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Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

[LCdr Blue Tiran | No Bells Necessary | Private Occasion | Invite Only | No You Weren't Invited | Fucking, Finally | Might Be Late]
@Top Hat @Fife @Auctor Lucan

[Miss Blue, you realize the ceremony was due to start a full two minutes and sixteen seconds previous]

Blue shot the bird that floated beside her using his anti-grav boosters underneath his chassis to glide beside her since she had decidedly not built a receptacle into her dress for him to lay on her shoulder.  She had made sure that he had plenty of charge for the journey, for the exchanging of the rings, and for all that he would need to entail today.  Though, she had been working hard to increase his battery output and longevity over the course of working together through the various blueprints that she had been messing with in between all the times that she was corraling the idiots on her deck, fixing shit that was broken, and trying not to fucking strangle people for breathing too loudly in her ear.  Not to mention that she had to track down the fuckers that decided to shirk their duties in favor of other shit that was completely unimportant to the ship.

The swish of chiffon skirts was almost too loud as she stormed down the corridors.  Her carefully cared for curls were bouncing all around her, mostly lowered and loose falling around her to her middle back, but a slight bit of them had been pulled back on the left side by a sparkling blue gemmed clip that kept her hair out of her face just enough that it wasn't bothering her yet.  The looks she got as she walked down the corridors on the way to the Conference Room on the Bridge, was nothing short of awe, shock, and complete brain death.  This was Blue Fucking Tiran, the terror of Engineering, and she was in a fucking dress.  There was enough skin on her chest showing that allowed little to the imagination but kept everything one hundred percent modest at the same time. 

The dress had no sleeves, but the straps fell over her muscular pale shoulders in a vibrant blue color.  The torso all the way to the waist and a little bit more was all the lovely blue, then it began to fade into the pitch of black at the base of the skirt where it ruffled slightly with the sheer amount of fabric.  It was light weight despite the amount of it on her body.  She stormed down the hallway with her normal PADD in her hands, her messenger bag on her shoulder, and the skirts of her massive dress moving around her like fluid waters as she moved.  The heels on her, things that she would take off and chuck at the nearest bulk head two minutes exactly after she put a ring on her finger, added about three inches of extra height.  The dress had needed a little extra edge and Albert talked her into heels for posture and occasion. 

“I'm about to shove these fucking heels up your sensor port.” she grumbled as they turned another corner in a lovely swirl of chiffon.  Up ahead was the Bridge door, she could see it and knew that she was running behind, but that, that was life on a ship this fucking size, with this many fucking problems, and then whistling cat calling Klingons when she left her fucking office dressed to impress.  She would just rather fucking get this done, but work fucking called and she fully intended to take the rest of the fucking night off with her soon-to-be-husband and not one fucking soul had better fucking interupt their first night as a joined pair … 

She supposed that she shouldn't be like that, they had lived together for years now, but this was different, this was.. at least in her mind, permanent and she had never thought she would get fucking married.  And yet, here she was, dressed to the nines, heels pounding on the deck plating as she charged forward with Albert beside her.  The door to the Bridge opened and she stepped in, for a moment her eyes cast around the empty space and she turned towards the Conference room where the ceremony, small as it would be, was to take place, and noticed a pacing Vulcan charging back and forth in front of the door.  The sheer relief on his face when she stood there was a little uncalled for.  This was her fucking wedding for crying out loud.

“You're late.”

“You're really fucking blunt, and?” she said as she walked over to him and sighed, as she brushed a errant curl from her shoulder and it slid back into place among the others.  She lifted the messenger bag off her shoulder and placed it to the side carefully.  She then, pulled her PADD out and began to fire off a message. 

“What the – Blue!” he said frustratedly. 

“What?  There is something that I need done while I'm fucking off tonight, and if I don't fucking remind my preschoolers to get this shit done it won't!  It'll just take a fucking second, sheesh.” her fingers moved as fast as humanly possible while Albert found himself a spot on a small perch that she had installed in the Bridge incase he was ever up here for some reason and needed to top off. 

[Miss Blue, you should have started the ceremony three minutes and six seconds ago.] he informed her. 

