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Topic: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths (Read 37812 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #150
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

"They're always open for people to come in, but it does shield you off from the main pool area." he informed her as they made their way over to it "I've been in there earlier and there have been very few to no visitors in it." he added for her with a smile as he looked at her over his shoulder. He looked around in the meantime, taking note of who was still in the baths area before the two of them vanished out of sight.

Once inside he had found himself smiling, liking and enjoying the way K'Ren had been purring on their way over to the steam rooms. Once he had disrobed and produced himself a bottle, he popped open the cap. He started drinking, almost downing it in one go before he heard her ask him a question that was one of the written laws of the baths. He turned around and saw her approach his now equally naked frame. "That is true. No ranks and whatever happens here stays here." he smiled at her and took his own time to check her out now "Why do you ask?" he asked, feigning ignorance or innocence while he reached out to her once she had been close enough, reaching out for her to take his hands.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #151
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
K'Ren nodded, so private but not entirely so. Given how open people seemed to be about making out and mating, she supposed that was not something to worry about, nobody would be shocked if they came in on them both in some state of sexual congress. And if the rumors were true, it would never leave this place anyways.

She gave him a sultry glance, taking the hand he offered in her paw. She stepped in close, moving the hand to her waist. She'd have just as happily placed it on her breasts but she didn't want to come across as desperately eager despite the feelings of arousal and need welling up inside her. "I think we both know Thomas. You are a handsome strong male, and I'm a healthy fit female. Mating seems a foregone conclusion given where we are."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #152
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

He watched her intently now, spotting the sultry glance she gave him as she placed her paw in his hand and stepped in closer. K'Ren did make it quite clear what she was after as she placed his hand on her waist. The feeling of fur against his hand a new sensation to Thomas. He smiled faintly as she spelled it out for him and he slowly nodded. His hand moved along her waist to her hips, feeling up her skin and fur in the process.

"I'll admit K'Ren... I have never had the pleasure... Or honor, to be intimate with one of your kind." he said softly. His free hand traveling up along her other fore arm, arm and shoulder before he reached up to push some strands of hair out of her face. He looked into her eyes deeply now. His own arousal starting to form more evidently now as he surely got to a semi erect state. He stepped in closer as well, his manhood brushing against her furry thighs while he leaned in to kiss her full on the lips while keeping her cheek cupped in his hand and pulling her in closer.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #153
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
She wasn't sure if she'd been too forthright with Thomas, some species enjoyed the pursuit of the female as much as the actual conquest. She looked up at him, her ear twitching, her tail nervous, waiting to see what he did. She didn't have long to wait however, as his hand never left her, instead of pulling away, his hand moving to her hips. She purred as he told her he'd never had the pleasure of intimacy with a Cait before, she was okay with this, she was just glad he was willing to make love to her, to mate with her.

Her face leaned into his hand as he stroked her cheek, brushing stray hairs from her face as he looked into her eyes. They both knew what they wanted, and both were willing to give it to the other. She felt his hardening erection press against her thigh, evidence of Thomas' aroused state. Males were so easy to read, their bodies betrayed them every time. She pressed against him as they kissed, his lips touching hers, and she purred into the kiss. Her hand went to his hips, another to his growing arousal, taking it in her paw, lifting it before she pressed her hips against his, the hand now going to his waist. "We're very much like human women," she said softly once the kiss broke, "Or at least I am, being half human."


Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #154
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Whilst Ravon did enjoy a hunt for a female, he wasn't too fussed with willing partners for that matter as well. He could see her ears twitch slightly. His eyes darted to her tail for a second before he focused on the matter at hand. He could feel her press into his frame as they kissed, careful at first yet quickly developing a passion between them as their lips tried one another out. He bit her lower lip once to see how'd she react to it, sucking the lip before letting go. A soft groan escaping his lips whilst her own paws had found his aroused state. She pressed herself full against him now and Thomas found himself grinding his hardening state against her body and his own.

He listened to her as she told him she was very much like human women and he nodded slowly. His eyes piercing hers before he ran his hand from her cheek into her hair and raking through it. He found his thumb brushing against one of her cat like ears, rubbing it gently before continuing to play with her hair. He kissed her again, this time deepening the kiss to see how she'd french kiss and wanting to get a taste of her as he pulled her closer. His both hands now moving over to her hips before reaching over to cup her rear cheeks. He positioned them so that he could lift her up, or give the hint for her to jump up an d straddle him.

