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Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Lt. JG Callax Valin | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry
Habit more than hunger brought the young Ardanan to the mess hall after flight training that afternoon. He was exhausted and had neither the patience nor energy to eat with the squadron in the Den that day. Instead, he made his way to the mess hall on Deck 13 stopping first at the library to browse for some light reading material. He settled after some time searching on an Earth spy-romance novella he had not yet read, his choice aided somewhat by suggestions from the database based on his previous reading history. At least the brief reviews he read did not spoil the ending as many were apt to do.

Taking small comfort in the fact that the book he chose might not possess an entirely predictable story, Callax proceeded to the mess hall and found an unoccupied table in the corner near the viewports. The mess was packed though crewmembers were slowly filtering out as duties called them elsewhere. Relief was apparent on his face as he watched many of them go while he waited in the short line at one of the replicators. When it was his turn, he punched in one of the meals he had researched some days earlier in a book on uncommon Earth cuisines. This particular recipe was courtesy of an old French restaurant called Auberge du Pommier. Poached oysters and caviar served with leek velouté and toasted brioche sounded suitably savory for his mood.

Since transferring first to the Oneida and then to Theurgy, he had made it a custom to try a new food each day. Even if the taste did not agree with him, it was something different that allowed him to take his mind off their greater situation even if just for a brief moment. There was comfort in food even if the replicators did not get some Ardanan delicacies just quite right.

Food tray in hand, along with a synthehol wine that the food guide said paired well with this particular dish, the junior officer returned to his seat and flicked open the cover of his novella. The room was much more quiet now and for the first time that day he managed to ease the tension in his body and relax.


Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #1
[ Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eden

Unfortunately, that peace and quiet would not last for long.

Sarah had been nearly close to dying waiting for her lunch break while on shift. A proper breakfast would have negated her insurmountable hunger had she actually gone to sleep on time, but having found out there was an officer chatroom aboard had kept her awake into the wee hours of the morning chatting away with other crewmates who in retrospect, she had not learned a single name of. She would have to rectify that tonight when she logged in to chatter away and meet more of Theurgy's crew. But due to her neglect of proper sleep habit, she had woken up late and had nearly missed her shift had she not legitimately ran to sickbay, even despite being on the same deck. Today just was not off to a good start.

Hopefully a good lunch would solve that. Eagerly hopping in line behind a slew of other officers, Sarah took a three-bean salad from the read-to-eat compartment and placed it on her tray as the line worked its way down to the replicators.

It was shortly her turn, the line, while long, moved fairly rapidly to her surprise. She was keen on her order, having repeated it a few times in her head to ensure she ordered the right thing- an order she had seen another nurse get a few days ago.  Once in front of the replicating station, Sarah placed her tray beneath the beam and began to fire off.

"May I please have a large plate of feta-stuffed gnocchi in a spinach-cream sauce, and a bowl of butternut squash soup with thick crusty bread on the side, a glass of sparkling lemonade, and a slice of tiramisu please?" A hefty lunch for such a small woman, but it was a small feat to clean her entire plate and leave only satisfied, not overly full- jokes of her having a hollow leg had already begun to circulate. Thankfully the replicator did not heed a second thought, her order appeared on the tray below, just as ordered and Sarah picked it up with a near-brimming smile of delight as she said a quick "Thank you!" as was her odd way of regarding computers, and happily toddled off with her meal over to the tables nearby.

The mess hall was crowded, and she suddenly remembered why she preferred night shift much more. As lonely as it could be sometimes, at least she didn't have to fight the regular noon crowd for lunch space- she might take the idea up with Nurse Vojona about switching back to nights after all..

To her delight, there was at least one table that was only occupied by one other person, a much lower-key of anxiety to introduce oneself to instead of a large table full of people. He would have to do. Walking over with great intent and purpose, Sarah stopped just next to the officer, leaning to the side a bit in order to catch his gaze as he was seemingly enthralled with his novel.

"Good afternoon-" She gave a quick look to his pips before she continued. "Lieutenant! May I join you please? The mess hall unfortunately does not have any more single seating."
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #2
Lt. JG Callax Valin | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry
The Ardanan had been engrossed by his novel, attention fixed on the pages as he guided an oyster shell to his mouth. Catching him off-guard, the ensign's greeting caused him to jump slightly, the oyster getting stuck in his throat. He coughed and hastily brought a napkin up to his lips into which he could clear his mouth. Despite the possible severity of the moment, the man was grinning slightly when he finally brought the napkin away from his face. "Goodness, Ensign. You startled me," he said with a soft light-hearted voice, rising from his chair politely. He gestured to the empty seat closest to the woman. "Please, I would enjoy the company, unless this is about a psych evaluation," he mused as he took notice of the blues of her uniform.

