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Topic: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade (Read 15049 times) previous topic - next topic
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EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside A Sickbay | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

Mickayla was... numb. Yes, numb was the right word to describe how she was feeling. Or more correctly, wasn’t feeling at the moment. She didn’t even really remember much since Dev had landed the Reaver in the FAB and she had dismounted to report her killing of Lieutenant Gideon Drake. Officially, his death was being ruled as a manslaughter due to biological circumstances; namely the Savi ‘correction’ having fucked with her body and brain chemistry. She was experiencing extreme swings in her emotional balance, from not feeling on moment to wanting to kill the next. And Savi medical thing that Khorin and the others had brought back with them had determined the it was a temporary thing and correctable with a daily injection. But what it couldn’t say was how long they would be taking the injections for. 

“Figures,” Mickayla mused as she leaned against the bulkhead just outside the entrance to the sickbay they had been brought too. She had been first up to get her injection and while Khorin was receiving his, Mickayla had come here to think about what she was to do next. “Strange ship, strange crew. I barely know anyone. Do they have a good counsellor?” the Klingon wondered idly. “And what am I going to do? Will they even trust me now or am I just going to be told to stay in my quarters? Hell, I don’t even know if I have quarters or who to see to get some.”

The door opening across from where she was positioned intruded into her mind, bringing her back into the present. 

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #1
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai |Outside Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

When Khorin went out the door he rubbed his arm, exactly in the spot where the mechanical being had injected him with that fluid, drugs or whatever was supposed to help him to keep his mood swings on check. The Savi junk had had  some nice bedside manners, which had only increased his discomfort around the robot. There was something inherently wrong about it. Khorin preferred to divide the world into black and white, good and bad. The Savi had abducted and captured them, experimented with them, mutilated and corrected them against their will. All of it was bad, so the Savi and everything around them was bad as well. The Theurgy, her captain and crew were good and he had sworn to defend them all, as he had sworn to defend the Starfleet principles. And everyone of them, except some rotten apples such as the traitor Hi'Jak (who, on the other hand, wasn't part of the original crew) were the good ones.

It was a simple distinction, and it made everything simpler. If something or someone didn't fall into one category, it automatically fell into the other. There was no need to think too much about it. The fact that the robot was now part of the Theurgy's equipment placed it in that third category that Khorin hated and that he avoided using. The 'it's complicated' category. The category where his half brother fell and also those points where Starfleet regulations and Klingon traditions clashed. The few things he had no choice but to put in that category always gave him a headache. And lately there has been too many things, events and people that fell there and made his head hurt.

So there he was, standing in front of the sickbay door, with his hand over the spot where he had been injected with the concoction he depended on not to become a murderer again. Now he was in the "it's complicated" category. And he didn't like it. Not when his kernel asked him to follow in the footsteps of Zephyr to her temporal quarters, move his junk there and curled around the woman till sleep or something else carried them away. But his orders were opposed to what he wanted to do and he should do a route of reports, checks and paperwork before he could even think of going back to the betazoid side.

At the very least, he would have a companion on his tour around the starship. That would also lengthen his stroll around the decks a bit. But as he had told her in the Versant hideout, Klingons took care of other Klingons. As long as they weren't killing each other. Mickayla waited for him reclining against the wall. She seemed as confused as the last time he saw her, though perhaps less angry. Khorin assumed that maybe this time his lunchbox was safe from new knees.

"MacGregor" called her, placing a hand like a paw on one of her shoulders. "Have you decided where you want to go first?" He asked, without his usual grin.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #2
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside A Sickbay | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

“MacGregor!” Khorin’s distinctive bellow echoed down the passageway. Looking up, Mickayla saw the Klingon male standing next to her, placing a hand on one of her shoulders. “Have you decided where you want to go first?” Looking up at his expressionless face, Mickayla remembered that he had offered to show her around the ship that was apparently now to be her home.

“Khorin, I arrived not two hours ago and in that time, I have been detained for manslaughter, told that what the Savi did to me is messing with my head and self-control and that a robot of Savi origin will be administering a shot to try and stabilise me,” Mickayla thought to herself as she climbed to her feet, dislodging the big man’s hand as she stood. “I don’t even know what I should be doing next.”

“Sorry Lieutenant,” Mickayla apologised, standing straight and tall. “My head was off wandering and not doing what you asked. Won’t happen again sir.”

“Empty words, even I know that,” Mickayla considered, having to snatch hold of her thoughts before they began to wander off again. “I need to speak to someone about what comes next. Can I be trusted to perform my duties?”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #3
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai |Outside Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

Khorin looked at Mickayla perplexed for a moment, blinking confusedly at her submission display. Even with the stick in the ass posture, she was far from the combative woman he had met in the Versant. If he was honest with himself, he expected that the woman to respond with a kick aiming to his lunchbox rather than as a... subordinate. Then he remembered. Just before his shoot he had been given a Lone Wolf uniform. So now he was stuffed in a new uniform, white It was strange to redress the pilot jacket and the undershirt with the pair of pins in the collar. It seemed that the last time he had dressed like this had been a lifetime ago. Or almost in different life.

"As you were, MacGregor" He commanded her, with a chuckle. "Take the stick out of your ass, we are off duty for the moment." He looked at her for a moment as he studied whether she relaxed slightly or not. Khorin had always liked a ranked enviroment, knowing at whom he must loof for recieve orders or to give them. It was something deeply ingrained in his education, both as a Klingon and as a pilot. However, for that very reason, he was not too enthusiastic about military displays and the rigid relationships between officers and NCO. Pilots were team players and trust and camaraderie were more important. Klingon concept of discipliny was somehow loose.

