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Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

[Hirek tr’Aimne | Central Intelligence Suite |  D. 5 | V. 01 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

He’d been summoned here as one might have summoned a servant. Not given an option on time or location, with no indication of his having any say in the appointment or the agenda of the meeting. Merely told when and where and expected to keel to without question.

Considering that he was willing to work within the parameters of this ship and its crew for the duration it took to see an end to the threat against his family, Hirek wasn’t about to question or moan about the summoning. Instead, considering the fact that the man who’d “onboarded” him as the head of the Intelligence department was now dead, Hirek had almost looked forward to the meeting. He’d liked Fisher well enough and had seen no issue with working with him further, bridging his duties between science and Intelligence as there was a need.

Sitting in front of the desk he’d seen before, in the office he’d visited before, Hirek stared at the woman now in charge of Intelligence. He knew next to nothing about this new department head aside from a rank and a name: Lieutenant Commander Alana Pierce. She was beautiful, with a voluptuous figure that would tempt any to imagine her without clothing. But there was something else about her, a steeliness in her posture that he'd not seen in many women. It was intriguing. Hirek greatly enjoyed unwrapping things that intrigued him.

Folding his hands together and resting them demurely on his lap, Hirek offered the woman a pleasant smile. “What is it you wish to discuss with me, Lieutenant Commander?”

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #1
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Central Intelligence Suite |  D. 5 | V. 01 |  USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

It had been less than a day already when she took command of the Intelligence department when everything was piling on her desk. She sat at the Chief Intelligence Command Office in the suite working on various tasks. How Fisher got anything done was beyond her. So many moving parts in intelligence these days but she would overcome it in time. In that time span, she had already named her executive officer for the department in Lt. Valyn Amarik. Not to mention moving to Fisher's old quarters, and a lot of juggling of sorts. She also had to get her hands on any developing situations and meeting all those that the department on a whole dealt with. That brought her to another ex Tal Shiar and Romulan officer.

Alana had little information on her end in as far as how far Hirek's influences went but knew that he had been around the block for some time and in doing so, was a valuable asset to say the least. Romulans were something somewhat new for her in her position as in the past, there was quite a bit of hostility in the 23rd Century. But an admiration of their ways still gripped her. Typically she'd learned that they were a distant people who didn't abstain from emotions like their Vulcan cousins but were selective on how it was portrayed. Not wanting to appear weak however, she put on her resting bitch face and let it be known she was more than up to the task. Something she could re-evaluate once they had their official meeting on whether to set herself normal or not.

"Come." She said as the doors to her office swished open and closed after the tall Romulan male stepped forward. Graying hair and facial hair in full view to her. Something she wondered if she'd have had if she was still in her previous shoes or not. She admired his appearance nonetheless and almost found an inkling of attraction to his visage in the back of her now female mind. Nevertheless she motioned for him to sit down with her palm outstretched to the chair before her.

Pierce say upright, with a slight lean to her left side of the chair, with a stare at the man before her, as if sizing him up before initiating speaking with him. Her hands folded on the edge of her desk unfolded as he spoke to her.

“What is it you wish to discuss with me, Lieutenant Commander?”

Pierce smiled back. "First of all, welcome Hirek. I would pronounce your full Romulan name but don't want to be disrespectful. Secondly, I wanted to meet you since almost 48 hours ago I was placed in command of the Intelligence department. I understand you knew Fisher a little better and I am and enigma. All will be revealed in due time. However, I want to get to know you more. What's your background? Your skillset? What's your current mission objectives and what are your current goals aboard the Theurgy?"

Tugging on her jacket to smooth it out since it bunched up a little higher on her chest than she liked, she leaned back in her chair with hands clasped on her lap as she listened to what the Romulan informant had to offer her. If nothing else, it was going to be an interesting conversation.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #2
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Central Intelligence Suite |  D. 5 | V. 01 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hirek gave a human-like half-shrug in response to Pierce’s fear of disrespecting him. He’d observed the gesture among the crew and found he quite liked how versatile the movement could be, depicting all sorts of emotions or even misleading them. “From where I’m sitting, the motive behind the disrespect, if any is given, is far more important than the disrespect itself. As I am well-versed in the art of what you humans call a ‘backhanded compliment,’ given your position and the context of our meeting, I would almost veer on the side of caution if you were overly courteous.”

In his peripherals, Hirek noted the various signs of disarray. Subtle, but still there. Further evidence of the very recent changeover in personnel. Hirek tipped his head forward in what could be considered a universal sign of respect or condolences.

“I was only briefly acquainted with Lieutenant Commander Fisher. We spoke once at my onboarding, but the meeting gave me enough insight into the man to say with all sincerity that this ship will not quickly recover from his loss.” His lips tipped upward in a sardonic smile. “Though it is my turn to say, I mean no disrespect with that comment.” Hirek leaned forward in his chair, eyes darting to the replicator, “And if we’re about to trade personal enigma secrets, I believe we need some tea. Please, allow me.”

Hirek didn’t wait for Pierce’s approval before moving to the replicator. He was curious if she was territorial or if she struggled with trusting him not to be so ‘Romulan’ as some others on the ship treated him. He didn’t bother to study her over his shoulder, though he felt her gaze on him. Hirek used the mechanism to make the closest rendition to a spiced tea blend he preferred this ship had so far offered.

“Now, this isn’t as good as what I can conjure up from my herb garden back home on the Uulma Islands, but it’ll have to do.” After placing the steaming beverage in front of Pierce, Hirek made another strategic move, and instead of moving back to sit across from her, he instead leaned on the edge of the desk facing her. Cradling the saucer with one hand, Hirek raised the cup to his lips with the other, offering the Federation officer a cheeky smile over the rim. “Tea can help anything feel homier and less like an interrogation.”

He took a few more sips, his eyes noting Pierce’s body language in response to his intentional silence. Heaving an overly dramatic sigh, Hirek allowed his near-empty cup to clink louder than necessary against his saucer. “My family has been the territorial stewards of most of the Uluma Islands for generations. Though my file says basically everything I’m about to tell you, I’ll humor the process you’ve requested and verbally restate it.” He nodded towards the computer console and offered Pierce a playful wink before returning his gaze to the swirling contents of his cup, his voice melodic and lilting as he continued his tale. “Perhaps because of our isolation from the more ‘civilized’ clutches of the capital cities, my family has long been known for our monopoly on the jumbo mollusk trade, the prized Romulan ale produced in our caverns, and our public criticisms against the Tal Shiar. It is for this past fact that I am here.”

Finally standing and moving back to the replicator, Hirek spoke over his shoulder as he ordered another tea. “My uncle was not the first of my family to be caught in their clutches, but it was through his downfall that Starfleet Intelligence became embroiled in my life. I picked up where he left off in more ways than one.” Hirek snorted to himself as he took his tea and returned to the chair, his test of Pierce’s boundaries seemingly over. “Where he had partnered with Lieutenant Commander Isa Madsen before they both lost their lives in the attempt to fight against the Tal Shiar, I worked with her husband, Lieutenant Commander Ernan Madsen.” He waited to see if Pierce had connected the names with the present ship’s roster. This was the part of his story he hadn’t had a chance to tell Fisher before the man’s death, so it certainly wasn’t in his file. “Commander Madsen and I were working together when we were cornered. Madsen, not wanting to implicate me and lose an Intelligence ally on Romulus and assuredly not wanting to be taken to the Citadel for ‘questioning,’ forced me to kill him in from of the Romulan guards who would have otherwise arrested us both.”

He allowed silence to fall between them, content to sip at his tea while Pierce absorbed these details, determining whether to believe them. Only once he was yet again halfway through his tea did Hirek continue.

“When my ‘companions’ on Qo’Nos kidnapped Lieutenant Enyd Madsen to use as collateral, I was not with them. I was placed on guard duty while they continued their efforts to secure our passage off Qo’Nos. It was during that time that I discovered the connection, at that time presumed connection, between Lieutenant Madsen and the Madsen’s of my past.” Leaning forward, Hirek set his saucer on Pierce’s desk and remained leaning forward, elbows on his knees. “I know of some of the preconceived notions among your people regarding my own, and I find it fascinating that among those notions, there is nothing of the driving power of blood debts. At least not in a context like my own. Isa Leigh Madsen killed herself to protect Starfleet after she allied with my uncle against the Tal Shiar. Ernan Lars Madsen died in the line of duty, at my hands, with a similar steely sense of selfless honor and for the same cause. Through those two officers, I grew to respect humanity and, with them, Starfleet.”

Inhaling deeply, Hirek noted the pleasant scent that could only come from Pierce herself. He could still smell the masculine traces of Fisher but within that were the feminine nuances of Pierce. He leaned back, resuming a similar position as the one he’d first taken.

“You wanted to know my mission objectives and goals? I owe the Madsen line my life and the lives of my family. My methods for protecting the lieutenant while on the planet may remain questionable, but I did what I felt was necessary to secure her safety and ensure my defection without implicating my family.” He held up a finger as if to pause the conversation. “For the record, Lieutenant Madsen does NOT know of our intricate ties, and I would prefer that to remain as such for the time being. With recent events still fresh, I do not think she would take kindly to full disclosure. At least not without violence. And I would so hate for her to be relieved of duty out of misguided angst.”

Lowering his hand back to his lap, Hirek commented further, “So long as Starfleet remains an ally in diminishing the corrupt and divisive clutches of the Tal Shiar, they can consider me a solid source for information and support. And now, with this new threat of the Infested,” Hirek shrugged, again smiling at how delightful the gesture was, “I am committed to working toward their eradication as well. For as long as they remain in this universe, they threaten us all, and even the Tal Shiar’s destruction can wait.”

He waved nonchalantly as he wound down his monopoly on the conversation. “As for skill sets, sailing, free diving, spearfishing, cooking, zhal makh, and ale blending are all skills I have mastered. And as for specialties, botany and zoology, though namely bioengineering.” Hirek worked to sink back further into the chair, satisfied to have everything on the table. Or nearly everything. There were certain details and motives he’d kept to himself, counting on one of the best ways of keeping people from asking more questions was to appear to reveal everything all at once. Though what he had kept back would not bear on strongly on the health and safety of the crew or the ship’s mission. “I believe that is the long and short of it, Lieutenant Commander. Was there anything else?”

