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CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Pierce

Anh-Le tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear as she ran through her PADD one last time.  (She really needed to get better about making buns, every time she tried some of the stuff seemed to get out)  Pretty simple itinerary.  Get him to spy on the enemy.  Maybe pump him for more intel?  How much more useful intel can we realistically get out of the poor guy?  Probably not much.  First-hand experience of the trauma of being hijacked was one thing, but it wasn't exactly useful for Intelligence's purposes. 

There was a way to understand the parasites.  There had to be.  There was almost certainly a way to safely cure infected people, too.  It just hadn't been found yet.  Why do they hate life, though?  Living things inherently increase universal entropy at an increased rate compared to inanimate matter.  If I could get into their heads...

But that was a stretch goal.  Right now, the most likely positive outcome was only confirmation that Nicander could be used to spy for the cause...

The Orion looked up from her PADD as she approached the Brig, stopped, came to attention,, and saluted a goateed ex-Borg who stood by the door.  "Lieutenant Kolios, sir.  How do you want to handle this, sir?  Good cop/bad cop, maybe?
OOC: Let's see how the second round of interrogation goes!  
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...


Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #1
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Pierce headed toward the detention cells as she wanted to be early to meet her first interrogation on board the Theurgy. Although she wasn't familiar with this particular individual, she was familiar with the creature that inhabited the man in the cell. From what she'd heard, this used to be the doctor on board the ship. He crimson hair waved in the air behind and partly in front as she walked down the corridor of the Brig. She stopped just outside the door and began to straighten her appearance since she had to maintain it better now. Especially not knowing exactly the kind of talk she was going to be intercepting here, she wanted to give the moment her full attention without messing with her uniform. Her hair she tied into a pony tail to get it out of the way before she stepped inside.

She saw a Lieutenant Junior Grade, Orion from her appearance standing nearby from the inside with another Lieutenant, no doubt the guard for the Security Center. Turning, she smiled at the two politely. She nodded, and sized them up before she reported in.

"Lieutenant Alana Pierce reporting. What should I be brought up to speed on before we get in the thick of it there?" She'd heard there was a particular ability Nicander was able to tap into, farsight she thought it was called, which allowed him to see just how far the little bugs had infiltrated already.

"Has anyone else reported in that is supposed to be involved in this interrogation?"

She heard the the bit about 'good cop/bad cop' and wondered if she should play good cop to the Orion's bad/cop or let them play it out. Either way, she was ready to see this Nicander in the flesh.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig, Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Argyros @Pierce @GroundPetrel

Adam approached 3 new officers, two female, one of which was Orion, and one male, he hadn’t met before at the Brig entrance, he eyed the Orion woman briefly, then the other two. "Hello, I’m Lieutenant Adam Kingston, Acting Chief of Security while Deputy zh’Wann is away. I will be part of this interrogation," he was saying but Elro Kobol  walked up and smiled at the others.

”As I will be and I am Chief Medical Officer Doctor Elro Kobol . I am here to see that our Prisoner is treated as per regulations.” Elro said with a pointed look. ”Simply ask for answers, you do not need to play any mind games,” he folded his arms across his chest. ”It is your problem if you do not like the answers he gives.”

”Easy Doctor.” Adam said over his shoulder at the Betazoid, smiled then turned back to the Intelligence officers. ”As time is of the essence we do not have time to find out anything more than if there are any infested amongst the Klingons on board, as per Captain’s orders, unless the Prisoner presents any other information. The longer he is ‘doing whatever’ the more likely the Parasite will regain control.”

”Actually I think the Captain may mean for the Prisoner to find Infested amongst the Klingon High Council. Not onboard the Theurgy as we have the anyonic emission protocols in the Airlocks, transporter platforms and the shuttlebays.” Elro said as he gestured to Kingston.

Adam frowned then smiled and nodded. ”Of course, that does make more sense, though the Captain wasn't specific, but I'll trust your judgement Doctor.” Adam replied with another smile.

”I brought a monitor that I have modified, it may help give warning if the Parasite alters the Prisoner's brain waves," the Chief Medical Officer said as he unfolded his arms and looked at it sitting in his open left hand. ”Though it may not work like the first time.” He said, hopeful of the opposite.

”Who will be leading this interrogation?” Adam asked the Intelligence officers.

Edit: sorry the flow of the post didn't make sense so I had to change it a bit.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #3
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] | [Show/Hide]
| ATTN: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Sqweloookle

Pierce looked on in admiration at the notion this crew more or less had to interrogate a former colleague. Not an easy task to say the least. She was tempted to take point on this endeavor, however, she wasn't as familiar with this crew, nor her prisoner. She hadn't had the pleasure of directly talking with one of the infested before.

"I will unless you have someone else that is more familiar with how this works as your crew has previously conducted these before. Although I'm new to the crew, I've also had my hand in enough interrogations over the years." She looked on at the crew who seemed a bit off-put by her response but at present, she wasn't trying to win a popularity contest and from what she gathered, the crew needed info and stat before the parasite can take over again.

"Do we have everyone we need to proceed at this juncture? I know we don't have time to waste right now, so if there's no one else, let's go." Her sparkling green eyes shone brightly against her auburn colored hair. She stood firmly ready to waltz in with the others. Although she was unsure of herself slightly, her old Starfleet training kicked in and she felt in command of herself and attempted to do so for the others.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #4
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Argyros  @Auctor Lucan  @Pierce  @Sqweloookle

Anh-Le raised an eyebrow at the medical officer's hostility.  Same service, same oversight, buddy, so what's your problem?  "Believe me, I want Dr. Nicander to stay free and functional as well, even outside of sapient rights regs and, you know, basic morality.  Even if I were a complete sociopath working for the Terran Empire, he's the closest thing we have to an ace in the hole.  Well, more like a jack poking out of the sleeve, but you know what I mean.Brilliant.  Fantastic metaphor.  That'll give people faith in you...

The Orion looked to her superior officer for instructions, her mind boiling with frustration at the situation.  It was both infuriating and panic-inducing that the first interview had generated so little actionable intel.  He really is more of a jack poking out of the sleeve.  Poor bastard.  But there was no need to tell Nicander that, might as well let  him feel that he was being helpful even if all the intel that he could be pumped for was 'we're fucked, being taken over sucks, and we've got no idea how they nab you'. 

Anh-Le doubted that the Doctor would be able to provide even short-term actionables, but if she could stick around after the first few questions...hopefully Nicander would be able to shut off the parasite's connection and then she could pump him for details on the parasites and their mechanics of possession. 

"So, do we have a plan of action?" she asked, clasping her hands behind her back. 
(OOC: I guess we're just proceeding?  I'd been waiting on @Argyros )
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig, Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @Pierce @GroundPetrel @Argyros

”No, I don’t know what you mean Lieutenant, you will have to explain as I am not familiar with that saying.” Elro said, he had a confused expression on his face as to the phrase the Orion woman used.

