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Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
His mouth met hers mid-apology and he nipped softly at her lower lip.  "When you were with the human, I was... worried you'd chosen another," he admitted, demonstrating that the sense of insecurity was not one-sided.  "This is all very new to me.  I want to respect your freedom but I also want you to be with me."  Raising up, he placed his hands to either side of her face.  "You are the best thing to happen to me in a long time and I thank Amara for guiding me to you."

Beneath his silvery fur, he flushed slightly.  Embarrassment?  It felt odd and most assuredly not kzinti.  But here, with her, it felt right.  A half remembered ritual, signs of affection between his own father and mother, and while the details eluded him, the feeling was true.  He wanted nothing more than to be with her right now. Even though the scent of her neede had lessened since their mating, his desire was deeper, as if being with her he felt as if he belonged for the first time in ages, and it was a feeling he wanted to hold onto for as long as he could.

Kissing the side of her neck, he reluctantly sat up. "I need to finish my shift," he whispered, taking hold of her hands.  "But, if you want, I'm free the rest of the night.  You're welcome to stay here.  It's not much but it's quiet and private."

K'Ren purred as he explained his feelings towards her, his desire to respect her freedom even as he wanted her with him. "Thank Amarra and the Deity, they brrought us togetherr, two lost and lonesome souls." She nuzzled him, nibbling at his chin as his hands held her. "I will explain Caitian bonding, perrhaps it will calm some worries. We do not mate casually, not like humans seem prrone to, the bond is not a trrivial thing to be toyed with." She reluctantly let him go, knowing he had duties to attend to. "I will wait for you Xanderr, I am not expected on duty till the morrning, and only for orrientation with my new fighterr crraft." Holding his hand she smiled at him as she let him go, the room was cozy but she could entertain herself for a little while until he returned. At the very least she could find a padd and pull up some reading material to orient herself with her new fighter.

She hadn't however given much thought to if he might have a padd on hand or not, but she did find one lying down near his bed. She was going to pause the open file and log into the padd with her own credentials to pull her files, but the title of the open file piqued her curiosity and she sat down. She wasn't sure if she should read the file, it was Xander's family history afterall, though if they were mates as they kept saying she was okay to read it wasn't she? She knew it rude to snoop, but curiosity was getting the better of her and she flagged where he was before she started at the beginning.

Despite Starfleet files typically being boring to read, they read like a bad novel with dry details, K'Ren found this one quite fascinating. It didn't explain a lot about Xander, the file only went as far as his early childhood, his parents being killed at the battle of Wolf 359, Starfleet's largest defeat in one battle in well over a century, she'd studied the battle in the Academy. He'd been sent back to the K'Zin after that, but the details about his life, his parent's, his father, the kzinrett that he called mother, interesting and certainly helped explain some of his humanity. She did get a small grin out of noticing he was only 20 years old, a young cub by some reckoning, though she'd have pegged him in his late 20's like her for how mature he seemed.

It was as she was reading it that she heard the slight swish of the doors, Starfleet doors seemed so quiet, even  to her ears that she wondered if the swoosh was intentional, a way for the others with less advanced hearing to know the door was actually opening. That side track however was lost as she realized that Xander was stepping in through his own door, and would no doubt see her holding the padd with his file.

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #1
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

The remainder of his shift was, on the whole, uneventful, and Deacon found himself distracted by the prospect of the beautiful guest awaiting him in his quarters and how eager he was to return to her side.  Still, he had responsibilities and could not fail to meet those expectations that had been placed on him, both to be thorough and to be careful.  Had he rushed through the shift and injured himself further, he was fairly certain that the doctor's wrath would prove quite tangible; and had he failed to perform his due diligence, the reviews of his performance would prove unsatisfactory and leave him an ever more insurmountable hill to climb towards building a new life and new reputation. 

With the last of the dinner shift completed, he cleaned up the galley area, ensuring that any prep-work for the morning shift was already complete and that any left overs from the night had been properly disposed in the reclaimator.  Sealing the galley once more behind the holographic wall that obscured it during off-shift hours, he gave a nod to his holographic 'second', Xenia, leaving her in charge to handle any late night needs or stragglers.