Hirek swallowed his offer for a cavity search in her quarters, wanting to gage her further before he started throwing such banter. Unlike the other officers he’d encountered on the ship so far, this one had the power to truly make his life a living hell if she so chose to.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #3
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Central Intelligence Suite |  D. 5 | V. 01 |  USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Pierce admired this Romulan and his ability to emulate human behavior. That shrug told her that he was comfortable in their current predicament regardless of the change in command. Interestingly enough, his demeanor told her that he was purposefully coy but genuine at the same time. Something her female intuition told her from the start that otherwise might have slipped her radar previously.

"No disrespect taken. He was great from what I'd seen, read and heard about him. But this isn't my first rodeo either." She stated letting Hirek know that she can play this game too and would meet it head on if the need presented itself.

Her senses told her that the man was eyeballing the room for signs of things. Changes, differences, and the like since his last short visit with Fisher. It didn't ruffle her feathers any however as she was ready to change more of this department up. Him making a passing glance or mentioning Fisher did nothing to her stature. Listening was a skill she'd been adept at since becoming an Intelligence officer but her ears seemed to pickup the nuances and the visual cues more now than she had in the past. Must be a combination of her transformation and the her new mental state. Either way she didn't change her facial features to give the appearances that she was tuned in despite having other thoughts alongside that.

She leaned forward in her chair at her desk as Hirek got them each a tea. Granted she wasn't huge into drinking the stuff, she did see merit in it for bringing the atmosphere down to a more cordial level than official, despite it being such. Alana reached for the cup and took it after he placed it on her desk. "Thank you for the tea Hirek." Continuing the non-verbal discussion over their tea, each sizing up and learning what they could of the other's personalities while sipping the warm drink. She gave no displeasure for his getting up and gathering a drink. She wasn't that big of a stickler over petty things as a replicator or being polite.

Pierce listened on as Hirek explained his likes of a different type of tea on his home islands. She nodded simply with a warm smile as to say, she could relate to the thoughts of home despite where they found themselves. Scanning his body language while he no doubt did the same before the man continued on his actual story. Definitely better to hear it first person than on a record or report she thought. Brings that personal touch to the meeting.

"Thank you for indulging me on the personal meeting. Reports don't tell the verbal and physical queues needed to gather proper trust. Anyone can read a report and glean from the records what they will about someone." She said rather guardedly hinting at her own situation without coming out and stating as much. She took another sip of her tea allowing it to warm her nostrils from the steam. That was something she missed. The heat from the Earth sun on a beach. Something she'd never be able to experience much the same again in this life.

Alana watched as he paced, got another tea and sat down after discussing Lt. Enyd Madsen's family history with Hirek's own. That piqued her interest level some more as she heard the tragic tale of what happened to the woman's parents. Really unfortunate she thought to have lost them both in such a manner. These details were too much not to believe them to some degree. Romulans had a reputation, but then again they all did. She was inclined to start fresh with this one or any other on the ship unless a real reason presented itself not to trust that individual. After all, it was a human who betrayed her years ago.

Finishing her tea, she listened to the rest of the story pertaining to the Madsen family and Enyd herself. She watched as Hirek leaned forward explaining blood debts. She was familiar with the tradition among their people at least in some circles. But he was clearly being honorable on the Madsen family's self sacrifice to Starfleet and their ideals. That was what was driving this Romulan.

"I have to say, I commend you and your honor towards Starfleet, and the Madsen family. I too have met my fair share of individuals of various species who are just as honorable and self sacrificing as the Madsen's. I too have been betrayed by my own in Intelligence in the past. But the majority of the situations have led me to stay in Starfleet and to do what I know is right."

After Hirek leaned back in his chair, Pierce leaned back in her own. His statements regarding the Madsen line and protecting Enyd specifically from the truth as to not create a rift or issue, caused her to nod. "That's fine. But I do think at some point, she will put things together and figure out there is an interesting attachment. Call it women's intuition if you will. I won't step in however as that is your barrel of monkeys to corral." She hoped the euphemism wasn't lost on him but at the same time, she didn't want the poor girl hurt. "I too would hate to see her taken off duty though, so I can see your predicament."

She could relate to his comments about Starfleet being an ally as long as teh Tal Shiar and the infested remained a threat. "Those two issues, I will definitely be welcoming your assistance. I have had interactions with your people in the past but I want to take them both down as much as you do. The Tal Shiar much like the infested are plagues the universe can do without. Our peoples can co-exist if we just leave one another alone to live our lives in peace. The infested are task number one but number two is to disarm the climbing aspects of war on your people."

As Hirek switched gears she felt a comfort come on as she heard his recreational activities. "I enjoy general exercise like hockey, swimming, baseball, boxing, yoga, and other areas pertaining to history, interacting in Holonovels, exploration of new areas, and love me some earth-based Italian spaghetti and pizza." She could feel that he was being mostly forthcoming with her but still had some skeletons but didn't they all?

"There isn't much more in the way of information I can ask you as you seemed to be mostly forthcoming. After-all, we all have our own skeletons in the closet." She smirked knowing that intelligence people always kept particular cards close to ones chest so to speak. She placed a hand on the desk as she leaned in her chair and swiveled it to lean an elbow on the top of it. Still with a full view of her romulan friend. "Since we seem to be getting into the missions and personal nature and one's freetime activities, is there anything you would like to know about me? I suspect Fisher did the same upon his meeting with you."

She knew she could be a living hell for this man if she so chose but for the moment was inclined to be kind and forthcoming with him. Unless she had reason not to. As he asked if there was anything else, she pondered for a moment inviting him to a holodeck expedition, for exploration's sake. In the event she needed to go off ship to Romulus, she would unfortunately stick out like a sore thumb to their people. While her XO was Romulan, she thought that there maybe something he could teach her as well in this manner. To be ready if the opportunity arose. But she decided to wait for that opportunity to see where things progressed.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #4
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Central Intelligence Suite |  D. 5 | V. 01 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hirek studied his nails for a moment as he spoke, “I recently learned about angels, Lieutenant Commander, from ancient human lore. Call it a hobby, but I enjoy learning of a culture’s mythos and their beliefs pertaining to origins.” He shrugged before continuing, “An angel’s mythological appearance depicted them as having wings and what I believe was called a halo over their heads, the brightness illustrating their goodness. Romulus doesn’t have anything quite like that in our mythos. And there were other characteristics associated with these creatures that I found fascinating, including the idea of a ‘crooked halo’ or one that is ‘tarnished’ signaling that the angel, try as they might to be good, had more than few concerning habits to contend with that kept them from being bright and perfect.” Returning his playful gaze to Pierce, Hirek waved a hand over his head. “Honorable though I may appear to be, I am no angel. My tarnished halo is quite crooked. Otherwise, I might have found another way of saving Lieutenant Madsen and myself other than shooting her in front of her comrades and my own.”

Hirek felt a swelling of pleasure ball up in his chest as he listened to the empathic response of similar disdain towards the Tal Shiar come from Pierce. It this woman hated the Romulan secret police as much as she alluded to here, then she must be keeping an eye on Valyn Amarik, former Tal Shiar turned Starfleet officer. His former encounter with the blonde Romulan huntress still fresh, Hirek voiced one of the questions he’d wanted to ask since he’d first come in the door. While he did not know the human euphemisms’ direct translation, he gathered the general meaning well enough.

“Speaking of skeletons, do you trust Valyn Amarik?” He chuckled at his own question and held up both hands as if waving away the assumed sarcasm his question would likely garner. “I understand that question may seem hypocritical coming from a known Romulan Intelligence mark, but everything either I or my family has ever done has been for the eventual destruction of the Tal Shiar. While I try to reserve judgment as I do not know all the factors, I do find it intriguing that Starfleet would allow a known Tal Shiar officer to bear such a high rank and have access to so much sensitive information.” He again held up a hand to halt any concern the Intelligence head may have felt the need to voice. “I promise not to maim, double cross, or kill the woman until given the green light to do so, should she prove to be a sleeper agent after all. But I hope you can understand my reservations.”

Hoping to steer the subject back to less potentially explosive topics, thereby earning this woman’s wrath instead of her cordiality, Hirek latched onto her list of preferred activities and did a mental comparison. She held herself as one who would prefer active to inactive pass times. This fact, of course, drew his gaze downward briefly, an appreciative gaze brushing over the buxom bosom encased in Federation material. Tipping his head to the side, Hirek brought a hand to his face, fingers notching over his chin as he rested an elbow on the side of his chair.

“I have no knowledge of spaghetti.” The word felt odd in his mouth, but Hirek liked it. “Or pizza.” Another word that was strange but felt good to say. “And I’m assuming some of those things you mentioned are Terran sports?” He allowed his gaze to blatantly dart up and down her body. “I only guess as you seem to be the type to enjoy sports. Would it be too presumptuous to request a demonstration in these sports? I’ve always enjoyed the thrill of competitive sports, though most of the ones I was involved with were connected to the sea.”

Hirek had always been confident, perhaps too much for his own good. He’d always prided himself on his ability to make a place for himself on new ships or in new places. Before his placement on Qo’Nos, Hirek had primarily been retired from lecturing and assuredly retired from military service. This made him a bit rusty in the “friend-making” department. Now that he was on an alien ship at the mercy of officers such as Pierce, it was going to make this whole transition even more curious. Dropping his hands back to his lap, Hirek rolled his shoulders before continuing, his expression and voice denoting complete genuine interest and intent.

“I cannot hope for a perfect acceptance among your crew, and ideally, this will only be temporary anyway. Not that I hope never to see the likes of you or the crew ever again, but that our missions are successful, and the next we see each other, I can offer you the hospitality famed for the Uluma Islands.” Hirek sighed. “I say all that with the humble yet shameless request for an invitation, should you wish to bestow it, for a stint in one of your historical holonovels. I recently learned of this part of your ship, and I’ve yet to taste its delights.” 

