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Topic: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds (Read 9554 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

[ Thomas Ravon | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

After a short stop at the bridge to discuss certain matters with Cameron Henshaw concerning Lone wolves flight patterns and movements, Thomas Ravon made his way back to one of the transporter rooms. He took the scenic route though as he took a moment to stop at the observation lounge. This part of the ship giving a more soothing and wide view than most viewports, even the whole vibe on the deck was just calming. It wasn't very crowded today as most crew would probably be down on the planet or at the shipyards.

Just as that moment Though he crossed paths once more with Zyrao who came out of one of the various entrances or exits of the deck. He smiled faintly as he saw her and waved her over "Hey Zy, care to join me for a minute?" he asked her as he took a seat in one of the comfortable couches, leaving enough room for her to join "How have you been? Got assigned to quarters already?" he asked her curious, having pulled some strings to see if they could expedite the matter of housing.

He crossed one of his legs over the other as he gazed out of the wide window. Dressed in the standard Starfleet uniform he looked sideways to the El-Aurian he had met days ago. She was a welcome change from the usual people that he had met so far, more straight forward, to the point. A trait he kind of liked about her.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #1
[Zyrao Natauna – Klingon Liaison | Overtime | A Detour Most Welcome | Friends in Far-Off Places]

Zyrao had been working heavily lately.  Working on the fact that they were still very much in Klingon space, that they very much had lots to do, and that they were working together with them on many different aspects.  There was the missions, the training, the repair work, and all of this had to be connected through Zyrao who was the Theurgy's own Klingon Liaison.  Not only for her adept use of the language and her deep knowledge of the customs, but also because of her connection to Martok.  Part of her, wondered if that was the only reason she found refuge on the ship solely because of her connections.  It was the thing that resounded in her mind when she was having a low minded moment.  She tried not to allow herself those dark spots, they tended to be a rabbit hole that she had trouble coming back out of because there were many dark spots upon her book of life.

Walking across the observation deck, she didn't have time to enjoy the beauty of the scenery.  As much as she had a love hate relationship with the stars she was nose deep in the PADD in her hand.  One hand held a great deal.  There was the PADD in her hand that she was using the finger of the other hand to type on.  The hand with her PADD also held a small bag of snacks that she had brought back with her from the surface along with some other things from her old apartment that she was moving into the Theurgy Quarters she had finally been signed.  Having heard 'moved up from requests up top' she had a feeling that Thomas Ravon had held to his word and pushed her applications through to get her stuff done.  Occasionally, as she walked through the corridors of the ship while she read more information on what was needed for her to do, she would let her left hand dip into the bag, extract a crunchy puffy disk and slide it into her mouth.  All while walking.

She didn't see Ravon, she was too busy going through the next day's information.  Her schedule, and what she needed to be liaison for.  It was a stout list, there was still so much more to do and the fighters would be going to do some flight training and battle scrimmages with the Klingon Defense.  It made her blood yearn to be part of it, of course, she missed battle.  All this, governmental, political, desk work, was really not what kept her moving forward.  Perhaps it would change once the Theurgy headed off again.

It was then she heard her name.  The slender well built El-Aurian stopped in mid-stride to look over and see that it was Thomas that had called out her name.  He was just now sitting on one of the couches that was sitting around so that people could enjoy the view if they so wanted to.  She thought about it for a moment, and it was clear, that was what she was doing.  Her head cocked slightly to the side before she gave a bit of a nod. 

“I think that would be nice, thank you for the invitation.” 

Altering her initial course, she headed over to the couch and lowered herself down beside him letting her long legs stretch out in front of her as she leaned back into the cushions of her couch.  She tossed her PADD to the cushion on her left, since Thomas took the cushion on her right, and looked out at the lovely scenery.  She had never been up here except to get from one side to the other on her way throughout the ship.  She put the bag of snacks with a large Klingon label on the front that promised honor, and death, and whatever else lured Klingon to the salty crunch snack.  She dug into the bag and popped it into her mouth as he asked if she had Quarters yet.  Zyrao looked over at him and swallowed the mouth full of snack and gave a nod.

“Yeah, thanks to you, I believe.  I was assigned the next day.  So, thank you.” she said looking at him before shifting the bag in his direction.  “Salty, crunchy, but it won't kill you if you want.” she said offering him some if he wanted.

“It has been extremely busy on board this ship lately, I assume you are much the same?” she wondered out loud her grey eyes studying his face.  Hoping it was less crazy than before, but then her eyes shifted up to the side of his eye.  “Is that... do I detect newly regenerated skin?”


Re: Day 07 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #2
[ Thomas Ravon | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

The liason officer/strategist stopped in her wake and looked who had called out to her. When she spotted Thomas she accepted the invitation and Thomas smirked as he was curious about the bag of snacks she was holding. He watched her come closer and eventually settle herself down besides him as she tossed her PADD aside and continued to eat. She told him about her assigned quarters and Ravon chuckled a little "It's fine, hope you're getting settled in alright?" he asked her.

The bag was pushed towards him and Zyrao explained what was inside of it as Thomas peeked in the bag and eventually fished out one of the treats. Inspecting it before taking a bit out of it and eventually popping it in his mouth altogether. It had an odd taste, one he didn't exactly was familiar with, though it wan't bad. "Thank fuck it won't kill me though." he joked as chewed on it and swallowed it down.

"Combat patrols and paperwork, thus is the boring life of a senior officer." he informed her "You know for just a split second, I wish I was back out there." he nodded towards the open space besides Aldea "Not on a combat patrol but on a proper combat mission. Thrills and danger keeping you on edge." he chuckled for a moment before he turned his head to look at Zyrao's features. She noticed the new skin that had been regenerated the day before and the pilot nodded "Why yes... Interesting story about that."  he snorted with a shake of his head.

"So the girl that brought me in the gym to blow off steam is apparently dating one of my pilots. A Klingon pilot. I had summoned him to my office for a sit down, since he had a reprimand on his file that I wanted to discuss with him. The girl came up as a subject, he lost his temper and broke my face." Ravon ran down the facts as he remembered them "So I had to put him in the brig and get my face fixed by... This is comedy really, that girl." Ravon sighed and shrugged his shoulders "Still, Khorin is a good guy. Just... Klingon. Which I tried to point out to him... Don't be impulsive. But he's a Savi project so on meds now to keep his condition in check." Ravon murmured to himself before shaking his head and looking at Zyrao "Anyway, boring stuff... Anything exciting happen on your end?" he asked her with a grin.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #3
[Zyrao Natauna – Klingon Liaison | Time for a Break | Couch Confessions |  That Girl Again | Can I Punch Her in the Face Yet?]

Zyrao nodded as he mentioned that he hoped she was settling in well.  “I have been bringing some of my things from the apartment I once had here on the surface.  My collections on the Hakkarl were destroyed when the ship exploded, so I have had to start from scratch a little bit.” she admitted though she had started from nothing so many times this was nothing new.  As much as she mourned her books and her avid tea collections, she knew that there was nothing she could do but continue to purchase what was available in Aldea from across the universe and spend her KDF pay on it.  She was not going to be ready to leave with the Theurgy if she did not have her tea leaves and cups in their places so that she could continue to be herself.

Besides, good tea had been known to keep her from murdering people.

He took one of the small crunchy snack from her bag.  He admitted it wouldn't kill him.  “Well it's Klingon so- it might.” she grinned, a little joke, but then she took another and popped it into her own mouth as well letting the satisfying crunch between her teeth.  He was eating his and the look on his face was intriguing because she could not tell whether he liked it or not, but she didn't really care either way she was merely sharing.

He told her he had been doing the boring work.  Paperwork, which earned him a side ways smirk, and combat patrols, which earned him a small chuckle.  He told her that for a split second he wished he was back out there.  Out there in the danger, doing what needs to be done.  Fighting for his life, chemicals pumping through his veins, hyping him up in the heat of the battle.  She gave a nod.  “I don't think I have resonated more with a statement.  I'm used to being on the front line when I can.  I miss the fire in my chest, the way your brain just fires without you really requesting anything of it because it knows it's fight or die.  The stakes are high and you have to perform or else.” she sighed.  “I appreciate my job here but it has little excitement.”

At the mention of his face he told her there was an interesting story about that.  Zyrao rose her dark brow and listened as he told her about that woman, again.  She really didn't like this girl, and was pretty sure, should they ever cross paths there would be some words said.  They likely wouldn't help the situation, and Zyrao didn't seek out the woman.  But, she had her ways.  Still, she hoped that she didn't have to do that, that Thom would get over this woman and move on.  There was nothing Zyrao could do to help, random sex with others wouldn't really cure the heart, it would actually do the opposite.  So, no, that wasn't something she was interested in helping him find.  No, he was going to have to get over this woman somehow on his own.  She could only offer some advice and a listening ear.

So he had confronted the male involved, a Klingon apparently, and the Klingon lost his cool.  Not unlikely, if he was dealing with a Klingon.  Depending on the kind of bond this woman had with the Klingon, if she was his chosen mate .. Thom was lucky he wasn't dead.  If she was just a dabble, then he was probably just dealing with a really pissed off Klingon.  It was hard to say without knowing either one of them.  But it did narrow down her choices if it came to her desiring to track this woman down and have some words with her. 

“I hate to say you're lucky he only broke your face, but, you are.” she gave an honest nod.  “I'm going to say that I do not like this girl, it's okay if you're mad at me about stating such.  Just don't break my face.  I need to use it's power of beauty from time to time.” she looked over at him and winked.

Zyrao sighed softly.  He asked if there was anything going on, on her end, and she thought about it for a moment.  “Nothing, truly.  I have been moving and setting up my Quarters.  However, on the surface I ran into an old friend.  Her name is Chloe, and some years ago I rescued her from the Cardassian slave traders.  The Klingon I was with at the time were going to claim her as their own, but, I suppose I took pity on her in the beginning.  She was so emaciated and so scared.  I took her into my own Quarters, and taught her how to be a person again.  She's faring well now.  It does my heart good to see her in such a state.” she admitted her voice softening only slightly upon mentioning Chloe. 

