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Day 02 [1300 hrs.] All Thawed Out

"All Thawed Out"

Stardate: 57561.56
March 12th 2381
13:00 Hours

[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox

He wasn't exactly sure when he realised, he actually had awareness again, but he knew he had it. The desire to open his eyes and actually re-join the world however was another thing entirely. After laying there in silence for what must have only been a few minutes he slowly allowed his eyes to open, only to be blinded by white light and immediately shutting them again.

"Gah! What the...?" The pilot cursed as he raised his left hand to his face, shielding his eyes while slowly opening them again. Just a crack at first, allowing a little light in and slowly opening them more and more until they were fully open. It took a few moments and several blinks for his eyes to adjust before he could actually see anything and looked around, trying to gauge where he was.

It took him less than a second to recognise the place however, clearly, he was in Sickbay. Granted while he had never been in Theurgy’s Sickbay before it shared enough of a similar layout to other Starfleet ship Sickbays that it was recognisable enough to anybody who had spent time in one, which he unfortunately had over the years.

Taking a moment to try and sit up, his entire body protested by sending what felt like one continuous ache through his entire body, forcing him back down onto the bed. "Well that's not happening then." he muttered as he gazed up at the ceiling.

After several seconds of thinking he came to the realisation that he didn't actually know why he was in here and frowned as he tried to think back but nothing at all was coming to him, which was rather terrifying. Why couldn't he remember anything? Just what the hell had happened to him that had caused him to end up in here with no memory of what had happened?

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #1
LT. JG Jovela | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

It had been a pretty hectic few days after the battle and the medical staff had been swamped with patients from the battle and had ended up treating everything from light scrapes and scratches to full on limb replacements, but luckily so far with very few complications, which always made for a good day. Jovela had been organising the medical tricorders and hyposprays when she had heard someone gasp and curse from the recovery ward and quickly stopped what she was doing to go and see what was wrong.

Making her way across the large sickbay into the recovery area, her eyes scanned the biobeds, looking for the source of what she heard, although there were only a few people in the ward at the moment, by the looks of it most of them were asleep. As she walked through the area, her eyes scanned every person she moved by until reaching the bed of Lieutenant Hale, the Wolf they had recently removed from cryo and operated on.

While the man was currently staring at the ceiling in silence he was the only one actually awake so it was probably fair to assume that he was the one who had made the noises she had heard. What concerned her though at the moment though was the look of panicked concern on the pilots face, something was clearly troubling the man.

"Hello Lieutenant Hale, is everything okay?" She asked. Her voice soft and caring, both to hopefully help keep the man calm and feeling safe as well as to not give the poor guy a heart attack by scaring him half to death if he hadn't heard her coming, that wouldn't be good since her job was to help people recovery from things like that, not cause them after all.

As she made her way to the side of his bed, she gave him a warm smile as her eyes met his "You're in sickbay Lieutenant, I'm Head Nurse Jovela, how are you feeling?" She asked as she pressed a few buttons on the bed to run a quick scan on him. It only took a few moments for the scan to finish but beside from an elevated heart rate, which based on his facial expression when she had first saw him was to be expected, all the rest of his vitals appeared normal, which was a good sign.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #2
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox

Logan had been so focused on remembering what had happened to him that he hadn't realised anybody had entered the ward, yet alone was standing near his bed, so when he heard the soft sounding voice, it made him jump a little and snap his head in the direction of the voice. Before him stood a beautiful Asian woman giving him a warm look that matched the sound of her voice, whoever she was she certainly had the whole make your patients feel relaxed part of the job down considering he felt like he was getting a control on his slight panic.