“Fuck you Albert, shit.” she said as she tossed her PADD down with a whole lot less care than she had the messenger bag.

[I would like to remind you that you set the time so that it would fit into your schedule.]

“I'd be really fucking surprised that Ranaan isn't fucking late too, shit people.” she glared at Albert and that sparked her memory that he was missing something. 

Dropping down carefully to her bag she pulled out two items that were black in color.  The skirts swirled around her as she crossed to Albert and began to administer the accessories that were built for this occasion.  She placed the black fabric bow tie on his chest just underneath his vocal speaker unit hidden in the beak like area.  It snapped into place with a strong specialized magnet.  Then she placed the small top hat on his little head between his ears.  She had decided not to go any further than that, he was hers after all, but also his own little person.  They had decided on his accessories together through conversations and searching through various images that she could find in the computer files.  He had been rather taken with the old style of dress, she hadn't had time for a full on suit or anything but he looked rather nice enough. 

“Do you need me to announce you?”  Cross said reminding her of their actual purpose here.

“If Ran is in there, he knows.” she admitted softly as she pressed sixteen different spots on Albert's body and a small drawer in his chest opened up revealing a small, dark, ring, that she had made herself.  Once more, just to make sure it was perfect, she ran her fingers over the grooves and the joints, of the beautiful thing.  Her thumb caught on nothing and she turned handing it to Cross. 

“I know that you're not my maid of honor or anything, but could you hold this for me until we get to that part?  I don't want to have to fucking fondle Albert for it in the middle of the whole ceremony.” she said handing over the special ring to Cross.  Once he took it and tucked it away in his robes she turned and sighed, taking a long deep breath and letting it out. She wasn't nervous, but this was a big deal for her.  She was finally, after all these years, tying herself to the one man that made everything right in the universe.  Her stomach was settled, her heart was beating fast with excitement, and her mind was a whirl of all the loving emotions that she felt when she thought about Ranaan Ducote and what he had done for her.  Who he was for her.  What he had become.  Who they could be standing side by side in the future.

“Open the door, Albert.” she stated as she slid her arm through Cross' and once the door opened they began to head into the Conference room where, hopefully, Ranaan and Ives awaited for their small ceremony.  She could hear the gentle hum of Albert following them in his little hat and bow tie. 

Her eyes sought his, Ranaan's, and his alone.  Cross, through his touch telepathy could likely feel how very much she loved the man she was about to marry, how completely enamored she was with him.  How settled she was, when in his presence.  It was time to step into the future, no more waiting, it was finally time, to be one.


Re: Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Corridor Outside the Conference Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ @Top Hat @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]She was late.

Cross paced back and forth in the corridor outside of the conference room, hands clasped behind his back as he glared at the floor in front of him. Leave it to Blue Tiran to be late on her own wedding day. The Human had probably stopped on her way to get dressed, either to chew on a twinkie or to chew into someone or other who wasn’t performing up to her standards. Most days Cross would have grinned at the thought of Blue Tiran barking at some lazy crewman like a Pitbull on a sugar high, but today was not the day for it. She was…

There she is.

Cross stopped as Blue drew into sight, his pale eyes taking in the sight of her. He stared for a long moment as Blue made her way down the corridor towards him, the woman who had become like family to the Vulcan looking absolutely stunning in in her dress, a very fitting blue which faded down into an almost black color which swirled around her legs as she strode towards him.

”You’re late.” Cross informed her, tugging at the fabric of his dress robe to adjust it.

”And you’re really fucking blunt, and?” Cross couldn’t hold back the half-smile which played across his features at her words as he reflected that you could dress Blue Tiran up, but she would always be Blue Tiran. Cross wouldn’t have it any other way, and he imagined the lucky man standing just inside those doors wouldn’t either.

He had protested as Blue had started typing something out on her PADD, wanting to remind her that she was already late, though Blue had paid him little heed as she cut him off and began bickering with Albert. Cross’ jaw almost dropped as Blue extracted two items form her bag and put them on Albert, and Cross suddenly found himself staring at a Tin Pigeon dressed in a bowtie and top hat. Cross’ jaw tensed as he fought back a laugh, though he had to admit the iron-plated irritation did look rather dapper. Not that he would ever tell Albert that.

