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Day 35 [0900 hrs.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

The cool breeze flowed through Anh-Le's hair as she set up the archery target.  She shivered, not from the cold, but rather from worry.  Was this really a good idea?  She's nice, she interested?  Can I ever be sure that she's interested in me and not my pheromones?  Even if she is, what about regulations?  Starfleet's fraternization regulations were loose at best, but officer/enlisted  relationships were still not exactly approved of.  What exactly does she want out of...whatever this is? 

Anh-Le pinched her side to force herself to focus.  It might not even turn into anything.  We might end up just being good friends!  Lillee--Petty Officer t'Jellaieu--had seemed rather interested, in a non-platonic way, when they'd parted two days ago...but maybe that was just the lingering influence of Anh-Le's aphrodisiac pheromones. 

Stop worrying, damn it!  Anh-Le chided herself as she straightened her uniform--even though she was technically off-duty, she hadn't been certain of what to wear, so the uniform made a satisfactory default.  She'd beamed down here early so she could set up the target, but Lillee would be here soon, and whatever happened, if the Romulan was still willing to talk to her at all after the pheromone incident, things ought to be fine. 

Anh-Le double-checked the blanket she'd laid out, two replicated, simple recurve bows and two quivers of arrows lying out with the breeze ruffling the arrows' fletching.  Everything seemed in order. 

And just in time, as there was a hum of a transporter behind her...
OOC: And here goes the questionably advisable not-a-date date.  XD  Let's see if Anh-Le can make it more than a minute without stammering! 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #1
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


In the two days after the thoroughly intoxicating lunch that Anh-Le and Lillee had enjoyed, Lillee found herself with distinctly mixed feelings about the attractive lieutenant. After being given an antidote for the pheromones (along with a painfully on-the-nose reminder about inappropriate conduct  and how to report an officer or other enlisted for it), as her body finally returned to normal, Lillee had been furious. Being drunk was one thing, but at least being drunk was her choice. Being hammered with Orion pheromones was most certainly not her choice, and so the following day, Lillee was in a foul mood. It required considerable effort to stay patient with Samala during her evaluation flight, Lillee having to bite her tongue several times to stop herself from venting her frustration on the girl.

The memory of Lieutenant Dantius' own horror at realising her mistake tempered Lillee's anger. Mistakes did happen, after all, and Anh-Le couldn't be faulted for her biology. If she was honest herself, Lillee was mostly furious with herself. The idea that she could be so thoroughly compromised so quickly was humiliating. If Anh-Le had given in to her attraction, she could've had Lillee then and there, and there wouldn't have been a thing that Lillee could have done about it.

But Anh-Le hadn't given in. She'd apologised profusely, encouraged Lillee to go to Sickbay, even accepted potential disciplinary action.  Such behaviour was proper, but the thing that weighed on Lillee's mind was the suspicion that Anh-Le hadn't even really considered crossing the line. She might have been tempted, but she never seemed to consider it. The right thing to do was instant, automatic, obvious, the alternative dismissed immediately. If Lillee was honest with herself, if the situation had been reversed, she wasn't certain that she could've been as strong with such an attractive woman so close to her bed.

Anh-Le had honour. That was mnhei'sahe.

More than that, Lillee couldn't help but want to know that friendly woman more. It wasn't just the obvious stunning beauty of her, or the appeal of the alien. Anh-Le herself was deeply engaging; the intellect, her easy smile, how she made Lillee smile so effortlessly, the adorable way she blushed, working herself to exhaustion for the mission. There was also how Anh-Le had volunteered for the Theurgy, even knowing how insane and dangerous it was. She was hardly the one, but nevertheless, it was something that spoke a great deal about the woman.

Thus, when Lillee got the message the following evening n her quarters from Anh-Le with details about their weapons training, she spent a good couple of minutes thinking about it. When she sent the reply, however, it was with a smile.

The next morning, Lillee appeared on the hilltop in a whirl of blue sparks. As the whine of the transporter beam faded away, she seemed to be wearing practical clothing; a white unmarked jacket, thick black trousers and boots, a long bag slung over one shoulder. She found Anh-Le immediately, smiling.

"Well met," she said, the wind rustling her blonde hair. It was brisk, although the sun's warmth provided a welcome counter to it, bathing the hilltop with light. Lillee glanced around, her eyes widening at the view. Hills spread out in every direction, forming high cliffs and valleys, all illuminated spectacularly by the sun. "Oh...oh wow."

mnhei'sahe: a highly complex word related to the Romulan concept of honour which nevertheless changes dramatically through context

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #2
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

"Hey!" Anh-Le called out with a nervous grin.  "Yeah, I thought it'd be a nice view, I asked the Aldeans what would be a fun place for some outdoor sports and this was one of the suggestions.  Reminds me of the balds on the Appalachian mountains back home on Earth."  She jerked her head to toss her hair back over her shoulder--she'd considered putting it in a bun, the breeze kept blowing it into her face, but on the other hand, some women liked long hair, and she kept getting tempted by fantasies of this meeting...not-date...whatever it was, becoming an actual date date.  "I set up the target, and replicated bows and quivers for both of us." 

Damn, but Lillee looked beautiful today...Anh-Le forced back a brief fantasy of kissing her in the morning sunlight.  Just Friends.  Focus on that.  The Romulan was friendly and kind and Anh-Le would be a liar if she said she didn't have an idle fantasy of kissing the blonde's worries and tears away like something out of a cheap romance holo, but the Orion still didn't know what Lillee thought about the other day's disaster. 

