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Day 20 [1100 hrs.] Babysitters Club

[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Babysitters Club | Time to Meet the New Boss | My Work No Longer My Own]

Things had changed.

Remarkably, things were all different and she did not know what she thought about it.  Honestly, the lack of trust was paramount to everything.  As much as she wanted to allow for herself to believe in the ship and the Captain she found herself struggling just to wake up the next day.  Zephyr had always loved and had a great passion for the beauty of Botany and everything that came with it.  She had always loved growing things, taking care of them, and she loved the sciences behind merging various things together so that she could find new properties that could take the Botanical Sciences forward more so.

Zeph sat on the stool in her lab, well it wasn't her lab anymore was it.  It wasn't that she had really claimed it as her own, she supposed it was still her as she did all her work here but now she had to share it.  Zeph was definitely a social person but she had never felt so alienated in all her life.  Now that word was getting out about who she was and what she had done, all she found was that people hated her.  There was a lot of anger, resentment, and outrage on the ship directed towards her because of a creation that was unintentional. 

Now, Zeph wasn't sure what her purpose here was.  She could go to medical and help, but they didn't probably want her there.  She hadn't asked or anything, but she doubted that they did.  Now, she was here in a lab surrounded by all things that should strike her passions, but didn't.  Her sketches of plant life, her chemical lay out and biological component matching was still on the screens above her work desk beckoning her to come back and work on some of her plant experiments.  The plants that needed care were auto cared for by the computers in the room.  She didn't have any drive to touch anything, and it was killing her internally.

Here, she was normally able to forget the outside world.  But her boyfriend had dumped her, people hated her, she was no longer trusted, and she had never felt more alone and alien on a ship than she did right now.  Sitting in the center of her botanical lab she just kind of stared off into space.  Nothing seemed worth while, anything could turn against her, what if she created something else that had some bad qualities.  Would she be airlocked that time?  Stripped of her rank?  Wasn't that all part of science?  She wondered if the Captain had always been this harsh or if it was just her lucky day.

Tears welled behind Zeph's eyes but she blinked them away.  She wasn't here to cry, she was on duty and she probably should be doing something.  Pulling weeds, checking the hydroponics for all the tubing and spray nozzles for full functioning.  But, here she sat, staring at the opposite wall trying to figure out where she had gone wrong, what she had done wrong, why she was being punished for creating something and then doing the right thing. Was it so hard because she was not tied to the Theurgy, had it been a Theurgy creation, would it have been different?  She was curious how all that would work.

She was heart broken, no, she was soul-broken.


Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #1
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Junior Officer Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

While Zephyr was in her segregated Lab down on Deck 22, Cir'Cie was currently in her quarters dressed in uniform and sat her work station, reviewing her orders to monitor and take charge of any outstanding issues that may come of Lieutenant Praise's ongoing projects that may aid with combating the threat of the Niga Virus. In truth, a part of her did feel slightly conflicted. She had indeed experienced great horrors at the hands of the plant that had attempted and almost succeeded in bringing down the crew of the Theurgy and even now some of those negative affects had caused her to become wary of certain members of the crew as well as filling her dreams with carnal images, sometimes even making her pause and daydream during her work hours. Despite the counseling, meditation and continued disciplinary action to both heal her mind and body; a part of her psyche longed to experience the sexual freedom and emotional intensity that the Niga plant had given her...was that merely a tainted subconsciousness telling her this or did she genuinely want something so sinful, something most Vulcans tried to completely avoid their entire lives.

Letting out a soft exhale, she would firmly press a 'button' on her LCARS unit and stands up, performing a distinct tug down on her uniform before deciding to head down to Deck 22 via one of the main turbo lifts, but not before giving fellow Enlisted Staff and Crew Members respectful nods. Once in; she gave the command. "Deck 22." after which she would stand with her hands folded behind her back, her mind wandering again as she thought over everything that had happened and still yet may happen.

[ | Arboretum & Hydroponics Lab  | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

Her thoughts were put aside once the turbolift doors opened where she stepped out and proceeded to make her way through a segment of the Arboretum before finally entering the fragrant and humid Hydroponics Bay before finally taking a detour to reach Lieutenant Praise's segregated Lab. Noting the door was closed, Cir'Cie chose to be polite; realizing that the Lieutenant may be experiencing emotional conflicts and mental wanderings of her own and as such; she chimed the 'bell', a soft digital chirping sound echoing on the other side to let Zephyr know she had a guest.

