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Topic: CH02: S [Time Unknown] Patriotic Dignity (Read 14525 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH02: S [Time Unknown] Patriotic Dignity


“The lessons of relationship that our primordial ancestors learned are deeply encoded in the genetics of our neurobiological circuits. They are present from the moment we are born and activated at puberty by the cocktail of neurochemicals. It’s an elegant synchronized system. At first, our brain weighs a potential partner, and if the person fits our ancestral wish list, we get a spike in the release of chemicals that makes us dizzy with a rush of unavoidable infatuation. It’s the first step down the primeval path of pair-bonding.”
― Abhijit Naskar

[ Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya @Numen (@Even Angels Cry - Optional)

The second hour, the woman in the corner understood the odds of her perseverance.

She sat there, staring through the white tresses of her hair, her breathing deep yet unsteady. The small area was barren. Sterile and unpleasant, with only a single hatch in the ceiling. She knew not who the captors were. Hadn't seen any of them, but she had seen the moving, mechanical arm behind the hatch when it had emerged. It had extended by the time she and the others had woken up, moved without compromise and fired at them, all four in turn. There had been no escape. She had barely been able to move at that point. The inoculation had hit her in the back, driving the air out of her lungs. Her side hurt as well, tender after falling on it.

Then, there was a contralto, almost feminine voice heard in the area, the sound making the floor beneath them all vibrate.

[Greetings specimens of Andorian variety, my name is Sclergyn and I will be overseeing this study,] the voice had said, but there was no speaker seen anywhere. Only the others in the small area, as if they were animals in a cage. She struggled to get up from the floor after she had been inoculated, weak as a newborn, while the voice droned on with a hint of boredom, as if the female speaker didn't care to talk to them at all, but some rule or policy forced her to. [You have been hand-picked to participate simply because you represent the four sexes of your species. We have not taken into account whether or not the four of you have met before, since that is inconsequential to the results. We have, however, made sure neither of you are biological kin, since that might have long-term negative effects.]

The woman got back on her knees, glaring at the mechanical arm as it returned behind its hatch - antennae angled forth like snakes. She didn't like the sound of what was going on, but the speaker wasn't finished.

There was a brief pause, with a sound reminiscent to a sigh. [The study will hereby commence, as you have been inoculated with a bremelanotide aphrodisiac to expedite coitus. The sooner you begin to mate, the sooner the study will be over. If you require nutrition, it will be provided, and if you need to urinate or defecate, it will be arranged for as well. The important thing to remember is that failure to comply will constitute unpleasant consequences, so it is better to fully comply with the process of the study. Please begin now.]

That had been two hours ago, and after the nature of the study had been revealed, all four Andorians in the room had taken up position in their corners, refusing to comply in the slightest. They were Andorian, and what had been suggested was beneath them to even consider as an option. This, the woman in one corner thought, as she tried not to look at the thaan, chan and shen, only one of which she had met before, but knew that the thaan had been serving on the Theurgy. The shen was completely unknown to her, but she had chosen not to speak to either of them, knowing that their captors were listening to every word they said. She did not wish to provide them with any information, since it could be used as leverage against them.

No, she had been staring upon the floor, and her shivers had nothing to do with the relatively warm observation pen. Whatever they had given her... it worked, but she refused to acknowledge the fact. So she would shiver, she would sweat, and she would glare ahead of herself, defiant and unbroken. She could sit there and hope the away team at the Coreless Moon had made it back, for she had no memory of what had happened to her. Despite all that had happened, and how she was an exile from Andoria, she would share in a patriotic stand against this perverse enemy. She would listen. She would observe. And she would see the weak point in the trap she was in...

...and she would break free.

This, ThanIda zh'Wann convinced herself, steeling herself against the unwanted effects upon her body.

She would be free again, and continue the Theurgy's mission. She would protect her crew. Regardless the cost.

This, by Lor'Vela, I so swear.

Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #1
[Lt. JG Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Day Unknow| Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
@chXinya @Auctor Lucan ( @Even Angels Cry - Optional)

Two hours. Two hours monitoring constantly the ceiling, her gaze tracing the almost invisible edges of the hatch. Two hours waiting for her captors to give up, and fearing that she or one of the other three captives would do so earlier. Two hours realizing how her body slowly betrayed her, despite all her will. TWO FULL HOURS. She knew exactly how much time had passed since she had counted every second, every one of them, since she had been cornered there, at the same angle of the room where she had received her dose of aphrodisiac.

She closed her eyes again and buried her face between her knees, hugging her long legs tightly. She couldn't suppress a shudder and began to gasping again. Another wave of flush turned her face purple and her antennae writhed again, out of control. She began to shiver anew being conscious of how her pheromones wrapped her like a shroud, thicker and denser as the minutes spread out. Their taste were in the back of her throat, soft and mellifluous, and in the dimples of her antennae. Shar was unable to stop biting her lip and lifted her head slightly to look out the corner of her eyes, to the left. When she realized what kind of gaze she was addressing to the thaan, she quickly turned her eyes back to the ceiling, blushing another time. For the blood of the Water Guardian, what was I thinking? Precisely that IS the problem, I wasn't thinking she reprehended herself, exasperated. Kelleshar grinded her teeth again and returned to her study of the whiteness of the ceiling, attempting to distract her mind from the current situation, recounting how she had come to that trap.

Everything had gone from bad to worse since the door of the life-saving pod opened. The small surviving crew of the Endeavour had almost fought to leave it, after the endless days trapped in the tiny capsule. Even Shar, more than used to narrow rooms and lack of personal space since childhood, had been relieved to get out into the cool expanse of the hangar. Then the smell of disinfectant hit her like a punch. The huge chamber looked more like a hospital than an spacecraft shelter, aseptic and dimly lit. An indeterminate number of gray-skinned humanoids were busy in the room, moving with the precision of those who perform a routine job, repeated countless times. The operations officer barely had time to analyze her surroundings when one of the huge-headed aliens with unfathomable black eyes set her apart from the rest of the survivors. The selection was so quick and apathetic that she didn't have time to think about the reason she had been picked. But as soon as the metal ligatures closed over her wrists and began to buzz gently, she realized her mistake, but it was too late.

However, she struggled to get away, snarled and began to fight with tooth and nail. Finally she threw herself forward, trying to headbut the gray creature that scanned her. The grey being simply stepped aside and let her lose her balance, then tapped a couple of times on his device, which sent a shock through the shackles. Shar had never felt anything like it. She struggled to breath on the warm floor, like a fish out water, while the creature addressed her in a low, calm, almost bored tone. She did not understand the words, but easily guessed the meaning, and against all her instincts, she remained still. The strange device the grey-one carried emited a couple of low deep beeps and the alien leaned forward, frowning slightly, reviewing the readings. He took some notes, circling the fallen Andorian out of her field of vision. Kelleshar tried to roll to her side and continue observing him, but a new electric discharge stopped her. When the shock ended she was sure she had lost two heartbeats. She was still seeking her breath while the alien punctured the back of her neck. Then, everything went black.

The shen ran her hands through her hair, uncrossed her lengthy legs and crossed them again. She told herself that she made it to activate the blood flow in her limbs, but she knew well that she was trying to hide the truth. The tingling sensation inside her had nothing to do with pins and needles. Neither the heat that spread down the lower part of her abdomen, dogged driven her insane. Shar sighed once more, half  frustrated and half aroused. The bulb-head knew what they were doing, the chemical they had injected her worked too well. She risked and lowered her eyes from the ceiling, looking at her fellow captives. They were also naked, and she was sure that they struggled with the same compounds in their veins, in spite of that, they sat stoically, refusing to give in to the demands of the experiment. It wasn't just their own prides, what they were trying to force them to do was against the basic principles of their People. In a dying race, the shelthreth was almost a sacred act, an act of communion between four to create something better than them, a Whole greater than the mere physical act and than they individualy. So, they endured the situation without a word.

The youngest of the Zenne Clan raised her chin, proud of her own people, proud to belong to a specie unbreakable as the Andorians. They would prevail.

Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #2
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant] attn: @Auctor Lucan @Numen ( @Even Angels Cry - Optional)

Curled up as tightly as possible, the chan fought the shivers that wracked his body whenever he caught a glance of his three cellmates.  They were all a sorry sight, sweat-soaked, shivering despite the inviting warmth, huddled into corners to keep as far from each other as possible, and Shall could only guess as to how badly he looked in comparison.  Wrapping his arms around his torso, his right hand absentmindedly rubbed the spot where some mechanical arm shot him with something.  It still ached, no matter what he did, and if the unseen voice hadn’t told them that it was an aphrodisiac he’d’ve feared that all four of them were suffering from some sort of adverse reaction.  Right now, he wished that that was what it was, it’d be easier to deal with.

Shall’s legs ached, he was not used to curling up into a ball like this, especially not for this long.  He’d already forgotten what the floor and walls felt like, his rear and back went numb some time ago.  He’d shift to at least regain some blood flow, but that would show the others just how compromised a state he was in, and Shall had no inclination to show how weak he’d become.  It was taking all of his willpower to keep his erection from expanding even more than it already had, and while it wasn’t fully extended it clearly wanted to be used.  The subtle motions from the others weren’t helping with his battle, every time one of them would shift his eyes would invariable dart to them before he could refocus on the blank wall.  Sometimes his nostrils would flare, errant currents wafting the pheromone ladened air to him.

And then it happened.

