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Topic: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'. (Read 5679 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.
<Klingons do not lie in bed.>

Stardate: 57650.6
April 17, 2381 @ 0005hrs

[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Battle Sickbay | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Swift 

Vinata eyed the large display monitor central to one of the back walls of the battle sickbay area, it gave an active display of each of the patients in the various treatment areas but also which patient was assigned to the various nurse practitioners and nurses across the ship. It would have been Jovela’s duty to maintain and monitor this active roster, as head nurse, but due to the circumstances, Vinata had assumed temporary care of the roster board.

The past couple of hours had been hard on him but also his colleagues - especially those who had witnessed Jovela’s demise. Sadly though - she had not been the only casualty to cross these parts. Vinata was proud of the efforts of his staff, each nurse had set aside their feelings as best as they could to maintain the safety of those in care.

The thoughts of Vinata were disturbed by the loud rumblings of a deep and masculine voice, which sent rumbling waves across the small battle sickbay area. “jachqu' 'e' yIchaw' Ha'.” <Let him deal with dividing the heavens.> The deep voice of one of the recovering and stabilized Klingon males echoed, its tone both heavy and stressed. Their team had worked to avoid the need for surgery of the bowel and intestines, which had nearly perforated, but the micro-suturing had been delicate work and required mindful rest.

“Help!” It was the cry of one of the female enlisted nurses, who had tried to hold down the Klingon who was attempting to get up from the biobed by thrashing about.

Vinata rushed over. “Please relax. You need to lie still.” The Ovri placed a gentle hand on the Klingon warrior but was promptly and viciously pushed backwards. He grimaced as he hit the floor hard, the wind nearly knocked out of him.

“Are you okay Vinata?” The area had now been intercepted by several of the staff and one of them helped Vinata stand once more.

“I am okay. Thank you for your concern.” The Ovri raised his hand in a delicate manner to indicate his ability to take over his own upright position.

“quvHa'ghach!!! quvHa'ghach!!!” <dishonour!! dishonour!!> The Klingon warrior continued to swing at those who stood around him and then mumbled several other incoherent and clearly delusional statements indicating the likelihood of a current state of delirium.

“Enough of this. Thea establish a containment field around bay three and a restrainment field around biobed three also. Flood the area with a maximum concentration of melorazine in a nebulized form immediately.” They needed to regain control of the situation if only to maintain the safety of the Klingon officer and that of the medical staff. Thea’s response indicated confirmation of the request and a restraining field pushed the Klingon back down on the biobed in a supine position. It was followed by close containment field activation around the biobed itself and then the hissing and release of the sedative drug melorazine in gaseous form. It only took a few moments for the yelling of the Klingon to cease and his bio signs to reflect that of a patient who was currently under generous sedation.

Vianta took a deep breath and nodded to the team, “Let us make sure he is okay. Full body scan.” The biometrics continued to display and a new and detailed body scan revealed itself on the control panel - several small alarms were set off now though, followed by an indication that nearly all of their delicate sutures had given way to the formation of multiple perforations.

‘Fuck…’ Vinata muttered this in his own head, most unlike himself, before he quickly jumped in and forwarded the data to the main Sickbay. The Ovri promptly tapped his communication badge and spoke with a firm and calm voice. “Ensign Vojona to the main sickbay area. I have a patient who needs immediate surgery - one large bowel perforation with several other smaller adjacent perforations. Vitals signs are currently stable but I doubt it will take long for septic shock to set in, the patient was sedated due to a delirious outburst. I am forwarding biometrics and patient chart to your area for review.”

Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

With something of a tender smile on her face, Kate returned to the Main Sickbay at a steady stride, her arms cross over her chest as she let a little bit of warmth linger within her soul. Despite the challenging and hastened pace of the night, which had come just a few short hours after she’d already completed another double-shift, the Chief Surgeon was feeling surprisingly rejuvenated.

It was amazing how restorative a simple, yet sweet interaction could be for the soul, she realized.

Though, that remnant warmth only seemed to gradually fade as she was welcomed by the cold reality which still permeated Main Sickbay. Everywhere she looked, there were the concerned faces of friends, family, and colleagues who stood idly by in anticipation of any news of their loved ones; be it good, bad, or worse. With a sigh, she knew it better than to pass among them with a contented little smile on her face, as it would have come across crude, and unfeeling of the suffering they were going through, so she stifled it and adopted a look of focus and determination. It was important that there was confidence in her, and the rest of the Medical Staff as they worked throughout the night to save as many lives as possible. That confidence would transform within each of their hearts into hope, and hope was something that was in great demand, but came if far less supply these nights. Especially on a night like tonight.

A night of miracles, and of tragedies.

“Kate! They need you on seven, Vinata just called in for an emergency surgical procedure for a sedated Klingon patient suffering from multiple perforations to his intestinal tract!”

Snapping to from whatever deeper thoughts that had been floating around her pretty little head, Kate turned to face Courtland as he came running around the corner to find her, a frantic look on his face. The fact that he was frazzled meant that Janteel was still busy with other patients, and that the situation demanded a steady hand like hers. Seven, referred to one of the smaller sickbays, where they were shunting most of the less serious cases, though perforated bowels were hardly anything but serious. Septic shock could set in incredibly quickly, and that would certainly still kill even the staunchest of Klingon Warriors. Reaching out to accept a PADD that Courtland hand in his hand, Kate reviewed the summary biometrics and patient chart for about fifteen-seconds before she had memorized what was of the most imperative importance. She’d always had a knack for remembering numbers, and relevant data; it was why she’d been able to earn her doctorate in such a short time, during the middle of a war.

Briskly she tapped her combadge. “Thea, I need and emergency beam-out for myself, and Ensign Courtland to the battle-sickbay on Deck Seven. Energize!”

