “I see.”  Daniel stated, the orders were even signed off by Daniel’s superior officers, Commander Dorian Saladin the Vanguard Commander and Colonel Larkin Coates the Detachment Master.  He noticed the Starfleet Chief of Operations and a few other names that he recognized from reports but didn’t know who they were.  “Welcome aboard Lieutenant.”  Daniel said.  “Get your gear stowed in the back.  You too Lieutenant K’Ren.  I would very much like us to leave on time.”  Daniel stated.

It looked like this patrol was going to be more interesting than he previously thought.  A Caitian and a pair of Martians, one from the Federation and one from the URD.  It almost sounded like the start of one of Sergeant Kaufman’s bad jokes.  He moved towards the co-pilot seat but then decided against it.  He was fairly sure that both the Starfleet officers had better pilot training than he did.  He took a seat at an auxiliary console and waited for both ladies to return.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #4
[ Lt. K'Ren | Deck 101, Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | Starbase 84 ] Attn: @Brutus @Havenborn
K'Ren hadn't expected another officer on the run, usually there was just two officers, rarely a third, and usually only for check rides or orientations. "Guess this is orientation," she thought to herself. Though usually it was only CONN or TACCONN that came on these rides, not Ops or Engineering. She took the padd from Havenborn, glancing it over. It was official enough for her. "Well, welcome aboarrd Lieutenant," K'Ren remarked.

She glanced over at Havenborn when he suggested she stow her gear. "Already done Sirr. Apprrox one hourr ago when I came down to prre-flight the rrunabout. My bunk is chosen, you and Lt Starrk can chose between yourrselves which you want." She softly smiled, "I have to run some last minutes checks while gearr get's stowed. We'll be wheels up in about 10min." As the pilot she was responsible for the last minute checks, and headed forward to the cockpit, settling down into her seat, bringing up the controls, ensuring everything was ready for flight. While Stark & Havenborn chose bunks, she had work to do.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #5
[Lt. Natalie Stark | Deck 847, Residential Habitation, Quarters of Natalie Stark | Starbase 84 ]Attn: @Havenborn @SummerDawn 

The URD man handed the PADD over to the Cait and both officers looked it over to confirm the orders. Natalie supposed she didn't blame either of them. Her time on Starbase 84 had been relatively peaceful so far, but this was the major outpost for the Federation along this entire stretch of the Romulan Neutral zone. Sector command was based out of this station, and they were the watchtower outpost for a massive amount of space. A bit of extra caution while verifying orders was not at all amiss. And she knew the URD tended to be more militaristic in nature than Starfleet, so again, she wasn't terribly surprised. 

While the two officers studied her orders, she studied the two officers. A pair of contrasts, male and female, human (mostly) and Cait. Pale and furry. And dammit, both were taller than her, though not by much when it came to the TACCONN pilot. So she was the shortest on the assignment. Again. Nothing really new there, when you were below average height for your species, especially when you came from a planet with a lower than Earth Normal gravity. Usually they trended to be taller. Which made her wonder idly if Daniel was the runt of his litter, so to speak. Most of the URD folk she'd seen in passing on Mars were, well, tall. Mind you, she thought he looked more than capable of handling himself in a fight - that black uniform did little to hide that. And the Caitian had a sort of grace about her that Natalie could only envy. 

This is going to be either very interesting, or very, very awkward. Oh, boy. She took the PADD back from the other lieutenant and nodded to each. "Thank you both. Not that any of us have any say in the matter, but I am sorry for crashing into your mission last minute." Thus stated, she tucked the PADD back under her arm. She'd be recording her mission observations and official reports onto the tablet over the next few weeks.

Try as she might, Nat couldn't stop a small smile from forming over her lips. The Fighter Pilot seemed more than on the ball, having shown up an hour before. Since she'd been added last minute Natalie didn't feel slighted. "I'll be right back then," she said, nodding to both again and heading into the aft compartment of the runabout. She passed through the middle section, with its added out sensor suite (matching the attached dome on the top of the runabout), and into the aft, which had been kitted out with a long table for meals and conferences, an expanded head section with sonic showers, and a collection of bunks that had privacy screens.  Enough space that each officer would not have to worry about having someone directly above or below them if they so wished. Dropping her bag into the storage compartment next to a bunk (Nat would organize it better after they were in route), she left her padd on the bed itself, and took a moment to collect her loose curls back into a more professional looking ponytail, pulled to the side so it looped down over her right shoulder, so that it wouldn't get trapped behind her back and the chair, but would stay out of her eyes in a pinch.

Striding back in, she took stock of the cockpit, noting the position of Havenborn and K'Ren, somewhat surprised that he'd elected to take an aux station. Sliding into the co-pilot chair, Natalie brought up the standard shuttle ops configuration, a mix of ops/engineering and primary sensors, though she noted that was being mirrored back to the Major's console, along with most of the tactical suite and wondered if that had been his choice, or K'Ren's. Everything looked pretty solid, and after a moment, Natalie spoke up. "What's our patrol route look like, Lieutenant? Unfortunately my superiors didn't exactly give me much information on this one."

