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Topic: Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence (Read 2557 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence

[ Amelya Rez | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Griff

The hard earned rest was a bliss for Amelya and probably the rest of the crew as the ship repairs were fully underway. Rez hadn't ventured down to Aldea yet as she chose to grant her staff some R&R first before proceeding to do so herself. That meant that she was confined to the ship for now, though she didn't mind. She had looked in on the traditional Trill rituals that went along with a joining and had acted on those rituals and found herself to be more in tune with her prior hosts. Memories had been shared and unlike the faulty joining Edena Rez had gone though, it would seem that Amelya had an effortless joining.

To get some R&R herself today, Amelya had gone to one of the more magical places aboard Thea. The Arboretum café had a view to die for and she sat by one of the tables that overlooked the Arboretum. She was curious to the nature down on Aldea and would probably head there first when she was given the chance to. Yet for now, she read through some news facts about Aldea on her PADD while she stirred her tea. The metal spoon ticked against the glass as Amelya was drawn into reading that she didn't really notice it herself.

At first the ticking was sporadic, yet the more the Trill was drawn into reading the more erratic it became. It wasn't like it would be heard throughout the café, but to those in close vicinity it would certainly resound. The fact that the Trill woman paid no attention to it meant that there was no constant in it, some ticks were louder, some lower, and the tea would undoubtedly be stirred to a certain degree of perfection. Alas, Amelya failed to notice the ever growing attention of a Romulan woman behind her.

Re: SD 57569.89: Breaking The Silence

Reply #1
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan


While flying her morning patrol that morning, Lillee had found herself weirdly looking forward to doing some paperwork later that evening. It was a strange thing indeed, to be sure, but there was something about the possibility of just sitting in a cafe in silence and solitude, watching the planet below, that had been attractive indeed. No risk of a red alert, no risk of battle, no risk of dancing with Death for the fifth time in as many days. It would be just Lillee, relaxing in a chair, clad in a comfortable violet gown, giving her sensitive ears a rest as she worked out the paperwork.

At least, that was the idea. However, Lillee hadn't counted on a certain blonde Trill bitch.

Oh, the tapping of the woman's finger wasn't so bad in and of itself. It was just the wretched inconsistency of it! A tap here, then three taps, then two, than two again! There was no rhythm to it, no logical pattern whatsoever, and it grated on Lillee's nerves as time passed. She considered politely asking the Trill bitch to stop, but the idea of admitting that the tapping bothered her seemed even worse. And so, minute by minute, Lillee just grit her teeth and suffered through it. She sipped her tea, typed on her PADD (silently, with the beep switched off, since at least she had manners) and focused on the forms. After action reports, maintenance reports, transfer forms for her shift from CONN to the Lone Wolves, refiling of her qualification on the Valkyrie...

Yes, I had the water-flu when I was eight, but what does that have to do with flying a fighter!?

Finally, like a kettle on a stove, Lillee's patience finally came to boil without her even realising. "Oh for the love of all of ch'Rihan, can you give it a rest with your finger!" she burst out angrily at the blonde Trill whose back was to her. "This is a place of silence, not of the sport of finger-tapping!"

Re: SD 57569.89: Breaking The Silence

Reply #2
[ Amelya Rez | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Griff 

The peaceful scenery was suddenly interrupted when Amelya nearly jumped up at the words of a woman somewhere behind her. She could feel the eyes of the other visitors of the cafe turning to them and Amelya turned her head around as she tried to see where it came from. Her eyes came to meet the blonde Romulan who sat at the table behind her as she seemed outright angry at the Trill for being too loud.

"I-I I'm sorry." She answered baffled by the outburst as she frowned slightly "I didn't mean to..." she offered as she could feel her cheeks having turned to a darker shade of pink. The poor Trill slowly turned back in front of her and placed her hands under her legs, preventing them from idly making any more noise as she looked back out the windows to the trees. She sat there almost like a punished child as she had been obviously taken by surprise by the explosive reaction of the woman.

The eyes of Amelya eventually went back to the reading, yet she couldn't keep her focus any longer as she could feel some injustice about being told off like that. Thus after a few more moments she turned back around to confront the woman with it "This is a cafe however... Agreed this place is one of the more peaceful kinds... Yet not obligatory for complete silence." she pointed out "I'll leave you to your own devices now." she concluded as her eyes rested on the Romulan.