He had seen how the other interrogations went and there was no respect for Nicander’s situation, only hostility and they treated the former Chief Medical Officer as a means to an end. Of course it was because they thought they knew him and the betrayal cut them all, deep. ”The previous interrogations didn’t go so well, so that is why I am reminding you of regulations and protocols. We don’t know how you conduct your interviews as you all just joined us… Welcome aboard by the way.” Elro gave them a smile.

Adam placed a hand on Elro’s shoulder. "Doctor, they are Starfleet," like it was a way of life and it is really. He turned to the Intelligence officers. "Yes welcome aboard, I apologise for not beginning with that. Perhaps you," he nodded to the human woman as she had spoken of previous experience first, "should lead this as you have experience," he offered to Pierce.

"Oh and please do introduce yourselves?" Adam prompted as he and Elro did already.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #6
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] | [Show/Hide]
| ATTN: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Sqweloookle

Pierce was slightly off-put by the medical officer standing among them. The borderline belligerent nature was expected from such a war-torn crew but not from medical. But she'd not seen the things this medical officer had seen in the line of duty. Especially with the various infected officers coming into play. She decided that overlooking the behavior and moving on at this juncture was the best policy.

The fact that Lt. Kingston had disarmed the good doctor helped her respect the two officers more before it could escalate. "Thank you for the reminder of how we're all Starfleet Lieutenant." She straightened her uniform again and pulled the wrinkles out which only further showed her slick body in the skirted uniform. After flipping her hair, she continued on. "I am Lieutenant Jessica Alana Pierce. You can call me either Alana or Pierce. Starfleet Intelligence officer. I specialize in Klingons, interrogations, and data gathering infiltration."

After hearing out the other officers, Alana looked around the room and continued on with the motion for her to proceed in taking lead on the interrogation."I am ready to step in and begin the interview. I can't promise anything to you Doctor. However, despite being the new officer on board, I can promise to be as gentle as I can with the good doctor in the cell. If I feel he's expelled all he knows, we can just use what we have been given."

Waiting for any further thought, Pierce headed to the doorway, looked, and then nodded at the security officer to open the door to the brig. She took her first steps towards the forcefield of the doorframe of Dr. Lucan cin Nicander.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #7
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Argyros   @Auctor Lucan   @Pierce   @Sqweloookle

"What's an ace in the hole?" Anh-Le addressed the medic.  "Human idiom, from the English-speaking countries.  I picked it up at the Academy since I grew up speaking Vietnamese.  Means a game-changer, one that the enemy doesn't know about.  Jack up the sleeve is a reference to cheating at card games--a less valuable card, visible to somebody who's looking for a cheater."  Anh-Le shrugged.  "Not my best wordplay ever, maybe.  As for possible rights abuses--I'm no JAG, but my advice is to record 'em all and submit the evidence for tribunal if we survive this mess.  And of course if you're ordered to break or see someone give an order to break the Seldonis II Conventions or any other rights protections, we're obligated as Starfleet officers to disobey such orders.  Little v. Barreme and Stoll v. T'Mar.

The Orion nodded to Lieutenant Pierce as the redhead spoke.  "Sir.  I think we met at one of Commander Fisher's briefings.  I'm Lieutenant Dantius, intelligence analysis and investigation."  She took the opportunity to give Pierce a once-over.  Hot, enough so that she'd probably have trouble doing covert work, maybe using that in interrogations?, deceptively lazy gaze.  Yeah, probably works the distraction angle.  Unusual, but if it works...

But that wasn't really the kind of interrogation they had to run today.  Indeed, it wasn't even an interrogation so much as a conversation and recruiting a poor bastard who'd apparently spent a good chunk of his life a prisoner in his own body to put himself and his mental and physical autonomy on the line again. 

And boy, did that make Anh-Le feel like a bastard. 

But it had to be done.  Or the hole the Theurgy was in would only get deeper. 

OOC: Little v. Barreme was an early Supreme Court case that obligated serving military officers to disobey illegal/unconstitutional orders. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #8
[ Lt Jordan Koilos | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce @GroundPetrel @Sqweloookle @Auctor Lucan
Jordan stood just outside the entrance to the brig, leaning against one of the bulkheads. In his hand, a large PADD had its screen split into four sections, three playing simultaneous recordings of the previous interrogation and other interviews and the fourth with all relevant data on the Câroon. So much about the parasites were unknown and yet there were clear indications that Nicander wanted to help. Was he still being controlled in some sort of way? Perhaps unconsciously? I know all about that don’t I?

So, when the green skinned Orion Dantilus Thi Anh-Le walked up and immediately started asking questions as to how this round of talks would go, Jordan simply held up a finger to stop her for a moment while the videos finished. He wasn’t rude, or trying to be, keeping his palm faced towards the opposite side of the corridor so as not seem like he was shushing her or telling her to shut it. He just needed a moment. He ignored the others as more people started showing up, remaining focused on the data streams trickling across the screen while they delivered the last of their information. He’d thought about simply assimilating the data but that would have prevented him from forming his own opinion, instead having it clouded by other’s logs and observations. Borg “efficiency” could be crap sometimes. That being said, his implants helped him keep up with the conversations going on while he focused the device, merely filing the information in temporary storage for immediate integration as soon as he was finished.

When they were done, Kolios turned off the screen and tucked the device under his arm. He straightened, smoothed out his uniform, and turned to the small gathering officers. There certainly were a lot of them at this poing. ”In answer to your question Ms. Dantilus: Yes. Something like good cop/bad cop. We will not however have set roles. The idea is going to be able to get him to talk but not focus on just one of us. I want to hit him from all sides with questions. Give him time to answer but keep up momentum. The more information we get, the better.”

Playing along he waited until each had introduced themselves before speaking up himself. ”Lieutenant Jordan Koilos. Starfleet Intelligence, Onyx Division.” He left the last part in knowing that only the other intelligence officers might really know what that meant. It was his subtle way of telling them he was Black Ops and would behave as such. His eyes drifted to his counterpart, Alana Pierce, for a moment, seeking confirmation that she understood. Then he turned to the Chief Medical Officer. ”While yes doctor we will treat him with respect, we will play any ‘mind games’ we need to in order to accomplish our goal. He should not be considered a crew member at this time. He is a resource and we haven’t the time for all the pleasantries. One man’s comfort is not worth the stability of an entire quadrant. I know how he was mistreated in the last interrogation, and I respect the need to do it right this time, but we need to generate some sort of usable intel. If you are unable to handle that Mr. Kobol , please leave now. I do not want you impeding any progress we could make.” Perhaps it was all his years amongst Romulans that left him so blunt and absent care as to if the man they were about to see was “comfortable” with their talk. They needed information and there was no time for second guessing. Jordan wondered how much of a problem Elro would be as they walked in and he got his first, in person look at Dr. Lucan cin Nicander….

OCC: So I never got a notification this thread even existed. Sorry about the late response.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #9
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros @Pierce @Sqweloookle @GroundPetrel 
After the early visit he'd had that morning, Lucan had been introspective.