“Have you had any time to enjoy yourself during this trip to Aldea?”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #4
[ Thomas Ravon | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 

"Didn't know you had an apartment down on the planet." Thomas replied a bit in surprise. He couldn't help but wonder when and why the strategist had been on Aldea before. Probably it had to do with the Klingon ties the planet had. She had spoken of collection and them being destroyed on the planet. Ravon's eyes narrowed slightly "What exactly did you collect?" he asked curiously as he wondered what a woman like Zyro would collect. He had a few ideas from books, to ornaments that held importance in the galaxy. Perhaps some sort of weapon collection that she had gathered over the years.

Thomas nodded as Zyrao stated that she was used to be on the front lines of well, to feel that rush of adrenaline pump through one. It was a feeling that was specific and just unable to be replaceable by anything else. A laugh escaped the pilot's lips as she mentioned that life aboard the ship was lacking some excitement "You know people have enjoyed and blessed the downtime. Even though this is temporary peace time, I'm rather sure the action will pick up again. Along with the fear and horrors that await..." he said a little distant as his eyes gazed to the black of space.

A nod was given to the remark that he was lucky to be alive. Khorin could've easily killed him in hindsight. The head of the man turned to the woman besides him as she stated that she'd opt to not like Zephyr. What surprised him more was the fact that Zy said that it would be fine for him to be mad at her for that. The head tilting slightly of the SCO as he shook his head slowly "Why would I be mad?" he asked her before he chuckled teasingly "I'm pretty sure if your face is banged up, you'd be able to use other assets of your body to use."

Zyrao mentioned meeting up with an old acquaintance and Thom simply nodded as he took another salty cracker and chewed on it "Sounds like she's had quite some life experience... Plus I didn't know you were a rebellious slave rescuer with Klingon henchmen." he smirked "Sounds like you did raise her to be a fine individual. I'm sure she'd be full of praise for you if I ever get to meet her." he noticed how the woman had a certain effect on Zyrao. He couldn't quite place the feeling that fit best with her current state.

"Well, if you consider getting kidnapped by thugs on Aldea as R&R, sure... I had a good time." he snickered before shaking his head "After that I've not been down on the planet since. Had some Klingon delicacies on the station, but other than that, I've not explored things much further." he admitted "Why, are you suggesting me some fun down on the planet?" he asked her with a daring and a tinge of playfulness in his voice.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #5
[Zyrao Natauna | A Little Backstory | A Little Bonding | Snack Time | Breaks From Paperwork]

She smirked.

“My team was stationed here often, or at least we came here often enough that I could afford and keep up a place down on the surface.  I haven't seen it for well over a year so it was nice to get back in there and check my things out again.  I have my collections, or at least, what of them I left behind while traveling.” she admitted with a shrug of a singular shoulder. 

Her tea was important to her, and it was something she didn't want to be without when she was on the Theurgy.  She had already gotten some black market tea, those sold legally, and some pulled from her collection in her old apartment.  She was cleaning out the apartment fully though as she doubted she would be back on Aldea.  Leaving with the Theurgy probably meant not returning to the Klingon planet any time soon, and she really didn't want to take up the space any longer.  Her precious collection of books, that which wasn't destroyed on the Hakkarl, had already been transported up thanks to the help of an Engineer and Thea.

She took another crunchy triangular chip and bit into it letting the flavors of the bold seasoning spill across her tongue.  He asked her what she collected and she gave a bit of a smirk.  “You'll think me odd, but then, I'm certain I don't care.  I collect tea, tea cups, and of course, books.  Not the replicated of any of the kinds, no, it's all real or nothing.  There's nothing like real tea from real leaves in a real cup.  Or the feel of real unreplicated pages of a book.  I lost a great deal of my favorites on the Hakkarl when it exploded, there are things I will never replace.”

She took another chip, but before she bit into it, she asked.  “Do you entertain any collections?  Somehow, having seen your Quarters, I'm thinking no.” she chuckled biting into the chip then.

The subject turned to how short a time that peace would likely last.  She gave a quick nod at that.  “Yes, the fear, the adrenaline, the blood pumping battle fueled fury.  All the good stuff.”  She grinned over at him and nudged his arm with her elbow.  But, she could tell that he wouldn't really mind the peace.  He loved the action of battle but his heart and mind warred with the peace times.  There was something to be said about battling it out in the skies or on the ground.  That kind of thing made you realize you were alive.  But, there was something to be said of the serenity of peace.  Perhaps that was why there were pockets of peace almost always after a conflict.  To allow the minds and hearts of people to rest before the next wave.

He asked why he should be mad at her for not liking this girl of his and Zyrao gave a shrug.  “Because you're rather hung up on this girl yet.” she told him taking another crunchy snack and offering him the bag again.  He told her that even if he busted up her face she had plenty of other assets she could use to tempt people.  A laugh escaped her lips, not just a chuckle, and she looked over at him with her full confident way.  “I see you have been making notes of my assets.” she winked over at him.

She confessed a bit to him about Chloe, her sweet Chloe, who she was glad to see all grown up and making a life of her own.  He over aggrandized what she had done, she had only made sure that Chloe hadn't fallen prey to another slavery system, but instead earned her freedom.  She didn't want anyone else to go through more than they had to, and Zyrao had been her fair share of a slave herself.  “She might be full of praise or still pissed off that I left her on Aldea.  She needed to find a life of her own, one that wasn't mine.  So I let her stay on Aldea, much to her protest, and she got mad at me.  But, I think we have worked through it at this point.”

Her brow rose as he mentioned his 'fun times' on the planet surface.  She thought about what kinds of things she could show him but honestly, it was mostly bars and Klingon fight arenas.  Though the glassed walkways were her favorite things, just as the sunset was about to go down.  When everything took on the hue of bronze and just glistened.  It was a whole different world out there.

“You know, before you go, you should watch the sunset, just once.  On one of the glassed walkways.  I don't have the words to describe it, but I have seen a lot of the universe that it's still one of my favorite sites.  If you have time in a day or so, let me know, I'll take you to the best spot.” she offered.  Zyrao shifted herself and popped her boots up on the low table in front of them.  Leaning lower on the couch allowed her neck and head to rest on the cushion behind her.  Letting the muscles of her neck and shoulders relax.

“Alternatively, there are the Klingon fighting arenas.  And the underground ones, too.” she said her eyes glancing over at him with their grey depths.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #6
[ Thomas Ravon | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 

Zyrao revealed why she had place on Aldea, it made perfect sense too. He wondered if she'd feel bad for leaving a place like that behind. A place one could possibly call home. Then again, he wasn't sure if Aldea felt like home to her. If anywhere felt home to her for that matter. Next she shared what she collected and he frowned slightly as she told him he might think of her odd as she revealed what she collected. He honestly didn't see her as tea leaves collector and he was surprised in a way that she only collected the real thing.

Books were an ancient thing in the current era. He had seen a few of them in the Academy and some species still used them as well. All in all though, they were hard to get he figured or perhaps he didn't know where to look for them. He never had kept an eye out for them as he usually looked for the digital copies if he needed to do some reading. His eyes went over Zyrao as he studied her whilst she spoke of her collections. It would be a mystery for him to know many books she had lost with the destruction of the Hakkarl. As for the tea leaves and cups, it perhaps fitted the profile of Zyrao after all in hindsight.

He shook his head at her question if he collected anything "I'm not really into material things, not for collecting at least." he smirked "Perhaps the patches of my previous squadrons and such... But nothing as extensive as a tea collection or book collection for that matter." he chuckled lightly as he stretched himself. The topic quickly turned to the boredom of peacetime and Zyrao seemed to be quite like Thomas in some fashion. The pilot having a cocky grin on his face as she called war time 'The good stuff'.

There was no denying that Zephyr still had a good grasp on Thom's life. Though he felt that he was coming down from his amorous feeling for the woman. She was special, his first real love. It would probably hurt still for a while and whenever he'd see her with Khorin, it might sting even more. Yet he had to move on, grow out of it. Zyrao was easy going and as she noted that he had paid attention to her other assets he had to laugh as he looked at her "Well, where else would I have been looking at during the shower after our spar?" he teased her, chuckling "Initially though I wanted to notice where my blows had been most effective, see where any bruising and what else would show. But... I got a good view of your body and I think if you're honest, you probably did the same to me. Just checking out the wares." he called her out on it.

He couldn't add much about this Chloe she was talking about and he had to laugh a little as she told him Chloe had been pissed for getting ditched on Aldea by Zyrao "Good to hear you guys worked through your differences or squabbles." he reflected upon what he said as he gazed out to the planet before them "I suppose in our line of work... Life is short.." his eyes rolling back as he looked at Zyrao "Well except for you..." he grinned "Usually life expectancy for people who actively seek out danger is low. So you know... I'll grieve for the loss of love, yet I'll have to move on as life is just too short to not live up to the fullest of it." he concluded as he shrugged again and shook his head.

Zyrao made a suggestion for alternatives of fun time and Thomas wondered why that specific site was her favorite. Considering the woman had been around for quite some time, perhaps it would be the effort to go and watch. He agreed with a nod "I'll let you know when I'm free in the next few days. I'll forward you a few dates perhaps so you can match in your schedule?" he suggested to her. The alternative to go to the fighting arena's made him smirk "As long as I don't have to go fight Klingons I'm good with it. I'll have El-Aurians for lunch though." he answered with a nudge of his shoulder against hers.

"Either way, if you're taking me out to Aldea. Perhaps I can give you a taste of what space flight in a fighter is? Not the simulator bull crap, but the real fucking thing. Could prove insightful if we're to work together. You'll be able to know what the ships are able to do, what payloads they could have and so on. Plus you'll get to feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins if I fly it properly." he grinned widely.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #7
[Zyrao Natauna | Tea is a Way of Life | Planning New Events | I Can't Promise I Won't Fight in the Ring]

He didn't collect much, other than the patches from his missions that he would place on his jacket.  She had never done such, taking mission patches or awards, ribbons, things like that.  The few times in her long life she had ever earned such things she had felt undeserving.  Too many people had died, if she had only been a little quicker, a little bit faster out of the gate to start actions, things might have been different.  If only she had put her life more on the line, this badge could have gone to another.  Thus, they had always ended up in the drawer beside her bed.  Never looked at, never worn, never celebrated.  She supposed if they were only badges and patches about missions and not really because you survived, then it might be something she would do something with.  But, she doubted it. 

