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Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

STARDATE 57563.68
MARCH 13 2381
1115 HRS.

[ Orion Syndicate Thugs | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ]

Exotic Slaves, that was what they had been told to find. The two Syndicate thugs knew this routine well enough. Find someone attractive, stalk them for an hour or so, ensure they were alone, then pounce. They had been discreetly stalking this woman for some time now, Caitian if they weren’t mistaken. A dangerous race, they had a tendency to fight back aggressively, but once subdued, this woman would fetch a high price on the Orion Slave markets. Caitian slaves were very desirable in some sectors, and therefore valuable.

The crowd was thinning out, the woman was heading into a quieter section of the promenade. That was her mistake. The thugs knew this area well, more than one person had mysteriously vanished here...with their assistance of course.

With a shared glance the two men snapped into action, and separated. The first moved up beside the woman, and tapped her shoulder, directing her attention his way, and away from his partner. “Hi there miss, can I interest you in some of my wares. Come, come, my brothers store is just this way, you will not find better jewelry anywhere in the city, come, we can do you a special deal. I know the perfect piece for you.”

As the first thug rambled on, pitching his sale to her, the second darted around the other side of the woman, and slipped a small hypospray out of an inner pocket. As his partner and the woman moved past a small alley, he struck. Quickly he pressed the hypospray to her neck and injected the powerful sedative into her bloodstream. His other hand clamped over her mouth to prevent her from crying out and giving their operation away. With practiced ease the first man grabbed her wrists to prevent her struggling, and together they bundled her into the alley, out of sight.

[ Adisia | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn

1135 HRS.

The bathwater was lovely. Kept at the perfect temperature, and filled with delightful scented oils. Adisia smiled and closed her eyes as she laid back in the water, her black hair fanning out behind her, floating gently. Her operation was progressing well on this planet, and for that she was pleased. It hadn’t been an easy job, oh no, many people had mysteriously vanished, and Adisia had been ever so willing to take their places. She smiled and stretched out in the water, the warmth seeping through her skin and helping her to relax.

Unfortunately she was interrupted a moment later as the door to the private room opened. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up in the water, annoyance plain on her face. She could see one of her hired thugs in the doorway. ”The sign says do not disturb. I knew you were stupid, but I didn’t know you were illiterate.”

“Yes mistress, sorry mistress, uhh...we...umm...we have merchandise for you mistress”

She raised a hand and beckoned them forward ”If this is another half dead Bolian I will shoot one of you.”

“No mistress, a beautiful Caitian woman.” Unceremoniously they dumped their catch on the floor. One of them pulled out a phaser and trained it on the Caitian, while the other produced a hypospray, and injected it into her neck.

Adisia watched as the Caitian began to stir, these illiterate fools had certainly done better than last time. When the Caitian’s eyes opened Adisia leaned forward, smiling kindly at her. ”Hello there, welcome back to the land of the living. Are you alright? My friends here found you in an alley, about to be mugged and murdered...and maybe other unpleasant things too. They brought you to me so that we could help you. What is your name?” Hopefully the merchandise-to-be wouldn’t see through Adisia’s soft lies yet. Acting like a kind saviour and friend had helped many prior acquisitions to run much more smoothly.

Re: SD 57563.68: Market Value

Reply #1
[ K'Ren | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @The Ostrich
She'd been out for a walk along the promenade of Ibai Besi, her first time on solid ground in literally years. It felt good to be on land again and so her defenses were down. It also didn't help she was still adapting to her new body, her more acute senses, sight, smell, hearing, all still mildly overwheleming her. And recovering from surgery, she wasn't as alert when two men approached her. Distracted, she didn't feel the hypospray until it was too late.

When she finally came to, the antidote to the sedative they'd injected in her neck was fast acting, even if some of the effects of the original sedative lasted a while, K'Ren found herself lying on the ground, looking into the face of an Orion woman. Her arms felt weak, the drug still working, making her feel like she'd gone a couple rounds with a Klingon and lost, leaving her unable to rise, at least not with any speed that would benefit her.

The women was attractive, as were most orion women, and K'Ren could smell her pheremones, the orion scent that made the women so dangerous. Even as a female she could feel the effects, she knew how it affected her from growing up in a colony with Orion slave women. The women's soft features and casual deamanor belied what K'Ren knew to be a sharp, calculating, and very dangerous mind, a danger to K'Ren, especially if her thugs were as loyal as most were.

She blinked a little, ears twitching around. "I am okay. I was mugged, that much I know, some drug your thugs used to sedate me, I'm guessing Ambizine, it's the usual drug of choice is it not?" She wasn't about to disclose her name, either her real name or her cover name while planetside.

Re: SD 57563.68: Market Value

Reply #2
[ Adisia | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ]


”Drugs?” Adisia feigned ignorance and horror ”Why, I have no idea what you mean my dear Caitian. My friends, they found you in the alley, scared off a pair of nasty looking fellows, and brought you to me.” Adisia stood and climbed out of the pool, slipping a soft white toweling robe around her body. She approached the Caitian and knelt down before her.