Anh-Le, for her part, had angrily cleaned her quarters, then slapped herself for an idiot, sulked for a half-hour blaming herself for such, and then had thrown herself back into digging through the Admiralty's dirty laundry until she herself felt more unclean by association than she felt like an asshole for accidentally drugging her new...friend?  But, after crying herself to sleep at the thought of what might have happened had she not caught on in time, she'd awoken with enough courage to sit down and actually send the invitation. 

Lillee's reply had been quite short and to the point, which hadn't helped the Orion's nerves very much. 

"Hey, I'm still really sorry about what happened the other day.  I brought my meds with me and picked a windy spot, just in case.  I couldn't get an update on how you're doing from Medical, doctor-patient confidentiality," and hadn't that been an unpleasant experience, getting the stink-eye from all the medical staff, "so, um...are you alright?"  Should she use names or ranks?  How formal was this...not-date, anyway? 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #3
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Lillee was silent for a moment, considering Anh-Le, then sighed. She couldn't help it. All thought of being angry with Anh-Le or 'punishing' her with the practice swords went away. Anh-Le was obviously punishing herself far worse than Lillee could. Anything more would be unjust, like kicking a puppy after a nip...and Anh-Le was so much cuter than any puppy.

Thus Lillee walked over to Anh-Le, setting down her own bag behind the bows, before moving right in front of the Orion. She reached down to take one of Anh-Le's hands, enclosing it in both of Lillee's. The intimacy of being so close to Anh-Le, of touching her, wasn't lost on Lillee, but she forced herself to focus past it.

"Believe me, Anh-Le," she said softly, gazing into Anh-Le's eyes, "all is forgiven. You know that I am saying those words now. If we are to know each other for any length of time, it is important to forgive, yes? I am sure that I will do something as bad to you one day. If not worse. When that day comes, I...I hope you can forgive me in turn. You are not the only one who can make mistakes." There was a dark shadow in Lillee's eyes at the last before she glanced down at their hands, a thumb idly stroking Anh-Le's green knuckles. Lillee looked back up into Anh-Le's brown eyes, lost in the moment, before smiling slowly, unable to help herself.

"So," she said finally, releasing Anh-Le's hand. "What do you want to do first?"

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #4
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le's breath caught as Lillee took her hand.  "I, um," she said.  "I'm still...sorry...nearly...I mean, you're very pretty and I...I mean I thought about kissing...and I wondered what...and I tried not to think those sorts of...I'm sorry, I'll just...shut up now..."  She ducked her head, but that made it worse as she tried to stop herself from shaking in place, the blonde's thumb sending electric shocks through her as it stroked over her knuckles. 

Her vision blurred, and Anh-Le realized that she was crying.  "I'm sorry," she managed again.  "I've never been very good at the whole dating thing, to be honest.  Most of my, um, experience, is on the holodeck.  I always worry about my pheromones, and if I'm accidentally drugging somebody, and the other day...I did screw up, I drugged you and it kind of hit me right where it hurts."  She sniffled, shuddering as the breeze caught in her hair, and clenched her eyes shut for a moment before looking up with a weak attempt at a self-deprecating smile.  "So much for my professionalism, huh?  That lasted less than a week.

But Lillee was smiling, and Anh-Le didn't  know quite what to think.  "Let's, um," she said, trying to focus on why she was here.  "Um, usually it's good to stretch out a bit, but you need your upper body for archery...then again you need it for using a sword, too, so, um, whichever you want to do first.  Maybe the swords?
OOC: less than a minute in and you broke this little gay disaster.  XD  I love it! 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #5
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


It was far, far too tempting to lean in and kiss Anh-Le's tears away, to comfort the woman and try to make her feel better, but Lillee resisted the impulse. A promise was a promise. In any case, Lillee was increasingly loath to take advantage of a sorrowful and vulnerable woman; surely it'd be no different than if Anh-Le had taken advantage of her? Instead Lillee bowed her head briefly in assent, stepping back to begin stretching, rolling her shoulders to start with.

"We're not on duty, so we don't have to be professional," Lillee said slyly with same enigmatic smile, "and oh Elements, I need this too. Over a month on that cursed ship, but I don't have anyone I can truly call a friend, not...not like we need. You and me. I spent half our time in the Azure Nebula crying in my quarters, I think, because I felt so alone and...and overwhelmed. I still feel alone most of the time. It's hard to explain, I think." She switched to stretching her thighs, a leg bending behind her and the ankle clasped by a hand. "I was part of the fighter squadron for a time, but they aren't the sort to be true friends with. They're fighter pilots, all focused on fighting, drinking and sex. They lose comrades so often that they don't waste their time doing much else, when they know they might all die tomorrow."

At that, Lillee spread her legs and bent down until she was almost touching the grass, her elbows tucked in tight, her blonde hair falling down around her face. She began moving her head from one foot to the other, bobbing quickly, silent as she worked out any tightness in her body. A minute later, Lillee straightened, flexing her body, before jumping up in the air, her knees pulling up to her chest. A half dozen of jumps later, Lillee settled down and moved to pick up the bag she'd put down earlier. Crouching down, however, she hesitated, her hand over the clasp of the bag, before glancing over her shoulder at Anh-Le.