When the kiss broke he rested his forehead against hers and whispered "Want to go to a more comfortable spot?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #155
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
She'd been with her share of human males to recognize when Thomas bit her lip, squeezing the delicate flesh between his teeth. She knew this to be a form of human foreplay, but couldn't reciprocate, her teeth were too sharp and would draw blood. But she took it for what it was, purring as Thomas let go of her lip, the soft bruising and slight taste of blood expected, and not unpleasant in her aroused state. She looked into his eyes, passion evident as his hand went to her face, stroking her ear as they kissed, a purr deep in her chest as Thomas caressed her.

She cocked her head as the kiss deepened, opening her lips to let his tongue enter her mouth. Her own tongue, raspy as it was, sought his own tongue, desiring to taste her lover. She felt his hands on her rump, cupping her petite ass cheeks. She didn't recognize the hint about straddling him, letting him lift her so she was closer to his height. When they broke the kiss, K'Ren was breathing a bit heavier then normal, and nodded when Thomas suggested they find somewhere more comfortable. "Let's go to the bench," she said.

Once there, she sat on the bench, purring as Thomas sat down beside her. She placed her paw on his hand. "Before we go any further, you should know that I'm in season Thomas."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #156
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Their eyes met and he could feel the slight rumble emit from down her chest as she purred for him when he had brushed her ear. They kissed further and deeper. It was a slight surprise to feel how raspy her tongue was, yet not an unwelcome one as he toyed around with her tongue before breaking the kiss once more. Whilst she didn't seem to get the hint to jump up, Thomas had to put in a bit more effort to raise the Cait of the floor. Nothing too difficult though as most fighter pilots were in excellent physical shape.

K'Ren suggested the benches and Thomas walked over to the bench besides the one he had used earlier on with Lillee. Setting the Cait down carefully first before he took his seat besides her. His erection evident now as at stood up like a flag post now while he sat there seated. He looked at K'Ren as she placed her paw in his hand and he looked down at it and heard her admit that she was in season. If anything, it did let some bells of recognition go off in the back of his mind as she tried to remember the biology classes he had taken in the Academy. Specifically those of alien species.

He swallowed slightly before he squeezed gently in her paw and looked into her eyes "In season... That means you are fertile right?" he asked her, double checking to be sure that he truly meant what she was saying. His mind wondering if it was a warning of her to tell him to use protection, his eyes darting over to the replicator "Do you want me to use protection? Or..." he paused now, knowing what the other option would entail. He wasn't quite adverse to the notion of it.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #157
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
As she sat there, she watched Thomas, unsure what his reaction would be to the revelation she was in heat. It had to be said, had to be asked, before they got intimate with the other. She was prepared to explain her peoples customs, how she'd not hold him responsible for the offspring of their union. Some men were off put and bailed, some seemed aloof or didn't care, and some seemed to like the idea. Which one was Thomas, she couldn't tell, not until he spoke and they talked could she determine it. In the end, it didn't matter if he rejected her, there were always other willing men out there, but K'Ren preferred to find a man she respected, trusted, and knew would be a good sire. That was the mothering instinct rearing it's head.

She nodded, "It means that yes. I am fertile." She noticed how he glanced at the replicator, no doubt considering if a condom should be replicated. She didn't want that, but would respect his choice, would respect his decision to use protection. But then he asked her, asked her if she wanted him to use protection. "No, Thomas," K'Ren said, slowly shaking her head. "I do not want one to be used. I know that almost certainly means we'll produce a child together, but this is normal for females of my species." She squeezed his hand, "Are you okay with that?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #158
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

K'Ren confirmed that she was in a fertile period right now and Thomas moistened his lips now as he let the train of thought follow in silence. His question about having to use protection was met by a shake of her head and a well vocalized no. She continued to break things down for him as she told him he'd father a child with her if he chose to lay with her. She said it so casually and made it sound so normal, he just kept looking into her eyes as he felt the squeeze in his hand and he smiled again, a bit more nervous now.

