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Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

Via had a really simple routine she developed since coming aboard the Theurgy. Wake up, do whatever flight tasks she had to do for the day, then wind down. All of her in processing done, her name on the flight roster and everything finally settling down, it was only a matter of time before she started to feel at home on the ship. The freedom she had was incredibly fulfilling to her considering technically the Theurgy was her first posting where she wasn't in training. Via couldn't believe she finally wasn't being yelled at constantly to fold her underwear properly or to stand at attention when addressing all officers- she was an officer now and a pilot. Now after a long day, instead of studying she could kick back, crack a cold one, and rip into romance novels that she might've illegally downloaded off of the public network. It was one of the few guilt pleasures she had. Growing up, if she had been caught reading girly teen dramas she would've been bullied by all her friends until the end of time, and she could not afford to lose her street rep over that. So typically it was a once every so often venture, but Via never read them because she found them good. In fact, she hated teen dramas and romance- found them to be enjoyably stupid and filled with flaws. They were so bad that she found enjoyment in laughing at everything about them. Of course in her mind she thought no one would understand that was the case so even present day she kept it a secret.

At around 2222 Hours ship time Via entered the Below Decks Lounge as usual wearing her Wolves sweat shirt unzipped, sweat pants, and a white crop top. She ordered a bottle of tequila at the bar, walked over to one of the couches with the bottle and her personal PADD in hand, and sat down, laid back, cracked a cold one, and started scrolling. That evening the title of the book was Prophets My Boyfriend Is a Cardassian Spy? authored by a Betazoid. She hadn't read that one before but already she had to stifle her laughter just from looking at the cover page. The first chapter left her feeling like she was going to explode if she didn't let a bout out. The pilot was flushed and rolling around on the couch smiling like a little school girl. To anyone else it would probably seem like she was really enjoying herself, insane, or about to have a heart attack. Two of those hypothetical observations were probably true.

Look at this dumbass!! I can't anymore, my ass is goin' dead ass laugh!! This shit is too funny! The woman said in her head.

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #1
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

The holodeck doors swished open, and any patrons remaining in the lounge would hear her entrance before they saw her. The rusting of starched petticoats over a cage crinoline reaching out to a modest two meters instead of the period-preferred three was hard to ignore, especially when accompanied by the occasional chuckle and off-handed apology as the wearer left the holoprogram depicting 19th century Earth and moved back onto the 24th century Theurgy without bothering to change out of costume.

Wearing a three-tiered flounced white cotton skirt with violet silk ribbon and white lace adorning each tier, with a black boned and quilted corset decorated with black lace and violet stitching over the top of her white cotton chemisette that sported bell-sleeves and lace collars with a bright violet bow tying it together in the center, Enyd found no reason to change. The costume was ridiculous and required her to wear violet-colored pantalettes beneath it all to maintain her modesty should the crinoline decide to tip up, and her entire undercarriage was flashed to a poor passerby. But with her hair pulled back and pinned with two golden hair combs, showing off her subtly pointed ears, Enyd felt beautiful, if a little overdressed and out of time.

Although until this evening, she’d primarily used the holodeck for training purposes, meeting up with friends like Zark, and attending larger events like the dance or the fight night the week before, Enyd had decided for a solo jaunt this evening. Combining thematic elements from a number of her favorite period novels, she’d concocted a mystery romantic drama that held promise to make even Zark swoon. It had required her present outfit, and liking it so much, Enyd had decided to keep it. Likely Victor would come up with some other holoprogram adventure where it could come in handy.

Removing her white lace gloves and tucking them into the violent reticule secured to her wrist with a simple white ribbon, Enyd stopped by the bar to order a mint julep. It also seemed fitting. Enyd’s eyes traveled over the sparsely populated lounge as she waited for her order. She recognized a few colleagues and gave them a friendly smile when they made eye contact. Drink finally in hand, Enyd shifted in her violet silk slippers, curious for the perfect spot to accommodate the immensity of her skirt without the whole thing flipping up into her face.

She noticed the couches, figuring perching on the edge of one of those would be the best option, around the same time she heard the casually dressed woman lounging on one of them suppress what sounded like a squeal as she clutched a PADD in her hands and wriggled around on the couch. Not recognizing the woman, and curious about what was making her squirm, Enyd approached.

"Mind if I join you?" Enyd interrupted the woman’s solitude with her question, a single eyebrow rising as she waited for the woman’s reply.

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #2
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

"Shit, what you want?" Via pouted in suspicion. She looked up when she heard the woman's voice and immediately hugged her PADD to her chest hiding the pages of the novel and title from view. The pilot wasn't too keen on letting others join in on her private activity, only a few people knew about it anyway, but that suspicion slowly turned into amusement as she eyed the newcomer's rather elaborate dress. Via had only ever seen dresses like the woman was wearing in Entertainment Vids and Holo movies, in particular comedy. So her reaction to the sight was quite on par with the course for her.

"Hey, I ain't want to be findin' out what is under all of that...shit did you buy out the entire clothes store? Damn!! I can fit my whole ass fighter under there!! Wait...look my ass needs my clothes! Go find someone else to steal!" Via started giggling while eying the dress. Some of it did look a weird goofy way which Via liked since she honestly would've worn something similar as a joke. "I mean...I ain't gonna like its kinda nice lookin'...You know what? Yeah, your ass can join."  She said after she sat upright on the couch and took a swig from her bottle.

"Before I tell you shit, your ass better start tellin' me what's up with all...that." Via said now sitting cross-legged on the couch and leaving a lot of space for the woman to sit. Suddenly a memory of training hit her. Back in the academy when they were doing First Contact scenarios in the holodeck, Via failed the assessment several times due to her inability to be very eccentric and foolhardy when dealing with people. Eventually, she passed after being told to essentially write an essay on how to properly communicate with new species. It was 10,000 words, but she remembered what not to do...mostly.  "Shit...this is a xeno culture shit thing ain't it. Fuck I knew I shoulda paid more attention in that class. I ain't be meanin' to disrespect your culture and name is Via, whats yours?"

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #3
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Her single eyebrow was joined with a second as she watched the woman in casual attire curl around the PADD as if guarding Starfleet secrets. Enyd took that as a signal to NOT question what she was reading, at least not unless she wanted a barrage of foul language and potential violence thrown at her. She’d already checked. She couldn’t run fast or far in this getup.

As the woman responded to Enyd’s question in her own jilting, self-interrupting fashion, Enyd remained standing, neutral expression on her features, as she waited for the affirmative signal to either sit down or enjoy her drink standing up, elsewhere. As, at first, the woman had made it quite clear she was uninterested in having company. But Enyd had quietly watched the myriad thoughts rush over the woman’s face before she convinced herself that Enyd’s company was tolerable, even tolerable enough for an introduction.