While waiting for a response, she couldn't help but feel somewhat mixed in her internal emotions. Vulcan or not; she still felt them and right now she wasn't certain if she should feel pity, anger, excitement, intrigue or fear... This woman who had seemed so innocent, so bubbly and so overtly friendly as a Half-Betazoid individual, to be responsible for creating something so terrible and yet so wonderful at the cost of being completely enslaved to its alien will which would only eventually lead to eventual horror and ultimately death. It made her question not only Praise's intentions as a Botanist, but her own mental state. When this meeting was over; she would make it a priority to visit the Counseling Department once more.

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #2
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Hopeless | Hapless | Purposeless]

How could she move forward?

Everything had died, miserable horrendous deaths.  Her hope.  Her work.  Her relationship.  Her standing on the ship.  Everything was gone because of everything she had done on another place, another time, under another's orders.  But that didn't matter.  None of it did.  Zeph sat staring into space, she should probably work.  She should probably find Cir'Cie her new buddy or something.  She should probably find something to do and yet she was lucky she had even made it to shift today.  She wasn't sleeping, wasn't really eating, and was just not really with any sort of passion at the moment.  Staring off into space just seemed like the best thing she could do.  Her mind was full of so much emotion and unspoken thoughts. 

She was so full, and so emotional that she didn't hear or even feel Cir'Cie coming up to the lab, normally she could tell that someone was coming towards her but this time she didn't.  In fact, she hardly even heard the bell.  Zeph blinked softly as if she almost heard something, but she just sat there.  Shoulders slumped slightly her hands in her lap just kind of lost. 

She really did feel lost at this moment.  She felt extremely lost.  No lodestone.  It wasn't the relationship ending, not really.  As much as that had been the icing on the shitcake it was more the whole conversation and things that had gone down in the office of the Captain.  Someone she thought would probably be on her side, she had found turned against her and now Zephyr felt as though she had no point or purpose to being here.  What could she do?  What could she possibly do?

[Lieutenant Praise, there is someone at your door.]

The door.  Right, she had one of those.  Zephyr breathed out a long breath and she looked over at the door.  “Enter.” she called out before she looked down at her hands.  They weren't dirty, they were almost always dirty because of her job.  Her one passion in life was Botany and right now it was the last thing she wanted to mess with.  It was odd not to have dirty fingers, and yet, it seemed right.

She wasn't trusted.  Couldn't be trusted. 

As the young woman walked in, Zephyr's red rimmed hazel-green eyes shifted upwards again before looking away. 

“Hey.” she said despondently.  “Sorry you got assigned to assist me.”

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #3
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Inferior Rank, Superior Position | Zephyr Knocked Out of its Sails |

Stepping into Zephyr's personal laboratory with her hands placed behind her back as usual; she would take a moment to glance over the notable pieces of decor and other amenities that the young Lieutenant had scattered around her workspace. In truth; she found the 'clutter' of it all to be a bit too chaotic for her tastes. Nevertheless she raised an eyebrow much like a certain well known Vulcan from the 23rd century would have after observing some of the various drawings on display and she then took a few steps forward before announcing. "Ensign Cir'Cie, Botanist Divsion, reporting as ordered by Captain Ives." Much to Praise's appreciation or dismay, the neutral tone of Cir'Cie's stoic voice did not carry anger, disappoint or a cynicism - but neither did it express happiness, forgiveness or excitability making it difficult to discern how Cir'Cie felt about working or even talking to a would be conspirator who helped design and create the Niga plant that had previously unleashed both sexual ecstasy and chaos driven anarchy onboard the Theurgy.

Regardless, Cir'Cie spoke further "As I'm sure you're aware Lieutenant. I have been primarily assigned to aid you in your current studies and work, as well as analyze and overseer any suspicious or potentially risky factors that may arise from such works. Your skill as a Botanist and Geneticist is...extremely impressive. There is much I could learn from you, and perhaps you can learn from myself as well. While I do not possess your level of knowledge, I have experience in my own right as a Botanist and would be happy to share any information or past experiences I have had; with you."