When she asked how he was feeling, he nodded his head on instinct "Yes for the most part." he replied, the ego part of him not wanting to admit that anything was wrong, which was really stupid when he really thought about it. Yes? You just woke up after god knows how long and you can't remember what mess you got yourself into that ended up with you here and you say yes? What the hell is wrong with you, idiot. his mind thought back to him as he watched the woman make her way around the side of his bed, giving him a warm smile as her eyes met his and introduced herself and asked how he was feeling.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jovela and please call me Logan,  I at least am off duty I would assume." He smiled "As for how I'm feeling..." He paused and took a moment to focus on how he felt. His head felt fine, he could move all his fingers, arms, legs and toes. He wasn't in any pain, overall he felt fine. "Physically I feel fine, mentally however I can't seem to remember what happened that caused me to be here." He answered, hoping that the head nurse would be able to provide him with that answer. Not that he was worried about his lack of memory at the moment in terms of the reason why but more the fact that he didn't know what had happened, that was the most disconcerting thing.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #3
LT. JG Jovela | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Jovela waited for his reply and took a mental note of the "For the most part." of his first answer just incase he didn't expand on that further but smiled when he said it was a pleasure to meet her and to call him by his first name and smiled. "Very well Logan, it's nice to meet you too." she smiled "Yes, yes you are indeed off duty." she added with a chuckle, at least he so far seemed to have a sense of humor still, that was a good sign.

She watched him carefully as he moved his body around, testing them and smiled when he said he felt fine physically but frowned in concern when he said that he was having memory issues, which would have explained the look on his face when she had first seen him. Jovela imagined that she would have had a similar expression on her face if she woke somewhere she didn't immediately recognize with no recollection of how she got there.

"You're having memory issues? Well you said to call you Logan and since that's what it's listed as in your file I can be safe to assume that to be true so you at least remember your first name, what about your last name, rank and position to start with? Is there anything else you don't remember?" she asked while placing a scanner on his head to scan it while he answered her questions. While the injuries that had brought the fighter pilot to sickbay had meant that some memory loss was to have been a potential symptom, that didn't mean Jovela was any less concerned and would run all the tests she could to make sure there was nothing else wrong with the man under her care.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #4
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox

Logan couldn't help but smile at the head nurse's chuckle, he supposed it was a stupid thing to say thinking about it, of course he wasn't on duty, he was in sickbay. Hell after he got out of here he'd probably be off duty for a few days at least, but oh well. The pilot had noticed that while he had been flexing his extremities that Jovela had been keeping an eye on him, no doubt the medical professional side of her making sure everything looked right just as he was.

When she asked about his memory issues, he couldn't help but smile at her statement and confirmation that his name was indeed Logan, nor was he entirely surprised when she asked him if he remembered his last name, rank and position, they were pretty standard questions to asked after all.

[color=lightsteelblue="I'm pretty sure I do so hopefully when I tell you them it will also match what's in my file."[/color] he said with a grin. "Last name is Hale. Rank is Lieutenant Junior Grade and I'm a pilot." He answered, feeling pretty confidant that all of that was indeed accurate before smirking "Although how exactly am I supposed to know if I've forgotten something if I can't remember it?" He asked with a chuckle while keeping his gaze on the head nurse as she nodded at everything he said, until he reached the comment about being a pilot and saw her arch an eyebrow slightly.

"Fighter pilot technically." He added quickly "Tac CONN division to be even more accurate and I fly a Val..." He started to say before cutting himself off mid-sentence as talking about his job seemed to trigger his memory. "...ravn." he muttered quietly as images of the battle started flashing through his mind.

"I remember.... He muttered with a frown, speaking quietly as the images kept coming. "...I remember we were in a battle...there were Klingons there and a Borg Cube. We had to disable a shield generator or something, I took a run at torpedoes hit but it wasn't enough so I swung back around for another shot... He said, running on autopilot as he narrated the images in his head.

He smiled as he remembered the generator blowing up "The second run worked and I blew it up but then the Borg opened fire, I did my best to avoid their torpedoes but I got hit. I think I blacked out though because the next thing I remember is waking up adrift and pretty far away from the battlefield and my wingmate...Blizzard I think showed up to guide me back....I can vaguely remember landing back in the bay but nothing after that." He said, letting out a long sigh once he finished, yet he was sure he was forgetting something, something important but he couldn't remember...

"ZEKE!" He suddenly yelled and frantically started looking around the recovery area for the first time, trying to spot his RIO and best friend, failing to see him and turned back to Jovela. "Where's Zeke? He...he was hurt and I was trying to get him back to the ship! He made it right? Please tell me he made it!" Logan said, the fear and concern for his friend clear as day. Jovela hadn't even told him what had happened to him but he honestly didn't care right now, he needed to know if Zeke had survived. God he hoped so, if he hadn't Logan would never forgive himself.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #5
LT. JG Jovela | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Having already read his file several times, Jovela knew the basic information she had asked him off the top of her head and nodded with each successful answer, although she found herself blushing at his observation about how would he know if he'd forgotten something, because of course he wouldn't know but still managed to focus and arch her eyebrow slightly when he said he was a pilot. While technically true from what she understood, which admittedly was very little, Tactical CONN was slightly different to a regular CONN role. Not to mention the fact the Lieutenant had been a pilot in Starfleet long before he became a fighter pilot according to his file and since he was experiencing some memory loss it could be possible that his amnesia had affect a larger part of his memory and not just the short term memory.

