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Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #25
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife 

Looking at Ekon, Kythalie was wondering how close he was to his family. It seemed like he spoke with care and respect for his step father. His mother apparently not so much around. The dark eyes of the Betazoid following the actions of the operations officer in front of her. She was doubting whether or not to ask about his family, some people found it a touchy subject. They had only just met so perhaps now would not be a good time to indulge into that either. She nodded confidently as he asked about liking the scallops and soon enough the Betazoid simply nodded as she got some more information about the scallops.

"What other ways can they be prepared?" she asked inquisitively as she watched him eat another. She had her moment of being lost and unsure when Ekon simply stated that she didn't truly needed to use the fork, especially not with the brusschetta. He had the drop on her now as he teased her about this not being a formal dinner and she chuckled and shook her head "In that case don't call me miss Benmual." she shot back to him before she took one of the bruschetta's and took a bite from it as she let the flavor pallet explode in her mouth. She tilted her head slightly and let out a "Mmh.." as she chewed further and swallowed before inserting the rest of it in. By doing so, a bit of the topping was left on her upper lip as she continued chewing and began to sate her hunger slowly.

He had pointed out to her that she was seemingly out to impress and she looked at him before she winked at him and smirked as he told her that he did enjoy seeing her blush. In turn it just caused her to blush even more as she reached out to slap him on the forearm playfully. She looked away as she kicked her legs a little under the table and took the last piece of scallop "Want to share?" she asked him as it was only fair to do so. Her eyes darting back up to look in his.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #26
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Kythalie asked about the various ways scallops could be prepared, though she did so while Ekon had his mouth full with one of the tasty morsels. As a result, the El-Aurian could only give her an apologetic smile and hold a single finger up by way of asking for a moment, chuckling as he did so.

”There’s several ways you can cook them.” Ekon said after a moment, finally answering her question. ”Fried, seared, baked, steamed. They are are delicious!” He added with a smile.

The dark-skinned man laughed softly as Kythalie fired back following his comment about the situation’s lack of formality, telling her he shouldn’t be calling her “Miss benmual”. Before he could respond she’d picked up one of the bruschettas and taken a bite. Ekon watched her as she tilted her head to the side once again and let out an appreciative noise. The sound brought a smile to the El-Aurian’s face, particularly the fact that a rogue fragment of the diced tomato was currently clinging to her upper lip, seemingly unnoticed by the caramel skinned woman. The appreciative noise she had made had seemed almost alluring to him, and the tomato, while comical, only added an aspect of the adorable to the woman.

”You’ve got something there…” Ekon informed her as he leaning forward across the table and gently touched her cheek with his fingers, while at the same time he brushed her upper lip with his thumb, freeing the tomato from her face only to have it stick to his digit. The offending morsel removed, he sat back in his seat. He gave the Betazoid a sly wink as he put his thumb to his mouth to dispose of the tomato.

Ekon couldn’t help but grin as she swatted his forearm playfully, blush all the more following his comment. She finally averted her gaze as she selected the last scallop, offering to share the last piece as her gaze met his once more.

”I’d love to.” Ekon replied with a warm smile, leaning forward across the table once more. ”Though I hope your aim with the scallop is better than it was with the bruschetta!” He added with a grin, unable to keep himself from teasing her. He kept his eyes on her as he leaned across the table, once again sliding a hand forward to cover her free hand. His brandy sat untouched on the table, off to the side and long forgotten. He found the caramel skinned Kythalie captivating, her gaze more intoxicating than the brandy could hope to be.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #27
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife  

She couldn't help but grin as Ekon couldn't directly reply her and she nipped from her Risian wine in the meantime as she waited for his answer. It came as no surprise that the scallops could be prepared in various ways. One sounding more appropriate than the other. Perhaps she'd have to try cooking some herself? If that would ever be a good idea of course... Kythalie wasn't known for her culinary skills. The Ops man suddenly pointed out to her that she had something on her lip and she frowned and watched him venture closer as he swiped the remnant of her lip.

His touch felt warm against her cheek and she had to bite back to not lick his finger clean on the spot. In fact, the man did just exactly that as he cleaned his own finger and gave her a wink. She couldn't help but grin "Very smooth Oldie." she teased him as she nipped from her wine once more.

He teased her with her aim concerning the scallop in comparison to the bruschetta and Kythalie simply rolled her eyes as she got an idea. His hand was resting on hers and she slowly freed her hand as she leaned back "Well, if you have such doubts about my aim..." she said softly. She remained seated as she let the man bake while she held the scallop in one hand. Slowly she rose from her seat, giving him once more a perfect view of her outfit and body. "I guess I'll have to simply..." she paused as she walked over to his seat  "Do it point blank." she used her feet to kick his seat back a little, allowing her the space to slowly sit herself down on his lap. She nestled herself comfortably on his lap, wiggling herself into a decent position as she placed one arm around his neck and slowly brought the morsel of flesh towards his lips "Remember Oldie, only half..." she teased him as she leaned her body against his.

She seemed relaxed enough in this new position and she looked deep into his eyes as her mind began to reach out to his, curious to know how this new situation made him feel. Although, perhaps her mental abilities wouldn't be the only things to pick up how he felt...

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #28
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

”Well, if you have such doubts about my aim…” The woman across from him spoke softly, remaining still and holding the scallop as though she would rescind the offer to share. Eboh momentarily wondered if Kythalie had not appreciated his comment as the Betazoid had removed her hand from beneath his and leaned back in her seat. He momentary worry proved unfounded, however, as the sultry woman slowly rose from her seat, giving him a clear view of her outfit, and the figure beneath the garments. She spoke again as she slowly walked over to his seat, pausing as she did so to let the sentence drag on, then finished by saying she would proffer the scallop at point blank range.

Eboh had felt a slight tension building as the caramel skinned woman had moved around the table, unsure of just what she was up to. He was somewhat surprised when she used her foot to kick his chair back, moving him further from the table. He was further surprised, albeit in a pleasant way, when the Betazoid proceeded to situate herself on his lap. Eboh could feel a stirring within himself as she nestled herself into her new seat, wiggling to get comfortable while at the same time snaking an arm around his neck. "Well hello, Kythalie…" He rumbled as he placed one arm around the back of her waist to support her and moved his other hand to rest on the hip farthest form him, gently pulling the dark eyed beauty closer. His heart raced at the close proximity of the enticing woman, their closeness allowing her scent to fill his nose. His eyes remained locked on hers as her free hand brought the morsel closer to his mouth.

”Remember Oldie, only half…” She teased as she leaned into him, causing Ekon to pull her closer in response. Mischief played through the El-Aurian’s mind as he toyed with the idea of taking the whole scallop as he slowly moved his head forward, if only to make the enchanting woman swat at him again, though decided against it. Instead he took only a small bite of the fleshy white morsel, taking a little less than half of the proffered meat. He removed his hand from her hip as he did so and plucked the remaining half of the scallop from between her fingers, a mischievous smile playing across his features as he chewed.

”You fed me,” he rumbled in a low tone, his accented voice breathy and full of a mixture of desire and amusement, ”It seems only fair that I return the favour…” He gave the caramel skinned beauty who was currently using him as a chair a sly yet playful wink as his hand raised the scallop up to offer her the remaining bite. His eyed remained locked on hers, the coffee skinned man finding himself unable to look away. His heart pounded in his chest, a certain thrill coursing through him as a result of their encounter becoming more intimate. The movement of the shapely Betazoid on his lap had caused a stirring his certain parts of his anatomy as well, and while the El-Aurian hybrid was somewhat self-conscious about the physical response to her closeness, a part of him suspected that the reaction was precisely what she had intended when she had taken up her new seat.