“Enyd,” she moved forward to set the cup and saucer down on the table before arranging her skirts in such a way that she could sit without subjecting Via to what was under all her “shit.” “And not to worry about disrespecting my culture. I’m from Earth and this is from ancient Earth, and as a member of the diplomatic corps, I had to learn long ago how to take a verbal punch without flinching.” Properly situated, Enyd took up her drink again and gave Via a quick salute with it. “And it does feel like I bought the whole store and decided to wear it all, in all honesty. But that’s part of the fun of the holoprograms. Dressing the part. I don’t always veer towards this era or garb, but for tonight, given some of the…shit I’ve had to live through recently, I needed something ostentatious and ridiculous. And given your enthusiastic response,” Enyd winked at Via, “I believe I hit my mark.”

Enyd had a habit of reflecting the speech patterns of those she was around not out of a placating fashion but more so in a mirroring maneuver, letting the other know she was on the same level and felt no superiority.

“Now what shit were you expecting me to demand of you?” Enyd asked after taking a sip of her drink, the single eyebrow rising again. “Last I checked, this wasn’t an interrogation. Though, with this outfit, I have plenty of material to use for ropes if I needed to secure you.” She gave another playful wink before resuming her slow sipping.

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #4
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

As she listened Via desperately wanted to make fun of the fact that Enyd was a member of the diplomatic corps, an organization that she considered to be filled with weirdos and nerds. The woman however seemed cool regardless of living up to Via's preconceived notions about the department. She even started swearing like her which made the pilot quite comfortable. Though her last statement threw whatever remained of the pilot's train of thought, off.

"Wat?!" Via exclaimed in response.
Long before even thinking about asking any questions about what was the "shit" she had to live with Via was confused about what Enyd was implying with the ropes.  "Are you some type of "Diplo" badge patrol girl or somethin'?" She asked confused but amused. 

"Ain't know none of them usin' ropes- they be usin' like fuckin' know cuffs and shit...and fuckin weird ass stuff- wait!" She laughed then thought some more before came to more realizations about what she thought Enyd's implications were. Even being a person who couldn't take sex or anything sexual seriously Via knew enough about it to put two and two together. Most times she treated them like elaborate jokes regardless if the person was serious or not.

"Wait...waitwaitwaitwait... oh shit I read this somewhere, um...yeah! 50 shades of Twilight Grey!"

She seemingly started bursting with energy. She took a massive swig of her tequila before tapping away at her PADD looking for the book that she remembered through her rather extensive library of Romance Novels from all different species and across all different time periods.

"Ha, I found your ass! Its a Sex thing! See!"

Via leaned close to Enyd, actually going over whatever material from her skirt that was not tucked in, and started laying on her lap head faced away from her so that she would be able to see what she was looking at on her PADD. The pilot highlighted a passage of the novel and showed it to Enyd with a gleeful smile on her face. "Tristian reached down to his lover...dripping with sweat and sensuous oils. He wetted his lips, hungry for more. Jane looked up intoxicated from him. She looked over to the corner and eyed the ropes that were hanging lonesome...waiting to be used. 'Tie me up and break my back...'" Via laughed and then continued reading. "'Break my back...make me red and make it tight.' They both knew what they wanted...a wolf and a vampire...sworn enemies...fierce lovers.'" Via went on to read off how the character's in the novel tied each other up into various sex positions in GREAT DETAIL in addition to the other sexual descriptions. When she was done she looked up at Enyd, amusement all over her face. "It IS a SEX THING! Ha, your ass likes tiein' people up and doin' weird shit!! Its kinda cool though. Like learnin' ropes and shit I mean... Hmm... I'm wonderin how it actually be feelin' does your ass even have sex. Actually, fuck I want to try it! Yeah!!!" She said enthused.

 "Enyd, I want to tie your ass up, and then you can fuckin' me! It will be cool as shit, like magic- oh shit no, like that fuckin Hood diddi dude!"

Her child-like enthusiasm only continued to radiate. Of course, she only found the "tieing up" concept to be cool in the nonsexual sense. She was only curious to how it was possible to tie people up in the various positions described in the novel and was most definitely not interested in having any sexual intercourse, but she had never communicated such.

Via sat up and then stood up from the couch, a bit tipsy, but that was just her state most of the time. Facing Enyd the pilot spoke again with a playful smile. "Fucking shit, we can be the ship's "Rope masters" Enyd!! Do you know how badass that sounds?!" Via then whispered. "Think about all the pranks, Enyd. We will be invinc-invince-unstoppable!!"

Her mind was jumping all over the place, but she really just wanted to hang out with another person to do cool stuff with. So many ideas flooded her it was just hard for her to stay on one, but boy it made her happy.

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #5
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Via’s description of diplomats, or at least herself as one, was more than a little amusing. And her quick pivot into the realm of sexuality, far past where Enyd thought the conversation would go, had Enyd’s face going red. Not from embarrassment or shame. From restrained hoots of laughter. From the manner in which Via repositioned herself on the couch so Enyd could have a clear line of sight of her PADD, to the passage of the novel she delightedly read aloud for Enyd’s pleasure, everything was shaping up to be far more than Enyd had expected and yet, in a way, exactly what she hoped for. She was always thrilled to meet people from all walks of life, varying personalities and perspectives, cultural backgrounds, or species. While she’d already met a great variety of individuals on Theurgy, at the same time, even the most “wild” among those she’d met, had still managed to tame themselves enough to be considered Starfleet material. And then there was Via. And far from finding Via’s enthusiastic descriptions of various sexcapades from the novel to be un-Starfleet material, Enyd was left wondering how much more they could get done in their mission if more of their colleagues shared in Via’s energy. 

Via’s sudden declaration of wanting to tie her up had Enyd tipping her head to the side in surprise. THAT was definitely not expected.

“I’ll admit to a certain fascination of my own to the concept of bondage, having never really explored that faucet of my sexuality,” Enyd stared at her tea a moment, trying to figure out the best way to let Via know she wasn’t attracted to females. Via continued well past her initial comment, however, and Enyd waited until it seemed the woman temporarily exhausted her mind and was left grinning ear-to-ear with the possibilities. With the additional comments about pranks and being rope masters, Enyd had a growing suspicion that Via hadn’t been propositioning her in quite the fashion Enyd had originally assumed.

Choosing to follow her hunch, Enyd smiled and nodded, “I’m game for learning some rope tricks with you if you are. Though I think, if I’m the one tied up, I can’t exactly ‘do’ you or anyone else. I think it is the other way around. I can think of a few people already I wouldn’t mind tying up.” Of course, as she’d started her last sentence, she’d meant it platonically, the image of Frank coming to mind, for instance, knowing the engineer would grumble and growl at the restraints, bringing a fit of giggles from Enyd. But then, as she finished her sentence, the image of Drauc entered her mind, and the scene changed entirely, bringing a flush of warmth to her cheeks.

“So when would you like to acquire these rope mastery tricks?” Her eyes darting back down to the PADD still clutched in Via’s hands, Enyd smiled, “and are we going to reenact those scenes or creatively come up with our own?”