Some things didn't need a reminder.

Now tea, that was different.  Tea was not merely a collection, it was a way of life.  The differing teas for differing moods.  She preferred the leaves because it gave the proper steep and the flavors of the leaves did not come through when it was replicated.  Many things didn't, but she found that her tea was merely colored and lackluster water when it was replicated.  The subtle tastes of the leaves would never come through properly.

He admitted that he had window shopped at the goods she had to offer when they were sharing a shower after their spar.  She had to admit, that spar had burned out more of her anger, frustration, and energy than she liked to admit.  That release of endorphins and the sheer amount of physicality that had been called to it was amazing.  She had felt her blood truly pumping in her veins for the first time since leaving the Klingon behind and joining with the Theurgy.  To know that there was someone on board that fought no holds barred like she did on this ship oddly made her feel that much more at home.  There was something to be said about being bruised, bleeding, and still fighting that just resonated with her core.  She supposed she probably shouldn't look too deeply into what caused that, but, just utilize it as much as she could.

“I won't lie that my gaze was not completely without interest.” she chuckled darkly and put another piece of snack into her mouth chewing on it softly while she looked out at the view.  Her grey eyes reflecting the beauty of the world back at her, the stars, the orange glow of the planet below, and of course the low lighting in the room.  “I would not be a true woman if I couldn't take the time to appreciate your hot but wounded body.” she grinned.

Of course she was teasing him, she did find him attractive but she knew his heart beat for another.  And while she didn't mind senseless, unattached, needed sex, she was hoping to find someone she could walk beside at least for longer than a night.  She didn't hold day dreams of marriage, children, and lifelong commitment.  It had never played in her cards, so unless it fell into her lap, she was not expecting that from the world.  Though she grew tired of one night stands, and here was the first time she had sampled a few women.  She found them entertaining but even more flighty than the men in their increasing desires for multiple and different partners in a day.  Young, she supposed, or something. 

He mentioned that it was time to move on and not let the past bother him, life was short, especially in their line of work.  Except for her.  She chuckled again and shrugged her shoulders.  “Maybe I'm just really fucking good.” she winked over at him and hoped he was listening to his own advice.  Letting the little girl that broke his heart by going with a Klingon go, would be the best for him.  Whether he chose to entertain her, or entertain other women, he would need to start moving forward.  Being stuck in the past would not get him anywhere, as she had learned with Calyn.  Though she had to mourn him while being a slave, it was different and she had the time to mourn.  Here, he was right, they were on the seat of danger all the time and she had heard the stories of the Theurgy through the various staff and by just sitting around listening as she was talented in doing.  She knew what kind of dangers this ship entertained and found them harrowing.  This ship was not a joke and the danger it represented, the path it chose to fly, would only get more of them killed.

“Wise words, I hope you take them to heart yourself.”  Zyrao was not one for holding back on her thoughts.  She was calm and matter of fact about it, there was no joviality or teasing. Just honest truth.  Zyrao had gotten a bad rap at first for not holding back on her thoughts, but now she found that there were those that actively sought her out because of that very thing.  She had found in her long life there was no fucking reason to withhold perfectly pertinent information when it could change the course of what went on here.  To hold back was to get someone killed and it would not happen on her watch.

He mentioned being interested in heading down to the planet soon for their fun as long as he didn't have to fight a Klingon.  “Oh if anyone fights one, it'll probably be me.” she chuckled with a shrug and shook her head.  “But, no, you don't, we can just watch.  It's quite interesting.” she admitted as she looked over into his eyes.  He told her that in return he would like to take her out in his space fighter.  So she could see what they were capable of, which would better suit her job, and it would also be fun.  She grinned a wide grin.

“I have not been in a fighter in too long.  I would very much like that.” she admitted with a grin as the PADD beside her chimed and she reached over thumbing her finger across it's thumb pad only to see that she was needed somewhere.  She sighed softly and brushed a hand through her thick, short, hair and looked over at Thom.

“Tomorrow, send me a time, I have a bit of freedom then.” she said as she rose putting the snacks in his lap incase he got hungry or brave.  “Don't let anyone make you bloody that isn't me.” she winked, a little flirty, at him and turned to head off on her duties.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #8
[ Thomas Ravon | Observation Lounge | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 

There was some playful banter between the two of them, masked teasing and some playfulness, but all in all the two relaxed where they were. They shared a Klingon snack that could possibly be lethal if unchecked and in the end Zyrao left the bag with Thomas to indulge in before she left. The two had yet to set a date and time for their next encounter. Ravon watched the short haired El-Aurian leave as she was seemingly needed elsewhere. A grin having formed on his features after she had told him to not get bloodied by anyone else but her. His mind still stirred over the things they had talked to, lost love and how one's vision about it could change.

With a sigh Ravon ate another snack before he pushed himself out of the seats and walked out in an opposite direction of where Natuana had taken her leave. There were still matters to attend and things to do.

The next day...

Returning from his latest combat patrol, Thomas still stood in his flight suit as he had dismissed the rest of the pilots. One of the Val'ravns had been undergoing specific repairs after the battle of the Apertures otherwise known as the Borg encounter. The hsip had suffered various damages and malfunctions post battle and had been decommissioned until further notice. The deck crews however had done a splendid job to get her space worthy, though Ravon figured he'd be the one to get her out in the cold confines of space to check if she'c be up for the task needed. The only thing was that he'd need a co pilot to fly along. His suggestion he had made to Zyrao came to mind and he figured he might as well ping her a message to see if she was available or not.


Miss Natuana,

Would you be able to free some time to understand the mechanics and abilities of the Lone Wolves squadron? I'm currently in the fighter assault bay and would be conducting a test flight in about thirty minutes. If convenient, I'll meet you there.

If inconvenient. Your loss.

Thomas Ravon


Ravon figured he'd have to fix her a flight suit in case she'd show up and he started already with the pre diagnostic checks as he plugged his PADD into the access hatch of the fighter to get a reading of all of the systems. He studied the readouts, finding a few anomalies and discrepancies that could be helped on the spot whilst some would need further repairs. Most however would not prevent the ship from being space worthy.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #9
[Zyrao Natauna | Itching for Excitement | Desk Jobs Blow | Need Air | Someone Give Me a Reason to Punch Your Face In]

Zyrao sat in her  Quarters, behind the desk that she used when she was working on official Klingon things that needed to be done.  She was still sitting there, to the point where she was ready to throw the stack of PADDs that populated her desk on the ground and shoot them with her disruptor until they were nothing but a darkened stain on the deck plating.  She had little time to be down on the surface and bringing some of her things back, but had enough time to at least bring some of her things.  When she had free time, which was rare, she tended to decorate and set up her place.  As she brushed a hand through her short hair and sat back in her high backed chair trying to release the tension from her neck and shoulders, her grey eyes cast around the room and what she had been able to accomplish so far.

Her bedding which did not have his own room, instead, more of an alcove through a mostly closed archway allowed her bedding to be seen.  The large bed sat in the center of the arch way flanked by two lamps on either side that were mounted on the walls.  Over the head board was one of her champion Bat'leth from one of the tournaments she had been part of a long time ago.  The bed itself was made to military precision.  Not a single wrinkle, completely even on all sides with sheets and blankets, two perfectly plump pillows on the top tucked into the blankets as well. 

In the main living area, where she now sat, her desk faced a large view screen panel on the wall.  She could see the back of her couch from where she sat.  A massive rug gave a hint of home to the whole room, with it's deep reds, blacks, and blue colors.  Mixed with a bit of cream it just set the room off.  A couple of simple throw pillows both in the navy color, the same navy in her bedroom, sat on the couch.  There was a singular throw on the back of the couch that was a color blocked blanket in the dark red and dark blue alternatively that hung down ready to be used at any point.  The replicator sat to the side, and next to it was a specially built wall shelving unit that held her collection of tea cups, her teas, and the pot that she used when she needed it.  The tins were arranged in alphabetical order, and by color, when appropriate.  Her room lacked any other décor, there was nothing on the tables, though her desk was busy, it was also organized severely so that she never lost anything.

Pinching the bridge of her nose feeling the pressure of the oncoming stress headache she wondered what she could do with a break this evening.  Maybe she should take a walk. Maybe she should head down to the planet and get her books, there was a shelf to the left of her desk for the ones that she did not wish to leave behind.  Her eyes wandered to the empty shelf just waiting for her collection and she gave a sigh.  That was what needed to be done.  She truly needed to let the apartment down on Aldea go. 

Her PADD, personal, gave a ping, and she groaned softly as she looked over at the offender sitting on the edge of her desk blinking urgently with it's notification light.  Those devices are the subjects of my nightmares these days. she thought ruefully.  Reaching over with one of her tattooed arms she picked up the PADD and flicked her thumb over the lock pad.  It opened and she pulled down the screen for messages.  Her dark brow rose when she noticed the sender, one Thomas Ravon. 

Well hello...

Her eyes raced across the text there inviting her to head out on a flight with him if she wasn't too busy.  Her lips quirked in amusement when he mentioned that it was her loss if it was inconvenient to join him.  Oh he was trying to be cute, and it was working.  For a moment, Zyrao thought about what to write, and realized that everything either sounded too dry, or overly enthusiastic, so she decided not to answer and instead leave the man in suspense.  Her eyes shifted over towards the stack of work that awaited and yet, could wait longer, and decided that she would rather leave this shit behind and have a little break before she really did stain her rug.

