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Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
"Àkàrà, wagasi cheese and some chouk, please," said Okafor, and the replicator in the mess hall obliged him with a chirp.

The scent of the replicated food of his native home in the African Confederation reached him, and he smiled as he collected the tray from the machine. Àkàrà was a dish made from peeled black-eyed peas, and had it been the properly prepared thing, the ball would have been formed by hand and then deep-fried in red oil. The wagasi was a cheese specialty, made of cows'-milk of northern Benin. Originally, it was made by the Fulani people, and was abundantly available in most cities. While looking for a table, he picked up one stick of the cheese and gave it a nibble, savouring the mild flavour with a content sigh. The light synthehol beverage, chouk (which was short for or choukoutou) was a Beninese millet beer that he usually enjoyed with with his native food.

He spotted a free table in the corner, next to the viewports, and once he'd seated himself, he looked around to see if Mia Dunne had arrived yet. They were supposed to have lunch but given the amount of work and leads he'd been able to give her that morning, he would understand if the small PADD in his pocked chirped and told him she'd take a rain check on it. With so much having happened while in stasis, it must be daunting to acclimatise to the present situation aboard. I know how I felt after learning about the mission at Starbase 84, and the defeat suffered there. I am certain I would have made little difference, but be that as it may...

Okafor spotted Mia then, and raised a hand to that she might spot him. Looking at her, a proverb of his people came to him, as he thought she would be able to handle it. Udin non gha man egho; ovbie okherhe ra na ron ren... Looking at her, he was confident she would do far more than he might to aid the mission, for her field of expertise was directly correlating with the enemy threat. While he? He reckoned that all he could really do was aid the Medical Department with his skills, and giving hurt members of the crew a chance to lead a life unaffected by what had befallen them.

"Mia, I am glad you could make it," he said when she came into earshot, and smiled at her. He stood up and pulled out the chair for her. "Ẹ Jọ̀ọ́, I hope your first hours in the lab have been rewarding?"

OOC: Locale: [Show/Hide]
Ẹ Jọ̀ọ́ = Please
Udin non gha man egho; ovbie okherhe ra na ron ren. = The palm-nut that will blossom into an evergreen palm-tree can be identified and spotted out at the budding spring.

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #1
[Ens. Mia Dunne |Mess hall |Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theirgy]  ATTN: @Auctor Lucan

Mia had spent the better part of the morning looking at the information she’d been given. Then she studied holographic display of the parasite, she attempted to make drawings in order to try to get a better grasp of the creature, but either the long time in stasis or the injury she sustained had made her skills a bit ... less than desirable. After about the sixth attempt she threw down her sketch with a disgusted sigh and ran her hands over her face. Maybe she needed something else to think about for now. She glanced up at the chrono and saw it was lunch time. For a moment she just stared at the time, then her eyes opened wide, “Oh! Shit! Tyreke!!” She shut down the holographic display and hurried out of her lab. “I almost did it again!” She mumbled to herself as she traversed the distance to the mess hall in short order.

She stopped just before the entrance to the mess hall and straighten her uniform with a quick tug and took a calming breath. It was crowded in the mess hall and she glanced around looking for Lt. Okafor as she got herself a cup of tomato soup, a grilled cheese sandwich, and a small glass of cola. She turned and saw the Lieutenant waving and smiled as she headed for the table.

Mia nodded with a small smile as he pulled out a chair for her and greeted her. She set her tray on the table and sat down across from Tyreke, “I am so sorry! I almost let the time get away from me again.” She pushed an errant lock of hair out of her face and tucked it behind an ear, “I hope you weren’t waiting too long for me.” She sighed softly as she allowed herself to relax a little. “There’s just so much to learn about this creature, it hard to know where to start.”

She glanced out the viewport for a moment, “It seems strange to be here. I never imagined I would be anywhere near the Klingon home world. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that six months and a few battles have passed me by. “

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #2
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
Pleased that Mia made it, Okafor had smiled and waved off her concern of being late. He continued eating while she went on to speak about the parasite and how intriguing it was. In the end, however, she commented on the view outside the viewport - right next to them - and bespoke the fact that they were orbiting the Klingon home world.

"It was disconcerting for me too," he said, thinking about his own time waking up in Sickbay, after Nicander had brought him out of stasis. The very same doctor whom was now in the Brig, and one of the enemy.

"Starbase 84 had happened right before I was pulled from stasis," he said, looking at the surface of Qo'noS. "A mission where we failed to broadcast the truth to the Federation and beyond. The message had been altered, further incriminating us, and painted our Captain up as the villain rather than Command. The incentive by the culprit was to prevent public unrest, even the risk of a civil war inside the Federation, that he believed would come from the truth about Starfleet Command spreading. The reasoning, as I understood it, was that it would undermine the authority of both Starfleet as well as the Federation Council. Whether or not that had been the case... we may learn now, since Martok had broadcasted the real message."

Okafor looked back at Mia, shaking his shaved head with a chuckle. "So, it seems while I was thawed in the wake of the false broadcast, you were thawed when the real one was sent. Odd, the correlation, but strange as it might be... you are a sight for sore eyes."

Having said as much, Tyreke knew he might have to elaborate, even if he meant what he said without further explanation. "Yes, we are missing good people, who can make sense of all of this, so in the sense of the mission, you have been missed," he said, and cleared his throat, "but I have missed you, beyond that. I am grateful that V-Nine was able to save your life and bring you back. The Science Department has not been the same without you."

