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Topic: CH03: S [D02|0045] Gimme a Helping Hand (Read 2738 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH03: S [D02|0045] Gimme a Helping Hand

[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Access Corridor | Outside Cargo Bay 02 | Upper Deck | USS Allegiant ] Attn: @BZ

So far, they hadn't died, that was a plus right? It definitely was in the mind of Frank Arnold. So far this adventure hadn't fallen short. He got to work with a crew of the best, volunteers or volun-told, people he liked, or could tolerate, or that he hated but were good at their job. That was just how it had to be sometimes. He was even serving with someone he'd served with back in the Dominion War days. Well, more than served, serviced perhaps. Frank chuckled at that, and then shook his head slowly, he'd be dead if Jen could read his thoughts.

The recon had lasted about 4 hours, and they'd actually placed Federation feet on frosty Breen soil, or rather a roof, to follow up on the intelligence they had been given. Whether or not it had been fruitful, that was to be decided by those above him. What he was concerned about was, Engineering had maintained power for the cloak, and the engines, for the required time. He'd noticed a few phase variations however, and that, that needed to be fixed this morning. So he'd left Engineering just as soon as the away team had returned to the Allegiant, on a mission of his own.

But while that was great, this was even better, there were more things for him to do. Things that required actual doing, not managing. Not that he had any problem with managing these days, but it was nice to get your hands into a cowling, and work. Like a surgeon, well, an internal surgeon of yore, not Starfleet Surgery. That kind of surgery was more like the work that was his second favorite, intangible yet very complex. The kind that let you flex your technological might, but left your senses quite numb.

This, this was one of his favorite kinds of tasks, the kind that took elbow grease, know-how, and initiative. He'd had a lot of those lately, well, ever since he came aboard the Theurgy. Really it hadn't been that long ago, but it felt like a lifetime ago now. Maybe it was the distance between them, but less than a week ago, he'd been re-fitting a Tovarek drone aboard the Theurgy, now he was in the Alpha Quadrant, smack dab in and around the isolationist territory of the Breen Confederacy. It probably was the distance, but at least they'd brought his baby with them for this mission, and he had some work to do in this corridor.

It was only a power relay alignment, relay fourteen he'd noticed earlier in the night, and a few microcracks that needed healed discovered during the initial inspection, but to him, it was a nice de-stresser to work on, not unlike a nice session of hot yoga. Or in his case, playing his saxophone, which of course he'd brought with him, to pass the time if needs be. But this, would do just fine, to coddle his cortices. And that wasn't to say it was going to be done without jazz, oh no. Sans an instrument, Frank was still humming his little heart out as he knelt at the open power relay panel, and aligned the conduit with his hyperspanner, occasionally checking the cohesiveness of the EPS band with his tri-corder. He hmm'd and hah'd for a while, until he was satisfied that his readings were in tolerance, and to his liking more importantly.

Now he had to do the cracks, and he looked at the angle, taking his stock piece, and his micronizing welder, and thought about the line. The angle was awkward, he had to lean over quite far and hold the piece on the upper lip from the underside. More importantly, he didn't want to undo all of the work he'd just gotten done doing. Typical Arnold fashion, he'd gotten excited, gone and done the meat of the work, without thinking about the whole job. He scolded himself, but only for a minute, before he shrugged it off and got to work.

He laid his stock piece, a fourteen centimeter long, and rather thin, sheet of tritanium  across the cracks, and drew a slow and gentle pattern with his micronized welder, best as he could angle considered. When he was about the fire the sequence though, the piece slipped ever so slightly, one corner towards him, and he sighed. He re-positioned the piece, traced out his pattern, went to fire, and it slipped, AGAIN.

This time he audibly cursed, and threw. Whether or not a sheet of tritanium could actually qualify as a 'no-good cocksucker' was up for debate, but Frank was making a good argument for it as the sheet hurled across the hallway and rebounded off the opposite wall with a satisfying twang.

After a moment of cathartic curses, Frank wandered over to the piece, picked it up, inspected it, and brushed it off, returning to the conduit, as he knelt down. He lined up the piece a third time, taking a deep breath and resolving not to hurl it again, “Look I'm sorry but you did frustrate me, let's be honest you were asking for it, just cooperate you piece of shit. Then we can both nap.”

He went to trace his pattern when it slipped, and he growled out a, “You dirty mother fu...” And then he saw her, and just took a deep breath. That she was a cute brunette, was not what caught his eye first. No it was her two hands. Were they particularly special? Not at all, but at this moment they were what he needed, wrapped around his rock hard tritanium welding panel. He could get acquainted with the owner of the property later, for now he needed to borrow some equipment.

He'd hold the piece in place, and call to Jaya, who happened to be passing by at that moment, in this corridor, “Hey, you, Ensign, come over here, I need you to help me for a moment. I need your hands. Please, nothing weird.” He motioned with his free hand, for her to join him, waving her towards the conduit, “Know anything about welding? No, that's fine, all you have to do is hold this. Right where it is, right now.” If she cooperated, he'd lay a weld in no time.

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #1
[Ens Jaya Thorne | I Have a Job Too | Do You Always Talk to Metal? | Psycopathic Engineers]

Jaya was bored.

Bored was never a good look for Jaya.  She much more preferred to be busy.  Dewitt was going what she was doing.. being a Commander, a Captain... something.  Maybe she was taking a nap, it was hard to tell.  But, Jaya hardly ever stayed still, when she did, she tended to fall asleep, that was if insomnia didn't hit.  But, right now that didn't matter.  It wasn't nap time, bed time, or down time.  It was Jaya Wandering Around Time.  So that was what she was doing.  AS open and friendly as Jaya was she actually knew quite a bit of people on the ship. 

She was also really good at sniffing out people that cursed.  She could hear it from a mile away, not because she used all of the words herself but because it was just something that caught her attention.  The anger, the frustration, the spectacle, it was always worth it.  So it was something about being a no good cocksucker that caught her attention and corrected her aimless walking ways for ones that were a little bit more pointed in nature looking for the cause of the frustration and wondering if she would get a chance to watch the whole scene.

There was a twang of metal as she headed down towards the sound, not realizing she would call attention to herself as someone picked up the metal and began to work on it again giving it a bit of the “I'm sorry” treatment.  She couldn't help but quirk her lips as she headed off, she would stop and screw with him a little bit, but he seemed pissed enough.  She normally didn't mind rocking the boat but she was also thinking about heading off to go bug some Snowball or something.  That could be more entertaining. 