Raising herself up from her chair she decided to clean up a little.  She had been working all day, and had hit the gym earlier, so she wasn't certain that she didn't smell like the Klingon she represented.  A quick five minute trip to the refresher and some newly replicated clothing and she was set.  She had opted for some comfortable black pants, with pockets, much like the pants of her flight suit.  Only without the rest of the suit.  Instead, she went for a blood red tank top with a simple open hoodie in black over the whole ensemble.  It was one of the things she could appreciate about the Fleet, these hoodies, and this one had a large wolf emblem on the front if it was closed, but it wasn't. 

Using the turbolift system she headed off towards Ravon, sliding her PADD into her pocket and closing the pocket so as not to lose it.  It wasn't long before she found herself on the fighter assault bay, and stepping out to look around for Thom.  The place was massive, and she did not know him well enough to know which fighter was his, or where he would be.  So she hailed a nearby officer. 

“You can assist me.” she stated, it wasn't a question.  “I need to know where Thomas Ravon is.”

The young woman, blonde hair twisted up into a bun behind her head neatly looked around with vivid green eyes.  Then she pointed.  “That's his fighter, the third one down there.  He'll probably be over there.”

“Perfect, thank you.” Zyrao said simply. 

The girl just kind of stared at her, likely intimidated, as many were by her mere presence.  She slid her hands into the pockets of her pants and strolled across the deck.  She moved leisurely as if she had no real reason to rush.  Though she was intrigued at this flight they were going on, she was more intrigued by the invitation and the man that sent it, she wanted to make sure that everyone knew she was here by choice and on her own time.  Grey eyes shifted around the fighter looking for Thom, and at first she didn't see him, but then she realized she saw him leaning against the fighter looking at his PADD.

I could use a great stress reliever right now, and it only involves the cockpit. she thought sizing up Ravon from the back for a moment as she silently strolled up before she stopped and leaned against the fighter casually. 

“I hope you're not here to test my mechanical knowledge.” she broke the silence for a moment a playful grin on her face as she looked over at Thom.  “How far do we get to push your baby today?” she asked patting the fuselage a couple times.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #10
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

The screen on the PADD had several green lights though a few reds and orange blinking lights were present as well. Ravon clenched his jaws together at the end result and was somewhat caught off guard as Zyrao spoke up and asked him if he'd be here to test her mechanical knowledge. Ravon's head snapped to the source of the words and he lowered the PADD slightly as he laughed and shook his head "Well, that's too bad, nothing more sexy than a girl knowing her mechanical stuff." he teased her which apparently happened so easily around her. He shook his head again "But no, I didn't ask you here for your knowledge on fighter engineering. I did however call you to check if you were still on for that offer to fly you around?"

As she patted the bird and asked how far they'd take it he grinned almost devilishly "Starters, this ain't my bird. My baby is sitting right over there." he said as he nodded to his fighter at the end of the bay, closest to the wall "Secondly, we're taking this ship here for stress testing." he informed her "So while we'll be seeing the sights and all that, we'll also be doing combat maneuvers and high demanding actions that will test the ship to certain limits." he concluded with a smile "Or would that be too much for a girl like you?" he teased her again, expecting any sort of physical reaction to be flung towards him, though in his suit he'd either not feel it or be able to dodge it just in time.

After hearing her reply he had to laugh and nodded "Alright, anyway, time to get you in a flight suit before we head out there. Follow me." he instructed her as he unhooked the PADD, sending the readout to an flight deck post so the deckhands knew what still had to be done to meet Ravon's specifications for the ship. They marched over the deck and Ravon looked next to him at Zyrao as he explained her the essentials of the flight suit. How it would help survive decompression in the cockpit, provide her with needed oxygen and act as a life support in the worst case scenario. They entered the wolves' changing rooms and he sized her up before replicating her a flight suit. "Should fit you. You can let the gears lock in a tad tighter if you like. As for what to wear underneath, some prefer to go in with a tank top and shorts though others just go with their underwear or nude. Call is yours. Just give me a shout if you need a hand." he smiled as he showed her how she could get into the suit.

He didn't leave the room though and walked over to his locker and opened it up as he took out his helmet and moved some stuff around. He had seen Zyrao nude before, thus he figured there'd be no reason to go and wait outside until she was ready or required assistance to help her in the suit. Then again, he wasn't going to look at her every move and action whilst she changed and he leaned against his locker while filling out the flight details for the test flight to mission control. He did glance up a few times to see how far along she was getting yet remained silent for the most of it.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #11
[Zyrao Natauna | Flying is Freedom | Good Company | Getting Things Done | Lets Blow This Place]

She grinned over at him and his little comeback at her words.  She gavve a little bit of a grin and then a nod.  “Oh I know my way around a Bird of Prey, but this is uncharted territory I'm afraid.” she admitted looking over at him.  Liking the way that he was teasing her, that he wasn't afraid of her, he wasn't intimidated by her.  Instead, he was just enjoying himself with her and being who he was.  It was nice, to have him close like this and to be building a relationship with him that was easy.  He claimed not to have called her because of her mechanical knowledge but instead to see if she was game for flying.  Her brow perked and a smile crossed her face.

“You bet your ass I am.  It's been too long.”

He claimed that this was not his baby, and her brow rose even higher.  Following his pointed direction she noticed the bird in the back of the fighter bay that was apparently his own.  Her eyes shifted over to him again when he stated they would be taking this particular one out for testing.  That it needed to go through combat maneuvers and high demanding actions to test it's worth and limits.  She gave him a quick and simple nod. 

“I'm completely game, lets do it.  Though, I wonder if you can fly hard enough to give me a thrill.” she challenged with a bit of a mischievous grin on her face as she did so.  Once he laughed at her little comment he told her to come with him to get into a flight suit.  She pushed off the bird and followed him across the deck.  She shoved her hands into the pockets of her pants as she walked, the muscles on her arms just underneath her tattoos, showed in the lighting of the deck.  As they walked, he explained how the whole thing went, how to get her flight suit on, working, and fitted to her body.  He explained how it would help her survive being out in space and she allowed him to talk and to educate her though some of these things she knew, she just was enjoying the company.

In the locker room he looked her up and down before he replicated her a flight suit and handed it to her.  Stating it should fit well enough.  The gears could lock it in a tad tighter and he explained what could go underneath, or didn't have to.  She chuckled, softly taking it from him and turning to one of the benches in the room that was used for strapping boots on or taking them off.  There was no need to be shy, he had seen it all anyway and she wasn't overly shy about her form.  Living with Klingon did that as well.  She stripped down and folded her clothing carefully placing it on the bench since she had no where else to put it.  She was very meticulous about how she folded them and placed her boots on the deck plating just below but tucked underneath the bench and out of the way so that she didn't trip anyone up.  Stepping into the flight suit she began to pull it up and over the curves of her body before zipping it up into place. 

Once it was up, she used the gears as he had instructed to get it to fit her like a glove.  Which was the look she was going for.  She liked to make sure that it was fully on her body and knew that it was as fitted as possible.  Thom was changing in the same room, and she would lie if she said her eyes didn't wander from time to time across the room and over his form.  Finally finished, she turned and stepped into her boots again, tying them up quickly and tightly before she walked over to Thom who had likely finished before her since he was used to it far more than she was. 

“Ready to for a ride?” she asked with a bit of a grin with her little teasing tone to her voice.  She waited for him to lead the way to the fighter they were going to be testing out today.  Once they were underneath it, she let him come up on his own first and he held a hand down for her.  She took it and used it to help hoist herself up into the fighter with him and popping into the seat behind him.  Grabbing the straps she buckled herself into the seat and clasped them tightly making sure that she was strapped tightly and securely so that she wouldn't have to worry about whatever maneuvers would be taking place today.

She grabbed the comm unit that was hanging on the side, and put it on her ear and the small mic over towards her mouth so they could speak while they were on board. 

“Show me what you got, Flyboy.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #12
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

It would look like that the El-Aurian didn't need a lot of help to get ready. She adapted well to the flight suits and managed to lock herself in without any help from Thomas. The pilot doing the same in the meantime, losing little time about it as this was a pretty natural action to him. Once Zyrao told him that she was ready to go, he smirked and offered her a helmet before he slid his on. Her comment had been rewarded with a grin and a wink before his face was blocked out of sight.

As the taxiing began, Zyrao challenged Thomas once more to show her what he got and he tilted his head slightly sideways before he gave a nod "Just let me know when it's too much." he warned her before they were lined up for departure. She could hear him talk to the mission controller before the ship took off with full power. It was enough to cause the both of them to get pushed in their seats as the ship hurdled itself out of the fighter bay. Thom could heard laughing as the ship rocketed away from the Aldean shipyard. They were making their way to the dark pockets of space once more.

Once far enough Thomas flicked a few switches and punched in a few buttons before he cleared his throat "Welcome to the Federation's newest prototype. Supposedly they'd want these to replace the warp fighters they currently have. I think they're still doubting between this design and the Valkyrie one." with the introduction done, he rolled the ship into a barrel roll before he began to test the simplest maneuvers first. A steep climb followed by another barrel roll before going into a deep dive. A few systems began to blare which indicated the stress the pilot was putting the ship through. He pushed the ship to maximum sub light speed before yanking the stick. Knowing all too well that this could cause for the person in the backseat to be thrown around a bit. The testing had caused him to feel his gut sink a few times which was the best feeling one could get in his opinion

After yanking left and right he eventually came level again as they made their way to a small debris field "Still doing alright back there?" he asked Zyrao, listening to her reply first before he sped up to the debris field. He asked her to flip on the weapon systems and when given control he fired the initial rounds to see if the cannon calibration was on point. After that, he tore them through the field, testing the deflector shields and integrity of the ship as some of the smaller debris scraped along the ship. Once that was over her flipped the ship around so they could both see Aldea in the distance as he let go of the controls for now "Not regretting your choice?" he teased her "Or are you used to rougher rides?"

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #13
[Zyrao Natauna | Feels Good to be Back | Been a While | Lets Do This | Ravon Likes Rough Rides]

The fighter began to power up underneath her and Zyrao could feel the not so subtle vibrations underneath her seat.  She had put her helmet on before they entered the cockpit which effectively hid her own face from him but she would be behind him anyway.  As the fighter began to taxi out towards the vacuum of space, she made sure that all the harnesses and buckles were all tightened and in place.  If her gut feeling about Thom's flying was right, she was going to need them to keep her body in place.  Some of the buckles were a little different, in design, to what she was used to but she was managing well enough. 

