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CH03: S [D02|1430] Old School Down Time

[Ens. Jaya Thorne | Game Night |  Getting Away from it All | Be Safe Out There]

Things had been stressful and full of various differing complications.  They had not intended to further split the crew because there was another threat that needed to be cared for.  Instead, the goal had been to stay together on the Allegiant, take care of the Breen situation, and then get their asses back to the rest of the Theurgy.  That was no longer the case, in just a few short hours the ship would be spread even more thin and Arnold was going with them.  Jaya didn't really have feelings for the man yet, though his witty playful demeanor had certainly turned her head, and his chatty nature complimented her own.  She knew that she could grow to have feelings for him given a little bit of time and more experience.  She wanted to make sure that what she was seeing was what she was getting.  So many people were quick with wit and to flirt when it came to the initial meeting but then later turned out to be rather dull or not what she had thought at all. 

Time would tell about Arnold.

But, free time was her own, and she was choosing to spend it with Arnold.  As she walked through the much smaller ship she could only grin at her 'not sorry' comment after their second kiss.  She understood that most girls probably would have been pissed to have  a man make a move on them they weren't expecting.  But, Jaya wasn't most girls and she liked to think she was pretty damn unique though she couldn't really attest to that, as she was pretty biased. 

The bunk room was full of various people.  Some trying to sleep, the privacy curtains half-drawn covering some of their sleeping form.  Others were lounging against the sides, reading or watching vids on their PADDs, many were empty and a few were being used for trysts by the sounds behind said curtains as well as the fact that there were clearly two sets of feet and legs poking out of the sheets here and there.  Jaya was not shy by any means, but she certainly didn't want her first time with anyone to be in a room full of others to listen in unless she was nearing something that would likely cause her death.  Course with the way she flew some days.....

It wasn't hard to find Arnold, he was the only stocky one with a fantastic beard that probably still boasted a little bit of cheese from the last time they were together.  Could be her imagination though.  As she spotted him with her striking eyes she gave that familiar self confident grin.  Under her arm were two archaic board games that she had thought about bringing tonight for them to have a little bit of fun with.  She had done some research because she wanted them to have a good time together but also, she wanted to make sure it was something unique and fun.  AFter finding about these games she knew that they had to be done.  Besides, she had altered the one to make it so much more fun.

He had told her to seek him out, and now she had, so she skipped across to his bunk and threw herself down on it causing the bed to shift slightly as she looked up at him both the board games resting on the flat of her stomach.  "Well, I've just arrived, and thus, your day has gotten so much better.  I can tell, the little gage went from mildly bored out of my fucking mind, to, Jaya is the best.  And it would be correct." she shrugged that little 'what can I say' kind of shrug.

Sitting up she brushed some of her bangs behind her ear and hoisted up the two board games.  "We have to games on our venue tonight, taking a long walk down memory lane where we will play MYSTERY DATE!  Only when I rereplicated this sucker I made sure that it was Theurgy centric so not only will you find who waits you behind the door, who is your mystery date, and who is your soul mate but it will be someone from the Federation!" she grinned as she put the board game down, and then she tucked the other game under the bunk for after.  Opening the box she began to set up the game, sliding one of the cards in the door at the center, which would be the mystery date for him and one for her.  Hers was male, his was female. 

"So, I know you've been sitting on your bunk pining for me." she said as she got the cards in place.  "Anything else happen?"

Re: Day 02 [1430 hrs] Old School Down Time

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold I really needed this today | Chasing away shadows | /b] Attn: @BZ

This had not how he'd seen things going. Not only now had they hitched a ride across the galaxy on the Captain's yacht, shoved into the landing bay of an utterly alien vessel, flown it stealth over Breen, and come out relatively unscathed. Now, now the Theurgy had been struck from the inside by a bomb. A number of the crew had been wounded, and whilst he hadn't known Commander Ducote, he certainly knew Blue, so young to undergo so much trauma.

He'd told himself when he came back to his bunk here in the group quarters, that he'd focus on the mission at hand, put the other parts out of his min. After all he'd been tasked to lead a mission to prevent galactic war, with a team smaller than a mining crew, without their own ship, apart from a smattering of fighters, and his modified drone. Instead, he couldn't help but be fixated on the Theurgy, ever since he'd gotten the news. Maybe it was his knowledge of damage control, maybe it was just because it was out of his hands, but he wanted to know how bad it might be.

Now he sat in his bunk, and laid out in front of him was a schematic of the Theurgy's  fourteenth deck, and next to it, he'd laid out a cross section of the hull and bulkhead in that section. He'd traced it a few thousand times now, pointing out the structural hardpoints, and the structural weak points, trying to estimate the damage to the hull in his mind. He had to focus on that, or he'd fret the last of his nailbeds away, chewed down to the stumps between seemingly endless bouts of conversation with himself, that was no doubt driving his neighbors crazy. It was from this that Jaya saved him.

Frank couldn't help but smile as Jaya came, he didn't know if she seriously meant it when she said she would, but he was happy she did. From his fatigue fueled dark imaginings he was immediately perked up, a soft smile reaching his tired eyes. He offered lowly, "You came." He heard her say that she'd arrived and so his day had gotten better, and he let out an exasperated chuckle, "You have no idea how true that is." He folded up the two papers, and set them on top of his PADD, which he placed on the floor. "You are the best, although it's hardly boredom you've rescued me from." He rubbed the back of his head and then patted the bunk, "Have a seat." He just had to smirk at her little shrug.

