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Topic: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It (Read 4877 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #25
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Mess hall | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le nearly fainted with relief, and felt a tug in her gut at the mention of breaking spines.  That image is much hotter than it should, bad thought, she's enlisted, off-limits, pervert, pervert!  "Thank you so much," she replied quietly.  "Yeah, uh, let's do this however you want to.  I mean, as friends.  If you like."  She pinched the bridge of her nose; what a disaster.  "I'm sorry.  I was up late working last night and I'm a little frazzled.  Thanks for eating with me, let's be friends, and if you're done I'll show you my ridiculous baby pictures.

At least those had long since stopped being embarrassing and become amusing. 

Anh-Le stood, gathering her dishes.  "Nothing to see here, folks!  Just me being a bit fried.  Late night of work last night, you know."  The sooner she could get out of this room, the better.  "And, uh, Petty Officer t'Jellaieu, if you want to try your hand with a bow and arrow, I can teach you.  You know, to make up for me being a total mess today.
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #26
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


As she took her own dishes, Lillee smiled gently at the offer. "Yes, I would enjoy that," she replied as she walked with Dantius to the replicator. It took a couple of seconds for Lillee to realise that she hadn't hesitated in the slightest to accept further contact with Dantius, the woman simply being far too adorable, fascinating, comfortable and beautiful to resist knowing further. Naturally suspicious, Lillee wondered if pheromones might be playing a part, but...she knew herself, surely. Right? Her interest was purely based on Dantius herself, her personality and mind...yes?

Putting her plates in the replicator for recycling, Lillee sighed. Find your strength, Rihanna. She is attracted to you, and you to her, but she's uncomfortable. Taking advantage of her like this would be dishonourable and disrespectful; you've just met the woman! Be her friend, nothing more, no matter how beautiful and fascinating she may be. Respect what she wants. Don't push yourself upon her...and don't push her away!

"If I am to learn the bow, then I could teach you something of Rihannsu swordplay," Lillee said lightly as the two women left the mess hall. "I am no expert or master, but I can show you ways to have fun. We could find a place on the planet" Lillee's sentence faded off awkwardly as she remembered a similar outing with Donna and Mickayla from just two days past, and what that had turned into. Wringing her hands slightly as they walked, mindful of the promise she'd just made to herself, she swiftly changed course to a topic far away from such things. "And I was an aide for a time to Rear Admiral Tomas Sobral, of the Corps of Engineers. I can't imagine why you'd want to know about him, as he's just a sweet old man, but if you wish to know something, then I can help."

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #27
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Leaving the mess hall | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

Oh thank fuck...  Just Friends was safe.  And a mess of crushes and moping and throwing herself into work to the point of exhaustion, but damn it, it was safer than constantly worrying if she was accidentally affecting someone.  "Great!  Um, I can replicate you a decent practice model, you're a Vulcanoid so you probably have the upper-body strength for it already, it's just a matter of form."  Everybody needed a few adjustments at first.  Sure it would probably require some close contact, but if they were Just Friends it should remain professional. 

"Swordplay?  That sounds fun, actually!"  Anh-Le tried to sound excited and Just Friends even as the thought of swords clashing and sweaty tank tops jolted through her mind.  Professional.  I am professional.  Just Friends.  I can DO Just Friends, damn it!  "As for Admiral Sobral..."  She sobered, then licked her lips.  "I might need some information at some point.  Corps of Engineers isn't what I'd take over first if I were the enemy, but then, they don't seem to have suborned Intel yet, so what the hell do I know?"  She shook her head at the thought.  The mere fact that the enemy hadn't done what she considered to be the most logical and least risky way to suborn the Federation--indeed, the mere fact that the enemy had been partially exposed by this ship, meant one more unknown to deal with.  And unknowns were inherently dangerous. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...


Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #28
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor/Turbolift | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Lillee sighed as they walked along. "I can still hardly believe it. I met admirals sometimes, just briefly, whenever I worked in San Francisco. I must have talked to Parasites, face to face, but I had no idea! They all seemed normal, like Dr Nicander, and he saved my life. None of them acted strangely at all. If the rumours hold true, Nicander even bedded half the crew and nobody realised what he was. I am just grateful that he never got me."