”I like to look out for people around here, my friends and I help to keep this place safe for off worlders who might be in trouble or danger. Are you in danger my dear Caitian?” Adisia placed a hand on her shoulder in a reassuring gesture. ”We’re here to help you. You will find that we can provide you with luxuries that many only dream of.”

It was reasonably clear to Adisia that the Caitian wasn’t going to be convinced easily, it was quite obvious that this woman knew the reputation of her people, perhaps she could work that angle. ”Yes I know I’m Orion, I know the reputation my people have, and I know that many don’t trust us because of that reputation. I promise you my dear, we are here to help you. Is there anybody who knows you are here. On the planet? Family or friends perhaps? Someone who could come and take you back home safely?” Adisia smiled kindly at the Caitian. Hoping that her act would endear her towards the woman, and perhaps that she would let slip some useful information. ”It would be easier to find anybody who knows you if you gave us your name. Mine is Adisia. What’s yours?”


Re: SD 57563.68: Market Value

Reply #3
[ K'Ren | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @The Ostrich
The way this lady feigned ignorance to what her thugs had done, only served to make K'Ren ever more the wary of this women. K'Ren didn't initially answer, she wanted to feel more alert, more balanced before she did anything stupid, and moving into a sitting position would let regain that balance. The women however seemed very sure of herself as she stepped out of the bath, her Orion features clearly on display before she covered herself in a white robe and moved closer to K'Ren. She looked into the Orion women's eyes as she continued to speak, trying to keep a neutral expression as the women lied straight to her face.

"I have little desire for your 'assistance' Mistress Adisia," K'Ren said, her ears pulling back, a bit of teeth exposing as she spoke. "I grew up a P'Roash N'Grin, I know what 'luxuries' and what 'help' the Orions offer those unfortunate enough to cross their path." She placed her paw on Adisia's hand, claws extended, digging into the Orion women's skin. "My sire was murdered by your people because he could not repay your generosity. My mother never recovered from the loss of her life-mate." She growled a little, "You can drop the facade Mistress Adisia. There is no help being offered. You have zero intention of letting me go, except perhaps in a body bag."

P'Roash N'Grin --> Forsaken One(s)

Re: SD 57563.68: Market Value

Reply #4
[ Deacon (Deklyn Kimar) | A Lovely Bistro | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @The Ostrich

Fifteen minutes late.  Deacon did his best to obscure his facial expressions as best he could, fluctuating in equal measure between irritation and worry.  It was the nature of Kzinti males to control their females, to house them and secure them, but that was decidedly not the Federation's way, and Deacon found himself perpetually second guessing the amount of independence he should observe when it came to the females he interacted with and none more-so than K'Ren.

He took a deep breath, waving off the waiter as he came by once more to take Deacon's order, likely convinced that the table for two was some pretense to obscure a meal for one.  The waiter was nothing if not persistent.  Annoyingly so.  It was a practice he made note not to replicate in his own establishment.  Still, it was unlikely he could maintain his seat for long without ordering and his appetite was nothing in comparison to the thoughts that seemed to echo about his mind.  In his youth, he would've welcomed such opportunities to let his mind wander, but now, he found the footsteps of his thoughts too often turned down a dark path.  He had taken to attempting to distract himself with items or activities in the hope of keeping focused on more positive ends.

In some small part, that was the point of their visit to the planet.  While Deacon could do without the lying about his identity and the infernal dress he was expected to wear while planetside in an effort to blend in, they were inconveniences mandated by the Captain to safeguard the security of the ship and its crew, and he took that responsibility to heart.  They were his pride and the captain his Patriarch, and his own personal discomfort was a small price to pay.  Still, K'Ren had suggested some shopping and some time off the ship that didn't involve aliens surgically rearranging their genetic structure.  He had to admit, he did enjoy the exposure to natural sunlight.  It was something he sorely missed since leaving Homeworld and the dress did a reasonable job drawing in the warmth.  Still, it was an example of monkey modesty taken to an impractical extreme.

K'Ren said that she wanted to do some personal shopping, maybe acquire some unique knick knacks for their quarters that would, in some small way, obscure the Starfleet "sameness" that would often set Deacon on edge, forcing him back to Below Decks for some semblance of comfort.  For his own part, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to improve the food supplies, reasoning that fresh food invariably beat replicated ingredients hands down.  He'd managed to secure a heart assortment of vegetables and meat that he had coordinated for delivery to the pre-designated warehouse where it would be later discreetly beamed aboard.  It was one of those activities that allowed him to focus, to give him some truth behind the fabricated identity.

But now that was done and he sat chewing idly on one of the fingertips of his gloves-- another necessity to obscure his regrown claws.  He sighed.  Fifteen more minutes... then he would worry...