Hirek was curious how Pierce would take his shamelessness. He supposed most men would hoist their pride and portray themselves as needing or wanting nothing. Hirek, however, understood the need for allies and camaraderie to maintain health and future planning.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #5
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Central Intelligence Suite |  D. 5 | V. 01 |  USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Pierce was intrigued by this Hirek individual. Definitely cultured and purposefully coy and deceptive but also truthful. His guise of personal behavior nonetheless was interesting to her. But this ordeal with Lt. Madsen was something that weighed heavily on his conscious. His exploration of the mythical angels and demons and how Romulus lacked that visual seemed to grasp his attention. To be honest, she hadn't given it much thought.

But the look on his face at her displeasure with the Tal Shiar seemed to pique his own interests more knowing they had an aligned goal there. While she likely was coming at it from another angle, her own displeasure for the organization wasn't much different than his. Remembering her own ex-Tal Shiar agent in Intel made her think about her choice. As she thought about Lt. Amarik, Hirek brought her up first and back to reality.

"I've done a thorough check of all who are in my department since taking over from Fisher. Like Fisher, I don't see any reason to condemn her or to distrust her...yet. Like her, I have my own troubled past in which things coincided with my employer that I found less than desireable. Seeking that moment, I chose my ship, and crew over the mission given by a higher ranking Intelligence operative. Thus, saving my ship and crew. But I paid for it too in a different way. He eventually got what was coming to him too. But I digress." She folded her other leg over the other and placed it on a stand beneath the desk to somewhat elevate her legs. "Still, you make a valid point and while I don't distrust her, I keep an eye on everyone in my department. She is currently my assistant chief intelligence officer. But I will keep your offer in mind should the need arise." She smirked half jokingly and half hoping she never had to call in that favor.

The feeling of his brief, yet subtle stare at her form, caused her mind to latch on to that fact and realization hit as she listened to him speak. Hoping that the conversation stayed cordial and friendly. His mention of not knowing spaghetti intrigued her however. Same with Pizza. Two of her own favorite foods. "Maybe sometime I'll have to whip up some of it. Family recipe and all. These computers can't seem to get the flavor and cooking right."

She went back to the topics of activity and sports that Hirek mentioned seeing a demo of sometime in the future. "Ahh. I love getting outside. Hiking mountain ranges, soccer, hockey, baseball, swimming. Really getting outside. Sometimes I just prefer to sit on a sea faring boat and relax in the warmth of the sun on my skin and the sea by my side. To know you're...simply at peace in the universe even if it's for the briefest of moments."

The demo though still hung in the air. "I definitely think something could be arranged at some point soon. Would be fun to teach someone else these old Earth activities. I enjoy being competitive. And don't like to lose." A sly grin crossed her face out of the corner of one side as she mentioned not losing.

The conversation was definitely going better than Pierce anticipated so far. Between the history lesson, being candid on the backgrounds and thoughts on the Tal Shiar and the extracurricular activities. She could seeing befriending Hirek under normal circumstances. But right now she had a job to perform and friends while nice were secondary to surviving this shit storm the universe dumped on the lot of them. Having individuals she could count on however was growing out of a short supply the longer she was aboard.

"Acceptance is tough to be honest. I'm dealing with some...issues of my own and some problematic individuals from another ship transfer. But I even if this is a temporary assignment, I look forward to working with and getting to know you more as we do this work. The infested and the Tal Shiar have to be stopped. It's gone on longer than either really should have at this point." The mention of the Uluma Islands interested her. "I'd love that to see the islands. Sounds like a peaceful place to have roots set down." She smiled thinking of just having a place to crash, not on earth.

Hirek's forwardness with the holonovels was intriguing to her. He had either a passing interest in the concept or wanted to participate to evaluate her. She really couldn't be sure but the tone in which he directed it led her to think that he was more interested in trying one out.

"I would be willing to try one now if you'd like, or later. You are my last meeting for the next several hours as my shift is ending. What type of endeavor are you looking for?" Pierce hoped in her attempts to invite, it wasn't regarded as something date-like or needy, but as a friend endeavoring to show another something really fun and that they were passionate about. Despite her sweet tone possibly sounding confusing about it, she was a little flustered during as if trying to be careful the words that were coming out about it.

"What are some of your particular interests that we may explore in a holonovel? I have some that are based on history like the 1960s shuttle launch, first contact, the original Enterprise missions, exploration of 1980s action, mountain climbing expeditions onto a 14'er, World War II, I mean I can go on and on. I loved history as a kid. Or just sailing the original Enterprise, wooden boat on the seas. But if not now, the offer stands. And if you have a friend you want to bring, I am fine with that too."

She smiled in a friendly manner to let him know, it was all fine whatever he chose but her mind was already on the holo-expeditions. Alana did think about his forward nature and shameless attitude towards how blunt he was. It honestly didn't bother her in the slightest. Definitely better than the alternative. She was interested in seeing where this would lead both as a friendship aboard Theurgy but on the battlefield of intelligence as the days grew closer to returning to full swing of duty.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #6
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Central Intelligence Suite |  D. 5 | V. 01 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

He said nothing to Pierce’s reassurances regarding Valyn. In truth, it wasn’t even his place to say anything. He knew that, and Pierce knew that. So instead of patronizing her own instinctive wisdom with further comment, Hirek nodded to her feedback and mirrored her mirthful expression at her jest-not-jest-if-fact.

Her offer to cook him food reminded Hirek of his own promise to Valyn to cook for her. Strange how he was on the receiving end of an offer, and he suspected that Pierce was offering to cook for him with an entirely different motive from his offer to Valyn. He kept his expression affable as elucidated further on her preferences for outdoor activities. Pierce’s comment on the sea and the sun's warmth tugged at Hirek’s soul, and he nodded, allowing a brief genuine melancholic expression to touch the contours of his face.

“There is certainly a strange peace to be found in wrestling with the sea, pretending you are its master as you float between the watery abyss and the vaulted heavens. The only other place I have experienced that peace, only magnified, has been in free diving into the darkened depths. The pressure of uncompromising water weighing on every inch of your body and pushing against your innards, the burning press of your lungs in your chest, and the steely discipline necessary to remain calm on the brink of death.” Hirek closed his eyes as he remembered his last free dive off the island ledge between the mollusk farms and the darkened depths of the open sea. Smiling at the memory, Hirek opened his eyes and returned Pierce’s gaze. “If you’ve never been free diving, it sounds as if you may enjoy it.”

As Pierce responded to his confession on acceptance, Hirek couldn’t help but raise a single eyebrow at her own. Curious about what sort of issues she may be dealing with, as well as the problematic individuals. He was not in a position—yet—to ask and so merely nodded to signal he was listening. Her sudden offer to show him a holonovel had his other eyebrow raising into a true look of surprise. He didn’t suspect any ulterior motive aside from the politeness of the offer. Valyn had spoken truly in her character assessment of humans: they were not as keen on playing “the game.” Hirek had no reason to suspect that Pierce was offering for any other reason than politeness and in response to his request.

“I have no concept of any of those scenarios, aside from a vague understanding of the first contact between humans and Vulcans.” Slowly rubbing his hands together, Hirek explained further. “Exposure to human history is limited to the average Romulan, and I never had high enough clearance nor reason based on my department to have gained access during my stint on military ships. Although I could have used my status as a legacy lecturer at the Imperial War College, I’ll admit I never did.” He gave a half-shrug accompanied with a semi-apologetic smile. “For as much as I enjoy mythology and history, and aside from what I read to understand the culture that surrounded the Madsen’s actions, delving into Earth’s history didn’t quite grab hold of my attention. I would likely enjoy any of the scenarios you suggested and trust your judgment.”

He chuckled at her mentioning of bringing a friend. Splaying open his hands in a feigned movement of supplication, Hirek maintained his amused smile.
“What friends would a Romulan intelligence mark have aboard a Federation starship mere days after he shot a member of its crew?” His chest rumbling with his continued amusement, Hirek shook his head. “I believe it will remain the two of us for now, Lieutenant Commander. If you have no objection to spending such time with me, alone.” He didn’t say the last as a threat, and hoped she didn’t take it way, but it was a fact to be addressed: he was an unknown to most on the ship and her spending time alone with him could cause others to question or talk.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #7
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Central Intelligence Suite |  Deck 5 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

The words Hirek explained about his love of the sea only made Pierce close her eyes and think about it and the wind in her face. She was relishing the thoughts of just being free in the outdoors, the quiet and lack of concerns. It seemed something just, right with the world. Her level of excitement piqued on the concept.

"I dream of one day being on the open sea, living in the mountains and just not having a care in the world." Her words showed her appreciation for it as did her face on those aspects. Her face creased as did her eyes in a softened smile just thinking about it.

His mention of free-diving only made her think more about it. "Actually I have the perfect oasis on that front. I have a holoprogram from a old Earthen state where you sail to the caves and cliff dive into the water. Basically free-diving until you return to the surface. I've done it in real life in the past, but that...was a long time ago." She said remembering when she was a young man. "It is exhilarating and freeing at the same time. True adrenaline push there."

Hirek's motion at not bringing a friend due to his background, it made her stifle a chuckle. "Understood."

Although warning bells alarmed slightly at the mention that it'd likely be only the two of them if they chose to go, and she thought about the possible implications to the crew if it happened. Then again, it was a fun event she'd likely have undertaken had she had her original body as well. So, what the hell?, she thought to herself.

"Meet me at Holodeck 02 in say 30 minutes? I need a moment to go get prepared for this. If you'll excuse me."

She waited until he stepped out too and headed back to her quarters briefly to put on her swimming clothes. She sure as hell wasn't wearing a skimpy outfit with a new possible Romulan ally or threat. But she was going to wear something that wasn't restrictive either. Decidedly she replicated an outfit, put it on, and headed back out to the Holodeck to get there in time.

[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Entering the holodeck, Hirek was promptly there. She took off her overcoat that covered her swimwear. It wasn't ill-fitting or showing anything major off, but it was skin-tight, fortunately and unfortunately leaving little to the imagination as far as her overall shape was concerned. Her mind wandered over that subconsciously before she walked to the Arch and tapped her controls to activate the program.

Momentarily the arch disappeared and a decently sized sailing ship appeared beneath and around them. The wood planks creaked as it rocked to and fro on the seas. The shake of the waters and the waves giving the boat added movement at the cost of stability. But it wasn't taking on water, merely splashing the wooden boat.

