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Topic: Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis (Read 2960 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

[LCdr Blue Tiran | Streamlining | Better Fit | Don't Fuck it Up | Just Need Assistance]

Blue had not been sure this was the right course of action.  Afterall, she was not overly thrilled with having someone else touch her invention.  She had worked with Science, a feeling that she still couldn't quite shake off.  Science was such a .. lesser.. specialty.  At least, that was how Blue saw it.  The Turbolift opened, and Blue stepped out onto the flight deck where this person supposedly worked.  She had not met the Gorn, and yet she was told that he would be the best one to help her streamline her precious baby.  She was carrying a massive large case.  It took both her hands, because the thing was unseemly and large but she didn't seem to need any issues.  Her muscles popped underneath her uniform as she made her way across the deck to the first rolling cart that she could find and lifted the case up placing it on the top.  With it off her hands, she headed through the deck wheeling the cart behind her.

She knew that she was searching for a fucking gorn.  She had no experience with the man, she had no experience with any of his race, but he was the go-to man if you wanted to fix your fucking monstrocity of a weapon.  She had made it, she had made it glorious, and it worked.  But, she needed something that would be a little more streamlined and while Blue was good at inventions, Engineering, and computer everything, she needed something a step up.  She wanted something that could be easily replicated and made to work.  She wanted something that could be carried and wasn't overly bulky.

“You.” she called out at one of the people running across the deck, a small slight little thing, but the muscles in her arms made Blue raise a brow. 

“Uh.  Ma'am?”

“I'm looking for Sithick.”

Her brow rose, and darted to her uniform, the Engineering gold, the pips on her collar, and then she looked back up at the sharp ice cold eyes of Blue Tiran.

“He'd probably be that way.” she pointed at a door in the otherside of the deck, some sort of lab or supply closet, who knew.  Blue nodded.

“Great.  Thanks.”

Blue continued across the deck as though she owned the damn thing and no one stopped her to ask what was going on either.  It didn't seem to be important.  Once she got to the door, she pulled her case down and stepped into the weapons lab to look for the large Gorn. 

“Anyone in here or did I waste my fucking time?” she called out into the room.

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #1
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

Sithick stood at the holographic table facing away from the door to the fighter bay. A holographic image of a standard work bee hovered above the table. Orbiting its wireframe was a collection of ordinances and a pod attachment. Using his talons, the Gorn manipulated the schematic, dissecting the maintenance craft, and reassembling it over and over again. It was Sithick's pet project. The Theurgy had earned a high price on its head and was being sought for on multiple fronts. Some had mocked him for his idea but a Klingon proverb drove his ambition: "reH Suvrup tlhIngan SuvwI'"*

The bees were some of the toughest pieces of equipment on the ship. It wasn't unheard of to find them intact and still functional after the destruction of their mothership. In fact, Sithick's idea wasn't even original. Starfleet engineers had built a Killer Bee Assault Pod back in the 2290s. The design, however, would become obsolete after better-equipped shuttles and more dedicated fighters were invented. With being cut off from Starfleet and the increasing risks of losing their fleet of fighters, Sithick was convinced they would have a growing need for supplemental fighter craft in upcoming conflicts. Upgrading the Killer Bee Assault Pods would add a fleet of short-range fighters to the Theurgy.

As Sithick was preparing to solve a spacing issue in the schematic he heard the doors swish open behind him.

"Anyone in here or did I waste my fucking time?"