A bead of sweat slid down Shall’s blue forehead, along the bridge of his nose, and hung off of the tip.  The confluence of subtle textures combined with its final resting place triggered an automatic response, and the chan sneezed.  It was a hard one, the sharp exhalation filling the cage in an instant, and the sudden motion made Shall slip.  Blue feet slipped out from in front of him and a moment later his back smacked into the floor with a wet thwap.  Quickly trying to pick himself up, his hand slipped in a puddle of his own sweat sending him back to the floor.  It took another attempt to get back up into a sitting position.

Curled up once again, Shall couldn’t help but glance at his three companions through the loose locks of hair that were hanging all around his head.  Ida he knew, and just looking at her brought back memories of their spar.  Oh how he wished he could do more than spar with her, all he had to do was walk over… NO! he yelled to himself.  Don’t give them what they want!  Shaking his head to clear it, he moved on to the others.  The shen was unfamiliar.  Where did she come from? he wondered.  The thaan he thought he might’ve seen once before, but couldn’t think of exactly where.  They were the unknown quantities here, how well can they hold out?

A better question: How long can he?

A new wave of shivers wracked Shall’s body and he slammed his head into the wall behind him, not enough to hurt, just something to do to (ineffectively) release some tension.  Behind closed eyes he could see his mates, Jay, Syora, and Tavin, waiting for this nightmare to end so that Shall could rejoin them.  He could see it now, the four of them embracing at their home, antenna kissing in turn, then Jay would grab the front of his uniform, rip it off and throw him to the ground, pouncing across his abdomen to rake his skin in passion while Tavin and Syora started to feel…

“NO!” Shall yelled, snapping out of the aroused daydream, hands and arms smacking into the walls for support.  His hair whipped around his face, the wet tips stinging his skin.  Breathing heavily he stared at the others, daring them to try to soothe him.  His right leg shifted into a lotus position while he rested his face on his left knee, no longer caring that he’s on full display.  That’s right. Jay’s voice sounded in his mind, taking on a sultry tone she’d only used once before in his presence.  Show them what you have.

They’ll love you, just as much as we have. Syora was next, and for a moment it felt like she was right behind him, whispering into his ear before giving it a licking kiss.  Tavin started to lecture right behind her, but this sounded different.  Together we are Whole, but even the parts have their own needs…

Groaning in despair, Shall wondered if this was what it was like to go mad.  Somehow, these beings have managed to turn his own own shelthreth against him.

Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #3
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya @Numen (@Even Angels Cry - Optional)
When the chan in the present company sneezed and fell, it was impossible to not look his way. The fact that the Stellar Cartographer had lost one antennae made itself manifest in how he fell on his side. Ida clenched her teeth together, wanting to curse him for breaking the silence, disturbing the other three in their steadfast determination.

But then he exposed himself, and Ida's breath hitched in her throat. She ground her teeth together instead, trying to rip her eyes away from the extended hardness, and eventually, she had to close her eyes - hard - and ignore the way she ached betwixt her legs. Distraction. He had to distract herself. How? She cared naught. Anything was better than silence at that point. She pursed her lips, shoving away any ideas about what she'd rather use her mouth for, and spoke - eyes still closed.

"Shen," she said, since she knew naught more about her, "I'm Ida... Lieutenant zh'Wann. What's your story? How did you end up here?"

She purposefully did not mention the name of the ship she hailed from, knowing quite well what the media and Starfleet Command let everyone think about the Theurgy. She could but hope that the two males present had the wits to do the same. They needed allies, not another one thinking they were traitors to the Federation. She opened her eyes, breath shallow, and blinked away sweat as the laid her gaze on the shen, refusing to acknowledge the hardness that Shall had on display.

Then again, the shen looked fantastic too, only less exposed at the moment.

She knew they needed a plan of escape, but how were they to discuss it when they were being studied like animals in a cage?

Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #4
[Lt. JG Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Day Unknow| Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
@chXinya  @Auctor Lucan  ( @Even Angels Cry  - Optional)

Shar got alarmed when the chan sneezed. She couldn't help but drag her gaze from the ceiling hatch to look at him, a mass of trembling limbs, sweat and inhibited movements. The shen knew that she should feel pity for him or, more likely, disdain, seeing how his composure melted like a snowflake in a katheka cup. Reality was that her own condition wasn't much better. Worse still, the effort he made to straigthen again offered her new angles of the body of her compatriot, highlighting his appeal, his excellent physical form, seductive at a primitive level of her consciousness. As if that were not enough, the chan decided that he ought to show off himself, displaying the extent of his arousal without hesitation. Shar leaned forward, bending her knees under her rear and resting her hands on the floorplates, looked at him cheeky between her thin lashes. She could even tolerate his lack of antenna, she knew better than most of andorian that it was temporary.

For better or worse, the zhen turned Shar's attention away and broke the tacit silence that they had  agreed. She leaned back again, and laid her back against the white wall,  in a less defensive stand. She evaluated for a moment the convenience of answering, staring at the self-proclaimed lieutenant with bowed head. Finally she nodded slightly, acknowledging the introduction.

“Kelleshar,” she said with husky voice. “Lieutenant Junior Shar sh'Zenne” She cleared her throat sonourously and continued speaking with a slightly lighter tone, although the effects of the aphrodisiac were still evident. “I served as Assistant Chief of Operations in the USS Endeavour, before the ship must to be evacuated” She pursed lips and crossed the arms under her breast uneasyly “Our starship was destroyed by a Borg cube and later that bulb-heads took our drifting pod...”

The memory of the attack and the days isolated in the pod cleared her mind for a moment. She frowned and narrowed eyes, cocking her head slightly.

“Zha 'Wann, you said you were a lieutenant ... In what Force?” she asked addressing Ida in a respectful way.”In Starfleet? In the Imperial Guard?”She guessed.

However, her intense scrutiny on the other woman provoked another shudder. Shar slowly closed her eyes and tried to calm her agitated breathing with little success. Her blue forehead damped with more sweat  and she felt a warm tide of blood dyeing her cheeks. She wasn't even able to arrange a couple of sentences in a row. Shar gripped her hands on her knees, trying to hide the tremor that tormented her.I have ... we have to get out of here before I throws myself onto any of them like a heated rayth she mumbled.

Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #5
[Ensign Sehl "Talon" th'Chilnes | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @chXinya , @Numen


What had happened?  How did he get here?  Sehl remembered being in the rear cockpit of Angel's valravn.  He remembered the dire situation staring them in the face and then Angel's panicked voice... then nothing.  Until two hours ago.  The voice had been less than helpful in determining what had happened, how it had been done or where they were exactly.  But at least they knew why: an experiment.  A mating experiment.

The idea was distasteful to Sehl on many levels.   While he had been known to act upon his passions, Sehl was a romantic at heart.  He wanted candlelight and soft kisses, massages and sweet music.. not a sterile chamber and drugged partners.  More than that, his ideal partner would be gentle, effeminate, intelligent.. and male.  He always had a weak spot for charming, beautiful men, but he rarely acted upon those impulses.  Truthfully he hadn't met many men interested in romance, so his previous relationships had consisted of mostly sweet, androgynous or emasculate females. 

He was well aware of the sacred Andorian union, and knew his place in the scheme of it all.  His parents had ensured he knew the importance of it within his culture, but he'd never felt a strong calling to seek out others to form the shelthreth.  He preferred the way that humans mated, in pairs.  He did promise that he would perform his duty as a thaan should he ever need to become bonded and produce a child, but this wasn't what he meant.  It wasn't what he wanted.  Though looking at his body, one would think otherwise.

The drug was in full effect now and every second that he fought it off felt like an hour in agony.  Despite his best efforts, the thaan's member had engorged and emerged,  It stood at attention and throbbed with every pheromone-filled breeze that wafted his way.  He sat with his back against one wall and he outer leg bent up at the knee.  His inner leg laid mostly straight along the wall.  In this position, his erection was mostly hidden by his thigh, but it left other parts of him more exposed than he'd like.

He didn't even realize that his pale blue eyes had naturally landed on the chaan until the man sneezed.  It was then that Sehl became aware of just how long he'd been staring at the beautiful man.  Sehl wondered what it might feel like to run his fingers through that silky, white hair or to nuzzle his antennae against that broken stalk.  When the chaan moved, Sehl's eyes widened.  Was it fear or delight reflected in them at the sight of an erect member on display?  He wasn't sure.  He felt the eyes of the women land on him and for a second he felt lucky to have met such lovely Andorians.  The women were easy on the eyes.  He tore his eyes away from the other man to study the shen and the zhen.  Oh yes.. they were exquisite.  Full where it mattered, firm where he liked it, already so ready to go.  He could just slip right in...

No.  He knew that these thoughts and feelings were a result of the drug.  The aphrodisiac.  They weren't his own, not entirely.  In truth, he'd seen many Andorians during his Starfleet career, though he admitted to not being overly familiar with these three.  Perhaps it was a good thing, then, that the one called Ida zh'Wann started some small talk.  He noted the way she chose her words and phrased her questions, though.  She was hiding something.. or protecting it.  How interesting.  So this would be how they retained their dignity?  Keeping secrets hidden while exposing their bodies?  Clever.

"You may call me Sehl. Or Ensign th'Chilnes.  Or Talon. I'm a pilot.  Ida, Kelleshar, chaan.. I'd say it's good to meet you all but considering the circumstances..  Still, nice to see another blue face."  He smiled, but he held it too long.  He stared at his companions too deeply.  It stirred something in him.  He felt his heartbeat quicken.  The sweat beading on his forehead began to trickle down his face like a lover's caress.  Sehl gasped a little too loud.  He wouldn't be the weak link.  He wouldn't be the first one to break! 