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #6
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

Via shrugged dumbfoundedly, scratched her head, then eyed the replicator. She walked over and then requested an order for a rope that came from the romance novel 50 shades of "Twilight Grey". What came out was indeed a rope, but about 100 feet of an elastic yet durable material all covered in black. The pilot lugged it over to the couch and dropped it in front of Enyd. She was really having fun now. Via's very immature brain was still thinking about all the pranks and fun that could be had by doing the "rope stuff".  Pranks and other related things were how she kept sane in the latter years in the Academy. Woopie cushions, inverting everyone's cockpit and changing the flag during ceremonies and class balls with her friends what some of the most fun she had at the academy. While she knew now she couldn't do pranks and such to the extent that she could back then, she still wanted to at least try on the Theurgy...test its limits before getting sent to the brig. It would be worth it in her eyes.

"Fuck yeah! This should be enough shit for several people." She began unrolling it just to get an idea of what she was working with, then she started cooking up some ideas.

"Ok shit...umm...we could start like expre- um...testin' this shit out and stuff right? Our asses can learn right now! We don't need no dumbass book...uhh...OH!!! OH OH!!" Via went to grab a chair from one of the lounge tables. She dragged it over to the couch her, Enyd, and the rope were at and sat down.

"Enyd, so our asses are going to ask people if they wanna play a game or somethin'. If they say yes we start askin' them to sit in as chair or somethin' and close their eyes right? I mean, even if they say no we gotta bounce even though I don't do that shit really, I ain't wanna get in trouble while my ass is kinda new....what the fuck was my ass talkin' about." Via lost her train of thought and spent a few seconds sitting on the chair trying to remember until she did.

"Oh yeah, fuckin' we tie them up in like sex ways usin' that book's weird ass positions...yeah...and like after we are done we like just leave him there like a fuckin' dumbass!!" Via laughed at her own plan which was probably very stupid, but she didn't realize or care to realize. "Any fuckin' way, try me first!!" Via said with a child-like enthusiasm. She placed her hands behind the chair and closed her eyes waited for Enyd to start. "Make it funny as fuck!! Don't go easy, I'll start tellin' you if you are doin' it right or not!!"

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #7
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Enyd watched wide-eyed as Via decided to, in that very moment, replicate the type of rope Enyd knew, in theory, was used for the bondage fetish style sexual encounters. She wasn’t so much of a prude that she didn’t at least KNOW things, even if she had only ever been with Javec, and as a Cardassian, he’d had his own preferences and desires that could be seen as quite different from the average human male. Without meaning to, it seemed Enyd had activated the manic switch in Via. The woman was now fully invested in the concept of not only trying out this rope on the two of them but also potentially unleashing bondage mayhem on innocent bystanders.

Enyd watched with continued dumbfounded fascination as Via unraveled a bit of the rope before she moved to grab a chair and plunked her bottom in it in front of Enyd, a child-like look of gleeful expectation on her face as she waited for Enyd to likewise activate more movement than blinking. Finally forcing herself out of her own flabbergasted confusion, Enyd smiled and took the rope from Via.

“I doubt you’ll be able to tell me if I’m doing it right or not if you’ve never done this before. At best, you’ll be able to tell me if you’re losing feeling in an arm or finger.” Glancing around at the lounge and taking satisfaction in its mostly empty state, Enyd dropped the rope back into Via’s lap. “Hold on a second.”

With her hooped skirt swishing as she glided across to the replicator, Enyd was quick about her order before returning to Via. She propped up her replicated diagram of instructions on the lounge sofa before taking hold of the rope.

“This is called a reverse chair set up, so I think you need to straddle the chair facing that way for this to work.” While she waited for Via to do as instructed, Enyd was quick to add with a wee blush on her cheeks. “Based on the diagram, you’re supposed to have your, er, bust resting on the back of the chair with your hands behind your back so I can start using the rope.”

As she moved to crouch next to the seemingly barely hinged woman, Enyd smirked at her own ability to find mayhem and/or be a part of it. Never in a million years would she have ever thought she’d wind up on a state-of-the-art Starfleet vessel, engaged in a war to end annihilation, practicing shibari on a newfound friend.

“You need to, um, perk your butt further up back here, so shift around more on the chair before I actually start tying; otherwise, it won’t work.” At least that was Enyd’s assumption. For all she knew it was more to do with visual preferences and less to do with the integrity of the knots she was going to have to tie. “You know, now that we are trying this out, I’m curious what sort of reprimand would be written into our files if this turned out to be something worth being reprimanded about."

Even as she spoke, Enyd continued her work, glancing up at the diagram to make sure she was doing it correctly, her touch light.

“You doing ok? Anything too tight?”

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #8
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

Via followed the Enyds directions the best she could. A rope around here, knot over there, it was all very fun for her in a completely non sexual way.  She felt as if she was on one of those magician escape artist vids she used to watch to watch as a kid, though she was more interested in being the magician than the assistant.

When Enyd asked her to essentially place her bust over the chair Via did so with no reservation, though when both of her breasts were tied up making them budge she let out a small "Ow" followed by a few grunts when several other parts of her were tied up Regardless and despite the somewhat physical discomfort she was experiencing, all that mattered was she was having fun with someone who wasn't one of those boring buzzkill medical officers that kept her couped up in sickbay for several months. 

"Heh...I can't fuckin' feel my tits." she laughed which only put more strain on her other body parts that were restricted by the many ties and knots. Via eyed Enyd and smiled playfully when she asked if everything is alright. "You are good girl! Pfft, if we get in trouble it would probably say like we "be reprimandin' these two badass bitches for being so fuckin' badass!" Imma hang that reprimand in my room and frame it. Gettin' in trouble for doin' a bunch of cool rope tricks is cool and I ain't apologizin' for that. Girl, let me tell you bout the shit my ass gotta away with back at the Academy, like some of the shit I did went in the fuckin' hall of fame of some shit like that."

She struggled a bit just to test the restraints and grunted.

"Fuckin'...shit, how do people be thinkin' this shit is hot. It's gross but ain't sex suppose to feel good and shit too? I mean, the rope shit is fun but...I am feelin' none of this e-rock- tic shit these stupid books be talkin' about. Damn, is there anymore or thats it?"

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #9
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

“And what Academy shit was that, Via?” Enyd tipped her chin up with a cat-like grin. “Does it top my Orion slave girl dance? I had a pretentious colleague stationed with me on Vulcan, and, drunk as I was, I decided to teach him a lesson. A few stitches and a firm verbal reprimand later, I wasn’t certain who learned what lesson, to be honest.”

Enyd didn’t hide her giggle as she watched Via squirm on the chair. She could see why the ropes holding the busty woman in position could be considered alluring, and, to be honest, Enyd wouldn’t be against experimenting further in the bedroom with the right partner. But it had to be with the right kind of partner because Enyd could also see how this sort of thing took a lot of trust. At Via’s critique on the position and circumstances, Enyd shrugged, pointing first to Via’s upthrusted backside before gesturing towards her billowing bust.

“Speaking anatomically here and not from experience, if I wanted to stimulate you sexually in your genital area, I could easily do so and you would not be able to squirm away or close your legs. I think that could be one draw. And with your breasts thrust up like that, similar situation. I could lavish ample amount of attention to your nipples in whatever fashion I wanted, and aside from squealing or squirming, you wouldn’t be able to do much there either.”

