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Topic: Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH02 Vantage Points (Read 23571 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #76
That makes sense. And while we may think of First Contact, for me, I also think of that one DS9 Season 7 episode which has a projectile weapon, which has a key role in the episode (where Ezri Dax is solving a murder).

And it makes sense for the Borg to fall to phasers in first encounters now that I think about it. Perhaps with constant modulation, the phasers would keep bringing them down.

However, that's just in the event of a boarding party. I can imagine the Wolves softening up a Cube in the likelihood of meeting one, or just helping on fire. The Wolves certainly can be fast enough to dodge the Borg's fire. :)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #77
I always wondered why no one ever tried a type of EMP against the borg.  It shuts down electronics.  If the borg is still able to function after that, it loses the hive mind, much of its adaptability, shields, etc.  The only way for the borg to adapt to such a thing is to be scanning it from outside range but for quite a while going in, all they would know is that groups of drones are suddenly "offline" with no explanation why.  As Voyager showed... borg adapt, but they don't innovate.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #78
You are quite right. If there is an EMP reference in the shows, I can't recall it. Then again...

Although force fields had been in use for many years, Starfleet did not begin research on such a device until around 2147, then referred to by Malcolm Reed as a "stable EM barrier." By about 2152, Starfleet hadn't found a method of controlling the particle density of the field. Reed nonetheless made use of such a barrier to save several crew members, including Jonathan Archer.

A common jamming signal or EMP pulse might just be exactly what they would be able to adapt their own forcefield to. That doesn't say it might work for a couple of times too, just like phasers.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

I always wondered why no one ever tried a type of EMP against the borg.  It shuts down electronics.  If the borg is still able to function after that, it loses the hive mind, much of its adaptability, shields, etc.  The only way for the borg to adapt to such a thing is to be scanning it from outside range but for quite a while going in, all they would know is that groups of drones are suddenly "offline" with no explanation why.  As Voyager showed... borg adapt, but they don't innovate.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #79
With regards to EMPs, they work, in a physics sense, on the principle that electronic components act as an antenna for a shit-ton of EM energy; that means anything that relies on electricity as we know it would be susceptible, from power lines to the wiring harness in our computers. 

Now, I don't know what the Borg run on, but let's thing about Trek universe right quick. Starships are routinely exposed to all sorts of massive EM phenomenon on a regular basis.  Hell, just every time a console blows, if it was relying on "conventional" electronics, it would generate an EMP of its own.  And that's before we talk about ships going into and coming out of warp with its attendant radiation bursts, exploding plasma- and anti-matter based ordnance, breaching warp cores, stellar phenomenon... Hell, the Voyager opening credits show her flying through the loop of a solar flare, where the EM output would be off the charts. 

And yet, starship electronics don't short out.  Either through component shielding, or getting away from using the power transmission media that is non-magnetic, they're protected, somehow. 

Now, the Borg have assimilated countless kinds of technology, so an EM-based attack might just make them go "Ah, how quaint". 

Now, if we were talking about subspace-based EMP attacks that would interfere with their neural linkage?  I think now we'd be cooking with gas.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #80
@Doc M. the time in Charades is currently 2300 on Day 05.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #81
Ah yes, I see where I got confused now. 

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #82
We have some new development!

Chapter 04: Charades

So Nicander didn't get his adrenaline shot, so he could only say so much to the bridge about what they are dealing with. The Lone Wolves that launched are to link up their sensor suites to the Sword, pooling the data and with their vantage points getting a better chance to triangulate any findings. Only problem is... there is a vessel approaching!

Here is the bridge crew, and the response time of 7 days begins today: [Show/Hide]
Here are the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron, and the response time of 7 days begins when @Nolan posts with Thomas Ravon & Ens. Henshaw for those on reconnaissance: [Show/Hide]
Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office: Here, Nicander has passed out, and either the patient stays where he is, or he is moved to the Brig. The ranking Security Officer is Vader Ridun, but there is the health of the patient to consider, and the current mission: [Show/Hide]
Please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which is the present time. These five hours are, of course, now available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day XX | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title.