Ekon couldn’t help but stare into Kythalie’s eyes as he presented the remains of the last scallop for her to take, finding himself lost in the twin pools of inky black. That fact that he had only just met this woman earlier that day was not lost on him, though the fact registered only as a small pinpoint of light in the back of his mind. The fact of the matter was that Eboh was well and truly smitten with the young beauty who was presently perched on his lap.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #29
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife 

The swirl of emotions she had received from Ekon from when she stood up till she had sat down on his lap were delightful. The Betazoid waded in the mixture of emotions as she couldn't help but grin slightly. As she had installed herself on her new seat, she had watched deep into the eyes of Ekon as he had welcomed her with a low rumbling voice. She felt his hands move in position to support her, one on her lower back as the other rested against her hip. As he probably could catch her scent, so could she. The man smelled nice and it made the woman wonder if he wore a cologne or something alike. Kythalie had used a light fragrance from Betazoid, which always reminded her of the island she grew up on. It smelled like seashells and ocean with a tinge of local vegetation.

It was a comfortable position to sit in so far and she could feel the strong arms of the man pull her closer as she offered him the bite. He slowly leaned in before he took his bite and her facial expression seemed to be well amused about it as her eyes diverted from his to look at his lips parting and his white teeth bite down on the piece of flesh. She chuckled lightly as he started chewing and her eyes looked back into his as she inspected the piece "I suppose this will do." she teased him.

He spoke up once again as he wanted to repay her the favor and she laughed lightly as she let him take the remaining scallop and sat a bit more straight on his lap. By doing so, the swell of her rear pressed and rolled a little against his groin. She could've sworn that she felt a certain organ underneath her move ever so slightly, yet she knew the risk of that happening as she had taken her spot on his lap. Her mind picked up the feelings of the man, the mischief, self consciousness and eventually the smitten feeling that washed up against her tendrils of her mind.

He presented the piece to her and Kythalie was still gazing in his eyes before she took a look at the piece. Specifically where it was before she looked back in his eyes. She placed both her hands on his shoulders as she slowly leaned in closer to the presented piece of food. Her eyes were locked with his as she moved her lips towards his fingers, almost like a predator stalking her prey. She took hold of the scallop with her teeth before she slipped her lips around his fingers. She took the piece from him, sucking gently yet with sufficient suction to pop her lips off his fingers before she started to chew and smile seductively.

She ate the morsel at her own pace and swallowed it as she leaned back against Ekon as she whispered softly in his ear "Do people need to get fed like this in the retirement home, Oldie?" Her eyes never left his as she grinned and shifted her weight slightly on his lap.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #30
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Ekon found himself fighting to suppress a groan of pleasure as Kythalie’s lips enveloped his thumb and finger, marvelling in the sensation as she sucked lightly on the digits. She had shifted her position as she prepared to receive the morsel of food, the enticing curves of her behind eliciting a higher level of arousal as they pressed and shifted on his lap, the feeling of her lips on his fingers having done nothing to dull his body’s reaction to her presence. As she sat there perched on his lap, smiling seductively as she chewed, Ekon was sure that she was well aware of the burning sense of desire she was stoking within him.

She leaned into him as she chewed, then whispered in his ear, her eyes remaining locked with his own as she asked if he was fed like that in the nursing home, grinning and shifting on his lap as she spoke.

Ekon’s face split into a broad grin as he laughed, her question having caught him off guard. His shoulders shook with his amusement as he tightened the hold his arm had around the small of her back, pressing her to him. ”Sometimes,” he replied with a cheeky grin, ”though I only let the cute nurses do that!” He shook his head slightly, still chuckling at the Betazoid’s cheekiness. ”You should be careful, Kythalie.” He cautioned the woman, mischief creeping into his eyes as a cheekiness snuck into his heavily accented voice. ”With the way you are squirming on my lap, you’re liable to give an old man a heart attack!”

As he spoke, he reached up with the hand, which was now free from holding the scallop, gently trailing the backs of his fingers along her cheek. He shifted his hand so that he lightly cupped her cheek and gently stroked her cheekbone with his thumb. ”Not that I want you to stop…” He added as he slid his hand further back, his fingers slipping forth to entangle themselves in the Betazoid’s wild curls. He angled his face towards her, his eyed still locked on hers, and gently used his hand to guide her face to meet his, unable to restrain himself any longer. Her proximity, her scent, the pressure of her body atop his, it had all combined and brought his desire to it’s boiling point, leaving him unable, and unwilling, to hold himself back any longer.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #31
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife  

After having eaten the last piece of the scallops Kythalie could not only physically feel the arousal and yearning sensation of Ekon, yet she also felt him burn up in his mind and feelings wise. The grin on her features unmistakably there as she caught him off guard with her last sentence about the old folks home. She could feel his body rock as he laughed and his shoulders shook as she couldn't help but laugh along as the grip of the darker man tightened around her back.

"Oh, so you're a bit of a snoopy kind of oldie huh?" she grinned as he admitted that he only allowed the cute nurses to feed him. He warned her which only caused the Betazoid to laugh out in amusement as she was warned for a viable heart attack. The next line already burning on her lips as it was just as easy as that to take away the pleasant distraction on his lap. Before she could do so though, he brought his free hand up to cup her cheek. Before doing so, trailing his fingers along the soft skin of her jaw and cheek.

Kythalie had forgotten how good being touched felt like. Not that she ever had a moment in her life where she hadn't had an array of partners to pick from when wanting more than just a touch. Yet she always reveled in the feeling of being wanted, to feel those minute traces of fingers, limbs or anything being traced along one's body. It always felt nice... Ekon mentioned that he didn't want her to move away after his heart attack warning and Kythalie simply gave a short nod as she looked in his eyes. His hand slowly moving into her wild curls as she felt her own breathing accelerate slightly as a soft gasp left her lips.

She felt the intend behind his movements as he lined her face up with his, lips drawing nearer to his as she could feel the man losing himself in the moment. Truly there was no better feeling to sense then that exact moment they shared. The moment where the world seems to cease and exist as there is only the two of them left. She leaned in slightly as her own fingertips traced up along Ekon's neck, gently grazing her nails over his jawline as she teased him one last time "There's no need to feint a heart attack Ekon..." she whispered ever so softly "If you want my lips to touch yours... One simply needs to ask..." she concluded before she took the initiative herself as she found herself to be far too curious about how this foreign man.

Her lips slowly brushed against his before she pressed them against his. The kiss developing slowly as she let the first few seconds pass, turning more hungrily after that as she made out with him and kissed him more deeply and hungrily. It didn't take long before Eboh would feel her tongue teasing against his lips. Along with her fingers raking over his jaw and neck before she ran her fingers over his scalp, brushing through his hair before she broke the kiss slowly and smiled contently. "Mmh..." she simply murured.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #32
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Ekon’s heart raced as Kythalie seemed to take the lead, bringing her lips forward to meet his, though the El-Aurian’s desire easily matched the Betazoid’s growing hunger as he eagerly returned the kiss. He fought to suppress a groan of pleasure as the tips of her fingers were dragged along his jawline, down his neck and over his scalp, the woman’s touch only serving to further stoke the flame of his desire. Ekon’s fingers entwined themselves further into Kythalie’s curls as she drove him to higher levels of passion, tangling themselves in her hair while the kiss grew ever more passionate. Ekon’s desire continued to build in response to the probing, scratching and arousing touch of the Betazoid, until finally he couldn’t hold on to the groan of pleasure that was building in his throat, causing a low rumbling to emanate from the coffee skinned man.