The Gorn cocked his head in curiosity, confused that he may have misinterpreted the universal translator's interpretation of the female voice interrupting his work. Turning slowly to face the questioner directly, Sithick responded, "Eyes heres, Commanders. Hows mays eyes assists use."**

* "A Klingon warrior is always prepared to fight."
** OCC: It's been requested that I write Sithick's translated speech so that it is easier to read. To accommodate, I am going to try and write more phonetical while keeping the heavily sibilant sounding Gorn vocalizations. Sounds that should be read elongated would be s, z, sh, ch, g, j, si. Potter fans it is close to parseltongue.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #2
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Lizard Located | Time to Talk Shop | Hold the S's]

Blue's eyes shifted to the massive lizard that took up part of the lab.  She supposed that had she looked a little harder she would have seen him without any issue, but, she didn't really want to fuck with that at the moment.  Now, he was there and she could still use his help.  She hated admitted that she wasn't very talented it everything but even Blue Tiran had to admit from time to time that this was how it had to be.  She needed help and so she had sought out the man with the best talents.  Only the best would do.  She could probably have done it her fucking self but it would have taken for-fucking-ever and she didn't have that kind of time.  She wanted, more so, to have something that would be able to be more streamline, easier to carry, and of course eventually easier to produce.  That was the plan, and for that she had come to the expert.

Wheeling the cart into the lab fully the doors swished behind her quickly closed and she was left alone with the large lizard man.  She supposed she could find other ways to describe him but, lizard just seemed really fucking apt. 

“Hey.  So, I'm Blue, from Engineering and I need your help.” she said and was pretty fucking proud of herself that there was no actual curse words in that sentence of her asking for help.  She pulled the cart over towards him and rolled it to a stop.  She didn't take the heavy case off the top of the cart instead she just unclipped the large clasps that kept the case closed and opened it.  There lay a massive weapon that was probably heavy, despite the light weight metal, and there was a lot wrong with it.  It was most definitely at first glance a proto-type.

“So I'm sure you've heard of the fucking alien ass worms that have invaded the Federation and it's the Theurgy's fucking mission is life to play exterminator right?” she said brushing a stray curl out of her face.  “So me some science fuckers, and some super illegal fuckery that was gotten by some of the science officers... worked our fucking asses off and got this fucker up and ready.  So this is supposed to suppress the fucking parasites when necessary and our plan is to actually use the fucker as a weapon against the ass worms.”

Patting the large baby for a moment she looked back up at Sithick.  “I need help to streamline this fucker.  We need it easier to hold, to use, and to be able to be replicated more easily.  I hear you're the weapons guy, so, Hi, I'm the Engine girl.  You think you can help?”

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #3
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

Like a heavily caffeinated small mammalian rodent, the one identifying herself as Blue rushed into the Fighter Bay Ops Office and began chattering. Sithick nodded as she talked waiting for the UT* to catch up. The engineer jumped into explaining why she was there and then mentioned "alien ass worms" and Theurgy being exterminators.

"Did she need his help with a parasite she had contracted? Wouldn't a physician be better suited for that task?" the Gorn thought. He knew how bad worms could be. Orion Crime Bosses were known to use Nausicaan Ripperworms to dispose of rivals and double-crossers. Sithick had witnessed one such boss throw a slave who tried to escape into a vat of ripperworms. Within minutes they had devoured the slave leaving no discernible remnants.

Sithick prepares to respond but is halted by the manic engineer's continued speech. She had opened the case she had carted in and began explaining its contents. "Some sort of ass blaster to eliminate the parasitic worms," he thought. Then she looked up at him.

"... need help... streamline...  fucker. ...need... easier... hold, ...use, ...replicated... easily.  ...hear you... the weapons guy... Hi, I... the Engine girl. can help?"

The UT* spit out her speech in real-time making it difficult for the Gorn to clearly understand every word. However, he did feel like he got the gist of it. With a few throat clicks following the apparent conclusion of her chattering, Sithick responded.

"Thinks understands. Yous needs smaller ass blasters. Hands helds models. Worms a problems. Difficults to targets. Worms small. Infesteds hosts needed alives. A challenge I likes. Tells me mores."

Sithick wasn't sure exactly what the engineer had in mind with her device but given the schematics, he could tinker with miniaturizing it to zap ass worms.

