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CH02: S [Time Unknown] Entering Manhood

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Time Unknown ] Entering Manhood

[ Nurse Hylota Vojona | Holding Cell | Unknown Deck | Unknown Ship ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Hylota felt so strange, her body felt tense and hot, like she was in heat once more, but she did not feel the same odd craving to be filled, her body instead just felt warm and an odd tingling tenseness that was almost throbbing. Hylota tried to think about what had happened, she did not know what had gotten her to this point, but as she stretched and strained her body she let out a groan and then a startled gasp as she felt a movement she had never felt or known before. Hylota sat bolt upright in an instant as she stared down her body at what had moved and when she found herself looking straight down at her new throbbing cock.

The bulbous Ovri penis that Hylota now possessed was truly a shock, it felt so sensitive and warm, she could feel every pulse of blood surging through the prehensile length, it was such a bizarre feeling as she just focused on her new cock, tensing the new muscles and watching as her length moved and tensed, each segment shrinking or expanding as Hylota played with the muscle control, making the head of the cock point in every which direction before standing straight up as Hylota began to pant and let out lustful croaks, it was far more arousing than she had anticipated to play with herself like wonder the males were so good at sex. If it felt this good to play with herself she would have spent hours practicing how to use her new member, but she had to focus, she could do that at another time, for now she had to focus.

Closing her eyes Hylota began to think, trying to focus on anything other than her new cock as she reached up to rub her temples, focusing her mind. As she tried to think Hylota noticed the slightly sweet taste in her mouth, the best she could figure was in the process of changing her pheromones had likely been thrown out of sorts and she probably not as potent as a female in heat, but she could get someone pretty aroused with a kiss. Clenching her eyes more tightly shut Hylota pressed on her temples firmly, she needed to put such thoughts out of mind, she needed to think about what was going on, what had happened to her, and where she was now, she had to think!

She remembered...she remembered rage, fear, horror...she remembered watching...she remembered seeing Maal as he was burned away before her eyes, she had been helpless to save him, but then she heard Doctor Nicander call for her brother, she felt a tension in her chest as the fear for her brother returned, but that situation had  been subdued, she had taken down Cobb, she had not gotten to kill him as she had wanted, but there had been a panic, something had happened to Nicander, but after that she remembered pairing up with her brother only for things to go blank. Opening her eyes once more Hylota looked around the room she was in, it looked rather spartan and stripped down, she could not even see a door out, so it seemed she was prisoner here. Letting out a sigh Hylota stood up and shuddered as her cock throbbed, pre dripping off the tip as the lubricated length glistened between her legs, almost begging to be touched as Hylota fought back the urge to pleasure herself,  she needed to...needed...needed to focus. Hylota croaked lustfully once more as she began to look around the chamber, hoping to find anything that would lead to an escape.

In that instant Hylota felt the familiar sensation of beaming, she looked around suddenly before she was locked in place as she was beamed away, her body transported to a different part of the ship for testing as she was let out in an observation room, returning to her sudden motions as her mobility returned as she finished being beamed into a new chamber. Going still Hylota assumed a different stance, standing to try and conceal her throbbing cock as she looked slowly around the room to try and figure out what was going on now.


Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 5 | 2100 hrs. ] Entering Manhood

Reply #1
[ Nonary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull ]

A second transport was made, and another bare form appeared inside the observation chamber.

Devyrie Okhala was on all four, having been transported before she could get on her feet. She was still disoriented, not sure what was happening. Her memories were scattered after she first woke up. She had been covered in gel, hanging in restraints in some kind of advanced laboratory. There were voices. Voices of the captors, talking about a Correction program. How it might be terminated. That all specimens might be Recycled. That last word, Recycled, it resounded with her, as if she should know what it meant. Next, there was some kind of commotion, but eventually, they had begun the procedure. Something about her cranial ridges still here, and then, they had sedated her. The last thing she saw were medical instruments and the alien captors standing around her. Surgery, she had realised, and then she was lost in oblivion.

The next time she had woken up, she had been in a cell, but she had yet to take a step in any direction, just lying there on the barren floor in her gown, stroking her flat forehead, crying. She had chosen to become Romulan, yet the captors had ignored her. She lay there, thinking about her papa Aurum, and trying to find courage in his lectures. It was hard, when being half of what you once were.