For his own part, he was looking forward to a little relaxation.  The day had been long and he was beginning to feel the fatigue in his muscles.  The doctor would remind him that it was only natural to feel fatigue after contracting a deadly virus, undergoing surgery, surviving an attempted murder... and then having the gall to actually show up for duty.  But, to Deacon, this day didn't seem all that different from a standard day on the homeworld.  Well, virus not withstanding.

As the doors slid open to his quarters, he spotted K'Ren laying on his bed reading from the PADD he'd been using earlier.  Slipping off his t-shirt and pants, he placed them neatly on the counter that seemed to double as a dresser.  He turned, left only in a pair of boxers that K'Ren had replicated for him earlier, and carefully maneuvered himself to slide onto his bed between his mate and the wall, taking in her scent, running his hand across the soft fur of her stomach, tail tip flicking playfully.

His golden eyes looked at the PADD, recognizing the contents, prompting a playful poke in her side.  "You're reading my file," he said, his voice full of mock chastisement, "so now you're going to have to summarize it for me because I haven't read it yet."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #2
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
There was no point to arguing that she was in fact holding his padd, with his file open. The picture of Deacon as a younger cub, one of the last ones taken of him before he was sent home to his mother's family, was visible on the screen as he entered and K'Ren's face flushed, her tail's twitch almost pausing, the end only twitching nervously. Lowering down on her lap, she watched as her mate silently, without comment, moved to change out of his clothes.

As he undressed, K'Ren watching him as he slowly, methodically, and neatly placed his clothes on a horizontal surface. Her intial thought was to wonder why he'd consider undressing in front of a girl he barely knew but she quickly reminded herself that was a human custom, that apparently she'd been around them too long if she was beginning to think in their terms of modesty. Of course she herself was clothed in a fashion the humans approved of, not in the fashion of her own people, she was reminded. Perhaps if he was comfortable with being around her in just a piece of cloth covering his waist, she could oblige and wear what her species considered acceptable.

As she was contemplating this, and if she should undress as well, her Deacon came over and sat down, his hand going to her belly as he cozied up beside her, his nose snuffling as he took in the scent around him. She suspected it was her scent he was enjoying, and she herself could smell him, the unique blend of human and feline that he exuded, along with a strong male scent. It eased any discomfort she felt as he sat down beside her, seemingly not offended by her reading his padd. She rested a hand on his bare leg, gently rubbing it as he rubbed her belly.

Shuffling a little herself, she moved closer to Deacon, enjoying the closeness of him, his touch as she leaned against him. "I was glancing over it," she admitted, "I hope that you do not mind I wish to know more about the male I call my mate?" She smiled a little, careful not to bare her teeth, "I did learn that you are only 20 years of age if my dates are right. A young cub," she said, teasing him a little. "I am 28 years old if it matters, a few years older."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #3
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Deacon's eyes shifted up and slightly to the right as he mouthed the words 'twenty' followed by 'twenty-eight', doing the obligatory conversions in his head to octal, at the same time trying to recall if either age had any particular significance among the humans.  "Hnh," he considered, "seemed like longer.  Hard to tell.  Kzinti don't really celebrate birthdays and homeworld's orbit isn't the same as..."  He paused, running through the ramifications of his thoughts.  "How exactly do they figure years in the Federation?  It isn't as if all the worlds have the same orbit period."

Rubbing his chin, his eyes widen as realization sunk in.  "Insidious little monkeys.  They made the Federation adapt to their own homeworld."  With a playful nip of her ear, he nuzzled his face into K'Ren's neck.  "I suppose we don't give them nearly enough credit.  It's an unconventional method of conquest... make your enemies want to join you.  Less effort on the back end."

He slipped one arm beneath her waist, wrapping the other over the top to hold her tight.  Her smell was warm and familiar and he could feel her strength radiating from the depth of her being, a steady series of bulwarks built up to protect her, but he felt he could shelter behind them as well, just as she could find safety within his.  "Is that what we've done?  Are you my Federation?  Did I surrender to you?"  Lifting his head, he touched his nose to hers, "Because I can live with that."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #4
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
"It seems like a life ago I escaped from the world I called home, but that was a little over a decade." K'Ren remarked as she sat there, looking at Deacon, taking in the scent of her mate as they talked. "Something about Stardates, every planet, every solar system is different so it would be chaos trying to track time across a hundred worlds." She purred a little, pressing closer to Deacon. "What matters is the place you call home. Here it is Earth standard, where I grew up the day was 29 hours."