"Am I... I..." he tried to formulate a question before he nodded "Just... If I father a child with you. Human standards dictate I'm responsible for it. I'm not sure what the Cait way is. What your people's standards and culture say about it?" he asked her. He could've jumped right in and agreed with it, not caring about her people's traditions and what else. Just knocking her up and seeing what the future would bring. It'd be a rash action to take, an action Thomas would be repulsed of. Alternatively he could have just opted out of this.

He remained seated and didn't heading off like a rocket, nor did he jump into the action like a reckless horny guy would. He squeezed back into K'Rens paw instead. Looking into her eyes and smiling faintly "I mean, I have too much respect for you to just..." he let the words hang in the air, his voice calm, almost soothing as he was serious about it. "Tell me more."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #159
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
That was a common enough question, and that he was asking it only added to K'Ren's opinion of him. He could have easily said yes, knowing that she'd not come after him outside the baths, or assumed her species didn't concern themselves about parental responsibility, but he asked, and she would answer. She would have to gloss over the intricacies, but she'd give him the truth. She gave his hand a soft squeeze. "If I had a mate he would be responsible much like your culture Thomas. But a female in season without a mate, can chose a suitable male to mate with her, and he will not be held legally responsible for the b'rrel, the cubs he sires. He is encouraged to participate in his cubs lives, but the clans do not force him to do so."

Using her lithe flexibility, she moved to kneel on Thomas, straddling his waist, looking into his eyes. Talking about this, and his honorable behavior towards her, not wanting say yes or no without knowing the full picture, as if they were outside the baths, not in them, not taking advantage of her and the rules to enjoy some carnal pleasure, only made her want him more. She could feel his erection pressed up against the soft furry flesh between her legs, the thick shaft she desired inside her pressed up against her. It would take a simple lift, and lower, and she'd have what she wanted, but consent was a cornerstone of Caitian life, and she wasn't about to take it without his permission. "It is your choice Thomas," she said softly.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #160
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff  @Juzzie

While Alana was not typically a down to earth, calm individual, this time at the bathhouse had calmed her spirits. She was still getting acclimated to her new body, especially around a new crew, and that made things a bit more difficult for her at this time. With her female pheromones and hormones pushing her in directions that she normally wouldn't partake if she was of sound mind. But with all the rampant escapades ongoing in the baths, she was starting to feel the effects as well. Despite the male brain, the female body was slowly taking over some of the emotional states and that could be a dangerous prospect for Pierce.

She could tell Rhys was enjoying the massage as well, feeling his hard member bumping into her side as he pressed firmly into her shoulders. Like it or not, this was very relaxing for her. She felt his hands gliding down her bare back, rubbing the contours of her spine and her shoulder blades. Even feeling the occasional slip of his hand and feeling the side of her ribs and by proxy, her breast flesh. Secretly she was a bit scared, but at the same token, she was getting more aroused by the minute as her body relaxed like putty in his hands.

Moans escaped her mouth as she just melted there on the lowered pool chair. She breathed softly with the occasional stirring of heavier breathing depending on her level of arousal. Not wanting to put the man into a position he was uncomfortable, she simply enjoyed where things were and let him make the moves. Oddly enough, these emotions felt more like a Tessa move than they did for Alana. At least that's what she thought to herself.

In what seemed like some time later, despite not being, she heard someone approaching them, and from the sounds of the footsteps, it was a female of some species. Alana couldn't be sure as she was still facedown enjoying the massage.

"Hello," she said politely.

Alana leaned up and saw that it was a Romulan female who she hadn't met yet. "Oh, hello. I'm Alana Pierce, and you are?"

"I was the person who got in your way earlier and lost you your race, I think. I apologize, I should have had more awareness of my is easier in a cockpit than the pool, it seems." She paused, adding, "I am Lillee. Speaking true, I was very impressed by you both. You are wonderful swimmers for humans."

Pierce admired the blonde woman as she was stunningly beautiful. Despite being Romulan, she was still entirely attractive and Pierce whether male or female was enjoying the view, mouth open almost staring before she realized it and closed her mouth again. She tried to recover, "Thank you Lillee. We were just having a friendly competition there since we didn't know what else to do here. Now, I'm enjoying my reward for winning. Don't know what he would have asked for had he won, so thanks I guess."