Shrugging, Enyd reached out, pulled on the bit of rope that served as the quick release, and watched as all the rope “miraculously” loosened, making it easier for Enyd to untie Via fully, and for the woman to move more freely in the chair. She held out another placard for Via to study.

“Okay, I think this position will be easiest for you to try on me, given my present outfit. And as committed as I am to experimenting with these ropes here, I would rather not completely flash the lounge with my underwear if we can help it.”

Re: Day 9 [2222hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #10
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

When Enyd explained the reasoning why people genuinely took part in "rope work" her reaction was of confusion then dismissal. Via found it weird that she found most things of a sexual nature (with very few exceptions). That weirdness was a type of entertainment in her mind, which was why she enjoyed reading romance novels, mainly to make fun of them or cringe at the dialogue or acts portrayed, similar to how one watched over-the-top scary/gory movies for fun. The woman couldn't fathom someone doing "rope work" for pleasure genuinely, then again she also couldn't fathom letting other people put their own genitals into someone else's or allowing someone else to use their hands to stimulate them.

It was "gross" and unhygienic in a sense to her, she did not want someone's dirty hands inside her or their "privates" that they also use to go to the bathroom with. Only her hands were fine since she knew where they were and what they were doing at all times. She was very OCD whenever she did partake in "Self-pleasure" which was simply a self-relaxation endeavor and not out of sexual desire or attraction to anyone. Her habits were unusual and if one asked her to explain them she would have a hard time doing so. In essence she did what she felt like doing and didn't care what other people thought, but judged people lightheartedly for what they did in accordance with what she liked or disliked.

"I dunno, my ass ain't doin' this cause it feels good..." She said after Enyd pulled the rope and untied the pilot from her binds. Via stood up and stretched her joints and then cupped her breasts which were feeling sensitive and swollen. "Shit...people who's asses enjoy this are wild...but I knew that already."

Via looked at the Enyd's proposal for her pose and laughed at her request to not blaze everyone with the site of her underwear. She gestured for her to sit down on the chair and the woman began her work. "No problem, but shit why do people get so fuckin' weird about it? Like shit, it's just underwear. Tellin' me your ass never seen fuckin' a swimsuit or somthin'?" She said in general.

"Oh Via, you can't be walkin' around without pants. Oh Via, you can't show up to class without a shirt. Oh Via, we are goin' to suspend you for public indecency, you are makin' your classmates uncomfortable, mehhh...." Via spoke in a mocking tone. "Like yeah, I forgot to put a shirt on, so what? My ass don't give a fuck. The people starin' are the weird ones makin' it weird. Just don't be makin' it weird, dunno why people can't do that."

The woman continued her tangent as she moved joints and wrapped ropes around Enyd's body tieing them to match the pose. The dress made things a bit harder but Via did her best.

"And girl, same thing when my ass is off duty. If I am in my room I can do whatever the fuck I want. If you want to drop by your ass better call ahead cause if you walk in you might see me naked or doin' a bit of relaxin', and I ain't stopin'. When my ass is done then I am done. I will stare at you until you leave. Stay if you want but don't call my ass the weird one when you are the one standin' and watchin'."

"Oh about that Academy shit. My ass crowned as a master prankster in my class. The shit we did went down in history I am tellin' you. So durin' my first year right? I and my dumbass friend were fuckin' around durin' class and the teach, who was total ass by the way, was fuckin' 'I am goin' to use the bathroom, don't do anythin'. I'm like 'pssh lets do somethin' and we went up to her desk and found her PADD, unlocked, which connected to the room's speaker system or somthin'.  So, we be searchin' through it and we find this vid our asses were supposed to watch later that day, something about strings. Anyway, now everythin' was timed and shit so when she went through the topic or somethin' whatever was next would start playin' automatically to save time. We-" The woman chuckled. "We replaced the Vid with the audio of 'Vulcan Love Slave by Joe Senny'. If ya don't know him he is funny as shit! He likes to make music of popular shit but makes fun of it! It's fuckin' great and it sounds pretty good too. Anyway, teach comes back, we are sittin' and learnin' and shit, and then went the next topic comes up fuckin' everyone is hearin' "Pull my chain, Lick my back, I love it when you make my logic crack". Everyone is confused but me, my friend, and like 4 others were just fuckin' laughin' our asses off, and apparently, we accidentally did some shit that broadcasted the song to every classroom. Everyone was talkin' about it and fuckin' the look on her face!! It was awesome!!"

Via was practically crying as she finished her story. She didn't even notice that she was done with tying Enyd up and went to grab for more rope that wasn't even there. "Oh shit, my ass is done it looks. How I do? By the way, after that, I was suspended for a week but shit it was worth it." she said with a final chuckle.

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #11
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Enyd laughed as she watched Via cup her breasts before assuming the position Via indicated on the chair. As she listened to Via further confess her lack of social intelligence, Enyd smiled.

“I’m glad there’s the two of us, Via. As a diplomat, my job is to be aware of how some people get their panties in a wad over weird shit. If I don’t know my shit about odd cultural norms for the different groups of people the Federation works with, your job would be confined to a much smaller playground as well. We are only as large and diverse as we are because people like you and me exist side-by-side.”

Speaking of sides, Enyd’s was tingling from some of the ropes. Not exactly in a bad way, but definitely different from the norm. She listened with amusement as Via continued to share stories. It was like being on a thrill ride, not knowing where you were going because you were blindfolded, but Enyd loved it. Via was a spitfire of energy, completely oblivious to social cues and emotional intelligence, but apparently brilliant enough in her field to get a giant “pass” despite that.

“Nudity doesn’t bother me, actually. I prefer not showing skin just because that makes me comfortable. Just as you’re comfortable with showing it, I’m comfortable with keeping myself covered except for certain occasions or with certain people. Like a gift, you know? I see my nude flesh as a gift that should be unwrapped only by certain people or at certain times. Until then, I’m happy to advertise aspects of the gift now and again, but overall, I’d rather keep it wrapped.” She winked at Via, hoping the woman was able to concentrate long enough on her words to get the analogy instead of trying to rifle through Enyd’s skirts looking for a literal gift package.

Via’s practical joke story had Enyd laughing so hard her body writhed against the ropes, causing more curious sensations to build. Intriguing that she was discovering her own curiosity, and perhaps interest in, mild bondage through this encounter with Via.

“My grandmother would’ve wanted to whoop your ass while she would’ve respected your ingenuity.” Enyd tested the ropes and smiled at Via, “I think you did great. I certainly don’t feel like I can get out on my own. I think that’s part of the appeal. The forced vulnerability and need from your partner. Without the dress as a barrier, all of my privates are exposed and at the ‘mercy’ of whatever my partner would wish to do to them. And I would be here as long as they’d want me to be.” Enyd tried to shrug but found it was difficult and instead smirked. “Shows how necessary it is to have a good partner. And I think you should’ve been promoted for that prank. We need more out-of-the-box thinkers with initiative. The suspension was too easy. A promotion and more responsibility is the true act of vengeance.”

Nodding toward the ropes, Enyd quirked an eyebrow to her friend, “Now the question is, are you going to leave me like this or are you going to let me loose?”

