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CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


It had, on the face of it, been a rather remarkable day. Just twelve hours earlier, when Lillee had started her shift, the Theurgy had been split in three, docked at Aldea. She'd been anticipating the final qualification flight for Samala, a quiet afternoon of work on the shuttles, some holodeck time training for flying the Theurgy's disparate vectors and then, finally, a date with Anh-Le. In the shower and over breakfast, Lillee had mused on what to do with the fascinating Orion woman; perhaps they could visit one of the famous Aldean beaches? Or go to some sort of musical event? A fun date, followed by an even more fun evening of companionship in Anh-Le's quarters.

All of that, of course, was irrelevant now. Paris had been attacked and millions of people were dead. Lillee's children, only a few thousand kilometers away from the catastrophe, were in awful danger that frightened her to near paralysis every time she let herself think of it. The Federation and the Romulan Empire were mobilising for war, undoubtedly according to the Parasites' wishes, while civil war brewed also within the Klingon Empire. In the space of twelve hours, the Theurgy had reunited, departed Aldea, and through the use of the quantum slipstream drive, had covered an incredible distance in the space of a mere hour.

They were back in the thick of it now, and soon enough, phasers and torpedoes would be flying once more. With the Theurgy out of slipstream, Lillee was finally comfortable enough to end her shift. Just before she left her post in the shuttlebay, she sent a brief message to Anh-Le, knowing that Orion woman had to be working to the same schedule.

To: Lieutenant (j.g) Dantius Thi Anh-Le
From: Petty Officer 3rd Class Lillee i-Fennheii t'Jellaieu

Are you amenable to some drinks after our shifts, Anh-Le? We don't have time for a true date, but...oh Elements, in all this, I could use a friend, and I think you could too. Perhaps we can just have a drink and a meal in Below Decks, 2015? A casual affair, yes?

Lillee didn't bother waiting for a reply; either Anh-Le could come or she wouldn't, but either way, Lillee needed to fill her belly with more than air and worry. Still, when she walked through the doors of Below Decks, she stopped dead, her eyes wide and her mouth open.


There had to be a dozen of the beasts, mostly male but with some female, all clad in typical Klingon uniforms...and, of course, all drunk. Lillee's nose twitched at the horrendous smell of strong spirits, the KIlingons' awful racket offending her sensitive ears. The group seemed to be clustered around one of their fellows and (weirdly) a Denobulan in Starfleet uniform sat across from the Klingon. Lillee recognised the man; a Master Chief, one of the senior enlisted onboard.

He didn't seem to having a good time, concentrating hard on the pyramid game board on the table. His opponent, a rather young (and thoroughly inebriated) Klingon, was laughing heartily along with his fellow warriors, seemingly quite confident in how the game was progrssing. Lillee half considered supporting the Denobulan along with the other two Starfleeters cheering him on, but she decided against it. The Klingons truly did reek, and she much preferred her girlfriend's company (a far more pleasurable and fulfilling thought) to theirs.

Instead, Lillee chose a table as far away from the game as she could, ordering a stiff syntheholic ale to distract her from it all before she ate. Oh, the sooner Anh-Le arrived, the better...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015 hrs.] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #1
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Crew quarters --> Below Decks Lounge | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

Anh-Le got the message shortly after getting back to her quarters.  The interrogation of Dr. Nicander had been...unproductive, but not terribly so, and all she wanted was to forget the insanity of her situation for a little bit before sitting down to make some sense of the meager intel she had available. 

As  such, a date sounded like a great idea, and Anh-Le smiled to herself as she replicated herself an outfit.  This sounds let's go with...  Pants, yes.  Not a full suit, loose denim blue-jeans?   Yeah, that sounded good, and a black button-up blouse for the top. 

I'm doing this whole thing backwards, aren't I?  Anh-Le thought to herself as she looked over herself in her bathroom mirror.  We did awkward intoxicant-fueled oversharing, then sex, and now the casual date?  Well, no better time than the present than to start doing the whole relationship thing the right way. 

Doing up her hair wasn't worth the stress, so Anh-Le just tucked it into a ponytail and called it a day.  She probably should've put some makeup on her still-black eye, but Anh-Le sucked at makeup, so that would probably make her look worse

Lillee was easy enough to find once Anh-Le got down to the lounge--sitting at a table with a spare chair, watching a group of drunk Klingons as they cheered on one of their own in a game of tlhInSa' against a Denobulan.  Ooh, that's a fun game--I wonder if Lillee likes strategy games?  She'd have to ask.  A quick glance at the board, and Anh-Le winced; the Klingon had the advantage in position by a decent margin, and more pieces left, to boot. 

"Hey, hope I don't look like too much of a mess," Anh-Le said as she walked up to the table with a warm smile.  "I got your message and threw something half-decent on, I need a break too.  I've had a hell of a day, let me tell you..."  She shook her head, changing the topic to something other than her own, relatively minor problems.  "Are you doing alright?  Your kids are safe?"  Sudan was thousands of miles from France, and Thalaron radiation didn't linger or carry very far in atmosphere, so they ought to be safe, at least.  It still didn't hurt to ask and make sure. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015 hrs.] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #2
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


The sight of Anh-Le was a welcome one, and smiling, Lillee stood up to greet her. Her smile turned to a frown, however, when she noticed the rather visible black eye. Nevertheless Lillee didn't hesitate to hug the Orion woman, a brief but warm embrace before the they sat themselves down at the table. Compared to Anh-Le, who had clearly made at least some effort, Lillee was hardly as composed. Her uniform was rumpled after a hard day of work in the shuttlebay, her long hair slightly unkempt.