There was no way of telling if minutes or hours passed before she'd been transported off the floor, but when she appeared in the new room, she was not alone, and she was not wearing her gown any more. Her body still gleamed with gel from the pod, and she felt too weak to move. In confusion, she looked at the other figure in the room. It was... an imposing, male figure. Was it a naked captor? Why did it have colour to its skin?

A voice was heard on the intercom, the words reverberating in the deck below Devyrie's knees and hands. It sounded feminine in tone, as far as Dev could tell. [Greetings specimens of Ovri and Human variety, my name is Sclergyn and I will be overseeing this study. Specimen Seven-Three-One, please stand by for inoculation.]

A large hatch opened in the ceiling, and a cannon-like machine lowered and took aim against Devyrie. There was hardly any time to react at all, but she tried to get up, to get out of its sights. She whimpered in fear, stumbling as she tried to use legs she'd never stood on before. Yet any movements she managed to make were tracked. It fired, and Devyrie was hit in her back. She cried out in pain and fell to the deck plating. Eyes wide, panting where she lay like a frightened animal, she could feel a burning sensation spread through her.

[The study will hereby commence, as you have both been inoculated with a bremelanotide aphrodisiac to expedite coitus.] The voice of the female Savi spoke, sounding completely indifferent to Devyrie's plight, sounding sinister in her politeness. The words even sounded rehearsed, as if she was speaking from a transcript. This was not the first time they did this to people. [As you might have guessed, this study is meant to document the progression of Ovri mating post genitalia correction. The sooner you begin to mate, the sooner the study will be over. If you require nutrition, it will be provided, and if you need to urinate or defecate, it will be arranged for as well. The important thing to remember is that failure to comply will constitute unpleasant consequences, so it is better to fully comply with the process of the study. Please begin now.]

Shaking, Devyrie looked over her shoulder, at the second figure, and she saw the state of the humanoid's arousal. Her eyes grew wider, and despite how warm she felt, she began to shake her head. "No, no, no..." she whimpered, voice thick as she tried to crawl away from the second occupant in the chamber.

But already, her body was responding to the inoculation, and as her fear slowly dissipated, she was thinking. Yes, yes, yes...

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2100 hrs. ] Entering Manhood

Reply #2
[ Nurse Hylota Vojona | Nonary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

         As Hylota caught the sound of breathing behind her she turned to face the woman sharing her cell, her cock throbbing as she looked at Devyrie, she did love the smooth curvy figure that women had among the mammalian races, granted she did not care for their exposed genitalia, especially mammalian cocks with their testicles hanging out it the open, it was just biologically something she did not find appealing. Vaginas on the other hand were not as bad, sure the clit was a bit weird, but being right front and center with the opening to the vaginal canal was rather enjoyable, and now with a cock throbbing between her thighs Hylota was feeling much more attracted.

As the Savi spoke of the experiment and then inoculated Devyrie with an aphrodisiac, Hylota was already aroused to a point where her more base instincts were coming into play. Unlike most races the effects of pheromones enhancing and initiating the sexual encounter was the norm, and their bodies had adapted to acting while under such high levels of stimulation. Licking her lips Hylota wanted to give herself a coating of her pheromone laced saliva to give her an arousing aura so to speak, but remembering the changes to her saliva as her genitalia changed, Hylota reminded herself to refrain from wasting what remaining pheromones she had, she needed to save it for a kiss. So Hylota did as the females of the Ovri did and she moved in to assert command over the situation and to relieve her mounting sexual desire.

An Ovri female was  dominant, strong and would protect their mate or the time they shared, and Hylota's mind worked around this lustful through as she approached the crawling Devyrie. "That inoculation is not going to go away, it is just going to spread a burning desire through your body until you cannot resist any advance." Hylota knelt down beside Devyrie and gently rubbed along her back before sitting her up. "I can offer an alternative however, I can help ease you into the pleasure, help you relish the sensations, show you the pleasure you deserve." Hylota was careful, waiting until Devyrie opened her mouth before pushing in quickly to steal a kiss. A female Ovri did not need to wait, her partner was ready when she was. As Hylota pushed her tongue into Devyrie's mouth the sweet taste quickly filled her mouth, mixing in as a new lust began to spread through her body as Hylota seized command of the situation. The entire time Hylota's cock throbbed needily, twitching and flexing in random directions as Hylota tried to get control of her new prehensile member, the natural lubricant along the length making the cool air all the more noticeable as it encouraged Hylota to put her new member to use.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 5 | 2100 hrs. ] Entering Manhood

Reply #3
[ Devyrie Okhala | Nonary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull ]
As the burning sensation spread through her, this inoculation that the captors had given her, Devyrie whimpered helplessly. Papa, I'm scared... she wanted to say, but she still struggled for breath in her fear.