When he finally retook his seat he offered the woman a pearly white smile. "Cal Valin," he offered in greeting as one hand reached to close his novella. He did not extend a hand to the woman, his lessons in etiquette from his childhood still ingrained in his head. "And provided you are not a psychologist sent to probe me, it would be a pleasure to learn your name."

Piercing blue eyes considered the woman closely, his analysis of the woman getting filed away into the deep recesses his mind. He gave no outward indication as to the nature of his initial impression of her. Instead, he attempted to exude a warmness and inviting tone. A skill he had learned during his early political education both to make a person feel comfortable while hiding behind a veil how he might really feel. It was a measured and controlled response. One he reserved for strangers.

Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #3
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eden

It hadn't even occurred to the blonde that her sudden arrival and greeting might catch the Lieutenant off-guard. Weren't the grey-collars supposed to be some sort of special operations? Tac-conn? Something like that. There weren't very many, the only others that she knew being Via and Havenborn. So to assume he was overly vigilant and find out that it was not the case- enough so that the poor soul nearly choked- she couldn't stop an almost bark of laughter bubbling up from the back of her mouth as she quickly set her tray down onto the table with a loud clatter and slapped the pilot swiftly on the back to help dislodge..whatever it was that he was eating. All the same, he quickly overcame the struggle and spat his food into a napkin, a trembly sigh of awkward laughter leaving her in the same wake as she pulled her hand away from the middle of his back.

"I can see that! Sorry to have interrupted you, I did not think you would be so involved- must be some book, ja?"

She did however take the offered seat, thankful there seemed to be no leftover distaste for her swat against his back, even if it had been done in aide. "Hah, no psyche evaluation here. Not even my specialty! However had you continued to choke I might have been of some use." She replied, scooting her chair in with a soft creak of metal on metal as she situated herself. Only now did she get a fair look at him, before having been a bit concerned with his rank to really give a look at his face. He had an awfully nice smile and was, thus far, surprisingly pleasant. She surely couldn't have picked a better table!

"Happy to meet you sir! I am Ensign Sarah Bjørge, specialty in emergency nursing- nothing psychological...though now that you have mentioned it twice? I am wondering if maybe I do need to recommend you to our psychologist." She murmured in reply, a lithe, blonde brow reaching upwards in a teasing gaze. "But then again, I am just a nurse, far be it from me to probe you outside of an office visit." Another cheeky smirk lit across her face as she took a napkin and began to clean up the dribbles of spilt soup that had landed on the table from where she had hastily dropped her tray to assist him.

Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #4
Lt. JG Callax Valin | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry
"Well met, Nurse Bjørge," Cal said with a warm smile despite struggling to pronounce the woman's last name. "I do not think I require a psychological evaluation at this time though were I to be of uncertain mind that is what someone would say, no?" Again he cracked a slight smile as he, too, began to clean up his place setting around which bits of food had escaped his plate. "Though, if I ever require emergency nursing I will be sure to seek you out while I am holding onto life."

A brief moment passed as Cal again looked the woman over. Something in his memory told him this was not his first encounter with the woman. Certainly a face he had seen before but from where? Possibly the sickbay where he spent far too many days recovering. "Did you serve on the Oneida? I am still learning names and faces on this ship but yours I think I have seen before coming aboard. Perhaps at the Academy. When did you graduate?" His tone was friendly and curious.

"The book is above average," he added idly as his gaze briefly shifted to the book. On the cover the title, 'The Duke' was visible in large red lettering above an illustration of a horse drawn carriage. The author's name, 'Gaelen Foley', was equally pronounced. Cal had always appreciated the artistic nature of old book covers. On Ardana, book covers were considered to be a niche category of art with a work of literature sometimes being judged heavily on the cover rather than the writing itself. While that practice certainly made for some artistic book covers, part of the man always wondered if it was not something devised to keep artists in work.

"It is an espionage thriller involving a nobleman and a courtesan written around the turn of Earth's 21st century. I usually avoid romance novels but the characterization is fairly good in this one. Have you read it?"

Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #5
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eden

Blonde brows raised a bit in response to him correctly pronouncing her last name. It was a trouble for most people to roll the 'o' and 'r' together, but he had done pretty well! He was already becoming favored from the happy accident. She nodded in her head in return, indicating she thought the same of him in return for his comment. "Well, it certainly does warrant closer inspection- but if it is all the same to you? I am on lunch. I will harass you with a medical call later, yes?" An obvious joke as any medical professional with half a mind for the trade would have doused their lunch if they thought a crewmate on the verge of a breakdown- but she was sure he was only poking fun at his dislike of shrinks. Though at his mention of the Oneida, she near immediately perked up, folding her now-ruined napkin into a square before laying it off to the side while she began to stir the cream into her soup.

"I did come from Oneida! She was my first ship- I have only just served two years before I transferred here. But it is unlikely we went to academy together, I graduated in 2379- what of yourself?" Not that graduation date meant much- he looked a bit older than her, but anyone could join Starfleet at any age. Even her roommate at the academy had been a dozen or better years older than her- so perhaps that had been an uncouth statement.

"Have you been aboard Oneida yourself? Perhaps injured? You do not feel so much a stranger either, but I had assumed we were just..all stuck aboard Theurgy now that everyone felt familiar." She responded with a slight huff of amusement, tilting her head slightly to one side as she continued to lightly stir her soup until the cream was well-incorporated. It was only then that she took a quick sip and began to speak again, though the cover of the book he'd shown her the cover of caught her attention. It had been a minute since she'd seen a proper paper book.

"While romance is a favorite, I cannot say I have read this one. The Duke. Hm." She hummed, rolling the title around in her mouth before taking another quiet bite of her soup. "I used to take an eager fancy to historical novels, but I have found that a lot of the storylines are the same rinsed and reused formula, but I am open to recommendations. If you say it is good, perhaps I will take you up on your taste and read it. Theurgy has a library, no?"
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #6
Lt. JG Callax Valin | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry
“I was indeed on the Oneida; though, not for any length of time. The ship rescued myself and a few others from an… incident at a training facility.” Extra emphasis was placed on the word incident, a brief pause preceding it as he considered a more appropriate word to use but found none. “I was in a medically induced coma for much of my time on the ship so I cannot say I got the chance to get to know many people. It was mostly medical staff so maybe our paths crossed? If we did then I was unconscious, no doubt.” He perked a brow, again trying to place her face amongst the many medical personnel he had seen on the Oneida seemingly to little avail.

“I was only there for a week or two total before the rendezvous with Theurgy,” he shrugged. “Not enough time to learn names. The transfer was quick. I hope you were able to transfer with friends, at least."

Callax took a small bite from the contents of one of the half-shells on his plate before allowing himself a slight grin. “It would seem perhaps twice we have just missed each other. I graduated in 2375 so we likely would not have crossed paths there as well. Yet here on Theurgy we are and, at least so far, I am not regretting the interaction.”

As the woman glanced towards his book he tilted his head with some curiosity. “The storyline is likely along the lines of what you might expect, especially if you read much Earth literature from this time period. They do tend to seem rather… formulaic, no? I would recommend this one, however. It is above average so far.”

“Do you have any recommendations?”

Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #7
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eden

"An incident?" Sarah repeated back with a gentle, yet curious tone, her bright blue gaze now cast up from the book to transfix back onto Callax's studious one. His vagueness of said 'incident' bespoke of someone not wishing to go into further detail, but his willingness to divulge his coma and subsequent release to Theurgy begged for elaboration. There were very good odds that she had in fact been one of his attending nurses, but his face simply didn't register despite the feeling of familiarity. Though upon review of her memories from sickbay aboard the Oneida, she definitely recalled their trauma ward flooding with plasma burn victims after they'd assisted a downed ship. But on that same hand, they'd assisted a few ships in that time frame hadn't they? Not that it mattered, what even were the chances he'd been one of the many she'd treated?

"Perhaps close your eyes and bloody yourself up a bit, maybe then I will recognize you~" She teased, her saccharine smile never quite leaving the uptick of her lips as she spoke. It was odd how rarely she recognized her patients once they were well, even long-term care patients whom she'd doted on throughout her shifts, once they were awake and discharged, they no longer matched the expressionless, sleeping faces she had grown so accustomed to.

"A few, yes! I was exceptionally lucky to have so many close to me to follow over. Ah, see- Ensign Lail, Lieutenant Junior-grade Ryn, Ensign Wix and Lieutenant Leux. Amazing officers, the lot of them, I am very proud to be associated with them..and having so many make the bridge over, it makes this choice feel even more like the right one." A brief pause for her to take another bite of her creamy, aromatic soup before she started once more, though this time she set her spoon down onto her tray so that her hands could focus on cupping her glass of lemonade. "I am to assume you had no friends make the transfer with you, Lieutenant?" She asked gently, unsure if it might be a sore subject for someone who'd survived a training facility 'incident'. Though it was just as well as Lieutenant Valin was eager to switch subject back to the book at hand, and she would just as eagerly oblige him. Romance novellas were arguably more appealing than digging through past trauma...though not by much.