He looked at the games she'd brought, and he laughed at the first one, "Mystery date? Where the hell did you find the plans for that? Or have you been saving them your whole life for the right man? Because you've chosen well." He stroked his beard and offered, "Are all my tokens going to be different shots of you?" He laughed softly, already feeling a little more cheered up, the troubles of the Theurgy forgotten for a few moments. "As long as they're not infested." He winked at her then, and would lean back into the headboard of the standard bunk. "No not really, I've been...reading."

He looked a bit bashful, and offered, "I can neither confirm nor deny whether said pining has occurred. But I've not been reading anything relevant to the tasks ahead. I think I'll handle them better on the fly." He turned to the games, and offered, "You're going to have to teach me how to play, because I honestly haven't played a board game in quite a while. Probably not in this decade." He raised a brow, "Is this the one where you slowly get naked?" He raised a brow, and held back the laughter long enough to get a reaction.

Re: Day 02 [1430 hrs] Old School Down Time

Reply #2
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Old School | Theurgy Games | Who is Your Date? | Only One Way to Win]

Jaya grinned when he told her that she had brightened his day.  He had been reading bur the furrow in his brows that she had witnessed when she had first come to the bunk had proven that it wasn't for leisure.  She knew that like her, he had heard all about what had happened on the Theurgy itself and that the explosion had been horrendous and taken some of the officers from them.  However, she also knew that he had friends back there.  Jaya did too, people that she knew, but she hadn't heard of anyone she was close to being taken out, however that didn't mean that he didn't.  She didn't know him well enough to know if he had been personally affected but she supposed that she might have to ask given the right moment.  Their second ever not-quite-date wasn't the time.

Putting the game down on the bed beside them, she opened the box and put the top to the side setting out the game board itself.  It was the oldest version she could find but she had fancied it up for them.  On the board there were four spots for the date.  There was the Whetstone Lounge, The Cafeteria, The Gym, and the Holodeck.  There were cards that would allow for them to be dressed to suit each one and you couldn't open the plastic door to get your date if you didn't have all the clothing pieces.  The spots on the board were to either give up a card, get cards, or trade cards.  Under the door were several different people with whom could be the date, though she had made sure that if HE opened it, it was a female and if SHE opened it, it was a male.  Just for fun. 

She began to describe the game to him and how to play.  There were two characters, one was him, and one was her.  She showed him the clothes that would match the various locations, and she showed him the people behind the door.  “If you open the door and get Captain Ives, you lose all your cards and have to start over.” she grinned.

She picked her person and put them on the starting spot, and then she let him do the same, the game started with each person having two cards and she rolled the die to see where she would go.  She moved a few spots and grabbed up a card.  None of hers leaned toward any one date or any one outfit but there was time yet.

“I know you wish I was getting naked, but see, that's not fair.  All these people in this room would be so damn jealous of you if they even knew what my shoulder looked like bare much less my entire body.  The world would implode, dark holes would open up, swallow the ship, and while it's nice to think about everyone's dying wish to be .. 'damn I wish I could see Jaya's left shoulder elbow one more time' I think it's only fair that we deny them such a horrendous death.”

She shook her head as though it was the God's honest truth, the fun thing about Jaya was that when she delivered these witty lines of hers she tended to do it totally deadpan and not with even a hint of humor, unless she was flirting and then she could almost always be counted on to have a smirk or something on her face.

“Your turn.” she said tossing him the die.  “So are you looking forward to your separation from all that matters in the universe?  And incase you were unsure, that would be me.” she winked at him a bit of a smirk on her lips as she waited for him to collect his cards.

Re: Day 02 [1430 hrs] Old School Down Time

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | The Center of the Whole Universe and All that Matters ] Attn: @BZ

Frank had certainly not been having a pleasant read. He'd been trying of course, to think of ways he could help, but ultimately this had only given way to dark imaginings born of fatigue and loneliness. So now that Jaya was here, he was not lonely anymore, and hopefully they could get a little bit of sleep, and perhaps his fatigue would give way as well. They had at least a few hours to be together, even if they wouldn't be together right now.

He watched her take out the game with rapt fascination, having had always been quite captured by items of the twentieth, twenty first, and early twenty second centuries. Board games, apart from chess and a few other games, were relatively unseen these days. Most recreational functions were photonic, or on a PADD, so this was novel, and he was going to enjoy it, especially since it was with Jaya.

He studied the board with deep interest, and after a moment, he offered, "I'm definitely going to need some guidance on how to play." He gave a chuckle, and would pick up one of the people, which he placed on the starting spot, once she'd explained it to him. He grinned softly, and would look at the little items that made up the articles of clothing.

As she started to speak to him, he laughed gently, and would say, "My bunk has a curtain." He winked at her, and would say lightly, "Well, I'll at least get to see Jaya's shoulder and elbow before I die." He laughed softly, and would stretch, leaning against his headboard. He would grunt, "It would be quite horrendous, I think we will have to deny them such a death...for now." He offered it in the same deadpan manner, with only the slightest hint of cracking at the edge of his lips, which eventually gave way to a soft smirk, which also gave way to a surprise peck on her lips. This time he did not apologize. "Even if that does make you 'the Dud'." He winked at her, alluding to the game they were playing.