..but.. he couldn't hold out much longer..
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #6
[Ens. Irnashall "Shall" ch'Xinya | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant] attn: @Auctor Lucan @Numen @Even Angels Cry

“Shall.” the chan finally croaked out, adding his name to the list of the damned.  How much longer could they hold out?  Why wait Ch’te? Jay purred in his ear, answering his thoughts for him.  He ignored her, but not before a slight turn of the head, reflexing as if his mate really was kneeling behind him.  “We’re all Starfleet and came from the same ship.”  Shall nodded at Sehl in response to the thaan’s greeting, attempting to keep to some sort of normalcy despite the situation.

For a moment, just talking seemed to alleviate the torments, but then the moment passed.  Doing everything possible to ignore the other Andorians in the room just made the shakes worse, but now it was different.  Each of the three other captives were fighting for his eyes and he couldn’t help but study them in turn.  Just your eyes? Tavin teased.  Admittedly, Sehl wasn’t his usual type, but that beard was unique for their species and it was reminding him of Derik back on the Theurgy.  Just the thought of the Trill made his loins stir some more.  Shar was probably one of the most exotic shens he’d ever seen in his life: even sitting down her height and lanky build were readily apparent.  Those legs of hers seemed to go on forever.

And then there was Ida.

Since their duel in the gym all that time ago, the zhen would haunt Shall’s thoughts every so often.  She was an enigma to the chan, an Andorian who wanted nothing to do with Andorians, yet their paths continued to cross, and they never seemed to go well for him.  First she mopped the floor with him in the gym, then after Derik saved him from the Devoted she could only make verbal jabs at how poorly he’d fared in the ambush.  He knew all the rumors of course, but that didn’t matter to him.  All he cared about was that delightful shade of skin, the hair that he’d give everything to run his fingers through, whispering forbidden things into her ear.  Like what? Syora asked.

Shall’s mind latched onto those dreams and started down the path.  He could see it as plain as his knee: the four of them, Shall, Sehl, Shar, and Ida writhing together on the floor fulfilling the ancient bonds that were the foundation of their species.  Each of them crying out in the ultimate pleasure…

Shaking the images out of his head, sweat droplets splattered against the walls.  “It’s not like it matters…” Shall started to mumble, trying to drown out his bondmates before they could say anything else.  Locking eyes with Ida his voice got louder so that they could all hear him clearly.  “We all know that you’re almost guaranteed to miscarry.”  His exclamation was dripping with venom, but it wasn’t directed at Ida herself, but to this thrice-damned genetic issue that was killing them.

But that’s not the point. Jay berated him.  There are three beautiful people right here begging for you. Syora joined in, one in each ear.  Children are a gift from Uzaveh. Tavin started with the old lecture, but his tone was very, very different from the one he normally used.  And some gifts are meant to be shared. His member twitched as it slipped further out of his sheath, extending to its full length, quickly becoming engorged.  For a moment it felt like his Th’se was stroking it, and it was so, so tempting to add his own hand to the deed….

Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #7
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya @Numen @Even Angels Cry
Getting the other three to start talking was a double-edged ushaan, in how it did serve as a distraction from the aphrodisiac, but also made it impossible to ignore them in their inviting nakedness. Ida was trying to take as deep breaths as possible, remaining calm, all the while her breasts had begun to ache too - the lactation having begun to a lesser degree even before she ended up in the room. These captors knew Andorian biology, because she was indeed in her fertile period, so she had to assume the others were too. The captors likely knew the progression of their mating too.

First, the men would impregnate Kelleshar with their seed, but it was not so simple. Shar would have to drink milk from Ida for the egg to take the seed, and together with certain hormones received from all three partners, Shar's ovipositior would begin to engorge, preparing to pass the morula-state egg to Ida's womb one day later. As complex as it might seem to binary gendered species, it was perfectly natural to Andorians, raised to know these things from an early age. Because of the fertility rates, the focus on the sheltereth in their society could almost be deemed obscene. Their people's survival rode on the need for all precautions to be taken, all proven methods tried. As Shall just pointed out, however, the chance the egg to hatch inside Ida was minimal... but he almost made it sound like an invite. That there would be no consequences if they obliged the captors... He was right in tha-

No! She bared her teeth and looked way, but there was a low whimper in her throat, not wanting to discard that kind of excuse to give in. Focus! She blinked hard. That's when it came to her.

By Lor'Vela, what did she say again? It seemed it was not just Ida who hadn't listened thoroughly when Shar spoke, distracted as they all were by her more than her mere words, but once Ida realised what Shar had actually said, she did manage to subdue her physical needs. The ramifications of the words grave indeed. At least Shall had answered for her, telling Shar that they were indeed Starfleet.

"Did you say the Endeavour was attacked by the Borg?" asked Ida, her voice thick. She stared at the shen, piecing things together as best as she might. "The Endeavour was last logged to be in Federation space... Are you saying there are Borg behind Federation lines?"

It seemed like the peak of the inoculation's effects had yet to come, since Ida thought it was only getting more difficult to ignore the almost painful itch between her legs. Blinking away sweat from her eyelashes, it was like keeping one's hands away from a wound. It was instinctual, and before she knew it, she told herself she just had to make sure she was not bleeding. Her hand ran down over the curve of her breast, the hard peak scraping against her palm. Her eyes fluttered shut, and then she had her hand betwixt her legs, and she drew in a sharp breath. No! You fought this before. Remember Niga!

The memories composed her, and she raised her hand again. No, she wasn't bleeding, but her fingers were coated with her juices from her sex. It's all in your head... All in your head.

That's when the Savi spoke up, the voice thrumming in the deck plating beneath them and in the bulkheads - the vibration so close to her sex not helping the least.

[Please pay attention. This is to be considered the first phase of this mating study, and unless you oblige the curiosity of the Savi, we will be forced to enter Phase 2, in which your memories will be removed, and you'll find yourselves in a simulated environment. You will have forgotten who you are, and why you would persist in denying yourselves what your bodies want you to do.]

Ida cursed under her breath, shivering as she wanted to touch herself again.

[This demands resources and time we do not care to spend, so instead, we have another offer. We believe ourselves able to find a cure for your people's low fertility rates. We believe so, because we have done it before. Our Archive strongly suggests we were once able to mend the process, and since we have advanced in our research since then, the solution should not be too hard to rediscover. Nonetheless, we need the data from another completed Andorian mating. Please consider these options carefully.]

Baring her teeth, Ida tried not to listen, tried to ignore the reverberations against her when the Savi spoke.

[To make this less embarrassing for you, we will also dim the light to 10 % now.]

A chirp ended the message, and then the lights dimmed, and Ida's pupils grew - not knowing what would happen next...

Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #8
[Lt. JG Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Day Unknow| Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya  @Auctor Lucan  @Even Angels Cry

Shar noticed the little control she possessed was was quickly crumbling. Self-discipline had never been her strong point and two hours of forced silence had stubbornly eroded hers. But she had overcome that difficulty, more or less, counting the passing seconds. Now ... now, she was entangled without wishing it in that small talk, staring at her interlocutors when she was almost incapable of... She shook her head briskly, tiny beads of sweat spilling around her. No. Not now. She had to focus, she had to impose herself on her body.

She rested her heels firmly on the floor plates and pushed herself backward, leaning her rear and back against the bulkheads. She wished they were cold, the cool activating her blood and calming her mind. But like everything in that cell they were warm and dull, unable to distract her from the others. She cocked her head, and her eyes fell on the thaan, Sehl. She let her eyes wandered lazily through his body. Shar had rarely seen a thaan with a beard. She asked herself how it would feel under her fingers. How would be to rub her cheek against his? She wondered if his neck and shoulders would be as firm under her hands as they appeared. She bit her lower lip, querying if his apparent shyness would persist when ...

Shar shook her head again, trying to calm her unbridled imagination. She tried to dry her forehead, but it was in vain. Sweat enveloped her like a second skin. She could feel the drops tracing paths through her skin, falling between her breasts and her abdomen, reaching her ... NO! No ... come on Shar, you're better than this, you can't reduce yourself to an animal in heat ... Looking away from Selh was almost a physical pain. She tried to hold onto something, something that would allow her to keep her sanity intact. Shall. He spoke. What did he say? His voice seemed unable to overcome the roar of her blood on her eardrums. She turned to the chan bowing her head, trying to make sense of his sentence. He continued talking, louder, but Shar could barely understand him. She wasn't very interested either. The movement of his thick lips hypnotized her. The words didn't make sense at all at that time but the sibilant quality of his voice was truly suggestive. Would he sound the same when the four were intertwined? Or would he murmur hoarsely? Would his body vibrate from the chest to the crotch when ...?

Not again. No, no. She wouldn't be the weakest link. She had been always the wild card, but not this time. No, not when there was so much at stake. Her parents had always told her that their keth had been blessed. Therefore, the sacredness of the shelthreth was the little they had insisted on teaching her in spite of her disinterest. She did not dishonor her Clan. Not again. Not in this.

Shar shifted her hips, trying to find a comfortable position. She crossed her slender legs, folding them in front of her. It was then that she felt the extra wetness in her groin, different than sweat. She attempted to remove it from her mind. She tried to set aside her impulse to explore the apex of her body. She bit the inside of her cheeks, hard, until she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. Meanwhile, the conversation seemed to continue. The zhen spoke again... Ida? Ida. A word in her thick voice managed to get Shar's attention. One that resonated in her brain like an alarm. Endeavour. What had she said? She focused her eyes to watch the other woman, looking at her without fully understanding her. Endeavour. She was almost unable to think. Her mind felt as thick as honey. Like the smell of pheromones in the air. Endeavour. Why should that remind her something? ENDEAVOUR. Flashes of familiar corridors, of familiar places managed to reach her brain. Oh That. Yes. The memory of the attack broke through, little by little, until flooding her like a waterspout. The impacts on the hull, the plasma fire, the crew running. The Borg. Vasiliev. She shuddered and this time it wasn't from desire. Ida's words finally made sense.

