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Topic: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies. (Read 2351 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

|Lt Arven Leux | Main Sickbay|  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry

Arven hadn't slept since he'd gone to bed the day prior on the Oneida and was thusly slurping down his second cup of Raktajino in as many hours during this overnight shift of sickbay. He got it. Arven got the crap shifts as the new transfer until he got properly worked into the rotation. So he here was, a Trill coffee zombie, reviewing charts and medical files. Thankfully all of the patients in sickbay were asleep, and the lighting was low. There was rarely anything to do on ships like this. Generally, healthy crews in the prime of their lives often made for dull nightshifts, aside from the odd extracurricular activities. Already Arven had trouble remembering the name of that crewman that liked to inflict insertion injuries on himself. All the better that, hopefully, the Theurgy had no one with similar kinks.

"Don't count on that; there's always someone that likes butt plugs." A morbid statement if there ever was one, with as experienced as Arven was with Starfleet, he'd learned that people would always find a way to pleasure themselves; unfortunately, they wouldn't always use specially made items to do it with. In the quiet of sickbay at this hour, his words undoubtedly carried through the late shift's dim lighting and still atmosphere.

"Anyway, It's all doctor Merkwürdigliebe's problem now." Arven thought well of the chair-bound Doctor, the man was brilliant if eccentric, and He hadn't let the injuries sustained in the war stop him from being one of the best GP's that Arven had ever seen. He did not doubt that Doctor 'Murky' as they'd all thought of him would take on the role of ACMO with professional aplomb. The man had earned it, and he'd serve honorably in that role for many years to come. But here was Arven on a new ship with so few familiar faces, or better or worse.

And so it was that Arven began his 0200 rounds relatively early to get them over with, a quick to make sure that none of the patients were throwing codes and that everyone was stable and their various fluids were either full or empty as the case may be. While slurping on the cup of Raktajino, he spotted a diminutive head of bright blonde hair wading through the murky gloom of the early morning sickbay. Walking over quietly, Arven spoke up in the warm, professional tone he always used around patients, the kind tones almost at odds with his robust build and overall imposing frame.

"Well, hello, Sarah, a pleasure to be on the Coffee zombie shift with you again. all of our patients doing alright?" Arven had a gentle smile on his face that just barely reached the edges of his violet eyes, a warm and friendly gesture that Sarah would know well. Arven had been a fixture on the Oneida the last four years, and He'd been there when Sarah had come aboard fresh from the Academy. So he was pleased that she'd made the transfer along with him.

Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #1
[Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Tae

It would be a good long while before Sarah would be seeing the proverbial light of day where it concerned sickbay shifts. All newbies started on nights- even regardless of her experience aboard The Oneida. It wasn't even as if she minded, she thought as she pushed a metal drawer flush to its receptacle, as the nights were normally quiet and less rambunctious than the day shift crew- moreover, there was less happening at 'night' as there were fewer crew overall to get into shenanigans. Now finished organizing the biological sample kits into neat rows, she would have to find something else to get into. All of the patients were asleep or otherwise quietly preoccupied. She'd done her best to play bedside maid for the ones who were awake, offering to fetch tea or one of the many puzzle games meant for the patients, but alas- no takers. She would simply have to entertain herself another way.

It wouldn't be long before entertainment came to her, though she didn't quite know it yet. She'd only just entered into the hallway, having stepped out of an injured Crewman's room with the offer of playing Kahl-Toh being rejected when a warm, buttery voice hummed her name closer than she had expected for having heard no footsteps. Her breath hitched as petite shoulders jumped in surprise, her long, blonde ponytail whipping around briskly as she spun to lay wide, green eyes on the alleged ninja. 

She had not realized Arven had become so sneaky since he'd left for the Theurgy.

Her grimace of fear upturned into one of relief as she recognized the squared-off, handsome features of her friend. A breath of relief blew out and a svelte hand came up to rest on her collarbone as a nerved chuckle bubbled up from her throat and past her smiling lips. "Gods alive Arven, you scared me!" She remarked with another breathless chuckle as her hand dropped in a relaxed stance. "Though I suppose I should call you Lieutenant on duty, no?" Her expression was one of fondness as she gazed up to Arven, pleased that she would be working with someone she knew quite well. Not that any of the doctors or other nurses had been unkind or standoffish, but there was always some relief in having someone familiar nearby in a new situation.