Then Eboh felt Kythalie’s tongue against his lips, the wet warmth of the probing tongue causing his lips to part as he brought his own tongue forward to meet hers. His head swam with sensations, her scent and her touch, coupled with the taste of the woman and the feeling of her tongue caressing his own, left him adrift, having completely lost touch with their surroundings. She was all that existed, the only thing that mattered.

And God, but he wanted her…

Finally, after some time, Kythalie broke the kiss, breaking the spell and returning Eboh to the present. As the dark-skinned man opened his eyes, he saw a contented smile cross the features of the beautiful Betazoid, the sight eliciting a smile from him as she let out a satisfied sound.

”Mmh indeed…” Eboh murmured breathlessly, ”I don’t know about you, but I’ve lost my appetite for Bruschetta,” Eboh informed the woman who still sat perched on his lap, while at the same time gently caressing her cheek once again, ”Though I find myself wanting something… someone… else.” Ekon’s gaze remained locked on hers as he spoke, leaving no doubt as to what, or who, he was speaking of. She had bewitched him, leaving him drunk on her scent, on her kiss. Eboh’s eyes narrowed slightly as he studied the gorgeous telepath. ”How much of what I’m feeling are you picking up on right now?” He asked, curiosity and a teasing accusation in his voice even as a sly smile spread across his features. He suspected that the telepath knew exactly what she was doing to him, and was enjoying every reaction she caused.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #33
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife

Hearing another low rumble was the sign for Kythalie that she certainly was doing the right thing to the El Aurian as she kept up with her heated assault on his senses. It didn't take long for him to match hers as she felt his tongue slowly come out to play with hers as she grinned a little and adored the way he touched her. She could perfectly feel and read what the man wanted, yet chose to simply go with the flow instead of playing in on those things. She couldn't help but love the feeling he gave off that there was nothing else in the world on his mind besides her.

When she broke off he smiled contently as he murmured out of breath. She couldn't help but tease about it further, she didn't do so just yet though as he admitted that he had lost the appetite for the bruschetta. She laughed as he further admitted that he wanted something or someone else for that matter. "Is that so?" she asked innocently as she kept grinding on his lap lightly. she traced her fingertips over his face as she looked back in his eyes and she looked far to playful to give in just yet.

"Well, I don't need to be a telepath to pick up on what I'm clearly feeling from you Ekon..." she said as she purposely pushed herself down onto his groin, feeling his risen arousal quite well by now "But, I do kind of... Feel.... That burning.... Wanting... Desire..." she informed him as she suddenly stood up from his lap and walked around him, leaning in to bring her lips next to his ear "I just hope you can keep up oldie... You seemed to be out of breath already a moment ago." she teased him as it came far too natural to let the chance slip up. She kissed his neck after that and asked softly "Where do you want to go?" After that, she simply walked back to the table, standing in front of him as she leaned over to give him just another nice view of her rear as she took her glass and began to work on finishing it.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #34
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Kythalie answered his question, saying she didn’t need to be a telepath to pick up on what she was feeling from him. In order to better prove her point, she pressed herself harder into his lap, pressing herself down onto the obvious proof of his arousal and forcing another soft sound of pleasure to rumble within him even as the grin on his face spread ever wider.

”But, I do kind of… Feel… That burning… Wanting… Desire…”

Suddenly the weigh on his lap vanished, the Betazoid having stood up. Ekon was sorry to lose the weight on his lap, and immediately missed the woman’s proximity. She moved around behind him, leaning in so that her lips we just beside his ear, teasing him both with her words, and her breath on his ear. His eyes half closed as he drew a deep breath, his heart raced as he felt her lips graze his neck. He both heard and felt her words as she was asking him where he wanted to go, then the presence beside his head disappeared, moving back into view and standing in front of him. She leaned across the table to retrieve her glass, presenting him with a perfect view of her shapely behind as she drained the last of her wine. Ekon remained seated for a moment, reaching over to retrieve his own barely touched glass without taking his eyes off of the enticing view which was presented before him.

He took a long sip of his brandy, his eyes trailing up and down Kythalie’s form as he savoured the strong taste. He rose then, placing the still half-full glass back on the table as he moved up behind the woman who held him captivated. He wrapped his thick arms around her from behind, pulling her to him as he embraced her, feeling her back pressed against his chest. He craned his neck downwards, bringing his face down to kiss the left side of her neck, repaying the favour she had performed before. Her scent once again filled his nostrils, bringing to mind the scent of an idyllic seaside, of seashells and the ocean.

”We can go to my quarters. My roommate is working a night shift tonight, so we will have the place to ourselves.” Ekon murmured in her ear, placing a light kiss on her earlobe before he continued. ”And I don’t think keeping up will be a problem, my dear,” he teased, pulling her closer to him, ”I may be an Oldie, but with age comes experience.” His deep voice rumbled quietly in her ear as he spoke, and he nipped her earlobe lightly before loosening his hold on her. He placed his hands on her hips, gently turning her to face him. He reached up with one hand, leaving the other on her hip, and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, guiding her face to his once more, kissing her in a way that was best described as both passionate and hungry. ”Shall we go?” He asked after breaking the kiss, his eyes locked on hers. "Or do you want to get in another comment about my age first?" He teased, giving the younger woman a cheeky grin and a wink as he waited for her decision.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #35
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife 

Kythalie watched Ekon's gaze follow her and even when she didn't look at him, she could feel the burning gaze of his eyes on her skin despite the clothing she wore. She reveled in the attention he was mentally giving her and she swayed her rear slightly for him after draining her glass. She looked over her shoulder to him as he drank some more of his brandy, not finishing the drink entirely though  before he rose and snatched her to him.

Her body was easily brought against his broad chest as he draped a few kisses down her neck before he murmured into her ear, teasing the skin of it with a light kiss. He offered up his quarters and she grinned with a nod as her eyes drifted shut. His remark made her laugh about age and she shrugged lightly, yet not replying to him yet whilst he physically continued to tease her. He did push the limit though of her teasing remarks as he asked if they were ready to go or if she wanted another comment "Mmh, I think we're ready to go."she answered as she pushed herself away from him "Lead the way mister Eboh... Need to get you in your quarters before your bedtime." she grinned widely as she simply couldn't leave it to burn the age into his face one more time.

She followed Ekon through the lounge as the two of them got some looks from present personnel yet nothing out of the ordinary. When they arrived at the turbolift Kythalie looked at Ekon as she moved her hands over his chest and straightened his clothes "You know, you got me into the lounge for a drink as you were going to tell me about that long story... The Academy thing?" she whispered, as she was still curious about it despite him having left her in the dark about it "Or are you going to use that as another excuse to get me back to the lounge with you?" she coyly smiled.


Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #36
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Turbolift | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

As Kythalie teased him again, speaking of his bedtime, Ekon couldn’t help but laugh. ”Oh? Are you going to tuck me in?” He countered with a smile as they made their way through the lounge.