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #3
[Ens. Mia Dunne |Mess hall |Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @Auctor Lucan

Mia turned away from the viewport as she began to eat her meal. Listening to Tyreke speak of his own experience at being brought back from the brink of death was somehow comforting. He, too, had been in a forced sleep when battles had been fought. And whatever the fates had in store for them, they were both here, at this point in time.  She smiled at the irony of what he said and smiled up at him, “I am sure that was not a very good time for this crew. And the correlation of the timing is rather strange. “

Mia blushed slightly as Tyreke spoke of her absence, and those who had been lost forever, feeling that tug of guilt that she was here now and they would never return. She lifted her eyes to him, “I.. I am ... “ She began to speak but had trouble collecting her thoughts, “I am glad you are here too. It’s been the highlight of getting brought back.” She blushed a little as she lightly placed her hand over his on the table. “To see you, alive and well, when I was feeling lost and alone, was the best. It must have been so hard for you all this time. Dealing with all that has happened, while I blissfully, well maybe not so blissfully, slept through the worst of it.”

She did not pull her hand back. For some reason she found that she craved a physical connection. She knew it had to be something deeper in her psyche, but ever since she ‘woke up’ she’d felt like she was in a nightmare. “Whatever the future holds, I am glad you will be part of it, Tyreke. “ She glanced out the viewport again, a sad look in her eyes, “I just wish I knew what has happened back home. “

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]


Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #4
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
As much as Tyreke wanted to comfort Mia in that moment, when she expressed her regrets about the Federation and Starfleet actively blocking the Theurgy from accessing subspace communication relays - keeping them from spreading any "lies" about Starfleet Command - there wasn't much he could say. He looked down at her hand, resting on top of his own, and he interlaced his fingers with hers when he spoke.

"Emi ko mọ... Though we have learned some things through someone codenamed 'King', who is an ally of ours that work inside Starfleet Headquarters." Tyreke did not go into the details about how it came that this person aided them since it would stray from topic too far. "King has, through his connections in Starfleet Intelligence, sent a lot of new crewmembers to us, along with some intel about the situation in the Federation worlds. As for Earth, like many other worlds, the Federation News Network is utilised to spread misinformation about us, painting us the villain in any manner they can. The media has shown a skewed reality, not matching the truth in our tactical logs, which show we have been forced to defend ourselves at every turn. Always been on the defensive, avoiding combat, always aiming to disable rather than destroy our pursuers. On the news channels... the public just see the dead bodies and the debris, along with inflated body counts."

Having been looking into her eyes when he spoke, Okafor lowered his gaze to the contrast between their skin tones, made evident by the manner in which their fingers interlaced on the desktop. The next part would, perhaps, be more difficult to hear for her. "We also know that our families have been under scrutiny from the media outlets, and even interrogated by Starfleet. Because of the former, the paparazzi and reporters, Starfleet Command has not dared whisk away our families or friends indefinitely, or 'suicide' them. Not even those who dare voice their support for their sons, daughters or friends, saying that if they are still alive aboard this ship, they would never defect to the Romulans." Avoiding imagining how the contrast of their fingers would look if their bodies were intertwined further, Tyreke cleared his throat and blinked. "Instead, we have learned that some of our families chose to believe one hypothesis that Starfleet has publicly supported; That Captain Ives is acting alone, using Thea to create a holographic crew via the shipwide hologrid. Alternatively, that we are all dead, and that it is Thea alone, an evil A.I., that is fighting Starfleet and attacking seemingly starbases at random."

Tyreke wished to switch topics to what she had commented on before, since it wasn't just he who had missed her. "For the record, now that you are back... I think the future for the mission might be better off now, and not just me," he said with a smile, having promised to explain a dire need of the Science Department after the passing of Vael Kaeris. "The former Chief Science Officer was working on something revolutionary in our fight against the Infested and the parasites that inhabit them. Your research, determining whether or not these things are natural or artificially created, might help immensely in completing his work, and freeing the hosts in a way that won't kill them. While it has to do with phase variances and transporter systems, using a secondary containment beam to transport the innocent host and the parasite apart, the transporter system still need to make sense of what it is locking on to. We have the phase variance that the parasites inhabit, but the research isn't complete, and we don't have the technical solution. Do you think your research will be able help somehow?"

Tyreke had already finished his meal, waiting for Mia to do so as well, before they might take a stroll and speak further.

Emi ko mọ = I don't know

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #5
[Ens. Mia Dunne |Mess hall |Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @Auctor Lucan

Mia was shocked to hear what had been going on back home. The small measure of comfort was that their families had remained safe for the most part. But the fact that the press and Starfleet themselves would have stooped so low was almost more than she could bear, even though she felt it was due to those damned parasites orchestrating it, It still was hard to hear. She found it hard to speak and unshed tears filled her eyes, “Whoever this ‘King’ is, let’s hope he is able to stay hidden from the enemy.” She took a breath and shook her head, “I can’t believe anyone would even believe this crew would even do something like that. I just wish...” She paused, not really knowing what it was she was wishing for except that this nightmare was over.

She glanced briefly at their intertwined fingers and blushed slightly remembering how she’d kissed him earlier. The contrast of their skin together was interesting. She was wondering to herself about how his hands would look against the much paler skin under her uniform. His voice broke her out of her reverie, and she looked back to his face.

She smiled slightly when he actually said he had missed her, even though he was saying that it was her skills that were missed and not so much the individual, but at this point she would take it where she could find it. But he did have a valid position. With the loss of so many science officers, she might just be pivotal in finding what their next advances against this hidden enemy would be.  She listened more closely as Tyreke explained what Vael Kaeris had been working on.

“You are right, that might be advantageous. But I am no expert in Transporter Technology." She said as she thought about the process,  "I would need to enlist the aid of someone more familiar with that field of study. And then, even when that part might be sorted, I would need someone in the medical field, both to help identify the correct DNA for those who were affected, and to develop a treatment for them after the host is successfully separated. The only problem with that is differentiating the host DNA from the parasite, as I am quite certain there has to be some sort of overlap, otherwise the host would reject it, in spite of the phase difference. “

She pushed her plate aside. She still could not eat the whole meal. Something that wasn’t new. Even though she felt it was a waste to recycle it. “What I think is that I still need to find out more about what these things are, and about what has already been discovered about these creatures. I just not sure what the next steps will reveal, but I’ll definitely try to find the solution.” She lifted her hand slightly and lightly squeezed their palms together. “But what I know...We, you, me, all of us,” She said with a small wave of her other hand to include the ship’s crew, “We will find the answer, I just know it!”