[Understood.] came Thea’s curt response, and immediately Kate and Courtland disappeared from Main Sickbay in a shimmering of blue-light.

[ Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

As the world transitioned from one sickbay to the other, fading from one reality to two, and then back to one again, Kate’s tangerine-hued eyes examined the confines of the smaller sickbay for a cursory glance, as she got her bearings. “Ensign Vojona!” she called out to the Ovri Nurse, who was standing over her Klingon patient, monitoring his vital signs as they were just starting to fluctuate above his head on the bio-bed’s readout. They needed to be quick if they were going to stave off the kind of downward spiral which would usher this Klingon Warrior into the depths of Sto-Vo-Kor. Hustling over to stand opposite the Amphibian, she could only offer a quick nod as way of greeting, before she turned back to Courtland. “Miles! Get the privacy field!” She ordered, to which the Ensign quickly reached for a nearby wall panel, activating the level-one refractory forcefield which would prevent prying eyes from peering in, as well as any commotion from getting out, though they could still see beyond it from within.

“Last thing we need is everyone else gawking over us as we dig into this guy.”

“Kate, there are a bunch of Klingons out there moving to press the issue!” Courtland explained, his attention attuned to the three battle-brothers that were closing in at a rapid pace, their intent to watch over their injured comrade clear in their faces.

“We don’t need this shit.” She exclaimed, reaching out tear away the surgical gown from the unconscious Klingon, the magnetic snaps giving way under her modest tug of the fabric. “Thea!” she called out after the big Klingon’s torso was exposed. “We need security to sickbay on deck seven! I’ve got a Klingon patient that might be joining the eternal battlefields any minute, and his buddies are about to assault themselves against our surgical forcefield in an attempt to howl away predatory spirits, or some such.” Regardless of the distraction that was unfolding around her, Kate was decidedly focused on prepping the patient for surgery as she retrieved an emergency sterilization emitter, which would disinfect the surface of any tool, or appendage that was run through its broad energizing beam. From what she understood, it was essentially an incredibly low-yield phaser array. They were something of a miracle device for emergency procedures like this, when scrubbing in and out wasn’t exactly a luxury that was afforded them. Once actuated, Kate set the emitter down near the head of the surgical bed, so that she, Vinata, and anyone else could access it freely during the course of this procedure.

“Kate! Security’s going to a little late; I’ll handle them for now.” Courtland explained before exiting through the forcefield as it de-phased briefly.

“Alright, he’s your patient, Vinata; you assist?” Kate asked, catching sight of the Ovri Nurse as she began rolling up her sleeves. She then ran them through the glowing orange energizing field as it was emitted above the device. The tingling sensation almost tickled the skin, she thought, as she moved her hands back and forth a few times, ensuring that any bacteria were thoroughly eliminated before she would begin. “We need to open him up again and re-apply those ruptured micro-sutures before he goes fully septic.” Though her attention shifted for a moment as she saw a minor yet gradual increase in body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate, yet blood pressure was starting to drop. “Shit... he’s already starting. Point-five of Tozenephrine!” Kate called for, needing to rely on the Nurse for her assistance, as outside it was clear that Miles was trying to dissuade the Klingons from interrupting them.

They needed to ensure his stability before they dove back into him, and it was clear that early sepsis was setting in already.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #2
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Battle Sickbay | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Swift

Vinata would not have described himself as anxious when the sedated Klingon in front of him startled ‘circling the drain’ - he had confirmation of his report being received from the main Sickbay and knew help would be along in due course. The situation was still very much under control, at least for the moment.

“Let us pre load him with some antibiotics. Nurse Hayward, get me five hundred milligrams of invastazolin and one gram of gavinitozole. Administer when ready.”
Both of the medications would work in a synergistic nature to help prevent infection from the bowel contents of the klingon in the tissue periphery around the various perforations.

“Five hundred milligrams of invastazolin and one gram of gavinitozole administered.” Nurse Hayward reported in confirmation and Vinata gave a nod of thanks as she injected the dual-treatment therapy via hypospray. The Ovri watched the monitors closely - not sure exactly what he was hoping to see, currently his interventions were limited to supportive care until the available surgeon would arrive.

Vinata did not have to wait very long though, as only a short moment later the voice of Doctor Foster called out his name. Vinata’s big and bug-like eyes seemed to soften, and a slight shift in his shoulders indicated a decrease in tension - most in part to the arrival of help.

“Doctor Foster. I am most pleased to see you here.” Vinata took note of Kate’s quick nod in greeting. He did not know Doctor Foster all that well and had yet to formulate an opinion on his own feelings towards her as both person and physician - regardless, he was most pleased to have the help he needed for his patient.

Vinata did find it a good sign and could tell Kate had quickly taken notice of the situation when she had called for the privacy shield and security. She was most right in her thought of not needing further interference or bodies around to ‘howl’ - Vinata seemed to recall something he had learned in some sort of database about their death practices. He could tell Kate seemed just as determined as himself in death not being part of the plan for the patient before them.

“I would be most happy to assist you. Thank you for allowing me.” Vinata had a look of appreciation on his face as Kate had asked him to first assist in the surgical procedure ahead of them. She could have acquired a nearby physician to do so, not that Vojona was not capable of such, just that some doctors would have. It was another good sign and Vinata had made a mental note of the gesture, Kate certainly was working her way towards the ‘like’ pile within the Ovri’s mind.

“Agreed about the suturing. I do fear that the tissue itself may be too friable, even for the most delicate of suturing techniques Doctor. I am sure you are certainly not out of practice with such an approach though.” Vinata stated this in agreeance with Kate’s evaluation in the need of re-opening and suturing the perforations. He was sure his worry was shared though - the scans indicated massive amounts of inflammation to the areas which was indicative of a very sensitive and delicate tissue area.