"Aye ... " She answered with a harsh voice. Her throat was dry. And she was so, so thirsty. How had she not noticed before? She tried to swallow, but her mouth was scorched, her tongue raspy. When she spoke again her voice was a guttural yelp. "Yes, we were traveling in Federation Space, en route to Starbase 84." She closed her eyes, trying to gather the little coherence that remained in her. Screams of pain in the corridors. The eyes of the Chief when the nanoprobes invaded his blood. "I can not ... I can't remember the exact point on our route. I was working in the Jefferies." Think Shar, think: how long have you been there? More than one shift, she had spent more than one shift in the tubes when the attack began. "But I'm sure that we weren't in warp." - She KNEW the sound of the ships in warp, that purring that sounded like of an animal in heat, calling to its mate, sighing for ... NO, no Shar, it sounded like motors and plasma and antimatter, nothing barely erotic. Nothing suggestive. Think Shar, think. Focus. "There was no yellow alert, I guess they appeared out of nowhere." As if it wasn't the usual Borg tactic, why am I only able to state the obvious? "There was at least one Cube. I saw it when the escape pod left the starship." She finished the sentence with an inarticulate noise, unable to provide more information. Unable to make her dry throat produce a coherent sound. But, in fact, she knew little else. Scraps of what the rest of the crew had told. Flashes of information from those who had been on the bridge. But it was hard for her to grab those memories. They slipped away, as if she was trying to hold water with her hands. Everything was more difficult for her, looking directly at the zhen. Ida. She was shorter than herself, but her hips and chest were fuller. She thought that she could get lost in them. She could extinguish her thirst in her. The hardness of her nipples told Shar that she was more than willing to help. Shar whimpered softly when she saw the other woman direct her hand between her legs. She turned her eyes away, doing the best she could to ignore her again. But doing it was as painful as tearing off an antenna. She wouldn't be the weak link. She wouldn't be the wild card. Not again.

The cold, disinterested voice of their captors rumbled again in the pen. It vibrated through the deck plates and through the bulkheads. She tried to focus on the monotonous words. Their captors would make them participate in the experiment, whether they wanted or not. In case they didn't yield to their request, they would erase what made them be themselves. Shar had fresh in her mind the memory of the Borg assimilating her starship. For a moment, her irrational fear stifled the effect of drugs. Their captors, those ... those ... those bulb-heads were giving them an impossible dilemma to solve. Either they would give in to their experiment or they would reduce the andorians to a state in which their will would be worthless. She didn't like any of that options. She didn't want to desacralize the shelthreth. But neither she wanted to get lost, forgetting who she had been, which was her background... who were her family. The captor's speech continued, offering they an unsuspected possibility. A cure for what was slowly destroying their people. A way of turning them into the saviors of their species, in a new beginning for Andoria. They just had to comply their requirements.

Finally, the invisible grey-being turned off the lights of the room. Their warden said that had lowered them to 10%, but Shar was unable to distinguish it from total darkness. For the first time since she had woken up in there, she felt almost alone. She knew she was not, she still could hear the heavy breathing of her fellows. She still could smell their essences. She felt their desire with her antennae. Just slightly lucid, Shar assessed her possibilities, the pros and cons. She didn't want to forget who she was. Like so many times lately, her only option was surrender today to be able to fight tomorrow. Just try to survive again. Prevail.

She wasn't sure she was doing the right thing. Maybe she was just rationalizing her desire. Either way, patience was not her strong point. She didn't think, she acted. Shar stood up gently, without making noise. She moved carefully away from the wall, like a predator stalking its prey. She would be the wild card again. But this time, she would be sure to take the safest option. She would obey the Savi, without fully participating in the experiment. She would accept the impulse imposed by the aphrodisiac without losing all her determination. Carefully, she moved through the pen, without making a sound, and when her left hand came across the corner she was looking for, she allowed herself a slight smile, hidden in the darkness. She knelt next to Ida and put a feathery touch on the leg of the other andorian, ascending slowly from the calf to the thigh. How much had she wanted to feel the softness of another skin beneath her fingers. Her body craved physical contact as much as her throat needed quench her thirst. She moved  her hands daringly, her fingers tracing a firm hip and a muscular side to finally reach the side of one of  the zhen's breasts. Shar purred softly and leaned toward the other woman. She brought her lips to the ear of the other woman and, in an almost imperceptible voice, whispered her name.


Re: Chapter: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #9
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya @Numen @Even Angels Cry
Hard as it was, Ida had tried to follow Shar's words, to understand the magnitude of the problem she described. Hostile Borg within Federation borders, right in the middle of the Romulan Cold War? Furthermore, before her memories stopped, back on the Coreless Moon, she knew there had been Klingons there. That the moon's derelict defence systems had decimated the carrier in orbit along with a lot of Raiders. It meant some kind of response from the Klingons too. All the while Starfleet Command was pilling the strings from Earth, the parasites pitching them all against each other. She dared not speculate what they were doing close to the Tzenkethi Coalition or the Talarian Republic...

Yet whatever thoughts she might have had, they had been wiped from her mind when the Savi had spoke, detailing what lay ahead if they didn't comply to the mating study. She had greater personal concerns than the galactic turmoil the parasites were causing, and she was sure that they were somehow involved in the Borg's appearance behind Federation borders too, but right then? Right there? It was hard to keep a single coherent thought, even more so when the Savi suddenly shut down the lights, and promised them their people's salvation.

In the darkness, she barely dared to breathe, her thoughts on the other three she was with. Her eyes told her little, yet to adjust to the darkness, but her antennae... they were sensitive to more than light. Sit still, don't move... Don't move...

She was determined to remain where she was, to not get up, but the darkness... It lent her privacy, and her mind was foggy with need to please herself at that point. She had not dared touch herself in front of the others. It was too much shame involved in the display of weakness. and she knew she might incite the others too if she gave in. But in the dark? In the dark, she couldn't help herself. The aphrodisiac in her veins had yet to peak, it seemed, since every moment made it more difficult to resist. Before she knew it, she'd closed her eyes, running her hands over her own body. She bit her teeth together, hard, to keep herself from moaning out loud. She already had a hand between her legs, rubbing her sodden, warm sex, merely letting out a desperate whimper instead of crying out.

Then, she felt it....

Fingers, hands not her own touching her.

Her eyes widened in alarm, but she was already fingering herself at that point, kneading herself with two digits thrusting inside. To feel another set of hands on her made her groan deep down in her throat. She saw her visitor more with her antennae than her eyes. It was Shar, touching her body, and she knew it for certain when she heard her voice next to her ear, saying her name. Even the breath of the shen against her face felt like a caress. No, no, no... We can't, we can't...

Yet even as she thought this, she laid her forehead against the other woman's. Their noses touched first, then their antennae. She had not been with another Andorian since the Imperial Guard. She was panting, the anticipation already mounting, even if their breaths had just begun to mix between their faces. "We can't... We... can't..."

Yet even as she said it, Ida's free hand sought that body of Shar's, exchanging caresses with her. She couldn't stop pleasing herself with her other hand, however, like she had an itch that wouldn't relent, and her fingers were making wet noises. It was obvious what she was doing to herself, but she couldn't stop. She just couldn't stop.

Just like she couldn't stop herself from finally kissing Shar, slanting her lips across hers.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental | Patrotic Dignity

Reply #10
[Lt. JG Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Day Unknow| Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya  @Auctor Lucan  @Even Angels Cry

The moment she felt the zhen's breath caressing her face, the little composure she had left was shattered. Only the longing, the thirst, the desire for more remained. She didn't care about anything else, not anymore. The contact of her antennae shot sparks through all the nerves of her body. A unique sensation that ran through her scalp and descended back down,giving her goosebumps. When Ida's hand caressed her body, she received it with hunger, with the desperation of the starving. "We can not ... We ... can not ..." pleaded the other woman. Shar didn't answer her. She just continued with the ministrations of her hands on the body of Ida, supplicant, provocative.
When her lips finally joined, she received it craving, hopeless.

It was inevitable to notice how the other woman was already giving free rein to her desire. She chuckled, her nose still resting on that of the other andorian. Her voice said one thing but her body told her other tale. And she found that she loved that provocative contradiction. Shar wasn't willing to let her enjoying herself alone, so she spilled on her, letting her kisses run down her mouth, nipping at the voluptuous lower lip and traced a wet path from her lower jaw to elegant neck. Meanwhile, her antennae ran through her silky hair and smooched her distinguished forehead, shaping her form, seeing her without using her eyes. And she really liked what she saw. The wanton sighs and reckless hands. But Shar needed more. Her thirst did not stop. Her need didn't let her think.

Her own hands wandered across the smooth, gorgeous skin of Ida. One of them concerned about the surface of her hip, while the other was emboldened in the firmness of her belly and ascended back to her breasts. When she reached them again, she weighed them, full, attractive as nothing she had felt before. For Blood of the Water Guardian, she was thirsty, so thirsty.

She slightly turned her face away from the path that was tracing over Ida and rested her forehead against the other woman's. "I really need you," she moaned hoarsely. "And you need it too. You need me. You need us" She knew that her voice sounded desperate, much more than she wanted to acknowledge. But the peak of the drugs threatened to finally devastate her. The time of shame and denial had vanished with the light. Saying those short sentences was the greatest effort she had ever made in her life.

She traced Ida's neck with her kisses again, provoking her, licking the small gap between her collarbones and continued down to skirt the areola. Meanwhile, her hand traced the other woman's wrist, the one that Ida was submerging in her needed wetness, placing her fingers parallel to hers.