He had asked if she wanted him to announce her, and she had informed him that if Ran was inside, he’d know she was here. Much to Cross’ exasperation rather than making for the door Blue had begun to fidget with Alberta, and he was about to say something when she turned to him holding a ring.

"I know that you're not my maid of honor or anything, but could you hold this for me until we get to that part?“

The exasperation he had felt melted away with those words, a smile spreading over the Vulcan’s features as he spoke in a soft voice. ”Of course I will, Blue.” He took the ring as he spoke and carefully tucked it into his robes, then watched as Blue took a long, deep breath and focussed herself. Cross remained silent as Blue instructed Albert to open the door before she slipped her arm through his, her bare hand making contact with the skin of his wrist as they stepped through the door. For a brief moment, he could feel a torrent of emotion from the woman he escorted into the conference room. Excitement, love, anticipation.

Then in an instant, as Commander Ducote came into Blue’s sight, those emotions calmed to a low, collected thrum of intense love, devotion and fulfillment, as though Ducote’s very presence somehow centered the chaotic torrent that was Blue Tiran. The knowledge made Cross smile as they made their way towards Ducote and the Captian, glad that Blue had someone she cared that deeply for. He wanted to tell her how happy he was for her, how beautiful she looked, how lucky the Commander was, but he knew she had eyes only for Ranaan Ducote and would likely only half hear him, and so he remained silent for the moment as they drew up in front of the waiting officers.

Re: Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

Reply #2
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Conference Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ @Fife

Today was a day he thought might never arrive. Since the destruction of the Endeavour, and the somehow harder trials following it, when Blue had been missing... he'd just sort of subconsciously resigned himself to them being engaged forever. That this was as far as they'd get. It hardly mattered in the grand scheme, of course; he'd love her until the day they actually died regardless of what label they could assign to their partnership.

But it was important to Blue that they be married - sooner than later. It was part of their journey as a couple, and it had come so close to being forcibly ended that she wanted to get to the final stage before they could be wrenched apart again. It was a feeling he shared. Honestly, he hadn't expected to be able to call himself someone's husband given the sort of life and career he'd led. So he had talked to the captain as soon as they'd gotten back from Aldea last week, and s/he had agreed to marry them. He'd almost been worried that Ives would take it as an imposition, or something... 'hey, we just got here. Mind officiating our betrothal?'

He needn't have worried.

For the hundredth time, Ducote tugged at the hem of his white tunic to straighten out the imaginary creases in it. He couldn't remember the last time he'd worn a dress uniform, but there wasn't much else he could imagine wearing to his wedding. He wasn't sure if that was his upbringing talking or his current preferences. It didn't matter, he supposed. As the clock ticked nearer to the arranged time, he fished in his pocket for the ring.

Late last night, in one of the ship's many workshops, he had been on the horn to a jeweller on the surface for a small sample of meteoric iron. He could have replicated some of the stuff with an identical crystalline structure, but it wouldn't have felt the same to him. The scarcity was part of the point, and the small stash of the metal he had owned before had gone down with the Endeavour. A price had been arranged, and the little ring inlay had been beamed directly to the miniature industrial replicator station he was borrowing for the night. He knew Blue had always intended to fashion his ring herself, but he was fully aware that he wasn't half the craftsman she was, and so he contented himself with less hands-on tools.

When he was done, he held a ring of platinum-iridium alloy that would stand up nicely to the daily abuse to which Blue subjected her hands, inlaid just off-centre with the meteoric iron.

And for the dozenth time, it was exactly as it should be, standing proud in its little box. He replaced it in his pocket.

She's late, said a voice in his head.

She was always going to be, and I hardly mind, another contended.

But it's so close!

In the end, he didn't have very long at all to wait. He sensed Cross and Blue outside the door, and turned towards it before it opened, warning Ives that things were about to begin.

For the second time ever, Blue Tiran wore a dress. Moreover, she must have walked here from the transporter room. Oh, to have seen the transporter op's face... he thought with some amusement, as a grin spread across his face from ear to ear at the sight of her. This was it, at last. She was gorgeous, and she was either making a nod to the Betazoid flavour of weddings with that neckline or she had plumbed a new well of self-confidence. Whatever; it worked. The blue-fading-to-black suited her very well, and the effect was magnified by how rarely he saw her in anything so formal.