Since he knew little of the current ongoings aboard beyond there being some kind of incident that had taken Jovela from them, and Vinata succeeding her as Head Nurse, he only had his imagination to tell him what might be afoot. The times he had used his connection to the darkness to ascertain information, it had been with the directions towards any Romulan involvement or finding out more about the Savi High Council, neither of which had let him glean anything that helped him gauge the health and well-being of the crew. The fact that Ives had come to ask him directly about Romulan involvement, and Lucan seeing what had happened in Paris that way, told him that the Theurgy might be trying to stop the beginning of the foreseen war, but he had no way of telling where the Theurgy was currently at. Then, there had been the brief visit from new Intelligence and Diplomatic officers aboard, two days ago, them being newly arrived telling him that the crew might no longer be alone in spreading the truth about the Infested and Starfleet Command, which was a good thing.

Having put his uniform on, undershirt, pips and all, he did allow himself the comfort of not wearing any shoes, since that was a preference for Câroon of his Region. He positively loathed the footwear, but he could tolerate the drab trousers and jacket since he'd grown accustomed to how snug they fit compared to the loose fabrics of his people. He was seated by his small fold-out table and chair, deep in thought and continued research about transphasic light, anyonic phase variances and applications in transporter technology... when the forcefield to his cell suddenly turned opaque. As if becoming a wall, shielding his eyes from seeing the hallway outside and the canon mounted there. This had only happened once before... when the newly arrived Theurgy officers had come to ask him questions, and they had pooled their thoughts to reveal how Breen might have been a target after Paris.

Realising that he was due for visitors, he took a deep breath, put his stand-alone PADD down on the table and came to stand in the middle of the cell, waiting for whomever his visitors might be. He folded his mismatched hands behind his back and waited for the first one to speak. He was pleased they had taken the precaution to shield their identities once more from his eyes, keeping the enemy from having a chance to glean their faces and thus compromising their loved ones at home. Starfleet Command might be thinking them elsewhere, on some other assignment, and he had every interest to give his crew any advantage they might get.

When he heard the noise of footsteps outside, he raised his pale grey eyes to the fake wall. "Good morning," he said with a faint smile, "how can I be of service?"

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #10
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Sqweloookle [Show/Hide]

Pierce heard the response of Lt. Koilos from Onyx Devision. She knew this to be a very important sect of Starfleet Intelligence, one she might have been in had she remained in the 23rd Century's version of it. But she knew he wasn't going to play around despite the good doctor's wishes. We needed answers and everything else was secondary aside from attempting to be humane with Lucan.

She stepped into the forcefield covered room and awaited the rest of the party to enter before she proceeded to inquire. Deciding to forgo some, but not all pleasantries, Alana decided to be welcoming.

"Hello Mr. Nicander. I hope you're doing well today. As you know, time is of the essence and while I have been appraised to your situation, I hope we can come to an understanding of information gathering." She paused and waited to see any looks she may get from the others. "What do you remember about the infected Klingons on the Klingon High Council? Who is left that we can trust? Tell us down to the detail what you can remember. How deep does the infestation run?"

She decided to be practical in attempt of creating trust with the prisoner first and foremost. She hoped to try and build a somewhat connection with him before pushing the envelope up another notch. If this didn't work, she had another ace up her sleeve that the others didn't have, and that was that outside of the Theurgy and Anderson, she was essentially a ghost in the machine of Starfleet in this century in more ways than one.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig, Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Argyros @Pierce @Auctor Lucan @GroundPetrel

OOC: If you'd like, Argy, Jordan, Elro and/or Adam can hash it out over Nicander's status, we can do it in another thread, I would love to have that argument, let me know? lol Though we should move on as Pierce has started the questioning now.

Lieutenant Elro Kobol  listened to the Orion's explanation and he had accepted her understanding of Prisoner treatment, dropped his annoyance for her and smiled at her human saying usage. ”Interesting, though I have heard the saying 'I have an Ace up my sleeve', would that be the same or is the fact it is a Jack change the meaning?” He asked Dantius, though soon the conversation was interrupted by the senior of the intelligence officers spoke up.

Clearly this Lieutenant Jordan Koilos, Starfleet Intelligence - Onyx Division, was more interested in efficiency than anything else. That annoyed Junior Lieutenant Adam Kingston and he had a feeling that it would do the same to the Chief Medical Officer standing by him, unless the Captain actually stripped Commander Lucan cin Nicander of position and rank, and to his knowledge hasn't happened, okay maybe position as Doctor Kobol  now held it, he is still a member of the Theurgy crew. On plenty of occasions crewmembers had been thrown in the brig for a variety of reasons, on multiple starships, this was no different.

Though considering that the Parasite may reassert itself at any given time, despite Nicander's word that he can prevent it, was still a security risk at any level. That is why he was still in the Brig. Adam placed a hand on Doctor Kobol 's shoulder and shook his head softly as they followed the intelligence officers inside the Brig to see the Prisoner. Adam decided to put the intelligence officers in their place. "Actually Lieutenant, and you can check with Thea, our AI, that Commander Nicander is still a registered member of this crew and is by regulations granted the consideration that comes with his rank and ---former position," he said, though had managed to correct himself before as he recalled the current Chief Medical Officer was present. There couldn't be two Chiefs active at the same time, well normally but if the Captain ordered it.

Adam left that train of thought at the station and smiled as he knew Nicander would have heard him. "His incarceration hasn't cancelled his commission. It is a security precaution and unless you do not wish me to report your intended lack of adherence to regulations to the Captain...Though if you would like to discuss this further we can do so at another time." He left the threat hanging as they approached the forcefield of the cell where Nicander had been lodged in for a while now and the Câroon greeted them with a faint smile.

Though angry and probably would have spoken more ill-will back at the new intelligence officers, Lieutenant Elro Kobol  followed Kingston's lead and was smiling when they had stepped up to Nicander's cell after the Master-At-Arms' ultimatum. He glanced over to watch Alana speak to Nicander, polite and direct which in his opinion was really the only way. Nicander afterall was no longer possessed and wanted to help stop those who stole his life from him, he said so himself. Elro wondered about the Klingon High Council and that it was probably the Infested who put the Empire into a potential civil war. They had to help prevent that.

Both Elro and Adam turned to Nicander as they hoped for good news, though prepared themselves for the possibility that there was bad news and that the High Council did indeed have Infested agents pushing the Empire into chaos. Though the thought of the Foresight ability came to Adam's mind as that was the Captain's 'request', did the intelligence officers know about that. He had to assume they did as Fisher would have told them. Maybe they were hopeful that Nicander had the information without having to actively go look for it? Adam glanced over at the Transphasic Light cannon for a moment and then back at Nicander, he hoped it would not be needed.