They reached a turbolift and entered, Lillee waiting for Dantius to order the turbolift to its destination. Feeling pleasantly full and satisfied after hard exercise and a meal, not to mention with the surprise of very good company, Lillee was rather content. She was almost resentful that she had to report for duty in a few hours, especially since no shuttle flights were scheduled, meaning a dull evening of paperwork lay ahead. After the games with Donna and Mickayla, and the pleasantness of time with Dantius, Lillee found that perhaps she was enjoying shoreleave a little too much.

We need to leave and start shooting things again, she mused ruefully, or else I'll get far too comfortable with life like this.

"It must be driving you and the others insane," Lillee said sympathetically, glancing at Dantius as the turbolift sped along. She tucked a strand of blonde hair back behind her ear, briefly annoyed; after an all-too-brief sonic shower in the gym, her hair was being typically difficult. "It's like the Dominion, isn't it, and those Changelings? Except worse?"

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #29
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Leaving the mess hall | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le shook her head.  "So they probably have access to memories.  That's almost worse than a Changeling.  Deck 11."  She grimaced at the thought.  "You say the infected doctor...bedded half the crew?  Is that literal or a figure of speech?"  Probably the latter, but in Starfleet it paid to make sure.  Sometimes, 'alien god-thing with a mariachi band and scantily-clad women on the Bridge' meant exactly that

I swear, if they didn't have video evidence I wouldn't believe a word of some of those Enterprise logs...

Anh-Le admired the Romulan's ear as the blonde brushed her hair back, then her hearing caught up with the rest of her.  "Yeah, my thoughts exactly.  The real problem, though, is that we know so little about them.  We don't know how they think, how their bodies work, how they infect other people, heck, we barely have an idea of what they might possibly want, and even that makes no sense because it boils down to 'they're evil'.  We know nothing about their society, what little we have of their ideology is dubious at best--frankly, I suspect that most of the intel we have on them is bogus to some degree.
 We don't know for sure how long they've been active, but they've had elements of the Fleet suborned for at least half a decade, probably longer--they could've infiltrated the Founders and started the Dominion War, too, and we may never even know.
"  Anh-Le paused for breath, shuddering at the thought of just how deep in the shit the Federation--and by extension, Anh-Le herself--was in.  We don't even know how they nab people.  They could nab right here and make me do whatever, and there'd be nothing anyone could do to stop it.  They could nab me and make me watch as they use my body like a meat suit!  That thought chilled her to the bone. 

"Our society's entire point is bringing people together, it's something we're damn good at.  But we deal with hard, flesh-and-blood reality, the pain and rage of real people who've been fucked over, by bridging the gap and communicating with people we can see and touch and relate to on a fundamental level, not these...I don't even have the words to describe them.  Normally, when we encounter something like this, the Q or the Metrons or the Organians or some other alien god-things show up, smack us around a bit, and we have to prove that we are not, in fact, godawful people when push comes to shove.  I don't know why the Q haven't intervened in something that's clearly their wheelhouse, and I'm starting to think that we might not be able to win.

"And this is my third day on the job," Anh-Le concluded with a rictus grin.  "I think I'm doing alright, all things considered.  Want to talk about something less existentially depressing?
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #30
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor/Turbolift | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Lillee winced at the last as the two women left the turbolift, striding down back to Dantius' quarters. She caught how Dantius' gaze seemed to linger for a moment, causing a very familiar heat to build in Lillee's stomach. There was something deeply arousing and empowering about being desired by a woman who was, herself, so remarkable and attractive. Again, Lillee forcefully reminded herself of her earlier promise.

"Forgive me," she said as they walked, "I do keep talking about serious things, don't I? I am perhaps not a good friend to just relax with. But Doctor Nicander...oh, you wouldn't believe the stories I've heard! Maybe I am exaggerating, but if he actually has slept with half the crew, I could believe it. He was just so handsome and charming when I met him! I don't know if you enjoy men too, but he is absolutely gorgeous, and I heard while flying with the Wolves that he is...very well equipped. And he seems to enjoy men and women equally. He may be an evil beast whom I would enjoy cutting apart with my blade, but even so..."

Lillee grinned, nudging Dantius playfully with her elbow. "I'm sorry. I could gossip all day long about this ship. Honestly, it's as if everyone was a supermodel before joining Starfleet! And because everything has been so dramatic and life-threatening before getting to Aldea, it has become an Elements-be-laughing love boat, more than any warbird or starship I've ever served on before. I've heard so many lurid stories..."

Of course, happily rambling as she was, Lillee was careful not to mention her own adventures. Gossiping about others was fun, given a certain respect while doing so; discussing one's own erotic play was just boastful and inappropriate, not to mention unwise.