Her purr grew stronger as Deacon nipped at her ear, a gesture of love but also of his position as her mate, the dominant one, as males tended to be despite the equality her species practiced. A balance of social desires, and the biological need for a dominant partner found it's expression in little gestures. Other gestures, some a bit more aggressive, could be found in Caitian mating, one of the few times Caitians were known to get rough with their mate, such was the evolution of the species and it was accepted for a couple to look a little rough around the edges after mating, though grooming was still expected even after such things. "Well, they offer something a lot of species, the Caitians included, desire at their core, and that is freedom & stability. One could call it conquest though member worlds are free to leave if they so wish, something conquerors rarely permit. A better term would be an alliance, or Federation. Worlds maintain their own laws, and sometimes their own military forces, but are bound be a common goal, peace and prosperity."

Her tail began to twitch happily again, her initial fear of Deacon's displeasure gone as the time passed. She shifted a little as he wrapped his arms around her, purring deeply at the close intimacy of his touch. "I would say it more we fell for each other, a mutual surrender if you will, though if asked I would say you claimed me, stole my heart with your charm. After all, the male claims his mate, not the other way around." She nuzzled Deacon's neck, enjoying the strength in his arms as he held her. "Please help me out of my clothes. Such modesty is only for the monkeys' sakes, between mates such things are not required."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #5
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

At K'Ren's request, he considered the sheer artistry of effort required to slip from their garments given their current position and, as graceful as they could be, the constraint of his comparatively small bed would likely leave them a tangle of limbs and half-discarded clothing for several minutes.  The practical side of him stirred him to rise from his comfort, rolling over until his long legs made contact with the floor, allowing him to stand.  He lifted the PADD from her with one hand, slipping it onto his nearby desk before helping her to her feet with the other.

He slipped his fingers under the edge of her shirt and lift it up over her head, setting it neatly aside with his own clothes before stepping behind her, gently kneading her breasts as he kissed the length of her neck, reflecting on the hypocrisy of having chastised the monkeys for their salacious endeavors less than a day ago.  But here, in private, he felt no shame, no risk of chastisement, only the lingering scent of his mate's body, the pheromones that dug deep into his own senses.  He'd been trained to withstand such exposures, but as she had only so recently pointed out, he was young, and right now he didn't care.

Hands sliding down her body, he carefully undid the buttons of her pants and then slid them down along with her panties, trailing his claws softly along the line of her hips.  Once she had stepped out of the last of her clothes, he knelt to retrieve them from the floor, his free hand removing his own undergarments, all of which he neatly added to the stack of clothing.

Turning back to her, his massive silvered and black form fully visible, his upper torso a bit oversized but an obvious nod to his kzinti heritage, his muscles well defined beneath his fur likely linked to his human ancestry, his arousal only slightly suppressed, his golden eyes taking in the fullness of her own body, the tip of his tail flicking playfully.  "Monkey modesty removed," he said, drawing closer.  "Now then... where were we?"  The charcoal and black mane that crowned his head was slightly disheveled, falling forward to cover part of his forehead, and though nowhere near as long as it once had been, she could see the obvious connection between the man in front of her and the child depicted in the report nestled between a protective kzinrett and a smiling human officer.

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #6
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
She knew on such a small bed as this the removal of clothes would be awkward, though admittedly the engine bay of a fighter was no less awkward, and she'd undressed for a previous mate in a shower before so the room they found themselves in would be enough once she stood. The padd in her delicate hands soon lay on his desk as her mate took the padd from her, willingly given as she'd read it's contents, the knowledge about this young hybrid that stood before her now safe in her mind.

She stood, letting her mate take his time, enjoy the removal of her clothes and she helped passively, moving as he wished her while first her shirt, pausing to kiss and caress her skin, paws reaching around to caress the twin firms orbs that graced her chest, small and pert as they were. Her own purrbox settled into a nice deep rhythm as his paws kneaded the firm furry flesh. For a young male who claimed no knowledge of pleasuring a female, he certainly knew how to arouse his mate, and with the mating scent she put out, and his own scent, K'Ren knew this would most likely end as it had before.