He would leave her to deal with that, while he took his turn, picked up a card and looked at it. He'd drawn the color coded card which looked to belong to the Gym. He chuckled softly to himself, and kept the card close to his chest. "You don't know it yet, but I'm already whooping you." He teased her, stretching, "Which is going to be hard for you, because you're such a natural winner." He winked at her, "I bet you're a sore loser. Pilots are." He teased her now, looking at his one card like it was a royal flush, with all the chips on the table.

As she asked her if he was looking forward to being separated from all that mattered in the universe, he just laughed softly, "I was unsure for about two seconds, but you made that cute little face, and I couldn't be confused anymore."

He thought about it for a minute, before saying, "Without being a killjoy, which I really don't want to be, I'll admit I'm worried." He stroked his beard, and set his card facedown for now, "I was anxious about splitting the group already, we're stronger as a unit. But now we're splitting the group again, which wasn't a big group to begin with. I don't like that I have to leave my responsibilities here, to this craft, to go to Andor." He gave a shrug, "I know that the Allegiant will be in good hands with Ji, and Kolla, but still."

He sighed, and then offered her a little poke in the side, "Your turn." Once she picked up a card, he'd smile again. "Now if you're asking if I'll miss you, I guess that depends if I get to see the Center of the Whole Universe and all that Matter's shoulder or not."

Re: Day 02 [1430 hrs] Old School Down Time

Reply #4
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Close and Personal | Behind the Curtains | Making the Most]

She grinned as he told her that it depended on if he got to see her shoulder or not.  Truth was, she wasn't against it, she was no virgin but she certainly didn't go laying about every man's bed that she met.  She didn't seek singular relationships with everyone she had ever met, sometimes you needed to scratch and itch or have a little fun.  But when the heart was involved she was a one man kind of woman, and expected it to run both ways.  Jaya didn't know where this little flirting thing with Arnold was going to go though she had a few ideas in her mind of where she would like it to go.  She chuckled a little bit.  "Play your cards right and you never know what will happen." she grinned over at him.

They continued to play, moving their people across the board and collecting their cards hoping that it was good enough to win.  She knew that he was anxious and she hoped that being here with him would allow him to be calm and get his mind off of the impending mission and how he would be apart from her a little while.  It was odd to think that she worried for him already, though to be fair, Jaya was playful and fun but she was also the kind of girl that tended to mask her emotions with quick wit instead of allowing herself to actually show her thoughts.  IT was easier that way, and honestly, it was more often than not expected of her because that was what pilots did.  They were witty, they flew planes, and had big theoretical cocks.  Jaya's was pretty stout, she was pretty sure, but she couldn't actually see it. 

Invisible cock problems, and all that.

"So I am surprised you were up in your bunk all by yourself.  Surely you're highly sought after, I mean what's not to enjoy?  Cheese in the beard?  Sparkling blue eyes, nice build, heavy muscles, it's a full package." she said letting him have his turn.  Jaya was looking down at her own cards and trying to think of what she should do.  She had a set of two, and a singular card for another date.  She still didn't know which date would be better, she was not a flowers and candy kind of girl.  Though, they were nice and she wouldn't turn down any gifts if one was to give them in the future.  She much more appreciated memories being made, activities, experiences.  She could get behind a momento that reminded her of something she had done with someone in the past though. Those were always the best, those thought provoking moments that reminded you of times that had lifted your spirits and warmed your heart.

Re: Day 02 [1430 hrs] Old School Down Time

Reply #5
Lieutenant Frank Arnold [ A Proper Slumber Party ] Attn: @BZ

Frank gave a slow laugh then as he moved the pieces along. He stroked his chin as he offered lightly, "That was an excellent pun." He chuckled then, starting to feel warm inside again, starting to come around a bit more, the thoughts of dire imaginings left behind. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. He would look to her after a moment, pulling the privacy curtain, and turning on the overhead reading light in his bunk, "Now it's like a proper slumber party."

He picked up a few more cards, now having cards that pointed towards two different dates, and at her question, he gave a slow laugh, "Well the two Engineers that came with me, well Ji's not technically an Engineer, she's a fighter mechanic, but the two that came with me, they're both real independent types, don't need me to be babysitting them." He grunted, "Ji and I actually get along really well, she's Korean, introduced me to a lot of what they do, you know, foodwise." He laughed softly. "Believe it or not they have strawberry milk. I like the banana flavor more, but I've been told that's wrong."

He shrugged it off after a moment and said, "But they're prepping for their own mission, and besides them, I don't know that many people on board, I hadn't been on the Theurgy that long when the Allegiant set off. This mission's going to be a solo ride for me, in the Engineering department, and even then I'm only going to be operating the Jackrabbit." He chuckled, "My drone's maiden voyage, and the fate of the Federation depends on it, talk about pressure."

He thought about it a moment, and then offered, "Moreso, I think it's just thinking about leading a team that's gotten in my head a little. And it's not that, it's moreso, leading them into something I don't know that much about. The Theurgy, I know her up and down. Same with all the ships I've been an officer on, so this new's just something that I wanted to think about quietly." He gave a grin, "Until you got here."

Re: Day 02 [1430 hrs] Old School Down Time

Reply #6
[Ens. Jaya Thorne | Punny Jaya | Witty With her Last Breath | Proper Slumber Party]

“Well I am particularly punny.” she said totally deadpan.