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #31
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Corridor/turbolift | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le chuckled nervously, blushing deep green at Lillee's commentary.  I never wanted or needed to know that much about an enemy spy's sexual prowess...especially not one I might have to interrogate at some point.  "Well, I only bat for the same team, but, uh, I can understand what you mean about a love boat.  Every woman I've met here's been ridiculously gorgeous.Yourself included, Petty or not.  She shook her head.  If only this fight were a beauty contest, we'd win for sure unless the judge was a Horta or something.  "And hey, everybody needs their rec time; my poison of choice is Vulcan Love Slave.  That chick who does the modeling and voice for Dominatrix mode is hot."  She flushed deeper as she said it, but it seemed appropriate to the increasingly inappropriate conversation, and besides...subbing to that holoprogram was hot. 

But something about the beautiful Romulan's demeanor had shifted, and Anh-Le eyed her critically.  "Hey, are you feeling alright, Petty Officer?"  The gorgeous blonde's grin looked almost too wide, her eyes unfocused and general demeanor almost dopey as she swayed in place.  Wait--I took my meds earlier, right?  Anh-Le usually took them like clockwork, but she'd been a total mess after rolling out of bed late and throwing on her uniform...Fuck, if  I forgot my meds and drugged her...I'd need to have myself thrown in the Brig for sexual assault.  She prayed that she'd remembered the drugs and hadn't doped Lillee up by accident...
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #32
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Having just reached Dantius' quarters, Lillee blinked, momentarily confused by the question...and then realised what she'd just been talking about. How did she keep talking about such things? Especially when she was trying so very hard to stay away from anything suggestive? Lillee felt a profound desire to talk more about the holoprogram, and Dantius' experience with it, but that wasn't safe conversation. That was, by every possible definition, the worst kind of conversation right now. And she'd just been discussing the beast as an object of despised Nicander...

Nevertheless, Lillee was far too relaxed and comfortable to give it much thought, dismissing it as overenthusiasm and much-needed silliness. Instead she took a breath, disciplining herself to stand straighter, to force her mind away from how Dantius' uniform slightly hugged her breasts and hips. The very real concern in Dantius' brown eyes was enough to sober Lillee somewhat, enough to drop her near-giddy demeanour.

"I am," Lillee said, invoking rank at the last second and smiling politely, looking Dantius in the eye. "I suppose I got carried away." She glanced at the door to Dantius' quarters "I can visit you another time, if you much as I would like to talk more, I would not do so if you are uncomfortable."

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #33
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

Well, now she felt like an ass.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a buzzkill...I just thought you looked a little...damn it.  OK, cards on the table, I think I might've missed my meds when I rolled out of bed this morning."  The mess of her hair certainly made that seem more likely.  "I'm fine, but I need to know--Do you feel any sort of...unusual attraction, desire to please me, that sort of thing?  The weird thing about the pheromones is that it seems normal at first, so anything that's even a bit unusual, please let me know.

Anh-Le looked over at Lillee again, and tried to fight back another blush as she saw the Romulan's nipples tenting out her top.  OK, screw it. I'll take more meds and if I double up, I double up and deal with the cramps.  Hormone blockers could cause painful abdominal cramps if you took too many of them, but compared to the consequences of not taking them, that was an acceptable risk. 

"And, uh, Petty Officer t'Jellaieu, if I have whammied you, I really am sorry and it's an accident--I must seem like a total jackass, but I promise, I'm not normally like this."  She palmed the panel next to her quarters' door, unlocking it.  "Here, just give me a second..."  Perhaps unwisely, she turned her back on the blonde as she entered, but in Anh-Le's defense she was now freaking out internally, again, and single-mindedly focused on getting her medication. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #34
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


It was hard to miss Dantius quite blatantly looking Lillee over, and the Romulan woman's stomach fluttered anew. Nevertheless, pheromones...cursed pheromones...but would it be so bad if...

Then Dantius turned around, Lillee's eyes dropped, and so did her jaw. Oh...oh my, she thought, her mind quite thoroughly blasted. That is the most magnificent ass I have ever seen! It didn't help that Dantius was moving, taking that same ass further away, and the motion of her buttocks and thighs...

