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D03 {2330 hrs] - …and Party Every Day

[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Stegro88

April 21, 2831
Stardate: 57663.12

What a fucking night!

Most of the crew had already left, but the holographic crowd on the main floor remained, taking their sweet ass time in exiting, and the stage crew was already hard at work dismantling the various drum kits and sound systems that had been set out on the revolving stage. Not that it mattered. The program could be shut down on command at any time.

Reggie Suder was in no hurry whatsoever.

Deep down, she’d always known the night would have to come to a close that she’d have to issue the order, but to do so while sitting in the holodeck still, seemed to ruin the magic. She much preferred to start and end the program remotely and enjoy the illusion of attending and leaving a venue as opposed to a holo box of photonic projections and forcefields.

She sat in one of the overstuffed red leather chairs, watching the activity on the main floor and reflecting on the night. She’d met so many of the crew, given them all a chance to unwind and cut loose. They’d all found something…something in themselves. Something in each other and Reggie suspected that more than a few of the crew would be enjoying private after parties in various quarters overnight.

Gonna be more than a few pairs of boots left outside tonight.

Sadly, hers would not be one of them.

During the course of the night Reggie had gotten wrapped up in her sense of duty as hostess of the night and had spent so much time moving from group to group and checking in on everyone else, that she hadn’t afforded herself the opportunity to really sit in and connect with anyone. Sure a lot of broken ice. But real connection? Nope. Imagined connection that would end with a one night stand? Negative there too. She hadn’t even had the opportunity to get good and drunk. Damn synthehol.

Kate seemed to have gotten her self drunk. She must have brought some of her own stock in. And she didn’t even offer to share. Reggie was going to have some words with her new neighbor about that. To not share the good stuff…well… that was just unspeakable.

Maybe it wasn’t so bad. She was pretty fucking tired and while it would have been nice to have had someone to fall asleep next to, that just didn’t seem to be in the cards.


Honestly, it was probably for the best. It had been a long few days and an even longer night and damn, was she tired and she was taking Valravn flight up for a training run in the morning. She took another pull of her drink, savoring the flavor of the beer as it hit her tongue before setting the now empty on the side table.

“Computer,” she said as she pushed herself out of her seat. “Save and end program once I've exited the holodeck.

The holodeck controls beeped in acknowledgment and the Betazoid took in one more breath as she reflected on the night and made her way past T’Less at the bar as she headed for the exit.


Reggie stopped and backtracked to the bar and it’s lone occupant.

“Hey,” she said, her voice soft and cautious. “I didn’t realize you were still here.”

Re: D03 {2330 hrs] - …and Party Every Day

Reply #1
[ Lt. T'Less | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn:  @P.C. Haring

The night had passed at a pace that was as confusing as the sounds that the holographic band had been outputting for the so called enjoyment of their flesh and blood audience. And yet, she had remained, maintaining her seat at the bar and watching on as the other members of the crew appeared to enjoy themselves, in some cases, immensely it seemed. But she had remained sedate, seated at the bar, enjoying a varied parade of drinks that others had chosen for her. It had been her only real distraction from watching Reggie out of the corner of her eye.

She had tried not to watch her. Had tried to focus on anything but the woman and the attractive purple streaks in her hair. But she constantly found herself being drawn back. Whether it was the way she smiled, she moved or just the look in her eye when she caught T'Less looking at her, the Vulcan couldn't say. She was keenly aware that the Klingon, Chief MacGregor, had caught her looking at Reggie multiple times after the Betazoid had left. She'd asked if the two of them ‘had history' but T'Less had waved off the question with one of her own and Mickayla had gratefully taken the hint.

She'd stayed though. Mickayla had drifted off after a second whiskey and left T'Less nursing her own second. A third followed, then a fourth. If the drinks had been true alcohol, T'Less wondered what she would have been feeling in that moment, but the artificial nature of the fluids prevented anything but reality from affecting the Vulcan's mind. Reality and Reggie's telepathic message to her before she had left.

“Hey,” came the soft, familiar voice. “I didn’t realise you were still here.”