Regardless of whether she changed her attitude or not, he passed and arm, thick as a log, over her shoulders and pushed her so both started moving forward. "You know, if you ever speak to me like that again, in such a formal tone with so many 'sirs this' and 'Lieutenant that' I promise you that I'll kick you from here to Sector 001" he threatened her with his trademark sideway grin etched in the face.

"Listen, here's what we're gonna do." He started planning in a bombastic tone, the one he knew that angered the woman almost as much as his ridged face. In the same way that he had tried to annoy her in the hideout, he tried to get the same reaction. Some reaction. An angry reaction could be a nice outcome. He didn't like to see her so... apathetic. While it was true that what he most wanted at that time was to run to his room to pick up his junk and go in search of Zeph, Khorin felt he owed that to the NCO. As he had told her previously, Klingons took care of other Klingons. In their own way. Even if it's a way she hated.

"First, we'll go to the quartermaster to find you a place where you can get some shut-eye this night. Then I'll give you a tour of the places you need to know. The public baths, the upper gym, the mess hall and the lower gym. If you have in mind some other place you want to visit, just let me know." At that point they reached a intersection and Khorin took the corridor to the right, which led them to a turbolift. Khorin stopped in front of it,and put his hands inside the pockets of his pilot's jacket. Although he knew the temperature was higher than the Versant's one, he was cold. Khorin had always been sensitive to low temperatures, inherited from his Klingon blood, but it seemed that his Correction had only exhacerbated that characteristic.

"As it seems that you don't have much to do, we'll make a small visit to deck 16 to see how my pack has fared without me and collect few things in my old quarters. I need to pack my trash to move with Zeph. Maybe I've some stuff i could share with you. “ he said cryptically. Surely Macgregor would appreciate a good sweater. Ha had plenty, so he could get rid of one so that the former hybrid would feel more bit comfortable off duty. "When we're done with that, we'll go back to the Security Command Center. If we've wasted enough time, the Deputy would has finished her shift and someone else can tell us where you've been assigned without having to deal again with that bitter witch... i mean officer... well, you know what i mean." he apologized with shrug. The small gesture reminded him of the wounds he had received in the bridge battle, which had barely been patched. He could have asked to be treated in the infirmary, but Khorin didn't want to distract the doctors with something he considered a minor nuisance. He had regained the vision in his eye and was no longer losing blood. It was more than enough to keep going.

The doors of the turbolift opened and Khorin pushed his companion inside. "Any questions? Maybe a little complaint?" he asked mockingly.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #4
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside A Sickbay | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

“We may be off duty Lieutenant, but you are still an officer, sir,” Mickayla reminded the Klingon pilot, her posture and tone unchanged. “And I can assure that there is no stick up my ass, sir.” Perhaps the last bit was being snide but Mickayla didn’t care. Her emotional stability was shot, and she was reacting to events as they came almost as if nothing was before them or coming after them. To the outside observer it might seem like she had multiple personalities.

Khorin’s threat to kick her ass from wherever they were to Sector 001 almost caused the Petty Officer to laugh. Despite being an officer, it seemed that Khorin didn’t take his rank and position too seriously. Something that could be both a positive and a negative in an officer. She’d seen both during her time in the fleet.

“Sir, with all due respect, I’d like to see you try," Mickayla deadpanned, staring up at the taller male. Mickayla honestly wasn’t sure if she could take the bombastic Klingon, but being 100% Klingon herself now, she figured that she could make the effort needed to take her down more than the pilot was willing to expend. She was fairly sure that such an event would land them both back in sickbay, if not the brig. “When you have served as long as I have, sir, you develop habits. Some good, some bad.” Mickayla listened without comment as Khorin laid out a plan for the two of them while leading her towards what she assumed was a turbolift.

“Quarters are sounding pretty good right about now. I can but a door between Khorin and myself,” Mickayla considered silently. “I have no idea why I would be going to the public baths. Unless the ones on this ship are different to others I have served on. The gyms sound nice though and the mess hall as well. And I’ll need to find the security centre sooner rather than later to report my presence aboard the ship. But fuck wearing Khorin’s hand be downs. They’d never fit me anyway.”

“Sir,” Mickayla began once the arrived turbolift’s doors had shut. “Do not push me. And I don’t need hand me down clothes, sir. I can replicate enough to get by,” she pointed out, trying to stay calm in front of the forceful man. “Other than that, everything else sounds OK,” Mickayla finished as the turbolift opened. Khorin led the way out of the car and own the passageways before turning into room that was readily apparent as that of the ship’s quartermaster.

“Lieutenant, I see you are bringing me another new crewmember,” the Chief Petty Officer remarked. “Chief Petty Officer Abraham Savali. How can I help you?”


Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #5
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai & PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Quartermaster’s Office | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]

A Joint Post Between Numen and Stegro88

When Mickayla retorted, with no expression on her face, Khorin snorted. It seemed that, despite everything, there was still some fight in her. It was a beginning. He preferred her angry and violent self to.... whatever he might call how she was now. Lackadaisical? Perhaps, although it was one of those words too long and with a too obscure meaning for him. Whatever it was, there seemed to be hope for her.

Without wasting any more time on semantic disquisitions, he continued to relate his plan of action, and the NCO seemed to agree mostly with him. Or at least she didn't protest too much. Well, perhaps she didn't seem too keen to help him with his move, but in that respect Khorin cared little for her opinion. She was going to do it, whatever she said. It would keep her distracted, and it would help both to waste some of their time. It was a flawless plan.

Soon, they both came out of the turbolift and their footsteps led them to Savali. The thin-haired human seemed nice and ready to help, despite the bandages covering his arm. He had possibly been injured in one of the battles the vectors had recently suffered. Given how busy was the sickbay most of the slightly injured were only patched enough to leave a stretcher free and the infinite flow of patients could continue to flow.