The touch of a four-fingered hand on her back gave her a start, but not only just in terror of proximity. No, the sensitivity of her skin made her gasp when feeling the Ovri stroking her back. The Ovri - having looked obviously male to her - had spoken, tried to tell her about the futility of her situation. It was not what she wanted to hear, but she felt too weak to say anything. That burning sensation had spread to her nethers, and she was shaking by the time the Ovri man helped her sit upright. Then, he did try to console her, offering her some kind of alternative. She could hardly form coherent thoughts any more, her green eyes meeting those large, black eyes above her, her breath shallow through her pursed lips. She told herself her mind had no wish to relish any of this, despite what her body wanted. "H-How...?"

And as if she was attacked, the alien slanted his lips over hers, and she felt something large and slick enter her mouth - hitting the back of her throat. Her eyes sprung wide, and she tried to get away at first. She made a gagging sound against the Ovri tongue, her objection rendered into an animal mewl. Then, she felt it, the full impact of the Ovri's kiss making her eyes roll back in her head - eyelids fluttering close. She melted into his embrace - mind laid to waste. Resistance and fear both bleeding out of her, only something primal and wanton filling her instead.

When she opened her eyes, they were hooded with a deep need, and she began to answer that kiss of the Ovri - gently starting to suck on that tongue as if she was preforming a fellatio. The taste was so good, and she couldn't have enough of it. She shifted closer to the male in his embrace, and then she felt it against her bare abdomen and the underside of her breasts. That large, prehensile phallus of his, its secretions mixing with the residual gel on her skin.

She made a low sound, deep down in her throat, and raised her hands from where they had hung at her sides. She grabbed that twitching, hard thing with her right hand, and ran the other behind the other prisoner's neck. She no longer thought of Aurum, or how weak she was as a mere human. She didn't even feel like a victim any more. She was so sensitive, all over, and she just wanted the itch in her entire body scratched, and the Ovri male was an impressive scratching pole. She would speak, urge him on, but she was not prepared to stop sucking that tongue just yet.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2100 hrs. ] Entering Manhood

Reply #4
[ Nurse Hylota Vojona | Nonary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Hylota felt the change in the mood as soon as Devyrie started to suck on her tongue, the feeling was the same as ever, but Hylota was able to remain focused...for the most part, Hylota knew her tongue would lose the attractive taste before too long, as her body had changed she could imagine so had her abilities, so to prevent a situation here Devyrie suffocated herself by sucking Hylota's tongue in pursuit of my of the pheromone mix, Hylota would have to take charge of the situation, of course as she was this was still the easiest solution. So after a few seconds Hylota pulled her tongue back and broke the kiss as she began to rub her hands along Devyrie's body, massaging her shoulders as Hylota eased Devyrie back to the floor before gently moving to begin massaging Devyrie's bosom, gently squeezing and kneading the breasts, her large thumb rubbing around the areola of Devyrie's nipple and flicking the nipple as Hylota smiled down at her breeding partner.

It was true that Hylota was likely thinking much more clearly than Devyrie, but her focuses were exclusively on pleasure, on breeding and asserting her dominance, her instinctual drive in full swing as she licked her lips looking down at Devyrie. "There you go, all better, now you are ready for what I have yo offer, now you can enjoy the pleasure that I can give you. No more fighting, no more struggling, just let your body enjoy what it wants." Hylota chirped happily as she began to take a deep breath and started to swell up her throat as she began to make her own assertive mating call...mostly to compensate as she tried to work out using her new cock.