Except, then she heard herself being called over.  Ensign, and everything.  Her eyes shifted over to the bearded man trying to get some work done and cursing colorfully to boot.  He told her that he needed her hands, and nothing weird.

“Well now you ruined it, had you just needed my hands we could have had a deal.  I like weird.” she retorted as she headed over towards him as he motioned to the conduit that was giving him nothing but grief.  He asked her if she knew anything about welding.

“Sure, I do it in my sleep all the time.  Doctors keep giving me shots, and meds, and nothing stops that damn night welding, its really starting to be an issue.” she tsked her tongue and began to hold the metal as he told her to.  She just needed to put it on right where he had it and hold it into place.  Now, he seemed to get after the welding now that he didn't seem to have any issues.  He got the welds into place. 

“You know if you wanted a spark, you should have come to see me earlier.” she chuckled giving him a little bit of a wink through his welding helmet.  She pulled back a bit when the conduit was securely placed and then sat down on the deck plating next to where he was working.  “You know I'm good with my hands, but it's the first time I've ever been asked to hold down .. well whatever that is.  It's a terrible pick up line, you need to work on your game, man.” she shook her head and then held out a hand.  “Jaya Thorne.  Metal holder.”

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Everyone's Up To Something | Metal is My Specialty| I'll Show You a Pickup Line ] Attn: @BZ
Frank smiled. It was rare that he met someone who shared his good natured love of fun and jokes. After all, Starfleet was mostly full of people who'd gone to school their entire life, and there were a lot of legacies, they had grown up on Starfleet vessels and space stations too. Frank couldn't figure out why, but it made a lot of his colleagues the dour sort. Everyone took themselves far too seriously. But, this Ensign apparently wasn't one of them.

At her remark, he smirked, and offered lightly, "Well that's good, because I've been told I'm quite odd." He chuckled gently, and listened to her talk about sleep welding, "I'll make sure to request you on the occasional night shift then, I could use a good sleep welder. After all, half of my younger colleagues do sleep on the job, at least you'd be getting some fabbing done." He stroked his chin, after he'd laid his bead, since he had hands free, "Although we'd have to solve the problem of no one getting in your way....I can't imagine many would take being set on fire with a micronizing welder very lightly."

He gave a slow raise of the brow, "Oh yea? What was earlier? Earlier I was playing with the power systems on this boat, that's where I noticed this little diddy was a handful of degrees out of coherence. Can't have that, no no. Out of coherence means wastage, means heat generation. Now some might say, a few degrees is not a big deal, but that's just because they don't want to do the tunings." He chuckled again, rambling as he usually did once he got tired, and would say lightly as she referenced his stock as 'whatever it was'.

"It's tritanium, a stock strip. You see when I got the panel off, and was doing my scans, I found some fatigue cracks in the bulkhead supports. Now, no big deal, but I figured since I was in there, might as well brace them up. Like a splint for your leg." He nodded slowly, and realized he was smiling. What he couldn't figure out was, was it the work, or was it her warm features he was admiring, the faint scars over her face that told their own tales. She really was pretty, and witty, and she was self proclaimed, deft with her hands. He shifted at the thought of what she could do with those hands...

It was those musings he was snapped out of as she told him that he needed to work on his game, and he chuckled, boosting the panel into largely oversize hands, and slotting it back into its recess, the magnetic catch-all securing it back, flush with the rest of the corridor. "Now for as pretty as you are, that was a bit of self-flattery there I reckon." He rolled his shoulders, "Because I have game." He grinned, "I just hadn't applied it to you yet. See if I wanted to pick you up Jaya, I'd have told you..." he took a deep breath, stroked his beard, and offered her a gentle wink, "That I like to stay on top of things in my life, work, maintenance, leisure, it's an important trait for an officer." He grinned, "Would you like to be one of them?" He offered the pickup line in response to her teasing.

To her introduction he offered gently, accompanied by a massive calloused paw extended for a shake, "Frank Arnold, Assistant Chief Engineer, and acting Chief aboard the Allegiant." He rolled his shoulders, "So my Midnight Metal Holder, what's your day job?"

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #3
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Swapping Commentary | You've Met Your Match, Boy | Let's Go]

He was throwing words at her.  The big ones like coherance, wastage, and heat generation.  She was bored.  She almost made snoring sounds just so that he understood that he was speaking things that needed to stay in his head and come out a whole lot less.  However, she figured out already, he was probably a rambler, and that was fine, she could deal with that.  And, when she couldn't, there were ear plugs. 

She liked that he wasn't afraid to talk most of the time people thought that she was too talkative and couldn't keep up.  He told her that as pretty as she was, there was a lot of self flattery there.  “Well you know, I don't have anyone else to flatter me so I better just love on myself.” she winked as she sat there.  He swore that he had game.  “So you say.” she grinned wider enjoying their verbal sparring, it was one of her joys in life to find a good verbal partner.

He hadn't applied his game to her yet, and if he had wanted to pick her up he would have something about staying on top of things in his life, and how she could be included in that if she wanted.  Jaya rolled her eyes and shook her head.  “No, see now you're being all self flattering, because honestly, who says I don't want to be on top.  Girls can be on top too and it's completely sexist of you to think that I would only want to roll missionary style.  I'm disappointed.” she said as she brushed her bangs out of her face and behind her ear but her eyes were all jovial and fun. 

Finally, he extended a hand to her and she reached out to shake it.  He was Frank Arnold, a Lieutenant, by the pips on his collar, and the Acting Chief Engineer of the small boat and the Assistant Chief of the bigger one.  “Somehow I was not expecting a Frank.  Maybe a John, Jim, Joachim... something exotic, not Frank.” she said with a chuckle. 

Frank asked her what she did as her day job and she sighed.  'Well other than striking up conversations with random people, holding metal into place, and stunning people with my amazing wit and talents.  I can't believe you can't just look at me and tell.”  Jaya leaned her weight back on her hands, so that her body was a little bit on display not for sexual reasons but because she was being playful.  “I'm a pilot, of course.  Couldn't you tell with my bravado, my sense of diving head first into danger, my love for barrel rolls, and the wind rushing through my hair.”  of course that latter wasn't actually happening.

“I'm the Helmsmen, pilot, whatever you want to call me.  I fly this boat, and other boats like her, or smaller, larger, whatever.  Though the smaller the more fun because then you get to play 'see how long ti takes to make the passenger vomit'.  It's a favorite pass time of mine.  So since you were boring and told me your job ahead of time, what do you do in your not-day job?”