Upon Kate’s order for Tozenephrine, Vinata took note of the vitals sign trends before them as well. The experienced Nurse was most quick in having grabbed a hypospray prefilled with such medication and injecting it. “Point five of Tozeneprhine administered doctor.” The Ovri glanced at the vitals monitor once more, seeing an increased trend in the systolic number. “Blood pressure responsive to medication. It is rising. Heart rate decreasing some. Would you like to run an infusion of Tozeneprhine for the procedure Doctor?” Vinata’s suggestion was to administer a small and continuous amount of the vasoactive medication into the Klingon’s system, to help sustain blood pressure through the operation.

“I have also preloaded the patient with antibiotics prior to your arrival doctor. Dual coverage through five hundred milligrams of invastazolin and one gram of gavinitozole. I do hope that was a prudent move on my behalf.” It certainly was in his scope of practice to have ordered the drugs and seen to their administration but the Ovri did want Kate to be informed - he hoped it was the right move and that he did not step on her ‘toes’.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

Despite the chaotic nature of their immediate situation, and their extended surroundings, Kate had felt oddly at ease and calm in the moment. Sure, her experience and knowledge as a Doctor and as a Surgeon had leant themselves to that feeling, but the fact that she was working with equally as professional colleagues had been the true boon to her steadiness. Vinata was as skilled as he was thorough in his preparations, which under normal circumstances would have been considered rather routine but seeing as how these were anything but normal circumstances, it spoke to his high-level of proficiency as a Nurse Practitioner. That was something that Theurgy would likely have paramount need of in the coming days, and weeks. Especially if the events of today were to be any hint in the matter.

Having monitored the same vital readouts as they were displayed on the bio-bed screen above their patient’s head, they had thus far managed to at least keep his blood-pressure up, and his heartrate down. If they could continue to maintain the level of stability they needed, then they could likely make suitable repairs to his perforated bowel, and maybe prevent him from going fully septic. That was the idea at least.

“Please.” Kate nodded to the Ovri Nurse as he’d offered to start an infusion of the vasopressor.

Waiting for just a moment to ensure that the big Klingon wouldn’t have any spontaneous or unforeseen reactions to their administered medication, she listened as Courtland pleaded with their patient’s comrades, cautioning them to keep back and let Kate and Vinata do their job. It was moderately annoying that the Nurse had to fight such a battle, and under her breath Kate muttered a few profanities about Security taking their sweet time arriving, though only a few seconds had elapsed since her call for them. She tried to remind herself that given the names that had already appeared on the butcher’s bill, the Security Department was likely in something of an organizational mess right now. At the same time though, they should have been far more capable of dealing with this crisis than they seemed to be, at least in her estimation, however unfair it may have been. To Kate it didn’t bode well for any follow-up investigations, though she pushed the thought away after a second, re-focusing on the task at hand.

“Alright, I think he’s stable enough.”

Spinning about, she pulled a nearby surgical tray closer to where she stood beside the SSF and selected a sonic separator from it. “We need to keep his stats up, but also need to keep him under. If he moves anymore, he might rupture additional suture sights.” She was explaining what was clearly evident already, but she had something of a habit of voicing her inner monologue. “Balancing act as always.” She mused, affording a somewhat tenuous smile to her amphibian comrade as a means of hinting her hope that Vinata would be up to the task of keeping things relatively calm for her. All while her delicately careful hands peeled away the bandages that had been applied to the recently heeled deep-tissue scars. Dermal regenerators could work miracles; often leaving little to no trace at all of wounds or surgical incisions if enough time was permitted to a steady hand to work. But given the hysteria of everything, a lot of temporary bandages were being applicated in order to supplement the hastiness of such repairs.

A rather noticeable pink-hued line running along the exterior of their Klingon’s naturally darkened-skin, Kate brought the tool to bear in an attempt to closely follow the previous incision sight. Which, as their patient’s abdomen began to split open for them, the scent of a perforated lower bowel emanated rather unpleasantly for both her, and Vinata to thoroughly enjoy. “Lovely.” Kate commented absently as she touched a control console on the bed, getting a newer scan of his anatomy, so as to better pinpoint where the perforations were localized. “He’s ruptured... two... no three locations...” the pate of her head tilting from side to side as she examined his exposed intestinal tract, hesitating for just a moment before she reached for a soft-tissue regenerator. A tool which under normal circumstances would be used to repair ruptures or incisions to the peritoneum or other membranes on a micro-cellular level, but in a pinch might be able to afford some level of mending to the severely damaged external intestinal lining.

Immediately she could tell that the re-ruptures couldn’t be re-repaired; they were too far damaged. “...this won’t work...” she lamented as her tangerine-hued eyes peaked up to her black ovoid-eyed companion. “’s shredded...” With an exasperated sigh, she knew the damage sustained meant their patient would need a partial resection of his large-bowel.

“How do you think Klingon culture views a colostomy?” Kate asked.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #4
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Swift

Upon having confirmation to initiate an infusion of tozeneprhine, Vinata’s amphibian-like fingers seemed to glide through the space around them. This was his domain, this was his specialty - behind every good physician was a competent and supporting nurse to help drive best practice. It took only a few moments for Vinata to set up and initiate a constant delivery of the vasoactive medication, which in turn would cause a systemic increase and stabilization in blood pressure. They would however need to be cognizant of the intravascular volume they had to work with - you could certainly squeeze a better pressure out of the circulatory system but only with appropriate hydration and plasma stability.