She stopped, for a moment, and raised the antennae, caressing her face. "Please" She begged.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #11
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall “ch’Xinya | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant]

When the lights went off, Shall didn’t even notice.  Of course hispupils immediately dilated to absorb more of the limited photons, antenna rose to a full height, and his eyes started to coat themselves with a film that further helped see in minimal lighting.  He was an astronomer, the darkness was his friend.  But that wasn’t what pulled the chan into a stupor.

Did you hear!  A cure! Syora was practically bouncing in glee.  Not yet.. Jay clarified, but Tavin picked up the thread without a pause.  …they just need data.  Easily attained data.  Shall’s member got the hint, already engorged and standing stiff at full extension, without any help he could feel drops of pre dripping out of it, starting the lubrication process.

But our bond… he started to object to his bondmates’ encouragements, desperate to fight the dugs he’d been violated with, but then new sounds brought and end to all that.  One of the voices had shifted locations and they were saying very different things now.  The subtle sounds of flesh on flesh softly echoed off of the walls, and Shall couldn’t help but look to them, peering through his sweat-soaked hair.  Even with his adapted eyesight it was hard to see, but if he didn’t know better, he’d say there were two very beautiful women kissing and caressing each other in the corner.

His member jumped in his hand and Shall was shocked to feel it there, he couldn’t remember grasping it.  Neither could he remember the gentle stroking feeling so wonderful…  Oh don’t be like that… Jay cooed in his ear, her hand batting his away.  You’ve got three friends who can do it for you  Syora grabbed both of his hands and pulled him to his shaky feet.  The chan nearly stumbled after sitting for so long, but he managed to stay up.  He could feel his antenna writhing like a worm, tickling his hair as it tried to tie itself into a knot.  Something dripped onto his bare feet as he stood there, unsure of what to do.

A hand lightly caressed one of his asscheeks, strong yet gentle.  It could only belong to one person. A chan’s duty is to see to the pleasure of all. Tavin whispered, one of the last lessons he had taught them all in the past.  Shar and Ida were already having their fun, and he desperately wanted to join in.  But in the other corner was another, all alone.  Unbidden by his conscious mind, Shall’s legs found their stride, light but purposeful, and in just a few steps he was there.

Kneeling in front of the thaan, Shall looked at the man with a hunger in his eyes that he’d never had before.  The white facial hair framed that handsome face, its uniqueness catching the scientist’s attention.  Running a fingertip through the rough follicles, Shall’s skin tingled in anticipation.  “We can’t…” he whispered, trying to object, but the Savi’s drugs were just too powerful now.  “We can’t resist…” he finally relented, pressing his face into Sehl’s, sucking on the thaan’s lips with a need he’d never knew he had.  Hands pushed against the man’s shoulders, holding him still and giving the chan a feel of just how strong this new partner could be.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #12
[Ensign Sehl "Talon" th'Chilnes | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @chXinya , @Numen


Words were spoken.  Information.  Sehl tried to process it, but every second that passed weighed on his desire.  Klingons in Borg ships inside the neutral zone?  That couldn't possibly be right.  An attack on a helpless vessel?  That wasn't quite right either, but the thought of torpedoes launching through space, obscuring the stars in the void with their brief emission trails reminded him of..  Sehl shook his head, trying to clear the mental association he'd just made.  'It's the drug.  Calm down, you're not usually like this.  You'll get through it just gotta stay strong.'

..and hard.


The thought hit him at the same time as some familiar noises from somewhere else in the room.  It was so dark, he didn't see the point in straining his eyes to keep them open.  So he shut them and straightened his antennae.  They swayed in the stillness of the room.  One twitched as his ears caught the hitch of a breath.  Then his head turned to overhear the faintest of pleas. 

It was the women.  When this was over, he'd probably think it wise that the women started together.  But right now?  It was jealousy that grew inside him.  How was it fair that they got to play out their frustrations and he didn't?  Did either of them even consider the other two people in the room and how they'd feel hearing such lewd noises?  Did they consider what it might do to him and Shall, listening to their squelching wetness?  Of course not.  They were too busy forcing their tongues into each other's mouths and fingers into each other's sloppy holes. 

What they needed was a man.  A real man, like Sehl.  He could fulfill them both in ways they'd only dreamed of!  Sehl shifted so that his back rested against the wall.  It was firm, unyielding, slick... He gasped as his antennae pivoted in the darkness.  Hie eyes opened.  Where there had once been nothing but a black out, he could now barely perceive the shape of another.  Sehl knew that the four of them here were all Andorian, but he still strained to correlate the form's varying shades of grey into something blue in his mind.  Then at last, a shimmer of silver, long and glistening.  One perfect strand of hope in this inescapable prison.

The chan had come to him.

Sehl fought to control his urges as the other man lightly drew a finger through his beard.  The touch of another was enough to send him over the edge if he wasn't careful.  Sehl tipped his head, allowing Shall better access to his facial hair.  His eyelids were heavy with drugged desire.  He placed one hand gently on the chan's forearm, then caressed that forbidden skin up to cup his soft cheek.  He thought the chan was objecting at first, but when the man spoke again, Sehl understood. 

"I know.."

The chan nearly fell into this kiss, but Sehl's sturdy arms held him fast.  He licked at Shall's lips and tasted Shall's tongue while his hands roamed the hot skin of the chan's back.  Each time their tongues entwined, he felt his member swell.  Every time Shel explored Shall's mouth, it was like he was already having sex with him.  Every plunge, every lick, every sound the two of them made echoed in Sehl's mind.  This.. was what he'd wanted all along.  Why had he denied himself this pleasure?  This chan would be his chan, not just today for the sake of their lives and their race, but tomorrow and even after.  He didn't choose these bondmates, but he would remain loyal to them for as long as they wanted him.

Shall's sudden flex caught Sehl by surprise.  His shoulders were pushed against the wall as the chan seemingly lost himself in his own desire.  Sehl would match his strength in time.  For now, he let his muscular arms encircle his new lover; a firm reminder that sometimes strength was gentle.  Hands pressed and groped along Shall's lower back, shaping the chan's buttocks in his hands but not yet nearing that entrance.  There was time.  These aliens obviously had no idea how long a bonding could take when all four were willing and enamored with one another.  This one would take even longer.

Sehl shifted his legs, bringing them both up in a nearly crossed position.  It would be easier for them both to get proper leverage this way, when the time came for such things.  He took the opportunity to fully stroke Shall's backside, hands squeezing both cheeks and tracing Shall's hips around to the front.  Sehl's fingertips grazed the hardened shaft of his partner before returning to Shall's abdomen.  His thumbs pressed against Shall's taut figure as his hands slid up to the man's shoulders and into his gorgeous silvery hair.  His resolve had been stripped away with every touch from this chan and now he was losing himself to passion.  All that mattered now was Shall.  "Let me be your thaan.  I need this just as you do... please..."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #13
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya @Numen @Even Angels Cry
When they had begun to touch, they were already skidding down the slippery slope, and unless someone stopped Ida, she wasn't sure she'd be able to stop herself. Shar wasn't inclined to stop either, that was certain. Those lips travelled Ida's skin, and instead of pushing her away with her free hand, she found herself pulling her towards her own skin - running her fingers through her shorter hair when her mouth drifted down to her so full, aching breasts. She wanted them drained so badly...

"N-No," she said in answer, because she would never admit to her desires - fail by her own admission. Yet her words were inferior to her body's desire, for when she felt Shar's fingers slide down along side her own, it meant Shar's fingers ended up inside her. Ida drew a sharp breath through her teeth, and quickly enough, she had removed her own fingers and gripped Shar's wrist - holding her in place where she fingered her. Eyes wide, she shook her head, but she also bit her lower lip, and began to undulate her hips against Shar's hand. "Please, don't... Ahh!"

Awkwardly, she removed her hand from Shar's wrist, trying to cross her legs, but that only ended up trapping Shar's fingers inside her. She squirmed, lying back on the floor, trying to distance herself, but that only ended up giving Shar better access to her front. Her breasts hurt so bad in wish for the shen's mouth, and she while she was split between shimmying away from the other woman and pulling her down with her, she ended up covering her face in shame with both her hands. "T-This isn't happening..." she whispered. But her mind could not linger on the terror of meeting the criterias of the mating study. She closed her eyes, had her face turned away from Shar, but she couldn't help running her hands over her own front in answer to the kneading motions between her legs.

She framed her breasts for the chen, not because she wanted to - not really - but her biological answer was to proffer them to Shar, to let her have her fill at long last. Once she got close enough, she knew she wanted to reach between Shar's legs with her own fingers, to prepare her for the two males in the room. Perhaps they could stay away, and Ida could just... just distract Shar? To keep her merely invested in her, and not care about the men out there in the darkness?

Ida could not deny herself the long groan that escaped her, let out in reaction to Shar's churning fingers, and the promise of the shen's mouth. What am I doing? Stop it!

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #14
[LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Day Unknow| Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya @Even Angels Cry @Auctor Lucan

Ida's voice kept rejecting her, stubbornly, but her hand clung to Shar's like a claw, holding her where she was, instigating her to follow with her assistance, spurring her to unleash the movement of her fingers. The zhen's hand slid through her short hair, as her body seemed to blossom for her, longing and desesperate as much as Shar was. The shen felt delightfully trapped by the other woman, prompted by her even though her voice continued trying to push Shar apart. But the cocktail of drugs in her body, the pheromones that saturated the environment and the caresses of Ida were reducing her to a primary state. Nothing mattered more than satisfying the thirst that flooded through her, to obey what her instinct impelled her to do.