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #6
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
When Mia asserted that she was confident the crew would figure out what they needed in order to defeat the enemy and save the hosts from their parasites, Tyreke smiled, since when he had first met her in the lab, she had seemed a bit crestfallen and feeling a bit guilty about surviving. That she held such confidence in her own abilities added to that of the rest of the crew told him that she was likely making progress already - situating herself a bit in the current mission development.

"Agreed," he said, glancing towards her food and noticing that she was finished. As much as he enjoyed holding hands with her, he withdrew his hand with smile. "Let's take a walk?"

Tyreke picked up her plate as well, and dispensed them before heading to the door. Once they were in the corridor, he spoke anew. "Is there any part of the ship you would like to see this lunch hour? I would be happy to accompany you there." Giving it a thought himself, he considered suggesting something that could either be a great idea, or a terrible one. "There... is a place that ought to be new to you, since we had it made during the refit at the Aldea Prime Shipyards. If you recall, the Arboretum has three levels, the lowest having the trees and the pond, but the deck above it, the terrace surrounding the foliage, has been converted. While it used to be a simple observation terrace overlooking the Arboretum, it's now our Memorial Terrace. It has the placards of all those whom have died in their service aboard the Theurgy. I realise a visit now... might be premature, but you should know the place exists."

Taking a breath, Tyreke elaborated further. "If... there is a name there that means something to you, there are holoprojector platforms that you can energise, and you can have them project the fallen in front of you. The holograms are made from sickbay's medical holo-images, and Thea has even outfitted them with voice recordings of their personal logs. Unless they were made private or were classified, the holograms can relay their latest personal logs for you. I have done it, and having the lost in front of you, and letting you say good bye, it is... It brings closure. At least it did for me."

Clearing his throat, Okafor realised that as good as he found his suggestion to be, perhaps Mia wished to speak or do something lighter than dwell on those lost. "If you care for some dessert, I have some tapi-tapi ice cream. Do you remember the kind I used to make by hand? I believe I have some stored away if you care for some lighter nostalgia."

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #7
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy|
ATTN: @Auctor Lucan

Mia smiled at the suggestion of a walk, “I’d like that. Maybe I do need some time out of the lab.”  She felt his hand release hers and she started to reach for her plate but he was faster.  She thought that was very sweet for him to do but didn’t say anything. Instead, she rose to her feet and walked alongside him as he disposed of the remains of their meal and then headed out of the Mess Hall.

At his query she paused to think. There were so many places on the ship she had yet to see, but none came to mind as he continued speaking. She also hadn’t realized there had been a refit, but that made sense considering the damage that the ship must had suffered when she’d been hurt and the subsequent battles she’d only read about. It was odd and a bit frightening to think she’d been on the ship and totally unaware that at any moment the ship and its crew could have perished. But she did not want to visit that particular area of the ship.

While there would come a time, visiting the Wall, as Zark had called it, was still too painful to think about. “I’m sorry, Tyreke, I just don’t feel ready to do that yet, I am not sure if I ever will be ready.” While for some of the others the loss had occurred a while ago and they had been able to deal with their losses, Mia’s grief was too new. And right now, she wasn’t sure she would be able to watch holovids of those she’d lost. “I... I just need more time," she said with a rather sad note in her voice.
She almost decided to cut their walk short until Tyreke made another suggestion, one that already brought back brighter memories. And that frozen treat he made was really very good. She smiled as she looked over at him, “I would love some of that ice cream. I could use the ‘lighter nostalgia’ about now. And I do so love that home-made treat.”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #8
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Corridors > Turbolifts | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
Pleased to hear that while Mia wasn't ready to visit the Memorial Terrace, she did remember and fancy his wara didi well enough to accept his invite.

"Lighter nostalgia it is," he said with a chuckle and led the way to the turbolifts. While they waited for their ride, he brought up something else related to their Department. "I am assuming you might not have met Junior Lieutenant Sarresh Morali just yet? He is our Temporal Affairs Officer, and he came aboard five months ago. He is a bit of an odd addition to our department since he transferred not just back to his original time, but from a time ship that has been aiding us during the mission. Your mission logs may have mentioned the USS Relativity, a Wells-class starship from the future? Captain Ducane and his crew saved those aboard that weren't in stasis during Thea's visit to the planet Niga in the Mahêwa System. The enemy has access to time-travel, so Lieutenant Morali stayed behind specifically to act as a line of defence against that kind of enemy tactic, and he has had a... colourful tenure aboard the ship since his transfer. When you meet him, please take his attitude with a grain of salt, because he is none to pleased about serving here rather than the Relativity."

When leading the way into the turbolift, Tyreke continued. "Deck 10," he said, and then turned to Mia in the close confines when he realised he may have made a slight mistake with his invite, "Gbaga... I am afraid my quarters are a bit of a mess since I have a tendency to bring my duties home from the lab. After the Battle of the Houses, I have been working on synthetic grafts over all kinds of prosthetics, so do not be alarmed by the limbs lying on the table. It may look ẹru, horrifying, but its all robotics and replicated synth-flesh."

Stepping off the turbolift, it was just a short walk to his quarters, and he led the way inside. "Please make yourself comfortable and I'll get the tapi-tapi," he said, unzipping his uniform jacket and throwing it over the back of a chair. True to his word, on top of the table rested his projects for the Medical Department, his work being in high demand in the wake of the battles at Qo'noS. There was one female leg, along with a hand and an entire arm, the two latter being male. The synth-flesh of the hand was coloured in the exact skin pigment of the Andorian that was to get the prosthetic, and the female leg had a pale alabaster skin tone. the couch and the sitting area's table had less things on it, so Tyreke's gesture had been towards that part of his quarters rather than that of the dining table.