"Fvadt!" Lillee cursed loudly, facepalming violently with a loud smack. A passing human crewman stopped in his tracks, startled by the swearing, but Lillee shot the man a death-glare that had him quite hurriedly decide that it was none of his business and move on. Feeling a tingling in her breasts, Lillee glanced down and stared, dumbstruck, at the rather unmistakable outline of her nipples through the thin red fabric. That was what Dantius had been looking at...

"What is this?" she whispered, unable to believe what was happening to her. Such a horrendous lack of control, weakness, indignity, but it took a great deal of effort for Lillee to concentrate enough to care. Shame and anger built within her and she let it, privately swearing more to build the fury, to focus more. Anything was better than being some animal, some hyper-repressed Vulcan in the grip of pon farr, unable to control herself!

"Fvadt fvadt fvadt...uru Areinnye Lillee, veer nash..." Lillee continued whispering to herself, struggling to keep her feet planted and not follow Dantius into her quarters, where she could seize her and drop those pants to expose those glorious green buttocks... "Dhat!"

fvadt: a curse approximating the English word 'damn'
uru Areinnye: go to hell
veer nash: a rare regional phrase common in some Romulan colonies, approximating to 'be better!'
Dhat!: No!

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #35
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le heard Lillee curse behind her as she dug through her dresser for her hormone suppressants.  I wish I could get one of those dose-regulator implants...  But those showed up on most scans, and she'd tested positive for allergic reactions to some metals, so for health and work reasons it was pills for her.  "Are you alright back there?" the Orion asked, bending over to check the second drawer.  Where the hell did I put the damn thing?  I know I took my twenty-hundred last night...  OK, she'd been on the couch with her PADD...yep, there were the six empty repli-coffee mugs...and the dirty plate of bánh xèo she'd eaten...worked for a few hours...taken a shower...worked for a few more hours instead of going to bed like a sensible person...

Shower.  Damn it!  She'd taken the pill, tossed the bottle on the vanity, and gotten in the shower.  Before getting out and spending a few hours working.  I need to stop doing that, one of these days.

And of course there was her dirty uniform from last night, lying out in full view with yesterday's underwear on top.  Anh-Le's cheeks burned with humiliation as she bent over to quickly shove the whole embarrassing pile under her bed.  "I'll be right back, I'm sorry, I just left my pills in the bathroom last night.  It's a dumb story!
Bánh xèo = stuffed rice pancake
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #36
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


“It’s alright, I’m fine,” Lillee called back weakly. Another passer-by gave her a strange look, and despite her better judgement, she finally yielded, stepping forward into the doorway but no further. The quarters beyond were distinctly messy, tupperware and clothing spread haphazardly, at least providing a distraction aside from Dantius rushing around. The open door was helpful; if it was open, Lillee couldn’t do sometning stupid.

“It’s...okay, truly,” Lillee said, leaning against the doorframe and crossing her arms to hide her breasts. “Mistakes happen and are...are...understandable. Forgivable. I will not attempt to...act. You will not...act. I still have mind. My will. Rihannsu are skilled at withstanding this. We mastered the passions of the pon farr...” Lillee’s sentence trailed off as she spied a pair of underwear poking out from underneath the bed, idly wondered if they belonged to Dantius or a bunkmate, then swiftly closed her eyes to banish the thought.

“This will make a good story one day, yes?” Lillee laughed softly, keeping her eyes firmly closed. It helped at least a little, but her anger was fading. To replace it, she imagined the mundanity of flying a Valkyrie for added distraction. Taper the impulse flow to 45%, adjust the warp core intermix to an asymmetric burst-decline ratio for sublight cruise, tetryon cannon offline and retracted...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #37
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

So she was pumping out pheromones.  Damn it.  "I'm so, so sorry, Li--Petty Officer.   If you want to report me, please do, I'll do it myself if you like."  Anh-Le gulped down a pill and drank directly from the sink to wash it down.  "I hope that I didn't throw too much of a wrench into things--I do like you, I just don't...goddamn it.  I don't mean to pressure, I'm sorry, I will be satisfied with however you want to proceed."  She walked back out towards the door, seeing Lillee standing with her eyes squeezed shut, arms crossed tightly over her breasts.  "Hey, it'll be alright in five or ten minutes, alright?"  She resisted the urge to reach out and touch the Romulan to calm her down, that would only make this worse.  "Just try to breath shallow and I'll stand over here on the other side of the room.  Oh, and think of a Horta playing Hamlet, that's a guaranteed libido killer."  Unless the blonde were into that, which, hey, no judgement, but Anh-Le was pretty sure that Lillee  preferred humanoids. 