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #12
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

Via listened to the woman as she elaborated on her thoughts about nudity but the pilot continued to be confused over her reasoning. She wanted to understand, she really did, but the analogies and fundamental concepts just did not compute for her. Via understood what she meant by gift but she didn't understand why nudity would be considered something to gift to someone when such is readily available on information portals/terminals on every major information sharing platform. Her body was not special to her, nor did she think it was something to hide or be ashamed of. If people saw her naked as long as they weren't being "weird" about it she could care less. Via did respect Enyds feelings and convictions however, it was her choice what she did with her body as it was Via's choice with what she did with her own. Didn't stop her from thinking it was rather unusual reasoning.

When Enyd explained how crucial having a good partner was for the rope work the meaning went over Via's head. She had never had a partner in the traditional sense. Of course, during her childhood, there was the playground wedding she was peer pressured into taking part in but even during those times, she found the whole ordeal to be ridiculous and unusual. As she grew older the mindset stayed with her turning down many pursuers who had been rather enamored with her beauty, status as the daughter of a major crime lord, and her rather eccentric personality. All she wanted was friends who she could count on, never feeling any type of sexual attraction to anyone. When people started pairing up, Via was left as the odd one out and she was fine with it. She didn't want to need anyone, the only exceptions were her sister and people she absolutely trusted who were very few in number. Enyd was getting on that list, especially after the compliment she gave her about her previous pranks and ingenuity.

"Aw Shit, who do you think I am?" Via started fiddling around with the ropes and knots not really remembering the best way to undo everything. "Uhh...shit" she said under her breath before she randomly tugged on loops and knots which made things tighter in some areas and loose in others. It took her a solid minute before everything became undone. "Ha! See your ass can trust me. I am a master at this shit." she said triumphantly. "About that promotin' thing, your ass is right. I ain't want to be in charge of people. Shits annoyin' People cryin' about everythin' and doin' shit that your gotta watch for. I'll set for fuckin' Junior Lieutenant and that's it. Anymore, shit gets ass and borin'"

Via went to pick up a bottle of tequila and took a swig. "I know my ass is right, back me up. Them senior officer's lives suck. I don't have to do anythin'" she said smugly,

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #13
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Enyd winced but kept her lips sealed as Via took to untying her, only after momentarily tightening the entire rig.

“Yes, having rank does have its drawbacks,” Enyd commented as Via continued her work, her mind falling back to the earlier days of her time in Starfleet, “when you mess up, there’s more hell to pay, and when you want to cut loose it is harder to find a place to do it where folks won’t see and potentially use your good time against you. Perhaps we’re all a little Romulan in that we’re all a bit calculating against those we see as a threat.”

Via finished her work and moved to grab the tequila. Rubbing her wrists and rolling her ankles, Enyd smirked at her own words as she watched Via get comfortable again. If ever there was a non-Romulan, it would be Via. Enyd doubted the woman could keep a secret to save herself. It seemed as if whatever was up top came out the mouth, everything else be damned. It wasn’t something to dislike, however dangerous as it could be, but something to be respected.

“Or maybe just those I work with.” Enyd retrieved her tea, frowned at its cool contents, but drank it anyway. “What do you like about your work, Via? What brought you here?” She figured getting the woman to talk about her own life would allow Enyd more insight into how to relate to her.

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #14
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

"Why the shit does everyone ask that?" Via said with a slight annoyance before plopping down back onto the couch. "It's fuckin' simple, I like flyin' who's bitchass don't?" She said as if any other prospect was offensive. The woman took off her hoodie and displayed it to Enyd pointing out her name, callsign, and flight number embroidered on the upper left chest pocket. "See this shit here?" Via said with pride. "This is cool as fuck! I got my own name on my own fuckin' nice ass jacket. I get to fly a nice ass ship, with nice ass seats, with a nice ass view, 'cause I fuckin' did it. No one forced me to do shit, I earned all of it 'cause I wanted to."

She looked away briefly. "I am doin' somethin' that means somethin' and I earned it unlike my stupid family on my stupid home planet. No Wix got no name on a nice ass jacket other than my sister...not one they be earnin' anyway. Fuckin' they be killin' and stealin'...never earnin'. That gang ain't amount to nothin' compared to what I'm doin'." Via started to smile feeling proud of herself. "Yeah shit I am a badass pilot like in them holovids. I get to do cool ass shit with cool ass people and-and after? Imma do somethin' with my life that's good- or die tryin' n somethin' that means somethin'. Yeah- and I got a fuckin' jacket with my own name on it. None of my dumbass brothers or my Ma can they got somethin' like that. Fuck that gang, fuck them, fuck Deped, and its shitty ass everythin'."

Via ended her little rant and realized she let out a lot more about her past than she realized. Her motivation entirely in being a pilot was to be something more than what her family and situation told/tried to make her be, a lowly gang member meant to further a cycle of crime and death just to create another generation to do the same thing again. Her sister taught her that she was capable of being more than that and amounting to something greater. Despite her setbacks, she worked hard and managed to graduate from the Galaxy's most prestigious Academy and accomplish one of the most difficult advanced flight programs there was. She earned everything she achieved without having to delve back into her old life and did was she set out to do. Her jacket was a symbol of everything she went through to achieve her goal. It was a status symbol, showing everyone that Via Wix, former gang member and street rat of Deped 42, Residential Zone 094 was able to join Starfleet and become a Pilot for their Advanced Prototype Fighter Program.  

The pilot quickly tried to change the subject. "The couch here is nice as fuck too. I like readin' my uh...stuff here where no one is tryin' to bother the booze."

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #15
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Enyd laughed, “People usually ask questions out of curiosity, Via. Only you will ever experience life from your unique perspective so it is quite common for people, in an effort to bond or understand, to ask questions of one another. Though, yes, sometimes, the motive for a question can be shit, most are asked from a genuine desire to grow closer.” She gave two thumbs up along with a genuine smile in response to Via’s brief show-and-tell with her jacket. “I’d say you’ve done a fucking ass fine job of it then, Via.”

It had been so long since she’d used these terms that Enyd could feel them gum up in her mouth but she was determined to stay in line with her new companion. As Via continued to share, Enyd grew in insight over why Via was as she was, at least little glimpses. Using deductive reasoning, Enyd presumed that Via was distancing herself from a more criminal-style way of life by fighting her way to this place. That was why everything was a fight, a threat, or something to be conquered and tamed.

Enyd detected the moment Via realized she’d revealed far more than she’d meant but said nothing. Enyd allowed the woman the moment of privacy to reset, changing the subject to the couch and booze.

“I am a diplomat partially because of my grandmother. So unlike you, I cannot say I’m here only for my own efforts. I’m rather a legacy-based member of this crew. Both of my parents were Intelligence operatives, and both died on missions. Never recovered their bodies and never knew exactly what happened on the missions either. I wanted to go into Intelligence like them, but my grandmother refused. Wasn’t interested in losing her only grandchild to Intelligence. So, I went the route of diplomat since it’s just the flipside of Intelligence. I’ve tag-teamed a few times with Intelligence missions, and I know my style of diplomacy is a bit more ‘cowboy-esque’ than my peers, partially because of my background.” Enyd hoped that sharing some of her own past would further put Via at ease for her earlier unintentional reveal.