Since he greatly enjoyed cooking, he had made sure to keep some preservation units close to the replicator. When he cooked, he used a mix of refrigeration units and stasis technology to keep his meals from spoiling. As it were, he just needed to find the freezer unit that held the ice cream. While he searched he spoke over his shoulder.

"We had a new Lab Assistant join the crew from Qo'noS when we arrived here. She used to work in the Federation Embassy in the Klingon capital, but as soon as Ives showed them what had really been happening in the Federation, she requested a transfer right away. Her name is Nara Nueva, currently of the rank Crewman, but she used to be a Junior Lieutenant working at the Daystorm Institute. Rumour has it that she was caught experimenting with Thalaron radiation to find a way to protect against it, but those experiments earned her the demotion. Given the crucial need we have for a protection against that kind of radiation, I wonder if Commander Vanya and Captain Ives will re-open the investigation. Thing is, it wouldn't have been the first time the Infested suppressed research and inventions that would have aided against them. According to Sarresh Morali, our Quantum Slipstream technology is one such example."

Hiking up the sleeves of his teal undershirt and unzipping the collar when finding the ice cream, he pulled the box out and made a short stop by the replicator to get some bowls and spoons. Then, he joined Mia with a small smile.

wara didi = ice cream
gbaga = damn
ẹru = horrifying
tapi-tapi = a specific handmade African ice creamT

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #9
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Corridors > Turbolifts |Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @Auctor Lucan

As they stood waiting for the lift Tyreke posed a query. She gave a small shake of her head, “no, I haven’t made his acquaintance yet, but that does sound like a rather interesting way to join the crew.” She sighed a little as it reminded her of just how much she had really missed during the last six months. “I did see the mission log mentioning the  ship’s name, but most of the information was redacted. I guess Ives and that Temporal Agent decided to keep most of it under wraps. I can imagine the lieutenant would much rather be back on his own ship, even if he is originally from our current time line.”  

They entered the lift and began to rise. Mia chuckled when Tyreke described the state of his quarters, “Why am I not surprised that you would bring your work back to your room. It must be our need to find answers, even in the middle of our sleep schedules.” She smiled over as the doors opened, “I’m sure mine probably is just as bad, or will be in a week or so.”

She stepped of the lift and walked beside her friend for the short distance to his quarters.

[ Tyreke’s personal quarters |Deck 10 | Vector 01]

Mia entered the main living area and had to smile, “you weren’t kidding,” she exclaimed as she took off her jacket and placed it over her arm for the moment, “If I didn’t know what you were doing I might start to wonder if you were trying to make your own android.” She moved off towards the sitting area and draped her jacket over the back of a small sofa and took a seat.

Mia listened as Tyreke spoke about another new crew member while he searched for the frozen treat. It amazed her that he had managed to get so many chiller and stasis units into the small kitchen area. But then, he was a higher rank, so maybe that was just a perk.  She kicked off her boots and tucked her legs up under her, leaning on the arm of the sofa so she could watch him.

“Wow, someone really didn’t want her poking around, did they,” she asked with raised eyebrows, “although researching Thalaron radiation would have been okay, but experimenting with it was very dangerous. But seeing what happened in Paris,“ she paused and took a slow breath, “We could use that knowledge now. Is the captain going to let her continue her research?”

She watched him as he dug through his ‘freezer’ for the ice cream, idly admiring how the muscles in his arms moved now that she could see them.  Tyreke finally found what he was looking for and, she smiled up at him as he brought it over. “Other than working on all the body parts, I see you still enjoy your time in the kitchen when you are home,” she said as she took the bowls and waited for him to settle before she held them out for him to fill. “I can honestly say I have missed this.”

Once the bowls were filled, she handed one to Tyreke then held up her spoon to tap against his, “Bon Appetite, my Friend!”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #10
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Corridors > Turbolifts | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
When asked if the Captain would allow Creman Nueva to continue her research, Tyreke shrugged with one shoulder and handed over Mia's tapi tapi to her. "I don't know. I think it's more than just likely, however. We need a countermeasure now that the Romulan Praetor, one of the Infested, is ignoring the ban on that kind of weaponry."

Mia, thankfully, shifted the conversation to lighter matters, referring to his enjoyment of cooking. "Bon Appetit," he said in kind with a smile, and seated himself next to Mia. Doing so, they could share the somewhat... morbid view of his dinner-table-turned-workstation. It served as a unique backdrop for their conversation to say the least. Challenged, perhaps, by the vista of Qo'noS' surface outside the viewport - right behind the back of the couch. He turned his head and looked at it, shifting his seat so that he was turned more towards Mia in doing so. The comfortable pause in their conversation was one of enjoyment, even though now as he was sampling it, Tyreke couldn't help contemplating how he could make his handmade ice cream even better.

"This is nostalgic, isn't it?" he said with a chuckle deep down in his throat, catching himself thinking about the other times he'd brought Mia some of his ice cream in her lab. "I don't think you've been in my quarters before, have you?"

Looking at Mia, Tyreke couldn't help but enjoy himself beyond the taste of the ice cream, as he realised that the view of Mia was far more compelling than the vista outside the view port. The way the light reflected off the surface of the Klingon home world and caught her fair hair made her look almost ethereal. Like an apparition, or a mirage of the African desert. He caught himself watching her lips while she ate, and had to swallow and glance away. While the sight wasn't provocative in the least, his imagination was running too rampant, and he had to talk to cover his embarrassment.

"Have you met any new people since you came out of stasis?" he asked, clearing his throat and shifting his seat a little. He smiled, still, and dared look back at her in hopes that her radiance wouldn't blind him. "Anyone interesting?"