Kythalie turned to him as they arrived at the turbolift, running her hands over his chest to straighten his shirt, or perhaps to smooth out the wrinkles she’s put in it with all her squirming. Ekon was more interested in the sensation that the reasoning behind it. Then Kythalie was speaking again, asking him about something he had said earlier. She was asking about the Academy, and about his long story. The question had a somewhat sobering effect on the El-Aurian, who now gazed down at her with a more serious expression on his face. His smile was still present, though it wasn’t as happy as it had been.

”Ah, yes… that.” Ekon said by way of acknowledgement. ”Deck 12.” He instructed the turbolift before giving Kythalie his full attention. He regarded her with an even gaze, his eyes still full of desire but now also carried a hint of regret. ”I suppose I did promise to tell you later, and you held up your end of the bargain.” Ekon said. He leaned back, resting his broad back against the wall of the turbolift. He tucked his hands into the pockets of his trousers as sighed, knowing that a story about assault might not go over very well with a member of the security department.

”After the Dominion War, I had a bit of a hard time adjusting to peacetime. I’d seen my share of the action… lost a lot of friends. People I cared about.” A hint of sadness entered his voice as he spoke those last words, as though the words failed to convey the depth of loss he was speaking of. ”When I entered the Academy, I had a lot of anger at those loses, and I did not deal with it well. I got into a lot of fights, and had a number of reprimands. Many of those fights were with the same person, another cadet.” Ekon’s expression grew darker as he continued speaking, his eyes never leaving Kythalie. ”He was a racist and a troublemaker. He delighted in trying to torment me, and was always trying to provoke me.” Ekon explained, shaking his head as the memories of the cadet in question came back to him. "Unfortunately, with the troubles I was having after the war, I was all too happy to be provoked. I made it far too easy for him."

”Anyway, in my third year at the Academy, some friends and I went out to a bar, and this cadet was there with his friends.” Ekon’s voice had grown quieter, with a small amount of anger creeping into his thick accent. ”He was very drunk, and began making aggressive advances on a friend of mine. He shoved me when I told him to leave, and then pushed her against the bar and began to grope her.” Ekon’s face had turned to a full blown scowl by that point. His hands, still in his pockets, had balled into fists. ”His advances were bordering on violent, and clearly not welcome, so I lost it. I punched him, and then smashed his face into the bar.” Ekon shrugged, the anger draining out of him. ”I was expelled following the incident, with a permanent reprimand on my file. That other cadet, the molester, is still at the Academy, and will be an Ensign by next year.” Ekon sighed as his story came to a close, then looked at Kythalie. The turbolift pulled to a stop then, the doors opening to reveal the corridor on Deck 12.

”So there you have it,” Ekon told her, knowing full well that the story had certainly put a damper on the evening, if it hadn’t ended it altogether. He regarded her with a calm and patient expression, curious to see how the Betazoid would react now that she knew he’d been expelled for assault. ”You know my story, and you know why I am still a Petty Officer after 30 years in Starfleet.” Ekon’s eyes kept looking into Kythalie’s, gauging her reaction, ”I know a story like that can put a damper on an evening. So where do we go from here? Do I get out and make the long walk to my quarters alone? Or do you still wish to join me?” He asked as he studied the woman, ”I will understand if you feel that this changes things..." His voice carried a hint of regret now. The coffee-skinned man sighed as he regarded Kythalie with a look of genuine curiosity. "I leave the decision in your hands, Kythalie.”

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #37
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife

"Perhaps..." she replied with a wink to his comment about tucking him in.

She could feel and notice the direct change of mood within the man with whom she shared a great evening with so far. Her expression changing along with him to a more serious one as he gave the lift a destination to go to. He moved away from her as he leaned back against the wall of the turbolift. Kythalie positioned herself on the other side of the wall as she looked at him with a curious gaze. It definitely seemed like a touchy subject to say the least.

She could feel the mix of emotions clearly as she told her the story bit by bit. Her arms crossing under her bosom as she nodded from time to time yet didn't interrupt or say anything for that matter as he told her the entire story. The elevator came to a full stop at the end of his story and Kythalie was still gazing at him with a neutral expression spread across her face. The playfulness had faded away and she had felt a various array of emotions throughout the story as she bit on her lip a little as the doors shifted open. Ekon asked where they had to go from here and if he had to take the long walk to his quarters alone. He surely talked a lot as Kythalie placed the testimony in her head and evaluated it.

The caramel colored Betazoid shifted away from the wall and walked over to the center part of the turbolift as she looked at Ekon. The mish mash of emotions had made her pull up the barriers to protect herself as it was a risky thing to take all of it in without the proper preparation. The choice was left with her to decide about the future of the evening. It had been quite a damper as Kythalie scolded at herself for bringing it up. Her eyes shifted to the corridor before she looked back at Ekon and she sighed and shook her head as she simply walked out of the elevator and walked ahead in the corridor, she stopped a few meters out as she turned her head to look over her shoulder at the man "Come on oldie, you won't be able to tuck yourself in anyway." she said with a faint grin on her lips.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #38
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Turbolift | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Ekon watched Kythalie closely as he attempted to gauge her reaction. The events of their ride in the turbolift had been less than idyllic, and he suspected they may have spoiled the evening. For all that he had joked about the brig earlier that day, now she knew that he did, in fact, have a certain familiarity with the place.

The Betazoid had maintained a neutral expression throughout his narrative, letting nothing show in regards to her thoughts or emotions. Ekon reflected that it was the face of a veteran security officer who was listening to a confession. The thought did not leave him hopeful for this evening’s prospects. Ekon half expected a harsh reprimand, or at least a mild scolding, as Kythalie pushed herself off the wall she had been leaning on and moved to the middle of the lift. She shifted her gaze out into the waiting corridor, and he waited for her to tell him to get out.

The words never came. Instead she directed the dark pools of her eyes at him once more, sighed and shook her head. Then she had walked out of the lift and down the corridor. She stopped once she had travelled a few meters, looking over her shoulder at him as a faint grin crossed her lips.

”Come on Oldie, you won’t be able to tuck yourself in anyway.”

Ekon sighed as her remark, half teasing as it was, his shoulders lowering as he visibly relaxed. Perhaps he hadn’t completely ruined the evening after all.

Don’t get ahead of yourself, Eboh He thought to himself.

He pushed himself off the wall of the turbolift and stepped out into the corridor, taking several strides to bring himself before her. He removed his hands from his pockets then, letting the left hand down at his side as he reached out with his right, touching her gently on her upper arm. The half El-Aurian’s dark eyes met her darker ones, seeming to search them for a moment.

”I was not trying to keep any of this from you before, Kythalie.” Ekon told the woman, his voice honest but sounding somewhat hesitant. ”To be honest, I was simply enjoying your company too much to bring it up.” A small half smile spread across his features, and his eyes narrowed as he spoke again. ”Or perhaps I just forgot that I was supposed to tell you. I’m an old man, after all. My memory is not what it used to be…” He chuckled softly then, his eyes still searching hers. He was getting lost in those eyes of hers again, like staring out into the vastness of space. It made one forget themselves. He gently slid his hand down Kythalie’s arm, making contact with just his fingertips, trailing them along her forearm and over her wrist, until they gently cradled the soft skin of her hand. The glint of mischief had returned to his eyes as he smiled at her once more. "I hope you don't just plan on tucking me in. My roommate is an Andorian, and he had the temperature set quite low. It would be rather cold in there if I were left all alone..."