"Sorry if the boat isn't to your liking. This is just what I imagine as I take time out on the boat. Large enough where individuals can take their own areas to relax but small enough to pilot without a crew, holographic or otherwise." Alana walked over to the nearest lounger on the polished deck to relax some. Placing her hat and sunglasses on her head, she took a moment to relax.

"Don't worry about the free diving. We'll get there soon enough. This is from my home state of Michigan but in the 1950s. The area we're going to is called, Little Presque Isle. It was often called the crown jewel of Lake Superior, with its beautiful sand beaches, rugged shoreline cliffs, heavily timbered forests, and unmatched public views."

She continued to lay in the lounger taking in the sights as she talked to Hirek. "Tell me about Romulus. One, if I ever get to go there for a mission, that'd be helpful, but if for shore leave, I'd like to know what to take a gander at. I've explored around Earth since I was a young b...child." She caught herself before letting that can out of the bag.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #8
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Central Intelligence Suite |  D. 5 | V. 01 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Still wearing the same grey traditional Romulan tunic with trousers, Hirek wasn’t quite certain what to expect of this endeavor. While he could have returned to his quarters to wrestle with the computer’s replicator for something more appropriate for cliff diving and swimming, Hirek was more curious what Pierce’s reaction—if any—would be to find him wearing the same outfit as when they’d last parted. Since the intended excursion centered in, on, and around water, Hirek had no qualms with doffing his tunic, shedding his trousers, and entering the water in his undergarments. This again made him curious if Pierce would offer an objection, further fueling his desire to “wait and see” instead of making an effort to return to his quarters and show up “properly prepared” for the demonstration of Federation holodeck technology.

Upon seeing Pierce enter the room she’d earlier mentioned, Hirek quickly followed after, just in time to watch her shed her—first perhaps?—layer. While not overly revealing, her swimwear fit was such that he was given a greater opportunity to appreciate her curves than the uniform had offered earlier. It was a shame she wore the uniform at all. This sort of outfit suited her much better, and not just because it allowed him greater visual access, but because it seemed to reflect her passion for action and adventure. Far more than the uniform ever could.

“You look quite becoming, lieutenant commander.” Hirek did not try to hide his appreciation of her figure as he moved further into the room, his eyes tracking her movements as she began to tap on the console inside the arch.

While open admiration may be unwelcome or rude in Terran cultures, Hirek was paying her quite the compliment with a genuine smile and nod of acknowledgment of her beauty. Most Romulans would have preferred to play their appreciation more coyly. Hirek had, by now, determined to play the least number of games with Pierce, just as he had made the same internal promise toward Fisher. Valyn played with and scorned could result in a new hole in his body, whereas Pierce could destroy any hope for his helping to destroy the Tal Shiar and freeing his people from their clutches.

Hirek took a cautious step back when their surroundings abruptly changed. The boat that appeared was both heavier and more powerful than the average mollusk fishing boat back on the islands. He heard Pierce’s apology but waved it away, for the moment completely forgetting about his beautiful companion as he gave into the temptation to explore the craft. While he didn’t descend into the interior space, Hirek poked his head inside the door and noted a workable galley, a separate fore cabin, four berths, and what looked to be a bathroom. Glancing over his shoulder, Hirek smiled again at Pierce.

“Is this design just happenstance or have you spent much time on this sort of vessel back on Earth?” Moving around the middle interior space, Hirek carefully made his way to the bow. “This craft is shorter than most of the fishing vessels near the Uluma islands.” He placed a hand on the sail beam, eyes scanning over both the starboard and port edges. “Wider, heavier, more displacement. And more room to relax.”

He chuckled as his mind continued on its route of comparisons, gait steady for his years spent on the water, as he came back around to the stern side where he’d left Pierce relaxing in one of the lounge chairs. Seeing her skin pinken from the warmth of the overhead sun, Hirek’s smile broadened. Without further preamble, he shucked off his tunic. Folding the soft material, he set it next to the only other empty lounger nearby and mirrored Pierce’s relaxed status as he lowered his muscled form into the chair and breathed a sigh of delight.

Shading his eyes when he turned to glance at Pierce, her explanation of their intended location drawing his attention, Hirek nodded. “Is the lake considered superior for its beauty, its resources, or…?” He let his eyes dart down the length of her body for a moment, sending her a playful wink before shifting his weight in the chair and leaning his head back completely. Let her interpret his intentions however she wished; certain aspects of his character Hirek was incapable of rendering completely inert, and flirting was one such aspect.

Her question regarding Romulas elicited a chuckle from Hirek. He wasn’t amused at the mental image of Pierce or her shipmates exploring his home planet. No, that mental image was pleasant enough as it denoted the end of the Tal Shiar. What Hirek found amusing was that Pierce was about to discover how diverse Romulus truly was. Keeping his eyes closed and his face relaxed into an amused smile, Hirek took a deep breath before slowly letting it out.

“Well, you must know, the Romulus of my home is a very different place than anything Valyn Amarik may have shared with you. Though,” he snorted again, “knowing Amarik, she likely hasn’t told you much of anything.” The angle of the lounger allowed Hirek to roll onto his side, facing Pierce, his head cradled on a folded arm. Eyes alight with mischief, he continued. “My home, the Uluma Islands, are dominated by harsh white mountains rising out of the turquoise sea. We have fertile upland plains, terraced for agriculture, intermixed with river-laden gorges of rainbow-colored rock formations. We have numerous safe harbors nestled next to coastal valleys and miles upon miles of grey sand beaches. The climate ranges from temperate in the mountains to sub-tropical on the coasts, with mild winters and hot summers. My adoration of botany and zoology likely stems from the plethora of flora and fauna known to exist only on and around our archipelago.”

Hirek closed his eyes briefly, letting his mind trace over the compound of his home. Each island had a kinship compound, as the Uluma Islands were traditionally stewarded by those within his clan group. Throughout his childhood, Hirek had spent years at each compound, exploring each island, feeling the reality of their tie with the land and its people seep further into his bones and blood. Opening his eyes again, Hirek tipped his chin up toward the sky.

“Sometimes the sea and the sky mirror one another in color and temperament. Makes the mollusk farmers nervous on those days as it is easy to run aground or disappear without a cry.” Hirek rolled back onto his back. “Jumbo mollusks are found in many places on Romulus but the largest and most sought after come from the Uluma Islands. Same with Romulan ale,” he winked at Pierce, “we brew some of our own, but we are primarily blenders. That was one of the first things I applied my love of botany to, in fact, creating new blends of our island ale.” Hirek laughed then, images of Valyn’s frowning face interrupting his thoughts. “In many ways, lieutenant commander, depending on who you talked to from my planet, I fail as a good Romulan, and if you want to know more about the “true” Romulan, you are better off asking someone like Amarik. I will only fill your head with rebellious and counter-culture notions that nurture defectors like myself and Intelligence plants like my uncle.”

Breaking the conversation away from his home world, Hirek gestured to the boat and surrounding waters, “You said you grew up in this area as a small child? My question is, therefore, similar, if I were to miraculously find myself on Earth, in this Michigan place you mentioned, what should I know?”

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #9
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Curiousity struck Alana as she peered at her Romulan tagalong on this holodeck excursion. She wondered why he was still in traditional garb despite the simulated heat and sun. Nothing against that but then she witnessed his shedding down to his undergarments eliciting a wide eyed stare briefly before turning her head away in a calm manner to not give a reaction. If that was what he was comfortable in, good for him she thought.

Her mind wandered temporarily at wishing she could do as he just did but for sake of duty and of modesty to her body, she chose not to go that far into it. She had decidedly went against anything super revealing. Monokini, bikini, and the like without some added hip and leg coverage were still not in her realm of least for now. Presently she wore a combination wetsuit / workout suit she'd had made after her changes. Although a little restrictive in movement and constraining to her delicate curves, she did like how it looked and felt all things considered. The only portion of skin it displayed was beneath her bust showing her stomach to her waist just above her pants.

Either way, she was in comfort and prepared to sunbath on the deck as Hirek commented about her appearance before activating the holodeck. Shaking her from her thoughts she smiled at him and responded in kind. "Thank you Hirek. Went for comfort and not burning my skin." She knew that she was highly attractive having heard it since arrival and continuing through to today. It didn't hurt her ego any as it helped bolster her self image, but it was still odd being on the receiving end of it. If still a man, she'd have been all over her at this point. Truth be told, she didn't mind the kind words and compliments. It was the impolite cat calls that irritated her.

His comments on the design held her attention somewhat as they perused the boat. "I've never been on this on in person but I had a relative that had one similar to this. I always wanted one though and so this sort of fits the bill." She admired the sleeping quarters and the small rooms around it. "But it is nice for her size." She admired it as Hirek did the same comparing it to his own boating experiences.

After she'd been sitting, she heard him throw his garments down on the deck and stretch before sitting. Something in the back of her mind admired the look of the muscled Romulan, but she brushed it aside. His hand shading his eyes looking at her now, he had asked about the Lake in more details.

She pushed the brim of the hat up off of her face some to see him better, and brushed the hair from her face to behind her ear and shoulder. "Well, Michigan had many lakes called, great lakes. Natural water, cleanish, not drinkable but not sea or salt based water. But it was most always cold in particular regions but was a pastime of most families there to fish, boat, explore and relax on. There are five of them actually connected in little channels. But this particular lake is considered superior for it's rock formations, some sandstone and some pure rock. But the colors, the diving spots, the plantlife. It is it's own enigma in this portion of the state and...well you get the picture."

Concluding her thoughts, she felt as if Hirek was genuinely playing coy with her. In more ways than one. He was enjoying it too. But she could feel his eyes taking mental snapshots of her body. Something she'd have done too in his situation. However, she did think about toying with him as well. Not that she was interested, but if he felt comfortable enough to flirt, so would she, so long as it didn't get out of hand. Afterall, she wasn't sure where she landed on the relationship side of things. Never crossed her mind since the accident as duty became first and foremost her number one mission.

His chuckle at Romulus however was interesting. As if a slight visual and slight disgust at the idea fanned through his mind. Her eyes showed that she was intrigued and Hirek didn't disappoint. He broke down the different dynamics of the different regions to her and his favorite aspects that led to his studies. "Funny you mention Romulan Ale. I always keep a stash of it wherever I go. Illegal or not, I enjoy it. Sometime I'll have to sample yours." She said with a smirk, equally toying with him but equally wanting to try the ale variety that his family blends. His flirtatious attitude was causing her to remember that aspect of herself and allow it to surface if nothing else than to have fun joking with him as he was with her.