"They're fine, I...I think," Lillee said, although it was clear that she was speaking more from hope than expectation, her voice slightly stressed. "There is no reason for my babes to have been outside Sudan at this time of year, not when they have pre-school and friends, and their grandparents are canny. Paranoid, as they should be. They should be staying far away from targets like Paris and San Francisco, assuming they're even still on Earth...maybe they went to Alpha Centauri, or Vulcan, those worlds aren't under threat..."

Realising that she was rambling, Lillee stopped herself. Coming to her rescue one of the holographic staff came to the table, and Lillee ordered a simple Vulcan casserole. Waiting for Anh-Le to order something for herself, she then opened her mouth to speak before a particularly loud roar from the Klingons interrupted her. She shot a foul look at the group before refocusing on Anh-Le.

"Never mind me," Lillee said, forcing a smile as she leaned forward. "You look lovely, truly. How has your been day been?" Then Lillee raised a hand to stop Anh-Le, pointing at the rather nasty black eye that discoloured her green skin. "But did that happen? And when can I rip the arms off the fool who did it?"

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015 hrs.] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #3
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

Anh-Le reached over the table to squeeze Lillee's hand.  "I can see if I can get in touch with someone on Earth the next time we communicate with friendlies.  They should be safe, though, thalaron has a short half-life and doesn't carry far in atmo.

After her companion ordered, Anh-Le picked out a selection of shrimp spring rolls and bún chả.  Several of the Klingons cheered; oof, their man was three moves from victory by Anh-Le's estimate.  Man, I almost miss being stationed to a starbase...all that free time, I must've played a thousand games of chess...

At Lillee's question, Anh-Le found herself blushing and looking down demurely.  "Ah, I just threw on something look amazing yourself, I couldn't compete.  The, uh, black eye, that was from a fair fight--I had a fight with a Klingon earlier, he mistook me for the ship's entertainment and after I told him to fuck off he decided to grab me so I lost my temper and punched his teeth in.  It sorta turned into a brawl, I got the shiner somewhere in there.  Story of my life, heh.  Then I got to question Dr. Nicander--poor fucker needs some serious therapy, let me tell you--and got left with more questions than answers."  The Orion shook her head with a grimace.  "At least I had an idea for how we might get rid of the parasites without killing the hosts, if we're lucky.  I hope your day went better?

Another cheer from the Klingons; Anh-Le looked over and saw a man in Starfleet colors slump back dejected in his seat.  Hope that Klingon's still around later...or even...  "On another note, Lillee, do you play strategy games at all?  Chess, tlhInSa', Go?
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015 hrs.] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #4
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Seeing Anh-Le blush didn't quite make up for an awful day, but it certainly helped. Lillee listened patiently, her expression souring at the mention of Doctor Nicander, but she didn't comment.  She would be just as happy to never see the demon ever again, or to simply vaporise the creature. She couldn't even quite identify why the thought of the Parasite disturbed her so much. Could it be that he had deceived her and so many others, so easily? Could it be that she'd been completely vulnerable, all without knowing? Was it that perfect facade of a gentleman, so polite and chivalrous, but also so powerfully alluring, proving to be conceal a monster?

Lillee shook off her private thoughts with a deep swig of her drink, feeling the syntheholic ale burn her throat. She caught Anh-Le's look at the Klingons, and at Anh-Le's question, Lillee's left eyebrow shot up high.

"Some," she answered mildly, eyeing her companion curiously. Where was Anh-Le going with this? She took another swig of the ale, finishing the glass. "A few Rihannsu games, yes, and I learned chess after I moved to Earth. I know latrunculo, of course...all soldiers are required to know and play that game, even a lowly uhlan." She smiled slowly, looking into Anh-Le's eyes. "What are you thinking?"

As if on cue, another loud roar erupted from the Klin zha table. The winner stood up, performing a profane victory dance around the defeated, waving his arms wildly. The Master Chief looked infuriated but he seemed to have a wise head on his shoulders, standing up stiffly and striding right out of the lounge at the mocking laughter of the Klingons.

"Stupid beast," Lillee grumbled, glaring at the vulgar display. "And they call themselves honourable..."

Before the Orion could respond, the Klingon, still standing, called out to the entire lounge, this time even grabbing his crotch mockingly. "Are there none here who are a challenge?" he taunted while his fellow warriors guffawed. "I am the lowest of warriors, drunk, and I can still beat any of you Starfleet idiots! Hah! Is there even one who can put up a challenge? Any of you?" His eyes flicked around the lounge, and indeed, the man did appear to be three (or four, or five, or six) sheets to the wind. "You? No, No, of course not, hah! Or one of you?"

His eyes locked on Anh-Le and Lillee, grinning. "Come on! An Orion and a Romulan, you should have enough brains between you for a challenge!"

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015 hrs.] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #5
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

"Hey, Klingons aren't so bad," Anh-Le noted, then inclined her head at the player.  "Well.  Most of 'em, anyway.  Now, a Neuralian mugato?  That's a beast for you!

She shook her head with a chuckle as the Klingon beckoned.  "Anyway.  I asked because I've enjoyed tlhInSa' and chess in my time.  I'd love to learn latrunculo if you're willing to teach me?

"Come on, little girl!" the Klingon called again before Anh-Le could gauge her dining partner's reaction.  "If you have the spine for a man's game?" 

Anh-Le sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.  "Hang on a sec."  She switched to tlhIngan Hol.  <Hey, you motherless Denebian slime-devil, we're trying to have a date here!  If you really want me to kick your ass at your own game, you've gotta ask the lady here if she wants to spend her off-duty time watching me move game pieces around.  And be polite while you're at it, too!