@Doc M. suggested something excellent in planning for Supplemental threads for the 5 hour window, but also, keep in mind that there was an even bigger window between Day 03 1500 hrs. where they fought the Savi and the start of Chapter 04: Charades on Day 05. Ample of opportunity for more Supplemental threads so don't feel locked up by the progression of the main story! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #83
I discovered something in the title for this thread:

Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

This has to be meant to be Day 05, right? Same day as Charades unfolds? Otherwise, Rawley can't be present, since she was in stasis. I am assuming that it was meant to be Day 05 and making an edit, but let me know if this was supposed to be the day before Charades.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #84
I saw some time-tags in a few of the latest posts that said the time was 1500 hrs., so just to be on the safe side, I want to clarify the time progression in Charades. Here is the latest log from Okafor, to set the record straight. :)

“Personal Log, Supplemental. Stardate 57555.12. Time seem to dilate when death is imminent, and I have to remind myself how we got into this situation.

At 1500 hrs.
today, we encountered the Runabout Niger, and after the initial altercation, where Commander Ducote and his people ended up in the Brig, the shuttle's crew was willing to work with our staff once the parasitic threat was revealed to them. With an infested aboard, we could provide enough evidence to put most grievances aside, and at 1800 hrs., the decision was made to investigate where the Borg cube that attacked the USS Endeavour came from.

The time is now 2300 hrs., and in the last five hours, after finishing their duties, the crew on the Sword have taken their time to sort out personal matters. The unsaid, the unheard truth... is that we all expect the worst. The Borg is like no other enemy the Federation has faced, different from the usurpers in Starfleet Command. While the latter is insidious and calculating, seemingly undermining all that modern civilisations have built... there is nothing indirect about the Borg.

When possible death stands at my door, I try to take heart in a grim Beninese proverb, one that my mother told me once during the Dominion War. She said that 'the world is a journey, the afterworld is home.'

I do not know if can take heart in those words, because assimilation is not death, and we might be denied the afterworld. Our souls never finding their way home, wherever it may be they belong.”

― Lieutenant Tyreke Okafor, the Sword, Vector 2 of the USS Theurgy

Just to be on the safe side! :)

I have noticed that we don't have that many Supplemental threads to complement the main story progression, and on one hand, I reason that people are too busy for more thread, but if it's simply a matter of not knowing what to write, would you all like me to brainstorm a few scenes between present characters? This doesn't just relate to Charades either. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #85
Brainstorm a few scenes between present characters? Sure, boss. Thanks. :) Any help with ideas could be appreciated. :)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #86
New development in Charades! (Supplemental thread ideas will come soon)

Chapter 04: Charades

Please note that the ship is A heavy carrier of 2381, and not earlier iterations. I will be setting up a page for it, but sufficed to say, I'd say this will be a tough battle. The response time of 7 days begins today for everyone. Here's the bridge crew:

Commanding Officer: Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn @chXinya (Present)
Executive Officer: Lt. Simon Tovarek @Nolan (Present)
Mission Ops: Ens. Cameron Henshaw @Nolan (Present)
Tactical: Lt. Keval ch'Rayya (NPC, Present) & T'Less (NPC, Present)
CONN: Ens. Jaya Thorne @Firefox013 (Present)
Operations: Lt. JG Nator 159 @Top Hat (Present)
Engineering: CPO Curt Lucas (NPC, Present)
Science: Lt. Tyreke Okafor @Auctor Lucan (Present)
Guest: Cmdr. Ducote @Top Hat (Summoned)
Guest: Lt Cmdr. Vael Kaeris @steelphoenix (Present)
Guest: Lt. Kai Akoni @trevorvw (Present)

Here is the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron:

Fighter Bay Ops: CWO1 Sten Covington (NPC)
Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley @Multificionado (Reconnaissance)
Lt. JG Tessa May Lance @Doc M. (Fighter Assault Bay)
Lt. Daniel Havenborn @Havenborn (Reconnaissance)
Ens. Krystal Tancredi @Triage (Reconnaissance)
Ens. Christopher Slayton (NPC) (Present)
Lt. JG Alessia Garcia @Triton (Reconnaissance)
PO1 Vinnie Ferris (NPC) @Triton (Reconnaissance)
Lt. Talidenai zh'Idenna (NPC) (Fighter Assault Bay)
PO2 Amyn Reshi (NPC) (Fighter Assault Bay)
Lt. JG T'Zantha (NPC) (Fighter Assault Bay)
Ens. Freedom Running Moon (NPC) (Fighter Assault Bay)
Lt. JG Cameron Ward (NPC) (Fighter Assault Bay)
Ens. Tallanyreen sh'Kandros (NPC) (Fighter Assault Bay)
Liam Herrold @Auctor Lucan (Fighter Assault Bay, Weapon Storage)
Eun Sae Ji @Blue Zephyr (Fighter Assault Bay, Weapon Storage)
Sithick @Masorin (Fighter Assault Bay, Weapon Storage)

Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office: Here, Nicander has passed out, and he can either 1) be resuscitated by Maya at the order of Doctor Rez, or 2) the patient stays where he is, still unconscious, or 3) he is moved to the Brig, or a combination of these alternatives. The ranking Security Officer is Varder Ridun, but there is the health of the patient to consider, and the current mission:

Doctor Rez @Nolan (Present)
Doctor Maya @Doc M. (Present)
Doctor Elro Kobol  (NPC) (Present)
Nurse Jovela (NPC, Present)
PO1 Varder Ridun @Jm Von Cat (Present)
PO2 Eliska Bremmer @CanadianVet (Present)
PO2 Kino Taer @patches (Present)

Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which is the present time. These five hours are, of course, now available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day XX | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #87
So in light of the boss's recent post, in his OCC note, he states: "I want one NPC pilot/fighter among the Lone Wolves killed off in each post to sustain the plausibility of this battle." An NPC recommended is "Terror", or Tali, for dying in battle.


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #88
But Terror or Tali hasn't launched yet...  Have the fighters in the assault bay been given the order to launch yet?  I don't think so... If they have I missed it.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #90
"Henshaw, I need the rest of those fighters out here. Have them set to a defensive posture around Sword." he informed the mission ops controller before he fired off at full speed to the rear of the Klingon flagship.

Is what Thomas asked for in his last post which was followed by Henshaw's response.

"Terror, you are clear to guide the rest of the squadron out of the fighter bay. You are to take defensive positions around Sword and await further order from the SCO." she looked back at the Klingon chancellor as she typed a message to Ravon [Fighter compliments deployed by Rotarran. Rest of wolves launched.]

So technically the launch order had been given by both Wenn Cinn as Thomas Ravon.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #91
Figured I'd better share my thinking for the fight, even if Cinn may have forgotten to explain it out loud.

Running is the end goal, but he's figuring that the Rotarran can probably keep pace thanks to all of its upgrades.  He's hoping to knock out a nacelle or two to prevent a chase and the sensors need to go to keep it from being a control hub for the incoming fleet.  Those are the brass tacks.

As a player, I can certainly say that those goals can be accomplished much more quickly if the Sword had a way through the shields.  Okafor may be able to come through, but I do remember a scene from Trek where a decrepit old Bird-of-Prey managed to take out a flagship thanks to getting some eyes in the right place.... ;) *hint hint* :P

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #92
Maybe there could be a flaw with the plasma coils?  A ionic pulse could trigger the cloaking device and make the Rotaran quite, quite vulnerable?

It did work for that out of date BoP in Generations...

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #93
Daniel's got it covered.  He's ordered Meony to use her tetryon cannon to punch a hole in the shields then Daniel is going to drop both his Hellbornes and create a nice sized hole for the Sword to target.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #94
Hey guys, I just made a post here in Charades.

It seems nifty and useful for easy tracking and reference, so I thought I'd share the idea here for whoever thinks it's a good one and wants to use it too.

What I did was make a simplified tracking system of the armaments of Meony's fighter like so:

This is Meony's fighter's current armament
So basically, just input the Fighter's name and the weapons complement that the fighter is carrying. I've found it to be a useful reminder of exactly what my fighter has as a standard complement along with the additional uniquely arranged wing-mounted hard points. It's a flexible arrangement really, and you could put in as much details or features of your own fighters as you wish, and while no doubt we all probably include or mention the ship's armaments in our post narratives, sometimes it can be easier to track the details if it's placed in a neat little package at the bottom outside of the narratives themselves. To me, anyway.

Also, when an item or limited weapon is used up, you can use the strike-through to indicate it's been spent. I would imagine that the leaders would be aware of all the wingmates' equipment and chosen weaponry, and this would make it easier for all other writers to see what's going where and who has what. :)

Hope this helps. Have fun posting! Can't wait to see what happens next.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #95
In the recent development, Angel fired off a second EMP torpedo that hit simultaneously with Meony's, upon seeing that she was drifting, After taking out 2 more raiders, she rejoined the formation to cover Havenborn's run.