He reached up and allowed the privacy curtain to fall around them closing them into the relative darkness of his bunk as though they were about to sleep and totally weren't playing a old school board game in the middle of his bunk.  Jaya had to admit she was actually having a great time playing games with him and spending time together.  He flicked on the overhead light so they could see their cards again and he told her this was a proper slumber party. 

Jaya's brow rose.  “Well we're missing snacks, facials, and bad B movies.  But we have a good start.” she said with a chuckle as she drew another card and pursed her lips before discarding one down.  She was getting closer to opening the little door.

He mentioned the two engineers that he had brought with him.  Ji, a fighter mechanic, “Oh yeah, she's the tiny Korean with the big personality yeah?  I think I've heard some stories about her flying around.  When you're a pilot.. well... pilots are worse than old bitches when it comes to gossip.” she chuckled as she let him take another turn while he continued to speak.  He told her that Ji had introduced him to flavored milk that strawberry was the best but he preferred banana.  “Hold on... banana .. milk?  I mean milk is nasty as it is but you add fruit to it?  Doesn't that make it worse?”  Honestly she didn't really mind the taste of milk it was the smell of it that she couldn't stand.

“Well if your drone is anything like you, I think it will do well under pressure.” she admitted taking another card and discarding another.  He admitted that he hadn't wanted to talk about the pressure that was building with anyone and just wanted to quietly decide how he felt about things.  That was until she showed up.  “Well I hope you know by now, I don't do quiet anything.” she said with a grin giving a bit of a shrug on her shoulders before peering down at the cards in her hand.

“Ha!  I got three!  Lets see if my date is here.” she said as she leaned forward, she had all three cards that would go for a gym date, which was really... well it wasn't NOT her style, but she would prefer sweating for different reasons.  She twisted the door knob to pick a man, and opened the door, it was Frank.

“Woooooo!” she was not quiet about her cheers as she saw Frank Arnold standing in the door way in his gym shorts and nothing else.  She tilted her head to the side.  “Shame Thea didn't make it without a shirt on, at least then I'd get a view.” she teased doing a little happy dance from the waist up since she had won the game.

With the game won she helped pack it away.  Her head popped out of the curtain as she tucked Mystery Date under the bed and pulled up the second game.  Operation.  She pulled the chunky man on the board out with all his little parts already in the various metal rimmed holes on his body.  There was the small metal tweezers attached by a wire to the game board as well.  She turned it on with a button on the back and the nose lit up with a buzz to show it was ready.

“Now we get to play doctor.” she said with a wink.  “Since I won, I'm graciously going to let los- you go first.” she grinned widely playing with him in the way that only Jaya Thorne could do.

Re: Day 02 [1430 hrs] Old School Down Time

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | First Place Goes to Jaya Thorne | USS Allegiant ] Attn: @BZ

Frank smirked, and at her deadpan remark, he offered in a similar severe fashion, "Just be careful, no matter how hard you push the envelope with your humor, it will still be stationary." He winked at her then, and settled back against the headboard of his bed.

He saw the raise in her brow, and then heard her remark about snacks, facials, and bad B movies, and remarked, "Well I know you have a collection of bad B movies, and we definitely both know you can procure snacks, you proved that." He shrugged, "I'm sure I can provide you with a facial." He laughed softly, and then took a turn of his own. His drawn cards were just a smattering of different outfits, none of which were close to a cohesive outfit.

He laughed gently, and nodded, "Big personality, little woman, that's Ji. An acquired taste for some I am sure, but the run ins we've had, have been pleasant. We're supposed to do a food tour when we get back to the Theurgy. Soju and chicken, duboki, it's going to be awesome." He rubbed his belly, "All this talk of food is giving me the rumblies." He chuckled again, and then at her remark shook his head, "Milk's good for you! Good for your bones, should have a glass every day, or put it on your wheaties! The banana, is surprisingly pleasant." He reached out to pinch her bicep playfully between two of his fingers, feeling the muscle, "This explains why you're so shrimpy." He teased, in reality she wasn't diminutive by any definition of the word.

He heard her compliment him subtly, and he grunted out a chuckle, "That sincerity sounded painful for you." He laughed, trying to keep his voice down now, realizing other officers might be trying to get some rest before the ardor to come. He would give a gentle shrug, "Well, I hope you're right, and it's just jitters." He let out a deep breath, and looked, a lot more confident, "It's gonna go great." At her point she did nothing quiet, he just nodded, "Oh I've noticed." He teased.

And then she'd won the game, and he set his cards down, and offered to her, "I'm fairly sure you cheated." He grunted, "You definitely had cards hidden in your underpants." He winked at her, and was about to give her more shit when he leaned over to see the picture was of him, and she was cheering, and he just couldn't help but widely grin, "Behind that tough exterior, you're a mush ball aren't you? I can take it off if you'd like, you did win." He laughed softly, and then would see the picture, and hear about Thea's help, and he shuddered, "I think that's a misuse of the ship's AI." He smirked, "Which is totally appropriate for you."

He would toss his cards to her, and then let her pack mystery date away, watching her. He knew this game, Operation. He cracked his knuckles, in an unsurprising cacophony of crackles, and offered, "You realize I am going to school you at this right?" He did quite a bit of fine handling at his work, so this was in his wheelhouse.

He flipped a card, which read 'Charlie Horse', and he slowly carefully plucked the little plastic horse from the hole, and dropped it on the surface of the board. "No pressure." He winked at her, and then set his tweezers down.

