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Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #75
 I'm definitely game for that idea, Follow.

Actually, I thought for a long time about doing some threads of group counseling, since realistically, with that many people in need of counseling, it makes sense to offer  common skills/support in groups. That would also provide an interesting opportunity for character development and interaction, but it might be hard to coordinate.  I also wondered if people would be interested in doing something like that. Writers might be interested, but that doesn't necessarily mean their characters would be. :-)

Anyone up for something like that?

 Sounds good, steelphoenix! I will  check out the wiki  as you suggest, but I would definitely love to get something going with you. I can PMU or feel free to do the same.

If  you're suggesting your characters get order to counseling, Summer. Dawn, that can be arranged. :-)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #76
I'm suggesting neither wants to be brought before a counselor at all. Brooding and random sex with co-workers is such an amazing option for dealing with stress I think those two are already self-medicating. :p

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #77
Honestly if anyone needs group counciling it's the wolves. Have you seen the thread where everyone tried to kill each other? No one trusts anyone, the four of them are at each others throats. I'd happily see Nathan in some form of therapy be it with a group or something else.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #79
I'm with Kaligos.  There ought to be at least one scene with the Wolves in the counseling office, even if the counseling session is a disaster to explain why we haven't seen more of these scenes.  (Or it could become a regular thing in between episodes).

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #81
 I am most definitely up for a group counseling for the wolves.  I'll start something as soon as I can. :-)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #82
@Lucan: Regarding Natalie in the Below Decks: is there an existing thread she should just jump into, or would creating my own be better? I planned on having her drop in sometime after the entry thread wraps up - 2100? 2200?

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #84
Thanks, Lucan! I'll read up on that thread and get started on posting Natalie there. Per my understanding, there were meetings after the briefing in the fighter bay, between department heads and potential new arrivals? Or is that on Day 02? Want to make sure I've got my timelines straight with what I'm implying Natalie was up to after the Bay. If she  was in meetings, she'd still be in uniform, for instance.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #85
I think she might have to be in uniform, yes, but it's as of yet uncertain if she will have to attend a meeting. The focus is on Resolve staff and perhaps making some of them Senior Staff on the Theurgy. At noon on Day 02, the announcement about the newly appointed will be made.

One meeting Stark'd have, would be with A'vura Zeshryr since she was Acting COps, but since no one is playing her, you can have that meeting scheduled for the morning after? Up to you how you do that.

Short answer, have her drink syntehol and be in uniform in case she is called upon, given the present situation aboard?


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #86
Makes sense. I'll have Nat drop in at 2200 then, in uniform, musing about meetings in the morning :)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #87
I am most definitely up for a group counseling for the wolves.  I'll start something as soon as I can. :-)
Dev might want more one on one, if you're open to that.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #88
And she's in the lounge. Posted from my phone, so I can't promise it's in good format lol.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #89
I would like to do some scenes between Nicole and others. I think there is a lot of emotion to be explored there and I would love to get into it. I know the backdrop of the sickness spreading around will bring many to sickbay and that's where she is.

I have a few ideas for scenes, but at this point I am not 100% sure who was on the ship when she was that is still on the ship now, I know there has been a degree of turnover both in universe and out. Also for any character that was technically on the ship, but the writer had not joined at the time of Nicole's injury I would be happy to discuss any retroactive continuity to allow for some relationships not seen "on screen" as it were. And yes I know retcon is a bad word, but in this case it could be used to give some backstory to a time before the attack of the Calamity and when the ships purpose was much clearer.

Anyway, I am also considering writing a small scene between Lahkesis and Nicole and I would be more than willing to include anyone else in that scene. Nicole is going to need to be moved sometime soon in order to open up space in sickbay due to the viral outbreak. SO this could be an opportunity for one of the more buff characters to be buff and carry Nicole.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #90
Hi guys!

So some of you might not have been on the Discord chat when I talked about this, and per the big kahuna's advice, I thought it would be best to bring it up here and see what takes, and if there's any advice to make it fit better into things, please, feel free to tell me, because sometimes I have what MIGHT be a good idea but I might present it terribly. So I hope you can all help me.  (L)

Right, so I've re-read the stuff in Page 1, and wow, I need to rethink a few things actually. Sorry, my brain works concurrently with my hands, mouth and thoughts, so I apologize if I appear to jump tracks. I'll try not to.

First of, in regards to the weapon raids. Can Meony lend a hand? She'd totally join in and assist the crew to prevent unauthorized access to weapons. (Besides, she doesn't want anybody grabbing Flash & Burn, her personal weapons, which she no longer has direct access to, or all of her knives collections from various cultures encountered in the Unknown Region. Anyway, if she's authorized to fight against the Devoted, Meony would take the chance to let off some steam and crack a few heads (I think she's still wearing her Tactical CONN suit, so heads may crack)

Okay, but now on to what I really want to talk about.

I've been thinking about that Voyager episode, Tuvix, a lot. And I'm curious to see how people would react to someone who is the merging of two other people that they knew prior.

So the idea is this, and now the plot may be quickened to avoid interruptions to the overall storyline and placements of crew.