Elro however had approached the forcefield and spoke up after a smile. ”Hello Commander, here is a monitoring device I have modified. It may help in some way with your 'ability'. Could you wear it? I have additional potential sensor programs that I wish to try that may, or they may not, help us. It doesn't hurt to try all avenues of research, right?” Elro asked, he hoped that Nicander would link 'ability' with his Farsight as the intended reference, as he placed the device against the forcefield. It was obvious that Thea was watching as the device got pulled through and now being held in place by the field on Nicander's side.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #12
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros @Pierce @Sqweloookle @GroundPetrel 
Not knowing how many were out there, Lucan heard a female voice beginning to ask questions about the Klingon High Council, along with Doctor Kobol 's voice, suggesting he'd wear another contraption of his making for this hearing.

Given the recent progress he'd had with his successor in sickbay, and how they'd come on better terms during the time since the battle in the Azure Nebula, Lucan had no reason to suspect foul play this time. So much had changed since that first debriefing, in which they had discovered the way to use anyon emitters with sub-atomic particles to secure the ship from other Infested. Now, there was a transphasic light cannon mounted outside the holding cell which could - like Heather MacMillan had done before - free him from the control of the parasite, making his connection to the darkness and the hazards of it a viable option for gathering intel. It wasn't.... a pleasant experience being shot and rendered unconscious by that thing, but after espying what the Romulan Praetor had done, the kemocite-powered contraption had proved to actually work, and that was rather reassuring.

"I gather this might give fair warning when the parasite seize control of me?" he asked with eyebrows raised in rhetorical query. He couldn't see any other real usage of such a device since his inherent Câroon nature prevented any means to actually read his thoughts. Could it be that it simply measured degree of brain activity? He picked up the contraption and began to put it on. "If my theories are correct, then you should get worried when the readings dissipate, and the higher brain functions are overtaken by the thing inside. Hopefully it will work, and tell you when it is time to shoot me."

Smiling faintly, he then answered the questions that had come from the female voice. He ignored the lack of proper rank or doctorate ascribed to him by the speaker, instead reiterating the questions. "So, you ask what I remember about any infected Klingons? If I recall anything from the Klingon High Council?" He shook his head. "This is the first time I am asked about any Infested Klingons. I suppose you are referring to the last time which I used my ability, but for that attempt, I was asked by Captain Ives if I could find any Romulan hosts. So, unfortunately, I don't know of any Klingons in this cycle beyond the one that served together with Chancellor Martok on the IKC Rotarran. I... don't recognise your voice, so you might be unaware of it, but I assisted in seeing the shield harmonics of that Negh'Var class ship back in the Azure Nebula. I relayed the harmonics to the bridge, and Acting Captain Wenn Cinn was able to turn the tide of battle and have the Sword retreat safely. The host in that instance was Martok's weapon officer, and as far as I have heard it - little as I have - she died during the battle with the Borg. Martok killed her himself, right?"

The thing he wore was cold to his temples, but he ignored it, keen to tell them all that he could give them at present. "Who of the Klingons can we trust? How deep does the infestation run? As I have told Doctor Kobol , the nameless darkness span not just the present, but other dimensions as well. Realities in which events have transpired differently, so it is a distorted experience when you are actively connected to it. Picture yourself immersed in cold darkness, and there are fleeting imagery around you. Eyes of other hosts, dead and alive, seeing things in the past, present and elsewhere - in dimensions where the Niga virus ran rampant, and recent events unfolded differently. Unless I am actually there, trying to see something specific, I just stand here with jumbled memories of thousands upon thousands of impressions, that makes little sense in retrospect. If you ask me about Infested Klingons..."

He nodded towards where he believed the cannon was mounted. There was a grim expression to his face, since he did not relish looking into the abyss, knowing as he did that the parasite within might seize control.

"By the winds, then I suggest you stand ready."

He squared his shoulders, mentally preparing himself. For if there was a Klingon threat to the ship, not a Romulan one, he could see how they might need him to do it once more. "I am prepared to reach out, but please, bring me back if I loose control," he said quietly. He gave it some further thought, since he believed that if he were to use his ability, then he did not wish to risk loosing his sanity on a whim.

"Any other input I can use? Anything more you can give me will help me find what you are looking for."

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #13
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Sqweloookle [Show/Hide]

Pierce stood before Nicander who was for all intents and purposes ready for the inquiry and even expecting it. She was unsure what redeemable information they would gather from the good Doctor but she knew whatever they were to learn would have to be short as the creature could reassert itself over his personality as he uses his Farsight to gather the intel they required.

"Thank you for being so cooperative doctor. Now that we've gotten partially acquainted, I apologize for the direct and prompt inquiries but we don't have a lot of time. My name is Lieutenant Pierce and I'm newly stationed here on the Theurgy." She readjusted her ruffled uniform and stood with a pad of information in her hand to not only record data as it came in but to stay up to date as she questioned him.

Listening to him recount the past experiences of these parasites was slightly disturbing but at the same time, it made her think of the Denevan Neural Parasites that were encountered on numerous occasions in the mid 23rd Century. The parasites being very similar in nature in that they attach themselves to a host, usually on the back through a neural link in which they can compel their host to obey their bidding. The only difference is they can be destroyed with a certain UV spectrum whereas these parasites have no known weaknesses to safely remove them from their host.

She did recall other information about these neural parasites but would have to recount what she discovered with Lt. Cmdr Fisher at a later time. Right now, she had to get to the bottom of this intrusion by the parasites setting the galaxy into this terrible series of events.

After Pierce acknowledged and listened to what Nicander had to offer thus far she looked back up from her PADD. "Doctor, please proceed and Doctor Kobol  will monitor you from here." She turned to Doctor Kobol , "If you notice the signs he mentioned, please use the cannon as necessary."

Returning to observe Nicander, she could detect that he was a willing participant to help their goals at least as far as it appeared. She heard the inquiry for more information and replied to him promptly knowing what came next would take a lot out of him. "Okay. We're in the midst of a Klingon Civil War between Chancellor Martok and Gorka who is attempting to take over. We're unsure who of the council or of Martok's or Gorka's men we can trust at this juncture. Any information that could help Martok's case and against his life is deemed necessary."

She waited for input from any of the other intel officers as she stood waiting to hear what would take place next.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #14
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Argyros @Auctor Lucan  @Pierce  @Sqweloookle

"Jack poking out means it's not a great card, and using it's at best a massive risk," Anh-Le whispered to Dr. Kobol , then turned back to the job at hand.  It did make more sense in my head...

The Orion frowned as her superior spoke.  "Lieutenant Kolios, sir, I would like my formal objection to this plan of action to be recorded for posterity.  With respect, I believe that intentionally disorienting, agitating, and distracting Dr. Nicander, while he is attempting to operate on our behalf in an extremely stressful situation, is an unacceptable risk to this operation."   Not to mention dickish in the extreme.

She watched as Pierce and the doctor spoke.  Nicander was an odd one, Anh-Le had long since decided.  Very old-fashioned speech patterns.  Drama student?  She'd have to double-check his file. 