"You seem to have had a busy trip, eh Savali," he said by way of greeting. "I've here a new crewmember, Mickayla MacGregor, former USS Endeavour crewmember. Ranks... errr"

"Petty Officer First Class," Mickayla replied to the older man. "Formerly of the USS Endeavour Security Department, sir."

"Yeah, yeah, exactly, almost what I said" Khorin nodded emphatically. The sudden movement caused his mane to stir around him, like a wild halo.

"A good ship," Savali observed calmly. "You'll be needing the usual then? Combadge, replicator rations and quarters."

"I would be grateful, sir," Mickayla responded calmly.

"Any preference on who is in the other room?" Savali asked as he scanned a list of available berths.

"No sir," Mickayla said. "Beggars can't be choosers."

"Are you serious? A beggard? That's not what you are!" Khorin roared in an outraged tone. Khorin once again placed his hand on his shoulders, in a gesture that pretended to be kind but mainly consisted of shaking the woman as if she were a straw doll. "After what we've been through you deserve something good," He assured her, a shit-eating grin etched in his broad face. He then looked again to the Quartermaster.  "Listen Savali, give the girl a room with views and well positioned, that she needn't say that in this starship we don't appreciate our replacements, wherever they come from." 

"Eh... yeah, yes sir" Savali declared with a forced smile looking at the Klingon male. The balding human typed for a minute on his PADD, scrolling through the complex layout of quarters he managed. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and his face relaxed, showing a sincere smile again. "Excellent," he said, tapping on the screen a couple of times. "Deck 15. There is a weapons specialist that has an opening due to a recent promotion. I'm sure they would love company again."

"Oh, one of the FAB buddies, maybe" Khorin asked.

"Something like that sir,” Savali commented as he filled in some details.

"Perfection" stated Khorin in his most bombastic display. "That way I'll make sure they keep an eye on you."

“Wonderful,” Mickayla deadpanned. Savali just smiled in response as he held out a small PADD and a combadge.

“Locations on the PADD. Anything else and you can contact me here or just ask Thea,” Savali explained. “Welcome aboard Petty Officer MacGregor.”

“Thank you, sir,” Mickayla acknowledged before looking over at her walking tree trunk of a companion. “Where to next? And who is Thea?”

Had To.
Not Sorry.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #6

[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai |Corridors | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

Khorin bid Savali farewell with a martial salute. A salute that totally lost its formality with the Klingon's eyebrows wiggle.

Both Klingons didn't take too long to walk again by another corridor, Khorin leading the way, with long and determined steps, Mickayla following him closely. The pilot only saw part of her expression, and it was mostly impassive. Which, by how little he knew of her, meant that she was building up some tension to kick his crotch as soon as she had the chance. Unconsciously, Khorin lengthened his steps slightly. He would be glad if he could survive twenty-four hours without a rabid former half klingon aiming her frustrations at his groin. He appreciated the woman. But he must set some boundaries.

"Where to next? And who is Thea?" she asked in quick succession.

Khorin stopped suddenly at once. Suddenly enough for the woman to practically bump into his wide back. "Hum" he rumbled, while scratching his bristly chin. "We were heading to... humm..." he tilted his massive head to the right, and, after a minute to the left, as his mental process reflected completely on his face. "Oh, yeah. Upper Gym and Public Baths" he finally said, his face suddenly illuminating as if he had made the greatest discovery of the decade.

Khorin resumed his march, without stopping a second to see if MacGregor was following him or not. After all, she MUST follow him. He was the guide after all. Well, yeah, she could simply ask the starship computer to mark the shortest route to her destination. Or she could trace it herself through the ship blueprints contained in her new padd. But both lacked a human factor. Or Klingon factor, now that he thought about it. In any case she would miss the visit from the point of view of a host. And Khorin wasn't going to allow that.

"Thea is the ship AI." he added afterwards. "She was with us at the Versant or at least her porti...potri.... positronic brain. One of the groups we split into had the goal of rescuing it, remember?" he explained diligently. " She was with us on the bridge during the parliament with the Savi leader and the battle that followed..." he began to explain but, at that point, he closed his mouth and looked at Micka, his dense eyebrow deeply knitted. "But you weren't in that battle. You were with the group that went to recover the fighter, aren't you? " he inquired. "What happened to you? You were with my pack fellow, Dragon and that chatterbox little guy... I don't remember his name..."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #7
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside A Sickbay | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

Mickayla internally groaned when Khorin proclaimed that the upper gym and public baths were their next destinations. She had no inclination to be exposed before others. As she would be if they stayed at the public baths. But the gym, the gym sounded like a place that she would probably be spending a lot of time. She knew that she had a lot of anger and frustration to vent. As Khorin resumed his determined march through the ship, Mickayla fell into step behind him.

“A ship with a positronic brain,” Mickayla considered as they trekked through the ship’s corridors. “Like Lieutenant Commander Data. I wonder if she is as developed as he was. If she has the same goals that he did. Then again, being different would also be unique as well; just like people are different from each other.”

Khorin had continued, beginning to describe a battle on the bridge of the Versant before his brow knitted and he stopped cold. Mickayla could tell that something had happened that could turn the normally boisterous male into a sullen hulk. But then he changed the subject and asked of her instead. And then it was Mickayla’s turn to become sullen as she remembered again what she had done.

“Drake. His name was Gideon Drake.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #8
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai |Corridors | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

Khorin didn't have to be too empathetic to notice Mickayla's mood change. If up to that point she had been frugal in words and had acted according to protocol, the moment he asked about the little man who had accompanied her, the Klingon woman seemed to lock herself in a shell. The pilot slowed his steps and glanced at her, trying to discern the expression on her face. But there was none at all. None other than her everlasting sneer at everything and everyone.