Lillee reached up to her blonde hair, straightening it out behind her into something a little less untamed. Glancing down at the rather impressive back of the woman as the man massaged her, Lillee gently asked, "May I assist you?"

Alana laid her head back down on the chair and thought about it. "Go for it!" she yelled from under the bench as her voice was muffled from the smashing going on to her back as Rhys continued. "The more the merrier." She said, not knowing Lillee's intentions for coming over here but either way, she was fine with it at this point and wouldn't put up much of a fight.

OOC: Totally cool with the interjection Griff.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #161
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

The Cait laid it out to him what her people's customs were and Thomas nodded as he kept looking at her. He wasn't K'Ren's mate thus he figured he'd fall under the second category. A willing male that was willing to mate the female in heat. Legally it seemed like that in the eyes of the Caitian, he'd not be held responsible for their further care. He let the thought sink in, finding it hard to imagine cubs growing up without a father. He licked his lips as he saw K'Ren move over now, straddling his hips and bringing herself close to him.

His eyes gazed deeply into hers and he slowly nodded "Okay." It was a rather short response. He probably should've thought this over more, spend a night on it. Yet he was required it seemed for a split second decision, the kind of decision he'd be making when behind the stick in his fighter. "Whilst I don't know much about Cait culture, I'm sure you can teach me." he whispered against her lips, eyes never leaving hers. She voiced out that the choice was his, and his erect state was probing between her legs as it was.

He didn't give her any vocal confirmation about what he decided, instead, he figured that actions would speak louder than words. His hands rose up over her legs towards her petite hind. He eased her closer to him, lifting her slightly for him. Slowly he closed in towards her lips, kissing her fully once more. At the same time though he pushed his hips up, channeling his erection towards her heated nether lips. Slowly and with the utmost care did he push himself inside of her, only moving himself about halfway in before he pulled her closer against him. Their mating call seemingly coming to a start with the action of the pilot. He let out a stifled moan into the kiss as he felt the insides of the Cait's channel press against his human shaft.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #162
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
K'Ren didn't need a verbal answer to know Thomas' decision. Their lips not parting as they kissed, his hands went to her hips, urging her hips upward. She lifted herself up, she could feel the tip slide down between her legs, tracing a path along her nether lips, moving towards the warm damp place they both knew it belonged. She felt the slight shift in his hips, the head sliding the final inch as he found his mark. The head lined up, she could feel it wedged in the entrance, he rocked up, spearing her, and she sank down a little, ensuring that he made entry to her body. Even as he moaned into the kiss, and K'Ren purred, the first moments of their of their union, K'Ren was content. Highly aroused but the part of her that needed to mate and breed was satisfied as their bodies began to merge, his head sinking deeper into her, slowly filling her.

She pulled away from his lips, breaking the kiss, smiling at him, her purr at full throttle. His hands on her hips, she gently traced a finger of her paw along one of his pecs. "I'll take that is a yes Thomas." she said, starting to slowly rock her hips, wanting to work every last inch in that she could. The heat could only be sated by the climax of their union, and the first time between a female in heat and her mate was always a passionate and vigorous affair. "Do not be afraid to let your passion rule," she said, "Mating in heat is always a vigorous and tiring affair, pleasurable, but tiring."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #163
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Holding onto her tightly, Thomas inhaled sharply through his nose whilst his hips kept rolling upwards. He slowly but surely worked his girth deeper into her. The way K'Ren moved back against him was only making the whole sensation feel better. They were both willing, perhaps she had been a bit more eager and inclined to meet that need. Thomas could feel her break the kiss ever so slowly. Her purr only making the whole sensation more erotic for Thomas. He could feel her stretch slightly around his member as he sank in deeper until he felt her fur rest against his hips.

He was fully submerged inside of her now and he matched K'Ren's movements while they consumed their union. He had to smile as her paw traced a finger over him. He simply nodded to her words, he heeded her other words. Hearing he didn't have to hold back on her. He licked his lips and his grip on her hips grew tighter. He seemed to be taking slightly more control now. Each time she would roll down onto his frame, he would use his hands to pull down just that bit further. His hips would buck up harder right in that moment. His cock twitched lightly inside her, every vein and bump grazing against her slick warm walls. His eyes fluttered shut slightly for a second, his hips picking up in speed now as he bucked more into her.