"Well there's nothing wrong with that part of your memory Lieutenant. Your last name is indeed Hale, you are a Lieutenant Junior Grade and you are a pilot." She smiled "Also you have a good point, I suppose you wouldn't know if you had forgotten something if you had indeed forgotten it, I don't know why I asked it." She added with another blush. Stupid Jovela, you're a trained nurse and you've made yourself look like an idiot she thought to herself.

Quickly turning her attention back to Lieutenant Hale however she was relieved when it appeared as though he hadn't noticed her little loss of thought as he expanded on his position, stating that he was indeed a fighter pilot in Tactical CONN and listened to him as he spoke only to suddenly cut himself off mid sentence.

Jovela watched as a blank expression crossed over the pilot's face before he flinched, his eyes darting from side to side almost making her jump forward in case it was the start of a seizure and she had to call in a Doctor to help. Luckily he started talking again about remembering and listened as he gave a running commentary on his memory as it seemed to return almost like something had flipped the on switch on his memory and it all just popped back. From a medical perspective it was a fascinating thing to witness as she had never seen such a thing before and from her own perspective having been on the ship during the battle it was interesting to hear the story from one of the Wolves who was out there fighting to protect them and defeat the enemy. She wondered if anybody on the crew actually ever thanked the Wolves for all they did, risking their lives out there or not? She certainly hoped people did because those pilots certainly deserved it.

The Risian continued to watch and listen to Logan as he continued to tell her about his battle with the Cube and eventually returning to the ship, having apparently remembered everything that had happened leading up to his return to the ship, which was all he should have been able to remember, that was fantastic! However the head nurse nearly jumped out of her skin when the pilot yelled out a name and started frantically looking around the ward for said person. Jovela of course knew who he was referring to since that had been in his file too as well as in Lieutenant Jackson's own notes and the fear and desperation in Logan's voice combined with his frantic, concerned searching for his friend caused a pain in her heart.

Reaching out, she placed her hand on his shoulder and gave him a warm smile. "It's okay Logan, Lieutenant Jackson made it, you got him back just in time. I won't lie it was touch and go for a while but he pulled full and will make a full recovery, in fact he was discharged this morning. I would call him but he's on strict orders to rest." Jovela told him before looking around and lowering her voice to a whisper "But I'm sure a quick visit wouldn't hurt if you'd like me to summon him."

Strictly speaking she might get in a little trouble for doing so, Doctor's orders were Doctor's orders after all but given Logan's concern....well if it were her and someone she cared about was on Death's door, she'd like to see that person as soon as possible and from what she could remember Lieutenant Jackson had been well enough to be discharged so he was technically well enough otherwise she would never have even considered such a thing.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #6
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox

Logan watched the nurse and smiled as she confirmed his answers, seeing her cheeks reddening with a blush at her question and couldn't help but smile just a little bigger when she blushed again "Don't worry about it, I think we're both allowed one silly question each and I already asked mine so now we're even. He grinned.

Of course that had been before his memory came flooding back and the concern for his friend overrode every other aspect of himself as he looked up at her and could only watch and wait as she placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him, the gesture and her smile calming him somewhat as he waited for her to speak and let out a sigh of relief when she told him that Zeke had pulled through "Thank God." He muttered as he slumped back in the bed and closed his eyes for a moment.

Logan wasn't a religious man by any stretch but on this occasion he felt he had to thank God, the universe...something for that bit of luck. Opening his eyes again he looked up at Jovela and smiled "Thank you." He told her genuinely before listening to her as she continued to explain that he had been released earlier that day but arched an eyebrow when she took a look around as if preparing to tell some huge secret and couldn't help but smile when she whispered to him that a quick visit wouldn't hurt. "Will you get in trouble for that if anybody found out?" He asked, although he would like to see Zeke just for his own piece of mind if nothing else, he certainly wouldn't want the lovely young woman before him to get into trouble for something that could wait until he himself was released.