“Give it your best shot.”

He lined them up and waited for the go ahead for them to head out on their journey.  As he began to head out, the power alone sent her back into the confines of her seat.  The soft material coming up to surround her a little bit to make it a less harsh punishment on her body.  She didn't mind though, the G's alone felt thrilling and she remembered how good it felt to fly.  To be moving faster than should be possible.  It was perfection in itself.  She could hear his voice in her ear again welcoming her to the Federation's newest prototype.  They had wanted to replace the warp fighters with this and that he believed they were doubting themselves.  Trying to pick through this one and the Valkyrie.  Her brows rose, though he couldn't see her from where she was behind him.

“Well so far, I'm a fan.” she chuckled into the mic as they continued with his maneuvers.  Unlike most people that would probably be screaming or holding onto things as he did all sorts of crazy maneuvers, Zyrao was along for the ride.  She was watching his flight patterns on the screens in front of her, she was figuring out what he was doing just a little bit before he actually did it.  Sometimes she took her time to enjoy the view out of what little of the clear dome she could actually see out of.  Allowing her to see the distant stars speeding past them, to see the beauty of Aldea moving past them so quickly.

The only thing he did that surprised her was pushing the fighter to nearly light speed only to stop it fast causing her body to jolt against the harnesses.  She was glad, again, that she had tightened them on her body fully so that she didn't have to worry about hefty bruises.  She might be a little sore after this, but she would be just fine and found herself overly unconcerned.  As the fighter came level again Zyrao looked around and realized that they were much further than they had been.  Shame that there was no way to have some private moments out here.  At least, not that she could think of with them being behind one another. 

“I'm still breathing, anyway.” she teased.  “That last maneuver was a good one.” she admitted. 

The flight began again, towards the debris field and he asked to flip on the weapons systems.  She was still learning some of the words in Standard, she had only been on board for less than a month and it wasn't easy to take on a new language.  But, she was working hard, studying harder, and had started with the words most important to her job and her liaison responbilities.  So she knew the words weapons systems, and so forth.  It was no big deal for her gloved hand to flip the three differing switches that enabled the systems, the targeting system, and the shared view screen.  He began to fire into the debris field and she watched on screen and off as small remnants of the past began to take the hits.  Once he felt that he was done with weapons he pushed them into the debris field likely to test the ship and her hull, though getting thrust out into the vacuum of space didn't sound all that interesting to her should the hull fail.  Though she figured that they wouldn't have let them take out the fighter if there was a risk of that at all.  They turned around and she could see Aldea over his shoulder and out the front windows.  The bright orange planet was quite lovely on it's own, and she was glad that she had spent some of her life living there.  She was felt a little trepidation about going with the Theurgy, it was a decision that she could not take back suddenly.  Zyrao could only hope it was the right choice.

“Definitely not regretting my choice.” she grinned, even though he couldn't see it he could likely hear it in her voice.  “I like my rides rough.” she reminded him with a dark and fun chuckle through the coms unit.

Zyrao allowed herself the moments of enjoying the view before them.  She had yet to see it from this far away, not really.  She was always on a ship, being busy, or on the planet's surface much the same.  Sometimes she forgot to enjoy the moments of beauty that surrounded the universe.  As hard as life could be, there was something to be said about the moments that you could just sit and enjoy the lovely view.  Life went on, no matter what happened, in some way life would move forward.  The universe constantly created new beauty, and right now, she was enjoying the view.

“How did you end up addicted to the adrenaline of flying fighters?” she asked over the mic.  “Have you ever dabbled in tactics or security?” she inquired while they sat with one another enjoying the view.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #14
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ 

With the high endurance testing the time for rest had seemingly arrived as Thomas kept the ship steady. He had chuckled and laughed and some comments of Zyrao, yet not replied to all of them. He was glad that she didn't regret the choice to fly along with him in the back of the fighter. Her comment about enjoying her rides rough had caused him to smirk, even though she might not notice it. "Good to know." he replied her with a teasing tone. The fighter was positioned perfectly though as the sun glared through the cockpit into the two of them. Slowly but surely the sun was setting behind the planet, offering the two of them a unique sunset so to speak.

"How can one not get addicted to the adrenaline pumping through your veins in a fighter?" he bounced Zyrao's question back before he laughed "I had a skill for it apparently to my teachers in the Academy. Natural born flyboy." he chuckled "Good thing I enjoy it, makes pleasure and work combine-able." he shrugged before he set the ship to an automatic state to stay in the current position. He tapped on a few buttons and with a beep his face appeared in the lower left section of Zyrao's HUD. The same would happen with him so he'd be able to see Zyrao. A smug grin on his face, though she could tell that he had properly enjoyed the flight himself.

"As for security of tactics... I've had the ground basics of security and what else. Nothing as fancy as the advanced security classes, though I'll be able to fend for myself during combat." he continued to answer her questions "Tactics on the other hand... It comes with the territory. I won't say that i'm a strategic mastermind, though I do have a few patterns and tricks up my sleeve when I fly out with the squadron. I mean, I'd be a poor SCO if I would opt for a frontal assault every single time when we'd engage in combat."

The sun was halfway behind Aldea by the meantime and the lights on the planet could be barely made out from their position "What about you? Don't miss the ground action as a strategist?" he asked her as he looked into her eyes through the feed he was receiving.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #15
[Zyrao Natauna – Klingon Liaison | Time Stands Still | Chatter | Deeper Appreciation]

He was right, there was something to be said about adrenaline.  When it pumped through her veins, when she was in battle, when she was in a fight with meaning.  There were so many times that it was perfection, pushing herself, knowing that her life was at stake.  That was when it pumped the most, when she knew that a wrong move could end her life.  The hyper awareness that came from all of that together.  As much as she really liked the art of tactics and strategy because it stretched her mental muscles as much as it could, it was the thrill of the battle that she got off of.  So, unlike some who might not exactly be able to understand Ravon and his need for it, Zyrao understood it completely.  A smile played on her lips as he spoke, though he couldn't see it because there was no camera footage of one another even in the HUD.

Except of course that was when he pushed some buttons up front and suddenly his grin filled the corner of her vision so he likely saw her smile before it faded away.  Zyrao was normally a fairly guarded person, so to see a true and open smile, was pretty rare for her.  She had a life time of hardship, losing people, losing herself, changing herself, and coming to terms with how her life was as a rogue.  She had no home, she had no place to return to, every place was just being somewhere.  Finding a place to rest her head and get through to the next day.  Drex's ship was the one place that had seemed most like a home, and that, too, was gone now.  Now, she was on the Theurgy and she had never felt more like a stranger, never felt more unwanted, than she did now on a ship that she was supposed to be helping as much possible.

He began to speak, as her smile returned to a more neutral face, that security was something that he was good at, though he hadn't taken any special classes or anything.  Tactics came with the job of flying and being able to read battle patterns in space so that he could chose where to go.  A frontal assault was not always the best method of winning a fight.  A slight smirk filled her features.  “It rarely is, actually.”

He asked if she missed the excitement of being on the ground, of being in the action, a fore-longing look crossed her face as her voice dipped in tone.  “Every day.” she stated looking out the view of Aldea in the distance while she tried to think about it.  “I have been in space battles, and ground battles, I have lead insurrections, and betrayals, I have battled the Borg with my own hands, I have done many things and yet here I sit now.. behind a desk. Untrusted, and yet with a job to do.  I know I must earn my place here, earn the trust, and yet I have ideas and thoughts and plans that would only assist the ship in battles.” 

She would have brushed a hand through her hair but she couldn't because of the helmet she wore.  Her grey eyes had a distant look within them.  “I have spoken to Commander Cross who stated he would ask Ives if I could assist in tactical when my Klingon expertise wasn't needed.  I look forward to that, should it come to fruition.  I understand the trepidation regarding my presence here.  However, they asked that I should stay, and yet treat me as though, I am unwelcome.  Ives is kind and good, and Commander Cross has been as well.  Then there is Jennifer.  Yet, I feel as though the rest of the ship is unsure of what to make of me.” she gave a simple shrug.  “I had thought I had worked hard enough to prove myself helping the Theurgy survive and saving some of the crew myself.”

A slight smirk quirked at her lips.  Her eyes returned to Thom's face in her view.

“So outside of battle, what gets your heart racing?” she inquired changing the tone of the conversation.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #16
[ Thomas Ravon | Kestrel | Open space | Somewhere in view of Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

As the face of Zyrao appeared in his helmet, he could see her smile before it faded away slowly. Come to think of it, he had always seen her grin, though never actually seen her smile. Perhaps he did when they were trying to fake kill one another on the sparring mat the first time they met. Regardless, it was a nice smile to look at and Thomas had to chuckle as she confirmed that a frontal assault was rarely a good idea. He looked up at Aldea once more as the sun was still in the process of creeping behind the planet.

Zyrao admitted that she did miss the thrill of battle, that adrenaline pumping addiction that so many of their brother and sister in arms had. Now however, it seemed like the ferocious fighting woman had been reduced to a desk duty girl. A punishment perhaps or a more safer place, depending how you looked at it. She also spoke about the lack of trust and the plans that she had for Thea to assist her. Thomas gave a nod, yet didn't answer just yet. There seemed to be a very few that trusted her and as she mentioned Dewitt, Thomas couldn't help but think about the woman from a different perspective. The redhead and himself had been crossing the lines of work and pleasure a couple of times these past few weeks.

"Like you said, trust has to be earned. We'd be a joke of a crew if we were to trust everyone in just a heartbeat."
he answered her as he looked in her eyes "For what its worth... With the track record we're having, I'm pretty sure you'll have copious moments to prove yourself to the others or to change their mind about you at least." he grinned before the sun dipped behind the planet entirely. He engaged the thrusters once more and flew back on a standard speed to the drydock.