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | If you want to be on top, I'll gladly be on bottom] Attn: @BZ
Frank was a man of many words. He couldn't help it, rambling was his way, and his style. Easily excited, less easily impressed, but always happy and always jovial. He gave a slow smile then, and would just look her up and down. He couldn't help himself, it had been months since, well, since anything. He listened to her retort, and would say lightly, "I'm a natural flatterer, I do say you have met your match." He stroked his chin, "Your eyes, are very dashing. Your bottom, and your breasts, well, that'd be impolite to mention, without seeing them of course." He winked at her, saying lightly, "But more seriously, you are very pretty, don't let that go to your head."

He chuckled and rolled his shoulders as he slowly picked up the panel cover, and re-installed it, with the helping hands of Jaya, his job was done for now. "Phase all in coherence, I'm done here." He grinned softly, and then turned to her, and would offer lightly ,"If you'd like to be on top, I'll gladly be on bottom." He looked at his massive hands, "These would definitely fit around those hips." He laughed gently, and would make a teasing, squeezing motion, by god it had certainly been too long. Probably inappropriate for an officer, but still, he had to make his point. He gave a slow shrug, "But something tells me, every so often, you want to be taken charge of." He winked at her.

He laughed as she judged his name, and then slowly shook his head, "Nope, just Frank, not Frankfurt, not Francis, just Frank." He gave a grunt, "Boring, I know, but the right kind of boring. I won't disappont." He nodded sagely, "Not nearly as pretty as Jaya." He winked at her, "Pretty name for a pretty woman." He rolled his shoulders, and would say lightly, "Now if you want to be on top, I can be a Joachim for an afternoon." He laughed gently, he had to get her just a little as he hit her with the playful elbow.

As she described what she did, he offered, "Don't forget stunning with beauty." He snapped his fingers and pointed at her for emphasis, as he listened, "A pilot, all guffaw, no up here." He pointed to the side of his head, "All guts and glory." He gave a shrug, "The flight over the Breen homeworld was really well done, so hey, you've already won me over. No one in engineering vomited" He gave a gentle smirk, "When's the last time Dewitt's let you do a barrel roll though? Really." He smirked at that, before he moved on.

As she put her body on display, he definitely looked, even leered perhaps. He would give a nod, "Well helmsman, I'm the chief. A flight inspection might be in order" He gave a slow smile, "I've never vomited on a flight, but I reckon you'd give me a run for it." He nodded slowly. At her question he gave a gentle smile, "I charm beautiful women. Can't you tell it's working on you? You already feel a deep desire to strip down." He laughed softly, "I play saxophone, and sometimes I make woodworking projects. I used to have a motorbike, but it got abandoned when I had to come to the Theurgy on short notice."

He raised a slow brow, "Hey if you're free, we could go hang out in Cargo Bay one? I'll play something for you, or we can just eat replicated junk food, and get to know one another?" He gave a slow shrug, "My boring ass is done with my boring job, so I can be all yours, if you want to be all mine for an hour."

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #5
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Bossy Bossy | You've Met Your Match | Don't Know What You're Getting Into | Intriguing New People]

He was a natural flatterer, she wasn't surprised he had that vibe that he gave off.  He was very comfortable with himself, or at least, that was what he put out there.  Jaya hoped that was the case, because she thought confidence was quite attractive not that she was really in the market for anything but she wouldn't look down on a good time either.  He was very forward too, which was nice as well, she didn't like shy, she didn't like uncertain, she liked the ones that could get down to the heart of the matter without feeling like they had to tiptoe around her.  She wasn't one to tiptoe, she had never taken up ballet, and for good reason.  So as he began to list her major attributes starting with her eyes and ending with her tits, she grinned. 

“Well now you can't come to the dollar movie if you want to see all the goods, sweetheart.” she winked over at him.  He told her that she was pretty and not to let it go to her head.  “Aw, what?  Why?  That's no fun.”

Apparently the job was done now, but then he had a stellar helper which had expertly held the panel in place while he did the very easy part.  It was fine, she didn't need credit or anything.  He then told her that if she wanted to be on top that was fine.  Holding out his hands Frank admitted they would fit perfectly on her round hips.  “Look at you claiming my body parts all ready, slow your roll, my boy, you don't have full perms yet.”

They went through all the names he wasn't, and she chuckled softly as she stood up and brushed her rear off just incase there was something on it.  That would be unsightly.  Her name was pretty, apparently, though she wasn't sure she bought it.  Not that she didn't like it, it was just a very simple name, but then she wasn't a very complex person either.  He teased that if she wanted to be on to he could be Joachim for a afternoon.  “Joachim on the top and Frankfurt, on the bottom.  I like it.” she chuckled softly as she shrugged her shoulders. 

It was nice to find someone that didn't take himself way too seriously.  So many people did, especially in the Fleet, and it got tiresome truly.  She just wanted to enjoy her life and there was no reason to make everything super serious the way that she saw it.  But, she was just glad to be enjoying her time on the ship, what down time she had was precious so he was lucky she was giving him some of it.

“Well now … hold on.” she said holding her hand up.  “I'll have you know that I'm super intelligent especially when I'm playing with my joysticks and playing with the big boys.” she said all innuendos in there but she was actually talking about her job she was just using the fun words on purpose because they had somehow fallen into that way of speech from the get go and it was hard to get back out of it just yet.  He admitted that her flight over the Breen homeworld was well done, so she had already won him over.  Jaya chuckled softly and shrugged as though it was nothing. 

“Well I figured I would save the puking for afterwards, I mean, I can't have everyone puking on the flight over, no we save those fun times for the flight home.  So heads up, might keep a handy puke bag in your pocket just incase.  You don't want to get it all over your .. uh panel there.” she pointed back to what she had helped him fix.

Then he mentioned the barrel roll.  She feigned a sad face.  “She's no fun as Captain, all straight lines, Thorne, shortest course, Thorne, fly faster, fly quicker,  never.. hey... stretch your flight muscles lets have a joy ride.  It's really sucky.  I mean.. there is nothing quite like a good barrel roll, a good hanging onto your chair as you skate juuuuuust past an asteroid hell bent on denting your hull plating.  Where's the excitement??” she said with feigned dramatics.

“Come on then, inspect my flight if you dare.” she winked crossing her arms under her chest.  He told her that his hobbies were charming beautiful women.  “Oh is that what that is?  Charm?  I thought you were just full of shit.”