Re: SD 57563.68: Market Value

Reply #5
[ Adisia | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @steelphoenix @SummerDawn


”Ow” Her voice was calm, devoid of emotion as Adisia looked at the claws sunk into the back of her hand. It didn’t really hurt, but it was irritating enough to notice and deal with. Once the Caitian had stopped speaking, Adisia reached forward and took hold of her wrist, pulling her hand away and the claws out of her hand. Blood started to well up in the small holes left by the claws.

She sighed to herself. Clearly this Caitian was smarter than most, and was not taking her story. That was alright, it had been some time since Adisia had encountered strong willed merchandise. ”I have no intention of sending you away in a body bag, the market prefers its Caitians to still be alive. However, the market does not require Caitians to still have their claws. If you ever use them on me or one of my men again, I will have my doctor remove them from your hands. Is that clear?”

She stood and accepted a cloth from one of her men to wrap around her bleeding hand. The Caitian’s unwillingness to give information was an annoyance, but nothing major. She had ways and means of extracting that which she wished to know. She didn’t want to use them, as that would damage the merchandise, and thus lower her value. ”My dear Caitian, you still haven’t answered my questions. What is your name? And is anyone likely to be looking for you? I would rather not torture you for this information as that will decrease your value, but if need be I will. Your defiance and spirit are admirable, very few continue to exhibit those qualities once they realize the true situation here...I shall enjoy ridding you of them.”

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #6
[ K'Ren | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @The Ostrich
K'Ren looked up into Adisia's eyes defiantly as the women pulled K'Ren's paw off her hand. "If I ever use my claws again on you Mistress Adisia, it will be around your throat while I choke the life out of you." K'Ren growled back, "I am not merchandise to be sold and bartered no matter what you think. My mate will come for me, and when he does, he will bring friends, friends who wouldn't mind repaying some old debts." She paused, "As for my name, that is for friends, not those who would kidnap me to sell as an exotic sex toy. That is what Caitian females typically go on the market for."

K'Ren knew her words were threatening the women, who right now held all the cards. But when Deacon discovered she was missing and kidnapped, K'Ren knew he'd move heaven and hell to find her, and when Deacon found her here, she knew there would be blood on the ground, he'd ensure the women and her thugs paid for this. She looked at the guards, sizing them up in case she had to fight, or at least make a break for it. She looked back to Adisia, "You'll have to torture me mistress. I have no desire to give you anything, I was born a bastard cub on an unknown world. I'll leave life as anonymously as I came into it."

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #7
[ Deacon (Deklyn Kimar) | A Lovely Bistro | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @The Ostrich

Deacon sighed heavily.  He had given patience a dutiful effort and remained unrewarded.  The waiter had more or less insisted that he needed to clear the table for other patrons even though it was more than apparent that ample seating remained for other customers to dine.  Still, he couldn't justify lingering to the point of loitering.  It was hardly the most effective manner by which to keep a low profile.  He gave a mumbled apology to the waiter, providing him with a slight gratuity for indulging Deacon's wait for so long.  He didn't feel it appropriate that they should both walk away from the encounter fruitless.

With little option left to him, he had taken to the streets in an effort to retrace her path in the hopes that he might encounter her in the midst of some negotiation or distraction.  It was his hope, at least, but one that ultimately proved as valuable as his prolonged wait at the restaurant.  He paused by a few stalls that he figured might have attracted K'Ren's attention in her shopping and while he did find one or two things of personal interest, his wife was not among them and his sense of priority would brook no interruption.

"I'm looking for an associate... a Caitian female," he inquired from several of the shopkeepers and while one or two remembered her stopping by earlier in the day, none had seen her for some time.

Deacon's concern deepened and with his ability to perceive the emotional spectrum all but eliminated as a result of the genetic tampering he'd suffered at the hands of the Savi days prior, he felt half blind in his ability to discern truth from lie.  Even his sense of smell, fortunately more or less intact despite circumstances, was of little use here amidst so much foreign traffic.  He would turn down a side street only to catch the barest fragrance of her passing as it was just as quickly overwhelmed by the aroma of a passing worker or the marked perfume of a native female similarly occupied with her shopping.

Finally, his patience taxed beyond its limits, he opted to step aside from the crowed and drew the camouflaged communicator to his mouth, eyes darting about to ensure his privacy.

"Deacon to Theurgy.  I am unable to locate Ensign K'Ren.  Is she still planetside?  Can you track?"

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #8
[ Adisia | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ]


The Caitian had slipped. She had a mate, and judging from her words, he was close. She turned to her thugs, tone all business. ”The Caitian has a mate. You! Find him. Capture him if you can, kill him if you can’t.” She ordered one of them. ”You stay with me.” With a cold smile she turned back to K’Ren ”I do like you defiance little Caitian. I’m sure my men will enjoy beating it out of you. As for your most kind offer of torturing you for information...I accept.”