"Outside battles..." he repeated after her as he had to think about it "Well... I do like a good poker game. Besides that, I like to get my hands dirty with working on ships. Just puts my mind at ease to tinker I suppose." he smiled faintly. He remained silent for a few seconds before he teasingly added "Otherwise... When I'm not overly heartbroken... I do enjoy some female company and whatever might flow out of that." It seemed like Thomas was growing out of his heartbroken state as he could manage to make jokes about it. He knew he had to move on and he was doing so at his own pace.

"What about you? What really gets you going besides sitting at a desk while thinking about tactical solutions?" he asked her with a stupid grin on his face. He was definitely teasing her and perhaps even on the edge of provoking her. The talks he had with Zyrao had been different from the talks he'd have with his peers. They were a pleasant change from what conversations he usually had. Zyrao was straight forward and he appreciated it, she didn't take any shit and could handle the shit that was flung to her should a problem arise. A complete opposite of Zephyr, yet not a bad thing per se.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #17
[Zyrao Natauna – Klingon Liaison | Riding the Waves | Chasing the Sun | Only Gets Better When You're With Someone]

The sun was setting over the Aldean planet and it was lovely.  The way that the like peeked over the horizon of the planet, shimmering like a starburst against the darkness of the space around it.  There was something beautiful about seeing the sunset across a planet, knowing that the people on the planet were currently experiencing it but there was another level of magic when it came from this far.  Her eyes shifted over to it, and Thom's face in the corner of her vision was still there.  It was nice to see his face, had she known he could turn it on whenever he wanted she might have been a little more careful with her smile earlier.  It wasn't that she didn't like to have it seen, it was just that, she felt that a smile really showed her.  The inner Zyrao the one that she gave to the world but still hid parts of it away.  She didn't like to put all her cards on the table at the beginning, but instead, allow those around her to earn them as she felt more comfortable.  Besides, she had been alive for such a long time, she was not even remotely like the young woman battling the Borg.  Oh the core was still there, the drive to fight, the drive to push herself in the line of protecting others.  But, the shell had morphed, changed, and moved with  her life.  Differing things causing her psyche to change through all of the challenges she had faced and all the shit she had conquered.

As they began to head back towards the Theurgy he told her that it was true trust would take time.  It would be something that she would have more of a chance to earn as they headed back out among the stars and continued with their lives.  The track record of the Theurgy spoke volumes, and it was one of those things that wasn't going to change.  The ship attracted trouble in a way that she didn't think any ship could actually manage.  This one seemed to be hell bent on almost dying before it came through to the other side stronger than before.  Being on board, Zyrao had heard many stories, both horror and triumph.  She was glad to be part of the ship, glad to be on board something that could be so amazing, and yet worried about the chance they would eventually cross something they could not defeat.

She began to learn a little bit about Thomas.  There were things she would learn just being around him, but some things, she felt he could just talk about for her.  He enjoyed poker, and tinkering with ship and fighters.  When he wasn't overly heartbroken he enjoyed the company of a woman.  Zyrao found herself intrigued that he hadn't actually made a pass at her, for someone that liked the company of women.  But, there was a reason for that.  Either he was more interested than a tryst, or he wasn't interested at all.  Either was fine, really, she found Thomas easy to talk to and very good looking but Zyrao was not the desperate sort and she certainly wasn't going to chase after someone that could find what he needed elsewhere. 

He earned himself another classic Zyrao grin.  “A fine man like you likely has plenty of lovely women at his door.” she stated.  “On a more serious note, I am glad to hear that your heart is on the mend.  I do not enjoy watching you suffer.” 

He inquired as to her own hobbies and she thought about which to pull out.  “Well, I enjoy books, the paper kind, not the ones on my PADD, I like things tangible if possible.  I know that's old school but then, I'm old.” she said with a mocking grin on her face.  “I like tea, real leaves, and I tend to collect much of both.  When I'm not strategizing for the ship, I'm usually playing strategy games, or exploring.  I like fighting, and working out, and boxing.  I like to find people stupid enough to challenge me in a ring just because I'm a female.  I prefer hands on things, and I am always hungry to learn new things.”

Thinking of that.

“Perhaps you could teach me some of your tinkering.  If you wouldn't mind taking me under your wing.” she stated simply as they began to ask for clearance of the Assault bay to see if they could land safely.  Once they got permission, Thomas began to glide the fighter into place.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #18
[ Thomas Ravon | Valravn | Open space | Somewhere in view of Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

The HUD showed how far they were still off from the Theurgy as the two continued having their talks. It was nice to get to know someone truly, in the privacy of the cockpit, they were sure nobody would be listening in. Zyrao's comment about having a lot of lovely ladies waiting at his door made the pilot laugh. It had been a genuine laugh, one he hadn't had in quite a while. He shook his head and shrugged, unsure if she'd see the latter "Perhaps, though..." he answered before he seemed to look straight in her eyes "As much as I like the company of women, I only really chase those rare few for more than just fun." he informed her, making sure it was subtle enough to not call her one of those rare few. Zyrao had been fun to be around. In fact she was probably the first who he openly talked about Zephyr. Than again, she was the first one to feel his anger as well that night in the gymnasium. He felt like he could trust Zyrao, like he could open up to her in confidence and be himself around her.

Thomas had given those feelings some thoughts as of late, yet he didn't quite find it to be the right time to make his move just yet. Obviously, he had felt some attraction to Zyrao and it helped in a way that Zyrao was new, different. She wasn't like any of the other women he had met before and it was a refreshing fact. Something that made him want to explore her more deeply. He smiled at her words that his heart was on the mend and he furrowed his brows when she told him she did not enjoy watching him suffer "You know, you could've fooled me with the whole not suffering part. I mean, our regular sparring sessions really consist out of just  bringing more suffering." he teased her.

Zyrao opened up about her fascination of paper books and authentic tea. A curious hobby to have, though one that Thomas didn't judged upon. Strategy games sounded like fun, though he doubted he could actually win from her, at least fair and square. The more physical aspects he had known and felt at first hand as he laughed and nodded. His eyes looking at her through the little frame more often as the approach was set and the docking sequence started.

"Sure, I can help you get your fingers dirty with grease and oil." he snickered "Just let me know when you want to give it a try." he winked at her as the Theurgy became bigger and bigger with their final approach. He left the camera feed on as he focused on the landing bit, not wanting to scrape the deck below with the landing gear. The ship was placed on its designated pad and with a thump they locked onto the deck before the engines were shut down and the systems began to shut down one by one. The video feed suddenly cutting off as the canopy opened and Thomas stood up, removing his helmet and turning around to take a look at Zyrao.

The two of them had a little chat once more as they changed back into their regular clothes and after saying their goodbyes. They agreed that the next time they'd meet, it would be on Aldean soil. To watch a sunset as Zyrao had convinced him that it would be a spectacle to see.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #19
[Zyrao Natauna | Moving Forward | Healing Hearts | Sunset Medication | Copper Colored Memories]

It was half an hour til the sun would begin it's descent.  Zyrao had wanted to make sure that they had plenty of time to get to the small stretch of sand she had in mind.  She had come here, long ago, when she still lived on the planet.  She had even brought Chloe here, once, as a special treat before she had left the young woman on the planet.  At some point, she would have to tell Ravon what she had done, but the story of Chloe and her life could wait, it was little consequence to the man standing on the shuttle landing pad beside her.  She had known of this spot and picked the landing zone to the closest.  She had spent careful calculations of average walk time, versus the shape they were in, their desire to get to said destination, and the terrain they would be traversing.  Working all of that with a clock of how long it would take for the sun to begin truly dropping from the sky for one of the most rare and beautiful sights in the universe, well there was a full on plethora of mathematics on the desktop in her Quarters.

She picked up the bag she had replicated, filled, and brought with her for their little foray.  There was no reason not to come prepared and it was an edict she tried to live by.  Though Zyrao was the sort that could live off of almost nothing and make it lats longer than most she didn't need to in this situation.  So she put the bag over her shoulder and nodded for the man beside her to follow.

Over the last week or so, the two of them had been running into each other.  There had been the spar in the gym that had started it all.  The blood, the pound of skin, the crack of bones, the knuckles torn and bloody and the shower afterwards.  It had all started everything.  Then, there was the drinking in his Quarters, real alcohol, talking, really talking.  Doing everything they could to get to know each other and her learning about his heart being crushed by an unusual named woman.  There was the few run ins, in corridors, and small areas of the ship.  Then, the flight he had taken her on, as they talked and sat watching the sunset over the Aldean planet itself.  She had assured him the one down on the planet was even better, and now she had the chance to prove it.

It wasn't a long walk until they were in the sand, and Zyrao leaned down and stepped out of the shoes she had been wearing, dangling them by the laces as they headed still further, waiting only until he took his own off.  “Have you ever felt sand like this?” she asked as they walked, the sand was soft, different from the sands of Earth that were more gritty, this was soft and gentle and it caressed the skin instead of being harsh with it.

They had a ways to walk, to a small jetty that jutted out into the ocean.  The waves would lick at the massive golden rocks and the sunshine would shimmer on them almost making them glow as it went down and filled the whole area with the copper sheen.  She could see the shadow of the jetty off in the distance, it wouldn't take more than fifteen or so minutes to get that far.  And they were walking at a pace that she had accounted for in her calculations. 

It was odd, she had never truly felt a presence before.  But, as Thomas walked beside her she could feel him there, it was the strangest sensation for her.  It was as though she was hyper aware of him being there.  She looked over, grey eyes studying him in his borrowed Aldean robes that could be cast off if desired once they got to their special spot.  She herself wore a small pair of shorts, ripped at the ends with small denim fringe hanging down around the edges of her tattooed legs.  Then she wore a large oversized sweatshirt on top that had a large Klingon logo on it, the house that she had belonged to during all her years with them.  It was best, and no one would ask questions.  They would know her by the tattoos and the marking on her sweatshirt for who she was, so there would be no one that would bother them.  She would love for them to fucking try.