Embarrassingly Hylota's new cock was swaying and twitching about in all manner of direction, her ability to control it not anywhere near focused enough to do the things her brother could have done, the most she would be able to do would be twitching and wiggling once she got it inside Devyrie. Thankfully Hylota was able to get the hang of aiming her cock and was able to line it up with Devyrie's slit, the tip of the alien member slick and firm as it lined up, it did not take more than a moment for Hylota to get into the heat of the moment. She thrust forward, pushing her cock deep into Devyrie's pussy, the slick member pushing in with ease as Hylota croaked happily, her new cock felt o good, the new nerves sending a strange, but highly pleasurable waves of pleasure through her, it made Hylota lose focus as her cock twitched and wiggled inside of Devyrie for a movement before Hylota began to thrust, the movement's rhythmic as she thrust forward quickly, an then wiggled her cock as she pulled back out at a slower rate, savoring the feeling of her new cock.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 5 | 2100 hrs. ] Entering Manhood

Reply #5
[ Devyrie Okhala | Nonary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull ]
It was not without a sense of loss that Devyrie felt the Ovri tongue vacate her mouth. Since she could breathe freely again, she gasped lightly and panted, leaning forward as if to try and catch it again. Yet the Ovri spoke, the meaning of the words all but lost to her. She just wanted more. Why was she being denied what she wanted?

Though when she was gently laid down on the deck plating, she knew what was to come, and she anticipated it with great need. Hurry, she wanted to shout, but she wasn't sure she'd get the sound right. When on her back, she couldn't hold on to the swaying and twitching phallus any more, but she had her hands free to touch herself - looking up at the alien with slitted eyes. The Ovri lay his hands on her too, tracing curves and cupping her breasts when she didn't. She moaned hard at its touch, sensitive as every single pore of her skin had become. With the cocktail of pheromones and aphrodisiacs in her system, she couldn't help but start fingering herself - knowing instinctively what was to come. Even if she lacked her Romulan heritage, her full human body was more than understanding when it came to mating. She was already wet, even though the situation was nothing to be aroused about. Not when it hadn't been consensual from her to begin with.

Her eyes did widen, however, when the Ovri let out its mating call - fearing the sight when that throat swelled up above her.

It was a profound reminder that this was not something she'd chosen. Was she about to let a monster mate with her? With the sudden rush of adrenaline, she began to whimper, looking at that impossibly large male organ with its sectioned shaft - twitching and swaying in search for entry. That couldn't possibly fit inside her. "No..." she whispered, even if her body betrayed her. She spread her legs a bit wider, even if she wanted to try and get away. No, no, no, no...

She was just about to turn over and crawl out from under the Ovri when it made contact - slathering its secretions against her sex. Her eyes fluttered shut at the mere premonition of what was to come - the barest touch making her melt against the deck. Even though she thought it would hurt, she couldn't make herself refuse the monster. "Please, please, don-"

Then, she felt it squirming inside her, pushing hard and never stopping. Eyes wide, she cried out, skewered by the twitching organ, which only stopped because it hit the back wall. She cried out a second time, fingers digging into the forearms of the Ovri. As slick as it was, warm and... It was just too big. She had never had someone remotely as large inside her, not very experienced as she was. Because of Papa's paranoid teachings, she had difficulties letting people close. It hurt because she was stretched around the girth, but oh... her warped mind and body quickly began to accommodate for the sensation. She could feel it wriggling whilst it was sheathed inside her, and she let out a third cry, lower now, and it ended in a deep moan of satisfaction.

The rhythmic thrusts began, the sectioned shaft sawing into her, and by then, Devyrie was reduced to primal mewls of pleasure - her fear and regrets dissipating from her mind. Instead, she began to undulate her hips in answer, bucking against the Ovri, and she cupped her breasts in want for hands on her body. "Please, oh, yes... Please... "

She arched her back against the deck plating and grinned in madness, her white Alpha Centauri locks dancing with each motion.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2100 hrs. ] Entering Manhood

Reply #6
[ Nurse Hylota Vojona | Nonary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          By the time Devyrie began to attempt to protest what was happening, Hylota was already losing the focus of her mind, the only thing that seemed to maintain any level of focus was the desire to fuck, her cock throbbing as it pushed into the newly minted human woman. The natural lubricant of the amphibian cock making it easier for it to work its way in and as instinct took over and Hylota stopped trying to work the muscles consciously the cock began to work much more smoothly, flexing and sliding into Devyrie with natural ease, the segments softening and deflating in sequence to allow them smoother movement before beginning to inflate once more as Hylota began to pull back, giving the most stimulation possible as Hylota acted on pure instinct, the mounting hormonal and pheromone levels within Hylota had fully taken over her mind, she was no longer in command as she allowed her body to do as it saw fit, losing control like she had never done before.