The Ovri could not help but listen in on the efforts of Coutland in keeping this patient’s Klingon comrades at bay, he had made eye contact with Kate several times and Vinata was sure they shared similar feelings and thoughts. Things would certainly fare better once security would show its presence, or it would further set chaos to the situation as a whole. Some may have found Klingon psychology a rather predictable science but Vinata’s opinion on the matter differed - he found the species quite erratic at times, from what his own experience had been with them, albeit quite limited in its own sense.

Vinata turned to the privacy screen and directed his voice towards one of the enlisted nursing personnel. “Have the plasma regenerator on hot standby.” The Ovri’s voice seemed meek in comparison to the shouting of the other Klingon’s but Vinata heard confirmation of his request and knew that he was heard. 

The Nurse heard Foster’s comment about the patient’s stability and nodded in agreement. He admired how quickly the Head Surgeon jumped into action - she was clearly well versed in her own practice. “Of course Doctor. Please do not worry about the airway, I will see to that and keep you apprised of any changes to appropriate vital sign parameters which may require intervention.” The Ovri seemed to give a slight croak after his reply, he wanted the surgeon to have complete focus on the delicate tasks ahead of her. He knew naturally, that she would still be worrying about anaesthetic related concerns but Vinata was capable of managing things as they currently stood.

The Ovri attached a small octagon-shaped device to the centrefold of the Klingon’s chest, which will help stimulate artificial breathing and he then administered a paralytic and further sedation cocktail with medication that would be blood-pressure sparing. He did not want to be the cause of interfering with the current stability they had achieved of their patient. The paralytic would ensure that Kate could safely work away without concerns about muscle movement or contraction, and the respirator would ensure the continuity of adequate air exchange and maintain the patient’s oxygen saturation.

Despite his own duties, Vinata kept a close eye on Kate’s viewpoints as well. He could tell from her facial expressions and body language that things were not going to be simple.

“Shredded? That is most unfortunate.” They could certainly grow a new bowel for transplantation but that would take time. The colostomy would certainly allow them the time needed to do such an intervention, whilst maintaining the stability of the Klingon. Vinata figured this was the thought process of his superior officer.

“I did read a paper some time ago on Klingon battlefield medical interventions.” It had caught the Ovri’s attention simply because peer-reviewed literature released by the Klingon Empire were rare and often groundbreaking within Federation academia. The Ovri softened his tone and leaned in closer to Foster so that his comments could not be overheard and twisted by the Klingons adjacent to the privacy screen.

“Klingon medicine is certainly crude in comparison to our own practices, as you know. It is my understanding that in the heat of battle - the warrior’s main concern is getting back up and into the action as quickly as able. That is often the goal of Klingon field practitioners. There have been cases where colostomies have been performed right in the midst of battle in order to get said warrior back into the action in a relatively short period. I believe there are less body image and societal constraints in Klingon culture so long as a warrior maintains their fitness to fight in battle. I believe this intervention would be appropriate in said reference Doctor.”

The nurse felt it was a prudent stop-gap measure until the Theurgy's resources allowed them to spend the time growing the new bowel material for their patient and perform a subsequent surgery to implant and reconnect native-bowel to the newly grown material.

Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

“Thank you, Vinata.” She acknowledged the skillful assistance that the Ovri represented. Unlike many Doctors who would often times be overly pious in regard to the healing process, Kate was more than aware of the fact that effective medicine, more often than not came under the stewardship of Nurses. Sure, it was Doctors who would diagnose, write the scripts, and perform the big parts of an operation; as was her case in the moment, but it was the Nurses who kept close watch of the patient, and ensured that their needs were being met, be it however innocuous or vital those needs were; as was Vinata’s case. Plus, Kate knew that pissing off your Nurses by disrespecting them, didn’t lend you any favors down the line when it came to getting tests, or minor procedures done; effectively killing what little time a Doctor might have to take care of other matters themselves. There was also the added sentiment that they all existed on the same side of one team, and they would be most effective when working in concert, rather than unilaterally.

Of course, there were also moments when a good Nurse would be well-worth their weight in latinum, as was Vinata was proving so now. As rather thankfully, the Ovri was more studious in his nature than Kate had been, as evidenced by his impressive fore-knowledge of how Klingon culture might have viewed a medical procedure which other cultures were sometimes embarrassed or even outright opposed to. It was the kind of information that was most fortuitous, as it allowed them both a temporary and long-term solution for their patient’s woes. Fortune soon seemed to take an even greater turn in their favor, as there finally came a rush of gold-collared security personnel into the modestly small battle sickbay. They immediately began to shuffle the disruptive Klingons away from the surgical suite, beckoning them to wait just outside in the hallway, and calming the commotion which had proved a minor distraction, but a distraction all the same. With a sigh, Kate peered up at Vinata with a sense of relief.

“About time.” She commented under her breath, affording her amphibian colleague a bit of a snarky little smirk.

Organ growth would take time, and it was evident that indeed Kate would opt for regenerating a portion of the Klingon’s lower-bowel so that they could later transplant it into him, but for now they could settle on removing the damaged tissue, and ensure proper drainage of any produced waste via stoma and a temporary colostomy. “Hopefully, we can explain to his... friends... that he’ll make a full recovery, but that for now he’ll be saddled with a temporary... umm, impairment? I guess we can, like... we can probably pose it as having wanted to keep him ready to fight. Or something like that.” Kate was talking her way through a plan as she began to clamp and section off the portion of the Klingon’s bowel that had sustained the three re-ruptures, which in turn wound up being nearly 20 centimeters in length. “Courtland! Grab me the organ regeneration matrix, yeah?” Kate asked of the young handsome Ensign just as he’d returned to the interior of surgical suite; his time spent fending off the disruptive Klingons having finally come to an end.