Seeing that the Lieutenant before her was both emotionally stricken and lacking any level of zeal did internally worry her; she knew that those with Betazoid 'blood' in their genes tended to expose their emotions easily - even when claiming to say they were suppressing them effectively. Part of her understood this, Vulcan emotional intensity being something she faced everyday, but she did not fully understand how a Betazoid with Human aspects may handle such powerful emotional responses; especially ones created from isolation, grief and guilt. Regardless; Cir'Cie remained quiet and respectable, staying still and poised in a firm and disciplined posture while waiting for the Lieutenant to compose herself.

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #4
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Wasteland of Emotions | Direction Signs Point to Nowhere | New Intruder]

Inter the intruder.

Zeph didn't really look over, she just felt the woman's presence and was pretty certain she could feel the Vulcan judging everything about her.  Whether it was because of Zeph's own inability to pick herself up off the ground this time or not, she was incapable of getting her stuff together right now.  She didn't want someone here, she didn't want to answer questions, to play nice, to find someone that she could talk to.  She wanted to curl up into a hole and die, or at least disappear for a little while.  But, life went on, shifts had to be realized or she would really find a boot from Ives up her backside and when that happened she'd probably be far enough away from Aldea that the vacuum of space would guarantee that one way trip she was pretty certain Ives was in for.

The woman, gathered the gaze of the Betazoid woman, for a moment when she introduced herself as Ensign Cir'Cie of the Botanical Division.  She was reporting as ordered by Captain Ives.  Zeph snorted.  “A division, really?  Did he tell you we had a division because I'm pretty sure it's just you and me and you got slapped with the grand job of babysitting my terrible self.  Congratulations I'm not sure which is the bigger burn, you having to baby sit the Niga Creator or me having to be babysat at all for something I didn't even bring here.”

The woman didn't seem deterred by Zeph's self loathing and pity party.  She said she had been assigned to aid her in her current studies and work.  Analyze and over see any suspicious or risky factors that might arise from them.  “What's the point then?” Zeph asked interrupting the woman.  “What is science and discovery without risk?  How did any good thing, or some bad things get created when risk was not involved.  That's shit.  You know it, I know it, you might as well have me walk around here with a giant N on my chest so everyone knows, if they don't already, that I created the virus that everyone hated.” she said with no anger at Cir'Cie just at the situation and all that it had come to.

The Vulcan tried to appease her by talking about how her Botany and Genetics had been impressive and she felt there was much she could learn from Zeph.  Zeph gave a wry grin.  “Sure.  Lesson one, don't be the stranger here on a ship that was victim to something you created a universe away.  Lesson two, don't expect people to be understanding.  Lesson three, realize that you're absolute shit and probably shouldn't be rubbing off on anyone.”

Tears streamed down Zeph's cheeks and she brushed them away angrily.  Sniffling softly she looked down at her hands and took a deep shuddering breath. 

“I'm sorry Cir'Cie.  You don't deserve my anger.  It's only anger at myself, at this ship, at the Captain.  It's nothing you've done.  You're quite kind and nice and I'm sure you're an amazing Botanist.  Just.. don't make the same mistake I did.  Don't.. be like me.  You try to create something great, and amazing, then it turns to shit and then.. you get to carry around that yolk for the rest of your life.  I don't know.. what to do with myself any more.”

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #5
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Fire and Ice; Emotion and Logic. | A Clean Slate | USS Theurgy ]

Choosing to remain calm and allow Zephyr to express her anger, disbelief and sadness as if she were spewing venom forth from a wound that needed cleaning, Cir'Cie would stand firm in her posture and remain quiet and simply look at the fellow Botanist before her. While Zephyr continued her admittance and released dialogue infused with raw emotion, Cir'Cie's thoughts were once more diverted to thinking about the Niga and the time it had fully held her in its grip.

Even when Zephyr finishes talking, she takes a moment to respond and blinks, giving the Lieutenant Commander the impression that the Vulcan had been briefly day dreaming or lost in her thoughts. Still; her sharp ears had picked up everything and as such started to respond.

"You should be thankful that Captain Ives chose not to expel you, confine you to the brig or your quarters. Or that he felt that a security team was not required in order for my work to be conducted alongside you. Misgivings for the Captain aside; You are completely correct. Science without risk is very limited in what it can achieve...but to use a Human expression, you've let the genie out of the bottle. And this genie happens to be sexually ravenous and a dangerous risk to economic and social stability. Your intentions in creating the Niga plant may have been for the greater good, but the consequences have clearly shown a different outcome."

