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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #125
numbers 5 and 15 were MIA If we switched Hannah to 15 on the chart and 4 to being the KIA then that woudl work with the structure of 03 and 04 being point and wing of the same element. In that case 4 and 5 would be KIA and MIA and Hannah would be 15 instead of 4.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #126
No changing of Hannah's number since its established already in the story. Here is the updated chart with Reynolds added:

Squadron Organisational Chart
Wolf-01 | Callsign: Iceman    
Lt.Cmdr. Jaru Rel
(in stasis)

Wolf-02 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-03 | Callsign: Kestrel   
Ens. Skye Carver

Wolf-04 | Callsign: Nightmare 
Ens. Hannah Slaverton

Wolf-05 | Callsign: Jaws      
Lt. Josh Reynolds (KIA, no Valk)

Wolf-06 | Callsign: Hardtop   
Lt.JG Khorin Douglas

Wolf-07 | Callsign: Ranger    
Lt. Evelyn Rawley (Valk. dmg)

Wolf-08 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-09 | Callsign: Maverick  
Lt.JG Nathaniel Isley

Wolf-10 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-11 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-12 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-13 | Callsign: Iron Fox  
Lt. Miles Renard
(Valk. DIA)

Wolf-14 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-15 | Callsign: --------  
Valk. and Wolf MIA

Wolf-16 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Hence, on the patrol that Lt. Josh Reynolds was killed and Skye went missing, the second element in Flight 1 and first element of Flight 2 was deployed. The bond between the two characters arose because this was a common rotation set by the former SCO. I think that works best for sake of contingency.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #128
As has been mentioned, I have a new character and would like to see if anyone has any thoughts about interacting with him.  For the moment, he's hidden away, but he'll have to emerge soon and it would work nicely if someone were to find him when he does.  I thought to use Lucan's Esther character, but do not wish to overburden him and would appreciate someone else stepping up.  If nothing else, he could probably use a checkup and, if Esther did find him, would probably be required to go to Medical, which would provide Amikris with something to do.

@Kittykat- Nicole and Esther are definitely acquainted with each other, given Nicole would be her boss.  I'm not against them being friends (or more :) ), but nothing has been discussed as far as that goes, just yet.  At the moment, though, I would say they have been around each other long enough to know a great deal about each other.  It would appeal to Nicole to take Esther under her wing and mentor her.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #129
Hey Taq!  Depending on the timing, Skye could actually be going into the hold to see if there's anything needed for the Valkyries or really any kind of supplies that might be stored there.  If she spotted the gymnastics equipment, she'd likely start using them in a moment of horseplay.  She was never good enough to compete past regional level but she wasn't too bad either.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #130
I hadn't actually fit in where and when he was discovered, though he would likely be in an uninhabited part of the ship, something not too damaged, but maybe a section not often used while the ship's all in one piece.  If she comes in, he'll probably find a place to hide until she leaves, though if she's searching for useful stuff, she may come across his stash of food (or him), and wonder who or why the area has been in use recently.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #131
Well the whole point is to find him!  *laughing*  What sort of things had you envisioned in that holding area?  She would certainly be looking for useful things and go there thinking no one else has probably looked there so there might be a gold mine of parts or something.  Gimme a little direction and my snooper will say "BOO!"  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #132
We'll go with Deck 11, a small unnumbered cargo area.  Deck 11 has cargo holds 9 through 12, and, I would imagine, has smaller cargo rooms that aren't quite big enough to be called holds.  There would be several pieces of equipment in the room, a long unpadded beam, ropes with rings hanging from the ceiling, a pair of elevated steel bars, one about 4 feet taller than the other.  In other circumstances, they would likely be taken for what they are, but in the middle of a cargo area, it'll be interesting to see what she makes of them.  As for the other equipment in the room... I'm really not sure what else there would be.  Maybe pieces of transparent aluminum for the fighter's cockpits stacked against one wall?  He would likely have been given a sleeping bag/blanket and a pillow, but little else, so she might find his sleeping stuff rolled up in a corner out of the way.  I imagine there'd be a small cabinet for him to store his rations in which would be almost empty aside from empty bags, and a 5-gallon bottle of water, as well, mostly empty as well.  He might also have had a single pad, something to read books from.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #133
Sounds good to me.  You want to start the intro or shall I?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #134
Perhaps I should start, being the new character and all.  Is there a particular thread that would make sense, IC time wise?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #135
Let's see ... was it a week that the Relativity was taking care of the crew and plants?  I'm guessing Miles was taken out of the transporter buffer sometime in that timeframe.  Then there was some time before Skye, Lucan, and Kae went to Nimbus III.  Hmmm ... maybe it's best to just say in the middle of everything.  :P  And lead on MacDuff and I shall follow.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #136
I was more wondering which thread to put the start in.  Specifically, where is Skye during this interlude?  Where is the best place to put him, when and where Skye can find him?  I don't want to put the starting post in a thread where Skye is already doing something else.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #137
EVERYONE LETS GIVE A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE NEWBIE :P Letina Kett...thank you for donating your VERY FIRST POST to this game...its an honor.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #138
Welcome aboard, Letina!  We hope you enjoy your tour of duty with us.  :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #140
Thanks for the welcome everyone! I very much appreciate it. I'm truly excited about this rp. It already has so much depth in both character and storyline that I'm already in love with it. Oh, and fun sex times of course :p I can't wait to play with you all!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #141
Welcome aboard.  I'm sure you will find a rather excitable bunch here, always eager to interact with a new face.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #142
Hi everyone!