Cross escorted her, with Albert gliding along behind - the latter sporting a bow tie and top hat in dashing combination. He spared them a nod before his gaze was drawn back to Blue. Ducote held out a hand when she got closer. He wanted to make some quip about cold feet, or the ship having left them behind in port given her (obviously years-long) lateness, but the words wouldn't come in any way he trusted to come across as funny.

"Blue," he said warmly instead as she took his hand and slipped into position next to him. She was calm, and not distracted by the million things she usually was, and her anticipation more than matched his own. Only now did he realise the height of the heels she must be wearing, because he didn't need to look down to meet her eye anywhere near so much. "You amaze me," he said, with sincerity.

~This is it, Trouble... Last chance,~ he sent jokingly. As if she'd back out now. Though he did half-expect a kicked shin for that one.

He squeezed her hand, his gaze giving a final sweep of her smiling face, eager to drink in every last detail. He turned to face the Captain.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

Reply #3
[ Captain Ives | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
Given the heavy tasks at the shipyards during Thea's repairs, and despite how she was taking time off duty as per Medical's recommendations, the break from norm at Aldea was quite welcome. Having morphed her standard attire unto a dress uniform and put her hair up in something fitting the occasion before she arrived to the room, Captain Jien Ives was looking forward to the ceremony that Ducote and Tiran had asked for - smiling faintly as she stood there in wait for the bride's arrival.

Soon enough, her First Officer informed her that it was time, and she raised her chin a little - her arms still folded behind her back. The bride was stunning in her blue and black dress when she entered, and the company of the A.I.-bestowed owl that she'd built herself was as much a surprise as a delight. Commander Cross entered as well, and Jien turned her faint smile to the both of them to acknowledge their presence. Soon enough, the bride and groom were ready, standing before her, and she recited the words from memory - looking between them while her clear voice filled the otherwise quiet room.

"We are gathered here this evening to celebrate the wedding of Ranaan Ducote and Blue Tiran," she said, adhering to their preferences in regard to their middle and first names for the occasion. Her words were also made to fit such a small gathering of people, where there was no attending audience besides the two that had arrived with the bride. "Extraordinary events have led us to this moment, where we have the privilege to share in this deep commitment they now make to one another. We offer our love and support to their union, and to allow them to start their married life together."

With her hands remaining behind her back, Ives continued, her faint smile warmer than it tended to be. "Ranaan Ducote and Blue Tiran, marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, who trust that love, who honor one another as individuals in that togetherness, and who wish to spend the rest of their lives together. It enables the two separate souls to share their desires, longings, dreams, and memories, their joys and sorrows, and to help each other through all uncertainties of life."

The greatest uncertainty for all the gathered might be the mission at hand, but Ives did not mention this. She didn't have to. "A strong marriage also nurtures each of you as separate individuals and allows you to maintain your unique identity, and grow in your own way through the years ahead. It is a safe haven for each of you to become your best. You are adding to your life not only the affection of each other, but also the companionship and blessing of a deep trust. You are agreeing to share strength, responsibilities and love."

Jien continued, happy for both the couple and for how this ceremony was lifting her own spirit. "It takes more than love to make this relationship work. It takes trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other. It takes dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so. And it takes faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for you both."

"Ranaan Ducote. Blue Tiran. Please join hands, look at one another now, and remember this moment in time," she said, and then turned her brown eyes towards Ducote. "Groom, do you take this bride to be your wife?"

She paused, to let him answer, before she turned her face to Tiran. "Bride, do you take this groom to be your husband?"

Once that was done, Jien waited the time appropriate before she continued. "If you have any declarations of your own to make to each other, please make them now, while you exchange rings."