"A good story?"  Anh-Le managed a chuckle.  "Yeah, uh, I kind of have this one beat already--Oh, right!  I was going to show you the picture of me screaming my newborn lungs out on the transporter pad."  She headed back to her dresser to rummage through it again.  "It's pretty hilarious."  She licked her lips, debating whether to continue with what she wanted to say.  "Look, uh...Lillee.  I hope that's still OK.  Um.  I am attracted to you, I just...really don't want to sleep with you while you're  doped up on pheromones.  So, uh, if you don't hate me, um, yeah, maybe drinks sometime?"  She cringed internally.  So suave, Anh-Le.  Why the ladies aren't dropping their panties for you on proximity is a total mystery, you useless lesbian dipshit...
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #38
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


"A Horta playing Hamlet?" Lillee repeated, perplexed, her eyes still fixed shut. Involuntarily she took another step further in, the door closing behind her. "How do you play a slice of ham? The Horta don't eat ham, they don't even have limbs, so how would one-oh yes, I remember! Hamlet! The play by that man...Shakey Spear. Is that the name? Some ancient human? No, Shakespeare, William Shakespeare! I love that play. The intrigue, the betrayal, the insanity of it all. It's genius."

Her own rambling was countered by Dantius' own, until Lillee's nose twitched as the Orion woman came closer. Even though her arms were crossed and her eyes were shut, just knowing that Dantius was close was enough for Lillee to subconsciously knead her breast with one hand before she caught the motion, locking her arms even tighter.

"Treacherous hands," she muttered to herself grumpily. When Dantius began talking again, though, Lillee simply had to open her eyes, and as Dantius suggested drinks, Lillee smiled automatically. "Yes, of course we can have drinks," she said without thinking. Then she frowned at the unquestioning acceptance; since when was she the type to make things easy in circumstances like these? "But," she added, "you must earn drinks with sweat and work. I remember mutual offers about bows and blades, yes?"

Then, no longer smiling, Lillee looked at Dantius in a way which, despite her best efforts, could be described as nothing other than sultry. "So do not worry yourself. It is an honest mistake after working yourself to exhaustion to save the Federation. I do not judge. And if we are to know each other, I would have you call me Lillee when we are off-duty. Dantius is not your familiar name, I think?"

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #39
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

"Wow, you're really out of it," Anh-Le chuckled before she could stop herself, then sobered as she saw the Romulan squeeze her own breast.  "OK, Lillee, I need you to do something for me.  Don't, um, stimulate yourself.  Hands at your sides, maybe grab your pant legs.  Think about a Horta sitting next to a humanoid skull with its vocalizer saying 'alas, poor Yorick; I knew him, Horatio' in, you know, the toneless way Horta vocalizers sound."  Unsexy thoughts to kill Lillee's libido ought to keep her from doing anything, and the pheromones would make the Romulan extra obedient and eager to please.  (which was a thought that Anh-Le didn't need, as she immediately felt guilty for finding the though of an eager-to-please Lillee hot.  What a mess of a morning)

Anh-Le grinned at Lillee's demand, with a heady mix of relief and excitement.  "Earn drinks?  I can do that.  I'm still really sorry for screwing up like this, I'm normally much more responsible about taking my medication."  After a moment, she added, "And I swear I'm much tidier."  Which might be a bit of an exaggeration, but now wasn't really the time to admit that she had a working-late problem. 

"And you'd be right.  Dantius is my family name."  Might as well actually get a start on cleaning up the mess--Anh-Le moved over to the sitting area and started clearing up last night's coffee mugs.  "My personal name's Anh-Le, and yeah, that's fine as long as we're off-duty.  Which I guess we are now.  Do you want to go down to Sickbay and get checked out, by the way?  Just in case?
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #40
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


Following Dantius' (no, Anh-Le's) advice, Lillee gripped her pants tightly, bunching the fabric. Smiling meekly, Lillee considered for a moment at Anh-Le's question about Sickbay. "If you think it's wise..." she said slowly. Compared to the sharp and composed woman that she'd been an hour earlier, Lillee was now a mess; unsure, her mind slow, her confidence ebbing, her dignity in tatters. She knew it, could do nothing about it and hated it. She knew, logically, that she should be angry at the Orion woman who had compromised her through carelessness, but she couldn't find it. Instead, she was a mix of frustration, bliss, potent arousal and confusion, blended into a person without the faintest idea what to do about it.