Been here and getting back into gear since Monday, with work demanding most of my time. I saw some activity whilst I was gone, but nonetheless I will continue working on the start-up stuff for Episode 02. I reckon some of you are waiting to get a main storyline to work on instead of the free-form role-playing in the Interregnum.

I reckon there are some posts due before Episode 02 starts, and I need the weekend to get some work down on the start-up stuff, so feel free to wrap stuff up before we get going again. I know I owe a post or two as well, so I will get to it as soon as I can.

Great to be back and looking forward to get the show rolling again!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #143
Then i better figure out how to proceed with Nicole and Ester for Adam :P and finish up physicals and such for Amikris  :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #145
I'm still in the process of relocation.  moved in but still need to set up a better internet connection then 1 GB a month on my cell phone.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #146
Been a few days and I am hoping Lucan hasn't been sucked into the deep, dark mysteries of RL.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #148
heh, that's fine. Just glad to hear the main thread will be resuming soon

Added to post 10/26/12 after watching an episode of TNG

I have discovered that there are no Starfleet regulations prohibiting romantic involvement between co-officers. This Is extrapolated from a line in Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode 144, Season 6 episode 19 "Lessons"

The line involves Captain Picard talking to Counselor Troi. which he states that he is aware there are no regulations forbidding a captain and a co-officer under their command from engaging in a romantic relationship.

From this it can be extrapolated that there would not be any regulations forbidding sexual liaisons or romantic relationships between consenting officers as the most possible taboo that could exist would most likely be a relationship between a commanding officer and a lower ranking officer under their direct command. since this instance is not taboo or regulated then it can safely be assumed there are no regulations forbidding such romantic relationships.

The episode in question took place in year 2369 Stardate 46693.1.

Just thought it would be handy that there is a siting that exists that states that canonically, consensual actions between officers is not in any way forbidden however certain consequences including bqases that can develop from said relationships can result in breeches of conduct.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #149
Wanted to say I appreciate all of Lucan's hard work and dedication to this thread and hope he's still wanting to continue, it having been a while since I've seen anything from him.  I know it's a lot of work to be the game master of any game, much less a game like this and would have to think long and hard before I even tried running something like this myself.  So, in an effort to be patient, I hope everything's going good with Lucan and that he'll be back soon.

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