“Good thing you have a better rapport with Klingons than I do.” She remarked, clearly intent on engaging in a measure of pleasant small-talk. “I’ve been fending off their grubby hands for like, two months now. So...” Kate paused a moment as she cut an incision in the left side of the Klingon’s abdomen, which would serve as the port for a stoma. “...what do you like to do, Vinata?”

“When you’re not reading papers regarding Klingon Battlefield Medical Interventions?” she added, listening as the soft-voiced Ovri spoke.

A moment later, Courtland returned once more, only this time with the strange cart-like device that was an Organ Regeneration Matrix, or ORM. With two transparent chambers atop it, filled with a semi-transparent viscous liquid, and a each capped with a rather complex lid of sorts. It was obvious what he needed to do next, and so Courtland opened one of the chamber lids as he position the ORM next to where Kate was standing. An ORM, was an advanced tissue growth stimulator, which would create a micro-cellular matrix of whatever tissue was deposited into it. From there it would analyze and correct any tissue damage it could detect and begin to duplicate a near perfect replica in the adjacent chamber. Developed by the Starfleet Medical Institute on Bolarus IX, they had only just recently become standard-issue aboard Starfleet vessels within the last five-years. Prior to their implementation, the process could still be undertaken, but it required much more in-depth work, and took a far more substantial amount of time.

Carefully, Kate removed the section of damaged bowel from her patient and spun to her right so as to gently let it sink to the bottom of the semi-transparent liquid, which was gradually stained red with the color of Klingon blood. Once place within, Kate withdrew her hands and let the Ensign close shut the chamber lid and actuated its console to begin the analysis process. “How long?” she asked as she went back to working on the unconscious Klingon, her crimson-coated hands diving back into his open abdominal cavity as she went about feeding the remaining portion of large-intestine to her recently made incision, only to retrieve a micro-suture tool with which she could properly adhere the new orifice in the form of a colostomy stoma. The complexity of the tissue or organ in question would often dictate how long it would take the computer system to record its cellular structure, repair it, and regrow it. She of course hoped for something within reason, otherwise their temporary solution would end up being something far more permanent.

“Uhh... nine-hours forty-three minutes.” Courtland answered.

“Once we’ve got him patched up and stabilized, we’ll get him moved to the ICU while we wait for the tissue to finish regeneration. Then we can gut... sorry, cut him open again, and make the transplant.” Seemingly comfortable with how her temporary stoma was situated, Kate looked up to Vinata as it to gauge his thoughts on the matter. “Since he’s your guy, I’ll leave it to you to decide if you want to assist with that part of the procedure too. My guess is, I’ll need the help anyway; since the rest of the Surgical team is busy with other operations.” Kate waited a moment to ensure that the stoma was secure enough before she accepted the colostomy collection pouch as it was handed to her and attached it to the freshly minted stoma. Once in place, she unclamped the bowel on the underside of his stomach skin and was about to move onto the next phase of the operation: closing him up.

“You want to close hum up, Vinata?” she asked, looking to see if the Ovri would be interested in taking the lead from here.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #6
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Swift

Vinata gave Kate a polite nod in recognition of her thanks - it was certainly nice to work with a surgeon who showed genuine appreciation for the nursing duties which the Ovri was currently carrying out. He had certainly worked with his fair share of physicians so far in his career, and Kate seemed to be both pleasant and competent - Vinata felt reassured that she was the ship's Head Surgeon.

Further relief was provided when security had arrived and managed to corral the Klingon entourage away from the bedside and to the corridor. It certainly helped with his own concentration to have the noise and commotion minimized, Vinata could only postulate that Kate felt similarly to himself. It was of course confirmed when she expressed verbally to the Ovri with an accompanied facial-smirk. Vinata merely nodded and gave a smirk of his own, so that Kate would know the statement was reciprocated in feeling.

Vojona’s fingers now danced along the controls of the vasopressor infusion that he had set up and he slightly increased its potency. There was a minor drop in blood pressure noted but not enough to have set off any indicators. It was small changes in biometrics like this that a Nurse was specialized in noticing, staying ahead of anticipated crises was what they did best.

The patient was certainly stable - Vinata intended for him to remain so, especially given Kate’s delicate work.

“I am certain that we can frame it in a way which will be agreeable to them, Doctor Foster.” He spoke now to the colostomy procedure and how the patient’s fellow Klingon colleagues might feel. Given Vinata’s own limited understanding, on part of some academic reading, he was certain that the intervention would not prove to be troublesome. Certain enough that he would bet on it.

The Ovri made several croaking sounds to himself - a soothing measure to maintain his own calmness. He made sure to keep a close eye on the vital signs, whilst maintaining a second eye on Kate’s sterile field. While he was not well versed on the surgical techniques required itself, he was as first assist, dutied to maintain a second set of eyes on the sterility of the surgeon’s approach.

“What do I like to do?” It was certainly not an uncomplicated question but it caught the Ovri off guard. He would need a moment to think about it. Kate’s add on quip about the Klingon academic papers did cause the Ovri to chuckle slightly though. “When I am not reviewing medical journals, I enjoy leisurely reading as well. Fantasy novels to be precise. I also enjoy viewing art of various worlds, specifically seascapes.” The man pursed his lips together now - was that really all he was interested in? How dull. It certainly did not paint the most diverse picture of his personality. Truth be told, Vinata used to enjoy being much more social than he was in his current days on board the Theurgy. There at least used to be attempts to get out there and meet crew members, interact on an interpersonal level - he could only attribute the change in his socializing habits because of the trauma that he had endured since coming on board.

“How about yourself Doctor Foster?”
It was the natural thing to do, right? Ask the question back. He figured if Kate was interested in knowing more about him that it would be fair to share the same interest. The blond haired, spit-fire of a surgeon did genuinely peak his interest.