* UT = abbreviation for Universal Translater
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #4
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Long Fucking Day | Can We Get a Translator? | Lets Just Get to Work]

She didn't realize that she was going to have to speak slower so that he could work with the UT better, the system was good but it wasn't great and she had no idea how you even took something that was Standard and then twisted it into a whole bunch of hisses.  So, she supposed she could slow down but Blue was never much for being slow at anything and preferred to just run after shit full force and tackle the problem when it came at her.  Like now, now she had a problem, this fucker could fix it, and yet, she was going to have to make sure that she held it back a little bit so that he could at least keep up with her. 

Blue gave a nod.

“Right, so.  I don't need help making the weapon.” she stated and gave the UT a minute to catch up.  “What I need help with is designing a smaller version of the weapon.  This fucker works.  But, I need it to be better, portable, and easier to use.” she admitted.

“These are supposed to suppress the influence of the ass worms.” she told him after a moment once the UT quit hissing in his ear.  She wanted to make sure that he understood what was going on and what the fuck she was here asking for. Otherwise, this was a waste of fucking time and she would get some other fucker to help her when it was necessary.  But, right now, she really wanted the weapons guy to do it because that was, after all, his literal job.

“You can hold it or whatever, I took the main charge core out, so that's not going to be a fucking issue, you can't accidentally shoot it.” she admitted.  “I designed this fucker on the fly, quick, and while I do invention and shit, I've never pulled off a weapon before.  To take this and make it was fucking brilliant.  Now, I need it better.”

She looked up at him. 

“Can you help?”


Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #5
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

The Blue Engineer slowed her speech allowing the UT to better translate for Sithick. She had brought a weapon for him to miniaturized.  It presently looked to be the size of a cloaking device from a Klingon Bird of Prey. Her "ass blaster" was of a scale one expected in Valkyrie ordinances. But she didn't want it to be ship-mounted. She wanted it handheld and portable assumably for security "red shirts." Sithick made a note of that thought. He still didn't know where that Starfleet jargon came from. Security officers wore gold.

The Blue engineer again explained that the weapon worked against Ass Worms. Effectively it was a Bio Force Gun. Sithick hoped the Ass Worms were something he had already been treated for. He still needed to take his physical. He decided to ask then if his inoculations were up to date.

When the Blue Engineer offered to let him hold it, she explained she had removed the main charge core of the weapon. The Gorn wondered what kind of fuel cell this "BFG" needed. It was definitely not standard issue. With his good hand, Sithick picked up the weapon. Its weight defied its visual mass. He was used to holding back his natural strength in order to prevent breaking things. As such Sithick actually had to put a little effort but succeeded in easily lifting the gun singlehandedly. Most non-Gorn would have to use two hands and possess moderate strength to achieve such a feat.

The Blue engineer continued to explain her creation as Sithick inspected the weapon. When she finished he responded, "Dependings ons desireds rounds capacities ands others variables, its shoulds bees possibles toos achieves yours goals. Sithicks cans helps. Needs schematics, ares they'd available?"
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #6
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Getting Somewhere | Figuring Things Out | Time to Get This Fucker Fixed]

Blue waited as Sithick began to pick up the large gun she could tell that it took some of his actual strength.  For her, being as fucking strong as she was with the kind of job she had, she had to use most of her own strength to hold the fucker steady.  But, it was a step up from not having anything to use against the fuckers, so she was fine with it being heavy.  But, now, she had come here because it was really fucking important it was useful and could be used any time it was needed without having to have a fucking buddy system.  So she waited as he hefted the large gun up into his arms and turned it over checking for all the shit that he probably needed to look through and see if there was anything that needed to be done or something that would be hard to miniaturize. 

Though she didn't expect the fucker to get really small or anything.  Not yet, though, she figured anything smaller and lighter would be the best thing they could do for it.  It would be far better than what it was now.  She could just as easily smash annoying fuckers in the face with it while shooting it at ass worms.  Sithick said he could only make it as small as the amount of rounds she wanted it to hold.