The look in her eyes was a dangerous one. Glee at the prospect of what was to come, of what was to be inflicted upon the defiant Caitian. She reached down and grabbed a fistful of the Caitian’s hair, jerking her up and forward. ”Don’t even think about trying to resist me, my Caitian.” She hissed as she dragged her from the room and down a corridor ”Every defiance will be punished, obedience will be rewarded. Do as you are bade and you will be cared for. Fail, and pain will await you. That is your life now.”

She pushed open a new door, revealing a flight of stairs which she pulled the Caitian down. At the base of the stairs was a cliché scene. There was a table in the middle of the room, with metal cuffs intended for a victim’s wrists and ankles. Decorating the walls of the room were a variety of implements, both high and low tech, all designed to extract information from unwilling subjects. Adisia pushed K’Ren roughly toward the table. ”Prepare her” Her tone was cold and business-like as she ordered the remaining thug to lock K’Ren to the table. ”Do not think me unkind my dear Caitian. I will give you one last chance to tell me what I want to know before I teach you a new definition for pain.”

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #9
[ K'Ren | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @The Ostrich @steelphoenix
Her words to find Deacon did cause K'Ren pause. Before he'd been changed back to human, she'd have had no concerns for his health, he had the build to mop the floor with the thug, and take his ears as trophies. But human, he wasn't as strong or as agile. He still had his wits and his smarts, that much hadn't changed, and he'd most likely be fine, come in claws extended, ready to kill whatever was in the room.

K'Ren hissed when Adisia lifted her by her mane, forcing her down the hall. The drugs were still wearing off and while she was begining to feel normal, she knew her reflexes weren't up to par. She considered using her claws on the women, but that would earn her some form punishment, most likely a punch to the ribs, and she knew she'd need her strength to resist the women's tortures.

Of course she wasn't prepared for the scene that awaited her when Adisia pushed her into a room, forcing her down a flight of stairs into a back room, probably shielded, and no sensors to divulge her activities. She didn't know what they were all for, but she suspected each one was designed to cause specific pain for specific species. "You might as well have your fill Mistress, because I won't talk. And damaged goods are worth less on the market." She snarled.  She hissed at the thug who roughly grabbed her hand, forcing it into one of the restraints as he used his strength and size advantage to force her other limbs into the restraints.

"Take your last chance and shove it Mistress." K'Ren said.

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #10
[ Deacon (Deklyn Kimar) | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @The Ostrich

Divine Delights Bathhouse.  There was no way to disguise what such a thing might be, his own foreign perspective aside.  He knew his wife well enough to know that no legitimate business would bring her to such an establishment, at least not without a great deal of introspection and, he had to hope, a bit of discussion with him.  And given their plans for the day, even unannounced and willful, this was unlike her

Were this any other planet under any other circumstances, he would readily storm the establishment, claws raking and fangs tearing.  His own personal well-being was of little concern.  It was hard to say whether he was more outraged for the pain this caused K'Ren or for the primal insult this bore to him, taking what was his and threatening to debase her in such a way.  It took him several long moments to unclench his fists, dismissing the desire to rip through the gloves that obscured one of his few remaining Kzinti features.  He reminded himself time and again of the duty he owed to the crew and to the captain.

This did not, however, mean that he would turn a blind eye to such insult.  It merely meant his retribution need take another form, and as a Black Priest, he was not averse to enforcing his vengeance through the hands of others.

Quickly, he assessed the local crowd, readily glossing over the ever present Aldeans as unlikely to be of significant use.  No, he needed an authority figure, one whom he could culturally appreciate given the similarities in nature to his own.  And there, across the shopping stalls, looking as bored and disinterested in the innocuous comings and goings of those around him as Deacon as enraged by the predicament before, stood a single Klingon dressed in customary uniform.

With a nod of appreciation to his fortune, Deacon moved to intercept...

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #11
[Adisia  Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime  ] Attn: @SummerDawn @steelphoenix

She certainly was a defiant little cat, Adisia would give her that. The true shame was that she knew a specific client that would have taken the girl as is and broke her in himself, nasty man. Unfortunately he was too far away to summon to Aldea and the Caitian was too defiant to risk shipping off, so broken she would have to be.

Chuckling at the Caitian's words, Adisia made her way over to a table "Well somebody knows a few things about the market, don't they?" she said "You are of correct, damaged goods do fetch less but I know a few people who don't mind their slaves being a little banged up, especially considering what they tend to do with them." she added as she opened a draw, the sounds of various things being picked out and placed on the table top echoed around the room as the Orion continued rummaging.

"Do you know what I find most amusing though?" she asked as she retrieved two more things from the draw, closing it and making her way back over to the table where the girl was bound too. "Is that you're under the impression I don't have things that can hurt you without leaving a mark, which I do." She smirked before holding up a hypospray, shaking it over the Caitian's head.

"I'm told that this makes your nerves feel like they're burning in the fires of a thousand suns with no end to the pain insight. What I particularly like is that the person who came up with this little concoction also laced them with nanoprobes that prevent the subject from losing consciousness due to the pain, amazing isn't it?" she said before pressing the hypospray into the neck of her thug.