The rest of her clothes came off much as her shirt had, his claws this time gently dragging along her skin, sending little shivers along her spine as her clothes came off, her fur exposed to the cool air of the room again. The tender way he'd undressed her had only served to arouse her desire for him, her body warming beneath her fur, the cool air nice against her skin. As he turned again to face her she could take in the large form of the male she called Xander, her mate, her lover. He was easily a foot taller, and several times her weight, more then her match if he'd desired to take her by force. His arousal was evident as he stood before her, smiling down at her, making a remark about monkey modesty.

She looked up to him as he drew close, "I had thought to discuss the padd some more but under the current circumstances..." she remarked, her breathing a little heavier, her purrbox going full bore, "I suspect there is a more pressing matter we need to attend to," K'Ren said. The matter of his current state of arousal, visible to both and pressed against her belly where it would lay inside her as they mated, was matched by K'Ren's arousal, though her only real outwards signs were in her voice and how her tail twitched as she spoke.

"I had hoped we might exchange symbols of out attachment to one another," she said huskily, "something to show we are mated." She looked up to him, "Cait females wore tail rings to symbolize their status as mates, and later the litters they have born. Did your father do such for your mother Xander, give her something that marked her as his?"

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #7
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Deacon wrapped his arms around his purring mate, feeling the warmth of her body against his own.  Since his surgery, he'd found the ship a little cold for his taste, having a touch less fur than he'd first arrived with, but in K'Ren's presence, such thoughts of chill were readily turned aside.  He escorted her to the bed, sitting on the edge as he eased her onto his lap, drinking in her musk with a deep breath even as he listened quietly to her explanation of Cait bonding rituals.

Certainly, he was aware of some, academically speaking, even if kzinti gave no real thought or consideration to such practices.  A female was claimed and became part of the named male's harem.  In exchange, the male tended to her support, ensuring her security and feeding, but otherwise it was a fairly one-sided consideration.  The males, as always, had all the say, and the females, none.  Well, truth be told, to say that anyone with claws and teeth and a feral willingness to use them in close proximity to the most sensitive parts of the males anatomy had "no say" was, perhaps, a conceit, but such matters were resolved within the confines of the harem.

When she asked if his parents had ever undergone some form of ritual, he paused his gentle caress of her thighs and lifted one hand to examine it.  Humans generally exchanged rings, he reminded himself, and hazy though it was, he seemed to recall his father wearing a simple metal band around his finger, but such things would be nothing more than nuisance to a kzin.  He cast a momentary glance back towards the padd that he'd set aside moments earlier, before reaching up to trace a claw along his collar bone, eyes lighting slightly.  "We can't wear rings like humans... and we rely too much on our tails to hinder them with decorations... but I remember my mum always wore a chain around her neck."

The thought that such a thing might be mistaken for a collar, a sign of possession, didn't even occur to him, as she had always worn it loosely, like a necklace.  He could almost remember the feel of it, wrapping his tiny fingers around it when he was younger and she would hold him in her arms.  It was something she could readily have cast aside -- no one in the Federation would have begrudged her such a choice if she truly wished to be free of it, but she never did.

He pointed at a point between his collarbones at the top of his sternum.  "There was a link that was only half the size of the others that hung here," he said, and then he paused, a realization finally sinking into his rational mind.  "My dad's ring..." he continued, eyes widening slightly, "... that was the other half of the link."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #8
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
Purring away, K'Ren let Deacon carry her the short distance back to the bed and as he sat down, guiding her to his lap, straddling him as she sank to her knees. Facing him, looking up was more accurate as even straddled across his lap he was still large compared to her, she smiled up at him, nuzzling his neck. She wondered what sort of markings K'Zin gave their females, tho given what she did know of the K'Zin, it would not suprise her if the K'Zin males marked the females with some sort of collar or other controlling device around their necks.