Listening, she nodded and turned back to Havenborn. "The ship looks good, Major. We should be ready to depart." They needed the final clearance from the stations flight ops control, but that would be nothing more than a rubber stamp at this point.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #6
[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Deck 101, Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

Daniel nodded as the Cait stated that had already stowed her gear.  He too had stowed his gear just moments ago.  He nodded again as she mentioned that the ship would be ready to go in ten minutes.  That was fine by him, just as long as they left on schedule was all that really mattered.  He had to admit that as far as first impressions went he was definitely impressed by the two Starfleet officers.  Lieutenant K’Ren seemed to have no issue with Lieutenant Stark joining them.  Lieutenant Stark commented that none of them had any say in the matter and Daniel smirked.  “You’re right about that.”  He said as he gave her a curt nod as she excused herself to stow her gear.

As Lieutenant Stark returned and took the co-pilot seat he leaned back a little and relaxed, he was still on alert but for the moment he felt like he could relax a little.  Daniel was a veteran of the Dominion War and more recently of the peacekeeping mission to Terra Nova during the recent outbreak of rioting, which turned into a three month long conflict against the anti-Federation radicals.  The URD had, by the request of Starfleet, sent a 40-troop maniple.  Originally only a single squad was sent down to the planet to help Starfleet Security maintain order, but when the first shots were fired the rest of the unit was deployed.  Daniel still had fond memories of working alongside friends, many of whom transferred to Starbase 84 with him, as they fought to restore order and root out the radicals.

Hearing the report from Lieutenant Stark brought Daniel out of his thoughts.  “Understood Lieutenant.  Once Flight Ops has cleared us, take us out Lieutenant K’Ren.”  Daniel replied.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #7
[ Lt. K'Ren | Deck 101, Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | Starbase 84 ] Attn: @Brutus @Havenborn
K'Ren was already in cockpit completing final pre-flight checks on the runabout when Lt Stark came into the main cabin and took a seat beside her in the co-pilot's chair. This didn't suprise her as most Starfleet officers, Ops especially, were cross trained on flying small craft. Especially on a large starbase like 84, it was sometimes faster just to take a shuttle then a turbolift or transporter, strange as that seemed. The second set of eyes were welcome and Stark's announcement that the runabout looked ready fo departure were correct, both boards showed green. She flipped on the nav lights, letting the ground crew they were ready to depart, only running the impulse engines to idle once the deck crew was clear of the runabout. Even at idle the exhaust could run hot enough to injure, fusion tended to generate a lot of heat, one of the reasons they were never cleared to use impulse till free of the dock, 5600K could melt or damage a lot of things.

Once given the the thumbs up K'Ren lifted the runabout off the deck, slowly moving the runabout out of the hanger into the docking area. Space Traffic Control would take over piloting for a few minutes until clear of the station, it was easier to let the computer manage the chaos then a bunch of humanoids. She looked over at Stark & Havenborn. "Patrrol rroute will take us along the RrNZ, most of it it's wide open space, but therre's severral nebulae along the rroute that can mask vessels, not just Rromulans but also smugglerrs and the like. Allowing for detailed scans of these nebula, should take us about three weeks to complete."

K'Ren glanced down at her board, they were #3 in the queue, behind several civilian freighters. "Looks like some trraffic today, we're numberr 3 in line for deparrture."

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #8
[Lt. Natalie Stark | Cockpit  | USS Thames ]Attn: @Havenborn @SummerDawn 

Three weeks along the Romulan Neutral Zone in a runabout, oh the joys. Hopefully the nebula's will at least look pretty, for all that they might hide smugglers. If its another one of those invisible dark matter nebula's, I just might scream, Natalie thought to herself, recalling previous assignments from prior postings, while idly monitoring energy outputs from the fusion reactor for lack of anything better to do. They were in the hands of shuttle ops now, and the ship moved side to side, up into the departure queue. While they were the next Starfleet vessel in line, flight ops for the station had to keep an eye on all traffic, and ensure that the lanes were clear. As there was no immediate pressure for them to jump the line, the trio of officers had to wait while other freighters from the civilian bays departed. Nothing out of the ordinary, and it was not as if Natalie was in some great rush either, truth be told. Blasting right out of the bay would not make the patrol go any faster.

Glancing out the side window, Natalie noted what looked like a tiny two person type-10 firing up its thrusters, and she idly wondered what the miniature craft was up to. Probably some hull inspection or another that could have just as easily been handled by a worker bee unit, but someone wanted a better seat. She could, of course, open a quick data link back into the starbase's info net and find out, but there was little point. Her console was beeping with a notification from Shuttle Ops, confirming their departure clearance and position in queue. They were now on the final departure approach.

"We're up," Natalie noted as the stations computer and tractor beams lined them up for outbound flights. There was a sudden surge from the engines, noted more as a faint thrum in the soles of her feet and the view of the bay flashing by, than any real sense of increased motion (Inertial dampers are dialed up pretty high...) and then they were out of the bay and into the departure route traffic lane reserved for Stafleet small craft. Cleared of the immediate threats of either capital ships or civilian cruisers, space opened up around them, and on the control panel between pilot and co pilot, the astrogen display overlaid the lane markers across their path, illustrating the route forward.

Tapping her fingers in a quick cadence across the control pads from the ops station, Natalie confirmed the release of computer command and flight operations to local control. Ie, Lt. K'Ren. "Helm is yours, Lieutenant," she noted to the fighter pilot, as she took a good strong look at the navigational deflectors. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary, good enough for her. "Lanes are clear of civilian traffic. Lets go scan the neutral zone," she added with dry enthusiasm. Taking a slow breath, she glanced back from K'Ren to Havenborn, where he sat behind the two women at one of the aux control stations for the runabout.  "By your leave, Major?"

