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Topic: Day 02 [0900 hrs.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon (Read 2673 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 02 [0900 hrs.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon

[ CPO Sithick | Deck 15 Corridor | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo'noS] @Stegro88

Sithick felt strange. He couldn't feel anything through the course of his body. Slowly he lifted his heavy heavy eyelids.

"Attention he's waking. Be prepared to dose him again."

The voice had come from someone standing next to him.

"How much tranquillizer is he going to burn through? That's the fourth dose since he was released from medical."

The other voice came from another person next to Sithick.

"We are almost to his quarters."

"Has his roommate been notified. I heard he.... rumor has it he ate.... he had a severed head when he came back."

"I'm sure she can handle him. It was members of her house that he slaughtered. I doubt there is anywhere more safe or dangerous for him than shared quarters with the head of the house of those he killed. I don't understand Klingon but I'm sure the comm feeds are filled with what happened on Praxis."

Sithick tried to respond but found he couldn't due to a metal muzzle secured over his snout. He tried to move but discovered he was also bound by magnetic shackles and harnessed to a upright gurney being guided by two portable antigravs. It would seem all precautious of a PTSD relapse was being taken.

"We're here."

The security officer pressed the door chime and awaited the response of the occupant.

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 02 [0900 HRS.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon

Reply #1
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Personal Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701

“C’mon, work already,” Mickayla grumbled as she took another swig of her freshly replicated hot chocolate, willing the brew to clear the cobwebs that shrouded her mind as she looked out at Qo’noS orbiting below. She was freshly showered but hadn’t dressed yet, choosing to enjoy the warmth of the quarters that she shared with Sithick. She doubted anyone else aboard would be happy with how the climate was set for their assigned berths.

Sithick. He was the reason she was even awake given the hectic day she had had yesterday. Despite being given leave from her duties aboard the Theurgy, she had found herself willing to be back aboard, guarding a hatch or something instead of being down on the planet, trying to sort out the mess that was House Mo’Kai. Her house, apparently, given that she had challenged Gorka, and then assisted in killing the former head. At least until they found her father.

That was another source of anxiety to the Klingon but one that she could push aside until he was located and brought before her. It was odd, thinking that way, but until she formally passed over control, she was the head of a great house, not him. But that was a problem for another time. Glancing at the wall, she noted time, realising that she only had a few minutes before Sithick was being released. Setting her cup down, she walked back through to her own quarters and picked up the robe that she kept ready in case of visitors. It was floor length and when tied, protected her modesty adequately without irritating her skin due to its light, flowy design. It wasn’t formal, it wasn't even really clothing but Mickayla didn’t care. She was tired, these were her quarters and anyone else could be damned if they wanted more from her in her own space. It was the robe or her naked body beneath it.

The door chime broke her train of thought, and she strode out, the robe billowing around her, and opened the door, catching her first glimpse of her roommate since the Sabine’s departure before the battle two days prior. What she saw, was unnerving to say the least. Sithick was restrained to a gurney, shackled, and worse muzzled, like an animal instead of a member of the crew.

“Who gave the order for the Chief to be treated this way?” Mickayla asked, her stony tone leaving no doubt about her displeasure at seeing the treatment her friend was suffering. Yes, she had seen the record of his appearance when he returned aboard and read the reports of what appeared to have occurred on Praxis, but, in her opinion, that did not mean that he should be treated like a wild savage. “You can answer the question as you release him,” she ordered, folding her arms under her breasts. 


Re: Day 02 [0900 HRS.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon

Reply #2
[ CPO Sithick | Personal Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo'noS] @Stegro88

The two security officers stared at the robed Klingon amazon before them; the junior of the two stared mouth agape.

"Our orders were to securely deliver the Chief to his quarters where he is to be confined until cleared medically to return to duty, court-martial pending." the senior crewman responded prompting a snicker from his partner. It was the irony of a court-martial among a crew who all faced one should they be caught that caused the provoked laugh. Both had privately joked about frienemies in the JAG offices buried under PADD-work regarding the Theurgy case alone.

"The Chief is not himself. Craves Klingon flesh, so says the scuttlebutt. Best keep your bat'leth near at hand in case he gets the munchies." chimed in the junior crewman prompting an elbow from the senior.