He admitted to playing the sax and woodworking projects.  He used to have a motorbike but it was abandoned when he came on the Theurgy.  “Oh so you like adrenaline too.  Well now I'm more intrigued.”  He told her that if she wanted to head to Cargo Bay one and he could play his instrument for her or they could have some junk food and get to know one another.  She could be all his for an hour, and she laughed.

“Wow an hour, phew, you know how to make a girl feel real special.” she grinned and thought about what she wanted.  She didn't mind jazz but the likelihood was if he played out in the cargo bay they would end up with an audience and she wasn't sure that she was willing to share.  So she opted for number two.  “I'd prefer that you play for me when there isn't the chance for an audience, so instead, lets shoot for junk food and conversation, or whatever 'getting to know me' entails.” she grinned shoving her hands into her pockets she headed off with him to cargo bay one.

“So I've heard rumors about the actual Chief Engineer of the Theurgy.  Any of them true?” she wondered curiously.  “I find stories are often aggrandized but based on some level of truth.”

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Now this is a Sparring Partner ] Attn: @BZ
Frank was a flatterer, it masked his insecurities, and he'd learned over the last while that seeing was being, if he exuded some false confidence, then those times when he wasn't so sure, he could fake it. Like with beautiful women, and the more time he spent with this Jaya, the more magnetic she seemed. He found himself looking at her eyes a lot, and the features of her face, that unique scar drew the slightest attention. She had a weathered persona about her, that was painted over with pleasantry, not at all unlike himself. He was grinning gently as they went back and forth.

He gave a gentle chuckle and offered lightly, "Well I wasn't sure if you were selling tickets to anything but the preview." He winked at her, returning her gesture. He liked that they shared so many mannerisms, she had the persona of someone who knew they were just a little dangerous in their field, and didn't care. He chuckled softly, "Because if you let it go to your head, you'll be running the ship before anyone knows it, and that's just not fair. Besides, it's mutiny, and while you'd still look fabulous in a prison jumpsuit, it would really cut into our snacking." He chuckled gently, and would slip his tools into his toolbelt.

When she told him to slow his roll, he smirked and offered, "Those who dare win after all. You cannot have that which you do not ask for." He watched her brush off her ear, and just smiled gently, wondering if she was self grooming as a bit of vanity, or a bit of self-conscience. He would give a slow grunt, and offered lightly, "Now I'm regretting picking Joachim." He laughed gently, "Such a mouthful." His downtime too was precious, but he was just glad someone actually wanted to accompany him for a while, usually he was the one going out of his way.

He smirked as she started defending her intelligence, "I have no doubt you have all the smarts required of Starfleet." He shrugged gently, "No one gets into this place that's stupid, then again some of the engineers I have, would make you question that." He gave a chuckle, "But mostly they're lazy and pretending." He gave a slow grin, "I also have no doubt you can handle a stick just fine. You can demonstrate at some point." He laughed, "You walked into that one on purpose." He would give a chuckle, "Oh yeah? We're gonna do some loopy loops? I'll make sure to keep my sick bag close."

He gave a slow grin, and would offer lightly, "Jennifer Dewitt has been business as long as I've known her." He gave a slow chuckle, "But I'm sure you know well enough that there's a streak there, hidden away." He gave a slow roll of the shoulders, "I've actually served with her before, in the war." He nodded lightly, they'd done more than served, but he wasn't going to bring that up on first meetings. "She's a fair hunter believe it or not." He waved his hand then and moved on. "Tell you what, we'll take over the ship, and we'll bring it back dented to hell and back!" He laughed softly, and would throw his arm lazily over her shoulders, as if leaning on her like a drunk.

As she told him he was full of shit, he smirked and offered, "You have discovered my secret! Charm is basically eighty percent bullshit anyway." He gave a nod, "But admit it, it's working just a little right?" He'd try to poke her in the side, right in the soft bit below the ribcage, "Riiiight?" He chuckled and then as she asked him if he liked adrenaline, he gave a slow nod, "I like beautiful machines that go fast. Someone on the Theurgy was working on a holo for me, to make up for my missing bike but, I think they took my money and ran." He certainly hadn't heard from Xelia, so he'd have to wait and see if he'd been scammed.

He gave a slow shrug, "Hey, an hour can become two, become three, I just didn't want to presume that you had all the time in the world in your super busy schedule. After all, girl like you, must have so much going on, that I'm just lucky to be getting an hour." He said it in a teasing way as he started to walk towards cargo bay one, "I will warn you, I caught two people having private moments in the cargo bay before, so we might be in for snacks and a show." He thought about that for a moment, "We better stop by a replicator." He nodded gently.

As she asked about the Blue, he raised a brow. He gave a gentle chuckle, "Depends on what you've heard. She's an eccentric gal to be sure, think it comes with the territory of being young and in command. But you tell me what you've heard, and I'll tell you what's true." He gave a slow grin, "I'll give you a freebie, she's a slut for sugar, a proverbial pastry prostitute, a twinkie tramp." He laughed gently, and would settle to a more serious tone, "But she's a serious engineer, and cares about getting the job done. Theurgy's lucky to have her, Kaylon Jeen too." He nodded slowly, "So what have you heard?"

He guided them slowly down the corridor, towards the small mess hall, so they could get to a replicator. He'd slide through the door with Jaya, finding it mostly empty, given it was the middle of the night, and he'd sidle her and he up to the replicator, and he'd ask plainly, "Two colas, two degrees. 1 bowl of chocolate covered peanuts, and 1 bowl of cheese puffs." He gave a slow grin, and then turned to her, "What about you?" He'd have to take his arm from about her shoulders to gather his small feast, stacking the bowl of cheese puffs atop the bowl of chocolate, holding the two cokes in the other massive paw.

"What you order is going to make my judgment of you forever." He winked at her, a joke obviously.

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #7
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Spending Time Together | New Friends | Could be Something | Could be Nothing | Could be a Mess | Who Knows]

He threw his arm over her shoulders and leaned against her.  He was tall, big, and round a bit, so she stumbled only a slight bit at the surprise weight that had suddenly assaulted her but she stayed upright and made adjustments to her stance because of him.  They began to walk together, she was quite enjoying having met him though she wasn't sure if he was someone that she could stay with for a long time that would be something that they would find out as they continued to spend time together.  When she called him on his bullshit she grinned when he admitted that charm was at least eighty percent bull shit to begin with so she wasn't wrong.