“Well.” Blue said leaning against a nearby counter.  “I want it to be fucking useful and who the fuck knows how many of these fuckers we're going to come across when things get rough.” she said brushing an errant curl out of her face.  “So, I would like at least four shots, I can make the central energy core a little bit smaller to accommodate, but the chassis has to be made first so I have something I can use to go off of.  At least a schematic.  I created this fucker on my own, but I'm no weapons expert and while it works, I know that it can be streamlined.”

Blue looked over at the massive lizard.  “Do you think we can do it?”

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #7
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

Sithick turned the massive gun this way and that as he inspected it. He had to resist the urge to dismantle it on the spot to see its inner workings.  Having answered his question about ammo capacity, Sithick turned away from her and carried the weapon to the holographic display table. Setting it in on the table, he ignored Blue's question of if the task was possible.

"Theas, runs fulls scans ofs weapons ons tables." An array of lights and layers danced across Blue's big gun. In seconds Thea announced the scan was complete. "Displays holographics renderings ofs weapons."

Above the physical gun, a holographic duplicate appeared. "Explodes components." Suddenly the holographic clone exploded into all its individual parts. Sithick's talons played across the holographic display. Swiping left and right he eliminated various pieces. Finally, he had reached the core of the device.

"Impressives. Yous has constructeds a gravitons cannons. Dependings ons these fuels useds, its coulds theoreticalies generates a fluxiatings biomoleculars plasmas bursts." Sithick wasn't much of a scientist or a doctor but from his engineering mind, he could extrapolate that such a plasma burst would be effective at pushing anything not of the same biomolecular structure as the target of its impact out of phase or expelling it from that structure. In layman's terms, it could be an anti-parasite gun.

"Hmmmmm." The Gorn croak/growled in thought. "Yesss, it's a biomolectulars fluxuatings gravitons cannons. BFGs Cannons fors shorts. Eyes sees thats its generates a compressed gravitons plasmas bursts thats repels anythings nots of these sames biomoleculars structures as its targets. Ans effectives anti-parasites guns. Shoulds rids targets ofs 'ass worms'. Carefulls nots hits Trills hosts."

Sithick turned to face Blue with his predatory gaze. "Its cans bees smallers. Buts nots bys muchs. Watches."

Turning back to the holographic display above the physical gun, Sithick's talons began to manipulate the holographic pieces. "Don'ts needs this. Or these. Whys is this evens heres? Reroutes this heres. Insulates radiations heres, unless yous nots wants offsprings." Sithick mused that the insulation from the radiation may prevent sterility but would likely still cause hair loss in species with hair. After about three minutes of manipulation, Sithick took a step back from the table. The new image hovering above Blue's massive BFG was almost a completely different aesthetic weapon from hers. It was about a third the size, still large and bulky compared to standard issued armaments, but well within carrying comfort of a typical Starfleet humanoid.

"Is this whats yous lookings fors?" The Gorn gestured at his Mark II creation of Blue's BFG Cannon.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #8
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Learning to Downsize | One Genius to Another | Lets Do This]

The mother fucker didn't even answer her question.

She rolled her eyes, some people had no fucking manners, that much was for fucking sure.  He walked off with her baby and she nearly told him to get fucked but she had come here for this reason.  So she let him do with it as he needed to.  He began to tell Thea to run full scans of the weapon and display the holographic renderings.  She supposed that was better than trying to take it apart which probably would have earned him a swift steel toed booted kick to his Little Lizard. 

Thea did her job and soon the holographic scan was floating above the table and Blue stepped closer to the giant Lizard man as she surveyed it, she had one of these on her deck too and had used it frequently.  Especially, when she was designing and upgrading Albert.  The holographic vision split apart into all it's various parts so that he could get a view on everything that had been put into it.  One could tell that Blue had put a fuck ton of work into it, she just needed it streamlined and that was something that only Sithick and she could do.  She had made it work and made it functional now they needed to make it easier.