“When is the last time you were planet-side, before Aldea?” she asked curiously, as they walked on, she was pretty sure she had heard he had been on the planet before, and rumor had it, with a certain Science officer that he was heartbroken over.  She didn't like seeing him upset, and part of her wanted to see how many times her fist could connect with that woman's face before it was rearranged and unrecognizable.  However, she had a feeling that Thomas would not appreciate her pro-bono plastic surgery.

“Before Aldea, this time anyway, it has been some time for me.  Drex hardly ever docked anywhere, we went from mission to mission, and only had our boots hit the surface if the fight could not be settled in the stars.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #20
[ Thomas Ravon | Some Beach | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

The produced Aldean Chlamys had been more to Ravon's taste than the one he had worn on his first trip to Aldea. This one had been manufactured to fit his size and body structure. It fit like a glove as the dark orange had been highlighted with red streaks that stretched open if he'd walk or extend his reach. The inside of the fabric was soft and warm enough that the pilot chose to not wear anything underneath besides a blue swim short that would reach just above his knees. The shuttle trip down to the planet had been an easy one as he had been sitting next to Zyrao who wore something entirely else than a chlamys. A thought that had made Thomas chuckle a while on their way down to the planet.

While Thomas ought to move around without a care to his mind, the trip did serve as a reminder of the situation he had found himself in with Zephyr. It was a thought that had crossed his mind on the landing pad, yet one he banished as he served with a different company. Perhaps even a better company if that similar situation would arise? Regardless Zyrao had come prepared as she was hauling a bag along with her. The suggestion to carry to bag for her had rose up in Ravon's mind, though he figured he could find some resistance by the rather independent strong woman that Zyrao was.

When they reached the sand Zyrao removed her footwear and Thomas followed shortly after as the sand felt ever so soft against the skin. The sand still warm from the sun's rays throughout the day, though it would presumably cool down as night would fall. Zyrao's question about the sand made Thomas look up at her and he shook his head "Not really, I've felt Terran sand before, but this is obviously different... More pleasant I might dare say." he smirked as he did ink his feet into the sand before continuing his way with the tattooed woman.

The area they were in was rather different from where he had been the first time over on Aldean soil. The color that the sun cast over the area made it all look so surreal. Whilst the temperatures were still pleasantly warm, it wasn't overly hot. The pace they were having wasn't that high either even though they were making good progress. Zyrao's question made Thomas look up at her as she asked when he had been planetside before Aldea. He had to think it over before he chuckled again and shook his head.

"The last time I had my boots on the ground would be when I crash landed my ship on an asteroid. Lets just say that the environment was a complete opposite of where we are now. Ice and rocks with a maelstrom of sorts and a very hostile environment." he explained it to her before shrugging "As for an actual planet..." he thought again and rubbed the back of his neck "I suppose that would be Theta Eridani, before it all got fucking fire and death..." he sighed, the memory about their escape not such a pleasant one "Come to think of it, my shore leaves never really end well, so here's to hoping that it'll be different." he concluded with a grin.

"So your planet side experiences usually involved blood, fighting and victory?" he teased her as the jetty came closer into sight. Ravon assumed that it would be their destination as they closed the distance and the soft sand was replaced by warm wood as they made their way onto the jetty. The wood was still warm as it seemed to have been a rather warm day on Aldea. Reaching the end of the jetty, Thom looked over the Aldean ocean as he breathed in the air. It smelled nice, exotic even and it almost felt like actual shore leave. He looked over at Zyrao after he looked around them, the water being deep enough to dive into. "Say, you know the planet... What's the water temperature right now?" he inquired her, the teasing tone audible as his eyes burned with mischief as she could probably tell that he was readying himself to either jump in the water or better yet, start a struggle that would have her end up in the water herself. The suspicion being confirmed rather quickly as Ravon dashed forward, grabbing Zyrao by the arms in an attempt to push her over the edge. His grip strong however as he'd not let go of her should she managed to tip him over first.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #21
[Zyrao Natauna | You Don't Know Who You're Dealing With | A Fight or Something More | Riding the Waves | Playful Antics]

She did not know what Terran sand felt like, but she had heard from some people that had commented about the Aldean sand that it was much harsher and more coarse.  She wasn't sure if that was the truth but she doubted that she would get the same message from multiple source while she worked around the ship.  It wasn't as though she had asked but she always had her ear peeled for various things and people liked to talk.  Especially, about Aldea because getting to spend some time on warm sunny beaches was a extremely rare treat for the crew of the Theurgy.  She was just glad that it was a pleasurable experience for him, and that they were able to spend time together.  Outside of rank, outside of the ship, and outside of her being judged for having been Klingon and new for a while.  No, this was nice and she most definitely enjoyed the fact that she was spending her time with Thomas.  He had been growing on her a bit lately, especially after their flight.

He described to her the last place his boots had hit some kind of soil only it wasn't soil at all it was an ice planet.  She rose her brow listening as he explained the hostile environment and one she was not interested in visiting herself.  He told her then, about another planet he had seen here but it was all fire and death, and her brow rose even higher.  “Your luck and planetary adventures leaves a lot to be desired.” she teased a little bit as they walked towards their destination.

She chuckled as he asked her about her own.  “Here?  Yes.  I was brought here living the Klingon way.  Fight clubs, championships, I hold a title, I'll have you know.” she grinned at him pretty proud of the championship that she had won.  “Lots of Klingon food and blood, fighting and ass kicking, and of course proving my honor and worth.”  

“The other times I have been on a planet have been because I was someone's property.  Outside of El-Auria, that was my life.  Aldea was a welcome home outside of living that kind of life style for so long.  The ship and the apartment I had here, were the things that kept me grounded for a while.  Knowing that I could finally have a piece of the world that was mine again.”

Slavery was not something that she liked ot talk about but it was part of her past and part of her life.  It was largely part of how she became who she was now, and honestly, she didn't really want to hide from it.  While she didn't want to go in depth of all the things that she had been forced to do while being a slave she was just very glad that she was done with it all.  That she could put it behind her and live to tell the tales rather than still be in the throws of the suffrage.  She knew that she would probably talk to the right person about it from time to time, but right now, she didn't want to push herself to talk right now and ruin their moment.  Talk of slavery was the kind of talk to have over booze and in bed with someone you cared greatly for.  That you could truly open yourself up to.

As they got to the end of the jetty where she planned for them to spend the sunset and some of the evening until the stars came out, she put down the bag.  Inside were towels, blankets, food, drinks, and some snacks as well for when they were ready.  She didn't really have a full plan for the evening outside of the very loose one she had created in her mind.  But, it was just about getting to know more about Ravon and getting to spend more time with him.  Outside the ship seemed to be easier right now because neither of them were held to any kind of stigma or standard.  Zyrao pulled out a large blanket and unfolded it, carefully placing it on the ground, as Thomas looked out over the ocean that had a copper tone to it because of the sunlight and the colors of the sun itself.  It was just about to really start getting beautiful but they had a good ten minutes or so before it was time to really enjoy the glow.  Thomas looked over at her and asked if she knew the temperature of the water.  She stood up and shrugged off the sweatshirt she had been wearing and tossed it on the ground showing off the tank top that she wore underneath which was white, loose, and ragged at the hem.  She looked out at the water and then back at the man she was spending her time with.

“Well, the water will still be warm, since Aldea has two su-” she was in the middle of explaining everything to him when he launched at her.  She nearly twisted out of his grasp but instead just shifted her body to take the brunt of his hit and then they were in the air.  Flying through it for just a moment before the both of them crashed into the water with a large splash and water spraying everywhere.  Zyrao kicked him away from her under the water and then surface tossing her short hair out of her hair water spraying everywhere again in a lovely arch.

“You really shouldn't attack a woman raised Klingon for so very long.” she said with a grin on her face as she ducked under the water again and swam over towards him.  He would be expecting her to come on with a frontal assault, as he probably didn't expect that she had a plan, but she did.  She swam around and past him enough he shouldn't feel the water moving around him until she came up behind him popping up quickly and grabbing him around the chest.  Knocking his knees out from behind him with her feet carefully placed in his knee joints they both crashed again into the ocean.

Zyrao popped up again and this time when he came up for air she splashed him right in the face.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #22
[ Thomas Ravon | Some Beach | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

Whilst Zyrao talked about her championship title that she earned on the planet, Ravon's brows rose as he was certainly interested in what she was telling him. He was curious to what title she held and if she ever needed to be challenged again if that be the case. For now though he simply enjoyed the company and her comment about his planetary adventures leaving much to be desired had him laughing as he shook his head. They were making their way on the jetty as they continued to converse.

It was good to really get to know her in a way he hadn't even known people aboard the Theurgy. It was very different, but then again Zyrao had made a connection with him that very few others had. Obviously they both nearly killed one another in hand to hand combat, but after that, they truly connected with talks and playful banter. Mixed with an occasional physical fight of course, to learn more about one another and to improve their hand to hand combat skills. Thomas could truly tell that he learned a few tricks from the woman through their sparring sessions. Of course there were the shuttle flight, the run ins and what else, but they all seemed to have contributed to this moment. This idyllic jetty with the water shimmering thanks to the sun and the soft gentle breeze against their skin.

As Zyrao laid out the blanket on the jetty and Thom got a peek as to what she had been dragging along he had asked her about the water temperature on the planet. The reply she made was interrupted by his actions. He hit her right on, the momentum he had built up, enough to get her off her feet. He had anticipated that she'd block it, making him strafe past her, though his arms were open to ensure he'd drag her along. The little airtime they had was just enough for Thomas to see the world go inverted. The ocean being where the sky should be as the sun seemingly rose up to the sea before his vision blurred as they hit the water.

What she had told him was true, the water was quite warm. They rolled around in the water and Thomas exhaled in order to avoid over pressure. Zy gave him a kick to break free and surfaced first before Thom surfaced and laughed as he spurted out some water like he were a fountain. He looked at Zyrao, still laughing as she grinned yet warned him for attacking a woman trained by Klingons. He was about to make a comment about expecting more about a champion, yet The woman had submerged herself once more. The anticipated frontal charge didn't come and the sunlight hindered his vision to look onto the water to see where she was.