" it's worth, I think you are very beautiful as well," she said hesitantly, the breeze rustling her hair around her embarrassed smile. Then, moving on swiftly, she unclasped the bag and pulled out what looked like two long plastic swords, complete with hilts, one white and one black. Lillee hefted the white sword experimentally then held out horizontally for Anh-Le to take.

"I thought it best to start slow," Lillee said, her tone apologetic. "This is a polymer sword I replicated just this morning. Its weight and balance match a real sword, measured to fit best for an Orion woman of your height, weight and fitness. It is blunt, however, so you don't need to worry about hurting me accidentally. You can be as aggressive as you like."

OOC: Mwahahahahaha!

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #6
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

"Yeah, uh, fighting and sex are good ways to let off steam, but if you really want to heal from trauma, you need more," Anh-Le agreed.  Her mouth was dry as she watched Lillee limber up, and she nearly stumbled as she bent down to touch her toes, mercifully shielding herself from the sight of the blonde's svelte body.  Control yourself, woman!  Damn it, I'm so gay...

Anh-Le straightened to stretch out her arms, and tried to suppress a flush at the Romulan's athletic leaps.  Control.  Just Friends.  Just a little swordplay...with a friendly, likable woman who's gorgeous to boot...

Yeah, that train of thought was going nowhere good. 

She finished stretching, struggling to banish the impure thoughts from her mind.  This was platonic.  Just Friends.  That was all it could be. 

"Um, thank you," Anh-Le stammered in response to Lillee's compliment.  She just knew that she was blushing...  But she took the practice sword, giving it an experimental swipe to her side.  Well-balanced, I think.  She wasn't terribly experienced with swordplay.  "In all honesty, Lillee, I expect to get my ass kicked."  The Orion chuckled at the thought.  "I mean, you're a Vulcanoid with years of experience, I just picked up one of these right now."  She settled into something that she was pretty sure from holoprograms was a good ready position, trying not to get distracted by the wind tousling Lillee's hair, or the strands of her own dark locks that blew across her face.   "Um, en garde?
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...


Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #7
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Lillee laughed at that, hefting her own sword in one hand. "This is training, not the kicking of ass," Lillee giggled. "I won't start beating you until you can fight back. It isn't fair otherwise."

She lapsed into silence, scrutinising Anh-Le for a moment, her eyes flicking up and down the Orion woman's body from head to toe. "Shift your balance forward a little," Lillee directed, her tone commanding. She stepped forward, reached out and moved Anh-Le's hands on the hilt, then pulled the sword forward slightly. "Remember that for now, the sword isn't important. It is your body movement and footwork that you must train. Where the body goes, the sword will go also. Your feet must be planted, strong, or you will not have the grounding to use the sword without losing your balance. Stay as you are, Anh-Le."

As she spoke, Lillee moved around Anh-Le, still examining her carefully. The whistling breeze was the only thing that disturbed the near-total silence around the two women on the hilltop. Once behind Anh-Le, Lillee's breath caught as she saw Anh-Le's well-sculpted rear, before scolding herself to follow her companion's example and be professional. She reached out, pushing first against the small of Anh-Le's back, then a shoulder, then (with her the point of her sword) tried to gently push Anh-Le's butt forward. Nevertheless, throughout it all, Anh-Le was reasonably stable.

Satisfied, Lillee moved around the Orion woman until they were facing each other once more, a good couple of steps distance between them. "You have martial arts experience, you're intelligent, you're fit, and the Elements only know what weird things Starfleet Intelligence has taught you. So...attack me. As best you can, using whatever you wish, not just the sword. Show no mercy." The challenge was spoken with a sultry tone, Lillee smirking all the while. "It is the best way to see what you can do."

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #8
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le nearly jumped out of her skin as Lillee poked her behind, but kept her stance.  Being adjusted manually by a teacher?  She'd done that and had that done before, it was part of teaching archery as much as it seemed to be for swordplay.  But she'd never had quite such a crush on a teacher before. 

"If you're sure," Anh-Le replied to Lillee's instructions.  "It's just that most of my hand to hand training is how to punch somebody on the chin to knock them out, how to break an arm, how to stab somebody while being dragged off to who knows where, the sort of thing you aren't really supposed to use unless absolutely necessary."  Not because there were any secret mystical techniques involved, but just because even Starfleet Intelligence frowned upon death and maiming that wasn't absolutely necessary for the mission and the preservation of operatives' lives. 

She settled into the corrected stance, raising her sword.  Something in her, maybe adrenaline, maybe the heady anticipation for the fight, spurred her to rash speech.  "Or in other words, I don't want to damage your lovely face.What is wrong with me today?  That's horribly inappropriate!  Anh-Le covered up her mounting flush by lunging forwards, sending a probing thrust for Lillee's torso. 

The Romulan batted Anh-Le's sword aside, and the Orion leaned back, momentum arrested as the flat of Lillee's blade came back, narrowly ducking below the blow, before bringing her sword up to parry Lillee's own thrust with a two-handed grip--one made necessary by the Romulan's superior strength.  The Orion swept the blonde's blade aside, darting sideways as she passed her sword to her left hand, jabbing at Lillee's side with her right fist, but missed as the Romulan twisted away. 

Anh-Le felt herself begin to grin.  This was fun!  Her blood was pumping, breath measured but harsh in her ears, and she beheld a similar excited smile on Lillee's lips.

Anh-Le struck again, coming in from the left, but her blade was batted aside; she twisted, but felt the flat of Lillee's sword slap her on the behind, and yelped with shock.  "Hey!