Before she could go though, he'd reach out with big palms, and pull her face towards his, and gave her a nice deep kiss, this time not a boyish peck, but if she allowed, one with plenty of open mouth tongue, teasing her own with his, giving her a nice long one. Once he released her, he said lightly, "Thanks for doing this." He motioned to the game, it was exactly what he'd needed.

"Now don't let me get in your head, but if you don't fix Steve here's..." He flipped over a card, "...wrenched ankle, then the poor guy's definitely not dancing at his daughter's wedding."


Re: CH03: S [D02|1430] Old School Down Time

Reply #8
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Playing a Game or Doctor | Can We Take a Break | I Think This May be Going Somewhere Else]


Jaya looked at him with mock shock on her face.  “I don't think anyone has ever dared to use such horrible adjectives with me before, I am absolutely taken by surprise and completely disheartened.  I'm so insulted that I don't think we can be friends any longer.  I thought you knew me.”

Jaya folded herself dramatically to the side and fake cried, really loudly, for all of ten seconds before she popped back up, brushed her bangs off her face and grinned.  “All better, shall we get on with it now?” she asked with a smile.

Then he told her that she had cheated at the game keeping cards in her underpants.  “If I wanted you in my underpants I wouldn't start with cards.” she said pointedly.  “And as for calling me a cheater, I think that's pretty cold considering you like banana milk.  So lets not be judging each other's characters too much.” she teased. 

It was fun being able to let her hair down and enjoy herself the way that she wanted to.  The way that she was supposed to be.  When she told him that she liked the picture of him without a shirt he told her that he was willing to take it off for her since she did win.  “Then by all means, I like a good show.” she said flourishing her hand towards him with a smile on her face. 

As they got out the Operation game he admitted that he was going to school her at this.  “Oh do you think so?  You think pilots don't have fine and control?” she asked curiously as she rose her brow.  She let him go since he was the loser of the last game and she was being nice.  He drew a card and began to liberate the proper part from the man on the board without bumping into the little metal pieces that made the nose light up. 

Jaya moved to grab the tweezers but all of a sudden his massive paws grabbed her face and brought her in closer over the board for a hot kiss.  Jaya felt herself relax into the kiss, as their lips completed their primal complicated dance.  Her lips parting so that he could kiss her as deeply as he wished to while she returned the favor.  To keep her balance and also to make sure that she got a piece of the action as well she fisted her hand in the center of his uniform shirt to keep him close as possible while they enjoyed the kiss until the need for oxygen outweighed the need for more lip smashing.

Pulling back now that it was over, her lips felt tingly and big even though the kiss wasn't particularly rough.  He told her that he didn't want to pour on the pressure but that she needed to fix Steve's ankle or he wasn't going to be able to dance at his daughter's wedding.  “Wait this guy has a daughter?  He's a bit .. average looking for a man who got shacked up and a daughter, maybe you can remove his breadbasket later, give him a little lipo, make sure that he's in the right shape after I save his ankle.” she said with a grin. 

Carefully she aimed an thought about how she was going to get the wrench out of the ankle, she began to dive in and carefully got the wrench into the tweezers.  Carefully she worked back out of the tiny but seemingly huge crevice when BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.  “Shit!” she said as she dropped the tweezers and everything all at once.  “That scared the living shit out of me.” she laughed loudly as she took a deep breath and drew him a card. 

“Uh oh.  Looks like Stevie's wife wasn't faithful better fix that broken heart before he can't handle life as a loser any more.”

Re: CH03: S [D02|1430] Old School Down Time

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | You can leave your hat...and shoes on  ] Attn: @BZ

Frank laughed, he couldn't help it, she was infectious with that. He offered with a grunt, "Yeah, shrimpy. What're you gonna do about it." He winked at her, and then she fell dramatically to the side, and he just reached out to pat her on the back with a big old mitt, "There there, it's okay." He smirked, and pulled his hand away as she popped back up. "I think we shall." He winked and moved on.

He gave a slow shrug, and would say lightly with regards to her underpants, "I guess we'll find out what that means, when we find out what that means. As for banana milk, it's surprisingly delicious. It's also surprising how wrong you are, but I won't hold that against you. I know, it was hard for me to grasp too." He winked.

As she said she enjoyed a show, he slowly began to hum 'You Can Leave Your Hat On'. It was a throwback for sure, but he figured with her love for bad B movies, she might be familiar, if not, he could play it for her on saxophone sometime. As he slowly got into the rhythm of the song, he started to playfully shimmy his top end, awkward in the confines of the small 'room' created by the bunk with the privacy curtain, and his crossed legs. But he did gently pull at the hem of his long shirt, moving it about suggestively, until up and over it came off, revealing a white tank top underneath.

Frank was moderately muscled, possessed of the body of a middle aged man. He wasn't lean cut by any means, he had a little belly, but his chest was impressive. fifty one inches when measured, and his arms spoke to his upper body strength. Frank wouldn't win any body building contests, but he was built like a brick shit-house from years of a manual labor spirit that didn't die with his commission. If you wanted something heavy moved, and no aliens were available, Frank was a fair choice. His right arm showed evidence of burn scars from a substantial burn, that ran from his collar bone, the length of his arm, to his wrist, leaving a just slightly discolored streak on the outside of his arm.

He raised a brow at her, "Satisfied?" He even flexed both of his impressive biceps for her, and offered, "I know, impressive, it's hard being me." He laughed at himself, cutting the fanfare before their kiss.