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #39
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife 

Noticing the burden and stress being lifted from his shoulders, Kythalie had to admit that the story was a bit of a mood changer for the evening. If what he had said was true, then it had just been a lapse of judgement in the operations man that caused for a cascade of serious events. Yet with his story about helping out a fellow officer in need, which frankly sounded like a near assault charge, bugged her. Why wasn't there a follow up report or anything else about it? It frankly boiled the blood in the Betzazoid as she sighed softly to herself as she followed Ekon coming closer.

She felt the touch of his hand against her arm and her eyes followed the movement as his words began to reach her ears. The black orbs of the woman shooting back up to meet his as he explained that he didn't want to keep things from her, adding in another joke about his age as Kythalie chuckled at the comment and shook her head lightly "I might actually start to believe that you might need enhancers for several functions in that case Oldie." she answered softly as she placed her hand on his and took in a deep breath.

He teased about not having to spend the night together and she smirked again before she rolled her eyes at him "That's why there's a thing called thermal blankets." she countered the notice as she slipped her fingers against his and held his hand "Just lead the way Oldie... If you can remember the way that is." she teased him as she tried to shake of the vibe of the story.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #40
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Corridors | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Kythalie’s gentle chuckle at his joke rang like a soft music in his ears, and Ekon chuckled softly as Kythalie teased him, saying that she suspected he might need enhancers for several functions. As she spoke, he felt the soft touch and gentle warmth of her hand as she placed it on his, the Betazoid taking a deep breath as she did so. She fired back at his remark about his quarters being cold, telling him he should use a thermal blanket. Despite seeming to shoot down his suggestion that he would freeze should she leave, she slipped her hand into his. He smiled almost sheepishly at her as their fingers intertwined, a small hope rising in him that he hadn’t entire ruined the evening. That hope continued to rise as Kythalie instructed him to lead the way to his quarters, calling him Oldie once again as she teased him about his old man memory.

He remained silent for a moment, staring into her eyes as his thumb lightly brushed across the soft caramel skin of the back of her hand. The fact was, he found the woman standing in front of him to be enchanting, which only made the uncertainty he’d seen in her eyes since he told his story all the more disheartening. After struggling to come to terms with the fact that his prospects of becoming an officer had crumbled, albeit as a result of his own actions against Cadet Kennedy, now the ramifications were trickling down to her personal life as well. Truth be told, Ekon blamed no one but himself. He was well aware of the fact that he’d had problems controlling himself since the war, though he was also aware that he was hardly the only veteran to have such issues.

With a slight shake of the head, Ekon brought himself back to the present moment and gave Kythalie a soft smile.

”Very well. I believe my quarters are this way,” Ekon told her as he gestured down the corridor, ”though I may be mistaken. I am an Oldie, after all!” With a cheeky wink, he moved off down the hallway, still holding Kythalie’s hand. Even that small contact, and the warmth it held, brought a thrill to the El-Aurian. He glanced at Kythalie as they walked in silence for a short distance, his eyes taking in the smooth skin and contours of the Betazoid’s face, or at least what was visible beyond the woman’s wild curls. From this angle, seeing her face in profile, he couldn’t help but smile. Her nose was small and slightly pointed, which he found adorable, and the sight of her full lips left him wanting to kiss her again, though he knew it might take some time before they came to that again. He didn’t need to be a telepath to tell she was still slightly thrown by his earlier admission.

”What do you know,” Ekon said, looking down at Kythalie’s smaller form as they approached a door, ”I remembered where it was after all. Your youth must be rubbing off on me!” He smiled down at her as they drew up in front of the portal, giving her hand a light squeeze. He reached out with his free hand and pressed the control panel, sending the doors hissing open. As the doors hiss apart, revealing the shared living area of the NCO quarters, a gust of cold air wafted out at them, raising goosebumps on Ekon’s arms and neck.

”I wasn’t joking when I said he kept them cold,” Ekon chuckled as they stepped through the door and into the chill room, his chuckle just barely visible by a faint puff of breath. ”If you want to go into the other room, I have the temperature set to something more livable.” He told her, gesturing towards one of the doors leading to the adjoining rooms. ”I grew up on Earth’s African continent, so I’ve never been very fond of the cold.” He suddenly realized that it might sound as though he was just trying to get her closer to the bed, which was hardly his intention. ”What I meant was, we could sit. In there. If you’d like.” He said, knowing he sounded like an awkward fool. ”Or I could replicate us some jackets. I mean that I don’t… expect anything,” he clarified, glancing down at the floor as he silently cursed himself. He raised his gaze to meet hers once more as he added, ”Though I suppose I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hopeful…”

He gazed into her eyes, trying to get some sense of her thoughts. For a moment, he envied her for her abilities, suspecting that it would be much easier to deal with people. A thought suddenly struck him, causing him to give her an amused smile. ”You know, my people are known for our ability to listen to others, but it occurs to me that I’ve been doing a great deal of the talking.” He chuckled as he spoke, wondering if Kythalie was cold. He attire, while highly alluring, was hardly ideal for the cool temperature of his quarters’ common area.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #41
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Warp-Trail Lounge | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife  

Ekon seeed to gladly fill in the role for ancient crewmember as he led the way for Kythalie. The Betazoid amused by his interactions followed closely as he seemed to be unsure at some point if this was the right way. it was pretty obvious that it didn't have anything to do about the ship lay out, nor his old age. Would it? The security officer took the time to look through the corridors, more of a habit as security then intended as she kept up the tread with Ekon.

He spoke up after a short silence as he exclaimed their find of his quarters. She clicked her tongue as she simply answered about her youthfulness rubbing of on him "I think someone certainly wants to rub someone." she shot him a serious look though the corners of her lips pulled into a grin as the doors opened up. The cold chill fleeting from the quarters as Eboh hadn't lied at all about the Andorian crewmember putting the heating down. She visibly shivered a little as she stepped in and looked around in the shared space of the officers. She nodded slowly as she saw the puff of his breath in the shared quarters and she exhaled and saw the same with her, making her smile lightly as it brought back some memories.

He indicated the other room to be more warmer then here, Kythalie's eyes drifting over to Eboh as she felt a tingle of panic rise within him. Slightly amused she watched him adjust his way of getting her in his room, claiming it only to be an alternative of sorts to sit in more agreeable temperatures. Kythalie leaned against the door frame as she raised her brows, seeming not impressed by his speech and playing him to think she was thinking something completely different. He began about replicating jackets and she nodded slowly "Might be an idea..." she mused as she looked out the viewport.

Eventually he spilled more words as he shared with her the hope that more would come of the evening. She smiled warmly at him as she walked over to him and straightened his collar as she looked in his eyes "Isn't that what everyone wants really?" she asked him softly as she looked deeper into his eyes, her black orbs focusing into the depths of his seemingly "To have companionship in this... Cold... Dark... Vastness of space?" she whispered slowly. She let the moments hang in the air for a while before kissing him on the cheek "Can you take me to your room? I'm literally going to freeze here." she admitted now as she shivered again, the goosebumps quite visible on her flesh now as other parts of her body had hardened as well. Luckily for her, the bra had kept her hardened peaks out of sight for now.