Re: SD 57569.89: Breaking The Silence

Reply #3
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan


The Trill's riposte struck dead-on, and Lillee flushed green. "Oh curse it," she swore under her breath, wincing, the indignant anger having faded away in a flash. Reluctantly Lillee stood up and stepped over to the Trill's table, regarding the woman apologetically. "I apologise," she said quietly, bowing her head for a long moment. "It was rude of me to challenge you so. I am Lillee t'Jellaieu, Petty Officer 3rd Class of the Lone Wolves squadron."

She glanced around them, smiling at the handful of onlookers before glancing back at the Trill. "It's the ears," she explained quietly, sweeping back her long blonde hair to reveal her left ear's pointed tip. "My hearing is more acute than most, so I can be...irritable, sometimes. I have lived in the Federation for many years now, but the noise is something that I've never gotten used to. Not truly. It can lead to embarrassing incidents such as this. I never will understand how Vulcans can adapt so well..."

Re: Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence

Reply #4
[ Amelya Rez | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Griff 

The Romulan blushed green as she cursed and Amelya's eyes remained on her as she got up. The woman walked over to her table and Amelya's brow rose as she apologized, a slight nod following before she introduced herself. To hear that she was one of the wolves would certainly explain one of the more aggressive traits to her, yet not everything. As the woman glanced around Amelya smiled as she mentioned her Romulan decent. The hearing that was more sensitive was a valid reason why the ticking of the Trill would be so annoying.

"I understand." Rez replied as she looked back at the table to see what Lillee was having "Apologies accepted." she smiled before she motioned at the table "Feel free to join me, I see you were on your own here." she suggested "Unless you were wrapped up in paper work." she added carefully, noting the PADD still at the other table. 

At the mention of Vulcans being so adaptive to the noise, Amelya made a mental note to ask Maya about this at some point. In the meantime she waited for the reply of the Romulan to join her at the table.

Re: Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence

Reply #5
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan


Accepting the invitation, Lillee grabbed her PADD and mint drink and sat down opposite the Trill. The woman seemed pleasant enough, and she had forgiven quicker than Lillee would've if the roles had been reversed, and Lillee found herself mildly curious. Really, if she was going to fight and possibly die on this accursed warship, what would it hurt to make some friends? When the Theurgy inevitably left the shelter of Aldea, they'd be right back in the thick of the fighting. They might as well enjoy the quiet moments while they had them.

"'Wrapped up' is an apt metaphor, is it not?" she said quietly with a wry smile. "Given that we are criminals fighting a war to save the galaxy, I had hoped that there would be less of this nonsense, but Captain Ives seems so determined to maintain protocol and regulations. It is admirable, but infuriating. Few military organisations are as infested with bureaucrats as Starfleet. It has driven me to the edge of insanity sometimes!"

Lillee sighed, picking up her PADD then laughed ruefully. "Oh curse it to the stars, I have had enough of this paperwork for one night. I did far too much of it when working at Starfleet Command and far too little piloting. What of you?"

Re: Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence

Reply #6
[ Amelya Rez | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Griff  

Rez observed the Romulan as she took a seat across from her. Listening to her words and studying the woman as she spoke it. The pysician gave a slight nod "Paperwork is a nuisance at best, preventing me from doing what I really need to do." she smiled faintly "Though at the same time, it documents what can be used for the future. Imagine there being no documentation of the Borg for instance." she shrugged "As for protocol and regulations, I think without this ship might turn into an anarchy." a memory from Declan Vasser crossed her mind again, the man who had dropped Starfleet regulations and chose to instate new ones himself.

Rez couldn't help but laugh as Lillee decided to drop the paperwork for now "I was just reading up on Trill traditions, more specifically to joining with a symbiont." she answered the woman, though waving it away "I won't bore you with the details." she smiled "So you're a pilot? How come you've not done enough flying at Command? In fact, how did you end up there in the first place?" Amelya asked as she nipped from her drink and leaned back, enjoying a bit of small talk.


OOC: Locked at Griff's request.

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