Re: CH01: S [D01|1700] “Darkness lay your eyes upon me...” | Arcana Intelligo, P1
Reply #7 –
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy Attn: @Auctor Lucan @stardust @Swift
Anh-Le frowned as Commander Rutherford spoke, sifting through the Doctor's revelations. That sounds like a temporally or dimensionally displaced energy-form. Like the Bajoran wormhole aliens, or a much less powerful Q. Which begged the obvious question--why weren't the Q intervening yet? They like to fuck with us, but it's always to teach us some kind of lesson that makes us better people. Most of the Enterprise logs detailing encounters with the first-encountered Q entity were similar in broad details--the Q encountered the ship, made the senior staff deal with some arch morality play for its (his? Did Q have or give a shit about gender?) amusement, then left them restored to their unmolested state and back on their course. And when that Q showed up on DS9 and Captain Sisko punched him out, he, it, whatever, took it in stride according to the records.
So then why, with some sort of extradimensional beings of uncertain biology and number attempting to--as the Doctor claimed--destroy the Federation and reduce the universe to a primordial soup, weren't the Q intervening to protect their favorite pets (while, as Q, being incredibly patronizing about it)? That implied a number of things, none of them good. Unless...there's an angle we haven't seen yet, some way to solve this crisis that the Q know is there but we haven't comprehended yet. She wasn't sure if she was happy at the idea that this could be un-fucked without the quasi-deities intervening, or pissed that the best and simplest solution she could think of was still 'beg and grovel for the Q to un-fuck us'.
Not that that would likely work, given the Q.
And then there was the matter of the parasites' illogical motivations. "Dr. Nicander, another question. You have claimed that the parasites are motivated by some sort of ideological belief in a need, or perhaps some kind of mental or physiological compulsion, to increase the entropy of the universe. But life by necessity increases the net entropy of the universe in order to achieve a localized reduction of entropy. Is there any insight that you can give into their thought process? Anything that could help us understand their psychology is useful right now."
Actually--would Captain Sisko be able to help? Anh-Le was a creature of logic and rigid mundanity, so the idea of begging for scraps from a man who'd become an alien deity was as frustrating as the thought of being bailed out by the Q, but Captain Sisko was perhaps uniquely suited to deal with a threat from alien energy-forms.
Anh-Le might as well ask about the possible similarities, at that. "Also, Dr. Nicander, if you are familiar with the Bajoran wormhole aliens--how similar would you say that these parasites are to the energy-forms known as 'pah-wraiths'?" She rapped her fingers on the back of her PADD, wishing that she had a Rubik's cube to fiddle with. Those always helped her think.
OOC: OK so while writing this up I realized that Q is basically a benevolent seelie-fae, who fucks with his mortal pets for his own amusement but in ways that help them out in the end. XD