She laughed softly about the El-Aurian abilities to listen quite well "I don't mind, I enjoy hearing you talk Oldie." she teased him as she let him guide her to his personal part of the quarters "In case you want me to take more, you just have to ask me questions." she informed him with a grin. Kythalie was usually an open person and would talk for ages, yet tonight she felt like she was in a different mood as she surely was influenced by the dark skinned man's thoughts and emotions.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #42
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Personal Quarters | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Ekon remained still and studied Kythalie’s face as she approached him and reached up to straighten his collar. He wasn’t sure it had indeed needed to be straightened, but also wasn’t about to object to the woman’s proximity.

”Isn’t that what everyone wants really?” She spoke softly, barely above a whisper. All he could do was stare at her as she spoke. ”To have companionship in this…Cold…Dark…Vastness of space?” He supposed she was right, though if he was being honest with himself, it had been some time since he had sought companionship of any kind. His mind drifted briefly to days long past, the faces of two different women briefly appearing in his thoughts before he was startled back to the present when Kythalie’s lips landed on his cheek.

She asked if they could go into his room, claiming she was going to freeze if they stayed in the shared area. Ekon gave her a small smile. ”Of course. We can’t have you freezing!” Ekon replied, giving her a mischievous look as he steered her towards the doors to one of the adjoining rooms, his hand on the small of her back. She teased him a little as they moved towards his quarters, calling him Oldie once again. ”Though maybe I should keep you in here a while longer. It might make you a little less cheeky, and then we’d have to cuddle for warmth.” He fired back as the doors hissed open at their approach. It almost looked as though a small cloud of steam rolled towards them as the doors allowed some of the warmer air within to escape into the frigid room. The doors slid shut quickly after they had stepped through, and Ekon couldn’t help but chuckle. ”I programmed the doors to close as soon as people get through them. I do not want to lose all the heat every time I come or go.” He explained with a grin. ”I’m going to have to talk to my roommate about the temperature. I swear he turned it down even more.”

The room they had entered was the typical NCO’s quarters and were no different than Kythalie’s own, except possibly for the fact that they held nothing in the way of personal possessions aside from a handful of photographs, though the frames sat stacked on one of the shelves and were not actually set up or displayed. The result was almost a feeling of vacancy, as though nobody actually lived there. The only sign of occupancy besides the stack of photographs and the fact that the bed was made was a PADD lying on the bedside table.

”I’m afraid your only options for sitting are the bed or the bench.” Ekon informed her with a chuckle. ”If you want anything to drink, I can venture back out into the cold and get us something from the replicator.” He was suddenly craving a raktajino, or anything warm after standing in the icy air of the shared area. He was definitely going to have a talk with that Andorian. Once she had told him what she wanted, he quickly went back into the other room, returning with the drinks and sitting himself next to Kythalie on the bed.

"Alright, young one," Eboh teased as he handed her the drink, the joke about her age somehow only serving to make him feel older, "While you thaw out, you can tell me why you decided to join Starfleet."

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #43
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Oldie Quarters | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Fife  

Kythalie couldn't help but laugh at his remark about having her stay a little longer out in the cold "Any excuse will do for you to have some young flesh huh?" she teased him further, falling back to the teasing mood she had been earlier that night "As for the cheekiness, I thought, you enjoyed that." she answered him as he guided her into his personal quarters. It was a bit of a surprise to see the puff of steam roll her way as the doors had opened. Kythalie wondered if the room of the El-Aurian was just hot or if it was really just freezing in the communal area.

When the two of them were just in the doors hissed shut quickly and the Betazoid looked over her shoulder at it as Ekon set her at ease. Claiming he had programmed the doors to drift shut to preserve heat. She smiled faintly "Sure, that's what all sociopath murderers say." she grinned and she nodded about his roommate "Uhu, if he ever wants non Andorian company he'll have to raise the temperature just a bit or find an ice queen to date." she exclaimed as she felt a cold shudder run down her spine.

She skimmed over the interior of the room which only solidified any vibe she'd get about sociopath killers. The lack of personal hints in the room were a bit obvious. The pictures he did have were stacked on top of one another and she slowly made her way over to them as she asked "Mind if I looked?" her eyes trailing back to Ekon as she looked him over from head to toe, seemingly sizing him up for a minute before she looked him in the eyes.

At the mention of drinks she smiled broadly and the craving of Ekon for Raktajino brushed off on Kythalie as she ordered the arm variant of the drink for herself. She watched him leave and loitered around a bit more in the room before she sat down on his bed and waited for his return. When he did she looked up, one hand supporting herself on the bed as she was leaning back a little and the other hand reached out to grab the cup he had along for her.

"Why I decided to join the Fleet?" she laughed as she blew over the warm substance before taking a nip "Well..." she thought about the question, trailing it back to where she had to start "I was born and raised on Betazed.  I used to watch the night sky for hours as a child. Along with that, my older brothers both joined Starfleet... One served in the Federation's garrison that was designated to protect Betazed, the other went to the Academy. I always looked up at them and well when I was old enough I signed up. I chose to go for something more physical then the line work, much to the worry of my parents. I enrolled in bootcamp and I performed well there as I loved sports when I grew up..." she paused as she nurtured the cup she was holding "What about you? Why did you join the fleet?"

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #44
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Personal Quarters | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Ekon watched Kythalie as she made an inspection of his quarters, or at least of what few personal items there were in them. The inspection did not take long. She came to the small stack of photographs and asked if he minded if she looked. A small smile spread over his lips as he nodded, adding a ”Go ahead.”

If she were to look as he left the room to fetch the drinks, she would find 4 framed photographs. The first showing a very young Eboh, around 6 or 7 years old, standing with a tall man who’s skin was even darker than the young Ekon’s. They were dressed in civilian clothes, and standing in front of a small, well kept house with broad smiles on their faces. The next photograph was a portrait of a dark skinned woman with dreadlocks and a warm smile. She was dressed in colourful clothing, sitting on the ground leaning against a palm tree. The third photo was another portrait, this time of a Latina woman with bright eyes and a cheeky smile. The last photo showed a man and a woman standing together in an unfamiliar setting. The man was smiling warmly and had his arm around the woman’s shoulders. The woman’s smile was happy, and she held both her hands as though cradling her pregnant belly.

Eboh grinned as he returned with the two hot drinks, finding Kythalie sitting on the bed. ”Did you have a good snoop?” Ekon teased, handing her the drink before seating himself beside her. He listened as she told him what brought her to join Starfleet, about looking up at the stars as a child. She spoke of her parents being worried at her chosen career path, which made him give her a small smile.

”I decided to join Starfleet because I didn’t know what else to do. I had come to a low point in my life, though honestly Starfleet was not my first choice. My mother went to the Academy and graduated as a counsellor. I had seen very little of her growing up, since she was always working or going to the Academy. Then, when she graduated, she just left. I never saw her again. I was 15.” Ekon shrugged then, giving Kythalie a smile. ”I enlisted in Starfleet because I didn’t know where else to go. Not a very noble motive for someone who’s served in the fleet so long, is it?” He chuckled shaking his head slightly. ”I initially enlisted in the Medical department. I was a Nurse for many years before I switched to Operations.” Ekon took a long sip from his cup before he continued. ”Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice. I have spent a lot of time lodged in Jefferies tubes since switching to Operations, and I’m not a small man.” He smiled at her then, expecting some teasing remark from the caramel skinned woman.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #45
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Oldie Quarters | USS Cayuga | 2378 ]

Kythalie smiled enthusiastically as she got Ekon's permission to look at the pictures. She cycled through them as he was gone for the drinks. Without him explaining them, they looked like important people in his life. She assumed the man standing with young Eboh would be his father. The next she assumed to be his mother and he drew a blank who the latina woman might be. Did she have any point of interest in his life that he hadn't told her about? She felt her stomach turn a little as she shook her head. The last picture she saw made her smile as she ran her fingertips over the picture before placing them down again on the place she found them.