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #11
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Tyreke’s personal quarters |Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @Auctor Lucan

Mia savored the Tapi Tapi, taking small spoonfuls so she could enjoy it to its fullest. She nodded as Tyreke shared his thoughts of the possibility of renewed research in Thalaron radiation. She shifted slightly in her seat in order to watch as he spoke and nodded as she took the delicious treat into her mouth with a small moan of enjoyment.

The small pause in their conversation due to the consumption of the frozen treat allowed her to think about that last time she’d been fortunate enough to share in this marvelous creation. She smiled at his deep chuckle and nodded, “Yes, it does bring back some good memories of sharing this in the lab a few times.” She took another small spoonful slowly into her mouth before his comment made her look around. She gave a small amused chuckle and nodded, “You’re right! I don’t think I’ve had the opportunity to see your quarters before.” She glanced around just a bit and smiled as she turned back to face him, “I never really visited anyone's, not really, although I have to say I am somehow not surprised with your décor.”

She continued to slowly enjoy the ice cream, licking her lips to make sure she didn’t miss a single drop of the treat. Occasionally allowing her eyes to close in enjoyment.  Mia opened her eyes and laughed when he asked if she’d met anyone since she came out of stasis. “Funny you should ask,” she said and she leaned towards him slightly, “At first, I was in recovery with a very, let’s say impatient Engineer. A Trill named Azrin. And then after we sort of snuck out, there was this Andorian Security officer named Zark.” She laughed remembering the time she and Azrin had shared in the Andorian female’s company.

“Oh, and the strange Savi Android named V-9, that was interesting but a bit un-nerving to see at first,” She continued, “and of course I met the Chief of Science briefly.” Mia placed her hand on his arm as she spoke, “That Zark can be very scary, but she was really nice and actually let us stay escapees for a while. And she can sing.“ Mia smiled as she continued, “Speaking of meeting anyone interesting, you seem to have met a few yourself."  Mia almost wanted to ask if he’d met anyone that he really liked, but it felt too personal a question, despite their friendship. Instead, she picked up the spoon and continued to enjoy her ice cream, “one of these days I would love to learn how to make such a delicious concoction, but I am certain it would never compare to yours.”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #12
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Corridors > Turbolifts | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
The comment on the décor of his quarters had Tyreke chuckle deep down in his throat and glance towards the macabre workshop of synth-flesh and tech on display, shaking his head. He could see why Mia wouldn't be surprised seeing it, but she knew him. Knew what he did. If someone else among the crew walked in they might be taken aback, to say the least.

His thoughts were redirected by the sounds of contentment that Mia made, which had him swallow and blink once more - associating her silent moans with something else entirely. Shifting a little in his seat, Tyreke chided himself for not being better able to rein in his imagination in her company. He had almost finished his tapi tapi so he made sure to take a smaller spoonful of it just so that he could have something else to focus on.

That quickly went awry, however, as when Mia regaled him with a tale about sneaking out of sickbay together with an engineer and meeting an Andorian security officer, she put her hand on his bare forearm. Whatever hopes he had on not letting his mind wander was razed by the slight weight of her warm hand upon his skin, and like the ice cream he was both frozen stiff and melting at the same time. He barely caught on to her talk about V-Nine and how the android - for all her warm mannerisms - was a bit unnerving. The list of acquaintances went on to mention Tyreke's superior officer - Lieutenant Vanya - and then the focus returned to the aforementioned Security Officer - the Andorian - whom allegedly was both scary and a singer as well. An odd combination, and Tyreke couldn't recall if he had ever met this person, even if he was among the original Theurgy crew. The Andorian could have come aboard from some of the ships we've encountered, I suppose. Like the Resolve, the Endeavour or the Cayuga. Perhaps even the Oneida.

The thought had served to let Tyreke regain his composure a little bit, but then Mia went on to question him, and he was at a loss for words, since she still had her hand on his arm, and he became quite aware of it again. He swallowed, and realised he had ended up finishing his ice cream as well. So, he cleared his throat, and placed the cup on the table next to them with his free hand.

"Well," he said, and as if having an outer body experience, he found himself idly raising a finger below her outstretched arm and stroking the soft skin of her forearm. Realising what he was doing, he stopped immediately, and pretended as if it had never happened. Before he knew it, he had pursed his lips to answer, and was halfway through his sentence before his wits caught up with him. "No one as interesting as you... I mean, ahem, I have met a lot of interesting people aboard, new and old, given the many challenges posed by the mission. Was there someone that stood out? Emi ko mọ... I guess Doctor Nicander is fascinating on the account that he's infested with a parasite and yet has his sanity reclaimed by transphasic light exposure, making him unique in that respect. On my end, it was interesting in how the task of fitting him with new internal organs as well as an arm was a big challenge. Perhaps not the arm as much as the synthetic organs, but you know what I mean."

Eventually, Mia finally removed her hand and he felt as if he could breathe again. She commented on wanting to make ice cream, and his offer had left his lips before his mind caught up. "I could teach you, if you want?" he said with a smile, "It's a bit messy, but it's not too difficult once you know the recipe. Do you want to learn?"

Emi ko mọ = I don't know
Note: I would have mentioned some other character than Nicander (my own) if I actually had recently written Tyreke actively, but his encounters are mostly from prior Aldea. :D

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #13
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Tyreke’s personal quarters |Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @Auctor Lucan

Mia loved the sound of his deep chuckle and thought to herself that he should do that more often.  She felt a pleasant shiver when his fingers stroked her skin and almost felt bereft when he stopped.  She smiled to cover the fact that he had called her interesting. She was a bit distracted by a small drip of ice cream just below his lips as he talked about Dr Nicander’s treatment. It was interesting to hear how he had helped the Doctor. “I can imagine that was a most interesting case. I would love to hear more about what that entailed some time.”