Hylota usually was in control of herself when she had been in her heat, she had been able to think clearly enough to seek isolation when needed, capable of working on a certain level of arousal, but this, this was far more primal. It certainly hearkened back to an older age for the Ovri. Unlike so many other races the Ovri were not the apex race, there were several species that had evolved with the consumption of Ovri in mind, as such those who were more driven to reproduce had maintained survival, their strong communities keeping away predators and ensuring the survival of the race. In truth the Ovri heat was considerably more manageable than something like a Vulcan Pon farr.

Of course Hylota was not thinking about such things, in fact she was not really all there, her mind was not her own, the stimulation that ran through her mind made it all feel like a distant dream, she was not aware of what her body was doing, all she knew was that there was a new pleasure that she was feeling and she just wanted to enjoy it. With Devyrie she could see every movement, the strong Ovri figure taking a firm hold of her as they thrust their powerful cock in and out of her pussy, but the sensations felt so much more extreme, the movements of the alien prehensile cock giving so much more stimulation and a variety of sensations, from the smooth sliding of the lubricated member, to the tight tingling of the expanded cock as it withdrew, each movement brought a wave of pleasure to her drugged body, the two of them locked in a sexual dance that neither had wanted to take part in.

Hylota did not know much of what was going on, but eventually her body began to get more than it could handle, as she climaxed into Devyrie the thick cum that should have emerged ended up being thinner and closer to what the woman would expect, as Hylota's body had not yet fully adapted and the new testicles had only just begun to function. As Hylota's body rode out the climax, it just proved to be too much for Hylota to manage and she quickly found the world blinking out as her mind lost focus and Hylota collapsed on top of Devyrie, her new cock flexing and wiggling inside of the human as Hylota passed out.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 5 | 2100 hrs. ] Entering Manhood

Reply #7
[ Devyrie Okhala | Nonary Observation Pen | Main Research Hull ] Attn: @Zenozine
Reduced to primal instincts, Devyrie Okhala was happily at the mercy of the monster that had claimed her. Whatever discomfort she had felt, whatever fears that had made her want to escape, it all vanished in the building rhythm.

The intensity of what she experienced made her cling to the Ovri as best as she might, gasping and moaning whilst the pheromones and aphrodisiacs kept her pliant and gratified. The way the phallus expanded when it withdrew, and the lubricated ridges of its length, it was driving her towards the inevitable climax. She was already close, even before it began, and her mind was soon laid to waste by the first rush of euphoria. It came well before the Ovri showed any signs of slowing down, and she cried out, her whole pelvis quaking in response to the male organ inside her. Her green eyes rolled in their sockets, and she groaned hard when the rush slowly abated.

Yet no more had the first orgasm hit her before a second one came crashing through her, right at the heels of the first one. Once more, she clung to the Ovri on top of her, and she cried out - a call so inadequate in detailing her reaction. She had already lost her mind, nothing coherent remaining - only animal reactions to what had beset her. She clenched down hard on the Ovri again, but even as she did, her happenstance lover was not slowing down. As sensitive as she had become by then, the over-stimulation of the Ovri's thrusting drove her towards a third orgasm before the second one had even abated.

With three consecutive climaxes, Devyrie was loosing consciousness as well, her throat ragged by the cries of pleasure. Had she been able to, she would have begged the Ovri to stop, since she couldn't take any more. Yet the words failed her, struggling as she was to even breathe enough to stay conscious.

Then, the Ovri spent himself inside her, and she felt the warm, liquid feeling. She heard him react as well, felt his girth tensing and the pace become harder. Even if she had thought she'd gotten enough, the molten feeling of warmth inside her made her twitch in response.... and she came a fourth time. She was helplessly at the mercy of her body, and it was just too much to endure. While her nether were flooded with alien semen, her eyes fluttered shut. In the aftermath of that fourth rush, and she too - like the Ovri - passed out.

Even in their unconscious state, twitches of post-coitus tremors presided in the observation chamber.