He looked down at Steve after her question and offered, "Look Steve's a little dumpy okay, but butt naked on an operating table with all your unmentionables on display, isn't exactly a flattering look." He chuckled softly, and watched her go in for the wrenched ankle, speaking more gently while she did. "Lipo? Yeah I suppose we could make that happen for this guy." As she got close to the ankle, he started whispering, adding to the suspense, "Don't choke, don't choke, don.....BZZZZZZZZZZZT."

As she dropped the tweezers onto the board, commenting that the board scared the shit out of her, he smirked and clapped his hands, "One nothing Frank!" He winked at her, and then watched her draw his card, broken heart.

Broken heart was fairly easy, he pinched the tweezers tight, and slowly navigated his way in, speaking all the while, to him this was no different than plucking an isolinear board. "You know I feel bad, all we've done is talk about me so far. How are you doing? I know this situation's been pretty hard on everyone. But the pressure on a helmsman is not unnoticed." He smiled at her, plucking the broken heart deftly, and dropping the tweezers, "Easy money."

He rapped his fingers on the board, "Poor Steve, but if we're naming the reasons that Steve's wife did the milkman, he needs a rhinoplasty and a new haircut too. He looks like a Vulcan with that center parting." He chuckled to himself.

He stroked his beard, and would ask her, "So, do I get a second date? Or third, depending on how you count." He picked up the plastic heart piece again, and would raise a brow, "Or will I have one of these too?" He tucked it away in his pocket, a keepsake for himself to have for later.

He let her answer, but he also plucked a card for her, "Alright, we're going to let you redeem yourself, how does that sound..." He turned the card around for her, "Looks like you're going to be able to do that Bread Basket yourself."

Re: CH03: S [D02|1430] Old School Down Time

Reply #10
[Ens Jaya Thorne | A Little Dance | A Little Show | Gimme Some Skin Baby]

Some sort of song or another came out of his mouth, it wasn't one that she knew off the top of her head, but then that didn't mean she hadn't heard it before.  But then she wasn't musically inclined, or at least, had never been.  She, of course, didn't really pay attention to the music in a movie she was usually laughing her ass off at how illogical and stupid a B movie was and the plans they came up with.  But that was the best part of the whole thing.  Right now, the show was again grabbing her attention as the song faded to the background while Frank began to shimmy up his top showing the skin of his chest and stomach underneath with a bit of fur about him.  He had a massive chest and immediately Jaya wondered how it would feel underneath her head when she could rest her head on it.  That might be a while, or it may be in minutes, the way she was feeling as he cast his shirt away leaving himself barechested.  There were what looked like burn scars on his chest, but that didn't deter from the beauty but only added character, to be honest.

He asked if she was satisfied breaking her stare on his chest.  Eyes drifted up this.  “I'll say.” she admitted without any sort of apology that she had truly been enjoying the view before he called her attention away from his chest.  He seemed even bigger without the shirt than he did before.  “Feeling slightly inadequate now..” she said her normal teasing wit returning.

He got the heart out of the man's chest talking about the reasons why Steve's wife slept with the milkman likely while he was being cut open by two Federation officers.  The Vulcan part in his hair, the pudge level, the whole fact that he seemed to have a really red nose... well he had some things going wrong for him, hopefully they could get him fixed up and back in the dating pool before his wife switched to some alien creature for fun. 

“Well I suppose it would technically be the third.” she said as she looked at the card he gave her with the bread basket on it.  That was probably the easiest one, so she was lucky she may actually be able to get that out without Steve screaming at her.  “Because we had our snackathon and food fight.” she grinned remembering the cheese in his beard and both of them laughing and being happy together.  This was technically the second date, and if they met up again it was the third.  “But you better be sure you want to stand in the glory of my shadow because I'm pretty sure that one more date means we're serious.” she informed him.  “Or at least exclusive.”

She didn't want him to step into this without realizing that she didn't share.  She didn't do that kind of stuff so if he wanted her, then he was saying he wanted only her.  She could only hope that was the case for him but she wasn't going to force him into it.  However, she was going to make sure that he understood that was what she wanted in her dating life.  It was important to her that they were for each other only.  Leaning over, her bangs fell in her face a little bit as she concentrated.  Her tongue softly came out and touched the bottom lip as she put extra concentration into it. Eagle eyes boring into the hole where the little bread shaped plastic piece lay waiting it's full liberation.  She pinched the little piece in her tweezers and began to pull it up.  The plastic caught on the side of the hole but since metals didn't touch it didn't matter, she was able to shift and get it out. 

“Woohoo!” she cried out raising her hands over her head with a bright and happy smile.  She had won over that piece and was quite happy about it.  “You know what.  Steve has already fucked up his life.” she said as she tossed Steve and all his last pieces to the floor.  “I think I'd rather get up close and personal with someone else's bread basket.” she grinned crawling across the bed to close the space between them kissing him as she found a new position right in his lap.  Her hands were not shy as they brushed over his large chest, his scars, and all.  She most definitely wouldn't mind a little make out session and Steve could just live with what he had turned his life into.. he'd be fine, probably.

Re: CH03: S [D02|1430] Old School Down Time

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Comfort, Closeness, and Kisses ] Attn: @BZ

Frank definitely didn't see the spark of recognition to his stripper anthem. That's alright, it just meant that he got to show her his saxophone at some point. He missed the brass instrument today, when he escaped into music, he was always able to think about his problems in a new frame of mind. It had helped him out with some hard times in the past, and if nothing else the act of playing was comforting to him. His tank top was soon to follow, leaving him wholly bare chested. As she said she was satisfied, he laughed gently, and would hear her say she felt inadequate, "I did say you were shrimpy." He punctuated shrimpy with a wink, just to be a shit.