The darkness barely allowed her to see anything further than her own nose, but almost everything, everything she barely could see was framed by the soft blue skin and silky white hair, barely seen but intuitively knew. Her nose was imbued with the fragance of the other woman and the pheromones in the environment.  Her ears heard only the Ida's moans, the synchronized drumming of their two hearts and, in the background, almost imperceptible, the husky words of the two men, as broken and needy as theirs had been. But her hands, her hands and her skin were inebriated by the feel of the other skin, the different textures of her body,  the hardness of the muscles and the softness of her insides, the smoothness of her breast under her lips. Her taste buds were saturated with the other woman's flavour, sweeter than sweetest thing she'd ever tasted. Her senses were saturated, her world reduced to the present moment, only she and Ida. Nothing else mattered anymore.

Finally, unable to resist her anxiety anymore, she put an end to the burning ache of her scorched throat, devouring what was offered avidly. Shar felt herself faint, closed her eyes and let out a low groan, crushed against the zhen's chest. She felt goose pimples all over her body. She was barely aware of anything else, her consciousness slipping downhill between pleasure and unconsciousness.

She thought she was totally overwhelmed by her senses when she felt the hand of the other woman running down her back, forcing her to turn on her side and make her way to her pubis. The young andorian gasped for a moment. She closed herr eyes and let herself be carried away, leaning her forehead against Ida's and letting out a moan on the other woman's lips.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #15
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya @Numen @Even Angels Cry
Finally, Shar laid her lips to her hardened nipples and began to suckle on them. Not like a child, no, this was different. Different words entirely in their native language. This was the first consummation of a full mating, where a shen would take the sweet first milk of the zhen, starting the cycle in both their bodies. Ida let out a load groan of satisfaction when she felt Shar drain her, the painful ache gradually subsiding and being replaced with euphoria. There was no words for how good it felt, so natural and yet so obscene, given the circumstances.

Oh, but the Savi had the timing right, since Shar couldn't get enough. Ida wanted to encourage her too, because she was only draining half of the fluid. So she had reached out and begun to rub her fingers along the shen's sex. The female body was not the least unfamiliar to Ida, even though she'd had been with no Andorian since she left the Imperial Guard. In her younger years, she had been with a human Cadet, and more recently, she'd been with T'Less and Edena Rez. They were alike in many regards, Vulcan, Trill, Human and Andorian, and yet different. This, with Shar, was like being in the field with her other Guardsmen, keeping warm when crossing the glaciers. This plight was not of extreme cold, however, but a drugged haze that simply wouldn't lift.

"Please," she whispered against the stranger's lips, their antennae touching while their foreheads met. She shifted then, the strength there because of primal instinct, and gently let Shar rest on the deck plating. She didn't remove her fingers from between Shar's legs in the transition, and she began to delve deeper with each churning motion of her hand - kneading her digits into shen's warm depths. "Don't stop..."

She positioned herself above Shar, with one leg on either side of her waist, and propped herself up with her free hand. Her other breast was right there above the shen's mouth, brushing against her lips in the darkness.

"It hurts so..." she moaned, making excuses for her weakness - the drugs in her system still yet to peak in their hold on her body's desires. She realised that she was in a vulnerable position for the males in the room, but a part of her wanted them to come over, even if she knew they would fail to thwart the wishes of their captors if they did...

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #16
[Ens. Irnashall "Shall "ch'Xinya | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant] attn: @Even Angels Cry @Numen @Auctor Lucan

While Shall kept his hands on Sehl’s shoulders, holding the thaan in place, other hands roamed around the chan’s body, feeling his arms, back, rear, front, even a gentle caress of his member.  Arms that contained an unexpected strength would wrap themselves around Shall’s torso, helping to guide him in subtle ways that it’s possible neither realized.  Of course, just because Shall’s hands remained in place it didn’t mean that other parts did the same.  Blue lips started to roam around, the kisses shifting up to taste the salt built up on the tip of the thaan’s nose, breaking off entirely to rest his forehead against Sehl’s when the other’s hands squeezes his ass cheeks, tickling the tip of his own nose in that beard….

Every moment seemed to last an eternity, and after what felt like a century he could breathe again.  Everything clicked into place when Sehl’s hands ran through his hair, the skin he’d traced along the way tingling like he’d been massaged by an eel.  Ignoring the protest coming from his knees (something in the back of his mind told him that kneeling on a hard metal deck was not the most comfortable but he ignored that), Shall rose just enough to press forward, straddling the thaan’s torso without settling into the offered legs.  At last, Sehl said something, a plea for the two to join.

Shall answered wordlessly, planting his feet and using Sehl’s shoulders for balance, he lowered himself, using the other’s torso as a guide.  Shall’s tritanium-hard member dragged along his thaan’s chest and stomach until Sehl’s own pressed against his opening.  He pressed down without pausing, a primal moan cut off with the most forceful kiss yet.  No other lubrication was needed at this point, between the drugs and their own ministrations Sehl was more than wet enough.  His crossed legs were just the right shape and size to cradle the chan’s rear as he reached the lowest point.  A gasp of air finally broke the kiss and Shall could do nothing but stare into Sehl’s eyes, the dim light reflecting in them.

Glancing down, Shall could see the light refracted in the trail of his own fluid he’d left on Sehl’s chest and smiled.  Relishing the feeling of a thaan filling his opening, he felt every twitch, every throb, every little motion coming from inside him.  Slowly, he rose just a centimeter before lowering back down, gently working up a slow rhythm, enjoying every moment of their coupling.  The urgent pains from the past few hours faded fast, old desires for care and comfort, maybe even romance, all took their place.  Looking back up to Sehl, Shall opened his mouth to say something when something happened.

A blue nose twitched as a new smell reached his nostrils, a sweetness he’d only encountered once before.  Turning towards the source, his motions stopped as his darkness-adapting eyes tried to focus on a form in the other corner.  It took him several moments to realize just what he was seeing: one of the others was on the floor, he could make out the legs spread on the deck, while the other kneeled over her.  He couldn’t tell who was who, but it didn’t matter.  She was presenting herself and the primal portions of Shall’s mind were struggling to take control.

Resuming his motions in encouragement, Shall turned back to Sehl with a new grin on his face.  “Four with zeal makes it real…” he teased, nodding towards the other pair.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #17
[LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Day Unknow| Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya  @Auctor Lucan  @Even Angels Cry

The shen clung to Ida's voice, desperately, like a shipwrecked clinging to the first thing she finds floating around her. Only in this case, she didn't cling to any random object, not caring too much about its nature: she clung to what mattered most to her at that moment, to the little really important that remained in her numbed mind. The only thing she could focus on was the sensation of the caress and the movement of their fingers, in the relief of the thirst that had tormented her so much, in the exultation that all this together caused. It was like recovering a piece that she didn't know was missing, feeling a little more complete for first time in a long time.

She did not hear the first sentence of the other woman, lost in the caress of her antennae and in the feel of her skin, but she let herself be done when the other woman pushed her gently to place her face up. The new position allowed Ida to stimulate a different part of her and Shar couldn't help but arch her back, gasping loudly. This time, she could clearly hear what she said "Don't stop..." what could the slender andorian do instead of comply? In that moment, she would give whatever remained of herself, would give anything in exchange for a stroke of Ida's hand

She took the breast that was offered between her avid lips, while her hands ran through the other body, unable to reach the insides of Ida from her new position. Finally she rested one of her hands on her bottom and the other on her back, pressing her against herself. Shar had been with women before, but she had always refused a zhen's embrace. Too risky, too close to the shelthreth to be entirely mere tezha. Too close to be sinful, she had always felt that actively seeking another andorian woman was like walking on the nilas where the ice was too thin. And now? Now she had thrown herself into that ice, kicked it to pieces and enjoyed the sensation of falling into the void, not caring if there was a deadly fall or the arms of the frozen sea below, it didn't matter.

She looked at the other woman warmly between her eyelashes, without ceased ministrations of her lips. Here and now, forgotten her surroundings and the circumstances surrounding them, she wouldn't want to be anywhere else, with any other people. The tremble of her heart confirmed it.

Shar cried loudly, encouraging her partner and in chorus with the sounds of pleasure that came from the other corner. She silenced herself by pressing her lips against the other woman, worshiping her body. But the mixture of rubbing and the sweet taste of the fluid in her mouth brought her closer to her release, much faster than she had never imagined. However, something was missing, she still needed something else. And she knew what, or rather who, she needed. Although the gesture may have gone unnoticed by the prevailing darkness, she opened up even more, facilitating Ida's actions and, at the same time, inviting the two men to join them.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #18
[ Ensign Sehl "Talon" th'Chilnes | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @chXinya , @Numen
At last, the chan came closer, and Sehl kissed the other male Andorian in full when their torsos met in the darkness. Breath shallow, anticipation rising, Sehl couldn't quite believe it was finally happening.

Yet it was. Shall straddled his lap and lowered himself down unto him, making Sehl gasp against the chen's lips when that tight sphincter pushed against his crown. As roused as the Savi had made him, there was plenty of fluid to ease the entry, but still, the inner walls of the chan was tight around Sehl. Oh, but the sensation was welcome after the long, torturous wait. Delirious by pleasure, Sehl didn't thought it could get much better... until Shall began to move in his lap, riding his hard phallus without delay.

"By Lor'Vela..." he groaned against the chan's lips, and with his embrace, he pulled the other man down unto him - making him grind as far as he could with each rhythmic rise and fall. With eyes, antennae and hands, he drank in the moment despite the darkness that shrouded their joining. With so much anticipation, and the drugs that ran thick in his blue blood, Sehl could impossibly last for long.