"I am an idiot," she muttered as realisation (finally) struck. "Who needs dramatic Horta?" She reached into a back pocket and pulled out a rod, tapping one end with her thumb, and immediately, a high-quality two-dimensional hologram appeared between Lillee and Ahn-Le. Two blonde children, both no more than five years old, were sat atop a grassy hilltop, a spectacular savannah stretching out for miles behind them. The children, and a boy and a girl, were both grinning at the camera, their pointed ears, blonde hair and amber eyes almost identical. Lillee rolled the rod in her fingers, gazing at her children, but the hologram remained fixed in mid-air, the image even copied on the other side for Ahn-Le to see.

"I should have known better," Lillee said with a sad smile, and indeed, she seemed to stand taller, spirit returning to her voice. "When I look at my devils, I know why I am fighting. No ridiculous pheromones can wipe that from my mind." Her eyes flicked up over the hologram to Anh-Le, and for the first time since leaving the mess hall, Lillee seemed to have regained some real control over her faculties. "Anh-Le, the girl on the left is Monoui i-Khartoum sa'Jellaieu, my firstborn. The boy on the right is Ahnlai i-Khartoum si'Jellaieu, my secondborn."

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #41
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le's face melted at the cuteness.  "Awww!  They're adorable!  I hope they're easy kids, at least.  I was always getting into stuff, trying to crawl away from wherever Mom had me situated."  Really, it was no surprise she was an only child.  "Here, this is the one I was telling you about."  She tossed Lillee a framed hard-copy picture, which showed a transporter pad at a Federation building, a few of what might've been acid burns in the walls.  A slender female Orion lay unconscious in the arms of a bald, worried-looking Orion man, her hair a mess and blouse soaked with sweat; her legs were covered by a blanket, but a towel soaked in blood and other fluids was visible under her splayed limbs.  To the pair's left, a gray lump of jagged rock permeated by reddish-orange veins sat, and to its left, a jet-black insectoid biped stood with a bundle of blankets in its hands, held at arms' length. 

The bundle of blankets was topped by a little green head, eyes shut, mouth open, apparently screaming with extreme displeasure. 

"I was born angry that I couldn't walk, Mom always said," Anh-Le said with a rueful chuckle.  "Not as cute as your little munchkins, but that picture wins me a lot of drinks.  The story behind it, too.  Oh, and the doctor got so anxious that they started spraying acid at one point, that's why there are a few holes in the wall.  They had to take the transporter offline for servicing.  The whole mess lasted days, made the local news.  The best part?  I wasn't even 'pre-educated' in all the history and culture and stuff when I came out, so Mom's entire reason for being at the museum was completely pointless.  Last time she ever watched Doctor Mok's Doctor Mok Show or bought the pseudoscientific crap he peddles, at least.
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #42
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


"Spraying acid?"Lillee repeated with amusement, grinning, her eyes flicking up from the picture to Anh-Le before back down to the picture. "Oh, that is so precious. Your father looks so overwhelmed, the poor man. To have your child delivered on a transporter pad by a bug and a rock! An acid-spraying rock! It was stressful enough to do so in the hospital; I can't imagine what that must be like." Lillee lapsed into silence, considering the picture with a smile. "A happy family. Your parents look wonderful. You do look like such an angry little one there."

With that, Lillee deactivated the hologram of her twins and stepped forward further into Anh-Le's quarters, handing her back the photo. Finally Lillee seemed to have calmed somewhat, her shirt no longer propped up by perked nipples, although she did seem to be sweating a little, making the Romulan seem slightly unkempt, if now more controlled. There was, nevertheless, a distinctly enigmatic look in her eye as she met Anh-Le's eyes, halfway between curiosity and challenge. Indeed,  leaning against a bulkhead, her arms crossed, Lillee hardly looked as if, just a few minutes past, she was on the verge of losing herself. She looked much more like a predator eyeing her soon-to-be-prey.

"Do you still have the temper that you did then, Anh-Le?" Lillee asked with a smirk, her brown eyes bright. "Because I must warn you: if you don't have spirit when we teach each other the blade and the bow, I am going to beat you silly. I do not like losing, no matter how cute my opponent was as a baby or is now. Do you think you can keep up?"