The Romulan's only response was a breathy, musical chuckle.  Anh-Le pulled back, re-setting her stance, and studied her opponent, the fluid movements and easy confidence with which she held her blade as she moved in...

The legs.  Without her stance she'll go down.  Anh-Le lunged back into the fray, going high and drawing a swift parry, before dropping on her left leg and sweeping out with her right to hook Lillee's legs out from under her...
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #9
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


The surprise move worked. Lillee yelped as her legs were swept out, falling heavily on her rear, hard enough to stun the woman for a moment. Nevertheless Lillee was in a mischievous mood, and glancing to the side, she saw that Anh-Le was far enough away to be safe from her reach on the ground...but not the sword's reach. In a lighting-fast motion she reached out with the black blade, hooking it behind Anh-Le's ankles and whirling the Orion woman onto the grass.

Lillee wasn't done, though. She leapt to her feet, rushed to Anh-Le and, after a swift lock-and-twirl motion, sent the white sword flying out of her opponent's hand. Not giving Anh-Le time to react, Lillee pounced on her, knees to either side of Anh-Le's chest and the black blade held horizontally, its 'edge' against Anh-Le's throat. Lillee giggled, relishing in the thrill of play, her blonde hair wild and askew, panting as she looked down at her fallen opponent.

"You're good," Lillee laughed, pulling the blade back. "Remember, though: the fight is only won when you strike a killing blow, in practice and in war." The laughter faded into silence, Lillee gazing down into Anh-Le's eyes in a moment that seemed to stretch. She couldn't help it, unable to escape the intensity in those brown eyes, the warm thrumming sensation of her core as it pressed onto Anh-Le's uniformed stomach. Finally, reluctantly, Lillee stood back up, moving away to catch her breath...and, if she was honest with herself, to distract herself. This was proving harder than she had thought.

Oh, Elements curse me, I want you more than you know...but I made a promise.

Facing away, Lillee unzipped her jacket, discarding the garment onto the ground next to the quivers. Now reduced to a tank top, far more of her skin bared, she grinned, this time holding her own blade to a ready position of her own.

"What was it you said? En garde?" Lillee said playfully, still grinning fiercely, the wind making even more of a mess of her hair. "Now, I am going to attack you. Try to reposition around my attacks, if you can, rather than just retreating."

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #10
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le hit the ground with a huff, flipped onto her back...and Lillee was on her, blade to the Orion's throat.  Anh-Le's heartbeat thundered in her ears as the Romulan laughed musically above her.  Oh.  Oh, this was a bad idea.  We were never really going to get much practice done, were we? 

"Killing blow," Anh-Le managed, absently, praying that she could control the warm throbbing in her lower abdomen.  "Got it." 

Mercifully, Lillee stood, and Anh-Le stood, her uniform top suddenly far too hot despite the breeze.  She saw the Romulan discard her own top, and hesitated as she retrieved her sword.  Should I even be doing this?  I like her,'s against regulations...

But then Lillee was striking with her blade, Anh-Le distracted by blonde hair flowing in the breeze, and the Orion cursed under her breath as she stepped back, narrowly parrying the thrust, but the point caught on her uniform top and tugged sharply at it, the fabric tearing as Anh-Le twisted away.  They may be blunt, but these things'll hurt if she gets a good hit in!  The next blow came from Anh-Le's left, and she parried with both hands as she sank into a lower stance, the Romulan bearing down on her with superhuman strength for just a moment before pulling back with that easy grin. 

Anh-Le rose back into a ready stance...and Lillee was striking from the Orion's right, and Anh-Le parried, caught the blade on her sword's hilt, locked the two together, and...

She was close, so close, her heartbeat thundering like a galloping horse, Lillee's breath harsh and eager, and Anh-Le knew that she should strike out with a headbutt, drive the Romulan off-balance and capitalize on it...

But she hesitated too long, and Lillee regained control of herself, shoving Anh-Le back and unlocking the swords.  Anh-Le stumbled, off-balance, parried another thrust, felt a leg hook under hers now...

The Orion twisted in midair, her free hand gripping the Romulan's shoulder, and they tumbled to the ground, Anh-Le's breasts squashed against Lillee's, her thigh coming to rest between the blonde's legs, dark hair falling over her face like a curtain as the Romulan looked up with a wide-eyed gasp. 

Time seemed to stop. 

Kiss her, damn it! part of Anh-Le screamed at her, while the rest howled about regulations, duty, appropriate professional conduct...

Lillee let out a little, barely-audible whimper as she shifted underneath the Orion, and Anh-Le un-froze. 

"I...I think I want to kiss you," she rasped, falling back on 5th form Sex-Ed in sheer desperation.  "Is that OK?
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #11
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Lillee lost herself in the sparring, the clash of the polymer blades on each other, the scent of sweat, Anh-Le's grunts of exertion, her little victories and defeats. She realised partway through that the sparring had become playful now, more about the fun than instruction, and Lillee resolved to end it as Anh-Le locked their blades. She saw the hesitation in Anh-Le's eyes and pounced, pushing away with sheer brute strength. A swift thrust was enough to unbalance Anh-Le, and a leg sweep-

The resulting whirl of limbs and bodies was a blur, ending with Lillee flat on her back. A pressure between Lillee's legs made the blonde Romulan gasp, her heart hammering, her skin tingling. She gazed up at Anh-Le, breathless, her sword tumbling from stunned fingers. Her brain completely failed her at the sight of the beautiful Anh-Le atop her, leaving Lillee to whimper faintly from the fierce arousal in her loins at the pressure of Anh-Le's thigh.