"So now that I know Zeke is okay, I should probably ask about myself. He said with a grin "So what exactly happened to me? I'm pretty sure I got a concussion during that battle since I've had those before but something tells me it was a little more than that." The pilot asked, not realising how right he was with that statement.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #7
LT. JG Jovela | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Although still feeling a little embarrassed about her question, she smiled at Logan, happy that was willing to see the funny side of it and found herself nodding in agreement at he observation that they had both indeed asked a silly question so far. "I suppose we are." she smiled.

She felt even better when the pilot seemed to relax a little when she placed her hand on his shoulder and couldn't help but feel even better at the look of relief and happiness on Logan's face at the news. "I hope I one day I have someone who cares about me as much she couldn't help thinking to herself before shaking her head slightly to dismiss the thought.

Jovela shook her head when Logan asked her if she would get in trouble for calling Lieutenant Jackson down if anybody found out and shrugged "Maybe a little but not too much, I'm sure I could talk my way out of anything major. Would you like me to call him?" she asked, more than willing to take the chance if he so chose her too.

Again Jovela found herself smiling when Logan finally asked about his own injuries, although even then he clearly started that his friend was more important than himself it seemed, and wondered if the man simply didn't care about himself as much.

"You know I haven't met many people who would wake up in sickbay, wonder briefly how they got there yet then ask about someone else before themselves." The head nurse said with another warm smile before nodding at his next statement. "Well you're right on both parts. she began, shifting to her softer yet professional nurse's voice she used when delivering such news. "You did indeed suffer a concussion but it was also more than that. You actually cracked your skull quite badly." She told him before pausing a moment and shook her head slightly. "Honestly when you were beamed in here and we saw the extend of the damage we were surprised you were still alive yet alone managed to fly yourself back here."

Jovela took a moment to pause and let what she had already told him sink in and give him time to process and ask any questions he might have before she revealed the details of his surgery to him, thinking it would be best to do it in stages to make it easier on him.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #8
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox

Logan shuffled slightly into a straighter position and kept his gaze on the nurse as she spoke, listening intently to her. When she said that she might get in a little trouble but not too much and asked if she would like her to call Zeke he shook his head. "No that's okay, I'll stop by and see him once I get out of here, besides I wouldn't want to risk you getting into any trouble." He smiled.

At her comment about him asking about someone else before himself he couldn't help but chuckle and shrug. "Zeke's my best friend and he's had my back for a long time." He answered honestly and shook his head "I couldn't let him die if I had...I would never forgive myself. Besides he'd do and say the same for me."

After pausing a few seconds, Logan listened to Jovela as she started talking about his injuries. The concussion didn't come as a surprise to him, he'd had a few before and figured at the time that he'd suffered one, most likely when his head bounced off the console and knocked him out briefly. The cracked skull however had come as a surprise and felt his eyebrows raise as she told him that they were surprise he'd survived.

"Must have been serious. So, can I assume that I had to have an operation and the stasis was too what? Keep me alive while you prepped me for surgery or to help with the recovery and if so what did you have to do?" he asked and started preparing himself for whatever news he was about to be hit with.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #9
LT. JG Jovela | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Watching as the pilot shuffled into a more upright position Jovela listened as he told her that he could wait to see his friend and couldn't help but smile a little when he told her that he didn't want to risk her getting into any trouble. "Well that's certainly nice of you but I do everything I can for my patients so it would be no trouble but I appreciate it."

She watched him as she chuckled and shrugged before launching into a short conversation about his friendship with his co-pilot, not that she was surprised as his friend had been equally as concerned about Logan when he had woken up as well and felt her heart ache slightly at the expression on Logan's face when he talked about not being able to forgive himself if anything had happened to said friend.

"Well you certainly don't have to worry about that as you did indeed save him, at considerable risk to yourself and believe me he was equally as concerned for you when he had woken up too." the Risian told him with a soft smile.

Jovela had to admit that the Lieutenant certainly seemed to have a good grasp of his situation already, at least as far as figuring out why he might have been put into stasis. "Well..." She began. "As I said you'd suffered a concussion and had cracked your skull, unfortunately it wasn't a little crack but several pretty large ones that had compromised the structural integrity of your skull." The Head Nurse told him, pausing a moment to allow him to process that information before taking a breath.