As Kate continued to ‘slice and dice’ in the most elegant of manners, Vinata’s amphibian-like fingers moved along the various controls at the bedside. He adjusted several of the anesthetics and administered a slight additional dose of the paralytic, as he did not want peristalsis of the bowel to interfere with the surgeon's delicate work. In what seemed like no time at all, the bowel was out and Kate had fashioned a rather perfect looking stoma.

“Fine work.” Vojona stated as Kate looked up to him briefly. Not that it mattered much but he felt the need to affirm her technique and skills. He felt anyone deserved to receive a compliment when they were performing well.

The care plan was set - and Vinata felt relief, almost as if the air in the room became easier to breathe. The Klingon warrior in front of them would hardly notice what they had to do in order to spare his life, and within a day would have the opportunity for reversal of the colostomy and stoma. “I will certainly join you Doctor, if my schedule allows for such. It may be more prudent for you to request me be rostered to your service.” Vinata would certainly have liked to have the opportunity to join Kate’s table once more, but he knew often that assignments like that were out of his hands unless advocated under the guise of physician preference.

Under normal circumstances, he would have just brought the point up to his Head Nurse, who would have most likely worked around the request and made it happen. ‘We do not have a Head Nurse though….’ The thought caused the Ovri to disappear for a moment, which would make it appear as though he was delayed in answering Foster’s question about closing up.

“Uh… Yes…” Vinata rejoined the present and nodded at Kate, “I would like to close up Doctor. Thank you very much.” He skipped over the words initially but his focus was quick to return to the required level. The Ovri waved his hands through a sterilization field and grabbed the necessary tools to facilitate proper close up of the patient.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

There was a calming aura exuded by the Ovri Nurse, which extended that only toward his patients, but also to the staff working with him. Kate could sense it and recognized how the amphibian had a natural knack for keeping situations cool under the most-dire of circumstances. He was exactly the kind of presence you wanted from a Nurse, and Kate imagined she’d like working with him whenever the opportunity arose. At the same time, she also imagined that he could be quite an interesting individual to get to know on a personal level. She’d never met an Ovri prior to coming aboard Theurgy, having only read a medical-journal on the species some years earlier, but from what she could gather, they were an intriguing one. Vojona seemed to exemplify that in how he had conducted himself during this little procedure, and in truth Kate found herself excited at the prospect of coming to a better understanding of him over the course of her stay aboard the ship.

A new friend, maybe?

“I’d read some time ago, that the Ovri home world offered a number of especially beautiful seascapes.” Kate commented as Vinata expressed an interest in seascapes, remembering a lone image of Qworthrik that she’d seen taken from orbit. It seemed exactly the kind of place that a species like the Ovri could originate from; a beautiful lush world of oceans, and amazon like forests that was sparsely broken up by a few dry patches here and there.

“Me? Well... I’m something of an adrenaline junky at times. Though it’s been sometime since my last stint spent wing-suiting, mountain biking, or free-diving.”

In truth, it’d probably been something like two years since the last time she’d ventured into a holodeck, or even someplace real to engage in an activity of that sort, as the process of rebuilding her career from the ground up had been rather difficult. It meant a lot of long hours, and volunteering for some of the most repetitive and mundane surgical procedures on a routine basis. Rebuilding the trust that she had so effectively destroyed took time, and most of all it had taken persistence. She’d honestly wondered if she’d ever truly regain that level of respect once more and had expected to arrive to a ship full of people who would treat her with the abject disdain that in her mind, she more than deserved. Thankfully however, her brother hadn’t been able to sew the seeds of discord prior to her arrival, admittedly due to the fact that he had effectively been rendered an ice-cube prior to Kate’s having thawed him. Part of her still imagined that given enough time, he would undo whatever progress she had made in her personal life. The thought bothered her immensely and realizing that it would interfere with her ability to perform, she decided to put it right out of mind and focus.

“Excellent! I hope we’re afforded that chance to work together.” Kate admitted, indeed hoping that Vojona’s schedule would permit such an opportunity.

“I’m going to move the organ regenerator down to Main Sickbay, where it can function unhindered by the small confines of this sickbay. Kate. Vinata.” Explained Courtland as he took heed of the device, and began wheeling it out of the surgical suite, content to walk rather than beam. It was only a few decks between the two sickbays, and if anything the short distance represented a chance to breathe a little.

Her attention shifting back to Vinata, Kate was content to watch the Nurse work through the process of closing up their patient’s abdominal cavity. Impressed with the deftness of skill with which Vojona seemed to operate. She would now effectively proceed as Vinata’s assistant in the matter, handing him the necessary tools he’d need to complete the job. Kate of course knowing well in advance of each step, had them ready and waiting in succession so that the process was seamless in how it transitioned from one to the next. “You do good work.” Kate commented, as she observed. Feeling confident in her decision to have let the amphibian take the lead from this point on. “Did you manage to find the time to explore some of the seascapes down on Aldea during our stay there? I know it’s mostly and arid world, but I heard there were a few spots with some water.” The rumors that a small contingent of the crew had gone coral diving at one point had made the rounds among the Surgical staff, as gossip was an easy escape from the everyday tedium of the job.

“Though, I heard there were some sharks too.”

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #8
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Swift

Vinata smiled at the thought of the main Ovri homeworld, Qworthrik. While he was from a different planet colonized by the Ovri, Dejino, he had visited Qworthrik many times over the course of his life. It was a world with over eighty-percent of it covered in water, and some of the most beautiful and elegant looking horizons of the sea one could hope to see. “Words on a PADD, nor pictures could truly do it justice Doctor.” The Ovri chirped as he continued to prep for closing, his four fingers grasped and aligned a few different tools.