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #43
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

"Yeah, Horta spray acid when they're nervous.  Wonderful people, but maybe not the best for handling an incredibly stressful situation around fragile technology.  Then Mom basically checked out for the day once the afterbirth was out; Dad managed to get us to the hospital, pulled an all-nighter to make sure everything was done properly, then took us home just in time for Mom to wake up, then he was out like a light for two days."  Anh-Le shook her head with an embarrassed chuckle.  "Apparently I screamed nonstop the whole time, the doctors ran every test and figured I was just a pissy baby.  Mom finally got me to sleep after she fed me the first time, she says, but I was still a hard baby.  Born angry I couldn't walk, that was what she always said.

Then the Romulan got closer, and Anh-Le gulped.  Somehow, Lillee sizing her up like this was ten times more terrifying than Lillee high on pheromones, despite the latter being a potential career-ender for Anh-Le.  "Um," she squeaked, very professionally.  "I have spirit, don't worry."   Her cheeks burned, trying to banish impure thoughts of off-limits dates and flexing sweaty muscles and what the extremely off-limits Petty Officer might look like without her clothes on... No!  Bad thought!  Bad thought!

Anh-Le cleared her throat, certain that she was as dark-green as a zucchini.  "I'll keep up, trust me," she said in something approaching a confident tone.  "And, uh, I'm sorry again for drugging you with my pheromones."  She'd never live this one down, that was for sure. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #44
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @GroundPetrel


"It's a unique experience," Lillee answered with an amused smile. Oh yes, that was most definitely a blush, and it wasn't hard to guess what was running through poor Anh-Le's mind. Payback, perhaps, for Lillee having spent a good few minutes doing the exact same thing. Flirting with Anh-Le was outrageous fun, even if it was cheating a little. More and more, Lillee was determined that it would be up to Anh-Le to cross that line, should she wish to. A promise was a promise, and she would see it through.

Any flirting and adorable blushing that happened in the interim was purely incidental.

"Well, I am going to do as you say, and report to Sickbay," Lillee finally said. "And you are forgiven. If, when I get over this, I am angry with you...well, we shall be training with weapons. Beating you senseless with a training sword is sufficient punishment, yes?" There was a distinctly predatory gleam in Lillee's eye at the last, but finally she relented to having to leave, moving to the door. She was clearly still somewhat whammied, as Anh-Le had put it, leaving Lillee feeling much like she was slightly drunk, even if her judgement had returned to her.

Then she stopped at the door, pausing, before glancing back over her shoulder at the shapely Orion and bowed her head in an oddly formal gesture, still smiling. "A pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant. Until next time."

With that, Lillee left, walking with a slow but steady gait to the turbolift, which was blessedly unoccupied when it arrived. "Sickbay," she with a sigh, wincing at the tingling of her skin in the aftermath of...whatever that had been. Oh. What was that she said earlier? Vulcan Love Slave?

The turbolift reached its destination, the doors opening, but Lillee hesitated, hating the thought of going there so...charged. She still had a couple of hours before she had to report for duty...enough time to take care of herself before going to Sickbay, surely...

With a growing indulgent smirk, Lillee instead said "Holodeck One."

Re: Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It

Reply #45
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Personal quarters| Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Griff

Anh-Le heard her heart thundering in her ears, her mouth suddenly dry, and managed a nervous smile.  "If that's what you want, sure.  And if you want to report me, please do so.  Thank you for the forgiveness, but I'm still so, so sorry.  If you still want to when you've been to Sickbay, how about, um, we meet for drinks and a little traditional combat in two days?  I'll message you with a time tomorrow.

As the Romulan left, providing an altogether unreasonably distracting view of her svelte form, Anh-Le collected some of her dignity and saluted.  "Nice to meet you too, Lillee.  I mean, Petty Officer.Damn it, woman, where is your professionalism? 

Now alone in her room, Anh-Le slumped against the back of her couch, staring at the ceiling.  Three days.  I didn't even make it three days without screwing up.  She was incredibly lucky that Lillee hadn't been pissed.  Or maybe that was the pheromones. 

She eventually forced herself to rise and started cleaning up the mess of her room.  The thought of  Training session?  Whatever it was, the thought of one with Lill--Petty Officer t'Jellaieu--was both exciting and a little terrifying.  A brief image flashed through her mind of standing inappropriately close to the Romulan woman, showing her a proper bow stance... Damn it!

Now if only Anh-Le could keep the very definitely non-regulation thoughts out of her mind before she actually crossed a line and was thrown off the ship before she could accomplish anything...

Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

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