Her eyes brightened when he offered to teach her how to make his special treat, “Oh! I would love that. But you might regret the offer.“ She placed her empty bowl on the table, “I can’t remember the last time I actually made anything from scratch, at least nothing that was edible when I was done.” She giggled lightly as she leaned back and shook her head slightly.

That little drip of ice cream had her full attention again and she finally had to do something. She leaned in close to wipe it off with her thumb, her other fingers pressed against his chin “You have just a little drip here!” She stopped, her hand still resting on his face as she looked into his eyes and realized what she had done. She stilled her hand as she blushed, “I’m ... umm... “  She wasn’t quite sure if she should take her hand back or continue to wipe away the ice cream. 

No problem. She wasn't 'awake' then so it's all new information to her anyway. :)  And sorry this is so short.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #14
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Corridors > Turbolifts | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
Just when Tyreke believed that he had managed to escape the proverbial sinkhole of Mia's gaze, not to mention the fingertips upon the skin of his forearm, she leaned into his personal space and put her hand on his face. Again, he found himself drowning, this time unable to escape her brown eyes - looking so fully into his own. He was frozen in place, eyes only darting away once in alarm because he wasn't sure what to do, but for some reason, he found himself relaxing. At least outwardly, because he could feel his heart beating in his ears!

Mia had trailed off, seemingly frozen in time as well. Whatever drip of tapi tapi she may have found on his face surely wasn't that difficult to remove? Then again, she wasn't moving her fingers any more, so for all he knew it was still there - apparently forgotten. Tyreke would give any number of replicator rations to know what was running through Mia's thoughts right then, for how could he possibly ascertain that they were the very same notions that resided in his own mind?

The silence was like a spell, brittle and yet undeniable, so easily shattered by any minor movement; any sound he'd make. He couldn't help swallowing, however, for his mouth was dry despite the coating of native ice cream that logically ought to be there. He found himself wondering how much of the African treat Mia's mouth tasted like, if he were to lean into the moment and taste her. Yet to literally lean forward and slant his lips across hers seemed a feat equidistant to rising from the couch and telling her how to prepare the dessert they'd just enjoyed. She had said she wouldn't excel at it... and it made Tyreke wonder if she had said so just because she wanted to remain with him there - betwixt the mess of his quarters and the vista of Qo'noS?

Indeed, had she been sending him signals that he'd simply failed to pick up?

With a fluttering feeling in the pit of his stomach, he recalled how she'd kissed him in the lab. How she had complimented him at so many turns. How she had touched him, again and again, and yet he had failed to realise she wanted more. He found himself a fool, and sought some kind of resolve. Her face, so close, beckoned for him, and soon enough, he raised a hand and put it behind her neck. As much as he leaned forward, he pulled her in, and kissed her thoroughly.

All he could do was hope he had not mistaken her friendliness for something much more.

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #15
[Ens.Mia Dunne | Tyreke’s Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
Mia was mesmerized by his eyes. She found she could not move away and did not want to. As his hand moved to the back of her head and his face moved closer, she slid her own hand to his neck, the drip of ice cream long forgotten as his lips touched hers.  The velvety touch of his lips on hers made her abdomen fill with a thousand butterflies. A soft moan was pulled from her depths as she leaned into the kiss, her eyes falling shut in response.

She lost all thought and responded to him, parting her lips in invitation to him as she slid her tongue against his lips to taste him. Another soft moan escaped her as she raised her other hand and wrapped it around his body, needing to feel a greater connection. Her breathing had quickened rapidly as had the beating of her heart. 

Mia felt as if she was drowning in this kiss. Her hands slid over his muscled body trying to pull herself deeper into the abyss of sensations that had consumed her thoughts. Without thought her body shifted closer to his seeking more contact, pulling him closer into the embrace. She could stay like this forever; feelings she’d been unaware she had surfaced, and the building need drove her actions to quicken.
She could not remember ever feeling like this. It was like every fiber of her body needed to be touched, to feel. And she wanted more.

Somewhere in the back of her mind came the thought that this was dangerous, and she pushed it back down and letting the sensations of his touch erase that thought as quickly as it came.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #16
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
The sensation of relief Tyreke felt when he - apparently - hadn't misread the situation with Mia was short-lasting, completely overcome by the needs they shared. In part, a need of connection, laced with mutual attraction, and built upon a foundation of friendship renewed. Beyond that... a need to satisfy a desire more primal in nature, which had grown for months prior to the Theurgy's plight, only to be rekindled by their reunion.

The fervour of Mia's answer to his advance didn't repel Tyreke, rather enforcing his own wish to taste more of her. Hardly with any conscious decision made, he felt his tongue meet hers, and before he knew it, he had his arms around her waist, pulling her closer and helping her straddle his lap in the couch. The light of the Qo'noS sun reflecting off the planet surface cast them both in a warm glow, and whatever cold that may have lingered on their fingers from the ice cream had been dispelled by the heat of their bodies. He ran his hands over her back and her sides, and the ancient dance that all species shared in one form or another had begun.

As if moving on their own accord, his fingers had caught the zipper of her teal undershirt, and he had the garment opened before he realised that he may have been too bold. Whatever thought and consideration may have remained in his mind was dampened, however, by a longing for her that he couldn't have anticipated, and the feeling of her warm skin against his hands only made him want more of her. Still, he was quite embarrassed, for he felt how every minute movement she made in his lap betrayed his wishes. There was no hiding how much he desired her any more.

Though... any reason for hiding his attraction to her at that point seemed... moronic. Indeed, it was quite clear they've moved past any point of propriety and restraint. Eventually, his mouth did leave hers - the taste his his native ice cream long gone - and his breath and lips descended her neck.