"Just like old times, though I actually prefer night shift." She grinned in response. She gestured with a 'come hither' motion to follow her down the hallway back towards the nurses' station, taking slower steps so that they could talk at a leisurely pace. "Everyone is asleep or otherwise quietly preoccupied. No one wants tea, coffee or a rousing game of chess so I feel good enough to say that it looks like we are in for a quiet night together. Want a refill?" She asked, pointing to his cup with two fingers.

Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #2
|Lt Arven Leux | Main Sickbay|  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry

Arven gave Sarah a kind smile, shaking his head politely to the blonde Ensign. Her formality humored him, even if he did feel mildly bad about the response from apparently shocking Sarah just a bit. Arven was exceptionally quiet while walking the wards at night, a habit he'd picked up years ago, one that had been necessary in fact.

"It's alright, Sarah, you can always call me Arven, and like on the Oneida, if you need to be formal for any reason, Doctor Leux will be fine. I'm a  Doctor first, and you're a Nurse first. Our ranks come second to our careers." Arven smiled pleasantly at that, and he relaxed, following along with the shorter woman towards the Nurse's station. The tall, muscular Trill checks his PADD while walking, making sure that He'd signed off on all of the charts that needed completion at present. Thankfully there was very little that was left undone. He seemed to be lost in thought while pondering the recent transfer from the Oneida.

"Indeed, just like old times, but I don't know if you got the same treatment I did, Sarah, but the moment I beamed aboard, they shoved me into surgery practically. It was a hell of a greeting, I got shown around by Nurse Vojona, and he is quite the competent Nurse from what I can tell. You'll like working under him. But yes, another tea would be delightful, thank you. Sadly though, no chess. I'd hate to be distracted when someone codes." Arven gave Sarah a wry smile then and tapped his chin, thinking about his time on the Oneida. He knew that they'd adjust well to life on this ship. They both took chances and had interesting backgrounds from what he knew of the blonde human, which honestly wasn't a hell of a lot.

"So, why did you become a Nurse Sarah? I'm afraid that I never did ask. I became a doctor because of my parents. My mother, Sirva spent most of her career at Starfleet medical after she had me. So me becoming a doctor was pretty much inevitable, I think."
Arven smiled at that, happily standing by and taking some time to relax. It had been close to a full day since he'd slept, if not longer, and the strain was starting to show on him. The very fact that Arven managed to maintain the calm politeness that he did was a minor miracle of composure and willpower.

Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #3
[Ensign Sarah Bjørge| Main Sickbay|  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Tae

Sarah nodded softly at his explanation, having never really needed to be formal with the tall Trill so of course the information was needed as a refresher. She gave it very little thought otherwise as they walked along the corridor together quietly, the only sound being the slight step of their boots hitting the metal of the sickbay floor and a distant monitor beeping in the background.

"I am so sorry to hear you got thrown to the wolves like that, Arven. But if I were to presume, you had quite a reputation on the Oneida as a well-trained doctor, yes? Plus all of the experience you have. So it would hold water that the Theurgy medical crew would give you the benefit of the doubt that you could hit the ground running, as it were." She offered as they finally reached the Nurses' station. Behind it was a replicator, to which she beelined, eager for her own cup as well. As Arven sat where he pleased, Sarah tapped the main screen of the replicator.

"Two hot lavender chais, please?"

While the computer certainly wasn't cognizant of her intentional politeness toward it, it did in fact produce two teacups and saucers full of the warm, aromatic chai. The smell wafted around the room as quickly as it had been replicated, the scent was spicy and floral.

"Thank you." She responded back, her habit of 'talking' to the machines having seemingly not faded away yet, as she had done much the same aboard the Oneida. Taking the saucers, one in each hand, she carried them over to the work desk, setting Arven's down with a soft 'clink' of china meeting the metal of the desk.

