[2381] 1 Unread Message October 31, 2019, 02:59:33 AM S.D: 57563.15SENDER: Liebrecht, Triss (Hasselt, Belgium, Earth)RECIPIENT: Lt Cmdr Hathev (USS Bellerophon, NCC-74705)SUBJECT: [No Subject]you wouldn't understandthis, even if you could see it. poetrywithout bounds, without rules isillogical, you said,human.it is, andi am.you used to say thataffectionately, do youremember? andi used to say 'vulcan' and mean 'my love'. we should haveknown it was toolate, when those wordschangedin our mouths.i used to send wishes to the stars, knowingyou were among them. no longer. wherever your travels take you next, i hope you find your peace. earth never held it for you, i know.now, the worldturns, on andon, our familyflung out of orbit, sentfar into space. our homelies empty. did youthink of us, before theend? did youmiss us? are youable to?were, notare. you arepast tense, now.in every way aperson can be.we had alifetime, together.whatever else, westill have that.maybe one day, iwill evenforgive you.-FIN 7 Likes