The Klingon's eyes went wide at the outburst, and Anh-Le turned back to Lillee with an apologetic grimace.  "Sorry, that guy probably just won a shipboard tournament for the first time and thinks he's the biggest swinging dick in the Klingon Empire.  Anyway, seeing as we've already had a little fun with physical sports, it might be entertaining to exercise our minds as well--

"You, Romulan!" the Klingon growled, stepping up to the women's table.  "Since your pet seems to be an obedient slave-girl for you--have you the spine to set her or yourself against the wits of M'Rek, son of S'kopa, across the table of honor?  He sneered at Anh-Le, who felt her blood boil at the slave-girl comment, the Orion opening her mouth to really give this asshole what for....
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #6
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Standing as he was at the table, the target that M'Rek presented was unmissable. It didn't matter how heavily armoured that target might be, or how natural Klingon resilience might toughen the target area; when a Romulan slammed her fist into a man's unmentionables with all her considerable strength, it hurt. Sure enough M'Rek exhaled explosively, his eyes bulging as he doubled over, his hands instinctively dropped down to cradle the hammered target. A moment later the Klingon warrior fell to his knees, his face contorted in unimaginable agony.

"Man check," Lillee said blithely, looking at Anh-Le with a merry grin while M'Rek's companions collapsed into roaring laughter, some of them wiping tears away in their mirth. The man himself was still on the deck, whimpering almost inaudibly, his hands. Lillee glanced down at the Klingon with amusement that bordered on pity, then looked back at Anh-Le.

"I...demand...a game!" M'Rek got out from the deck, only just starting to recover from the hammer-blow he'd received. Lillee glanced back down at the man in surprise, his companions only just starting to recover from their laughing fits themselves, and sighed. She glanced back at Anh-Le and, in an expression as clear as day, shrugged in acceptance. The message was obvious.

Up to you how to handle this.

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #7
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

Anh-Le raised an eyebrow at Lillee with a little grin.  Alright, then.  Let's give her a show.  "OK, buddy," she told M'Rek, standing up and pushing her chair back with one fluid movement.  "If you want to be humiliated in public twice in ten minutes, be my guest."  Blatant boasting, but Anh-Le was still chafing from the slave-girl comment.  "You play Ketha Lowlands style or First City style?  I know both of those and Reflective, but I'm best at Ketha Lowlands style.

"First City style," the Klingon replied with bared teeth.  His buddies wolf-whistled, and Anh-Le played to the crowd, tossing her hair back.  He didn't pick Reflective.  Not confident in his skills?

"Alright, then.  House of Kahless or House of Molor?

"The honor of the choice goes to the guest, of course!" 

"Fair enough, I'll take House of Kahless."  Usually, the guest took House of Molor, counting on being able to respond to and get a feel for the host's playstyle to beat the host's first-move advantage, but Anh-Le felt like putting on a little show of dominance here.  There was a lady to impress, after all. 

The Orion sat, picked up a piece, and began to set up her side, looking over her shoulder to wink at Lillee as she did so.  "C'mon," she urged the Romulan.  "I'll show you how to play while I school this guy.   We're playing Open, First City style, so House of Kahless moves first, and the Blockader can't be eliminated.

M'Rek finished setting up his side, placed the Goal--the game's object--and gestured to the board.  "Your move, uryan'ngan." 

Anh-Le cocked her head, then moved one of her pieces up.  "That's a Vanguard--closest equivalent is a pawn in chess."   She nodded to M'Rek.  "Hit me with your best shot, tlhIngan.
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #8
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


As worn out as she had been upon finishing her shift, the fatigue seemed to wash away as Anh-Le and M'Rek settled in for the game. Anh-Le's confidence was infectious, giving Lillee a bubbly feeling as she stood next to Anh-Le, her arms crossed. She couldn't help but giggle under her breath at Anh-Le's wink. Oh, this was going to be fun.

"Interesting," Lillee responded quietly to Anh-Le's explanation, her eyes tracking the pieces. Despite her distaste for Klingons and everything to do with them, she had to admit that the game setup looked intriguing, even without knowing what the pieces did.

M'Rek, meanwhile, seemed to have recovered from his earlier humiliation, helped by a hearty swig of a drink provided by a holographic waiter. Buoyed by his fellow warriors, some of whom had pulled some extra chairs up to observe the game, M'Rek looked at Anh-Le with an indecipherable glint in his alcohol-dulled eyes.

"Before we begin properly," he said with a toothy smile of anticipation, "I am M'Rek of no house, bekk. I would know who I am to play tonight." His fellow Klingons laughed, although it was a far more polite and quiet laugh than before. Then M'Rek added, as he moved a piece of his own, "And, I think, we shall make it two games out of three. If that is acceptable to you. Single game victories just aren't satisfying enough for my appetite."

Lillee scoffed, crossing her arms. "I'm going to enjoy watching Anh-Le defeat you, kll'inghann" she taunted smugly.

M'Rek merely grunted in amusement of his own, his eyes locked on his opponent's eyes, ignoring Lillee completely. The following moves on the game table were rapid, with M'Rek moving aggressively and, despite his behaviour, with distinct skill. By now a growing crowd had begun to form, Klingons and Starfleeters alike gathering to watch the game, a tense silence beginning to settle around the players.

bekk: the lowest rank in the Klingon Defence Force, roughly analogous to an enlisted Starfleet crewman
kll'inghann: a heavily accented Romulan term for a Klingon

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #9
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

Anh-Le grinned as the Klingon made his move.  He's drunk.  Let him get sloppy.  It'd be cheap to call for more booze to liquor him up...but if M'Rek wanted to come into this game with his senses dulled, no skin off her teeth.  "I'm Anh-Le, daughter of Binh, surnamed Dantius.  Best of three's fine by me, if my lady's alright with that."  She moved her Lancer up, favoring a balanced technique. 