"Yeah, Drake," he said. It was then that the twist of phrase became evident to him. It was.  So this Gideon guy had fallen. "He died when you were trying to recover the fighter? We had problems with the Savi at several points too. A Scion killed our commander, Nerina. I sent his soul to Sto-Vo-Kor, even though they had taken away her Klingonity," he explained, his usual cheerful tone vanished altogether. He placed his hand on his right arm, where the bone had pierced through the skin. There there was a fresh scar, which he had decided not to remove. No. Rather he had asked Zephyr not to remove it. When he remembered the betazoid, he felt a pang in his chest. He missed her badly. But he had imposed a heavy burden on her, keeping him in balance after... after what had happened. She deserved a respite. She deserved to meet him without... without that disorder. Without that imbalance that turned him into ... Khorin didn't want not to think about that. He didn't want to define who he was then. He just didn't like himself like that. The Klingon he had been at that moment wasn't the Klingon he had always wanted to be, the kind of Klingon his father had been, and the kind of Klingon who were still the rest of the members of his House. Khorin scrubbed his arm again, and he pursed his lips stubbornly.

"We have suffered many losses to free ourselves from that place," he finally acknowledged. "We have left part of us behind... but most of those who died there did so with honor." Not like the blue-haired woman. His omission irked him but confessing his crime might not please the other Klingon. The fact was that with her he never knew if what he was doing penetrated her forehead ridges or simply he was simply bothering her. Possibly she was fond of him, underneath all that bad temper. After all, there she was, next to him.

The corridor widened at another junction, and Khorin turned left. The public baths were only a few steps away. At this time of day, on a normal day, there would have been crewmember returning from them, wet hair and a slightly wrinkled uniform, but with a smile on their faces. Today was not one of those days. It hadn't been one of those days for a long time, so the aisle was completely empty and the only crew member they met was rushing somewhere, with a bulky box under his arm.

"At least we' re alive. We'll fight another day... and we'll be able to enjoy what victory has brought us..."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #9
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside Public Baths | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

“Victory,” Mickayla wondered absently at the hollow feeling of the word in her head. “Pyrrhus would be proud of this victory,” Mickayla joked to herself silently. Not that it was funny in the slightest manner. She didn’t feel like a victor and her impassive visage reflected that feeling fully. She had also felt no need to correct Khorin as to the manner and circumstances surrounding the death of Gideon Drake. From her point of view, that was none of his business.

Ahead of them, Mickayla saw a female crewmember exiting a doorway wearing a Starfleet issued one-piece swimsuit and realised that Khorin had brought her to the public baths. Stopping midstride, Mickayla considered openly refusing to go any further as her mind descended into a tumultuous mess.

“I’m not ready for this. The ridges I can argue as being overly developed or whatever but swimming means showing more and I look completely Klingon now,” Mickayla argued with herself. “I just have to stay away until that Savi robot thing from earlier can correct my DNA and return me to what I once was. That I can deal with.”

“Lieutenant,” Mickayla said, finally speaking after what seemed forever. “I am not going in there.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #10
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai |Corridors | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

Khorin had the impression that he was talking to a wall. Mickayla's slight changes of expression had only three levels: neutral, slightly bitter, and deeply bitter. For the time being, the variations had been kept mainly in the first two of them. It was like speaking to a zombie. Yes, she moved and, occasionally, even answered him. But deep inside, she was just dead. And that was just the opposite of what happened to Khorin. Since his correction he FELT. Maybe too much but... his whole range of emotions was more intense, more extreme. Even the desperation in which he had plunged after ... after what he had done, was preferable to the state Mickayla was in. It wasn't... natural. Not for a human, not for a Klingon, not for anything in between. Perhaps for a Vulcan, but as far as the pilot knew, there was none in the petty officer lineage.

So, in the absence of a response, Khorin did something unnatural. He remained silent. At least for a while. As he watched the slight changes of expression on his comrade' s face, trying to figure out her inner dialogue. So focused was he on the task, that he nearly ran over a crew member coming out of the baths, towel on her shoulder and still wearing her swimsuit.

"Oops! Sorry ma'am" he apologized and circled the woman without giving her a second glance. As he turned to locate MacGregor, the realization hit him all at once. He had just let a half-naked woman pass without a second look. Without a quick peek at the cleavage or the rear. Nothing. All he wanted was to go back to Zeph. She was the only one who he wanted to see with little clothing. Or without it.

As much as he wanted to let his mind delight in those memories, he had another task to do.

He turned to seek out the other Klingon and found her several feet behind him, fists clenched stubbornly on her sides. And, obviously, he refused to enter the baths.

"Come on MacGregor, I just want to show you the facilities, I'm not asking you to get into the sauna with me," he teased, downplaying the importance of the issue.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #11
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside Public Baths | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

Petty Officer Mickayla MacGregor, former member of the USS Endeavour’s security department, had never quite felt the urge to hit someone as hard as she could as she was feeling like hitting Khorin at that moment. And she wasn’t even sure why she felt that way.

A part of her was annoyed at his attitude and forcefulness despite her not wanting to do things. Another part of her was disgusted at spending time with a Klingon. There was even a part of her that was insulted that he didn’t want to see her in the sauna; that he didn’t want to admire her body.

“What the fuck is wrong with me?” Mickayla thought to herself. There was no way that she wanted a guy looking at her. She didn’t even want to be looking at her. “It’s the chemical imbalance. That’s all it is. It’s sending me loopy. I just have to figure out how to deal with it. I can do that.”