“Of course I'm not wrong.” she said, “I'm a pilot.”

Then he asked her to admit that it was working.  She tilted her head to the side, and then she gave a bit of a grin.  “Well I like to think it's contagious.  You see I started with my charming bull shit which caused you to catch it and now we're just giving to each other.” she said looking over at him with a grin.  “I suppose it might be working but without a positive rapid test one can't be completely sure.”

He mentioned that he liked beautiful machines that went fast and that something about a bike, and something else about a holo deck that was going to be created for him but that had fallen through or at least he hadn't heard from the programmer in a long while.  When he admitted that an hour could become two, three, or more she gave a shrug.  “Apparently I've been told to get rest tonight, so I have nothing pressing to do but sleep, but I can't sleep at the moment, not sure why too wired or something.  But, I'll get there eventually.” she shrugged again.

He admitted that he had caught two people having a private moment before in the cargo bay, so they might get a snack and a show.  “Oh even better, there's nothing I like better than watching people get it on when I got nothing to get on.” she laughed a bit.

As they headed to the replicator he asked what she had heard about Blue.  That the woman was eccentric and she was a sugar slut.  Jaya couldn't help but laugh at all his little commentary on the amount of sugar that the Chief Engineer consumed in a day but that she was smart, a good engineer, and good for the ship. 

“Uhh well that she's a raging bitch, hard to work for, and that she flies off the handle all the time.  But then, my more logical side of the brain says that there has to be reasons or Ives wouldn't let her stay where she is.  I also heard she might have slept her way into her position because she was married or with the First Officer, but I also heard that she had been the Chief on another ship, and that they had come together somehow.  But, I also heard that she and her hubs had like this ridiculous relationship that was like super deep.  I also heard some stuff about her being a badass on the Savi ship when they were all kidnapped, so it's like all good and bad.  So now that I've written you a novel what you got?”

By then they were at the replicator and he got himself some snacks and cokes and then asked what she was going to want.  For a moment she thought about it.  “Nachos with beef, cheese, beans, and jalapeno.  Three bottles, diet coke, two degrees.  Fried pickles, side of ranch, and cheese fries.” she said as she waited for all her food stuffs to appear on a tray.  She was a bit more hard core in her snacking than he was.  When they finished, they headed off to find a spot where they could camp out.  There was a secluded spot behind some cargo crates where they could be a little secluded and not be seen by everyone that crossed around them.  Jaya sat her things down and leaned against the bulk head as she took the first nacho, the cheese stringing from the plate to the chip in her hand before snapping in two and allowing her the first bite of delicious goodness.

“Big question.  It's your last night on this planet.  You have one night.  What movie do you put on for your last movie?  What is the last food you would want to eat?  Who would you want with you?”

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Let's Be Honest, Probably a Mess ] Attn: @BZ

Frank had a handful of cheeseballs, and chocolate, and some bottles of pop, had he not had absolutely massive hands, he'd not have had a hand for Jaya. Fortunately, that weird trait of his meant he could hold confections, and cuties, and still stay in the game. He heard her say she was a pilot, and he offered lightly, "In my experience, that most often works against your reputation, not for it." He gave a grin, "Although you are changing my mind about pilots." He chuckled, "A natural progression really, we build it, you break it, we both need each other, and both think we're most important to the food chain." He gave her a little nudge, fully expecting her to pride her place at the Apex of the Theurgical Order.

He gave a slow grin as she said it was contagious, and would offer lightly, "That's just a roundabout way of saying I'm right, and it's working." He winked at her, and would offer, "Giving it to each other sounds good to me, skip the snacks straight to the cargo bay?" He smirked at her, and then would pop a cheese puff into his mouth.

He saw her shrug, and explain her evening and he offered lightly, "Yeah it's the thrill of things, we just finished something important, your brain needs time to process, well, mine does." He nodded, "You're wired for split second decision making, and well sadly, that means you can't just click off. When you're in the pocket, you stay there for a while." He nodded sagely, and then offered, "Besides, we're not Vulcans we can't just be..." He feigned his best Vulcan impression, "Well, I'm going to stop thinking now, goodnight." And then he pretended to nod off. As he 'awoke' he offered lightly, "But don't worry, my rambling will put you to sleep in no time at all."

He smirked and offered as she said she had nothing to get on, "Hey I'm standing right here." He chuckled, and then watched her order her meal, that threw off his answer about Blue for a second, "Jumping Jesui of Jaffar, you can eat." He grinned, "I like that" even if it made him realize how hungry he actually was. He rolled his shoulders, and offered, "I make breakfast a lot, on the holodeck, well, I did make breakfast a lot on the Theurgy, in the holodeck, in this little seaside kitchen. If we make it back to the Theurgy, you'll have to come visit. I've been told my bacon is almost as good as the genuine article."

Finally he got around to Blue, and he offered lightly, "Blue's young, and very intelligent, I can say first and foremost, she's qualified to hold her position, otherwise I'd not have much respect for her myself. She's good at taking advice, and she's good at giving real criticism." He nodded, "That said, she's quite...cantankerous, oh let's be honest at times she can be a cunt." He laughed picturing her storming around the deck yelling at Ensigns and Crewmen, "Her favorite word is fuck, or a variation therof, fuck, fucking, fucked, fucker, fucks, and generally any other variation you can think of." He chuckled gently, "Which rubs certain people the wrong way. And when she's in one of her moods, then the only salve is a sugary snack, usually a twinkie, and some time left alone." He rolled his shoulders, "I don't know that much about her relationship with the First Officer, other than that she gets this little smile when she mentions him, and I know the Savi stuff, sticks on her pretty heavily, even when she tries to hide it." He stroked his chin, "I think I answered your question." He nodded slowly, and then smiled, offering softly "She's a good Chief."

He followed her into the seclusion, looking around and then offering, "Should have brought a blanket to sit on." He chuckled softly, "Sorry, habit, I like picnics." He grinned, and then would settle in leaning on a crate as he slumped onto his ass. He reached over to steal a cheese fry, because she was more inventive than he was, and he'd try to do it while she wasn't watching, so that the only witness was a string of cheese from the plate to his maw.