It was Reggie. T’Less had been so lost inside her own thoughts that she hadn’t realised that the concert had ended. Looking around, she didn’t recognise anyone from the crew. Had she really lost herself so bad that she didn’t notice when everyone left? Glancing down at the countertop, she saw the tumbler of whiskey sitting there, untouched, the ice that had been in it long since melted away. She had experimented throughout the night with the differing methods of serving the amber fluid and had found she was partial to the ‘on the rocks’ version; something for which Chief MacGregor had called her a heathen.

“I, um,” T’Less started, knowing she needed to respond but not having any idea what to say. “You suggested that we could talk a little here. But you seemed busy earlier, and I had not wanted to interrupt what appeared to be a pleasant evening.”

Re: D03 {2330 hrs] - …and Party Every Day

Reply #2
[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Stegro88‍ 

At once Reggie felt both crushed and uplifted.  Given how much time had passed and the nature of their chance meeting in the closed public baths, Reggie had not even expected T’Less to attend the event.  The Betazoid had held even less expectation that the Vulcan would stay the night to wait for her, especially given just how raucous the night had been and how she knew that must have grated on the Vulcan’s sense of logic and decorum. In that regard, she felt uplifted. 

At the same time, she also knew just how much an effort this must have been for T’Less and while Reggie had caught herself eying T’Less more than once during the course of the evening, she had not truly expected her to stay and wait.  Surely they could have caught up elsewhere after the show, or even elsewhen if necessary.  As such she hadn’t paid the Vulcan much attention during the course of the night.  Between her sense of responsibility as hostess of the event and well just the sheer fun of it all she immediately felt guilty that in her zeal to entertain all her guests, she had inadvertently neglected the one that, if she were being honest about it, meant the most to her.

“You would not have been interrupting,” Reggie offered, her voice quiet, reserved. “To be honest, I didn’t expect you would even show up to say nothing about staying through the evening.”

She slid her self onto the bar stool, the leather of the pants that shaped her butt squeaking ever so slightly against the leather of the barstool seat. Immediately the Orion who had been tending bar, served up a Risian Mai-Tai.  Reggie nodded in acknowledgment remembering that she had asked her to keep her hand full with the drink for the duration of the night.

“I’m glad to be wrong,” she said to T’Less  “Hasn’t been a day gone by since that exam when I haven’t thought about you.”

The drink in her hand provided ample enough distraction to keep her from saying what had come her mind next.  She took a sip and as the she swallowed the simulated alcohol, she also swallowed down the questions that burned so heavily on her mind for almost eleven years , the same questions that haunted her, that needed to be asked, needed to be answered, but to do so now… here… would only make things worse.

“How have you been?”

It was a dumb question, Reggie knew.  But it was also the only question that seemed appropriate.

Re: D03 {2330 hrs] - …and Party Every Day

Reply #3
[ Lt. T'Less | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

“How have you been?”

The question was such a simple one. An innocent one. But the answer to it? That spanned more than a decade of life experiences that had irrevocably changed T'Less from the Vulcan Starfleet Cadet working towards a life surrounded by science and discovery to a Vulcan Tactical Officer that had, on multiple occasions been responsible for the safety of a thousand of her fellow crew’s lives. Cadet T’Less had not envisioned herself being put into a position that would make her responsible for anyone’s life beyond her own.

“Dutifully engaged,” T’Less responded, choosing to believe that Reggie was only asking about the time since their encounter in the Public Baths. “While the ship is being repaired, there is still much that can be done. Training, scenarios for further conflict with different Great Houses or preparation for other tasks that we will have to undertake.” As she spoke, and looked at Reggie, she recalculated the possibility of exactly what the Betazoid was asking about and surmised that she was not answering the question correctly.

“But that is not the answer I believe you are seeking,” T’Less declared calmly before taking a sip of her drink, the idea of liquid courage passing through her mind and how she didn’t quite understand it. “I, it has not been easy these last few years. Much has happened and I have often found myself wishing that you had been here for me to share it with,” she answered honestly after a moment’s pause. “But also, at the same time thankful that you had not been. I don’t think I could have handled seeing you hurt... or worse.”