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #9
[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Deck 101, Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

Daniel watched as the two women worked In concert together, both were very professional and when Lieutenant Stark looked back at him asking for his permission to start the mission Daniel nodded.  “Take us out, Warp 5 as soon as we’re able.”  He said as he stood up.  “If either of you need me, I’ll be in the aft compartment.”  He stated as he turned around and walked back towards the lounge area that was located in the aft.

Daniel made a quick stop in his quarters, he had taken the only quarters with a double sized bed, and it’s own private combination bathroom/shower.  He grabbed the DataSlate from his duffel and then left his quarters and headed towards the aft compartment.  The DataSlate was the URD’s version of a PADD, they operated on the same principle but the URD version was much more durable and rugged, it was meant to be carried in the field and such was hardened for it.

As he entered the aft compartment, he sat down on one of the couches that faced a holographic screen.  He sat down and unlocked his DataSlate and began writing a letter to his second wife Rebecca, she was an administrative officer serving in an office back home on Mars, she and his third wife, Miranda, took care of their three children.  Rebecca and Daniel usually wrote letters back and forth to each other.  He held the DataSlate up and pressed the record icon.  “Dear Becky, I made Major finally and Commander Saladin saw fit to promote me to Vanguard Vice Commander, I have a feeling that he’s grooming me to take over as the Vanguard Commander but I don’t want to get my hopes up.  In your last letter you mentioned that Emmy had passed her aptitude test and was beginning early admission into DAMS.  Wish her luck for me and as soon as I get some leave time I’ll bring Cammy with me and we’ll celebrate as a family.”  Daniel tapped the pause button for a moment then continued.  “I heard from Cammy that Miri is involved with a new boyfriend, when do we get to meet him and how serious is it?”  As Daniel continued he didn’t notice the door behind him open and close.  “Are Cassie and Nikki doing well, you mentioned that they had both taken an interest in artisan work, are they still interested in that?”
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #10
[ Lt. K'Ren | Deck 101, Shuttlecraft Bay 04 | Starbase 84 ] Attn: @Brutus @Havenborn
K'Ren watched the controls as the other craft ahead of them were cleared into the space lanes. Once she had the clearance to enter one of the departure lanes, K'Ren switched controls to manual and began the departure along the lanes. She pulled up the nav charts on her side monitor, she didn't really need them as she knew the lanes well enough, but protocol was protocol and the presence of a senior officer was enough feline women to revert to her training. She noted the same as Lt Stark. "Confirrm. Lanes arre clearr. We arre frree to navigate."

She heard Major Havenborn's remark about going into the back. She'd be the last one to leave the cockpit, and only once the runabout had been configured for automatic navigation. She glanced over at Lt Stark. "Yourr welcome to stay orr head aft with the Majorr. I only need to configure the autopilot once we'rre at warrp, and I'll be along." She turned to her controls, now sufficient distance from the starbase they could jump to warp, and K'Ren pushed the craft into warp, climbing through warp 2, letting the engines settle briefly, before punching to warp five.

Once at warp five, she leaned back in her seat, scanning the engine readouts, she found with tese older runabouts that letting the engines settle into a warp speed before turning on the autopilot seemed to keep things running smoothly. They were solid, realiable workhorses, but they are also older, and had their quirks. Of course, K'Ren liked the older craft, she flew one of the older fighters in the starbase inventory, and quite enjoyed the old girl.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #11
[Lt. Natalie Stark | Cockpit  | USS Thames ]Attn: @Havenborn @SummerDawn 

Intergalactic warp seed limit, Natalie thought to herself when Havenborn ordered warp 5 for their speed. The decade old limitation was still well in affect - most ships in Starfleet still lacked the variable warp field geometry that had been pioneered in the wake of the discovery of the weakening of subspace during the events of late 2370. Many of the newer classes of ships, such as the Sovereign had the upgrades in place. Older vessels, which still made up a majority of the fleet, especially in the aftermath of the Dominion war when so many mothballed ships had been pressed into service, did not have that ability. It was a bit of mental trivia that the operations officer worked through as Daniel made his excuses and headed toward the aft of the runabout, leaving the two Starfleet officers to oversee the flight out.

The exchange was brief between Natalie and K'Ren, and she gave a small nod in turn. "Thank you, I think I'll take you up on that," and she smiled softly. It made sense that the actual pilot would be the one to make the final determination as to when to switch over to autopilot, and Natalie had no issue leaving the woman to her work. There was little useful that the Martian could add to the effort in any event. "I didn't really do much more than drop my bag in my cabin, so it couldn't hurt to get that sorted and then take a look after the sensor suite." It would give her a bit to wrap her mind around the next few weeks ahead, and what all her duties would be.

Slipping from the chair, she gave a little wave to the other lieutenant and pushed up, dusting her pants off and heading aft, past the standard transporter array and into the cramped, narrow hallway that contained their sleeping quarters and the multipurpose room, which, based on her understanding, was a combination of sensor suite and cargo hold. She turned into her own, equally cramped cabin and eased herself in, looking around. All in all it wasn't that bad, but compared to her room on the station, it was a cubby hole. Still, it wasn't like she was sharing the room with anyone, and she'd seen worse. Defiant-class ships were two bunks tucked into the wall and a tiny ass desk, and that was that. This was better. A full sized single bed, a dresser set up, a pull-down desktop. Shared refresher facilities around the corner, tucked in closer to the front compartment, but otherwise, she'd manage.