Then Anh-Le asked her question, something innocent and sweet, but the way she asked it...Lillee couldn't help the growing heat in her stomach, a heat that demanded only one release.

"You have me," she whispered, the sound of the wind and their panting forming the only counterpart as Lillee gazed up into Anh-Le's eyes. Her hands moved unconsciously to Anh-Le's sides. Her next words were plaintive, almost desperate. "So take me..."

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #12
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

"...So take me," Lillee rasped. 

That made Anh-Le's blood rush straight to her cheeks...and a few other places.  She licked her lips, leaned in, and kissed the Romulan full on the lips. 

It wasn't like her usual encounters with holoprograms.  Anh-Le hadn't actually dated in a long time--between her job and her insecurities surrounding her pheromones, she rarely even got to the kissing stage--and Vulcan Love Slave wasn't so much about intimacy as it was about kinky sex to relieve tension. 

This was nothing like being topped by a holo-domme.  Lillee was hot and warm under Anh-Le, and she mewled into the Orion's mouth as one of Anh-Le's hands cupped the blonde's cheek, the other pulling up her tank top as Lillee's hands ran over Anh-Le's body, the left going behind the Orion's head to pull her down into the kiss while the other probed at the waistband of the Orion's pants. 

It was heady, addictive, blood roaring in Anh-Le's ears, her body beginning to flex up and down involuntarily as Lillee's hips canted, rubbing the Romulan's groin against the green-skinned woman's thigh, all other sounds and smells fading into the background as the Orion inhaled the scent of Lillee's sweat and perfume.  She inhaled again as Lillee slipped her tongue between Anh-Le's lips, craving more, needing more...

Anh-Le pulled back suddenly with a gasp.  "Wait!" she cried, her words spilling out of her in a waterfall.  "Wait, are you sure this...this is what you want?   You're not...under the influence or anything?  Because I definitely took my medication this time, but I'm worried anyway, and I know it's probably me being irrational, but I want to make sure you' know...
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #13
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Consumed by the sensation kissing Anh-Le, tasting her, touching her, being touched by her, the unique scent of sweat and arousal, Lillee could scarcely think straight. She'd had sex recently, had kissed women and tried (but failed quite spectacularly) to seduce a man, but this felt...more. More charged, hotter, more intense, the feeling of isolation and exposure only heightening the experience. Lillee and Anh-Le were out in the open, completely shameless for anyone to see, but also completely alone. Nobody to see them...pure freedom.

And Lillee, full of adrenaline, her heart hammering, couldn't resist her hands wandering. She didn't even try. Then, when Anh-Le pulled back, Lillee couldn't help but make a quiet sound of protest at losing the taste of her. Anh-Le's second thoughts were adorable; Lillee was far past that point, her mind having been blasted away by the first kiss. Nevertheless, she could see the real worry in Anh-Le's eyes. The woman wasn't concerned for herself, but for Lillee...still...

Thus, Lillee rested her head back on the grass, although her hands didn't leave Anh-Le's toned body. The Romulan raised an edged eyebrow, smirking in amusement as she looked up, her blonde hair a mess around her on the ground.

"If you doubt my free will, I could really start beating you with the sword," Lillee teased lightly. "Or...perhaps this? If your pheromones were controlling me, then I couldn't say things like..." She paused, mulling over what to say. "You are untidy and your quarters are a mess. You worry too much. You aren't aggressive enough in combat." Then Lillee tilted her head to the side, her smirk turning affectionate. "And I think it's very sweet that you're worrying about me, but if you think that you are getting off this hill without me making you scream from what I'm about to do to you, you will be very disappointed."

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #14
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le's heart about stopped at the very thought.  "Fuck," she whimpered--actually whimpered, and not just because Lillee's hands on her body seemed to have electrified her skin.  "I think...less clothes...need..."  She was having trouble forming a coherent thought, but wrestled with her uniform top nonetheless. 

It got stuck for a moment on her arm because Lillee unhooked Anh-Le's bra while the Orion's top was over her head (and that was far more distracting than it really needed to be), but she shook it off and lunged back in for another kiss, Lillee shoving the bra cups aside to squeeze Anh-Le's breasts, sending white-hot arousal up and down the Orion's body and drawing another whimper of pleasure as their mouths clashed, skin burning on skin as the women kissed. 

Anh-Le pulled back, gasping for a breath.  "Fuck me," she begged, hair pouring unruly over her head and shoulders, cheeks flushed, pupils blown wide with lust.  One hand propped her up next to Lillee's head while the other struggled with the Romulan's tank top, pulling the hem up but not managing much else.  A little voice in the back of her head screamed that this was highly inappropriate, but Anh-Le, for the first time in a very long time, told that voice to go screw itself. 

Then she was on her back, Lillee rolling on top of her with a brilliant grin of lust, and Anh-Le's mouth went dry. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #15
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Now atop Anh-Le, grinning fiercely, Lillee took a moment to behold the ravishing woman below her. Her eyes traced Anh-Le's beautiful eyes, her lips, her neck, her full emerald breasts, her strong arms, her muscular stomach. With a throaty giggle, Lillee dived back down to reclaim Anh-Le's mouth in a devouring kiss full of passion and desire.