"As a result we had to replace that part of your skull with a biomechanical implant in order to keep the rest of your skull intact and...well keep your brain inside your head. We had to place you in stasis both to preserve your brain functions while we constructed the implant and then again to help with your recovery after."

She watched Logan as his expression seemed to remain stone-faced as he processed what she had just told him. "Please believe me when I tell you that had we been able to repair the bone and keep it intact we would have but it sadly couldn't be done. She said, her eyes holding his before flicking up to his forehead briefly.

"The other thing you need to know about this implant is that given the area it had to cover to protect your brain, it covers both internal and external parts of your skull. Most of the external parts are cover by your hair and won't give you any problems whatsoever but there is a small portion along part of your head, above your eyebrow that is visible, but it's really nothing too bad nor will it cause you any discomfort, be it in the shower or a rainy day or when wearing your helmet while flying, we made sure of that."

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #10
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox

"Well I can certainly see that you care about your patients Jovela, considering you're willing to get into trouble for them." He smiled and gave her a nod when she added that she appreciated his desire to not get her into trouble and smiled at her again. "You're welcome."

He could see the expression on Jovela's face change as he had talked and could see both understanding and what might have been a brief flicker of sadness in her eyes over what he had said before she told him that he had indeed saved Zeke and informing him that the big guy had been just as concerned about him, which was no surprise. Watching as a soft smile spread across her face when she finished and found himself nodding.

The conversation however quickly changed to his own injuries and Logan listened intently as she told him about his concussion and then about his cracked skull and how badly it had been damaged before she paused and looked at him, no doubt giving him time to reflect.

He had figured out he'd had a concussion during the actual fight but he never would have thought that he'd fractured his actual skull and had to wonder just exactly how he had managed to survive that. It was possible that his helmet had kept him together until he got back, not that he supposed that mattered in the grand scheme of things. He'd had injuries and near deaths before but a fractured skull, that was a new one.

Keeping his expression neutral while he thought about those things and gave Jovela his full attention when she started speaking again, mentioning an implant they had given him that would essentially replace the broken parts of his head and that he had been put in stasis twice, once before his surgery and once again after.

"It's okay Jovela, I'm sure you and the rest of the medical staff did what was necessary and I appreciate it. If it was either the implant or death I'll take the implant. I'm alive that all that really matters." he smiled up at her

After that the head nurse continued to explain that some of his implant could be seen on the outside of his head and watching his hand as it automatically, but slowly reached up and light pressed against his forehead, feeling along his soft skin until he felt that skin replace with metal, his fingers tracing along t's surface until he reached the end. It certainly didn't feel too big so hopefully it wasn't too noticeable either, not that there was anything he could do about it if it was.

"So...." he said as he looked back up to her, a slow smile forming on his face. "...When can I get back out there and fly again?" he asked with a grin.

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #11
LT. JG Jovela | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Jovela gave the pilot a warm smile and appreciated that he noticed how much she cared for the people in her care, it was one thing she prided herself on and for somebody to take notice of that fact beyond it simply being her job made her feel good.

The head nurse had to admit that he seemed to be taking the news pretty well considering everything he had gone through. It wasn't every day you woke up to find out that you had broken a huge part of your skull and had to have it replaced and yet he seemed to take it almost in his stride. Maybe it's part of that pilot mentality a lot of them seem to have? she wondered.

Jovela gave him a warm smile when he told her that he understood and appreciated what they had done to save his life, opting for the implant rather than dying, which was fair enough, she thought. "Well it certainly was implant or death in your case so I'm glad you approve. It's always...iffy to do such a procedure when you're unable to ask the patient if that's what they want, you just have to make the best medical decision possible and hope for the best when they wake up and you tell them the news." she told him. "Speaking of which, you seem to be taking the news pretty well."

When he asked her when he could fly again she couldn't help but laugh "Typical flyboy, and here you were coming across as not one of those guys." She grinned. "As for when you can fly again, not until next week at the earliest. We want to give you a week to get back in the swing of things and make sure the implant is stable and not giving you any problems, it shouldn't but it's better to be safe than sorry."