Almost immediately the thug let out a blood curdling scream and collapsed to the floor, his entire body shaking in pain as his screams echoed around the room in an almost constant wail. Adisia watched her quivering thug for several moments, observing and listening to the man's cries as he thrashed about on the ground begging for the pain to end...or for death, she really couldn't tell with the screaming. "Well I don't know about you but that certainly sounds like someone suffering the pain of the fires of a thousand suns to me. How about you?" she asked the Caitian.

Allowing the thug to suffer a few more moments she eventually pressed another hypo against his neck and after a few moments the Thug's screams died down, become mere whimpers as he curled up into a ball. "Oh stop your pathetic whimpering, it's over now." she muttered as she stood up.

 Making her way back to the table where the girl was bound, she looked down at her captive "That was just a few minutes of this stuff, imagine how much it's going to hurt you. Just remember dear Caitian I gave you a chance to avoid this and you refused my kind offer, so now this is on you. When you decide that you've had enough and want to play nice..." she said, waving the hypo she had just used on the Thug in her face "...I'll give you the one that makes it all go away. Until then however, feel free to scream as loud as you want, I won't mind." Adisia said before pressing the first hypo into her neck

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #12
[ K'Ren | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @The Ostrich
K'Ren watched the man collapse on the floor, writhing in pain from the drug he'd been given. His screams filled the room, assaulting K'Ren's sensitive ears, making her wince, though she tried her best to hide it. That Adisia would so casually use it on one of her own, showed a depth of callousness and disregard that was rare even among the Orion, at least the ones she'd met. Of course her father had been killed over a debt, a small debt he'd have paid, and that thug had shown little care for the family he left behind.

K'Ren looked at Adisia as he came back, there was no backing down now, no way she could avoid that pain. K'Ren was no stranger to pain, destroyed fighters, her near death on a training range, the Savi. They'd all taught her some form of pain, but it seemed this Orion would teach her a new kind. She hissed, claws extended, defiant even as the women pressed the hypospray to her neck.

She wasn't prepared for the feeling, the burning sensation as it spread out from her neck, radiating outward as the drug spread through her system, carried along in her bloodstream, spreading with each heartbeat. She fought it, tried not to give Adisia the satisfaction of seeing her scream, but as it spread, the pain grew worse, from unbearable, to excruciating, to exquisite. She couldn't fight the pain, couldn't somehow take her mind places to ignore the pain as every last nerve ending was screaming out for mercy. All she could do, was let out the pain, let out the feelings, and as she screamed, her mind wandered through her life, replaying moments of pain and sorrow, losing her sire to the Orions, losing her baby to the Savi, among other moments of emotional pain she'd suffered in her short 28 year life.

She screamed, her wail a high pitched scream that made nails on a chalkboard sound positively melodious, a scream that pierced the room, penetrating both ears, and the walls around them. Her body struggled to break free, driven to escape the source of the pain, even as rational thought would have told her she couldn't, but she struggled anyways thrashing in her chair that held her fast.

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #13
[ Deacon (Deklyn Kimar) | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @Carden 

In truth, there was little motivation in the Klingon to leave his post.  It was if the rumors of people seeming to disappear from the streets was an every day occurrence that had left him deaf to Deacon's testimony to the point that it was a concerted act of will for Deacon not to lash out at the would-be officer if only to demonstrate his sincerity.

Unsupported, he was left with no alternative but to proceed alone to establishment that he'd been provided as the last known location for his wife, and his rage was at a barely contained point, drawn out from the inconvenience brought to his day and the audacity that someone might presume such liberties with what was, fundamentally, his.  It was a Kzinti ideal, true, and one that he did his utmost never to assert aloud, but it is the bitter bile that drove him now, his senses heightened, muscles tensed.

He passed down a narrow alleyway between the upper market and the lower red light district, posture hunched, claws obscured within gloves, his tail unable to lash with irritation due to the customary Aldean attire he was obliged to wear.

A shadow moved nearby, a sickening scent catching in his nostrils as he ducked aside from a green toned humanoid with clear intent to subdue-- no, worse than subdue...

Deacon's eyes narrowed, any semblance of blue long since subsumed with bright gold.  Orion.  And one whom he suspected was intimately tied to K'Ren's disappearance.  One who would bear the immediate burden of Deacon's wrath.

The Orion lunged once more, having recovered from his failed effort at stealth, only to find the "Aldean" he'd been tracking was far less the easy mark he had expected as Deacon shifted once more, wrapping his fingers tightly around the back of the Orion's neck as he passed and driving him into the ground face first with all the momentum at his disposal.  Deacon had to wonder if the Orion would have been so foolhardy in his assault had he any idea of Deacon's true nature.  Perhaps there was some advantage to this monkey form, albeit nominal.