Re: D03 {2330 hrs] - …and Party Every Day

Reply #4
[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Stegro88‍ 

Reggie almost deflated when T’Less provided the customary direct, almost curt response.  Very Vulcan, she decided. 

But when she paused and expanded into the unspoken but preferred context, she warmed.  T’Less was making an effort… was trying.  The Betazoid kept quiet while she listened and waited for her to answer.  What's more, she sensed T’Less’s feelings.  That, she decided, was an answer in and of itself.

“But also, at the same time thankful that you had not been. I don’t think I could have handled seeing you hurt... or worse.”

That, she knew, made sense.  Anyone who had served during the War had lost someone they cared about and given what T’Less had just admitted, Reggie couldn’t imagine what kind of hell she might have put T’Less through every time she launched against the Dominion.  She understood why…


There was something else in T’Less’s voice and her choice of words that made Reggie realize that what had happened to the Vulcan was not about the war.  At least not only about the war.

Closing as much of her mind off as she could, lest T’Less sense her through the physical contact, Reggie reached out for the Vulcan’s hand.

“I’m here now,” she offered.  “And I’m not going to be hurt.  I’m willing to listen to anything you want to share.”

Re: D03 {2330 hrs] - …and Party Every Day

Reply #5
[ Lt. T'Less | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn:  @P.C. Haring

The touch sent a shiver running through T’Less’s entire body. It was everything and nothing all at once. She could feel that Reggie was trying to be supportive, offering the physical contact but that she was also holding herself back. She had closed her mind to T’Less but the Vulcan could still feel things through even the Betazoid’s considerable abilities while they were touching. It wasn’t anything specific, wisps of feelings and hints of emotions but it was enough for to T’Less to grasp the intent behind what Reggies was saying to her. And it would be an impressive feat indeed to lie to a Vulcan while in physical contact.

“I believe you,” T’Less said honestly, not attempting to hide her relief at hearing, and moreover feeling, what Reggie had told her. “And perhaps one day I will tell you everything that has happened to me since we parted ways. But not now. I don’t want to spoil tonight.” And it was the truth as far as T’Less saw it. The evening had been wonderful, and she did not want to ruin it by dredging up either of their pasts and dumping it all out for both to look over.

“I know we will need to,” T’Less continued, forestalling a comment from Reggie. “But please, I am asking you for just one night. Can we not enjoy just a single evening with only happiness at finding each other again? Let the past find us tomorrow.”

Re: D03 {2330 hrs] - …and Party Every Day

Reply #6
[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Stegro88‍ 

At first, it caught Reggie of guard that T’Less had retreated from the conversation.  But, she supposed that was the Vulcan way and that was one thing she would just have to accept.  Yet, as she spoke to her, clearly directly and from an emotional place, the Betazoid realized that whatever had happened to her, much had changed.

The same could be said of anyone, really.  The Borg Invasion, the Dominion War, and now this parasite conspiracy had seen to it that everyone had changed in some way.

If anything, Reggie was surprised that not only sense the relief coming off of T’Less, but that the Vulcan had not pulled her hand away and the two remained in physical contact.  Perhaps T’Less needed that touch, that reassurance, even that telepathic contact tenuous though it was, in order to navigate the thoughts going through her head.

“Of course we can,” she replied.  “And If I’m being truly open with you, I hope can enjoy more than just a single happy evening...”

It wasn’t the most elegant response, and the risk that she had just implied something much more than what she was intending ran high.

“What I mean to say is that…”

“Excuse me.  Can I get you anything?”

Reggie turned to the Orion waitress who had stepped up, a sense of relief washing over her that she had the opportunity to reset the conversation.  She knew the program well enough that the holographic character was programmed to inform anyone else that the show was over and the bar was closing down.  However, as the author of the program, Reggie had designed it so the bar remained open as long as she wished it to.

“I’ll have a Sumerian Sunset.” 

Reggie paused to let T’Less order whatever she wanted.

“I’ll be right back with the order,” she said.

“Thanks, Sivir,” Reggie replied as the Orion walked off.

“I’m glad you came,” she offered.  It was a dumb way to break the ice.  “When you found me and I invited you I wasn’t sure you’d take me up on it.  I’m glad I was wrong.”

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