 He breathed out after eating it, with a 'haaaaw' to let some of the heat dissapate, and then after a satisfied moment, he offered, "World's Fastest Indian." He nodded slowly, "A Fat Bolean Sandwich from Ezmar's on Starbase 7, which is chicken strips, mozarella sticks, french fries, onion rings, all piled high on a crusty hoagie roll, and drizzled with honey mustard." He grinned, "Probably two of those actually." He gave a slow stroke of the chin at her last question, and thought about it for a long while, "Depending on how this little date goes, I'll have to get back to you on that last one." He winked at her, and then waved his hand towards him, "Your turn."

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #9
[Ens Jaya Thorne | You Get Me | Eating is the Best Therapy | Snacks are a Girls Best Friend]

He told her that she was built for split second decision making. So when she was turned on, it wasn't as simple as clicking the off switch and going to sleep. He was right, for a moment, she jut stared at him because there was no one that had ever really understood such a thing other than the pilots that she knew and she didn't really want to get with a flyboy.  AS much as she knew they could be good guys there were none that really got her fired up in the right ways and more so than that she hated the ones that were massive flirts and went after everything with a skirt.  Jaya didn't have confidence or abandonment issues she just didn't want to wonder at night if they weren't going after the next cute thing and not satisfied with what they had already built.  She supposed that she was mostly afraid of finding out that she had put all herself into something and they hadn't.  Being made a fool of in that way.

“Eh Vulcans are creepy.  Anything that denies it's inherent emotions is just.. straight fuckery.”  She said with a shrug. “Sorry for my french, I don't normally curse much but sometimes, there are words that just aren't made yet, so you substitute.”

As she ordered her food he said she could eat, and Jaya chuckled.  “What you thought I was a salad girl?  I'm disappointed.  I like my meat and potatoes.. or well... my nachos and cheese fries.” she chuckled with a big smile on her face.  He told her about a seaside kitchen that he used on the holodeck to cook breakfast.  Her brow rose.  “Sounds downright romantic, you setting it up for a good ol' fashioned seduction.” she teased.

The pair headed around the deck towards their spot and on the way he talked about Blue.  Her favorite word, the love of her life, the enjoyment of twinkies, and other stuff.  But the main thing was that he felt she had gotten her job the right way and more so than that she was actually really good at it.  “That's good to know.  Not that I have any stake in it or anything, but it's good to know the CE has a good head on her shoulders when it comes to making sure the ship goes in the right direction and so forth.  I don't want to be going sideways when I'm trying to fly straight.”

He told her when they got to their spot that he should have brought a blanket. “You need cuddles or something?  I don't mind getting my ass dirty on the ground, I'm not too good for the ol' deck plating.”  He told her it was a habit that he liked picnics.  “All right, fine, but if you ever take me on a picnic, I want one of those fancy red and white picnic blankets but I want it some place amazing.  Not here, some place gorgeous.  I mean it'll have to compete with this face and everything, but .. at least you can try.” she winked.

Jaya leaned against the metal wall and put the food around her picking up her nachos first she took the first bite as he stole a fry.  She paused mid bite, chip half way to her mouth and gave him the death glare.  “That's grounds for war.” she stated deadpan.  Staring into his eyes with her own, waiting for him to realize that he had over stepped the line, a line that was drawn on every food picnic on every deck plated butt plate ever, he had crossed it and it would not be forgiven.  No, he would learn a valuable lesson from this and she would have to be the one to teach him or he would do it again.  A toe out of line was a foot out of water.. or … well something.

He was in the middle of telling her something about a Bolian sandwich when he looked over and she had a handful of cheese fries in her hands and smashed them right into his face.  The warm cheese oozing into his beard, the fries sticking to his skin.  She couldn't help but bark out a laugh, as she looked at the cheese man beside her with his face full of shock and awe.  Clearly, he had no idea who Jaya Thorne was, but he was finding out that she was a whole lot of fun.

“You look like a garden gnome some bird took a shit on!” she laughed pointing at him with her still cheese fingers as she watched him coming around to the idea of what had just happened.

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | All is fair in love and...cheese? | USS Allegiant ] Attn: @BZ

He smiled at her as she just looked at him gobsmacked, and he offered lightly, “I know, I have the wisdom of an old man, with all the charm and good looks of a young man.” He winked at her and burst into full bodied laughter as he settled onto the deck plating himself. He shrugged, and offered, “I don’t know, a blanket makes it more classy, and less like you’re homeless.” He winked at her, and then offered, “There is always the advantage that when you get dirty, eventually you have to get clean, that’s a positive. Dirty hands clean money” He laughed softly, and then ate a few of his cheese puffs. He too was always concerned with over-committing, it led him to a self conscious, high-ground, safe but isolated, flirty but non-committal, well until now.

He gave a nod once more, saying lightly, “They are kinda creepy, and we just sort of, ignore it. Interspecies society and all that, we’re just supposed to all coexist with no hangups. Vulcans are definitely strange, smart but strange. Andorians take everything as an insult, humans well, we’re just a bag of hammers.” He laughed gently, and said, “Fuckery is accurate. Sometimes in engineering, something isn’t broken, it’s fucking broke. And sometimes it’s fucked, and sometimes it’s fuckered. It’s the way of things, Chaucer did a good job, but English still has a long way to go.” He grinned at her and said, “Substitutions are fine.” He rolled his shoulders and offered, "I was working with a Vulcan in Botany on board, she's, odd." He rolled his shoulders, "But one of my first friend on the Theurgy is a botanist too."

He shook his head, “Nah, salad’s really boring, and you aren’t. I didn’t take you for a salad girl, not one bit. Hot wings, now that is a tossup.” He would give a smile, “It is quite romantic, of course you get to go there after the romance is over.” He laughed giving her a little nudge, and would offer, “But the bacon is quite excellent, and the cook’s a dead ringer.” He stroked his chin though, and offered lightly, “Hey I don’t mind a good cuddle, come over and get one when you’re lonely. It’s like being hugged by a big bear.” He smirked at her and gave her a nudge, before hearing her picnic parameters. Slowly he nodded, pretending as if he was taking notes, and offered, “You pilots are so high maintenance.” He grinned at her afterward.

He gave a shrug, “I think we all have a stake in who keeps the boat afloat, good to know that your captain, and your chief, and your pilots, are qualified. Everything else is dressing, gravy, but one of those, and boom, down goes Goodman.” He laughed gently, and then would slowly quiet as she made a face. He didn’t quite understand what she meant when she told him what he’d done was grounds for war, he thought it was sarcasm wholesale, and he was contemplating that when….WHAM.