So when he described his mother as having worn a chain around her neck, she was hardly surprised such would happen, but then had to quickly remind herself that his father was Human, not K'Zin, and while a female K'Zin considered such things normal, a Human male would not have collared his mate with some sort of controlling thing, so this chain he spoke of was probably a necklace. Given his age at the time he lost his parent's, a necklace could be considered a chain of sorts, might appear so to a small child.

"That sounds like a very Human tradition Deacon," K'Ren said, purring deeply as she spoke. "I almost expected to hear she wore a collar, though that I would expect of a K'Zin male, not a human one. Such I would expect of the K'Zin, to mark their females as their property." Looking up at him she smiled a little, her fangs showing the slightest bit. "What would you chose for me lover? For me to wear as a mark of your claim?"


Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #9
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

As she nuzzled against his neck, Deacon slowly traced his claws up and down along the line of her back.  He shook his head as she declared her expectation that kzinti would collar their females.  "No, no collars.  We don't like clothes for the most part.  Might wear something for ceremony or to demonstrate office.  I mean, I was a Black Priest because of my fur color."

He buried his nose against the top her head, drinking in her scent with a deep breath.  "Kzinretti... aren't... really marked," he noted.  "It's sort of an understood thing.  If you have no name, you don't have rights to mate.  And those with names are known, and their females are known and since there's no ceremony like among the humans, there's no real exchange of markings."

When she looked up at him, her hangs faintly bared, he cocked his grin slightly, becoming accustomed to the more human-like expressions she used, knowing the exposure of teeth was meant less as a threat and more an enticement.  "What would I choose for you?" he pondered, his large golden eyes searching the ceiling of his room in thought, "Well, kzinti practices are out obviously, and just because I can't wear a ring on my tail doesn't mean it would look good on yours."  He locked eyes with her, giving his own approximation of a smile, his tail tip flicking playfully, "Besides, it'd add a lovely little sparkle to one of my favorite places to stare."

Leaning forward, he gave her a playful lick to the tip of her nose.  "And how would you mark me?"

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #10
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
Purring as his claw traced down her back, explaining that KZin did not feel the need to mark their females, their status in society was enough to ensure a claim to their females was acknowledged and unchallenged, K'Ren was unsure how to answer when he asked her what she would mark him with. She was appreciative that he considered the rings on her tail an acceptable way to mark her as claimed, though K'Ren was unsure what she would mark him with.

Cait's tended not to worry about markings on the male, the way the female acted around her mate was often enough, as was the scent of her mate on her. Of course for other races, Human's for example, a shared token of desire and fidelity seemed common place. As much as the idea was loath to her, there was a side of her, a rebellious side, that seemed to think that collars might be a good idea. She was loath to it because collars meant, so her mother had said, a form of slavery that Caitians had abolished many centuries before contact with the Federation.

It would be a rebellious act, but as it stood, she was an outcast, a female with no home, her home this ship now, and this male, this KZintosh, her mate. And what better for a couple thrown into a world of chaos and deception, to wear a symbol of slavery proudly as free beings. She grinned as he licked her nose, her claws running along and exposed length of thigh, looking up to him. "Rings can come in time. I think, I would mark you with a black collar a symbol that you are mine, and mine alone." She said, "And I would wear a matching collar as your claim to me, a sign we are the other's, and the other's alone."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #11
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

"Alright," he said, nuzzling his nose against her shoulder, "collars."  Looking up, he wrapped the tip of his tail around his neck.  "Of course, we'll probably have to replicate something appropriate.  I didn't exactly pack for my trip."  With a slight jerk of his head, he indicated the distinct lack of decorations in his room.  In fact, aside from a few extra garments he'd replicated for the sake of human modesty and the padd sitting on his desk, the only items of a personal nature were the clothes that K'Ren had replicated for him earlier in the day.