"Do I have any recommendations?" She asked incredulously, a slender, dainty hand coming up to touch pearl-pink painted nail tips to her collarbone in the classic 'clutching pearls' motion. "How much of tonight do you have? I can go at length~" She replied, a sinister, if not challenging expression painting itself on her otherwise soft features. "Though a long-time favorite is "The Walls That Surround Us" by the Romulan author Lak'sai ei-Firh tr'Mrian. It is a fairly accurate historical romance embellished with what is written like a personal story within the same time frame of ancient Romulan Warlords. It surrounds the life of a Romulan Warlords' concubine who is intent to kill him for stealing her and her sisters away from their family, but an unlikely romance and tragedy befalls the storyline in a way that I will not spoil for you.~ Sound like something you would like?"
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #8
Lt. JG Callax Valin | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry
“An incident.” He repeated as he took another bite of his meal, dodging the ensign’s request to explain further as he used the dish in front of him as a convenient distraction. It was still a sore spot and medical professional or not she was still essentially a stranger. If she really wanted to know, she would have to dive back into his medical records on her own–or ask another former Oneida crewmember.

After finishing a bite of his food he allowed himself a wry grin as he considered the woman’s suggestion. “Well, I cannot say I have ever had someone request that I cover myself in blood, especially on a first meeting. Even the craziest of my exes did not quite go that far. Is this how you normally go about making acquaintances, Miss Bjørge? It is quite forward,” he teased. “Although, credit is due for being original.”

Having finished his meal, Callax leaned back more comfortably in his chair although never to the point of looking improper. Under the table one leg crossed over the other as he considered the woman yet again. “I would not say friends but acquaintances came with me, yes. There was Sorek Morgan and Reggie Suder. Fellow pilots. I was not on the Oneida long enough to get to know any others, unfortunately. I am glad that you were able to have some accompany you though. Of those, the only I am somewhat familiar with is Ensign Lail although I could have sworn she was a lieutenant. I may have been mistaken though. As I said, my time on the Oneida was mostly in a state of medical trauma,” he said with a soft chuckle.

He listened to her explanation of a Romulan novella with interest, leaning in to focus better on the woman’s words. “It sounds very similar to the novel I am reading now. Is it available in the ship’s library? I may need to stop by before my next duty shift. It is not a genre I imagine many would think I enjoy but it provides an escape,” Callax said with a slight shrug. “Always has since a friend introduced me to them during my academy days. It was something of a ‘right place, right time’ kind of thing. Not sure I would ever have given them a chance were it not for one being thrust into my hands and practically ordered to read it.”

The man laughed softly as he reminisced on old times, brushing back a strand of hair that had rebelliously fallen across his forehead. “At least now I know who to come to recommendations for. Besides obscure romance novels, what else do you enjoy? I have some time if you are willing to indulge a pilot's curiosity about some of your interests."

Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #9
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eden

"So Mysterious~" She cooed in response, wiggling her fingers towards the Lieutenant to inflect that it was both spooky and intriguing, though it was more that she was making fun of him..but he didn't have to know that. With a small shrug, she went back to her food, well enough to save that piece of questioning for later, he obviously didn't feel like sharing. Odd though, usually fly boys boasted about everything! He was straying further and further from the norm, and honestly, she kinda liked the game they were playing. "Alright, that is not explicitly what I said, I had only meant that I tend to recognize people better when they are injured! That is how I see and know most of the crew!" She replied with mock offense, but the smile she kept assured that she was having a grand time.

"It is not my usual routine though, I have a tendency of asking for assistance with..something or another." She laid her palm out flat and rolled it around itself for good measure. "Reaching something high up, helping me choose something, getting their opinion on some matter. The conversation just flows from there! Our meeting is weird, actually. I did not scope you out or anything.."

That didn't make her sound like a sociopath or anything, right? Well, it wasn't that, she was honestly just shy and awkward, it worked better and in her favor more often if she was simply..prepared. Though at the mention of Sabrina, Sarah instantly perked up, eyebrows shooting up and eyes widening in surprised delight.