Re: Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

Reply #4
[LCdr Blue Tiran | One Small Step for Most | One Giant Leap for Tiran Kind | At Least the Guest List is Short | Don't Need an Audience, Just Him]
@Top Hat

As the doors parted, leading the way to enter the Conferrence room, she spotted him.  In his white dress uniform jacket, it fit in all the right ways.  Ranaan might be a bit older than her but he had never let himself go.  She didn't think, for a moment, that she had anything to do with it.  She had met him in the shape he was in and he had never let go.  She hadn't either, but she had lost some of her muscle tone back on the Versant, and yet now, she was getting it back.  As proven by the plunging neckline of the dress that allowed her to remain modest in the way she had always been but give a slight nod to her future husband's blood line as well as the newfound confidence of knowing that she was his and his alone.  The room had only been seen by her, for the times where she was in the senior staff meetings and trying to omit some of the cursing to help Ducote's already poor blood pressure.  But, now, it would hold different memories for her, pleasant ones. 

Oddly, she had always expected that Amasov would be the one that would be standing beside Ranaan.  The old Captain with a grin on his features as he was finally allowed to wed the two officers that created the most stellar scuttlebutt on his ship.  Of course, he lived for it, even though it sometimes made new wrinkles appear on his weathered face, he wouldn't have them any other way.  Blue had quite enjoyed serving on the Endeavour and hoped that she would find the Theurgy much the same, but Ives seemed like an enigma and Blue wasn't sure that she would ever feel as comfortable with the s/he. 

Her eyes though, for the moment, were for Ran and Ranaan alone.  As she stared over towards him, not needing to look up quite so much with the added height of her heels, she couldn't help but let the warmth of her feelings for him fill her eyes and face.  He had rescued her from loneliness and had helped her heal in ways that she would have, years ago, been real fucking sure she didn't need fixed.  He hadn't come at her as though she needed to be fixed, never once had he asked her to be anything but who she was, however just over the years of being loved and accepted had done wonders for her psyche.  Reaching over, Blue slid her calloused and scarred hand into his own.  His too, was calloused with age, wear, and the fact that neither of them seemed to find it of import to go to medbay for every little thing.  Blue was really the worst of it, a bandaid suited her fine when stitches would probably be more necessary.  But, even still, right now, all those scars told a story and each one brushed against his skin as together they turned to Ives. 

On his tongue was the sound of her name, and her smile deepened.  He knew her real name, she had once confessed it to him, the whole thing.  But, he also knew that she had left that name behind a long time ago and it had been too many years since she had ever considered herself that person.  She was Blue, Blue Tiran and would answer to nothing else.  She supposed it made little sense to keep her father's name as her own, and yet, she had because it was Arthur's name.  Ranaan told her that she amazed him, and a blush of color took over her quite pale cheeks.  She was well known for being pale, almost sickly white, because of all the time as a child spent indoors bent over a work table, and all the times that she spent alone surviving.  The lack of sunlight in space hadn't helped, and she had remained pale. 

Blue, for once was speechless.  She amazed him?  But .. how?  Why?  When?  Now?  Suddenly?  What had she done differently?  Was it the dress?  Was it the slice of flesh down her chest?  Was it Albert and his get up?  Was it .. that she remembered to show up for once?  A million and a half questions peppered and assaulted her mind, because that was precisely how Blue's mind worked.  Problem initiated, program began to test through all the various solutions, the variables, and their outcomes.  Pick the most likely, the one with the best statistical percentage of success, and go with that one.  Yet, here, she was betting her life on him.  But then, that was nothing new, honestly, she had bet her life on him years ago when she let him in.  When she fell asleep beside him, when she moved into his Quarters, when she came home to him installing shelving for her mess, when he fixed her favorite bag, when he would back talk Albert before he could actually defend himself, and then; when he could.  Blue had given her life to him, this was only the paperwork to make it official, to everyone, to the ship, to the universe, to the world, to them.

His voice invaded her mind, and she smiled softly, glancing up at him with that knowing grin.  She, not for the first time, wished that she could answer him in their secret little way.  The day he stopped calling her Trouble, was the day everything was over.  She gave his hand a little squeeze and shook her head just enough for him to tell.  Not on his life, was she walking out of this room without this ceremony going off.  Not on his life, was he getting out of this so easily.  No, he was in it for life, they both were, this was the fucking day that most people dreamed of.  Blue had never dreamed of such things.  Even when she had, it was years after she had been with Ducote.  Even then, she had never really thought it necessary.  That was until the Versant had changed her views on what she found important and the closer she could be with Ranaan, the better.