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #17
[Ens.Mia Dunne | Tyreke’s Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN : @Auctor Lucan

Mia could not think beyond the sensations she was feeling as she was pulled to straddle Tyreke’s lap. Her hands moved over his body as if trying to memorize it as her hips moved against his very obvious arousal. The feel of his hands against her bare skin only registered as pleasure and had her longing for more and sliding her hands along his arms as she pressed against his hands.

When he lips left hers she felt almost bereft until those same lips found their way to her neck and her blood seemed to heat instantly. She tilted her head back giving him greater access as her hands moved to find the zipper on his undershirt, pulling it down quickly so she too could feel her hands on his bare skin.  Her fingers tracing over his muscled chest eagerly inching down his abs.  She felt shiver of pleasure throughout her body as she not-quite- silently but quite obviously encouraged Tyreke to continue.

His lips hit a spot on her neck that had her gasping out, “Yes, Oh, Yes... don’t stop!”  Her owns hands slid further down his body hungrily pushing away the undershirt  as her hips continued to press her center against his hard length. She quickly shed her own shirt and tossed it aside revealing a black lace brazier that gave evidence to her hardening nipples as she once again ran her own hands over Tyreke’s chiseled form eagerly. “You feel so damn good, I want to touch every part of you!”

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #18
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
Encouraged by her words as much as their insistent tonality, Tyreke accommodated her fully since the urgency was entirely mutual.

The manner in which she undulated her hips stirred him almost as much as the sounds she made, and the sight of her skin catching the light of the Qo'noS star. With their undershirts gone, the path his mouth was to travel seemed obvious - venturing across her collarbone and down her upper chest. Instead of thinking about the highly inappropriate situation, of regulations and his position as her superior officer, it was far easier to get the small clasp of her brazier open - the minute challenge a far higher priority to focus on. Even when the task was complete, and the lacy garment fell down her shoulders, his next focus was taking the hardened peaks of her breasts inside his warm mouth - one at the time. With her sitting in his lap, they were right there in front of him, beckoning for his attention, and as many reasons as there were not to, he obliged.

He didn't speak, busy as his mouth was. Nor could he, since his mind was leaden with pent up desire for her. Sounds of contentment did escape from deep down his throat, but they were completely unintelligible. The next phase of their pagan dance would, however, demand for them to move. To momentarily abort, at least, since there was no manner in which they could shed the rest of their clothing. Tyreke could, and did, unzip her uniform trousers along with his own, but beyond that, he would have to cease with his ministrations, and he wasn't entirely sure she - nor he - wanted that just yet. His hands soon re-joined his mouth in the attention he gave her, but as for how much farther they ought to go, he wasn't entirely sure she was prepared to break regulations with him.

Eventually, with a heavy-lidded gaze, he made eye-contact with her - the unspoken question plain. For as honest as their bodies were, this went beyond their wishes. They had sworn oaths, they had a mission... but they were also a singular ship against all odds, and they might all die when the Theurgy reached the Romulan border.

The quick rationalisations were so easily on hand in the face of temptation, not to mention imminent gratification.

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #19
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Tyreke’s Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
ATTN:  @Auctor Lucan

Mia let her senses consume her thoughts. The heat of Tyreke’s mouth on her body was better than any she could have imagined in her wildest dreams. Her breast freed from the lacy confines of their prison seemed to firm up as Tyreke took one of her 3” Dark Rose Areola and hard extended nipples into his mouth. Her hands moved to the side of his head as she pressed herself to him, eager for more. The briefest thought that this was so against regulations entered her mind and was dashed away by her building desire to feel, to know that she was desirable. Mia’s soft moans of pleasure filled the air.

She looked down, watching as Tyreke suckled her breast causing heat to build in her core. She had no idea when their trousers had been unzipped but she was eager to shed that barrier as well. When he looked up and their eyes locked, she smiled down at him. She got to her feet and pushed her trousers off, leaving only the matching lace panties for him to deal with. Kicking her pants aside as she stood before him, inviting him to continue. “I want you, Tyreke. I need you!” She said quietly, praying that biology would win over logic, if only just this once.

She leaned down and pressed her lips against his, her lips parted ever so slightly in invitation for him to bring her to the next stage of their dance. Her right hand sliding down his chest, past the unzippered waistline of his trousers and grasping the bulge obviously trying to escape. She gently rubbed the length through the material, feeling emboldened enough encourage Tyreke to continue.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #20
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
Tyreke hardly needed any incentive at all to take things further, so when Mia clearly had no doubts about what she wished to happen next - the consent shown and spoken - his own doubts or concerns seemed moot. He had wanted her before they both ended up in stasis, and as much as he knew he shouldn't continue because of regulations, he couldn't make himself deny them both what they desired.

Lips pursed, and brown eyes drinking in the sight of her whilst she stood up and shed another barrier between them, he was beyond words. When she leaned down to kiss him anew, he still hadn't been able to say anything. Instead, he must have reckoned that actions spoke louder than words, for as she kissed him, he reached forth and hooked the waistline of her panties behind his thumbs, and pushed them down her smooth legs. His fingertips ran all the way down to the sides of her knees before the lacy piece of cloth dropped to the deck.

He shuddered, however, when he felt her hand against his corrugated abdomen. The path she let it take was unmistakable, and yet when she closed her fingers around him, he couldn't help the deep sound that escaped his throat. Eager for more, to not anything remain between them, he continued to kiss her, yet he also pushed his Starfleet-issue underwear down his thighs as well. Thus, they were both bare, and he could run his hands around her slim waist and pull her close anew - having her return to his lap.

As insistent as Tyreke was with having Mia return to him, the transition from standing to straddling his legs again ended up pushing her nether lips against his throbbing length - his hardness pressed flush against his lower abdomen. Thus, whatever movement she made whilst he kissed her served to grind against him, and whatever caution he may have held with touching her had evaporated in the heat they had in common.