“Sir, with all due respect,” Mickayla said as politely as she could manage through the slowly diffusing anger. “Why is it important to show me the facilities? Are the Theurgy’s that different from those of other Starfleet vessels?”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #12
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai|Corridors | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

Khorin inhaled slowly, very slowly. Then he released the air he had retained in his lungs even slower. More than anything because Mickayla's pigheadedness was starting to dent in him. The pilot had decided to give her an maiden tour around the starship, to show her the locations she might need and, overall, he was being a rather 'nice guy'. He didn't have to be one. In fact, he could have said goodbye to the other Klingon at the sickbay door and gone in search of Zeph, which was what he really wanted. But he didn't. He was there, determined to make Macgregor feel welcome. Both in the Theurgy and among Klingons. Because she had a misconception of both, of his people (their people!) and of his ship, and he wanted to show her that she had a highly biased perspective. But in return, all the woman did was cause him trouble.

Then, Khorin inspired again, louder and louder. When he blew out the air, he did it between his clenched teeth. He hadn't even noticed that he had tightened his jaw. That a muscle was beginning to show under his cheekbone, like a rope of steel. It was evident he was beginning to become increasingly frustrated. Faster than he was supposed to, in fact. After all, whatever they had injected into him bloodstream was far from being completely effective at the moment. In fact, he wasn't even sure it really had worked at all. Which only made more evident the patience he was showing her, and how rude and inconsiderate she was behaving.

"As you wish, woman.. whatever..." he snorted waving his hands, claudicating at Mickayla's stubborness. "You're aware that I could command you to do it, aren't you?" he remarked with a snark, as he got back on the move. Khorin strode quietly down the corridor for a few meters, opening and closing his fists, as he tried to remember why he was doing all this. "There are few ships in Starfleet that have a facility like this. Indoor pool, sauna..." He explained later as he moved forward with long strides, without care if MacGregor had to trot to be able to keep up with him. "A real luxury and a good way to relax," he said without trying to hide his opinion. If there was anyone who needed to chill out a tad on that vessel, it was his companion. " As well as being a great workout to stay in shape, even more so for us, who are denser than other species. You' ll have noted that you have gained a few pounds after the Correction." He had, of course, noticed it too. He had a more muscular body than before. His bones were denser and thicker.

With no prior warning, Khorin froze in front of a new door. He pointed his thumb at it as he stared at the Klingon female " The gym." he said succinctly. "Are you going to want to see it, or are you afraid of a barbell biting you?"

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #13
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside Public Baths | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

“You could very well command be to enter there, sir,” Mickayla agreed, trying to control her wayward emotions. “And then you would need to file a report regard my disobeying a superior officer. And I would probably end up in the brig. Way I see it sir, that path is worse for you then me. I don’t go in the room while you end up with a stack of writing to do. Sir.”

She didn’t need to enunciate the sir at the end as she had. But she was feeling the need to lash out; at least as far as she could within regulations. Khorin seemed to accept the situation as he began to move again, though he continued to espouse the benefits and luxuries of the public pools even as he did so.

And then his big mouth went right on into territory no man should ever go uninvited. He started talking about her body, saying that since she was a full-blooded Klingon now, that she would be fatter. And then he added insult to injury by pointing out the ship’s gym. Or at least one of them. Mickayla figured that a ship of this size had to have more than one to accommodate everyone, even on a rotational basis.

“I would be happy to look at the Gym, sir,” Mickayla said as she walked towards the entrance. “But fair warning, sir. Talk about my body again and it will be you being bitten. BY ME.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #14
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai|Corridors | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

Of course, Mickayla had no intention of entering the gym quietly, and she had a retort ready for Khorin. But what she hadn't anticipated was that she' d entered in HIS field. He had left her a lure in his last sentence and she had cheerfully taken the bait. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but although I'm flattered I'm not interested in mate with you at all, there is a better woman in my life at the moment," he answered with a smug smirk on his lips. "And maybe you should reevaluate that tendency to threaten to bite people, now that you are full Klingon. On this starship, someone may think you're a bit a chippy," he warned with the tone of one who offers wise advice. "Besides, if you spit that out in front of another Klingon male you might end up in a wedding you were not expecting, Klingon oaths are pretty concise, just saying."

As he said this, both Klingons entered the gym. Contrary to his expectations, the room was almost empty too, and only a few crew members were training alone, lifting dumbbells or running in a treadmill. The ring seemed to have been used very recently, and in one of the corners two pairs of boxing gloves had been thrown, as well as several bladed weapons. Khorin stepped forward and picked up one of them, surprised by to found that there. It was a mek'leth. Khorin bent down to pick it up and ran his fingers across the curved edge. It was blunt, so it was a black weapon replicated only for practice. Replicated, almost certainly, by a non-Klingon. No self-respecting Klingon would lower themselves to using an emasculated weapon.

Still with his hands on the edge of the weapon, Khorin turned to search for Mickayla with his gaze. He expected that the woman would be willing to stay in the gym for a while and burn some of her bad temper there. Perhaps then the rest of the visit would be more pleasant.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #15
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside Public Baths | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

“Asshole,” Mickayla raged as Khorin proved that he was a gigantic morin once again; at least in Mickayla’s eyes. Apparently, he already had a ‘better’ woman in his life. “To each their own,” Mickayla figured. It was not her place to comment on the relationships of others especially when her own ones never seemed to work out for the best. Khorin’s comments on curbing her attitude though, were unwelcomed and just infuriated her more. “A Klingon male, or any male for that matter, comes at me and I’ll use his own blade to cut his cock off. Should put a damper on any thoughts of marriage they might have.”