"Roughing it," she thought aloud as she unpacked, and picked up one of her working PaDD's heading toward the back. The lounge area would have more comfortable seating than her bed, with less chance of her dropping off in the middle of her analysis of the patrol route. Plus, the rear wall of the ship should have a nice view out the back thanks to a series of sweeping narrow windows stacked one next to the other. Already the brunette had her head tucked down, chewing on a stray strand of hair and looking over the PaDD blinking in surprise as realized that Havenborn was set up in the lounge, recording what sounded like a personal letter home. She lingered therein the doorway, one hand braced against the frame, the other holding the device against her chest, head falling to one side. This was the kind of thing she would have assumed he'd take care of in his quarters, not in a common room, and felt oddly ill at ease with the idea of intruding. But then, she didn't want to back track to her own cabin and essentially hide herself away (as tempting as that sounded).

Nothing else for it, she thought, and quietly cleared her throat to let him know he was no longer alone, before striding over toward another one of the couches with loud, slapping footsteps, at odds with her usual somewhat mousy countenance.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #12
[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

Daniel pressed the pause icon as he looked behind him when he heard someone clear their throat.  Seeing Lieutenant Stark walking towards one of the couches he nodded at her.  “Lieutenant.”  Daniel said as he nodded to her.  He had assumed that he’d have enough time to compose a letter before one of them had found their way into the aft lounge but it seemed as though he had been mistaken.  He internally shrugged his shoulders, it wasn’t like he needed to finish the letter now, he had a few days before there first scheduled check-in which would be done through a relay station, he could finish his letter later and once they came in range of the relay station.

He took a moment to look the young woman over, now that he took the time to actually look at her he could see how strikingly beautiful she was.  He wondered if she had any sort of significant other waiting for her back on the station or elsewhere.  He knew that only a few species within the Federation actually participated in polygamous marriages.  Although even in the URD there were people who still practiced monogamous marriages, although they were far more rare.  One of her most striking assets was her chest size, that was from his experience typically a general Martian trait.  Within the URD roughly seventy percent of the female population were blessed with large assets, and he knew that the female Mars population in general was like that, men on the other hand were typically tall, typically between six to seven feet, though some men (and rarely women) could be as tall as eight feet, although they were usually far more rare.

“Is this your first Neutral Zone Patrol?”  Daniel asked attempting to strike up some sort of conversation, they were going to be on this trip for three weeks and Daniel, unlike many of the Vanguard Officers that served alongside Starfleet, was more social and enjoyed the company of their allied forces.  That was probably another reason why he had been chosen as the new Vanguard Vice Commander, he knew that a few of those that had been part of the selections process weren’t known to be happy with Starfleet or the Federation for that matter.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #13
[Lt. Natalie Stark | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ]Attn: @Havenborn @SummerDawn 

Starfleet Standard couches were surprisingly comfortable. Say what one would about Starfleet but even in tiny ships like a runabout, they took the time to make sure their officers were comfortable and taken care of. She knew that some other powers in the galaxy (Klingon's came to mind) considered Starfleet officers to be pampered primadonna's. But the brass understood that if you took care of your officers they would perform better. Even those cramped quarters on the tiny Defiant class had comfortable beds, if smaller ones. The bunks might not be her first choice, but she'd be able to sleep on one with little difficulty. The couch here, in the aft compartment of the runabout, was as nice as any she'd sat on in the service. Quality construction indeed, and she appreciated that the ship had been kitted out accordingly. If they were going to spend three weeks in very close quarters, there was no reason they couldn't do so in a well apportioned fashion.'

As she sunk down against the conforming cushions, she felt the other man's gaze when it fell upon her. In the small confines it was impossible to ignore. She wasn't sure if she minded, exactly. She'd felt looks like that before - appraising gazes that swept up and down. Natalie wasn't exactly stupid, even if she wasn't terribly experienced. But she was slightly conflicted over it. After all, she had heard the Major recording a letter home, to what sounded like a loved one. She pursed her lips, carefully not to let herself look at the other Martian. She knew that many of the URD Martians practiced a form of polygamy, not entirely unlike Denobulan relations, though perhaps it was more in line with the Rakhari, or the Bringloidi & Mariposans, given that the latter's practices evolved out of population diversity needs. As she understood things, the population ration in the URD was heavily weighted toward females over males. A sultan and his harem, she supposed. Growing up with rumors about life in the URD compared to the rest of Mars....well, here she was. She supposed she might find out.

"That's correct Major. First Neutral zone patrol, ever, really. Not just since coming to Starbase 84." she gave a bit of a shrug, letting herself look over at him now, her PaDD resting on her thigh. She'd crossed one leg over the other at the knee and leaned back, bracing her hands on her lap. Blue eyes swept up and down swiftly, as she pressed on. "I did a six month tour along the board with the T'Zenkethi however, last year. That was a slightly different situation of course. The whole ship was assigned the patrol route, it wasn't just me and two others in an over sized shuttle craft." Nat followed her words with a gentle smile though, to ease any bite in her voice. "Not that a Miranda-class is all that large these days, mind you, but it is an order of magnitude greater than a runabout." More people, yes, more places to hide. And recreational facilities. The aft lounge here was nice, of course, but it was no holodeck, and even the old refit T'Zahn had sported one of those.

Natalie bit her bottom lip, watching Havenborn after she spoke. There was no denying that he was an attractive man. Even if he wasn't as towering as she might have expected, there did not appear to be an inch of wasted space on him. Superior genetics she thought, and tried hard not to be unkind about it. Knowing that he came from a more militaristic society, she had a suspicions as to the answer to her next question, but asked it all the same. "And you, Major? Is this your first sortie to the Romulan Neutral Zone? Or is this old hat for you?"

