Re: Day 32 [1300] Face to Face With the Past
Reply #3 –
[Lt. JG Foval| Opening mouth| Inserting Foot | Maybe you should stop talking] attn @bz
As he shook her hand, did he feel something? A hint of connection? He quickly decided against it. Every Vulcan doctor had told him that his telepathy was gone. Simply put it was like telling a blind person that their missing eyes would grow back. He had taken once last desparate attempt to regain what he lost in the Briar Patch, and the results hadn’t been successful. He would never e able to meld.
He looked at her again. How could he be so blind, so limited in his viewpoint?
"So, what can I do for you today, Lieutenant?"
“You can start by forgiving me my pride. My arrogance.” He took a deep breath. “I apologise. Despite my own past, I made the assumption that every civilian on a Starfleet ship is a go getter out for the adventure from a comfortable homeworld and has never known hardship. That they just need to know that they will be protected by the brave officers in the pretty-“ he realised that he was on a tangent again. That both his real and artificial hand her above the table.
“I wished to introduce myself to the civilian personnel in an informal setting.” He said at last. “In order to prepare them for the time when they may be required to work with me, or even see me from afar. As if civilians needed shielding from the dark places in the world.“
Looking upon her, he could tell there was strength. How many of her tattoos were elected, or thrust upon her? What stories did they tell? He briefly entertained the notion of getting to know this person more. Possibly even away from the arena of duty. .
“However, if I may be bold, I know nothing of your past, but the quiet strength you do have… I’ll wager you’ve had nights that would leave some Starship Captains screaming for their preferred childhood caregiver. “