She wasn't content with just kissing Anh-Le, though. Lillee descended lower, tracing Anh-Le's jaw with little kisses and licks, then to her neck, relishing in the Anh-Le's groans. Moving more on instinct than thought, Lillee found one of Anh-Le's dark green nipples and suckled, licked, kissed and massaged. Nevertheless, as fun as that was, Anh-Le had asked something...she wanted sense in delaying...

Thus Lillee straightened, smiling down at Anh-Le. "Fuck you?" she whispered breathily, her hair a wild mess, her eyes alight with passion. Even now Lillee couldn't resist teasing Anh-Le, loving how she responded to it. "I suppose you did earn it..." With that, Lillee again dived down, this time to assault Anh-Le's belly with yet more kisses and licks. The Orion woman tasted unlike anything Lillee had enjoyed before; exotic, spiced, mixed with sweat and the faint hint of some chemical.

That must be whatever she uses to block her pheromones, Lillee mused dreamily as her hands dipped to Anh-Le's pants. The uniform pants were identical to those of an NCO, so Lillee had them unbuckled and slipped down to Anh-Le's knees in an instant. Oh, I am so glad we didn't do this then...this is so much better when I'm sober...

Normally Lillee would've taken her time undressing a new lover, enjoying the erotic and slow stripping but the pure desire in Anh-Le's groans only heightened Lillee's own fiery arousal. Neither woman was inclined to or capable of taking this slow. Lillee moved back to Anh-Le's feet, the boots and socks sent flying. Aggressively, panting, Lillee took hold of Anh-Le's legs and raised them high, making it easier to pull up her lover's pants and underwear, throwing both garments away and exposing Anh-Le's legs. They were powerful, just as trim and as athletic as the rest of her, and unable to help herself, Lillee took a moment to to kiss Anh-Le's ankles lovingly.

Now, though, was the time to strike, to land the killing blow. Lillee crawled back up Anh-Le's body, the Orion woman now completely bare to the air. The blonde Romulan settled between Anh-Le's thighs, kissing each of them gently, seductively, the calm before the storm. The Orion woman was searing hot on Lillee's lips, making the experience even more heady. Then Lillee raised her head slightly, peering over Anh-Le's stomach and through her breasts up at her face.

"Are you ready?"Lillee asked softly, grinning.

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #16
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le writhed under Lillee's ministrations, every nerve alive with pleasure as her nipples and abdomen were kissed and teased.  It was nothing like holo-sex; she was hyper-aware of Lillee's warmth, her breath on Anh-Le's skin, things that no holodeck could quite match.  She's ruined me, Anh-Le thought semi-coherently.  And I love it! 

"Yes," she begged.  "More, please!"  She was having trouble thinking, torso bucking up and down with involuntary movement as Lillee manhandled her legs with inhuman strength. 

When the Romulan kissed her ankles, Anh-Le actually cried out, tearing at the alien ground-cover plants as her hands fisted on the nearest surface.  "Oh!  Oh, Lillee,!"  So much for a coherent thought. 

And then the blonde was settling over her legs, and Anh-Le peered down through her cleavage to see the dark, hooded eyes looking back up at her. 

"Are you ready?" Lillee asked. 

Anh-Le's mouth was dry, her entire body consumed by anticipation and lust.  "Yes," she whimpered.  "Yes, I...OH!"  And then Lillee was on her, lips on Anh-Le's groin, tongue thrusting through the Orion's labia, and Anh-Le's thought trailed off into an incoherent wail.  "Yes..." she gasped, head lashing from side to side as she shuddered, a hot Romulan tongue flicking her clitoris and sending white-hot jolts of pure pleasure through Anh-Le's entire nervous system, seemingly scrambling her brain.  "Yes, more, please, more..."  She grabbed the back of Lillee's head with one hand and pushed her down, her hips bucking up in the same motion.  Normally she wouldn't be so forceful, but Anh-Le was well beyond coherent thought now. 

Then Lillee was pushing back, and Anh-Le whined at the sudden loss, but the blonde moved up Anh-Le's body, hovering over the Orion's torso, her lips wet with Anh-Le's arousal as she peered down through wind-tousled blonde locks, her eyes dark as she and Anh-Le panted in time with each other. 

"Please," Anh-Le whispered, tears pricking at her eyes. 

Lillee descended. 

Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #17
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Oh, Lillee couldn't ever get enough of that look from Anh-Le. The way she mouthed 'please' set Lillee's stomach roiling, her breath catching, her tongue licking her lips greedily. She shifted a little to an angle before resuming her assault on Anh-Le's wet core, but there was no mercy this time, no pause, no break, just the relentless savouring of Lillee's tongue. Feeling the shuddering of Anh-Le's body, Lillee moaned into the other woman, her own body pulsing powerfully in response.

To elicit such a pure reaction from another woman, such sheer and innocent want, the way Anh-Le groaned in ecstasy...Lillee was lost in the enraptured Anh-Le, her tongue pushing in between those quivering wet emerald lips rhythmically, up and down, side to side, circling around, figure of eights, all of Lillee's experience unleashed on the poor woman, She lost track of time, of everything, her entire world focused on Anh-Le's womanhood and on making her scream in pleasure in the grass.