The smirking grin on Mickayla’s face as they entered the gym stayed as she gazed at all the different equipment present. It was certainly well equipped as gym’s on starships went, larger too. But that wasn’t as much of a surprise given the size of the Theurgy herself. Big ships tended to have bigger everything.

Turning around, she saw that the big Klingon male had procured a sword from somewhere. She recognised the blade. It was a Klingon Mek’leth. Commander Worf had used one while he had been present on the Enterprise-E during the battle of Sector 001.

“Careful with that, sir,” Mickayla warned, her voice low and tinged with a hint of sarcasm. “Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself with it.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #16
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Upper Gym | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

At Mickayla's warning, Khorin could only look at her for a second and laugh thunderously. Then he approached her as he made a series of cuts and setbacks, the kind of exercise that demonstrated his competence with the weapon. Like all sons of a Great House, even those with mixed bloodlines, Khorin had been trained in the use of various blades. Unlike other families, which focused on bath'leth or big, eye-catching weapons, Mo'Kai had always favored lighter weapons... but no less deadly per se. And Khorin could boast of knowing how to handle a Mek' leth better than most klingons. And to be an expert in the use of TajtIq. "Don't worry about me, I'm aware that I must not hold a blade by the sharp end," [he joked, as he kept approaching her. When he was barely two steps away from where she stood, he raised his blade, pointing with it directly at Mickayla's bare throat. "Have you ever use one of this, or are they too 'Klingon' for your taste?" [He rumbled, as he kept moving until the blunt edge rested on her neck.

When he had done so, Khorin grinned sideways, looking directly into the eyes of the Klingon woman. "It's a pity that this is a black weapon, a Klingon blade loses its essence if it lacks sharpness... don't you agree?"

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #17
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside Public Baths | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

Khorin’s laugh seemed to echo around the room, drawing the attention of the few crewmembers present. They saw the two Klingon’s standing near each other, the tall male holding one of the practice Mek’leths that another crewmember had replicated earlier to train with. The male seemed to know what he was doing with the blade as he approached the female, handling the blade with a familiarity born of experience.

“Well, he knows how to use the sword,” Mickayla thought to herself as she watched Khorin. She wasn’t surprised that he knew how to handle the weapon; Khorin was, unlike Mickayla, well in touch with his Klingon side before the Versant. If anything, his alteration was a dream come true to the big oaf. “But despite all the proposed training he has had, he is still overconfident,” Mickayla noted appraisingly as Khorin approached her and rested the blade against her neck. And then he made a mistake when he told her that the sword was blunt. A challenge rising inside her, Mickayla acted before she even realised she was considering it.

Both hands came up and grasped the Klingon blade, something that she would not have done if it had been sharp. Stepping sideways, she pulled with all her newfound strength, tugging the sword, and Khorin with it, forward. Once he was off balance, she pushed the blade back into his face, stunning him before slipping a foot behind his own and shoving back once more. Unbalanced, Khorin fell backwards, his body thumping into the deck as Mickayla stepped back out of reach as she examined the Mek’leth.

“Have a guess what your mistake was?” Mickayla asked as she looked down at Khorin, her mind only now catching up with what her body had down. “What the actual fuck Mickayla? You just struck a superior officer.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #18

[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Upper Gym | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

He should have figured it out. Hours later, Khorin would scold himself for ignoring the signs. The gleam in her eyes. The tension in the jaw. The very light shifting of her feet, which improved her balance. But at that moment he didn't see them. Or worse yet, he was well aware of everything, but decided not to give them much importance. Mere bragging. An empty bravado. What he didn't take into consideration was that, in the short time he had spent with MacGregor, she didn't bluff at all. She acted. Painfully, as he had found that night in the Versant. So, as he fell to the floor, with the mark of the Mek'leth's hilt on the ridges of his septum, the only thing he could think of was that he had earned that. And such a piece of jerk he was.

For a while, as he laid sprawled over the floorplates, he felt tempted to apologize her for his behaviour. After all, he had allowed himself to be dragged along by his bad temper. Despite the shot to counteract his chemical imbalance, his emotions were too fierce, his changes too abrupt and even he was surprised at their intensity.

But then she spoke, looking at him with a superior attitude, well planted on her feet... and uttered a few words just to shame him.

Without knowing how, Khorin found himself on his feet again, charging forward against the shortest woman. Khorin was not fast. Less so now, that his muscles were denser and his weight even heavier than it had been in the past. But he possessed reflexes sharpened in a cockpit and a body strengthened with dedication. So when his shoulder impacted against Mickayla' s chest, it was like a train rolling over a poor helpless animal that crossed its trail. The Klingon woman was thrown backwards, but the pilot did not let her fall, but pawed to cling to the front of her uniform and drew her back to his reach, receiving her with a proper klingon headbutt. Only then did he release her, straightening himself to his full height as the woman took a few steps back to regain her balance. He stared at her as she regained her balance, his lips curled, his teeth bared, and his breathing shaken.

"Oh no, missy. YOU have made a mistake. And you will pay for it," he snarled then, just before he jumped into the fight.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #19
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai & PO1 Mickayla MacGregor |Upper Gym | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]

A @Stegro88 and @Numen JP

Khorin's reaction was as swift as it was direct; the Klingon coming to his feet and charging at Mickayla while she was still recoiling from her own actions. She took the hit, a brutal shoulder charge that flung her backwards. But she never had the chance to hit the deck as Khorin followed through, grasping at her uniform to pull her back within reach so that he could headbutt her. A part of Mickayla realised that if she had been Human, that strike would have killed her and even as a hybrid there would have been the risk of significant injury. But now, as a full-blood, the impact only stunned her momentarily as she backpedalled out of reach again, trying to regain her equilibrium. As she shook her head to regain her focus, she looked up to see an animalistic like Klingon closing in, muttering something about her making a mistake and paying for it.