This is so fucking trivial, though! she thought.  Surely there were ways to get Nicander to help, or at least feel like he was helping, that weren't such a risk?  Leaving aside that there was somebody's free will on the the enemy any intel, or even the chance to get it, was just a bad move.  And for something like a Klingon coup attempt?  The enemy weren't, as far as she could tell, some master strategists or tacticians, they'd fucked up enough multiple times to let information on themselves leak and get Intel interested, after all.  They could assassinate important people in opposing factions and manipulate patsies like Gorka, but at best all this little experiment would uncover was a traitorous bodyguard...who could probably be caught with sufficient personality screening anyway. 

Unless the enemy managed to nab Martok somehow, or another critical VIP.  Since the opposition (the resistance?  Whatever Theurgy and her allies were supposed to call themselves?) still didn't even know the basics like how infection worked.  Now that was a nightmare scenario right there. 

Well.  She might as well take the notes.  Anh-Le readied a fresh document on her PADD and pulled out a stylus.  Here we freaking go...
OOC: Apologies for the delay, I'm coming up on two big final projects for my graduate courses and I'm low on free time this week! 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig, Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Pierce @Auctor Lucan

Elro smiled as he listened to Nicander's theory about the actual workings of the Parasite's body control process, it was similar to his own, he nodded. ”Yes, that is the idea.” Elro replied quickly and then Nicander went on to answer Pierce's questions. Though it got Elro thinking about if there was a way to medically protect Nicander's brain, or was the Parasite doing it via extrasensory means? He'd have to consult both Nicander and the rest of the Medical department, though probably request help from Sciences, to get any investigation into the idea underway. Who knows how long the Anyons or the Transphasic Light cannon will work against the Parasites and a backup plan is always helpful.

Wait a minute, eyes of dead hosts? Elro thought, how was that possible? Or was it just up till their death? Elro could only imagine a small portion of the mental strain Nicander would be under, considering he is a telepath with empathic senses but jumbled memories of multiple different possible past, present and future plaguing one's mind while in cold darkness. That he had no idea how that would be like, Elro wished he could help Nicander somehow.

However, as Elro thought about it, the Nameless Darkness may have spread itself in the effort to bring chaos to all dimensions. Perhaps there is an avenue of attack, gaining allies in those dimensions and sharing resources and knowledge? As the conversation went on he did pick up on Pierce's thoughts about Denevan Neural Parasites, Elro agreed with her that they were similar but Denevan ones attached externally while the Nameless Darkness ones are phased internally in a Host, somehow. It would be nice to know how that was accomplished, it could lead to how to remove them. Pierce then instructed Elro to use the cannon which he actually had left to Lieutenant Kingston as he had to meet up with the Medical team that were conducting scans on Martok's troops for a traitor.

Elro frowned, maybe telling Nicander their current situation was not a good idea as when he does connect to the rest of the Infested, they will know. Unless the Câroon can simply observe without being detected?

Then the Orion female, Dantius, whispered about their previous conversation about the Jack, she commented it wasn't the best saying and it had risk, Elro smirked, leaned over to Dantius and whispered back. ”It sounded cool.”

[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston ]

Adam walked over to the Transphasic Light cannon and detached it from the mount, he checked it's settings and made it ready to fire. He heard Nicander talking about what Doctor Kobol 's monitoring device would detect and should anything change that was the queue to shoot the Câroon. Adam was kind of looking forward to using the cannon only for the opportunity to see what it does, not the fact he had to fire it at a crewmate.

He was glad it wouldn't do any physical damage, he just had to be quick before the Parasite made Nicander do anything. Especially to him in retaliation for using it in the way it was using Nicander. As the former Chief Medical Officer answered Pierce's questions about the only Infested Klingon that he knew of, Adam kept an eye on the monitoring device with subtle glances over at Doctor Kobol  for any indications. Though he didn't know what Nicander looked like when he used Farsight. He decided to relax and just enjoyed the feel of the cannon in his hands.

When Nicander mentioned seeing memories from dead Infested, that was a little disconcerting. Did the dead hosts hold living Parasites that could continue to use the hosts' bodies? That was stuff of nightmares. They didn't need, and to quote old Earth grouped entertainment horror, Zombies. Adam felt for Nicander having all this pressure on him when he was to find an Infested Klingon needle in an interdimensional haystack of darkness and any answers may not even apply to this cycle as the Commander put it.

"I'll bring you back Commander." Adam said with a half smile as he was the one holding the cannon, he nodded at Pierce as she had made the same request.

That brought Pierce to mention their current situation with the Klingons, Adam had his reservations about telling Nicander about their plans with the Klingons even though they still hadn't been completely developed yet. They couldn't rule out that the Infested weren't behind the warring of the Klingon Great Houses for the position of Chancellor. Adam hoped with Nicander's help they would find out, and bring it to a favourable outcome. "Perhaps focusing on the Chancellor or the High Council members?" Adam suggested with a shrug.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #16
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Sqweloookle [Show/Hide]

Pierce looked around the room as she waited for Nicander to work his farsight technique. In the meantime, she could feel the eyes on her from around the room. Clearly, the thought of coming clean with Dr. Nicander wasn't sitting well with the others in the room. She turned around, hair flailing around her and resting upon her shoulders as she brushed the red out of her eyes.

"I can feel the room isn't all that keen with the idea of me spilling some of the conflicts. Nothing about it is classified. The side missions themselves are not open for discussion. That being said, I wanted the good doctor to feel at least somewhat included and part of this crew still since it's his life on the line too with Klingons surrounding the area."

She took under advisement the statement made by Lt. Kingston about focusing on the Chancellor and High Council members. It struck her thoughts to ask another pertinent question related to it all.

"Also doctor, in case you missed it, in particular, the people we'd like to know more about are the Chancellor himself, the High Council members, and Gorka or his close associates. If you don't mind."

Alana shook her head and looked back at her PADD as she waited for Nicander to answer.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #17
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros @Pierce @Sqweloookle @GroundPetrel 
With his temples covered by the contraptions Doctor Kobol  had made, and assured by the voice of Adam Kingston that he'd be brought back if the thing inside seized control, Lucan knew he just had to bridge his own trepidation. He took slow, deep breaths, thinking about the input he'd been given. Klingons. Chancellor Martok. The High Council and the members thereof. Gorka, I don't know his House, name or face, but apparently he's challenging Martok.

He closed his eyes, feeling his remaining, tattooed hand tremble a little at the prospect of what was due, remembering the feeling following when Ives had made the request to search for any Romulan involvement, and he'd seen the Senate Chamber on Romulus. He'd been there, seeing through the eyes of a woman that seemed to be the Praetor. He'd seen Paris on a holo-display in the centre, and what had happened to the Palais de la Concorde. He'd seen a Romulan senator being dragged away. Then, the vague images of a Breen in a corridor, and a city outside. Next, it had been like the deck was pulled from underneath his feet, and he was in limbo, while the parasite had managed to wrest control from him, when he had opened his eyes, he'd felt himself try to force his way through the force field in order to reach Captain Ives. Then, the teal light from the cannon filled his vision, and then nothing... as if he'd died.