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #14
[ Lt. K'Ren | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus @Havenborn
Once the craft had settled down to warp five, and the engines were running smoothly, K'Ren had developed an ear for these engines even if she was a fighter pilot normally, the patrols were a change of pace she enjoyed. Granted, after this tour she was transferring out to another starbase, so in some ways, this final run was to be her last. Satisfied, she transferred the readouts to a padd and made her way back to the aft compartment. She didn't find the runabout nearly as cramped as some officers did, partly because she stood a good half head shorter then a lot of people, but also because strapped into a flight suit, inside a cockpit for hours one learned to appreciate the relative luxury of the runabout. Sure it wasn't as wide open as her quarters on the Starbase, but she could make due for a few more weeks.

Entering the aft of the craft, she saw Havenborn and Stark talking so went over to the replicator. She didn't get anything fancy, a glass of water with ice, just the right thing now that she had a chance to settle down and think about other things. As the glass finished materializing on the tray, she overheard the two officers discussing the patrol they were now officialy on. It seemed Stark was a virgin of sorts, at least as far as these patrols were concerned. She went over to a free seat nearby, setting her padd down alongside her water. She leaned back in her chair a bit, tail gently twitching beside her. "This is my fourth patrol. Change of pace from flying fighters all the time, have time to think, get caught up on messages from family." She smiled a little, "see how my cubs are growing and doing back on Cait. Actually have another message I'm going to read later tonight once I'm off flight duty."

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #15
[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

Daniel listened to Lieutenant Stark explain that this was indeed her first tour of the RNZ.  He nodded along as she explained about the Miranda-class, the URD used Miranda-class designs, called the Peridot-class, as well although they were built by his people rather than by Starfleet, and as such were designed with URD military doctrine in mind.  Daniel was about to answer her question when the doors opened and Lieutenant K’Ren entered.

“This is my first tour of the RNZ in a Runabout, I’ve toured the RNZ and the DMZ as part of Task Force Ironwood, I served on a Peridot-class, what you would call the Miranda-class, for a year while part of Task Force Ironwood.  That was just after I got accepted into the Vanguard, before that I had served on the RSS Malachite Gold for five years as a Gunsmith, part of the Deck Operations division, so I didn’t see much of the patrol during that time period.”  Daniel said.  “Most of our tours during peacetime or non-emergencies see URD Task Forces get assigned to border patrols or convoy escorts.”  Daniel explained.

“So Lieutenant Stark are you married or have a significant other or any children?”  Daniel asked her as K’Ren mentioned having cubs, part of his training had covered Starfleet alien species, Caits had been covered very briefly because their mating rituals were far different than most.  He realized that it was entirely possible for Stark to have children and not be married or have someone special in her life.  “I have three children, two with my second wife, one with my third wife and I’ve been trying for a fourth with my fourth wife Jasmine.”  Daniel said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #16
[Lt. Natalie Stark | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ]Attn: @SummerDawn @Havenborn 

Looking back over her shoulder, Natalie saw K'Ren standing there with a glass of water in hand, making her way toward one of the other seats in the lounge and curling up into it. Pursing her lips a bit, Natalie listened to both of her officers elaborate on their experience in the region. Even if only K'Ren had done this particular loop before in a runabout, both she and Havenborn were RNZ old hats. For the URD man, it made sense. As he noted, their forces tended toward boarder patrol to free up Starfleet vessels for more exploration and scientific related duties. Nat was the new girl on the block in just about every sense; new to the station, new to the region and new to the patrols. Oh well, there wasn't much she could about that. "Most of my service to date has kept me away from the Romulan front, in wartime or peace time. I have done some time inside Cardassian space, in the wake of the war. Relief efforts, mostly."And God what a nightmare that had been. As bad as the war was...all the bodies on Cardassia...

Banishing those thoughts aside, she looked over at K'Ren and cocked up an eyebrow. She had no idea that the other woman was a mother. Cubs implied multiple children, and well, she was a Cait. Natalie presumed that would meant a litter. As a young girl back on Mars, Natalie had owned a cat back in the day that had kittens, so she wondered if the analogy was right or not. Her head whipped around at Havenborn's question about her marital status, and this time both of her eyebrows raced each other to rocket toward her hair line. He followed his question quickly with an explanation of his own situation, and Nat almost started to count on her fingertips in an effort to keep track of the mans wives and offspring.

That answers that question, she noted with a sense of satisfaction that came with sussing out a curiosity.  At the same time, she once again felt herself to be the odd officer out. While she didn't know for sure what the extent of 'family' was for K'Ren, she had children, and so did the other Martin . She wondered how anyone in such a relationship would keep things straight, but she assumed that one did what one must. She shook her head and looked between the two, feeling oddly sheepish. Another example of where the two of them had experience that Natalie lacked, now on the personal front, not just the professional. A wonderful time for her to quietly beat herself up for something that only she thought mattered.

"Ah no, sir. No children. And I'm not married. Haven't had the time for it." Not a lie, exactly. More likely hadn't been looking for it. Or perhaps, hadn't found anyone worth it. She'd not had a long term relationship since joining Starfleet. Partially from a few poor choices and partly from a lack of social awareness. Regardless, it was another stark (Ha!) contrast between herself and the officers she was sharing the patrol with. "You both seem to have left large families behind. I always thought that would be the kind of thing I'd grow to resent if I had to for the service."