Sinking further into the cushions in a far from ladylike manner, though keeping the hoop skirt ever in mind, Enyd nodded in agreement. “This is a damn fine couch with a fucking great view. Have you been to the arboretum yet? Another favorite place for me.”

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #16
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

If she wasn't already Via was most definitely comfortable now. Enyd opening up about her family legacy while not similar to hers still made the young pilot connect with her on a personal level which she wouldn't with most people. In addition to the causal cursing and informality of her tone and mannerisms, she almost thought she was shooting the shit with one of her buddies back at Deped...almost. Enyd certainly didn't dress like the friends she would typically hang out with back at home and her skin was too clean as well. Regardless Via smiled having almost forgotten her slight embarrassment over revealing too much about herself earlier. She was having fun with someone who was genuinely cool nothing else mattered in her eyes, nothing typically did other than that simple fact of having fun.

Via sat back with her and took another swig of her Tequila. Before she answered her question the young woman burped rather rambunctiously and followed it with a chuckle. "Shit, fuckin' that was like the first place my ass landed after I fuckin' got lost on this ship." The woman crossed her legs and looked at Enyd. "Fuckin' I member my ass was hungry as shit. Lookin' around for the mess, replicator, or somethin' but I ended up in some fuckin' 'park' I guess. Damn, I swore it was a holodeck or somethin', looked straight outta the Academy with the clean ass water and cut grass."

She took another sip.

"But I'm like fuck that shit my ass is still hungry so I found the little pond shit and looked for fish or somethin' I dunno. Then I met Zark and her cat. She is sooo cool! Her ass is a combat medic and she told me she fuckin' threw a bunch of Klingons on their asses and then healed them injured shits up just like in the holovids!!" Via spoke the last part with a child-like enthusiasm. "She gave me some of her food too. Then-" she paused almost bringing up the fact that she landed on her bare ass in the pool causing a rather bad rash for a few days. "We went home and she became like by one of my new friends here. Like you!" Via took another sip of her drink. "Ay, your ass is" the booze was already starting to get to her. "Is your ass the only cool one in diploma-whatever. Cus your ass ain't seem like the other brain heads in the academy...readin' those books about...people and shit... with weird ass accents...Like what you mean cowboy...the fuck is a cowboy? The fuck is a cow?" she snickered but she truly did not know what a cowboy nor what a cow was due to being born on a planet with zero livestock and natural- unimported life and not paying attention in some of her classes.

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #17
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Laughing, Enyd shook her head before sharing the tale of her first night aboard Theurgy. How she and Valyn Amarik had gotten more than a little tipsy in her quarters, meandered drunkenly to the mess hall, and made themselves some mac’n’cheese, only for Enyd to smack Valyn upside the stomach with the strongest replicator hooch she’d ever had, sending down another path of drunkenness until Valyn had called it a night and ensured they were far less tipsy before heading back to their quarters. Enyd’s smile was warm and her voice light with amusement as she shared the memory, ending it with the encouragement for Via to meet Valyn sometime in the future and ask her to make some mac’n’cheese.

At the mention of Zark, Enyd let out another laugh. Enyd was aware that by sharing the shenanigans she and Zark had gotten into on the holodeck, which featured the diplomat yet again drunk, was probably going to create a certain presumption within Via regarding Enyd’s character and behavior. But given Via’s nature, Enyd didn’t think the presumptions would be considered unkindly. If anything, it would further endear Enyd to the pilot. And so, after another sip from her tea, Enyd shared the tale of the blue warrior and the pink skin diplomat playing the bagpipes, dancing, having an epic snowball fight, swimming with a lake monster, getting drunk and eating ice cream, having a tickle fight, and finally sobering up with the promise for more mayhem later.

“Zark is ‘good people’ as my grandmother would say. The best really.” She gave a salute with her teacup in honor for her Andorian friend. Via’s next line of comments and questions had a blush tinging Enyd’s cheeks. “I didn’t go to the Academy. I did all my ‘learning’ outside of Starfleet and only attended officer candidate school for the concentration in being an officer and in Starfleet diplomacy tactics. That’s probably one major variable that makes me different from many of my peers. But I wouldn’t say I’m the coolest. One of my colleagues, the Caitian L’Nari, is an amazing fighter when she’s pressed in a corner—much to her dismay.” Enyd relayed in brief the mission Enyd had taken with L’Nari to the rebel camp. How the Caitian had begrudgingly trounced a number of Klingon warriors and had mercifully not murdered a once more drunken Enyd after Enyd had taken both sets of ceremonial drinks to seal the deal, since L’Nari did not drink at all. Chuckling, Enyd added, “She has a strong backbone set on her foundational understanding of diplomacy. It is admirable, but I think if she let down her guard more, she’d be happier on the ship. Maybe you could find her and lead her on an adventure sometime?”

Enyd was being truthful in her hope that L’Nari could find more friends onboard. She’d noticed how the Caitian isolated herself much of the time, acting more like a skittish victim than the capable crewman she was and Enyd had long been curious how she could help the Caitian without incurring further wrath and misunderstanding.

“Faye is a delight to work with, though she and L’Nari seem to have a long-standing mutual dislike of one another. And the recent Andorian transfer, Nysari, is both knowledgeable and fun. You might find Foval fascinating, he’s the Vulcan Borg survivor. We were able to trade stories once or twice. Not much of a drinker,” Enyd nodded to the bottle of tequila with a smirk, “but fun nonetheless. If you want a drinking buddy in the future, your best met with Faye or myself.”

Enyd laughed at Via’s question. She’d taken it for granted that the term would be universally known. Holding out her hand for the PADD, Enyd swiped away the smutty shibari pictures, pulled up a cow, showed it to Via, and then showed a series of pictures of cowboys.

“My family raises cows on the ranch in Montana. We have other animals and agriculture as well, but yeah these are cows. And cowboys, or cowgirls, are the people who help to take care of the cows out in the wilderness. The term ‘cowboy diplomacy’ is a loose term meaning someone who is more pragmatic and willing to go with the contextual needs than sticking to a firm set of rules. As long as the mission is accomplished and people can move forward in the desired direction, it is okay to bend some rules or scrape some knees, so long as everything is done with the intent of upholding the values and needs of the Federation. That is cowboy diplomacy, which often puts me at odds with some of my colleagues. Perhaps because I am less Academy-like with more ‘real world’ experience outside Starfleet's confines, I lean more towards the cowboy approach. But both my parents were Starfleet Intelligence operatives, so growing up under that legacy may have influenced as well.”

Enyd handed the PADD back with a smile, “Cows are very cuddly. Like grass puppies. Huge and hurt like hell when they headbutt you, but they think they’re tiny and have the same personality type as a young dog.” Enyd tipped her head to the side, “Do you know what a dog is?”