"Well, it is hardly an engaging story as some I have heard, including yours! But when I still lived on Lofoten, I worked at the clinic there..and when I escaped to the mainland, they asked if I had any skills, Working at the clinic was all I had really done so, I was trained as a nurse, then I came to Starfleet, learned how to be a good nurse to Humans and Aliens alike..and here we are. Though, if you thought you being a doctor inevitable, was there something else you think you might have wanted to do?" She sat down next to him and crossed one leg over the other as she took her teacup into her hands, blowing on the still quite warm tea as she waited for his response.
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #4
|Lt Arven Leux | Main Sickbay|  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry

Smiled in thanks to Sarah, immediately taking a long sip of his tea, the Trill needed that right now, something to center his mind then. He stands there, eyes closed, breathing in the aroma letting the warm liquid slosh around his mouth for a moment before swallowing and speaking again.

"Thank you kindly, Sarah. And It's fine. I'd rather be cast to the wolves than left in the cold. There are two kinds of people that it happens to anyway. Those with competence and those that are useless. And of course, it's for different reasons, a sort of career triage as it were." The calm demeanor that Arven spoke with might be a bit unnerving to some people, and there was an almost callous tone to his proclamation. Arven was many things, and one of them was an expert in triage.

When Sarah shares her past with him, the tall Trill leans back against a bulkhead, taking it all in with a curious look. Whatever the circumstances of her upbringing were, it was evident that Sarah cared deeply about her job and had the mindset to go with it. So nursing was a skill that she'd had and had used it. It was a more pragmatic background than Arven had expected. So many people had gotten into the medical careers to investigate their own illness, a family member, or to ease the suffering they saw. Sarah had a pragmatic streak in her that often wasn't seen in someone her age. The barest of smiles tugged at the corner of his lips as he thought back to his childhood.

"First, I admire that. You're more pragmatic than most are about this career, and I absolutely appreciate that. I'd wondered why you joined up as a nurse, and this career needs more pragmatists willing to help everyone. As for me, if I weren't a doctor?"  Arven blushed then, his cheeks reddening at the thought of voicing it aloud.

"I wanted to be a race car driver when I was a kid. Not the modern vehicles or even the older fuel cell models. Gasoline, internal combustion, rubber tires on pavement. There's something beautiful about those old cars, something primitive. Growing up, we lived next to this old gentleman, Mister Chong. He'd retired from Starfleet years ago, and he was this small man that would putter around his home. But he had a garage with an old car in it, a Bugatti Type 35, this beautiful blue machine that was almost all engine. This car had no safety equipment at all. Mister Chong told me that their skill was the only thing that kept the driver safe. I have no clue how old the car was or if it was an original or a reproduction, but it was beautiful in its simplicity. And the crazy thing? Is that Mister Chong drove it from time to time. He said that it kept the engine from rusting. One day my parents let me go for a ride with him. There was no space. The ride was cramped, painful, and awkward for both of us. But I knew that I wanted a car like that when I grew up. I wanted to race them like Mister Chong said he did." Arven had a vitality to his voice and a wistful expression on his face. The look was a fantasy unfulfilled but still one that brought him joy to think back on. Arven was lost in thought in a good way for once, and he got completely lost in the tea, staring at the far wall with a childish gleam in his violet eyes.

Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #5
[Ensign Sarah Bjørge| Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Tae

Sarah watched with some amusement as he blew into his chai and quickly, perhaps even a tad too quickly, took a heavy sip of the still very hot liquid and swished it around his mouth. Sarah had enough sense to not make fun of his plight, so she simply ducked her head a bit lower and hid her amusement with the rim of the teacup, taking small, careful sips. At his quip, however, she shrugged softly, taking her thumb and lightly wiping where her mouth had just been, not wanting the pink of her gloss to ruin the chai. She liked Arven fine, he was definitely a close friend and someone she admired professionally..but he had a sharp mouth sometimes and she didn’t always approve of it.

“A little harsh, no? Everyone is useful, it is only finding ways to apply it that can prove challenging. But I believe in the innate good of all people deep down, and people want to be helpful. Perhaps because they do not fit the round-peg-round-hole version that you claim as competence does not mean it cannot be found in another angle. Respectfully, of course.” She gleaned, giving the Trill a slight bow of her head to show that she was not intentionally trying to argue an obtuse point. Really it didn’t matter in the end to her if he found someone ‘useless’ or not, but she was always a tender, empathetic soul.

