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Topic: Day 20 [1530 hrs][RE] Looking back! (Read 2313 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 20 [1530 hrs][RE] Looking back!

[Ens. Mia Dunne | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy[/]]

ATTN: @Stegro88

Mia Dunne had been avoiding the arboretum since the day she was thawed. So much had happened since then. Some not so fun and then some very nice things as well. But she still had not been able to bring herself to visit the Memorial Wall. Sometimes, to her if felt like just a few days had passed and other times it felt like years.  She needed a break and some quiet time among nature that wasn’t trying to kill her would be a nice change of pace. Going to the planet below had been anything but restful the few times she’d been there. Mia kept thinking about her failed, or not failed exactly, experiment. She wasn’t sure if she was actually sad with her findings or not. Her theory had been proven false, but at least they could scratch that off the list. Trill Symbiots were not related to the parasites in any way.

She had decided that she could avoid the wall and still enjoy a late picnic style lunch in the parklike setting. She took a deep breath as she entered the Arboretum and began a leisurely walk down the path. It had certainly changed from when she first came on board, before her six month deep freeze.  Mia continued down the path. If she recalled there was a park fountain or pond off to the right. She closed her eyes and took another deep breath, feeling the tension drain away. “I wonder what they did in the past, before there were places like this on ships,” She said aloud, not expecting anyone to answer.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

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