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #17
[ Lt. K'Ren | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus @Havenborn
K'Ren listened as Stark explained she wasn't attached to anyone, and had no kids. While she understood that Terrans didn't always want children, the simple expedient fact for Caits that females went into heat twice a year meant that even if a female didn't want cubs, she was most likely going to wind up carrying a b'rrel at some time, so nature decided that the maternal instinct was strong in Caits, strong enough that barren Caits would adopt cubs who'd lost parents and raise them as their own. And then there were situations like K'Ren's where the mother couldn't be there in person for her cubs.

"Caitian family life is a bit different from Terran norms, or Martian norms for that matter. There's a terran expression, 'it takes a village to raise a child,' an expression which sums up raising cubs in Caitian society. Cubs are raised by their parents but when the parents are unable to, family steps in and cares for the cubs. In my case, my cubs are being raised by my mate, but also my mother, and my sister and her mate. When I am able to rejoin my family on Cait, I will take over raising my cubs." She paused, "I miss my cubs Lieutenant, there is no denying that. They are with their father on Cait and not a day goes by I don't think of them, or a week I don't send them a holo. I'm looking forward to being transferred to Cait after this mission is complete, my last patrol before being transferred to the Caitian Defense Forces."

And the truth was she was looking forward to the transfer. Her season was due soon and she was hoping to celebrate her return to her family by surprising her mate, curling up with him for week, leaving the cubs with her sister, and reaffirming their bond by making another litter together. It may seem odd to outsiders, but for her it was as normal as breathing. "My mate and I have three b'rrel, litters, together, five cubs in all, and we're looking forward to having a fourth b'rrel when I am back on Cait. And before you ask why so many, it's our biology. Females have a season, a twice annual period during which we are driven to procreate. We can supress it to some extent with drugs or meditation, but it is something that even drugs can't fully supress long term."

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #18
[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

Daniel nodded as Stark explained that her time in Starfleet had been spent away from the frontlines.  He knew that most Starfleet personnel didn’t enjoy fighting but for Daniel it was what he was trained to do, and while he didn’t revel in the fighting he took pride in the fact that he was a soldier.  Daniel nodded as Stark mentioned that she had no children or a spouse, though when she said she had no time for it he frowned a little, if you didn’t make the time then you’d never have the time he thought to himself.

Hearing K’Ren chime in as well about her family Daniel smiled, while Caits definitely had different mating rituals it seemed like familial care was similar.  “My harem is like that, everyone agrees to be a parent to any child that is born.  My harem also has a very large paramour group, men and women that are attached to the harem but aren’t required to help with childcare.  Although within my paramour group a few of them do help out now and then.”  Daniel explained.  “I too spend time conversing with my wives.  My third wife, Camille, lives with me on the station, she’s one of the URD scientists, although she can get lost in her work a lot.”  Daniel said.  “I typically send letters to my second wife, Rebecca, and we keep each other up to date about what is going on.”  Daniel stated.

“At least for me, it helps that all five of my wives are actively serving members of the URD Military, two of them are stationed on Mars so they take care of our children.”  Daniel said.  “How old are your children?”  Daniel asked K’Ren.  “My eldest, Emerald, is seventeen and was just recently accepted into the Daedalous Academy of Military Science, on her way to becoming a URD military officer.”  Daniel said with pride.  “My other two daughters are fourteen and twelve.  Having a family is definitely worth all the pain and work.”
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #19
[ Lt. K'Ren | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus @Havenborn
"You sound proud of them Major," K'Ren remarked, "My cubs are not nearly so old. Our eldest son is six years old, our second litter, a boy and a girl, are four, and our last litter, two girls, are two years old. Development and age wise, Caits and Terrans tend to develop at the same rate, at least mentally. Physically, cubs are more agile then a comparable terran child." She grinned, "But a lesson in comparative development wasn't what we're discussing."

"I have to agree that my family has been worth the effort. Distance has been hard on my relationship to my mate, but I go home as often as I can." She glanced at Stark, "I don't judge the choices of others in that regards though. Unlike Terrans, Caits are biologically driven towards larger families, society is built around the family and clan, and for females the urge to reproduce and parent is far stronger then other species. And to answer your question about resentment, while I miss cubs something fierce at times, I do not resent having them, nor do I resent Starfleet for keeping me away from them. I knew, we both knew, when I first met my mate that there would be times Starfleet would pull us apart, sometimes months or even years. It is hard, for sure, and that is why I am looking forward to my transfer, I will finally be assigned to a place I can be close to my family, and a transfer to our defense forces means I'm no longer required to serve full time, giving me more time to spend with my cubs."

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #20
[Lt. Natalie Stark | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ]Attn: @Havenborn @SummerDawn 

If nothing else, Natalie was going to gain a healthy dose of insight into other cultures on this patrol, and the irony of that wasn't lost on her. Starfleet and the Federation thrived on people of diverse backgrounds coming together for a common cause. This notion had been hammered into her from grade school on-ward. Nothing new there. She just hadn't expected it to be so prominent in the relatively cramped confines of a runabout on a patrol mission along the Neutral Zone. And the irony was doubled as one of the sources of 'diverse culture' came from her own home planet. She almost laughed at the whole notion, but that would send the wrong kind of signal to the other officers, and if she were going to be living side by side with them for the next three weeks, she didn't want to set off on the wrong foot.