“You are too kind for saying so Arven, but practicality is arguably the first line of any Nurses’ resumé.” She replied with a small smile, brushing off the compliment awkwardly. It always felt so embarrassing to take thanks for the bare minimum decency in helping someone not die, but far be it from her to try and change minds, especially someone like the ACMO. She nodded diligently as Arven spoke about his dreams, though a curve of amusement altered her features into a one-sided smile at his take of being a race car driver. Interesting, she hadn’t pegged him for the type to live out a 'live fast, drive fast' mentality.. But then again as a medical doctor maybe he got a kick out of the adrenaline much the same as car speedsters did.

“So?” She gave a pause before starting again. “Did you ever get a car like Mr. Chong’s? You cannot leave me hanging like that!” She cried gently, bringing her teacup back up to her mouth for another sip. “Did you leave it behind? Is that what you did on shore leave- speed around in your vintage Bugatti?”
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #6
|Lt Arven Leux | Main Sickbay|  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry

Arven shrugged slightly to Sarah, chuckling just a little in response. The chuckle seemed out of place with his following words, and there was something haunted in his voice, painful. It was the doctor's side that Arven usually kept under better control. Arven usually controlled his darkly cynical side even with his flashbacks. "Most people are useful for one reason or another. Whether or not there is good or ill in them, Sarah can be a wholly different thing. I don't know how much goodness remains in me if I'm being honest."

Arven sighed at that and busied himself with checking the charts on his PADD, he was pleased that Sarah had liked his story, but he sighed in response to the question. And just like that, he was back to normal, clamping down on his dark side.

"No, I haven't gotten my own race car yet, maybe someday, but not while I'm still in the fleet. And now that I'm here, it might be quite some time before i have that. at the very least, it does give me something to look forward to." There was a wan smile on Arven's face then as she stared at the closest bulkhead. Thinking about getting his own antique car, it wasn't something he'd considered before, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, followed shortly by a laugh.

"You know what, Sarah, you're right, maybe I should start planning for that car, even if it's just here on a holodeck. I don't want to refine my own petroleum for fuel or anything, so a holographic version might be good. Do you have a favorite color? Maybe I'll make it that, to remind me of the person that finally made me do it." While some might have thought that Arven was joking, from the earnest way he looked at Sarah, it seemed to be a serious question, something that he'd never considered before.


Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #7
[ Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay |  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Tae

"You are being silly, Arven. There is much more left to you than just good and bad. Splicing yourself into neat little boxes will vex you more than I believe you have time for." She hummed, taking another sip of her chai and setting it down with a soft 'clink!' before folding her hands together formally and settling them into her lap primly. "You are a lovely, multi-faceted person that has good, bad, and ambivalent traits, all of them mixed in the proverbial paintbrush cleaner cup making it swirled and murky with anything and everything that accumulates your experience." She smiled again, leaning back into her chair as she let him digest her words. She never took well to neither patient nor coworker talking ill of themselves, and this was certainly not the first conversation she'd had with Arven about this.

Sarah watched with a singular blonde, raised brow as he began to turn away from her, checking the charting PADD and began to sign off on the things she'd done already and what he too had managed to accomplish through the night- which only led to a smug feeling of satisfaction, knowing she knew that he knew that she was right~ All of which was only further emphasized by his quick change of subject.

"Oh Arven my friend, I do not know if you want my favorite color. An entirely remodeled, zipped-up race car in blush pink? I am not so sure you would get taken seriously. More so than that, any dent, smudge, or scratch would show up so loudly on such a pastel color. Maybe light blue, like your eyes? They are so lovely and match you well, ja?"

Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #8
|Lt Arven Leux | Main Sickbay|  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry

Arven frowned while in thought, imagining racing around a track in a pink car. He shrugged at the thought, not exactly finding the idea of the pink car being too outlandish, not after giving it serious thought.

"That's the good thing about a holodeck; I can change the color with the press of a button, so to speak."

Arven seemed about to say a bit more when the sickbay door opened, and a pair of crew members came through the door. A couple of humans, a man, and a woman, both in civilian clothing. A short dress on the woman looked like a suit on the man. Arven lifted an eyebrow, squinted slightly, spotted a bloody towel wrapped around the woman's leg and the man holding his eye. From the color of the towel, it appeared that the two had some sort of strange accident with a wine bottle.