Stroking her ego was definitely the way to Blue's heart, that and twinkies.  She would take what she could get, and a bit of a smile crossed her pale face as he told her how she had constructed it. It was nice to speak to someone that could look at a creation of hers and know what she had done and what processes she had used to create the device.  She gave a nod, as she brushed her hair out of her face, but she was glad that she was talking to someone that actually knew what the fuck they were looking at.  Most officers would be like 'pull trigger and pew happens'. 

Sithick continued to give her information talking about the gun and how she had designed it to go after the parasites alone and not something like a Joined Trill.  That wasn't something she was looking for this was an ass worm only weapon.  He turned to her and it was really fucking creepy to see his teeth as he gave her a grin, but then, he told her that it could be smaller.  Well.. that was what she had come for so she certainly hoped so.  He told her to watch and her ice blue eyes shifted back over to the massive weapon display.

He began to talk and take things away, insulate things, and change things.  She watched and was almost going to give him an answer on 'why this was here' but decided that she had best bite her fucking tongue because he was actually being helpful and that was what she fucking needed.  So she stood there and watched for several long moments.  Once she had the gun finished properly, she could recreate the fuel cell and that would give them exactly what they needed and what Ives would need to help with the parasites.  She hoped that Ives would be pleased with all the hard fucking work that had gone into this fucker.  Once it was done, Blue rose her brow.

“I'm impressed.”  she said simply, though she was also impressed she didn't choke on those words.  But her eyes shifted back to Sithick.  “Thea, please replicate the weapon on the holographic blueprints.” she stated.  The computer went to work and within moments the real gun was laying on the table next to the old one, about half the size, half the weight, and much more manageable.  It was Blue's turn to have the dark and predatory. 

“Want to go play?” she asked the giant lizard.  “Test fire range?”

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #9
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

The Blue Engineer seemed happy with his work. So much that she didn't hesitate to replicate the weapon Sithick had modified for her. Then she invited him to test fire it.

"Dutys shifts nears ends. Does Theurgys haves crewmens infested withs ass worms?" The thought of infected crewmembers passing on parasites horrified the Gorn. He was glad waste reclamation wasn't one of his duty postings. "Hows weeze tests BFGs? Whats bees ours targets?"

Sithick thought about it more. Would he get the big one and her the little one? What would a holographic ass worm look like? So many questions. This Blue Engineer intrigued him. Would she request his assistance on other projects? Would those projects advance his career beyond the fighter bay? So many questions.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 28 [1900] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis

Reply #10
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Getting Things Done | New Boost Pack | Watch Out Ass Worms]

She nodded.  “That's true, but, I think that we only have the Doc.  Which, we can work on that, but first I need to go work on a new energy cell with the transphasic energy.” she said as she lowered the new and improved beauty into the case that she had brought the arm breaker in.  The fucker was so much better she had definitely come to the right fucking lizard for an upgrade. 

“Well, once I get the fucking pack recreated for the smaller size, then we can meet up in the fucking holodeck and just give it a go.  Or at least try.  Something like that.  I don't fucking know.  We will figure it out I assume you want to be around for the big boom?” she asked with a bit of a grin, as she closed the lid and snapped the clasps on it closed to secure her new baby in it's spot.

“I'm sure Thea will help us.  Let me look you up when I get this fucker ready to fire.  I'll need back up for when I fly backwards.  You can catch me.” she chuckled and gave him a confident wink hoisting the still large but much lighter case up into her hands.  “Thanks for your help.  I'll send you a ping when it's ready to test fire, and slap your name on the patent.” she grinned at him as she gave him a bit of a wave and headed off back to Engineering so that she could get the cell ready for the smaller chassis.  It would be perfect now. 

Now she just needed to get it all together and get Sithick back on board for a good time shooting a badass mother fucking weapon.


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