"I've heard that expression before. It was a practice far more common earlier in the history of the human species I think, than it is now, but just because it wasn't my experience doesn't mean its all that uncommon among Terran's. I knew more than one family had multiple generations growing up and living together in the same household, even on Mars. So I suppose that part isn't really all that alien a notion." It was certainly not Natalie's experience though,. She'd only ever met one set of her grandparents, and that hadn't been a pleasing affair. She was not the product of an extended family or village parenting plan, not at all.

It seemed she wasn't entirely off on the notion of missing a family, though K'Ren didn't sound as if she resented this. Nat just wasn't sure if it was a decision she could have made for herself. One of the reasons she hadn't pursued a relationship in any serious way. And so many children! She couldn't imagine raising one, or leaving one with her brother to take care of, for instance, let alone five children! If she were honest, the thought of popping out a brood that size made her loins hurt, and not in the fun way.

"I imagine your family will be happy to have you back then, when this tour is over." An honest and tactful response, or so Natalie thought. "I guess I didn't hide my surprise at the number there as well as I thought I would." Her expression took on a sheepish cast.

The Major's familiar relations were going to take a bit more of an effort to decipher and Nat wasn't wholly sure that she wished to put in the effort. Still, the insight into the URD officers home life was a curiosity to satisfy. All those rumors that the rest of the population of Mars heard growing up, and here she was getting it straight from the horses mouth. An odd and ancient expression, but having seen a horse, she at least had context. Shaking her head a bit, she offered a smile to the other Martian. "I think that's a hazard of the profession, Major. Though I suppose I've been guilty of it a time or two as well. Being lost in my work, that is."

Natalie supposed, at least in the hypothetical, that she could see how having such a wide arrangement of adults would allow for plenty of spouses to raise children, as long as all parties were fine with the situation.  She was surprised at the age of Daniels eldest child. She hadn't expected the man to be that much older than she was, but she realized she actually had no real idea there.  Still, it was impressive all the same and she found she had to re-evaluate her estimation of the man.

"The comparative development aspect is somewhat fascinating however. Just for the record," Natalie interjected with what she hoped was a casual smile and a tone of interest. It was neat to know, even though none of this was really her area of expertise. In any way or fashion. She gave a little shrug of her shoulders, "Starfleet tends to teach us not to judge. Humans as a species aren't the best at it, but I'd like to think its mutual when it comes to respecting others life choices." Glad you don't seem to think less of me for being single, childless and career driven. Not everyone would, she knew. As enlightened as humanity, and by extension, the Federation were, they weren't perfect.

"I'm sure your family is going to be just as happy to see you as you are to see them, once the transfer goes through." That seemed a safe, diplomatic thing to say. See, I can do this whole social interaction thing!

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #21
[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

Daniel nodded as he listened to K’Ren explain her familial situation.  “I am indeed very proud of my girls, although I wouldn’t mind a son I’m already outnumbered as it is.”  Daniel said with a chuckle.  “Although my Emerald has always expressed a desire to serve in the military.”  Daniel added.  While he didn’t know why, he had his thoughts but wasn’t entirely sure of her reason.  His family had a long history with military service, not just with the URD but back on Earth before the family moved to Mars, there were members of the family that served in several ancient Earth militaries.  “I suppose I never really considered that there would be any kind of resentment, military service is more or less expected but as of a couple years ago it’s no longer mandatory in the Republic.”  Daniel said, he remembered when he had graduated primary school, his grades weren’t good enough to get him accepted into one of the prestigious military academies so he had to become an officer the hard way.

“I hope that you find the happiness you seek when you get transferred to your defense forces.  As for me, taking a posting with the URD Home Fleet would be like a retirement, the Home Fleet doesn’t see much action outside of wargames and it’s considered an easy posting.  I wouldn’t mind my daughter being assigned to the Home Fleet if she chooses to serve but it’s not the life for me.”  Daniel stated.  "I understand it's a hazard of the job and I knew what she was like before we married, and while I would never stop her from doing her job I wouldn’t mind it if she paid a little more attention to me every now and then.”  He said with a hint of sadness.  Camille was probably the most brilliant woman he had ever met but with that genius came with it a bit of anti-social practices ones that Daniel and the others had gotten used to.

Daniel nodded his approval when Natalie mentioned the comparative development aspect.  “It is and it’s certainly something I wouldn’t mind discussing later with both of you if you’d be up for it.”  Daniel said.  He had to admire both Lieutenants, they were good looking women and from the sound of it K’Ren was a good mother, a fleeting thought suddenly appeared in his head and he wondered what both of them would be like in the bedroom.  Daniel was always on the lookout to add more women to either the Harem or as a Paramour.  Natalie sounded like she had very little romantic experience, maybe he would test the waters later with her and see if she’d be willing.  He was fairly certain that K’Ren wouldn’t be up for it having a mate back home and all, a shame really because he’d really enjoy having some fun with her as well, he knew that Camille would love to explore K’Ren’s body.

“As for right now would either of you be interested in a game of Regicide?  It’s kind of like chess but with some different rules.”  Daniel asked.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #22
[ Lt. K'Ren | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus @Havenborn
"For as much as I know I'll miss Starfleet, I will be happy to be reunited with my mate and clan." K'Ren remarked to Natalie, "As for serving, the Caitian Defense Force doesn't see much action, but it is a way for me to keep my skills sharp, and if another war was to break out, I'd be assigned to one of the CDF carriers that are attached to Starfleet." That remark was more aimed at Havenborn whom she'd surmised was what some called a 'lifer', one who was married to their career, and while a spouse or spouses) and children was part of it, their career usually came first. For K'Ren, family came first, even if she had to take postings like this. It was her's and her mates first desire that their cubs, children of two worlds even if their father was Cait, be raised with other Caits. Her mother was a Cait, her father little more then a sperm donor in the end, as much as her mother lamented the loss of the man, he'd never really been in their life before his death.