Thus far, the Rotarran just got metaphorically tasered. Kinda (spoiler) like what happened to Fury. Just need to put a realistic way of elaborating his incapacitation. The Rotarran's currently got its targeting and disruptor banks compromised/disabled.

Thanks for the fighter armament layout, Triage. I hope it becomes the new standard for tac-conn :D
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #96
I'm going to try to get my post up on Wednesday but it'll more likely be coming on Friday or Saturday.  I'm working 12-hour overnight shifts this week until Friday.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #97

Post is up here!,2332.msg17743.html#msg17743

I will post with Nicander after (Suggested PO) 1) @Doc M. 2) @Jm Von Cat and 3) @CanadianVet have posted, setting the scene in the Security Center.

We now have Klingon boarders! Three teams, five Klingons in each team, heavily armed and armoured, and they have been transported aboard decks 11, 13 and 16. @Top Hat & @trevorvw , might I suggest deploying some people there from the bridge? :)

The Theurgy fighters destroyed are (see spoiler): [Show/Hide]
Feel free to illustrate their deaths through comm traffic if you feel like it. No destroying of more than two raiders per post, but there are no more NPC fighters to destroy lest you want your primary characters to ETS back aboard the Sword (or die).

Seven days of posting for all begins today, and on the bridge and among the Lone Wolves, there is no set posting order.

Here's the bridge crew:
Commanding Officer: Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn @chXinya (Present)
Executive Officer: Lt. Simon Tovarek @Nolan (Present)
Mission Ops: Ens. Cameron Henshaw @Nolan / @Triage (Present)
Tactical: Lt. Keval ch'Rayya (NPC, Present) & T'Less (NPC, Present)
CONN: Ens. Jaya Thorne @Firefox013 (Present)
Operations: Lt. JG Nator 159 @Top Hat (Present)
Engineering: CPO Curt Lucas (NPC, Present)
Science: Lt. Tyreke Okafor @Auctor Lucan (Present)
Guest: Cmdr. Ducote @Top Hat (Summoned)
Guest: Lt Cmdr. Vael Kaeris @steelphoenix (Present)
Guest: Lt. Kai Akoni @trevorvw (Present)

Here are the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron:

Fighter Bay Ops:
Lt Cmdr. Thomas Ravon @Nolan
CWO1 Sten Covington (NPC) (Fighter Assault Bay)
Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley @Multificionado
Lt. JG Tessa May Lance @Doc M.
Lt. Daniel Havenborn @Havenborn
Ens. Krystal Tancredi @Triage
Ens. Christopher Slayton (NPC)
Lt. JG Alessia Garcia @Triton
PO1 Vinnie Ferris (NPC) @Triton
Lt. Talidenai zh'Idenna (NPC)
PO2 Amyn Reshi (NPC)
Lt. JG T'Zantha (NPC)
Ens. Freedom Running Moon (NPC)
Lt. JG Cameron Ward (NPC)
Ens. Tallanyreen sh'Kandros (NPC)
Liam Herrold @Auctor Lucan (Fighter Assault Bay, Weapon Storage)
Eun Sae Ji @Blue Zephyr (Fighter Assault Bay, Weapon Storage)
Sithick @Masorin (Fighter Assault Bay, Weapon Storage)

Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office:

Doctor Rez @Nolan (Sickbay)
Doctor Elro Kobol  (NPC) (Sickbay)
Nurse Jovela (NPC, Sickbay)
Doctor Maya @Doc M. (Security Center)
PO1 Varder Ridun @Jm Von Cat (Security Center)
PO2 Eliska Bremmer @CanadianVet (Security Center)
PO2 Kino Taer @patches (Security Center)

Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which is the present time. These five hours are, of course, now available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day XX | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #98
@Doc M. @Jm Von Cat To be clear, we've been beamed to the temporary holding area in the Security Centre. It's a relatively small room just off the main area and there should be at least one other Security officer waiting for us there (perhaps one or more of those that Kai sent to reinforce the escorts for Nicander). The door from there leads to one more small room with a chair and a desk and from there to the Centre proper. It's a quick walk from there to the doors for the Brig. The map's on the Security page.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #99
Wouldn't a standard brig cell be better?  Doc Nicander could lie down then.  He was prone (and almost delirious) when he beamed away.

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