Ives began her speech.  It wasn't for the masses, this ceremony was small, quaint, and perfect.  But, it didn't matter to Blue, Ives could have said 'ya'll married now fuckers' and Blue would have been happy but she appreciated the class given to the once in a life time situation.  Blue listened to the words, knowing that Cross supported her, and that Albert in his own logical way knew that Ranaan was good for her.  She would have, at the very least, had a much longer rap sheet without him to keep her sane and full of twinkies.  Ives began throwing some shit around about how love made people stronger and some shit about how it was a thing to be shared and yet separate lives.  Blue toned out some of it towards the end, as she started to get antsy.  How she made it through the whole Academy was sometimes a bit of a shocker, but she was able to come back to attention when he said his and her name.  Stating for them to look at one another and holding hands.

Blue turned, the silk of her skirts swished around her brushing against the floor as she shifted.  Her hands taking his.  Some brides would have lovely nails to match the day, Blue was pretty sure there was residual grease underneath her nails and in the nail beds from all the work she did.  Of course, unknown to her, there was a small almost inpercetable grease stain on the dress just above the black fade where she had brushed up against something on her way to the ceremony.  Ives called out to Ranaan to ask if he would take this bride as his wife.  Blue's brow rose in a silent question but a playful grin on her face because she knew what his answer would be.  Once he answered, she found her eyes staring into his as it became her turn.  The wrinkles on his forehead deepened as he returned the silent question earning a little chuckle from her. 

“If no one else will have him, I guess I will keep him.” she chuckled earning a bit of a grin, feeling a bit playful on her own, before she grew more serious.  “I know I'm really fucking bad at talking about my feelings, but, I love you, Ranaan Ducote.  You have been my foundation and my home.  Where ever you are, is home.”  Blue looked over at Ives a moment and nodded.  “I do.”

It was time for rings and all the formalities and what not.  She looked over at Cross and removed one of her hands holding it out to Cross so that he could put the wooden and metal ring into it.  Once the warm metal hit her hand, from Cross' body heat, she closed her first around it to reposition it better in her fingers before she held it up to him. 

“So … I needed something that would remind you of me.  Something that would stand the test of time, and something that would suit you.  I couldn't find what I wanted down on that fucking planet, even when I went by myself on a non weather station repair job cleverly disguised as a vacation” she teased, earning her the smile she was looking for.  “So I fucking set up a fucking micro-forge and fucking worked my ass off to work the metal, and get it just right.  Then, I found this beautiful piece of wood down on Aldea, and I paired them, and sanded them together for a seamless ring.  It's you, and it's me.  I always think of you as a strong sturdy tree, with your roots heavily thrusting through the ground, unshakable even in the strongest of storms, standing strong against all else.  I know I'm fierce, sharp, rough around the edges... so I thought, in a way, this represented us the best.” she stated as she slid the ring into place on his finger, a little bit of a oh-shit moment when it caught on his knuckle but a slight push, and it was home on his finger with a little room to spare.

“Thank you.  For giving me a chance, for seeing the real me, and for bailing me out of the fucking Brig more times than is probably normal.” she smirked softly, allowing him to take the spotlight now.

Re: Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

Reply #5
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Conference Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ @Fife

Most of the room faded from his awareness as Blue's emotions filled it. Never one to hold herself back, in whatever regard, she was brimming with excitement and content. The warmth in their calloused hands spread through him, and there was no way on God's green Earth he could have shifted the stupid smile from his own face. Feeling her puzzlement at his compliment was a particular joy, despite the hint of sadness he felt at its core. She shouldn't be puzzled. A statement like that shouldn't become a troubleshooting subject.

Ives began hir part - for all that the captain didn't know their history the way Amasov had, the short preamble was perfect.

"Groom, do you take this bride to be your wife?"

"I absolutely do," he said without hesitation.

"Bride, do you take this groom to be your husband?"

"If no one else will have him," she said in return, forcing a grin from Ranaan, "I guess I will keep him."