"Lay down with me on the bench." He groaned into her ear. Wanting to be more in control, wanting to be able to truly slam his manhood inside of her.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #164
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
The way Thomas' erection filled her, probing the depths of her core, K'Ren's purrs became soft moans. Her tail twitched behind her, excitement and pleasure giving it a mind of it's own, while her ears remained perked up. She arched her back as they rocked together, hips moving in a sinuous rhythm, the give & take of partners making love. She could feel him inside, thick, firm, the large bulbous head scraping along with each thrust in a way no Caitian male could match. Cait males weren't nearly as thick, and had spines which while not uncomfortable, did not caress her inside the same way Thomas did.

She heard him say they should lay down on the bench together, and had she been in bed with him, enjoying a casual evening of making love, she'd have gladly lay down on her back, spreading her legs for her lover, letting him take her as they gazed into each other's eyes, and perhaps later they might, but now, now K'Ren needed a powerful male to breed her, take her body and claim it as his, make her 'his' female, the vessel for his offspring. K'Ren ran her finger along the line of his cheek as she leaned in close, almost whispering as she spoke in his ear. "Caitian males do not merely lay with a female in season. They take her, make her theirs, claim their female." She nuzzled his ear, whiskers tickling his skin, "I'm going to kneel on this bench, and you are going to, what is it terrans say? Fuck my brains out."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #165
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Whilst his suggestion was meant for intimacy and exploring just how K'Ren would feel against his whole body, the Cait informed him that it would not be the general thing to do when a female were in heat. Ravon cocked an eyebrow yet quickly seemed to understand what she was after. She wanted to be taken hard and as she colorfully phrased it... Get her brains fucked out. The way her whikers tingled against his cheek made him want to scratch instinctively, yet he fought back against it and simply pressed his cheek into her face when she whispered into his ear. The pilot couldn't help but smirk at the wording though nodded nevertheless as he gave her one last buck before slipping his hands off her. He allowed K'Ren to get off him, parting his lips and groaning as he felt every inch of his cock slipping off her before he broke free.

He panted heavy and watched her take her position on her knees. He was granted a perfect view of her pink slit as it was soaked by the earlier intrusion of his manhood. His eyes followed the movements of her tail, getting somewhat distracted by it. It didn't stop him however from doing what he was destined to do. He positioned himself behind K'Ren and felt up her ass cheeks again, spreading them before giving them a subtle yet firm tap. Once positioned to his liking he lined himself up again. Teasing the Cait (as it was stronger than himself) by rolling his bulbous head through her lips. Without further warning though, he lunged himself inside of her now.

His jaws clenched together now as it felt like he was going deeper than before. One hand remained on the hip of K'Ren while the other reached forward to hold her by the back of her neck. Pushing her face lower to the bench as his hips slammed into her now. He could feel his thick girth being massaged by her walls each time he pushed himself back inside of her. Over and over again did he pull back, nearly vacating the Cait entirely before he slammed himself back in. Each time just with a bit more force than the time before, every next buck also coming in faster than the one before. He could feel something nudge against his tip the more he kept bottoming himself out inside her warm inviting sex. He wasn't sure what it was exactly and he did feel curious about it. Each slam aimed to feel that soft tissue against the tip of his cock over and over again.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #166
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
K'Ren crawled off Daniel, standing, looking down at him, purring. She knew exactly what position she wanted, wanted to be mated in, and it didn't take long for her to move to the free spot on the bench, climbing up onto it, her tail flicked to one side, her legs slightly spread, bum arched up in the air for Thomas. She was, for all intents, presenting herself and a female feline might before a willing tom, and K'Ren knew she'd get what she wanted, Thomas seemed eager to enjoy her carnal pleasures while they made cubs together. She didn't have long to wait before Thomas came up behind her, kneeling, his erect member bobbing a little She felt his hands cup her ass cheeks again, spreading them a little before giving them a playful slap. She looked back over her shoulder as he moved up, pressing himself against her, but only teasing her as he ran the head along her cleft.

