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Topic: Day 12 [0845 hrs.] Moving Up, Moving In, New Opportunities... (Read 2886 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 12 [0845 hrs.] Moving Up, Moving In, New Opportunities...

STARDATE: 57684.2
APRIL 30, 2381
0845 HRS

[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Pierce's Quarters | Department Head Officer’s Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

Change. Change was an ever constant in this universe. Hell, she was proof of that. Nearly 24 hours before, she was contacted by the Captain, promoted to Lt. Commander, and given the duty of Intelligence Department Head. Those two items were not new to her, but the instant field promotion to both was. As well as the perks that came with those changes. Under normal circumstances her change in location would have not happened but with the new title of department head, she got some much improved quarters.

Her items were few having just moved on board the ship and so she paced the halls heading to her new abode. Items sitting in a small box as she navigated the small island she now lived on. In addition to the new quarters, she also moved decks and vectors. Something else she never had to deal with on any previous vessel. Well, the vectors at least. Alana did however feel a bit of excitement and renewed vigor at the positive changes as of late. Granted, receiving these quarters from Fisher were under unfortunate circumstances, but she was happy to receive them with the promotion.

Her old quarters were still quite large compared to her old ones on the Eagle. But still lacked a functionality she preferred. Approaching the new quarters, the door opened before her as she walked inward.

"Lights. 3/4 daylight." She said to the computer system as she placed her small compliment of items on the nearby table. It was certainly more spacious than she had previously. Or at least seemed that way due to how it was laid out. She now had places to position posters, or images on the walls. As well as a working table that was much more comfortable than the one previously in her quarters. Looking around she had more of a table for hanging out, a better spacing of the entry room, as well as just better arrangement.

Taking several steps further she walked into the bedroom area and examined the room. Peering her eyes around the corners as she took in the new setup. Instead of wasted space, she now had a terminal and desk in the room. Good for those late night research moments if she so chose. And of course the sonic shower was available with the newly added bonus of a soaker tub. Now, that was enticing at present.

Pierce took steps back to the main area and began laying her belongings about. Not that she had much. A few classic books, some old earth maps, and some holo-novel tapes. And a hockey stick she'd managed to get from the archives from her former self. It still felt familiar to her on the aluminum base.

"Hmm. Looks like I'm home." She muttered to herself. She was mentally drained. Standing near the bed, she unzipped the uniform jacket and strung it over the desk chair in her room. Taking some steps towards her bedroom, she decided it was time to relax for a while. The door opened and she proceeded to unzip the red duty shirt, and then take off her pants. Standing in front of the bed, she laid down finally. "When was the last time I got some rest?" She stated to herself.

Sleep was before her as she laid there. Sitting back up, she rolled over to the cabinet and pulled a standard t-shirt from it and unfastened her bra. Her breasts dropped and relief hit her back and front as she exhaled in relaxation. "And now we're talking..." She lifted her arms in the air with her shirt and pulled it over her head, and covered her rather large chest as she got it all the way down.

"Computer, play some calming music and set an alarm for 1100 hours. Afterall, I only need a power nap before going back on duty." Alana laid back and yawned loudly as she got comfortable on her bed and closed her eyes. Dreams swept over her...

OOC: Senior Officer Quarters | Departmental Head Quarters

Re: Day 12 [0845 hrs.] Moving Up, Moving In, New Opportunities...

Reply #1
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Pierce's Quarters | Department Head Officer’s Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

Sleep was around her thoughts as she laid sprawled out on the bed. It seemed more comfortable than her previous one but that could have been an illusion. Alana tossed and turned about for an amount of time before she startled awake with a loud snort. She sat up and looked around in the still foreign room before she laid back down, resting her head on her pillow. The sweat dripped off her face, and body as she still had nightmares occasionally from her waking moments on Starbase 82. And weirder dreams yet of events never having taken place but that were terrors she held now as a female officer.

She slapped her face gently to wipe the sleep from her eyes as she tried to focus on the room more. "Computer, what's the time?" She said rather groggily.




Pierce sat up again, her chest still heavy. Something she had gotten used to but could relate to the women on board now. And the sweat under her dangling melons. That was another irritation but it is what it is she thought. Turning her torso she placed her feet on the other side of her bed before she stood up, in a tall standing stretch. Her arms raising her breast into the air higher on her chest, clenching her fists as she stood on her tip-toes and groaned loudly before exhaling.

"Well, since I have the luxury now, might as well test out the soaker bath."

She pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it aside on the floor near the bathroom and took off her bottoms as well. Standing in the buff, she turned on the water and let it run as she used the bathroom. Another oddity she disliked, although more convenient in some other ways. The bath continued to fill as she finished and walked over to the mirror to glance at her face in the mirror. She was beautiful. She knew it inside and out. But it was still odd to see this face, despite that changing with every day she woke up like this, slowly forgetting the past view she had and admiring the here and now.

The tub was full now and she dipped a toe in to test the waters. Realizing the temperature was perfect, she stepped inside it and leaned back, head to the edge and relaxed. The jets pulsated on her back and sides, giving her relief for the pain of the weight she now carried, not to mention her recent excursions and gym adventures. Pierce only wished that she had gotten a drink before coming to relax. The classical music still playing in the background, she let her mind wander some more before closing her eyes again in rest. After all, she still had over 30 minutes before she was needed yet.

Her hand gracefully slid down her shoulders as she rubbed them with the heated water and massaged them, arms crossed over her chest to keep them warm despite the hot water covering them. Then her hands slid down from there over her breasts and down her soft, smooth stomach to her legs. She pondered having some play time but figured that can happen later if she was so inclined, and decided to use the time to just feel the water releasing the pressures of artificial and real gravity on her body.

Re: Day 12 [0845 hrs.] Moving Up, Moving In, New Opportunities...

Reply #2
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Pierce's Quarters | Department Head Officer’s Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

Shortly thereafter, Alana woke up from her secondary alarm clock. She'd drifted off to sleep but felt all the better for it and the soaking bath. Her skin felt soft and smooth again after the water glided down her skin. She drained the tub, standing up and pulling two towels off the rack. One for her hair and the other for her body. Wrapping them around, she headed towards the console and turned off the music before tapping another control for her mail.

A new message came in granting her permission for a therapeutic holo pet. She had thought about it and now had to choose the type she wanted. With so many options available to her, she was unsure what to choose. She remembered that Admiral Archer had a prized beagle on board the NX-01 Enterprise. That piqued her interests. A dog, energetic and loving. Something that would draw close and provide comfort and companionship. She cycled the variations of colors of beagle. Alana deactivated various tabs.

She sat down in her chair, still clothed in the dual towels as she crossed her leg for added warmth in her nether region. "Let's see....hmmm..." Tapping more controls before going voice activated so she could get dressed.

"Computer, activate the following selections for the beagle pet. Miniature, 13 inch tall, purebread, no freckles, red and while fur, energetic, loyal, and female." That last part seemed odd to her but she felt the dog might as well match her to some degree. After all, she was a female, red haired, and well, it'd go well with her. Matching almost. "Activate program."

Pierce stepped out of the towel and placed her underwear on and pulled her pants back up before standing in front of the mirror adding her bra and pullover red tunic. She admired her appearance briefly as the dog program came into fruition before her and barked at her before running up, wagging its tail. It certainly was ready to greet her!

"Oh, aren't you a cute puppy! You can't be more than 2 years old either. Now, what do I call you?" She petted the dog, still not worried about being late for duty. Or the matter she forgot to put on her socks, jacket and duty boots. Gathering her thoughts she looked at the dog as it continued to woof around and run through her quarters entertaining her. "Let's call you, Piper."

The dog woofed again and ran back and forth giving a loud beagle howl before running back to her arms and laying down, showing her belly to Pierce. A smile crept onto her face as she admired the perky nature of the dog. Created from photons and light, and exactly how she wanted for that matter. Thankfully this ship had holo-emitters shipwide and that allowed her to take this dog into the holodeck and follow her as she went. Well, when it happened next anyhow. Best part was that she didn't have to feed it or to worry about it being alone.

Pierce stood up and grabbed her jacket, zipped it back up and then sat on the bed to put her socks and boots on when the dog jumped up there too. Again thankful it was a hologram and not real to prevent the hair from sticking to everything. She leaned over and petted the dog's head as it laid next to her hip, a warmth growing on her leg from the dog's closeness. "Good girl."

Piper seemed pleased as she watched Alana put the rest of her uniform on. "Well girl, I have to head to duty. I'll be back soon." The dog whimpered and whined as she realized likely due to the computer system that Pierce was leaving her. "Don't worry, you won't miss me."

Standing upright, Pierce petted her new friend gently as it closed it's eyes in admiration of her, knowing she'd return soon. "Computer, save and deactivate THP." The dog shimmered out of view and Pierce smiled once more. "Maybe, just maybe, things are turning around for the better."

Hope hung for the first time in the past year with Pierce as she stepped out of her new quarters and to duty. Time did give her a do-over and it was all working out for her all the better this time around.


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