Thankfully, when he woke up, he was back in control, and the thing inside had yet again been reduced to insidious whispers and visions in the back of his mind. His skin bore the mark of the light, but his medical readings said he was unhurt. He tried to find solace in how the cannon had worked before, and it would again. If the Klingons fought the Borg on the Theurgy's side in the Azure Nebula, and they were trying to aid Chancellor Martok, then perhaps the Theurgy had an ally in the Klingon Empire. That must be why this is a priority. We can't afford to loose Martok's rule over the Klingons. He knows the truth, and we need his voice. By the winds, stop thinking... Just... look. Find what's needed.

So, with his eyes closed, he turned his mind's eye towards the very darkness that he kept at bay, and kept from affecting his thoughts and actions. He gave in to the temptation, and stared into the coiling darkness - this abyss that led to something else. Something other, which wasn't bound by his body or mind, nor the thing inside, but the collective unconscious of the entity beyond. The shadow which begot chaos, and tore apart reason. A space of eldritch horror that sought to corrupt and consume. Only years of conditioning steeled him from it's touch as he let himself be immersed... and he looked into the dark for answers.

"I see..." he whispered, feeling his numb lips move whilst his eyes remained closed. He frowned, as fear and revulsion made him swallow. Images of the unspeakable done to flesh and pleading men and women. Blood and insides. Steel and barbs cutting into limbs. Years, decades and centuries worth of sadistic acts through different timelines. Laughter, whimpers, mewling and blood-curdling screams. He felt that his mismatched hands had closed into fists. Then, his mind managed to latch on to something that had the impression of Klingon attributes. He ground his teeth, focusing on what that Host saw, trying to push out all the rest.

"I see... a murky hall, lit by firelight. There are Klingons there. They... are wearing armour that... I think befits ranking members of their Houses. It's a chamber with a high ceiling. There is a map projected above them all, and... they are arguing. Markers on the map, showing... fleet movements. I believe it shows the sectors around Qo'noS. I..."

The Host looked away from the map, and whoever's eyes he saw through looked towards other Klingons around him. "Councilors. I get the impression that the Host I have found is... surrounded by them, meaning he could be one too. He isn't looking down on his armour. There are no mirrors... so I can't see any distinctive features."

He felt bile in the back of his throat, nausea from the visceral hatred of the pulsing space his mind had entered. He wanted to retch, and he felt cold, but he kept looking, trying to understand who this Host was, and what he was doing. He felt himself slipping, the disconnect between himself and the reality of the holding cell growing. There was sweat beading his brow, and he felt ill. A shiver ran up his spine and down his arms, as the horrors of the shadows tried to push into his mind. With his face twisted, he denied it.

"What am I looking for?" he demanded through his teeth from those outside his cell, "another Host? Please, guide me..."

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #18
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Sqweloookle [Show/Hide]

Lt. Pierce was awestruck at the developments in this situation. For starters, the notion that the good Doctor could channel these beings in his farsight ability was a new one for her. Despite having seen a lot of shit in her time with Starfleet. She felt sad for the doctor as well knowing that this request couldn't have been easy for him to muster up and that it put his life on the line the more he used it. Her deepest hopes were that they could rescue him from these parasites once they learned how to do it.

The information that Pierce and the others were searching for was starting to come in. The visions of the Klingon High Council chambers was a welcome one despite not knowing who it was they were getting the vantage point from. She shuddered as she was trying to imagine being inside the mind of a Klingon. It made her skin crawl. A thought she was sure passed by Lucian's mind as well. The arguing council members were also nothing new as they seldom agreed on anything let alone a battle.

As Lucian described that this particular individual who was indeed among the council, it led her to believe that the one instigating the events with the Empire was an infected rather than an individual bent on personal glory. Not that this hasn't happened in the past but the parasitic host was more plausible.

Hearing Nicander's plea for further input, Pierce looked at her PADD and came up with another option for him to pursue before having to pull him out of his trancelike state. "Did you get a good look at the Council members who were present? If so, this could help us to narrow down who might be infected and who isn't on the Council? Also, are there others in the chamber who might be infected with a better vantage point of those present? I'm curious as to who it might not be so we can narrow it down to just who it is we're dealing with."

She looked at the panel in hopes that maybe there would be another inquiry as to where else to look. Standing with attention at Dr. Nicander, she awaited further information for use in this battle. Maybe they could get the intel they needed to cut the head off at the source and not permit much bloodshed.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #19
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Argyros  @Auctor Lucan  @Pierce  @Sqweloookle

This is EXACTLY the kind of bullshit I was worried about! Anh-Le thought, fuming.  We put our one good card at risk, probably traumatized him too, and for what?  We get a mole, probably on the High Council, that we already knew probably existed? 

She pushed aside her rage at the frivolous risk of a man's sanity and possibly life, not to mention the massive risk of exposure and a titanic possible intel leak to the enemy, for intel that probably could've been acquired with one crewman disguised as a servant with a couple of anyon emitters disguised as new light fixtures or something.  So there's one of them on the Council, or possibly Gorka's faction, makes sense.  Probably the loyalists, I'd put an operative there and let ambitious Klingon nobles do their normal thing.  That means it's probably Gorka isn't even infected, just an idiot looking to get himself some glory and power.  Typical Klingon politics.  She didn't even have the emotional space left to be disgusted at the feudal bullshit. 

"Anything you can get us is valuable," she lied, trying to keep her frustration out of her voice.  "A description of some of the other councilors, for example.  Any interactions you can overhear without undue risk."  She turned and whispered to Pierce.  "Good idea with trying to ID the enemy operative by process of elimination.  We know who's on Martok's loyalist Council and in on Gorka's faction, do you know who of them's supposed to be on Qo'noS?

We should've just sent a couple of people disguised as servants, pulled a trick like the Qo'noS Incident in 2373.  Granted, that mission had nearly failed because of dumb luck, one of the operatives being emotionally compromised, and the Founders pulling the mother of all bluffs, but the concept was sound.  Plus, with an anyon blast to the face, they wouldn't just reveal the enemy agent, he'd be dead on the spot. 

Though...would it be worth revealing the anyon option so early?  Damn it, I'm almost glad this isn't my decision...
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #20
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros @Pierce @Sqweloookle @GroundPetrel 
Feeling how his mind was a fickle flame at the mercy of the screeching chaos in which he found himself, Lucan ground his teeth and focused on the Great Hall and the people within, for he was fairly certain that was the location he was looking at. He was trying to breathe slowly, remaining in control, but his heartbeat was rampant, and it was as if he couldn't get any air into his lungs any more.

"Did you get a good look at the Council members who were present? If so, this could help us to narrow down who might be infected and who isn't on the Council?" he heard one of them say, but the voice seemed muffled, as if heard from somewhere else. He could but nod where he stood in answer, since he could see the faces present, but he couldn't necessarily describe them right then. He'd merely have to look at the Klingon Councilors in the database in order to name them. The female voice continued. "Also, are there others in the chamber who might be infected with a better vantage point of those present? I'm curious as to who it might not be so we can narrow it down to just who it is we're dealing with."