Hearing the bits about Amarik's version and Hirek's versions of Romulus was intriguing her somewhat. Would definitely be fascinating to explore their culture under cover in the future if the mission allowed it. Leaning from her lounger to Hirek, Alana put her hand up at the mention of her rank once more. "Hirek, please just call me Pierce. We're not on duty or in my office, we're on an expedition. So simply Pierce is fine with me." She smiled kindly and leaned back in her chair.

Turning her attention back to the lake, she saw the boat edging closer to the cliffbase and small mountain by the standards of Earthen rock formations. Colorado had some of her favorite mountain views and climbs but Michigan had its share of rock formations too. Just none so captivating without the water to go with it. She was interrupted in thought as Hirek inquired about the if he ever found himself on Earth in Michigan, what should he know.

Sitting up now, she leaned forward, which only showed off the bare skin she was showing in more direct contact, and the skintight bodysuit. Taking a deep breath, she glanced upward in thought and a smile. "Michigan has a lot. It has many museums of classic automobiles that mankind used to drive when on fossil fuels and combustion engines. It also has a lot of history in the 20th and 21st centuries before the first warp flight. But it's really loaded with nature. A lot of lakes, lot of opportunities for boating and exploring. Granted, we've mapped everything but a lot of old shipwreck museums and nautical based stories. But for relaxation there is a giant sand dune in Traverse City, an island called Mackinaw in the upper portion of the state that can only be gotten to via boat or transporter. The boat is more fun though. And a lot of exclusive eateries. Particularily in italian foods, fudge which is a chocolate like bar substance. Horrible for you but delicious."

She paused though and remembered more. "Not to mention the various shorelines have a lot of different experiences. One of my favorites is the Mackinaw Bridge area. You can jetski, explore old forts or military bases in the most basic sense. Just a lot to learn about."

Realizing she had been reminiscing for a while, she quieted down some. "Sorry, it's just been a long time since I'd been home and these brought back so many good memories." A weak smile crossed her plump pink lips as she leaned back.

The time was now for them to explore the cliff dwellings for the free diving. Pierce stood up and put the hat down and walked over to the steering to slow the boat down. Anchoring them close to the rock formations, she grabbed a pole and stuck it down as it showed that the water near the rock was only about 1 meter deep. "Should be safe to dock here and climb over to the rock." She walked to the other side of the boat and dropped a measureing tool attached to a rope. It scanned the surface of the water.

"That area over there appears to be 25 meters deep. We should be good to jump towards over there." She said motioning with her bare hands at the area they could approach. Climbing to the edge of the boat, she lept onto the rock and motioned for Hirek to do so as well. Taking in the view of the trees, the clean air, the birds chirping, it was simply peaceful. The ledge was about 9 meters up that they had to climb which wasn't an issue for Pierce but she was unsure of her romulan compatriot. "Ledge is about 9 meters up that way." Alana said pointing to the rock face.

"Ready?" She asked before beginning her climb upward first. Unfortunately for Pierce, despite the skintight pants, her posterior was viewable by Hirek as she took each lumbering step to climb up the rockface. Not realizing she was inadvertently giving the romulan male a show on her way up. Her head continued looking up as she climbed bare handed on the rock scrambling.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #10
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02  |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

“That does sound superior in many ways,” Hirek replied to Pierce’s explanation with an affectious smile.

While she was not obvious about it, it was not lost on Hirek her diverted attention to take in his form. Unlike some males, Hirek did not take personal pleasure in being ogled. Attraction was that, attraction. There was nothing more or less to it, and sometimes one could not help feeling the appeals of attraction. So while it was always pleasant to note when someone was attracted to him, at the same time, Hirek found greater pleasure in the steps that came after the initial attraction. The game, so to speak, of pushing and pulling of intent, choosing to respond or rebuff, be it through verbal or physical means. That was where the real pleasure was at, not just in the biology of physicality.

Her comment about Romulan ale had Hirek perking up and looking over to her, “I’ll have to see this ale. I’m curious if it is from our islands or if it is one of our competitors.” He smirked before adding, “You could’ve been drinking of my passionate labor all these years and not known about it.” He winked, knowing that his words could carry innuendo and delighting in that reality.

Her request for the drop of her rank was accepted and appreciated. He preferred filling his mouth with things other than ranks and titles. And in letting his eyes drift over his beautiful companion once more, Hirek had a few ideas of what else he’d rather have in his mouth than her rank. He kept these thoughts to himself. Thus far in their exchanges, Pierce had not seemed offended by the affectations he’d thrown her direction so far, but he gauged there was a strict limit to what she’d allow, and at this point, Hirek instinctively recognized that would not be allowed. At least not without consequences.

He did his best to track her list of things to take note of should he ever end up in Michigan. He had no notion of Italian foods or chocolate, but from the way her eyes lit up and her tone of voice, Hirek could only assume they were flavorful and worth a try. The extensive connection to the water endeared the place to him, and he smiled as her words painted pictures of what could be experienced in and around the waters of Michigan.

“What is a jetski?” The word felt funny on his tongue, but like all the other words she’d taught him today, Hirek liked its weight and whispered it again under his breath. At her apology, Hirek shook his head. “No apology necessary, Pierce. If I had not wanted to create an opportunity to gain further insight into what is at your core, I would not have asked such a question.” He offered a reassuring smile before adding, “You may already know that Romulans rarely share truths with one another. For example, I have four names but only one true name. The name that only those closest to me know. This is the name exchanged at a Romulan wedding ceremony, and if a Romulan ever tells you their true name, you must understand the magnitude and weight of that sharing. Along similar lines, Romulan marriages can sometimes involve three individuals, one always acting as the ‘verficactor’ of the other two within the marital vows. This is all because so much of the Romulan culture is based upon layers, reflecting the complexities of relationships, and further solidifying the monumental importance of truth, and yet also displaying the reality of how fleeting it can be to have and to share.” He shrugged, “This all to say, you have honored me with the truths of your past, Pierce, and I am the better for that. Though you’re no close to knowing my true name.” He flashed her a cheeky smile along with a wink at the last comment, hoping to chase away any seriousness that may have settled over them.

He was spared the fleeting concern by the arrival at the aforementioned cliffs. Pierce was efficient with her measurements and directions, launching her body onto the rock with the deftness expected of the extensive list of activities she’d shared earlier. It was good that she hadn’t asked whether he enjoyed the view, now that she was already climbing and had left him to follow at his own pace. He would not have been able to lie, for the scenery was indeed beautiful, as was her ass.

Chuckling at his own thoughts, Hirek took off his shoes and removed his trousers. His black fitted undergarments, while covering everything vital to a modest degree, were also tight enough to leave little to the imagination. Barefoot and ready, Hirek stepped back to assess the cliff once more before he jumped from the boat and followed Pierce on a parallel route. While the rock was a different color from those back home, Hirek had grown up scrambling up and down cliffs alongside the sea, and his body soon remembered the weight adjustments and balance requirements to maneuver up next to Pierce, flash her a mischievous smile, then quickly move past her. His long arms and legs helped him gain and pass the woman, so he did not chalk it up to superior skill. Instead, once he found the ledge and waited, Hirek kept his gaze on the beauty of the water instead of glancing down and pressuring the woman to speed up. As it was, she was on the ledge just moments after his own arrival.

“There were cliffs near my uncle’s home, on one of the neighboring islands, with ancient paintings all over them. Depicting the pantheon of Romulan gods and their influence on the world, and thereby featuring bits of our culture the damned Tal Shiar would rather everyone forget.” Hirek glanced at Pierce and rolled his eyes at his own mentioning of the Tal Shiar. “The cliff was a bit higher than this, about twelve meters?” He shrugged, gaze moving down the cliff to the lapping waters below. “When you jumped out and twisted to face the cliff, the paintings became a moving picture, as if the images came alive to dance for you.” Bringing his eyes back to Pierce, he nodded towards the water below, “Alas, I don’t see any paintings here.”

He paused for a few breaths before gesturing to the water again, “So in your culture, do you do anything in particular before you leap, or do you just go for it?”

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #11
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Pierce smiled at the mention of the jetski. "Well a jetski is a motorized, typically gasoline powered device that speeds through the water, creating a wake as it goes. Basically as if you were using rocket ant-gravity boots to launch up, this is just horizontal and you sit on it. It's a lot of fun. Like racing shuttlecrafts or smaller fighter vessels. Closest we have is a Valkyrie." Satisfied with her answer she listened on.

His breakdown of Romulan culture intrigued her for more than one reason. Primarily how complicated it must be on rituals and the hidden names. But she couldn't help but smirk at his off hand comment about not being closer to discovering his true name. Something she might get lucky enough to discover. Regardless, she was having fun toying with him as much as he was with her.

"Thank you for sharing your culture and I'm more than happy to share my own...." She paused thinking of other aspects of her person that she hadn't talked to anyone else about. At least not publicly. Some had figured it out and or read her restricted record but Lauren was the only one she broke it down for...she'd have to meet with her again soon.

Oblivious to the peering of her romulan follower, she was taking in all the scenery before her. The smells of nature and the views were beautiful. Glancing at a nearby tree, she saw squirrels and Blue Jays, and Robins in various stages of chirping and eating. It was surprising to see them to say the least. Her mind relaxing from the worries of the ship at least momentarily as she just looked upward at the goal at hand. I really needed this, she thought to herself.

Hearing him chuckle close behind her she looked back to see Hirek taking off his shoes and trousers again. What was surprising was she saw the man's package front and center in his tight fitting pants, causing her to turn back around with a slightly reddened face. As she attempted to clear the mental imagery from her thoughts, she looked for another location in which to run and then finally jump into the lake. Hirek doing the same at that moment albeit nearby on a parallel placement. His fast movements and cheeky smile made her look at him puzzled as if she had forgotten the game in which she too used to play. Alana ran up to the ledge as well, next to Hirek as they peered into the water.