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #18
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

When Enyd described some of the people in her department, Via wanted to meet all of them. They all seemed like the type of people that may be open to doing some fun things while they had downtime. Some seemed more inclined than others but Via wouldn't truly know until she had met them face to face. Her own department also had such individuals but due to different shifts, training cycles, and other factors Via had not been able to meet all of them yet or simply found them too serious for her own good. Regardless hanging out with someone was better than sitting in sickbay all day doing nothing with no alcohol to pass the time with.

Via answered Enyd's question as if it was obvious.

"Pfft, uh fuckin' yeah! Everyone knows what a dog is. Shit, my cousin Nertro and his dumbass girlfriend smuggled a shit ton through Deped. Sold a bunch too, but uh..." Via changed the subject once again to avoid talking about her family's illicit activities. "Ain't Montana that place where that 'Zef-hen Cockman' dude launch that weird lookin' warp ship? Im thinkin' we went there on a field trip or somthin' durin' my first year but you already know my ass ain't tryin' to listen to a bunch of borin' ass tour people. Oh, I remember now...shit me and my friend fuckin' left and went to the amusement park. My first time goin' to one, shit was awesome! Though I don't be rememberin' seein' any cows...I wanna see one and I don't mean in a holodeck." Via took another swig of her drink. "When this runnin' away shit is over can your ass take me to see one? They look and sound cool!" The young woman said enthusiastically. "And I swear I been seein' those cowboys somewhere...I mean they dress funny as shit so I ain't missin' that. Fuckin' I remember readin' somethin' about a place called North...Northbar? Star? I dunno. Anyway fuck that, and fuck the rules. What you are tellin' me about 'cowboy diplomacy' is that fuckin' I am a cowboy-girl...cowgirl...yeah. People be like "Oh Via you ass can't be punchin' a native when he is givin' you a gift" when the dumbass was tryin' to stab me or some shit with his weird knife. How am I supposed to know it was just a nail file? Fuckin' stupid ass first contact scenario..."

The pilot crossed her arms briefly and then processed another thing Enyd said. Her eyes widened. "Wait...what in the fuck do you mean your ass didn't go to the academy?" She questioned "I thought everyone asses had to go. You tellin' me I could've skipped all that studin' and bullshit with classes and been a pilot that way?" As much as Via had fun during the academy, she hated the academics. It wasn't her strong suit and after nearly getting academically dismissed during her first year, was a particular major source of stress for her during her years. If there was a chance she could've skipped all of that she would've but as far as the recruiting officer told her, that was the only option she had if she wanted to stay in the Federation. In reality, she completely forgot that when she did escape from her planet and got brought in by her sister Fia who was a second year cadet in the academy, she didn't even have any educational records to speak of let alone any records. She had to essentially pass a "GED" to apply to the academy in the first place. She would not have been able to even entertain the option of going OCS, she barley was able to get in the Academy as it was.

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #19
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Enyd held up a hand in feigned fear, “Okay, okay. You know what a dog is. For me, Via, not knowing what a cow is, is the same as not knowing what a dog is.” She stuck out her tongue to solidify the playfulness of her comment. “And yes, Cockman himself came from Montana. First contact was also in Montana. We’re the best fucking place on Earth by those accounts.” When Via asked to see a cow after this was all over, Enyd grinned. “Not only will you see a cow, Via, you’ll ride one and tip one over.”

Before Via could ask about cow-riding or cow-tipping, Enyd grabbed the PADD again and showed her new friend pictures of bull riding mixed with pictures of saddled cows walking alongside horses on a trail ride. The cow tipping was a bit more difficult to find pictures of, but she managed to find an old drawn cartoon of two boys sneaking into a field at night, finding a cow to tip over, only to discover it was a bull, then the two of them running like mad to escape with the bubble words, “I forgot it’s mating season! Run!” carrying over the shoulder of the faster boy, with the smaller boy, clad in black and white clothes, getting a fearful look in the last column of cartoons as the bull whispered, “Hey sexy,” over his shoulder.

“Obviously, cows can’t really talk, but the gist of cow tipping is basically trying to find a cow and pushing them over. The real fun is running away, not tipping.” Enyd laughed at Via’s series of diplomatic responses and nodded. “Basically, cowboy diplomacy is going with whatever works for the situation. So, you’re not far off.”

Before Via could sulk herself into a corner, Enyd took the route of disappointing her friend, “I did all those years of studying outside of the Academy. Still did the studying; sorry to disappoint, but I obtained my advanced degree and preliminary studies outside of the Academy; that’s why they sent me to officer candidate school instead of repeating a lot through the Academy. The Academy just wasn’t necessary with my route to get here. But with that said, I don’t think I’m any better or worse than my peers who went through the Academy. Less ‘institutionalized’ maybe.” Enyd shrugged. “What class was the most bullshit for you? Basically, anything to do with mathematical figures seemed a waste of my time.”

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #20
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

Via laughed hysterically at the cartoon to the point she was flushed red and in tears. Humor like that was what she enjoyed the most, Seeing such distinct animals and cultures she couldn't help but be fascinated. It was weird to her but it wasn't something negative. Being raised in a city world didn't afford her much to experience biodiversity besides plague-carrying rodents, insects, and people. When she first came to Earth she couldn't believe that anywhere in the galaxy could be that clean, it took a while for her to get used to everything. Eventually, she became a sort of clean freak in terms of her own self-hygiene. Her physical when she first was applying for the Academy showed that her toxicity levels were much higher than average and the doctor gave her quite a scare because of that.

When Enyd explained that she still went to a school outside of the Academy Via felt a bit better though as far as she knew only the best of the best could be admitted there...or the most wealthy. Rarely people like her could even think about even having the opportunity to attend.

"Oh...I mean...I guess kinda everythin' durin' my first and second year. Fuckin' I didn't understand nothin'. All the shit I was taught in school was apparently wrong except for some things." She paused briefly remembering the stress and headache her early academy days brought her. "Like shit, apparently Swiss-land didn't start world war and Flordia wasn't an anarchist state filled with supermen threatnin' to start a Eugenics war...or somethin' I don't remember and girl don't get my ass started on math. How the fuck does everythin' end up turnin' into letters by fuckin' MATH777. Ain't Standard, its Math! Like 1 + 1 =2 not ∂(x2+y2)/∂x = 2x." Via said casually as if she knew the formula which she did. "Then they be tellin' us the numbers can be imaginary." Via scoffed "They are either real or they ain't. Fucking dumbass shit...If it weren't for Sara, my sister, and me doin' a shit ton of studyin' I would've failed."

The young woman crossed her arms and then started remembering the good times at the Academy cause there were many.

"Shit, after that though...It was easy. Fuckin' learnin' about phasers and shit was cool as fuck! Flyin' was a breeze. Some of the survival shit was kinda fun but sometimes I had some stupid as the people in my class makin' it hard for everyone. I liked the class balls too, fuckin' dress up and shit. I never wore a dress before the Academy, or done my hair really...ok fine the Academy was kinda fun...and some people were kinda cool...miss them...kinda...maybe." Via's expression when downtrodden and then she looked by at Enyd. "Shit fuckin' actually Enyd, um...I went to the briefin' and everythin' when I got here but I am still confused as shit. Why are we runnin' away from Starfleet? They are not all infested...right?" The question was more to gauge whether she would have to face the friends she made in the Academy and her sister especially. "Is there like a cure or somethin'?"