The Orion stifled a giggle at Lillee's taunt.  "Give the guy a chance, it's still anyone's game."  She traded Vanguards with the Klingon, and moved her Blockader up, sacrificing a move's breathing room for position.  M'Rek reacted aggressively, striking forth with his Flyer for the Goal.  Anh-Le launched a counterattack with her Swift, drawing a counter-move from M'Rek's Fencer, which she pinned with her own. 

Sloppy formation game countered for by a solid attack.  Prefers to keep his opponents off-balance, improvisational, poorly balanced himself.  She'd lure him in and then break his formation, pin and take pieces. 

"We're trying to take and hold the Goal piece," Anh-Le explained as Lillee leaned over her to examine the board.  "Philosophers of the game like to say it represents one's personal ideal, and so the tactics you use to get it say a lot about you as person."  She moved up a Vanguard, and M'Rek grunted in frustration as he found his Fencer encircled, forcing him into retreat.  "In the old days, all the best Klingon military academies on Qo'noS taught tlhInSa' and used it as a sort of judge of command personality and ability.  It was a tradition, sort of thing.  They stopped doing it because it was felt that it undervalued charisma and ability to build personal relationships, and they had some noncoms from peasant backgrounds who made field commissions and proved themselves talented leaders despite having no training in the game.

"One of them holds the Chancellor's seat now," M'Rek added.  "You surprise me, girl--I did not think that novwI'pu' were taught the history of Klingon culture.

Anh-Le shrugged.  "'Know thy enemy, and you will you will know how to defeat him'--two philosophers said that, on Earth and Qo'noS.  I have a personal corollary to that--know your ally, and you'll know how to work with 'em to defeat others."  She moved her Blockader up with a sharp grin, and sat back as M'Rek cursed under his breath as his tactical options narrowed.  "And, well, know how to beat his ass at tlhInSa' too."
novwI'pu' = foreigners, aliens
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #10
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


The momentum of the game was clearly turning. The crowd was growing more invested, the Starfleeters clearly enjoying the arrogant M'Rek receive some punishment, while the Klingons seemed oddly smug. After the loss of his Fencer, M'Rek attempted another aggressive move with his Swift, although it was more measured this time. The man was clearly learning, but not fast enough; though he exacted a toll on Anh-Le with his aggresssion, she was unleashing carnage in return. The Blockader had a commanding position now, and a dangerous one for the rest of M'Rek's pieces, not to mention Anh-Le's chances of claiming the goal itself.

Lillee, for her part, couldn't help but be absorbed by what she saw of Anh-Le. "A philosopher as well," she mused out loud as Anh-Le moved another piece. "I'm impressed."

Again, M'Rek ignored her save for a withering glare at the commentary. He moved his own Blockader in a defensive move, plainly hoping for an opportunity to appear from nothing. At M'Rek's surly expression, Lillee grinned triumphantly; even she could see that his chances of a comeback were slim at this point.

"Is it still anyone's game?" she asked innocently, drawing a derisive snicker from the Starfleeters around them.

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #11
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

"If you aren't a philosopher when you start learning this game, you soon will be," Anh-Le replied as she scrutinized the board.  "It's martial arts.  You can't really get into them if you don't understand the cultural context, you don't feel the forms the same way and you don't really get into the right mindset."  She moved up a Vanguard to reestablish her formation, falling into a classical Korvat strategy that had been designed by a House of Kor noble about the time the Humans were trying to nuke each other off of Earth.  Nothing quite like the classics

She turned away for a moment to address Lillee directly.  "I know you have..."  No, wait, don't phrase it like that.  "...that you're not really interested in Klingon stuff, but I could tell you some of the stories of legendary matches and the origins of the game later.  Might make good bedtime reading or something."  She winked, blushing a little at her own innuendo. 

"Your move," M'Rek said.  Anh-Le looked back, and grimaced.  Somehow he'd slipped her net and was now in a position to pin Anh-Le's Swift right when she needed it the most.  How'd he do that?  He shouldn't have been able to get his Fencer up there like that! 

"...right, the...Hmm."  Anh-Le frowned to herself.  Did he move it an extra space?  She tried to remember the previous position, but couldn't be sure. 

Screw it.  She'd just play it cool.  This shift only evened the odds; Anh-Le moved her Lancer to protect her Swift and nodded, running through strategies in her head.  "Back to you.
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #12
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


The following few minutes were tense, but soon, a sense of inevitability began to develop. Despite an imaginative and bold counterattack, M'Rek was reckless, too often leaving vulnerabilities for Anh-Le to exploit. The Klingon crowd, formerly smug, now seemed slightly worried, while Lillee and the rest of Anh-Le's fans grew more confident by the moment. It was easy enough to see, even for ones unfamiliar with the game, just how many more pieces Anh-Le had, and how she'd successfully hemmed M'Rek in.

A couple of moves later and it was obviously done. A desperate attempt for the Goal by M'Rek, using his remaining pieces as sacrifices, failed spectacularly in a figurative bloodbath. Now at risk of a yay'vll, the most humiliating way to lose a game by being subjugated by an opponent without the Goal even being necessary, M'Rek finally surrendered, scowling.

Lillee and the others weren't so crass as to cheer (or prance around while grabbing their crotches, as amusing as that would have been), they were profoundly and annoyingly smug. The Klingons looked disgusted, some of them ordering fresh drinks while a surly M'Rek rearranged the board for the second match.

