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Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Awakening

[ Ens. Mia Dunne| Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
ATTN: @Auctor Lucan

A steady beeping permeated through the haze of unconsciousness as Ensign Mia Dunne began to wake up. Her mind could not fathom what that sound was, and she tried to turn her head to look but found that her body was not cooperating. She reasoned that she must be dreaming, but would her mind even know if she were dreaming? A new sound registered as she heard a soft murmur of voices nearby. She could not make out what was being said but whoever it was seemed to be coming closer. She couldn’t remember going to sleep. In fact, the last thing she remembered was working in the Xenoanthropology lab studying an artifact whose origin was undetermined. After that, nothing stirred in her memories.  Mia concentrated on the sounds around her. The beeping she first heard seemed to speed up slightly. Now she could discern other sounds as well, seemingly emanating from somewhere just behind her and slightly above.  She finally managed to get her eyes to cooperate and open but the lighting felt way too bright, so she closed them tighter. 

The voices were moving away so she tried to speak but nothing came out but a hoarse croaking sound. Her throat felt like it hadn’t been used in days, which was something she had become accustomed to over the course of her life. There had been many a time when she had not spoken to anyone for three or four days and her throat had that same dry unexercised feeling now. 

She tried once more to speak. She managed to croak out one word in a hoarse whisper, “where?”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 3 [1030 hrs.] Awakening

Reply #1
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual
After her reassembly, V-Nine had made sure her platform was wirelessly tapped into the alert logs of Main Sickbay, so when one of her patients woke up in the recovery ward, she was made aware of it even if she wasn't anywhere close to a console. It was not always, when such an alert came up in her runtime, that she was able to attend to that patient, but when the alert for Ensign Mia Dunne came, she was 'between patients' - as the organics popularly called it.

"Oh, dear," she said through the microphone on her cranial unit and turned around in the corridor, setting her platform off towards the recovery ward instead of the ICU. Without having to move to a console, she silenced Mia Dunne's alert with a notation that she was attending to the patient, and then entered the ward. She turned her lens towards the biobed where the patient was waking up, and saw that an opaque holographic screen had been raised around the biobed to let the organic have some privacy - the photonic "walls" around the bed creating a personal ward for her. Sound would be dampened but drift through the holo-screen, and the recovery ward itself would look rather hazy from the Ensign's perspective, but apparently offer enough familiarity to the surroundings to not make the patient think they were kept in some kind of holding cell when they woke up.

V-Nine stepped through the holo-screen and lowered her lens towards the patient. "Greetings, I am Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android, but please, just call me V-Nine. How are you feeling, Ensign Dunne? Oh, and do you mind if I run a medical scan?"

While posing her question, V-Nine let her metallic hand's thumb and index finger fold back, revealing a yellow and teal light, but she wouldn't begin her scan without the patient's consent. In the meantime, she wirelessly accessed the patients medical journal - the PADD held at the foot of the biobed, and began to make notations about the time when the patient had woken up and some initial observations about her post-surgery condition.

OOC: Oh, Mia wouldn't recognise V-Nine since V-Nine came aboard long after Mia was injured, nor ought she recognise the type of android in front of her. :)

Re: Day 3 [1030 hrs.] Awakening

Reply #2
[Ens Mia Dunne | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] Attn : @Auctor Lucan

Mia looked up as someone, or rather something, walked through the privacy curtain.  Mia still found it hard to speak, but she whispered as loudly as she could, "Surgical? What ship?" The droid asked if it could run a medical scan and Mia watched as the droid's hand opened and what Mia had to guess was a built-in medical scanner appeared.  Miia nodded her head at the droid. "How long have I been here," She asked, her voice scratchy from disuse, "What happened?"

She waited for the Droid to speak.  She wanted to ask about the others that had been in the lab with her, but she was almost afraid to know the answer. As the droid spoke, explaining what had happened and how long she'd been out of commission, Mia's mind had a hard time comprehending that so much time had passed.  Her eyes stung with unshed tears at learning the fate of her co-workers, pretty much the only people she had known on the ship in the short time she'd been on board. 
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 3 [1030 hrs.] Awakening

Reply #3
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual
While running her scan, V-Nine was noting the patient's condition in the medical journal, and answered her questions all at the same time - the multi-tasking well within her processing bandwidth.