Shall spoke, talked about the women, but at that point, Sehl couldn't slow down. He understood Shall's meaning. Of course, but after such agony and need for release, he couldn't stop. He just couldn't. "No, don't leave me just yet..." he grated, and gently laid Shall down unto the featureless deck. Doing so, he gained far better leverage to thrust into the chan, and this he did... without abandon.

With one hand on Shall's hip, the other roaming his forbidden lover's chiselled torso and brushing against his lips, Sehl surged against him like the sea against the shore. Panting, he increased the pace, unable to help himself, and he ended up seizing Shall's hard member with his fist, stroking him in time with his hard thrust. "I..."

He managed naught else, before he cried out, far too early for his own liking. He spent himself inside Shall, and such release? So longed for? It was indescribable. Regrettably, perhaps too soon for Shall. Yet since the drugs were still presiding inside him, Sehl suspected he might be ready soon again. For the time being.... he leaned down over Shall and kissed him again.

"Go, I'll just catch my breath..." he rasped against the chan's lips, but couldn't quite make himself pull out right away. Not until he'd satisfied his need to kiss the other man, and his knees began to hurt, did he sit back, and vacate Shall. He was still hard, to his amazement, but would linger behind in the aftershocks he felt... Just for a little while.

What are we doing?

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #19
[Ens. Irnashall "Shall "ch'Xinya | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant] attn: @Numen @Auctor Lucan

No sooner had Shall made his invitation to join the others Sehl made his own pains known, there was no possible way the thaan was going to give up the coupling they’d just started, not after such a tortuous wait.  At least that’s what the chan thought when his new lover pleaded for him to stay before (gently) pushing forward to lay him on his back.  The deck was as cold as the ice in the Northern Wastes, seizing his blue skin in reflex.  Hissing between his teeth, Shall couldn’t get anything out before Sehl was on top of him, silencing anything he might’ve said with his lips.

Losing himself in the powerful, needful thrusts, Shall’s eyes closed in ecstasy as his nerves went into overdrive.  He could feel every point of texture in the deck rubbing against his back, the flames of pleasure radiating from inside his rear, the bouncing of his member against his stomach, fingertips running along his skin before grasping the bounding member and stroking with each thrust.  Climax built fast after that, but before the explosion happened, Sehl’s did first.  Grunting in surprise, Shall’s rear tightened at the sudden onrush of hot liquid, clasping the pair together one last time before it was over.  Sehl ended it with a final kiss before pulling out, leaving Shall laying there with a pitiful groan.  Finally, the chan’s brain registered what the other said, and the old teachings came back to him.  A thaan could hardly continue shelthreth if he was tired or hurt.  Nodding in understanding, Shall finally opened his eyes and rolled onto his feet, a bit unsteady at first but quickly finding his balance.

Antenna swung around towards the other sounds in the cell, leading the chan towards the other half of this new equation.  Cerulean blood burned in his veins as instincts pulled him forward, Sehl’s encouragement pushing against his back like wind on a sail.  As he stepped forward little bits of Sehl leaked out to drip on the deck to mark the trail for the thaan later on.  Time seemed to skip ahead, without even realizing that he’d arrived, Shall looked down at the two women writhing together on the floor.

One set of legs were splayed out along the floor, inviting anyone to the pleasure found between them.  Two more legs sat to either side, supporting a lovely rump hanging in the air, begging for someone to take advantage.  A moment of hesitation froze Shall in place, with the two of them there he couldn’t decide what to do first.  Something in his blood burned in response, driving him towards something primal.  Urges as deep as the ice of Andoria seized hold of the chan’s mind, rational thoughts dying in the fires of passion.  Aching from the earlier denial, he knew what had to be done.

Without a word, Shall grasped both hips topping off that shapely rear hovering just below a perfect height, pulling her up to where he needed her.  Bending at the knees to get the angle right, Shall inserted himself straight into the zhen’s dripping slit, her own fluids quickly mingling with the sweat, pre, and other slick agents from the chan and thaan.  Moaning in victory, Shall’s head reared back with a near-instantaneous climatic roar, hours of agony satisfied with a single act.  Thrusting hard, the squelching and other resulting sounds were like music to his ears and his lone antenna seemed to sway in tune with the thumping melody.  Looking down to admire the way Ida’s fleshy backside rippled every time he slammed against her, filling her as deeply as he possibly could.  Out of the top of his vision he caught the other set of eyes looking up at the both of them, an unfulfilled need present in them.  He couldn’t do anything for Shar quite yet, she would have to wait her turn, but at this rate it wouldn’t take Shall long to be done with Ida.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #20
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya @Numen
As caught up as she was in the sensation of Shar draining her, Ida had already had the premonition that the males might come to them if they made much noise.

Nonetheless, she was still surprised when she felt those hands seizing her hips. She gasped, looking behind her, and she could but see the silhouette, and a hairline broken by a single, whole antenna - Shall's longer hair catching the scant light. The protest was in her mind, the rebuttal, her sane self screaming for her to reject him. Since what happened between her and her Thaan father, before her exile, she had refused all Andorian men. She had killed father's champion in the Ushaan, the Guardsman that she'd wanted... and yet who'd almost killed her instead. She'd sworn she'd never want any other Chan or Thaan after killing him...

...but now, she wanted nothing else.

So the rejection in her mind merely became a whimper of need, and it was too late. No... Don't do it! she wanted to cry, but when she felt Shall squirm his entire length into her, she could but groan hard and long at the sensation. No longer could she knead her fingers into Shar's sex, the hand she had between the Shen's legs having to prop her up and keep her from falling. Fingers wet to the knuckles, Ida had both hands against the floor, and she panted in need for more. Shall didn't wait either, merely pausing at the sensation of being inside her, before he began to move against her. He was not merciful, and Ida found she didn't want him to be.

Instead, she found herself moaning and bucking against him, meeting those hard thrusts as best as she might. Was this really happening?

A sudden motion below her. Ida looked down, seeing how Shar was being pulled out from underneath her and Shall. Gently, it seemed Sehl th'Chilnes had seized the Shen's ankles and extracted her, wanting to have her for his own. Glancing back, past Shall, she could see Ensign th'Chilnes greeting the Shar by lying down on top of her, and kissing her in the darkness. As much Ida caught with her glance, before the mounting pleasure of having the Stellar Cartographer mating with her drove her attention away.

"Don't..." she began to say to Shall, panting, wanting to make him stop, to defy the Savi, but her words betrayed her. "Don't stop..."

Faintly, she could hear Sehl th'Chilnes speak as well, a whisper in the darkness. "Feli challorn..."

If he was already inside Shar, Ida couldn't know. Much less if Shar had mounted him in her haste for satisfaction. All Ida knew was the pending release - imminent and rising - her cries amounting to the final call.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #21
[LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Day Unknow| Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya  @Auctor Lucan

When Shar felt that her partner's attention was diverted to the attentions of one of the males, she couldn't avoid a slight moan of frustration. Pinned as she was under Ida's body, with her movements blocked by the arms and legs of the zhen, her dozy mind wasn't able to come up with a solution to alleviate the desire that seized her from her position. However, her impotence didn't last too long because, suddenly, she felt how a strong hand clung with unusual delicacy to one of her ankles and pulled her away from the couple. Disoriented as she was, the young Andorian girl battled slightly to free herself, only wanting to re-entwine her limbs with those of Ida and her companion. However a gently kiss ended her struggles. She felt the soft caress of lips so far unknown against hers and the slight roughness of a beard against her visage. The thaan, Sehl.

Shar accepted the caress with ardor, wrapping her arms around the strong neck of the RIO, her hip moving unconsciously against his, in search of feeling the hard pulse of his arousal against her skin. And more deeply within. With the audacity of the carnal passion, she turned the tables and sat up straight, to then straddled the man, hers hands over the hard planes of his chest, her soft slick folds rubbing against his hardness. She could see a flash of smile in his face while he whispered "Feli challorn ...". She didn't answer with words but formed a cheeky smirk, and she guided his aching shaft inside her until she felt filled with her lover's manhood. She quietly whimpered and arched her back, feeling so good, filling up as she had not felt in a long time. Slowly, she began to move against the thaan. Shar moaned, feeling how his driving need stretched her tender flesh, divided between pleasure and urgency. The sensation was so intense, she had longed for it so much without knowing it that was overwhelming, all her senses saturated by the feel of their bodies coupling.

Sehl didn't remain idle for long, his hips bucked each time she descended towards him, increasing the intensity of each encounter, advancing more and more inside her. She felt his strong hands gripping her hips, helping her to acquire an intense rhythm in tune with the hunger that devoured both of them. The hurry of their movements spoke of how much they yearned for that, the longing for the so long postponed, the desperation that the pheromones and the manipulation of their captors had imposed on their bodies. Any patch of rationality had long disappeared, any embarrassment forgotten in the almost darkness of the room. Only the two of them remained, and the moans of the other couple, both so close and so distant in the dark.

Clamping her hands tightly, he stared her in the eye and jutted her hips higher, harder, deeper until she felt the tightness in her clit start to falter. Before what she had expected or desired, Shar shivered helplessly around him, the final threshold of passion waving her with the strengh of a planet colapsing. She screamed in ecstasy, the pulsating waves of pleasure contracting her loins and streching her core, prompting her lover's release. However, it was soon evident that the thaan still had a lot more to offer and Shar was carried away, more than ready to follow Sehl's instructions.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #22
[ Ensign Sehl "Talon" th'Chilnes | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @chXinya , @Numen
On his back, Sehl was beneath Shar whilst she rode him, the both of them shrouded in the darkness of the experiment chamber. Mind blank, Sehl had seen her let out a final cry of pleasure and delight, and then her inner muscles had tightened around him. She had clung to him, nails biting into bare skin as she came. Soon, the line of her torso had ceased rolling, her head thrown back in vocal passion. Groaning, Sehl kept up what he was doing through her climax. Since he had already spent himself inside the chan, he would be able to continue for quite some time after her shudders passed. Gone were thoughts of escape and Angel, of patriotic pride and sensibility.