On the other side of the bulkhead, however....

[ Sclergyn qi Versant | Adjacent Biolab | Main Research Hull | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Masorin

Sclergyn was analysing the feed on the sensors even after the two specimens ceased to fornicate. "<Keep scanning.>"

The Ovri had always been a intriguing subject of discussion amongst Savi xenobiologists. Evidently, based on residual data from before the last Cataclysm, the Archive suggested that they had inadvertently uplifted the Ovri. Quite late, however, since by the time the Ovri collected specimens, they were already at a point where they could travel to their own moon. Judging by the residual data, the survey of Qworthrik - the Ovri's home planet - and the tests preformed on the specimens had been disastrous. The Ovri specimens had managed to escape their confinement on the Savi ship, alerted their military, and actually had their survey ship destroyed. How, it remained unknown.

Since then, surveys had only been made from a distance over the centuries that passed. The Archive's documentation revealed as much, and a ban on foraging the Ovri close to their colonies still remained since the incident. What little had been surveyed from afar and added to the Archive had been inconclusive, but findings suggested that the destroyed Savi ship over Qworthrik had been stripped of equipment as well. Evidently, the Ovri had used Savi Resequencing to alter their species, at the cost of millions of Ovri that didn't survive. How it transpired was uncertain, and the plummet of life-signs had been the subject of debate amonst the Savi, but the conclusion had been that the alteration was done merely for the sake of advancement of their race. Sclergyn couldn't help but think of the Scion Directive when she uncovered that data. She was not quite sure about her feelings about it, being an Antes...

However, when the forage of the Theurgy had discovered two Ovri life-signs aboard the ship, the decision had been made to collect them. The ban only applied to space around Ovri colonies, after all. Sclergyn had never thought she'd have the opportunity to restore the Ovri catalogue in their Archive, but already, she had made discoveries that would be shared far and wide in the Flotilla's network.

The Ovri genome, bared before Sclergyn's eyes on her datapad, confirmed that alterations had been made to better inhabit more environments than the waters of their home planet. Alterations which had obviously been done by technology that could only have been Savi. What was truly ground-breaking - as far as the studies of the two present specimens had gone - were the similarities between the Ovri and the Savi. Not just in name - linguistic traits being fickle enough - but in manner of appearance. Of course, the differences were more obvious than the similarities, but their eyes... They were not that different from their own.

Of course, there seemed to have been a problem with their physiology, in how the genitalia did not match their bodies. It remained unknown if this was an alteration made by themselves - using stolen Savi technology - or if it was a natural quirk that deviated from the design of the Progenitors. The decision had been made to make a Correction, of course.

"<Personal notation,>" said Sclergyn as she walked over to the other bulkhead, watching the amputated specimen putting the Corrected genitalia of the second Ovri to the test, "<The Ovri appear to be more exotic and primitive Savi. The secretions of their skin differing in chemical contents and pheromone levels compared to our own. The explanation can only be theorised, but I wish to reference the Old Records, Segment 734, File ABK49. While the data is corrupt, having survived an unknown number of Cataclysms, I theorise that perhaps the Savi saved the Ovri from extinction during their Bronze Age. This, as the Old Records say, by stopping 'an asteroid that almost hit a planet'. What if that planet was Qworthrik? Obviously, I ask, to what purpose would we do this? We do not make such efforts in any research field of today. Did we have an interest in preserving them? Why?>" 

I wonder, was there an even older encounter between our species, lost completely from the Archive?

"<So far, tests have yielded little, but I can't help but to think that there is more to the similarities between Savi and Ovri than we expected.>" Sclergyn realised she ought to do something with the two specimens that had been rendered unconscious, and turned her head to look at the orderlies in her biolab. "<Begin medical examination, then have the human specimen transported to the Observation Pen, joining the others. Keep her under observation, however, in the case she has been impregnated. As for the Ovri, let it rest and have the aphrodisiacs wear off, then have it join the others too. Save all data and sanitise the chamber when you are done.>"

Then, Sclergyn resumed to look at the human and the Ovri in the second chamber, wondering if she would be the one to solve the Ovri mystery. The prospect humbled her, but at the same time, she thought there was no one more qualified.

"<What do we do with the egg?>" asked one of the orderlies behind her.

"<Keep it. I have more tests to run.>"


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