"You are still aboard the USS Theurgy, and more specifically, in the Recovery Ward of Main Sickbay," she stated, and when her scan was complete, she made her hand revert back to its ordinary mode, but she didn't leave the side of the biobed, instead turning her lens towards the Human specimen's face. The question about how long she had been there could be interpreted in a couple of ways, but she picked the answer which had a higher ratio of likelihood to be what the patient wished to know.

"You were thawed for surgery early this morning, and you were moved here just thirty six minutes ago after I was finished. I have downloaded the reports about what happened. The attack on the Theurgy - during which you were injured - caused the most bodily harm to your back. Admiral Sankolov's task force was in pursuit on the stardate it happened, and laid an ambush for the Theurgy. A barrage of torpedo fire penetrated the dorsal shields, and caused a cascade failure down one of the EPS conduits - which in turn reached the lab you were working in. The explosion destroyed the vials of several chemicals, mixing them in the heat from the plasma fires, resulting in a toxic gas that damaged your lungs. You also suffered from shrapnel wounds, two broken ribs and third degree burns."

At this point, V-Nine picked up the medical journal from the foot of the biobed and made an ocular inspection of her own notations, making sure that they were readable by an organic that couldn't access the information wirelessly. "Currently, you have scarring radiating from the point on impact on the right side of your upper back. An organic tissue solution would not be structurally sound in the initial time of healing, so I resorted to fitting you with a cybernetic scapula and rotator cuff. I also replaced your ribs with with temporary synthetic ones, and the diagnosis is that the fragments will eventually knit around them. You will experience some minor difficulty with your breathing and movement for a couple of days, but rest assured, the odds for a complete recovery are optimal."

V-Nine paused, before speaking of the more difficult part of the time-expenditure of her ordeal, and the fate of her colleagues in the lab. "I understand that this might be difficult to bear, but you need to know what you were the only survivor in the lab, and the explosion was six months ago. The Theurgy is still on the run, the mission ongoing, but we have new allies in the Klingon Empire - Chancellor Martok having sided with Captain Ives against the aliens that have infested Starfleet Command."

Re: Day 3 [1030 hrs.] Awakening

Reply #4
[Ens. Mia Dunne  | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN:

Mia watched the android closely as it relayed the information.  Finding out she was still on the Theurgy was a relief. She would hate to think she’d been transferred to some other vessel, or even taken prisoner. But that relief was short lived at the comment that came next.  “Thawed?” She needed to take a moment to process that remark. Thawing would indicate she’d been frozen.   However, that consideration of thought was eradicated by the description the machine gave to her injuries. Well, the description of damages made sense with how she was feeling at the moment. 

As the android described the repairs it had made her face paled and the monitor recorded a slight increase in her heart rate. “Cybernetic?“ She whispered as she reached over with her left hand to feel her right shoulder. She couldn’t feel anything but her skin, so it must have been implanted under her skin. The movement did cause some discomfort to her ribs and made taking a breath a bit more difficult, so she placed her hand back to the bed at her side. At least she would recover. As the information was assimilated into her brain, her heart rate went back to normal, at least for someone in her condition. She wondered just how long she’d have before Lt Cmdr. Rotan ch'Izanori would be insisting she stop lounging in bed and get back to work considering the Andorian Chief of Science was always a bit over-enthusiastic.

The pause made by the android made her look over at its one blue flashing orb. When the android continued several things went through her mind. Unconsciously she repeated, “ All dead? Six months? ch,Ixanori is dead?” Mia felt the blood drain from her face and her heart raced for a few moments, before she fell into a stunned silence. 

She looked at the android again, “what happened to all my research? Not that I got very far since I came on board, but.. never mind. Whatever I could have learned is probably useless now.” She closed her eyes and sank back into the pillow. The pain of loss of all those she had worked with was almost unbearable. “Can I at least send a message to my family, to let them know I am alright? If I’ve been in stasis for so long, they would be frantic from not hearing from me in such a long time.”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 3 [1030 hrs.] Awakening

Reply #5
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual
Since Thea had upgraded her A.I. with the synthesis code, V-Nine had found herself at the end of several social conundrums that she hadn't faced before. Then again, before the Theurgy, her interactions had been limited to Savi, which hadn't offered any of the situations found in service aboard a Federation ship.

She had been ready to send a wireless request of inquiry to the current Chief Science Officer, but since the patient revoked her query, V-Nine didn't, and had instead run a quick mission parameter search so that she could give the correct information to Ensign Dunne in regard to her parents and the possibility to contact them. Added upon which was the required bedside manner and social conventions of a highly unusual situation. She wrung her metallic hands a bit in regret, and turned her cranial unit towards the deck, since her emotional programming genuinely made her feel sorry for the patient - a result of her upgrade.