“There is a spot, on the southern continent, where the tides and currents actually resonate. One could equate it to the sounds of several sea-dwelling mammals of various other worlds. If you close your eyes, you could almost swear the sea itself was playing some sort of symphonic melody to you.” Vinata spoke with such passion, the topic of the sea and the Ovri main homeworld had brought a more positive version of himself out.

The Ovri truly appreciated Kate even more in that moment. For facilitating the conversation which had caused him to reflect on what made him happy in life.

“You enjoy free diving?” The Ovri’s eyes grew wider - somehow. The thought of it caused a sinking feeling of excitement within him. He had met very few humanoids which were not Ovri which enjoyed traversing bodies of water in such a way. The idea of perhaps having a friend on board who would partake in such adventures with him was pleasing. “Perhaps we could venture on a free diving expedition some day? Have you ever gone sky-diving? I’ve thought of it but to be honest, I have never been able to bring myself to give it a try.” It was certainly a mid-shift of thought but Vinata did feel the theme was still there, it was just as daring as freediving could be for someone who was not amphibian in nature.

Vinata gave Courtland a polite nod as he announced his departure, which left both himself and Kate He quickly got underway with closing - his four fingers grasped the suturing instrument tightly and slowly transverse over the abdominal area, followed by his other hand which grasped a dermal regenerator. His technique was both steady and adequate, which was validated by Kate’s compliment.

“Thank you Doctor.” Vinata looked up briefly and smiled.

“Sadly. I did not make it down to Aldea.” It was a regret on his own part - it was possible technically but the effort would have been great. Vinata did regret not seeing the ocean or having at least taken the opportunity for a swim and dive. It would have been so lovely to have been naked and felt a true oceanic-body of water surround him. “I regret it but given everything that happened prior to our arrival, I found myself rather occupied in self-reflection…” And self-pity. Vinata had locked himself away from most social opportunities and engrossed himself in work during the Theurgy’s time at Aldea.

It was necessary though. Thankfully - he could start to recognize his old self again in the mirror. And the events of the bombing only reinforced the need for him to embrace the life that he had. Not everyone was fortunate enough to continue doing so on the Theurgy

“I will certainly not miss an opportunity like that again, should we be fortunate enough to enjoy some leisure time once more… Sharks you say? Oh… How I would have loved to converse with them…”
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

Kate could tell by the manner in which the subtle amphibian features of Vinata shifted, that when he spoke of the Ovri home world with reverence, that there was no deception or embellishment on his part. In his mind, and Kate imagined in actuality, that Qworthrik was a lovely world which was difficult to describe. Though that didn’t stop Vinata from making an attempt, and Kate found herself almost lyrically mesmerized by the description as it began to build within her conscious. Were it just words read without any soul or heart behind them, she might have been unable to picture it, but given the passion and empathy with which her new friend spoke she felt as though she could at least in some fashion imagine it in appropriate light. “That sounds... lovely.” She let slip as she tried to envision ocean tides and currents converging to create such a symphonic melody in her mind, and immediately she knew that if she survived this whole crisis that was facing her and Theurgy, that she’d need to take an excursion to experience it in person.

There was certainly a mutual appreciation developing on her part as well, as the peaceful nature of it all really struck a chord in her thoughts.

“Hmm? Oh... yeah. It’s uhh... been a little while, but yeah, I enjoy it.” She acknowledged Vinata’s probe as to her enjoyment of free-diving, a leisure activity that she’d picked up a favor of some years earlier during a brief period of shore-leave spent on Bajor. The memory of how she and a friend had picked it up out of necessity, rather than want, came to the fore of her mind. She had been set to explore a series of coral-reefs, when the third member of their party had failed to show with the scuba equipment, and rather than abandon their exploration, they had went about exploring what they could without it. It had sparked what was a lingering interest in Kate, and what had been a rather short-lived romantic involvement between her and her friend. Though that involvement had ended due to their mutual commitment to duty at the end of shore-leave, Kate had held no regrets over having indulged in the manner in which she did.

“Yeah, I’d like that... and yeah, I’ve gone sky-diving a few times.” Kate handed the next tool necessary for Vinata to continue the close-up procedure, careful to watch, but confident in the skills that were on display. “It’s an exhilarating experience. The only problem is it doesn’t last long enough.” She explained, letting a little chuckle escape her. “To be honest, I’ve developed a better interest in wing-suiting, because you can really control your descent for a far greater time. Like, sky-diving is cool, but wing-suiting is cooler.”

Happily content to provide the assistance that Vinata would need in order to complete the procedure at hand, Kate began to wonder when the next opportunity might arise in which she could invite the Ovri nurse out to enjoy in such an adventure. Truth of the matter was, it wasn’t easy finding people who were as interested in such proclivities, even when they were confined to the safety of a holodeck. The prospect of having someone else a long for the ride, was quickly building an enthusiasm in Kate, though she knew she’d need to temper such thoughts until the time was truly appropriate. If anything, the next few days were going to be exceedingly difficult for her, and for the rest of the Medical Staff. They needed to be focused, and attentive to the needs of their patients. That was their role to play in keeping this mission moving forward and progressing in a way which might actually turn the tide against the forces which sought to undo them and the whole of galactic civilization. Once things were steadier, then they could engage in such frivolities again.

“Wait... what? You can... like, talk to sharks? And understand their thoughts?” The idea seemed incredible to Kate and caused her to do something of a double-take as her tangerine-eyes transfixed themselves on Vinata for explanation.

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #10
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Swift

Vinata made several low, audible and happy sounding croaks as he finished closing up on the Klingon patient before him. There was a slight deviation on some of the intra-dermal work, but well within standards and expectations. It had been quite a while since he had the opportunity to practice these particular skills though - so he decided to not be too hard on himself about it. He was also most pleased with the direction their conversation had taken - it was more personal, less professional and it had been too long since Vinata had opened up and conversed with someone in such a manner, someone that was not Lucan Nicander.