All of a sudden she was laughing, and he was coated in nacho cheese, like some weird sex dream, except it was happening right now. To say he was awestruck, was an understatement in the slightest. Had she just started, a foodfight with him? He thought that she had. He was still a bit stunned when she pointed at him and laughed, and he did what naturally came to him. He offered mutely, “I could court martial you for that, but, this seems better.”

He’d flash out with boxer’s hands, and try and grab ahold of her in his massive mitts, try to get her in a hold, and wrestle her to the ground with surprising strength. Her hands pinned to her side, his thickly muscled arm wrapped about her, so she was held tight, but arms pinned immobile. With his free hand, he’d take a handful of cheeseballs, and crush them up, and then slowly sprinkle them into her hair, calling out, “Look it’s snowing!” When he’d finished, he would take his cheesy bearded face, and rub it on hers, trying to grate her with stubble and beard hair “Chin pie” and offer, “And now we’re matching, if you had a big nose you could be a cheesy snowman.” He eventually released her, and preventatively took a scoot back, putting his hands up but wearing an excellent smile.

“Now just remember that was retaliation, I could have mushed up a twinkie down your shorts, but I was merciful.” He took out some napkins, and slowly started trying to wipe his face and beard, taking a comical moment to taste some of the cheese, “Mmm that’s good.” He laughed softly, offering, “Well now I need a shower.” He smirked, “So what was your favorite movie again?”

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #11
[Ens. Jaya Thorne | Cheese Face! | Beard Attack | Payback]

“Eh, Goodman was a lazy bastard anyway, probably best to cut away the waste.” she chuckled with a knowing grin knowing that they were just playing around.  She quite liked the light hearted atmosphere that there was surrounding Arnold and everything that they were getting together.  It was as though they were supposed to be friends or something, whatever it was, it was working out really well for the both of them at least as far as she could tell.

When she smashed him in the face with the cheese hand and fries and burst into laughter, she could not help but burst into further deeper laughter at the sheer look on his face.  He was totally out of his element.  Her stomach was cramping she was laughing so hard and people probably thought they were completely nuts but she also didn't care.  Jaya was not the sort that worried about what the people around her thought about her.  She was just Jaya and if that didn't fit into the mold of others she didn't much care there were so many others that she fit well with. 

He told her that he could court martial her.  “Oh I'd love to see that.  Court Martial-ed for a cheese offense.” 

Arnold suddenly moved in with the after deciding something that was better than a court martial.  Her eyes widened as he moved forward and knocked her down to the deck plating.  He had a great deal of strength, added to the fact that he probably held three times the mass that she did, he bowled her over quite easily.  Jaya was a pilot she was not a fighter and while she kept herself in shape, she was not the kind of person that took fighting lessons and the things like that.  No, she was much more so into shooting and flying than fighting. 

He reached over and grabbed a handful of cheese balls from his collection and he shredded them all over her.  She squealed out as he began to rain them down on her calling it snow.  It was all in her hair, on her face, she closed her eyes and scrunched up her face trying to keep them out of her eyes and feeling them landing all over her.  “You bastard!” she called out without any meeting.  Before she could seek retaliation he leaned down and smooshed his cheesy beard against her face and rubbed the coarse hairs on her own jaw causing her to cry out in surprise before she began to giggle as he tickled her with his coarse hairs. 

Finally, he pulled back and held his hands up in surrender as he moved to the side.  Slowly she sat up wiping her face as best as she could now that it had cooled, caked, cheese all over it.  He grabbed napkins and began to wipe himself off, she did the same grabbing a handful for herself she wiped the gritty cheese off her face as well.  He asked her what her favorite movie was again, and she chuckled softly. 

“Uh, hmmm, that's a good question.”  she said “You know.. I don't know if I have a favorite. What I like in my movies is to laugh.  So comedies, and .. rom coms, stuff like that.  I don't like sad movies or things that are too serious.  I found a collection of movies from the 1980s once, and those tend to be the ones I go to when I want to watch something kitchy.” she shrugged her shoulders and tossed the napkins to the center of their make shift picnic now that she was as clean as she could be for the time being.  At least, she thought she got it all.

“Oh hey, question, totally random.” she said with a grin.  “I might have used my amazing powers of persuasion on the old Snowglobe Leader Boy, and got him interested in a team waterballoon fight in the aerodome once everything is done and we're on our way back to the Theurgy.  You interested in being on Team Federation?  So far it's me, and Dewitt, so wanna play too?”

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Sorry, I get carried away sometimes ] Attn: @BZ

He gave a slow smirk, and offered lightly, "I don't know if you've ever watched any early twenty first century movies, but that one, Dodgeball, it's a look into the culture of machismo of Earth, in that time." He smirked, "And it's funny too, I promise you'll laugh." He quoted after a moment, "What do you say we put on the thong song and wreck this place?" He laughed some more, slapping his leg, and would put aside his dirty napkins, all cheesed up.

When she said she would love to see a cheesy court martial, he offered lightly, "Ensign Jaya Thorne, you are hereby formally charged with assault by ready-cheese." He just chuckled, his gut hurt by now from all the laughter, god this was fun, he hadn't had this much fun in a long time. He grinned, and offered, "I am a bastard, a cheeky bastard, no, a cheesy bastard." He winked at her, and then would just settle in, letting them both get mostly cleaned up, his beard streaked with a few greasy remnants of cheese, the processed kind, and therefore the good kind.

He raised a brow when she said she'd found a cache from the 1980's, movies that was, and he would ask her lightly, "Do you remember any of the names of those movies?" He raised a brow, "I'm a bit of a 1900's-file. Mostly surrounding heavy industry, steelmaking. I actually have a pair of cobalt tinted lenses, called melt-glasses, back on the Theurgy. They're a prized possession, workers used to use them to look at molten steel, and see the differentiation between steel and slag for draining an electric furnace, or operating a giant slag-rake. No arrayed spectral analyzers, no isolinear processing controlled spinner-separators, just a man and his eyes, state of the art for the time. Obviously the metals of that time are full of microscopic nonmetallic inclusions, but it's amazing the things they were able to build, able to do, with innovative thinking. The aluminum, titanium, steel, that took Apollo Eleven to the moon, all made that way, just grit and gumption. And the men that worked those jobs, were revealed as the pique of manliness, just look at Flashdance." He'd gotten a far off look in his eye, he was clearly rambling, and eventually he noticed, snapping his eyes back to her, saying bashfully, "Sorry, I get carried away."