"Unfortunately, some care would have to be made with such a message so that it doesn't compromise the mission. Fortunately enough, the current location of the Theurgy is not secret, and we are protected by Chancellor Martok's orders, so the risk of a message being sent is less prominent than before."

V-Nine placed a comforting - if cold and metallic - hand on the Ensign's shoulder, and she turned her lens to the Human specimen's face. "I am confident a message can be sent, still - according to what I can find when I search for current protocols - any such messages have to be screened before they are sent, so that Starfleet Command and those unknowingly following their orders cannot derive anything that would undermine our mission. I am sure something can be arranged, of course, with encryption protocols... but as much as I would like to help you compile a message now, it will have to wait a bit. Your health and your recovery must be the first priority. I am sorry, Ensign."

She tilted her cranial unit to the side and hoped she hadn't upset the Ensign. What other data could she provide? Oh!

"The new Chief Science Officer is Lieutenant Vanya, and my suggestion is that you make a request to her when you resume your duties. I am confident she will be understanding given how long you have been in stasis, and the fact that the Theurgy might be in a better position to relay a message to your parents. Do you have any other questions?"

Re: Day 3 [1030 hrs.] Awakening

Reply #6
[ Ens. Mia Dunne | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy

Mia looked at the Android who seemed to be showing emotion for what it had to say. It was odd to see a machine wringing it’s hands like that. But the dialog that it presented to Mia was more than disconcerting to the recently revived ensign. What does it mean by that? Where the hell are we? AS the droid placed it hand on her shoulder, the cold of the metal could be felt through the thin material of the medical gown she wore. Mia involuntarily shivered at the touch that seemed odd coming from a machine.  The android’s continued explanation, rather than making her feel better, actually made her rather agitated. “I want to tell my family I am alive, why the hell would that need to be encrypted?” The Droid telling her that she would have to wait till Mia had recovered more was a bitter pill to swallow as well.

At least the Android had provided her with a name for the Chief of Science. Mia tried to remember if she had ever met Lieutenant Vanya, or if this was someone who arrived in the past six months. So many other thoughts were racing through the ensign's mind that she needed time to process it all. “No,” She said in reply to the Androids final query, “I just want to be left alone now.” Turning her head away from the android she folded her arms across her stomach to indicate she was done talking for now.

Once V-Nine had disappeared through the holographic privacy curtains Mia pressed the palms of her hands to her eyes trying to prevent the tears that threatened to fall. “Stop it Mia,” She admonished herself, “You are a Starfleet Officer, not a child! Suck it up, buttercup!” She took a deep breath, or as deep as her lungs would let her. She let out a shuddering breath as the pain subsided.

Mia slowly sat up and pulled her knees up to her chest. Six months! 24 weeks of her life that events had happened around her and she had not even been aware of. How many other lives were lost besides those in the lab. She had to stop feeling sorry for herself and start thinking about the future.  The silence in the recovery ward was deafening, as odd as that sounded. Mia needed some noise and the only thing she could think of was to sing.  Her voice was soft as the words to a very old song came to mind, “Baby don’t you worry about a thing. Every little thing is gonna be alright...”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 3 [1030 hrs.] Awakening

Reply #7
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual
The overtly emotional response of the Human specimen ought to have been expected, but V-Nine was disappointed in her own lack of ability to mitigate the hurt of her answer to the patient's request. She turned her cranial unit towards the deck, her lens resting on the deck plating while she scoured her memory banks for something else she might say. There were numerous factors of the situation available, such as the fact that any messages originating from the Theurgy was blocked by Starfleet in fear that the Ship A.I. - Thea - would undermine the security protocols of the Federation network and spread her influence across countless worlds. While V-Nine knew, realistically, that Thea's processing power would not accommodate that kind of bandwidth, Starfleet Command had peddled the smear and fear campaign about the Theurgy for six months across all Federation worlds.

She was just about to say as much when the patient asked her to leave, which had V-Nine raise her lens. She inclined her cranial unit wordlessly and turned towards the holo screen. She prompted one last search through her memory banks to verify that there wasn't something she could actually say to alleviate Ensign Dunne's distress, but when the search rendered zero results that would befit the social conventions of the present situation, she just gave the patient one last glance over her shoulder before she left.

The conversation lingered in her memory banks for analysis for quite some time, even though she tended to new patients afterwards.


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