As she said it would technically be their third, agreeing with his proposal, he rolled his shoulders, and leaned back against the headboard of the bunk, "You know what they say about third dates." He laughed gently, "Yes I distinctly remember the cheese. You know two days later I blew my nose, and it was orange right?" He chuckled under his breath, and gave a shrug, "I'm never that sure about anything." He stroked his beard, "And it's going to be really hard to tell all my beautiful suitors no...but I think you've got the makings." He burst into laughter, and then waved his hand, "Just kidding dollface, I've always been a one horse kind of cowboy. Exclusivity doesn't scare me one bit." Frank was an odd duck in a lot of ways, and he already felt too old for dating in a lot of ways, the idea of exclusivity excited him more than anything else.

He watched her make her concentration face, and he just smiled softly to himself. He didn't realize it yet, but he was all sorts of smitten, and it felt good. Eventually he'd reflect on this moment and realize he could go steady with this girl for serious time to come, but right now wasn't that moment. The fire was hot, but it was still new, and small, and easily smothered.

He watched her pull the breadbasket from the stomach of Steve, and he clapped a little golf clap, and offered, "A regular pastry physician. Congratulations Doctor Danish." He poured on the bread puns thick, "If we're going to be exclusive, you're going to have to learn to like puns." He smirked at that, and celebrated with her as she woohoo'd.

He raised a brow and perked up from his headboard as she said she'd rather get up close and personal with someone else's breadbasket. The game clattered to the floor, but it no longer had his attention, Jaya Thorne did. With her soulful brown eyes, her cutely inviting face that was not subtracted from one bit by the transverse scar. She made him smile and he couldn't say exactly why.

As her hands brushed his chest, they'd find hard worked muscles, while his belly gave way just a little. He would run his massive mitts up her back, and then slowly up her sides, until they settled over her ribs, his fingers splayed over her back, while his thumbs rested just below her breasts. He'd give her a comforting squeeze settling into making out with her slowly. His kisses slowly becoming heavier and sloppier as he would slowly recline with her in his lap, pulling her towards him, to lay her upper body atop his for comfort, closeness, and kisses.

Re: CH03: S [D02|1430] Old School Down Time

Reply #12
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Game Changer | New Directions | Much More Fun]

“I think they say the third date is where you show up with flowers, chocolates, gifts, and give the girl whatever they want.  I mean.. that's what I heard.” she smirked knowing full well what he meant and she wasn't going to entertain him with that at the moment, oh no, she liked to play and he seemed to enjoy her playful demeanor which was a nice change from so many people that while they were kind and nice and all, she needed someone to play with.  Not someone that was going to pick at her and tell her to be serious.  Even in the most serious of moments, Jaya prided herself on being the one that could cut the tension.  Everyone needed someone like her in their lives.

He told her that it would be hard to tell all his beautiful suitors that he was taken by one woman.  She grinned a little bit, but he told her he was joking and was a one horse cowboy.  Her brow rose.  “I'm sorry, I thought I was the one that was supposed to do the riding?” she said with a chuckle brushing some hair behind her ear that had escaped her pony tail.  Her hair was almost always up and out of the way.  It wasn't long to start with sitting just beneath her shoulders when it was down, but she didn't want to cut it any shorter, it was the perfect length for her, really, at least she felt that way.

Heading over to him to invite the kiss that she was hungry for, he seemed all too willing to accept her advances.  His hands, while delicate enough to pull small plastic pieces out of a game board, were massive and she appreciated them so very much.  The way that he could slide his hand up and down her side touching her back and his thumbs her front at the same time, somehow excited her more.  She knew that the way that he was sized he would likely be someone that she could bury herself against in the night, if they ever got that far, and she could not wait to know what that felt like. 

Their lips began to get more sloppy in their kisses, more passionate.  Her hands slid up his massive chest muscles and to his shoulders.  They were rigid with muscles that moved underneath his skin while he was exploring her own body a little bit.  However, she also slid her fingers into his hair, there was just enough to grip and feel running through her fingers.  The scratch of his beard against her chin, she had feared that it would be scratchy, but it wasn't.  It was actually almost soft, and she enjoyed the feel of it against her face.  Leaning her body backward, she tilted them so that he was forced to follow her down so that her back slid down onto the mattress.  Laying underneath him, she felt the massive size of him covering her entire petite body.  Their kissing continued to deepen and grow more.  She couldn't help the small moan that escaped her lips and the way his hand explored her body just a little bit over the top of her clothing.  She was taut, but not overly muscled, she was firm though but had a bit of squish here and there which was just right.

His hand slipped underneath her uniform tunic and began to explore some of the skin of her waist.  Her own hands were hungry in the way they explored his muscles and the planes and valleys of his back.  Her tunic riding higher and higher, to just underneath the mounds of her breasts.  Jaya's breathing was getting heavier and heavier as their kissing broke and he began to go after her neck which she elongated for him to give him as much skin to play with as he would like.


“What the FUCK!?” called a male voice as he had clearly kicked the operation game on accident, the game slid out of sight underneath their bunk, but it was enough for the kissing to stop.  Her soft brown eyes and his clear blue ones just stared at each other in shock and surprise for a moment before they both dissolved into giggles and laughter.  Arnold fell to the area on the bunk beside her both of them laughing.