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #21
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Enyd laughed, “Math is not my strongest suit either, so not to worry, my dear, I will never quiz you on it nor hold you to a required standard for it.” It wasn’t the first time Via had mentioned her sister or in a fashion in which her sister had ‘saved’ her from something. It made Enyd curious where she was now. It was on the tip of Enyd’s tongue to ask when Via continued. The topic turned to the Infested and the flight from Starfleet, and Enyd sighed. She missed her home too. “I know you didn’t like the learning part of stuff outside of phasers and flying, but there have been many times in history where the bad were so good at looking good that they were able to convince everyone else that anyone who questioned them was bad. Like the phrase ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing.’ Not everyone at Starfleet is Infested, but until we can find a way to get more people to understand that they really are here and they really are a threat, we will continue to look like the bad even though we are the ones trying to shine a light on the real bad. I know we’ve got far smarter people on board working on ways to ‘cure’ people if possible if at least neutralize the parasite. Hell, that’s why we’ve still got Dr. Nicander locked up to talk to despite all that he’s been part of in this adventure from hell.”

Enyd sighed and shook her head, “I don’t know when you’ll see your sister Sara or your friends again. And I don’t know when I’ll get to show you my cows.” She nodded toward the PADD where the cartoon was still displayed. “But I know we’ve got it in us to finish what we’ve started and come out on top. Because we kick ass.” She gave Via a wink at the last bit, hoping the woman would cheer up with her enthusiasm.

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #22
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

Via listened intently as much as she could under the influence of alcohol. What Enyd said didn't change her feelings much, the young pilot was still somewhat downtrodden at the fact that her life was turned upside down only a few months ago right at the beginning of her career. Of course, much of what she was spilling with her feelings was due to the tequila. If she had been sober she would've kept her 'nonchalant, noncaring attitude' up. She found it still nice to finally talk to someone about her issues and worries. The young woman quirked a small smile.

"Fuck yeah! Shit, maybe they gonna one of them holo documentaries 'bout us! You know, like the one with the Enterprise they made us watch in the academy but like less borin' and more cooler."

The pilot took another swig of her Tequila and burped loudly. Her demeanor became much more reserved.

"I was askin' sister is in Starfleet too. Her ass um..." Via took a second to zip up her jacket in an unconscious attempt to cover up her insecurities with opening up a bit more than she was used to. Throughout the conversation she had no reason not to trust Enyd so she continued "is a pilot like me in TacCONN. A lieutenant, flyin' a Valkyrie...fuckin' werido." Via chuckled remembering all the teasing they made to each other back when Via first got told she was going to be a Valravn pilot back in flight school.

"The last time my ass talked to her was when I was told I would be doin' some advanced trainin' at the Omega place. She said she her squadron was bein' transferred somewhere or some shit and she couldn't tell me where". Via shuddered and took a breath. Emotions were clearly rising all over her face but not in her voice, she kept it stable. "Weird as shit and my ass is tryin' not to cry and shit cause that's stupid but I'm hopin' she wasn't involved or anythin'...or be dragged and implanted in the ass by a brunch of spooks and infested dumbasses. I know her ass would fight all that shit...she would never do any of that willin'."

Via paused and then placed her hands in her pockets. "If I be thinkin' she dead It starts makin' things easier. I'm afraid we end up fightin' each other cause of this stupid ass shit. I ain't killin' my only sister. The only one who gave a shit 'bout me growin' up..."

The young pilot pouted and then asked genuinely. "You have a family, could your ass talk about them cus I hate thinkin' bout mine. I wish my ass had cool spy parents..." she said enviously.

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #23
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @ob2lander961

Enyd laughed, “You know how they sometimes employ actors and actresses to play the real people? I wonder who they’d choose to play me.” She didn’t comment on whether the depiction would be one of tragedy, considering neither of them knew how this would turn out just yet.

“I have never met your sister, Via, but if she’s as resilient and straight shooting as you, I’m sure her fine ass is golden right about now. She’d just as likely punch an Infested in its gonads than let it crawl inside, again based on what I know about you, figured if she’s related, she’s probably just as hardcore badass as you are.” Enyd shook her head but kept up a soft smile. “The thing about orders, Via, is that when they’re stupid, you’re protected from following them. There are people who specialize in how to get from a court martial when defying direct orders when those orders are dumb as shit. IF, and I’m saying IF, your sister was ever facing off with you out there, I highly doubt she’d lift a finger against you, and obviously, you wouldn’t against her. And our job is finding a reason to keep that possibility from ever happening in the first place.”

Via’s question about Enyd’s family had her smirking and letting out a morbidly amused snort, “If you’re hoping that hearing about my family will cheer you up, Via, you’re going to be disappointed. Both my parents worked for Starfleet Intelligence, and they both died on missions in the field, and I never got to bury a body. My grandmother, the woman who raised me, died while I was held captive on Cardassia by the assholes in the Directorate. I have some cousins who still live in Montana near the ranch and who are keeping an eye on things until I come back for good, and I have distant clan members on Vulcan that I stayed with when I was studying there, but by and large, my ‘family’ so to speak, are folks like you and the rest of the crew on this ship.” Enyd pointed to the tequila bottle, “Care to share?”

Re: Day 09 [2222 hrs.] 50 Shades of Garbage

Reply #24
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @EllenFitz

Admittedly Via found herself a bit disappointed when Enyd described her family as the novelty of having parents who were spies and seemingly carrying went away; though she wouldn't say she could really compare it with her own. As far as she knew her Mother was still alive, not that she cared either way. Never met her father due to her Mother's indulgent sex life which basically made it nearly impossible to narrow down who he would be. Her grandparents were dead before she was even born, both were prominent gang members in their respective families from what she had been told. Myraid of cousins, half cousins, aunts, uncles, the half and/or full siblings that were her brothers, and Fia. Only her Brothers and Fia truly meant anything to her, the rest might have well-been strangers to Via.  Different worlds, different people, different upbringings, and yet both shitty circumstances.

The young pilot pouted and passed the bottle to Enyd.

"Suppose...I guess..." she said referring to everything Enyd said. Via yawned. Exhaustion quickly crept up within her and made her eyes heavy. She rested her head on Enyd's shoulder causally. "I ain't tryin' to weird or nothin'...I and Fia used to sit and talk and shit like this."

The young pilot then lifted up her PADD and bookmarked the page of the novel she was reading. She yawned again. "Enyd...Eny, En-y. My ass is gonna ask ya somethin' else..." Via paused remembering the Accident that nearly killed her and left her with a cybernetic implant. Typically she would never talk about feeling any way about it or talk about the internal panic spells that she had been having a few times since but the booze and Enyd's understanding personality loosened her lips. "You ass better not laugh, but shit...I ain't like space no more. I don't wanna die in a spaceship...I'm scared of dyin' and I don't like it 'cause I ain't supposed to. I never used to either..."

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