Another Host? He swallowed and retreated, again finding himself in the coiling madness which held the visions of others around him. Shivering, he cast his mind's eye about, trying to see any other alternatives. He could see another area, filled with pillars, and that Host was mounting a phaser turret on the wall of it. A trap? He couldn't see anything else, even though there was something large and metallic in the Host's peripheral vision. There was nothing Klingon-related he could see there. He could see a rifle at the Host's feet, but it looked Starfleet in origin. No, this wasn't what he was looking for. He tried to envision the Great Hall again, and he found himself back in the same Host which he'd just left behind. He ended up shaking his head, his voice cracking as he spoke.

"No o-other Infested present," he managed, which suggested the obvious. "There i-is only one of them there."

"A description of some of the other councilors, for example." said another female voice, more muffled than before, as if heard by someone else. "Any interactions you can overhear without undue risk."

"I'll l-look at the database. I'll identify those present... Ruling them out," he said through his teeth. At least he believed he was the one who said it. He tried to focus on what was being said, and as far as he could make out, the loud debate was about Martok, and how it was in the Empire's interest to support the Theurgy, when the Federation found Captain Ives to be a Romulan defector. Was Martok colluding with the Romulans, or was there truth in the High Chancellor's claim that some alien usurpers were controlling Starfleet and the Romulans both? How could Martok aid the very ship which had been involved in the death of his son and the destruction of the Hakkarl? Was that not a sign that Martok was compromised as well?

"They d-doubt Martok," he managed, feeling his head spin with vertigo and nausea. "Some do. Some don't. Posturing. Arguing over who's the better candidate if t-they need to defend the border against the Romulans... I..."

Then, the Host spoke, and it was as if he felt the words coming out of his own mouth, immersed as he was in what he witnessed.

"Dare we risk that we've already lost our Chancellor, should there be truth to the claim of these 'parasites'? It is better if Gorka, Son of Margon, take the seat. If not him, I will," he said, which was greeted by a mix of laughter and cursing... but interestingly enough, no direct opposition. Dared they not oppose that thinly veiled claim?

"I heard his voice," he croaked, and he wanted to say more... only he found he couldn't. He didn't find his way back. In panic, he opened his eyes... only to find they didn't obey. There was a noise, coming from his temples. By the winds, no...

He could feel his body tap into the energy centres of his zi'naaq, preparing to utilise his native abilities. He wanted to scream to the interrogators to take cover, and to save themselves, but he couldn't make his lips move. He felt his face twist in a cruel smile, and his eyes opened - shining with white light. He could see the shimmer dancing on the fake wall that separated him from the interrogators. The next moment, anticipating the cannon being fired towards where he stood, he'd leapt to the edge of the forcefield, and dealt a strike that knew no bounds by reality - with far more force than his body ought to muster. The strike against the edge of the wall - where the emitter was hidden - made the opaque energy field flicker, showing him the shadow outlines of the interrogators outside.

"Flesh-puppets," he said, even if it wasn't truly him any more, and his voice was distorted - emanating from the very shadows he'd just visited. A booming, otherworldly cadence that cut like a blade. He leapt again, dealing another strike with his bionic hand against the other edge of the forcefield, trying to sabotage the emitters there with blunt force, and also making it harder to hit him with the cannon. With the second strike, the prosthesis was ruined beyond repair. "My time to play!"

Failing to destroy the emitters, damaged as they'd become, he didn't seek to hurl himself against the flickering field like he'd done with the Captain visited. Instead, he drew the energy of the EPS grid below the deck in order to channel lightning, charging a bolt through his zi'naaq. His remaining tattooed hand crackled with charged energy, and the artificial lighting in the brig dimmed briefly - making his eyes the sole light source before the interrogators' eyes. He just had to overload the forcefield emitter, and he'd be out there... tearing them all apart limb by limb.

His window of time was too short, however...

...and the aim of the cannon true at last.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig, Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Argyros @Pierce @Auctor Lucan @GroundPetrel

Holding the cannon at the ready, Adam watched the Câroon as he did his 'deep dive' into the connection that the parasite in him has with the rest of those infected. As he did his thing, the Intelligence officers spoke their questions, Adam continued to observe Nicander for any signs the man seemed to lose control.

Only one Infested amongst the High Council and Nicander said he'd identify and rule out them from being the Infested, he spoke through his teeth as it seemed painful to him. Adam is a kind heart, seeing someone in pain was something he couldn't just stand by and watch but this time it was necessary.

He took some comfort in the knowledge that he could fire the Transphasic Light and rescue the Commander at any time but he had to wait to see if Nicander could learn anything first. Firing the cannon was the last resort and Nicander needed as much time as possible to the last possible second.

Lieutenant Elro Kobol  spoke up. ”All readings from the monitor are still stable.” It seemed that the Chief Medical Officer was attempting to calm the anticipation in the room, though Adam had a feeling it was mostly for Doctor Kobol 's benefit.

"Keep an eye on it Doctor." Adam said firmly.

Nicander mentioned that some of the High Council doubted Martok. It wasn't unusual for the High Council members to bicker and argue about who is superior. Especially when it comes to leading the Empire, they all wanted that position and really any excuse to obtain it by combat or vote was always at the top of the Council's meetings. Adam just wished they would stop fighting each other and unite.

After Nicander said he heard the Infested's voice, he stopped, and nothing. Adam stared at Nicander wondering if the Câroon stopped talking to prevent the Infested he was connected to from hearing him. The Master-at-arms had no idea how this Farsight worked and hoped that everything was going as planned.

Doctor Kobol  spoke up again but now worried and it was changing into deep concern. ”Something's changed but I can't get clear results.”

Adam on instinct fired the Cannon at Nicander but missed, he forced his eyes not to blink as it could mean the difference between life or death. Not just Nicander's but most probably theirs as well. The forcefield received a violent impact, both Adam and Elro took an involuntary step back though the field shimmered but held.

It seemed that the Parasite may have just realised and seized an opportunity to take over. Adam quickly aimed to fire when he heard an altered Nicander voice. It was clear and backed by distortions like an otherworldly echo. Parasite-forced Nicander struck the field a second time which destroyed the bionic limb before the distorted voice spoke again.

'FIRE!' Adam thought and he could see the power in the cell, the field between Nicander and them, and the room they stood in flicker softly but it began to intensify. As the light inside the cell vanished after Nicander's arm crackled with energy leaving two glowing eyes the only source of illumination Adam aimed and wasted no more time, he fired and held the trigger.

The Transphasic Light streamed out into the field. It passed through and hit Nicander directly in the face between the glowing eyes. Adam wondered if the cannon would or wouldn't knock Nicander down. He prepared himself to shift the cannon to follow if it did.