She takes a few steps over to Zephyr and proceeds to follow with: "I wish to be like you because despite what you have created; currently being terrible, the potential in the Niga plant and what it can achieve if modified is still great. Greatness is not defined by its alignment but its impact, and what you have done certainly is great; even if it represents a new threat and challenge for us to overcome. But without conflict in our reality, there is nothing for ourselves to be improved upon in our endeavours as women of science. You're only a victim if you choose to surrender, to give into the hostilities and viewpoints of others that have been thrusted upon you. And if your service record and psychological profiles are anything to go on; you're a woman of a...bubbly and passionate disposition.  Someone who does not give up easily."

Pacing back and forth a few times, considering the choice of her words before glancing back over at the tear tricken Botanist before her. Her own mind racing with excitement at the potential and possibilities of working with someone who is in effect; a direct opposite of herself. For years Cir'Cie had craved that 'spark' of inspiration that the emotional and imaginative carry, something that for her rigid and trapped Vulcan mind, was extremely difficult to process and explore. But it works both ways, now Zephyr had the opportunity to work with someone who had a near robotic mindset, rigid and analytical who might have a level of detail that could point out such mistakes and errors any future work she may choose to endeavour with... if she chooses to get up off her feet. After realizing this, Cir'Cie stops in her tracks and offers a very weak smile trying to show that she is indeed offering support, even if it is messy or incoherant.

"I don't pretend to be an expert on how the Betazoid mindset works, and given the tendency for...chaotic thought patterns that puts more distance between us in that regard. But I truly believe that with your artistry and my logic...we could achieve both great and good things together. So in answer to your question about not knowing what to do anymore... you do have a few logical choices. You can find a way to destroy the Niga, find a way to fix and improve it to your original design. Or you can abandon it entirely and we can work on something else. The beauty of this universe we find ourselves in is that it is Infinitely Diverse with Infinite Combinations. There is no shortage to what kind of plants we may discover...or create."

She looks at Zephyr intently. Throughout it all; her voice had remained monotonous, but given how she was choosing to carefully pick her words and insist on how Zephyr should continue working, added to the fact that the young Betazoid could practically sense Cir'Cie's emotions and thoughts; the level of intrigue, excitement and hope that was threatening to burst out of this otherwise contained and stoic Vulcan was humorous and encouraging to say the least.

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #6
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Do Not Try Me | Not in the Mood | Just Me Without Factual Evidence | Not the First Time]

The worst possible thing that the babysitter could have done was to tell her that she should be grateful that Ives had not confined her to Quarters, Brig, or worse, expelled.  If Zephyr's eyes could have fallen out of their sockets by how surprised she was to hear such Vulcan like statements come out of the pointy eared woman, they would have rolled across the floor to the Fleet issued boots of the Ensign.  Instead, Zeph bit into her tongue to keep herself from lashing out even more so at the woman that believed she knew everything there was to know.  Zeph turned from looking at the woman, now she had come not just to work with Zephyr but instead of just babysitting her she was also apparently here to make sure that Zeph felt even more judged than she already had.  She had no words right now for the woman that didn't consist of GET. And OUT.

Cir'Cie wasn't wrong in the fact that she had let the cat out of the bag, and the cat had a highly contagious form of sex crazed virus fun but that wasn't the initial purpose and that wasn't what she had intended to do.  Furthermore, she had tried to stop it, which honestly, didn't seem to amount to a pile of beans on the plate of J. Ives, Captain.

The woman moved closer, Zeph stared into her lap as she tried to think about what she was going to do here.  Everything seemed really hopeless and horrible.  There was no light in the world around her at the moment, she was tired, she was lonely, and she felt judged to the maximum degree.  None of it was what she wanted to have in her life and yet here she was just dealing with it anyway.  Cir'Cie began to tell her that she wanted to be like Zephyr because despite what she had created, she had created something great.  Even if it wasn't intended and the outcome was terrible just having succeeded in creating something massive and unique was enough.  Zeph lifted her head slightly and looked over at the Ensign curiously, she could tell that the woman was telling the truth, but she was surprised at the words.  The Vulcan told her that she was only a victim if she surrendered to the hostilities and viewpoints of others.  But, then she mentioned that she had read something along the lines of her psychological profile showing that she was bubbly and passionate, that she didn't give up easily.

“That's.. that was true.  I guess it still could be.” she said softly brushing some of the curls off her face and behind her ear to secure them in place.