"Did you... want to do that now," he asked, his dusky voice giving the faintest approximation of a purr although it wasn't a sound kzinti were known to make, playfully leaning into kiss her chin, then her lips, "or did you have something else in mind for the time being?  I hear the humans like to make a big deal of these type of arrangements... parties, guests, presents."  He gave her an mischievous look, his golden eyes glinting slightly.  "I have a just the spot in mind for a party.  Great food, the occasional libation and a perfectly affable proprietor."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #12
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
"Neither did I." K'Ren admitted, "The rings my mother gave me are in the debris of my ship now, a family heritage destroyed. Of course, one would not expect what happened to happen so it never crossed my mind." She nuzzled him, nibbling at his ear, not expecting a purr like noise from his chest. It was nice to hear, she'd not expected a K'Zin could make such a sound but as they both evolved from feline ancestors, it made sense that K'Zin might have some similarities to Cait, and perhaps if the K'Zin could become more peaceable, then more Cait would consider them anything but a barbaric race of savages.

"I think now would be appropriate." K'Ren said, purring hard. She could still feel the desire for Deacon strong in her body, the need to sate the fire of her heat with her male still pushing her. She whispered quietly in his ear, huskily as he suggested a party.  "We are two drifters cast on a stormy sea Deacon, Caitrett and K'Zintosh alone with each other. What I have in mind, is best not shared in public. Monkey Modesty," she remarked with a wink.

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #13
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Deacon gave an amused snort.  "We're going to have to show them one of these days that modesty isn't everything.  If they went around nude, I'd probably have an easier time telling them apart anyway."  He gave a cockeyed grin, the tips of his fangs barely showing as he attempted to emulate her smile.  "You know, that's hard to do," he said, gently lifting her to her feet as he rose to his feet, "trying not to look like I'm waiting to rip someone's throat out."  He arched an eyebrow.  "It's a fine line.  I suppose if I'm going to fit in around here, I better master it or someone is going to call security on me and then..." he made a slashing motion across his throat "... it's Pride Rock."

With another chuckle, he moved towards the replicator in the corner.  "Hopefully this thing can do the job.  Computer, two collars, black leather, one sized..." he starts counting on his clawtips and with a sigh, stops.  "Make one large enough to fit comfortably around my neck and one to fit around K'Ren's.  Make them match."

A familiar whine came forth from the machine as two round forms took shape within the alcove, one smaller than the other but otherwise perfectly matched.  Grabbing both, he turned and handed the larger of the two to K'Ren, clearly intending her to place it on his neck as he unfastened the one meant for her, kneeling down slightly so that they were each easily within reach of the other. 

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #14
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
K'Ren grinned a little at Deacon's remark, knowing that even for her such expressions involving the baring of teeth at times felt awkward, especially around other species with fangs. "It's easy to tell them apart. Females have breasts like I do, and males, they had that hidden little toy they like played with." Shifting a bit as he lifted her, she found herself on her feet again for the second, or was it third time that night. She nuzzled and kissed him as he set her on her feet. "If you are not comfortable with a smile, I think others would understand, we are fanged, our species and even my smile feels a bit awkward at times, truth be told."

She watched as he ordered the two matching collars, sitting back down on the bed as he picked them from the replicator. She took the larger one in her paws, holding it, a little amazed at the size of the collar, pausing as she made peace with the fear the collar represented, choosing to accept it for what it was for them, a symbol of their devotion, and their bond. She whispered, feeling awkward, even a little scared as she held the thing in her hands. "Human custom is for the male to do his part first, then for the female to respond in kind. I do not know how my species does this as mother never told us." She paused, "Would you collar me first Deacon, claim me as yours? It seems right the male should do this first."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #15
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

"Oh, is that the secret?" he asked with a smirk, "So I should just keep my eyes focused below the face, then?  There's no way that could end badly."  His tail flicked playfully.  "What do humans call them... tights?"  He thought, mouthing the word again as it didn't sound correct, but colloquialisms and slang were hardly among his linguistic priorities.  "Tits.  Stupid name, either way.  In the Hero's Tongue, we call them nrrch.  I suspect it has something to do with the sound a kit makes while nursing."  Again he paused, considering, "Which makes the kzin that came up with the word a bit of an ass, now that I think of it... nursing kits just laying there saying 'breast' over and over again."