Which, inadvertently, had Okafor run the rough palm of his hand across the spider-web scar tissue covering her shoulder blade.

Worried that he'd hurt her with his touch, his eyes widened and he looked at her - just to check if she was in pain. As brief as the interruption was, it was there - catching them both by surprise just before the point of no return.

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #21
[Ens. Mia Dunne || Tyreke’s Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy [/b]]
ATTN:  @Auctor Lucan

She’d wanted this for so long, How many nights had she dreamed of being in his arms, of going beyond the friendship to something more. Back before she was asleep for six long months. Before she was nearly killed. Realizing that life was too short, she knew she wanted to feel like she mattered, like she was ... well... loved, even if it was just great hot sex.

She shivered with desire as Tyreke rid her of her last piece of clothing. As he slid his own cloth barriers away she licked her lips. He was already so hard, and she wanted to taste him, but a small tug brought her eyes to his once again as he gently pulled her back onto his lap.

Mia eagerly straddled Tyreke’s legs as he pulled her close again, his hands encouraging her to proceed without caution. Pressing her lower lips against his hard shaft she couldn’t stop herself from grinding her hips and sliding along his turgid shaft as their mouths sought each other, tongues sliding into each other.

Mia was almost beyond any thought but a sudden stroke against the scars on her back had her freeze a moment and a small gasp escaped her as she sat upwards, a look of panic filled her eyes as she looked down at Tyreke. “I.. I know,” she said quietly, “it’s apparently going to be there forever.” Her eyes lowered to his chest so she wouldn’t see the disgust in his eyes, “I.. I’m so ugly now. I..” She didn’t know what to do. She should just leave now and maybe they could pretend none of this had ever happened.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #22
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
Tyreke hadn't realised how the scarring from the extensive surgeries preformed upon her had made her feel about herself, but perhaps he should have, since it had been one of the first things she'd said to him when they were reunited in her lab.

She turned to Okafor, her green eyes filled with unshed tears, “Mostly I feel guilty that I am here and they are not. And I feel like...” She shifted her shoulder slightly feeling the slight tug on the scars that would forever remind her of that day, “I am damaged goods now. Not that it should matter in the grand scheme of things, but I feel, no longer completely human, if that makes any sense.”

"Ẹ Jọ̀ọ́... Hey..." he said, and gently framed her face in his dark hands. His voice was thick, and he had to swallow to utter his words clearly. "O rewa gan lobinrin... You look beautiful. You are beautiful. Scarring or not, naught may ever change that. I desire you, regardless. I was just aftaid I'd hurt you..."

He smiled to her, heart beating fast in his chest. He supposed the only way to prove how much he cherished Mia was to show it. So he gently put his arms around her again, pulled her In so he might kiss her anew... and then slowly lay her down next to him in the couch. As bereft as his hardness felt of feeling her against him, he lay his kisses in a trail down her body, caressing her and pushing her silky thighs apart... until he got to taste her.

Whilst looking up towards Mia's eyes, he showed her how much he wanted her. In the language of desire, he spelled it out with his lips and his tongue. He did so until she might plead for him to stop, watching her sweet agony with a smile creasing the corners of his eyes.

Ẹ Jọ̀ọ́ = Please
O rewa gan lobinrin. = You look beautiful.

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #23
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Tyreke’s Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
ATTN:  @Auctor Lucan

Mia felt his hands gently on her face and she brought her eyes back to his. Listening to his words, even though she did not truly believe what he said, she shook her head slightly, “you did not cause me any pain.” Unshed tears glassed her eyes as he pulled her close once again and their lips met.

She felt him lower her to the couch as a myriad of thoughts raced through her mind, but his soft lips moved down the length of her body as her eyes followed his descent to the apex of her thighs.  She moaned as she felt the press of his mouth against her mons. She felt his tongue slide between her nether lips and her hands were drawn to his head encouraging him to increase the pressure as her hips bucked upwards. Any thoughts she may have had were swept away as her breath caught in small gasps and moans of pleasure.

“Oh, Yes, Tyreke,” she gasped as she felt a pressure building deep with her core, “Oh god, Yes!”
Her eyes watched him hungrily, “please don’t stop!” She moaned out, as she threw one leg over the back of the couch to provide him more access.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 06 [1200 hrs.] Mess Hall

Reply #24
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Personal Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual
Encouraged by the sounds that his ministrations evoked from Mia's lips, and by the manner in which her body responded to his touch, Tyreke continued what he'd begun - her taste and her reactions making him more than willing to grant her loud demands. Little did he realise that while he had tried to soothe her misgivings about her scars, his words hadn't been equal to the task of convincing her that they didn't matter. At least, perhaps, he may have convinced her that he didn't care about them, but naturally, her own views about the web-like scarring might not be so easily shifted.

It seemed, however, that she remained caught up in the moment - this intimate development between them - for she was keen to have him continue. She even pulled at his shaved head, and pushed her hips against him, so the encouragement and willingness was undeniable. As she spread her legs even more, he didn't pause or tease her by pulling away momentarily. Instead, he let the back of his fingers trail down the inner thigh of her raised leg, and pushed his middle finger inside her warmth. Thus, with his mouth and hand working in tandem, he prepared her for may come next, should she be willing to continue even farther down the path they tread.

Tyreke looked at her still, mesmerised by the way her body undulated in response to him. The ambient light of Qo'noS played over her skin, and the dramatic shadows cast by the back of the couch shifted across her face and body - accentuating her peaks and valleys. The play of shade and light was spellbinding, and he lost himself in playing her like an instrument, wherein he continually elicited new sounds and movements.

If possible, he would patiently wait and work towards her initial climax. Only then he might let up, and let her take the initiative, should she wish to continue what they had begun. If she wished to go no farther, he would understand, and given their positions in the chain-of-command, perhaps it might even be sensible... however regrettable he may find it.

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