She was thinking, wondering if he was going to tease her, make her beg for him, and in that moment of distraction, he lunged forward, spearing her, driving deep into her. K'Ren mew'd a little, the unexpected thrust the slightest bit uncomfortable. But soon, as her body registered him deep inside, she relaxed and her mew became a purr again. The way he started to breed her, good hard thrusts, holding the fur of her mane, was close enough to how a Cait male might. As he kept it up, she moaned louder, rocking her hips back as he drove into her. She could feel him kiss her cervix with each thrust, the bumps softening her body up for the final act of breeding.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #167
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Hearing K'Ren mew in such a way had been something new. Heh ad heard her purr, both in the cockpit through comms as now in a more intimate setting. The pilot kept holding her in place as he worked her body with his. He could feel her body tense up at the rougher intrusion he had made with her. He had understood her words as if she had wanted a rougher mating call, that it was the Cait way. He felt a bit of worry boil up, though fade once more when he felt her body relax in his hold, her purring returning once more. Her moan turned louder and louder as he kept driving himself into her.

Her own hips rocking back eagerly into his bucks, he still probed his tip against her cervix, still unaware that he was actually at the doorstep of her womb. The sound of his hips slamming into her fur and hind caused a smacking sort of sound, a sound that soon enough could be heard to the both of them. The hand holding the fur of her main tightened up, making sure to get a good handful of her in his grasp and thus maintaining a sort of dominant grasp over her. His moans grew louder whilst his hips picked up the pace, pounding hungrily into her. His cock now putting more pressure into the her final barrier that kept him from breaching into her womb. The soft obstruction causing for a great amount of friction for Thomas, slowly but surely edging him closer to a climax.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #168
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
She was being bred, there was no question of that, and as Thomas pounded into her, each thrust battering away at her inner gates, the last barrier before her fertile womb, K'Ren felt the barrier soften, but also her body's response to his scent. For Cait's the sex in heat was not just about breeding, but for her species a bond of sorts formed, an addiction to the other's pheromones that would drive them both to need the other in this season, the urge to mate again and again strong, strong enough that a female in heat would be given time off work, as concentrating on anything else became impossible. She knew Thomas wouldn't feel this, Terrans didn't have the same deep reactions to scent and pheromones that Cait's did, they were less driven by them.

As he kept up the pace, K'Ren arched her back more, moaning and purring as she made love to this man. She could feel the last barrier soften, knew it would not be long before he breached the barrier, the climax of their union. Between moans she called out his name, panting as he drove her closer and closer to orgasm, to the release she so desperately craved. She knew it would be temporary, she'd need release again, the heat was only sated for a time by sex, only in a week after repeated breeding, would the need be fully met and her body return to normal.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #169
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Thomas had developed quite a sweat, the sauna only making him sweat more than usual. Some of the drops of sweat landed on K'Rens fur, more so when his hips smacked into her body hard. His groans louder with each smack as he felt the pressure building in his body. His hand clenched into a fist against her neck as his eyes kept looking at her furry back. Mouth slightly agape and inhaling through his mouth as much as he was inhaling through his nose, he breathed loud.

She moaned out his name, purred and arched her back, all things that only increased the lust growing inside of the man that was breeding her. The desperate need to be bred by her being fulfilled by the willing pilot. His eyes drift shut slowly, his body just giving in to the pleasure. He tilted her slightly further onto the bench by her neck, allowing just that slight more depth and angle for him to thrust into her. It was in that moment that he thrusted himself into her deeply, the tip of his swollen cock now pushing through that final gate. Thomas let out a loud cry as he felt the tip slip in, as if he had penetrated her again. He stiffened up as he bucked harder into her, pulling back less yet trying to go in deeper. He wasn't able to hold out back any longer now his head falling back as he groaned out loud "Ngh! Fuck!! K'Rennnn!!! I'm cu--" his sentence never finished as he felt his cock pulse, throbbing along her tight warm walls before the tip erupted and unleashed his thick, potent and warm seed right into her womb.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #170
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
K'Ren was close, her body ready to accept his seed. The way Thomas har fucking her, his hand holding firmly to the base of her mane, his other hand on her hips as he did as she'd asked, mercilesly pounding himself into her body. This was what she needed, what her body needed as she responded deep inside. She heard him cry out, felt the final thrust inside, punching past that final barrier between them. She moaned out loud, her back arching a different way as he entered her innermost part.