"If it is all the same to you. We will secure him in his half of your quarters behind a level 10 forcefield. You will also need this." He handed Mickayla a hypospray with a handful of ampules of what likely were heavy sedation agents. "He burns through them quickly. We are ordered to stand guard outside your quarters."

The two security crewmen brushed by the Klingon woman. The junior of the two began setting the forcefield generators while the senior moved Sithick into his side of the quarters. Sweat began rolling down the two men's faces. Boy, these two were a perfect pair to share quarters they thought. Hot and humid. Once the task was done and Sithick was behind the activated forcefield, the restraints on Sithick released and the massive Gorn rolled down the gurney and slumped onto the floor. The two men returned to the clearly displeased Mikayla.

"Sorry if this upsets you, orders are orders." the senior of the two spoke as he exited Mikayla and Sithick's quarters. The junior followed behind but oggling the loose-fitting robe and the female assets Mikayla hid beneath it. He ran into the door frame as he exited, having to be pulled out into the corridor by his partner. As the door swooshed closed, their voices could faintly be heard.

"What's wrong with you? Act professional. That woman could snap both of us in two with the flex of one muscle." the senior scolded.

"Yeah, but what a muscle and what a pleasurable way to die."

Meanwhile, Sithick slowly picked himself up and crawled to the heated rock-hard bed beneath the warm glow of heat lamps that surround it. He was too ashamed of what he had done and was too afraid that Mikayla's present may trigger another attack.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 02 [0900 HRS.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon

Reply #3
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Personal Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701

She had felt the eyes of the petty officers on her almost the entire time that they were not doing what they had been ordered to do, something neither of them had revealed who commanded. Served the idiot right when he walked into the door frame while ogling her. She had been going to say something but didn’t trust her self-control to keep from hurting them in the process. Instead, she had watched them leave before moving across to stand at the forcefield. As she moved, she had heard the comments the two of them had made, idly noting that the two of them needed another talking too.

“Hey big guy, how are you doing?” Mickayla called out to Sithick, who she saw had managed to crawl onto his bed. That meant that he was at least semi-conscious. But no answer was forthcoming. “Sithick! Talk to me,” Mickayla called out louder, trying to rouse the Gorn so that she could get some answers. But he didn’t budge. She couldn’t really blame him either if he had been treated in the same condition for two days as he had been delivered. But the Klingon wanted answers and she was going to get them.

“Right!” Mickayla growled as she stormed out of her quarters and between the two petty officers, whirling around to face them directly. If her displeasure had not been evident before, her anger was now. She noted that there were other crewmembers in the passageway in both directions but ignored them, focusing her fury on the two delivery boys.

“I want some answers from the two of you. Starting with what has been done to him and who ordered it. Then I want the name of the officer who ordered him to be brought here in his condition instead of being taken to sickbay. He is a member of Starfleet and one of your crewmates. He deserves better than to be treated like an animal!” Mickayla growled out, her voice growing louder and harder. And then it dropped to an icy cold as she stepped right up to Angus MacClellan’s face.

“And if I hear a single comment or feel another look from you that I don’t like, the next sound you hear from me will be my fist breaking your nose. Do you understand me?”

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon

Reply #4
[ BG Natauna | Deck 15 Corridor | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo'noS] @Stegro88 , @Auctor Lucan 

Angus MacClellan's eyes widened in shock and surprise by the sudden appearance of Chief MacGregor. Her aggressive stance and threatening commands. All the petty officer could do in response was stare down at his regulation footwear and note a spot that needed polishing. He managed a weak "Yes sir," as he notice that the little bit of reflection on his shoes allowed for a marvelous but partial view beneath the Chief's robe. This brought a faint hint of a smile to the right corner of his mouth.

Leonard Todd, however, maintained his professionalism. Remaining at full attention positioned on the opposite side of the CPOs quarters door from MacClellan, he responds, "Sir, following Chief Sithick's medical exam by Dr. Chambers he was remanded to security due to his outburst upon returning from the moon Praxis. The engineering team is a bit upset at him for all the damage he caused to the Allegiant's transporter. They still haven't dislodged a Klingon skull he smashed into the wall. Most of the crew would like to see the Chief in the brig and the Captain was hesitant to give judgment. But, in light of the Chief's service, she/he decided to confine him to quarters awaiting pending court-martial." Todd got goosebumps just thinking about a rogues gallery court aboard the Theurgy. It was a ship of outlaws and degenerates, no one purely innocent "That is all I know, sir. If you would like to have the Chief moved to the brig or have your quarters temporarily, or permanently reassigned, you will need to take that up with the executive officers." Todd continued looking forward through Mickayla.