Pierce glanced at him as he mentioned the caves, islands, paintings and the Tal Shiar. The last of which gave him visible disgust and irritation. She smirked at that. "Yeah, let's discuss the Tal Shiar after we figure out how to stop the impending war and coup between the Romulan factions. Right now I think the key is getting the infested exposed to your people and then taking that element down so we can concentrate on the Tal Shiar more readily. We don't need the infested getting ingrained with the Tal Shiar further than they already might be."

Realizing that duty was still very much a part of what she was doing she shook her head. Red hair swaying in the wind and the air around her. "Sorry, can't help it either. Work always gets the better of me." She said calmly looking at the peaceful waters below. Running her hands down her sleeves, she pulled down on her shirt to be sure it was secure on her breasts and chest as well as feeling and readjusting her pants for maximum comfort but to ensure it wouldn't fall off in the jump.

Looking back up she responded to the paintings. "No, no paintings here. You'd have to go to the cliff dwellings in Utah, Arizona or Colorado to get those vantage points. But no water there."

Smiling about that thought, she heard him mention protocol for jumping. "Depends on the individual honestly. I've heard people yell, say Geronimo, which is something people use from a great height. Or they just go for it."

Something she had forgotten about however was that she now had three, not two very sensitive zones on her body that would be shocked from the water at such a high distance. Another was her breath holding may not be up to snuff. But the biggest issue facing Pierce aside from those issues were that she had forgotten how bitterly cold that the Great Lakes could be at certain points in the year.

"Geronimo!" She yelled as she shoved Hirek back slightly, using that kinetic energy to propel herself forward, she went into a diving position and spun in the air. Before she hit the water, she tumbled into a sitting position and pulled her knees to her chest tightly as if she were a big cannonball weight dropped into the lake. The shock of the icy cold water shocked her systems like she wouldn't believe. Her nether regions all freezing cold in the impact as well as the shock to her lungs and body. The water constricted around her in combination with the cold. Her mouth opened in shock, letting out the air bubbles and taking in an added amount of water into her lungs, further paralyzing her. She thrashed about attempting to get closer to the air above water. She couldn't even signal Hirek as she had doubts he even had jumped yet.

Thoughts flashed before her eyes of just getting promoted, going through all she had to be killed on a holodeck swimming lesson. What a way to go... She thought as she continued to climb upward before starting to black out.

Bubbles reached the surface quickly in large quantities signaling above the water that trouble could be brewing below it.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #12
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02  |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hirek watched as Pierce checked her outfit, running her hands over her own contours in a way Hirek knew he’d enjoy doing himself. He smiled at her explanation of a distinct lack of ceremony. He tested the word offered, “Geronimo,” and found that it was just as pleasant to utter as all the rest. Heavier, and a bit harder, but still enjoyable. He was pulled from the word tasting with Pierce’s push, her excited yell bringing a grin to Hirek’s face. Thus far, she seemed similar to him in that certain guards remained in place until she was in her element—apparently that being the outdoors—in which case, guards dissipated as a true joy came forth.

He was acquainted enough with cliff jumping to know that etiquette and safety required the next jumper to wait for the former to surface before leaping from the precipice. As such, Hirek remained on the ledge staring at the blue waters waiting. When nothing but a mass of bubbles erupted to the surface in the timeframe he’d expected Pierce to emerge, Hirek knew something wasn’t quite right. She didn’t seem the type to find it amusing to play dead, at least not off duty. Without further ado, Hirek jumped.

The water was a shock to his system, and almost immediately he knew what had happened. Pierce had likely not remembered the shock that came from the temperature and overestimated her ability to handle the height, the temperature, and the depth to which her body would have traveled with such an angle in her jump. Skilled with cliff diving, Hirek had made sure his jump would have him landing at a more shallow level than the stone-like position Pierce had taken. Moving to the surface to gulp in much-needed air, Hirek thrust his head back below the waters and looked around.

There she was. Her body positioned in such a way that he could tell she’d been in the process of fighting her way back to the surface when the elements of the situation had overtaken her. Floating still, there were no more bubbles coming from her mouth. Hirek dug his arms through the water, quickly reaching her. Wrapping an arm around her torso, anchored under her ample breasts, he kicked to the surface. They were not too far from one of the sandstone outcroppings, so Hirek did a side-stroke to the sun-warmed rock. It took some intricate maneuvering to get both of them out of the water, and when she woke up, Pierce would find a nice bump on her forehead from the rolling bang against the rock, but soon enough Hirek had her on her back upon the rock as he crouched over her.

He did not know the traditions for this type of scenario for humans. Still, he knew enough of their anatomy and physiology to know where their heart and lungs were, and the vital importance both were to sustaining human life. Hirek straddled her hips and leaned forward, pressing his face close to Pierce’s face; he felt no warmth of breath coming from her mouth. Tipping her head back, Hirek sealed his mouth over hers and breathed. His own breath came rushing out through her nose. He pinched her nose and repeated the gesture. In his peripherals, he saw her chest rise with the gifted breath. He did this twice more before sitting up, turning her head to the side, then placing the heel of one hand just below her ribcage above her navel and layering his other hand atop it. Using his body weight, Hirek pressed in and up in swift thrusts.

It took only a half dozen thrusts more before the water came gurgling out of her mouth, and Pierce’s body gave involuntary convulsions as it worked to expel more of the liquid. Hirek braced one hand parallel to her shoulder, balanced over her as he pushed the hair from her face and began firm pats between her shoulder blades. Eyes still closed and body beginning to curl into a semi-fetal position, the woman rolled onto her side. He was still technically straddling her body, but hovering and ready for a repeat of the sequence if she didn’t come to fully.

“Pierce?” Hirek stopped his back pats just long enough to pull two wayward strands of hair away from her face. “Are you with me?”

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #13
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Her mind was out but her body was slowly losing temperature. Her body losing conscientiousness and limbs left flailing in the water as she floated midway to the top. The bubbles escaped her lungs towards the surface. Sounds of water splashing nearby only prompted more movement of her quiet sleep induced form. Water filling her lungs little by little.

Time was something she lacked as she laid in the water completely out cold. There were no more bubbles however by this point. Hirek's grabbing her and pulling her to the surface would have been embarrassing had she been awake. Body slumped above his arm as he pulled her to the surface. Her head bumping a rock on her way up, inducing swelling, meaning she was still alive, more or less.

His body over top of her, checking her breath or lack thereof, and attempting to listen for the breathing and feel the heat. Both were not happening. Doing CPR to her now, and placing her head to the side, a good thrust on her chest caused her to cough loudly and heave water from her lungs. "Ugh ach, oohh..." She groaned as she woke somewhat, breathing on her own again. The convulsions stopped as it all came out and she rested her head back. Feeling the sounds and breath of someone close to her, holding her bent over him and massaging her back. Alana folded over to her knees and chest as she grabbed her breath again.

Hirek still on top of her technically speaking heard her name spoken and being asked if she were with him still. Groaning and speaking weakly, she spoke in a raspy voice. " sweat...." She choked out with a quiet laugh. "That was...a shocker to be sure....didn't expect the extreme cold on my extremities." A weak smile cracked her lips as she laid back on her back to continue catching her breath. Also, still not realizing Hirek was over her body and keeping the hair out of her face while she was attempting to wake fully up. Her eyes opened up, and they shut momentarily before bursting back open in shock.

"Oh, uh, wha...what happened?" She looked at him and in relief looked him over again realizing how he could be attractive if she was interested. Random thoughts before she realized he was still clothed as was herself causing her to relax somewhat. "Do you?" She asked as it lingered with her hand movements motioning him to get off now.

"Sorry, so what'd I miss?" She chuckled now, still attempting to catch her breath, placing her arms above her head in a stretch that only accentuated her ample chest as she took a deep breath again. Replacing her arms at her side, she pushed up to sit and lean against a rock before pulling one leg up close to her chest and leaning her arms upon it.

"Thank you for saving me. I'd show my gratitude for it, but that might be taken the wrong way." She said with a grin. "Besides, being kissed by an old man might be awkwar..." Realization of her give was sudden but quickly moved past by her as she pushed the conversation in another direction in hopes the give would be forgotten.

"So as I was saying, what is your goal if we get the opportunity to go planet side to Romulus? If we can align a couple of side missions, we may be able to get all of our eggs in the same basket as it were. How useful could you be planetside?"

A random thought crossed her mind. "How likely is it for an outside to portray a romulan if given proper prosthesis before ingraining oneself in the culture to infiltrate them?"

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #14
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02  |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hirek couldn’t help but laugh before he shook the water out of his hair, intentionally doing it close so droplets fell on Pierce, before he removed himself from the semi-hover to sit adjacent to her.

“I’ve known that humans have a shorter lifespan, but I must say this is the first time I’ve been called an old man.” The mirth of the situation had tears almost coming to Hirek’s eyes as he drew a hand over his face, drawing the water down and away from his eyes. “My father’s uncle lived to 256, so by those numbers, I still have approximately one hundred years before we need to start adding ‘old’ to my moniker.” Hirek shrugged, amused and not offended. “Regardless, you need not worry about any of this. I did what was necessary to revive you. I will not cling to the memory of your lips pressed against mine, for the supple feel of your breasts beneath my hands in the depths of the night, lamenting that we could not use this near-tragedy as an avenue for the heights of pleasure.” He leaned back on his hands, gaze warm and playful as he watched Pierce for reaction. “I suppose it is because I am so ‘old,’ but I have already learned the necessary lesson that an eager and engaged partner is far more pleasurable than a confused or begrudging one.”

Pierce was quick to hide behind questions of work as if she had to fear his press or was concerned he would try something. Hirek found the efforts amusing at best, a bit noisome at worst, and didn’t deem the questions worthy of answering at this time. She’d invited him here to show him the workings of a holodeck program. So far, Pierce had shown him that they were dangers to be had even in the make-believe. Now he wanted to know if there were challenges. Pushing himself to a crouch, Hirek hovered by Pierce’s side just long enough to state, “I am going to see how deep this deck can take me.” He did not rush the process of dipping back into the cold embrace of the water. Instead, he moved to sit on the edge of the rock with his feet hovering over the water. “How do we procure a pair of masks, snorkels, bifins, weight belts, and a dive buoy with a weighted rope? These are the minimum items necessary for a safe free dive.” He smiled over his shoulder, nodding his head toward the water. “And only a pair if you care to join me.”