Placing his knee against the thug's lower spine, fingers still digging deeply into the back of his neck, he leaned down and whispered, "No no no.  I've been pushed a little too far recently and my desire to hold back is all but non-existent."

The Orion sputtered, spitting bits of grit and stone from his scraped and bloodied lips.  "Let me go, I've done nothing to you..."

It was an answer that was met with greater force against the neck, once a delicate matter of precision to avoid breaking something so fragile in error, but since his time at the hands of the Savi, it took considerable effort to maintain his advantage.  Rage, fortunately, was an excellent source of compensation.  "Wrong answer," he hissed sharply into the man's ear, the desire to rip it from his head all too real in the moment, but he resisted.  "The Caitian female... you know where she is, and if you want any chance to survive beyond your next few breaths, then I suggest you consider your next actions very... very... carefully..."

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #14
[Adisia  Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime  ] Attn: @SummerDawn @steelphoenix

Adisia had smiled when the Caitian had hissed at her, her claws extended in defiance as she'd pressed the hypo into her neck, she was a fighter this one. Impressive and would certainly mean it might take a little longer to break her compared to others but the Orion was sure that she would given time. Even the girls actions didn't accomplish much beyond being a good show.

Now the Syndicate boss was simply standing back and watching as the solution worked it's way through the cat's system. Adisia could tell that she was trying to fight it, clearly not wanting to give her the satisfaction of hearing her scream. Credit to the Caitian she managed to hold out longer than her lackey had. Eventually however the screaming did come, long and loud in fact.

Adisia watched as the girl wiggled and thrashed about in the chair, trying to escape the agony coursing through her to no avail. Her screams were so loud and ear piercing that even Adisia winced as they bounced off the walls and from the sounds of it off of the inside of her skull as well. The girl had quite the set of lungs on her, so much so the Orion wondered if the people above them could hear them, even over the loud music that was playing.

Glancing over at the vast array of other devices she had to inflict pain, a part of her wanted to grab one and add to the girls suffering, yet on the other hand she honestly didn't think she needed too based on those screams.

"You know I respect you little Caitian, you haven't backed down and you've got a lot of fight in you, I appreciate that in a person, especially a woman. You even managed to suppress your pain for longer than this pathetic worm over here did." she said, her voice raised slightly so that the girl could her her over her screams while nodding at the thug, who had just managed to slowly pull himself back to his feet. "I can make that pain end right now if you wish, all you have to do is say the word and it will all be over. Surely obedience is better than what you're going through right now?"

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #15
[ K'Ren | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @The Ostrich @steelphoenix
Writhing in her chair, struggling to break free, K'Ren couldn't move, couldn't run, couldn't curl up into a fetal position. Absolutely nothing she could do to escape the pain that coursed through her veins, every part of her body on fire, no spot that felt cool, no oasis in this desert of pain. She was desperate, desperate enough to escape this pain, pain far worse then anything she'd endured in her life in this universe. And then Adisia's words came through, the voice penetrating her pain, offering her a way out, a way free of this agony.

She was a fighter, K'Ren. She'd fought her way into the world, struggling to live after a hard birth, her mother's body was never designed to birth a child like a half-human baby, only the relatively small and helpless cubs of a Caitian sire. She'd grown up on the streets, fending for herself when her mother couldn't provide for her and her sister. She'd fought against the prejudices of the people around her, a half-breed human/cait seen by many as an abomination, and by some as a curiosity to be exploited for personal gain. She'd struggled to get off world, fought to enter Starfleet, to make a life for herself. She'd fought to live after her training craft disintegrated in a training accident, leaving her at death's door. She fought to survive two years in deep space aboard a ultimately doomed vessel, she'd fought to move on after her first mate's death. She'd fought the Savi, fought to find her way back to safety, to her mate and her home on Theurgy.

Everyone had their limits though, had a boundary they couldn't fight past, a barrier that stopped them both mentally and physically. As she screamed in pain, Adisia's words filtered into her consciousness, offering a way past this wall, this barrier. All she had to do was accept that she was a slave, the property of this Orion women, and this pain would all be over. She'd fought, and now perhaps, part of her mind said, it was time to give up, give in and accept her fate, accept that the life she'd lived in Starfleet, the mate she had, that life was nothing more then a fleeting fantasy, a life lived in a dream. She was a bastard cub, born on a bastard world, her fate to be a sex toy for some rich patron.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she gave in, gave up, threw in the towel. "Yes Mistress." she choked out, the words making her sick even as she uttered them, "I submit. Forgive me."

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #16
[ Deacon (Deklyn Kimar) | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @Carden 

The submission.  The words held in the air for a moment before a heavy thud echoed against the door at the top of the stairs.  Slowly, the door opened, a security badge having granted access.  Likely one of the fools upstairs and tripped on his way in -- a black eye would do him good.