“I hope I can bring myself to give that a try someday. The glider option certainly seems like it would be a bit more tolerable.” The Ovri grinned and leaned in closer to Kate, “This is not common knowledge, but a lot of Ovri have an intrinsic fear of heights. Given our evolution and natural habitat. Height is not so much of a concern relatively when you consider an ocean and water dwelling. Things may be deep but you certainly do not fall and usually maintain some control as to your descent speed.” It was why Kate’s mention of wing-suiting seemed to appeal to his senses more, you could still experience the exhilaration whilst having some control.

There was a spark of genuine interest within the Nurse now - to get to know this Dr. Kate Foster - there was certainly the chemistry to at least develop a friendship. The Ovri found her quite beautiful in a way too, not so much in a sexual sense but rather, Vinata wished he were as aesthetically pleasing to the eye as she was. An admiration to her femininity but also the masculine energy that the Head Surgeon seemed to possess as well.

As the two moved away from the patient, who was now being attended to by one of the enlisted staff while preparations were being made to transport - Vinata laughed in realization at how the universal translator had expressed his comment on sharks. “Forgive me Doctor. I believe it was stated as converse but I did not mean in the sense that you would think. I simply meant, I would have loved to have swam with them. To have danced. You would be surprised how many sea dwelling creatures express themselves through rather majestical movement within the water. It is a conversation not so much in words but rather in spirit.” He was not entirely sure that his explanation had clarified the misunderstanding.

Yes.. There was certainly the reality that the Aldean sharks would not have taken kindly to Vinata’s presence or attempt to become one in synchronous momentum. Ovri were very fast swimmers though - and he was confident he could certainly outrun or maneuver around them had they decided he appeared to be more fit as a meal instead of a dance partner.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon 

Kate could sense by the gradual shift in mannerisms displayed by the Ovri, that the sentiment of appreciation was genuinely reciprocated, and that their pleasant conversation had likely served as a spark to what could potentially be more than just another professional courteousness: rather it would be the beginnings of a personal friendship built upon the foundations of shared interests, and mutual respect. It felt normal, and healthy. Two things which the Chief Surgeon had too little of in her life, especially since she had succumbed to such a low point just a few years prior. It spoke to the possibility that she was overcoming the burden with which she had been saddled for so long, and truly becoming a more complete and content person. If she could indeed foster a new friendly dynamic in her life, like this one as it was manifesting before her, then perhaps she was learning to cope with who she was.

As Vojona leant in closer, Kate likewise tilted forward so as to engage in what she assumed to be something of an admittance, and when that suspicion was confirmed in the form of an explanation regarding Ovri fear of heights, Kate let an amused grin cross the features of her face. In that instant, she knew she would need to take the amphibian Nurse for a bit of an excursion to the holodecks at some point, so as to address that intrinsic fear.

The procedure to close up their patient complete, Kate followed Vinata as they moved away from him, happy to listen to her soft-voiced companion as he continued on, reclarifying the mistake with which the blonde surgeon had made. With a chuckle, she brought one of her scrubbed clean delicate hands to her face as a little sense of amused embarrassment washed over her. “Oh... oh I get it!” she replied, shaking her head as a mild hue of red came to her decidedly pale features. Shrugging her shoulders, she turned to walk at a backwards gait while still addressing the Ovri. “I imagine in a way, you’re uhh... probably better at communicating with sharks, than I am with people.” Approaching the exit from the Battle Sickbay, Kate felt a comradery with Vinata that she’d not experienced in quite some time. A comfortability that hadn’t existed in likely as equal a time. It was nice to know someone on a different wavelength, and which might extend beyond that of a generally amicable nature.

“Tell you what. I have to head back to Main Sickbay and get a sit-rep from Ensign Janteel on some of the other surgery patients. But...” letting the pate of her head slip slightly and biting at her lower-lip out of hesitation before completing her sentiment, Kate smiled brightly. “ about we grab some lunch tomorrow after fixing up Mister Irritable Bowel Syndrome, yeah? Maybe we can continue with a bit of conversation in spirit as well as words?”

Re: CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'.

Reply #12
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Battle Sickbay | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Swift

Vinata thought of the many times he and his sister had transversed bodies of ocean together. The conversation had drawn up feelings of longing to both see Hylota and to fully immerse himself in a rich waterbed once more, and not a holographic one either.

The Ovri laughed at Kate’s comment about him being able to converse with sharks better than her attempts with people. Given his interaction with the woman so far, he found it rather hard to believe. He found her to be quite easy to converse with. Perhaps it was just chemistry between the two? Although - given the professional way with which she had addressed other colleagues within their work-space, she seemed to have what it took to communicate adequately.

“I doubt that Doctor. You seem quite capable of both professional and personal dialogues.” Vinata offered her a warm smile and a gentle squeeze of her upper arm. He did retract his hand rather quickly though, not having meant to touch the head surgeon without her consent. It was simply meant as a gesture of warmth and friendship.

He was pleased when Kate had continued her statement and invited him to share a meal after their task of seeing to their Klingon patient was complete the next day. Clearly - his physical gesture had not set her off in any way, which he was grateful for.

“I would like that Doctor. Very much so.” The Ovri nodded and then took note of the nursing assignment board. “I look forward to both working with you again tomorrow and our lunch date. I have got some duties to tend to here as well. All the best for the remainder of your shift Doctor.” Vinata offered his new friend and colleague a polite and respectful nod before he departed ways - there was still much work to be done and he had at least four to six more hours of his extended shift left.

The night was still very much young. He could only hope there were no other unexpected explosions - but - this was the Theurgy after all.

~~ FIN

Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

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