The woman continued to pace back and forth until she stopped in front of Zephyr explaining that she had a few good choices to go with.  Zeph snorted.  “Please, enlighten me.” she stated leaning back and waiting for this wisdom to be lay upon her with great gusto.  Step one, they could find a way to destroy the Niga, Two, they could find a way to fix and improve the original design, or three they could abandon it entirely and work on something else.  Zeph didn't have a whole lot of motivation for that last one there at the moment but she could appreciate it being on the table none the less. 

Zeph let out a sigh.  “The best thing to do is to find a way to destroy it.  The Federation will stop at nothing to use the weapons created at their disposal when they find it necessary.  So, I guess the best course of action is to find a way to neutralize the plant or destroy it all together.  Have you read my research and how it came about?” she asked curiously. 

Leaning over she grabbed her PADD, she didn't have a whole lot of her own old information, it was mostly gone really because of the fact that she ran (with the info) but then got kidnapped by the Savi and that meant all her information was gone.  So she put it back down realizing she didn't have files to send.

"It's originated from a plant base hybridization of three varying plants.  A scented vine plant that relaxed it's user from the planet Zigo IV, it would use it's scented leaves to relax the insects and small animals in it's presence that it could consume them and continue growing.  Zigo had sunlight for only two hours a day, and thus, the plant life were forced to find other ways to gain energy.  The plant was eventually named Vite Nocturne.  The secondary plant used in the hybridization was a floral component, with bright purple flowers attached to vines.  The small vines with floral tips would reach outwards towards the sun the vines were extremely strong and the inhabitants of Anorus, used them for ropes and so forth.  The flowers themselves also had a great strong scent used to make love perfumes and acted as an aphrodisiac.  However the most interesting thing about Trictorcanus Consumae was that it would shoot barbs from the flowers to poison animals and people that got too close with it's concentrated chemical components.  In some, it would make them go into rages.  There was also an Earthen fungi toxoplasma gondii which, could control the mind of various insects.  Now at the time it made them going into a increasing desire to reproduce, the plan was just for making sentient races more malleable to contact."

"The thought was, putting the three plants together, could create something that could relax people more easily, put them at ease, for certain procedures or diplomatic endeavors." she admitted with a shrug she was in full on Botanist mode. 

"However, the reactions of the plants hybridizing with one another created something that the lab.  It didn't take long to realize it had created a virus that was highly contagious.  The virus Rhabdoviridae trichtovirinae gondovirus, was reproduced itself over and over again infecting the hosts quickly and promoting the mind control necessary to continue this.  The Virus was then labeled as R/TCNG/AS/2379 and the strain was N1G1, that's what we called it for the most part.  N1G1."

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #7
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Hesitant Acceptance | An Admission of Guilt | Hopeful Prospects

Cir'Cie remained calm and stoic as she listened to the information that Zephyr shared with her in regards to how she created the Niga plant, the same plant that that sexually violated her...but also the same plant that had left her feeling with a distinct feeling of longing or as if something was missing from her life. If Zephyr's Betazoid empathic senses were to pick up on this, she would note a desire for emotional freedom and a yearning sexual for pleasure that were being suppressed by Cir'Cie's teachings as a Vulcan. When she hears Zephyr declare that she wishes to destroy her creation; she visibly seems disappointed but nods in reluctant agreement.

"I see... You should know that I was among the very people to encounter the Niga plant directly when it was first discovered. I was going to study its seeds and later if the chance had presented itself; some of its components...but as you can body had other ideas. You might find this repugnant or illogical of me to say; I don't regret what happened, I can't remember a time I was happier when I was subject to the experiences and lowered inhibitions that the Niga Virus offered. While I was not relaxed in the sense you were aiming for, I was relaxed as an individual...very carefree. I would call that a success if it were not for the fatal and destructive long term effects of the virus...and I share that with you in confidence." Her face seems to gain two small tinges of green as she blushes, yet her expression remains emotionless even as what she can remember comes back to her rather vividly.

Listening to the creation process and reasoning behind the choice of plants that would ultimately lead to the creation of the Niga Plant and its viral effects, Cir'Cie would hold her hand close to her chin and hold great interest in the details that Zephyr had been essentially forced to share with her. When she hears however that the Virus essentially induces mind control - not just intense aphrodisiac sensations, her expression becomes slightly disappointed, if that were possible. Then she remembers why she went through such extensive counseling and several Vulcan meditation rites. "Mind altering agents were a part of your original design?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. "Even if this design had met your specifications of being non-fatal and purely pleasurable, it would have still raised numerous questions on ethics and morals...what you would have made would have essentially been a drug administered through an exotic and aesthetically pleasing manner... Of course; the other applications in a sociological environment would have been fascinating to observe, but to suggest giving it to diplomats..?"