Then Lillee changed tack. She moved up an inch, allowing enough room to bring up a finger, stroking Anh-Le's exposed womanhood as she teased the nub with her tongue. Seconds later Lillee pushed in with one finger, then two, feeling Anh-Le tighten around the digit at the intrusion, but now was not the time to be gentle. Moaning anew, sensing that Anh-Le was close, she pistoned the two fingers in and out, in and out, pushing Anh-Le further and further, her fingers soaked and burning within Anh-Le's core...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #18
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le gasped and whimpered with pleasure, her entire abdomen clenching, pulsing around Lillee's powerful thrusts.  "Oh, oh, yes," she moaned.  "R-right...there!  Harder!"  She wove her left hand through Lillee's hair, her right going up to rest among the halo of dark locks fanning out from her head.  Her legs came up, wrapping around Lillee's back, her breath coming fast and deep, shuddering in time with the relentless fingers inside of her. 

Lillee's thumb flicked her clitoris amid a particularly strong thrust, and Anh-Le came undone, her back arching, torso pulling up off of the ground as she wailed.  "Lillee, Lillee, Lillee!" she moaned, white-hot rapture shooting through her as her vision blurred to nothing.  She shook, muscles clenching wildly up and down her body, a spasm of pure pleasure erasing all thoughts and worries from her mind under the Romulan's loving care...

She slowly drifted back to reality, feeling more than hearing or seeing Lillee crawl up beside her as the wind tickled over Anh-Le's wet, hyper-sensitive vulva.  "Thank you," the Orion half-sobbed, reaching out to pull Lillee into a hug as her vision blurred again, this time with tears.  "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.  I..."  She choked up, sobbing into the Romulan's shoulder as powerful arms wrapped around her.  "I have issues," Anh-Le managed, her voice raspy from her screams of pleasure.  "Because of the, you know.  Pheromones.  I worry that people don't really want me.  But you do, and I love that, I love that you want me, you're so beautiful, I, I..."  She choked up again, shaking in Lillee's arms.  "Hold me?"  she begged. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #19
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


The transition from ecstasy to tears was sharp enough that Lillee was off-balance as she crawled up to lay beside Anh-Le. It took her a moment to realise what was happening, the sobbing breaking through. Lillee had never had it happen after sex, but when Anh-Le explained why, she held Anh-Le even tighter. The two women were an awkward mess, both on their sides and in each others arms. Lillee only realised, then, just how much Anh-Le's biology had been hanging over her. Such an intelligent and beautiful woman, cursed with the threat of pheromones over every romance, every sexual encounter. A horrible paradox. No wonder she was so shy, so awkward with flirtation...

I want her for who she is. At least she knows that now.

As gently as she could, Lillee shifted them both to their knees so she could better hold Anh-Le tight as the woman cried it out. "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere," Lillee whispered into the other woman's ear, rubbing her bare back and working hard to ignore the lingering, tingling heat between her own legs as Anh-Le sobbed into her shoulder. The wetness on her shoulder from the tears was a distraction, at least. Finally Lillee giggled to herself even as she held Anh-Le close, whispering into her ear.

"I know I said that I'd make you scream, but oh Elements, that was...impressive..."

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #20
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le half-chuckled at that, her core still throbbing, her body shaking in the Romulan's arms.  "I guess it's true what they say.  Holodecks are no substitute for the real thing."  She pulled her head up, delivering a long, slow kiss to Lillee's plump lips, then pulled back.  "This really means a lot," she murmured, content for now to hold the blonde, and be held, despite the simmering heat in her nether regions. 

She knew intellectually that they should probably do something...maybe archery practice...something to justify this encounter.  But despite the cool breeze, Anh-Le felt no inclination to move, warm and safe as her breathing slowly returned to normal. 

But Lillee was still pretty clearly worked up, twitching awkwardly whenever Anh-Le shifted, little gasps coming from her whenever the Orion's hands moved on her skin, and the Romulan's nipples were...well, it was impossible to ignore that their stiffness was not just the breeze at work. Anh-Le pulled back, drawing a faint whimper at the loss of contact.  "So, do you want to, um, try that again, only with me doing the work, or do you want to practice some archery?
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #21
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


"Archery sounds nice," Lillee replied, smiling, before planting a delicate kiss to the tip of Anh-Le's nose and laughing again. Her laughter trailed off, though, leaving Lillee gazing into Anh-Le's eyes. A hand lightly trailed up Anh-Le's green-skinned flank, grazing her breast idly. "" For once, the typically confident Romulan looked unsure, struggling to find the words. She blew some blonde hair out of her mouth, sweeping it out of her face absent-mindedly with her other hand. "I am not good with...people. Like this. I want you know that this is not just sex for me."

Lillee shuddered, her hands slipping behind Anh-Le's back, as if to share warmth despite the sun's raw heat bathing them.. "I do not want just I want more. A friend, at least. More, if...if you...wish." She hesitated, biting her lip. "I do not know where this will lead. We are at war. We are very different people, I think, and this could fall in flames in a week. Just know that I want to Not just your body, even if you are..." Lillee openly looked up Anh-Le up and down in wonderment, from her brown eyes down to her womanhood and back again. "...incredible. Whatever issues you have, with the pheromones, with other things, I do not mind. Everyone has problems."

Then Lillee sighed, looking away. "And truly, I have little more experience with relationships than you do, I think. Sex, yes, a lot...but people? No. And not at all with a woman. I do not want to hurt you, or...or let you be hurt because of me."