"Have at it, sir," Mickayla challenged as she quickly analysed the situation. In a straight up fight, Mickayla would lose. Khorin was the stronger opponent with the greater leverage due to his size. She didn't know about his training levels but had to assume that he was at least as good as her if not better. And then there was experience.

As Khorin charged forward, Mickayla waited until the last moment before dropping into a crouch and then rising up again. As she rose, she drove her shoulder into Khorin's lower torso and lifted. This combined with his forward motion, sent him sailing over her.
When the shoulder crashed against his solar plexus, Khorin let out a growl, halfway out of the air escaping his lungs, but mainly out of frustration. He had let himself be trapped in another of the petty officer's tricks. As he flew over the shorter woman he twisted around and extended his fingers, in order to avoid losing the initiative altogether. The corners of his lips curled even more when he managed to close them on Mickayla's arm, in a purely animal expression.

What Mickayla hadn't expected when hip throwing the pilot, was for him to manage to grasp onto one of her arms and pull her off balance with him. As Khorin landed on his back, Mickayla was sent sprawling to her knees, the Mek'leth she had been holding falling away out of reach.

The sound of the weapon against the floorplates sounded like victory in the Klingon male's ears. Without even bothering to get to his feet, Khorin lunged forward, falling over the female's lying figure. He sat astride her, pinning her in her place with his weight. Grabbing one of the sides of her collar, Khorin threw a series of hard hits to her face, ready to end the fight as soon as possible. He didn't restrain his strength by an inch, she wanted to play with the grown-ups.... She was going to learn what it meant the hardest way.

Mickayla's blood was pumping through her veins in a magnificent way even as she was pinned to the ground. It struck her in that moment, that the last time she had felt this good, was aboard the Versant, during the firefight in the hanger bay. Except this time she didn't have the overwhelming fear to smother the excitement.

The strikes from Khorin to her face hurt but Mickayla shook off the pain as she twisted aside at the last moment so that Khorin's next attack hit the deck instead. While the large male was distracted by the pain from his missed attack, Mickayla retaliated with several shots of her own, looking to break either his jaw, or better yet, his nose, completely this time.

Finally Khorin was able to take the woman's hands away from his face and held her wrists above her head. The pilot took a second to spit to one side, leaving a bloody sputum on the light gym floor. The pilot could almost swear that the hag had chipped another of his teeth. He fumbled his tongue over the damaged molar and found that it was correct. "Oh missy, I won't forgive you this one," he grunted, smashing his head against the woman's nose again.

Both Klingons rolled on the floor for a few seconds, fighting like rabid beasts, eventually lying on their sides, fighting to obtain an advantageous position while keeping the other subjugated. For a long time, none of them seemed to win the assault. Khorin's advantage in range, weight, and brute force was counterbalanced with determination and a lack of scruples to perform dirty tricks on the female side. At a certain point, however, Mickayla halted for an instant, looking at Khorin's face without really looking at him. The pilot didn't lose a second in wondering why she hesitated and fitted a fierce hook into the woman's jaw. The impact was so violent that she was thrown half a metre backwards, freeing Douglas from her legs and letting him get back on his feet.

Mickayla had recoiled from the emotional headbutt, seeing stars where there shouldn't be any, she bucked her hips, attempting to dislodge the pilot. Unfortunately, all she managed to do was roll them sideways so that she ended up on her left side. A brawl had ensued but neither Klingon was able to gain an advantage. Mickayla managed to land one shot that seemed to daze the pilot and sought to follow up on it.

Lashing out again, hoping to seize the opportunity while Khorin recovered, Mickayla looked to smack the pilot in the face again. But the blow never landed as Khorin's face was replaced by that of Gideon Drake. It was in this very same position, squashed into the cockpit of the Reaver, that she had killed the Human. Staggered from the memory, Mickayla froze, not even aware she needed to defend herself from what Khorin began to unleash upon her. The Klingon was all over her like a man possessed.

Khorin clasped his fist and, instead of striking the petty officer's bloody face again, he knocked the wallplate next to her violently. Mickayla's head lolled to a side, like a broken toy. She didn't have blue hair. But the marks of his violence scarred her face the way they marked the woman he had slain. The Klingon male let out a confused growl and his hand let go of the woman's neck, who gasped for the air her lungs longed for.

"No..." mused Khorin. "Not again," he said as he took a few steps back, distancing himself from the woman. The images of his chaotic return to the Theurgy invaded his mind again, disjointed and full of blood and death. Guilt knotted in the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," muttered the large man. But his words weren't entirely directed to MacGregor, but were largely an apology to the blue-haired woman he had killed.

Mickayla's mind was so locked up in flashbacks to the cockpit of the Reaver during the battle that she never registered being thrown through the air by the violent hit from Khorin. And it was only after, as her mind began to clear that she felt the pain. She felt like someone had taken a giant tenderiser to her and made sure every part of her was pounded into the deck. And somewhere, off to the side, or front, or wherever, someone was muttering they were sorry.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #20
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Outside Public Baths | Deck Unknown | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

Mickayla had once heard one of her cousin’s describe themselves as feeling like ‘hammered shit’ after a particularly violent pub brawl between disagreeing members of several clans. They had a history stemming back over a millennium of not getting along so the fight was just another in a very, very long chain of them. Thankfully no one had died this time around. Not that you would have guessed that had you come upon the fight right after it had ended.