Meanwhile, Lillee bent down, lightly touching Anh-Le's shoulders as she whispered into her hear. "If all those games are as entertaining as this, I look forward to hearing you speak of them...over lunch, in bed, in the shower, anywhere you like...." A harmless flirt, reserved solely for Anh-Le, but Lillee could hardly resist. She was, after all, a true rihanna at heart, and Anh-Le was appealing directly to it with her play. Seeing an arrogant and rude Klingon get humiliated was some of the finest entertainment that a rihanna could ask for. Heck, an entire industry had been born around exactly that theme back in the Empire.

M'Rek finished rearranging the board, turned it round and looked back at Anh-Le with grumpy determination. If he was regretting his offer of two games out of three, he wasn't showing it, however. "We continue," he said brusquely, moving a Vanguard piece forward. It was an odd play, his chosen opening move being rather obscure, leaving as it did an opening in his defences that more conventional openers wouldn't have exposed.

yay'vll: a Klingonese word that approximates to "total victory".
rihanna: female Romulan

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #13
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

"Best two of three it is," Anh-Le agreed, trying to gather her thoughts as she blushed furiously.  "Ahem.  Host's choice, now."  File the thought of strip chess away for later...file away the question of how the heck did she start thinking of strip chess at a time like this away for later...try very, very hard to not think of a naked Lillee sitting across a chess board...

...yeah, that image wasn't going away anytime soon.  The memories of white-hot sex after and during what had, in retrospect, been extremely sexually-charged weapons training, did not exactly keep themselves unobtrusive, either. 

Focus on the game, wow her with your big sexy brain, then go from there.  Alright.  M'Rek was playing aggressive, but it wasn't quite recklessness.  She'd need to rely on maneuverable pieces and a flexible defense this time now that they had the measure of each other. 

M'Rek chose House of Kahless, as was his right on the second game.  Going first favored his style, and Anh-Le was unfocused; this time, the piece trade was more even, though she contested the position well.  She leaned forwards over the board, knitting her fingers together as she frowned down at the pieces, trying to push through her distraction and focus on winning. 

I needed that Vanguard he took on the tenth move...that wasn't enough of a trade for position, when I had to move my Swift back fifteen moves later...  She could still pull this off even with the turn order favoring him, but she'd have to be smart about it...
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #14
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


For M'Rek, the second game had started well while the rest of the crowd enjoyed the show. Fresh drinks were brought for competitors and spectators alike, all enjoying their break from the stress of the mission. Paris was forgotten, at least temporarily, replaced by the curious drama of two people pushing pieces up and around a pyramid. People chatted and exchanged lighthearted bets, the distinction between Klingon and Starfleet blurring in the fun of the game. Lillee stayed quiet, her eyes tracking the pieces with renewed interest. She was a middling tactician at best, even in Romulan lantruculo,  but watching Anh-Le play provided a very deep sort of thrill.

She is a rare one, Lillee mused, watching Anh-Le's strategy morph and shift, her tactics adapting on the fly. Sure, Lillee had heard the stories about how latrunculo and human chess could show a person's true self. She'd even studied the subject at school, that having been a requirement for enlisting in the military. Only now, however, did she begin to understand, seeing traces of Anh-Le's personality in her play. Lillee hardly knew Anh-Le, really, but the more Anh-Le played, the more Lillee learned and the more intrigued she became.

M'Rek didn't seem to be having quite as much fun. Formerly boastful and brash, he was now surly and pensive. Gradually he was losing position, his own pieces being whittled down by attrition. The careful tension of the second game didn't seem to favour the Klingon as he lost patience a couple of times, making ambitious attacks only for Anh-Le to exact a toll. Finally, a good way into the game, even though M'Rek was still in a solid position, what was left of his patience finally snapped.

No sooner had Anh-Le finished her move did M'Rek move one of his own pieces, finally launching an attack on the Goal itself that he'd had set up for several moves. It was only after the move was complete, his hand off the piece, did M'Rek's eyes widen in alarm at his mistake. In his haste he'd just committed a potentially mortal error, leaving multiple pieces exposed. A loud groan erupted from the crowd, all of whom wanted to see a third game and seemed disappointed at M'Rek's error.

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #15
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

What the--  That was faster than Anh-Le had expected.  Yeah, he seems like a bit of a hotheaded dick, but he's not a total novice...  Should she take his Lancer?  Anh-Le's own pieces were dwindling, and her position wasn't as solid as she would've liked...

The Orion chanced a look behind and above her, and licked her lips unconsciously at the light in Lillee's eyes.  Focus, damn it!  Should she take the risk?  She didn't need to completely demolish M'Rek, only to take the Goal...but if she took most of his pieces and really made it a dramatic win, that would probably impress the Romulan...

Screw it.  I might as well show off.  "Are you sure you want to do that?" Anh-Le asked rhetorically, then took the Klingon's Lancer, drawing a smattering of applause and a growl of frustration from M'Rek.  Granted, it left her position weakened, but...

"I do," M'rek growled, and...

Damn it!  He took her Swift!  Worse, he was now in a position to gut her formation.  "Oh, cặc!" Anh-Le swiftly moved to restructure her formation as the crowd gasped, writing the Flier she'd used on the Lancer as a loss.  M'Rek chuckled, the initiative now his as he moved aggressively to block Anh-Le's route to his push for the Goal. 

"You play well, girl, but I doubt suvwi'pu' can fully master the intricacies of the game," M'Rek gloated. 

"Yeah, you suckered me once, good long-game," Anh-Le groused.  "Play the board, not the player."  She moved her Blockader up, trying to set up a counterattack. 