She gave a nudge to his knees and they gave in as he was brought to his knees on the sand whilst the water quickly rose to his lips and eventually submerged him entirely. Bubbles of air being let out as he was in between a scream and a laugh. They rolled around again and Thom twisted himself around to face Zyrao once more before pushing himself away from her. When he surfaced and gasped for air, he was met by a splash of water which made him cough, yet never ceased to stop his laughter "Champion my ass!" he coughed with a grin as he teased her and swam back in case she'd splash him again.

"Besides, I need to keep our ship's strategist on high alert don't I?" he carried on to tease her before he swam over to the jetty and hoisted himself out of the water after latching himself on to the woodwork. His robes were soaked, already semi loose and by his hips as he hauled himself out of the water. His bare chest, wet and glistening against the sunlight as he kicked the robes off, revealing the swim short. He crouched and readied himself for the pull as he reached his hand out to Zyrao to help her up "Come on."

As Zyrao took his hand for support, he ought to have seen it coming. Probably he did, yet Zyrao was in the better position to simply tug him back over the edge of the jetty and sent him crashing back in the water. Ravon used the moment though to loop underwater and come up right behind Zyrao. His arms wrapped around her, holding her around her stomach as his body pressed against her back. His face just on her right shoulder as he couldn't help but still enjoy himself with a laugh "Think we can actually enjoy the sunset in peace now miss Natauna?" he asked her before awaiting her answer.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #23
[Zyrao Natauna | Water Warfare | Wet Grievances | Building More Than Friendships | Unintended Romance]

Everything was wet, and slick, and fun.  It was this kind of environment that was enjoyable, though she definitely preferred the bloody beat down of the gym to the subtle fights in the ocean she also knew that the ocean could be a warzone in itself.  She had fought here, and were she in a different frame of mind they could both be bloody and bleeding, however she would rather not have to go visit Sickbay afterwards to make sure they hadn't been infected with any bacteria floating among the golden waters.  He teased her about her championship title earning a dark grin from her but she didn't mind, she was used to people being shocked and making fun of her because she was not Klingon in the biological sense and yet she was at heart which was why she had ended up being considered one.  Thomas pulled himself up on the jetty and the sunlight that was starting to slide towards the horizon glistened off his chest.

It was no secret that Thomas was good looking, he knew it, many of the women on the ship knew it, and Zyrao knew and appreciated it.  Especially now that his muscles were slicked with beads of water slowly cascading downwards.  With the absence of his needless Aldean robes, which had fallen in a thick wet sound onto the wooden deck, she could get the chance to appreciate it as she had when they had showered together.  Although this time without the bleeding and the bruising that she had lay upon him and he on her.  The days of aches and pains after their first meeting was a fond memory for her and each time she moved to feel one of those pained moments rear up, a grin would spread across her face.  It wasn't often she could find someone that wanted to fight with her or once they realized what they were getting into, would actually throw their whole selves into it.  That fight, their first meeting, was a fond memory for her.

Thomas reached a hand down to help her out of the water.  Where she stood it came up to her chest, but wasn't so deep she couldn't reach.  However, she wasn't done with his little surprise attack yet, and so as she reached up for him she did so prepping her body for the ultimate pull.  Using her arm strength and him in a less desirable position, she pulled him down into the water with a cry of surprise and a smile on her face.  He surfaced behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind holding her against him.  Their heights were comparable and she felt her backside against his front just perfectly.  His chin landed on her shoulder so that she could hear the words he softly confessed in her ears. 

Zyrao had not had her heart pitter patter in a very long time.  She had used her body to get what she wanted, what she needed, and to escape from places that she no longer wanted to be changed to.  She had not allowed herself to open up to any kind of full relationship.  She had thought, hoped, perhaps with Sera or Jennifer, and yet, neither had really fit right.  One was finding new partners nightly and the other only wished for someone to entertain her when she was not working.  Zyrao was old enough that she wished for something she could build on.  A new home to create, to feel less a nomadic rogue and more someone that held a central pillar in the center of her life.  Not someone that would be a weakness, but a strength, with their addition to her life. 

For the first time in over a century, Zyrao felt her heart skip a beat.

“I believe I have won the fight, so yes.” she said, as she couldn't help but egg him on just a little bit.  Though she was a bit loathe to leave the warmth of his chest against her back, she knew that if she stayed any longer it would be awkward or seen as something else.  So, she stepped out of his arms and waded closer to the jetty before she actually rose herself upwards utilizing the muscles in her arms to prop herself up on the jetty turning herself so she could sit on the wood and offer Thomas the hand. This time, neither of them pulled the other in, she only helped him come out of the water a little quicker.  Raising up she brushed her wet hair out of her face and headed to the bags tossing him a towel and using one herself.  They were nothing fancy, both grey in color, but soft and warm and ready to absorb the water.  She wrapped it around herself, for a moment to get rid of as much moisture as she could before she pulled off the tiny shorts she had been wearing to show that she was wearing a red bikini bottom underneath which was also wet but would dry faster.  She left the wet tank top though.  Laying her shorts out to dry if they would in the dying light, she took a seat on the blanket and looked expectantly over at the man waiting for him to join.

Her long tattooed legs crossed in front of her.  Once he sat beside her on the large blanket, she began to pull out all manner of snacks and food.  Stuff she had eaten off Aldea, stuff she had asked around and found out humans liked.  There were chips, and little finger foods, some manner of fried bird in strips, and some kind of root vegetable fried as well.  Then there were the Klingon fruit snacks that she favored herself, the chip like snacks she had eaten that day she had run into Thomas on the other deck, and some other Klingon delicacies.  She then pulled out a bottle of dry bubbly liquid and opened it, pulling the cork pretty quickly getting two plastic glasses filled handing him one. 

“I figured, we could eat while we watch.” she stated softly.  “Though, it will cool as the sun declines, we will appreciate the blanket better then, especially since someone decided a swim was in order.” Zyrao teased him.  “I did some research on Terran cuisine and found these were popular, so I hope they are what you would expect.” it was true she had done some actual research as she had with calculating how long it would take to arrive.  Though he didn't need to know how prepared she had been.  She pointed to the chicken tenders and french fries that she had brought still warm in the specialized travel containers that she had replicated to make sure they weren't cold once they arrived.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #24
[ Thomas Ravon | Some Beach | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

Zyrao claimed victory and Thomas could feel the urge to defy that claim. Though he knew, just like her probably, that the two of them could fight this out without finding a victor and missing the sunset they came for. So he rolled his eyes and poked her sides with his hands as he agreed "You win this round." he could feel how her rear was perfectly pressed up against his groin and it did cause for a rush of pleasure to rush through the pilot's body. A feeling he hadn't anticipated yet which felt enjoyable never the less.

It didn't take long after admitting defeat that Zyrao moved away from him and moved closer to the jetty to hoist herself up. Thomas followed her lead and took the help she offered to come out of the water himself. He ruffled through his hair, sprinkling some water around on the jetty before catching the tossed towel Zyrao offered him. He wrapped it over his shoulders to conserve some warmth and dry off his torso. His eyes looked up to the Klingon trained woman as she shed her shorts as they were soaked like his clothes. WHilst she shed the shorts, Thomas found himself staring at the woman as he looked up her toned inked legs. The bikini bottom looking quite good on her. The white tank top she wore revealed that that she was wearing a matching red bikini top underneath and the sight reminded him of something the Terrans had called a wet T-shirt party or such. He had to chuckle to himself as he carried on with drying himself off.

By the time he was done Zyrao had installed herself on the blanket. It didn't take long for Thom to join her, taking a seat like he head learned from Ji. His legs underneath him and finding the balance to not hurt your knees or shins. He took the time to appreciate the sun on his skin as he left the towel hanging over his back. He closed his eyes for mere seconds before opening them as his nose picked up a few familiar smells. Zyrao had splayed out an assortment of snacks and fingerfood. A smile crept onto Ravon's face as he recognized the fries and chicken tenders. He couldn't quite manage the right position and shifted, leaving his one leg to be stretched out whilst the other was placed in an angle. He laid down a bit, his head closer to Zyrao and simply enjoying the scenery, company and food.

"Such a strategic foresight to provide us with snacks and a warmer after the sun set." he teased her back after laughing as she mentioned someone wanted a swim "We're at an ocean, I can't remember the last time I swam in an actual sea or ocean. It's obligatory to take a dip." he pointed out at her as he took a piece of chicken and started to chew on it. They were just warm enough to feel it warm you up in your core after swallowing it. He looked up at Zyrao as she talked about doing research about Terran cuisine "Trying to impress me miss Natauna?" he teased her again before he sat more upright.

He scanned over the different foods and decided to give her a piece of the chicken to taste "These taste pretty good, though I have a special template in my quarters on how to replicate chicken with a particular nice sauce and spicing." he mentioned to her. He reached the piece of chicken up to Zyrao's mouth as he looked into her eyes [colorgrey]"Did you ever taste chicken before?"[/color] he inquired curiously as Zyrao had traveled large portions of the universe. He wasn't sure if she'd have encountered this particular food in her life. Whilst he listened to her he ate a bit of everything himself and occasionally fed Zyrao something he really found good of taste and as Zyrao would offer him some food, he gladly accepted it as well.

As they talked about cuisine and how Thomas was certainly not a kitchen cooking miracle, the sun had begun with her slow but steady descent towards the waterline. As the sun declined, the temperatures dropped surely but steadily as well. The Aldean robes Thomas had brought along were still rather wet and he sat upright again as he moved a bit closer to Zyrao. He took a sip from the drink she had brought along and left the glass hanging by his fingertips between his legs as his elbows had found support on his knees. The setting sun provided with a variety of color schemes that shimmered over the bay they were in. A true spectacle to be honest as Thomas looked at the changing color of the sun "I'll admit it. You're right that I should've seen this." he whispered as he placed an arm around Zyrao's shoulder pulling her closer as they could enjoy the spectacle together.

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