Further down the Deck 15 corridor, nearly out of site, Zy stood watching and listening to the whole exchange. She had much to discuss with the new Head of House Maq'mon but would not interrupt that housemaster. It was an opportunity to observe Mickayla. Klingon House politics were precarious and if the House leader couldn't handle themselves in minor areas such as the one playing out in the corridor, then they could not lead and would soon be deposed.

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon

Reply #5
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Outside Personal Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701
The urge to strike Petty Officer MacClellan was almost overpowering to the Klingon given his behaviour and tone. His posture and tone oozed condescension and rudeness but besides the looks she had been receiving there was nothing to directly cite him for. So, as much as her blood burned to lash out and break his nose with her fist, she couldn’t without suffering the consequences. So she let him stare at the ground, noting the small tugging at the corner of his mouth but ignoring it for the moment as she turned to look at Petty Officer Todd as he began to speak, his words helping to clarify the tense situation. Crewmembers continued to move past them as she listened, her ire rising at the disregard shown to Sithick after everything he had been through and suffered. She knew that if it had been a Human who had reacted as he had, then he would have been treated very differently. But because the Chief was a Gorn, then they barely treated him better than a wild animal. Like he was someone to fear instead of trying to help.

“Thank you, Petty Officer, for explaining,” Mickayla acknowledged the man, her position unmoved. “I’ll be sure to follow up on this,” she added before turning back to look at MacClellan. His face now held something of a smirk on it, and Mickayla was curious what could be causing it given his fascination of the deck beneath his feet. Looking down, she noted that his shoes were polished to a high shine. Indeed, they were polished so well that she could see the reflection of his uniform in them from where she stood before him. And if she could see that, then he could, by reciprocity, see hers.

“Petty Officer MacClellan,” Mickayla seethed, her tone clear. “You have exactly one second to explain your actions over the last minute. Your answer will decide if you need to report to Sickbay before or after the Brig.” 

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon

Reply #6
[ BG Natauna | Deck 15 Corridor | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo'noS] @Stegro88

Zy watched with mirth-filled amusement at the dressing down Mickayla was unleashing upon the buffoonish Petty Officer who at the mention of sickbay and brig snapped to attention.

"Sir, sorry, sir. My glucose levels must be abnormally high. The only explanation I can have for my unprofessional behavior. My apologies to you, sir." MacClellan vomited the words as if it was a foreign substance sickening his stomach.

'Did he just say his sugar was too high?' The newly minted Brigadier thought as she watched the events unfolding in the corridor. Zy pondered whether she should save the man or continue to observe. It was clear that his companion was having a hard time believing his compatriot's excuse as made evident by his subtle eye-roll. 'No, he dug his grave, let him lie in it or see if the House of Maq'mon was weak with mercy.' After all, that was Zy's whole reason for visiting Mickayla, to discuss her new responsibilities and the dangers that awaited her should she show weakness before her House or the Empire at large. Zy's eyes were not the only ones watching.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon

Reply #7
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Outside Personal Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn:  @jreeves1701

"MacClellan you are so full of shit that everything you say smells like it was just squeezed past your sphincter,” was Mickayla’s first thought as she listened to the Petty Officer try to cover his ass. She was from Earth, she knew what he was saying as well as what the other symptoms of his supposed condition were, none of which he was visually experiencing. Furthermore, his tone continued to betray his thoughts. Still though, he had offered her a plausible, if preposterous, explanation and she would need to take it accordingly.

“Is that so?” she questioned the Petty Officer, her own tone clearly expressing her complete disbelief at the provided reasoning. “Then I suggest you report to sickbay to get it checked out,” she directed before looking across at the other man. “You can escort him there. I’d hate for him to suffer an accident enroute. And while you are waiting on his complete physical to be carried out, you can report to the Security Center why he is being examined as well as organising for a replacement posting here. Dismissed.”

Mickayla didn’t wait for a comment from either man as she re-entered her quarters and closed the door behind her, fearing that she would be unable to resist the urge to hurt MacClellan if she remained in his presence any longer.


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