But as the door opened, the light from outside did not reveal a familiar silhouette.  Instead, a man dressed in typical Aldean attire stood at the top of the stairs.  Surely those fools hadn't simply allowed a prospective customer to just waltz in, especially in the middle of such a delicate moment.  But as he stood there, K'Ren could feel a deep seated rage that emanated from him, matched by the piecing gold of his eyes.  The pain that wrenched at her nerve endings seemed to drive him, as if he might somehow drain the fiery venom from her veins by will alone.

"Don't bother ringing the alarm.  I've taken care of your men.  If they are fortunate enough to survive a Klingon infirmary, they may even live.  Your fate is far less assured."

Though his words were distinctly Kolari, likely to ensure the Orion female's understanding, he did not speak with the qualifiers so endemic to the language.  His words were uncommonly straightforward, the terminology and meaning absolute.  His chlamys speckled with blood, he cast a sidewards glance down towards the Caitian female, eyes momentarily narrowing as he read more about her than his simple gaze might imply, his sour expression turning decidedly less pleasant.  "The associate you sent to deal with me is already tendering a very thorough confession to the local constabulary," he continued, reverting to the more common tongue of the region.

"Your first offense was to delay me and my business.  Had I benefited from such, this would be the least and most forgivable of your crimes."  He descended the stairs, the golden light of his eyes fixated on her with murderous intent, and yet he took his time as if assured that he would no longer be interrupted.

"But your sin was compounded in that you abducted my mate.  For that alone I could rip your ears from your head and force feed them to you," he continued, his words now punctuated with a deep growl, his bared fangs now visible in the light as he reached the lower step.  "But you abducted her with intent to mate her to other males who are unworthy of her attention."

He drew close to the one called Adisia.  "You attempted to break her, and in so doing, have committed your fourth and final offense."  It was unnecessary to point out that Adisia was a female exceeding her place against a male, but there was still some small part of him that maintained the pretense of his false identity.  He more readily passed as a malfeasant than a pure blood anyway. 

Casting a momentary glance down at the hypospray in her hand, he continued, "For your sake, that better undo whatever you've done to her," the unstated threat punctuated as he locked his hand around her arm, his claws digging deeply into her muscle, directing her towards K'Ren's position.

* Kolari = the language of the Orions; in this case he was speaking the more commonly used Low Kolari

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #17
[Adisia  Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime  ] Attn: @SummerDawn @steelphoenix

Watching the girl squirming in her chair, Adisia had to admit that she absolutely loved this little concoction, it was so effective. So much so that when the young hybrid actually submitted to her the Orion wasn't entirely sure she had heard her correctly. Having expected her to fight a little longer, still she had indeed given up and submitted.

With a smile, she was just about to step forward and give the girl the hypo as promised when the door to her little torture room opened. Frowning up she saw the silhouette of a man dressed in typical Aldean attire. Narrowing her eyes at the interruption, she listened to the man threaten her. Big mistake for him. Glancing her at the one remaining guard still in the room, Adisia gave a very subtle shake of her head for him not to make a move just yet.

She watched as the man descended the stairs however when the uninvited guest said that one of her associates sent to deal with him was handing a confession over to the local constabulary the Orion burst out laughing. "Oh no whatever shall I do." she chuckled "Everybody in the "local constabulary" as you put it are on my payroll you fool. In fact they're probably on their way here to deal with you right now." she added, shaking her head still chuckling.

She watched the man as he slowly descended the steps, listing off her offences with a murderous glare in his eyes. Still she wasn't afraid, she had gone up against far far worse in her time to get to where she was. Plus with the fool so focused on him, he walked completely by her guard as he made a beeline for her and smirked.

"I'm sorry tried to break her, did you not just hear her submit and apologise, I did more than try." she replied, even as he grabbed her wrist, his claws digging deep into her and started directing her towards the Caitain. Smirking, she dropped the Hypospray watching it shatter on the floor into a million tiny pieces, the contents spilling out over the floor. "Oops, look what you made me do and that was my only one too, such a shame. And to think before you so rudely interrupted I was about to give it to her. Congratulations you've cost your mate prolonged suffering."

Glancing behind the intruder, she saw her remaining guard sneaking up on the man who had the audacity to barge into her estabishment and put his filthy hands on her and wrenched her arm away from him, feeling a very sharp pain run down her arm as his claws tore through her flesh and muscle. Taking a step back, she watched as her guard tackled the man to the ground.

Sprinting around the chair the hybrid was tied to she made her way to her table and grabbed another hypo, running back across the room. Keeping her eye on the man and her guard who were fighting it out, she pressed the hypo into the girls neck. "Let it never be said that I'm not a woman of my word." she told the girl as she injected the anti-serum into her veins.

Glancing back over at the two fighting men she could tell her guard would not be winning the fight and decided that retreat was the better option, she hadn't survived this long without knowing when to cut her losses and run after all. Taking off into a sprint, she ran up the stairs and closed the door behind her before making her way down several corridors to her office and sealing herself within. Snarling she stomped her way over to her desk and cursed whoever that man was.