Since the Shen's body was tightly wound inside from her climax, clinging firmly to him, she didn't continue to ride him right away. In need for more, Sehl sat up without vacating her, helping her shift her trembling legs so that they were wrapped around his waist... and thus had her in his lap. "I... can't stop," he admitted, and nor did he want to, mind forcefully warped to continue the experiment of the Savi. He folded his legs underneath her, and felt how his heartbeat throbbed all the way through him - answering Shar's aftershocks.

When upright, he wrapped one tenacious arm around her, and ran his other hand into her hair, pulling her in for a deep kiss. He did not expect her to keep riding him immediately, so he used the arm wrapped around her to raise her up and then grind her down hard unto their joining. Soon, he had both his arms around her in a desperate embrace, and made her move in his lap. Breathlessly, he kissed her in shared frenzy, feeling the hard peaks of her breasts scraping up and down the hard panes of his chest. At first, the pace was slower than when she had been on top of him, but soon, it was not enough for him, and he groaned in need for more.

Therefore, he eased her down unto the deck and sat up on his knees - keeping her hips suspended in the air while the back of her head and her shoulders rested on the deck plating. With her legs still wrapped around him, he held on to her hips and began to move with complete abandon. His whole upper body and arms flexed and shifted as he exerted himself, thrusting hard and deep. Her silvery white hair swayed on top of her head, and her breasts moved in rhythm in the dim light. He grunted like an animal in heat as he stroked her inner walls with his thick girth, and soon enough...

...he would feel it.

It rose from the depth of his body, the cry, as he completed another step in the shelthreth.

Despite the consequences, Sehl filled Shar up with the Thaan seed - the excess warmth spilling out between their bodies.


Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #23
[Ens. Irnashall "Shall "ch'Xinya | Day Unknown | Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant] attn: @Auctor Lucan @Numen

Every fiber of Shall’s being reverberated with waves of pleasure crashing over him, each one radiating from his and Ida’s joined groins.  Each wave was perfectly timed with each hard thrust, the rational part of the chan’s mind telling him that’s not a coincidence.  That was about all he could think of at the moment, long pent up drives had been fully unleashed at this point, and it was a good thing his current partner was Andorian, lesser species would never have been able to withstand the pounding he was giving the zhen.

The way Ida gripped his member as it thrust through her tunnel was driving Shall mad, and he knew he couldn’t last much longer.  The waves built to a tsunami and before he knew it, his fingers dug into her blue flesh.  One final slam forward joined the two crewmates together one last time, primal roars drowning out any other sounds in the steaming cage.  Hours of prideful denial were tossed to the wind as Shall filled that sopping tunnel with his seed, far more than he’d ever given to anyone, not even his own bondmates.

As sudden as it came, it was over.  Shall’s knees buckled and he dropped to his rear, slipping out of Ida with a wet pop.  Flopping onto his back he panted heavily, his body trying to reclaim some level of composure.  It wasn’t because of any rational thoughts returning, oh no.  Coming down from such a climax, Shall could only think of one thing: he filled the wrong one.  Coupling with a zhen was great fun, he and Jay had never had a lousy time of it together, nor had they ever regretted it.  This was different though, this wasn’t for fun, there was a purpose to the four Starfleet officers forming shelthreth in this alien box.  And to fulfill that, the chan had to fill the shen.

The blood flowing around his eardrums finally calmed enough for Shall to listen to the others again, though the noise Sehl started to make would probably have reached his attention while deaf.  Tilting his head back to see what he could in the darkness, Shall could make out the one upside-down form sat on its knees and held onto the other in his lap.  Just enough of their shapes were visible in the dim lighting thanks to the way their sweat-soaked bodies shimmered in the faint glow.  Shall’s member was already hard again, drug-induced euphoria encouraging him onward.  Sparing Ida one final glance, the chan rolled over and returned to his feet, unsteady legs trembling under his weight as he made his way over to the other pair..

Kneeling next to Shar, Shall smiled down at her before finally tasting her lips, a deep kiss fomenting the bond between them.  One hand felt the shen’s body, fingertips studying the contours of her breasts and stomach before reaching the union between her legs.  Slick fluids from all of the other Andorians covered her opening, and he was ready to finish the union.  Sehl seemed to know what to do without a word having to be said, he gently set Shar down and slipped away to give the chan the room he required.

Shall’s heart was pounding now, this was it: the culmination of everything an Andorian lived for.  Kneeling between Shar’s legs, the chan leaned forward, framing her slender body between his arms as he put his weight on his elbows.  Pressing his face in between the lovely mounds and tasting the water running down them, Shall couldn’t help but to take a nipple in his mouth for a spot of fun, sucking on the nub.  At the same time, his hips ran on autopilot and pushed forward, but the angle wasn’t quite right.  His member ran against Shar’s mound at first, but before he could repeat the error, Sehl came to the rescue.  Gripping Shar’s member he guided it to the goal, and Shall entered with a moan pressed against her flesh.

Slippery than last time, Shall barely felt anything other than the warm wetness as he thrust gently into Shar, absorbing each moment of their joining.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Patrotic Dignity

Reply #24
[ LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Day Unknow| Duodenary Observation Pen | Biolabs | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ]
Attn: @chXinya  @Auctor Lucan

The passionate, almost savage advances of the thaan were greeted with avid enthusiasm by Shar, once the last aftershocks of her own climax let her resumed the control of her own limbs. She responded to his rough kiss passionately, biting his lower lip when he pushed hard inside her. She could feel him all over her, his hardy hands strangled her svelte back, his well-built torso hard against her chest, squashing her petite breasts, his even hardest shaft throbbing within. Soon, the face-to-face ride seemed not enough and he had to lower her shoulders to the floor plates, ramming wildly with his hips. Shar wrapped her legs around his waist, playing along with his hard thrusts. Although the RIO seemed to have reverted to a primitive state, the opperations officer was also mind-blanked, dragged by the animalistic tide of shelthreth, each of the cells of her body screaming in chorus the need to be one with her partner. When Selh splited himself inside her and collapsed heavily over her, she stroked his short hair and the side of jaw, content but yet unsatisfied, the ache blazing her core still demanding the last step, the agony stil aflame.

While the thaan rumbled, satiated, She could hear the primal cry of the other man, calling out his bliss after a yearning unfulfilled for so long. Soon, Shall kneeled at her side, and Shar greeted him rising slightly, folding her elbows to suport herself to sudenly felt how the lips of the chan were over hers, his hands prowling around her body, resoluted, until one of them found the apex between her legs, which welcomed it with a wet sound. As if he was waiting for that signal, Selh uncoupled himself, and the scientist wasted no time in advance, assaulting the juncture of her thighs with a predatory eagerness. She answered him in an indolent way, taking care of the muscles of his back, stroking his dreadlocks and brushing the stalk of his broken antenna with her own. It was obvious that he was unable to make his way in, absent-minded as he was, lost in Shar's sweetly curved mounds. She whined her impatience, and soon both found that Selh fulfilled her wordless request and his burning need, assisting the chan's manhood to dive in the cleft between her legs. The engaged couple moaned in unison, their primal urges almost accomplished. Shar answered his advances encircling his body with her limbs, almost hanging from his toned body, her arms aligned with his, arching her back to his ramming movements, letting the chan shove himself in her tight dephts. It was said that shens were Blood and Water and chans, Fire and Passion and that their union was one of the most boisterous among the andorians but, for some reason, they both seemed to be more gentle with each other than one should expect, as if they had known each other's bodies for a long time, like old lovers.

They found a comfortable rhythm, one that suited the desire of both, abandoning themselves into their growing pleasure. At one point, Shall sat, crossed legs, with Shar in his laps, her long legs still wrapped around his waist. They gazed into each other's' eyes, their breath synchronized, rocking back and forth.They moved slowly but intense, their passion building gently but without pause. The shen lips took care of his neck and jaw, nipping it softly, while she could heard his husky pants resonating between them, the low hum of her delight clearly audible for the chan, bellow the wet smack of skin against skin.

They continued in the same way, consuming each other in exquisite agony. Time didn't matter, lost as they were in the consumption of the shelthereth. Finally, guided by the growing tension, their movements became faster, their rhythm more erratic, the hands of both seized on the body of the other as if they were the last thing in the world. Shar buried her face in chan's shoulder, silencing the gasp of her ecstasy against his skin, Shall threw her head back, crying loudly when he spilled himself inside her, flooding her insides.

She remained entangled with him for a few moments, out of breath, still feeling the aftershocks of their shared experience, the need imposed by the pheromones and the drugs satiated at last. After some time, she felt the others by her side.  She wasn't sure what they have been doing, but when they where all toguether, disentangled of their amorous embrace,  Shar welcomed them, resting her damp forehead over one body, her hands caressing other andorian, her back curled against the last one. Exhausted and dozy, she closed her eyes, resting between them, belonging to them all and all of them bounded to her, feeling like a part of a Whole for first time. Soon, her mind slid into unconsciousness, wrapped around the body heat of others, cradled by endorphins and cooed by the soft sound of multiple breathings. Her last coherent thought, on the verge of fall asleep but with her mind clearer than it had been in hours was, however, disturbing. "What I have done?"

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