"'An unbalanced mind is an unbalanced battle plan.  Seek to unbalance your foe and you will always achieve victory'," M'Rek quoted as he cut off her route to the Goal.  "Not that your pointy-eared friend helped to balance your mind overmuch.

"Quoting Kahless, are we?"  Anh-Le shrugged.  "'To lose an empire to win a battle is no victory--and to lose a battle to preserve an empire is no defeat.'  We're playing best of three, and you blew your scheme early.
 Mark my words, round three won't go your way.
"  She'd all but lost now, but she wouldn't go down without a fight. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #16
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Lillee was gobsmacked. The audience were lapping up the dramatic turn of fortunes, chuckling in appreciation of M'Rek's strategy, but the aforementioned pointy-eared friend could scarcely believe what she'd just witnessed. It was as if gravity had suddenly decided to start pushing rather than pulling, or as if the stars had all turned into giant marshmellows. A Klingon, and some low ranked peasant at that, had executed a sophisticated strategy that had hoodwinked Anh-Le.

And the sneaky devil had enlisted Lillee's unknowing aid to do it.

Worse, M'Rek wasn't gloating in the slightest as he methodically and ruthlessly destroyed Anh-Le's remaining pieces. There was none of the drunk racist fool who'd danced around, grabbing his crotch as he taunted everyone. The Klingon at the table was clearly still drunk, his reactions slightly delayed and and his eyes out of focus, but if anything, the alcohol was improving his game, not diminishing it.

"How often does he do this?" a Bajoran crewman asked one of the Klingons as a fresh round of drinks were served.

"To Klingons?" the warrior replied as she took a hearty swig. "Not often. This kind of strategy usually doesn't work on a Klingon warrior, but M'Rek found that it works great against you Starfleet people. You're too easily deceived, eh? You see a Klingon, you think you know what you see!"

Meanwhile, the game was won. Mercifully, rather than prolong the game with humiliation, M'Rek pushed through to claim the Goal with sharp and efficient tactics that were completely different to how he'd played before. Perversely, the man's good manners infuriated Lillee all the more. What kind of twisted universe was it where a Klingon had both a functional brain and decency, especially when drunk? As if in protest, Lillee necked her third drink in a single deep swig, a fourth being given to her almost as soon as she was done. The holographic staff were programmed to recognise when specific patrons were in need of a constant flow of booze, even if it was synthehol for the Starfleeters, and plenty were in need of drinks tonight.

Grabbing an empty chair from a nearby table, Lillee sat down properly next to Anh-Le. She was still a little shellshocked, but she had regained enough of her senses to not appear quite so gormless.

"There is another Klingon saying, yes?" Lillee said to Anh-Le, her tone uncertain. "The more blood on the field, the sweeter the victory? Something like that? I heard the saying many times on the comm during the last battles of the war. This victory will be oh so sweet."

M'Rek grunted, frowned, then turned away to belch. "Close, romuluSngan," he answered grudgingly, his attention focused on Anh-Le.

romuluSngan: the Klingon word for a Romulan

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #17
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

Anh-Le studied her opponent, resting her chin on her meshed fingers.  "Credit to you, that was a good trick," she allowed.  "And you anticipated my strategy well.  But how good's your Molor game when you're not playing deliberately aggressive, hm?

"Come test yourself and see, uryan'ngan," M'Rek urged.  Anh-Le only grinned in response. 

She began with a measured advance, M'Rek doing the same.  His strategy from the second game had been risky and dependent on his turn advantage; if Anh-Le had been less distracted, he would have lost. 

Alright.  Try not to overthink it...  No, that was what he was counting on her to think.  Anh-Le narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing her opponent, the audience quieting as they watched with growing intensity. How drunk is he, really?  She could always try...

Yeah.  Kang reversal.  Make him think I've fallen for his game, then spring it on him.  She made her next Lancer move more cautious, and noted M'Rek offering her a tempting target with an unprotected Swift.  Yep, that was his plan.  Trying to outthink her and lure her out again, counting on her to know that he was trying to outthink her and try a full offensive.  That was clever, pulling a bluff like that.  Well, she could break him now that she knew his general scheme.  Too simple, if he was going to head-game it he should've been more complex or subtle.

She'd let him think she'd been lured in then reinforce her position and break his formation, dismantle him and then grab the goal once she'd finished off his army. 

Anh-Le indulged him, moving aggressively into the pocket M'Rek had created.  Whispers began, and she knew what they'd be saying.  Is she falling for it again?  He's too obvious about it... 

Anh-Le froze, her hand on her Lancer for her next move.  It was too obvious.  Not his feigned vulnerability, but the bluff of it.  She stared down M'Rek again, searching his challenging gaze, then scrutinized the board, noticing an atypical buildup of two Vanguards and a Lancer just outside of striking distance of the Goal...

He's pulling the Reversal on me!  Drawing her in thinking that she could pull an inverted Reversal, then pulling the standard version on her at the cusp of her victory.  Oh, that was clever!  Anh-Le switched tactics, bringing a Vanguard up, and M'Rek's gaze narrowed as he realized something was wrong with his scheme.  He intentionally weakened his line again, trying to reinforce his message, but Anh-Le moved her Blockader up, preparing for a strike for the Goal. 

M'Rek pulled up his Flier, but he'd wasted one move too many trying to sucker her.  The whispers heated up, and Anh-Le forced herself to suppress her grin as she advanced.  M'Rek growled with frustration, but he couldn't move his Blockader up in time. 

"I like the double Reversal attempt," Anh-Le said conversationally.  "I nearly fell for it, good work.