As Eboh returned she smiled up at him and nodded slowly "Who were they?" she asked softly as she took the drink in her hands. After hearing his answer she continued with telling him about why she joined the fleet. After that it was Oldie's turn and she smiled as she sipped from her drink and listened to him while looking him in the eyes. She felt sorry and a bit sad for him as he told her his mother left him at fifteen. She was surprised that he had joined medical first before he switched to operations.

"Why did you switch to operations?" she asked softly "I mean, the teal would really accentuate your eyes well." she teased before she let him answer. "Did you ever hear or see your mother again?" she asked next, the tough questions coming up without Kythalie really holding back. She wasn't asking them aggressively though, yet her curious side truly did surface now as she inspecting him at each response he made. In the end she was grinning as she remarked "Well... Perhaps you should tell your supervisor that old people don't fit in tubes unless they're ready to be sent to the morgue."

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #46
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Personal Quarters | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Kythalie had asked who the people in the pictures were as Eboh had returned from getting the drinks. After handing her the mug and sitting on the bed, he gave her a considering look. ”Old ghosts.” Eboh informed her softly, giving her a sad smile. ”People who helped shape the person I am today.” He had no objection to her knowing who the people were, though felt like he’d put enough of a damper on the evening for the moment, and decided the past was best left in the past for the moment.

As they talked about joining Starfleet, the names of those people kept running through his head. Several of them had been Starfleet. When Kythalie asked him why he made the switch to operations, adding the teasing remark about teal setting off his eyes, Ekon chuckled softly as he considered his answer. Finally, he settled on the blunt truth. ”To be honest, I switched because I grew tired of seeing people injured and torn up.” He still spoke softly, his voice sounding as though his thoughts were distant. ”Working on the ship is nice. It doesn’t scream at you when it’s injured.” He added, giving her a weak smile to go with the rather dark comment. Kythalie asked if he’d ever seen his mother again. He laughed as she asked this, amused at how the conversation had turned from flirting to much more serious topics.

And personal.

Eboh rose to his feet and moved over to the shelf that held the photographs, laughing as he went as Kythalie made a remark about Old people, tubes and the morgue. ”If I told my supervisor that, he might just decide that my age qualified me for the morgue rather than active duty!” Eboh shot back, continuing the cheeky verbal jousting they had been carrying on. He shot her a sly glance over his shoulder, looking at the wild haired beauty sitting on his bed. ”Though they might as well use us Oldies in the Jefferies tubes, since they seem to be recruiting security officers from kindergartens.” He added in a chuckling manner, sticking his tongue out at her for good measure. Turning his attention back to the shelf, he retrieved the photographs and made his way back to the bed. The El-Aurian was well aware of the fact that the mood had shifted aware from a romantic evening, and so he saw no need to hold out hope for such things. The truth was, he was simply enjoying Kythalie’s company this evening, and he found himself willing to open up to her. Seating himself on the bed next to her once more, he raised his gaze from the stack of photographs and looked into the caramel skinned woman’s deep black eyes once more. ”You wanted to know who they were, well…”

Ekon looked down, pulling the photograph of the man and woman from the stack. ”This is my mother, Reala, and father. It may sound strange, but my mother never told me his name. He stayed behind to defend the El-Aurian home world from the Borg while my mother fled to the Federation. She refused to speak of him, always saying it was too painful. All I know is that he was Human. I was born after my mother was picked up by the Enterprise-B.” He glanced up at Kythalie before he continued. ”To answer your question from before, no. I never saw my mother again. I don’t even know if she is still alive, though I would imagine she is, being a full-blooded El-Aruian.” He turned his attention back to the photographs then, placing the one of his mother and father face-down on the mattress between them. Next he picked the one of him as a child. ”When I was three my mother married again. This is my step-father, Alexander Okotie-Eboh. He was a great man, very patient and kind. He taught me many things when I was a boy, and took care of me while my mother was out drinking and being foolish.” Ekon gently ran a hand over the photograph, feeling a happy affection for the Human man standing with his hands on the young Ekon’s shoulders. ”Alexander was in his 40s when this photograph was taken, so he has most likely passed by now. He and my mother were only married for 4 years before he divorced her. She had been running around on him, and he had had enough.” Ekon sighed as he stared at the photograph for a moment. ”He gave me a silver cross before he went. He was a very religious man, and he told me to wear it always, and to remember him. I have never taken it off since then.”

Ekon stopped speaking suddenly and looked up at Kythalie then, giving her a broad grin. ”I really do seem like an old man, now!” He laughed, shaking his head. ”Showing old photographs and talking about memories of the past. I might need that nursing home after all!” The big man’s shoulder’s shook as he laughed, realizing that he might well have just have earned Kythalie’s use of the nickname “Oldie”. ”Don’t you say anything! I don’t need your cheekiness to rub in how old I feel!” He added, laughing to the point of causing a single mirth-filled tear to roll down his cheek.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #47
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Oldie Quarters | USS Cayuga | 2378 ]

She noticed the sad smile on his face as she had asked about the pictures and as he simply answered her that they were old ghosts she smiled faintly as she wondered if this was the wrong time to ask questions like this. However as their conversation continued it seemed like the dark skinned man seemed to be open enough to talk about his history. Especially with her questions prying further into his past.

She could understand why he wanted to switch as medical would be nothing for her. Not that the sight of blood and all made her squeamish. It's just as he said that the pain, and sometimes the inability to prevent death would get more to her. She did meet her fair share of death and loss in her past though, though with medical it felt like it would be more of her job to prevent all that loss of life. As Security, she'd cause her fair share of injuries to those on the receiving end.

She did have a remark ready to be fired at him about the ship groaning when it was under duress. When the plating and the bulkheads would cringe at the pressure of the vastness of space. She let the idea slide as she did get the feeling that all of this was rather personal. He suddenly stood up though as he walked over to the photographs and took them over to her back on the bed.

She had laughed lightly at his remark about letting kindergartners in security and she shook her head, poking her tongue out as her only response to that. As he spoke up once more she smiled and nodded, surprised at how open he was with her. She didn't mind, she felt honored really. She scooted closer as she rested her head against his shoulder. Her hands slowly holding his arm as if to support him as he cycled through the pictures. It felt like the right thing to do, regardless of what was to come.

Kythalie remained silent throughout his telling about his mother, how she left him and about his step father and his role in Ekon's life. It was a very laden and hard topic it seemed as she could feel his emotions scream through the room. She moistened her lips lightly as he stopped talking, admitting that he actually felt old now. She refrained as he asked to give a cheeky reply to him and she nodded slowly, silently as she studied him.