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #22
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le flushed from her cheeks all the way down to...well, it certainly felt like her toes.  "You're pretty amazing yourself," she murmured, bringing one hand up to turn Lillee's face back to her.  "Hey.  Lillee.  Look at me.'s more than sex for me, too.  I don't know what, yet, but...I want to spend more time with you.  I mean, I'm not going to try to move in and adopt your kids after one date, but I want to see where we go."  She leaned in, giving the Romulan a chaste kiss on the lips.  "And as for the war, or you hurting me, or whatever...honestly, I'm more scared of me hurting you, and with the war, the long odds, and all...

Anh-Le shook her head, hands tracing idle patterns on the soft skin of Lillee's back and buttocks, her body held just far enough back that her nipples brushed against the blonde's.  "Fuck this, I want to have some fun before I die.  The Klingons say, Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam, 'today is a good day to die'.  That doesn't mean that dying is good or anything like that.  It means, you should go out at the top of your game.  There's no better day to die than the best day of your life, end on a high note, all that.  So if there's a good chance one of us dies on any random day, I think we should do this.  Make as many good memories as we can, and that way if one of us dies, she dies happy.

Anh-Le kissed Lillee one more time, then pulled back, rising unsteadily to her feet and starting to stretch out her stiff legs.  "So, even with the breeze I think I can show you the basics of archery, once we get dressed.  Unless you want to me to get you off first, of course?
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #23
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Southern Temperate Zone | Aldea Surface ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Standing up as well, Lillee lowered the hem of her tank top back over her breasts, although now that Anh-Le was standing, her eyes seemed to drift. The sunlight was strong now, shining fiercely on Anh-Le's naked body, emphasising her emerald skin, curves and sultry look. It took substantial effort for Lillee to yank her eyes away, glancing at the bows and quivers on the ground nearby. She had to admit that as spine-tingling as the temptation was to simply let Anh-Le...attack...Lillee was genuinely curious about the bows and arrows. Her experience with Donna had left an impression, most distinctly of inferiority, and Lillee hated feeling inferior.

"Shooting first," Lillee said with a reluctant sigh. She started trying to work the disaster that was her bushy hair into something more manageable, pulling a scrunchy out of her pants pocket and beginning to tuck her hair up into a rough ponytail. "Reward later. We will have lots of time for that." A slow smile spread on her face then, at the realisation that they would indeed have plenty of time. This was no brief encounter, there and gone again, each moment seized upon until one or both parties left. They could be patient now; neither Lillee nor Anh-Le would be leaving. There would be other days, other nights.

The thought left a warm feeling in Lillee's belly wholly separate from the burn of arousal, which had settled into a merely pleasant glow somewhat lower down. She had forgotten how good it felt to have something to look forward to, someone to look forward to, beyond a simple one night stand. There was no need to fear losing out on an experience now by saying the wrong thing, making the wrong move, misjudging the other man or woman's intent. Security was nice.

Still mulling over the novelty of that feeling, Lillee moved over to the bows, eyeing them curiously, although she refrained from picking them up. She tried to ignore the guilt growing in the back of her mind, knowing that only separation from her children made this day possible, but what else could she do? What alternative was there? Why deny herself and Anh-Le some joy if they might all be dead tomorrow? Lillee was still doing everything possible to fight, but did she have to be miserable in the meantime, until she could hug Anhlai and Monoui again? Maybe having something positive with Anh-Le would help make them both deadlier, stronger, more likely to win?

"So how do we begin?" Lillee asked, crouching down over one of the bows, hoping to distract herself from her thoughts.

Re: Day 35 [0900 hours.] This is Probably a Poor Decision

Reply #24
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Suitably pleasant hilltop | Southern temperate zone, Aldea Prime | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le suppressed a sigh of disappointment as Lillee's plump breasts disappeared under her top, but forced herself to focus.  They could set up another date, a proper date, with mood lighting and fancy desserts and nice clothes and all that, and then some bedroom antics on a real bed rather than on a meadow (which, Anh-Le had to admit as she brushed plant bits off of her back, certainly had a few downsides as a place to have sex), where she would show Lillee everything that she'd learned from a few dozen playthroughs of Vulcan Love Slave: Deliciously Devious Dominatrix Edition...and maybe, if she was really lucky, the Romulan would use her Vulcanoid strength to carry Anh-Le around a bit, she had to admit that being manhandled by the blonde could get exhilarating...

Lillee's request brought her back to reality.  "Well, first off you'll need your jacket and an arm-guard.  As will I, actually."  She tugged on her discarded jacket, bra forgotten, and showed Lillee two black plastic bracers under the quivers.  "This is to guard the arm holding the bow in case the string hits it--trust me, that hurts like you wouldn't believe."  She strapped on the arm-guard to demonstrate, letting Lillee see how the straps worked.  "Not too tight, or it'll constrict your arm and make your aim unsteady.

She bit her lip, mulling over an option.  Would it be too hasty?  Normally she wouldn't even suggest a sex game at a time like this, but her nerves were still singing with the warm afterglow of the encounter, and some foolish instinct spurred her on.  "Um...Ok.  This is going to sound dumb.  But archery takes focus, concentration...and, um, I feel kind of guilty that you didn't get an orgasm out of that. about you wear just your top--and I'll give you your reward bit by bit whenever you do something right?"  She winced as she said it.  That was a terrible idea.  Well, theoretically it would be a good focus exercise, a 'see how you do while horribly distracted' kind of thing, but it sounded so cheesy...
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

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