"I'm glad you both aren't offput by that discussion. Humans and Caits share some many similarities, and many differences. As a child of both, I've learned to accept and adapt to both the strengths and shortcomings of my heritage as both human and Cait." She smiled, "We can discuss that at another point, there will be a lot of free time on this patrol." She shook her head when Daniel offered a gam of Regicide. "Perhaps another time, I'm wanting to read this letter from my mate and cubs, been burning a hole in my pocket all day I think is the human expression?"

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #23
[Lt. Natalie Stark | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ]Attn: @Havenborn @SummerDawn 

Despite the diversity of humanity, some things seemed universal. In this instance, Daniel's pride in his children, and at the same time, his desire to see them safe. A posting in the URD 'home fleet' would do just that, and Nat couldn't help but smile softly at the notion. She was sure this really was a universal trait among all parents worth their salt, but then, training and experience had taught her there was always an exception to the rule. But she did have a hard time fathoming that all the same. A moot point in some aspects, as she had neither children of her own, nor any plans to acquire some. 

The concept of home fleets was something of an oddity to Natalie, whom having grown up in the Sol system, did not really have to deal with such a thing. Earths 'home fleet' was made up of active duty Starfleet vessels. And aside from the URD forces, Mars was protected as part of Starfleet's Martian Defense Perimeter. The cradle of humanity did not, for the most part, have its own separated fleets. Then again, Earth was also the capital of the Federation and the headquarters of Starfleet so that might have something to do with it. Other species in the Federation - such as the Andorian's or, clearly the Catian's - maintained their own integral defense fleets. It was another fascinating insight and not something she'd had much experience with to this point. Perhaps this won't be such a boring posting after all.

While she wasn't sure exactly what exactly they might continue to discuss, Natalie wasn't opposed to Daniel's suggestion, and she nodded her head in silent agreement. It was perhaps a good thing that she was not a telepath, because she might have been blindsided by the other man's thoughts. Fleeing the room blushing bright red would not be the best impression to make less than one day into a three week tour. Blissfully unaware of his somewhat accurate impression of her experience, or lack there of, the Ops officer found her head tilted to one side as she contemplated his offer, and K'Ren's comments.

"Well the Vulcans have that saying about 'Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination'." At this point the young woman made quote marks with her fingers. "Seems rather fitting given the conversation at hand. That's part of the appeal of Starfleet right Lieutenant? Strange New worlds and new civilizations? Plenty of those even within the confines of the Federation, let alone out in the black pushing into the frontier." Smiling at the other woman, she turned her attention to Daniel, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

I'm afraid I've never heard of Regicide, Major," she confessed."But as I have no letters to write, and simply boring status report updates to review - that aren't going to change anytime in the next three weeks - I suppose I'm willing to give it a shot. As long as it can be played by two players, I guess."

Re: Adventures of Daniel Havenborn: Episode 01 ‘An Unexpected Romance’

Reply #24
[ MJR Daniel Havenborn | Aft Compartment | USS Thames ] Attn: @Brutus, @SummerDawn 

Daniel looked at K’Ren for a moment with a puzzled expression.  “As I understand it, some Federation worlds are allowed to have System or Planetary Defense Forces, holdout organizations from before they joined the Federation.  “It seems to be a good way to help keep ready trained personnel if a manpower shortage were to ever occur again.”  Daniel said referring to during the manpower shortages that happened during the Dominion War, he still remembered his time during the war, he had just transferred into Special Forces and had been assigned to covert operations.  He remembered the briefings where Starfleet had requisitioned more military personnel from the URD, reservists and even retirees had been called into active duty to help.  It had been then that Daniel had decided that he would serve in active duty for as long as was possible, he knew that the URD maintained an mandatory retirement at the age of seventy-standard although with the genetic and medical advancements he really hoped that would change to a later age.  “Indeed Lieutenant Stark, even my own people have an entire battlegroup assigned to exploration.”  Daniel added.  Granted for the URD a battlegroup was only 20 ships, but that was because the Federation had imposed a limit of a hundred starships that the URD was allowed to maintain during peacetime.  During wartime however that limit was expanded to a thousand.

“Understood Lieutenant, I hope all is well in your letter.”  Daniel said to K’Ren as she declined the game.  Daniel nodded at Stark.  “Regicide is similar to Chess with some added features.  There are two phases, a movement phase and an action phase.  During your movement phase you move a single piece this will typically generate action points for the action phase.  However depending on the piece that you move determines how many action points you get, a Pawn for example generates no action points, a Rook generates one; a Knight, two; a Bishop, three; a Queen, four; and the King generates five.”  Daniel said while getting up and moving to the replicator.  “One Regicide board and accompanying pieces.”  He said as the replicator responded with the familiar sound of materializing the requested item.  Picking it up and turning back towards Stark he continued.  “The action phase then allows you to use any generated action points, for example, if you wanted to castle your King, that would cost you three action points, but unlike a normal castle movement you do not need to move the Bishop, Knight or Queen first, you simple spend your action points and swap the correct pieces around.”  Daniel explained as the set the board down and began setting it up.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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