Arven stood there hands on his hips when the pair walked over to a pair of beds and seated themselves. Arven let out a sigh and looked over to Sarah. The Trill let out a slow breath and gave Sarah a look that simply seemed to say 'bullshit.' With an exhausted sigh, Arven groaned and trudged his way over to the wounded crewmen.

"I'm not even going to ask what happened. But is your eye still in your skull?" 

Arven did not sound pleased and thankfully didn't see the man being down an eye. It just looked quite swollen, and he'd be fine for a few moments. And then Arven got a look at the woman with the shard of whine bottle in her thigh. Or, more specifically, champagne bottle, it had to be.

"Ok, Sarah, you take the eye, I'll take the leg, or do you want to swap?"

Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #9
[ Ensign Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay |  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Tae

Their conversation was cut short as a Human couple walked in. Their injuries were not pretty to look at but didn't seem to be life-threatening either. Having visually assessed just on their walking and ability to seat themselves, Sarah simply smiled up to Arven, a quick shrug of her shoulders seeming to indicate a wordless "It is what it is." in response to his much more sour feelings. With little delay, they both headed over to the pair of patients, Sara happily grabbing herself and Arven a hypospray and tricorder each from the charging stations on their way over.

"Would it not be beneficial to actually ask what happened, Doctor? It might assist in ascertaining the extent of the injury."

Sarah replied back, handing him both the hypospray and tricorder before turning back to the man with the eye injury. "I will take whichever, it makes no never mind to me, Doctor." She replied back with a syrupy sweet tone, seemingly the one she used for patients as she pleasantly regarded the male in front of her, giving him a quick smile as she powered on the tricorder and began to scan over his eye, as well as the rest of his face, just in case.

"So, what exactly has happened that brought you into sickbay tonight?"

As it turned out, they'd been celebrating together and the champagne bottle, once uncorked, popped out with such extreme velocity and power that the champagne bottle not only shattered, but the cork popped off, hit a wall, and ricocheted off to slap the male in his eye. A terrible way to end a celebration indeed. Sarah gave a look of pity at the explanation, tilting her head a bit to offer the same condolences to the woman.

"I am so sorry..what a way to end the night! Maybe next time, just order two glasses of champagne from the replicator?"
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #10
|Lt Arven Leux | Main Sickbay|  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry

Arven smiled politely to Sarah, nodding to her. She had good ideas and was plenty professional when dealing with these patients. She got right to the heart of the patient's treatment in a kind and gentle way. Arven busied himself with taking care of the woman with the piece of a champagne bottle in her leg. While it was undoubtedly a painful injury, it was easy enough to deal with. Arven began by administering a local anesthetic to kill whatever pain she was experiencing.

"Hey, sorry about this, you're doing fine. Just look at me, miss, and this will all be over soon." Arven smiled cheerily at her and leaned down so that all she could see was his face. And then, without warning, he smiled, pulling the shard of glass from her leg, and immediately clamped his hand down on the wound to stem the bleeding. Arven worked quickly to tend to the injury, thankful that he had used a good anesthetic for this particular wound.

Arven's gaze finally moved to her leg to begin tending her wound to stop any traces of bleeding and remove any pieces of glass that he couldn't remove with the initial sharp tug from the injury. While it wasn't the best way to do this procedure, Arven preferred it from his own experience. It was better to get it done quickly and depend on painkillers and dermal regenerators.

"You're doing great, miss, so before the mishap, how'd the date go? He must be worth it." Arven's tone of voice was warm and gentle, doing his best to be friendly and supportive while working on her leg.

Fortunately, the champagne bottle had been a relatively clean break, and there was only a minuscule amount of glass that needed further removal. So Arven began working on her leg with the dermal regenerator to seal up the wound and heal it.

"It's a clean wound, miss, and you'll be fine. There won't even be any scar for this." Arven smiled again, taking an extraordinary amount of care, ensuring that his deeds matched his words. He knew that Sarah could handle her own patient, and she'd call for help if necessary.

Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #11
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Tae

Despite the interruption, it was a welcome one. Sarah had always enjoyed working beneath Arven, he was a good doctor and a good assistant department head. He was always kind and caring for his patients, but more than anything, he was a quick worker. Sarah herself was a tedious healer as well and didn't do well under idle hands- they got along well on that point and thus, their work together was both fast-paced and exact.