He stepped up to K'Ren, holding the smaller collar in his large hands, his golden eyes moving from it, to her.  "Before I met you, all I could see for myself was duty and exile... shadows and strangers.  I was born like this, but I had to grow up kzinti, inside, outside.  On homeworld, compromise, looking backward... those are signs of weakness, doubt.  When the doctor restored me to... well, to this," he said, presenting himself, "It was a step backward.  I thought I would lose me.  That I would lose what I had grown up to know.  I'm... afraid sometimes, when I look in the mirror too fast and fail to recognize myself, even if for just a moment."  The life of a Black Priest was lies, deception, selective reality, an enforced status quo that served the Patriarchy and the priesthood, but the Fanged God valued truth and he wanted K'Ren to know his truth.

Slowly, he placed the collar around her neck, placing his brow to hers as he spoke, "I've known you less than a day and now... I can't imagine my life without you.  You are the ray of sunlight that filters through the dark canopy."  The collar fastened, he placed his hands to either side of her face, "You light the way, you give me warmth.  You're the promise that there is a brighter world beyond the darkness."

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #16
[ K'Ren | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
"Humans have weird names for things," K'Ren agreed, purring deeply as she watched her mate speak of the most prominent part of female humanoid anatomy, a part that while it varied in size and quantity, almost never varied in location, at least among the bipedal species. "I never did look up the Caitian word for them, I rarely speak that tongue anymore though I should."

K'Ren held her collar in her lap, letting Deacon do as he wished. She did not expect his to bear his heart as he had, it did not seem the K'Zin way but she appreciated the depth of intimacy he was willing to go, to expose in order to become her mate. She purred as he began to place the collar around her neck, a symbol that her people despised,used as a sign of love between her and this man. Much was seemingly wrong about this union, K'Zin and Cait did not come together in union, but here she was, accepting a collar from the man. The only thing her people would not deny was the bond, the one thing Cait's understood as truely union, the connection she knew she had with this man.

K'Ren looked deep into his eyes as he said his words of love, his paws going to hold her face as the collar's clasp clicked together, sealing the union as solidly as the bond they shared. "My Kzintosh." she whispered. Taking the collar, even as he looked into her eyes, she placed it around his neck, words she had read in one of her mother's books coming to mind. "Rrikalla created the first Caitians in her own image, creatures to tend the gardens she made. Her sister despised this creation and brought strife between them, seeking to separate the two. In response Rrikalla created the bond, a joining of hearts that none, not even the Dark One could break. So it is that the bond between mates, unshakeable, only breaking upon death, bonds our two hearts." K'Ren finished placing the collar, clasping it shut around his neck.

She grinned back playfully as the solemn expression of those words she once heard in a book were said, the bond spoken aloud. "Old words spoken once at a mating ceremony. I do not know what is said now but they seemed appropriate." Purring, her paws went to his hips, "Human's called those wedding vows and afterwards, it was customary for the newly wed couple to go hide out for a few hours, get close to each other, explore their new found intimacy. Some even went so far as to make cubs that first day." she said, purring, tail twitching. She could feel that burning desire for her mate heat up again, the ebb and flow this evening had surprised her, how she could one moment want nothing more to mate, and find distraction in the object of her desire. But now, bonded and collared, she knew she couldn't resist the urge building up inside, there was only one way she could be sated.

Re: Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Where We Left Off

Reply #17
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

"Oh?" Deacon asked, a bemused smirk on his lips, one fang half exposed, but his tail flicked playfully behind him, clearly showing no intent of threat.  "Well as they say, when among the monkeys, do as monkeys do."  He considered the statement before looking back at K'Ren.  "Someone must have said that somewhere.  Sounds reasonable to me.  As for the hiding away part, it's not exactly in my nature," he leaned in to nuzzle the spot where her jaw and neck met, "but who wants the interruptions?"

Slowly, he lifted her up, feeling her warmth against his body, the heat the spread from within her, the smell of her that aroused him, the promise of mating that he thought might be forever out of reach on Homeworld but was now only a breath away from him.  Laying her down on the bed, he straddled her, his manhood exposed and eager, bouncing lightly in pace to the complex rhythm of his hearts.  "And I have it on good authority that we have the rest of the night off."

He slid himself within her, no longer denying the need he felt within himself, the need he felt within her.  Here, there was no judgement, no monkeys, no names, just two as one, quietly entwined, wanting nothing more than to seek comfort in one another, to sate their needs in one another, to find commonality in what others might have seen as contrast.  But such things required words, and they were beyond words.


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