Her body responded, that final penetration sending her into an orgasm. Kneeling like this meant, that as she fell headlong into the orgasm, that she could not harm him as her claws dug into the wood of the bench. "Thomas!" she cried out moments after him, as the first  pulse, the thickest and most potent of his seed rippled down the length of his shaft and painted the walls of K'Ren's womb. In that moment her cervix, the gatekeeper of her womb, clamped down around Thomas, ensuring he could not pull away until the deed was complete, until both of them had climaxed.

And deep inside, her body responded, Cait's were stimulated ovulators and needed orgams, needed the male's penetration to complete the act of procreation, of producing cubs in the female. The biological reasons were both subtle and complex, but as K'Ren yowled out in pleasure, her body did what nature intended, releasing a pair of eggs that would with a little luck, in time find his seed, and new life would form inside her.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #171
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

This particular orgasm would be one Thomas would remember. As he had planted his girth into the sacred place of K'Ren's womb, he felt her cervix clamp down on his cock. He was used to slowly pulling back after his first rope was shot, only to buck in again. Right now though, he found that when he tried to pull back he felt, stuck. He groaned as it caused for a specific feeling inside the warm Cait and he held onto her now as he tried bucking deeper again.

In turn the female pilot cried out his name as her own orgasm had hit only moments after his. Only now did it register with Thomas and he laid himself slightly more onto her, putting more of his weight on her. It also caused for his warm wet body to press against her back and her fur. His hips didn't stop moving, just bucking needy as he couldn't pull back. His cock being milked for what it was worth. His semen trapped into her womb.

"Fuck K'Ren... This... It feels so different..." he whispers to her and lets his hand from her hip roll over her fur, along the side before tracing along the side of her breast.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #172
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
While she wouldn't go so far as to say the sex was mind blowing, the first mating of her season always felt powerful, primal, better then outside her heat. Perhaps that was by nature, a way to ensure the female bonded with the male, but whatever the reason it felt good. And as Thomas kept thrusting, tied to her deep inside, her insides gently spasmed, milking him, ensuring that every last bit she could get was deposited deep inside, a fertile minefield.

As he pressed into her, pinning her down, holding her in place, she was panting a little, her heart pounding in her chest as she began to come down from the climax of their lovemaking. "Mating in heat is always so much more raw, primal Thomas." She could feel him still inside her, tied for at least another few minutes. "It is unlike human mating." She could feel him massage her flanks, which felt good, her partner caressing and pampering her a little after. "And it lasts a week, the season."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #173
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Ravon kept laying against K'ren, body relaxing slightly while he was left little choice to remain inside of her. He kept panting and nuzzled his face against her back, smelling her pheromones and scent now, be it in a much lesser degree than how other Caits would smell her. He found her tail against his arm and one hand reached down to trace it and stroke it along with the way her hairs on it flowed. His hips eventually came to a stop as he tried to look down at what was going on.

His attention drawn back to her when she explained how mating was different from the usual. "Quite different than what I'm used to indeed." he answered her truthfully. He continued to trace along the side of her breast with the hand that wasn't toying with her tail and he tried to get a bit higher as he planted a few kisses down her neck and whispered softly "This means... You'll be coming back all week for me to mate?" he asked her, trying to paint himself a picture of what he had to expect. He wondered how he'd be able to get it all organized before he asked her further, curiously "Also, what happens after that week?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #174
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
K'Ren purred as they shared the Cait equivalent of a post-coital cuddle, forced on them by the tie. "But certainly pleasurable." And it certainly was that, as he stroked her breast and tail, making her purr all the more loudly, the relaxing bliss settling in. "It means that I will desire to mate with you often throughout the week yes. Most females need to mate two, sometimes three, times a day while in season. It is partly why pregnancy is a foregone conclusion."

She didn't say much after that for almost a minute, letting the amount of sex she'd want sink in, that this would go on beyond the confines of the baths. "After the week, well, sometimes the mating pair affirm the bond and take each other as mates. Sometime they do not. There is no stigma either way."

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