M'Rek grunted in response.  "The game is not over yet, uryan'ngan.

"No, you're right.  As they say on Earth, 'don't count your chickens before they've hatched.'"  She moved her Blockader up, one move from victory. 

"We say, 'do not declare victory while the enemy still walks upon the field'," M'Rek replied.  He lunged his Lancer aggressively into Anh-Le's formation, taking hers--he knew he was done, but just wanted to inflict damage before he was finished. 

"Wise.  But now you don't," the Orion declared, moving her Blockader up and securing the Goal for herself.  The crowd alternately cheered and groaned as M'Rek sat back in his chair with a half-curse.  "Good game."  Anh-Le offered a hand--it wasn't done to be ungracious in victory. 

After a moment, M'Rek accepted and shook her hand, once, roughly.  "A good match," he conceded. 

"Now, I believe that I have a date to get back to." Anh-Le stood, turning to quirk an eyebrow at Lillee with a grin.  "What did you think of that?
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #18
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


The crowd, caught up in the tension of the game, were captivated as Anh-Le pulled a dramatic reversal. A couple of them whistled low, while one of the Klingons laughed at his comrade's misfortune, and after Anh-Le claimed victory, the Starfleeters couldn't resist a brief cheer of celebration. A couple of them congratulated Anh-Le personally, one of them clapping her shoulder with a grin, while the Klingons gathered around their defeated crewmate.

"More ale!" M'Rek roared to the mutual agreement of the warriors (and several Starfleeters). The group moved over to tables near the expansive viewports, descending into good-natured chatter as the holographic waiters hurried to supply the group. It was just as well that the holograms were tireless, as it seemed the Klin zha game had sparked an impromptu party that might well go on for hours. There was no distinction between uniform any more. Klingon and Starfleet intermixed freely in the group, M'Rek being captured by a young human crewman who immediately engaged him in conversation about tactics.

Meanwhile, Lillee and Anh-Le were left alone at the table, seemingly forgotten. "What do I think?" Lillee replied with a raised eyebrow, smirking. The blonde Romulan made a show of contemplating Anh-Le's question, playfully looking up as if in deep thought, before seeming to come to a conclusion as she looked into Anh-Le's eyes.

"I think that I'm impressed," she said. "Very impressed. That is no small feat, you know. I am very, very difficult to impress." She sighed, desperately wanting to kiss Anh-Le senseless, yet exhausted and drained though Lillee was, she remained conscious that they'd yet to discuss whether to be public with their new...whatever it was. It was, indeed, only the third time that Lillee had met the fascinating intelligence officer; for all the intensity and passion of their meeting on the hilltop, Lillee scolded herself to be cautious.

With that, Lillee led the way back to their original table. The holograms had thoughtfully taken their food away a while before, and seeing that the women had returned, a smiling smartly-dressed man swiftly returned to the table with fresh meals and drinks, leaving just as quickly afterward. With renewed gusto Lillee took a bite of her food, in serious need of sustenance after the rushed departure from Aldea and all the work that had gone with it.

"You have convinced me, by the way," Lillee commented wryly inbetween swallows, grinning. "After that display, I would dearly love to learn this Klingon game. I wouldn't think it possible that the Klingons could make something so...fascinating. I can teach you lantrunculo in turn, but I expect you will outmatch me in that very quickly."

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #19
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

Anh-Le flushed deep green at the compliment.  "Oh, thank you!  Um..."  Where was her breath?  That sexy suave attitude she could pull out for a Your Name Here, Secret Agent! program?  All she could think about was blonde hair tousled under her fingers and soft pink lips on her own green ones...

Yeah, it was gonna be a long day. 

Anh-Le managed to focus as they took their seats once more, the Orion graciously nodding to a junior Ensign to acknowledge a congratulation.  "That sounds great!  Something for next time, then?"  Again, she ruefully noted the objective absurdity of this situation.  My mother would be laughing herself silly... 

Which was why,  of course, the subject would never be brought up with said Orion after this mission was over. 

"Anyway, I'm glad you liked that--I was kind of worried you'd get bored watching me, honestly."  Wait, no, that sounded dumb, or like a woman with zero self-esteem.  "Um, I mean, that you might find the game boring.  Just to clarify."  The Orion blushed and ducked her head.  Next time, extract foot from mouth, then talk!
OOC: Sorry for the  delay!  Grad school's been kicking my butt. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #20
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


"Not if you're the one I'm playing with," Lillee said coyly as she sipped her drink, unable to help teasing Anh-Le. Oh Elements, I know it's naughty, but I love seeing her blush! How can a girl resist? She knew the distraction was all the more attractive simply because it was distraction from today, of all days, but what of it? What was the harm? Besides, Anh-Le could probably use it too. It wasn't every day that the Federation capital was attacked, after all, and Anh-Le had been born on Earth.

"Do you feel better after all that?" Lillee asked more seriously, toying with the remains of her meal as she considered Anh-Le. The black made for a dramatic contrast with the green skin and blue jeans, although Lillee mused that it certainly caught the eye. She was liking the look more by the moment. "Speaking true, I wondered if you were going to break that fool in half when he called you that. It was all I could do not to crush that pathetic excuse for a manhood far worse, when I saw how you reacted. Is that stupidity something that you have to tolerate much?"


Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #21
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

Anh-Le blushed again and coughed at Lillee's comment.  She's going to be the death of me, I swear...  "Well, I'm not exactly a master, I haven't trained myself to think on enough levels yet.  But I'd be happy to teach you what I know.