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #12
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox

As the two continued their exchange, Logan couldn't help but continue to poke and prod at the part of his new implant. While there were no jagged edges or any kind of dip or bump between his head and the metal it was a little weird to go from feeling your finger moving and jabbing your head to literally nothing and back again, but he knew it would pass eventually.

Turning his attention back to Jovela he nodded "I can understand that, must be difficult but at least you know that you're making the best decision you can for your patient, hopefully most people will at least acknowledge that." he told her with a smile.

When she pointed out that he seemed to be taking the news well he shrugged "What's done is done. The injury happened, can't change that. The surgery happened and I have this implant now, can't change that either so what's the points of kicking up a fuss you know? Life's too short."

At her comment about him being a typical flyboy he chuckled "I'm mostly not like one of those guys." He replied "But I have my moments." he added with a playful smirk. Listening and nodding when she continued to tell him that he would be grounded for a least a week so that he could get back into a routine and to make sure that everything was going well with his new accessory. "That's fair enough, so next week at the earliest. Gotchya. Does that mean I'm confined here or am I free to leave? Not that I'm not enjoying your company that is, please don't think that."

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #13
LT. JG Jovela | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Jovela watched as the pilot poked and prodded at the part of the implant that was exposed shook her head slightly albeit with a small smile, it was like watching a child poke a new toy, not that she could really blame him considering it was a new part of his body he'd have to adapt to having.

She smiled when he told her that he could understand being put into that kind of situation and nodded "It can be but like you said we make the best decision we can given what information we have and for the most part people understand that. Other times it's simply the shock at first that triggers a reaction and then once they've settled down a bit things go fine....but then again there are time when people are far less understanding but those are rare luckily."

Listening to Logan speak as he explained why he was taking the news as well as he was, she couldn't help but smile again and nod in agreement. "I completely agree, if you can't change something there is no point in arguing about it, just a waste of time and energy. That's a good outlook to have." she replied and chuckled as he continued speaking.

"And just how many of those moments do you have exactly? Because if it's quite a few then would that make you one of those guys after all? she grinned before putting on a fake hurt expression at his question about when he could leave, before smiling. "No you don't have to be confined here, just have to give your head a quick scan to make sure the implant and your skull has healed correctly and that everything is okay in there. As for you enjoying my company or not, I certainly hope you are, I pride myself on my bedside manor you know." she grinned. "Don't worry Logan, everybody asks that question sooner or later. she added as she crossed the area to pick up a medical tricorder.

Making her way back across the room she took a scan of the pilot's head and nodded when everything read as okay and turned the device off, smiling at him. "Well you'll be pleased to know that according to this tricorder you are good to go. However that being said if you experience any headaches, dizziness, nausea or...leaking come back here immediately or call for one of the medical staff to come to you if you have difficulty making your way here."

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #14
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @AlyFox

He eventually stopped poking and prodding at the meta; implant that now covered half of his head and returning his full attention to the nurse as the two continued their conversation, nodding his head in understanding as she spoke about patients reactions to surgery and the like, all of which he could understand. He hadn't really given too much thought into the through processes of people in the medical professional, at least not until he had found himself in this situation. It was another thing that made their job tough and why they deserved all the respect in the galaxy for what they did.

"I like to think so. he replied when Jovela told him that it was good outlook on life to have.

When she asked him how many of those moments he had, the Wolf couldn't help but smile "A few...maybe a little more than a few. Although to be fair I am currently the 3rd highest ranked pilot in the entire fleet so some of it I feel is earned rather than ego so I think that scores me some allowance points right?" he asked before watching the hurt expression cross over her face, although he could tell that it wasn't a real one and smiled when she did.

"Well that's good to know and I am, you certainly do have an excellent bedside manner and as I said before, it's very clear that you care about all of your patients. I certainly feel like you care."[/color] he replied with a smile as Jovela collected a tricorder and started scanning him.

He glanced up slightly, watching as she scanned his head, listening to the beeps and hums of the tricorder as it scanned him, smiling when she gave him the all clear before arching his eyebrows when she mentioned something about leaking. "Leaking?" he asked. "Did you say leaking?"