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #15
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Pierce didn't understand the reaction totally at least from Hirek. She watched as he removed himself however over her form and was responding in kind, gentle words that were definitely interpreted differently than she expected. He took to the 'old man' statement quickly but didn't realize it was a slip on her own behalf. Despite it being close on her own behalf.

His wording at the old man and stating his father's uncle living to 256 made her chuckle as she leaned her head back slowing her mind and letting her soaking wet hair dangle behind her back. She wiped her face with the hand not currently supporting her frame on the rock face and returned it to the ground as she sat up some.

Hirek's continuation about how he rescued her had her with brief concern albeit momentarily but with the description of her that he gave from a lovers perspective and being a willing participant, caused a stir in her she didn't know she had from the way he explained it. She turned slightly red in the cheeks and tried her best to mask it as the thought lingered momentarily. Realizing too that he wasn't taking the bate to switch their conversation to one of work related focus.

In dodging the questions, he proceeded to inquire about the holodeck and the program's capabilities therein. Taking advantage of the change in conversation, she took it. "The deck can simulate anything as you can see." She said pointing at her hair. His inquiry about obtaining masks, snorkels, bifins, weight belts and a dive buoy though, she could help with. "Computer. All of the items that Mr. Hirek mentioned, please replicate and place in front of us. One set for each of us." She said back with a smirk as the computer acknowledged them with the items readily available. "Well, your show now. I'll follow you this time." Alana said motioning the Romulan male ahead as she gathered her items and began putting them on as she walked.

Thoughts still stung back to the possible insult of his age. Despite his not thinking it rude and taking it in good stride, she wanted to clear the air and add a bit of mystery to the conversation. "Hey, sorry I wasn't attempting to call you old. By human standards I can understand that about our aging process, but for being technically 127, I'd consider myself old." Her thoughts raced and knew a retort would be coming. Not only from intrigue but from interest in her from that point onward not fully realizing the manner in which he was digging a trench. She wasn't sure if she wanted to reveal or would be forced to reveal her secret in confidence to him or not. But time would tell on this endeavor.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #16
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hirek accepted the items requested and listened to the pleasant sound of Pierce’s voice as he began checking the model of the items. They were shaped marginally differently than what he was used to, made up of a different material, but would work for this activity. He was just about to switch his attention to the dive buoy for a similar check when her comment on her own age had Hirek pausing, turning to look at her with a single raised eyebrow.

“And here I thought I was your elder.” He settled back against the rock, peering at her intently with furrowed brows. It was not his intention to make her feel as if he were undressing her with his eyes, but she would likely discern that feeling. Hirek was instead looking for any markers that denoted surgery or beauty treatments that would lead to her looking so vibrantly young instead of what would be considered an advanced age for humans. He sighed out on a half-shrug and shook his head, a wry smile already back in place. “Federation beauty treatments must be more advanced than Romulans if you are as advanced in age as you’ve stated. There is nothing about your appearance that would even hint at it. I congratulate you, or your specialists, for a job well done.”

Hirek returned his attention to the dive buoy, missing any facial reaction Pierce might’ve offered in response to his off-handed compliment to presumed cosmetic surgery.

“I do not know if it is considered rude in human standards, being called ‘old’ that is, but for Romulans, it is no matter. We listen for intent more than we listen to the words. That is our nature. You held not mal intent, and even if you had,” Hirek shot her a lecherous grin, “I still know what your lips taste like, so I wouldn’t have been offended.” Pointing to the gear and the buoy, Hirek tipped his head to the side, questioning, “Are you ready to learn some basics?”

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #17
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Pierce could tell that Hirek was confused and that time travel clearly wasn't something he had as a go to for a human living so long. But it made her feel good in the back of her mind nonetheless. But the gear seemed to appease him in any case. She listened to his statements about getting work done and Federation beauty treatments. He peered at the buoy again after his plethora of remarks about her age and the work. But she was glad he wasn't offended due to her comment that he interpreted for himself about being old.

"Actually, I haven't had any work done. Just a cosmic trip through time and a space shuttle accident. Run of the mill for intelligence folks." She quipped sarcastically with an ounce of fun in it too. His remark about the taste of her lips might have struck him differently if he knew she was once a man. "As for the lips, I'm happy you got that experience while I was unconscious. Otherwise you'd not have gotten that close since I'm not entirely what I appear on the outside." She said with a smirk letting him ponder what that might mean and looking at the gear and not his face.

Changing the subject back to his question about learning the basics, she began putting it all on and letting it set where it needed to go. The goggles, and the breathing apparatus, and the other items secured to her person.

"I'm ready, old man. Whatcha got?" She said letting the old part stick momentarily as a tease before giving him a look and placing her hands on her hips while leaning on her right leg some.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #18
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02  |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Stopping his study of the buoy and gear, Hirek turned a quizzical gaze back toward Pierce.

“Cosmic trip through time? Not what you appear on the outside?” Hirek recognized he was merely repeating her earlier statements but found he had to voice the phrases aloud in order to generate a quickly developing theory regarding the beautiful redhead at his side. Tilting his head up and back, Hirek narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking again. “Given the age, you mentioned earlier, that would mean you were born sometime in 2254, and if the outside does not match what was once the outside before, that either means you were another species, another gender, or another type of build, perhaps shorter, fatter, uglier?” Hirek let his postulations hang in the air between them for a moment before he gave a half-shrug and a wink, “Lucky for you, my interest in playful banter or pleasurable diversion of a more physical nature are not so discriminatory as to mark you as undesirable should you have been Ferengi, male, or a plump blonde.”

As a Romulan, Hirek knew the importance of secrets, either keeping them or revealing them. Even if Pierce did not share his Romulan background, as a member of Intelligence, she would, by vocation, prefer hoarding secrets than in dealing them out—or, at least, that was his assumption. With that assumption made in mind, Hirek did not press for more information or make demands of her. Not only was she his “handler” on the ship, aside from Ives, and that merited a certain consideration for demeanor, but she was also proving to be an affable companion and, being so isolated from his own kind, Hirek knew he would need friends on board to ensure a degree of safety and comfort.

Being so resolved to let her reveal more if she wished to, Hirek returned to the task at hand, that of preparing the woman for freediving.

“Freediving is rewarding in a variety of ways, and not just physically. There is a mental aspect, an emotional, almost spiritual, reward that can be had as well. But it can also be deadly, which is why you never dive alone. One partner is always on the surface monitoring the descent and ascent of the diver, readily available to rescue if anything goes wrong.” He pointed to the weight belts. “There are different forms of diving, and my preferred type does not use weight belts and instead relies on body movements and currents, but considering this is your first time, I felt the belts could be useful. The lanyard attached to the buoy is your guide rope for both the descent and ascent.” He held up the lanyard and nudged the buoy.

While he still did not move to get back into the water just yet, Hirek shifted his posture on the rock to sit up straighter and face Pierce more fully before he continued.

“The most efficient way of getting down to depth without weights or rope is to begin on your stomach with the buoy by your hips, put both arms in front of you and rock forward, bending at your hips to create a right angle while keeping your legs straight. This will create the momentum necessary to propel you underwater, and on your descent, you’ll need to bring both arms to your side in a scooping movement, using the fins to do gentle kicks as you continue down. Use the rope to guide if necessary, and let the weights do most of the work, especially since this is your first dive.”

Hirek leaned forward and pointed to a few areas on Pierce’s torso, “There are air space in our bodies that will get smaller as the water pressure increases.” He mirrored the movement by pointing to himself and hovering a hand over his face. “It is necessary to equalize the pressure often and not to wait for pain or discomfort before doing so. For Romulans, and I believe it will be similar for humans, by putting your fingers to your nose to seal it and blowing out, this movement helps to equalize the pressure.”

Grabbing the gear, Hirek finally lowered himself into the water and pushed away from the rocks, face still toward Pierce, “I want to do some practice breaths with you before we set everything up and head down. Keeping your breathing under control and staying in a relaxed state is absolutely vital.” Using only his feet to kick, Hirek moved at a slow pace further into the water, carting all his gear by hand, a neutral expression settling on his features as he waited for her to join him.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #19
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Pierce chuckled at Hirek as she knew that she posed an interesting and delectable conundrum to sift through his mind. Not only giving a half truth but enough to keep the mysteriousness of her person with him. Intelligence folks always kept their cards close to their chest. Especially in dealing with the unknowns of life. Despite the query posed to the Romulan agent, he wasn't offput with what she may have been previously. In fact, it didn't seem to be a bother either way to him.

That being said, she glanced at him and then turned her head back to the task at hand. Deciding to keep more of her origins to herself, she relied instead on the excursion. Renewing her mind, she stood, eyes peering into the great beyond as she kept her own mind focused. Still, Hirek so far had been a good companion and showed his willingness for good deeds should the need arise. There is also the matter of saving her life previously which was unintended but he obliged just the same. His disposition made it easy to talk to him and that was a plus and breath of fresh air in this age. No one said what they meant and did it. Everything was a long drawn out process, but not on Theurgy. But should the need arise or the inquiry at the right timing, she might reveal more about herself.

Listening to him describe freediving to her, she tilted her crimson covered head at him with interest and soaking up the details, not the water. "Understood. And I appreciate it. Obviously the water was more authentic than I previously remembered." She smirked. He faced her as he continued.

Hearing the bit about the air pressure slightly scared her as that was one of her fears. Death by water. And so far, her track record wasn't going well. But she nodded in understanding as she finished placing the gear on her person. She followed Hirek into the water now, letting the cold get familiar with her body first before she dipped the rest of the way in. The familiar cold basking her various regions, some more sensitive than others to the temperature. Alana swam over towards him and floated nearby.

"So, what now Hirek?" She grinned awaiting the challenge before her. "I hope the waters where you come from are a bit warmer. These great lakes as they are called, they're nearly always cold." Pierce remembered before she prepared to stick her face in the water the trick Reggie had taught her earlier in the morning at the gym. Reaching into her pocket, she kicked to stay afloat as she tied up her hair into a pony tail. If nothing else. she wouldn't have her hair in her face as she swam.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #20
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hirek smirked from the water, “Ah, the perils of authenticity.”