It didn't take long for both patients to be up and walking around, good as new. The signs of their injuries completely amiss, as if they'd never even happened with a few hypospray shots and well-placed dermal regenerator treatments. She spoken with the man only for a tad longer, having been interested in the champagne custom. In her village, they did much the same, but it was with Karsk- a terribly strong type of moonshine mixed with sugary coffee. She'd had a few tastes of it- but regrettably never remembered much after.

Once their patients had said their subsequent thanks and had wandered back out the same door that they'd come in, Sarah gave a soft, solemn sigh as she cleaned off the biobed and headed over to the charting terminal to begin updating their subsequent patient profiles. It was, again, tedious, but all injuries needed to be logged, as well as who'd done it and what the treatment was.

"Well if that is the only excitement we see tonight I will be suitably underchuffed, sir." She hummed in response, flashing her gaze over to the much taller Trill as her fingers ran across the glass screen, the light pink of her nails making soft clicking noises as she charted.
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #12
|Lt Arven Leux | Main Sickbay|  Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SarahBerry

Arven smiled pleasantly to Sarah as he tended to his own paperwork. The couple that came in had been an interesting diversion that had livened the night up if only slightly. Like most things abord a ship, there was plenty of boredom, often spiced up with just a bare bit of action. This night had certainly been no different. Arven remained silent for a while, finishing his charting, dotting his i's, and crossing his t's appropriately and efficiently like the medical professional he was. There wasn't a response to Sarah's comment about being 'underchuffed' if only because that word confused him and he couldn't even imagine what it meant. Not like 'chuffed' had ever meant anything to him, so the modifier being applied just didn't help.

After he completed the paperwork, Arven looked at the clock with bleary eyes, and sighed heavily. "You can go ahead and head out Sarah, these nightshifts suck, and it's been an exciting few days for all of us. Go get settled in and actually get some sleep. Only one of us needs to be sleep deprived, and you can tell that this is a hotbed of activity right now."

Arven shrugged and gestured to the nearly empty sickbay filled with stable sleeping patients and indicated the clock on the wall, and the ungodly hour it currently was.

"You're a good Nurse, and you'll be running a Sickbay at some point Sarah. I can tell, but that's no reason to stint yourself on sleep while you can get it."

Re: Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies.

Reply #13
Ens. Sarah Bjørge | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Tae

Sarah looked over to the Trill before her as he spoke, his tone already dwindling on the edges of sleep deprivation as he droned on, offering her the sweet, sweet reprieve of getting off shift to go sleep in her quarters as opposed to the hard metal of her desk. She had of course prepped for the night shift accordingly with a mid-day nap and copious amounts of heart-attack-inducing liquid energy shots, but Humans by their very nature were not meant to be awake at night. Fighting her biology was a battle that she would win, but at a cost, thus Arven's offer fell upon eager ears as she stood up from her desk where she too had been meticulously typing up her charting. Guilt settled somewhere in the ether of her mind, really she should stand up against the offer and stay with Arven until the end of the shift, crazy emergencies always happened when sickbay was off alert and understaffed, so no doubt she would have just showered and settled into bed when the all-call for a medical emergency would sound off and she would, unluckily, be the one nurse on shift.

But the siren call of her bed and thirty pillows bemoaned for her to take his generosity with equal amounts of ferocity and gratitude, to escape from shift and throw herself into the thick microfleece of her blankets and nest into a ball.

She was weak.

Giving Arven a soft, weary smile at his kind words, she stretched her hands above her head to work out the knot that was beginning to form in the middle of her back before a soft 'pop' cracked out into the air, forcing her to give a subtle sigh of relief. "Well, far be it from me to deny a superior officer's orders-" She started, giving the Trill a quick grin as she lowered her arms to shake them out. "A good nurse is little without a good doctor, we make a good team~ If you need anything, you will comm me, ja?" She asked expectantly, picking up her PADD and sliding it into her lab coat pocket before taking a step or two towards the exit, not one to question or look a proverbial gift horse in the mouth. "I am only a tap away. Goodnight Arven!"

And out the door she went with a hiss of compressed air the only sound left behind as she hightailed it out of sickbay before the good doctor could make a proper rebuttal, or worse, change his mind.

Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


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