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #18
[ K'Ren | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @The Ostrich @steelphoenix
The excruciating pain had dampened her senses, overwhelmed her ability to feel her mate, so it was only when he came in the door, after she'd given up that she saw the man she knew would come for her, did she feel anything. And what she felt, was conflicted, she was ecstatic on hand that he had came, angry at Adisia, the pain was overwhelming, but as her mate came down the stairs, threatening Adisia and her thug, what she felt was a feeling of guilt, of failure, abject failure.

She couldn't look at Deacon as he came close to her, couldn't face the man who came to rescue her, couldn't face him for her failure to resist the women he spoke with, the Orion who'd kidnapped her. Deacon spoke of her attempt to break K'Ren, and despite his words, she knew she'd broken, had given up, had been willing to toss away everything she had so the pain would stop. And Adisia made that point clear to her mate, tho she doubted he heard her, or assumed she was lying, afterall K'Ren would never break.

Adisia at least was smart enough to inject the antidote, using the dosing as a way to escape Deacon's clutches, leaving her thug alone to tackle Deacon. As the pain began to subside, and K'Ren could feel Deacon properly, she could feel his anger boiling over. If the thug could've read his mind, and K'Ren's as she began to recover, he'd have made a break for the door. K'Ren struggled a little, the bonds loose Adisia must've loosened them after applying the antidote. It gave K'Ren enough leverage to break free. Looking around, her own emotions fed by her mates anger, the only man in the room other then Deacon the one who'd assaulted her, K'Ren was out for blood.

Her mate wasn't pulling his punches, the thug was taking a beating, she could see that, but her angered state, and her mind overloaded with sensations as the pain subsided, K'Ren had only one thing on her mind. Leaping at the thug, claws extended, she crashed into him, hissing, going for something vital.

Re: Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value

Reply #19
[ Deacon (Deklyn Kimar) | Divine Delights Bathhouse/Brothel | Red Light District | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @Carden 

He wagered the small green female thought him ignorant of her henchman as he had stalked up to her, but nothing was further from the truth.  No matter what form he wore, he was an apex predator, and there was no creature within the confines of this structure that would bar his path.  When the man struck at Deacon, there was no look of surprise, no confusion, no sense that he had underestimated the moment.  He could smell the man from the door, the sickening aroma that clung to them like spent arousal, filthy and concentrated in this dark hovel of debaucherous distraction.

No, this was the battle he wanted.  Rending the female limb from limb was hardly a satisfying notion and she had been adequately cowed into doing as he demanded.  He knew that the true power structure of the Orions was quite contrary to the Kzinti-- females on top.  It was... unnatural and offensive to him and he had set it on its ear before ripping it away.

The male could take a beating.  The male could suffer his wrath to a much more satisfying degree, and it was a fate the Orion thug recognized when Deacon turned in response to his initial assault and merely licked his lips, rounding on his new prey.  In seconds, the fight turned one sided, the Orion clearly accustomed to a much less confrontational type of enemy, his female superior deciding to cut her losses as she fled upstairs.  Had he the choice, he would haul her broken underling's body up to whatever closet she had secreted herself in and gut him before her eyes. 

Name or no, he would not abide this insult.  K'Ren was his. She had chosen him and he her and for another to intercede, to attempt to impose their will?  They would understand the mistake they had made this day.

He stood, feeling a shift in the room even as his adversary lay in a heaped pile, coughing blood and more than a few teeth spilling out onto the ground beside him.  With a turn, he caught K'Ren's charge, feeling her claws dig into his own flesh.  Pain was still an unfamiliar sensation but he had suffered worse and his adrenaline in the moment was more than sufficient to look past his wounds. 

His expression shifted in an instant, rage melting away to concern, stroking one hand softly against his mate's cheek as his other arm wrapped around her waist, knowing that should he fail to secure her, she may well tear the Orion asunder.  "No," he said, his voice stern but protective.  "This one is not your Scar."  He cast a contemptuous glare over his shoulder.  "He isn't worth it and he needs to live."

Gently, he lifted K'Ren into his arms, moving her away from the man at his feet.  "Tell your masters that if they cross the Copper Brotherhood again, this little flesh market will be stomped into the dirt."  Copper Brotherhood.  A minor malfeasant sect that he had read about while he'd waited, accused of various acts of terror in the interest of furthering their genetic agenda.  Had the Orions crossed them?  Deacon couldn't say, but in the heat of the moment, it was sufficient to let them believe they had.  The Fanged God abhorred lies, but Deacon was a Black Priest.  It was the hypocrisy at the heart of the priesthood -- when necessary, deceive with the truth.

Lifting his communicator to his mouth, he uttered a single encoded phrase that had been arranged in advance to ensure the secure transport of those to and from Theurgy.   A beam of red light surrounded them.  A Klingon transporter beam... another level of security to secret their true origins.  No doubt he would have to give a proper explanation to the local authorities, but for now he wanted nothing more than to be far from this place.


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