Now, lying on the deck of the gym, Mickayla understood the description as she to, felt like hammered shit. Khorin had certainly done a number on her as she tried to sit up but failed as her entire body protested the movement, even the parts that hadn’t been assaulted. And her mind?

She couldn’t believe what had happened. She had been enjoying the fight, something to be brought up later, when suddenly Khorin’s face had been replaced with Drakes. And she had frozen. And frozen so badly that she had been pummelled defenceless.

More muttering to the side of her drew her attention and she turned her head to see Khorin there, muttering to himself over and over, saying he was sorry. The odd thing was, Mickayla didn’t think that he was speaking to her as his eyes were focused elsewhere, as if he saw something that she couldn’t.

“I wonder who it was,” Mickayla thought to herself, pieces coming together in her head to paint a picture of why Khorin had been in the brig earlier. And it was the same reason for why she had turned herself in after killing Gideon Drake. Khorin had unintentionally killed someone as well. And like her, he was paying the price for it.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #21
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai |Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

For several minutes, Khorin's mind repeated with incredible accuracy the final moments of Lahkesis Saugn. The blue-haired woman's face and Mickayla's alternated over and over again in his mind eye, and the tall Klingon could only apologize once and again. His voice sounded weaker and weaker until it finally became completely muffled. For long minutes, he stared at the Klingon woman, until, gradually, his pupils focused on her. "I'm sorry" he repeated, and this time his words were not addressed to the ghost who haunted his dream, but to MacGregor herself. "I... I'm not myself lately," he tried to explain.

For a moment, he looked at his hands. His knuckles were torn, his fingers bloodstained. But the blood that smudged them wasn't the transparent, sticky icor that had flowed from Saugn's corpse. It was blood. Klingon blood, red and thick. Khorin flexed his fingers one time... and stretched one arm toward the petty officer. "Let's... let's start again, okay?" he grunted, trying to hide the guilt in his voice. Seeing the effects of the beating he had subjected Mickayla to, he couldn't help but feel a renewed respect for the woman. You had to be very tough to endure something like that and still remain conscious. Khorin hadn't restrained his strength at all... and now,,  he was stronger than ever...

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #22
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

Seeing the once boisterous and overly proud Klingon pilot there on the deck beside her reduced to a muttering mess because of whatever he had done was an eye opener for Mickayla. To be there, witnessing the drastic change that the man had undergone was profound and instilled in the Petty Officer a need to seek help before she lashed out in a way that would have more serious consequences than another trip to the ship’s sickbay.

She didn’t move as Khorin seemed to return to full awareness of his surroundings, working on pushing aside the pain from their vicious bout while she waited. The pilot’s voice drew her attention as he grunted about not being himself and starting again. She almost retorted a quip about him wanting another beating but the look on his face told her that he wasn’t asking about a fight. Rather, that he was asking about their, friendship, she decided to call it.

“It is too late for that Khorin,” Mickayla said softly, looking at the man and continuing before he could say anything. “Too much has happened to both of us to be ignored. We both need help and not just from each other.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #23
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai |Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy | In transit to Aldea]
Att: @Stegro88

"Probably," Khorin confirmed, clutching the woman's wrist to help her get on her feet. "But no matter how much help they can give us outwardly, I think the most important battle is within us. And that fight we can only fight alone... or relied on those who are struggling a similar one." he assured, with a tired smile on his wide face. “nItebQobqaDjup 'e' chaw'be' SuvwI'” he grunted in his native tongue to reinforce his explanation. "It is a popular saying among our people. Whether you like it or not, you're going to have to assume that we Klingons ARE your people... It can be more or less translated as 'A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone'... And now we' re a danger to ourselves, and to those around us. That's why I've.... insisted on fluttering around you and attempting to make you participate of what it is to be a Klingon. In spite of your annoyance." Khorin sighed and shook his heavy head. "I'm not going to make you change your mind easily, I know it since our conversation in the Versant, but I just wanted to make you feel welcome, even though you don't even accept yourself. Neither what you were nor what you are now... not entirely, as you've always rejected part of what you are."

Khorin looked around. Several crewmen murmured and pointed to where they stood, but none had stepped forward to intervene during their fight. It had been brief but intense, and, at the time, it seemed to have been 'friendly'. Even despite the blood flowing from the wounds they both wore, and the bruises that began to darken their swollen features. But soon they would begin to ask questions. Questions that Khorin had no desire to answer. "Now the decision is yours, we can follow the visit, after a step through the infirmary, or I can leave you alone. Forcing my presence on you seems to come more harm than good," he said with humourless chuckle, before stopping his words to wait for the woman to express her will.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade

Reply #24
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy | Unknown Location ] Attn: @Numen

“I think a trip to the sickbay is a good idea, sir,” Mickayla agreed, trying to ignore the pain that was beginning to push its way past the ebbing levels of adrenaline in her system. “And I also agree that we are a danger to both others and ourselves. And that the most important battle we have ahead of us will be fought within ourselves between who we were, what our bodies are forcing us to be and what we choose to be.”

“But sir, you are making one mistake,”
Mickayla went on, looking straight into Khorin’s eyes so that he could see the truth of her words to him. “Your mistake is trying to force me to be Klingon, to act like one when I don’t even now how to. I was raised Human and anything Klingon, even my own appearance as a hybrid, was the antithesis of what existed around me.”

“If you want to make me accept my being a Klingon, then you need to go about it a different way,
” Mickayla explained. “Instead of trying to force it down my throat, try going about it more casually. It will not be easy for me to go against everything I have been raised to believe is not me.”

“I don’t even know how to cope with how I have just acted towards you. Striking a superior officer, being insubordinate. That is not me,”
Mickayla said. “And yet, I both regret and don’t regret what I have just done. And that confuses the hell out of me.”

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