Finding herself pacing once again, Cir'Cie's mind was in three different places:

How would they go about finding a natural and more passive way of destroying the Niga without having to rely on orbital bombardment or mentally disciplined security teams who can reject the promise of sex should they encounter the purple vine monstrosity again in the future.

Could she be able to learn more about Zephyr's creation and be able to record information on it for her own preservation and potential future use should she ever decide to carry on with the work this Betazoid had accidentally created? To fix the errors that her babysitting required partner had failed to correct.

And lastly why was she having this sudden inner conflict of interests, her loyalty was to Captain Ives and to the crew of the Theurgy. But did she have any loyalty or care left for the Federation? She was no longer so sure on that answer, especially at the prospect of potential knowledge...or a slim chance to feel that raw emotional state of bliss again.

Her pacing eventually stopped, partly because she had come to a decision and also partly because she feared for winding up her new 'partner' even more than she might already be doing so.

"I know little of Virology or Epidemiology, but I am familiar with at least two of the plant species you mentioned in your hybridization project... I will help you to find a way to neutralize this corrupted version of what you sought to create. But I must ask; what you did was ambitious and very intriguing, though I'm not sure if it was relevant and worth pursuing when they are numerous species of plants that exhibit relaxing properties... Following that logic then; what made you pursue the idea of creating this kind of plant in the first place? I mean aside from the aforementioned ideas of application. There is a fine discrepancy between relaxation and...indulgence.".

If her run on sentences and partial-self talking hadn't wound Zephyr up even further, she would find in the inflection of the voice that Cir'Cie was showing genuine curiosity as well as a zeal for wanting to know more about Zephyr's work and mindset. To say she was fascinated although internally confused; would be an understatement.

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #8
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Unusual Conversations | Plans for the Future | Grab the Future]
@UltimaImperatrixia  @Auctor Lucan

It was easy to tell that Cir'Cie was disappointed.  It was written all over her face even if Zeph didn't have empathy.  But, she did, and it was something that was pretty easily told.  It was surprising to Zephyr that she would feel disappointed.  CC told her that she was going to study the seeds of the Niga plant and see if she could use some of it's components in other things.  But then, as she could guess, her body had other ideas.  Zeph turned to give CC her attention and listened as she told her that she had been a victim.  It might be illogical and repugnant of her, but that she had actually enjoyed the freedom that the virus brought to her.  She was for the first time, relaxed and carefree.  Zeph found her brow rising it was the first positive thing anyone had said to her regarding the Niga. 

“I am happy to hear that someone did not find it torturous, though I think the plant being that powerful is just not worth it.”

When Zeph gave the information to CC the woman took it all in and then began with the questions as any good Scientist would do.  “they were ordered, yes.  The goal was to help get them to relax more and be more open to diplomatic negotiations.”  she said with a shrug.  “The thing people forget is, it isn't like I decided to follow this research path more that it was told to me.  I was ordered to create something while working on a black site it isn't like could just leave or request a transfer.”

CirCie told her that she had training in Virology and Epidemiology and together they would be able to work together to neutralize the corruption of what she had created.  It wasn't something that she wanted to do, well, not initially.  She had of course thought it was destroyed a long time ago, but then to find out that it wasn't.  But, Zephyr could realize her mistake and now she could only seek to fix it, at least she had help.

“I, think I would appreciate your help. Working together is the best way.” she admitted.  “However, i'm in no mood to do what needs to be done today.  Can we meet again in two days.  Give me a chance to get my brain right before we start tackling a project this big.  I won't be a burden and I want to have an active part in it.” she admitted to Cir Cie as she rose from her stool and walked over to the console unit where she saw a blinking light meaning that she had some kind of something going on over there.  A missed message.. something.

“I think that would be for the best.  Same time, same place, two days time.  We can start tackling the problem of our Niga and how to get it fixed up right, so that we can take it out.  The world does not need to be afraid of a mind control sex virus.  And there are other ways I can help you lower your inhibitions botanically without the necessity for random sex partners.” she confessed as she pulled up the message that was blinking.