“Fucking Steve, such a cock block.” she said wiping a tear out of the corner of her eye, her face cut with a wide bright smile.  She turned on her side and looked over at him fixing her shirt.  The mood was ruined and honestly she didn't want their first time to be here in a bunk with all sorts of people around to listen to their first time. She wasn't the kind of girl that felt every thing they did had to be special, she just didn't want it to be a rush job. 

“You should catch some sleep before you have to go.” she said softly as she reached up and turned the bunk light to almost nothing, hoping that he would be able to rest.  “I'll go if you want me to.”

Re: CH03: S [D02|1430] Old School Down Time

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Enough Excitement for One Day ] Attn: @BZ

Frank gave a gentle chuckle, of course that's what she'd say about a third date, and probably a fourth and fifth. She was a tease, but not the kind of tease that seemed to bother him. No she was the kind of tease that kept drawing him back in, with her soft smile, vibrant personality, and gentle features. Most of all, so far she'd turned out to be quite a bit of fun, and Frank was the least austere person he'd ever met, until now.

As she offered that she was the one that was supposed to to the riding, he laughed gently, and gave a gentle shrug, "Yeah that's fair." He chuckled under his breath, and offered, "I suppose we'll see how good of a cowgirl you actually are." He just chuckled to himself with that one.

As they started to get more risque with their making out, his hands gliding and sliding over her taut but pliant tummy, feeling the underside of her Starfleet undergament clad breasts, the slight outline of her ribs, covered by a sheath of muscle and fat underneath his thumbs, which trailed small tracks of goosebumps across her chest, his fingertips making a similar motion on her back, as they got a little slobbery. Admittedly she'd gotten him worked up. She had a perfect smell, of...probably her shampoo, but also of herself. Sweet, and inviting at the crook of her neck where he buried his face to kiss softly beneath her ear. She was so little, almost lost in him in this moment, and yet he was patently aware of her presence too.

As he started to get more bold, his hands venturing over the peaks of her breasts, on top of her bra, Steve stepped in, with a loud rapport, and from the outside of the little world they'd created came an impolite and impatient 'What the FUCK!?'

In reply Frank offered plainly, "Go back to sleep before I get up."  It was a tone that begged no reply, and was starkly contrasted to the warm embrace they found themselves now. He grunted, "Fucking Starfleet such a cockblock is more like it." He laughed gently to himself, and would roll onto his side, creating a nice little pocket for her to settle herself in if she so wished.

She was recommending some sleep now, which was a good idea. Whether or not it proved to be futile was yet to be discovered, but for now the attempt would be made. No doubt in time she'd be snoring and he'd be back to browsing his PADD, but they'd be together, which was really what it seemed they both wanted right now. "Stay."

If she joined him in the little nook, his massive arm would find its way over her, creating a nice big spoon, little spoon arrangement, or any other way she might want to lay, although for a while she might find herself jabbed by the excitement they'd worked up, until the excitement faded. But he'd naturally pretend he didn't notice. He'd let her rest up close to him, as he enjoyed her warmth and closeness. He offered quietly, "My middle name's William, I figure you'd want to know that." He grinned gently to her, and would offer her one more quick kiss to the forehead.

Re: CH03: S [D02|1430] Old School Down Time

Reply #14
[Ens. Jaya Thorne | First Night | Sleep Tight | Finding Ways to be Human]

She felt that there was a great connection between the two of them.  Something had certainly started, where it would go from there she couldn't say.  Though she had some certain hopes for where it would go.  Jaya wasn't the sort to put all her hopes and dreams into one thing because disappointment sucked and socked you in the face when you were really hoping for something.  Still, it would be nice to have something to look forward to, someone to spend time with, to grow with.  So many hard things happened on the Theurgy and having something good to look back on in the rough moments were things that helped you get through the day.

When she mentioned that he should sleep, he asked her to stay.  She was not really surprised, honestly, because she knew that he probably would want a little extra time.  That or she was tooting her own horn.  Laying down beside him he created a space for her and she slid over to him with her back against his chest.  Jaya could still feel his excitement and somehow that made her happy she had gotten such a response out of him.  He seemed pretty awesome honestly. 

She was really comfortable right now, in his arms, with his large body behind her holding her close.  Though as she closed her eyes to get some rest she was adamantly aware that she couldn't sleep on this side of her body.  An unfortunately side effect of sleeping often in a bunk against a wall.  So, she turned over, sliding one of her legs in between his so that it would have a place to be.  Snuggling her head against his chest burrowing into him as she let herself disappear in his arms.  He had been a gift, one she hadn't seen coming and yet one that she needed.

Jaya couldn't wait to tell Jen.

Closing her tired eyes, she had been up a long time as well, and she found herself very easily comfortable around Frank.  She hoped that he would sleep too, but she knew that he was keyed up and worried about going on his mission.  She was worried about him but she was most definitely not going to let him know that.  He didn't need any additional stresses on him right now.  So instead, she snuggled into his arms and lay a kiss softly on the center of his chest right over his heart.  Jaya was going to try to stay awake until he fell asleep, but as her eyes grew heavy she convinced herself that she could close them for just a moment.  Then she would open them again.

However, that didn't happen.

Jaya fell asleep peacefully in his arms breathing deeply and slowly.


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