Re: SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out

Reply #15
LT. JG Jovela | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Jovela listened to the pilot as he spoke and smiled when he told her his ranking in the fleet. She'd been around enough pilots, security officers, engineers, doctors you name it, all of whom had proclaimed to be the greatest in their profession but never one who claimed to be the third best, surely if you oversell your accomplishments then you'd go for number 1 not number 3? Then again it would be a more believable lie, however that was also a fact that she could quite easily check if she wished. Jovela didn't think she would have too though, having been around people enough to claim such things, they always had an air of arrogance around them and an ego, and while she could tell that the Lieutenant certainly had one of those, the manner at which he had told her his ranking was more like stating a fact from a file than an actual brag.

"It might grant you a little allowance points...unless of course you constantly go on about it and annoy everybody in which case then no, no it does not." she smiled and smiled again at his compliment about her caring nature and beside manner.

The head nurse watched his eyebrows raise when she listed off possible side effects and chuckled softly "I did but don't worry it's very, very rare to happen but sometimes implants like this don't fully seal around an area or bind to the skull completely after surgery and requires the body to naturally heal around those points despite our best efforts. Even if you experience some leakage of brain fluid, the amount will be very little and it would be better to be safe than sorry to let us know and check up on you."

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] All Thawed Out

Reply #16
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”LT. JG Jovela   | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]

A joint post by Vox and AlyFox

Logan smiled at her counterpoint about it maybe giving him some allowance points if he didn’t do it too often to annoy people and held his hands up “While I may state it on occasionally, it’s never often enough to be annoying.” he told her before shrugging “Well nobody has ever told me it’s annoying before…actually they have but in jest…at least I assume it was in jest.” the Wolf added with a grin.

Jovela smiled “I’m sure they were. As for whether you actually do or not, I’ll just have to take your word for it won’t I?”

Logan grinned he best, most innocent looking grin at the head nurse and nodded “Yep I suppose you will, but you can trust me I have an honest face don’t I?”

Jovela watched the pilot flash a grin that she was sure had landed many women in his bed on more than once occasion at her and had to admit, it was a good grin on what was certainly a somewhat honest looking face. “This one is trouble.” she thought, albeit the nice kind of trouble and he was certainly handsome but tried to push that thought aside, she was Risian and those kinds of smiles wouldn’t work on her…well they would but…shaking her head and chuckling to hide her attempt to banish any kind of thoughts that had the potential to start she looked at the pilot. “You know the people who say they have an honest face are usually the most dishonest people around.” the nurse countered.

Logan chuckled “Fair enough, although sometimes an honest face is just an honest face on an honest person.”

Jovela laughed and nodded. “This is true.” she agreed, the two having come to a silent yet agreed compromise.

Having listened to Jovela’s explanation of the whole leaking thing, Logan had to admit it was a fair and logical explanation, although he certainly hoped that it was indeed rare and not something he would have to deal with. He’d already had enough of his internal fluids externally leaking out of him recently without needing to add even more brain juice to it. “Right, well I hope I don’t suffer from any of that, however if I do I can assure you I will be calling you or popping in immediately.” he replied “…Uh and by you I of course mean Sickbay and not necessarily you yourself personally.”

Jovela chuckled and shook her head “Well I certainly hope you don’t either but I’m glad to know that if you do you’ll call or pop down and I kind of assumed that that was what you meant.”

“Good, good.” Logan chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed before glancing around the room for a moment, leaving a silence between the two of them before speaking up again. “So uh that also means that since I got a clean bill of health that I can go now?” he asked.

Jovela smiled and nodded “Yes Lieutenant you’re free to go and who knows maybe I’ll see you again soon.” She said.

At Jovela’s confirmation that he was indeed free to go he kicked his feet out and slid off the biobed, turning to look at her with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk at what she had said.

“Oh I didn’t mean see you again soon as in in here but around the ship or something.” Jovela quickly said having seen the pilots arched eyebrow and smirk while realising what she had just said.

Logan laughed “Don’t worry Nurse, I knew what you meant and I’m you will indeed see me around the ship or something, I look forward to it and thank you to yourself and the medical staff for patching me up and for…well this. Given everything it’s been an…enjoyable welcome back to the universe.”

Jovela smiled and nodded “I’m glad you do and I look forward to it too. Also you’re quite welcome and I’ll be sure to pass along your thanks to the Doctor who did your surgery, I’m glad to hear I didn’t traumatise you with the news.”

Logan smiled and shook his head “Not at all Nurse Jovela, not at all.” He replied before heading towards the door, making sure to give the nurse a wave as he stepped out of sickbay into the corridor.


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