She noticed the single tear running down his cheek and she brought her hand up to wipe it away, her soft fingers running against his face as she turned his head back to hers. She looked into his eyes with her big black orbs. "Sorry, I made you remember all these things..." she whispered "Thank you for sharing them with me though..." she admitted with a faint smile. Slowly she kissed his cheek and cuddled his arm before she looked back at the pictures, there were still some left and she was still curious, though she wouldn't blame him if he wanted to stop here and just retire for the night.

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #48
[ PO1 Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Personal Quarters | USS Cayuga | 2378 ] @Nolan

Ekon turned his gaze to Kythalie as she reached up and stroked his face, wiping away the single tear that had rolled down his cheek. He felt the soft skin of her hand against his cheek, and found himself staring into her black gaze once again. The reflection of the room’s lights glinted in the vast blackness of her eyes, making it seem as though she held the stars in her gaze.
and smiled as she apologized for making him remember these people. The smile was warm, kind and without sadness. ”There’s no need to apologize, Kythalie. If I did not want to remember these things, these people, then I would not keep their photographs.” His smile broadened as Kythalie kissed his cheek and snuggled into his arm. He looked down at her and saw that she was looking at the remaining two pictures. He could tell she wanted to know about the other two, despite the fact that she remained silent. Ekon gently placed the picture her still held down on top of the first, then lifted the next in the pile. The picture was that of the dreadlocked woman. Her skin was darker than Kythalie’s, though not as dark as Eboh’s. She wore a red, yellow and green headband that kept her dreads out of her face, an orange tank top and a pair of jeans with the legs rolled up to mid-calf. Her left arm was crossover her chest, her hand resting on her right shoulder, the ring finger of which sported a small diamond ring. Her toothy smile was broad and warm, radiating happiness.

”Her name was Cassandra. She was a Human, born in Jamaica, and an archeologist. In 2343, after I had served in Starfleet for about 17 years, I decided to leave the Fleet and try out life as a civilian. That is when I met Cass. We got married two years later. We travelled all over the Alpha Quadrant for her work.” He smiled at the photograph, as he did every time he looked at it. ”We’d been married about 9 years, and were heading back to Earth to take a break from all of the travel. Our ship was attacked by raiders. Klingons.” Ekon sighed softly, his breath escaping through his nose. ”Our ship managed to escape, though I was badly wounded and don’t remember much. Cassandra died in the attack.” He placed the photograph down gently on top of the other two and looked at Kythalie. ”I drifted around for a few years before I re-enlisted in Starfleet. I did not know what else to do with myself. I’ve been in the Fleet ever since.” He gave a shrug, watched the woman who sat next to him as a hint of mischief crept into his eyes. ”I believe this is a good opportunity for you to make a comment about old dogs and new tricks.” He shifted his weight, leaning against Kythalie as he teased her.

Finally, Ekon lifted the last photograph. It showed the Latina woman with the bright eyes and cheeky grin. Her curly dark hair was down, flowing over her shoulders and back. She wore a gold Starfleet uniform with an Ensign’s rank on the collar, and had her arms cross under her chest. He expression suggested she had just said something teasing to the photographer, who was presumably Eboh. ”This is Teresa Vasquez. She was an engineer I met while serving aboard the Hiroshima just before the war. We kept out relationship a secret, as we thought it might be seen as inappropriate for an officer to be romantically involved with a Petty Officer. Our relationship came to light a few years later when I was nearly killed by a Jem’Hadar boarding party. A medical orderly and I had been carrying a wounded crewman to sickbay when we came across three Jem’Hadar. The orderly was killed, but I managed to get myself and the wounded crewman into a room off the corridor. Three Jem’Hadar came after us. I managed to put two down, but the third came at my from behind and stabbed me through the abdomen with a large knife. I still have the scars on my stomach and back form it.” Ekon chuckled then, the sound seeming to come at an odd time given the story he was relating. ”I was out for 2 days. When I came to, the Doctor informed me that Teresa had been somewhat hysterical, and that our relationship had come to light. Apparently everyone had already known anyway.” Ekon chuckled again, turning an amused gaze to Kythalie. ”I’ve been told that I’m not very good at keeping things hidden. I would make a terrible spy.” He informed her with a wink before turning his attention back to the photograph. ”Teresa died a few months after that. We were on an away mission to try and help a disabled Starfleet vessel. A Cardassian vessel attacked, and they sent boarding parties to try and prevent us from helping the disabled ship. One of those boarding parties got the drop on us, and Teresa was killed.” Ekon stared silently at the picture he held for a moment before he continued. ”I don’t remember much of what happened next. I was told later that I went crazy. Apparently I killed a couple of the Cardassians with a phaser before I got shot in the arm, then I killed one with my bare hands. The rest of the away team had to drag me off of him.” Ekon’s voice had grown a bit quiet as he spoke the last confession. The El-Aurian had set down the photograph on the pile and sat staring down at his hands, which now rested on his lap. ”It is not something I am particularly proud of…”

After a moment Ekon seemed to shake himself out of the funk, turning his attention back to the woman stiing beisde him. "So there you have it. Plenty of sad history form a silly Oldie who had well and truely ruined the mood of the evening!" Ekon laughed as he spoke, raising a hand to pat Kythalie's which still cuddled his arm. "I don't think I've ever told anyone this much about myself. You seem to have a disarming effect on me, Kythalie," Ekon gave the Betazoid a wink as he added, "you must be an excellent interrogator!"

Re: 2378/USS Cayuga: New Friends and Fresh Starts

Reply #49
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Oldie Quarters | USS Cayuga | 2378 ]

He told her to not apologize for bringing up the memories and she nodded with a smile, a faint on still as he smiled broader himself. Kythalie remained close to Ekon as he brought a new picture on top of the pile. Her eyes moving over the woman as she got the feeling she was a rather important person in his. All of them would have played a real role in his life if he chose to take pictures of them along.

She listened to the tale of Cassandra, feeling herself shift in the bed as he spoke so easily of death and loss. The man next to her having to live through the worst time of one's life as the loss of a loved one was always an unbearable loss. She wasn't sure how she needed to respond to all the information about Cassandra being dead and how he had picked up the pieces of his life again to move on. She didn't notice the mischief in his eyes and as he leaned against her to make a comment about old dogs and new tricks she smiled even fainter then before "No, that wouldn't be right in it's place here..." she said with a soft voice before she looked back up at Ekon.

The final picture surfaced now as it showed the Latina woman who wore a Starfleet uniform. Again the tale began of love and how they were dating in secrecy. Though it seemed like Ekon was bad at keeping secrets, most of all... He was bad at staying safe. He spoke of the Jem'Hadar assaulting the Hiroshima. Kythalie looking up at him as he spoke, sorrow coming to her features as she heard about Teresa was killed during an away mission by Cardassians. He spoke of his uncontrollable rage after that, how he had killed two Cardies and went with just physical force to get the last. It made her wonder about the assault charge that had gotten him expelled from the Academy. Was it a similar kind of case?

''Sad story being an understatement..." she answered him as she looked up at him and gave him a hug "I didn't think a person should have that much sorrow and sadness in his life. It's... Cruel really..." Kythalie felt his hand on hers as he patted it and as he spoke of her having a disarming effect on him she smiled more warmly. "I'm an okay interrogator.." she admitted before she rested her head against his shoulder "I'm sorry for everything you had to go through... Though, I guess it formed you to the man you are now." she whispered as she looked back up at him and simply rested her figure against his.

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