He listened as she spoke, her barriers almost entirely down for one of only a few times since their reunion, and couldn't help but chuckle at her indictment of their joint visit to the surface the other day. Ducote dutifully held his hand out for her to push the ring down his finger, and the feeling of the wooden interior surface was quite different than the smooth steel to which he'd become accustomed. He'd already removed his engagement ring, but had kept it in their quarters. 

"Thank you. For giving me a chance, for seeing the real me, and for bailing me out of the fucking brig more times than is probably normal," she smiled at him.

"'Normal' would be 'never', Blue..." he grinned, before fishing her ring out of his pocket and taking her hand. "I didn't make this completely by myself, but I made it to suit you and your job. Platinum-iridium, plus that band of meteoric iron. If you manage to break this, you must've earned it..."

He looked down at her hands, small in his. The faint scars across her knuckles that caught the light. Then back into those deep blue eyes.

"I never thought much of having a home before. It was just my quarters on whatever assignment I had, or my apartment on Earth. It was just a place; nowhere in particular. But now, I have a reason to want to be there. To look forward to it at the end of a shift. As for thanking me..." He suppressed a shrug. "I...

"You brought me back from a precipice I didn't even know I was standing on, Blue. Twice, in fact. All I can do is promise to be there in return, whatever you might need and whenever you need it. You mean more to me than anything else in this galaxy, Blue Tiran. I love you with all my heart."
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

Reply #6
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Blucote Wedding | Conference Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ @Top Hat @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]Cross stood back silently with his hands folded in front of him as he listened to Captain Ives, in her female form, speak. The Captain’s words were eloquent and stirring, and the look the bride and groom gave each other was one of love and devotion. A smile played across the Vulcan’s features as he watched and listened, grateful to have been privileged to be present for such a moment.

As Blue and Ducote exchanged rings, each speaking words of commitment and love to each other as they slipped the bands onto one another’s fingers, Cross felt his chest tighten with emotion. The Vulcan inwardly cursed his lack of emotional control for the umpteenth time as he silently extracted a small tissue form withing the folds of his robe. He discretely raised his hand to bring the tissue to his right eye and wiped away a single tear which threatened to run down his cheek before vanishing the tissue back within the ample sleeve of his dress robe and turning his attention back to the scene unfolding before him. He was overwhelmingly happy for the couple, having known both from their time aboard the Endeavour, though in the days since coming aboard the Theurgy he had grown closer to them both, Blue in particular.

And so Cross remained silent and watched as the small ceremony continued, a smile on his features, occasionally blinking to ward off any further tears which might escape.

Re: Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

Reply #7
[ Captain Ives | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
The exchanging of rings and the words of the two officers were equally moving and colourful - being far from the ordinary that one might expect. The Chief Engineer might be unorthodox and having a vernacular one oft didn't hear from a senior officer, but Ives took that in stride - having learned already how the human's merits stood on their own and that she still respected the chain of command. Rather, Ives had found it interesting to see how the rest of the Senior Staff could handle an officer like Commander Tiran, since their ability to do so in a non-abrasive way was a sign of what kind of maturity they held in their own roles.

As for Ducote, while of fewer words than Tiran, had put just as much thought into the choice of ring for his wife-to-be that she had for him. While one ring symbolised them both, the other had been picked for longevity and endurance. As unplanned as it might have been on their parts, Ives couldn't help but pause and smile when she realised how fitting the two rings were together. Just like their wearers were.

Then, she concluded the ceremony, her taking on her official function again.

"Ranaan Ducote and Blue Tiran, you have come here today of your own free will and in the presence of those closest to you. You have declared your love and commitment to each other. So, by the power of your love, this commitment to each other, and by the capacity vested in me as a Captain of this vessel and your Commanding Officer... I now pronounce you husband and wife."

The declaration made, it was finished.

"Congratulations," she said with her smile lingering, remaining as she stood with her hands clasped behind her back.  "You may now share your first kiss as husband and wife."