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #9
Her computer console quietly blinked, indicating that she had an awaiting message, but also that she had missed a call.

Captain Ives had sought her, and when she hadn't replied, a message had been sent instead.


I tried to reach you to tell you directly, but all Department Heads have been informed to pass on the following information:

"After closer inspection of the data surrounding the scientific experiments on the Azurite Station, and with Lieutenant Commander Thomas Ravon - our Squadron Commanding Officer - coming forth with knowledge about who the scientist is, it has become clear that contrary to initial appearances, Lieutenant Zephyr Praise will no longer be under suspicion for purposefully endeavouring to create the Niga virus. The data available, while limited, has been verified by Commander Ravon, and no blame should be laid at Lieutenant Zephyr's feet for the creation. Security has closed the investigation as of 1040 hrs today, and disciplinary oversight will end, since the final strain of the virus wasn't likely synthesised by Zephyr, but someone else working on the Azurite Station, which supports her claim that she followed orders and proper protocols when ending the research, even though the Niga virus clearly still exists.

Make sure this information is passed on to the whole crew, to safeguard Lieutenant Zephyr from any officers that may wish to take justice into their own hands. The Infested are the ones who should carry all the blame."

- End

As I wrote earlier, I had wanted to speak with you directly, but I was very pleased that Commander Ravon could come forward with more information about you, and together, we could look at the available data once more. I have hereby reevaluated my decision about mandatory oversight, but I would still like for you to work together with Ensign Cir'Cie. This, with the high priority mission of stopping the Infested from using the virus and creating the temporal paradox in which we were victims of it. If this means a future mission to the station on which you served, we must know what we are dealing with, and how we might destroy all samples of the virus we find there.

With any luck, the Infested have yet to ship any samples from the station.

Commander Martin will be expecting daily reports on the progress of this endeavour, and Security is already planning an operation in which an away team would infiltrate the base. All information of tactical relevance should be forwarded to Deputy zh'Wann.

Good luck, and my sincerest apologies for making a premature decision - uninformed as it was.

Captain Jien Ives
Commanding Officer

Re: Day 20 [1100] Babysitters Club

Reply #10
[Ensign Cir'Cie | Schedule Set | To the Task at Hand | For a Calmer Future

Listening carefully to Zephyr's choice of words, she noted how direct and non-negotiable her words were, the Betazoid had made up her mind and through sparking her own natural sense of defiance in the face of isolation and hostility from her fellow crew members, Cir'Cie herself could not help but feel somewhat inspired by the resolute nature being shown to her.

As the Lieutenant relaxed and gradually came to re-gain some semblance of her more carefree nature, Cir'Cie would just watch her before finally replying.

"I agree with you, the complications outweigh the potential benefits...if we can eliminate the Niga completely, then our enemies will have one less tool to try and thwart us with. And we'll be one step closer to saving the Federation...logically assuming of course." she didn't seem to be able to completely convince herself in this manner, their enemies had already proven to be incredibly resourceful, highly adaptive and willing to carry out any method or plan needed to bring the Galaxy closer to a state of chaos to suit their own ends.

Letting out an exhale. Cir'Cie would hear how Zephyr's monitor had received a message and she turned around out of respect, not wishing to appear overly inquisitive or downright intrusive. Still, in response to Zephyr's request for work to continue at a more optimum time, she could only find herself agreeing - but before she could give her response, the statement of offering help to lower Cir'Cie's inhibitions further made her feel uncertain. There is a brief pause as the young Vulcan took a moment to consider her words carefully, before finally choosing to speak.

"Two days from now. In this room. I understand Lieutenant. In my spare time I will see about doing some research on potential vectors to consider in regards to neutralizing the Niga, perhaps I might find something worth investigating. I...appreciate your offer, in regards to potentially making it easier for me to let me handle my feelings with a lower sense of inhibition, but I'm not sure if that would be wise now at this current time. You don't need to worry about my emotional state or frame of mind. We will get this done together - we will rectify this error, and stop it from being a complete mistake."

With that, Cir'Cie left the room, leaving Zephyr to her message from the Captain. She would stop and stare at the floor for a moment, trying to process everything that had just happened within the short space of time before finally moving to return to her quarters so that she may spend the evening calming down and possibly doing some light research against the threat she and Zephyr would work to destroy - once and for all.


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