But Heather McMillan, a Radiant, is particularly frail and reacts to Virus 117 so strongly, she ends up near death, and to save her, a desperate attempt is made via deliberately inducing the Tuvix effect with her and Meony, creating a blended person who names herself Hermione McReedy, blending the two people's names. (Hermione's face is a blending of Heather's and Meony's so I picked Saoirse Ronan for the blended look)

The reason for Meony being picked is probably because she volunteered, and probably because she carries an immunity to the virus. The radical attempt is successful, and before too long, the two become unglued of their own accord, due to Heather's unusual biology, but the two now share a close bond, something akin to twins, and here's where we can have fun with it down the line. Perhaps in the name of science, the two rebond (this way, Hermione's image won't be a one-time use and a waste either) and the crew get to react or ponder the phenomena of Heather and Meony's ability.

Originally, before I realized that the mission to the Azure Nebula is on Day 02 itself, I was going to have the whole thing happen on a later date, when Heather's condition worsens. Though perhaps this is all too rushed, and even I find the concept of them unbonding on their own a little hard to fathom. Maybe a transporter mishap occurs on a later date, and by then Heather and Meony are both better intergrated with all the crew, both new and old. And there'd be a stronger reaction, especially from the men who are in a relationship with either women. What happens when two becomes one, and that one also has feelings for those men, but as she's now only one person, who does she choose?

That aside, closer friends of either people would be looking for their old companion in the new person, and will she be able to do the tasks of both Heather and Meony? Is she a competent Tactical CONN? Is she a good biologist? Which position will she take officially? Ives would also face the moral dillemma of either letting Hermione remain as she is, or forcefully separate her back into Heather and Meony, indirectly murdering Hermione.

Though later on, we can bring Hermione back in the form of Heather now possessing the means to simulate the effects of the Transporter blending their DNA together, and recreate Hermione, with the exception that they can now separate at will. This would be a little like Firestorm from DC Comics, though without the superpowers...sort of.

As a half-radiant while bonded with Meony, Hermione can still give off light, and even concentrate her psychokinetic talents to create a tiny pulse shockwave to push away attackers (though doing this will either knock her out or force Heather and Meony to separate)

It's all just ideas, and I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. I think it'll be fun and something else to explore in the Theurgy stories, and it'll be outside of being constantly chased by Task Force Archeron and fighting battles everywhere. Maybe the Devoted might even make something out of it all. Thoughts?

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #91
Right, posting real quick here.

I think its no problem working out some backstory for Lahkesis or Nicole! I welcome it for my characters as you see fit, Absinthe.

Hmm, any Tuvix "rip-off" scenario (sorry, my thoughts on it is that I have a personal aversion to the Tuvix thing) will have to wait until Day 05 or 06 in order to not disturb the pre-made plans for the Sabine mission on Day 02. People are anxious to be underway there. Alternatively, Heather doesn't go on the mission, leaving that spot for someone else? We are short on Medical Officers, and mine is tied up with stasis revivals, so Day 02 is a back fit for this either way.

I'd write more, but I need to go pick up the kids.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #92
I like the idea of having a firestorm like character. Though I believe it shouldn't open the door for more characters with the same abilities. It feels to me like it opens the door to god modding just a bit, but if enough disadvantages are met it can still be controlled.

As for the new character that would emerge, I think it opens up a lot of possibilities for the future. Especially crew wise as people might fall for the new formed entity with all problems that follow when they split once more. It'll be a complicated mess and well I'm a sucker for those...

So in the end I'm not against the idea! I'd be curious to see where it brings us.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #93
I think it is too soon to combine these two characters together.   We hardly know Meony and Heather stayed in her room for most of the trip.  With all of the casualties the crew has suffered, would they risk the life of the new person to try to get the old ones back?  In my opinion, the only reason to do this is because you are tired of playing your two characters and would  rather play one while still leaving the tantalizing possibility that they could become two again.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #94
To deal with the desire for resolve characters to get their weapons back, I think I need to set up a thread where they can come and petition Cinn.

Summerdawn, would Sel be interested in joining Cinn on this as she is the mistress-at-arms and last I checked would probably have all of them?

I'm thinking of setting at 1100, an hour after the senior staff announcement. Any objections/better ideas?


Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #95
As of the morning of Day 02, before the senior staff announcement, there is a riot-like situation in the security center because the Devoted have become violent. This might need to be covered too/first.

Since the Devoted have begun attacking people, the Resolve crew is not feeling safe.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #96
@Arista: I'd be game to write. All weapons brought aboard were secured in the armory, and per my initial response in "Making a Splash" ( link ) all weapons confiscated by the transporter systems were secured in the armory with owner info in case the Captain approved their release.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #97
@Esyel, Even Angels Cry, and Burningtransformation: I pretty much wrapped up the scene with Nolan in sickbay and feel Tanithil will want to find his squadmates from the White Wolves. was wondering if you guys wanted to get together and do a scene where they all reunite discuss options as this is before the whole briefing in the fighter deck.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #98
I like the idea of Heather and Meony joining temporarily. It'd be nice to explore the topics slightly deeper than in the episode 'Tuvix'.

I do think it'd be a fun feature for the latter parts of the Interregnum as suggested. I'm half and half on the ability to re-join at will, as I'm not sure I want to see that ability overplayed

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #99
Sorry, after some thinking and after taking into account the risk of this Tuvix reprisal to become an overpowered and even more implausible thing than the original episode was, I have to say no. I can't see this happening in the story.

Feel free to write it as a 'what if' scenario in Director's Cut though!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

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