Re: Day 08: [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You

Reply #8
[LCdr Blue Tiran-Ducote | Now It's Official | In the Ring Together | Take Me Home]

The wedding itself was perfect.  It was a small affair and something that would allow the both of them to solidify their bonds as being together.  There had never been any true doubt that they were together though she knew that some people didn't understand them.  Ranaan was so normal; calm and good under pressure, he was the sort you could lean on when ever you needed to.  Then of course there was the Brazilian skin tones, the gorgeous face, those warm brown eyes... yes Blue was not surprised that he drew eyes from time to time. He had drawn hers that much was for sure and had never stopped.  Now though, he was legally hers, not that she ever feared that anyone would take it.  It wasn't that someone would take him as much as it was that she would lose him because she, herself, wasn't good enough.  Even after all these years together she had bouts of self consciousness where she felt that he would be better suited without her.  Forever, he had stood beside her through everything she had done.  Through all her decisions, through all her fits, and always supported her when she needed it the most. 

Standing there in front of her chosen brother, her Captain, and her heart, was something to remember.  Blue had never expected to expand her family past the man in front of her.  But, Cross  had just happened and she was glad for it.  The way they got each other, he tightened her up while she loosened him a little.  But, there was also the fact that they just got on.  The banter, the wit, the fun, she was so glad that he had come into her life and that the Versant had done one good thing; brought them together.  Because, she had known cross on the Endeavour but she had never really known him.  This was different and now she could not imagine life without her partner in crime.

Ives finished hir speech about their wedding and how now they were fully married.  Blue's smile warm, large, and true.  She didn't wait for Ducote to make the move instead she moved in and pressed her lips against his for a long moment.  Letting their bodies melt into one another for a good long moment.  His hand in her curls and the other around her waist holding her in place while her hands lay on his chest.  The kiss broke and she smiled up at him.  “We should commemorate this occasion.” she stated firmly as she turned to see Cross wiping another tear from his eye.  Blue's head tilted to the side.  “Are you fucking crying?!  Why do you give me so much ammo you stupid fucker.” she shook her head.

“Take a holo of us, Cross.  I probably won't be seen in another dress for fucking ever.” she said with a chuckle as she stood in front of but just to the side of Ranaan.  Cross fumbled in his robes for the device he needed and quickly took a few snapshots that he could send to Blue later when he had some down time.  She turned back to Ranaan with a happy smile on her face and in her eyes.

Ducote leaned down and picked up Blue as though she weighed nothing.  Her arms went comfortably around his neck as he held her close to his chest.  The dress trailed down to almost the floor in the length of skirts.  “I'm sure you understand we are absolutely off duty until 0800 tomorrow, Captain.” he said with a grin as he looked down at his new bride.  They headed for the door and already they were kissing again.  Blue's long fingers on his cheek as they did so with Ranaan deftly navigated them through the door way which shut behind them.  The two were going to make the best use of their time together, even if it was just one night.  The ship needed the both of them, they couldn't afford to take a full on honeymoon.  That's why even their small vacation was cleverly disguised as a patch job which Blue had fixed in about thirty minutes.  This was different though, this was both of them, for one night, and they would turn off their PADDs except for alerts from Albert.  Should they actually be needed he was the only way that they could be reached.

Finally, they were married, finally, she would stand beside this man for the rest of their lives.  Blue could not be happier, she felt the emotions of love and completion resonating in her soul.  It had suddenly seemed important, suffering on the Versant, to take this last step if she ever saw him again.  Even though she thought he was gone, dead, but when he wasn't those thoughts had returned.  Now, she was glad that she had mentioned it to Ranaan.  He had been just as game as she was, and now, she had the Ducote name to add to her own.  Though they hadn't discussed names, she had a plan, but she hadn't shared it with anyone. It would surprise almost everyone, not that it was her intent, but she ahd made some decisions after the deep soul searching of the Versant. 

“You really mean that?” she asked as the kiss broke so they could both breath.  “I get you, unbothered for a whole fucking night?”

Not that they were often bothered when they were off duty, but being with and living with the First Officer meant there were times they were.  He was the second step towards the Captain and some issues he just needed to get his hands on to solve.  So, it would be nice to have guaranteed silence for the night. 

“You know I wouldn't have said it otherwise.”

He stepped with them both onto the transportation padd, told Thea their quarters for destination, and then kissed her as the warmth of tingles encompassed them sending them from one point to another to enjoy their wedding night.


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