The Orion sighed as she twirled her chopsticks absent-mindedly through her noodles.  "Honestly, knowing that the insults were provocation for a mark...I kind of have to admire the guy's chutzpah.  That's a dangerous game to play, especially since you're visibly a Vulcanoid and could send him to Sickbay in, oh, three or four seconds flat if you wanted to.  If I were in Klingon Intelligence I'd have recruited him on the spot just for the balls of that move.  As for the, uh, specific insults..."  She grimaced.  "Sometimes.  It's part of why I never dated at the Academy, part of it was nerves but also I didn't want to be The Sex-Crazed Orion Chick.  Didn't really go to campus parties, stayed near the edges when I did.  The whole 'slave-girl''s an act anyway, you know.  Most Orion women people meet, they're either gangsters who play up the vamp routine for the thrill--dominatrix kink is three times as common in Orion females than in Humans, apparently, there was a study about that a few years back--or to put others off-balance, or they're trying to get by in a society that doesn't have universal income support like we have, and everybody within a thousand light-years has heard of the Orion Slave-Girls so you can make a lot more stripping and doing sex work as an Orion woman if you play it up than, say, a Human could."  She grimaced and rubbed the back of her head.  "I learned that on one of my, uh, very brief stints of field work, largely because the op was strapped for personnel and the target had gone to ground in a dance club.  This Nausicaan smuggler asshole, we caught one of his goons trying to kiester red sand, there's a whole story there.  Anyway, I pretended to be looking for a job, the owner said I was worth half as much again as a Human, double if I could tolerate going all 'oh yes, master' all day while pheromone-whammy'ing people out of their credits.  Fortunately, I found the mark before my debut performance, I'd have blown my rudiments of a cover for sure if I'd actually had to do a striptease.

Anh-Le shook her head and stuffed some noodles into her mouth, chewing only twice before swallowing in a gulp. "So, yeah.  Haven't been shat on much for being green, but you know, it happens.  Kudos to the women who make it work for 'em, but it's been annoying when I've encountered it.
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #22
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu |  Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Listening patiently, Lillee smiled sadly. "At least Starfleet Intelligence have the sense to not ask you to take advantage," she mused, nursing a fresh drink. The synthehol was a pleasant heat in her stomach now, the comfortable lightheadedness settling in. More than anything else, Lillee felt her fatigue begin to return, her arms feeling heavy. It had been a very long and trying day, emotionally if not physically.

"My father warned me about Orions, you know," she said with a drowsy smile, "especially Orions working for SI. When my older brother went travelling outside the Empire, he spent days lecturing poor Mill before he left. When it was time for me to go to ch'Rihan and join the military, he teamed up with my aunt and they lectured me for a week about dangerous aliens like Orions and humans. If they could see me now, they'd be furious." At that, she paused, then laughed. "Oh, it's ironic. My father would love you. Principled, intelligent, direct. Passionate. Not letting your biology define you."

Lillee leaned back in her chair then, glancing at the small party that was developing on the other side of the lounge. She bit her lip and looked back at Anh-Le, pondering the thought in her head. "Would you like, tonight? Not necessarily for more...physical...pursuits....we are both tired, yes? But Together. After the day we've just had...oh, I just don't want to go back to my quarters."

Then Lillee's eyes widened, her dulled brain only just catching on. "If you'd rather not, that's fine.I know that this is very new."

ch'Rihan: Romulus

Re: CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge

Reply #23
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy | ATTN: @Griff

"Yeah, we do have pretty solid regs and a lot of oversight," Anh-Le opined.  "Problem is that makes it hard for people like Admiral Anderson to help us, the ship, on the sly.  Worth it in the long-term, though, if we throw out our principles once, we'll start tossing them every time we have a minor roadblock, and soon we're not the Federation anymore, just something wearing its skin like a mask."  She took a sip of her drink, considering, and gazing into Lillee's sparkling eyes.  She looked tired, but then again, who wasn't on this ship? 

"Yeah, my parents warned me about Klingons and Romulans," Anh-Le  chuckled.  "You know, 'we're an enlightened society but be careful around those sorts'.  I grew up in a mostly-Human town, but there were enough people from various Federation species--Hamalki down the block, they were a trip, let me tell you, lovely people but if you have a spider phobia don't go near them.  Twelve legs and all."  She took another drink.  "Anyway, yeah, I only got the warning about different cultural customs and all that.  As for the biology thing--honestly, for most of us it's just a hassle and a half."  She pulled a bottle of pills  out of her pocket and rattled it.  "Unless you're in sex work outside the Federation, or cater to people in the Federation with very specific desires under the auspices of extremely hard-to-amuse government oversight, it's just a pain in the ass, 'cause of the risk of  whammying somebody.  Orion native society deals with the consent issue by normalizing sexual exploitation and drugging as an excuse for noncon, but when you're raised with healthy values like I was, it's the biggest impediment to dating imaginable."  Anh-Le tucked the bottle away with a grimace. 

The Orion looked over at the celebrating Starfleet and Klingon crewmen.  Someone had brought M'Rek a drink to make up for his loss.  Anh-Le smiled at the sight, enjoying the moment of camaraderie.  She turned back to Lillee, still smiling.  "I'd love some company tonight, Lillee.  Sometimes...yeah, you just need somebody, to hold and be held by."   Anh-Le sure could do with somebody to share that with, today; there was a lot on her plate this week.  Then she winked impishly, surprising herself with her own forwardness.  "And if you find that the day's been such a slog you can't make it even to my room, I give myself pretty good odds on being able to carry you the rest of the way.  Call thanks to you for letting me match wits with that fellow in our date time.

Whatever way tonight ended, it was sure to be pleasant. 

Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

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