He kicked further out until he found an area that seemed deep enough to be a challenge but not so deep as to tempt Pierce or himself to test the safety protocol of the holodeck any further. Letting go of the buoy lanyard, he watched the yellow rope slowly drop into the dark blue beneath them. Hearing Pierce enter the water, Hirek looked up to watch her approach. He was quick about locking his own snorkel over his head and placing a hand on the buoy for added buoyancy.

“The waters around my islands are warm, but even at great depths, they can bite.” He waited until she was closer before he instructed her further, “I need you to practice ‘breathing up’ from a static apnea position. Basically, you’re going to lay on your back, and the goal is to decrease your heart rate and prepare for the dive. When you decrease your heart rate and slow your breathing rate, putting yourself into a state of relaxation, you can dive easier and hold your breath longer.” Hirek placed a hand on his chest, “The exhalation should be longer than the inhalation, as this slows the heart and puts you into a relaxed state. You have to make the last breath count. You’ll exhale completely, then inhale slowly and deeply, expanding your rib cage.” He reached beneath the water and touch his own rib cage. “Wait for a moment, then dive. You should only take one or two of these deep breaths before diving otherwise, you’ll hyperventilate, and I’ll have to rescue you again.” He winked. “Freediving is about control and relaxation. If you start to panic, focus on the lanyard and slowly return to the surface to start your recovery breathing.”

He rolled onto his back, keeping a hand on the buoy, and demonstrated the process for Pierce. After so long on land surrounded by Tal Shiar and Klingons, it felt good to be back in the water. His eyes closed, Hirek couldn’t help the smile from creeping onto his lips as he breathed up and lulled his body into a relaxed state. Only as his floating body bumped against Pierce, Hirek remembered he was instructing her and not just participating. Lowing his legs again, Hirek pointed to the yellow lanyard that swayed in the undercurrents.

“You’re going to be tempted to breathe quickly when you first resurface, but you can blackout if you don’t do your recovery breathing correctly. This is where your partner comes in. While holding on to the partner and the buoy, you will breathe in deeply, hold your breath for a moment, then slowly relax and let the air out through your lip, repeating the process at least three times. Then once you’ve recovered, you should not attempt another free dive for at least half an hour while your body resets.”

Hirek was quick to think back over the gist of what he’d explained before giving Pierce a winning smile, “Care to practice breathing?”

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #21
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Pierce was thankful for multiple things this day. One was that Hirek could be trusted as far as she could tell. The second, well that was his willingness to save another life of someone he barely knew. And for his sense of adventure. So she miscounted mentally. Oh well, she thought. Either way, she was interested in this dive that Hirek had planned after her own botched attempt at diving into the cold waters of Michigan's lakes.

She listened to the instructions of the man as he told her how to perform the actions he was looking for if this was to be a success. She flipped herself onto her back and continued slowly wading the waters with her feet and hands, careful not to elevate her breathing or her heart rate. Slowly gaining a full float before she relaxed. It was peaceful. Her mind was quiet as she listened to the chirping of the birds and the water around them. She nodded quietly to his directions as she kept her eyes closed a moment longer.

"Let's do it." She said flashing a smirk before breathing slowly and diving down. The water was unbelievably clear. No doubt from the cleaning of the water in the lakes. She'd heard in the 20th century it was polluted but not to the extent that the oceans were. Regardless her thoughts wandered as she let out more air to dive deeper. Still relaxing and allowing the sights to take her. She looked and saw Hirek beneath the water as well. She could have sworn that he was enjoying this bout into the water as much as she did.

Carefully she pulled herself down further with the weights as she expelled more air from her lungs. Careful not to expel too much to where she'd have a panic attack. With her body full acclimated to the water now, she was ready for more. But counted in her head realizing that she was due to climb topside again. She pushed up with her arms and legs to carefully get closer while pulling on the rope to the buoy.

Her crimson head, soaked and dripping hit the surface as she wiped the hair from her face and slowly pulled herself upward. Taking in a big deep breath and allowing it to stick in her lungs momentarily before exhaling again. And doing it once more she clung to the buoy awaiting Hirek's return to the surface. No doubt he was more accustomed to it in his many years as opposed to herself.

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #22
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hirek smiled at Pierce’s quick follow-through of instructions. Though she appeared to lack accurate memory of water temperatures, she did not lack gusto in doing physical activities. Hirek briefly allowed himself the fleeting thought of whether this proclivity for enthusiasm in physicality extended to the bedroom. But Pierce’s announcement of “Let’s do it!” kept his mind from wandering too far into the “naughty” areas, and instead, he followed her immersion with a more calculated dive of his own. Unlike Pierce, he had left the weight belt on top of the buoy and was instead demonstrating to her how to execute this type of free dive without a weight belt. Though it wasn’t in an effort to gloat, there was no purpose in gloating over someone who was a novice at something he was an expert in.

He saw the bubbles from Pierce but otherwise ignored her in his own equalization efforts. If this were something she was keen on pursuing, she would learn soon enough never to let out air until it was time to resurface. Every air bubble was precious and life-giving and could be used to extend the time spent underwater. Instead of expelling air, Hirek plugged his nose and adjusted the pressure in his sub-dermal air cavities to equalize the weight pressing into his body. Even with the weight belt, Pierce came to a depth where, because of air requirements or discomfort from pressure, she stopped her descent and hovered in place. Hirek saluted her with a smile as he continued his dive even further.

When he was finally satisfied with the depth, fully aware of his air capacity, Hirek held his arms straight out to slow the descent to an eventual stop. He floated in place in the darker depths. It was also far colder down here, but still not nearly as dark or heavy in pressure as the waters back on Romulus. Closing his eyes, Hirek began the mental retreat into the “place” necessary for a successful free dive. It was different for every diver and for Hirek his place held the familiar sounds of his island home, the scents of a spring morning along the beach, the colors of a sunrise. Sometimes his place held the outline of a figure just in front of him, a figure that embodied the warmth and affection of family, but often his place was filled only with nature and himself standing alone amongst it all.

Hirek opened his eyes as he maneuvered his body for the upward haul. He’d dived past the bottom of the buoy lanyard, but not so far as to be a problem. Soon enough, his hands were loosely moving over one another as he “climbed” the rope back to the buoy and Pierce’s waiting form. Breaking the surface, Hirek completed his recovery breathing tactics before pushing the water droplets from his face and turning smiling eyes to Pierce.

“What do you think?”

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #23
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]

Pierce looked on at Hirek and smiled warmly, wiping her own water covered face again. "Definitely something worth exploring again. But I think I'm ready to get out of the water. I stay in any longer, I am liable to get pruned." She chuckled as she began climbing out. Pulling herself up and a leg on the short before the other followed. Standing straight up, she shook her head, slapping the hair behind her around with water spraying with the movement. As she rung out the rest of it, she stood ready to peel off the gear.

As each piece dropped to the ground, she allowed it since the holodeck would simply recycle the matter it replicated anyhow. Something she still wasn't accustomed to. "So Hirek, what'd you think of Michigan's lakes? Aside from saving me that is. Not that I normally need a bailout like that, but it was still appreciated and let me know where you stand. And that you can be trusted." She smirked.

Climbing back up the small portion of rocks off the water, she sat down as she watched Hirek take off his gear as well. She closed her eyes and looked towards the sky with the tilt of her head as she relaxed her mind. "I miss the calm. The ease and the sounds of nature. But this isn't real. And likely I'll never get to see it again in person until we're cleared by command of this threat." Her eyes opened again, still leaning with her arms behind her and legs crossed and kicked forward.

"I look forward to working with you more. Tough times I fear are ahead with what I've seen in the past few weeks on board. We need to be ready. All of us." Pierce let the words hit despite the excursion, she was thinking about it more after the simulated near death experience brought her back to realism. "I'm sorry for breaking the mood. Just nearly dying...again...caught me off guard after my mind had time to play catchup."

She looked around once more. "Anything else you'd like to learn or teach me? Or did we want to head out?"

Re: Day 13 [ 0900 hrs.] Heeding Her Summons

Reply #24
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Holodeck 02 |  Deck 8 | Vector 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Nodding to Pierce’s suggestion to get out of the water, Hirek was curious if he needed to bring in the gear or if he should leave it and let the programming take care of it. At her question regarding his thought on the lakes, Hirek decided to leave everything as it was and merely join her on the sun-warmed rocks. He didn’t answer her until he had hauled his body out of the water and stood alongside her. Hirek hadn’t meant to crawl onto the rocks so close to her body, but he smiled once he stood and looked down to see her upturned face. She was beautiful. And she was off-limits. She’d made that much clear earlier and despite what some might think of him, Hirek was (relatively) a gentleman.

“I like them,” he shifted out of her comfort zone and raised his hands to brush the water from his hair, “if they are all this pleasant, then should I ever have reason or opportunity to visit Earth, I will enjoy visiting them in person.” He smirked and let out a short chuckle at her comment on trust. “I do not think I would win any favors with the captain or the rest of the crew if I’d let you die. More than likely, I’d have been executed after a presumption of my having murdered you.”

Pierce continued sharing her thoughts as he pulled off the rest of the gear and followed her example, letting it lie discarded on the rocks by his feet without further care for it. He nodded and gave hums to show he was listening. He couldn’t help but frown a bit at the thought of never returning to Romulus.

“I can empathize with the dissatisfaction of holographic imagery versus reality. If I could be shown how to create a program for this system, I may be able to generate a fairly close rendition of my home islands to share with you. I would very much like that, in truth.” He squatted next to her seated position and smiled. “Even if it isn’t real, without knowing how long it will take us to clear these threats, I would rather the imaginary visit home to nothing at all.”

Hirek grunted a little as he stood back to his full height and stretched up onto his toes. The water had indeed been cold. The sun was helping his blood flow again, but some added stretches facilitated the easing of his muscles faster. He stopped his twisting movements at Pierce's most curious word choice.

“Dying again?” he raised an eyebrow as he voiced the question. Before she could answer, he gestured to their surroundings, “I’d like to hear more about this ‘again’ business, but perhaps we could change the settings to a tea shop? Do you know of a location similar on Earth to what I described to you of the Uluma Islands? It would be pleasant to share at least a shadow version of my home with you as we drink tea and share stories of death and survival.”

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