Meanwhile Lieutenant Elro Kobol  just stared at the glowing eyes like an animal caught in a trap, it was so terrifying that he was frozen to the spot but the cannon light did snapped him out of it as he watched what Nicander or the Parasite would do next.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #22
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Sqweloookle [Show/Hide]

The shock on Lieutenant Pierce's face was apparent as she stood before the man that used to be their Chief Medical Officer. The moment the parasite took over his physical form told her that what they were playing with was not necessarily something they should be toying with. Certainly the option to probe him of the parasite's thoughts and visuals was providing the occasional and at moments respected vantage point, but it was a very dangerous game to be playing.

The sight of Nicander bashing his robotic arm into the forcefield and the deck plates, causing it to mangle was alarming but not totally something unforeseen being the creature infesting him was providing additional strength into the adrenal glands that given enough time could have overpowered the field itself and taken the lot of them down. I'll have to talk to Fisher about avoiding this or finding another avenue in the future. This is madness.

When the Master-at-Arms eventually managed to hit Nicander with the cannon, the Infested did not even cry out. He just slumped down unto the deck of his cell like his wires had been cut. He laid there, motionless, and from his uniform rose thin wisps of smoke. Despite the apparent effect of the kemocyte-powered cannon, Nicander seemed unhurt, breathing still.

The call by Adam to fire the Transphasic Light Cannon at the good doctor seemed to have the effect that was desired but he looked worse for wear when his eyes returned to normal. His visage was tired looking and the pain clearly visible on his face as Alana could see his realization at what had happened. She nodded at Dr. Kobol  to attend to Nicander in the best possible options available.

"I'd like to apologize for what transpired. I wasn't particularly certain what would happen but am thankful that the commander is still with us. Please tend to his injuries and we need to look into another avenue of intel gathering. As much as he was able to provide, I've seen enough of harming a crewmember to get it. We need more options people."

The color returned to her face as her composure reasserted itself. "In the meantime, I'll be taking this intel and reporting it to Commander Fisher unless you have any other concerns."

Alana nodded at the individuals left in the wake of what had just transpired. She waited a moment to see if anyone wanted to further discuss the happenings of this event before recording the event into her PADD. Pierce straightened her uniform, pulled the hemming of the shirt down to reduce the wrinkles before she stepped toward the door that whisked open before her. Boots clanking along the deck plates as she prepared to step out and return the report of their findings.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #23
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Argyros   @Auctor Lucan  @Pierce   @Sqweloookle

I told you so, I told you so, I freaking told you so and now the poor bastard's been traumatized again for a chance at IDing the enemy...  But Anh-Le kept it to herself. 

The Orion nodded to Lieutenant Kobol .  "I apologize for the harm done to your patient.  If it helps, I asked to be recorded as having opposed this plan as an unnecessary risk to Dr. Nicander.  Please give him my apologies when he wakes up.  If it's him that wakes up.

She turned to Lt. Koilos.  "Sir, we're going to have to interrogate him again if he's not further compromised.  We didn't get the ID on the Klingon infiltrator's voice.At least there's only one.  If there were multiple spies, it would be a pain in the ass to root them out even if the Theurgy team had access to Intel's full resources.  But they didn't, so it was time to count blessings.  "It looks like we're going to be cutting it close on time, and that's leaving aside the optics of assassinating or abducting a Klingon higher-up in the middle of a burgeoning civil war."  It would not be good for Martok to have Councillors defecting in fear of arbitrary arrest and execution. 

Stop whining, Dantius, you wanted this job...
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|0930 hrs] Hardball

Reply #24
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston and Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig, Security Center | Deck 07/Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @GroundPetrel @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Pierce

The lights came back on the moment that Nicander simply slumped onto the floor, Adam stared at the Câroon and saw that the commander's chest was still moving indicating that Nicander was breathing. Though the question was when he woke up who would he be? They couldn't be sure the cannon would continue to work against the Parasite, they had to wait for whoever to wake up.

Pierce was the first to speak up, though she was facing Doctor Kobol  and expressed her apologies for what happened. Adam had to disagree for it was the Captain's order that led to this, not the fault of the Intelligence officers. He remained with the cannon aimed at Nicander and ready should the Parasite take over again, he wanted to make sure the man was back before he did anything else.

Next was the Orion woman, Dantius who echoed Pierce's apology and surprisingly both officers agreed that another way was called for to gain knowledge about their enemies directed at their leader Lieutenant Koilos. Adam couldn't agree more and would immediately volunteer to assist with any of the plans they could come up with. "We may have to infiltrate the High Council and since there is only one Infested they had to have some evidence somewhere to implicate that they are Infested. Maybe Nicander may have retrieved some memories from the Host to aid in a search for proof." Adam said, still at the ready to fire again.

He did see Elro look back at him at the controls to the cell and gave a small nod.

Elro spoke up about what Adam already thought and added that now the Intelligence department will hopefully consider Nicander an ally and the Parasite the actual enemy, separating the two was hard at first for most of the crew since the former Chief Medical Officer was Infested prior to Theurgy's commissioning. Adam continued to watch Nicander as he listened to Elro speak of Nicander's species and their natural abilities and that there weren't any acting against the Federation.

Adam somewhat smiled when Elro told them that he was declaring that until Nicander was himself and agreed to do so again that there will not be any more interrogations. He refocused on Nicander so didn't really hear much else, if the Parasite returned he'd need all his energy and attention to stop it.


The moment that Nicander sagged to the floor of the cell, Elro was already at the controls to the forcefield and about to enter the last digits of the code when he realised he was about to put the others in danger.

He glanced over at the Master-at-Arms to find that Lieutenant Kingston was still ready to fire. Clearly Elro wasn't the only one who considered that the cannon may not have successfully driven the Parasite back but he had to at least check the monitor device and scan Nicander.

He did hear both Pierce and Dantius apologise for this and glanced over at them in turn. ”It was not your fault, the Captain gave the order but more importantly Commander Nicander agreed to help. Does this prove he is on our side? This also shows you just how dangerous the Parasites are, mind you Nicander is a Câroon who have elemental control abilities. I don't know of any others in Starfleet nor have there been any signs of others being Infested that we know of. Thank the deities!” He said. ”I must insist that until his mental status is stabilized and his consent once again given before this happens again. If we lose him we lose this connection to our enemy, so it is in your best interest that he remains with us, don't you agree?”

Adam made a suggestion of an infiltration mission to look for proof and when he saw a little nod Elro gave a half smile as he deactivated the field and entered slowly.

”Whatever alternative plans you come up with you will have my support and assistance.” Elro said from inside the cell at Nicander's side.

He pulled out a medical tricorder and began scanning Nicander as well as downloading all the data from the monitor, hopefully that lightning hadn't rendered it useless. Lucan's body seemed uninjured except that his prosthesis was utterly irreparable, Elro would have to make a new one.

”He seems okay, I'll have to rebuild the bionic arm but okay. It seems he is knocked out,” Elro said and picked the monitor off Nicander's temple before putting it in a pocket.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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