He eventually slid over to sit next to her, eating what was left of his food, what wasn't crumbs in her hair. He slid his arm around her back, resting over her shoulders letting her head rest on his bicep instead of a crate or the wall, if she acquiesced to his move. He would listen to her question, and would say almost incredulously, "Are you asking me, an Assistant Chief Engineer, aboard one of the most formidable vessels in the Federation, if I want to play with water balloons, versus Savi aliens?" He offered lightly, "What kind of question is that, what kind of immature, unprofessional officer would do that? Say no I mean." He just burst into laughter, "Of course I want to! That sounds incredible, it might be the first cross-galactic species water fight ever!"

He grinned then, and saw a few crumbs nested in a strand right over her cheek, and he reached over without thinking, and brushed the strand away from her face gently. He would offer lightly, "You're really pretty." And if she looked at him, he'd lean in, and try to give her a peck on the lips then and there, in the Cargo Bay. It was as if these bays had romantic powers. He murmured afterwards, "Sorry I did say I get carried away sometimes."

He'd watch her reaction then, offering nothing else for the moment, just taking the opportunity to crunch a cheeseball, "I should have gotten cheese fries."

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #13
[Ens. Jaya Thorne | Surprise Surprise | This is New | Not Unwelcome | I Could go for More]

He told her that there was a twenty first century movie called Dodgeball.  “Wait, they actually play that archaic game in the movie?” she asked completely confused on how that could be funny or how that would actually be something that he would enjoy.  Furthermore, how did you even get a story line out of something where you just dodged foam balls until you were the last man standing.  That was nuts.  He told her that it was funny and he promised that she would laugh.  He said something that made no sense and she would have to look up what the Thong Song was another time, because she was certain she hadn't ever heard it but Jaya was all about having fun.  Fun was life and she hoped that she could bring more fun to the man's life too because she was pretty sure that he would appreciate it as much as she did. 

“I have no idea what that means.” she chuckled and shrugged.  “But, if you want to share your weird movie choice, I guess I can find my way to sit on your couch so long as you're bribing me with good food.  Like pizza and nachoes, booze of course, and maybe some kind of candy or popcorn or something we can have a fight with.  I feel like dodging the gumballs might be enjoyable.” she winked.

He asked if she remembered any of the titles.  “My favorite would be Breakfast Club, but I also liked Top Gun, .Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, so many great titles.  You'll have to come put your ass on my couch one movie night.  Apparently we're going to have movie nights, it's been decided now.  You're welcome.” she grinned over at him.  He began to ramble on about some kind of shades, or something, that he had and then he just kept spewing words that she was sure meant something to someone but they were just words thrown at her at this point. 

He slid closer to her.  Jaya leaned forward and pulled her pony tail out for a moment shaking the leftover cheesy dust off out of her hair shaking it with her fingers to get as much out as possible before returning it quickly to a pony tail.  When she sat forward to do that, she found that his arm had found it's way around her back and he was letting her head rest on his bicep pulling her closer to him.  So she was no longer leaning against the wall or the supply crate.  All this time she was asking him about joining an intergalactic water balloon fight.  Looking up at him as she asked him about it and he asked her if she was seriously asking him if he wanted to join.

“Obviously it's a limited time invitation.” she chuckled.  He asked her what kind of immature and unprofessional officer would want to do that.  “Me obviously.” she answered truthfully as she laughed and gave an unapologetic shrug.  He burst into laughter and told her that he was definitely down for that.  A wide smile crossed her face. “Fantastic!  I just knew you would be in.”

He reached over and picked up a strand of her hair with some crumbs that she had missed earlier.  Her eyes shifted up to his as he leaned forward to brush the crumbs out of her hair and off to the floor.  He leaned closer and told her that she was really pretty.  “Annual eye check time, I think.” she said in more of a whisper than her usual flair s he leaned in and kissed her softly.  It was quick, too quick, and was gone as quickly as it came. 

“You know, apologizing after you kiss someone kinda kills the moment.” she said shaking her head.

He mentioned something about how he should have gone for cheese fries instead of cheese balls. “It does show a poor choice on your part.  Everything is better with cheese.” she admitted dead pan as she tucked that piece of hair he had toyed with behind her ear.

“In fact... there's still cheese here..” she stated with a knowing smirk and kissed him soundly.  No peck, no hiding the fact that she was attracted to him.  Though she didn't deepen it and french twist it or anything, she wanted that for later when she could amp it up.  Still it was a solid kiss. 

“not sorry.” she said as she pulled back and settled into her spot on his arm again.

Re: CH03: S [D02|00:45] Gimme a Helping Hand

Reply #14
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Don't you Forget about Me ] Attn: @BZ

Frank gave a gentle laugh then and a low nod, "Oh yes, they do." He chuckled gently, "It's very silly, obviously acted out of course, but I find it funny. The commentary is really what's funny though." He rolled his shoulders, and would just settle into her a little, as she settled into him.

He grinned saying lightly, "No one knows what it means, but it's provocative." Another silly movie line, as he would say, "I'm more than happy to bribe you with whatever you want. I can certainly arrange gumball dodging for you. Or any other kind of ball for that matter." He smirked at that, and just set the rest of his food aside now, plenty sated.

As she illuminated him on her favorite movies, he smirked, "For the shirtless volleyball right?" He laughed gently, and would hear her say that they were going to have regular movie nights, he nodded lowly, "Sold." He chuckled, "Thank you."

"Obviously it's limited time. Then again, I hope that we're only on this ship for a short order. I'm not going to lie, the Savi, they're pretty creepy sometimes." He grunted, "I mean wickedly smart, very helpful, but creepy. And it's not really their fault." He nodded lowly, leaving it at that, "But I wouldn't mind pelting a few with some water balloons, in the spirit of interspecies cooperation."

He laughed as she told him apologizing kills the moment, and he shrugged, "Habit I supp..." He didn't really get to finish because she was coming in for a kiss of her own then, and it was a good kiss, not too deepened, but a solid peck. He heard her say she wasn't sorry, and he laughed gently, "Yeah me either."

He gave a groan, and stretched, and managed to get a sense of the time as a yawn overtook him, "Shit, I think it's time for me to turn in. Not that I want to, I'd like to stay here all night, but sadly, I've got a job to do in the old morning." He gave her a nudge, "We can't all slack and sleep and pretend to fly." He laughed at her, slowly releasing her as he stood. "Movie night, soon." He nodded, "I'm really glad you helped me hold my panel." He winked at her, and then turned to head for the hallway, whistling 'Don't you forget about me' as he went.


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