"Sabrina is my best friend!" She exclaimed loudly, getting a few heads turned towards her at the sudden outburst. Sarah gave a quick, embarrassed chuckle and quieted herself down to continue, the idle chatter of the mess hall resuming flawlessly as she began speaking again. "We started on Oneida together, we have been close ever since, we have been through practically everything together." She carried on, giving the Lieutenant before her a small, but thoughtful gaze as she considered the tingling sensation of her match-making hunch beginning to surface. "She is here you know, perhaps you could join us for drinks sometime to catch up, yes?" And then she could slip out and leave them on their own. She would run it by Sabrina and see what she thought, but for now, it would simply stew on the back burner.

"Oh, you are too kind, Lieutenant. I am sure your taste is right up to par, perhaps we can make something of a weekly exchange of them- or monthly. I suppose it depends on how fast you devour them? I typically work the graveyard shift so I have more time than most to indulge in such a habit. Though speaking of said recommendations, do you like political drama? Or maybe war hero-type stuff? I favor a lot of plot in my por- literature.  So I tend to take up double genres like historical romance, supernatural thriller, or western mystery just to name a few. Unlike my personal associations, I am not too picky with my novellas. Anything to escape the walls of my bedroom, you know?"
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #10
Lt. JG Callax Valin | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry
“So what you are telling me is that you only meet people by demanding a service of them and usually when you have determined ahead of time that they could be of use to you.”

The Ardanan perked a brow but allowed the slightest hint of a smile to remain as he probed further into what seemed an slightly concerning behavior. “Have you ever considered approaching someone without a motive? Or is your scouting them out ahead of time a tactic by which you can minimize the risk of your request being refused? I suppose I should be relieved that you did not run an analysis on me before approaching. Or perhaps you did and you are just wishing to not come across as odd.”

He shrugged, finishing off the remainder of his meal. “Either way, it is thus far an enjoyable conversation and one I hope we will have again perhaps over drinks. Especially if Lieutenant Lail is present.”

Callax stumbled slightly after that admission. It was a rarity for him as someone who typically chose their words carefully. “You know, because it would be nice to catch up with some of the officers that transferred over from the Oneida,” he hastily added, taking a sip of his water to avoid any additional slips.

At the mention of literature though he breathed a sigh of relief, gratefully accepting the change of topic as he nodded along. It did take a large measure of restraint to not spit out his water at the woman’s Freudian slip. Not so much for the topic itself but for the suddenness of it being mentioned.

“I, too, enjoy plot with my literature,” he began to say, placing only the slightest emphasis on the word. Whether to keep the topic chaste or to indicate his own preference towards a specific type of media was anybody guess. “Political drama is quite good; although, so many authors write from a perspective of never having been involved in politics or raised in a political family. I find they tend to get things quite wrong and only emphasize the more scandal-prone nature of it. In other words, too much drama—not enough politics. I’m probably the oddity there in preferring the one over the other.”

He chuckled softly, considering the nurse for a moment before noticing the time. “Damn, time passed quickly. I need to get to the hangar bay for my duty shift. It was nice talking, yes? Definitely drinks soon! Let me know.”

Re: Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Mess Hall Musings

Reply #11
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Desk 13 Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eden

"You are massively over-simplifying it!" She cried, aghast she'd ever be considered demanding. "Do you know how hard it is to approach someone like it is a cold call? What do you say to someone you know nothing about? It has great potential to be awkward and ends badly- so asking someone for help improves the chances dramatically of continuing a conversation and then getting to know them! It is hardly demanding or predatory, it is arguably very clever!" Though at his smirk she wondered if he really even thought such, and was just teasing her. But at the change of subject, while appreciated, he'd slipped up and let Sarah know his excitement for seeing the beautiful brunette CONN officer, Sarah's blonde brows went upwards as her expression turned almost antagonistic.

"Especially if Lieutenant Lail is present." She repeated a smirk of her own forming against the pink of her lip. He may have teased her, but she was sure with a bit of ammunition, especially of the kind he just gave, their next meeting would be much more interesting indeed. "I will put in a good word for you~" Oh the text Sabrina was about to get once he left.

"Oh, I bet. Catch up about all the dreams you had while you were in a coma?" A snicker left her subtly, her eyes aglitter with her newfound tease. But he was obviously looking for a way out now that he'd gone and outed himself, so she would simply let him go, for now, stockpile, and catch him later. It was, however, everything within her to not begin texting Sabrina right in front of him to cause a panic.

"Heh, sounds good. Have a good shift, we'll catch up soon.~" She waved him off as he quickly swept up from the table and left for, allegedly, his shift but she wondered if that was really where he was off to. Pulling out her PADD from her lab coat pocket, she quickly began to send a message to Sabrina, eager to see if she happened to be open for a blind date.

End RP.
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


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